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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1880)
\ VOL. X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY. DECEMBER 23 , 1880. NO 159. Established 1871. MORNING EDITION , Price Five Cents CHRISTMAS , ! 880. L B. 'WILLIAMS ! 5 In each Department , we are daily opening choice | Novelties for the Holidays j Leather Goods , Belts , Card Cases. , Eap-iKerchief , Collar and Cuff Boxes. d SHOE DEPARTMENT. Ladies' Pine Shoea. Gents' Christmas Slippers in the Greatest Variety. Chi dren'a Shoos , fine , -warm and substantial. The Largest and Finest As sortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. in ReasonablePrices. Gents' Sill Mufflers , ' ( cuts' > fc1imere Huffier * . T/l irei. fl \ jmAof Elk ! Uandieiilntfa . * 1PO. FANCY GOOODS orladlea * ncr. ll ni'ki.ri.liief ) anil if Ties Ellk. Spini 'i jid , i.du , Uu I uiij Cimbric , oil very ji utt. Hihbu.f , nnt3 , Olmpa , Frmcu * and Trim- mini- ! . FINE TABLE LINENS , UapHii.T \ 5 , TWoand KUn 1 Cocm , Piano Cuvir ludrcistt oltraitivo prices. I'rsl quiUi Firii'iui * } ( In : Oiihmercs. > ir-ti | n'lty ' rMoi xiV' * . J'iret iju.Ii j ( l-cZnohjrs. 1'alij < ni j ij it Zejihj r . JET ORNAMENTS. C < mlj , l.i1'IhtcJ CooJ . A 1 now designs. JMi c'c a > tiu of < ! enii > ' S'io o Bnt'onf. * S , t > n 1 1'nn , U. , < f * CLOAK DOLMANS. n&vclo.ksfo.- < % - f , \ itEOiS A'i cluMrcn. Knit Ilmxlt Knit Ja" cs. A Jacket at SI Ml.itb car y 5i tbo fcaton old at Si.03. THE BEST HOD9 ercrfclionnaf c M.bia- v > ! 9etc. BLANKETS & . CfSMFOP i kt great'j rrxluo j prices. LAST , BUT - T LEAST lA new Invoice or the n l B. rftLLIAlIS & SONS , "Casb Fetailers , " 1422 and 1424 Dodge St. iCH'S PBHSSIAN THE LATEST VICTORY OF MSDIOAL SCIENCE. only existing remedy for ererr P - clcs of Acnt or ciironlc Disease ot tlio Organs ot Ilc.plraUon , and an absolata flC FOR CONSUidPTION ! ! 'W S all-powerful vegetable preponv. .ton from Uic and xpols lunm air poi r c , Uio mucus anil iiuco-pns produce- ' vrry orRnn uliicli trtlilrcd Uio breath it Xlfo. It contains o ( itujn-fjlnir poise , nndlBiiinllrcHpoctA a liealthful me dl- cine. Tlie rapidity ucd certainty ir kUi rulch it ANNIHILATES A DOUGH If astonishing. Its effect * go deeper tJ ian the more symptoms of pulmonary & ! ease and discharges the cause from ! Jio ysteni. rrce and painless eipector-n- tion is the mode byn liIUi it relieves t ! ha lungs , chest andthront fromtho bnrde ns rhlch oppress them ; thu arresting Oo in- umptlon and Bronchitis IT U e germb . fore they reach the more dangero H ftages. Tlie emaciated sufferer BATTLING FOR LIFE with the most terrible beonrge of onr :1I- niate vrill find Fritsch'n rninxlan Con igh Sy np n potent ally , and irill assure dly win the light by adhering etrictlT to t his C"Jat medicine. The CASES NOW ON RECORD In tvhlch It has be n administered fri th entire Kuccct * nn a remedy for every - rlety of mnln < ly which nffects the B B- rnlratory I'ltuctions , umount to moi than FIVE THOUSAND nt the present date , andyettheprepara tion is 01113in the infancy of ita useful' neits. The great defect of all Cough Remedies hitherto introduced is that they are simply expnliory. Hence they are useless ; lor unI - . the causes of the acrid secretions -which are coughed np are remo\ednnd the ruptured , inflamed or maturated surfaces healed and re- ntored to their natural tone , n cure if Impossible. Frltseh'n Prussian Cough Sjrtip accomplishes these objects. The mucus and muco-pus iihich are the con. sequenre of Lung Disease , are thrown off by it. while at the same time it auil im igorates the " caUcucd tissues * "LIFE FOR THE LUNGS. " For emiglK , colds , innnenzabronchlal dinicultlvs , tightness of the chest.hoarse- ness , here throat , trachltis , Inflamma tion of the lungs , difficulty of breathing , pleurlsyandalldlsordersofapnlmonarj nature , it has necr been equaled. Sole scents la America , E1CHAEDSOS ft 00 , Et. Louis , Mo. _ BOLD BY AIL linUGGISTS. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS.1 FERRY ON ICE. IhM-ebrUfedtheapproichcs to the river. Iceopposlts cast end Jones street m Um : pleanct , easy and site crossing t the nominal toli , vir : Harscman , each Sc. One llorso aurt TTazon lOc. Tno Horses and IVngon 15c. < > .t < > -r tBl ssmcday lOc. Foot-men Free. December ISth.lSSD. dS-lm ! J.H.FLIEGEL&GO. Successor * to J. H. THIELE , MERCHANT TAILORS , No. 1220 Douglas Street , OTA T = r A , IS'BB. 1 The Morgan Electoral Bill t Debated in the Senate , . The HOUEO Spands the Day in Considering the the Spa ks- < "Weaver Case , The Erring Members Repent Tfieir Folly In Sackcloth and Ashes , And Are Forgiven and Again Eeceived Into Full Communion. COMMISSION. Special to 1 lie Hto. WASHiiGTOX , December 23 1 a. j m. The Ficuch und American claims commission met at 12 o'clock yester day , all members present , and the counsel of some of the claim ants attended the meeting The f oc- retary announced that notica had been given to the French and Ameri can ( , overumnta ihat the cumimseion was organized and'rtady to proceed to business , and aganls uf the two gov ernments stated that their govern ments were duly notified , and they were ready to proceed according to the treaty. Therefore fir months for filing claims began to ran yesterday. Several amendments were proposed by tLo French counsel to the rules now no-v in force , the most important of which was to strike out the words requiring names of witnesses to be furnished by the opposite side before their examination. The ngent of eho French government filed with the sec retary the first case yesterday. The commission adjourned till Friday tt 2 p. m. GABFIELD'S SEOKETIBY or THE TEEA&CKY. Specl-xl Dtepatch to The Bee. WASHINGTON , December 23,1 a. m. The decimation of Gov. Fetter leaves ; * le vacant senator hip of Ohio uncon- : tsted to Secretary Sherman. Und - d oubtedly the cry of "no chance , " 5 > : ealljr strengthened tbe republican p irty during the recent president-1 B vuva's , and there was a quocr1 " . * iug throu-bout the countr- " " * j to the party , that * , - " ° lihned the BVent of a - - republican rote-- -J M Sherman should rem ' - " treasnr- - iu at Hit faf v But his desires to return ne Senate have been indicated. There has been a general concession 'hathe bus rarned the right to select his position for the next four years , and while he wilt not be in the next cabinet , his position as tbe only re publican senator from the pre-ident's state will make him a pioneer , which the next administration cannot afford to ignore. Speculations as to his suc cessor in the treasury have not , as yet , taken hardly any tangible form. Cabinet makers arc reaching out all over the country , but find no candi date qualified for the position. The new man , who ever he may be , will find himself in no enviable position. SENATE. Special D * patchc to Tfce Bee. WASHINGTON , December 22. Mr. Booth , from the committee on public lands , reported the house bill for the relief of settler * on odd sections of railroad lands , and ssked its present consideration , which was accepted , and the bill passed as it came from the house. The chair appointed Messrs. Mer rill ard Pendleton visitors on the part of the senate to the military acad emy at West Point , and Messrs. Alli son and Morgan visitors to the naval academy at Annapolis. Mr. Morgan asked consent to take up his resolution which was submit ted June last , declaring that the pres ident of the senate is not invested by the constitution of the United States with the right to count the vote of electors for president and vice-presi dent of the United States , so a to de termine what votes shall be counted and what votes shall be rejected. Mr. Morgan called up his resolution sub mitted June last , declaring that the president of the senate Is not author ized to count the electoral vote , and proceeded to deliver a set speech upon the same. Mr. Edmunds thonght this an inop portune time to bring forward the resolution elution ; that a certain eet of ideas might be presented without opportu nity for others to bo advanced for a considerable time , in view of other business to which ha could not allude. He didn't press his objection , and Mr. Morgan proceeded with a set speech in support of the resolution. Edmunds said he agreed with the senator that the president of the sen ate has no right Jo count the votes in the sense of deciding the thinp , and he wished to add in the same sentence that the senate and house have no more right to count the vote in that sense , nor all three together. The whole subject was tabled by a vote of 140 to 44. The senate in executive session this afternoon voted down the motion to reconsider yesterday's confirmation ef Judge Woods to be associate justice of the supreme court , and his confir mation therefore stands. When the doors were opened a nnmoer of private bills were taken up < at the instance of different senators and passed. A bill to pay the widowvof tbe late George Wright 53500 for the use oi \\t \ patented lioch-pin for artillery c srriaget , gave rise to a protracted do- I to on the question whether lha gore - e rnmeiit should pay for inventions ir lade by persons in its employ. The senate found Itself without q laorum , and at 4:30 p. in. adjouruec c ctil January 5,1881. HOUSE. Tbo row in the house yesterday , n d the anticipation tint something we mid be done about it to-day , at- trrcted a crowd to the house this mi jiming. itfessrs. Sparks and Weaver , the pri ncipals in yesterday's row , were eai-ly , in their seats. After prayer by the , chaplain , and iast as the clerk was about to read the journal , Mr. Bow- maDof { Massachusetts , called atten tion to the language of section five of rnlu thirteen , aa follows : "If a mem ber is called to order for words spoken In debate , the member calling him to order shall indicate the words exceptcd to , and they shall bo taken down in writing at the clerk's desk and read loud to the boose , bathe shall not be held to answe nor bo Subject to the ceaeure of the house there for if fur ther debate or other business has in tervened " " The point that Mr. Bdw- man desk-ad to make was , whether the reidingof the journal would basuch , \5swof the business , aa contempla ted by tbe rule. The speaker ruled that it was not such intervening business , The journal WRS. rlioh reid and ap proved. M' . tsne , of Maryland , with a view of settling the Difficulty of jes'brday in tbe moat amicable wa } , snggEs'ed that Messrs. Weaver and Sparks apol- og'ze ' to the house for their c nducc ot yesterday , and offered'a rcsolattcu to that effect. Many members did not think that was going far enough , and Mr. Bow man offered &t a substitute that both parties be expelled for gross violation of rules of the housa and a breach of decorum. Mr. Browne , of Indiana , offered a jurther substitute that a committed be appointed by the epsaker to investi gate the whole subject. Weaver and Sparks were both per mitted to make atatemenfs , and both appli g Sid to the house , bnt very poiotudly evided miking any apology to each other. Mr. WiR\crpnul : " . "if course there can bo no twa pinion * it > t'm ' pro priety ot wh&t loo'x i lace \ o.i rday. No one regrota the ociurre- siVa dcetily thnn 1 do 1 ki.uijat \ it ii viryrarely that I II.TJ my tcm.r ; I did not intend to do so yestrJ w , an 1 cati only ay that the langu ige I uo l waa wholly uiJiisiti.blu and entirely nut of ordfr , acd I am not only will ing , but anxious to sy to the homo th t I atn sorry for using it , I niaka my apology humbly to tha houso. I feel the wr. n as deeply as any oilier member of thahou e. I wish to ray further that I had berne m-.ftslf m tha debate with gx.d htraor , and whether * I was to biauiu or not , 1 will not say. What I said Was wholly unjustifiable , and I apologize for my pait in thu matter , and aak to be excused " Mr. Sparks rose and said : "In com mittee of the whole in the houeo I uacd Uu uago tint I well knew to bi in conflict with the rulei of the hon a during great confusijn. I do not pro- posa to speak of the p-utt.iken ' confcmon by other men- * . ' house. I know my ' -Ijera llt conflict with iU was in .ulePndlMth owe the h Uy j. , . 3 an 8poo ! Vj and IAn , An effort was then rn.i'lo t" ! ly : whole subject on the table , and on p Question the yeas and uiy.j wvrj vt- dered. Mr. Conger and others argacd tha * t would be more satisfactory to Uie country to have a comniittuo investi gate the whole matter. Mr. Weaver immediately rose and said ho desired to correct the record The epeaker inquired a-lio'hur ha meant the record or the journal. Mr. Weaver replied the record , and ; he speaker said he would rcccgn e he gentleman aftrrward. Mr. Line , imuitdiatel ; roaa to what lie claiiiled vrai a question * of privilege , and said he dsired to refer , o the scene of disorder which occu - red yesterday in commiHce ol the whole in the house , and without g ) in nto details at all , and without at tempting to measure and ssiigu to thu gentleman from Iowa , and the gentle- nan from IlJinoi" , their auaro in sny course it might be proper to P.TS Mr. Connor , of Illinois , here inter- tupted to iy that what had occurred was in the committee of tbo whole , and that the house had no knowledge of the matter. Mr. W.avers id BO far ai he was concerned he would prefer that no technical objection should bo made. A vote of 104 to 14 laid the whole ubject on the table , am this disposed of the whole matter. Mr. Clymer reported the army ap propriation billappropriatin § 20,190- 300 , as ngaiinet § 26,425,800 for thu ; utrcnt ye r. It was agreed tht the Wood's funding - ing bill should come up after the holt- days , and that the general debate D3 limited to one day. The house ad journed at 2:30 p. m. ELECTRIC BRIEFS. Dispatcher to TheiBeo. Josiah Caldwell , of Boston , a spec ulator in Italian railroads , is reported to have failed. Liabilitiej , § 2,50l,000 ) He eays he cm py if granted a year's extension. P. T. Barnutn has had another at tack of intermittent fever , and is still confined to his bed , very weak. His physicians , however , are hopeful re garding him. Congreaannn S S. Cox , who hsa been seriously ill for some dys , was pronounced out of danger yesterday afternoon. Itev. Dr. Hooper Crows , for fifty years a prominent Methodist preacher In the vicinity of Chicago , died yes terday , at Oregon , 111. Hiram J. Winchester and John B irry , of Cleveland , were instantl ? killed yesterday in Lrman , Strong & Oo.'s marble works yards while oper ating derrick. John A Bennett , chief of the Cleveland fire depirtmoat , wasdia- charged yesterday for duobjying the instructions of the city council. Interesting Case. 8p ci J Dispileh to Tbe Bee PIIOVIDEKCE , R. L , December 23 , 1 a m. The body of the woman shipped hero from Boston , without a certificate of death by a poplexy , h s baen examined , nd an it quest held secretly , shows the death to have b en premature b'n-th and hemorrhage fnm abortion. The police refine to give names or any particulars , anl say the arrest of Boston residents of h gh social standing and wealth will take place to-day. Undoubtedly the beat shirt In thn ' United SWea'is manufactured 11 * ht Oniaha Shirt Factory. Tbe super -n-y of Material and workmanship , r - nisied with their -jreat improven that is Reinforced fronts , Relnfc v backs and Reinforced alcoves , m . * > their shirt the most durable and - > .s' fitting garment of the kind , ecur manufactured at tha Mjdcrate price of § 1.50. Every shirt of our make is guaranteed fipt-class and will refund the money if found otherwise. We laake a specialty of nil wool , Shaker , and Canton flannel , also chemois underwear , inada up with a view to comfort , 'Tartnthnud durabil ity. To invalids rnd weak-lunged persons we offer sptMial inducement * in the manner these goods are made for their protection. PH. street , FOREIGN EVENTS , Forty Thousand Bayonets Ke- quited to Maintain British Bule in Ireland , The Colonial Forces Gain a Sig nal Victor ? Over the Basu- tos in South Afriei , The Abolition of Slavery Sanc tioned by the Govern- . . meni of Brazil. Slosson-Still Leads Vignanx in > the International Bil- i , liard Hatch , OFFENDED OFFICIALS. Sp cal ! Dlgpttch to The BM. , PARIS , December 22 10 p. m. M. Ileruld , prefect of the Seine , haa ibsigncd his office in oonsequonce of the pa sjgo by th'o senate of a resolu tion expressing regret at hU refusal to tkrj the official actionrequired by the new elementary education bill , to ratio funds for the establishment of a publin school m his municipality. THREATENED TO RESI8N. It Is rumored that M Jules Ferry , premier , and M. Conitans , minister of public wirship and of the interior , haVe threatened to resign. DlaODStEf * Wlilf POLITICS. Sp-ciM Dsi ! tch to The Bco PAEIS , Djcember 23 1 a m. A. Gauloia reporter lu been interview ing Emtle de Ginrdm Yalofdii , who declares that he in Disgusted with French politics , and with Rochefort and Laissaut , and that he intend * to retire into private life at San Romin , . He will resign the editor ship of La 5Vanc(3) ( aud visit Paris only occasionally. I.-CTER.NATIONAL BILLIABD MATCH. There was a very large attendance in the dining room of the Grand ho tel last night to witness the third i iiht'a play in the match for the cii'.tnpionshipof the world , between nur cj Vi auxadd Gao. F. Slosson. Af ecthe bU ! had been replaced in liu pueitiona they occupied last even- ! i , SlOfSJii c-iine forward and re- Euuied hia utin : ishi d pliy. At th- tiue of iho pl y Slnsaon had mad GO'J ; hia average was 20 22-23 , and hia Di3t run 20-1. Yiguaux made 4G7 , his aver. a biing 20 7-23. When the playera stopped lor tha evening the aoiro Blood Sloaoa 18CO , Vit naux 1517. KUSSIAN SENSATIONALISTS. 3pccUll > jp > lcb tulbe Bee. LO > DON , December 22 10 p. m. A corretp indent at St. Petersburg Bayst.ho reports of plots agAir t the life of the cz r are duubtlrss exapgor- ated. Yt many evidences h < ve been discovered of the existence of deep sad far-reaching conspiracies against the government , some of which have been frustrated. The recent manifes to of the Greek rep iblicanc , denounc ing foreign kin s for attempting to rule Greece , and claiming that Greeks aljne should rule their country , is dis covered to bo a hoax. The republi cans in Greece are too small to issue oven a bogus m-xuifosto THE ABM ? IN IRELAND. Tuo garrisons in Ireland , which are dtatriouted over n widely extended territory , number 40,000 troops , aided by 12,000 constabulary. Tha loyalty of nuuy of the constabulary is doubt ful , and it is in contemplation to take measures during the coming session of parliament for disarming the peas antry. Jj ANTI SLAVERY IN BRAZIL. Special Dispatch to The Bee. LONDON , December 23 1 a. m. Advices from Rio Janiero , dated the first instant , eays in the chamber of deputies , the president of the council , replying to Senor Duarte respecting the American ministers in attendance .it ; va anti-slavery banquet on .Novem ber 20 , slid the government was reso lute in its non-interference with the gradual extinction of el ivory , and had nothing to do with abolition agita tions as long as it VTES kept on legal crounds. He said he considered Mr. Hilliard's connection with the qnea- tion , as merely individual , but they were certain the opposition would rally round the government , should at any time any foreign government K ok to intervene in the afhira of Brazil. BASUTOS ROUTED. A dispatch from Cape Town says the Basutoes , under Chief Umklonhlo , have beoa completely rooted , three hundred dead having been left oa the field. A larje number of cat tla wore aho captured by the colonial troops , whose loss was but trifling. CABLEGRAMS. Spccli DispaUhcs to Tim BSJ. The Italian chamber of deputies will adjourn until January 24. The physician of Lord Rippn , re cently Biiiistruck in India , advises his return to ind. The report that the government is contemplating the appointment ofhis successor lacks confirmation. There are reports that several grain merchants in London are in a shaky tinancinl condition , owing to the non- arrival of American grain , sold on board , to arrive. The Transvaal republic is regarded ni a bubll , which will soon explode. Disastrous flood i have occurred throughout Belgium. There were seven ! land meeting ] in Ulster , Ireland , yesterday. At a land meeting at Loughrea yes terday a resolution wai p * ed sx- presiint ; the inexpressible joy of the people for tvesympithyof the Amer ican coi gress. A. dNpatcl ) from Berlin says 8000 vnore Turcomans , with two guns , are advanciug to reinforce Geoketeps. The Swedish frigate "Gothenberg , " waa burned ytsterday at Malino , six teen milea east of Copenhagen. The representative ) of Greece abroad nave been oflijiilly instructed to decline European arbitration when c lit red. Glove Fight. dp-rfil DUpatt-h to The Bee. CINCINNATI , December 23,1 a. m .lohn Sull.van , the Boston pugiliit , who is now in thu city , 8eut a chal lenge to John Donaldoon , of Cleve land , to a glove contest. The chal- lenge was accepted yesterday. The contest will take place to-night. Five hundred dollars a side was paid np , and § 200 a side more will be added. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH New York Money and Stocks. WILI. SiasiT.December . 23. MONEY G per cant oa call ; exchange eteidy at480 < § 48S. 48S.GOVERNMENTS. GOVERNMENTS. 0.0. eX'81 104 U.H.4B US } O.S. 6's 1 11 * Carreicyffa. 1 SO U.S. 4J 1 llj XT S s tO 1 OiJ STOCKS The market wi3 iwon ? it noou , but little below tha beat pro s current. At 11 30 a. m fie baj-in ? ol We .efn Union was : x- trem-ly large , with an npwajd ( ntn to 82 } . but a sttbseqiii. reaction ia El ] . K. J. C. sM as high as 14& : U B. . W J and M. C. 122J. W. W was etronr at 12 $ . * no pnca ol U. P. and St. P. comm 3 , reaste'fnationally ' from tha high est qnoUtia. Following were the pncw at 1 p. m : " * A &P.i..i > .i..i. SB } L. & ill } AmeriJaa TJn'on 63 lt.0. I Canada Southern 78 ? K1" " ' , . : ccn& i , Alton. . . . . . . . . . . . ' . .us 140 } North * ( Men ; . . . i < J 2S. " 0. C. &IVO./ S T : : : ! : : " : : : ! } : ! 8t.Panl . . . .112i Preferred ' 4 B & ( V ' ' 0 & .M _ . S7j " " HI . . . .I'.y..yI.lSsj Pacific M Ji".I 62' ' Ohio .S3 Hcadtn ? . . . . . . . . DZf ; Preferred : " " St P.&O 48 Lackawanna 1 StP&O pfd 9n Del&.H 0r up itej Wellg , Fa o 1 W U 81J KriePreferred Wabaah. Preferred 8 > Prefeied 8 > * 8 : . Joa 48 NY' 125 } Preferred OJ f&O. 0 &W 81J A'am3 ' US 1 124 } CP 8U U&N 87i . " 4 i Chieitto Produob Market. [ * OIIIOAOO , December 22. , Wheat No. 2aprinw , l@lp higher , with sales at 98js9iJo fi.r February , closin ? at 99 ' § 0ii ) ; ca-h and Decam- r ! ir closed at 974c ; January closed at 98g ! . Corn No. 2 sold at 36j@37J for oash : 37J@37j fnrJ"Atluary3737f' ; ' * for Jlebraaryj 42423c for May , closing at 37 c fur caah or Decem ber ; 37 0 for Jaounry ; 37c for Feb. ruary ; 42 § for May ; 42J@42o for June ; 42.j for July. Oats 0 better with pales at 29 | @ 29gc for cash ; 30i@30c § for Feb ruary ; 34 @ 35c for May , closing at 30offor January ; 30o for February ; 35c for May. Rye No. 2 , 82c for cash. Barley Nominal at 81 09@1 09J for No. 2 in store. Pork MPSS 6@10c lower closinij at SH 60@13 87J for caeh ; 811 60 ® 11 60 for December } $12 87JO12 90 for January ; $13 05 for February ; 813 20 for Maith. turd 57io per 100 lower , closinj t 88 408 42 fi r cash or D eemrmr ; $8 45@8 47 * ror Jmn y ; S3 57J ® 8 BO tor February ; 88 70fe8 72 f jr ila'ch. Whlaky $111. ' Chicago Live Stoct Market CUIOAOO , December 22. Hogs In moderate demand ; t1 3 mBrkot at p-esont writing tends tn weakners ; s ilfs were at 84 50@4 77 for light packing ; 84 005 00 heavy packing ; $4 6G4 95 for oed to jhnica heavy shipping lots. Receipts , 39,000 head. Onttif Active , sales ranged from 82 45@2 65 for rows ; S3 374 00 for common to medium steers ; 84 60 ( § 5 80 for good to extra prime lota of shipping beees for exportation. Receipt" , 5000 head. St. * Produce Market. ST. Louis , December 22. Flour Dull and unchanged. Wheat Opened a elnde batter , but decl'ntd , ! nd closed strong and higher ; 2 red winter , 9097c for ca h ; 93j@983o for January ; 81 013 ® 1 Ol @l Olf for February ; 8104 @ 1 0301 03J for March ; No. 3 do , 9oj @ 94c ; No. 4do , 87c. Corn Higher and closed firm fci 37 @ 375'J for cash ; 37c for Decem- bar ; 38jj@39c for January3939gc ; for February ; 39J40o for March ; 40c for April. Oat < r S'ow at 30@29ic for cash ; 31 @ 31o for ; 34o for May. Kye Qaiat at 85o bid. Barley Dull and unchingedjchoice to fancy , 80c@81 05. Butter Unchanged. Ezgs Unchanged. Whiaky-QjietatSlll. "Pork Lower at 813 50 asked for cash and Jannaiy. Dry Salt MaatsNominal. . Bacon Dull and unchahged. Lard Quiet at. 8 308 35. Receipts Flour , 5 000 bbls ; wheat , 15,000 ba ; corn , 54,000 ; oats , 6,000 ; rye , 1,000 ; barley , 12,000. Shipments Flour , 8,000 bbls ; wheat , 22,000 ; corn , 3,000 ; oats , none ; rye , 1,000 , barley , none. St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. Louis , December 22. Hoes Slow and lower ; Ight , 84 00 © 4 25 ; mixed packing , 84 304 60 butchers' to fancy , 84 65@4 80 ; re ceipts , 900 head ; shipments , 2,000 head. New YorH Produce Market. NEW YORK , December 22. Flour Quiet and without impor tant chauge ; receipts , 39,038 bar rels ; round hoop Ohio , $4 40@5 50 ; choice do , $5 55 ® 6 89 ; super- One weatern$3 403 00 ; coumon to good extra do , $4 305 00) ) choice , do , do , Sn OoSC 75 ; choice white wheit , $5 55@6 00. Batter Dull and heavy ; Ohio , 14 Heavy at 2631c for fair to choice. Wheat QaietOhlc ; goSH2@l 16 ; Milwaukee , $1 17@1 18 ; No. 2 red winter , $1 1G | for cash ; $1 IGf for Dacember ; § 1 17J for January ; 551 20 for February ; 31 21i for MarchjSl 2 for May : sales 450,000 bn. Corn Qiiet ; No. 2 , at 57J@57c ; ea'e * , 30.000 bu. Oa'S Quiet. Pork 813 80@14 30 for February. Lard $8 92j 897J forcasb9 ; 07 9 05 for D comber Confessed His Crime. RpecU DUpatch to The Utt. PtANTAOENET , Ont. , December 23 , In. m. Dtvid Provost , recently sen tenced to four months imp-isnnment for thefs has oinfessed to hviug mur dered Pierre Brunei In September last Hesiys Dsrnoro jJrunet , a son of the murdered mn , brjachfd the matter to him , aid i flaenctd him tn go to the old man'it house , where hs choked the old man , while D-imore was atindins by. Dimore brunet was arrested yesterday. Provost haB been parti * ! 'y ' insane since hia du l was commit' ' eH. A Flooded Wine. Spedtl Dlepatch to The B f. S AN FBAT Cisco , December 23 , 1 a. m The < ffiiial report of Superin'end- enb Boyle , of the Alts .mine , filed yes- 'terday afternoon , states that water was sixty feet above the 2,050 level Monday , and still rising. He hopes to get the water out , D03IESTK3 DOISGS , Befnharclt Meets a Warm Wel come -at the Canadian Metropolis , The Oklahoma Colonists GhaFge the ( jovernrrient With Favoritism. After a Wrestling Contest of Five fiours. Whistler and Bibby Score a Draw. Bernnardt Among the Kanuctcs. Special H ( patch to the Bed MONTREAL , December 23 1 a. .m. Sara Bernharkit arrived here at 9 o'clock last evening. In the after- nocn a deputation of prominent citi zens , with representatives of th-3 press , went to St. Albans , Vt. . to meet tbe great actress , where they arrived Rt G p. m. , and in a brief time the train bearing the famous across rolled into the station , where a large crowd was asaambkd to catch a glimpse of htr. Soon after the start for Montreal was made , the deputation entered Mile B-rnhardt's the " of tpscial car , "City .Worcester , " und the niombers were introduced t'o the fair Bira. Being somewhat indisposed , the interview was a short one , its chief feature being the reading of an original piem ad dressed to Berr.hardt by 31 Louis Frechf tte , poet laureate o ! the Acad emic Frai cjise , who was one of the deputation. The effect of the very pretty sonnet was to considerably brighten the actresi , who had been considerably unnerved by the unac countable hostility of the American clergy , and she thanked the author very heartily. The arrival of the train at tbe depot was greeted wi'h the strains of ' LMarBeillai80"pl'yed by a military band , the immense crowd assembled cneering wildly. The wife and daughter of a leading queen's counsel were admitted to the car and presented to Beruhardt a co-tly bo quet. Bernhardt then left tha car ind with M. Schwab , an elderly resi dent Frenchman , made her way through the multitude , which throng ed on all sides. Thu divine Sr hnd every reason o feel satisfied with her reception in the Canadian metropolis , and that she i , may b > inferred from her eXcl mtona ! or pleasure at the delicate attention paid her. To avoid the crowd , Mile. Bernhardt left by a side entrance , and was driven to Windsor hotel , where another large crowd.Composed of the elite of the city-had assembled to meet her. The attempt to suppress the parformance of "Adrionne Lecouveur" here on Christmas ha * failed , the city attor ney deciding that tha police cimmia- sioner had no right to in eifere. The Favored Few. x Special dispatch to The Bee. CHICAGO , DeiemVier 22 10 p. m. A special from Cdldweli , Kansas , friva the secret of the opposition to the opening of the Indian territory is to bo found in the rapacious Indian rings and stock rings , which infest both Washington and the territory. Three years ago , about 25,000 head of cattle were wintered In the territory , la 1878 the number had so increased that the Cherokees demanded a per capita Tax on all cattle held on their lands. This amounted lo some $12- 000 , but it is eaid that not more than one-tenth of ifc wai turned in to the Cherokee treasury. D ist year there were 50,000 to CO.OCO head and this year 150,000 head. No one is per mitted to enter the territory , or hold cattle there without a permit from the Indians , who requlrj a tax of fifty cents per head. Major Sipe , treas urer of the Cherokee nation , who col lected the tax on the 150.000 head , reports $4,000 ns the receipts from this source this year , whereas it ought to be $75,000. The cattle held in the territories are owned by two or thrae individuals and it ia charged that they compose a ring and control a powerful lobby at Washington , who have secured permission to pasture their stock in the territory , although the government orders ere to eject all herdera , as well as settlera. indications. Special Dtepttch to Tat Bin. . WASHINGTON , December 23 , 1 a. m. For the upper Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys : Colder and partly cloudy weather , light snow in the first and sourthern portions cf the last named district , with the winds generally from the north to west during the day , shifting t ) tha south and west during the night , with falling barometer and rising tempera ture iu the last named district. The Rock Island Canal. Special Dispatch to the Bsx CHICAGO , December 23 , 1 a. m. The Henneptn Canal committee , ap pointed at lluck Island in 1874 , met in Chicago yesterday , and adooteJ a resolution mcmoraliziog congress as to the advl < ab lity of thu immediate construction "f this canal so lon c < n- teraplated. It would be only sixty miles in lonpth , connecting the pres ent Illinois & Michigan canal with the Miss'saippi river at R ) ok Island. The estimated cost is $5,000,000. Swindling Stoci Concern. Bpedal Dispatch to Tbo Bee. NEW YORK , December 231 a. m. Micha l O'C ffae , Liurent DeFossi and Charles Wyant , president , treas urer and secretary of the Mutual Stock operating company , 40 and 42 Bread way. were arre tcd yefterday on a bench warrant. Taey am indicted for obtaining money n"der fa'sa pro- tensea. Th s company h is of late figured in auitbefor Judge Donohoe , in which three slureh .Iders ask for a receiver , which motion was denied. It is asserted that this concern , which had ostensibly a ca Ital of half a mil lion dol.ara , was one of the concums to which the po toflice refused to da- liver letter * . The proceed : g3 are in- tunted by parties who are backed by tbe etock exchange. A Decide 1 Draw. Special Dispatch to TEH Bis. 27EW YOEK , December 22 10 p. m. Since the unsatisfactory draw in the late wrestling match between Ed ward Bibby and Clarence Whistler partisans of each have strenuously held that theirs was the better man To settle the question , Whistler ant Bibby met azam hsb evening in the rink. They wrestled hotly fir five hours without a fall for eiih r. The western warder was the stronger man , but the Englishman was too wary tc becau ht. At 1:30 : this morning the men stopped wrestling , savin ? they would never wrestle again. They had tried hard and could not throw each other. New England Dinner. Special dispatch to Tha &K. NEW YOIK : , December 23 1 a. ra. The annual dinner of the New Eng- hnd society , of New York , held last night , at Metropolitan Musc hall , was attended by over five hundred persons. The spacious hall wei dial- ) orately decorated fur the occasion with fhgs of every state in the Union , end almost every counny in the world. There was aeo a very fair display of * its find flowers. An orchestra , er tbe direction of Budnlphe Adodson , furnished the music during the diriner. Among the guests pres ent were Gen. Grant , Secretary Evnrts , Gen. Sherman , Secretary Robeson , Chauncey M. Depew.James H. Chrnte , Geo'ga Jones , lodge Rnt- sell and Hon. Stewart L. Wocdford. Tne Devil's Darllnff. Spec al Dlsrolch to The Bee. MONTREAL , December 23' 1 a. m. Great excitement has been caused nerC through the machinations of a noted procuress , ropMentl'nS a Chi- ca o deml monde , who ha , u-der prom'ies of good positions and large 83lar s , induced a number of young French Canadian girls to go to Chi- c.s.0 , where , it ia understood , they have bean met on their arrival by keapora of brotheh , and conveyed to their dens , f > nd in a short time they toioma reiMlUr inmatea. This start ling diseoiory was made by the arrest of two little girls , agel 14 ye ri | Toes- day evening , while m the act of board ing a Chicago train. Aiding Boycott. Special Dispatch to Ttie Bee. NEW YORK , December 22 4 p. m. A London special saya that Lord Shaftibury has now espoused the cause ot Captain Boycott , and that a fund of twenty-five hundred dollars , to which Lord Derby is a liberal donor , has been tubacrioed for his benuliti Arrest ol Counterfeiters. Sp dal dlapatch to The Bee. WASHINGTON , December 22 i p. m. An agent of the secret service at Cinc'nn.iti , teleMphs to Chief Brooks thtt they arrested latt ni'ht , two men Bivinu ho nanus of C. L. Wilson and E W. PLt'l ' , in the act nf naming counterfeit silver coin. The tniulds and counterfeiting stensils were captured. Death of an Actress. Special Dispatch t < . The Bee CIVCIVNATI. O. , December 22 4 p. m. Thi funeral service of Mra. John McDonough , known in theatrical pro fession as Lili n Traverse , took place at 10 o'clock this morning and was attended by a large number of actors and actresses. Two New Cables. Special DlHpatitl to Thd Boai LONDON , December 22 4 p. m Siavens Bros. , the cable manufactur ers , havereceiv d an order from Jay Gould and his cable construction com pany for two Atlantic cables , and have already began preparations for their manufacture. All the old ex perienced workmen have been en gaged , and the worlr will be pushed forward to completion as rapidly as possible. The cables are to be com pleted by July next , and it is expected they will be laid and In working order by September. Loaded and the Usual Result. Special dispatch to The Bee. CHATTANOOGA , December 22. 4 p. m William Roberts , living at Ridge Valley furnace , Georgia , was cleaning an old revolver , whsn one barrel was discharged , and the bullet passed hrough the bowels of hia two-year ) ld nephew , the only child of William Gose , the engineer of the furnace , causing the child's death in a few lours nfiorvrards. Faro's Hosts at Heat The various faro banks of the city closed temporarily Tuesday. From .he best information at our disposal wa understand that one or two of Wo proprietors , who had , for some-i'me past , enjoyed a practical monoroly of the business in this city , found that the opening of several new banks in ; ho city , had made serious Inroads upon their buainess. It was therefore deemed prudent to bring about a general suspension for a time , as such move would have the effect to freeze ont the small deal ers , while the old hands could well afford to lay off a week or two. A truce was therefore determined upon and tha marshal was so informed by one nf the parties , with the suggestion that i : would be a good opportunity to of course would not dimige 1m rep- ntition as a public officer. This ia said to bo the true inwardness of the mi"ircsto i ; > aed Tuesday evening , -tsas f lli w : DLPARTJIENT OF JUSTICE , ) OJIAUA , December 21,1880. J To Mes r'.nn Allen , Chu. Blgjlns , P. X. S. Sh w , anil othe 9. UENTS : When aaiuminz the office of city niarfhal of Oinha , I intended to do juattce to all c < f ita citizens. Where cnurteiies had formerly pre vailed towards old time coat > nu , I deemed it ju t that I should not bo the first one to chin/a tha habits of old settlers. Pub'ic opinion Las changed , and as a public officer , it is my uworu duty to enforce the law to its full exttn' . The rigid enforce ment of nil city ordinance * i * demand ed. I will do to , and txoect of you a full compliance with t * > e liw. CHAS. J. W City DEPARTMENT OF Powce , ) OMAHA. D-c. 21. J To tbe M mbers ot the Police forte of Omaha : GEMH I wish to call your atten- ti > n to thu provisions in the statutes of nur state , and in our ciiy charter , rtl'tin to gambling and gambling hon ee. You will from now on pay rpecial attention to the supp-esiion of violations of t'anse laws. We , aa of ficers uf the lav , sra sworn to do our duty , and ev ry provision of our laws must bi > enforced. Every gambling homo , either public or private , must and shill be suppressed , and ! request yon loasjiat me in my efforts to do so. C. J. WESTEBDAHL , City Marshal. Now , if there was ny genuine in tention on the par * cf the city author ities to enforce the laws , this would be all very well , and THE BEE would say , EDHOLM & EKICKSG V \ Wholesale ami Retail IHamu factnrinjj ] \nOEST3TOCK OF Gold and Silver Watdics and Jcivc'ry ' in < he City. Come and See Our Stock as We Will Be Pleased to Show Goods. EDH91M & ERIGKSON , 3tH tt T > " 1 P. Opp flit. LKS ! All sales strictly casli , therefore we are enabled to offer the consumers of the weed only first quality goods lor ilieir money. Best straight lOc Cigar in the city , Bsst 3 lor a quarter Cigar in the oitr , Best Straight 5c Cigar in the cit7 , Detroit Pine Cut a Specialty , Oar 80 i Fine Cut is a good one , Bagley's May Flower ii 8 and 16 ounce tins , For 40o we have bang up Smoking Tohacco , -vr TUK " MICHIGAN TOBAOGQ STORE , " I-iir r > oii < riN .Sfrrt. . We are the only Den'ara ia the Ce'abratod B gley's May Flower. HOR&c " onud A n Iron and V/agon Stock , : H Cliicauro 1'riccs. 1209 and 1211 Harncy Street , Omalin. octll- THE CENTRAL DINING HALL , Southwest corner 16th and Dodge. Has Lately been leased by hadyeara ezperienne in tha hotel and restuaurant- ness , and will run a first-class house. , _ MfcALS ArL' ALL ITO b. Board the Jw Jfi ff or lutliout. by Day or Week , with entra.K * - ilccll-flm , Amenl It is not m < n.r v/ecks ainco THE BEE publishel a lengthy article npon the subject , with General Man- derson's opinion , aa city attorney , ai the foundation. That opinion was more pointed , forcible and comprehen sive than a thousand pagis rf S9n- tencea aU Victor Hno. He distinct ly said that in fulhg ti > c'ose the gamine ; houses , pnforce the Sunday laws , etc. , the city officials were guilty of a violation of their swnrn duty. That the < rdimnces snd * Ute laws regulating aalooni , pamhling houses , and homes of proi'itntioii should bo oiiforced or rapealel and ? replaced by others th it would be ? n _ mv-uru wii'i puunc spntiment. The r/iarahal and othpr rfficTJ w u'd have been anstained inanyH eriforccmant of tb&se nrdinaoce al any time , hnt they cho o to ignnro them. We do not take a cent's worth of stock in the present tpia uodic effort in the direction of reform. We believe the ofhculs ate nui in active sympathy with a movement u'ged bv THE lire and other pipers time and asaln ; , before hlf the valunt warrfo-s of reform ever bre * hfd thu air of Xtf braalca. If t'-'ey are , 1 t thun sh > w it by their good works. L-t them clone the houses of prostitution nid fire the inmates out of town. L ° t them onforca tha 12 o'clock and Sunday liq'sor la1 ? , Jet th ra do a thons nd other things wh'ch thry hava lef : undone si long that their sin is xlm'mt too deeply sculet to be washed out. The city marshal last evening , in conversation with a BEE reporter , sad he intended to close these pile's nncl enforce every ordinance of th city from now until the expiration of bii iffical term. If so , let us 3-e him begin If the city is to be purified let it bo rid of the rottenness which ten-fold > oor < > offensive than tbe in * fluenco of yamblii-g houses nestles at the very dcors cf respectable citizens and finds a refuge en the soil and in the property of old and gray-beided citizens of tha state and city. If he does his whole duty he will be award ed the praiae he deserve * , and if nof , he is toe sensible to desire thu white wash poured over him by the hog- head full. Just received at THE BEE Job Rooms the nicest line of diminntive P per and Envelopes and Girds , suit- I able for Children's Birthday Partiea. ' Call and aea them. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN P1AHO & FRAME , A. HOSPE JR. . , . , Pianos and Organs lirst Class on Easy Monthly Payments , Sheet Music and Mnsi- cal Instruments. FIXE SioCK OF 3VC O TJ H ID IIN" GS . 0 1 Paluttiw , En'ra inif ait' If runes at ijrtat Ir txl ioed prices. 3x10 Frames , I Inch , Wlnut. " 0x12 " 1 ' " " icxii " i " 12X19 " 1 } " " I.SCVS ' 1 } " " . 10x20 lj " Imatlc 8x10 frune 1 hronio frrrd , imi ) , 2Jc , Cliromotfrained lan. , t ti , I n'.Tavin t Irom 'I'M ' npwar'l/ . Pliotosraph Iranet from 15c upw nl , \7imli * ( * 7Sc a urlmlow and up Lanilirequirj * OQptt window 11 d uf.wird * , Cornice fcles J 50 per win-lo * and upwanl , Velvet frame < 25c er h to5 oo Violin Stnn , ' * IV , Violi < 1 76. 2 SO , J nd upwards , OnlUr * 5 M > . B Of , 7 W > ml upwardf. Banjo * 1 CO 3 00. 5 00. and upward. ' . Accur/leo-n fmm 1 00 np. cheapest la city Send to wtnplrt anj catalogue of mouldlnn and Hh. t mTilc A. HUSPK , JR. . 1519 Iot' < " > St .DextrtoortoIIarrl and Omaiu N b. ACADEMY OF MUSIC I 1HORSDA7 , December 33th. WAITING FOR THE YEBDiqT -BTTOB [ Members of the Union Catholic Library" , , One Cf the I . . i dram.1 on the mo < ern v > tv.e. . ' K"Mtf Kicnl Poor In Ala Very Btron-r cist. .Sfrcenti : Mali lee far > chooi chil dren. Friday a. 2 p. ra. ; A < ipihaicnv2 > < * B decll-