f f THE DAILY BEE. Friday Morning : , Dec. 24. Additional local on first page. Paterara Bells coaL Holiday Goods at Kuhn's. | . See Polack'g advertisement. Bird cages at OOc etore. It is fine winter weather. Celluloid and Diatite Sets at Saxe's.- ; Celluloid Sets at Kuhn's , druggbt.l Holiday presents at Base's , druggibt. The train w t to-day carried but few passengers. Whipple , McMillaif & Co. , the jewel- n , Crtigbton Block. o26-tf BEST IN THE WORLD BMW 13 love fitting Patteme at Bushman's. tf Creighton College and the Holy An gel * ' school closed Wednesday and the pub lic schools close to-day. "Say , Jladies , let's stop in at Hoype's M Ve are giing down town ; he hag trach a variety of presents. " JDlton B/osers , John D. Creighton and S. D. Mercer will all erect three story lirick blocks in the spring. Krng's ibecr hall , one of the finest ia the west , has be n fiuished and will opea to-morrow with Charles Pinch , as prodrf. ctor. Z * Judge Hawes yesterday * ent Pat McCann to iail for 15 days for stealing a psurof boota from L. B. Williams and pair of pants from A. Folsck. John Kelly , -who kicked up a terrible row at the Union Pacific depot Wednesday was taken in out of the wet by Wiley Dixon and Bent up for 10 dayp. Patrick H. Kcan , an old eetller resid. i ng near Elkhom , was lodged in jail in this city at midnightWcdncsday night for resisting - ing an officer who [ was nerving a writ of ejectment , Don't forget Cammenzind's & Meyer's "rutE. ( rapper to their friends and patrons Dec. 24th from 5 p. m. to 12 p. m. , 207 I3lh street. 28-2t The children of Cass street mission Sunday Fchool are invited to call at my etore Christmas morning between thohours wf 9 and 10 o'clock. Willis II. Yates , su perintendent , i " 0. J. Merrill to Mary Smith , Dec. 23,1870 , " is the inscription found in a la- < dies' gold watch reently taken from a sus picions character in Des Moines. The watch is supposed to have come from Oma ha. The Board of I'egente of the State TJnirerbity , which me tat Lincoln Wednes day , chose Hon. James W. Savage , of this city , to deliver the commencement addrcta next June , in cane Dr. John 1. Gregory , president of the Industrial College , of Illinois - nois , fails to como to time. The latest ccllision between labor and c.ipital occurred Wednesday where E. C. Stecll , of Steell & Johnson , was caned by hi * clerks. It was gold-licadcd and came from Max Meyer. Mr. Steell capitulated and several short lut happy speeches closed the affair. Ono of the finest hotels in the state north of Omaha is the Astor Homo of Tcknmah. Mr. Astor has moved from the Pioneer Block House , in which lie kept many years , to the new brick block near the depot , recently built by two of the most enterprising citizens of the state , Messrs. Thomas and Lalta. I have two of those celebrated Gold Coin heating stoves left that I will sell Tery cheap iu preference to storing them for mxt season , also a forty dollar heater of .in other kind , has been used not less thiii a month for twelve dollars , theto ht ves are very cheap and will only bo off sred a few days. Win. 1 < " . Stoctzel , Iflth and Jackson. We have an elegant display of GOLD Pens , GOLD Pencils , GOLD Pen and Pencil Cases , GOLD Toothpicks - picks , GOLD Charms , & : . , the bc&t j over brought to the city. EDHOLM & EIUCKSON , [ Jewelers , Fifteenth street , opposite the Postoffice. Bie'ndorf & Mauss , Donglas street , lear Fourteenth , have the finest and best assortment of CHRISTMAS JOODS , CANDY TOYS , , tc. , in the lly. ( .d23t2 Fine liquors , wines and brandies for family u < at Gladstone's. 23-2t ALWAYS SAVE MONEY , iuy Christmas Presents atBushman'f. Bny your turkies and your chickens Ind your apples and your cider and [ nythlng you may need at J. McVit- fes , Farnham street , ncsr llth street. doc22-2t Manager Moallo. The public will bo glad to learn under the superintendence cf anager Mcalio , the Academy cf tuilc has undergone a thorough furse of cleaning and renovating , is now in first-claw condition for lo holiday performances , and will | ovc much more pleasant and corn- table than for some lima past. Is is but the beginning of the bone- i to be expected from the new man- omenU . _ . > RE ABOUT THAT SENSA- TKN. HOW IT EXDED. | ' 0f course I was to marry him , " said , "bat not until ho has ful- li hia promise , The minister was pplussed , the groom blushed and led pale , the spectators tittered , ; the bride waa firm and stood un- Inted with flashing oyes. Finally [ friends of the couple called the i to one aide and held a hurried Imitation. A messenger was latched to the jewelry cs * lishmont of Mr. John Uautner , t Farnham at * > t , and returned ply , loaded down with wedding ents , consisting of various articles ) lo for the occasion. Among wore a beautiful ladies' gold ih and chain , an elegant silver tea napkin rings , bracelets , lockets , L silver table cutlery , etc. ; In fact j man w-s groaning under his ten. The groom wai paralyz8 lethought _ of having to pay for nis , bjt vheu the bill waa pro- od ft was eo much smaller than lad anticipated , ho was so aiton- I , that ho determined to have it llshed. Jim's Jam. am the opening of Stophensou's ' stable to public inspection at 1 : this afternoon , up to the hour ug to press the spacious building I throng awith visitors , a largo prtlon o ! whom wore ladies , i were still puring in the direc- Lf Harney end 10th street when Iportor left ON THE HIGH O'S. AChorusontheWright Key ; or , a Eymphony in Four Paragraphs. Nowhere this aide of the metro politan cities of the east has there bzensuch an unprecedented display of musical instruments as can now be sicnat the ware and salesrooms of Mr. J. S. Wright , No. 506 , City Hall building , Sixteenth street near Farn him. Mr. Wright has been in the piano and organ business in this city for the past eleven years , during which time lie has deservedly gained the entire cmfidence of the public. Among the well known pianos Mr. Wright handles , is the world renowned Chick oring , the J. and C. Fisher , the Hal Ictt and Davis , the Chase , the James and HaUtrotn , and the Grow and Christopher. The brands of organs are equally well known and popular. Foremost among these are the Estey and Bur- d > > tte , the Whitney and Holmea , the Fort Wayne , Wolfinger , the Taylor and Farley , the Smith , etc. Mr. Wright's sales this year have more than doubted those of any pro viousye&r , with still better prospect for the coming season. The most fas tidious can be suited by calling on this gentlemanboth in price and qual ity , as he makes this his exclusive business and dabbles in nothing else , consequently he is enabled to do much better by his cnstomars than if ha was carrying on other business. Parties contemplating making pur chases of this kind will do well to give him a call , and get prices lower than lever , ALWATS SAVE MONEY. Buy Christmas Presents at Bushman's , Buy the man Bunco's Collars. 23t2 The largest stock of GOLD Spec tacles and Eye-glasses. Call and sei ua. EDHOLM 46 ERICSSON , Jewelers , Fifteenth direct , opposit the Postoffice. Biehdorf & Mauss , Douglas street near Fourteenth , have the finest an best assortment of CHRISTMA : GOODS , CANDY TOYS , &c.in thi city. d23t2 A WIFE'S DISCOVERY. What Her Husband Did With Hi Money. The wife of a man living in Nort ! Omaha has been matching the move ments of her husband for several day past , trying to find out where he spen his money. It seems that he ha just disposed of some real estate , bn instead of banking the money he car rled it about his person , and over ; night after ho was asleep his faithfu wife would count it over , and every time the amount grew less. Withou a word to her husband the lady en > > aged the services of a detective wh discovered that the man carried homi a largo bundle each day and cautiously secreted it in the barn. Two police' ' men wore summoned and during th husband's absence the packages wen opened and found to contain gold an < silver watches of beautiful designs an < rare patterns ; elegant gold ear-rings lockets , chains , bracelets of the lates style , and beautifully carved silver' ware , diamonds and other precioui gems , etc. , etc. , etc. On tbo outsid of one of the packages was the nam "Whippb , McMillen & Co. , " Creigh ton block , 35th street. That explained it , the poor man had scon the good and learning the low prices could no resist the temptation of buying hi wife a barn full jpr a Christmas pro mint. Death of JoLnnle Campion. John J. Campion , "who is wel known to a great many of onrcitizens Caving resided in Omaha for the pas four yean , died at 2:30 yesterday at the residenca of M. W. Kennedy , Jackson and Seventeenth streets , o consumption. The deceased was born in Covlngton , Ky. , whore he has a brother still residing , and was at the time of his death about 31 years of a e. THOUSANDS OF SENSIBLE CiinisxMAs PBESEOTS AT BUSIIMAN'S. A. CROICKSHANK & CO. call attention to their splendid line of Christmas presents in another column , but no description can give any idea of the splendid variety they are show ing this Season , and all at moit.mod- orate prices , having taken speda ! pains this season to give their friends as many bargains as possible. The Beautiful Colored Embroidered Hem stitch Handkerchiefs are Belling in largo quantities at 25s cannot bo found elsewhere at loss than oOc. Their stock has been SD large that in spite of unprecedented sales their lines are still unbrckcn. d23t2 Take your children to see the Mission Christmas Tree , at Willis Yates' store , to-morrow evening. Where was Moses when the light went out ? Buying Boys' Plymouth Buok Gloves at Bunco's. 23-2 Take your children to see the Mission Christmas Tree , at Willis Yatos' store , to-morrow evening. Winter Nellys , Fine Morse. Coast Oranges , Fine Morse. Malaga Grapes , Fine Morse. Jersey Sweet Potatoes Morse. Celery and Lettuce Morse. Michigan Apples , Choice Morse. Raisins and Nuts , " Morse. Turkeys , Chickens , Oysters Morse. Sweet Cider Morse. Fresh Codfish , Tro at , White Fish , Pickerel , and Pike , at S" Motz's Fish market. ALWAYS SAVE MONEY. Buy Christmas Presents at ttushman's Damaged hata given away , at Nin- del & Krcll's , one door west of BEE office. For Sale Six-horso power Baxter nglno and boiler , in good repair. A pply at BEE offien. no4tf THOUSANDS OF SENSIBLE IHRISTSIAS I'HESESTS AT BDSIMAS'S. FURS1 FURS ! ! FURS ! ! ! Ladies' and gents' fur goods of ev- iry description at the Far Manufsc- ory , opposite postoffice , Omaha. All goods are warranted. HEJOLY G. RICHTEK , Furrier. declStf Land League Meeting. At the land league meeting in lark's hallWednesdfyF.W. Gray WEB lecifld permanent president , Charles Hunley permanent teretary and M. Donovan permanent treasurer. A lOmmittee consisting cf Messrs. John Rush , Charles Hanley , Thos. Tallon , Thornps Kennedy and Peter O'Malley waa appointed to draft rules and by- .aws of theleague. Twenty-seven new members enrolled their names. The following amounts were sub- siribed : F. W. Gray , § 20 ; W. A. L. Gibbon , Wm. Gentleman , Dennis Connelly , Edward Callahan , 85 each ; Pat Tarpy , Tim Kelly , Pat Heaney , Pat M. Mullen , S ? each ; Wm. Coffcy , Wm. Fitcpalrick , § 1 each ; John Farrell - rell , § 1.50 ; James Dailey , John Red- din , Thos. Beploy , Samuel McHugh > Pat Hinchey , pleach. Total , § 56 50. Collected to date , $383.50. Adjourned to meet again at 7:30 p. m. , Wednesday evening next , at Clark's Hall. FRENCH MIXED CREAM and BEST AMERICAN CANDIES , 1 and 5 pound boxes , or iclwlcsalt. FLEMING & CO. , Grocers. Take your children to ace the Mission Christmas tree , at WilHi Yatea * storoj to-Sflorrovr evening. ALWAYS SAVE MONEY. Buy Christmas Presents at Bushman's BETTEH THAN ( JOLD very suJJericr quality of fine dia- moods , way below eastern prices , juet received through the Omaha custom house , by A. B. Hnbermann. Best Malaga GrapesFlorida Lemons and Oradgea , Apples , Pears , Dater , Flg etc. , etc. , at lizard's Palace. dec214t Gents' fine Furnishing Goods , at the Omaha Shirt Factory. dlStf C. H. Frederick , Loading Hatter , largest stock and lowest prices , Farn- ham and 14th streets. 23-tf After sapper , visit Kurtz's store. Christmas presents given away at the Boston CashDry Goods Store,10th and Jones , to all who purchase over one dollars worth , a piece of jewelry will be given. We offer also these great bargains : 502 Silk and Wool Brocades for23c , 50c Cashmeres for 25c. 30s Worsted Dress Goods for 15c , _ , An Immense variety of 20c Linen Handkerchiefs for lOc. 25s Linen Hemstitch Handker chiefs for 15 : . 35c Linen Hemstitch Handkerchiefs for 20c. 52 Trimmed Hals for 51. 53 Trimmed Hats for § 1.50. And a splendid line of Christmas Presents of every description at very moderate price * . Solo agents in Omaha for the Cream OUmoil So p , nhicli has had such a run all over the east , 10 cents a box of three cakes. 23-Gt THOUSANDS OF SENSIBLE CinUSTMAS PjlESEXTS AT BUSHMAN'S. Buy your Christmas goods at Glad stone's. Fresh oytters 20 cts. , 25 cts. , 30 cts. , 35 cts. 23-21 POSTPONED. The grand n.illo advertised some time ago by Mr .luhu Garber , to take place on Christmas day , has been postponed until Now Ytars day ; but a magnificent supper will bo given on Christmas night. All friends and pa trons invited. ALWAYS SAVE MONEY. Buy Christmas Presents at Bushman's. Not tfie right Bible. While riding on ono of the railways leading into Omaha the other day , an amusing incident occurred which lit the faces of all who witnessed it a broad but subdued smile. The news-boy passed some books around among the passengers. Just above the head of a middle-aged , weary traveller was a small empty book-rack with Iho words , "Read and Return , " painted on it. The weary passenger took up the book left in his seat , which happened to be a volume of Ingersoll's lectures , scanned it through , then innocently placed it in the rack. A ministerial gentleman sauntering through the car approached the book as if to take it , but to bin "horror and surprise" it was not the book he was looking for. These racks usually contain bibles , but this was not his bible and he withdrew. HANDSOME EVERGREENS , at FLEMING'S. ALWAYS SAVE MONEY. Buy Christmas Presents at Bushman's. Do your shopping , to-night , at Kurtz's. Biendorf & Mauss , Douglas street , near Fourteenth , have the finest and best assortment of CHRISTMAS GOODS , CANDY TOYS , &o. , in the c ty. d23t2 Damaged hats given away , at Nin- dell & Krell's , one door west of BEE office. ALWAYS SAVE MONEY. Buy Christmas Presents at Bushman's. " LAST CHANCE. - Wo will close out our stock of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS of our OWN IMPORTATION , at unheard- of LOW PRICES. Largest stock and lowest prices in the city. 22-2t C. S. Goodrich & Co. Grand Chapter Election. At the fourteenth annual convoca tion of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Nebraska , in session at Fremont , the following officers were elected : H. B. Mcodemus , of Fremont , grand high priest ; Mr. An drews , of Crete , deputy grand high priest ; Samuel G. Owen , grand scribe ; Chris. Hartman , treasurer ; Yf. R. Bowen , secretary. ALWAYS SAVE MONEY. Buy Christmas Presents at Bushman's. FuEsrruEE TOR TBE HOLIDAYS. Book Cases , Ladies' Desks , Fancy Tables , Fancy Chaira , Children's Chairs , and a great variety of useful and pretty goods for Christmas Gifts at CHAS. SHIVERICF. ALWAYS SAVE MONEY. Buy Christinas Presents at Bushman's. Wedding Sells. An eager throng crowded the spa cious audience room of the Douglas street Lutheran church Wednesday to witness the solemnization of the marriage of T. Marsh Hendert son and Miss Carrie Roy Larkin. Both parties ate well known and highly esteemed In the social circles of this city , Miss Larkin be.lng employed at Eaton's photograph gallery on crayon work , and Mr. Henderson being the fore man of the Ercelslor machine works. The bride is o cousin of Mrs. J. T. Clark and Mrs. A. E. Randall. Invitations to the number of over five hundred had been Issued , and the wedding haa bsen looked forward to for some weeks with great anticipa tions , At 6 o'clock the bridai party en * le'red the church , Mr. W. H. McMil len and Mrs. A. E. Randall preceding the bride and groom as attendants , and proceeded up the west aisle to the front of the altar whore Rev. Dr. Baugher , pastor of the church , after the very beautiful ritual which in cluded the fihg service , soon made the high contracting parties life partners. The party then left the church in the 1 usual order and entering 1i the < . carriages in waiting , drove rapidly to the Can Geld House where the reception was to be held. There the parlors were filled , and the happy couple < having received the congratu lations of their many friends , all ad journed to the dining parlor where & sumptuous supper was partaken of. The bride and groom are for the present stopping at the Caafield , but will go to housekeeping in a few days. Among the many elegant gifts re ceived by the bride were : Gold watch and chain , from the groom ; "American Landscape , " the groom ; album , W. Gregg , J. Davies , W. Erickson and H. Vters ; toilet set , Whipple , McMill n & Co. ; pair bo- quet holders , John G. Jacobs ; set of silver , 12 spoons , sugar spoon , cream ladle , and also a dressing case , Mrs. A. E. Randall ; fine steel engraving , "From Shore to Shore , " Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Eaton } silver pickle knife and fork , J. W. Morrison ; Byron's complete works , Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kent ; silver cake basket , Wm. Daily ; white satin fan , hand painted , Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Atkinson ; pair of slippers , J. Beatty , jr. ; full chamber set , Jas. Armstrong ; toilet spt , May Clark ; pair napkin rings , Thomas Erickson ; cup and sau cer and plate , handsomely decorated china , Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Weiss- mann ; bouquet-holder , Mrs. Fretwell ; silver card receiver , Edholm & Er ickson ; set of silver forks , Mrs. S. L. Piercy ; silver butter dish , F. P. Fosdike ; pickle castor , from Bennett Cole ; handsome pincushion , from Lida C. Crawford ; lamp mats , from Mrs. J. W. Mor- riaion ; lamp mats , from Mrs. R. P. Armstrong ; handsome marriage cer tificate , with photographs of the newly-married couple , with beautiful frame , from Mr. and Mrs. Ben Flood ; easy chair , from the boarders at the St. Charles hotel and Charles Spoara ; beautiful Chinese cabinet , Inlaid with paarl , from Mrs. Randall ; Amethyst ring , diamond setting , Lew Warren ; set gold , initial bracelets , Mrs. Belmont - mont , sister of the groom , New York City.The The dresses worn by the bride and her attendant were very elegant and becoming , that of the former being of heliotrope silk , cut en train , and that of the latter lavender cashmere , of the eatno style , trimmed with point lace The bride also wore a lovely pearl necklace and earrings and a wreath cf genuine orange blossoms. The bridegroom and groomsman wore the conventional dress suits of black. Taken all in all the event was ono of the moat unexceptionable iu every re spect that Omaha has ever witnessed. BROWN-BKNNETT. The residence of Mr. S. F. Ben nett , E q , corner of Eighteenth and Leavonworth , waa yesterday , at 2 p. m. , the scene of an interesting event , being the marriage of Mr. Bennett's second daughter , Miss Jennie S. Ben- jiett , to Mr. Francis W. Brown , of Jacksonville , 111. , and representing a well known Chicago mercantile boose. The ceremony took place beneath a wedding bell of Massachnsets ever greens , the room being further deco rated with ivy and flowers. Rev. E. H. E. Jameson officiated. A number of elegant presents were received by the bride. At four o'clock the newly made husband and wife left for bt. Louis and n tour through the east , at the completion of which they will take up their resi dence at Jacksonville. IN rnosFECT. Cards are out for the wedding of Grace Viola , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Overall , and George W. Home , at St. Mark s church , Thurs day , December 30th , at 3 p. m. THE BONANZA. The rush for the sample lot of Silk Handkerchiefs , Silk and Lace Ties , Pocket Books , Hoods and Nubias , bought at fifty cents on the dollar , has surpassed our most sanguine ex pectations , and ib conclusive proof of the substantial bargains given at the Mechanics' One Price Store , 408 South Thirteenth street , between Harney and Howard. Still immense lots of them on hand at FREDERICKSON & BRO. The finest stock of SOLID and SILVER PLAl'ED WARE ever seen in the west Is found at Edholm & Erickson , the Je'welers , Fifteenth street , opposite the postoffice. Oder cases , oder cases , beautiful designs , pocket books , card cases and a spfendid line of holiday presents at C. F. Goodman's 16th street drug store. tf Trade , to-night , at Kurtz's. ONE LAST WORD. Hundreds of people are still unde cided as to what they shall purchase for a Christmas present. YOU ARE ALLINVITED to call at Kurtz's store. We have thousands of useful articles , at very lew prices. Hosiery , gloves , mittens , hoods , nublaa , cloaks , dohlmans , all to be closed out cheap At Kurtz's Store , Oreighto n Block. On account of my business prevent ing me from participating in the Christmas Eve Festivities , I intend to have a Christmas Tree for tha Mission Children. All are cordially invited to see the aame to-morrow. WILLIS M. YATES. The largest and most varied stock of ladies' and _ gentlemen's gold watches , bracelets and jewelry gener ally in the west at A. B. Huberman'a. P. S. We guarantee the price and quality of our goods. GarfleldHaa Relatives in Nebraska. A BEC reporter entering the U. P. train at one of its stations in Nebras ka , a few days ago , noticed the brisk step of a lady following him aboard the train. He found a vacant seat , where both sat down , and after ex changing salutations the lady intimat- d that she know the business of her lompanion , and proceeded to open ht conversation by telling him that ier mother waa an own ' cousin of en. Garfield , and that they had oc- asionally corresponded ever since she onld remember. This young lady la bout sixteen years of age , and her mother and father are in one of the owns in central Nebraska , where j hey have resided several years. She very freely gaVe her name atld the ' istory of the family to the reporter. They , like most of Garfield's rela- ive , are In very moderate circum- tances. ALWAYS SAVE MONEY. 4 Buy Christmas Presents at Bushman's. - i i The finest and best selected stock f ladies' and gentlemen's GOLD WATCHES and CHAINS in the city s at Edholm & Ericksonjs , the Jew- libra , opposite the poatoifice. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS AT WHITNEY'S , * _ AT- WHITNEY'S , CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS. REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY THE FINEST AND BEST CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS WHITNEY'S ' , and everything in the BOOT and SHtJE Line -AT-C WHITNEY'S. There is no such goods in the market as can be found at WHITNEYS. WHITNEYS.i223t i223t Sleeve Buttons and Scarf Pins at Bunco's. d23 2 Brace up with Bunco's Suspenders. dec23t2 Everybody goen to the 99 cent Store. THE CITIZENS OF OMAHA. THE COMPLIMENTS OF THi , SEASON. Thanking yon for your patronage for the past ten years , and your es pecial favors of this present holiday season , and promising yon for the balance of this year the best goodSj the greatest , variety and the best and cheapest prices over made , as wo wish to entirely close out our toy goods ; wo offer unheard of prices , our can dles as you were informed last evening , has never been equaled in this city , our nuts and frulto as our patrons all know are never equaled by any other dealer , so come one and all , bring your children and show them something that will make their hearts glad ; young men bny your la- aiea some choice fancy goods which wo have , and everyone come and re joice and be glad , for such is now your happy privilege , by viewing and purchasing some "of lizard'a immense holiday stock at Tizard's Palace , the greatest holiday resort in the city. Silk Handkerchiefs at Bunco's. 23-2 THOUSANDS OF SENSIBLE OHKISTSIAS PEESENTS AT BUSHMAN'S. READ THIS. Fresh Oysters , Poultry , Apples Eggs , Oranges , Grapes , Confectionery Nuts , Christmas Trues , Hubbarc Squashes , Cabbages , Sweat Potatoes , Radishes , Turnips , Beota , Onions Celery , &c. , at BUFFET'S. dec23t2 CLEARINGSALE. NOW IS THE TIME. As I will remove from my present location on January 1 , 1881 , I wil close out a large invo'.ce of fine chromes juat received , and some o > f : the best heating stoves in the market. Also a lot of decorated and plain chinaware , French china , cut glass set ; , lamps , table and hanging , ladies rocking chairs , parlor and bed room sets. * These goods must be sold imme diately regardless of cost. 214t JAMES BONNER. PREPARE FOR CHRISTMAS By buying your groceries as J. I. Nichols & Co.'s. Choice dressed tur keys and all tint's of poultry.jnat re ceived. 22-2t Damaged hats given away , at Nin dell & Kroll's , one doer west of BEE office. Almost for nothing at Bunco's. 23-2 J. F. Sawyer wishes to announce to his friends and old customers that he may bo found , as heretofore , at ISl Farnham street , where ho will be glac to show them the best selected stock of Watches , Clocks , JewelrySpectacles and Silverware at prices that defy competition. ti Greatest variety of Christmas Pres ents at the 99 cent Store. GENUINE FLORIDA and SEA COAST ORANGES , LARGE , SE LECT FRUIT , FLEMING , Grocer. See Cruickshank'a new advertise ment for Holiday Goods , on third My 'store is filled "with the finest square and upright pianos. I have also the best assortment of organs ever brought to Omaha. I deal in pianos and organs exclusively , and car. offer inducements to purchasers that no other dealer can afford. J. S. WMOHT , City Hall Building , Cor. 16th and Farnham Sts. Latest Telegrams. Bottom drop ped out of the whole country. Bunco selling cheap as the cheapest. 23-2t Notice. Notice is hereby given that no one is authorized to do collecting fcr the late firm of 0. B. DeGro&t & Co. , ex cept myself. Any one piying to any one else on bills due the firm will take thir own responsibility. 22 3t 3. S. DEGBOAT. AUCTION SALE. , Every afternoon and evening at Bonner's , 1416 Douglas street , of fine fuw , consisting of real mink seta , beaver setr , Alaska mink sets , child ren's white sets , muffi and wolf robes. * * - , 21-4 1001-S. S. S. 1001. 1001 STEPHENSON'S ' SUPERB STA BLES , 1001 Harney Street , Omaha. Neb. GRAND OPENING. I will open my new Livery and Boarding Stables to the inspection of tha public on Thursday , DECEMBER 23d , 1880. All interested in looking at the best arranged and most com plete public stable in the United States are invited to the GENERAL RECEPTION from 1 o'clock to 5 o'clock p. m. Ladies are particularly invitrd. d7td24 JAMES STKPHEHBON. THOUSANDS OF SENSIBLE CHBISTMAS PRESEHTS AT BUSHMAN'S. The most complete assortment of CLOCKS of every description w at the jjwelry house of Edholm & Erickson , Fifteenth street opposite he pesto e. _ Elegant vases tastily ornamented , > eautifully colered , latest styles , arge variety , atO. F. Goodman's 16th ' tf Mrs. Dent , 217-N. 16th St. , is now > repared to do dreas making on the hortest notice. . Prices moderate. Beautiful Celluloid sets , morrocco covered and lined with richly tinked silk and satin , all shapes and sizes at C. F. Goodman's 16th street 'drag store , corner Capital Avenue. tf THOUSANDS" SENSIBLE CHBISTMAS PRESENTS AT BDSUMAK' & BETTER THAN GOLD , a very superior cjuality of fine did- mends , way below eastern prices , juet received through the Omaha custom house , at A. B. Hubbermann'a. A Fine line of samples of New Year Cards at THE BEE Job Room. Call in time and leave your orders. 500 MENS' , BOYS' AND COIL- DREN'S OVERCOATS AND ULS TERS TO BE CLOSED OUT RE GARDLESS OF COST , AT POL- ACrt'S. 0-tf Gome and see usthis evening. Store open late , KURTZ'S STORE , Creighton Block. Closing out sala of Toys and No tions , at Julius Treitschke's Grocery Store , 310 South Fifteenth Street , at Coat Price , to make room for a larger . assortment of Fancy Groceried. All friends are invited. 21-3 JULIPS TRE1TSOHKE. Biendorf & Mauss , Douglas street , near Fourteenth , have the finest and best assortment of CHRISTMAS GOODS , CANDY TOYS , &c. , in the city. d23c2 NOW IS YOUR TIME. The finest Christmas goods in Oma ha. Gold , Silver and Celluloid Seta , Odor Cases , Ladles' Purses , & 3. Call early , as they are going fast. S. T. FERGUSON & Co , decUtf Twelfth and Douglas Sts. THOUSANDS OF SENSIBLE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AT BUSHMAN'S. . CHOICE APPLES at Gladstone's , at $2.40 per barrel 23-2t THOUSANDS OF SENSIBLE i CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AT BUSHMAN'S. ' The largest and most varied stock of ladies' and gentlemen's gold watches , bracelets and jewelry gener ally in the west at A. B. Huberman's. P. S , Wo guarantee the price and cjuality of our goods. HATS AND CAPS. Messrs. Nindel & Krelle have pur chased the outire stock of the firm of 0. B. De Great & Co. , which they now offer for sale at a very low price. Five dollar hat sold for three dollars , and other goods in proportion. Anyone ono desiring a good bargain should not fail to call and examine our stock. Farnham Street , next door to BEE office. THOUSANDS OF"'SENSIBLE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AT BUSHMAN'S. Just received at THE BEE Job Rooms the nicest line of diminutive Paper and Envelopes and Cards , suit able for Children's Birthday Parties. Call and sue them. THOUSANDS OF SENSIBLE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AT BUSHMAN'S Roland Reed. We are to be tavorad with Com pany No. 4 , in the series of guaran teed attractions , offered by Mecsrs. Gnlick & Blaiadell in the Augustin ' of 'An Arabian ' Daly's comedy Night. The Denver News , in speakinfF of Ro land Reed , says : "The fine company performing at the Forrester Opera House , is one of the most pleasing combinations that has entertained our people during the season. Mr. Roland Reed's exquisite humor come happily in the play , and gives him opportunity to show his re markable talent. The company supporting him is the best that has ever visited us. " Mr. Reed will appear at the Academy of Music on December 24th and 25th. Reserved seats can now be pur chased at Max Meyer. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. J. W. Wore left for Ogalalla yesterday. W. N. Babcock , of the Union Pacific , is in the city. Bishop Clarkson came in from the east yesterday. Snpt. Jewett , of the water works , has gone to St. Joe. Miss L. Al Rogers and her sister return ed from Lincolnlyeaterday. Col. W. H. Webster , of Central City , was in Omaba Wednesday. W. H. H. Llewellyn was a west-bound passenger on the U. P. yesterday. Chas Meade , P. P. Shelby and J. T. Clark , of the IT. P. , were east bound pas sengers last night. A. D. Temple , secretary of the Home .Life Insurance Company , cf Burlington , Iowa , is in Omaha. , . Miss Carrie Stevens , daughter cf 8. 8. Stevens , of tha Bock Island road , came in from the east yesterday , and crossed to this side of the river with a paity of friends en route west. Mr. George Boehm , the rotund and jol ly brewer , ol Grand Island , gladdened the hearts of his Omaha friends by dropping in on them , unexpectedly yesterday. He is an old subscriber and regular reader of THE BSE , and his visit at iti headquarters was a welcome one. He left for home to-day. MAXMEYER&BR0. LEADING JEWELERS , ( Tiffanys of the West , ) Have completed their pre parations for the approaching preaching Holidays , and surest that an early ex amination of their stock will enable purchasers to secure the choicest selec tions , and escape the crowds unavoidable later in tiiC month. Until Christmas , ills es tablishment will be kept open in the evenings. SPEGiAL HOTiGES. NOTICE Advcrtlserneuta To Let for * ! ' Loet , Found , Wants , Eotrdlnj ic. , will be In serted In tbeee qptnmna once for TEN CENTS wr lid * } a * gBbMqtwnttnsertlon.I'IVE CKNTS > er line. Tha Crft Irccriicn never leaa than rWENTY.FIVZ CKHTS. TO LOAN-HONEY. XO LOAM-dll it Law Oflca MOITZT . gHOUAS. Rouma.Orelghton Block TO LOAH 1109 Farnham utroet. MONKY Edwarilf Loan Agency. nor-S2-tl HILP WASTED deed girl for general nousewc WASTED t ticket office , U. P , Deft. ; Clrl t O'Conrell House , 10th WASTED near DcJge. WW -fTrAKTED Coolf. Apply to R. McCoy , c6f > W nerlClhand California streets. 03-27 ftlrl for freneral housework , at WANTED Chicago street , Mt 14th and 16tn. 9-52 A stock of MBRCIIAXDISK , worth WANTED S2SOO to 315,000 ; will pay pait cash , balance choice resident , grain and elevator property. Address R. KIITLE , Fremont , Nob. 94-23 rnWO YOUNG MEN , Good rmn-en.etc , wish _ L tmplojment In a atorc. IJ st rcferein-ca. 113' 23 XTTANTED Cook and Ukfien help , at the YV Pacific House. 96 23 \TTASTeD-An experienced butcher wanta V Y to Etirt a mcataarket in some small west cm town , where there is none , or wheWone is needed ; would take a reliable partner. Addreil K. K. Webb , Jackson , Dakota Co. , Neb. 00-tf To rent a smal furnished house , WANTED part ol city. Good price will be paid. Address K. 3. , toe offlca. 83-23 TX7ANTED-Glrl for general housewark , 2015 " YV California street. B9-J3 A good houae-teopcr , 1109 Fsru WANTED . ' . 32-tf TT7A TED Employment for hone and wagon. YV E. A. 1IABR1S3 , 16th and Nicholas St3. All Omaha know that the WANTED l Kt.-Jonn Is the Kisoof Sewing Machines , office on lth St. 819-H FOR l ? IIT-18UftE5 ! AND UKD. TT10R REVT A fine furnished front room , Jj first floor , between 14th and 15th streets , for gentlemen. Inquire at 1415 Howard St. 107-tf RENT A neat cottage with four rooma FOR kitchen , at N. W. cor. Clark and ISth St. , on green car lino. 108-tf T1UR RENT One Urge furnished room , ample _ 1J for two gentlemen , southwest corner 18th and Capitol avenue. 105-23 T70R ENT Brick dwelling next to cor. llth Jr ? and Pacific. Enquire Gco.II. Peterson , SOI 10th St. 101-tf TpOR RENT IIouso in Shnll'9 2nd addition , JJ 816 per month. W. SIMERAL , room 6 , Crelghton Block. 895-ti RENT A furnished , south lent room. FOR at No. 1612 farnliam St. t3l-tf POIl RENT Cottage , un 6th and Pine Hts. , new house , eight roomson 23d and Cas3 8t § Enquire J. K. Hoc , S. E. Cor. 12th and Farn ham. 696-tt H10R RENT 2 furnished rooms ever Her- cliants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and DoJco Ktrcetg. 2S9-tf FOR SALE. TJIOB SALE Meat market with Brtt-cluBS C trade , vtanting to sell on account of health falling ; terms easy. Enquire at Bee olllcn , Oma ha , Neb. 101-24 FOR SALE A HAROAIN A building with saloon fixtures , furniture and atcck , on 10th bt. , opposite the U.P depot , for sale very cbrap. Or the fixture * , furniture and stock will be sold and building rented. Inquire of El ) . K EISS- MAN. 70-tf TjlOR SALK Busineia house and grocery stock , JJ Restaurant attached. Address R. Chaffln , Aurora , Neb. 0-irn T710R SALE Two cloee carriages , at A. J. JC Simpson's. 011-tf IJl K i A LB C'ottonwooU lumber of all alrea. < > t ! ? RKTJilOND'S.SIxteonth-st. fild-t MISCELLANEOUS. T OST A bunch of keys with check on , bearing JU the name of Alex. Linburg. Finder will p case leave at Gee office. 111-23 FOUND Bunch of keis. Inquire at this office. 110-tf Absolutely Pure , Hade from Grape Cream Tartar. No other preparation makes such llht , fliky hot breads , or luxurious piatry. Can be eaten by dyspeptics without fear of the Ills resulting from he rj In digestible food. Sold only in cans by all Grocers. R07AI.BAKI50 POWBIR Co. , New York. DISEASES OF THE EYE , Ear and Throat. DR. L. B. GRADDY OCULIST , AURIST & LARYHCIST- Office Over Kennard'a Drug Store , Cornor\of 14tb and Douglas Sts. noTlS-3m JNO. Q. JACOBS , (7onnerly ( o ( Qlih & Jtcobi ) UNDERTAKER No. HIT Farnham fit. , Old Stand of Jacob Gis ORDKRS Sr THLBGRAPH SOLICITS SHOW GASES KAJICMCTJRE ) KT o. cr vy i T.nr > T < i " 1317 CASS BT.t OilAHA , NEB. t3TA. good aajortment alwajs on hani a . IE1- UNDERTAKER , Odd Fellows' Block. Froapt.attaition giTeo.tj orjtrs by Ulejnpn. iMMHMBHi * M M V a9 * * * f * CTTJS1 ? X3ST Immense Stock for ' FALL AND WINTER Fine Custom-JIade Men's Suits , Boys' Suits Children's Suits. WINTER OVERCOATS For Men , Boys , and OhJ Wren. Uudcr-Wcar , Mats end Caps , . Trunks and Valises , at Prices to Suit Ail. L Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth AGENTS FOR DEVLIN & GO , B FARNHAM STREET. 2 MARHOFFS TRUNK FACTORY. The largest and best assortment of Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases and Sample Trunks a Specialty. H. H. MARHOFF , - - - PROP. , 117 14th St. . J > oors North of Douglas St. W . F. STOETZEL , : \ \ < * Dealer in c Hardware , TOVES and Tinware. Stove Repairer , Job WorKcr and Manufacturer of all Kinds of Cans. Tenth and Jackson Streets , A ORCHARD & BEAN. DEWEY&STONE , J.B.FRENCH&D GEOOEES OMAHA. . OMAHA OMAHA. MAX MEYER & GO. , GUNS , AMMUNITION , SPORTING GOODS , Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and a full line of .AJCTID ZFAOINZGOOIDS 10 ? zs A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor. : The White Machine justly claims to be the best made , the easiest running , the simplest in" construction and the most perfect Machine in the market. The White Co. employ as agents men of in tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied , because they find everything just as repres ented. Everybody should use this Machine. The sales so far this year are more than double the corresponding time last year. All orders addreesed to the [ Omaha Office will be promptly filled. JOHN ZEHRUNG , or < Davenport and 15tii Sts. * Omaha.