Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1880, Morning Edition, Page 4, Image 4

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Tiih H
To all itp tro.i * and readers THE
BEE wishes a M rry Oristnia * .
GALCSHA A. GROW is m k "ng n
Btroiij : c < nt'st f r tte Eenatorship i
Pennsylvania aud the fight Grows
lively. .
A NEW YOHK paper hae proved tha-
he wurd ' 'damn" ia not a wicker
oath , and the Times says that men
who hare been urins : it for years every
time they shaved , can mourn ovi
wasted time.
THIRTEEN derrick * , mnHciou. ly remarks -
marks the Chic 5 < Tiibuite , were re-
ceatly shipped from Chicago to St.
Louis , and it is eviden' that < > ie gul.-
are going to Imng up their s
next Cbristmap the ai-nie & usual.
A STROhO p ettuie is beig brouijhl
npon the hi use to repeal the law re
quiring stamps on bat.k checks Tin
stamp tax amounts to only 61,700 ,
000 a year snd is excissivcly annoy
ing to depositors and ban ! ' . Tin- ,
with the mutch tax , c t. i uatily
be abolished h ut jerccpublo loss.
THE . "Unieiiitiitaj OrditiPiices"
Tvhich grace our municipal s'atutt
book aetm only to exist for the bene
fit of the police ccurt and to the aci-
v antago of the criminal classes. An
amendment to our city charter , m : > K
ing it imperative on our city offici . . -
to enforce the ordinance ? , would ! > > . i
greater advantage to the public .t an
any of the proposed changi
JEESEY CITY IB wrestlir . . !
railroad taxation queetii.t <
proportion of the property in the city j |
belongs to railroad c < mr.atiiie , and by
theircharters is extmpt fr < m taxation.
The total r al estate taxable valuatii n
Is § 58,500,000 , and the valuitinnif
railroad pnptrty ia S30.COO.CCO. all
the latter exempt from local tax.iti > 'ii
by state laws. The tax rate paid by
Jersey City people ia 3 on the hun
dred , and even this , high as it is ,
does not yield enough revenue to de
fray the running expenses of the city
go vernmo. t and pay the interest on
Its debt
The troubles of the E-ig * h riual-
iats are the natural outgrowth of
church establishment. Years cqo , be-
fo ro the non-conformists had attained
their present growth an. } iuilonce in
England , the establshmeuf : u ed the
machinery of the fatate t" persecute
those outside i'o ; alo. To-day a
party inside the c.nch cmpLy the
B amo means to t : . \ a more feeble
pirty wi hin thef-1 i In the present
cases the use of < r'ain ceremoniea
and vestments bj > i'.ovs. Dale and
Enri < : lit litve li -i A > clared by the
Court ot Arches r viclation of law ,
and forpersisten employment of the
fame the offending clergmen have
been clapped in prison until such
time as they shall purge themselves of
contempt. Meanwhile the ritualistic
churches are offering up fervent pray
ers for the constancy of their perse
cute d brethren , and a strong feeling
of tympithy Is beii g awakened for
the martyr divines.
The ultimate result of .he whule
unfortunate buaincra : a likely to bo
the building up of a p rty within the
Established Church , which by union
with the non-conformists , will inaisi
on disestablishment.
Spain is undergoing an unneuil po
litical excitement , caused by the comIng -
Ing meeting of tie Corica. Il is be
lieved by many of liberals that the
cabinet will take advantage of the re
cent negro insurrection in Cuba to
withhold th ir promised reforms.
The recently diacf.ered frauds
on the treasury have eatcd 3 feeling
of distrust in the niiLirtry . f finance ,
and the retirement of Scnor
Cofgayon is hinted at aa one of the
probibiliues. A stion faction will
push a bill tor the repression of the
Jesuits , which , however , is little
likely of accomplishment. The t TO
rival leaders , C-stelr.r aud Serrano ,
are at swords points on nearly every
matter of public policy , and a lively
cession is promised.
Contrary to ihe general expecta
tion , another movement towards the
eettlemeut of the vexed Greek bound
ary question has been made by the
power * , Austria , Germany , France
and Italy agreeing to act as a board
of arbitrators with England , provided
that the other powers give their aest > n <
to it , and that both Turkey and
Greece shall previously signify their
acceptance of any decision of the
powers. This proposition will open
the door for further diulomntic delays
a a the Porte has reiterated as a basis
of negotiations , the proposals made in
his note of Oct. 3 , which baa been
entirely scouted by the Greeks. ' Dis
patches t < London from Athens an
nounce that Greese ia one vast camp.
\nd that scouting parties have already
. . .la'sod the border into Thrace.
That a radical l , nd reform bil
vv 11 be introduced ly Mr. Glad
stone's mill's ry during ih-J cniniut
seasi-n of U ' -
pxilianen genera'ly c-m-
c > > di > d by both hbt-rals and tones. N
reform wjich aims at an > thing le-
than peasat t pr"pnetorahip will b.-
accepted b > the I lah lind leigue ; s it
solut en of the trou lea in I'tlm-- p-e-ent s. stem of lir e estati-s
farnud by at will , who art
lft to nuke and maintain all il-e per
mancnt and iiecesi iry works and
buildings , and who live in constan
fear of havn g their rents increase 1
s lely because of their own indua'
t y , must be done away with.
In its place mutt be substituted
a system of land tenure by whih
peasant proprietorship in fee simnl
w 11 be assured and an inc n iva far
nished towards the b st mil zati-in
and dev -l < > { meiit of the rrs 'Urcea of
the soil. John Bright urg-s the pur-
chnse of th landed eataus 111 IreUbd
by the British novernment and their
Sale to the people at a fair appraia d
Vilue , notes being taktn by the gv -
o nment for purchase niomj' at a
rate of from 3 to 3i jxr cent and tx
tending over a period of from twenty
to twenty-five jf r < - . Sncli a echeuie
we believe woilt-i hea fi mlicul as
well as a political success , and we
bise ouropinim mi the ou'come of
the Church Land sales in Tit-land
took in the 1872-3-
wh ch place years - -
In the yaar 1870 , as the result of
cHurch disestHblishment , the church
c mmissioners offered for sale a largo
q-iantity of la-id , compr sing some
9 OCO holdiuus in the ounties of
Fermanagh , Tjroue , Derry , Dunegal ,
Armagh and Cavan. By the act nf
parliament , which Mr. Gladstone wa-s
iiutiumental in passint ; , every lesaeo
- 'cnant was emitiea to htvu an offer
n : ? holdini : at a fixed pried before
it , ras oifcred for sale to the public.
Tnc average price at which the lands
were 'ffered was sotnethm over
tweiity times their annuil r-ntal , ye %
notvn hstanding the high rite 0,000
t-nauts purchased th.sir f.r.ns by
pa/iug down a portion of the pur-
chiS'j money and giving notes to the
commission for tli balance. Tne ro-
miinder of the hoi hnga were pur-
chised by outside parties , moat of
whom were pmall tena it farmers
fr m other counties.
Nearly ten years have passed since
fin fir.-t sdk-s were nude under the
Church act and the result has proved
the practicability of such a plan and
the energy , indmtry and of the
Irish pei pie. Notwithstanding the
kmwn fact that the church lands were
poor , rocky acd wretchedly developed
and their tenant < poor and struggling
farmers win , in HMHV instances , sold
th'ir cattle to raise the necessary sums
required for the cish down of the pur
chase money , fie chjrcrt commission
ers have ! < < yet ben forced tb fore
closn a single mortgaga , ind the ar-
rea-agea due the commission at the
end of last year amounted to but 10
pr contof the annual amount receiv
able. The purchasers , notwit islanding
the agricultural depression are report
ed as contented and . ,
pleated to b > free from the control of
landlords and agent- * , and steadily im
proving their properties. Such as
have been forced to sell have deco seat
at a good advance err their purchase
money , and the kiiowledgo that free
sa'es wera possibla haa spurred the
farmers to renewed improvements on
their promis ' 3. With good crops and
ordinarily prosperous times , a fe.v
mur < 3 years will sec the tenants In un-
incumbored p isseiniuns of their farina
and laying up property for their chil
dren aud euccessor .
Tno success of this experiment
conpletoly puts to flight the
fallacious arguments of thcco
enemies to laud reform in Ireland
who assert that the Irish peasantry
are not Beted to become linded pro
prietors. The mos' carjful statistics
prove that where circumstances are at
all favorable no rcu u mui-o indus-
triou' , encreetic or thrifty. The ox
panmont of working a radical reform
an ' ' preae it system will only be
ii ; : i" Mr. Ulidatono and hia
mil I'ivi a careful examination to
the 's n the pos3fl si'in of the
BritUi 2'ivjrament relitive to the
GOOO tt.nt firmers who rose froai
peasAi * o proprietors under the
C.iurc , ui- ! Act of 1801) .
TliE openir.t ; of the magnificent
stablea of Mr. James Stephensan was
celebrated in a bt coming manner
Thursday evening hy a large attend
ance of our most prominent cinz-ns.
The speeches of those who put on the
oratorical "hainess , " expressed the
sentiment of our people in according
Mr. Stephenaon nil praitc for his en
terprise , public epint nd energy ,
andinwisiin.'him the business succete
h' < w II desTves. With the wish
that Lis "lines" may always fall in
p'caaaut places Tnn BEE joins with
many others in their congratulations
over the completion of the ilejrant
ILLINOIS is the .
biggest wher.t-grow-
ing state in the country , but Ohio
takes the cake for raising presidential
The cab e brings the sad announce
ment of the dea'h of Mrs. Cros ( Geo.
Etiot ) which took place at 12 o'clock
n Wednesday evening at her home in
L .ndon.
Marian C Evans was born in War
wickahire i'i 1820. E irly in life sht
w.s adopted by a wealthy English
clergyman and enj > yed the ad vantages
f n excellent education under the
tu'elayo of a brilliant young engineer
< iow known to fame as
Herbert Spencer. Misa Evans
mental maturity was slow. She
was a voracious reader , a fine musician
nd an accomplished linguist yours
before she wrote a line for tha presp.
Her earliest publication was a transla-
nun of Strauss' "Life ofChrist"which
in 1S4G , and which was fol-
eiijht yeira later by a
translation of luotbich's "Essence of
Cnnstianity. In 1857 a aeries of
sketches entitled "Scenes of Clerical
Life , " appeared in Blackwood's
over the nom do
of "George Eliof. " Their
freshness , diversity and power in the
d lineation of character at once at-
ir ced Attention to the author , v > ho ,
in the following year by the publica-
cioa of "Adam Beac , " wts universally
accorded a place a. eng the moit dis-
tiiigu hed of English novelises. In
i860 ppeared the "Mill on the Floss ; "
"Sihs Marner" in 18G1'Ilomola" ;
( drat published as a eerial in The Corn.-
i.ill Mtgazine ) in 18 3 ; "Middle-
march" in 1871 ; "Daniel Deronda" in
1876 ; and "Theophrastua Such" in
1878. Her poetical works are : "The
Spanish Gypsy" published in 18G8 ;
"Agaiha" in 18G9 , and "The
Legend cf Jubnl" in 1874. For
a number of years she was
associated with John Stuart Mills , a ?
as-r : iate editor of the Westminster Re
view , and always was a devoted desci-
ple of Jeremy Bentham aud M. Comte.
Misa Evans waa mnrried a number
of years ago to Gaorge Henry Lowes ,
the diatin uished expounder of Posi
tivism , and within a year after his
death to Mr. Cross , a London mer
chant. Her second marnago waa sol-
emnir.ed on the 4th of May , of the
present year.
As a novelist George Eliot will go
dowr : to posterity as the founder of a
new school of fiction Her deep met
aphysical traininu uaily turned her at
tention to the study 11-jrac'er. . It
is as a portrayer of the difficulties
which beset the human soul that
George Eltot s nes supreme. She
aimad to revolutionize the whole- eth
ic d theory of fiction , and adapting
her views to life in all its hard and
stern reality , she branded poetic jus
tice as a falsehood , and strnck mighty
blows at the altar which other novel
ists had erected to worldly success.
Her fundamental principle was , that
a 1 human experience is designed to
discipline and purify and that thu
actint ci nditions of life , however
rough and rugged the road , are best
adap ed to attain this end. George
Eliot's whole moral sjs em waa based
on the service of humanity. Her
philosophy aimed at a consistent and
faithful working out of the noblest
Heal of human character through the
discipline of experSi-nca , a-cepting the
stern re ilitiea cf life ind mak
ing the-ii thr- r'eppins ' ; atones
to higher attainments. Selfishness
wis the one ladtcil vice of the heart
in her view and a spirit of generous
outworking self forgetftruesi the one
great virtue. T iis is the key to all
the parsonages who appear ia her
stories. R'tiiili , Mtggie Tul'iver ' ,
T to Mrlemi nd Gwendolen Har-
leth am al exm /lilie.UHius of her fn-
v-trite theory , c .t , ic rs painted with
a b. > ld. esi of tr k ind jet with an
accuracy 01 U'nan iiich 'vill ever give
them a place in .he gallary of the im-
aortals of literature.
The plots of her fictions , never in
tricate , were always subordinated to
her leading design of character portraiture
traiture , and the minor characfe-a
served but as backgrounds to bring
into stronger relief the leading char
acteristics of the principals , or to fur
nish the conditions best adapted to
aid or retard the devel > p'neiua of the
chief actors in the drama of life.
Differing so greatly from other nov
elists in her aims , it ia impossible to
compare "Gsjorge Eliot" with any
other writer of English fiction. In
her peculiar sphere she will always
s'and supreme. Her chiractora are
genuine creations , which will grow
mjra and more in public esteem as
fiction becomes more elevated and
public taste more refined.
For four years ptst I hive not sld
a word about public affairs or public
men without having eome one hur
back at me my misfortunes in my
personal financial affairs and consequent
quent poverty , through The Omaha
Rapublican or News. The laat of th
series was in The llopablican of the
2jd iustaut , from the former proprietor
tor of The Fremont Tribune , "the
seventeen-year-old boy , " who was
bore wit' . E silver spoon In hia mouth.
The I < e.public3ii outfit deem ? this
high-oji d , appropriate , digniiieu ,
manljpo'ite , wise , noble , gentleman
ly , cr niprehensive , argumentative ,
couci'jsive and crushing rejoinder.
PerLs.1 a It is. I am content.
And Stand Before the Bar of
Public Opiniocg.
To J. C. Santee , editor Knox County
Xews ; M. S. Baitlett e'itor ' Uest
Point Republican , an i S'th P Mobley ,
editor Gr.n i Island Independent ;
My refusal to support E. K. Val
entine for re-election to congress and
the defeat of four U P. cappers on
the ao called republican legislative
ticket in Douglas county through the
oppoaition of THE BEE , haa drawn
upon my head cuisea loud and deep
from every brass-collared barnacle ,
' and
every time-serving lick-spit'le
every politic' * ! renegede that wields a
quill. These tirades of Blunder and
abuse have been revamped by The
Omaha Republican aa expressions of
the sentiment of the republican
masses , when , in fict , they merely
echo the vone of depraved political
strumpets , who thus bid for the < rrati-
tndo and favor of Valentine aud hia
owner , Jay Gould's monopoly. I
have patiently born this calumny in
silence during and since the campaign ,
and should h va continued to
treat the insolent slanderers with
silent contempt. My silencn has ,
however , " ben construed in some
quarters in'o an admission , ni.d his
cmb ilceued the rogues to gu s > far as I
to even faltify the official election re
turn ? and set up the claim that Val
entino haa received a larger p > pular
rote tj'itui any candidate on tiio state
ticket Under such circumstances ,
further forbearance would be crimi-
The tro to whom this open letter is
a.'dressed are typical representatives
of ilio aniaU army of alandurera is'"l
blackguards who have made me their
target , and I assure them at the out
set thit I should not waste nmunition
on a-iy < if them if the rebuke I am
about to a-Jminjster to them aid u t
reach their whole class ,
J. C.'ee ia a pi'l.tical barna
cle , w huh is , for several y.ars , beun
poatmastor at Ntobrara and , f ( r the
pa.t year , haa been editor and pub-
lishnr of a retderless parent boels
heet The Knox County Ndwa. Fivj
yosrs a4n ; , whr-n Judge Crounae was
re i f.senting Nebraska in congress ,
thm parasite was a rampant opponent
of the Hitchc < ck factinn. During iho
summer ot 187G , in the he it of the
senatorial campiign and before I h d
ever become acquainted with him , he
wrote to me the following letter :
NIOBRARA , Knox CD. , Nab. , 1
September 14 , 187C. f
Hon. E. Roscwater :
DEAR Siu I am one of the de'egates to
the state convention from thi- county and
have a .proxy , w ich entitle < ma to two
votes in sa'd conv ntjon. I have thought
of making a motion in paid con enti n o
nonrnate a can iidate fur U. S. senator iu
accordance with the pioviaiuns of the new
constitution. I think it would he perfect
ly safe to nonjina e the i resent incumbent
( "Hit h-ock ) t lea t in this di trict he
would le dcfuitul by at least a good infini
ty probably twj-thlrda tint would leave
him out of the canvass a d our ret ree ta-
tive would he at liberty to choseamnng thi
irantS. . aI ified
other a-i > irant- > ) a- am qua
to judge on his subject. Judge C ounse s
the c oice of the people in this oistrict.
The nomination for rej reseutative in this
di trictisb tween myself ludVa" . Hanila.
I have a clear majority of the delegate * ,
lmt feel doubtful about the Bo-
hemi n vote .
Vac. aspire' to the po-ition of Register
of th 11 id Jfi : e , and if he could be m de
i > eheve that his chances would be advamed
bv ny ii'il being a condidate for represen
tative , but by Diving me his support , the
noniinrttinn and election w.ail t lie a fore-
gnno c nclusiou. If j' ' u or some friend in
Uniaha , would \v ite him to that effect
without mentioning my mme , it would
( ave a good effect. I s > h ill call and see
you when en loute foe Lincoln. / am
afraid if Vac. slioufd l > e thcM he teoulil le
captuivl I'ltlic llitcheockparty ayahi , as he
teas last spring.
Yours , etc. ,
Now this man Smtee , who waa
such a staunch Crounso man , and was
afraid Vac. Rinda could not be trusted ,
wen * down to Lincoln within ten days
after he wrote that letter and then and
here waa himself ciptured by Hitch
cock , and vot"d first , list and all the
lime with the U. P. fa ; tion. Two yeara
ago , when Judgj Crou-iso was a can
didate agamst Valentine , this d mble-
dealingbmiaclo , who pretended to ba
such an enthusiastic Crounse man
while Cr < uns waa in congress cast
his vote for Valentine and aszaina' .
Crounie , in the etate convention.
PtrouaIy ) wo have never quarrelled ,
and only once beforj did I go so fa r
as to remind him , publicly , of his
double deuling.
And yet , without any provocation
whatever , this man bus gone out cf
of hin way to slander and iibusn me
and charge me Kith interference in
the local politics of hia county and
dla rict , where 1 had not dreamed of ;
interfering. !
During and since the recent cam !
paign , no paper in the state has been i
inoro abusive than the home < iran of ;
E K. Valentine , The West Point Re
publican , edited by M S. B irtlett.
I hav. no personal acquaintance
with this man ; would not know him
if I met him , and if he harj over been
introduced or pointed om to me , I
hwo no recollection of it. Hartlett
waa formerly editor of a paper in An
telope -unty , and in that sheet , as
well as in "Valentine's own , " he hai
v.llitk-d and blackguarded mo with
more malignant vinriicti/eness than
a.iy other man in or out of Nebraska. 1
I have never to my knowledge cr.iaeed
hia path ; hava never in any way
sought to do him an injury , and this
is the first time that I resent his li
bellous assaults. Two or three years
ago , when Bartlett waa 'rcaaurer cf
Atjtelnpe countyand editing the paper
thct raa alandering'me'ho ' court house
of Antelope county , r.nd the county
rec ! rda were destroyed by nn incen
diary. The current belief was that
' .he bniliring waa set on fire to cover
an alleged embezzlement of fends by
the county treasurer. Thut re
port ia still believed by
many. Although Bartlett waa
not indicted for want of positive
proof , hia conduct was decidedly sua
iiicioua , alic he concluded 10 change
his plco of ro idence for the s ke of
harmony. And yt t , up to this time ,
I have nut even referred to this dark-
episode in Bartlett's career
In laat September after Valentine
was nominated , the following article
ppeared in The West Point Republi
cm The rolitical vam lire down at Omaha
whose cognomen isKosewate ( Uirtvwat r
woildbefjr more app opriate. ) and who
makes a living by bla kmail ng public
men having been spurned by Jnd e
ValenMne for duhp > < > rable propositions
maile turns up n him all the vengeance
and hate of wh ch his c < m empt'ble nature
is teeming. In his last attac t he charge *
him with fraud'i securing the allowance
of brt < nis pension c aims. It is p _ > ssibie
that Kosewater believes this. Beinir the
embodiment hiiit-eif of llthatisdbhone t ,
depraved and vici us , it is impossible for
him to um erstand how any m .n can be
hone < t and upright. W e can very well
unilersta d why there cm be no fellowship
between HDI water and Judge Valentine.
I heir nature are just as incompatible and
dissimilar as < il and water. One is a
generous , upncht wholesouled iuan ; the
otner is a vindictive , tr.iit > rous , unprin
cipled knave , wh cloata i the itefatniition
of ch iracter , ami dirty worU K nerally. It
must be consoling to'ju ge Aralentine to
know that ti o'-e re.ubicius , whom this
imp of Brlzebnb opp. ses , thrive the best
iii the state.
When this -currillotis article ap
peared I wna inclined to challenge
V.ih'iitiiiB , who duubcleas inspired
this ! ibel to pr duce the pro ifa or
itand br > nded as lyinij ac > undrel
but up .n r flectiinl thonght host
to ro erve my challenge to a tl'in-
when the excitement of the campaign
hr.d died out and the pub'ic ' cou d
pass cilm , diap. S3Jonat' judgment up
OT it I now and hreby do challenge
E. K Valentine and hia yellow doi : ,
M. S. Bartlett , to produce a scrap of
the pin or a scintilla of proof which
anybt dy will believe tnat I have
ever applied to Valentine for any f v
or , hate ev-r a ked him f > r a penny ,
or tiave ever aou ht to pr icure an app -
p ntmjut for any man through
Valentino , or asked him to endorse
a'iy man for any app mitmant. I
hereby brand Valentine and Bartlett
aa infamoua caluminatora and chal
lenge them to name i-.ny man I have
ever blackmailed , or from whom I
have ever sought to obtain money by
threata or by any other unlawful
moans Thf following olbcial docu
ment Khan's tiut there waa a time
when V -ntine l wisnn applicant for
fa-'or at my hand- :
That we Edward K. Vale.itue , rf
Omaha Nebr.isa ! , as principal , ai cl John
A. Smiley , John H. Sahler and Edward
Knsewat-r , of Onmha.e .ra k.i , asu'e -
ties , are h Id and fi inly bound unto the
the full and j i-t Mini of Ten Thousand
Dollar . money cf the UNITED S I'ATE.S ,
to which payment , wel anil truly to be
m.tde , we bind our-elve * . jointly and sev
erally o r j"int and s-"eral heirs exe u-
tors a d admiuLitratoi s , hrmly by thea-
presents , ealel with our sea s and dated
this Eleventh day of Al.iy , in the year one
tliotHund e ght hunched and sixty-nine.
The condition < > f the fvn > i"iny oUiyation is
such , tha uhereaa the president ot tne
Unit d S > ate h. ' < pursuant to law , ap-
poi ited E'lward K. Valentine to ] ! eiegis er
of the ai cl offi e atVet Pnint.Nebra ka ,
for f nr year , from the l t cl iy of April ,
A. D. , 8 9 , under comm jsion dated the
28-.ii d.iy of April , 18 0.
Now therefore , if the s-jid Edwarl K.
Valentine has truly an > t faithfully executed
anil discharged , and rhall " cont-uue truly
und laithful'y to execute" and disch.-r.e all
the duties of said otiics according t law ,
then the abve obiigati n to be void and
of no effect ; otherwi e it shall abide and
remain in full force an virtue.
[ Sealed. ] JOHN -v MIILEY.
[ Sealed J JOHX H.AHLEU. .
Signed , sealed and delivered iu the pre
sence of
CAMPER E. YOST. Omaha , Nebraska ,
WAT OM B SMITH , Omaha , Nebraska.
l.nstru.t of ru-bra-.ka J
I. S \ . Strickland , att-rney of the
United States foJ the District of Nebraska
d > h i.ycei tify that the within ln.u l men
of Ed ard K. Valentine , pp inteJ Keg-
I'.ter cif the I i d UlfiYe , at West Point.
NebiasUa , twit : John A. Smilej" , ot
Oiua > a , Nebraska ; J.ihn H. Sailer , of
Omnh , Nebraska , and Edward Hoae-
watir , of Omaha Nei raska , re good and
sutlioieat surutie for theamou t named in
the within bond and I do her by approve
tlie said band and c rtify fc > the sufficiency
o ! the sureties tin-rein named.
U. S. Attorney.
for the District of Nebra-ka.
Dated at Omaha , Douglas Co. Neb. , Alay
II , A. 1800.
Jlay 21 , 19 , 1809. j
WASHINCTO.V.D. C.Dec 14 , ' 80.
A con ect conv.
F rat omptroller ,
U. S. Tieasury.
This bond recalls a cnapter in Val
e t na's history. In 1869 , when Va -
entino was living in Omaha on a
clerk's salary I w s m mngor of thn
Western Union Tel graph c mpany'a
oflicj in this city , -it the instance ot
Major Balcumb t in ubliaherof The
Republican , and nthtr frienda of Sen
ator Thayer , including myself , Valen
tine waa appointed rtgster of the
Weat Point land i ffice. lie was re
quired to furnish a SlO OO'J o.iiul. and
buing ntti.ily irreaponaiblo waa sorely
distres-'ed nverhis inability to procure
the sjrct .a. Even hia owu brothers
in-law , 1 > t'l of whom were well-to-d ,
declined t < j t-ku trie risk. After many
day's search Valentine secured th--
names of John Sahler and John Smi-
ley , both in-olvent , and then appealed
to me. Desirous of ading a
worthy but poor young man ai I then
regarded him ( uid beina .1 member of
the same Misonic lodge ) I signed I is
bond and qualified for the amount. I
did not aik Valentine for a line to
secure mo , nor did I exact a promis.-
of official f vor. I no axe to
grind then , aud did n t dream 1
should ever leave the telegraph ser
vice to become an editor. Suppose
Valentine had failed to aecuru t at
boid , as many other poor men have
failed , both before aud a nco that
tune. Instead of becoming judga or
c ingre.-sman he would havi remained
an onscure clurk. And , by-ihe-w-y ,
it is decidedly in accord with the eter-
ri ; ; ! fitness of thinga that Caaper E.
Yost , a chronic office holder , witne'jedt t
my signature to that bond. Why i
didn't Yoat , who ia such an admirei
of Valentino now , sign as one of the I
principals ? My name still remains on
Valentine's bond , and I am the only
responsible bondsman.
When my attention waa called to
Valenljne's crooked land office record , '
wheu he was convicted of smrdling |
homesteaders , aa waa done this j ear '
in the John Ruah c sein the ci Una of
his county , when letters were pouring
in on mo xp sins.'dishonest transac
tions , which myself r my family may
yet bo called to account for ; what
right have political barnacles and rene -
e ad a to arraign me for rofuaiuj * aup
p.irr to Valentine/ /
For she beneht of Seth P. Mobley ,
who vouches for Valsntino in a recent
article aa an hi norable and trust
worthy man , vrhi.m he has never
known to be uil-y of ono dishonoraole
act , I will relate another lchipter in
Valentine's cireer. In the summer
if 1878 a few d ys after the drath of
Congressman Welcn , an Omaha mer
chant , who ia intimate with S. H IL
Clark , informed me that V lentine
was Clark'a choice aa the succ aaor of
Welch. I met Valentino on the cars
retu.-ntng with the escort to the b > dy
of Welch , and he "confidentially"
rhispered in my ears many per
sonal frienda nrged him to become a
candica'e b t r > wai nfra'd Hi ch-
cuck and the Union Pacific would
throiv thuir infi icace in the e > nve.i-
tion against him. I njoyed an in
ward smile over hia cunmutj , although
disgusted with hn bare faced lyiu , ; .
\Vhcn the convention met thtUnii'ii
Pacific forces pooled on Valentiiu- ,
but they would never have succeeded
had it not been for juac auch rem-
gradea as S'th P. Mobley , who still
IMS the chfek to pli y anti-monopol >
editor. The da ; af'er the convention
ib.'Ut ten am. Valen hie c.illid in
my editorial room. He was pr. fo
vrith asjurancea that bo would tr-at
mo and my tnends fiirly , and c in-
ael wi'h ua in all public matters
IIo expressed much anxirty to have
my active support. I told linn Tim
BEE would give c irdhl support to the
p-h' lo ticket. The editor-al leader
t-nJ > iraing thi nomination ? , waa al
ready in type and the candidates were
all handsomely endorsed. Valentine
expressed nui.-h grat fixation , gave re
newed assurances tf friendship and
departed. Ten minutes later Albinus
Nance pir. in an appearance on aim-
i ! r nrrrt'ir ; ho too expressed anxvty
for THE BEE'S support of Valeu. .
I re d him my editorial proof i lul i
ing the whole ticket , nd he
away satiatied. Scarcely had N c
reached the foot of ihe stair * I
Senator Paddock made hii way up.
be too called ! to aaaurc me trust no
d'scrimiuation would be m ule in the
creitment ei'hi-r of myself or my
friends and those who helped to nom
inate Valentine. Ho too was much
ple/ieed thaf I had decided to supp irt
t > e whole ticket.
.1 si'pp irted Valentine , ss I had
voluntarily started out to d" , bt cause
I regarded his election in 1878 easen-
tial to the snpre'mcy nf th. rcpublt
can p rty , and not because he pledged |
me and my frienda fair treatment. 11
hid no f.iith in Ha p Cflgea.
In Fabruary , 1870 , I was ia
Washington city , pendng tie
contest o.'er the appoi t nent
of Jndsje Orounao to the intern ' - avenue
enue collectorahip. Valon'n i aa
also thoru , makinij desperate if * u >
prevent the app ii tment , nJ one
r-a on he gave f > r opp-is'-ng Judge
Utonnae waa ihit Crouuac waa i Un&e-
ivater man. At that period Villen
tine had not even taken his at in
congress A few moMhs later , whun
the appointment of Brun i Tz- buck
waa up , he oppi atd it n&in'y h < tn c
Tz ahuck was HP" nf imi nds.
AnG yet Seth P. Mbi 3y as ur < B me
in a very scurrilous art ( HIM Val
entine ia ihe pink ut it IT. Seine
people with loiiir hair h . > very short
memories , you know , ' > 'ey ' faila to
remember that V.i er . : > . ' bbied a
hill th'OiK'h the last le- . ' t'-.i-e giving
h-m § l,8CO for s.-rvi h > diil not
render a clean 8 ea1 Bjt Mobley
who haa a postal cl - : ; * on the
U. P. , certifies that V. lenttne ia
the pink of hnni.r , because he
< ervod in tht ai ue i g m nt vlt i him
during tt e war. All h"iii > rte Val n-
tiin- , the s > ldi r ; but it Vtltmtiue , 'he
t jister of the land oflic-- , swindled
Homesteaders , and Valentine , ho
jud e , rubbeJ the tax pajera of Ne
nraaka , a h H been shotvn hy iho rec-
otda , E. K Ar.ilenii e is r t tht- man
to represent this sta-e in couyfe-s.
Thit ia why I , in common with niiirly
4 COO republicans , refused to su , p-rt
tiira for re eloctii n. Why didn't I
' ppose hia ren minaticni T > ecausj J
kn w brfnrthind ttiat the r ilr..ids
h'd pi-oled on him nd erebcjiid t > -
pull him through theconventu-natatl
T'istead of receiving the h'ghest
vote cast for any cindidato on
the state ticket aa the lick spittle barn -
n icles have time and a ain misin-
fo med the readers of their p > p'r.
V .lentine ran Way bt hind hia tiuko
and received less votes than any
oher candidate
In c > ncluaion let me say that it is
decidedly Impertinent for Sesh P.
M > bley , who waa a defeat.-d candidate
f > r the legislature on a b 1 era ticket
four years ago , to lectur010 and
over one thousand rrpu be .ns in
D uglaa county for refna' .jj euj > ort
to man like Coutant , who h J voted
< inst reducing tolla on tht Unnn
Paiific bridge , and for the exemption
of railroad proper , y from taxation in
ihe laat leg slature. *
s'utton Re , ' gter.
While tha new ptpera are buaily nt
work electing tne speaker of the
house , It might be well to note the
fact that a p isatble c .ntingericy may
which the
arise in co sequence ot
presidency of 'ha ' senate miy become
a matter of ne amail'ance. The
senator elected aa preaidetit pro tern. ,
should be capable aud cons : ientioui ,
- and reliability such
a man of aoil-ty ,
as would wortriily fill the ollijo of
governorjshouldsuch a "contingency"
E. 0. ( Jirnea , lieutenant j ; VBrno- ,
13 trying hard to elect Nance to tLo
United Statai eonate , eo that fct can
be elevated to the pooition of . { jvcrn-
or. The Sevrard Reporter < < .iea unt
speak in fluttering terma of E-'ivard
Cornwallia Car es. In fuel , to j.nlge
by ita pointed remirka , ony wi nld
conclude 'hat he traa a first class
linker. [ > Vahoo Tlmea.
nn. . John C. Myers , the gentle-
mau ho has the hon-T of ropreennt-
ini' the nndt wealthy aud pupxiou
aeiiat rialdiatrictin Nebraska , ( Docg *
las aud Sarpy , ] would bo a man of all
cthra f't the position of president
cf je a:8. Mr. Myera la acknowl
edged to be ono of tne heat parlia
mentarians in the state , iid ia
.i .eady deba'er. He 13 no
strar.ger to the ci izens
of this state ; no cerved In the lower
house from Duuijla * count , in the win
ter ut 1370. and intf due d thu reso
lution or , snp icl.ii. ut . _ .rsc Gov.
Boiler , and w-a tiio in u uer 'i ' > - hief
f the unpe.iclniioiit in 1. He waa
leered ai u mouibor of 'he contitn-
" r.o > V-T II n of 1871. In 1875
1m wud elec a. , .o thu > tate S n te
fr > iu Doiiglts , t > > fill a vacancy , but
wo3 sonij Htur pp inted cm sul geu-
er l to Slioiiiiha' , Chiiii * , wuhut any
ir.fl i. nco fr m Sa ors Ili chcock
' nd I'ado'i'ck , who hoh opposed him
wi'h ' , all their m . .h , ; but des
pite all : heir efl'Ts ho w a * p-
pointd by Gin. Gran' , and cm-
tirmed by the senate. He has a
world -vide r-nntitiori frrm h fact
tha : h. * wn ? t o p.-iuiu in Anu ail t
our nut.-'r. Mr. Seward.
Mr Me > > > T > 'H li. ' . > r c.i ! o "yin
trigue n WkaMn" " n , in trie sttede -
p rtini-ii' . [ fid populiritv is shown
in Omaha by tno laryo m. j irny ho
ruci iv > ] iitt s-d.i < { 'ho general
li hi iii.uio on ii. , icl } 1 the rest of
the n" > uhh atfrwit He u in thor-
< i'h j mot > vi n the tanner * of
the * ti > < , and will take
the ifnt ii fhozmtJ-nn-i'opo ' nii.veiu
th lf ' l t .re thi * winter. [ L nculn
T > e Globe KNrus th t CJ.orgO L.
ruwii ia a catul d v't for cliif f c > e kcjf
the house , aid in j'isticu to r im would
say that as u cl k he lni < ne equal ,
and thetus < .Ttic > 'i will bo fiackfd up
nllmoiub rs of the Ki/j-laturd :
1S7C He 'n tul. of uiotl.od and ia ono
f tne bo t readers in the state , and
b < ! libf > wonl.n t rry : U e\e rtut
1 \vcrb tu bu k.ioott-1. [ L'.ico n
D.-tr it Free Press : Mr * . C. Whip-
pi. ' , 371 Cr ghm street , prt entsthejo
s : "F < r s x yea's I had aufferrd
y-nd all oxpteajioii with scia ic
. : m.ii ni , a n > tried eve-y f. io n
" 'fi kut * 1 to no pnrpso. . A *
1 AV in The Free Preai an ad-
13-niunf. j { H.Pt. . J.ic > 01 ,
ic and m well I ! wal
' ' 'mping anci slee free from
Ha Dou t.
Cheyenne u .
Aaexch-i e says : "Every newspa
per in N bi.ia ! < a ! i f'er tnocalp of
Ktteewatnr. of THE BKE. " Now ihli
ia riduul * tn 0:1 110 ( art of the hair-
hunt ng joun.als , f-i Ii sewaUr taaa
bald aa a porelaiii nest-egg t > nur cer
tain know edge , aiid ho imcdn't iry to
deny it.
"James , i * that Yon ? "
Beaten IW.
Wouie i are timid trfttjres , * nd
ha'e to he ieit lit a IIIHMM al > ao at
night , 8" i ho "t'L-r el ix uiit.ii Air
G.illaghor went a ay from liora , leav
ing his wife wi'h only an innon-nt 3er-
vant , ihe WAJ v. ry much w.irnecl , and
readily b rkeno to the vu cj of an
Veat who called jiut after Grtllucher
haa gone arounrt the cori'er , and
wanted to sll hrr a iiinchiuo which
wou d prttei.t bursars Irom yetting
into the house. She bui tit three.
Those placed at the fn.nt and bick
doors were so arranged that when the
door was opened , a hammer
would strike duwn fn m nbove
and kao k down th > pt rion try-
in" to eii'er. A thinl ConttiVanco o'
d fferent pitttrn WAS Uic.-ci on the
st iraand an t > -t at the front win
dow. Gallaghimexpcc eely return ,
ed late at night , and , attemp i g 10
eiiter the front d > VT , pot a blow on
tie nc Sd that km ckect him down the
ateps into the stieei. He vas both
s uprise 1 and nm yod at the circun
s ance , and ut'urly unable to under
stand it , tried ituii ior ignn. Sime
result. He h nth'tt aoniobody
win behind tne dor irymg to'is ° ' 3
sillato Mm , Mid , gulling up very
u a 1 , ran ar u.U t > iho b'ck d or
to go' in that way. Th rj ho seta
a thump'ti.v s tr him H ckwird Intj
the swili-barrel , nncl > : v is tern .y '
ens when he g t i < p He 4 av ed
an axe , uud , ad lie > peiitU tiio uuur ,
a ain struck w > th it. l > ut IID In" no
body , and got another knock-down.
Tneu he went and got a policeman , ao
t iatc no could tickle each duor , and
onebo.iirj if g 1.111 ; but af or bo'h
hadenjoved three knock-downs they
met and umpired notes , and deci led
that two men must bo in the ho ise.
They then ir ed the front wiudowaiid
raising it , a deludeoi icy water from a
hoao arranged ti > b > ing it HOT
I'ut b-aved
upon them. they
that and K't it. Then they ranaaclced
the lower part of thn lionae , but
could find nobody , ind nieaniuno Mra.
G. , up-stairs , heatd thum , and nearly
died of fnghi. They atincd up-
staiw , Gallai-her tir < t , an I near the
tcp a stair , fixed on pivot. r < Led
untl'-r G lla < : her and hu < l d him
backward , and he went to the bottom ,
taking the p dicoman v ith him. They
bith yolie.l , but Galligh r yelled ihe
loudest , ' .1 his wi e recognized his
voice ' o favorite o.ith. Her
coara" n. d. She wen' to the
head of . t iand cried : "Jamm ,
ij tha ' Jam-a wan piin-
fully h t . a * ul mad then ,
a . , t ! : Cian was Tying
to ge. ' ao * : : ie breath Gdll'gh-r
had i . . .t of linn. " > ( > , "
cried ' , ' i not m ; it's ao-no
other feil . .i ui Gll ah-r waa
' " > vc sevnt > 'fii luiea
in one \\\i \ \ ' H 'ho knew it wat
he , and then t 11.itmtt ra. Anl
rn G ll gher g-tvn rin policemen
10 toa\v notriiiii ; ibuM fie mifor ,
and the .flictT rettrc-d , and th n G l-
lagher jawed his wife f r two hi ur ,
and the next ctay Wf nt saveii null * * to
overtake the nmii whif had s ' 'cl ' h-r
iho machines aii'i kick the lite nearly
nut of liiui He admiti that tne
thtnv1 * would bdreadfu ly d.acour-
auii'X t-i a burglar , though.
O / .
CAJJ S > T.ri\llA.tiKil. :
Any on havlnsr dead aalmant 1 will ren.OTe
themrc of chirge leave onlers Bouthcast
corner of llarney and 11th St. , seconJ ilx > r.