TTTR DATT.T "RtfR. T * EH ETVrRPVR. 9K IfifiA FAIimELD'S FOLD. Tlie Work'of the Past Tear Reviewed for the Eegents. Every Department in a Highly Satisfactory Condition , Larger Appropriations Neces sary to Increase Its Usefulness. The Methodist Beg for Repre sentation in the Faculty. Correspondence ol TDK BEK. LiscoLJf , December 21. The board of regents held their semi-annual meeting at the chancellor's at 2 p. m. , President Chas. A. Holmes ia the chair. The following regents were present : Adam'of Dakota , Fifield of Kearney , Holmes of Tecumseh , Per- singer of Central City , and Carson of Brownville. Rsgent Gannett , of Omaha , was understood to be in Colorado. Being present at the meeting by in vitation , I am able to give you some items , not only of interest , but im portant to the public to understand. The university belonging to the pee pie of Nebraska , It becomes them to know the efficiency or deficiency of the institution. The chancellor's report was an able , clear-headed and exhaustive state ment of the affairs of the institution , from which it appeared that while its success and development were most encouraging , for that reason there were corresponding draw-backs ; that Is , the university has grown so rap idly that that her want outstripped her facilities , and necessitates new demands in order to improve her effi- c.anoy. I will take up a few points of the report and.the needs of the university will suggest themselves. THE STUDENTS. The number on the new catalogue is two hundred and sbcty-nlno against one hundred and ninety eight last year , which also was an advance over the previous year. Thus , while the appropriations were made by the leg islature two years ago on the then basis , the students have ad fully fifty per cent ; and such has en the demand for increased facilities ate every point that the funds are inade quate , and the university , which ought to be susttined well if sustained at allis 11at is suffering and will suffer still more at vital points unless the growth of the institution is met by appropriate help. THE CHEMICAL DEPARTMENT , indbpontible in this age of tbo world , was in charge of the lamented Prof Collier , a choice man who Utcly died. His plica hah not been tilled , and the chancellor made a aid report of the inadequacy and unsafe condition of the laboratory rooms owing to their want of proper ventilation , and he recommends their present disuse , as they were detrimen'al to the health of the students , intimating that Prof Collier's death may have been htst- ened by the usa of chemicals in a con fined place. It scums that the chem ical apparatus belongs to Prof. Col- ll-r's f/unily , and the chancellor rec ommended that they be purchased by the state and the whole thinq ba put : upon a basis worthy the institution. LEAKS It seems that the Church contract for roofing the university at the time of ihtf acare of insecurity three years ago was poorly filled , th > roof leaks i at every point ; the conductors do not carry off heavy rains which consequently quently flood the cellars and under mine the walls , neither are the ois : tarns supplied , and it turns out that there is no water in case of a fire , neither is there any insurance on the building or contents. The regents opened their eyes. One of themjtold me since that ho supposed it devolved upon the governor to insure the public buildings. ' THE FACILITY has changed durine the year by the retiring of Principal Palmer , of the Latin department , and the death of Prof. Collier. Prof. Wooburry , who took a position on The Nation during the ' 79 term , Las resumed his place as professor of rhetoric and English composition , and Geo. Jtf. LHtla was appointed as totor in chemistry and mathematics THE MUSICAL DEPARTMENT has been put nt least ou .111 incipient basis by the appointment of a direct or of'the nvi8icil conservatory. This i < filled by S. B. Hohmnn. The office has no salnry , but the time seems to have come wnen it is indispensable that a comp-jtont department of music be established. THE LADIES' HALL. A handsome three story building was put up by a private company to accommodate the many lady uts who come here , bat while that num bcris increasing rapidly , the hall does not yet fill the bill , because it c nnnt be properly conducted until a toapon- stblo and competent matron is appoint ed to have charge of the department of the young ladies. At present thorn is an unavoidable locsenessfor want of some proper overseeing authority. It is njw proposed to turn this hall over to the sratc , at a fair price , thut it maybe bo put upon a proper bisis "a consummation summation devoutly to bo wished , " for it seems absolutely indinpetisiblo to hve ample additional accum- | mod ti.m for the ladies who are flock ing to the university iu large numbers. THE MILITARY DEPARTMENT , under Lieutenant J T. Webster , is showing great efficiency aud enthnsi- a rn The cadets have , under Mr. . Web'tar's lead , got up n first class I I military band , : ind their drills a'.way * j , call out crowds of spectators. I ' On the whola the chancellor's report - ' port was very encouraging as to the j condition and prospects of the university sity While it w..s evident to a look- ; er-on that the institution is crippled ) for the want of R liberal policy on the part of the legislature in the appro- priation of funds. It is a case where a cheap policy is a dear one. I be lieve the people themselves who pay the tnxes for "ihe benefit of this echool of learning will second a very liberal policy. Tha report of the chancellor de volves a large amount of work on the various committees of the regent ; , and the session will have to bold orer most of the week. Ttie Methodist denomination of the state present to the regents a memo rial signed by eix hundred prominent men praying for the appointment of Prof. GenrgeV. | . Peck , of Heading college , 111. , to fill the chair vacated by Prof. Collier. It eeems there is no represeatative of the M. B body in the faculty , although there are two amen < : the regents. Prof. Peck is a fine looking young man , and full of the western spirit. J. W. A. STERLING AD VICE- ROBERT COLLYEY TO YOU.VO MEN. If you want to do well , keep well , if you possibly can. Do not let even your education rob you of your health , [ t is about the worst thing you can do under the whip and spur of a no- ble purpose , and it is what large num bers do to their life-long regret. When a fine painter took the butcher to sec one of his pictures , he said , "Aye , Maister Maydon , it's a grand picture , but I doubt whether you could have done it if you had not oaten my beef. " And I think there was a grain of truth in the remark. They say base-ball is getting into the hands of the gamblers , and that young men arc shy of it of a good breeding. I'd bo vary lorry to think so. It is the handsomest game that was ever playad and one of tbo healthiest. Play base ball , and pull a boat , and get your chance in vacation at long tramps and hard beds and rough , wholesome fare ; eat well and sleep well ; be as clean all through and all over as you are in n drawing- room , and then yon will not only be able to do your day's work in this world like a man , but when the years bring their inevitable burden you will be able to say with Adam in the play : ' 'Though I look old , yet I am strong and lusty , For in my youth I ne er did apply Hot and rebellious linuors to m > blood ; * Nor did I with unbaehfal foiehead w oo The means of weakness and debility ; Therefore mv age ia as a lusty winter , Frosty , but kindly. " Remember this , too , that with health and strength to back you , fem means hard work , aud hard work on long lines with native ability and good conduct means success. I will ven ture to say , that this , as a rule , nre cau trust , is always tbo story of the young man who begins life with np po sition or patronage , and makes his way to a good place. Ho gives his heart to what he has to do , not half the time , but all the time , not grudgingly but willingly , and not merely for the sake of the salary , but because he loves to bo at it , and makes the * ork in great measure Its own reward. It shall coma to pass , if you take hold like this , that men will Bay you have Ida genius for what you take in hand. But you will know that one of the fine qualities in a genius for anything is an absorbing love for it , and the power of intense application bv which every other power is set to its finest edjt ; ? and directed to the one greU purpose the man holds in his heart aud brain. You may sot this truth in whatever light you will , ot business , of work on the common levels , or work iu the loftiest heights , to give your hotrts to it is one of the grandest secrets of steuccesa. . It might seem to you that ; a ireat many men gj from the bottom mto the top of the ladder at one jump. olIt is not true. It is never true All the men I know who have mads Ula real success of their life ara hard climbers. The other way is like the toy of the children. You go over the top and come down head liret to begin again. From the day I left the aid cottage to the day I cime to New York , my life divide- ) itself into two sections of steady striking > n long lines. Twen ty one years at the anvil and twenty- one at the west , and in these there is no bre k except that I made to get from the old world to the now. And now I see that these forty-two years all belong together , and in every year something was done for those that were still waiting. In some of latter years in the shop , I could not but feel that I was the equal as a preacher of a good many mon who done nothing else , and would wonder whether I should die as my father did at the an vil. But then we'd a houstful of child ren , and my hammer w.w a capital weapon to keep the wolf from the door and keeps things fair and true , so not one step would I go until that light shot clear and I knew I was on a sure adventure. There is one word. When you get [ Ihrouiih with the college , and take hold of your itVs work , do not think of making a fortune aa the one grand ami of your life , but of ctrviny out a home , finding a , uo& true woman for your wife , and raising , please God , and jjood family. I do not cry down money I thiuk it is a good servant and a good friend , but it is abr.ut as cruel a mas- 'ter as ever Used a whipA shrewd farmer said tn mo once , "Never marry for money , ray lad , marry for love ; but tf thou finds a good girl that has money , try to love her " I would not say that to you , bat this : If you find the nice girl , some such match as my mother was for my father , and if you love her , marry her , if she will have you , though she has n < t a dollar to her name. This is a sere evil under our American nin , that there should be such mishap and disaster in the wedded life. It lies in this , in themes mos : mouientousthin ? we > can do , we so often mo the leist judgment. EFt < nr Story's description ot the Girl of the Peri' d : "She is perfect tovhirl in waltz. _ And ber shoulders \\o \ well on a f of div n , as she 1 .tinge * at night and fch ws her silk- , andpl.Tw th her brace'ets anil fl-rts her fan. But N this the thing for : i her100 ] and wife ? Can l-ive erer grov on such bar- j re i rocke' ? ' Is this the companion to take i for life ? You might as well niarry a masie box. " Wo who'have bad our turn waut the younjj tnen of your birth a > id icdIu tng fo raise a generation rf tu-blcr And better type , boys an3 girls strong of a-ta and sura of foot , deap-cheatol , sunny-hearted , full of faculty , and wholesome to the innermost nerve : , and to do this you mu tdo two things : give them noble mothers , and don't ' linger shlveringly on tha brink Mid feir to launch away , " but whan you J ' know you can take care of a houia la I a s'mple , wholesome fashion , go right to work and do it. towS Shall I close with th's little poemj Speak thou the truth , let others fenw aud trim their words tor p.\y ; In j.lea.ant sunshine ot pretence , Let others I ask their uy. Gu < rd thou the fact , tliro' clonds of night Down 011 thy wat h-tower stoop , Though thou bhould seet y heart a delight 1) rue from tbee by their swoop. Face thou the wind. Though tafer aeem In shelter to abice , We were not made to sit and dream , The pafe must fir-t be tried. Show thou the light. If conscience gleam , S t not the ' ushel down , The smallest spark may send a beam O'er hamlet , tower in.d town. Woe unto him. on stfety bent , Whi > creeps from are to youth , Fa line ; to grasp his life' intent Because he fears the truth. Be true to every inmost thought , * nd as thy thoughts , thy speech , What tbou hast ni.t by etiiviiig bought Presume not thou to teach. The each wild gust the mist shall clear U'e n W- see darkly through , Ant justified at la-t appear The true , in Uiin that's true. PEPPERMINT DROPS. The man who makes unseemly jokes at her breakfast table Mrs. Pretzel calls a bender ruffian , A Nevada critic speaking of a harpist said , "We never bufireknew there was so much music in a gird- iron. " "Why , " said the deacon , "do you put so few oysters in the atew1 "Tho milk is sour , and it might spoil the ojiters. " Many a man after the Christmas holidays will wish he was a western newspaper , and could afford himself a patent inside. The Philadelphia Times le rns that a New York boarding house fire wont out , soon as it reached the pantry , for want of fuel. " An Exploded Gss-Bag , " is the title of an editorial in a Buffalo paper. Tne bereaved family of the deces/er journalist have sympathy. The quickest way to find out whether & jun is loaded or 1- t , blow down the muzzle. I' it Is not loaded you will live to d < i a a.\n \ The worst about kissing a Pittsburg girl is that yon can carry the marks of coal dust about yonr nose and other features till you roach the near est pump. Not everybody will be able to see the Nautch girl ? , but everybody can get a pretty good idea of their dance by 'putting two hornets down the housemaid's back. When worried abcut what to buy > for Christmas presents for your little family just think of the poor Mormons who have to please the tin tea of fifteen or twenty wives and or three hundred children , more or less. Arkausss mon are loud sleepers. One of them went to sleep in a Pull man car , and when ho b gan to get his work in p > oplj turuc-d out under the impression that a shooting ailray was in progress. lie wai a fine-looking run , and ho proudly strutted down tlie sidewalks with the air of . - prop.-iutorthip iu every movement. "Beg pardon1 said rya stranger as h" stepped up t > him , hat in hand , in utmost tiiirnauity. "Do I have ynur perir's ! un to remain in town over night' ; " A now clerk in a drug store was dis charged the , other day beJnuso ho did not know how tr look rise , roll his eyes , and say ' 'i vcnty-five cents" without tttr ing r : iu the face as ho handed out a little p-wdor that had cost the concern twi cunts and u , ido tion. Emotion ait I business don't jingle. Girls , if there is ono thin ? more than nny ot ler th xt holds young rem of our day bick from matrimonial ventures , it is the disheartening npcc- ! ticle so often presented them of y < Cur own dear papa and mamma walking into church glorified respectively by n 12 ulater and H $30 bonnet. That is what scares the boys. Tom Marshall was ujine qnite abu ' sive language , and the judge , after ono or two reprimands , fined hitnl for contempt. Mr. Mirjhill loukcc at the judge with a smtio and aakec where ho was going to gef the money , as he had not a "red. " "Borrow i I of a friend , " said the court. "Well J , sir , " iinswered Mr. Marshall , "you are the best friend I have ; will you lend me the money ? " "Mr. Clerk , , ' aaid th < > judge , "you may remit the fine. The state is as able to loao it as lam. " The University of Virginia has re duced its bouded dabt to 30,000. The Chicago boaid of education has authorized the nelection of sites for three n w school 1 'illdings. Of the 84.915 r crnits recently ex amined for the Prussian p.rmv , 1931 , or 2.30 par cent. , had received ru school education. The now college in Atlanta , Ga. , for cflorod students CUrk Univer sity ( Methodist ) bids uir to rival Atlanta University. The Russian government expeudoc 8365,000 on the Siberian university | before the foundation ntone was laid Its library already numbers 35,00 ( volumes. There is no school tax In Alabama , the only ravemio arising' from the poll tax , wi.ich amounts to only two cents per capita of the school popula ( ion. Lincoln University has griduatec ; 133 students from its collcgi-ite lore partmeat , r.nd has sent from its pro p.iratory 400 young colored men rote the south as teachers or preachers. Superintendent Howltnd , of Chi cio ; , reports : Total enrollment , 53 , -100 ; average memr.Frship , 49 , average attendance , -16,440 ; per cent. , 94 G Evening school Totr.l enroll- ment , 2789. average attendance for l < t week , 1192 Iu tne Echools of the Morhofiitt Freedtnen's Aid society , tha past ycsr , ther-s w.-re 2,460 pupils , cl.iaai- fied as Ml/w.v. Biblic'.l , 372 ; law , 23 : medical , 85 ; collegiate , 90 ; aca- demic , 220 ; normal , 1,100 ; inlcrmedi- ate , 217 ; primary , S92 Since the work of the society begin it his twined 63,000 persons. It employs SO i toachcn , and haa property worth $250.000. 1881. MRPER'S MA&ARINE. ILLUSTRATED. " 'tuJjin ? the sn'ject objectively and from the educational poim of vi - seek ns t. io- Mtle thai hlch taken alt gcther , wil br ot the mobt smite .o 'he IT c-t number I lon ajo concluJnl th t i I could hare ' ut one ivurk f. r a puhli : li > ra y I KOU d telect a u ni | leio > et of Hart-el's "Monthly. " IMRLis rKtXCis AD 411 s Jr Its contents are contribu etl by the raot emi nent authors anil an lilts u ( iuropc and Amert.a , while ilie loni : eti" ce of Hi jn lisherc ) ui made th in ihnroiul > : y toinensaiit iked - sir.a of thf public , which the ) 'Aill spate no cf- foil to > ; rat n y JaABPEK'S PERIODICALS , ZARPEIi'3 \UAZINE , One Year 00 IARPEH'3VEEKLY , One Uar 4 00 HAI'.PEVsBAZiR , One Year 4 00 . TheTIHEEabAO publications , one jear. 10 00 T.Any Any iVt'o named , ono yea' 7 00 UAKPEK'3 IOUNG PKl PLE , onejear. . 15 0 Pottage Fres to all subscribers in the United itates or Canada. The olusriesof the Magazine be-in ; with the > "um ers for Juua .n. t i'tctmb-r if eicliyeurben no im-i iifp'cifleJ , it will be u derstot/l lha the t-ub-ciiber wl.-lica to b. iu it t c current Mttnb r. A couu le c Set of IUitcK , 's . ctm- prisl K Ot , MI ne * cl > th bi iliti , ' . w U 'etc I by ixfuc . f > " I if tt cvici BU ol pur cha er. on TOCO pt f 3- -i p-r volume binjle volumes , by mail , lOttpait , 3.101. Cloth nuts , fur Liudiu-,3 < to its by null , postpaid. 'lttm. es sliou d ic made toy ivst i.flKe Order i r Unit t > ( txtjji-t'atita of lo < . 'i nrennt to copy Mi * adicrtne ment tm ou ( ihe erj/r < i vidcr of Addrcsw HAKPKR fc BROTHERS. Kcw Y rk. 1881. HARPER'S WEEKLY. ILLUSTRATED. This periodic * ! , by iti able and ccho'arly die- cu , lor/s of beiiuestioui of h d ya "til as by Hi Illustration * hl.h arc pr pir < ti by the best artis'S bmalwajatrxerUid a uumpoatrful an < l heneflcUl indue ice upon the puhlt mind. Ihe eUht ut iti i fluenoo will always be ( uud on the Ue of morJity , ou" aui reSueraent. HiBPEB'S PERIODICALS. HAKPER'8 WEtKLY , One Year } 4 CO IAKPERS MAGAZINE , one Ye r 4 00 HARPERS BAZVR , One year * 00 lie THReK above publicati us , one year. . 10 00 Any TJVO above tiamod , one f ar 700 lAKPEU'rf TOU.1Q PEjPLE.oaeyear. . . 1 50 Pottage Free to all tubicnberi in the United Haiti or Canada. The Vo"umo3 of the WttWy bejin with the irac Numb r for anuarr ol o ch yc r When 10 time i meii'loicl. i ; will oo underrt ol h t tlie sub-c iber WitheJ tc 'lumeiica wuh he li'uni'-er aft r ill * r ccipt of order. Thl.ut , filc eii A'IIIIUI Vol'imra ' of bispfR'a ithLY in net' c uih nil diu , will be e nt y null , | > usUkM' i ' . ir by ex. r 31 , free if ex- icnscpiivil ( d < bo freight d ta "ul eic-ed onn tollar p.'r inluuii ) 7 CO each Clo li Ca-cs fo > each vo Lin1 , sjitible for bind- g , will ' < ! iit by null , p.ttptld , en receipt of ! L CO each t should bo m ilo bv PoM-Offico Mi-iie.v Ordercr unft , t avoid ch'ncj < f to s re not tocop'j t ' a Ittrtite iier.t v , tnoutt.'ictxpieioneroj ilAur aa Bi-oane s Aik'ie.B & ULOluiRS , Icw Yoric. 1881 HARPER'S BAZAR , IMLUSTRATED. The popuUr rcriidloil Is pro-oininently a [ ouniil fortho hem ho d. tvery Nntnbcr fami-hes the latest Informs- tion In rs aul t Fneliio i in dre < an I rna- mcnt , thsnew st nn i mo t ippro\c l patter1 s wi'h descri > Uvj3'ticIe l.rivn f in auth- tic and Ori/in 1 "ciurc : uhilo its Sloiies 1'no - , and Buyson * > Lia a-d > omc3Ui : Toi-ico , giro variety to tj tao couin m HABPEB'3 PERIODIOALS , II4RPKR'SB Z\R. One Yfa- $ t CO IlARPiR'S ii\'JA7. ' SB , no Yoir 4 Ofl HAHPE . - WEEEiy , One Tear 4 00 TheTIIKKEab AC publi-atiJiis , one year..10 00 Any TWOabove naxel , onejeir 7 00 IIAUPER.S YOUAO I'EOPLft , one ye r. . 1 CO Postag * fret to all iitliicribtTt in the ed States or Ca.\a < la. ThoVoluni's of the Bazar bein with the firs1. Numberfor JiMjtry of cae1 jcar When no time 13 -i.tioncd , il will hi understood th the the uuhscrf'tr i-hc to cmnenco itn the Number nuxt after t it ) receipt of order The last Ele\en Annu 1 Vo'un-s of t's BAZAR , In no.t clo h bl. ilin- . will be split ! > mail , tostifffl iH , or hv expri..t3 , f'ceofex pe'isep-ovi ( el tl.efreicht dnpsnui exceed ouo del ar iitr vclume ) , f ir i" 0) each. Cloth Cot ea for - achn umc mltab'e for hind- idof Injr , wilt li sjnt by mai , i-oj.piid , on receipt of ? ! 00 eich Rcmi'Unce' "honld hi made bv Pcet-Office Homy Orderor Ur ft , tc. ave d tlian o t loi-l Jfcicipapcrs an n-.t tr. ropy thin "dcertli'ment without thi expren aider o/ilAupmtA. ! . ' ! OTIIRKS , Address HAR EKA. BKOTiIEF.S.Ne-v York. BUSINESS THE GREAT WEiTERM ; oo.R. Itatlibnn , Principal. Block , - OMAHA Send for Circular. BURMED OUT , But at it Again. CJ.&J.SJ30LI AND Saddlery Hardware , HARXESS , COLLARS , Sto k Saddles , etc. , Now Heady for Business. Om.-iTia National Next-Doer to . tional Itank. Douglas Stroct. dccli-tf Go , 1ATE GIFTS , " Suitable for. a Christmas Present Guinct Black Silks , Satin and Pearl Fans , Guiiict's Caslunere Silks , Emb'd Faiicyl JBaskets , Tclliard Black Silks , Pearl Card Cases , Teiliard 24-inch Silks , * Belts , Purses and Fans , Alexandre Black Silks , Silk Hosiery , Party Dress Silks , Collars and Cuffs , Brocade Silks and Yelvels , Sets in Fancy Boxes , Cloak : and Dress Velvets , Ladies' Handkerchiefs , Silk aud Wool Dress Goods , Gentlemen's Handkerchiefs , Lupin's Black Cashmeres , Children's Handkerchiefs , Shuda Cloths and Momies , Ladies' Fine Hosiery , Plushes and Satins , Gents' JIufllers and Ties , Cloak * and tolmaus , Initial Handkerchiefs , Walking Jackets and Hamloeks , Fancy Jewelry , Ulsters and Circulars , Harris Kid Gloves , Fur Lined Circulars , Foster Kid Gloves , Camel's Hair Shawls , rGorvin Kid Gloves , Fine Wool Shawls , Spanish Lace Ties , Blankets and Robes , Real Duchess Lace , Piano Covers and Spreads , Turkish SatinTTies , Table Cover * and Tidies , Lace Fichus , x'atinEmb'd Tidies , Real Lace Ties , Lace Curtains , SGAl ( WEAR. We Particularly urge the gentlemen to come and make a selection from the above named articles , being confident that we have the largest and best assorted stock m Omaha and many novelties exclusively - clusively our own. Although we have a large an efficient staff of help , we ask an early call , to avoid the afternoon rush. Importers and Retailers.