Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    > -C * * - * * ! : * * * * & - *
rr ' , * . .
Established 1871. MORNING EDITION , Price hive Cents
jB Xf
I5Ili and Doujriiis Street.
Over 3,001 rr * l > ne lots for 'e by thi * * jen -
cy at p'lfesr MI ! < : < rom fit to f2)0 ) e&ch , End
ocite ] 'u e rry f lh ti > Mid In every
f Irec um from tiie I'o'rto'Boc ' , n .rth , et t , math
! --nt , Hii4 varjmt : tn diotonut from one
"Vi k to one or two miles from urcc. Cull and }
tja nl"tj inr .itts
tvj-er.l iimr ! lot * In Griffin 4 Iramcs * addl
on , Ht totionvent , Et. M ry's Tcn
ua snd Hsriiey Etrect 8003Jo 8800.
' bO C.CTC5 jut -Et of birmcks on Saundcra St. ,
this Is choice land and vill be Bold rery cheap-
tor cish In 5,10 or50 tcfo lot * ; now ia jour time
lo * euro a tw.fa'x
Choice lot it cr.J of street car trtckj on Siuu.
< Iers street lor S-76.
Ctaolca lot , Fer.ilu.rn tni 21th rtrccts , OOsltt
ect f..r SlVn-wiI ) ! divide It.
c'lieaplo'A in Crullt TondsriiKIUoa. onth of
P. depot $100 to JsOS.
Kotj U N < > R Park Avensind Oeorcli % tre t ,
vi r.ito"rk ( , vi.l new head oJ St. M ry"B
it nti , at r-afljlo 3309 each. Seven Tnra
1 me .it clki.i r-r f.ul interest to tho-e who vrill
re ; up cocaitotun'titl ballJiujB. F r further
} ) tioulnmI'p'y t > .
? ileenth and Dcuglag Street * .
A. nice ! .jl ou K.roj ondT .mij-Gret streets , '
Two . U. u l.j'e oncth , tisw St. MaryV &Teo-
ie , 0. i fust c cb , f < r fSW end POO.
t * < h" ! " lo'n WIT tW ard < lark wtreels , ia
C \\ * iVt.ton-S3"0 ! niieR80. |
fifty inTSo n" ' fret sccoad Mid third aJ-
< Htimr.TnTSCntHJCOcacb. I
U tr ir INh J01 llrne , < 5tl. ;
2lni j' llarncr tiiar < ln 1h. , WOO eaclu " 1 \
v i Inu 'i. Gioa 1 < IP * uliUuou , .inlb o ! V. I'
J. ' . ' nl < ls , * > t 'Twin flR tu ; oo each'
Orwa ' , i ; " ' .K fof , o IPth strcf I , Kooth |
* nen-.v tujce. for $ ZCOO.or will
"J. irci nii'ef > r nf bc uaul ( re 4cnca lots , lo |
tat-e-1 In tliU new ad Utim on Ciplio ! Hill , be
twooa24ti ! Ktieclnu tit ? * w ! , 2 * > tbon the wtA
1 > odic dtrett on tl.e north aJ ramtmai titrect
'ontberontU. fornwtlro'M.fO lv U , fl Down
-and more rcwitlitrrn ! wiV ferlcinMS acred.
Only22lotn h ve Jl f f at KnrlnUod 14 on
Farnham M > < ) 8 on lo nKmmii. . T > me lute
&ro 60 to 6 f'VJ in w < itr arid 1W tnlej'Ui. 91W > 0
for Um choice. P j .n tinirt 8 t r rail Iti-
tere < to those w no will l jiM peed pbkiteallal
lioasegtherciin. C H And cxamdre f-it Mid get
Cell Informitlnn it
IS'ii and Ooasla * etreets.
Over 209 louses 1 IoU --o oEuvl lor B l
bythl oBe ! Tb y are scattered all o r the
city. Ani Iwcntlon jouOo-lr * . Prices raiylne
iron J3W to f 15,080 each.
2 cooJ lots and 2 djea ; > liojaot rerJarktott
tind ' 2th ptrccU at a treat f .icrioco. Hero ll a
jrre t birin'n ' for nome one. The property mast
bo oM immcdiitely. Corel | at a qturtar of .
lilork. Cull and examine this itbnut any < leliy.
OEO P. BKMSA ! nt.
15th and Dt < uclu Stg
\deelrablc lot near Cumlng and Piarracrj
Btrocts , $1COO.
The chwipc't aero lota In tha otyof Omaha.
re those offi n J lor sale by thli agency In Paik
riiec and Lowe's Eocond addition , on Cumlmr.
Ctirtana ( Xlifnmla utrcett : yon can make no
atUtakelnslUtini ; tntthceebarpkln * rlillfi yon
1nvctli c'iiicc. ! Tliesc lota are tnor * than eqnal
In Uo lo full sired city Iota or & half block
and it mil l > e bat t A cry short time before one-
fifth p rt of one of these acre lot * will ell for ai
ranch as wcoCcr a full acrcto y. They are
located a very i-liort die r j& WOBt of gr tzhtoa
lU Itec. rricM nnrinx fromgiso toSOO per
crclot. Call Imro rtatcly , and don't lo your
hancc. and pet j.jjt and full partlcalaw of
QKO. P. BEM1S , Aeent ,
1 5th and Ponglan Street * .
Mlco IP . t > , , sinrma i Avenue north of Nicholas
trcct < 1.400.
" .ll lot on Cutctween 18th and lith rtreeti
2 nlcn lots lnTIirtm\n'8 addition , $400 to $600.
Innre mm1 > cr of acre lot * In Sisel addition In
Jforth Uuuht. , S115 to ? 300 each.
Chnlc" earner lot near 2Jnd and California
'treoU , gl.EOO.
. Sov oral ttioJlot > ! la Melton's addition , ISO to
Clniire lot In Thomell' * addition , $760. j
Sexxnl Hrcc lota In ! Urtktt' addition , I |
rods and 2J acres each , Pnces $700 to $2,000
Severn ! choice lo's lo Roedf fint addition.
J2T6to foSOcach. _ _
Acre Int on German "aittico , ( liStlT etreet\
ecuth Hi Popplctou's new residence. ? or 81,100.
2 l&nra lol * murlSth sn. ) Clark ttreeU. 60x
830 toot Comer , 81,200 ; iusSlc , 31,000.
r 3 larce 1 its on Sho-m n avenue , ( I6tli street ) .
Clarlt Etiwt , K ) earti
ritv 52 nice and cheap loin , very rear to the bni
tv ness part of the city , located acry few steps
r : south of the Com cnt and fit. llnrv'g aTcnaeand
i" 'just nouth of nnd adoniif ] ! t * > e crind of James
M. Woolworth nndV J. CvimiJI 'lipso are
cheap and very desirah'e , bclni ia hindy to bn .
Incss part of : lt j , to now puri-niro t depot , nail
works , uliilc lead works. U. P. tlrixit , stock
yaid , pacVlnir hruscf , etc Call and et plat
and full pir'.iculam. Price 8i"in { 350 and easy
crniB to those who tmlld
OEO. P. R1.1IIS , Agent ,
lEttl Atlt ] PKilKlaS SU.
Scholcc residence lots on 24th svect , brteeo
Donclas and Dodrt streets ; f 1.100 to 'l.SCO each
and lone time to tbofe Mho will bill.t
Schnire corner lots near 2itli i't Faroham
atrcit * . 65x124 feet , SI.160 and Jl , \ and very
e y terms to purchanera who wl t ImproTe.
Also i lot * on 24th , bcluetn F > rnham and
Douelas i reote , 950 to SLvOO each and lone
JC3T2M of the bc < t lia biest loU In T ot
Omaha for sale , located on crrry bn n n f street ,
S500to ? 8.000each ,
SA1 } \ cry Valuable rtor ertlei In al
most every bo ln 3 block C5 000 to $15.000
t 40 c ho co residence lots in abora addition , 1m-
mellatcly north of and ad'olnlng Poppleton'f
boaullful residence and pronnds , andlocaUdon
18th ISlh and 20t h street * , $300 to $650 each and
very easy terms to those ho will build Gill and
examine pint and gel full particulars.
-OEO.T.-BEUIS ; Agent.
Beautiful building rite on Sherman arenne ,
16th strcctbet ) ccn Poppleton and the Dndley-
tjams proicrtj63 feet east frontare on the
arcnne , l > r SS9 fret In depth. Will divide ltmak.
JnclSSfeetbySffl. Call and Ret full particular * .
An aero n IStb street , lOifeet cast frontage
"by 878 feet deep. This is jnst south of the Kllra.
both ( Poppleton place. Thia ia cllt-odre , call and
get price and terms of KKXI1S , Ajent.
18 coed lots , ] est north of and adjolnlne ET.
Smith' * addition , and located bc'.wpcn SOth and
undcn street" , j.t reasonab'e price * and long
meobuver lioiraproKE1S1S , Agent. ,
SXloUlo Horhich'sflrrt and second ad Hlot
onieth , 18th , 19th and 20th street * , lietveei
Nicholts. Paul , She-roan and Clark st-ccts , Terj
handy to U.P. . Shops , smelting vntks , etc. ,
ranginc in prices rora from $200 to Jl JOO each
requiring ouly small payment down and lonj
tim at 7 p. r ccat interest to the e who will im
prove. GEO. P. BEMIS ,
15th and Domrlas StreeV
33 nice lot In Parkers addition , betweei
Blunders and Pierce. Kinp and Campbell' * St * .
on Bloouo street ; 19 lot * with south front * am
IB with north f rontare , only 6 block * north c
he turn-table ( end street-car track ) on Saonder
tnet. Very lew prices ; { 175 cash , or $ iOO o
ne time * nd 8 per cent interest to loose wh
U build.
f X3T1M good firms for * ale in Pong-lag Sarpj
shington , Bart , Dodge , Saundcn and If ute ref
of connUss.
, XS acrrt bert Belecte * Unds In thi
, 60c and S1.60
( and map of thi
Geo. P.
_ _ -
15th & Douglas St.
MAHA , - -
" >
t , v-/- >
The Most Exciting Session
Witnessed " ia the
. House for Years.
The Discussion of the Funding
Bill lead ? to a Liyely
Backet in the House.
Greenback Weaver Assails
the Democrats for Their
Mercenary Financial
Policy , , *
An Irate Democrat Takes Up
the Gauntlet and Has
a Round With the
Greenbackor * j
BpoclaJ Dlfpitchcs Ui'ibo i .
WASHlNcrorf , December 21 SI- .
Beck introduced bil.'a for thb ISBJIS of
United Stat68 legal tender notes on
the depoeita of gold , and to repeal nil
IWB inipoaing t-Jiea on bank dtj-osita
&ad bank checks. Referred to the
committee on nuRnw
Mr. Ingalls introduced a bill to
enable the people of New Mexica to
form a constitution and tt&te goverL-
mont. Referred to the committee on
Mr. VVhyte introduced a joint reso
lution to increase the number of
supreme judRCSwhich was referred to
the juditiary 'committee.
Mr. GarlanS , fronl the iox'rnittee
on territorifis , t porled the honsa bill
tendlnjg Ihe limit to the eeteioLS of
-terHlorial legiflitures from ; forty
to sixty dayn-and it was passed.
At 2:10 : p. m. the senate "went into
executive session.
A private bill for the relief of the
heirs of Richard K. Gall ) receiver of
public moneys in Florida , fc.r Ihe
years prior to'IS 10 0 11 was sued aa
a defaulter lo the government , but in
the senate the suit brought against
him put in a plea to set off , nd the
jury tendered a verdict in his favor ,
and certified a balance dne him from
the government f $356,337 , which
the bill now propojea to pay his ht-irt.
At B o'clock the bill was laid aside , on
a demand for the regular order , pending
ing which , on motion of Mr. tVoor-
bees , the senate took up and passed
the homo bill appropriating S5000 to
'Increase the height cf the pedcstul of
the Farragnt etatue.
Mr. Whyte re'ported a resolution to
print an alphabetical ligt of private
r JJlTr. Weed SallSd np the fnnding
bill in Ihe house , which Robesou an-
tagcnlzed with a motion to.cjsicer a
resolution in regard to the counting !
of the electoral vote , aud the roll wsa
called on the question of considering
the latter. The house rafaicd to
consider the electoral count resolu
tion , and after a good deal opposition ,
went into committee on the funding
bill. All efforts to limit the debate
were , futile , and it was evident that. I
the temper of the house was against !
the passing ot the bill until after the' I
Mr. Weaver , of Iowa , here present
ed the minority report in the caao of
Boynton vs. * Loring , Irom the Sixth
MassachiiEetta district. It declares
Mr. Boynton entitled to seat. The
report was ordered printed with that
of the majority , which nas submitted
on Monday. ' j
An effort was made In the house , to
dispense with the morning hour In
order that the funding bill might be
proceeded with , but the necessary
two-lhirds vote could not be obtained.
Mr. Hawley this. jnorning.present.
cd In the house , the portrait of Jona
than Trumbnll , speaker of the house
of representatives in the Second and
Third congresses , which wss contri
buted by the state of Connec'icat. '
On motion of Mr. Burrows , of Michi
gan , the portrait was accepted.
Mr. Sparks has reported adversely
upon the bill referred to the military
committee , authorizing the appoint
ment of an assistantant secretary of
war , and it wa ? laid on the table.
The house was in committee of the
whole on the fnnding bill , with Mr.
Covert , of New York , presiding.
Mr. Gillette , of Iowa , who had
made a regular set speech against the
bill , yielded thirty-five minutes of his
time to Mr. Weaver. The latter did
not wish to take the time to-day , be
cause , with other opponents of the
bill , he was opposed to its considera
tion until after the holidays.
Mr. Fernando Wood , who had
charge of the bill , wanted to go on un
der the five minute rule , but objoa-
tion was made , and Mr. Mills threat
ened to move to strike out the enact-
tlngclaims.thst Mr. Wood , in urging
the bill was acting as the representa
tive of a syndicate of bankers of New
York. He said ho ahould stand 1 y
any offer to prevent action at this time
Hr. T76oa ! eTorFea trnS ft was
doubtful whethar any bill would Vbe
permitted'-to pass without some fac
tions opposing. He said he * had had
notice served upon him _ by the le'a'der
of the very same party in the house
( referring. , to Mr. Weaver ) , thit he
would resort to all manner of parlia
mentary strategy to prevent the passage -
age of the 1)111.
Mr. Weaver , interrupting , saulthat
he renewed that declaration.
Mr. Wood , continuing , saTotlhat
upon the heads of opposition must
come the responsibility for the failure
of the bill. He denied , in response
to Mr. Mills' statement , -that he was
controlled by any syndicate , and
claimed that hevss influenced en
tirely by the business interests of the
country. Ho said that ho was weary
of the debate of btllF , but wanted to
reach a conclusion upon it. It could
be amended , but he was determined
that some measure should be paased
to enable the government to redeem
its rote ? .
Mr. Bland , the father of the silver
bill , in , a brief speech , said that he
saw no necessity-of passing the bill
now , when so mxny members had
gone home for the holiday recess He
referred to the fact that Mr. Wood
had introduced and secured the pus-
age of * resolution for a two weeks
recess. He laid he knew the senti
ments of many members who were
absent and would like'to vote on thit
question , and he protested agiina
any the present.
r Mr. Wood demanded Immedate nc
tion. Ha said that he felt that it
W.M his dnty to hnptoas upon the housa
tha importance of this question , for
the } > a5ga of the bill was an imper
ative nectsaity. He called attention
to the fact that on the last vote taken
there were present thirty members
more thsn a quorum.
The debate drifted along in n quiet
wayvsriotH members miking speeches -
es , including Speaker , Randall , Mr.
Dunnell an'd others. At length a
question arose as to the responsibility
of the demncratic pirty far the mis
chievous financial legislation. The
merits of the
funding bill were prac
tically lost sight of , and a political
discussion ensued , which finally end
ed in an open rapture between Mr.
Weaver and Mr. Sparks , and culmin
ated in a most exciting ectne , during
which the lie was passed. Except for
the Interference of other members
Messrs. Weaver and Sparks would
have come to blows.
JUr. Weaver-atsortcd that tue dem
ocratic campaign of 1668 was fought
Upon the greenback idea , and read
from the party platform of that year i
t- > prove hla aisertion that the party"
then maintained the theory thut the
bonJa were to be paid in greenbacks
Kr.l'oSnaend , of Illinois , said the
liarsgiaph qnnted rid not refer to all
the bonds , but to the 5 20's ,
Mr. Weaver hero htld up & democratic -
cratic campaign flag of 1808'aad said ;
ho would r hd a le fcnd upuu it in ot- , '
dec to show thtil Iho ueaicerats were
thjn ctthihiitbd to the greenl ackidaa.
Mr. BUnd inquired uhethor Mr.
Weaver was not a republican in 1868.
Mr. Weaver rep'ied ihdt he wa ,
b t that at ihnt tima ha.wt : t over to
the democratrpf arty and tLey deserted
hiin.Mr. . Weaver was here subjected tea
a firs of cross questions , and amid a
gocd deal of co&fnpinn' . proceeded to
roidtho legend on Iho campaign flag ,
an l arg'do'd f-orn it that the party
who had supported Mr. Seymour for
president , advocated tha payment of
the bonds in green bat ks. He went
OH to charge that the democrats had
chsnged .heir party after the cam
paign. Bo sMd , further , that the
democratic party hid reached a posi
tion where the rapuljl can party had
bsen fo\ir \ years before , and that they
had been beaten by their platform at
every election. *
It was suggested that the democrats
were not beaten in 1878.
Mrv Weaver replied that he did not
believe that any one was elected that
In response to a question from Mr.
Townsend , he voted for R. B. Hayest
and that ha was sorry for it. He cbn-
tinuei his criticiema of Ihe democracy ,
and said that their p' 1 cy bad Jed to
their defeat from I860 to 1880. In
the last election they sold out to the
Belmonts , Bayards and Kernans of
cue east , and deserted the western
greenbacken , and their overthrow
was a just retribution. There was
but ohe party that had adhered strict
ly to their promises. The party of
principle was the national greenback
party. Mr. Weaver read tha demo
cratic ' plitform for 1880 , and argued
tb'at it was a cowardly endorsement of
republican theories , and the people of
: ho United States had said in the late
election that they preferred the party
that was opanly in favor of the syndi
cate , and would not swap horses
while crossing the stream.
- A rambling dissuasion ensued re-
yarding the democratic platform.
Mr. Weaver continued his attacks
[ upon both parties , and during the
progress of his remarks the mombera
gathered about him from all parts of
the hall.
Democratic members accused him of
being a republican at heart , and of
going to Alabama during the late cam
paign under the'direotion of republi
can leaders. Weaver continued to de
fend himself and to attack the demo
crats , until Mr. Wood again tried to
stop the discussion , but the gentlemen
oa both eides seemed anxious to have
it go on.
The'aTiimosity between Mr. Sparks
and Mr. Weaver showed it elf again ,
and but for the interference of the
friends of each and the sargeant-at-
arm ? , they certainly would have
After the excitement had subsided
somewhat , Mr. Weaver , apparently
cool and collected , immediately de
manded to be recognized , as he was
entitled to the floor , but the commit
tee arose and the housa adjonrned.
The closing lilt between Mr.Sparks
and Mr. Weaver jsused intense ex
citement In the galleries , which were
crowded. It was by all odda the
liveliest ecene that has occurred in
the houee for years. The subject
will come up in some shape in the
house to-morrow.
Special Dispatch to The Bee
CONSTANTINOPLE , December 21 10
p. m For eome time past , the story
has been in circulation iere , that
shortly before the czar left St. Petersburg -
burg for Ltvidla , the police discovered
a freshly dug pit near Slavgorpd , on
tbe line of the railway otver which he
was to pass. Connected with the pit
were evidences ot the purpose for
i which it was to be used to blow np
i the train containing the czar. At
first this story was regarded as noth
ing morn than one of the numerous
sensational rumors which are con
stantly sat going by unknown enemies
o ; the czar , and but little attention
was paid to it. Now , however , The
I vant Herald publishes it * ith ad
ditional doinge , and claims to have
full confirmation of them in Us pos
session. Tbe Herald adds that the
proprietor of the land on which the
pit was discovered , haa since com
mitted suicide.
: ? p clil DUp tch to Tin Biz.
LONDON. December 21 10 p. m
A Berlin dispatch stages that the Rus
aians defeated the Turcomans on Sat
urdayat Kheolat Nadir. The Bus
sian forces alluded to are supposed t (
have been part of the garrison a
M-rvemhich , which i about 2W
miles northeast from the spot when
the battle is said to have taken place
DlPteh lo UIP Bo.
LONDON , December 22 1 s. m.
A terrible collision occurred on th
Midland railway , near Lseds , yester
day , whereby several persons wer <
killed and fifty injured.
Sp cUl Dispatch to The Bee ,
DUBLIN , December 22,1 a. m. A
the weekly meeting of the land leagu
in Dublin yesterdiy , indiscrimat
boycotting was deprecated by th
members present.
SpetW Dispatch to Tbe Ke.
WASHINGTON , December 21 10 {
m. Recently the consul-general of
the United States at Shanghai has in-
forked the department cf state that
the emperor of China has granted the
prayer of the vice royal governor
of Tient Sin for permission to con
struct a telegraph line from Shanghai
to Tiant Sin , tb be 1200 miles In
length. The route will bs from Shang
hai to Chlckiang , and thence along
the line of the grand canal to Tient
Sin. A short line of about seventy
miles will also probab'y be construct *
ed by the viceroy at Nankin to con *
nect the capital of his province with
the main line at Chickiang. The work
of setting the poles ehd stHHglng tEe
wlre.s trill ba begail early next spring.
It is estimated that the enterprise
will coat § 5,000,000 ,
Special Dispatch to tha Km
LONDON. December 21 10 p. m.
A. 'dispatch from Constantinople an-
nonnc-i that failure of theBSassrsV
Hanson , the well-known bankers of
that city. The fingllsh emttassy1kept
their neconntn at Ibis bank , which has
Been in existence over fifty years.
Their liab-lities are reported at sever
al millions. The bank had branches
at 0desaa and Bucharest. It enjoyed
the best credit , and did a large busi
ness in England , especially in Man
chester. The e ffact of.jthe failure will
cauee serious loeaea in mauy uiroc
ticnl. The canse is believed mainly
to have been speculations la concea-
ftlons or Turkish governments.
New York Money and Stocks.
v WALL STRBIT , DocemberjSl.
' HONEY a per cent plm 1-61 per diem ; ex <
change steady at (4 8lg4.83. (
U.S. 6'a81 1 Oil TJ.8.4'8 1 13 }
U.S. 6's 1 11 Carre icye's. 1 29
U.aijB 1 lij U 86V80 lOzj
STOCKS Tbe renoial stock market cnn in-
ced to Improve on the flrvt call and the ad
vance r rged from 1@2 | per cent , the latter on
WU and too ilMaitUa. Ta < Elevated H-le ,
WH also very strjng and LakoSho e was firmly
held ; the Granger stocks and Chicago and ;
Oauha shared liberally in the advance , and the
C al Biiarea wore firm } Pacific Mill Milled | psr
ctnt ; Metropolitan Elevated rose from 2 } to 11 }
A&P 25 } I C
American Union 70 L. &H. . . .
Canada Southern 704 L.S. . . . . .
CC' ! & 1 2vi Ma
Alton IB t KftT
Northwrstern 12z } Manhattan , . :
0. C. i I. 0 89 * N Y t > 1
-itPanl 112i N'J C 81
B & O , 17SJ 0& M. 37 $
HI 13SJ PaciBc JIJ1 63 ;
uuic S3 Reading 62.
Preferred 31 I. II 651
Uckauanua 106 } St P.&O Of
Dt.I&.H 91 StP&O pfd. . . . * .97i
Wells , For/o 1 31 UP 106J
Erie 471 W U 80j
8- . JOB 41 | Wabash 44
Preferred 83 + Prefered 84
O & W S ) N y K 12
Cnicacco Produce Marliet ,
GUIUAGO , December 21.
Wheat No.2apring , lj@l c lower ,
with sales at OD97o for February , ]
closing at 9798c. . , t
Corn l@l o lower ; No ! 2 Bold at
3736o for January ; 4241io | for
May , closing at 3Gic for January ;
41 § for May.
Oata Declined J@c ; sales were at
30 J@29gc for January ; 34 ® 33 o for
May , closing at 29c for caah ;
28cfor January ; 30Jo for February ;
34J@34 Jo for May.
llye No. 2 , | o lower at 75a for
cash.Barley 3c lower for No. 2 in store.
Pork Mess declined 5@10c , closing
t 512 00@13 00 for cash ; 811 70 ®
11 75 for December ; $12 95@12 974 "
'or January ; § 13 12J@13 15 for Feb"
ruary ; § 13 30@13 32J for March.
L rd 5@7ic per 100 lower , closing
t $8 47i@8 50 for cash or December ]
§ 3 52J fo"r January ; § 8 65 for Febru-
ry875@877i for March. , .
\Vhiaky-Sl U.
Chicago Live Scocfc Market
CHICAOI , December 21.
Hogs Fairly ao'ive but lower , one !
ssles were at § 4 55@4 70 for"lighi
packing ; § 4 50@5 00 goal to choice
smooth heavy packing ; § 4 60@48
'or peed to : hoic heavy shipping
ota. Eeceipte , 36,000 heaa.
Cattle Active , sa s ranged from
S2 45S2 65 for TOWB ; , $3 37 @ 4 0 (
fur common to medium steers ; $4 6C
® 5 80 for good to extra prime lots ol
< ipping beeves for exportation ,
Receipts , 3500 head.
Nsw YorH Produce Market.
NEW YOAK , December 21.
Flour Without important change
very moderate export and herm
trade damned ; receipts , 31,229
barrels ; round hoop Ohio , § 4 4CG
5 50 ; choice do. § 5 55 ® 6 85 ; super
fine we3ternS3 4t3 ( 90 ; common tc
good extra do , § 4 30@5 00 ; choice ,
do , do , So 05SG 75 ; choice whiii
wheat , 5 10 ® 6 00.
Batter Unchanged and dull ; Ohir
Ejes Doll at 26@31c for fair ti
Wheat QuietOhcagoSl ; ! 12@1 16
Milwaukee , SI 17@1 18 ; No. 2 ret
winter , 81 16@110J ; sales 600,000 bu
Corn Nominal ; No. 2 , 67i@57Jc
salei , 30,000 bu.
O.s Quiet
Whisky Nominal.
Jfork Nominal.
Lard 88 95@900 for'cash ; 88 95i (
8 97 | for December ; 88 95@8 974 fo
January ; 59 05@9 07J for February
89 12J@9 17J for March ; $9 209 2
for April.
St. Lou la Produce Market.
ST Louis , December 21.
Flour Dull and weak , but no
quntVbly lower.
Wheat Lower and demoralized
but reacted before the dose ; Nc
2 red winter , 9695 @ 96c fo
cash ; 98J@96c for December ; 99J@9' '
@ 97io for January ; 81024@100@1 01
for February ; 81031 04jj@l 02jj <
103 for March ; No. 3 do , 92c ; N (
4 do , Socbid.
Corn Du'l and lower ; 37@36o fc
cisb ; 3836J for December ; S8f@37j
for Januarv ; 38g@38o for February
39ic for March ; 41o for April ; 41 |
41ic for May.
Oite Liwer ; 30@29jcfor cash ; 31
for January ; 31 @ 31Jj for Februar' '
Rye Dull at.85c bid.
Barley Dull and lower ; choice I
fancy , 80c@81 05.
Butter Unchanged.
Eigs Unchanged.
Pork Dull at 813 OO cash ai
Dry Salt Meats -Nominal.
Bacon Dull and nncbabged.
Lard Nominally lower at $8 50.
Receipts Flour , 5 000 bb !
wheat , 15,000 bu ; corn , 53,00
oat * , 4,000 ; rye , none ; btrley , 15OC
Shipments Flour , 80,000 bb ]
e whea , 20,000 ; corn , 46,000 ; osl
3,000 , rye , none ; barley , iOOO.
A Fine line of sxmples of N <
Year Cards at THE BEE Job Rooi
Call in time and leave your orders.
Fall in Wheat Causes Dis
tress ia the Chicago
Grain Trade ,
New York Enjoying the Pleas
ures of a Sleighing
Season ,
the Acrobatic Talrifiage Will
be Arraigned for His Un-
ritualistie Practices.
December 22 , 1 5.
m. For the upper Mississippi and
lower Missouri valleys : Generally
cloudy weather , light snow , station
ary or lower temperature , winds
shifting to northwest ,
A Brutal Brother.
Special Dlgjutch to the Her.
NEW YQEK. DsCember 22 1 a. m.
- -iieil McGrew , a young ruffian , went
last niJht to the residence of hia re
spectable married sister , Mrs. Jane
Oarhart , and demanded money from
her. He waa much intoxicated at the
time ) § pd hia conduct was fie brutal
that Mr. Carhart ordered him to
leave tha house. MM. Ca'rbart intar-
Cuded for her brother , and , asked her
husband to lei him go. Mr. Oarhart
left the , , room for a moment , when
McGrew caught up a Kerosene lamp
frdm' the table and hurled it at his 8,18
tor , striking her in the breast and WM
shattered. Her dress waa drenched
with oil , which took fire immediately.
The unfortunate woman ran shrieking
through the house. She was burned
about the body face and limbs in a
shocking manner , and will probably
die. Her brother made his escape.
Prosperous corporations.
Special'Dispatch to Tax Bis.
NEW Yoflk , Dec'ember 2i 10 p.
m. A' a meeting cf the directors of
the Lake Shore railroad to-day , a
semi-annual dividend was declared ,
payable on the first of February next.
Tha directors of the Michigan Cen
tral railroad also declared a semiannual
nual dividend of 4 per cent , payable
the firet day of February , 1881.
Tne Presideut in Brooklyn.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
BROOKLYN , December 21,10 p. m.
President Hayes , who is in thlscityj
and a guest of Mr. A. A. Law , to-day
paid a visit to various educational in
stitutions in tbo city , including Pack-
erTolytechnic institute.
Talmuge In Trouble.
Special Dispatch to Tbe Bee.
NEW YOBK. December 21 10 p.
m. The charges siialntj from -"Kerl
Talmage's trial by .the Presbytery are
now before a conference of preachers.
It 13 alleged that there are discrepan
cies batween the testimony and some
documents produced by Dr. Van
Dyke. He is to be tried for willful
perjury. Contracts that he swore
wore never made , have been brought
to Jbht'.against the Brooklyn Tab
ernacle I'saior. - His opponents have
what zoems to be , positive evidence
of hia guilt , and .Talmngo. refuses to
make explanations yet.
, Snowstorm in New York
Special dispatch to The Bee.
NEW TOIK : , December 22 1 a. m.
Snow began falling here about
twelve , , o'clock Monday night. The
wind \vaa very br.'sb , blowing at a rate
of twenty-five mlea an hour , and
driftirg the snow badly. At seven
o'clock yesterday moring about an
inch of snow had fallen , and at this
tiiie ihe clouds grew brighter , and
there wsre indications that the ttorm
would ce.ii : > , but half an hour la'er it
bo an attain , fiercer than before , and
np to 3 p. m. snow on the level was
about throe and a half inches deep.
Since 5 o'clock Jaat evening but very
little snow baa fallen , although the
prospects are that the storm ; s not
Failures In tbe Chicago Grain Trade ,
Special Dispatch lo the Bra f
CHICAGO , December 22 , 1 a. m.
The fnilure of three grain commission
firms Monday was folio ed yesterdaj
by the closing down of two or more
hrgo firms. Bally , Bullock & Co. ,
who do business at 164 Washington
street , raid they ware a little behind
on some of their margins , havinj
been caught on the long side of the
market , but their liabilities would nol
Bjed what tbey were able to pay ,
_ . rdner , ton & Co. are IOUK
about 100,000 bushels behind. Bolt
partners were interviewed at the
irm's office yeiterday afternoon
'Tne failure , " siid Mr. Stona , "wai
ralrly unexpected. Wo did not an1
ticipate troub'e at all yesterday. II
was not until 11 a. m. that we felt th <
necessity for stopping. We can tel
nothing about our liabilities. We d <
not know whether they are $50,000 o :
$100,000I do nut think that we sri
long to' exceed 100,000 bushels. Ou
assets will depend largely npon ou
correspondents. If they respond fo
margins , vie shall hive ccnslderabl
to pay with. The cause of our failnr
wes the refusal of our customers t
put up margins. " The housa o
Gardner , Stone & Co. has betn i ;
this city about three years. It origin
ally done business in Boston , and it
business was almost altogether fa
eastern customers. It did a larg
trade , and has bought enormously c
S later It is supposed that the liabll
ilities of the house will be abet
§ 150,000.
) r
An Important B evolution.
ST. PAUL , December 2L TheS
Paul board of trad3 yesterday adopte
the following :
Hesoltcd , That the people of Mil
nesota are losing millions ol dollai
every year in the extra freights the
are compelled to pay for the transpo
tationof their farm produce to tl
markets of the world , and u
on all articles of necessll
imported to this state. Since tl
only hope of relief from these evils
in the opening of competing wat
lines of transportation , we call upi
our representatives in congress to i
sist upon the improvement of ti
Mississippi river , and the lakes ,
stand together as one man with all t !
representatives of the northwest
opposition to all sections and all i
( crests which oppose these improt
further , that a
3W thin resolution be forwarded to eai
3Wn. of our representatives in congre
with tbe request that they confer wi
the repre pntitlons of Wisconsin , I I
Iowa , atld otaor 3ciion9 interested I
in thtss improvements , with a view j
to unity of action , and the formation
of a league , offensive and defensive ,
for ihe success of iheae measure ? .
8pedal Dimmer a to The iiee.
The Cincionn'i ' Timss Star yester
day afcernoon published a challenge
from John Sullivan , oiiaring to fight
Prof. Donaldson , for 55CO a side ,
the mtch to take place three weeks
from yesterday.
Tna Second trial.of Mrs. Mary
Brown , charged with the murder of
her husb nd , began yesterdiy , in In-
dianapclis. There was much diffi
culty In obtaining a Joty
A patty of eleven colored North
Carolinians arrived at Green Castle ,
led. , yesterday. They report their
people In ihat n'eciton trying to raise
means to tranapott themselves , afid j
predict a large ecodus from that state
during the winter ani spring.
The will of the late John Crawford ,
of Cincinnati , who left ell his prop
erty , valued at $150,000 , for found
ing a home for colored men , was left
for probate yesterday , but was con-
teStad by his heifa.
The Western Nail association met
in special session yesterday , in Pitts-
burg , and reduced the old three-dollar
oird to $2 85.
John B. Beesc , a brakeman of a
freight train was crashed to death at
IS-wioastef , Pa'.j yesterday morning ,
by being caught between & frofqht car
and frame buildingwhile shifting c"ar ° . '
The Shoddy manufactory , of Wil
liam Coates , at 601 , Sirgent street ,
Philadelphia , was destroyed by fire ,
which broke out at 5 o'clock yester
day mofniog. John Bpurr , 50 years
old.who slept in the place , ras burned
to death , his charred remains being
found in the ruins.
The Evening News fund for the
sufferers by the Barge factory fire has
reached $9,190.
The Sewer Wors.
The sewer contractors have in con *
sequence of the recent decision of the
supreme court ceased work on the
sewer under process of'construction
from the west line of Ninth street to
ward the terminus of the completed
section al Thirteenth street , having
completed all the brick work as far as
they have gone , which is to the west
line of Tenth street. Thia leaves
things in a bad fix general
ly , the money and labor
expended on this very neces
sary work being practically sunk , until
work is resumed and the two sections
joined together. It would have been
much better could the work have be
gun at 13th street and been made a
continuation of the old eootion , bat In
building a sewer it is always necessary
to build ngiinit the stream so that
the water will flow over completed
work only. The question as to what
shall be done under the circumstances
is under legal advisement , but it is
not probable that the city
council will be' able to rem
edy the unfortunate condition
of affairs until tjo proposed charter
changes are made by tbe legislature ,
so that the city may bond Itself for
sufficient to not only complete the
sewer draining of South Omaha cretk ,
but also build one in North Omaha.
That this should be done at tbe earl
iest practical moment is acknowledged
by all , snd that until it Is done the
enormous proportion of deaths in
the city wi 1 ba iu thoio lo-
otlities is undisputed. L atear
there was not one child left alive
along south Omaha creek , such was
its death breeding influences.
The contractors , who must bo out
so much money for a time , have done
thair work well and there is n't a
crack to be seen in sny'of the brick
work. It has cost thorn thus far
between 87,000 and $8,000. This
has been done too in the face of the
unusual obstacles of severe fal
weather , scarcity of brick and othei
similar matters.
St. Louis Live Stock Market.
ST Louis , December 21.
HnRs Slow and lower ; light , ? 4 1C
© 4 25 ; mixed packing , 84 35@4 80
butchers' to fancy , $4 65@4 85 ; re
ceints , 7,800 head ; shipments , 90G
In Nebraska during the werl
ending December 18,1880 , fnrnuhec
by Wm. Van Yleck , of the postoffice
department :
Postmasters Appointed Bethel
Merrick county , Wm. H. CriteaC. ; n.
bridge , Furnas county , J W. Edger
ton ; Central City , Merrick county ,
Wm. E. Letcher ; David City , Butlei
county , A , F. Coon.
Don't mind what people say abou
these wild cat brands of flour , bn
stick to HAVEN'S SHOW FLAKE , ani
you will always have the best o
bread. Sold by
J , B. FRENCH & Co.
513 Fonrteentn street , between Fare
ham and Douglas , for anything in th
toy line. Tha largest and best it
lected stock in the city ,
t&f tf H. POHIJIAX , Proprietor.
Undoubtedly the best shirt In th
United States is manufactured at tb
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superior ! !
of Material and workmanship , con
oined with their great improvement
that ia Reinforced fronts , Reinforce
backs and Reinforced sleeves , mak <
their shirt the most durable and be
fitting garment of the kind , evi
manufactured at the Moderate price i
$1.50. Every shirt of our make
guaranteed first-class and will refur
the money if found otherwise.
We make a specialty of all woo
Shaker , and Canton flannel , all
chamois underwear , made np with
view to comfort , warmth and durabi
ity. To Invalids and weak-lung *
persons TTO offer speaial inducemt > n
in the manner these goods are mai
for their protection.
Edison's Electric Light
About to Illuminate
the World.
AlFublic Trial in Menlo Park
Proves Highly Satis
Payne Oklahoma Raiders
Fizzling on the Kansas
The Great Northern Railroad
of Texas Tak en in by
Gould. {
The Moral Hardt of Montreal
Bern Wrathfully for
Let Tnnre be Lizbt.
Sp dal Dispatch to Tfce Cee.
NEW YORE , December 21 i p. m.
A successful exhibition of tha elec
trie light was piven by the Edis n
company at Menlo Park hst eveuiog.
Mauy aldermen and others were pres
ent from this city. Ths common
ciuncil is to be asked 'o-d y to paao
art ordinance whereby the electric
light as inv nted by Edison can be
introduced in the city. Edlaon lamps
are now being made at the rate of a
hundred a day , but next month will
be made at the rate of one thousand
daily. The ; 1-ist six months and coat
thirty-five centB each. The company
propose to give ligh't td consumers at
the rate of $1-50 to $1.85 a thousand
Tne OHlaboma Boomers-
Special Dispatch to The Bra.
MUSKOOEB , I. T. , December 21 4
p. m. Oov. .B. F. O-'erton , Ohick-
aaaw ; D. C. Dunt-an , Cherokee ] Oeo.
W. Grayson , Cfjek , and Thomas
Cloud , fceiuini'Iw ' , c mmifrsloner3 on
the part of their nspe-uv'o nations ,
ana dCiing tor the li.dinn coufeders.-
tion , returned yesterday frcm the
camp of the Oklahoma colonists.
They report finding the colonists , to
the number of seventy-five ; all told ,
with thirty-two horses and wagons ,
encamped one mile south of Caldwell.
The raiders appeared to be organized
with Major Maidt , of Wichita in
command ; George M. Jackson , of
St. Louis , social communist , secretary ;
Judge Lanck , of Kansas City , attor
ney ; Major Bloea , of Kansas City ,
aid. They describe the campers as
being a lean , hungry set of worthless
tramps , whom the Indians do not need
in the territory , and that It would nsa _
bleaaing for any state to get rid of
them. The troopa under Colonel
Coppinger , Major Randall , Lieuten
ants Mason and Wood ware enconn
tered one hundred and fifty yards in
front of the raiders , and in the ex
pressive language cf Major Bandalll ,
he wants it distinctly nnderatood the
orders of my superior officers are to
keep you out of the territory ,
and you may bet your life you will do
it. Nune have yet crossed. The In
dian commission report a general ex
pression of disapproval by the better
class of responsible citizens of Kan
sas , who characterize movement as
dlegracefnl in the extreme. The "On-
ahoma boom , " as at present organiz
ed , is a fizzle of too small proportions
tob& faced by the United government
or by the Indians. A strong effort will
be mude by the delegation to tccure
the of a law by congress , af
fixing th- penalty of imprisonment for
th non-payment of the present fine
tnf SIOOO imposed by the United States
staUs for entering npon an Indun
reservation , after having been ejec
Gould'd Latest Grab.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YOKK , December 21 4 p. m.
It was reported on Wall stratet that
Jay Uonld htd purchs cd 'he Inter
national and Great Northern in Texas.
Gould , on being applied to for inform
ation ss to the correctness of the re
port , answered it wai true that
be and hia friends had secured a con
trolling interest in the stock of the
company , but he refused to state the
number of shares purchased or the
price , saying that was a matter that
did not concern the public. This
purchase gives the Gould clique the
exclusive ownership of the system of
11 railroads in the southwest.
Moral Montreal.
Special dtrpatch to The Uee.
MONTREAL , Can. , December 21
4 p. m. At the meeting nf the Mon
treal city council last night , Alderman
Kennedy interrogated the chairman of
the police committee as to whether any
maaaorus would be taken to prevent
Sara Bernhardt from acting here on
Cn'ris'ims day. After anmo discussion
the mutter was referred to the city so
Citv Council Proceedings.
At the regular meeting of the oil ]
council lait evening there were praa
eut Messrs. BIackmoreD.iiIey , Dodge
Horuberger , Knufmann , LabsghRod
dis , Stephenson , Thieman and Fresi
dent Boyd.
The minutes of the last regular anc
special meetings were read and ap
From the mayor , "in reenrd to thi
city scrip con rct. . " After a carefa
exauiina'inn of the subject , the may
or concludes that if a contract of thi
general character should be made a
all , tha directions of the council i ;
s , the premisesaranotsnfficiently wellde
id fined by the preamble and resolution
33 in regard to the came. The resolutio
33St referred to is ihit anthorizing th
sr mayor to contract with J. Sterlin
of Morton fjr therecovery of tbe amour
is due the city from the United Statt
id for money expended on the capttc
building in 1857.
I , The Mayor detailed in brief ti
JO history of the scrip issued by the cit
JOa up to the time when the Unite
il- States court for tha territory decide
thcsimo worthleas and itceaiedl
ts circulate.
3e Tbe communication was referred I
the committee on judiciary.
From the Mayor Transmittii
tbe contract between the city ao
3E3 Z. I X. 23
' " " "
"F"y M / "T i i i
J -31 lER
* j !
Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts.3
Gives Great Bargains in ladles' and Gents
All Kinds Of
We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money.
* m 0) ) Q Cf 9 ( r
& ! I"nils
And Wholeaa'e Dealers in CIGATIS .v > d CONFECTIONERY. During the
Fall and Winter we will hindle COUNSELMEX'S FRESH OYSTERS , which
are now the bet In the market. A hrgo assortment of CANDY and SUGAR ,
TOYS for the H. 1ay tnde.
GATZ & FREEMAN , 510 llth StOmaha. .
octl5-co < l-Sm
Southwest corner 16fch and Dodge.
Has lately been leased by
Who has had years experience in the hotel and restuaurant busi
ness , and will run a first-class house.
Board by the Day or Week , with Lodging or without.
entraily Located.
Peter Sorensen for grade of Spruce
street. Filed.
From the M&yor Transmitting
contract with George Peterson for
coal. Filed and contract approved.
From the Mayor Vetoing certain
items in the appropriation ordinance *
for the month of November. SUE
From the Mayor Vetoing the ap
propriation ordinaries for the grading
of Fifteenth a'treet , tflth his objec
tions. Sustained.
From tha Mayor Reluming tlio
special ordinance levying a tux fur
said grade. Sustained.
From W. 0. B. Allen , tranimit-
ting a Copy of the report of the com
mittee appointed by the hoard of
trade to submit proposition of
charter changes considered d s rablo.
Referred to the judiciary committee.
The final report of the city engin
eer on the Fourteenth street gwdiog"
from Dodge to Eurt , with acceptance
of the same , waa confirmed.
From the city engineer In regard
to Cass street grade. Ruferrod to ju-
diclcry committee.
From Hon. G. W. Ambrose Trans
mitting bi-1 fur services , expenses ,
etc , M attorney in the case of A. J
Hanscom vs. Omaha eewor caio
two trials and two arguments in an-
promo court , $1000 ; hotel expenses ,
811 ; printingbrielsS12.50. Acredi1
of 8150 for cash piid was noted on the
bill. Referred to tbo judiciary com
A certified bill for $ 1C , witness fees ,
( n tbe case cf Charles Lmdnjmt vs.
Omaha , was referred to the commit tee
on claims.
Bill of J D. Mortimer , § 12 50 , re
ferred to the eame committee. Also
fee liill of Guy A. Brown , S1L05.
From the city attorney , recom'rend-
ing that lha petition of Paul Plitz ba
filed , and prtyer therein ba not grant
ed. Filed.
From the city marshal , reporting
the adjustment of side walk north of
city hall to proper grade. Filed.
From Peter Franzer to place an ash
box in the street out of the way of
travel. Granted.
By Mr. Thieman Authorizing the
filling up of the old washout on
Leaven worth , between Twelfth and
Thirteenth , at a cost not exceeding
815. Adopted.
By Mr. Kaufmann Instructing the
city attorney to enforce judgment in
the cases of Hugh ilurpl.y and A. G.
H an vs. the city of Onuhs , for ser
vices rendered.
These were the sewer inspectors ,
and the resolution rnct with some op
position , but waa finally adopted.
By Mr. Kaufmann f o remove dirl
on Tenth and Jonea struts , and ereci
fences in said locality. Adopted.
By Mr. Dailey To allow theclairr
of Truman Buck for services rendeiet
m thj city treasurer's office in Apri
and May , 1880. Refemd to the ja
diciary cqrnmittea.
By Mr. Dodge To investigate thi
condition if tbe Tenth street culvert
From the committee on finance ii
regard to contacting fur 100 Eton
cross walks. Adopted.
Same committee , recommcnuin
the equalization of taxes asked b
1 | Charles McDonald. Adopted.
From tht > judiciary committee , re
porting the amount of personal tsxe
dua the city from John 3. Greei
142109. Filed.
From the same , that any transfer c
I funds to the fund of sewer distrit
No. 1 , is ilIegL Fjied.
On claim } , instructing the cit
treasurer to cancel certain intcrei
taxes dno the city from G. W. An
brose. Adopted.
Oa claims , ia the matter of
Bros' , chim , recommending that tf
cite engineer give an estimate of it
amount of dirt lost on Cass street du
ing their contract. Adopted.
On claims , by Mr. Jones , recon
mending the rejeition of G. C. M
nell's proposition. Adopted.
On streets and grades , recommen
Ing that the sum of 8150 be allowi
Pitt Welsh for washouts on Fourteen' '
street. Adopted.
On sane , re commending that tl
request of Herman Disss to do SOE
grading be granted , said work to j
done under the supervision of the ci
engineer. Adopted.
L On same , recommending that co
tract for grading of South Omaha
erotic , between Tnirteenth end Four-
toeuth streets , be let to D. Shanahau.
On same , recommending the change
of grade on Hrney stro-j * , between
-Eighteenth aud Convent , in accord
ance with the petition of D. Vim Et-
tsn , when all property owners would
waive cliirns for ddmaqes. Adopted.
On public property nnd improve
ments , in tha mutter of tbo petition
of the Lidiefl' .Relief looioty , report-
llHl > y r Mioluttoik. Inatruottntc tHu may
or nnd comm > t'ee on public property
and iiripruvwir.unts to cotnult with
the Lathes' Rel.uf society , and select
onos'iitnblc I. t for tbe purpose named/
and thnt s-fd lot b i Ic.iaeil TO tne v-
cicty nithe nomiiml rontnl of § 1 per
annum for aucli tuna us the lot ch ; l3
be used for city pii'poacs. The com-
inJttfo also sugjcat-'d-that under the
state constitution the said property
would bo cxotnpt from taxation.
On public property and improve
ments Recommending that the mayor
be nuthorizjd to execute deed fur lot
2 , bhcic CG2 , t ) C. T Taylor , in con
sideration of $130. Recommitted.
On water works and sewerage ,
vouchar for am Hint due L B. Stun-
lay & Co. , with euimite anil recom
mendation that the maw ho piid with
proper deduction Rufcrruil to aew-
orn-40 committee to report at next
Conncilman Stephonaon reeo tea
nd invited the
a question t f privilege
mayor and city council to bo present
at the oppning of lit * superb stable ,
on Thura'Juy evening , from G to 10
o'rl > ck. Accepted win thanks.
Ihn only minting remedy lor erery spe
cie * or Acato or Chronic DlS n * > ot
the Organs of Keiptratlon *
ami au nth
'plIIS ull-p ur rfnl Teg tiible prepnru-
JL tlonexpelftfroinihelunK ? nnd alrpm-
gatjei , the mucus anil niaco-pus produced
hy pt'imonury Inll-imn.atlon , heilln th
Irritated tnenibrnaai , unil renovat'i
every organ which. atUIze * the breath of
Life. It contains noMnirylntr poison ,
nnd Ii in ull reM * ctv a healthful medl-
clno. The rapidity and certainty with
alUch It
-UtonlMilnpr. . It effects K" deeper thnn
the mere Rymptomt of pulmonary < IIs-
ene nnd dl charten tlm caiun from the
eirt''ni. Tree nnd pnlnles * eipectora-
tlon i the mada by wlilcli It relieves the
IiuiSS ehent and throat from theburtlon *
which oppr - * ti ! m ; thu * nrreitlnic Con-
omnptloii and Ilronchitlji In tlmcennbe-
for they rench the morn ilnngeroa *
stages. The emaciated gafforer
rrlth the most terrible ncanrge of our cli
mate Trill flnd Frltuch'n pnmliin CouKh
Syiap & potent ally , and will oaiuredly
ivln the nghtby adhering strictly to this
Ureut medicine. The
In which It hni b en nanilnlntrrnd Tritli
remedy for eTery ra-
entire iicce n a
rlety ot mahtdy wlilch affects the Re-
; > ! ratory Jt'uiictlon * , amount to mure
nt tlmprp cnt < latp , nndyetthnprepnra
tion K only in the Infancy ot lt meful-
n < - . The creiit defect of all Conch
Iteinvdiei hitherto Introduced la that
simply expuliory. Hence they
they are
are uneles : for unl - n the cause * of the
ncrld ger7etlon5 which are couched np
are rcinoTcd.nnil tlie riiptnrFd.lnfiamed
or maturated n < irte * healed and rr-
utored to their natural tone , a cure it
inipo lbe. ! Frlt-x.h > 1'ntmlna Couch
. Thr
Syrnp accomplishes tliew objects.
which are tl e conK -
mticu * anil mticipni
K quence of LunK I > iien j are thrown off
by it. while at the name time it mothca
and Invigorates the weakened
Tor concha , cnld < r Inflnpnin , bronchial
A dinlcultlefi , tlshtiiH ot thecheit.honrae-
, tnichltln , Inllamma-
th neu , ( tore throat
tlon of the lunKi. < liniculty of breathlni ; ,
nnd alldliordernofapulmonaTy
fie nature , It has never been equaled.
ae Sol aster. J la America. IUCUABOSOH tt CO ,
. , .