THE DAILY BEE : SATURDAY MOKSTlNG , DECEMBER 25 , 1880. COXK , AXI ) KATE. levival of tne Famous Conon chet Scandal by Austin Corbin. i Shotgun Story and Boscoe' JisorderlyBefceata Pure Fiction. Fgue Accused of Lying fron Dawn to Dark to Ac complish His Purpose. COBRIS'S TAIL. Special Dlnpatch to The Bee. \ NEW YOBK , December 23 Austli fCorbmwhose nam hns been fre quently used in connection with th difficulty between ex Gov. Spragne of Rhode Island , and Mrs. Sprague has been interviewed by a Hir-ild re porter Hes d that as Mra Spr gue' suit for divorce had now become matter of publicity , he thought th 'ime ha' come when her friends mich speak. I am a relative of Mrs Sjjrugne , af < well as her friend am bu"ine. s advit-er. I have known he many yoprs ard -WHAT SHE HAS SUFFERED in herdomestic relations , and when i culminated in this infamous attack up onira ] * Cononchet , I became con d tl..u her own life , if not th . _ _ ( f her children , was iu danger BintVer word to leave as anon a she could sifelv and come directly t me , which she did Mrs. Spwpue after Inavin1 ! ; Cononchet , and durini the time in which she cou'd not b found , was at my place near Bilylon Ishnd 8'ie spent two wiek with herthree daughters. po ter In hiding Cosbin Not a bit of it. Thfy cami oprnly there by public conveyonci and were daily driving about the coun try in the vicinity of my place , bu they were under the eyes and protec tion of half a doz-n men employed ot the property , who knew who thej were aud who would have made i very nnplpi'ant for any one who darec to molest them. Oi.rhin said further that after le v lug Bbil Mi Mrs Sp'agut" went t < Edijewood ( her father's old h'-me ] In the early part of J877 she s-para'td from her hush.ini because of his treat ment , but in 1879 she visited Con"ii- chet at his earnest solicitation. He s5d fiat it would md him in securing his property , and would thus be bene ficial to the children , but she pained nothing whatever from it , except add ed insult ard rong u the gre ; tlo' < d that had already been heaped-upon her. ThiE Lit outrage at Cononcbet was THE rROWNIJca INFAMY OF ALL. Reporter Then you don't believe in thit Connnchet scandal ? Corbin On the 'contrary I know the whole sti.ry as manufactured by Governor Sprague to be entir sly f > l e a pure unadulterated fiction and yarn. That be followed Mr. Conkiing with a shot gan , is so ridiculously uu- triitrf'il ' end known to be BO by a ilpmberof people at Cononchet t the time , that I have no patience in dis- cueBintr it. Tiern waaui Mot cu on the place. The-e was ats lately nothiug whutevor in that story. It faltehood. was a d < wnraht Reporter What , then , is the truii 0ty of the to called Cononcliet ir , nd what connection did Conk- .havewith . it ? 'orbit. The Conotichet afiftir , ns call > t , so far as it is a scaudal involving Mrs. Sprgue , i A LIE OUT OF W1IOLB CLOTII. As I have already said , C -liiig > , I am told , WRS cui-st in the tuiu - , in- vitel * > ? ro by Gi v Sprague on bu- iije * . Sva , 'Uu Wi3 misbehaviiig in I-s arac'erib'JC mantier , JIrs Sprite was thr6tcned , as I s-aid , and the hoube. was by no menus u : ' eerful for anybody. Conk- ig and i he other quests therefore t , Vim they did BO without a particle tr ubla with Gov. Sprague and -.Us. Spia'Ui , ns I have snid , after- v& IBcamu to me The lady ia as in- ti ( vnt of wrong in thought or deed , aa child. R ,0 er How about the suit for d x if * The bill charges some pretty B rerethins.'S. Ci n You had better see Mrs Spr i 's c tinsel in relation to this Hto Is the mat p r t tin' Cise. - - mo t rii-1 h I a i for a bill WHS so plentiful thnt he found it difficult to decide v.-t ete 'O begin to make hts statement Ho says all he had alleged and much more is truo. Cumin said in conclusion : An effort has been made for the sake of the hildrrn to eflect s poaceiblo settle- but'he had never offered , ws . . . _ . : , to present G' < v. Sprague with a r..t judanu-nt for S75.COO iu case he would con'ent to a divorce. Mr ? Spracue had plenty of friende who would stand by her to the end. M AKliBIS HY 1ELEGKAPII New York Money and Stocks. W LL STRB T , Dtcember t1 ! 2:30 p. m MOStY At 4@5 per cent ; exchaugc btcidy at f4 bO r4 83 } GOVEHNMESTo. - ' 1 ° ' L'-s Vs--- "i D.S. C-881 'l - - - - ; i Tj s.6'a 1 33 Cu'roy 6' * . 1 30 U.S. 4,8 1 1 I U S 6's bO 1 O. | - CKS rhctn rketi8 more liuo T.nt earl 5n tl oiv < call , and anotlier frac'ional advance t B outlet , out latelicutln reactea to 62 . uihcr co. l sluros weie quiet and uejltctcul but 1 firm H nnibil .rreculrr and cencr I inaikct I 8 raJy , with tudicaiions of a stroatr cljsc. KevJins . Srj M3 . l J OU.&I.U - 21 h.tT . 451 bUT.ul . 112 V.aHhattin. . 3 | pfd. . . . . " NYC. . 14SJ KoohwrsUTO . 1-U yV . 3 J B 4 o - 1 ° Prtfcrcd . 04 } K ] . 147 O & M . 2S Dill . Ul St I'&O . 4 = i onio . -2i UP . l S Pre'erred . 31 WU. . . SlJ \VtUg , Karjo . 1'S Wahaer. . 44J Erie ? . -0 ] C P . Sii l-nf.rrcu . 8.J Alton . S . J . 49J L.&N . SC Preferred . 105 Canada Southern 77 | p il . B1J NJC . MS 7lJ 1C . Ml lr CS . 7.J E. . . 12i Chlcaeo Prouuce CuiOAOu , December 24. Wheat was moderately sctiva and prices were @fc lower ; corn and oats in'fairrequist and easier ; nu-sa pork and short ribs weaker ; lard t steady. Wheat 93ic Wd for December ; 93i@9332sold for January ; 94 < a94 for Febiu.iry ; 95 § < s95c for Alanli SI ( ' | @ OOi " for ainy ; cli sing-at 93i fo' J nary943s9-ljc for February 953 9Cc fr M rch. Corn 35a35jc ( for January ; 3GJ ( 36c for February ; 3Cgi53Gio fo JIarch ; 40 | 40jc for May ; 4Ug@49i' ' for Jui e ; 4UJW41C for July. Oat -January,29 bid ; February 29i < g29Jlc ; May , 34c ; June , 33 < S33 | asked. Rye January , 82c asked ; Feb ruary , 82ic bid. Potk Alesb , January , sold a S12 22@12 25 : Febru : tyS12 42ig 12 47 ; March , g2 C2J12 G5 ; clw ing steady Lsrd January , § 8 27A@8 32J February , 88 42iu845 ; March , 88 52i @ 8 55. Whleky 8111. St. Louis Produce MarKet. Sr Lor-'s , December 24 Flour Firmer and unchanged. Wheat Unsettled aud jjuuerall ] lower ; No 2 red , winte ; 97@9GJc for casH ; 9G@97g9Go ( fo : J nmry ; 99S1 00c81j ( for Feb ruary ; * 1 OI © 1 021 03 fo March ; No. 3 do94c ; No. 4 do 87 | < j 882. 882.Corn Lower at 37Jg37j2 ( for cah G7c for December ; 3S@38 c fo January ; 38Sgj38 § : f r Ftoruary 39jc for Mirch : ; 40c for April. Oata L .uvr a' 29 c for cash a-v ; 30o for February live Du t 92o old Hrley Dull atd unchangedchoic ; < to fancy. 80c < s81 05. Butter Unchanned. Eiius Unchanged Whisky Firm at 8111. Butter Dull ; dairy , 20@25c ; uream ery , 30@32c. E''us Higher at at 31@33c. Whisky -Quiet at 81 U. . Pork Nominal for cash ; 812 45 foi February. Dry Salt Meats Entirely nominal , Bacon Lower at 85 oOfeT 507 ( G5 Lard Nominally lower at $8 15. Receipts Flour , 7 000 bbls whpat , 19,000 bu ; corr. , 38 000 oats , 17,000 ; rye , 1000 ; birley , 8JOO. Shipments Flour , 7,000 bbh ; wln-at , 3,000 ; corn , 5L'00 , ; o..tsj none ; rye , none , barley , none. fit Louis Live Stock Market. Sr Loci.s , December 24. Hoi-s Sl.iw and lower ; 1 g it , $4 00 @ 4 25 ; mixed pacuini , ' , ? 4 'J0. 4 40 butchers' to taiicy , 84 45@4 05 ; re- ceints , 4300 head ; shipmeius , 1300 head. Nfcw York Produce Market NKW VOKK. Dacemhi-r 24 Flour Dull ana in buyers' favor receipts , 18 352 barrels ; round hiop Ohio , 84 25@5 25 ; choict do , $5 30gC ( 75 ; superline weat- ern , 83 00 < g3 75 ; comm n to uooc extra do , 8-J 00@4 70 ; choice , do , do , 85 00 < aG 75 ; choice white wheat , 85 l Of < ' .G 00. Butter Duil and in buyers' favor ; Ohio 13@27c. Ejjjjs Dull at 2G@31c for fair to choice. Wheat Quu-tChicago,81 ; 12@1 15 ; Milwaukee , 81 1G@1 17 ; No. 2 red winter , 81 J5)1 15 | for cash ; 8117 § for February ; 81 19 | for March ; f Ies G.OOO Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , at 57J@58c ; sale * , ' 64 000 bu. 0 I'M QuiL't. Whisl > y Nominal. PortX"tninal Lard $8 77J@S 82A for January ; " ? 8 J-5&8 DO t r"c ht9 00 for Mird ; ? 9 059 10 for Ap tl ; ? 8 75S8 85 jujer lor the jear CRAMS. ipccla Piipitclies to Tim I5 Nearly Mmu--ind p. \ \ < d has cen subscriiud fur ti re Juf of B ye. > 'c. A I ! .u > ' ay * i ) ' ' , rn'rd v s'er- d.iy , di ni'S'Ji > - c jmtt t't L rd R pun > 3 rt.sijiifd < > tovtrnor ienealof [ ndin. His Jte. I h nii.iroviu.r The Ruf'a . iii.uc it.niea . 1 be ifi 1" p r O'-IH . ( ' „ . r . ' - ' " 1 iojliiieatt.e { anarchy hU reiguR in Ireland. M. Uectus , a'd-decamp to the French minister of war , has been oroered to proceed at once to f Pan- iini to witness the preliminary opar- a ions iu tha construction of the canal. canal.Mr. Mr. Pstnell s-tatea that ho dep-e- ca'ea the practice of abuain : ; the lolice. jMiss Ellard , a land owner , \vas yea- , erday fired at near Limerick junc tion , but escaped unhurt. Sloason'a Backers. S | .tl.v I > ! ; < ! ! t 'in- ' ! < NEW YORK. Diceinbir 25 1 a. m. Betters in this city have bueu badly bitten by the failure of Slos3 < m to win the : n itch with l llsux. Thousands cif 'ollars were staked , and after Sloa- son gained a lead , pools were in his fi.V'T five to thr e. If is taid that A'I ' Soiith , Slo soa'a bicker. h d ovtr § 10,000 iv gertd on the resnlSlos - . son's brotlit r jvsterday received a I c.ible dt-patch stitinj ; thnt G ' go Imd thibilla i 1 1 is favorite p > 3iti > n , and confident of a big run , when tne slip was iiven him. But for Slossuu'a past i'l luck in publ.c niitc e , bfttinn men would have put up on him still heavier , but r.s it is , there is no doubt that five times ; .s much mouea < - staked on the tjnnie as was ever placed on a like UVOIil. FaiiNITOKE F lit T'-E HOLIDAYS. B ok Oisus , Lidcj' : Ddaka , Fancy Tables , Fancy Chaira , Children's Chairs , and a great variety of useful and preity joi > ds for Christmas Gifts at CHAS. SHIVEKICK. _ FURS ! FDRS ! ! FURS 111 Lidioa" and gents' fur goods of ev ery description at the Fur Manufac tory , opposite postoflica , Omaha. All goods are warranted. HEXKT G. RICHIE K , Furrier. declStf _ _ Sleeve Bsttono and Scarf Pins nt Bunco's. d23'2 Gouts' fine F < ir.ii < > hing Goods , at the Onialia Shiu Facttiry. d5tf Damaged hats given away , at Nh- : dell & ITreH's , one door west of BEE office. EAPPI HORSES , Are They Who Find Shelte Beneath the Roof of James Stephenson's Palatial Brick Barn , For Truly Their Lines are Gas in Pleasant Places. \ Friday night in response to thenea invitation issued a week ago , hundrec'i of our citizens assembled at the mag nificent stable just completed by Hon James Stephensou , at the corner o Harney and 10 h street. The recep tion was to some.extent a private oni and intended to give tin guests a favorable opportunity to inspect the finest establishment o : the kind west of Chicago , and one o : the most complete stables in the toun try. A public reception had beei given during the afternoon whet crowds of ladies and gentlemen visitec the elegant equine qiurters and g.izec and admired to their hearts content Among the gue = ts present were Mayui ChKse , Judge Savage , Gt-n. C. F Mandersun. the city council , pnlict offijciS , officers of the fire department representatives of the press , aud it brief , all tne prominent citizens anc official * in Omaha. Mbyor Chase was c.i'ltd upon bj Mr. Stepheuson to preside at tht opening ceremonies and a neat speed of welcome by the host was gallantly responded to by Col. Chase , unbeha' ' ! of the guests. Letters < .t rearot wen read from Judge Elmer S. Dundy am Hun. Janus E Boycl , and these were followed by appropriate words frotc General Mandeison , Judsje Sa\Mgt Judge Wakely , 0. A. Baldwin , Esq , Paul Yandervoort , Captain Fumy , D . Mercer and Judge Hawes. At the closa of ttitse ceremonies tilt party was conducted through the ele gant structure , and its meri s and nd- vanta is fully shown firth by the obliging proprietor. The binldiiii > v/ss disi ned and built by Mr. A T. Large , jr , after plans outlined by Mr. Stephensou hini eif , and is credit .inlo alike to the orig'Udtor , arihitect : md builders. Itiaa brick structure , GO by 132 feet , two stories high , with walls twenty-one inches thick. Tne iron roof is auppi rtea by a Howe trus , which also s pports the floor of the second stiry by means of pendanr iron rods , thus leavina the entire first floor free from post ? , pillars and othtr ob structions. The fiMt floor is laid with ttone fl iggintr , and is uod aa the riage room. The offices , wash-room , harness rooms , etc , occupy iv position on the north eide. The main en trance on Tenth street is twenty feet wide and there is also a Hide entrance ten feet wide , o i Llarney street. The horses are Stabled in the upper story to which an inclined pltne leads the way. There are ninety stalls , six of whicn are box ptall ? all stro.igly built of o k [ link , and furi.ished with iron hay rucks and iron feed boxes. The partitions sire sunnonnetd with ornamental iron rail ngs The second s'orylis lighted by a deck 1 ght on the roof , mid hy windows on ihs we t and eas , and ia well vent 1 t'ed. / ' he wes1 end nre storage ms for , -y and t t-d , and sleeping r < > m- f i inipoy ] < s. In thf rtitno put is'a ," fleva'i r Fr ho S'hu : a wnole wagi.n load i.f hay jr feed to the sec < nd story. Archi ri'Ctunlly i' presents a ve-y hand iO'im xterii r arpeirance Th trim- : n nga art of whi e cut and blick uricK. A laryt- marble a > ch , with the name "Jim Stepr enson , " ornaments ; ho front of the building , and a life jize bronze horse is to stmid on th * top of the building , directly over the : enter of the main entrance A s'one side , ptxteen feet wide , tins been laid along the entire length if the stable on Harney stn-tt , and in front of it on Tenth street , and stone litching-pi.sts are placed at convenient iistanc' s Tno offices are equally wor'hy ' of nention. The flaor is a handsome : ilc , the chandeliers aroof eleuaut lesignB , and the desks , chairs , mir- ors , e'c , ar < all very costiy and beau- iful. In the business office , is located i burglar and fire-proof safe and telu ihone. The walla are ornamented vith numerous paintings and engrav- ngs , among which Is one showing jtephenson'a six-in hand and carriage , lontainingGen. Grant , Gov. Nance , md M aver Ch se , the ribbons beinij leld by George Richardson ; this > tinting was taken from life during jen. ! Grant's viait to 0 naha on iis return from his trip iround the world. Anof'er Minting shows Mr Stephenson Irtving a tandem team. A picture of he stable occupies a prominent pp i'ion. ' "Rarus" and "Hopeful" in ulky are shown in fine eng'avingi dj lining the offices on the west ia , 'ie ' harness room , and next comes the vash-room , and under the indincd > lane are located the coal h use , whip oem and wardrobe The building is upplied throughout with pipes for rater , to bo put Into use FS soon as he waterworks are completed. The whole structural and its equip nents are replete with evidences of he taste of its designer , and was iompleted at a cost of biut $25,000 t is a great addition to tne attractive eatnrca of Omaha , and it was bap- ized with a copious flow of champagne md other liquid refref > hment3. Reform is Necessary. 'o the Editor of TEE UKE. There is an evil in the land that is ooth annoying and fraught with greater evils and Omaha is not exempt 'mm its effects. All are aware of the lecess'ty existing ( from various jauses ) for the employment of ser- , -ants or domestics in families , aud all iqually realize the : tnponanca of : ompotent and faithful servants. Bat infortunately owing to the rant of system aud proper regulation , but fei families are able to procure competen or faithful help , and the few who ar really what is desirable are corrupts by the evil ii flucnce of the wortt.lfss and the tact that they find that theai worthless tervanta get ths aame wages as the faithful , In order to obvhtt these evils it ia necessary that house keepers co operate and inaugurate D system Lf service rutorin , and one im purtaiit step toward auch reform is the adoption of a regulation that nc servant will be einplnyud without such references or certiricrte of char acter as will at least pi ce the em ployer in a position to know some thing of the character of those thej hire. A move in thie direction is a necessi'y loudly c tiled for , aim ia demanded in justice to the employe : as well as the worthy , competent aid or wonnn who houebtlyaud laih- fully labors to earn her wa ea. The necessity of this reform none will deny , and if the evil be not cor rected , the fault is grea'ly attr.buta- hie to the want of concert with the family tiiring help. How many ladies in Omaha urn dnvtn to abandon the cuinfor's of a home and are liv ing in ronma and boarding houses be cause of the griat difficulty in pr icuriii ! ! competent ho p and the number of housekeepers wnose heal h is utteily broksn , because of the vex atu.n and aim .yance i f faithless nd incompe'ent servants. I' ev-ry Udy would refuse to tinul } hi < lp whu cannot giie referei co f character and qualification , then competent ser vants only could procure employment at fait remunerating wag'-Sj ainx-in competent , and unworthy ones would have tolearn and reform before they could practice an imposition on the public. A Sci'rauR. : Clem Chase came up from Lii coin Fri day morning. Col. J. J. Ui key left for I ) aver Fii- day. day.D. D. C. Iloward , of Tre i out , \ nM the city Friday. Hon. C. L. Limb , of stainou , WIH : in the city last uight. Hon. A. H. Jac' hon , of Ciiicinnati , left fur home I'liday uioriiing. C. F. Anuett , U. 1' . .raiu dispatcher at Cheyenne , left lor home Friday lion. Guy Bi.toii , of North Platte , weiit west on the U , 1' . expie B Tri.lay. The . hog rs , if the firm of Milton Ilo eii ) Ac Sun , ILLS rctiuued fioni Chicago. Capt. S. S. J Reynolds , ot IJavivl Citywa iu Om.ilui Krid.i. aud Isft lor hojie that af.ern on. C. C. Ilou l , guveriuiient director , U. 1 * . 11. K. , came iu from the easu Fiiday. Mr. and Mrs. Ileuri ( J. Hubliu have rtturuid ftum their Initial tiin to Xe J.V. . Moise , geiieiul tiiaeuxer a unt of the Ui'ion i acitk1 , lelt for Chicago yes terday. Senator J. T. C.arksouanj daughter , o Scliujler , p.vs eil taiMiigh the city eotei- day on th ir way tu Clnayj. \ \ * . F. Seaciirtiat , tik.t .igent of the Kaiibas L'itj , St. Joe * Council Bluffs railway , lettt T Kansas CJity ia < t eveuiiig. Miaa Eliza Ti'iiikinij , a nieue of D. 0. C.arKe , or t. o Uuiou Pacifij , we t out to Fremimt Fnd-tj , t > pass the ho.iJays. Kay Kje , ! . - < i of Fiemont , who has been visiting u. Umaha for xtivenil il.iysn ; . turned home Fruity aftaruooii. Jatnes - ' 1 11 ley , of lied Coud [ , grand nailer of Mu HH in Nebraska , waiu the : ity laat n ghi ami utteuiled the ineetiu of 3t John's Lodge. M.bses . Lizzie and Katia Murphy , re- ; urueil fioui Yauktou yesteiduy , \ h ie he latter u attending schojl at the con- reat of the Sacied Ileait. Mr. auil Mrs. C. K. Mayuehav- return id frum Ames , Iowa , where they went t / ittemlthe funeial of M is. Mayuc-'s fa her Sir. C. O. I'anneuter . The deceased was in old resident of Nebraska and ut one ime le iileil in Lincoln. Hon. Lew May , XelunsUa fish comnus- 'oner , returned home at : ioon Friday , h-e iiuie o Omaha : it ev .lin to meet Mr omme to uuikear : m nenta f > r the dis- , i ibuti in of 1 0,010 California salmon in h ElUi rn river the e Jidh i eing a p.rt it the 13 000 hatched out in the pouda of Messrs Raiiine and Decker. A Fine line of samples of New L'ear CircjB at Tin : BCE Jb ROOI.I Jail in time and leave your orders. SIGN OF THE 50LDEN PIANO & FRAME , 'ianos and Organs First Class on Easy Monthly Payments , Sheet Music and Mtisi- cal Instruments. FINE SfoCK OF MI O TJ L 3D I3ST G-S . 1 1 Painting , Kiifrravniga an-i frames at ly rcdaced prices. xlO Frames , 1 inch , WUnut . 15c 0x12 " 1 " " . 20 lxli " 1 " " . 00 2x16 " Ii " " . - . ' 2x18 H " " . 65 0x20 " lj " " . 73 lustle 8x10 Jnmo . 15 hromos frarrcd , 6n ill , 2oc , Ihromoeframsd br e , 1 2C , 'nirivin ? from 50c upAjrdj , 'hotcr.'raph frmiejrom 16o upwards , VlndoACor.icej 75c a wiin'o * nnd ap.-anla' /iuibrequir.9 B 00 per wimlow nd upwards , 'ornlve PolC3'2 50nr wiiulnw r'elvet fnmcR 2ic inch toi CO Mollu Strings I5c , , 'iol'ns 1 75 , 2 50 , 3 and upwards , Juitara S 00 , 6 00. 7 00 and upwards. Janjos 1 00. 3 00. 5 00 , and upwards , ccordco-H from 1 00 up , cheapest in city Send for samples and catalogue of moulding ] LBd sriest music. A. HOSPE , JR. , 1219 Doiire ! St. . next door to Hurls and ? uher'a Omaci li'cb. ' 3 ; H JOBBERS AND RETAiLEHS OF DRY Tvr For the coming week we have made preparation with the finest stock of Si Iks , . Laces , Dress Goods and all fancy articles ever shown in a dry goods store west of New York. We have received a consignment of and offer them at less than the present cost of importation , they will be found fully 30 per cent uncerthe prices that other houses are obliged to ask for the same qualities of goods and no other such opportunity has ever been offered to anyone to buy a good silk dress for as little money. We oiler ii 22-iueh Cashmere Alexantlrc Silk at $1.25 a quality to-day worth $1.50. At $1.45 our Standard make of Cashmere Grillon Si.k which ivc place in com petition with any 81.75 Silk in America. Our 51.55 Si k is to-day worth 8UW1-2 at wholesale , yet we Still continue to oiler the balance ( - ' , pieces ) at less than openinu * prices. At SJ..05 we oiler a heavy rich Cros Grain Silk never before shown inj'the west less than S2 50 , At 82.25 we show a 24-inch Cashmere Grillon silk worth at retail $2.75. At $2.50 a 24-inch Silk very heat j , rich in lustre as a satin and fully up to any $ U 00 Silk Ironi higher p iced stores. $3.00 , $ : ' 10 , S3 25 10-22-24-inch Silks , the very best numbers to be had in : i standard make ol'goods. Opened to-day a large stock of Real Ftichesse Needs from 50c to $5.00 t-ach. " " " " " " Poiut " " : i " " " Brabant Eeal Dutchesse B rbs from $12.03 to $25.00. " LaceYests " $12.00 to $40.03. " Collars " $6.00 to $25.00. Thisisihe finest stock or these goods ever shown in Omaha. Over 150 doz n.Si k handkerchipls at a nozen prices. ' An elegant line of linenEmbroidered Lawn , pancy Colored andorher Handkerchiefs in every conceiv able shipft _ and , desiga . froji the Ohlds5o. flindkinhief t realDut hesso Appliq le and Point , ftf"D 11 nl A Lace Handket-chiefs. One Price Marked in Plaia Figure ; "We Never Deviate. S. 3 ? . . & OO. $60,009. $60,000. $69,000. $60,000. $ $ ? $60,1 $60,00 . We make ths month to ' out Desirable and seasonable a sp-c alty c'o e our gooddat Low Figures Our imm-nse stock f W'inte'- othina for Men's , Youth's , Boys' and Children's wear , c Hnprisingr Wor ing , Bnsin a-1 , and > ress Suits , in lateic Patte-m and Styles , Over coats , Ul-ters and D ste'ec sw > rke i rom the fl iesfc K oods of woolens ; also a cnmp.ete line of Furnishing Goods , Novel ies in Veck v-i or the Holidays Hits , Caps. Gloves , &c.'must make way for our immense Spri i s ock fcothinsr Well-known to ttie public tha J these' goods were the best selected stock ev < r rou ht o thi * market. ELGUTTER'S iWAiVliyiOTH GHOTH1NG HOUSE , B60,000. 1001 Farnham St. , Cor 10th. $60,000 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that pealed will be received at the office of the county clerk of f-urnas county , Nebraska at TV aver City , the county seat rf said coun- rp to he 3rd d y nf January , A. U. - i , at 12 o'c ock M. of 8 .id day , for th i itrnctiiin of a wng < > n br dfje across the , ih i au river , houth of tha town of 'Ke ' , in Medicini CreeK jirecinct , in i ounty , Nebraska , 8nid b iilge to be feet in lennti. I idde s are re- . < i to ac-ompany their -ids with ' d specifications of the work , and i a bond in a sum double the < if th hid , conditioned for 'he faun. . 'xe. ution of ihe contact. The county )7niinssioners of said c itmty of Kuinas rt' prve the riijht to reject any and al bids. By onler of the county commi'Monen of Furnas county , Isebraska. D.tted at Beaver City , nmaa c > un y , Nel.raska , the 19th day of November , A. 1) . 18S' ' > . IA KINSMAN , County Clerk. decS-lmd&w VINECAR WORKS ) EENSTKEEBS , Managsr. ilar.uficiurtr of all kiidi of "V X 3ST E G- t Sf Bet. Oth aii lurk. UNO. G. JACOBS , . 'Fciraerly ol Qlih & Jacobfl ) No. 1417 Farnhani dt Old otanil cf Jacob Oil " " TJiLSfttiLPTi RTAK Odd Fellows' Block. Prompt attention given t or' ' a by telegrarn , AGENTS [ FOR DEVLIN & Manufactnrer of al'.amis of u Summer Bologna ( Cervelat "Wu a Sreciatiy. Orders promptly , l w 17 4 Burt St. , Omaha , Neb.r THE CENTRAL DINING H/LL , Southwest comer 16th and | Dodge. Has htely been leased by Who has had years experience in the hotel and restuaurantjbusi- nesa , and will run a first-class house. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. * lioard by the Day or Week , with Lodging or without. Centrally Located ,