Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    r ; fi"
NO 160.
Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
L ej.WiLI.IAMS1 .
In each Department , we are
daily opening choice
Novelties for the Holidays
leather Goods , Belt ? ,
. . Card Cases.
-Ipye , Handkerchief , Collar and
Cuff Boxes.
Ladie3 * Fine Shoes.
Gents' Christmas Slippers in
* h Greatest Variety.
v Children's Shoes , fine , warm
and substantial.
The Largest and Finest As
sortment of
in Reasonable Prices , i
OcntV Silk UufficrE.
'iculs' ' > tlimcro Jluflhr * .
Thi greati Kt varistj < il Siik .IlmJicrcliicfa
ever Bliunim ! SI 00.
or ladies' * r. Uandkcrchieii r.rtj ( , , * fies
Silk , Spanish Lce , I mill. ISu'J - .J CitoVnC.
all wry ji itty.
iiilKF : ; , riusej. Gimps. Vrimre mul Trim-
&pUn,1Wl * ( " .ftbl " nd SUnl Covers Piano
u > vt r. - . i ,
| rl > < iu lit < fine Ormanto ns.
' "Xquiitr liu.Cwbmerti.
' rrtii la'ity ' iipe aixonyV.
ftli quJi.v Doc Zuphyra.
Conjb ,1iri * , riatol Ooo.lA1 cow dcalrns.
An eei ! nt Imj . . ! Oomt. " & > eo\0 Bottom
oft , Stail 1'Iiu , tti , , , \VAjruit , < 1 dutbihty.
n vcock ) tor In il , . vifBca au.l CliiMrcn
Knit Howl's. Knit J f * cis.
Jet'at : 81.J5 , " "UAcary ii the ivucn
d * '
orcrsiionnatTIc. JCubias bl-a 'k. < tc.
at crcat'y rcducwJ prices .
new Invoice of Fills iu Fittcrr. ,
v tra.lo. _ i _
" Jasfi'BBbulers "
( ,
1422 and4424-Dodge St.
A. HOSPE , JR. ,
'ianos and Organs First 0
oa Easy Monthly Payme
Sheet Music and
, oal Instrum
o ire -
"J ? " . l Inch.Vlniiu. . . . . 16c
i ; ; ; ; 20
o * * " " " " * "
" * Bj . BO
" H ° " 65
: ij" 75
nsticSxIOTrome 15
oromoe framed , email , 25i.
hroniosfratnod. lane , 1 .
izravlngs from BOc upwirJ ? ,
iotoiTaph frames from 15c upwanls ,
* iov COT -ices 75c a trinilaw and ipwardal
qulrj 8 00 per window x vl upwards ,
, .JiwrolesSBOper windon and i.imartli ,
\-ct frame * 25c < nch toS 06
lln String 15c ,
n' ' " \ % 2 M ,
itare 5 00 , 6 00 , 7 00 nd upwards !
-\Jo 1 00. .8 00 , B 00 , and upwardi
ordoo-u from 1 00 up. cheapest Incity
tml for samples and catalocue of mouldings
.8bel music. A.HOSPE.JB
' '
Fltbtr1 *
Omalm Neb.
But at it Again.
Hardware ,
Stock Saddles , etc. ,
vw Ready for Business ,
Je\t .Door to Omaha Na
tional Bank , Douglas
_ decU-tf
ilacnlacturer ot lU kindi ot
insTE G-.A.
Eti. SOi and lOtk. OKABA , S
'TedUimakeFanta , Smta and OTercoate
Prices , fit and workmaoiblp
Door West of OrnlctBlisnlrts.
[ _
! The Boers Proclaim Them-
I selves Conquerors of
the Transvaal
Excitement 0er tne Seizure of
the American Ordnance Ship
"Juno , " in Ireland ,
Intrepid Land Leaguers Se
cure Part of the Ship's.
John Bright Receives a De.
nunciatory Letter From
the Earl Carnarvon ,
LoNDONi December 2i , 1 a. m.
The Right Honorable Earl of Carnar
von , who is now sojourning at Ma-
dena , has written a letter to Jobii
Erigh.1. indignantly denouncing Mr.
Brlght'a speech delirered at Birm
ingham , 011 tha 115th of November ,
and prote Un rgainat Mr. Bright re-
JatnJng his office.
Special IMapatch to The Bee.
LONDOK , December 23-40 p. m.
Alarming floods are reported around
Manchester * ! The river Irewell , a
small etrfiam which furnishes water
poorer to Manchester and several
olher manufactnrine towns in Lin1
easier , haa overflowed its banks , and
done great damage to the mills. Com
munication with the suburbs of Man-
cheater is cut off , and in the vicinity
of the city a number of cittle have
been drowned. The waters continue
rising , and further and moro serious.
trouble is appnefaend < .
dispatch to The Urn.
DUBLIN , November 12 1 a. m.
It was discovered last night that three
wngoh loads of arms had been remov
ed from the "Juno" before the dis
covery by the authorities. Custom
house officers have possession of the
ship , and have summoned a battery of
artillery and a force of marines to ac
company the "Juno" to the mouth of
the river. The affair creates intonro
excitement , and hsd the mission of
the vcssal been generally known , it
would have heen impossible to pre
vent the peasantry from boarding her ,
and- supplying thomselveu with
arms. The authorities are using all
efforts to discover whcro the arms that
were removed have been taken. The
young Americans who were arrested
are heavily guarded , as movements
on the part of SOEO prominent land
leaguecs l nt night RAVD indication
that an attempt would be made to
rescue them.
Spedal DUpatcb to The Bco.
LONDON , December 23 10 p. m.
Mr Donald Carrie , at the colonial
ofSoo , received a telegram from Dur
ban , South Africa , dated to-day , stat
ing that an action is reported to have
taken place at Middlehurg , between
the Boers and the colonial soldiers , in
which two hundred of the latter were
killed , and fifty taken priuonors.
The details are not given , but the presumption -
sumption here is that the battle re
ferred tn occurred since the action at
Halckhofatrom , on the 15th. LUtlo
is known of the fighting , but It is un-
dertood that the troubles in the tab
ernacle are increasing , and
may neces
sitate military interference , by the
general government.
LONDON , December 24 1 a m
The telegram to ]
r. Donald Currie ,
miDurbanSouto Africa , is not
officially uufirmea. The Boera ara
threat ng with death all loyal in-
naOiUbU of the district. It is esti
mated that thete ara 4,000 Boers in
the field. It is rumored that
the Boers were repulsed at
Salckhef strom. The Bsers have
issued a proclamation calling on Mr.
Lanyon , the British governor of the
Transvaal , to surrender without rests
tance. Governor Lanyon has issued a
counter proclamation , in which he < f-
fers p rdon to all who will immediate
ly withdraw from the rebel camp.
Speda Dlipatches to TUB Bit.
A meeting of the British cabinet
council has been summoned for next
Eirl of Dnfferin will succeed Lord
Ripen as viceroy of India.
Mr. Labouchere publishes the In-
talllgence that Parneil has been sud
denly removed from the leadership of
the land league , and Michael Davitt
Professor Bayer , of Berlin has dis ?
covered a process to manufacture ar
tificial indigo.
A land meeting , that was to have
been held in Mill street , Cork ,
has been prohibited.
A vessel bound for Wexford , partly
loaded with ammunition , has been
seized at Rnncorn , a town near the
head of the Mersey estuary.
A Jacfe Tar's Adventures.
Spedal dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , December 23 10 p. m.
John Lybn , a lake and salt sea sai
lor , who was converted several years
ago by the ladies of the Chicago
Woman's Temperance Union , snd is
now known as "Temperance Jack , "
has just returned to Chicago , and re
lates a very romantic history , which is
written up to-day. Some yests ago
he was wrecked on the South African
coast and injured so badly that he
laid three months in a hospital. Ho
then got employment as a derrick and
tbcar rigger , with bridge builders on
the Natal government railway. When
the Zulu war broke out , he volnn-
teered in the nativoNsontlngent force ,
and pwsed through some of the hard
est fighting and severest privations of
that campaign. His account of the
battles and adventures were very
thrilling. "I always had reminders
of Chicago , " says Jack , "because all
the meat we used in the Zulu war
came from Chicago , and cans were
scattered all over. The Zulus got
short of lead and they used to ham
mer the tin cans from Chicago up in
to all sorts of shapes , and fire them at.
nj out , of the elephant guns , and
they made a terrible noise and an
awful wound. Everybody was sorry
about the Prince Imperial's death ,
but he was always headstrong. , He
disobeyed orders from the starl. The
orders were that no one should takd
the bits out of horses' jnouthB or sad
dles from off the burses , because the
Zulus were eo sharp and watchful , and
no one could tell when they would
strike. " In regard to the war now
going on In South Africa , Jack says :
"No one tin blame the Basutos.
They have always been loyal to the
whites. They fought bravely side by
side with them in the Zulu wnr , and
in the fold colony wars against the
Goleka , Qloka and Guigna , and.thej ?
are fighting becaura Sir Bartle Frere
ordered that the Very arms with which
they fought for the colony , should be
taken from them. Sir Garnet Wolae-
ly and Rord Chelmsford both were
opposed to this , but It wai tried and
hence the war. "
New York Money and Stocks.
Win STRSIT , December 23.
MOJTEY 6 per cent on call : exchange steady
0. &CX " 51 1 Oil U.S.4'8 1 I3 |'a 133 Currency6's. 1 ? J
U.S. 4Js 1 1I | U S 6V80i..l 02J
CCO& I.- . . 9 US. 131 } 5J | MO I22J
P.C.&I.C 2'J K&T 45 }
StPaul 112J Manhattan SlJ
Northwestern 1251 N T fc 148
pfd ,13 NP * i
B t Q 17S O S , M. . . 3T .
RI 183 St. IV&O..IH. . . 4 1
D * H 0t O P.\V. 107
Ohlp xzl W U 81
Pref erred..u. f 3 J Wabihh 44
wells , Fa'vo 115 Prcfered 84
Brl 48 ! C P 85.
1'ref'rrcd 8l | Alton 155 ;
St. Joa 4S | L. &N 87 ,
Preferred ' 0 Canada Souther.n J7 <
Chicago Procmco arket.
tigicAoo , December 23.
Wheat 9C@9Gic for January ; 97 ®
97jc for February ; 98@98ic for
March ; $102102i for May closing
ing at 9G@06 a for" Januaryl "S S
Q7JC ! forFobruaryjOaZgSSc forMarcTi ;
$1 020X 01 for My.
Corn-SOgo bid for December ; 36f@
3Jj3 ( for January ; 3Cj@37c for February -
{ ary ; 41JUio for Mayj 4
for Junoj 414lj for July.
. . - _ . „ „ _ _ „ _ for January ; 30J ®
C0c for February ; 34j34jo { forMay ;
3334c for June.
" Rye No. 2 , 82c bid for December ;
January sold at 83Jc ; February , 84 Jc
Pork Mess add at S12 4512 47
for January ; § 12 G5@12 G7A for Fob *
rnary ; § 1280@1282t for March.
Lard $8 32J@8 35 for January ;
SS 45i for Februaty ; $8 058 67J
for March.
Short Ribs $6 3035 37i ; February -
ruary , § 6 456 47i ; March , $0 GO
® G C2A.
Whi ky-Sl 11.
Chicago Live Stock Market
CHICAGO , December 23
Hogi Market dull ana prices 5 ®
lOc lower ; sales were at § 4 554 65
for light packing $4 404 95 , heavy
packing ; $ i 90 for heavy shipping
lets. There was a dnll and we < k Seel
ing it HVclockwith
, -with a large number
in the pens unsold ; receipts , 40,000
Cattle Nominal ; receipts , 5000
head. " *
St. Koala Produce Market.
ST. Louis , December 23.
Flour Dull and unchanged.
Wheat Lower and slow ; No. 2 red
winter , 96a forcjwh ; § 10H@1 00 @
100J hi January ; SI OGgl 02J
® 1 02J for February ; § 1 05i ®
1 04 for March ; No. 3 do , 92 | ®
93o ; No. 4do , 88S88Jc.
Corn Lower at 37i@37i2 for cash ;
375 ° for December ; 38f@38gc for
January3938c ; | for February ; 40 |
® 39Jcfor March ; 40c for April ; 41 §
< 341i for May.
Oats Liwer at 29J@29o for cash ;
30c for December ; 30Ac for January.
Rye Dull at 83c bid.
Barley Dull and unchanged jchoico
to fancy , 80c81 05.
Butter Dull ; dairy , 20@25o ; cream
ery , 3C@32c.
Eggs Higher at at 31@33c.
Whisky-Quiet at § 111.
Pork Dull and lower ; offered at
$12 75 for cash and December ; sales
at $12 55 for January.
Dry Salt Meats Nominal.
Bacon Dull at § 5 37i6 656 80.
Lard Nominally lower at § 8 20.
Receipts Flour , 5,000 bbla ;
wheat , 10,000 bu ; corn , 52,000 ;
oats , 6,000 ; rye , none ; barley , 5000.
Shipments Flour , 7,000 bbls ;
wheat , 13,000 ; corn , 15,000 ; oats ,
4000 ; rye , none , barley , 2,000.
St. Louis Live Stock Market.
ST. Louis , December 23.
Hoes Slow and lower ; light , $4 00
@ 4 10 ; mixed packing , § 4 254 40 ,
butchers' to fancy , $4 45@4 65 ; re
ceipts , 7100 head ; shipments , 3600
New York Produce Market.
NEW YORK , December 23
"Flour Dull and in buyers' favor ;
receipts , 16,575 barrels ; round
Inop Ohio , $4 355 25 ; choice
do , § 5 30@6 75 ; superfine west
ern , $3 00@3 75 ; common to good
extra do , $4 204 90 ; choice ,
do , do , § 5 00@G 75 ; choice white
wheat , 85 006 00.
Batter Dull and in buyers' favor ;
Ohio. 13@27c.
Eggs Quiet at 2631c for fair to
Wheat Quiot-.Ohlcago , 6112@116 ;
Milwaukee , SI 17@1 18 ; No. 2 red
winter , ? 1 16 | for cash ; $116 | for
January ; $1194 for February ; § 1 21i
forMarchS121J ; forMay ; sales400-
000 bu.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , at 5758c ;
sale , 64,000 bu.
Oats Quiet
Whisky Nominal
Pork 514 15 asked for February.
Lard $8 9o asked for cash ; § 8 82J
( § 890 for December ; $8 87 * 3 90 lor
January ; ? 8 679 " CO fer February ;
$9 05@9 67 * for" March ; $910S9 15
for April ; $8 858 90 buyer for the
Undoubtedly the best shirt in the
United States is manufactured at the
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
of Material and workmanship , conj
oined with their great improvements ,
that is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced
backs and Reinforced sleeves , makes
their ohirt the most durable and best
fitting garment of the kind , ever
manufactured at the moderate price of
$1.50. Every shirt of onr make is
guaranteed first-class and will refund
the money if focnd otherwise.
Wo make a specialty of all wool ,
Shaker , and Canton flannel , also
cbemois underwear , made up with a
view to comfort , warmth and durabil
ity. To invalids and weak-lunged
persons we offer special inducement *
in the manner these goods are made
for their protection.
] ? D7F rnam street.
Safe Arrival 8f the Mam
moth White Whale
in Chicago.
"Gentleman : Joe'i the Perse1
cuter of Dr , Dix , Dies in
Sing Sing Prison ;
Several Members of a Phila
delphia Family Die From
an Unknown Cause.
A Horrible Scene *
Special Dispatch to The BW
CINCINNATI , 0. , December 23 16
p. m. A special from Elfzibeth , Ky ,
says at the magistrate's court near
there ) tro litigants , Carter aud Har
rington , became involved in a difficul
ty , when Harrington drew a pistol
and shot Carter in the mouth , the
ball coming out at the back of his
neck. He fell on the floor apparently
in a lifeless Condition , with the blood
running out of his ears and mouth.
Carter's son thn shot Harrington
down , and Carter raised from his
pool of blood , crushed Harrington's
head into a jelly with a sledgehammer
mer and sank back In his bloody
bed. When our informant left the
blond-curdling scene , Harrington was
'dead , and by his side lay Carter wel
tering in his own blood. It was
thought impossible for him to live.
Flouring : Mills Burned.
Special Dispatch to The ITft.
St. Lptjlg. December 24 1 a. m.
The Pacific flouring mills caught
fire at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon ,
aud were totally destroyed. A work
man was caught in .tht ) fourth floor ,
and had to jtinip. He was Instantly
killed. Fireman Carroll , of steamer
No. 13 , was also killed , and several
men were hurt. There Is so much
confusion that notjing definite can
be learned.
The Other side.
SpcclM Dispatch to Tni BIB.
Nnw YOKE , December 24 1 a. hi.
Rev. S. T Spear , trho doted as
Counsel for Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage
in his trial by the presbytery several
months ago , published a letter last
evening reviewing the charge of false
hood made by Ror. Van Dyke , and
claiming that ila assumption of the
caao 13vrong , and that it can easily be
proven that , Dr. Talmage did not tes
tify falsely as to to the contract with
O. H Howard & Co. , of The Chicago
Advance. It appears that a confer
ence of ministers was held a week ago
to consider Talmago's case. Rev.
Theodore L Cuyler , who was named
as ono of thosu prfcsaut , , domes timt
ho attended at this conference. The
newly uiacovetod evidence was con
sidered , and in aome manner the aflur
got into the newspapers. Dr. Tal
mage acted tinder tde advice of Mr.
Spear in paying no heed to Dr. Van
Dyke's latter.
After the Fire-BujB.
Special Dispatch toTlic Bee
BOSTON , December 24 1 a. m. R.
G. Walan , deputy ehoriff and alleged
incendiary , of North Adains , return
ed to that town yesterday , and was
surrendered by his bondsmen and
token to Pittstield j iil. His friends
olsim that his action iu this ciso will
provo to bo a shrewd piece of detec
tive work , to ferret out the fire bugs
which have for yeara Infested North
Death of "Gentleman Joe. "
Special Dispatch to Tha Bee.
SINO SING , December 24 , 1 a. m.
The prison warden , A. A. Brush ,
was notified yesterday morning , of
the death , in the prison hospital , of
E. P. Williamson , from disease of the
stomach. Eugene Fairfax William
son , alias Edward Adams , was the
man who persecuted Rev. Dr. Dir , of
New York , during the latter part of
last winter and early spring. Postal
cards and letters , bearing the name
of "Gentleman Joe , " were sent to the
reverend gentlemen almost daily for
several months. The malice of "Gen
tleman Joe" reached further than his
epistolary annoyance to Dr. Dix.
be wrote to shoemakers , tailors , gro
cers and other trades people , ordering
goods of all description , signing tha
orders , "Morgan Dix , rector , " with
instructions to have the articles sect
to the rector's residence. Numerous
clergymen wore invited to
visit Dr. Dix and take dinner with
him , and crack theological nuts.
Superintendent Taylor , of the post-
office , arrested him at Baltimore. He
formerly taught.Sundayschool at
Trinity church. "Ha was tried for ob
taining jewelry from Howard & Co. ,
of Fifth Avenue , on a forged draft ,
the signature being that of a firm in
Baltimore. For this crime ho was
convicted on the 29th of April last and
sent to Sing Siug for a terra of three
and one-half years. He was born in
Pittsburg , Pa. , and belonged to a very
estimable family. He received a
university education , and claimed to
be author of a book of poems.
Death from an Unknown Cause
Si < ocial DUvatch to the Boa.
PHiLiDEPiiiA , December 24 1 a.
m. A singular case , which _ has puz
zled half a score of physicians , was
investigated by the coroner yesterday ,
without throwing any new light on
the subject. In October last twelve
members of the family of Clarke , of
No. 705 Canal street , including fath
er , mother , and six children , were
taken violently jll. There were syrup- ,
toms of poisoning , and every eSort
was made to trace the cause. The
children died at odd times , nntil two
weeks ago the fourth of them expired.
Several members of the family are
still ill. The drainage was found to j
be perfectly healthy , and the only
c use imagined was mineral poisoning.
Analysis was made , but no result was
rescued. At thb inquest yesterday
the coroner's physician , Prof. Rels ,
of the University of Pennsylvania ,
testified that ha
was completely non
plussed. The verdict of the coroner's
jury was , "Death from unknown
causes. "
A Crazy Embezzler.
Special Dispatch to the P
CHICAGO , December 24 , 1 a. m.
A petition filed in tha county
coart yeslc-r.lay morning to have Hen
ry Endens , formerly Swiss consul in i
this city , adjudged insane. He left
the city several weeks ago , charged
with the embezzlement of about
$20,000 , intrusted to him for pay
ment to the heirs of a man who died
in Switzerland. Ho was the princi
pal member of the German News com
pany * } that went Into bankruptcy Sev
eral" weeks ago. His whereabouts
were unknown until last week , when
it was learned that he was in London ,
Canada , where he was locked up In
jail , having been found on the streets
evidently insane. Hlsjbrother ln law ,
Samuel Krichoffer , went lo London
last week , and returned with him to
Chicago Wednesday. While in his
room at the Revere honsehe attempt
ed-suicide by inhaling gas from the
burners , after having blown out the
light. Be was discovered In ttpsa to
prevent the suocesd o ! the attempt.
Yesterday morning he made an attempt -
tempt to jump out of a. window , hut
was prevented ,
Infamous Traffic.
Special Dto patch to The Bee.
MoimiEAt , December 24 1 a. m.
It now appears that thb procuring
of girls from Montreal to fill Chicago ,
St. Louis and San Francisco dens oi
Infamy , has been largely carried on all
summer , agents having come from as
far as San Francisco for the purpose.
Madame Paqnet , said to be a noted
procuress , WM yesterday arrested ; and
confessed to having sent forward sev
eral young French-Canadian girls.
Yesterday there entered the police
court a young woman who bad just
arrived from Chicago , and who at
once , displaying a large roll of green
backs , retained two lawyers to defend
the woman Paques. Her name is
said to be Olata Beanchamp. She
confidentially informed a court report *
er that she had just come from Chicago
cage , and that last week she had re-
oeived two little girls from Montreal
at a certain place on State street ,
Foughtit Out
SptcUl Dispatch to the toe.
CINCINNATI , December 24. 1 a.
m. Sullivan , the Boston pugllist.and
Donaldson , ot Cleveland , who. were
rriatched for a glove fight for $500 a
side , met In a hail in Central avenue ,
but the crowd was dispersed by the
police , and the fight prevented. The
stakeholders then backed out ; but the
men were determined , and went out
ol the city limits and fought it out.
Interviewing 'Uncle Tom '
Special BUltalebJtb TrtS Bi f
CniOAJo.December ( 24 1 a. m.
The Inter-Ocoan will publish to-day a
two Jjolumn Intervjtow with "Uncle
Tom , " the hero of Mrs. Stowe'a "On-
cle Tom's Cabin , " who is now ninety-
two years of sge. His home is at
Kelt , Canada , and he is in Chicago on
a visit. His story of his experiences
as a slave are quite thrilling.
Special Dbpatch to Tat Bun.
WASHINGTON , December 24 , 1 a.
m. For the upper Mississippi and
lower Missouri valleys : Partly clouijy
reather , areas of light snow , falling ,
followad by Jisiug . .barometer , slight
rise , followed b'y .falling .temperatur v
southerly winds shifting to westerly
and northwesterly.
Railway fcmasuUp.
Special dispatch to THB BBI
CEon RAFIDS , December 24 , 1 a.
m. Whila a frciuht engine on the
Burlington , Cedar Rapids & Northern
railroid was attempting * to reach
Rockfnrd station , iu the northern part
of the s'ato yesterday afternoon , a
collision occurred with the regular
passenger train golnij south , resulting
in the killing of Engineer George
McClelland aud seriously injuring
Fireman Ferguson , of the freight en
gine , and Engineer Whitman of the
passenger engine. The freight engi
neer of the freight train detached bis
engine from th train , and undertook
to reach Rockforn , before tha departure
turo of the regular passenger train ,
for orders , Intending to return and
procure his abandoned iron train.
The collision occurred while rounding
sharp curve almost within the limits
of ths town of Rockfoid. A number
of passengers are injured.
Chicago's Curiosities.
CHICAGO , December 24 , 1 a. m.
Chicago now has two natural curioai
ties a mermaid brought from San
Francisco , and a white whale , which
arrived yesterday , borne on two cars
from Boston. A special opening had
to be made in the exposition building
to admit the monster.
The Congressional Programme-
Special Dispatch to The lite.
WASHINGTON , December 24 1 a.
m. Forty-nine working days remain
to the Forty-sixth congress after the
5th of January. There are eight
Sundays and one holiday Washing
ton's birthday between January 5 ,
and March 4. In this time the ma
jority can easily make the annual ap
propriations and pa's the funding bill
therefor. Four of the smallest appro
priation hills have been considered by
the house. Mr. Wood IB very san
guine of being able to pass the refund
ing bill on the 5th of January , if he
can get the floor on that day. The
house on Wednesday agreed to limit
all general debate on the bill to ono
day. In another day the measure
would certainly be passed , enrolled
and sent to the senate , as it has been
decided by the democrats to abandon
the fight against the payment of
special deputy marshal ; . There need
be no waste of time in political dis
cussion on the legislative , executive
and judicial appropriation bill. Bar
ring the time necessary to count the
electoral vote in February , the re
mainder of the session can be devoted
to appropriation bills , and to other
matters of national importance.
The democ'ats are now in a posi
tion where they must really hand over
the business of congress to the repub
licans or assume the responsibility for
an extra session.
There will be a fight between the
parties on the counting of the elector
al vote. Tha democrats will deuy the
authority of the vice-prealdent to
declare to result , and the republicans
will maintain their old-time position.
Jt is safe to predict that Mr. Wheeler
will count the votes. This will make
an unalterable precedent for the ex
ercise of the same power in 1884 by
Chester A. Arthur. It Is understood
that Gen. Garfield personally wishes
to avoid an extra session. There are
quite a number of republicans , however -
er , who are anxious to see how the
next administration will shape itself
Special DUpatcbca to Tha Bee.
Lizzie F. Ralston instituted suit
in San Francisco , against William
Sharon and J. D. Fry yesterday morn
inZj for accounting f the property of
the late W. C. Ralnon.
Suspicions of malpractice in the case
of Mrs. Emma L. Hunt , whose body
was shipped from Boston to Provi
dence early this week , proved un-
founded. An investigation disclosed
the cause of her death to be apoplexy.
Dr. Ryan Was fatally injured yes
terday by the explosion of three kegs
of gun powder in his store at Erin ,
PmsBURo , Pa. , Dec. 23 4 p. m.
The iron trade is experiencing a
marked rer during the past week
and prices hare stifienc'd tlpi
JACKSON , Mo. , Dec. S'S At Miiler-
ville James Ward , and Robert Stevens
became involved ] in a ? quarrel , when
Ward drew a revolver and shot Stevens
twice , fatally Injuring him.
NEW YOKE , December 23. Judge
uevi Paraons has given $50,000 to be
used for the benefit of the students
of Union College.
Sterling Mortons Contract.
The adoption of the resolutlofa b ?
the city council , at a recent meeting ,
to give J. Sterling Morton the author
ity to collect certain monies due the
oity from the general government on
a nfty per cent attorney tee waa vietf-
ed with some surprise by the thinking
portion of the community and dis
cussed most unfavorably by the press.
Mayor. Chasq was not in any hurry to
close the contract , but on the contra
ry , went to work to investigate the
matter and at the last meeting of the
council made the following report ,
which is of historical interest as well
as of great importance in the present
initafaci }
MAYOR s OFEICE , OMAHA , Dec. 2lat.
Gentlemen of the City Council :
At your last regular meeting a pre
amble and resolution was passed , of
which the annexed is a copy , author
izing a contract to be made on the
part of the city by the mayor with
Hon. J. Sterling .Morton , to collect
certain alleged ciaimS of the city
against the United States.
After as full an examination of the
case as thu time since then allowed me ,
I have come to the conclusion that if
a contract of this character should be
made at all , the directions of the
council In the premises are not anffl-
oleritl ? jrell defined by the preamble
and resolution referred 18 , to enable
mo to determine as to all the promi
nent features of the undertaking.
Without going Ih'ilJ unnecessary de
tail in regard tn the matter In tliifl
communication , I will onlj "ay that it
appears that at an early day In
the historv of this city , in
or about the year 1857 , a large
amount of scrip in the similitude ot
bank bills was issued by this city for
the purpose , among other things , of
aiding in completing or advancing the
work on the building then partially
erected on Capitol Hill , in this city ,
for the purposed of a territorial capi-
_ tol. - - *
It is understood that at that time
Gov. Izafd , who waa then governor of
the territory of Nebraska , agreed that
he wouH use his influence with the
United States government to secure
to the city the reimbursement of the
amount of this scrip , which the city
might issue for the purpose earned , or
perhaps that he went so far as to
promise that the government would
do this.
It appears that the validity of this
scrip was in some manner guaranteed
by one of the banks then doing busi
ness hero , and so the circulation of it
at par for materials , for labor and for
family supplies and like purposes be
came L't'iieral , and so continued for a
year or two.
Finally , when thi ? bank ceased to
receive this ecrip as money at its
counter , it was thrown upon the mar
ket as comparatively worthless , and
soon found its way in'o the pockets of
those who were so unfortunate as to
hold it , or was bought up for a very
small per cent by the few who took
the chances of realizing upon it at
some future time.
Sofia after , in a suit brought in the
United States court for tbo territory
over which Judge William P. Kellogg
presided , it was held that the scrip
was Illegally issued , and thus it bacaino
for all commercial or business pur *
poses absolutely worthless.
In case then that the city lends its
aid and countenance in favor of tbo
ultimate payment or redemption by
the United States government of so
much of this scrip as was used in the
erection of the old capitol building
and should bo successful , it if appar
ent that the city treasury would not
be directly replenished or benefitted
thereby , as no funds were ever paid
out of it on this account , but the in
dividuals holding the scrip might be
thereby reimbursed.
This view of the case , as a matter
of equity may be worthy of your
consideration , but the pro
posal that the city as a
corporation enter into a
contract in general terms agreeing to
pay one-half of what may be received
on this alleged claim , more or less , as
a fee to the agent who recovers it , and
without guaranteeing that the same
should not be settled at below a cer
tain figure , as well as guarding the
contract in other important particu
lars , is a matter which seems to me
should be more fully considered before -
fore the agreement is consummated.
I therefore most respectfully have
to report to your honorable body that
as yet no contract haa been entered
into under said resolution , and I beg
leave to ask further instruction in the
A Specs of War.
A private letter received from the
Dmaha Indian agency , from a well-
mown and responsible member of the
tribe states that a party of the Oma-
las have baen up visiting friends
among the Spotted Tail Sioux , and
that while there they were invited tea
a feast. A council of the Sioux was
3eld lasting two weeks. A deputa
tion of Sioux from Red Cloud was
present and urged strongly the scheme
Df forming a confederation of all the
Indian tribes and a general war
against the whites. They are in *
censed at their treatment by th'e Ii-
dian agentr > > ml traders , and say that
the white r ce has despoiled the land
which the Great Spirit gave them as
a hunting ground There is a strong
desire on the part of a few to make
one last grand struggle against the
encroachments of civilization.
The First Grand Prize Masquerade
Bill will ba given by the Omnha Ger
man Ladies' Society , on February
6th , 1880 , at Brandt's Turner Hall.
Pittsbnrg Enveloped in a Pall
of Darkness and Gloom.
The Falsehoods of the Taber
nacle Gymnast Ventilated
by Vandyke ,
The [ .Bishop Montreal Goes
forlhe Fragile Sara.
Seizure of an American Ship in
the River-Shannon
Death of George Eliat.
A Day of Darkness.
Special dispatch to Tus Eti.
FiTjSBURO , December 23 , 4 p. m.
This hR baen a r Ziar RD'0 ' day in * is
city. Until past 12 o'clock tn darlc-
ness hap been at ) Intense that business
of all kinds has been transacted by
gaslight , and in some localities tfa
streets lamps have been lighted. At
11 o'clock It was exceedingly
dark , although the horizon
was marked . by . a subdued
ehre of red light , reflected from the
furnaces and mills. The volume of
smoke that hid the heavens made the
scene from tha hilltops surrounding
the city grand , but as there is consid
erable snow in the streets , deadening
the sound of busy traffic , the still
ness and darkness within the business
district are solemnly impressive. It
haa been many years since such a
phenomenon has occurred here.
Talmage In Trouble.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , December 23 4 p. m.
Rev. Dr. Talmage is not yet out of
hi3 trouble.- The latter accusations
of falsehood are made more pertinent
by a letter made nublic to day , writ
ten by Henry Van Dyke , who , as
counsel prosecuted Talmage before the
Presoytery. It appears Talmago tes
tified that on the morning of October
9th , 1876 , ho had no thought of in
serting in The Christian at Work ,
ot which ho was editor , any
valedictory or a document of the
transfer of his editorial offices to The
Observer , and 'hat ' the article pab-
lished was suggested by infurmation
rocci7d between tx-oalL * onr ° Cl0j ( *
in the afternoon. Mr. VanBjke , . -
his letter , claims it has recently come
to bin knowledge that a contract on
October 4,1870 , by Talmage and 0.
H. Howard &Co. , which cB.itaifted a
clause that Dr. Talmage would ceose
his editorial connection with The
Christian at Work at the end
of a month from October jL2tb ,
not"before , and in tEe next isaueof
the Ouriatiaii at Work of October , he
so unuounced and stated , that he waste
to become the editor of The Advance.
Van Dyke further says that he haa in-
fomation that a draught of the vale
dictory was shown to the ai > ent on the
morning of October 9th , at 8 o'clock ,
and that the said gentleman waa met
by previous appointment by Dr. Tal
A Varna Ao Sapphire.
Special Dispatch to The Beg.
CINCINNATI , Ohio , December 23.
4 p. m. A gentleman to-day exhibit
ed on 'change , a genuine sapphlio
valued at § 10 000 , taken from a
Georgia mine from which other valu
able stones have also beeen taken.
Bernhardt Denounced.
Special Dispatch to The Beei
MONTREAL , December 23,4 p. m.
His Lordship the Roman Catholic
bishop of Montreal , has had "Adri-
enne LeCourre , " the piece to be
played to-night by Sarah Bornbardt ,
reviewed by a critic , and this critic
reports that in this piece there are at
least two adulterous liaaona , many
transparent allusions tending to jus
tify such , and making such excusable
iu high society. The critic condemns
the drama as immoral from begin
ning to end , and one likely to leave
permanent effects upon society. His
lordship has caused this opinion to
be published and calls upon his people
not to patroniz3 their performances ,
and especially durirg advent. This
play , he considers a dangerous attack
on the morality of the people. The
paper , however , in which the clerical
denunciation appear , has a long and
flattering notice of Sarah.
Active Americans.
Sfddal Dispatch to The Bee.
DUBLIN , December 23 4 p. m.
Within a few days past several young
Americans have made their appearance
at Cork , whoso movements have been
so suspicious that the police are watch
ing them closely. The custom officers
have seized the ship Juno at the
mouth of the Shannon. The Juno
was found to be laden with a cargo
of American arms , evidently to be
sold and distributed through the
country. A force of marines and
military has been sent to escort tha
vessel up Hie river to Ijimsrick.
Death of George Eliot.
Special Jib-patch to Th Bee.
LONDON , December 23 4 p. m.
It is announced thi * morning that
George Eliot , the famous no relist , is
A Burglar's Trepidation.
On Monday night last Mr. John
Davis , a head clerk in the postal ser
vice , runnirg between O.nahi and
Kearney , came in from the west on
his regular run. Ho accompanied the
car to the U. P. transfer and back ,
according to custom , and on going
home for the took with him a
number of letters which had been
mailed on the car at this point. This
was not in accordance with the rules
and regulations of the service , but
Mr. Davla probably reasoned that
they would be safer In his own keep
ing than in the car.
Tuesday morning Mr. Chllda found
the package of let ° rs lying In the
street in front of Mr. Davis' house ,
the envelopes having been torn open
and the contents doubtless examined.
Singularly enough the valuable pa
pers In two of the letters , ne con
taining a draft for fifteen thousand
dollars , from the Omaha National
bank , payable to bearer , and another ,
a draft for fifteen dollars from Ihe
Sm-lting Works , were left In the en
velopes , although the latter were
torn open. Mr. Childs at once re
ported to the proper authorities , turn
ing ov r the papers he had found.
Mr. Davis had left to take the noon
ran west and a letter waa sent him by
ISE3 3C. X .A. US X. 3E1
3E1ET 1
Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts.
Gives Great Bargains in ladies' and Gents
All Kinds Of
Wfi The Best Goods For Tha Least Money ,
ul <
And Wholesale Dealers in CIGA11S and CONFECTIONERY. During the
Fall and Winter we will handle COUNSELMES'S FRESH OYSTERS , which
are now the best in the market. A 1 irge nssortment of CANDY and SUGAR ,
TOYS for the Holiday trade.
CATZ & iteEEaiAX , 510 llili St. . Omaha.
iiacufactnrcr of xl kind * at
Summer Bologna ( Cervelat Wursta )
AUSAOFiiacufactnrcr "tiy. Orders promptly filled.
5 17 4 Burt St. , Omaha , Neb. de23-tf
Southwest corner 16th and ? Dodge.
Has lately been leased by
Who haa had years experience in the hotel and restxmurantbusl-
ness , and will run a first-class house.
Board by the Day or Week , with Lo&riug or without ,
Centrally Located.
Chief Head Clerk Vandervoott , sus-
pehding him temporarily from duty.
In the afternoon mail a letter was re
ceived from hlrii detailing the facts
noted l.bove and adding that cbirlnir
the night burglars had entered Ms
h'ouso a d carried off the Jetiera lie
had taken home for safe fceeimiEr.
the dtran o part of the. affair in ,
that the drnfta were left untouched ,
and the only roaioncbfe explanation
of this fact h inS thief , or
thieves , in looking for valuable *
struck- something so much richer than
they expected that they were "par
alyzed , " and hadn't the nerve to risk
carrying off and disposing of ao large
> .n amount of paper ,
Mr. Phillip Lane , the rell.ible boot
and shoe dealer , 1317 Farnham street
haa jast opened several cases of
beautiful Christmas slippera , all
new and beautiful designs ,
whichwill be sold re-
mukably cheap. Do not fail
to all aud see them. Also a
full stock of band-sowed and pegged
boots , bought at n low figure , which
can be cirried away for a small
amount of money. All kinds of la
dles' , mons' and children's shoes , to
ba sold low. The public is Invited to
call and look through my stock.
1317 Farnham St.
513 Fourteenth street , between Earn-
ham and Douglas , for anything in the
toy line. The largest and beit se
lected stock in the city ,
t&f tf H. POHLMAN , Proprietor.
Turner Hall , Saturday , December 25.
Tickets for sale at Jacobs' Clothing
store , Farnham street , 1120.
> . .
A Christmas Greeting ,
Two Evenings ,
Friday and Saturday , December " 4th and 25th.
Fa-nlly Matinee Christmas at 2 o'clock.
The Gulick - Blaisdell Guar
anteed Attraction No. 4
Ciaude rellaven , Ccnertl Rcpretentttlre. En
Xagement ot the Kaxo ; g Vonl Comedian ilr.
Appearln < in Augustln Daly's fashionable society
comedy of
As played at T.'al/s If ew York Theatre 2JO con-
secntive nlgbV > , tmbraclo , ; the charming
art ! * le
And the K .eat original cast of Cottagers and
Ccnrier * .
r5TKeervcJ s-'aUat Max lleyer k Bro.
Remember tbo Christmas Matinee.
< 3hC flMATO LOAN Ata per cent Intel
OtlO.UUU et , n unrns of * ! OCO and O p-
wards for 1 to S yean * Urns OQfirst etaimprov
ed city anil farm property. Apply at , BEUI3
Beat EsUte and Loan Azency , 15th and Douglas
Bt8. 273-eodtf
OORBEST Furnished rcom f.r two men ,
J ; ono block from I'oitnfflce. Addreis No.
The Beat in the West ,
l cbriil4Cil the approaches to the river.
fee opp < 3it ca. end Jones atro t m-Minr %
tUacant , cy and sjfo crOBaiiij at the norolivxl
toll , v < r
II rs < ! iniii : each .7c.
Out ; fti > r > oaiul IVa on lOc.
Ttvo taiirarsnml W son
' * " return
Foot-iii m Free.
J. UK.-
DecfnihtT 13th , 13SO. _ d3-lm !
SuceemntaJ. H. IIHBLK.
No. 1220 Douglas Street ,
THURSDAY , December 30th.
-B ? me
Members of the Union Catholic
Library ,
Ono of tha mo3t njcccwful and popular domestic
dnmai on the moi'ern SUpo. Being
vivid picture of KIci andjl'oorm
Knglah Llfo. Very
Btronr cast.
Admission , COccnU ; Matinee for fchool chil
dren , Kriday at 2 p. m. ; Admission , 25 cents.
Thn only existing rrmcdy for rery pe-
cies of Acute or Chronic Disease of
tile OrRnni at Inspiration ,
nnil nn nbnolutd
iill-powcrft'l WRplnblB prepnrn-
lion xp l from the lung * anil air pn1-
the mucus and mucpus prrxluci-J
I > y iii-lnionary Inflammation , heal *
Irritated nieml roj > * nn < l ronoTatr *
evrrj orsan which trtt lz the breath of
Life. It contain * no utiipt-rylnff poison.
nnil la Jn nil repr ct * a lieiilthf ill medi
cine. The rapidity and certainty with
which It
h mtonlililnsr. Its effects K" d ep r than
the more nymptonit of pulmonary dl
en e and dlqchnrRe-t tlio cnu o from tnt
yntem. i'reo and palnlew oxpectorn-
tlon la the mode by which it relieve * th
luncn , chest and throat from thebarden *
which opprena them ; tha arresting Can-
mi niptlon and Bronchitis In the germ be
fore they reach , the morn dangelOUJ )
tagei. The emaciated ufl"erer
with the mo < t terrible uronrRo of onr fllt-
mnto will llnd Frltxch'H i'miilnn Coneli
Syi up a. potent ally , and will n uredly
win the flght by adhering strictly to toll
great medicine. The
In which it ha * been atliiilnlntered with
entire * uccr * a * n rrniedy for e ry va
riety of malady which affect * the Ke-
gnlratory Jf unction * , tunoaat " to more
fit thcprpipnt dnt * , and yet the prepnra
tion Monly In the lufnury of itji useful
ness The great defect of all Coac'i
K mdlo4 hitherto Introduced l thrC
th ynre simply e ptUxory. Hence the
are molest ; for iinIe - < the Cannes of th i
acrid secretion * which are coughed o
are removedmid thn ruptured , InflameU
or maturated gitrface * healed and rr-
tori'd to their natural tone , a cure l-i
Impo4 lble. Iritft h'A Pra/wlnn Condi
Syrup accomplice * the object * . Tlin
mucu * and muro-pu * which are the con-
nequence of LimtjUNease , are thrown at !
by It , while at the * arne time It noothes
and Invigorate * the weakened tissue * . t. *
for conth * , cold * . Influenza , bronchial
dlHIcultie * , tghtne ! * of the chest.hoarxe-
nes , nore throat , trarhitlx , Inttammn-
tion of the lung * , difficulty of breathing ,
pleurisy and all disorders of a pulmonary
nature , it lia * never been equaled.
Sole agents In America , BICHABDSOX ft CO ,
St. Louis , llo.