CHARLES POWELL , OF THE PEACE Comer ICth. and JUSTICE Eta. , Omaha Keb. WM. SIMERAL , D. L THOMAS , TTORKKT AT LAW Loan money , bsyi _ .ndeellsrealeAate. Boom A. C. TROW , < AT DEXTER L THOMAS , X70HKCY AT a A ? ! / . M. CHADWICK. TTOKNKf AT LAW-O * UM f raha PjeKrhtao Kok , M * Jj Pest O. " oe , OH > A , KEBBjSu KAD < rB5U H & BARTIETT , norneys-at-Law , OrnCE-Pnlon BlockJPIftoonth * at Fkrnham' X > . 13. IB.UAl-JL'OZa. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ARBACH BLOCK. COR. DC88A IETH STS. OMAHA. NEB. W. d. . . Connell , Attorney-'at-Law. OBoe : Front looms , np rtln.ln Hwaeom'i tew brick building. H. W. corer Fifteenth and Faznham Streets. UHAS R. Bract HEIUCK & REDICK , Attorneys-at-Law. - - . Special atlci'ticra IU In tfm to all tulti cainot corporations ol ercrr dtbcrlptlon ; will reacUee la tl Rh Coart * ot the But * and the united States. Office , famham St. , oppotlte Court _ EDWARD W. 8IMERAL , AT LAW Room Oreljhton AITOUNEV and Dontlai rtrtrta. noBdh C. F. MANDERION , A TTORKXT AT LAW Ut nnhm J\ Omaha NibraAv w. T. RICHARDS. a. j. HO T RICHARDS & HUNT , Attornoys-at-Law , Orrscs 215 South Fourteenth Street. PR. BOSANKO'S PILE REMEDY. IKTERNAU EXTERNAL , AND ITCHING PILES on the ppllcmUa rile * * * * * yon tbe pnrU ititiii'miiua * + lmi he Tqmora. nllnjlng tae lalfa B ma ? DO NOT DELAY Otfl the drain on the a j at a piud e ermameat dlaabmty , bat bay It , TRYJT ABNE CURED i-S PRICE , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , a Mt wnen yon can not obtsvln It efbin , * r\ \ Till send It , prepaid , on receipt ofprlrc Dr. Bouokoli Trcotlae on rile * anl Crei taappUcaUoa. AddrcM 4E DR , BOSANKO MEDICINE CO. PIQTJA.O. J THE COLOEADO BUSINESS COLLEGE This institution , located at Denver , Colorado , the KducatlonU and Commercial center ot ike West , Is pre-eminently tha bent and most praotj. cal ol 1U Vlnd ( or the MERCANTILE TRAINIKG -QF- Young Men and Ladies. G. W. FOSTER , President , D. W. CADT , Secretary , The moat extensive , thorough nd compleU nstltution ot the kind la the worldThoruandl ot accountant ! and Business men. In the prln * clpsJ dtles and towns ot the United SUles , owe their success to our course of Irelnliig. . The Eicht Kind of Education for Young Men and Ladies , Tine , new brick block. At 5utlon ot three treet car lines BVej .nUy and tnrnlthed apartments forth * application ol and carrying out ot oar novel and systematic methods ot BUSINESS TRAINING , Tonng mon who contompKt * bu > ine i life , and parents having son to educate , are partlcn < larly requested to lend for our-ntw Circular , which will give fnll Information as to term * , ondltlon ot entrance , etc. Address G.W. POSTER , President , C-Jm Denver , Colorado. TTTE DAILY BEE. MUHA PUBUSHIHC CO. . PROPRIETORS. SISFarniam , bet. 9tk and IDA Street * TERJIS OF SUBSCRIPTION , 8 months . . . .gJDl TIME TABLES- THE MAILS. * 0 , * H , W.K.E,530 . m. , MOp. m . Joe 690 . . B. City * P , 130 a. ia. & . , 11:40 fcm. & * Ig Lincoln , 10 vm. B.M.R.B-,8iO .m. OFITITC 0. * K.W. K.K. , 11 a. m. , 11 p , m. C.B.&a.Ufc.m. , 830 p. m. C. R. 1. 5 > . , U a. m. , 11 p , tt. a B. * Bt , Joe.,11 am. , U p. BJ. TJ. P. R.R. 4p.m. 0. 4 R. V. from Unsola , 11UO 6. mi . . , . B. AH. lnlieb.,4p. m. r. Load rnaHa ( or States Iowa leave bat onot i cay , Tic 430 a , m. Office open from 12 to 1 p. m Sundays. THOMAS F. HALL. Postmaster. _ Arrival And Departure el Trains TJHION PAOTIO. uuvx. Hurra. DaUyErpre . . . .nlS"p.m. , do Hlzed . edOp.m. 4:26 p.m. * do FreightB50 a. m. ItlO p. IT. do do . . . . .E:15 a. in. 1220 . m. ' TUCK fiAKD Of THE BUHUNGTON. LlaVBOXini. JLXKTO OXIBI. express 8:40 p. m. Erproea . 10:00 a. m , laU ) m Hall . 100 p. m. Sundays accepted. Sundays Excepted. CHICAQO.IBOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. Han . .60a.m. IMaU . 10:00 p. m. Ixprtm-.KM p. m. | Ekpresa. .10eo : a. m. CHICAOO HOBTHWESTERK. Mall . _ .6.-nOa.m.M | Jl . - 730p.m. * * pr _ . .8 : pi m. 1 Express _ 1 X ) a. m. Sundays excepted. KANSAS orrr , ST. JOE * COUNCIL BLURS U1TB ARRITI. Mall . _ 8:00 a. m. I Express . 7:40 vm. KxproB . 8:00 p. m. I H fl . TS& The only line running Pullman Sleeping Cat oat of Omaha to Union Depot. OMAUA & NORTHWESTERN AND ( SIOUZ crnr & PACIFIC KAILROADB. Kxpn _ . .8:00 a. m. | Fxpreet - 420 p m. Dally Except Sundays. B. ft V. B. B. In NEBRASKA. . , uacfn. Kxprc B _ . 8SOaml Fittght . 850am Freight . . . . . . e5p to JKxpre : 8 . 4:10 pm &OUX CITY & ST. PAUL R. B. . . . . _ . . 8:10 am I Kip-cos . 100 am Erpreaf . 8.40 pm I M . . . . .7:20 p m WABAS11 , ST. UAVBS. AJUUVHl. Kan . - 8a.m. I Mall - 11:56 a. m ExpraK..S:40 p. m. ( Eiprca.l:25 p. m. BRIDOE DIVISION U. P. R. R. Leare Omaha , dally , 8 a. m. , B a. m. , 10 a m. , 11 a. m. . 1p.m. , 8 p. m.p. m , 5 p. m,6p. m. . Leave Council Blnffo ; & 25 a. m. , 0:25 a. m , , 1096 a , m. , 11:25 a , m. , 1S5 p. m. , 2:26 p. hi. , 135 p. m. , 6:25 p. m. , 6:25 p. in. ) FOOT trip * on Sunday , leaving Omaha at 9 and 11 a. m. , 2 and 6 p. m. ; Council Bluffs U 925 , 11 ; * . fct , and 2:25 and 6:25 p. m. MB8TXOK TJUUIS. Leave Omaha : 6 a. m. , 7 a. m.8 0 . m. , 1 p. m. , 4:60 p. m. , 7:25 p. m. , Leave Council Blatfs : 6:15 a.m , , 9:40 a. m. , 1140 anu6:25p , m. , 7.-00 p. m. , 7SO p. m. Dally except Sunday. OMAAA * REPUBLICAN VALLEY B. . IttVt , ARMTS. Man..r. > v , . . . . _ 10:16 a. m. , 4:55 p. m. Dally except Sundays. TH week. | l a day at h'cio aisilj made ; cash * ItoatOt free.ftda' nw Trae & Co.Pnrtln.l.Me. SA.NTA GLAUS FOUND. Greatest Discovery of tfco Age. ffondMfnldlacoveriecln the woridhavoboen made Among other things where Santa Claui stayed Children ott ask U he makes coeds or not , It nally he trot In a moanlaln of snow. Last year an exconlon galltsd clear to the Pole And raddenly dropped Intowhat seemed HkeuholB Where wittier Of wonders theyfound anowland , jThDo fairy -Uk a beings appeared on each hand. There were mountains like ours , with more beautiful preen , And far brighwr skies than ever were scon , Birds with the hnes of a rainbow were found ) While flowen nf exquisite fragrance xrtra glow Ing around. Hot long were they left Id WOnder In doubt A being soon cams thty had heard much about , Twas Santa ClaUs * self and this they all say , He taked like the picture r csee every day. H droroup a team that looked Tery queer , Twaa a team * l crasehoppcra Instead of rrindrtr , He rode In a shell Instead of a slelvh Bat he took thorn on borfd and dlove them away , He thowttt them all over his wonderful realm , And factories miking foods for women and men Farriers were working on hate Rreat and small , To Bonce's ( her said they were sending them all. Kris Kindle , the Glove UaVer , told them at once , All oar Qlores we are lending to Bonce , Santa showed them mspendeis and many thlnyt more. . . Sayinic I also toot thirid to JrfeM E5nce's itore. " i to his can , Knowing his friends "will get their full share. How remember ye dwellers In Omaha town , AH who want present * to Bunco's go round. For ihlrta , collars , or cloves great and Email , Bend your stater or aunt one and all. Bunce , Champion Hatter ot the Welt , Doujlal teet. Omaha A new an * hitherto unknown remedy for al diseases ot the Kidneys , Bladdot , and Urlnarj Organa. It will positively cure Diabetes , Gravel , Drop ' to retain or expel IT. Brtchl'g Disease. Inability th Urine , Catarrh ot the Bladder , high colcrecj and acanty .rrlne. Painful Urinatlnff , LAMI BACK , General TTeakncaB , and all Female Com plaints. ! It avoids internal medldnes , la certain In II effects and cures when nothing else can. For ale by all Druggists or Mnt by mall f r upon receipt of the price , $2.00. DAY KEYPAD CO. , PROP'RS , Toledo , O. J98 / , yonr address for our little book How a was Saved. " IIES K. ISH. Arent lor Hebraska. CHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER ! If etallc Cases , Coffins , Casket * , Shrouds , etc. Faro mStro * . Oth and llth , Omaha , Neb , Telegraphic orders promptly attended to. AGBICULTTTRAL. French Agriculture. N.Y.Tritu-c. The Amoricancompetition of which iho Ei.g ibJi farmtr 1ms hnd , for some year- * , i > -ic ical and increasingly oaiiifiil v > i srnca is just hepinniug to nwHk. ii , iuMiC atteiiiion in Fran-e. It bai Lc-t vtolfd IhetB a feeling of alarm , * it : VimUnd , for the eondt- tloni of'he < c-'untrlcs in respect to the eourc.-j nul d'stribution of wealth * to Vc } v .ferout. Tae land la much more q ally apportioned among the populalkn in France , and the actnal ownership of the soil he tills has made the French farmer a more prosperous and independent person than the tenant farmer of England His industry and aobrloty , joined to his habits o ! thrift , tre might almost Bay parsimony , hava given him B start in the world -which not even ihe competition of the Amer ican farmer , with all his great natural advantages of cheap and fertile land , can overcome. He is not only a land holder , hat a bondholder as well. The number of landed proprietors in France is 5,500,000 , and last year the number of holders of rentes was 4,280,933 , and In 1878 , 4,139,040 , showing that the number of French people who have invested some portion tion of their savings in the govern ment obligations ia approaching that of the freeholders. A population ot 'this character Is not Very sensitve to foreign competition. Nevertheless , the fact that American wheat and beef can be bought in France cheaper thin the native products has led thoughtful economists In that country to survey with some anxiety the pros pect opened op by the rivalry of the western world. In a recent issue of The Journal des Debats M. J. de Reinach presents some statistics of the comparative cbfit of production In the two 'countries. Ho gives in detail the items of ex pense in cultivating one hectare (2.4 ( ? acre * ) Q Th'cil In Toias and in France.Ylth the exception of a narrow strip of land in the western part of the state , the soil of Texas is not adapted to wheit-growinjr , but for 1L de Reinach'a. purpose it furnishes as good.a point of comparer n as any , fi > r the cost t > f rulsihfj a bushel of wheat there is about the eamo as in the northwest. From ode httotife the Texas farmer ? vls 2U hectoli'res , (55 ( bushel ? ) costing 7f. GSc per hectolitre. The yiutd in Franco is but 15 hectoli tres , costing 21f. 43s. hectolitre , or not quiet three Hrrtea M much as in Tcitvs. btii utter the wheat is harvested a crop of era can be raised in Texas 20 hectolitres , cost ing 3f. GOc per hectolitre. For trans porting there two crops to France , AL do Rcionch add Gf. per hectolitre. The American faimer , then , sells In French markets as the product of one hectare of land 20 hectolitres of wheat which have cost 274f.f. delivered at21f. the hectolitre'.and 20 hectolitres of com , costing 148' . , at llf. 60c the hcctS'ltre. Thos the net profit on one year's product of his 2.47 acres Is 236f. , or 47 , while the French farmer inuet bo content to sell his 15 hectoli tres of wheat for just what it costhim , receiving no profit whatever. It cannot bb said of this compari son , AS bt Messrs. Bead and Pell's re port to the British parliament , tnat it under-estimates the productivcnets of American soil or the profits of the farmers who till it.But If Vi bialt the after-crop of c'cifn , the remainder Of the slat&ment may be accepted aa fair and truthful , though some French writers not eo well Informed as Mr. de Reinach have cherged him with ex aggerating the pOBsibilties of Ameri can agriculture Tjier'o is no dispo sition to question the accuracy of his statements as to the largo outlay and mall return of the French farmer , but it does not appear that this con dition of things is due cwholly to American competition1 aa seven times within the laat uYenty yesra the aver age 'siYnnal price of wheat in Franco has touched the point where the pro ducer's prfit vanishes , and this was before American wheat had found its way to Trench markets. Now that our export tra'de in braadstuffg is firm ly established , however , the farmers of France must prepare to meet as a permanent condition whathashitherto been exceptional. In no year in which American soil has yielded a fair crop can the price of wheat in the markets of Paris riio much above the figures civen by M. de Reinach M the cost of production there 21L the hectolitre. From the wheat'- field the comparison , may be carried to the stock-yard. The daily cost of Ihu lodder for fattening an ox in France is If. 80. ; fora cow , 93c. ; for a sheep , 12c. In Texas it costs for anox7c. ; for tti cow the same , and for a sheep So. During the first seven months of the present year America sent to France 1,249 live cittle , 1,858 iheep , and 625 hogs. This is but a bsginnlng , compared with our exportation ! to England ; but it opens the way to greater things. In the first nine months of the year France imported. 641,17GOOOf. worth of grain and flour , of which a large portion was drawn from America , Bold being shipped to pay for It. These facts prove incontestable that the products of our soil are pushing their way Into all quarters of the world , and every year finding out new markets But they by means prove that French agriculture is to be ruin ed by us , or that a high tariff on breadslnffs and provisions will be re quired to protect it. Indeed , the means of defense already suggested are of quite another kind. The French government patronizes and aids agri culture to an extent wholly unknown here. The state dispenses large sums yearly in prizes , and to those who have suffered loss through fire , storm or cat tie disease. It keeps fine horses , sheep and cattle in the various departments for breeding purposes , and two bank ing institution- Credit Fonder and the - establish * Ci-edtiJj/recofe.havebeen edto supply capital for | erlcuUuralde * valopment. It IB to this fostering anc parental care of the state that theoret ical French fanners will look for mcails of defense against Intrusive competition from without. "The Re- publique Francaise calls for more cap ital and technical instruction for til lers of the soil. M. De Rhinach would have'thergovernment reduce the farmers taxes and reclaim 12,000- 000 acres of waste landby under- draining and irrigation. The present outlook is not favorable , " says he , ' 'but to change It only depends on us It. " No doubt the state can do much to better tne condition of French agricultural interests , but it still remains true that their mala re liance against foreign rivalry is on the Industry and practical good sense of the farmers themselves. An Important A BrlctlturalUlscovery. Cleveland LciUer. Everybody knows the value of green grass In fattening stock and increas ing the milk of cows. And most people ple know that from one to two-thirds of the substance and nutrition which the cattle find in their food comes direct from the atmosphere and rain , and not from the earth. It is also generally well known that dried fodder der of every description is > mnch lighter In weight and less In bulk than the green stuff , yet it is only within the last two years that it has occurred to one in ibis country that it these three facts were put together , the conclusion would bo reached that about one-half of alt the food quali- tiep o ! fonder are lost in the cubing of it by the process of drying , and that if it were preserved in a green state it would be twice as valuable for feeding In the winter than when dry. This has led to a further investigation of the fodder question , and some of our agricultural papers have found that in trance there is a perfect system of preserving green fodder In general use , which had been Introduced by the French army on its return from Mexico ice in 1867. The Meylpana In tnrH Acquired this process of treating fod- uer from the Spaniards , who had learned it from the Romans. As practiced by the French the pro cess is as follows : A cellar with stone or brlck.air tlpjlt walls in constructed of capacity suiticient to hold as many tons aa desired. This is called a silo , and it Is filled with green corn-stalk fodder cut fine by chopping machines run by horse or steam power. Over the top of the corn stalks ia placed a tight layer of boards , on which are placed atones , logs of other heavy weights Until the fodder beneath is pressed Into a compact mass , which being entirely preserved from tne air remains for several months in about the same condition of freshness as when cut , and is called ensilage. When opened in the winter for the purpose of feeding stock , the ensilage Is cut out with a hay knife and ia found to possess nearly all the good qualities of new grass. Dr. John M. Boiley , of Massachusetts , was the first in this country to make any experi ments with ensilag ? . In his report on the subject ho says thatt\e found that ho can rais f roth forty to seventy- fivb lena of sown corn stalk to the acre , which , when kept in a allo and fed to stock , is the equivalent of from twenty to thirty-seven and one-half tons of thu best timothy hsy. He predicts that when silos find ensilage feeditig'conies into general Use "milk can he produced fur one cent per quart , butter for ten cents a , pound , beef for four cents per pouud , and mutton for nothing , if wool be at thirty cents per pound. " Were Dr. Batluy not indorsed by the president of the Mntaachnaetts agricultural so ciety and the bureau of agriculture at Washington , we should nof-have given so much apace to his wonderful claims. As it is , the question of silos and en silage is of the very greatest impor tance to such an extensive cheese and butter producing cotintry aa we have in Northern Ohio. A BABE COMPANION. MOST DEtiOHTfDL OF NEWSPA PERS THE DETKOIT FBEE FHESS , Famed throughout the world as a newspaper o ! the rarest and most en joyable class , is commended to the reader as one sura to please , interest and and satisfy. Its contents are ever fresh , viva cious and pleasing. Every Issue contains much original matter , peculiarly readable ana in structive , as articles current with the day in the various departments of lit erature. In its delightful columns will be found a world of anecdote , paragraph and spicy comment ; wit , humor , sketch and story ; chees , puzzles , cor- re-pondence , sprightly editorials ; travels , fashion everything that can gratify the most exacting reader , and which those whose taste and culture demand originality and merit will es pecially appreciate. "Tho Household , " a weekly supple ment , containing contributions by lady correspondents , resident in all quarters of the country , relating to topics of interest to the ladles espec ially , and a publication that has met with much favor , is furnished gratis to every subscriber to The Free Press. No other paper furnishes so much reading matter , so varied and so ex cellent , for ao little money. The Weekly Free Press and "The House hold" together are furnished at $2 a year. of five , $1.75 each ; libera commissions allowed local aqenti. Specimen copies sent free. Address , the Detroit Free Fress Detroit , Mich. | We Olnb with this paper. An Honest Medicine Jbrea of Charge Of all medicines advertised to cure any affection of the Throat , Chwt 01 Lungs , we know of none we can rec ommend as highly as DK. KINO'S NEW DISCOVERY for Consumption , Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fe ver , Hoarseness , TiekllngJa the Throat , loss of voice , etc. Tfib med icine does positively cure , and that where everything else ha * failed. No medicine can show one-half so many positive and permanent cures as have already been effected by this truly wonderful remedy. For Asthma and Bronchitis it is a perfect specific , cur ing the very worst cases In the short est time possible. We say by al means give it a trial. Trial bottlrj free * Regular size 81.00. For sale by 8lly ( ) J. K IfcH , Omaha. If von are troubled with fever and ague , dom ague , billions fever , jaundice , dyspepsia , or any dloei-se of the liver , blood or stomach , and wish to get Well , try th * new remedy , Prof , Bull- mette's ' French Liver Pod. Ask your drttRlst for ) It.fand take no other , and if he bag not got It send tl SO In a letter to the French Pad Co. , Toledo , 0. , and receive one by return mall. BncKlen'a Arnica salve The BEST SALVE in the wotld 101 data , Braiaea , Sores , TJloan , Salt Bhonm , Fever Sores , Tetter , Ohapp- ed Hands , Ohilblalna , Corns , and all dnds of Skin Ernptlona. TUa Salve j guaranteed to give perfect satl&fao- ; Iod In every caae or money re fanded. Prloe 25 cents per box. For sale bj 8dly J. E. ISH Omaha. 45 Tears before thePtoblie. THE CENUINE DR.C.McLANKS LIVEB PILLS are not recommended as a remedy "for ill the Ills that flesh is heir to. " bat in affectiona.of the Liver , and In dil Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , arid .Sick Head ache , or diseases of that character , they , , „ _ AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used pre- jaratory to , or nfter taking quinine. As i simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each bdjt.lins a red-.wai $ m b'tt iUe lid. with the impression.McLANfi'S LIVER ? ILL. Each wrapper bears the signa- ures of 0. McLANE and FLEMIHO BEOS. yS" Insist upon having the genuine DB. C. McLANE'S ' LIVER PILLS , pre- > ared b * FLEMING BROSPltt8ljurghPa. , he market being full of imitations of he name J/c anc , spelled differently , mt same pronunciation. tiow io ciJRfc , . , . . . „ CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , Colds , Asthma , Croup , ail diseases of the Throat , Lungs , ana Pulmonary Organs. USE ACCORDING TO DIRECTIONS ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. tropical ndpl ali. Is the Best and Most Agreeable Preparation in the World for Constipation , BlllouBneaa , Hendaclie , Torpid Liver , Me J ; arrliolds , Indlsposltioii , annjUl from , an oto Ladies Srid children , and Ihose who dtsiiko jiklne pills and nauseous medicines , are espo- dally pleased with Its agreeable qualities. TBOPICJFRUIT LAXATIVE- be used In all cases tbat need the aid of n. purgative , zaUiartlcorapierlent medicine , andTvbllpitpro * iluces thejiarn&resnlt & 3 tboaAcnt3namcdlti ls entirely ffeb liwn the nsttal flWectlOnscOtaitiDn to them. FaeludOn bronzed tin box only. Price 25 cts. Large boxes 6oc Before Purchaalne Ant Poail oi Bo-Called ELECTRIC BELT , Sand , or Appliance represented tocureNervotu , Chronic and Special Blgcieos , send to the POL YKRUACIIEROACrAKIC QO J 513Montgomery Jttoot , Ban Francisco , Cat. , for their Free Pamphlet and "The Electric Review , " and yon will gave time , health and money. The P. G. Co. are the only dealers in Genuine Electric Ap pliances on the American Continent. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby ctven that sealed bids will be received at the office of the county clerk of Furnas county , Nebraska , at Beaver City , the county seat cf said coun ty , up to the 3rd day of January , A. D. 1881 , at 12 o'clock M. of said day , for the construction of a wagon bridge across the Eepnblican river , south of the town of Cambridge , in Medicine CreeK precinct , In Furnas county , Nebraska , said bridge to be 40J feet in length. Bidders are re quired to accompany their bids with plans and specifications of the work , and also with a bond in a sum double the amount of tha bid , conditioned for the faithful execution of the contract. The county commissioners of said county of Pnrnaa reserve the right to reject any and allbida. By order of the county commissioners of Furnas county , Nebraska. Dated at Beaver City , Kurnaa county , Nebraska , the 19th day of November , A. D. 1880. L. KINSMAN , County Clerk. decS-lmd&w Tanant's ' S-ltzer Aperient. A cure for lodistst'on frightful , A bubbling beverage J6Ilhtfal ; A rttnedy tor every ailment O'er which the Bllmua make bewallment. ! A laxative , thouxb mild , effective , A tonic , narvine ind corrective ; An anodyne and suporiflc , A wonderful SiLmFBC ro Embodying etery rare ingredient That mothef Nature deemed expedient , Wth kindly liberal hiuld toflln/ Into the tamonstelirer Spring. HAKE NO. MISTAKE ; MICA AYT.F. GREASE Composed largely of powdered mica and iainglaai is the best and cheapest lubricator In the world It la the best because ) t does not from , but form : a highly polished surface over the axle , doing away with a large amount of friction. U ia the chf pe < rt bocauM you need use but half the quantity In ffeatlug your wmron that you wool J ofanyothetaxle grease made , and then ran roar wagon twice as long. U xnrwen eqnillj swell for Mill Gearing , Threshing ( Machine * , 3ugglegftc.a8 for wagons Send for Pocket Cyclopedia of Things Wortb Knowing. Hailed re * to any address. MICA MANUFACTURING CO. , 81 MICHIGAN AVENOE , CHICAGO. )9Ask Your Dealer For It oct20-tf FEVEK AM ) AGUE. Then Is no clvillred nation In the Western iDtnlsphere In which the utility of Hottctter'g Itomach filtlers at a tbnlc , corrective , and antl- illlona medicine , Is hot known and appreciated. iVhile it la a medicine ( of ill etaaona and all climates , It Ia especially the complaints ; encrated by the weather , brltifr the purest and : est vegetable stimulant In tbx world. Tor sale by Druggista and Dealers , to whom p- ply for Ho.tetter'a Almanac for 1881. _ SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AND St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Sioux City Route ! 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE I From COUTOL BLUITSto ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS DULTJTH , or BISMARCK , Lnd all po In tain Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. This line la equipped with the Im- irovtd Wcstlujhonso Automatic Air Brakes and Idler Platform Coupler and Buffer. And ( or SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT jmsorpaseed. Elegant Drawing Boom ind Sleeping Canowned .ahd controlled by the com pany , nta TJitotcb tylthafet Obango between Jnlon Pacific frabsfer Dcpit , CosnMl nioffg , and St. Paul. Trains leave the Union Pacific franafeT Depot at Council Bluffs , at 6:15 p m. , reaching Sloni City at 10:20 : p. m. , and St. Paul at 115 a.m. , making JHOlTRS 1 AjvAicca 01 im. Returning , leave St. Paul at 8 0 p. in. , a rlvbg at Sioux City at 4:15 : a. m. , and tmlo Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Blnffs , a. m. Be BUTO that your tltkots read via "B. 0 , P. B B , " , F.C. HILLS , Superintendent. UUaonrl Volley , Iowa P. E. BOBINSON , Aaa't Oen'l Paea. Agent. J. H. 0-BRYAN , and Passenger Agent. Council Blnffl To Servous Snfferers The Qreal European Bemedy Dr. J , E. Simpson's Speoifio Medicine , It la a positive cure ( or 8 permatorrbea , Semina WMknoMImpotencyandail diseases roaultlnf [ lorn Self-Abuse , u Mental Anxiety , lens o Memory , Palna In the Back or Side , and dUcase that lead U Consnmptloi Insanity am an early gravi The Spedfl < Medicine t being use with wonder fal success. Pamphlet sent free to alL Write ( or them and get ful particular ! . Price , Specific , fl.OO per package , or six pack geiIor6.BO. Address all orders to J.B SIMPSON MEDICINE CO. , Koa. Mand 108 Main St. . Buffalo , N. T. Sold in maha by C. F. Goodman , J. Vf. Bell t , E. iJh tnd alldraggUu everywhere.wp28 | wp2814wl ; TWO DOLLARS WILL SEOUB1 THE WEEKLY SEE One For Tear. GO EAST -VIA TOE Chicago & Northwestern 2,380 MILES OF ROAD 1 It la the SHORT. BU'HZ and < Ufr > Rent * Botwoc COUNCIL BLUFFS OHICAGO.MILWAirEBE and all pcinta EAST ud NORTH. JT OFFERS THK TRAVELING P0BUC GREATER FACILITIES AND MORE ADVANTAGES THAN ANT OTHER ROAD IN THE WEST. Ills the ONLY BOAD b twMn COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which Is ran PULLMAN HOTEL OAKS ! In addition to them and to pleua all claraea ol travelers , It glin FIRST-CLASS MEALS at Its EATING STATIONS at 60 cents each. ITS TRACK IS STEEL RAILS I ITS COACHES ARE THE FINEST ! ITS EQUIPMENT FIRST CLASS U yea wl h thu Best Traveling Accommoda tions yon will boy yonr ticket by this Bonta 5-AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket Agents can sell von Through Ticket * Tia this road and Check nstul Bag. : Free ol Charga OMAHA TICKET OFFICE8-12U Faraham St. , Cor. 14th , and at Union Pacific Depot. DENVER OFFICE In Colorrao Central and Union Pacific Ticket Office. BAH FRANCISCO omCE-2 Naw Mont om- eiy Street. For Information , folders , maps , etc. , not ob tainable at Homa Ticket Office , address any agent of the Company , or MARVIN HCCHITT , ff. STrHHITT , Gen'l llanasrer , Genl PMB. Acrat , JAMES T- CLARK , Genl Agt Omaha ft Conndl Bluffs. THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars I CHICAGO BURLINGTON & QUINCY With Smooth and Perfect Track , fcegant Paa- senger Ccacbea , and PULLMAN SLEEPING * DINING CARS It I * acknowledged by the Frass , aad all whe travel uvar It , to be tha Beat Appointed and Best Managed Bead In the Country. pAsgENGERsfGoiNG BAST Should oear in mind that this Is the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points East , North and Northwest. Passengers by this Boute have choice of FOUB DIFFERENT BOUTES , And the Advantage of Six Daily Linea of Palace Sleeping Cars from Chicago to New York Oitjjgthout Change. All Express Trains on this line are equipped with the WcstlnghousePaUnt Air Brakes and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Couplers , the most Perfect Pro tection Against Acci dents In tha world. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING AND DINING CARS Art run on th Burlington Boute. Information concerning Bottles , Rates , lime Connections , etc. , will bs cheerfully given by , applying at the office of the Burlington Kout * , 613 Fonrteentn Street , Omaha , Nebraska. C. E. PERKINS , D. W. HITCHCOCK. . Gen'l Manager. Gen. Weat'n Pass. Ag't. J. 0. PHILLIPPI. St. Joi. , Mo. General Agent , Omaha. H. P. DUEL , fep6-dl Ticket Agent , Omaha. SHORT LINE 1S8O. K.C.,8T.JOE&C.B.R.R. , , la the only Direct Unit to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. Ho change of can between Omaha and Bt. Lonll and but one between Omaha and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & Western Cities Cith less charges and In advance at othar line * . This entire line Is equipped -with Pnllman'f Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Day Coach- eo.HUler's Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated WegtlfighotiM Alr-Brako. THAT TOUR TICKET City. St. Joseph Ticks' * ( or Bale at all coupon stations In the West , . , . , . j. F. BARK AuD , ( r. e. Dtjtta , Ocn'ISupt. , Gcnl Pass. sfltkH Aft St. Joeeon , Ho. Bt. Joseph. Mo , W 0. 8EACHBEST , Ticket Agen. , 1020 Farnhau Etnet , ANDY BORDER , A. B. BARNARD , faw. AgentrOmaha. Gen'rl Azent , Omaha. WROUGHT IRON FENCES. Wire-Fencing and Railing n Speciality. Their beauty , permanence and economy dally working the extinction ot all fencing ] ] cheap material. Elegant In design. Indestructible Fences for Lawns , Public Grenada and Ceme tery Plata. a Iron Vaseg , Lawn Settees , canopied 'and ol rustic patterns ; Chairs and every description ol Iron and Wire ornamental work dedsned anil manufactured by E. T. BABNTTM'3 Wlra and Iron Work , S7,29aad3I Woodward Avo. , De troit , Mich. Send . - ! " ' ! " . . -atalogue and price llflt. sep2 < \ KIDNEGEN is highly recommended and unsurpassed for Weaker or Foul Kidneys , Dropsy. Bright's Disease , Loss of Energy , gervpusDebility , or any Obstructions arising from Kidney or Bladder Ceases. Also for Yellow Fever Btoocl and Kufnoy Poisoning , in infected malarial sections. vf " * , FO" TLKAFwith JJJNIPER BERRIES and BARLET MALT we hav V ' 'K'"t' ' 'act'T clflallironth' KJI' ! } andUrinaryOrsans.remotinitInjurious lortnol i. the h alikr . an.l preieitln ? any stralnlnsr , smaitln-c scngaticn heat or Irritation mine mcmbranoucU incufih ihtcU or water p-vsu e. It excites aheiUtbr action In the KUncva 8 Sf fum n ; or " " ' ' rrstorinir thcw orpins to a healthy condition , showlnc lu cDccta on Doth the oil r jn.t wy Dow . . ( unns. It can bo tttceixat all times , Inall clinutea and underi'l ' circumrtances KI out injury t.ihe ystem. Unlike any other preparation for Kidney difficulties It nas a very pl i ic in-l aureciM * tosto and Ravor. It lua bcoa duncult to make a preparation contalnlnfrposimoiiIuretlcprpjnTtlM which will net nauseate , but be acceptable to the stonmh Before taking any Uver meduinu , try a bottle of KIXVEC1EN to CLEANSK the KIDNEYS from lommatter 1 ry't an < ] ron iU i r.j us < J * * raily mcdtcin . LaJieuc ccially U1 like it and Gentlemen vtillBnd KlDNtOKN the best Kidney Tonio ever used' NOTICE-tach bott'ewars th- Bienturo of LAWRENCE i MARTIJf. also * Proprietary Gov in ment Stamp. hch ptmilta KIDXEOEN to be sold ( without Ucenao ) by DruffsisW. Grocers and Other Persona every wtero. Put up in Quart size Bottles for General and Family Use. Ifnotfonndat jour DragiistdorGrocflrs , ws will eenda bottl * prepaid to the nearest eirrcM office to yon LAWRENCE & MARTIN Ills. , Proprietors , Chicago , . Sold bj DRUGGISTS , GKOOEKS and DEALEKS everjTvhere Wholesale a < uts in Omaha , STKELE , JOIINSOX& CO. , will supply the trade at mannfactur prices. WHO 18 UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CFOCRAPHY Of fHIS COUNTRY , . SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP. THAT TH CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. B. IS TIIE GREAT CONNECTED LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE * Its main line runs from Chicago M Connell | Dinlnq Cars for eatln - ' ' Bluffs panslna tumagli Jol'ot , Otta-ra , Ln Sille. Breat Jentaro of "our Pnlaco Cixra Is a SM'H' Qeneseo , Moltne Itock Island Oavenpirt. V/f iit BAI.OON vrhereyon can enjoy yonr Liberty , Iowa City.Marenao. Brooklyn , arinncil. at all hears of the duy. Dee Slobea ( the capital of Iowa ) . Stuart. Atlantic SlsanlHcent Iron Urtduea tvtm . ail crosM.iS > Avoca wltb brunches from nnreta gnilllirtnourl rivers at polnu tic , and ; . * Junction tOPeorla : Wilton Junctlov toMnKCa- line , awl transfers are avoided alConncl. t1 llno , Wasbln tob. Falrfleld. BMon , Belkoap Kansna City. Lenvenworth. and Atchlao . > > . , Qallatln. Carae- nertlons beinsniailo In Union uopnw. Ifentrevtlle. iWaceton. Trenton ' * ' . . . CUNNKirrbJK R. K. / and Kanaas City TUB PIUNl'lrAI. nn. Leavenworth. Atctalson , ; 'rliKOUUQ LINK AAV it Knox- THIS I1UKAT Washington to HUroarner. Oskaloosa , and - vilie : Keoznk to J-amlnirton. Bonaparte , B m- tonaoort. Independent. KMon. Cttunwa. Eddy vllle.Oskaloosa.l'ella.Mnnroe.and Uea Modnesj Nnwton to Monroe : I > CT Slolnes to Indlaoolaaod Winterset : AtlantU to Lewis and Andnbon ; aoet WARiiisattHr . wty K. A-oca to Harlao. This la positively Ura onlr Al nnoirra. Itallroad , which owns , and operate * a taraocta u y. u. line from Chicago Into the State or Kansas. ThroughBxprees Pe senrerTraln .wlth VH- > } .arenuieachw / < lii : } nan i alacaUcrsaUache < " " "At "lUX d : ts.A ! l > tlih "Slllwaokaa UOU.NCIL , BLDrrs. LKAVRNWOKTH ana ATT HI- ffltxO JjOrt Lice. " nnd Koek IM'd Jt In. . * * * ? > * ' with the Uavenport . SON. ThronKhcar areal jrnnbetwernMil ! id- At If&TKNJtJUT. tee iind Kansas City , via , tto "HUwauKeo * it C-M-.tHVi' . . TTifUhU R.GR.ft > * . Line. " AtW3rtl.IltB , Hock Island Ht r . Ith reatml Iowa VL It. " Island" to K AtllHISXKU. The "Great , roadbedlsslmplr uocit ' 5 ; A ( DIM 3IiiI.vvf.irUh I ) iL & K. D K. K equipped lt r-oxmrll. atjjrrH.irltb Union Paooes. . . At - with steel rails. track What la will laid pleMeyon most will bethepco m At iM A ! ) * , with II. & Mo. IJL IL II. In fi-f. . - . Ju criov.wiihU-.C. K.4/V Atfoi.irjiKrs meal , while paiilnK over the - of enjoylnfc your beautiful prairies of IlllnoUond Iowa , In one < ! At inrtruwA. wltn Ventral lows It- % . _ . and C. V. & onrmaaniScent DiningCars tbut accompany nl. St. 1 * rao. . rotlrw At KEOKCK.irtttTotr. Through Express Trains. Ton get an hotel , nd St. U. Kro. A fl.-W. H meal , aa good as la served . In nny first-class . for seventy-five cents. AppredatlnB the fact that a majority ; of the , . U.V. . . apartments for different Atch. A Weft , and CeiuBr. li. Hda. separate people prefer At LRAViCSWDlCTH. WlttlKiO. l O. Urt business i eniscr purposes f and the Immense p of thUllne warranting it ) , we nro plea l to an * u ztoes tnr fullman l te nonnce that this Company runs Slaving Can for slecplnx purposes , and filar * ondtfoutnvrcst. I'KORB' ' * . WKM MO J- > n-rrTT fAK PAf.ACE CAJt-H nn rmt thrniiirh to COCWC lTKTIPFSNAirciTV. : . ATCMI.SOV nn.l l RAVfalWOUTM , Tlefceta "lu thl. JLIne. Unown the "Orat Uocli laluaA Jionte. " art > " cUet s\aent * ID the United Mtnt md CiinaUo. r Information nol abtiilnuble Mt yuurbuma ticket office , ' * S'-l A. - A.CHAS. . S FURNITU ATHERi And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF 8 W GOODS AT THE 1208 and 1210 Fisrnluim Str cZ. ap II mon th lit OK. A. S. CONSULTING PHYSlGIAtia IiAS yERMANENTLT LOCATED ni3 MEO WS Tenth Street , - OHAHANEBRASKA In all departmenfa 'a Ofl rlnz hia services . , medicine anJ surgery , both In Kencial a. . On practice acute and chronic diseases. pedal b. coniulted night aad day , j jS lltu . receipt of lette. „ part of the city and county on taletnmi. HAMBURG AMERIC H PACKET CO.'S Weekly Line oi Steamships Leaving New York Every Thursday at 2 p. m. For England , Franco and Germany. For Passage apply to G. B. RICHARD & CO. , Pisaenzci Agent * , i . New Tori : 3 CO In" 0)O C0) 0 0) 9 cc A en as trf * * . .2 JE - = - - * s .is ts " IS o V