THE DAILY BEE. Saturday Morning , Dec. 18. ratereon sells coaL Far izinHrcomforta In capslrobcs , rj nTfft , mvfflcngotofrcderid.JTatter. Celluloid and DIatite Sets at Saxe's. Holiday Goods at Kutn's. ' Market' Choice meats , Bcsen's Fulton Celluloid SetsatKulin's , drnggiit. Holiday presents at Stxe's , druggist \VMpple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel' Block. o2C-tf ere , Crcigbton ELSE IN THE \VORLD-Bawii Glove fitting ratlern * at Bushman's. tl SwiEs'Cheese , wholesale and retail , at Caajmenzinil & McyerV , 207 cast ISlh'.St Dolls at the 99 Cent Store. _ The United States court has ad' journed. _ Christmas trees at 90 Cent Store , _ The public schools closa ono \reel from to day. The Parish school of St. Baraaba closes to-day for the holidays , will public exercises at 4 , 30 p. m. The Union Pacfis band will dis course music at the Concregationa fair to be held at Masonic hall. _ The masquerade at Metz's hall to night is for the benefit of the poor for whom a portion of the proceed are to fnrnlah a good supper. _ The management of the Acadenr of Music has passed into the hands o Mr. S. N. Aicalio , who acts as agon for the proprietors , MOESH. Caldwtl & Rediok. T There will ba a meeting of Vest Chapter No. G , 0. E. S. , to-da ; ( Saturday ) evening , for work and in otallation of offices. By order of thi W. M. M.No No 1 Euglno Company has votc < u reward of § 2 for the volunteer fire man wLo has the beat record for worl at fires , during the next thirty daya The foreman of the comply was ap pointed judge. DANCING Lemieux's dancini school eocial at Standard Hall , Fit teenth and Farnham , every Saturday evening. None but the well beh.ivw and respoctabla are admitted. Indie * re respectfully invited. v i The statement of The Herali that the Y. M. 0. A. owi cd a lot 01 which the buildings occupied by Cbai HiRgins' faro bank stands ia utterl ; false. The Y. M. 0 A. used to owi a lot on 13th street but never owne < anything on Douglas street. . Snow is reported on the S. C. c P. road , and we will probably got little here in time f or Chrlutnus sleigt ing. The rain and sleet which bsga fallling Thursday about 10 o'clock lit covered the ground with a treacherot substance pnd made walking extreme ly * Owing to the continued storm < "rain and sleet in Iowa , and to othc causes , trains * : e all late Friday. TL "Q" was an hour and a half late , th Hock Itland four hours and the ovei 'land train delayed by thorn , tvro hour find a half behind time leaving thi city. The overland train from th west was reported on time , howcvci From our Lincoln exchanges w loim that Mr. K. 0. L. Edholm , c this city , who for two years past hn been busily engaged in writing up th western country , especially .Nebraska his purchased a half interest in Th Nebraska Staats-AnzaiKer , thrivln German weekly published at the capi tal. Mr. Edholm haa had considc : nblo journalistic experience , and wit' ' liis acknowledged ability will make valuable acquisition to ttic paper. In the % United States com Thursday Emil Hoya was sentence to six months' imprisonmon and to pay a fine of five hundre < dollars. W. H. Reed , convicted i making couu'erfoit money , was BPU tonoed to imprisonniunt until Febri ar v 1 , ] S81. Julius A. Bronson , c Fort niobrara , pleaded guilty to null ing liquor without posting the stamj : and was fined $52 Bedford Kuchnoi ot North Loup , pleaded guilty to sell inp liquor without posting the fitam [ and was fined $10. Of the actor who appears at th Academy to-night , The Boston Dail Advertiser s ys : "Mr. Mayo's Dav ; Crockett really deserves both stud ; and admiration. In it there is st > me thing of .the highest artistic feeling - perhaps of the highest artistic power It is a good piece of nrtin ? in a hun dred ways. It constantly reache : , that all-golden qutlity which no sin- qle word describes , but which come from the actor's seeminjloss of aelf consciousness. One coula reasonably Jbelievo that the actor was Dav ] Crockett and not that he was playnv the part of Davy Or ckott. WHO IS PILLBURY & CO. SOMETHING NEW. California Honey by the gallon a William Gentleman's , corner Sixteenth toenth and Webster. 2t A TRIAL By the people is what I want , am i f it is not proven that the Hanniba Eagle Mills Flour is as good a any Winter Wheat Flour in this mat feet , then 10,000 Eastern people di not know how to enjoy good bread .Only 53.35 per 100. 100.WILUS WILUS M. YATES. WANTED Ono or two mules t < draw Whipple , McMillen & Co.'s nd vortising wagon. Apply at the jewolr ctore , Creighton block , 15th street. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS Al WHITNEY'S. Na parent having the welfare c -hlliron at heart , should perrai themselves to bo without Zclls condensed donsed Cyclopedin. 10 Gt Oysters. Way Down. JTxfra Selects , S5. Standards , 25. Medium , SO. Every ono Guaranteed. LITTLE & WILLIAMS , doc5-3t 1413 Douglas St. Do not forget the largest and mos reliable jewelry honse in Omaha corner ThlrtcoathandDouglas streets goods far bettor , and prices lower tha the averrjtc. All Jeer < s marked i plain figures , and received the ei first premium * at the slate fair fo superior vrorLu.anhip FIDO goodi see our own importation of prccioo stones , otc.etc. Yours truly , th-sat A. B. HUBERMAXN. Frederick , Leading Hatter , large stock Cats. 14cod3t Lots , Pftnns , Houses ted Lands. Lee over BenuY n w column ot bargains on liFer For lands , Lot * , Houses and Farm cole over Bemis' new column on first pagi An Incendiary's Worn. The grocery , saloon and residence of Philip Koch , at the southwest corner 10th and Castelar streets , Bowery Hil' , ware last night burned to the ground. The fire was well advanced when the engineers of the Union Pacific switch engines in the Tenth street yards saw the glare , and gave the alarm by sounding their whistles and ringirg their bells. Fire engines No. 2 and 3 and the hooks responded , going down as for as the depot , but owing to the distance , and the steep and slippery roads , not any further. This is the third time within a few years that Mr. Koch has been burned out , and indications all point to the hand of an incendiary. The house was in the form of a T , thi top of whicu , the saloon and grocery , faced the rend , cud was 30 by 45 feet in size , while the wing was 18 by 24 , and etill to the rear of this stood the sameer kitchen , attached to the tiouee , b\it not in nse at this sessar. The family hud retired , and wore all asleepwhen Mr. Koch was awakened bj the barking of a little di'g. He wenl out , but BIW nothing. A second time the dog's barliiog called him out , MIC this time he caw a email flame in thi summer kitchen , which a momeni later burst forth and spread with won * derfnl rapidity to all portion ; of the building. The [ family , who cccu pied the wing , wcra awakened < ind es capcd by an east , side door. Neigh bora came to their assistance and < small portion of the contents of thi housewere , sa\e < 3. The flames , fannei by a strong wind soon lev elled the entire structure t < the ground , no resistance boh f possible. The family found refuge ii a > < maU building adjoining the house which escaped destruction , when they are domiciled to-day. In addi tion to the house , ealoon fixtures am furniture a larce amctlnt of meats am groceries , including seventy bushel of potatoes , all stored in the cell ir was a total loss , tha estimated amnun of which is § 1,800 Fortunate ? : there was no house within fifty yard of Mr. Koch'e , and the hro was con fined to the one piece of property All the facts in the caee indicate tha an incendiary fired the building. Choice fresh Oysters direct fron Baltimore at Wm , Gentleman's. 2t Five dollars reward will be paid fc the return to Thfe BKE Office of yellow lopaz watch guard charm ; lei Tuesday evening , between corner c 21st and California and U. P. hest quarters. 0. 1L FLOUR Only S2.G5 per 100 Iba. , and don you be deceivcdjit is Mann & Harrci test Flour. WILLIS M. YATES. WHO IS PILLBURY A CO. The Legislative Contest. The contested election case whic astod all day Thursday and was n ruined at 9 a re , yesterdayclosed at o'clock this afternoon , with the test : many of County Clerk Manchestei By agreement of counsel two certinci copies of the stenographic report c the testimony and proceeding ? will bo prepared and forwardci to the secretary for use , ono in th House , thtJ other in the Senate , tb same testimony to be presented ii each ciac. Tno ballot boxes and pap ers were ecaled up and deposited ii the Omaha National ba-k * subject tt the order of the examining coutt Some very interesting testimony wa adduced to-day which for want c space wo ere to reproduce , bu will give to our readers in anothe issue. She Struck It R'ch. ' Aa a lady was passing the corner c 13th and Farnhsm street yesterday she stopped at tha drug stor of D. W. Saxef& Co. , and ther found the finest line of holiday good she had seen in HID city. The first article which attracted he attention wai a gentleman's mcrrocc covered toilet and shaving aoi , rubba lined and complete in every particular with French plate glass mirror , ad justiblo at any angle , "just the thin for her husband , " she said , as fih told the clerk to lay it aside for hei Her attention was next called t < the beautiful display of toilet ftt which filled to overflowing the elc gant black walnut shovr cases on th west side of the store. She was a first dazzled by the siht : which me her gaze , but on recovering was show some of the handsomest and mo. elegantly finished set . Satin an morrocco , lined with old gold , pink bluomcrison and white silk and fillec with the latest designs in celluloid am diatito brushes , mirrors and comb ; upright dressing nnd odor casea , com bincd odor and jewel cases , covere with silk , morrocco and velvet , con tuning cut glsss bottles filled wit ; choicest odore. Baby sets decorate and painted by hand , children diatit eeU , ladies work boxes , fans , ham mirrors , card casoj , etc. , etc. , al wore shown her by the obliging clerk who took particular pains to point on the beauty and usefulness of eacl article , Passing to the other side o the store she was shown the elegan assortment of cut glass bottles , jus received and being unpacked at th time. She was struck with the beaut ; and uniqueness of the designs and n once selected a pair which were als laid aside for her. The perfume which filled a case twelve feet long containing all the leading odcra in th market , were next shown her en were , after being tested , declared th finest in the land. Next in orde were the ladies' and cents leather nni morrocc3 pocktt books , seal skin alligator skin and bog sfcin lette cases.Russia and morrocco card cases cigarette cascs.photograph cases , etc. many of which were lined with sati and handsomely cocorated an painted. She was "pnralized" at th idea that any one should for a momei : conceive the idea that they could d as well anywhere else in the city , an naked a BEE reporter who called in t make a note of it CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS A WHITNEY'S. Beautiful Celluloid eels , morrocc covered and lined with richly tujke silk and satin , all shapes and Blzes : C. F. Goodman's 16th street store , corner Capital Avenue. A Brilliant Success. Masonic hall never looked eo well nor contained a latger and happier crowd than on Thursday at the opening of the fair given by the Con gregational ladies' society , of which Mrs. 0. B. Rustln is the able chief executive officer. Every available portion of the largo room was filled with booths contructed and decorat ed to the very beat advantage and pre sided over by a bevy of charming young ladies. Brilliantly lighted , glowing with colors from the thous ands ? of fancy articles displayed for sale , fra ant with the breath of fresh flowers and melodious with the hum of voices and the munificent mu- aic of the Union Pacific band , the visitor could imagine himself on an enchanted ground. Ejpecially complete and interesting was the de partment of useful articles , all of which werd manufactured within the space of four weeks by the ladies of the committee. To encircle the room was to meet rare surprises on every land. A sypsy fortune-teller , a mar ket which advertised "Angel's Food , " " lake " doll department t genuine "fairy , a ment that would drive the average lit tle maid wild with delight , a spacious and complete book department , three jooths devoted to the display of fancy article a flower stand , coffee , cake , nd ice cream stands , oyater room and ) anquet room , all presided over t > y ladies and gentlemen in elaborate and significant costumes , were encountered onevery hand. The most practical display cf the evening was that of bread made by the young tidies of the church , and entered f r theprizj offered by the B. & M hey * , to the beat bread maker. " California Pears , Plums , Grapes , otc. , at Tizard'a Palace. o21-tf For Masquerade Costumes go to Mrs. 0. C. Schaefftr , 1202 Harney street , corner Twelfth. d7t2 It * ill not cost you HE CENT U the Flour I sell is not what I repre sent it to be. WILLIS M. YATES. Elegant vases tastily ornamented , beautifully colered , latest ttyles , large variety , at C. F. Goodman's ICtli street drug store. tl Five thousand dollars worth ol now articles suitable for Christmas presents , Buch as Silk Handkerchiefs , Silk Ties , L co Ties , Linen Hand kerchtefe , Lace Handkerchiefs , immense menso lots of Nubias , Scarfs , Hoods Jackets and Gloves. Also a fine lini of Russia leather Puracs and Satchel just arrived , at the Mechanics' Oni Price Store , 408 S. Thirteenth Street near Harney. All marked at pricei that must be appreciated , even bj the closest buyer. N. FREDEKICKSON & Bno. TIIE CKEIGHTOJf , A finl-class hotel in every respect , li situa'c'l on the northwest cornet o Thirteenth and Cipilol avenue. Thii hehonso i = newly and elegantly fur Dished throughout , rnd the tcble ant bill of fare will compare favorably with the best in the land. Give it i rial. No runner at the Depot. 'Xt29-eod-tf ! NOW IS YOUR TIME. The finest Christmas goods in Oma | ha. Gold , Silrcr and Celluloid Sets Odor Cases , Ladies' Purses , &c. Gal early , as they nro going fast. S. T. rnnonsoif & Co , decUtf T . Ifth nnd Douglas Sis , Mrs. Dent , 2I7-N. IGth St. , is HOP prepared to do dress making on th < shortest notice. Prices moderate. dec3-tf 500MENS' , BOYS'AND CHIL DREN'S OVERCOATS AND ULS TERS TO BE CLOSED OUTRE CORDLESS OF COST , AT POL ACK'S. G-tf Go to the OMAHA TOY STORE 513 Fourteenth street , between Farn ham and Douglas , for anything in th < toy line. The largest and best selected lected stock in the city. t fcf If H. POHLMAN , Proprietor. WHO IS PILLBURY & CO. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS Al WHITNEY'S. U. S. Grand Jurors for "Januar : Term. The following are the jurors drawi for the January term of the Unite * States courts , commencing at Lincoln January 4 , 1881 : Wm. Talcott Howard P. 0. . Nemaha county Lewis L.oy. Stanton ; Wilson Majora Peru ; Charles F. Walther , Ara oP ; M. Gilbert , Sorrington P. O. , Rich ardaon county ; Wilson M. Ma.ddox Falls City ; Joseph May , Fremont Charles P. Mathowson , Norfolk , J K. Vandemark , Valparaiso ; Owei Evans , Firth ; E. Jordan , Pawnee Frank Sheldon , Lincoln ; A F. Coon , David City ; Lawrence renco Ryan , Falls City ; Jame Allen , West Point ; Lot Brown , Ne braska City ; Frank Pierce , Madison Henry Bruno Clarksviller ; John F Doud , Plattsmouth ; Thomas S. But ler , Hivcrton ; J. B. Goshorn , Dikoti City ; W. L McGowan , St. Derwln John L. Taylor , Omaha ; Frank Ferguson guson , Hnmbnldt ; A. G. Beeson , .Lin coin ; George N. Crawford , Elkhorn Thorn is McNeal , Lincoln ; George H Jowett , Sidney ; S. S. Reynolds , Da vid City ; George P. Armstrong Omaha ; Job A. Dillon , Tecumseh George Shook , Aspluwall ; John L Stevens , St. Leroln ; W. H. Crook Falls City ; James Stephenson , St Leroin. For Sale Six-horse power Baxte engine and boiler , in good rcpali Apply at BEE office. no4tf AT IT AGAIN. Phillip Lang , the Farnham stree boot and shoe dealer , wishes to inf on his customers that he is still doin business , and ready at any and al times to see his friends and give ther ains in boots , shoes am clippers or any one in the city. H tens u c nveuienced somewhat by th recent fire , but did not lose any of hi etock. He has some goods that wer slightly damaged by the fire , which h will sell at reduced prices. Give hir a cell and he will give you good bai gains. PHILLIP LAXO , dlCt2 1317 Farnham street. FURS ! FURS ! ! FURS 111 Lidies' and gents' fur goods of every ery description at the Fur Manufac tory , opposite postoffico , Omaha. A" ! goods are warranted. HEKBT G. RICHIEE , Furrier. dec3tf 1001 S. S. S. 1001. 1001 STEPBENSON'S SUPERB STA BLES , 1001 Harney Street , Omaha , Neb. GRAND OPENING. I will open my new Livery and Boarding Stables to the inspection o ! the public on Thursday , DECEMBER 23d , 1880. All interested in looking at the best arranged and most com- olete public stable in the United States are invited to the GENERAL RECEPTION from 1 o'clock to 6 o'clock p. m. Ladies are particularly invited. dlttd24 JAMES STEPHESSON. WANTED Three tailors to call at Metropolitan Hotel , before 12 M. Saturday. Good wages and steady work guaranteed. J. M. DEAN. . SNOVTFLAKE patent flour equal to Minnesota patents of sscond quality and at leas cost ; warranted strictly , and price ojvly $4 00 per hundred. Try It ; also Wculibunu's "SUPERLA TIVE , and BLANT'S EXTRA W. W : Fw > tm. 2-f Fleming & Co. , Grocers. ATTENTION ! Remember that Whipple , McMillan bCo. , the JewelersCreighton block , 'ifteenth ' street , have a fine stock ol old and Silver watches , Rings , Chains , and a splendid display of all aids > . Jewelry and Holiday goods. 17-2t Odor cases , oder cases , beautifn designs , pocket books , oard casaa and a spfendid line of holiday presents a 3. F. Goodman's 16th street drm tore. t The Danish Dramatic society will on Saturday .December 18,1880 , havi thortor aud ball at Turner Hall The pieces to bo performed are "Thi Third" and "A Dangerous Commis ion. ' , Tickets 50 cents. 17-2 BEAR IN MIND. J. L Nichol & Co. are selling coa oil at 15c per gallon. dl6t3 Just received at THE BEE Jol Rooms the nicest line of diminutlv Paper and Envelopes and Cards , suit able for Children's Birthday Parties Call and gee them. Meals at all hours at Tizzard's. t JEWELERY EXPOSITION- AT WHIPPLE , MoMILLEN & CO. , CREIGHTON Block , Now Open. They have one of the finest display of Watches , Diamonds and Jowelr ever brought to the city. They def competition. People are cardially ir vited to examine stock and prices. AHEAD. Why ia it that Whipple , McMille it Co. , the jewelers , Creighton Block Fifteenth street , are having such rushing trade ? Because they have th best variety and the largest of holida ; presents in the city. Call at the BEE job rooms and ex aminu something nice in the way o Fine Papetries , suitable for Invita ttons to weddings , balls , private mas querade parties , sociables aud con ; erts. J. F. Sawyer wishes to announce t his friends and old customers that h may be found , as heretofore , at 131 Farnham street , where ho will be gla to show them the best selected atoc ! of Watches , Clocks , Jewelry , Spectacle and Silverware at prices that def competition. 1 Tlie Telegraph War. The public is well aware that for long time past a fight has been goin on between the Atlantic & Pacific an American Union telegraph companiet which has resulted in a reduction c tariffs from forty to fifty per cent , th Western Union not oining in th fight nor reducing their rates at al Yesterday all weitern offices were ii stracted to reduce their rates to tb standard of other companies. Th means a terrible struggle between th different companies , of which the pul lie generally will reap the benefit. Where Western Union rates i eastern points were § 1 , they are no but GO cents. To St. Louis , Ohic ; go , and other points east and soutl where the rate was 50 cents , It is no but 40 e' ts , and to Colorado painti where the former tariff was $1 , tl ; rate now is GO cents. The maximni tariff of the Western Union to a eastern and southern cities is now 6 cents. It Is pretty generally understoo that the Atlantic and Pacific Tel < graph company contemplates puttie in a system of wires for local convet ience and district purposes. Thi system , will be one of the latest in provements in that branch of the sei vice , and will be of great Important and value , not only to the buaine : men of our city , but to all classes t onr citizens. The Council Bluffs Nonpareil I speaking of this subject and teli graphic conveniences in that cit says : "Manager Brown , of the Wes ern Union Informs ns that the Wes eru Union cow have seventeen win running Into bis office with five moi to come. The increase of wires wl necessitate a mammoth now switc board which is now being made i New York. As soon as this ariivi main line batteries will be put in ! the office at thisfplace and a largo pa of the repeating business that is no done at Omara will be here. " With all duo respects to Manag < Brown's statement , wo are satisfit that while the wires actually run in his office , they merely pass throuj and are used for through business b tween Omaha and points south , at that while Council Bluffs is a very ir portant office it can never rival Omal as a repeating station , nor is an ? po tinn of the repeating business to 1 transferred from this point to tba Zella Condensed Cyclopedia. An abridged library and univere reference book , is at present beit introduced to our citizens. It * worthy.of your attention. 10-Gt Gents' fine Furnishing Goods , i the Omaha Shirt Factory. d5tf COMIC TIN TYPES ! Come and see them , just the thing f < New Year , eight new designs at Grai Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth St. ' 13-eod-3t CHRISTMAS "sUPPERS A WHITNEY'S. A Fatal Plunge. Yesterday a singular accident occurred on the ice , below the U. P. bridge , which resulted In the drown lug of a team and the loss of the wagon gen to which they wera attached. A number of men and teams are en. gaged in hauling and storing Ice from that part of the Missouri , and during the forenpon as ope of the teams , with an empty wagon , was crossing the Ice , a wheel went into a rut or hele in the frozen surface and threw the driver off. The frightened team then ran away and directed their course-down stream to the edge of the Ice field , at the rata of fifteen or twenty miles an hour. Off this edge theyplunged at full speed and the murky waters of the big muddy closed ovdr them forever. We were unable to obtain the name of the owner of the team. WHO IS PILLBURY & CO. A' Fine line of samples of New Year Cards at THE BEE Job Room. Call in time and leave your orders. Whipple , McMillen & Co. , the jewelers , are still ahead and have just opened another choice lot of elegant Creighton block , fifteenth street. Always fresh Oysters at Tizzard'a. A .Grave Joke , v Late one night last week as a police officer , who has been on the force less than a year , was wending his vay homeward ho overheard men talking in an alley just ahead of him. The "peeler" was on the alert in an instant , and cautiously made his way , o the entrance of the alley , and ac .benight was dark easily crept with- n hearing distance. The valiant guardian of the peace soon heard enough to satisfy him that on the night following a body was to be snatched from what was supposed to 30 its last resting place and brought o the city , and left at a room already prepared. After hearing this the officer cautiously made his way to the street and hurried homeward. Next day he cdnfided the secret tt a brother cop , and it was arranged that the two ehonld proceed with ar expressman and wa-.on to the city oJ the dead and capture the exhumers Accordingly a team wag engaged , am as the night was favorable they start ed about eleven o'clock. The gallan officers reached Prospect Hill came toryj and driving to a designated spo stopped the team arid alighfod , order ing the driver to remain wherahe wai tint 1 further orders. But we mudl liow le'ava our friendi to the tender mercies of a grave yard and the relentless fury of & nort ! wind for a while , and return to thi city. On the day preceding the nigh on which the two policemen ! visito < the cemetary , a detective bad been in formed that a gang of professiona body snatchers were in our mldat and that that night a body would b taken from tbo cemetery , by the sami parties who had furnished the "stltl1 tor the Medical Institute. The de bectivo having thus obtained a clew prepared to follow it up at once , am before night had engaged two reliabli men , with whom three hours nfte dark ho proceeded to the burying ground. They arrived in duo timi and stationed themselves in differon place ? , and awaited developments They were fast becoming doubtful am Impatient when the express wagoi stopped as described above. The two policemen , after recon noitering , climbed over the fence am stopped again to take in tha surround ga. They were holding a whisperec con&ulcation , wnon in the darknes near them , fhey discovered the fern of a man not more than half a ro < distant , slowly moving away. Wha to do they did not know , but it wa evident that if anything was to b < done it must be done quickly , or th game would vanish in the gloom am be out of their reach. At a givei signal they bounded simuHaneonal ; upon their victim and pinned him t the ground. By placing the muzzl of a revolver to hi ) temple they eaail ; persuaded him to keep quiet and wer about to manacle him when two othe actors put in an appearance and a gen eral hand to hand encounter ensued Billies , boots and fistn were free ! used , but things soon became so bad ly mixed that it was dangerous t continue the tightfor every man look ed the same and foe rould not be die tingnished from friend. Sadden ! some one yelled. "Where's your lac tern why don't you use It ? " Hostilities suddenly ceased , and a ] at once tour dark lanterns flashed up on the scene of battle and five pistol came to view , held by determine hinds. Then'ihere was an awful still ness followed by a season of unintei rnptod swearing. Tlie. two officei found that they had been poundin cich other over the heads , and the d tective saw that one of his select me had been kicking him in the rib while the other .had been trying t handcnffhim. It took fifteen minutes to espial matters , but at last they came to a understanding , and it was agreed tha each one should have a ban in essassinating the villain who ha perpetrated the joke , should he eve be found ; and it was further agree that each of the five victims shoul use their utmost endeavors in brine ing the culprit , to justice. After plcl inj up the hats and other loose arti cles they climbed over the fence an started for the wagon. "I'm gla youipe got somethingJto ride in , " sai the detective , addressing the peelers "I'm entirely played. " They stopped and hallooed for tb driver , but recelred no answer. The yelled themselves hoarse and looke m all directions , but to no purpose Finally they found the tracks of th wagon and horse turned towards tow and judging from the _ steps taken b the horse he was doing his level besl Towards dayllght hvo men migl have been seen slinking through bac alleys and unfrequented streets , an ever since a strong odor of brimston has pervaded the atmosphere alon the route followed by the victimize quintette. ACADEMY OF MUSIC , -THURSDAY , December 33th. WAITING FOR THE TERDIC BTTHB Members of the 'Union Oatholi Library , . 'One cf the mot mcccs'fulandpopuhrdomert diam on the modern Stage. B ine ririd picture of Eica ani.Poorin Englih LUe Very stron ? Admission , Mccnts ; JIatinte for echool cb drcu , Friday t 2 p. m. ; Admission 25 cent * . MAXMEYER&GO LEADING JEWELLERS , ( Tiffanys of the West , ) Have completed their pre parations for the approaching preaching Holidays , aud suggest that an early ex amination of their siock will enable purchasers to secure the choicest selecj tions , and escape the crowds unavoidable later iit the moil ill. Until Christmas , the es tablishment will be kept open in the evenings. SPECIAL NOTICES , NOTICE Advertisements To Lot For S le' Lost , found , Wnuta , Boirdlnz 4c. , will b in serted in these commas once for TEN CENTS per line ; each snbaeqndntlnBertion.FIVE CENTS per lino. The Cist insertion cover lew than TWENTT-F1VB CEMTS. TO IQAM-WOKZY. tO MAH-C ll kt I w Office MOHST 7HOtfAb.Kcom8.Cretgntonmcck TO IiOAH 1109 Fambitn street. MOHKT Ed arilfl Loan Agency. nuv-22-U ' H51P WAtfTED To rent a smal fnrniahcd house , WAStfiD pdrt o ! citj. Oood pike will be paid. Address K. X. , Bee omej. 83-23 TXT ANTED Girl for general toustwort , 2ii5 VY California street. 133 IITUATION WAMED By young man in any K i capacitv. town or country of good address. Wages low HENRY KEKRIaOy , 'maha. fc6-17 f ] iRL WANTED * or general housework , at \JC 335 Qarney street , one dooreait cf 16 h St. i ED A first-class coat-maker ; steady WAN and j.oOd waires guirtnteed. JOHN MOItttlSOK , Lincoln , I < eb. 75-J8 A. good Rirl about H jears old , WANTED in taUng care of an infant , and do errands. Kefercnces required. Apply at li'5 Farnham street. tU-13 Second-hand Marble Mantle and WANTED complete. Address "B. " 1S31. 48-16 MATE WANTED Addfets J. H. P. , ROOM office. 43-t * -TTTANTEti A good house-keeper , 1100 Farn W ham street , up ttaira. 32-tt Tfl A TED Employment for horse and wagon , VV E. A. 1IAKR1S3 , 10th and Nicho'aa bta. 16 t tWANTED AH Omaha know that the WANTED Et. Jonn is the Kraoef Sewing Machines , office on 1'th St. 841 H fSfi REHT-HOU8S8 AKDLAMD. RENT Furnished rooms with board EOR tide 20th. bet. 6 lileigo and C 33 82 jj RENT House in Shull's 2nd addition FOR ' Mr month. W. SIMERAC , , roooj6 ; ' relah'onB'ocft. . _ _ , S95-U RENT-A 'ur.iiahed , soUth fiont room , FOR at No 101' farnham St. 31.11 OR REST-Cottaie ; , on 5th and , FOR house , eight roomsonS3dacd CaiJata Enquire J. P. Roe , 8. E. Cor. 12th and Farn hani. _ RENT 2 furnished rooms over Mer FOR - Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th i anc Drolee streets. _ -ftg > tt FOR SALE. OR SALE A fAROAIN A bui'din ' ? with E ta'oon fixtures , furniture and block , on 10th bt , opposite the U. P dept , for tale very cheap. Or the fixture ) , furniture and nock will be sold and building rented. Inquire of ED. KBEISS- MAX. 79 If OK SAIE Small tubular boiler and stack. F Roddla & Thrall. 53-17 SALV Business house and grocery etocfc , Restaurant attached. Addrra R. Cbaffln , Aurora , Neb. 9-lm OR SALE Two close carnages , at A. J. Simpson's. 011-tf TJ1 K bALK Cottonwood lumber of all Blw8 , t I1 RKDMOND'S , SIxtsenth-st. 616-t MISCELLANEOUS. mAKEN DP 2 blaik colta , one 4 year old I mare and one 2 } ear old horaa c It , 3 miles north un Missouri bottom. OoTILIEu llfcYR. 852 ef5w HILL'S MANUAL NOTICE : R. S. PEALS , of Council Blufft , Iowa , ts no lonzer General Agent for the sale of HILL'S MANUAL OF SOCIAL AND BUSINESS FORSIj. We havliijj terminal * ! his agency for good and sufficient ressims ; an'l ' we hereby CAUTION the public iRainst bo nImposed up on , by unMranulon * ra-n , who attempt to "palm cfT a 8P RIOU3 work on them instead of "Hill's Manual , " the boon they want or sub scribed for. MOS PS WARREN & CO. , Publishers - ers of 11 ill's lUniul , 103 State bt. , Chicago Nov. 6th. 1880. 19-17 In North Omaha , a spotted calf abool FOUND diys old. Owner cm hive same by calling at North Western brewery , Cuming street , and paying for this notice. 21-1 ] ZARA'S East India Pile Cnre. The only specific for all forms ol Files. In use in foreign coun. tries for years , lately intro- dnced into America. Warrant ed to give instant relief and a permanent cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists or mailed free on receipt of price , 50 cents , bytlio | American agents , Richardson & Co. , Wholesale Druggists , Saint Louis , 3Io. ZAKA'S BILIOUS PILLS , guaranteed to give immediate relief in all cases of Bilious and Liver Complaints , Cos. tiveness , Sick Headache , In. digestion , and cleansing the system of all impurities. Price 25 cents. All druggists sel ] them. them.ZARA'S IN USE FORTY TSARS. ) r. Storm9 CELEBRATED SCOTCH A Safe and Pleasant Remedy fo COUGHS , COLD8 , A3THMA , HOARSENESS and Strengthen Ing the Lungs. SOIJ > Pride only 1O Ceirts - TVVO DOLLARS WILL SECUR1 THE WEEKLY BEE Por/Xear. S. P. MORSE & CO. , CASH JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF DRY GOODS. 1519 The people will it , and we are the servants of the people in supplying them with Dry Goods at anti-monopoly Prices. Enormous Reductions in Our COLOSSAL STOC 1500 yards of Brocade Mixed and -Plain Color Dress Goods formerly sold , and well Worth 25c. 2500 yards of All-Wool Flannel and French Suitings , Plaids , Brocades , Damasse , etc. , reduced from 50c to 40c. BIGGEST BARGAIN IN AMERICA , CJJbi 1000 "yaads All-Wool ( bear it in mind ) 42-inch Momie Cloths , Silk and Wool Brocades Matta- lasses , etc. , marked down from $1.25 to $1.00 a yard. At 75c , Dress Goods , Silk and Wool , formerly $1,25 and $1,50 a vard. 11 $1,00 , 11 " " " 1.75 and 2,00 " il ( ( ( ( ( 2,00 , 4.00 FOR HOLIDAY t We are opening Novelties daily , and Ladies will do well to purchase now and avoid all rush. S , IP. ZMZOIRSIE & CO. $60,000. ELGUTTER'S ' $60,000. $60,000. $60,000. GREAT CLEARING SALE $60,000. $60,1 We make this month a specialty to close out our Desirable and seasonable goods at Lovr Figures. Our immense stock of Winter clothing for Men's , Youth's , Boys' and Children's wear , comprising Working , Business , and Dress Suits , in latest Patterns and Styles ? , Over coats , Ulsters and Ulsteretts worked from the finest goods of woolens ; also a comp'ete ' . line of Furnishing Goods , Novelties in Neckwear for tne Holidays. Hats , Oaps , Gloves , &c. , must make way for our immense Spring stock of clothing. Well-known to the public that these goods were the best selected stock ever broughtto this market. ELGUTTER'S MAMMOTH GHOTHiNG HOUSE , $60,000. 1001 Farnham St. , Cor. 10th. $60,000. Absolutely Pure , Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No other preparation makea snch llzht , flaky hot breads , or luxurious paatry. Can be eaten by drg eptica wltbont ( ear of the ilia resulting from he J In digestible food. Sold only in cans bv all Grocer ) . ROTAL EAKHO POWDER Co. Ke i DISEASES OF TIIE EYE , Bar and Throat. DE.L. E. GKADDY OCULIST , AUR1ST & LARYNCIST. Office Over Kennard's Dmg Store , Corner.of 14th snd Douglas Sts. noTlS-3m J. H. FUEGEL & CO. Successors to J. H. OTIELE , MERCHANT TAILORS , No. 1220 Douglas Street , AT = T A DSTEiIB. A. W. NASON. 3D IE 3STO7IST , OmcK Jacob'a B ck , corar CapitolA.Y . tad 16th Street , Omaha , Keb. THE DAILY BEE Contains the Latest Home and Te the D jr , r AGENTS FOR DEVLIN & GO. , TIEOU BOSTONCLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHINGHOUSE , FARKHAH STREET. MARHOFFS TRUNK FACTORY. The largest and best assortment of Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases and Sample Trunks a Specialty. H. H. MARHOFF , - - PROP. , 117 14th St. . O Doors North or Douglas St. BO.OOO CHEAP ! CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST t > MBMi H HMPMi HM MM MWi M MMM M M * MAX MEYER & BRO. Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell their entire stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks , Silver-Ware , Pianos & Organ ! ATSTID . GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their weN Store , Cor. Ilth & Farnham We Mean Business. Come and be Convinced ,