8 THE DAILY BEE : MONDAY MORNING , Di CEMBEE 20 1880- THE DAILY BEE. Monday Mtrning , Dec. 20. Chaplain England , TJ. S. A. , lec tured at Masonic hall last night , on "Modern Infidelity. " The demented Morrison who cre ated such a sensation at the Southern Hotel Friday night , left for Zion Sat urday , by the emigrant train. Land league meeting at CUrk'a hall , Wednesday night. The two brick houses and barn located on court house square , were Bold by ihe commissioners Saturday , for $414 to W. M. Bushman. Three of the eight lots ia the block are yet to be purchased by the commiesioners. Paterson sells coat For ictntcr comfort * in caps , [ roles , car * nufft , mufflers , go to Frederick , Halter. Celluloid and Diatite Sets at Saxe's. Holiday Goods at Kuhn's. ' See Polack's advertisement. Choice meats , Besen's Fulton Market' Celluloid Sets at Kuhn's , druggist. Christmas trees at the 99c store. Holiday presents at Saxe's , druggist. Whipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewelers . o2G-tf ers , Crdghton Block. BbSC IN THE WORLD Bazar Glove fittins Patterns at Bushman's. tf Swiss Cheese , wholesale and retail , at Caaunenzind & Meyer's , 207 east ISth'St. Finest Wolf Eohes , Frederick's Great Hat Store. HeodSt The C. , B. & Q. train Saturday was nearly two hours late. C. H. Frederick , leading Hatter , 14th and Farnbam. 14eod3t For Lands , Lots , Houses and Farms , ook over Bemis' new column on first page. Bargains. Trimmed hats at the 99c store. Frederick , Leading Hatter , finest Stetson Hats. , 14eod3t Two new engines for the South ern Pacific were taken west on U. P. train No. 7 Friday night. Frederick , Leading Hatter ' , cheapest Hats. . 14eod3t CATHOLIC PRAYER BOOKS a spec ialty , all styles , at Mrs. McDopagh's , 1412 Douglas street. Frederick , Leading Hatter , largest stock Caps. 14eod3t Lots , Farms , Houses ind Lands. Look over Bemis' n w column ol bargains on 1st page- pageFinestBuffaloRobes , Frederick , Lead- ng Hatter. 14eod3t Frank Mayo in Davy Crockett to night. night.Frederick Frederick , Leading Hatter , finest Seal Caps. HeodSt The graders on court house square are making pgrceptiblo progress. There are twenty-seven little girls in the deaf and dumb institute at present. Frederick , Leading Hatter , cheapest Caps. 14eod3t Trespassing wood-choppers near Florence will be arrested on warrants issued in Judge Anderson's court. A real live German count , whose name and title were too badly mixed for understanding , has been in the city since Thursday , and left with his BuiteyesttrJay ] for Australia. The secretary cf the interior has offered Omaha a deadly insult. He addressed Mr. Sam. Mallette as "The "Village Treasurer of Omaha. " Let him be "anathema Maranathr. " Any information concerning the whereabouts of Sarah or Joseph Wakolin ( formeily of Omaha ) , will bo duly appreciated by Henry . D. Esta- brookJattcrney at law. dcclSd&wlt The postponed book-donation of the Union Catholic Library Associa tion will be 1'eld the 20th Brilliant programme , literary and musical. Free admission and all are invited. The librarian will receive book-dona tions from those wishing to makaauch. The state board of fish comnna- Bioners met at the Withnell house Fri day to arrange for their annual re port , required by law to be in by Jan. 1st. A full board was present , for the first time in months , including LBW May , of Fremont , Dr. R. R. Livingston , of Plattsmouth , and H. S. Kaley of Red Cloud. A rising young professional man , - of this city , was arraigned before 9 Judge Hawes Saturday on the charge of disturbing the peace , said disturbance consisting in an alleged persecution of the wife of a disciple of the ' 'art preservative , " with whom , although a married man , he became deeply smitten , and is accused of de vouring the object of his affection with his eyes , of peeping through the windows at her and diverse other lit tle acts unpleasant to the complainant and her husband. Tn the police court Chas. Gaoton was Friday held to bail in the sum of § 500 for hignway robbery and com mitted to jail iu default of the same. John McAuley was sent to jail for five days and WAS fined $10 for an assault on.lmm's Beard. W. H. Richards , the waterworks foreman , plead guilty to the charge against him , and WHS committed tor 15 days. Henrj Spiegel , the second-haud dealer , had his partner , H. L Abrams , nrn-sted on the charge oftealing § 1300. The case was finally withdrawn , as the partners concluded to settle the diffi culty by arbitration. Two crazv men were arrested Fri day and lodged in jail , and it wasn't a good day for crazy men either. * One of these was ' 'paralyzed" from the . effects of continued drinking. The other was from Mormondom , on route to his old home in England. Ho stopped at the Southern hotel yester day , anc imagined that his life was to be taken on account of his faith. Ho therefore jumped through a second story glass door , slid down one of the pillars of the front porch , and , minus hat and vest , ran to the Union Pacific 'depot , where the depot policeman took him in charge and handed him over to the authorities. Both moo are now in the county jail. RUTH'S OYSTERS at BUFFET'S. IN TROUBLE. At the theatre last night a man seated in front of two well dressed la dies was for a while the centre of at traction , and more attention was paid to his curious maneuvers than to the performance on the stage. Finally two policemen tackled him , and it was discovered that he had on a suit of "store clothes" which did not fit him , and he was peremptorily bounced out. MORAL Get your clothes made at J. H. Fleigle & Co.'s , Douglas street , near Fourteenth. They always put in good cloth and guarantee a good fit , and charge less than any other house in town. On account of the Golden Eagle not giving as good satisfaction as it did , I have bought several car loads of the Celebrated Hannibal Eagle Mills , which I guarantee to be s good , if not better , than any St. Louis Winter Wheat Flour In the market. Only § 3.35 per 100 pounds. WILLIS M. YATES. Solid Ivory Hair , Tooth and Nail Brushes , at Ish & McMahon's , 1321 Farnham. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS ! Christmas Slippers ! Christmas Slippers ! Christmas Slippers ! Christmas Sl'ppers ! A BIG LINE ! A Big Line ! A Big Line ! A Big Line ! A Big Line ! L. B. WILLIAMS & SONS. L. B. WILLIAMS & SONS. 100 DOZEN LADIES' MULL TIES , Just received at L. B. WILLIAMS & SONS. Ihey Deserved It All. To Messrs. M. Hellman & Co. , Paxton , Rogers & Son , Max Meyer & Bros. , Henry Dohle , G. H. & J. S. Collins , Ish & McMahon , Samuel Burns , J. D. Creighton , F. J. Mc- Shane , Frank Ramge , S. P. Morse & Co. and J. H. F. Lehman. Gentle men : At a regular meeting of the Omaha fire department held at' Fireman's hall December 18th , your generous gift of § 500 was re ceived , and by a unanimous vote the thanks of the department are hereby tendered. Sincerely trusting that a like calamity may not a < ; ain visit you , I am , gentleman , your obedient ser vant , JAS. DONNELLY , $ Secretary 0 , F. D. The money was equally divided be tween the tour companies , and the sum of § 100 was presented by the de partment to the Dnrant engine com pany , at the U. P. shops. STEINWAY AND KNABE Pianos are the best in the world , and Max Meyer & Bro. are the SOLE Western Agents. See Cruickshank's new advertise ment for Holiday Goods , on third page. 10,000 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS , AT HOSPE S ART PALACE. Just received at THE BEE Job Rooms the nicest line of diminutive Paper and Envelopes and Cards , suit able for Children's Birthday Parties. Call and see them. Meals at all hours at Tizzard's. tf WHO IS PILLBURY & CO. SOMETHING NEW. California Honey by the gallon at William Gentleman's , corner Six teenth and Webster. 2t J. F. Sawyer wishes to announce to his friends and old customers that he may be found , as heretofore , at 1314 Farnham street , where he will be glad to show them the best selected stock of Watches. Clocks , Jewelry , Spectacles and Silverware at prices that defy competition. tf 10,000 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS , AT HOSPE'S ART PALACE. RUTH'S OYSTERS at BUFFET'S. MONDAY MORNING We will DISPLAY an ELEGANT LINE of GENTS' NECKWEAR , ESPECIALLY for the HOLIDAY TRADE. ENTIRELY NEW Style * , being the HANDSOMEST LINE ever shown in this market. L. B. WILLIAMS & SONS. The First Grand Prize Masquerade Ball will ba given oy the Omaha Ger man Ladies' Society , on February oth lSSO , at Brandt's Turner Hall. 18-evy sat-tf RUTH'S OYSTERS at BUFFET'S , BEAR IN MIND. J. J. Nichol & Co. are selling coal oil at 15c per gallon. d5i3 Gents' fine Furnishing Goods , at the Omaha Shirt Factory. d5tf Elegant vases tastily ornamented , beautifully colered , latest styles , large variety , at C. F. Goodman'a IGth street drug store. tf Russia Leather Writing Desks , Col lar and Cuff Boxes , Handkerchief and Glove Boxes , Odor Caaes , etc. , at Ish & McMahou's , 1321 Farnham st. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS AT WHITNEY'S. California Pears , Plums , Grapes , ate , , at lizard's Palace. o21-tf THE QUESTION SETTLED. WHERE TO BUT. For some time past there has been a great many goods , especially in the jewelry line , offered at "bottom prices , low figures , less than coal ! " Now al ! I want is that our citizens should visit my stare and examine my large assortmentof holid < y goods just opened , consisting of the latesf p t- terns of silverware , gold chains , rings and lockets ; gold and silver watches , diamonds , clocks , solid and plated table cutlery , new style of bracelets , and in fact everything pertaining to the jewelry line , and get prices. Respectfully , JOHN BAUMER , 1314 Farnham St. 10,000 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS , AT HOSPE'S ART PALACE. It will not cost you ONE CENT more , if the flour I sell you is not what I represent it to be. i WILLIS M YATES. RUTH'S OYSTERS at BUFFET'S. A\l Max Meyer & Bro. , the leading jewelers ask is a call , and you will be convinced that never before was such a stock of jewelry and diamonds ex hibited. Their prices defy competi tion. Beautiful Silk , Velvet and R. > . Leather Celluloid Sests , at lali & Mo Mahon's , druggists , 1321 F-irnham. Good table board at $4 per week , at the European Restaurant , or SIC per month. 18-3t TIMELY THOUGHTS. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. Delays are at all times dangerous o a greater or less extent , and now " "Hristrnas approaches should pro- sou. . , ba obtained iu time to secure your choice. In looking all over the cit3' , " 19 best place tound to obtain handsome and useful gifta is at Kuhn & CO.'H Drug Store , Fifteenth and Douglas. Tneir stock is new , and not stock left after wholesaling the desirable portions. They guarantee their prices as low as can be had in the city. The best assortment of celluloid sots in the city. Odor cases a marvelof cheapnessemptyand'filled in Velvet , Silk , Russia , Ebony and the very fashionable Olive Wood. Beau tiful Nail Sets just carved over. Cut Glass bottles , Thermorae'ors , Candle Sticks in Vienna Gilt , Ru s , Feathers , Glove and Handkerchief Boxes , Jewel Cases , Work Boxes and Pocket Books. Beautiful Hand Painted Fans , Ivory , Bone , Russia , Sandal wood , also Holly wood for decor ating , Smoking Sets , a desirable arti cle for smoking rooms , traveling cases filltd or erap'y , In tint Sets "just too cute , " Music Rjlls. The largest aud best variety of perfumes in the city. All the leading perfumes in or iginal bottles , Lubin's Lundberg's , Palmer's , Spehler's and Tazell's iu bulk ; the Atwood Cologne. Genuine Baccarat Cut Glass Bottles and Ivory Goods at cost to close out stock. Remember hpa-lqiarters for Celluloid Cases and Od r Cases. KOHN & Co. , Fifteenth aud Douglas. Buy your hand-sowed boots and shoes , and your Christmas slippers ; buy your children a pair of leather- tipped shoes for Christmas present , at Fullriode's , Douglas street , near 13th street. SILVERWARE at Eaholm & Er- icksjn's , Fifteenth St. , opposite the postoffice. Old Gold , Silk and Velvet Odor Cases , at Ish & McMahon's , 1321 Farnham st. SNOWFLAKE patent flour equal to Minnesota patents of second quality and at less cost ; warranted strictly , and price only $ . ' / 00 per hundred. Try it ; also Washburne's "SUPERLA TIVE , and SLANT'S EXTRA W. W. FLOTJR. t- Fleming cfc Co. , Grocers. ATTENTION 1 1 irber that Whipple , McMillan &Cn. , lui JewelersCreighton block , F.ftecr-n street , have a fine stock of Gold d Silver watches , Rings , Chuit d - splendid display of all kinds ut ucveiry and Holiday goods. 17 2k Oder cases , oder cases , beautiful designs , pocket books , card cases and a spfendid line of holiday presents at 0. F. Goodman's 16th street drug store. tf The Danish Dramatic society will , on Saturday December 18 , 1880 , have atherter aud ball at Turner Hall. The pieces to bo performed are "The Third" and "A Dangerous Commis sion. ' , TJckots 50 cants. 17-2t CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS AT WHITNEY'S. CO. A Fine line of samples of New Year Cards at THE BEB Job Room. Call in time and leave your orders. , i Always fresh Oysters at Tizzard's. tf WHO IS PILLBURY & CO. Death Record. The community will be shocked to learn of the death of Mr. Charles M. Aumock , which occurred Friday. Mr. Aumock wa * one of the pioneers of the Trans-Missouri country , aud has been a citizen of Omaha for twen ty-four years. Of late years he has been engaged in farming , in Saratoga precmc' , near Fort Omaha , but he was formerly employed as a composi tor and foreman on one of the news- pipers of this city. He died at the age of 52 years , leaving a wife and several children surviving him. BENSON. In this ci-y ac 7:30 : a. m. , December 12 , 1880. W. E. , son of W. V. and Mary Benson , aged ten months. The infant chili of Mr. M. Berry , of this city , who buried his wife about a month ago , died yesterday morning , and was bnried Satutduy afternoon at Casaidy's. Handsome Cut-Glass Bottles , at lah & McMahoa's , druggists , 1321 Farnham st. 10,000 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS , AT HUSPE'S ART PALA3E. The second session of the dancing school course will begin on Tuesday , December 21 , in Omaha Turner Hall. C. HOFFMAN. , SILVERWARE at Edtiolm &Er- -kson's , Fifteenth St. , opp > she the postoffice. j DRESS GOODS AT HALF PRICE. The Boston store , 10th aud Jones , have just received a sp'endid line of French and German Dress Goods , this season's importation. Plain Goods , Cashmeres , and Silk and Wool Brocades , which they can offer at 25c. This Is much less than the cost of impoitation. The opening price of these goods , first of the season was 50c. They are a desperate bargain. Also another splended lot at loc , former price , 30c. A wonderful Btrgain in Linen Gun' brie HandkorchiefsHem-stiched and Plain , at 20c each , cheap at 3oc. lee each , cheap it 25e , 10s each , worrh 18 c. There is one hundred and fifty dozen in this lot , but you must come early aa the } won't last-long. Also a splendid lot of Fancy Goods for Christmas presents at very low prices , and a let of Beautiful Trimmed Hats. All tha latest styles , at § 1 , worth § 2 ; at § 1.50 worth § 3.00 Boston Cash Dry Goods Store , 18-3t 10th and Jones. A Conductor Killed. A terrible and fatal accident oc curred at 7:30 : a. m SaturdayatPJatt mouti' , resulting in the death of Jol n Mtnley , a conductor on the bridge division ot the B. & M. The train had just pulled on the first span to cross the river and was running at a rate of not more than four miles an hour , when Manley started over the top of the train to reach the caboose. Between the box cars and caboose were three or four ctra of cial , and to avoid walk ing over these ho intended to step iff on the bridge and jump on thu real car as it piesed. A narrow foot plank runs ale ? g the track outside the rails , and a hand mil of half-inch wire , ele vated two feu above the level of tbe bndue , runs ttlung outride of thi . In ate ] pint ; upi n the plank , Manly slipped and fell. He caught at the hand rail , but nnss d it and fell down to the IP z-n ground , a distance of perhaps s xty f. et. Tne fall broke hia back , and for two hours of in tense ni"iiv hi * eiprei. The de ce sei1 wi- MI ma.i nnt over 25 years ( n > , .m il , mid tihd been in the e p ' 'he company for about a > ; iilf wni h , . , > Liuar OIL , Only 25 c i..r [ > r g ,1 n. Please re member that I yuir.uiteo my goods to be equal to auy iu the market. WILLIS M YATES. SILVERWARE at EJholm & Er > ickspn's , fifteenth'St. , opposko the pcstcffice. Do not forget the largest and most reliable jewelry house in Omaha , corner Thirteenth and Douglas streets , goods far better , and prices lower than the average. All goods marked in plain figures , and received iho six first premiums at the state fair for superior workmanship Fine good ? ; see our own importation 'of precious stones , etc. , etc. Yours truly , th-sat A B. HUBEIUIANN. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS AT WHITNEY'S. Meals at all hours , served in the Lest of style , at the Europe n Res taurant. 18 3t SILVERWARE at Edh < lm fc Er- ickson's , Fifteenth St. , opposite the postoffice r Remember that J. I. Nichol & Co. will sell you more groceries for § 10.00 than any other house in Omaha. 10 Iba. Standard A sugar for § 1.00 m " White 0 " " 1.00 " ll" " Golden 0 " " 1.00 1 Gal. Coal Oil for .15 \W have just received a choice lot of f - < groceries especially for the Hoi- * trade. Ri".i 6 OYSTERS at BUFFET'S. 1001 S. S. S. 1001. 1001 STEPHENSON'S SUPERB STA BLES , 1001 Harney Street , Omaha. Neb. GRAND OPENING. I will open my new Livery and Boarding Stables to the inspection of the public on Thursday , DECEMBER 23d , 1880. All interested in looking at the best arranged and most com plete public stable in the United States are invited to the GENERAL RECEPTION from 1 o'clock to 5 o'clock p. m. Ladies are particularly invited. d7td24 JAMES STEPHENSON. THE BLACKSMITH'S DREAM , This great mechanical wonder is now exhibited at fiOG Fourteenth street , near Farnham. Open from 2 till 5pm. and 7 to 10 a. m. Admis sion , 10 cents. d8tf THE LATENT NOVELTY. Our comic tin types and photo graphs are just the thing to send to your friends for New Year. We have made uea ly 300 per day since intro ducing the same. Young men , if yon want a new and unique thing for New Year cards , come and leave your or ders at once. Nothing like them in the West. Grand Central Gallery. 212 Sixteenth St. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS AT WHITNEY'S. Choice fresh Oysters direct from Baltimore at Wm. Gentleman's. 2t WHO IS PILLBURY & CO. Fresh Oysters received daily and served in every style , at the European Restaurant. 18 3t SILVERWARE at Edholm & Er- ickson's , Fifteenth St. , opposite the postoffice. 10,000 OHRI&TA1AS PRESENTS , AT HOSPE'S ART PALACE. Beautiful Celluloid sets , morrocco covered and lined with richly tinked silk and satin , all shapes and sizes at C. F. Goodman'a IGth street drug store , corner Capital Avenue. tf Mrs. Dent , 217-N. IGth St. , ia now prepared to do dresa m.tking on the shortest uoiicc. Prices moth-rate. duu-13-tf 500MENS' , BOYS'AND CHIL DREN'S OVERCOATS AND ULS- TERS TO BE CLOSED OUT RE GARDLESS OF COST , AT POL- ACK'S. G-tf A CURIOSITY in the shape of a music box , which is equal to any piano in the land , can be seen .it S. Jonason'a Jewelry store , 410 south 13th street. It ia beautifully finished in mahogany , rosewood and silver , and discourses as fine music as could be desired. Open day and oven- ing. Admission free. Go to the OMAHA TOY STORE , 513 Fourteenth street , between Farn- ham and Douglas , for anything in the toy line. The largest and bast ee looted stock in the city , t&f tf H. POULMAN , Proprietor. NOW IS YOUR TIME. The finest Christmas goods in Oma ha. Gold , Silver and Celluloid Sots , OJor Cases , Ladies' Purses , &c. Call early , as they are going fast. S. T. FERGUSON * * ; Co , decl-ltf Twelfth and Douglas Sts. FURS ! FURS ! ! FURS ! ! ! Lidies' and.gents' fur goods of ev ery description at the Fur Manufac tory , opposite postoffico , Omaha. All goods are warranted. HENRY G. RICHTER , Furrier. dec3if LEMIEUXS SELECT PARTIES. Limieux's select sociables , given every Saturday evening , at Standard Hall , hao become the most popular pirties of the season. The attend ance is always large and of the most select and decorous character. The music is always the very best. Bo shes the regular parties the manager , at the request of many of his friends , has decided to give matinees on Christmas and New Year afternoons. SILVERWARE at Edholm & Er- icfcson'a , Fifteenth St. , opposite the postoflice. I have just opened n new and splendid Hue of silverware of the lat ent and in > 3t beautiful pitton-a ever exhibitad in this market , which will be sold lower than evar before. Cotno and see for yoursalvoa. S. Jonason , Jeweler , 410 S > uth Thirteenth St. Mr. R < lltns g't m almost a hund red St. John machines one day last week. He has had hardly time to get up his Hawkeye Almanac ad , but will coino totime.-Burlington Hawk- eye. TOYS ! TOYS ! TOYS ! In order to make room for a large invoice of fancy groceries , now on the read , I will cloze out a largo and choice selection of all kinds of Toys , annng which can be found some of the latest and most novel attractions ever aeon In a toy store- Julius Tceitchke , South Fifteenth street , near Farnham. * Van , The Virginian. Last night Frank Mayo , supported by a first class company , appeared as Van , the Virginian. The house waa fair , but not what it should have been , as the play is one of the best of its class , and shows Mr. M yo to fine advantage. His support was excep tionally good , being in marked contrast to many companies that have performed here lately. To say that the audience was pleased would but faintly express it ; they were delighted , ind showed their ap preciation by frequent and long-con- continued applause. Mr. Mayo has altered the original piay greatly , and to its advantage ; and the interest of the audience grows with ench succeed ing act until ihe grand finale when everybody is made happy aud every thing as it shoull be. HOLIDAY" PRESENTS , consisting - ing of all kinds of Jewelry , Silver ware , &c. , a lot of ladies' gold watches , bought at a bargain , all of the latest patterns and from the beat fac tories in the United States , rauging in price from § 25 and upward. S. JONASON , 410 South Thirteenth strpet. MAXMEYER&BR0- TBCIE LEADING JEWELERS , ( Tiffanys of the West. ) Have completed their pre parations for the approaching preaching Holidays , and surest that an early ex amination or their stock will enable purchasers to secure the choicest selec tions , and escape the crowds unavoidable later in the month. Until Christmas the , es tablishment , will be kept open in the evenings. SPEGJAL NOTICES. NOTICE Advortlaomeiits To Let For Sile' Lost , Found , Wants. Bo rUlnz tc. , will bo lu- aerted la theao colnmna ones ( or TEN CENTS per Una ; each sabsoqa ntlnsertlon.FIVE CENTS per line. The din Insertion never lem than CEMTS. TO LOAK-MDHEY. LOAN At3 percent inter s' > n aima of2IXMand u p- wards for I to 5 years' time on first clzuaimprov ed city and farm property. Api > ly at BEMIS [ tea ] KsUto and Loan A enuy , ID th ind Dotulag nte. STfl-eodtf ' TO LOAK-CUl at Law Offlce MOHST .TUUllAa.KooiuB.Crciirnton Ulock TO I.OAH 1109 Farnhim streot. MONKY Edwardc Lean Aeoncy. nov. 2- H U > KAHTIO Tc.D An experienced but her want8 WA stirt a mcatnarket in some small west ern own , where thera is none , or where one 13 ne de ; would take a relia > le partner. Address h. K. Welb , Jacks , n , Dakota Co , Neb. 93-tf TED To rent a smal tnrni. hecl liouae , in c-ntril ( art of city. Good price will be paid.d.lre * > K X , cee offlos. 83-23 - for general bousewerk , 2015 WANTKD-Oirl California street. fcO--3 W TED tor ( ten'ral housework , at GRL Uar cv street , one door eait t f 16 h St. 8:0 WAN FD A flrst-c'asi coat-maker ; steady employment and too . wajes guaranteed. JOHN MUUUI30.N , Lincoln , J.eb. 75-18 "VTTANTEn A sjood h 'tuc-keeter , 1100 Farn VV _ ham street , up aire ; _ 32tf TT7 A TED Employment fir horse and waijon. YV E. A. HARRIS : * , 16th and Nlcho'as Sts. 26-t 26tWANTED All Omaha know that the WANTED st. Jomi is the Kiso < f Sewing Machines , office on llh "t. 840-'f f 1)3 KEHT-KliUSEfc AXO UHS. JTJOK , RENT Famished rrom f. r two men , _ C cue blocK from Postofflce. Address No. 1881. 20o sv3t T710R RENT Furnished rooms with board. JJ east side20th , bet. Chicago and Cass 82-18 I'K.VT Ilotisa in Shuli'a 2nd addition , FOR per month. W. SIMERAt. , roou. 6 , Cretehton Block. 895-tf niOK KKNT A furnished , s/uth lent room. I ? Inquire at No 1C12 r'arnham St. t-81-tf JT10K. KENT Cottage , on 5th and Pine Sta , 1" new house , eight rooma.on 23d ad Can Sta Enquire J. f. Koe , ti. E. Cor. lith and f'arn- ham. 636-tf RENT 2 furnished rooms ovci Mer chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and Dodire Htrcets. FOR SALE. T OTS , FARJ1S , HOUSES AN D LANDS , lee JLJ over BEMIS new column of bargains on Is age OR SALE A BARGAIN A bul dim ? wi'h E a eon fixtures , furniture and stock , on 10th St. , opposite the U. P deiwt , female-very ct.cap. Or the fixture * , furniture and stock will be B ld and building rented. Inquire of EL ) . K EIS3- 1IAN. 79-H SALE Business house and grocery stuck , Restaurant attached. Addrra R. Chiffln , Aurora , Neb. 9-lra OR f-ALE Two cloae carriages , at A. J. Slmpsou'g. . 911-tt r > EMIS OFFKHS A SPLENDID LIST O * jj lUrealnx in Houses , Lot ? , Farms an Lan'ls , in hn new column on 1st pege f ,1 H1.LK CottonwcN/a luuiuer of all slze ? , t " * Rf-D ON'n'S. Sixteenth-it. MB-t MISCELLANEOUS- T OJS.FARMS.HOUSESANDLANDS Look 1J over BEMIa' new column of bargains on 1st DISEASES OF THE EYE , Bar and Throat. DR. L. B. GKADDY OCULIST , AURIST & LARYHCIST- Offlco Over Kennam'a Drug Store , Corner of 14th and Doutrlas Sts. noTl8-3m TWO DOLLARS WILL SECURE THE WEEKLY BEE One For Year. ONE MILLION ACRES CHEAP LAND 3COV EASTERN NEBRASKA , S2 TO $5 PER ACRE. 20,000 Acres DOUGLAS COUNTY , 6 to 12 Miles from Omaha , $6 to $10 per Acre , on Long Time and Low Interest. Large tracts suitable fcr Colonies in all the Counties in the State. 80,000 acres scattered through Iowa. A large number of Improved Farms in Nebraska , many o them near Omaha , $12 to $40 per acre. An Immense List of OMAHA CITY PROPERTY , Consisting of Elegant Resi dences from $3,000 to $20- 000. Many vacant lots in the additions to Omaha. Hundreds of lots scattered through the City. Houses and Lots , Business Houses and Lots , and all kinds of Ci y Real Estate. We also have MONEY TO LOAN on Improved Farms in Dong- las County , on 5 years time , at 10 percent , interest to all who c n ehowgood titles. . . Maps for SJon Ias and Sarpy Counties Tor sa > c , 4 beautiful lota truntlni ; south In Isaac ft Selden'aado. for j ICO half cash. House and lot'AM .uid Dmiio I 3000 House and lot near Br .wnell Hall 2,100 Two new houses and full lot , renta for 81:0 per'ear 4,000 New brick house , 21x25,1 } story , with 3 lots 2.000 Iloii'e andlot WeMtcrst 1.50O Lsnrehou'eand corner lot 8,000 Large douse full lot , California st 4,000 Residence and 4 full lots.St. Mary's ave. . 5,600 ft Hnuec and small lot , eouth of drpot 950 ' House and smill lot , sontn of dejwt , . . . 6C5 ResUcnce propcity , Kountz and Ruth's add r,600 Fine residence property 10,000 House and lot , 22il and Harner. . . . . . . . . 1 riOO Houi > e and lot , Nelson's addition 2,700 House and lot Shinn's addition 1GOO Resilience and corner lot 3,0o5 Residence ( cash ) 7 , iOt/ ReiideJce. . . . 9OfiO Residence i 'Tti House and ono-half lot l.tjC Three houjes and corner lot 7.FOO Residence and corner lot 7jW ) lions ? and CO feet front , ICth strtet 3,700 Lar < o house and corner lot 0,500 Rotiilence and three lots , . 0,500 Two house and corner two-thirds of cor ner lot . . . 1'fJO IlouSdand sma'I lot. Caw street. . . . 2,100 Hansa and lot , 27th near Farnham l.OOT Brick honscand corner lot 1.300 Small hou e and full lot , Cuminga 81. . ' . . 2 , 0 ! ! use and lot. 23d street 5 X ) House and full lot , worth $4,000 for. , i F < < Q Fine brick residence . , l.uOO'V Brick resilience . . , 6,05fT- House and corner lot . , 1.C50 New two-story house and corner lot. _ I 200 Residence and full lot , Farnhim s : . . . . l'f/0 Hncse and one acre , 18th street CJO Hous and half lot , 18th street. . . . : ,2CO Ilonso and lot , Shlnn'snddat'on 1,000 House and half lot , Cans strict . 1'DO House and half lot , Casi Street. . . . . 1,450 Residence and wo Iota , Capitol Hill .7000 Elegant brick residence 2 full lots. . . . 15/00 Finest resilience In the city 16,0001 Rerilenco property 17fXXn Itesiden e property * 17 510 Residence S.CTO House and lot , Shinn'H addition. . . . . . I'Jfl ( 'Jcnisoand -hipn'aaddition. . . . < . . . . 1.500 HiU"0 n < I ot , 2-th ind Farnham , . . . 1,400 llouse and lot.27th and Dou Iu..t. . . . $ : , ' : Hou-e and full lot , Izard st . . . . . . 1,70 New house and IJ lot 2,200 Residence property 7 , , 00 Rei ence property , "er" fine . . . . . l . 'Sf i llouieaml lot , Hurhitch's addition. } . . 1 rtft Residence. FarnlMtn st 8,000 Honse snd Jlot 1 block from Court House and 'ot 1 block from Court HOII-W 4 2.2DO Hoa-e and comer lot 2 blocks from L' urt House 2,100 HOIMOand 1 t , NIrho'.i.sstreet. . . . . . 1,0/0 Houseanil 1 acreGie 8' ac'dition.- ( . . . ff ) House an.llot , llth ctreol . 900 Lar.elmlldingand six lots 1 nllocu 4.GOC House and lot on Dn en port Str.'iO Hnu-oanil J lot , near < J iDot. . . . . . . . . . 1,500 House ami J lot , n-ar o > pot . 9-0 Honse and l"t , South Avenu * . . . . 1,000 Hoti e and lot , Shinn'8 addition . . 1'fjO Ren dence , Kountze ami Ruth's add . . 2COo Residence property , Kounvze rd kali's addition . . . 5,000 Rr ldence property , son > b wrt f town. . 2,4.0 House and J lot , Webster tt 2,700 Ho so and 5 acres at oarncks 700 Hoa e and lot , Armstr n 'sadilit'n . . . 1,000 Hou-e and lot , South H st 650 Hou- and Tot , Konntze and RuL'a ditlon Residence and } lot HOUM and lot , ICth st 3. MO Boggs & Hill , SEAL ESTATE BROKERS , 1408 Fain. St. , Omaha , tfeb ,