! THE DAILY BEE : EPiTOB AMENDMENTS. The special committee appointed by the Board of Trade to draft amend- manUio oar chatt9r , have reported fiwe or fonr important amendments .ai s far aa tbey go they mil bo up. proved by the taxpayers of Omaha. It however that they fall rtiikeim , u wiv. i - - - - ehortof our municipal requirements in ttlDy important particulars. For instance - stance the committee touch the street railway nuisance with extreme tenderness by recnramending that cor- potations which occupy the streets ahould be made Eubservient to tbe coutrol of our city authorities. We a-efn favor cf calling a epade and never want tD whip the devil around the stump if we can meet him face to face. face.The The only corporations that occupy oar streets on the surface or in the eli of tbe earth , t re the gas com pany , tbe water works company and the street railway. The two former are already under control of the city by their contracts with it. The Utter pretends to be -bigger corporation than the corporation within which it lives , moves and has its being. Its managers claim that it's charier , amugtjled through the legislature dur ing the last territorial se-sion in ' 67 , gives them the exclusive monopoly of occupying the streets and highways of Omaha and makes them entirely inde- psndent of and above all municipal regulation. This claim is preposter ous. All the decisiocs rendered by supreme couris during the past ten years affirm the right of municipal au thorities lo regulate and control street railways , gas companies and other corporations that occupy the streets , either on the surface or under the ground. We will not argue this question now. Suffice It to say the legislature bas the right to define the powers of municipal authorities over atroel railroads , and it is hich time th.t the legislature of Nebraska should do so for the relief of Omaha. The city of St. Louis is about to deal with this problem , and the fol lowing provisions are to bo embodied in their charter : . All street railroads shall keep the trtreets between the rails in perfect no- pair , as nearly on A level 'with such rails as practicable , and with the same i material as the street itself , or such olher material s shall bo approved br the board of public improvements ; and whenever any part of a street which bus to bo maintained by a street railway company shall bo out of re pair or in bad condition , the street commusionor shall notify the presi Stl dent or superintendent of the com pany to cause the aame to be repaired ii and put in good condition , nd if such company shall fail or ro fuse to obey such notice wi'.hiu the ttuto mentions ! inthe -the notice , then the street commissioner shall proceed : to hive iha repairs done , and to pay the cost of such repairs out of tbe special fund * ot apart for this purposa. To create such fund every atroat rail road company shall pay into the city treasury the sum of S1CO , to bo used ) Cor the repairs of the streets on its route , which the street c-Mnmissiontr shall order to ba made by reason trof the failure of the respective street railroad companies to ma e srnch repairs , upun due notice of the etroct commissioner and , whenever R part or the whole of said $100 shall hare been expended * for the purposes indicated above , the respective rail 1- road companies- upon notification 1by the president of the board of public improvements , tha'l piy BO much more money into the city treasury us will briug the fund again up to $100 , and the municipal assembly shall hnve power to pass ordinances filing penal ties fornonconformance ilo with the pro visions of thie section. oal I3ut there are other subjects equal ly important that should be acted upon by the delegation from Douglas county in framing the new charter. Oar present charter is very lame sr.in dealing with the question of public improvements and special taxation. Under our present law a street must be graded , paved or otherwise improv ed 10 its lull width before a special tax can be collected. This is vary often tmpr otoable ! , because it involves too much expense at ono time , besides being unnecessary. The St. Lauis charter , fram which we make the fol lowing extract , meets this problem : DlP The grading of new streets , alleys P and the ranking ox crosswalks and the repairs of all streets and highways and clouting of the same , and of all alleys and cioeewalks shall be paid out of of the general revenue of the city , and the oo t of paving , curbing , gutter > ing , sidewalks and the materials for the roadways , the repairs of all alleys and sidewalks shall be levied and charged upon the adjoining property $ M a special tax , and collected and pildas hereinafter provided. Provided , however , that it shall not be neces- iry in any case to improve a street 5to its full width but the : same may ba improved in part and the cost thereof assessed aa a special tax in the man ner hereinafter provided , end there after and from time to time Bid > street may be additionally improved and the cost of tbe additional im provement assessed as a special tax in like manner and to the same effect as the origin * ! improvement. The cost of reconstructing any street which haa already beeu constructsd shall be ap portioned as follows : The cost of reconstructing the curb ing and sidewalks and one-half tjo cost of rtMBttructing between curbs hall be levied and charged upon the adjoining property as & special tax to be paid as hereinafter provided , and the east of gradinu and shaping the roadway , and ono half of the cost of reeouBtractinjr such roadway shall b p id out of the general fund of the city ; but if the bosrd of public iraprovemenis shall by a un animous vote of al ! its members re commend ir , the municipal assembly may by a two-thirds vote of each c house , provide by ordinance that the whole or any specified portion of the cwt ? of such recoastructhn of a street , noUeu tlna over half thereof , shall a b pA-d ou. of the general revenue fuodVNpd the remainder if shall a , any , be levied and chsrged upon the ad joining property as a special sax. Another important quaetion is that of reconstructing pavem ats , with which Omaha may soon have to wres tle , and another equally important -nttter M the for right of the city to im pose special taxes for street sprink ling , which will have to be done at considerable expense , notwithstand ing the fact that we have water works. St. Louis' charter granta to the city authority bra council to levy jpacitl for taxes baa Improvement of streets and alleys ; for reconstruction of streets rnd repairs - pairs of alleys ; for repairs of side walks ; for construction of district sewers ; for abating nuisances on pri vate property ; for sprinkling and clesnirg a trout E , and provides a mode I of assessment. All these cubj'oti we commend to the attention of the delegation from Douglas county , who ought to consult with esch other before they start for the Capitol. Frame a charter and submit it to public judgment , as the legislative delegation from St. Louis has done. OXE of our city officials , when ques tioned as to the non-enforcement of the laws against gambling , remarked that "if the pipers would only publish the names of those found iu places of questionable resort much would be done towards a solution of theques tion. ' * This is child's play. Who has taken the responsibility of ad ministering the laws from the city of ficials and thrown it upon the news I papers ? Every movement towards purifying Omaha has Come from her presn. THE BEE waged a ( single handed war hst year against the quack fraternity , when the details of the Aldrich case had been for months tn the possession of tbe city authorities. As to the present question , the city authorities have ample power , and they are par takers of crime when they refute * 10 exercise thorn. They are moral cow ards whan they attempt to shirk their duty upan others and Wink at an evil which is corrupting our youth and tapping the tills of our merchants. THE defense of County Clerk Man * Chester to the proven charges of THE BEE is the thinnest kind of evasion. What difference docs it make if hi ? office books are well written up ) B-oesn'tthe county pay him for having them kept in good condition ? And doesn't the county pay him for being the custodian of such papers , election i returns and ballots as are committed to his care ? If Mr. Manchester reilly wants to make a fijht on the present management of the county clerks office he can be accomodated without further delay. There are a , I number of questions which taxpayers would like to have answered relative to the conduct of that office. i _ SARAH UEEXUAUDT , referring to the attacks of the clergy on actors and actresses , makes a good point when she remarks : "A comparison of the morals of the clerical fraternity with those of aotors and actrwess , wouldbe by no means unfavorable to the latter. A gro.it many occupants of pulpits are Eimuly showmen. What , for Instance , ia the essential difference between tbe calling of an actress like myself and that of Mountebank Talmagc , always on the scent for the freshest bit of Ecanda ? A CEKTAIX Dr Rush , of Chicago , is lobbying in Washington with the ways and means committee urging them to report a bill in favor cf levjicg a tax on alcoholic spirits used in the manu facture of vinegar. This movement has for its obJ'C" the crushing out ell competition from the smaller vinegar I i.ntn ; * and making - -I - . : - a gigintio mo > - nopoly in thn Ithereets of the big firms. It is tc be hop'-d that the ways and moans will refuse to aid the job bers in their scheme. THE St. Prful Pioneer-Prest thinks that if Jay Gould could only buy the Mississippi river ho would have com plete control of the transportation business at St. Louis. His hto pur chase of the Iron Mountain railroad makes him master of the situation as far as overland communication i * con cerned. Ax eastern paper notes the number -Catholic clergymen actively engag ed in the Irith land league work in this country. In Omaha , one of tbe most enthusiastic and patriotic Irish * men is Bev. John Williams , of 3t. Barnabas Episcopal chnrch. ACCORDING to the Kansas City Jioamil , an Omaha man was asked in Europe whether they had culture in his settlement. "Yon bet , " was the answer , "we're cultured to kill/1 THE military academy bill appro priating § 322,000 for the fisoil yesr has pissed the house , making the second of the appropriation bills which have become law. BOBBINS , the Inter Ocean advertis ing ngent , still , chirps his ciildish prattle from the Republican office. Bobbins is an essentially harmless bird. THAT Hitchcock boom has quietly j subsided until other newspapers join the bureau. TOE StpubiKtn to St. A. D. Bal- combe , "you're another. " A BUSTED BOOM. WHZRB , OH , WHERE ? What has become of Church Howe's boom ! [ Juniata Herald. THE U. P. CHUBCH. What church was Church Howe IB named after ? Was it the Hard Shell Btptist ? That church has nearly die- appeared , which result is perfectly consistent with evorytiting Church Howe is connected wih. [ Schuyler Sun. A Pio'g TAIL. We didn't Jniow , until after seei g recent issue of Tke Lincoln Jour nal , that The Omaha Republican wcs re hog. And Chureh Howe makes a th respectable looking taiL If The Jour th nal had inserted a ring in tha porker's thra snoot , and attached to it the name of radi Hitchcock , the "pictur" would have of beem complete. [ Sidney Telegraph. ra THAT LETS HIM OUT. ram Kemah ncoun y has two candidates aihe speaker. This will probably let he Oburoh Howe out [ Ashland Ga frA zette. A DOWSTOZKEO. j for Church HOWQ'B chances for ti' speskermhip h ve dwindled into noth ti'hi ing. There ia no pablio raan in Ne se ko rgiinst whom the state press sc so umnimcurfv been opposed as scw Howe. [ Pawnee Enterprire. I Tl / STATE JOTTINGS. Arapahoe is to have a jeweler. Nellgh is to have a new paper. Dakota City needs a public hall. " Beatrice has a juvenile brass band. There are two grist milla in Clay county. . A new brick hotl ia to be erected at Oakland. Bhir will eoan boas , of a new union depot. Hastings has thinned out its sa loons to four. Saline county has organized a musical society. Orleans , Harlan county , reports a lively business. t Coal is being hauled fromliincoln to Wahoo by team. A new hotel is to built by a atooi company at Hardy. Sheridan is greatly excited over the opening of a Bale on. Red Clnudla schools have an en rollment of 207 pupils. A fine brick block will replace the burnt district in Lincoln. A broom factory on an extensive scale has been started at Crete , Hardy , Nuckolls county , has or ganized a lodge of Odd fellows. Elk Creek , Johnson county , is to have a new elevator costing § 6000 , A fire at Niobrara destroyed the house of Mr , Campbell , a carpenter. A numbsr of new buildings are erecting in Qubbell , Thayer count } . There sre 140 permanently estab lished Baptist churches in this state. The Richards block , at Lincoln , ii to be converted into a three story hotel. Five thousand salmon were planted at Wahoo by the fish commis sioners. Tbo News is the name of a new journal started at Guide RockWebster county. county.The The B. & 3L Railroad company has completed a new engine house at Falls City. Lincoln has erected 400 new buildingc , stores and houses * during the past year. Hebron , Thayer county , has refused to reduce its liquor license of 5600 a year. Webster county farmers are or ganizing a grand wolf hunt to be keld on December 30. The Sioux City company are now building an addition to the round house at Blair. The B. & M. sold nearly 40,000 acres of land in Lancaster county during the present year. Mr. Lara Jensen , of Dannebrog , . was ecrioufily tossed and gore'd by a refractory ox last week. Butler county enjoys a sensation in a marriage between a young couple kept secret for six months. Joe Crisman , of Beatrice , attempt ed to resist tha city marshal and re ceived serious , if not fatal injuries. Clay county , old settlers held a meeting ht City Contra and competed a permanent organization last week. A large two story addition to the B. & M. d > p it building at Red Cloud , is eoou to bu m&de by the company. Two bojp , Mattin Ayer and Joe Tempast broke thrcugh the ice la t week at NebresVa City and were drowned. Is'inely-six buahela of corn to the acre were raised on the Thuyer county poor farm during the past sca I ann- The Completion cf the bridge over the Republican river , at Hardy , ia bringing the Kansas trade into that town. A citiesn of Indianola killed 13 deer out of a drove of 17 , one day last , I week , while hunting on the Stinking Water. Water.A A firm in Crete offers to build a fine Souring mill if the city will give the B. & M. the right of way to the [ mill site. By the Accidental discharge of a gun a son of Mr. Lcomts.of Indianola , , was seriously wounded in the breast and right arm. A mass meeting of Gage county farmers will beheld at Beatrice on the < . 23d instant to discuss the transporta tion question. lath The premium for the best growth of corn in Otoo county raised from a . was awarded to a farmer raising 11CJ bushels. E1U Suavely , of Bone Creek precinct - cinct , Buttler county , attempted rote commit suicide. Disappointment in love was the alleged cause. . J The pi'sago of the bill for the sale of the remainder of the Otoe res ervation will give Gaga county a larg JSom quantity of land into the market. A farmer of Hamilton county dis covered , while cutting wood on his homestead , a fine bee-hive tailed with i a plentiful supply of hcney. It is estimated that within the last seven months at least.26,000 has been turned into Schuyler through the medium of the hay business. A boy , the sun of Charles Carter , of \ \ shu K'on county , fell under the w her 1 < of Im father's wagon last week , abstaining a fracture of both legs. There have been 150,000 ponnds of wool shipped from Beatrice so far this season and there are about 75,000 pounds remaining in the hands of the growers. The charges against the Rev. S. P. Wilson , the Methodist minister 5.at Nebraska City , on which he stood church trial , were declared not sus $ tained. tained.Mr. Mr. Hanson , of Furnas county , while returning last week from Arapa hoe ( with a load cf spring wheat , fell undar the hind wheel of his wagon and was crushed to death. . Track on the Niobrara branch of the Sioux City & Pacific road will be laid between Plam&view and Oreigh- ton as eoon as the weather will per mit. It will reach NLbrara in the spring. spring.Tbe Tbe Anglo-American Packing and Provision company , who have houses in Raw York , Chicago , St. Louis and Kansas City , are making arrangements to open a branch house Lincoln. Tha Edgar Review says there are 40,000 bushels of corn in the orib at that place awaiting shipment , anc ) still it comoj rolling in , at the rate of 1,009 bmshels a day. of The Farmers' Alliance. Asrcrt Ii pnbllc u. The farsaen of Kebraika have been ber requested to meat in convention in the city of Lincoln , January 5th , for the purpose of deviling ways and was means for the protection of their in dustry against such encroachments as lata been growing at a terrible Mr. rate. The aUfcr the convention is had made by some partiM in Gage coumty , to and it ia to b koped the farmeM wUl to heed it aa . sand their very bei' mem out from all over the state to atUatt it. haa All other industries of this land are for organized j into a union of some sort can tbe advancement of their respec are tive interests ; but the farmer , and him aloaa , has. to this time ber seen fit to run it alone , and the re be. sult of his carlessnesa is visible where ] , in every state in tbe union. every The farmers mutt pool their usues , regardless of politics , or else they will continue and remain the dupes of all other indu-vtriea combined , they can run ths ; country to suit them , if they only fee fit to try it , and the only way ted it i * by 4 union. The work once commenced m any state and it will betaken taken up in all olher states and a national nnioa will then ba effected which will have a potent power over the deatinies of this republic. Ihe better the farmers interests are guarded the better for the whole country ; hence their union is a mat' ter of nations ! importance and unlike other ( grat industries which have pooled their issues to the detriment of the people at large , the farmers' union will be a great blessing. Per sonally we have Ion : ; since advised the farmers of doing thuwo now reiterate tbe advise and beg of them not to neglect it any longer. Rise up , farmers of Nebraska ! to the rescue ! For your own sake and that of your children , organize as requested by the Oa'-o county farmers and attend the convention. Send sdch delegates an willhonot you ; men of brainsfidelity , and energy ; do not send howling demagogues for they will hurt your in terests more than the will help them , and , above all , send true men. The farmers need not put themselves in battle array against all other classes as yet this is not required ; all "that is necessary is to fjuard your interestB and place yourselves on a footing of equality with all other classes. Fur the time being this is all that is want ed , and that once achieved everything elsa will take care of itself. To-day the farmers are not freemen ; they ara serfs and politic.1 slaves } their sovereignty eignty serves as a mop for other people ple , who are not worth shoo leather for the tillers of the soil ; and yet these chaps manage to live in luxurious ea o and comfort , while the farmer , loborious as he may be , is not even left the means to clothe his family as it ought to be. We will watch the movement and will help it with all our strength. IOWA BOILED DOWN. Lynn county has forty creameries , LaMfirs has ten telephone linca in operation. Corn is used for fuel in the public schools at Parkersburg. The schools in Balmond have been closed for want of fuel. Largb quantities of bioom corn are being shipped from Boone. The CongrfgationaliBts ara going to built a church m Clarion. The question of estiblishing water works in Council Bluffs is being agita ted. ted.One One firm in Mt. Pleasant buys on an average of 7000 bushels of corn daily. There are three hundred and seven ty convicts in the Fort Madison pen- , itentiary. Fully 500,000 bushels of potatoes have been marketed in Davenport since August , Coal is reported found at a depth of 20feet _ within the corporate lim- | its of Council Bluff * , Henry Johns , of Eldora , has just brought to his farm from Illinois , 100 head ot thoroughbred calves ; The Iowa State Teachers' associa tion meets at DesMoinoi on the 28th } 29th and SOth of December. The Dubuqun heating works have a capacity of 980 horse power , which heat 2,500,000 cnbio feet apace. A carload of colorrd miners hav ar rived in Oakaloosa to take the pi ice of the striking white miners. The Burlington Cedar Rapids and Northern railroad ' ' their comp'e'ed sx- tension t'i Mountezuoia last week. The Ouumwa water-wprks are- fin ished ) nnfl the city oiuncil will make a teat of the works at an early day , pre paratory to accepting them. eIk The colored population of Polk county numbers 625 , the largest of any coun'y ' in the s\ate. Ohickaaaw and Grundy counties have no colored population. . Bloomneld is sinking a coal hole. To date the hole has reached a depth of 153 feet , but as yet nothing lies been found to indicate what success may attend the enterprise. The suppctt tf the pupils of the deaf and.asylum at Council Uluffi will cost S5.645 for the quarter ending on the 31st inet , and $2,750 is estimated for to pay salaries , buy books and for other incidental erpenses. The Chicago , Milwaukee and Sb. Paul drove their last spike , opposite : the depot site in Clinton , on Monday afternoon. This gives the lumber city another outlet and. cannot but prove advantageous to her growing trade , Joseph Reinfield , of Burlington , killed a wild-cat , near Durango , last Saturday. The varmint , was a lo over three feet in length , two feet in height an i would have been a hard one to fight had ho only been slightly wounded. The annual meeting of the State Pharmaceutical association will ba held at Des Moines on the Sth and 9th of Februhry next. The sessions have just been arranged for by the executive committee , and will be held in the Exposition building. Idn Judge Durton , in the Van Buren : county dittrict court , has decided that the law regulating fish ways to be pub in dams ia , unconstitutional as re gards the dams on the Dea Moines river , which were built by the state and sold to private parties. Frank Thomas and Patrick King in dulged in a corn husking match near Clinton on the llth for a wager of $100. Thomas won , he having husked in eight hours and a half 95 bushels and 23 pounds of corn , allowing 70 pounds to the bushel. In the same time King husked 95 bushels and 22 pounds. The new ritual of the Odd Fellows , adopted by the sovereign grand lodge , will go into effect January 1 , 1881. Schools of instruction will bo held in Keokuk , Council Bluffs and Dea Moines , opening ou the 21st and eaa tinuing for three days. The state grange association con vened in Des Moines on Tuesday. It represents 150 granges and 3,300 mem bers. Thirty-one socialies have been reorganized during the past year , wi < h the prospect that miny ethers will fol low suit the coming one The Clinton Age airs itself over the lumber statistics of that busy burg in the following figures : Clinton mills , fa 113,437,000 feat of lumber , Lyons milh. 30.650,000feet , making a total 144,087,000 feet , besides 36,580 , * 000 singles and 23,903,000 lath. The number of men employed in the lum business was 1979 and the amount paid them in wages $597,000. The nuaber of cars of lumber shipped 12,771 , coating $450,000 for freights. The Spencer Reporter saya that or . Eben Bailey , of Clay township , foresight enough when he cimo Clay county about ten years ago , plant considerable timber and set willow hedges , and as a result he now all the wood that he needs fuel , and , so far as he is concerned , Lugh at the coal famine. There other fanners in * be county in the same fortunate shape , but their num ia not one-tenth of what it should . Newcomers can now see the ad vantages to be reaped from a little well-applied labor in the matter of Betting out limber. From York , Pa. , cornea the report by Mr. Henry B. Schroeder , of the remarkable cure performed by St. Ja * zor Oil , in the case of Mr. 0. Kcons' wife , who had been sfflicted with Rheumatism for a lone time. Arnica Salve The BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts , Bruises , Sores , Ulcera , Salt Rheum , Fever Sorea , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve is guarantned to glvo erfect satiafac- tied In every caseor rxiuncy re funded. Price 2 cents per box. For sale by 8dly J. K. ISH Omahs. FOR RHEUMATISM , . - . . * ia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Sordfibsi of the Cfost , Gout , Quinsy , Sore Throat , Swell ings and Sprains , Burns and Scalds , General Bodify Pains , Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frosted Feet anil Ears , flnt.all other Pains and Aches * No PrtpamUon on earth cqaali ST. JACOBS OIL u a safe , atir * , simple and cheap External Kerned ? . A trial entails but the compiratlrely trifling outlay of 50 Cents , and * ery one inher ing with pain can hare cheap and poiltlve proof of Its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. BOLDBYALLDBUGGIBTSAHDDEALEBS INHEDIOIHB. . . . A.VOGELER&CO. , BaltimoreSid , t BURNED OUT , But at it Again- S.COLLINS . , ASD Saddlery . Hardware , HARNESS , COLLARS , Stock Saddles , etc. , Now Ready for Business. Next Door to Omaha Na tional Bank ; Douglas Street , deell-tf 111. JK , , HIS WON , GcDcraMnsurancc Agent , . . PH02UX ASSbemx. . . . .x , . . .t ton- ilon , Cash Assets . S,107,12i VE3TCI1ESTEK. N. Y. , Capital . I.OOO.OJ : THE MERCHANTS , ot Newark , N. J. , l.OOC.OO OIRARn KIKK.Phtlaclclpliia.Capltal. . 1,0 < X.OOU NORTHWKSTURN NATlONAL.Cap- " ital . . . POC.tO FIREMEN'S FOND , California . 606 1 0 imlTISFI AMERICA ASSUKANCECo 1,2GOCCC NEtt A IK FIRE INS. CO. , AesctS , . , . SflO.OCO AMURICAF CENTRAL , Assets , . ; . , . . 500(00 ( 8 Mt Cer. nl Fifteenth ft Douglas St. PASSENGER ACCOMMODATION LINE BCTWEEN OMAHAAND FORTOMAHA Connects .With Street Cars Comer of SAUNDKR3 and HAMILTON STREETS. ( End of Rod Line & 3 follows : LEAVE OMAHA : 630 , * 3:17andlll9a m ,3:02U:3Tnnd7l29p.m. : LKAVE FORT OMAHA : 7:15 a. m. . 9tfi a. m. , and 12:45 : p. m. 4:00,8:15 : and 8:15 : p. ra. The 8:17 : a. m rnn , loivinr omaha , and the 4:00 : p. m ran , leaving Fort Omaha , are nsnallj loaded to full capacity with regular passengers. The 6:17 : a. m. nil will be made from the poet- office , corner of Dodge and 15th gnrcht * . Tickets can be procured from street cardrlv- era , or from drivers of backs. FARE. 2S CKNT3. INCLUDING STRR OAR A , W. NASOfc Omn : Jacob's U cfc , con.nr Otpitol AT * , and Ifith Street. Omih , N > h. FRITSCH'S PRUSSIAN THE LATEST VICTORY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. Xlie only existing remedy for every spe cies of Aonto or Clironic Disease ot the Organs of Respiration , , and an absolute SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION ! . all-powerful vegetable praparo- JL tion expels from the lungs and air pas * eases , the mucus and maco-pus produced by pulmonary inflammation , heals the Irritated membranes , and' renovate ! every organ whlcKuiUiies the breath ml Utf. It contains no stupefying poison , nnd ii In all respects a healthful medl * iV T08 rapidity and certainty with. Yrluch It ANNIHILATES A COUGH fa astonJsldng. Its effects go deeper than the mere symptoms of pulmonary dls * ea o and discharges the cause from the system. Free and painless ezpactora * tion is the mode by which It relieves the lungs , chest and throat fromthehardens TTliich oppreu them ; thus arresting Con sumption and Bronchitis in the germ bo- Tore they reach the more dangerous stages. The emaciated sufferer BATTLING FOR LIFE with the most terrible scourge of our ell * mate will find Fritsch's Prussian Couch Syinp a potent ally , and will assuredly Trln the fight by adhering strictly to this great medicine. The CASES NOW ON RECORD fawhich it has been administered with entire success ns a. remedy for every TO. ricry of malady which affects the Be- eplratory Functions , amountto _ more FIVE THOUSAND nttbopresentdate , and yet the prepara tion 1 only in the Infancy of Its useful * ness. The great defect of all Cough Remedies hitherto Introduced U that they are simply expnlsory. Hence they aren , * ° l"s ; for "nless- the causes of th acrid secretions which , are coughed up are removed.and the raptured. Inflamed maturated surfaces healad and re stored to their natural tone , a cure is Impossible. Fritsch's Prussian Cough Syrup accomplishes these objects. The mucus and muco-pns which are the con sequence of tung Disease , are thrown off y Vl whlle t the same time It soothes and invigorates the weakened tissues. "LIFE FOR THE LUNBS. " For coughs , colds , influenza , bronchial difficulties , tightness of the chest.hoorse- ncss , Bore throat , trachltls , inflamma tion of the lungs , difficulty of breathing , pleurisy and all disordersofapulmonary nature , It lias never been equaled. Sole scents tn America , BICHABDSOH & CO , ELIxrals , JIo. BOLD BY ALL DIITJGGISTS. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS. ' J MORE POPULAR THAN E § R. The Genuine SINGER NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. The popular demand for the GENUINE SINGER in 1879 exceeded th-.tof any previous year during the Quarter of a Cen ury in which this "Old Reliable" Machine has been before the public. In 1878 we sold 356,422 Machines. In 1879-we sold 431,167 Machines. Excess over any previous year 74,735 Machines. Our sales last year were at the rate of over ! 400 Sewing Machines a Day 1 For every business d y in the yeir , The "Old BoliabV That Every READ Singer is the Strongest , Singer Sewing Machine the Simplest , the Most chine his this Trade Mark cast into the Durable Sewing .Ma Iron Stand and embedded chine ever yet ConFer - bedded in the Arm of strnoted , the Machine. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. Principal Office : 1 : uare , New York. 1,500 Subordinate Offices , in the "United States and danada , and 3,000Offices intheO World and South America. seplC-d&wtf ISH McMAHON , I . _ _ _ J. T T7TWU . Ish . Successors to Jas. K. , DRUGGISTS AND PERFUMERS. Dealers in Pins Imported Extracts , Toilet Waters , Colognes , Soaps , Toilet Powders , &o , A full line of Surrical Icstrumenta , Pocket Cue * , Trusses aud Supporters. Absolutely . Pur * Drugs and Chemical * need tn Dispensing. Prescription ] ailed at any hour ol the night. Jas. K. Isii. Lawroiice nicHJahon. SHEELY BROS. PACKING CO. , PACKERS I Wholesale arid Retail in FRESH MEATS& PROVISION'S , GAUE , I OtLTRY , FISH , ETC. CITY AND COUNTY ORDERS SOLICITED. OFFICE CITT MARKET 1415 Douglas St , Packing House , Opposite Oniaha Stock Yards , U. P. B. R. BANKING MUUSbS. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED. BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. CALDWELL.HAMILTONICO ZBAZSTEEIRS - Buglnert transacted same as that o an Incor porated Bank. Accounts kept In Currency or gold subject to right check without ifotltS. Certificates ot dppoalt Issued payable ( n three , six and twelve months , bearing Interest , or on demand without interest. Advances made to customers on approved se curities at market rates of interest Buy and sell ( told , bills of exchange Govern ment , 8UU , County and City Bonds. Draw Sight Drafts on England , Ireland , Scot land , and all parts of Europe. Sell European Passaze Tickets. nOLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. augldtTJ. TJ. 8. DEPOSITOEY , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of OMAHA. Cor. ISth and Famham Streets , OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IK OMAHA. { SUCCESSORS TO KOUHTZE BROa , ) MTABLIStrBD Dt 185fl. OrganlMd as a National Bank , August 20,1888. CapitalandProfits Ovor$800,000 Bpedallyanthorlzedbythe Secretary or Treasnry to rocelre Subscription to the U.S.4 PER CENT. FUNDED LOAN. . OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS ElRKAK Kc&nn , President. . AuausTOB Kmrarrsu , Ylce President. H. VT. Tina. Caahte ? . ' A. J. FopTLBtoif , Attorney. Joan A. CR-ianros. f , H. Davis , Ass't Calhl l. This bank receives deposit without regwd to amounts. Issues Ume ctrtlflcatea bearing Interest. Draws draft * on San Prandsco and principal cities of the United States , alaj London , Dublin , Edinburgh and tbe principal dtlei of the conti nent of Euiojis. , Bella pasaigo tickets for Emigrants In the In. n n ne. maylnU Q0n r day at home. Simples wor ID/II lr * . { Address 8tla on4 Co Poitlui'l , lie. NOTICE TO OONTBAOTOKS. Notice la hereby given that pealed biiTi will be received at the office of the county clerk of Knrnas county , Nebraska , at Btaver City , the county se.it cf said coun ty , up to the 3rd d iy of January , A. D. 1881 , at 12 o'c'ock M. of B id day , for tha construction of a , wagon bridge across the Eepubiican river , touth of the town of Cambridge , in Medicine Creek precinctin _ Fnrnaa county , Nebraska , taid bridge "to be _ 40J feet in length. Bidders Ate re quired to accompany their bids with pl&ns nt.d specificatioos of the work , and also with a bond in a sum double the amount of th ? bid , conditioned for tha faithful execution of the contract. The county commissioners of said county of Furnas reserve the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the county commissioners of Furnas county , Nebraska- . Dated at Beaver City , cnrnas county , Nebraska , the 19th day of November. A. D. ISS'l. ' L. KDTSMAN , County Clerk. deoS-lmd&w MERCHANT TAILOR Capitol Ave , , Opp. Muonio Hall , OMAHA , NEB ' Machine Works , J. Hammond , Prop. & Manager. Tbe moat thorough appoint * 1 and complete Machine Shops and Foundry in tbe state. Cartings of etery description manufacted. Engines , Pumpe and eve/y class of machinery made to order. order.pedal attention given to Fell Angara , Pulleys , Hangers , Shafting , Bridge Irons , Geer Catting , etc. PUnjfornew UachineryHeaeharilcal Dranjht nj , Models , etc. , neatly executed. 66 Harnev St. , Bat. 14th and I5tb. BUSINESS COLLEGE , THE GREAT .WESTERN ? / Geo.B. Eathbun , Principal./ it Oreighton Block , - OMAHA Send for Circular. uovMd&wtl VINEGAR WORKS ! EENST KREBS , Manager , Manufacturer of aU kinds of ru St. Pet. 9th Qi4 10th , 011A.BA , SSJt HOTELS- THE ORIGINAL. BRIGGS HOUSE Got. Randolph St. & 5th Ave. , CHICAGO ILL. s 3 i | 2 ? PRICES REDUCED TO $2.00 AND $2.50 PER DAY Located In the business centre , convenient to plac * * of amusement. Elcsantly fumlabed , oontalnlnff all modern improrements , passenjrtr elevator , &c. J. H. CUMMINU9 , Proprietor. ooietf OGDEN HOUSE , Cor. MARKET ST. & BROADWAY Council BInfls On line o Street Railway , Omnibus 'o and from all trains. RATES Parlor floor 83.00 per da ; ; second BOOT , 32.60 per day ; third floor , 82.00. The best furnished and most commodious honse In the city. OEO. T. PHELP3 Prop FRONTIER HOTEL , Laramie , Wyoming , The miner's resort , good ececmmodatlons , argo sample room , charecj reasonable. Bpedal attention ( given to travellnr men. Il-tf H. O HILLIUID Proprietor. , INTER-OCEAN ] HOTEL. Cheyenne , Wyoming. Flrsi-tl fly Fipe arge Sample Room * , one block from depoi. Tnlni stop from 20 minutes to 2 hours for dinner. Free Bus to and from Depot. Kates $ and J3.00 , eWrding to roomjVngle meal 75 cents. A. 1) . BALCOU , Proprietor. W BORDKN. Onlef Clerk. UPTON HOUSE , ScWiylei * , J.'eb. Flist-closa House , Good Weals , flood HtSf Airy Rooms , and kind and accommodating treatment. Twigood sample rooms. Speoa attention paid to commercial trarclers. S. MTT.T.EB . . , Pro , , al5-tt Sohnyler , Geo. P. Bern is REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 16th & Dougltu 8t.t Omaha , Neb. This ajiency does SIBICTLT a broken * brol * ness. Does notspecnlato , and therefore any bar- jralns on Its book * are Insured to { ts patrons , In stead of beinz ( robbltd up by th e acrent BOGGS & HILL. REAL ESTATE BROKERS No 103 Xbrnham Street OMAHA - NEBRASKA. Office North Side opp. Grand Central Hotel. Nebraska Land Agency. DAVIS & SNYDER , 1605 Farnham St. Omaha , Ntbr. (00,000 ACRES canf ally ( elected land tn Eastern Hebraska for sale. Great Bargains In improved rmf , and Omaha dty property. 0. F. DAVIH. WKB8TKB BNTDIR , Late land Com'r U. P. B. B. tp-teb7tf BTROKRKZD. unrauiD. Byron Reed & Co , , OLssnastuunv REAL ESTATE AGENOY IN NEBRASKA. Keep a complete abitract of title to aU Real Estate in Omaha and Douglas County. maltl EAST INDIA * S. BITTERS ! iLER & CO. , SOLE MANUPAOTUBEBSj OMAHA. .Nei. Ihe Popular Clothing House of M. HELLMAN & CO. , Find , on account of the Season so far advanced , and having a very large Stock of Suits , Overcoats and Gents' Furnishing Goods left , They Have REDUCED PRICES that can notfai I to please everybody. REMEMBER THE ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE , 1301 and 1308 Farnham St. , Corner 131he .GOODS MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. PIANOS l ORGANS. cr. s. CHICKERING PIANO , And Sole Agent for Eallet Davis & Co , , James & Holmstrom , and J. & 0 Fischer's Pianos , also Sole Agent for the Estey , Burdett , and the port Wayne Organ Go's , Organs , in Fianoa and Organs exclusively. . . . . " Have . had yeara . - - I it. T > 4. . experience In the Business , and handle < ? ely the Best. J. S. WRIGHT , 16th Street , City Hall Building , Oniaha , Neb. HALSBY V. PITCH. Tuner. DOUBLE AKD SINGLE ACTING POWER AND HAND PUMPS A Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , V BELTING H08E , BRASS AND IRON FIHIHCS , PIPE , STEAM PACKING AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A. L. STBANG , 205 Farnhnm Stroflt Omnlm , Neb HENRY HORNBERGER , V. BLATZ'S MILWAUKEE BEER ! In Kegs and Bottles. Bpedal Figoree to the Trade. Families Supplied at Reasonably v Prices. Office. 239 Douelftn RtrooK Omaha GARPETINGS. Carpetings I Oarpetings I SIJ. B. DETWILER , Old Reliable Carpet House , 1405 DOUGLAS STREET , BET. 14TH Alfl ) 15TH CEJST . * BLISH:33ID : T3ST ± 868. ) f Carpets , Oil-Cloths , Matting , Window-Shades , Lace Curtains , Etc , MY STOCK IS THE LARGEST IN THE WEST. I Make a Specialty of WINDOW-SHADES AND LACE GURTA1NS And have a Full Line o ! Mats , Rugs , Stair Rods , Carpet- Lining Stair Pads , Crumb Clothes , Cornices , * > Cornice Poles , Lambrequins , Cords and Tassels In fact Everything kept in a Pirst-Olass Carpet House , Orders from abroad solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed Call , 0r Address John B. Detwiler , Old EeMle Carpet lonse , OMAH&