Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    " * *
/ _ _
a'.c ami Itcciil Maim
f.'oiihnd Silvi-r
inn ! .Icive r.y in ( he
Come and See Our Stock
as We WiH Be Pleased
' to Show Goods.
t , t Dli'i' . Oppositn Postoftice.
if All sul ' * stncfly cash. ther-fore we are enabled to
offer the e nisumers oI'Mie weed only first
* quality for i heir money.
Best st ate'11 ) c Gi ir in eery ,
Bsbt3 o" a q larter Oigir in the cit ? ,
Be t "fcra ght 5c igar n the dtp ,
Da roit Fui Cut a pe ; ialtj ,
On-80 F ne "ut 5s a good ona ,
Bagley's May plo ve - i 8 a id 16 ounce tins ,
"For 40c we hiva bang up Sm jking Tobacco ,
in ; tuii IN M ft
We a-e th * onlr Da rs ia he Ce morticed B igley's May Flower.
T'teitr - * ( AIM be-a i14rtntcnt of
Trunks sin ! Va'iscs iiifhc n < k-I. Toloscopif Cuscj
; PH ! ani ! TniiilvN ; i Specialty.
H. H. MABHOFF , - -
Propose fo the uext ninetv (9J ( davs to sell then
entire sto-'k of
Diamonds , Watcneh ,
Jewelry , Clocks
Silver-Ware ,
Pianos & Organ
iq ID'
At Manuf o'turns ; Prices , Which is f ornln to 20per
cent , below any Eastern Wnoi sale House ,
pre aratorv to moving into their
New Store , Cor. Nth & Farnharn
utline | iiro < uu8 l > t > - r'.v r.
Ice p | * lt ' " > > r i in Uni
IJ a-ant , e-y a ! - ft ) TM HI , t ; e iioninal
toll , v r-
II rseul n. < ' ! . " '
Onn'H'e WJi ' !
. j
Foot-au-ii F
Pec mVr istii. 1 J >
J , H. FLIECEL & GO. j
Ko. 1220 iX'Uilas
; r , . . .v-'V lfel
> & ' : ' % m
i Christinas
.ir.v ? KIIY OF
Two lings ,
Fr.Jay amlSi uruy , Heccinbcr 4th a. J 25th.
ll lla-ina. . Chriitmis at 2 o clock.
The Gulick - B aisdell
* , nt-ed Attraction No 4
C auilc c lave . Gcn-n1 I5cprc i talive. En
la eiue t o the Fa o 8 Vo ai ComtdUn ir. !
A" ; enr'n- \o < uah 1 > y'sfashionable society
co u Oj oi
Asvod t ! j iNr - Y rk Incatre JiO cons -
s > -i\0 i'-'it , < nun iii - .he chanain ;
. * nd tht E-rat on itnl cait of Outwg ra and
O nrt .
jt Ko c'v tl 3 atax Max ileyir & Bro.
R nvuiDe.- the Ohnatmns Slatinee.
The Best in tbe West.
Ohr Sentiments by
Famous Men in Prose
and Poetry.
A Whole Vill'ffein Penncylva-
nia Prostrate With tbe
Scarlet Fer. .
Donaldson is Badly Whipped
by Sullivan in the
Glove Contest.
Japhet Eunttna : for His Fa her.
ptxi i Despatch Ui Inc lice.
KiiwYoiiK , December 25 1 a m.
i he second act of & arami ia wnicii
a young Pennsylvania farmer ia the
principal figure , was revealed yester
day at the police headquarters. On
the 8th uf lait September , a tall ccnin
try man , some 30 years o.d , applied 10
Superintendent Wnlluig for help hi
cjuductiog a scarce for his father ,
from whom he had reason to beliovq
he had been stolen in infancy. lie
said that hia name WHS Fiauk Cog < ui ;
rtiift he was a farmer at Great Band ,
Pa. He had been brought up on the
farm of Michael Cleary , in the neigh
borhood of the village of Kirk wood ,
and as a lad had always been made
to believe that he waa the latter's son.
In a quarrel laat summer Cleary dis
closed the fact that the young man
when a child had been placed m htj
care by a neighbor in this city. He
saia that Cogau'a mother had
died and his father had gone away ,
and that ha ( Cleary , ) had then moved
into Pennsylvania , keeping his own
counsel and giving hia name to the
boy. The young farmer immediately
came to this city in search of his
father , and Superintendent Walling
referred him to the authorities in the
bureau of vital sti'iatica , besides giv
ing him the assistance of the police de
partment. In due time confirmation
waa obtained of the part uf the story
told by Cleary , ut strong suspicion
was aroused that instead of having
been a legitimately a iopted child , be
had been abducted as a result of a
conspiracy to rob him of property left
him by his mother. The record of
Mrs. Oogan's death in June , 1815 ,
waa found. .At that time her hu band
kept a liquor store at 80 Murray
struct , but on the outbreak of the
Mexican war ho joined the army of
volunteer. ) , leaving the child in the
care of his friena , Michaul Cleary ,
then living iu 22d street. He did not
reiuru until years after , aod then
Cleary had disappeared with the child.
He searched for them in vain , and
then in tuin bee me 1 > st to hia fnoiids.
For twi months young Cog n patient
ly foil'wod ' these clews , aided by the
p lice in every cry which he visited.
A few days ago hia efforts were crown-
id with success. He found hia fa'her
i prosperous tea merchant in Phila
delphia , and convinced him of hia
dentity. Their mutual joy waa great ,
and it was almost with tears that the
! onng man related his good fortune
eaterdiiy to his friends. He found
other relatives , and also discovered
tne whereabouts of an uncle who is
tnought to have been concerned in his
abduction. Hiafatheris very wealthy ,
and will at once institute suit againso
: h kidnappers.
Sent up tor Murder
Diktat ; li to 1 lie Bod.
BOSTON , December 25 1. a. m.
I'liu Dn coil-Cretan murder trial ,
at East Cambridge , closed shortly
after noon yesterday. Thojuty , after
being put a hour and a half returned
a verdict of guilty of manslaughter.
The full penalty for the crime is
twenty years , but the court , which
meets Monday , wi'1 probably not im
pose the full limit. Caiherino Drie-
cell , the prisoner , manifested no
emotion , but her huabind wept like a
child. Noexciptioncan be filed.
Doctored it Up
Special Di-patch 'o the PKK
WASHINGTON , December 25 1 a.
m. There has been a reprint of the
house procperiiiissof thw 21st instant
ou the funding In 1 The necessity
for this arose fr > m a nits' ' " = iko of print
ing the Cougreasionftl Record before :
General Weaver's remarks had betn
aent to him fr revision. As now
printed , it IMS been corrected by each
petsou concerned and is official.
Puncnlng Pugilists.
SpecKI dispatches to The BOB
CINCINNATI , O. , December 25 -1
a. in Flu' glove contest between
John Sullivan , of Boston , and Pr f.
Donalds' ' n , of Clevel > ndc.inie oiFUs' '
night r.t PACIFIC gitrduti , and waa wit
n eased by abi atfoity { pjrtmg men.
Siu 11 , iwrd gloves were usrd .T- > .
Moran and I'mii Ryan , buth of this
city , seconded Sullivan , and Dan
An'chlny and Abe Smith seconded
Donaldson. Patrick Murphy was
cbi. eii referee. Time was called at
11'S j Snlliv.iu had the burr of the
fight * from the start , fen rounds
were fought , Sullivan winning every
cue. When time was called for tee
eleventh round , Don.ilcieon fniled to
respond , and gave up the fiyu. ? toe
v as coniplttc'y w ! ippod The Sghi
lasted twenty mii.utea.
Sentenced to Hang
ni _ A . * * p tt < .b to f he ijt j.
CLINTON. III. . December 24 , 10 p
m f'he trial."f Thomas Co 'ie He1
U r known ss ' P . sv Devnie , " for the
ssassi Miion of Atrun Go-jdie-luw , on
tilstrot.s ir Blf'UD-'imton. Argust 4 ,
1879 , was c.-c'uded ' fti re l st uign' ,
tlif jury fter long deliberation , Bnd '
ing n-m guilty , and Sxtng punishuvja ! :
at dea'h
Sittinar Bull Sulky
Sp t ! llispatcu toTiie Bee.
&T PACL. December 24 , 10 p m
Dispat ihej from Fort Buford * ay that
SittitigBull will tsko his own time
ibout turrtnderiug. He has with
him now about sixty lodcea of hostilrs
on the Popjr ) river. Ue h about to
move towards the mouth cf the Milk
river. Allison , thed ou : , nri ej f . om
the c rnp that he thti ka within twel\v
lnystho whole band will come nit '
the rtgi-ncy , but that th least
would stampede the Ind'ans ( ic ; . .
Torrj hw issued an order tn M j r
Hrotherton to preserve a pe.iceful at
titude un'il the end jof the negoiii-
tions. v
Wheat and. Porfc Decline.
pecial Dispatch toTliB Us ) . .
CUICAOO , Uecambei 24 10 p. in.
Pen dden dtclin of two cents in
h atjiaust-d c. sidernb'e escuemem
on 'Cn iige thic mo niig , and ne
scones of Monday _ yl Tufdrty were
repeated. A cl instcurity pre
ailed , and it IT.IS leered tra- trouble
ei tuThot curse f > ! ttt d--
w a the lir cri'c ii\a | and tilt
lari > o accutnulaiio'i in > 'ew York and
othtr reeeivniir ooi-ita. 'i'h" pried "f
pork is s ill g. i g doii. The inauu
factored produi is DOW selling so l > w
thut the p ickiii , ' hotiVer are
perk for less t j. t&r. , irsn bo'ho
* § "
> * *
n.v ir.
Scarlet Fever Scourge
Spcuai Uliiahll till Ha I. UK.
PmsBUKO , PA , December 25 , la
in. Tins will be a .BJM and m lurnfu ]
Christnusforthe Tittle town of Hunts
dale , ClereSold county , in this state
Tno angel of death is now holding
high carnival there. Thai fearful
scourge , the acarlijt fever , is rapidly
thinning nd desolating evety house
hold in the place. Eighteen child
ren died Thursday fifom this terrible
disease , an ou yesterday morning
nuny new cases were reported , It is
but a few days since the first case was
reported , and already thirty deaths
have resulted. Physicians have been
summoned from all the neighboring
towns , ai the few doctors here wore
all weakened and could not possibly
attend to all the demands made upon
them. There ia scarcely a family in
the town ( hat is not plunged into grief
over the untimely death of their child
ren. Mourning and grief are every
where. Heretofore the health of the
town has been excellent , and the doc
tors are at a less to account tor the
fearful ravages of the dread diieaao.
Proven a Murderer.
Special Dispttch to The Bco.
DAVENPORT , Ia. , December 25,1 a.
m. Thurediy the children of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas ?
nid Diley ! , who were mur
dered , by burglars in their house near
Caluna , 111. , ou the night of the 10th
hist. { , , , were in LaClaire , this county ,
for : the purpose of identifying a re
volver and watch which were traded
a1d VIa1 , the store of A. J. Hohoppel , the
day after the murder. The children ,
and intimate friends of the murdered
huabiud and wife immediately r cognized -
nized the articles ae the property.
The watch was sold to Holsopplo by
Clement Gaton , who ia under arrest
for murder. Other circumstances point
titl him Hiid an unknown companion as
the murderers.
Assaulted a JjVts .
SpecHl Dispatch to The Bee
BROOKLYN , December 25,1 a m.
On the 10 h of last month ex-Judge
Samuel Morr'u was brutally ussassina-
ted by Deputy Coioner James Dunne ,
in a saloon , where Judge Morris had
been taken by a letter purporting to
come from a man who wished to e v
him on btninesp. Judge Morris has
just recovered from the injuries which
ho received The day following Dunne
WHS indicted by the grand jury and a
warrant was issued for his urrest. He
fled from justice and the reward S5GO
was offered for his capture. Ever since
ho has been in liidine until yes
terday mornins , when he surrendtrtd
himselt to the sheriff After examin
ation , Dunne was held in bail forSlO- ,
000 , which was furnished by two dep
S . Dispatch to Tax BRE.
WASHINGTON , December 25 , 1 u.
m. For the upper Mississippi and
lower Missouri valk-ys : Generally
cloudy weather and slow variable
winds , followad by winds shifting to
northerly and westerly , rising barom
eter and lower temperature.
Lynched by a Mob.
Specal Dispatch to The Beo.
CINCINNATI , December 24 1 a. m.
A Star special from Mumfordsvillp i
Ky. , ays two brothers named Cam
pbell , colored , arrested for the rob-
and the attempted murder bof
'Squirn J. A. O rdnt-r , were taken
yesterday from thn jail at Roulette ,
ville station , by a n > ob and hui ; < > d tea
a tree.
Preparing for Cbristmas.
Special Dispitcli to Tin , Bcc
CHICAGO , Decembc 25 1 a. m.
The preparation lor * C .rulm s 'his
ye.iv in Chicngo h. s never bcoii equal '
ed before. ' Th streets have been
throngi d for weeks with pt"plt > huy-
intr presents , and yegterdny were lit
erally jammed. The rjiiro da and
mails have been Inidcd down wi' .
The Fort \Vayno road
ilone has carried twenty carloads of
express packaces per , d y
Shipwreck Narrafve
Spools. Di | tU' to The lie. ?
QtTEBEU. Df ceiubeyf25 ; 1 a in
Cap . -St. n * , of the VhginMne ; "Piii.-
lice , " which hjjtst Htriveu hen- j
tolls a thrilling r f ; . i fho rough jx
pericacej ui Iiumelf and cc stv. They
: iticd from Quebec on the lth 2yof
November , and oil the 20th , when in
tliu f of St. Ltureiicu
gu , thtyi. . -
counttred a terriffic gale wmc'i s'la'-
t rcd the ship's rivgins , and rendered
them lulpless. Trtei 'iriTitd in tin-
tnu h of the fov laa.
ana several days.
Most of i be crew w0re badly frozen
while on dn > y , snd the cipt < tn was
di"nbtf d hy a faliiujf spar. The ship
finally grounded on the iUnd ft Aa
ticoeti. airl the KIWI I : niid solely.
After iiviriL' in a ca'.e for tbrte deys ,
t ey Were final'r iLcovmd t > y .he
n lubit nt * an J kiudfj & r d ft- .
31 * Fire
8r > l
DuxMwrr , JJiormber 21 12 m , A
fir v > df-eovtfred in fbe j' .b pt'.i.i-
uig room of 'i he Free PresJ offish last
' and before it wa's
nigh' , exti 6' ;
the rooms of the news ai. iTS -
ci l editors , directly overhead , ware
a.fc. . on firu.
Although smoke filled the entire
building for time , work n'aa not
I 1 iye < J , and f'e ptp.-r w 3 T MI il >
i" ft summing. Tno 1 < 3a will u
exe fd200. . '
A1 ll'.lUa. m. while Tin i'V. . I * . -
lir. ! < in pr" ; rc- " ' , the h. i .l- i mt m-
"I'Ming , known i * rh < - V r'A. .
\U-Milliii lil.K-k , wndis * vi-r i i. . t.
"ni tire , thu" cars'I' . , : fr : u i *
ir wind us uf the M > % hi 'i L' .
c iu'i < ii > 's ' Hi e. The tli-r 13 .1 t. ' .1 ,
.vivcl * . Loss nti.iiit ? 7 , < 00. *
o , i-il P.l-p-lt-n !
CIIIUAIIO , Duix-ni'M-r 'f , n r. Mi
! < ncy , armil i : . Chic it ; " -ili > , '
route ii > D tr it. 1I < > a/tjs t.u'K.ii
Cloud Ititiliii * art ) nil C n iit < d and
every : ; is | Vatvful < 'i | > i
lui to-1 rvitiuii. On Ji > tnrd.ij ltIO l
. Sunn. ; Bull's Luinim : irri\ '
it the a'-iicj : uid s - . ' hn > iari > i
more , pcrhitps OIK > thousd , .ire n w
"ii iht-ir waj to ttir. ugt'iicy
Bull has but bbotit two hui--
dc 'd follower * , who are destitute and
travelling on f or. Ho will soon come
in and surrender.
Christmas Sentiments.
Special Dupatch to The lice.
GuiOAO ) , Decimbir 25 , 1 , \ m
The Inter Ocean will to-dv punliah a
greAt many Christmas sen intents in
both poetry and prose , written ex
pressly for iis columns by prominent
persons in all parts ot the Imi.
Among the most noteworthy are the
following :
December 21.
It is probably natural pride in 'the
preaa , of which we are fellow crafts
men , which makes me think at this
season that , as it speaks constantly to
the whole world , it ought to be the
most powerful missionary of peace an :
good will.
Very faithfully yours ,
BOSTON , December 20.
I see the living tide roll on ;
It crowns with flaming towers
The icy capes cf Labrador ,
Tlus Spaniard's " and of flower . "
It streami beyond the splintered ridje
That parts the northern showew ,
From eastern rocktj sunset wave ,
The cent tient is ours.
BOSTON , Ddcemb r 20.
Hear the new \ oice that claims the vat-an
Take the hand outstretched to meet thy
kiss ,
But Rive the past , 'tis all thou cans't ,
thy tea s.
HAKTFORD , December 19.
To the Editor Inter Ocean :
Your note informing me tha * Christ-
mus had reached Chicago and ha become -
come a'l inter-oceanic feativn' ' , i CCA-
sions little surprise and no regret , und ,
perhaps I shall not be accused of 1
"giving away" ( 'h-it is ; ii od : auuscrit
phrase ) the iPuritsna , ' frrm w.ho1
descended , if I admit that while
Thanksgiving day was founded on Ply-
in > uth rock , Christmas reata upon the
rock of ages.
Your Minccrely ,
WASHIXOTO.N' , December 21.
Af this iner < ting hour , joyous yrt
eolemn , when the good old year 1880
has nearly filled up the mcasurs of trs
days , and is doun to take its place
among the shadows of the infinite
past , and unxious expectation ia
awaiting ihe advent of the first day of
the first year uf the last score > A the
century , let me congratulate you up n
the achievements by which the de
parting year has bein diatinuuished ,
at'd iningl ) my fervent . .spirali. < a
\vitfi those of the free , proureajKu |
and patriotic citizens of tlio republic
fur wiadom and justice to guide and
control our national councih , and for
union , prosperity and peace to all s-c- j
tions of our common c untry. In | j
bidding good bye to the 'ld yefi.r , I ;
commend to you the old five , pro
gressive north , and in welcoming the
new year , wi'h equal fervor I com
mend to you the j-rospectivoly free
und progressive new aoiuh.
SpecU Dl > : JL ; i ! 'ui L.HS
The nnw York creditors of X. ! * .
Haruo'd & Co , MiuneHpoSis , rocciv-
td the report of their committee and
decided to consider a propoail of eet-
' lenient at 50 cents on the nollar.
Atrnus Gurninc , of R > hester , N.
Y. , ! > ned 18 years , was c-mg'it ' on the
Erie tailroad bridge ncfi a the cantl ,
and to avoid beintt cr'iih'd nnrler the i
train ihe jumped > n. j ihp b 1 20 <
the low-path , a distance of forty feet > ,
and w s fatally injured
* ,
Frwnk Bittarman , of Cincinnnti ,
a wealthy German , of larjje acquain
tance , committed suicide j-eatdrd n"P
hanging himself. Softenm. ; of ' the
brain waa the cause.
XEwYoi.K , Dt'cember 24. Alder
man Shi.'ia , tliu chairman , and thiriy-
two othets of the fifty ei ht meinbtrs
uf the Fourth dis.rict of the T.unuwny
Hall committee , resigned ltit ntyni.
being umnlhna to foliuw Mr. Kelly
further. "
NEW YOUK , December 24 The
Red S'ur steamer Wiesland , now in
from Anworp , after a voya- of 21
ciava , reports her rtel.iy causei < bn < a
chitiery br > c iiiiuidU'trilt < d. Shalu
had had weathi'r and lost sun e f * rr
8ils. . Her s-ceragu past ng > s lM\e
ii'iui' comlilnt [ against te e iH i n
ACC < unt of lie laaK of provfai.jis for
teparating them The most o id
flgrant immorality pr ruled
tnevoyage. .
NEW YORK , Dt-r. tnbtsr24 A
ati named .Vary F la n , h i jug- diem
m Brio'ilyn fr. in n pin * i > n.s4 < n th-
f c-hf ger of h-Trisf t 'ani. ' rir fl'I
h r arms swilled gruatly and Rue
suffered mivt excess1 ve t > - m.
Chicago- Live S.oclz
CIIIRACO , December 24.
Uo s Du'l , 1051 Ic lower ; receipts
. Ca tie Active , firm ; sales were at
S3 00@3 35 for cotniiion Bte ra and
oxen ; 84 25@4 50 for fresh to good
shipping-steers ; receipts 20,000.
vicroi i us
ins t e International "Billiard
Match With a i-t rgin
oi 39 Poin's.
losson's Luck Deserts Him
on the HomeStretch.
The Boers Kill nnd Capture a
Bat' a ion of Royal
Special l > l9p U-h lo tin * Lrt.
PARIS , D item er25 , 1 < * m. Th.
tjriut imufii.iti biiluru much be
wteu iMrtiirice Vivians , of L\on.i ,
nd Go-itiie F sl.jn.i , wi.a brought
o 'i dusts l.ut n i h' , .iml was wen h\
contest naj uOOO
jointa up , COO points beiiu P * y *
night. Tne game to. . k p. . . c n .
th > < imnietisio dining ruomnf th G > and
li'itul , nnil has .ittri.o ed unusual a.-
tonti 11UIIUH14 p offsion il and ami-
teiir billiardists. Oa M < nd\y : , tht <
e2iu niuht , Vigii tux won by A
score uf GOO t > 321 , but his letd
overcome by Slossou mi the suc erd-
in even ng , and the score stood 1200
for Slosaon to 1"50 for Vi i > aux. S < > a
son , during the eveuiog gave exln-
tion of some of tne best playing < m
record. When , although near 400
points behindhe , ran(269. ( followini-'it
a.ion a tor with 211 , whicn for the
time during gaiiin tne pi iced his record
ahead of Vi naux. He maintained
hia lead to the end , making other
large runs of 111 and 114. The bet
ting , which had been , heavy on the
Freiichmin , now turned fortheAmer
ican , and eold favorite in the puoljut
odds of 100 to 80. His American
friends invested largely , and it estim
ated that the amount invested WHS
more than , tripled after the evening's
play. Sluasou's friends werj further
encouraged when , on the third even
ing's play , their champiun not only
held his own , but increased h-s loid of
InOJ o 283the , score atandmi ; Slosoou
1800 , Viguanx 1517. Tha pl. j ii.g of
both men was steady and bnlliin' .
Thursday evening , the fourth of the
match , Vignaux recuct-d S osaon's
lead Jo 4C , the score .standing , Sloaa n
2400 , Vignaux 2354 T.tere w.i a
great rush of spectators to witticis the
close ; of the in itch la C event ig , ai-d
the Frenchman's backers , encouraged
by the nerve displayed by him in 'l'.u
up hill game , laid all the money they
could ' plnce that he irnull win the
match , which he did by .1 veiy narrow
' in agin of 39 points. Sloasou cla nis
that he was robbed of rie game uy a
I faka decision of the referee.
Spenal | I > N ; itcli 'o ' >
K ] December 25 , 1 a. m A
Cape Town dispuch cuntirins the de
feat of the C < 'luni < l troops at Middle
burn. Two hundred and tif-y men of
the 94kh regiment were marchini : from
Lyidenburg to Pretoria , whiia ; hey
were attacked ajd ovnrpowerod by
BOITS. One hundred &fcd twenty men
wire killed and wounded and the re-
m.iinder niadepiiioners. The Boers
are much tncuuraged at this victory
over the C > lonial troop * .
tiKiein.i > r wito uis JJBB.N IIO.VOIKI
CY T11K I'Ol'E.
Men o k sun
iMnioi J. u pily ia the woiltl-y
Sfii ii . > ni ' i ! ttits dry i/nnns MH-
jj irimi' ami j > l > 'lug lircu of Mu p. v.
tirant iV Uo , ot S n Francisco. ilr
Murpny in Ins b iyh < l - .n a cl r in
the ory g'xds hou < e ot E'igeiie KutK ,
then esubhahe i ill SJK.
p'lAftir atairi'tg hia innj-iniy
ho became a member Of the firm. Mr. Kelly nine to N.-w
Y rk , Mr. Murphy orgini ed the firm
of which he is tliu ll-.iU. II- v/ttj verj
enccea ° ful in buint"j ! > . Hi-icharitie.
we'e notab i > . .id i his we < l 'i in
croisud f'u sphi-rj "f hia chanti- *
were eiilartO i. lie id s all the .ocal
Cithiilic charitien of Sui Fr.mcnc. ,
ti > wlncli lit * c "i nbir , } , nia
hand WHS ri-t-i gMZt-d in m.iny lit r
chant ni uf Clif rn * I'he lti > ia .11
lit ; i rphitit ; 3j'Uin3 Hi f * > n
and sjicrami'iito , the S atur-j ui
tit D- inline , and Nuns uf the I'nisfii-
tam n having charge of the la g free
schools "f Frincisco , and ( truth
t-i < t l hiCnr - u tit schouls lui'u b n
I. . , tins ft' . , ' ci uf v it"t o t
re - ruii-o i . . f.
In his trtpa niitout 3Ir Murphy ii.iv
r. otrivetl HMII > itteiri < ili * trmti iti-
I'upf lie c > rne < i unit li in < - ivii i f rht lie. lov. ' A ci ba
"P of ti.lll I'VillcJ CU
Upon hw ai'cond tr p to imti y
by I * . pe ti"iia IX. wi h
-he Ordfr or St. Gr. ry. A y - '
cl he wai in .do a c . . .it' ,
y a c bls d.ap tcit was t i.t
'i- " -I'm inf- ruling him ! ' I' , * * - lj u
Xlll h'id ' mnetl bud m-ik.i j ; h in .
marquis ii < m mon Im * % .M
.Murphy ( MUaod ' a niv At u i . .
, \ bpictiiro \ to btpiiiit j I -i iii.ii.
rprosfntd the ( < rtit < i H > U f * -
fau"ly ttl e Pat i ! own ,
T e : ti ui * U.qui3 h h nher
hoi i t. "D1C1' iht UAtlMuW W ' . .i
asp-re T ie < t only iw > ) * tstnt *
i , this iau' ' . > r-oId n < jtMfc ' I T u
no'h of tnsin live irt
3Ir. Oliver w s ennotil.d m t M
, kj { > Be Its n ' so we l hj . .U
J irptiy. b it has be U qiiaity i j M
bl.i ' ' - h-r title aiii > le - o t t" -
pre "ed.-tic - "Vvf the 1 ' -e " * ! .
i s . ' - t | r-tl t uC
of tne sf.t 1 e chnrch K f
iug Holy W.k. . The dr mtjr
herertngry , and f atI" i < * >
apoo th * dfnth t t hif ft * T
nflw r * t * > ' - ; 'ni ' * u ueh ? t
* fter in B.r"iff Sn.c. t. i
hi fempril f i "r f . - ( * > e In
4p nngmta 'ird tiir i in ti .
the marquises h v.tii - r g . t
at he tpl i- - < N"
relfioi3 ! cerviu ' * e * * , > <
bustowal f fhe : Mr tit f
whicft will r ic < Wrtit Fctatc so i t
aDout three xvceka.
so. s
. , .
Iii each Depa-tmeut , we are
op-ii ing choice
leather Goxls , Belts ,
Pocket- Boo s ,
Gird Cises.
G eve , Handkerchief , Collar and
Caff Boxes ,
L ni e- ' Fine Shoea.
. Gents' Christm is Sappers In
th GroutedVariety. .
Chi dre . 's Shoes , fiae , warm
and -ub-it itil. .
Jhe La gesfc and Finest As-
in -asonible Prices.
Uei t ' Silk lluilldrs.
1e U' J shmero Murtlen.
T i < reitc9i variety uf Slllc JHanJkerchleS
or ladies' * ear II mukerchieN aid in Ti s
Si' ' * , pmi h uce , luclu , JlUil ami Cunbric ;
ill vcr > p etty. , riiue * , aim | , Friiuet and Trim
N'apkiiii , r h , r. ! > < iaiul * lm < l Co van. Piano
Cl er and scti at attractive prices.
His iiii' tin C-jrmminwnj.
Kim iii t li'i tnnmert * : .
Ki' t < i it > 'i ' * HI * .
Ff-itii i Ji > li 7. nil ) rs.
Ci .nb' , ' im. I'.a'el toiiila. A Inew itcsisns.
An fu an in "f Orn * ' Sceve C.itiom ? .
n < i , i. a i I".IK , U , < irranttil Junbihty.
nitcl.Mkv > i.i 'f1. issca iiiJ ChiMren.
v lacl < i ut -l j , w ii hcary in tlia season
011 "
o rr-iiiim c ' ubia- " " aw"1 .
at re tj reilui.eJi > rccs.
A nuni vim.- . -f 11 in INttsrn. specially
or th. II < U > iraile. '
"C istt etailers , " - iv
1422 and 1424 Dodge St.
pecial Ordinance No. 254.
For letyiir a si c-jl tax for thesra.liiu "t
I4tit "t. ot. . t . l cstrt to Hu t tr-Ht ,
in tne c ty of Om ilu. ojanty ot
s at of
Co it < > lU Bit ' y tlia city council of the city ot
KKCIIO < I. H'at ' the serera' ni
i.t lit i no f" ' ' in te cnlieil | ir in fe- ' to--It :
it h I i * m n , , 1.14 I ) eec ! 7 , 4 J W.
I in a S t t lot " " "Xi * , 5 > 3 in Hull , iil'lsf-oilot I , blw k S. 333 IH.
. , ; ; , „ , „ . , - : „ i ft f . . .t .w ks. * * . < -
f. W. ii. .iiiv r. ii-iO ft if ot i , bioct 3 , | IJ. ,
SV " I.V.HI ' " ' 9- ° ' s < tI ( ) < : k s- * * ° ° -
I Kut t fft " ' I' * ' " & * 66-
N % . , ; * 21 11 3l n 1 f i I. I. "lok 20 ,
* ! \/J9F Kellvjr , li 22 of s J of lot 4. block 2 ,
' a & "tKn lit , 2Jof si of lot J block
' ° ' f ? u W. f. s il of 1 of lot I block 2C.
Ju ? , , , PiM kv. * Kof lot 5. b o k 2 313 W.
u " . fl I , mill2"f' < > H 'iloe * & 3U3S.
v"-y . t-.0 ft olio" M.S. . * .
M , v , ) ri . -.l ft" M.b.t K.S-flZS3.
, , ; „ . 1 , e . , , J .f k J , W-Kk 0 , 911 OT.
C it I ' " " . 1 ' i"f ' ' > -V-
f , Minp * . ir , a i of i o l t l
* ' ' ' "
, , . .e . son , I t - , bWk 1-313 93
. , , , ai > . - , . ,
I. . I. H > al'IHt t I ' ' " " ' > " -JJi
h khB ' - -OM.I-H. 1C' ,
f - ? ? / iff. 1 I. M k i.'J. ' 13 '
J * e , ht- . ! . 5. * V °
lu o. , le l 'tt ' " ' , ? ; , ' -
j r.-wii | , iK ) . ! > = Tl i' * *
, T , . . l.t , r , - 9.
A I V 'i-l" * 1H s- ' ' ' ' k > 5' * J 9
t , , \-i "e , . I.W * . '
, . , , ,1 , , . . . .e f . n ( t f.Ifc * 's 'ti-
' ' '
'i'r " tob. . ' (
7il "i-f " ' * ! ' . 'OU
K. I. * . . ! . " *
. . .s-U * . * , l-t i a '
1 AWr..o I..t t M e'- 54.3 ? .
iSWr t .b , ckSit * * . . ! *
T4K. , I , 9 66.
/ , ro.u b . . ' ' bl ; "tt" ' | ri
. -h4f
v h tt o iH th * U >
, h e t . , P ' ' > " * * *
. * " ' " * " > ' *
2. * .
\ . | . . . * d :
alto wricb ! (
i ) , .t * " t
i , I" > ' . *
. I.BTTK ,
AT a d
J > . ; . .
,03tft,3 , -JJbT.i AR/MSJST.
JlMcw * f Kenanrd'd Drurf Etore