yf * , * * * * * TOL.X. OMAHA , 1STEBEASKA , . SATURDAY. DECEMBER - * . 18 , 1880. 3STO 155. Established 1871. MORNING \f EDITION , Price Five Cents C-riFdSTMAS , 1880. I. B. WILLIAMS SONS , In each Department , we are daily opening choice Novelties for the Holidays leather Goods , Belts , Pocket-Boots , . LiV " Card Cises. " " J - * - * * - Collar and Cuff Boxes. ' SHOE DEPARTMENT. Ladies * Fine Shoes. Gents * Christmas Slippers in the Greatest Variety. Chi ere a'a Shoes , fine , -warm and Bubst-at-tlal. The Largest and Finest As sortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. in Omaha.at RsasonsblePrices. Coals Si K I'tidlcrs 3eut > Ii iti FAHGY GiJGODS or ladles' wear. Hur.dkorvhierj a d i Ticj Silk. Ppmiiu Uce , Irdit , Mul and Cimlir'c. Jill VTf jnr. . ItibbonB , riiccs , O nips , Fr'.n-ci M < 1 Trim- minrs. . FiHE TABLE LINENS , Napkins , Tow 1s , Tili'cand StinlCcner , Piano Cover * a nil cs at iltractho flue -rr.iintn\ui3 Hi V > lmcns First q l JET 6BKAMEHTS. bs , "fins , I'lr.tcI'.ovK A 1 imw JcsVt s An tlcRans linj r.t 0-i s' b etvi > Hi t ons logs , biait Vina , cf , nl jirant il tint tMlity CLOAK DOLF AHS. Tlavclocks ( or J/v V . * < JJ-1 . 'nl'Vcn. "KnH Uom'.H Kn I J < t . A Jacket t si _ -wlnrli tn 1-e tcaon old t J..01. THE BUST HOOD C'crslunvnat tc J ubias Sln s tc BLANKETS & COMFORTS at grcat'y reduced pr Ci . LAST , BUT NOT LEAST. A new loxoico ol Piibilii PaUcanpc i I'l oriUo llolidtj trade. L. \YILLIAS1S & SONS , " " "OisttPobiilers , 1422 and 1424 Dodge St. - " = = = = = SIGN OF TP Pift- % & FRAME , A. HOSPE , JR. , Pianos and Organs First Class on Easy Monthly Payments , Sheet Music and Musi cal Instruments. PIKE srucu fit' * O TJ L 3D IOST GS . 0 1 Painting , Enera > HUT' a t I r.mca Ir r lnc4d [ in < > . 8slO Frames , 1 Inch , Walnut . lEc 30x12 " 1 " . jo 10x11 " 1 " " . SO 12x16 " " . 1J EO 12x18 ] i . 5 16x20 " ] J " . 75 Hustle 8x10 Inme . 15 Ohroraos Iran < xl , mull , 25o , Cliroffiot ( rained , lar ; , 1 6. Hngr vtnp from 50c upKarOs , Fhoto rapb f r nie Iron IN ; njiurji'a , Wlndo * ' Cor Jccj 75c window and iiwnrdjr | , laoibrciqulrjs s 00 per wmdoa l-Uiwards | , Cornice PolcsSr > Opcr iiiiIou inj ujmirds , VeU ct frames 2f.c eich tofi oo Violin Stnrum Ut , \\o\\n \ \ \ 1 78. 2 SO , 3 ixl npw > nlf , Outtara 6 00 , 0 01. 7 00 ami upnid . IJanjon 1 oa. 3 00 , 6 00 , and upwards , Acainlco-iifrom I 00 up , cheapest in city Sendfo % amplin ard citn'ocne of raouldln-s "AiiliaetmnMc. A. HOSPE. JR. , 1618 DOL'I'B Sn. . next iloorto Harris and Fuhera ACMIKMY OF MUSIC. TWO NIGHTS ONLY Friday and Si'urJ y. Do ; . 17 and 18 , and Saturday Mallaco , 2 r. M. TuEmlncnt ictor , MR , FIlAMi MAYO. friday evoninK ana SatuiUj Matinee , produc tion of BarJcy toniplera ! greatest pl j , fiVAK , THE YIRGIXIAX. SATUEDAY EVEOTNG. MurJoci.8 WotM rouownod D ma , DAVY CROCKETT. Both pl ys pro Jnofll hare with eUborate snn < cry and cftecti. Received seats for aay pcrtonrmnce for nil at Max acyer & Bros' . Jc clr.v Kore , dccll-7 FERRY ON ICE. I have bridged the approaches to the rlrer Icaopposlt cagi end Jones street m-kinc i pl aant , toif aud Sife crossing at the nomina. toll , vir : Horseman , each 5c. One worxc andlVa-jon lOc. T\roll > racs&nd I.lc. * " rctiiri sametlav lOc. Foot-men Free. or. JE& . E h.1883. dlS 1m ' " " ' * - - - OO OS i > WASHINGTON. Secretary Thompson Takes a Formal Leave of the Cabinet , The Senate Refuses to Concur in the House Eesolution to Adjourn Through the Holidays , Bills on the Private Calemiar Occupy the Attention of the Lower-House. tl BESATE , Spedil Dispatch to The Ere. WASIUSOTOIT , December 17. After the chair had laid before the senate eoine communications from the secretary of war , transmitting reports in relation to surveys Under the river and harbor ectt and & . presentation of a memorial , Mr. Davis ( \V. Ya. ) ro- roted favorably the honso resolution far a receea from December 22 , to January 5. Mr. Betfk hiid ihero were TOT a larfte number of bi'h on Iho house o&J'-jiJar ar..i & larga numbtr on the calendar of tha senatu Tbero would be fcrty odd daye for v ork after the G.h of January. The csnttii bill wa to bo acted on , and all the rppropria- tion bills and many other imp urtni.t mea'urt a which shi old bo disc-s Bed. But little hsd been douu so far and it seemed to him that evev thing should not be left , to thq last. Mr. Windoin would rccollecthow.toward the closw f thelastcjngreBshohad , with himself , sat night alter n'ghtuut > l the sun ro-e , to carry through \that he cal'cd ' legis- tion. If cjn rts ? adjourns now measures- would have to be attached to I hi ) appropriation bills , n < l tubaidies c ell kinds would bu taukcd on them. Mr. McPona'd favored as short a rece for the holidays as w .s consis tent vfith propriety. The resolution was disaqreod to , Yeas 23 , nuya 31. 3Ir. Jones , of tffcr'.da , from the committee on public buildings and grounds , reported a bill appropriating 8250,000 for the construction of custom house in pluco of the ooo re- frilly destroyed by fire tu Puiuacala , Florida. Ttio bill was considered * nd paased. Mr. Wallace introduced a bill for a uniform' . .syatem of binkruptcy , which was referred to the judiciary committee. A motion offered by Mr. Morgan , continuing the committee on the ro- movsl of the northern Cheyonnca , wss concurred in. Mr. Blaine offered a resolution , which was agreed to , directing the judiciary committed to ftiqiavre into tha propriety of increasing tno judges of the supreme court to thirteen. At the i spiratiou of the morning hour , the eiVacatioiul bill cimo up i i ref-alar ( rdcr. Among the nrnoud- ucnlsmado was one by Mr. Motx-in o amend the agricultural act , so 83 o authority each stntu and leirirury ; a ovablish in oaid college , schools for ho instruction of females in euch tranches of technical education as are uitnblo to their sex. The bill was hen paseed by a vote of 41 to G , and at 6:15 : p. m. , tLo uenato adjouimd until Monday. DOUSE. Privilo business had precedence in ho homo to-day , and it required a , wo- thirds vote to Ret it aside and con- ider other matters. Mr. Forney , of Alabama , who lies harge of the military academy nppro- iriation bill , wanted to go on with it , > ut he waa antagonized by gentlemen who wanted to consider private busi- ess. The private calendar is so large hat unless the hour N which private ills are entitled are devoted to it , much important legislation must bo efcrrcd. As it is , not a tithe of what a on the calendar can be pasted. The house decided to proceed with be private calendar , and accordingly went into committe6"t > f the whole. The house was engaged all the fternoon in iho consideraion of pri- ate bills , the majority of which were or pensions. Fifteen bills were dis- meed of , and an effort waa made to idjonrn over till Monday , but was oted down by a largo majority , so hero will be a session to-morrow for lusines ! , and it is possible the mill- nry bill will be disposed of. CAPITAL NOTES , podd Plspitch to The Bee. The action of the senate In refusing 0 concur in the house resolution irovidinc for an adjournment over he holidays , from the 23d Inat. to anuarv 5th , crested considerable urprise. The Smithsonian inststute has re- eived from the Vienna academy the announcement of the discovery , by kl. Parmle at Copenhagen , on Decem- > er 16 , at 9 o'clock , of a small bright omet in 18 hours 49 minutes as- censlor , and 10 degrees 30 minutes north declination , with daily motion 1 5 minu'cs in right ascension and tO.minutos north. The vacancy in the committee on wars and means , earned by the olec ion of General Garfisld to tha presi dency , has not yet been filled. It is understood , however , thtt Speaker ilandsll ha * decided to appoint Con gressman McEinley , of Ohio , to the vacancy , and it is believed Mr. Koefer will succeed Mr. McXinley on the judiciary committee. Secretary Thompson yesterday took official leave of the president and merabors of the cabinet at the cabinet 'tioi' . Ho will to-day frznlly traneft r the navy department to Sec retary Komst'y. Mr. Thompson , dur ing hie administration c f the navy de partment , has caved upwards of sis million dollars out of the naval affairs. The Postal Guide , which be issued by the postoffico dor/art mentntter the first day of January licit , will bo tha most complete num ber in all its details that has yet been published. Itwill conUin splendid instruction ; frr p sinmters in regard to the new 6yM em of deposits estab lished under cratr No. 33 of the post. mMter-gener.il. The guide will bi nearly one-third larger than any pre < dons number , aud besides a vas ! amount of postal Information , wWel nill be of great service to the bnsine'i world generally , there has been incor porated. Into It a brief of all clrculari issued for the guidance of postmasters during the past year , The national board bt tra-Je - re mained in Session ' until 1 o'clock yes terday afternoon , and then adjourned to meet in Washington next Decem * ber. General satisfaction u expressed by the delegates v/ilh tbo meeting this year and the result reached. Lwt evening Senator Beck , Congressman Kesgan.Dr. Billincs , president of the national board of health , and other prominent gentlemen , were guet3 of the board at a banquet given at Wil- lard's hotel. Thcra will be a temporary allevia tion of the demand for money in Wall street , New iTorlt , aftet the first of January i Many letters have been re ceived hero during the past week making inquiries as.to the amount of money which ivould.ba released * by the treasurer at trie end or. the year. Requests have alao ben made the de partment to anticipate prepayment of the January interest , so the temporary ry stringency of the money market would be relieved. BUFFALO'S BLAZE , Tea Persons lose Their Lives in the Burning of the Great Wall Paper Faoloryi And Half a Million Dollars Goes up in Fire and Qmokek Gen. Sherman Dislikes the Idea of Grant Being Made Cap tain-General. The Baltimore and Ohio Bail- road Solves its Transporta tion Problem. . Fire in Buffalo. Special DiSpTtch to Tbft Se . Bbmi.0 , N. Y. , December 18 1 a. m. A big fire began here at six o'clock last evening in W. H. Bridge i ; Son's wall paper factory , inflicting grdrttdamage before it was extinguish- re. The fire was discovered just ba- fore work * as utopfced , and fifteen minutes iAier the whole large fwe- 'Btory buildiun WHS n sheet of flames , and half an honr liter tha building waslove , ! with Mio ground. The firm employed eighty m i aad two hun dred boys , and Iho factory was rn& of the largest in the country , and the only one ouUido of the wall paper pool. In getting out , a boy named John Griffin Jumped to the Street and was killed. Another boy who jumped had both arms and legs broken Ho said thera vrero five turn and boya in the/ building tlmtho kuuwofnhon ho jumped , all of whom must have burn ed to death. The losa of the Mims. Bridge will amount to § 250,000 , and is partially covered by ir.aur.vnce. The building v/as v.ilaed > t SSOCOO. The tUmta communicated to Maiming a Queen City malt housp , a brick build ing , valued at SiO.O O , which was completuly destroyed. The enjjine houto of Dro eteauier No. 10 .T.ia alao destroyed. Several stores , with their cintontr , svera more or kss damaged. The majority of the boys who escaped from the paper factory , got out with or.ly their shirts , trousers anc shoes on. The boy who was killtd was Moaes Malone , and IUB brother was so badly injured that he wiil die. A m < tn , whoso name hft not been learn ed , jumped fiom a fifth-story window and strack ou hh heid , fracturing his skull , tnd died a few minutes later. Four other mtn , employed in the building , and two bremen arc missing , and it is thought they perished in the flames. Too Many Esth ! Privates. Special Dtspitch to The Bee. NFW YORK. December 17 10 p. m. The following are abstracts from the letter of Gen. Sherman to William Scott , of this city , in regard to the recommendation in the presi dent's message to make Gen. Grant captain-general : "When Grant was nominated for preaident the first time , ho volunteer ed to me theopioion that whenhisterm was out he would not desire to regain command of the army , an it would be unjust I have never heard him say a word to indicate a change in that opinion , and I do not baliovo he or his friends suggested to the president the idea of the captain generalcy or of regaining a pi see on the army retired list. There is no reason why presi dents may be retired the same as members of the supreme court. The army service is embarrassed already with too much rank for our .small army. " Stole a March. Bpedil Dispatch to Tnn 12BS. NEW YORK , December 18 1 a. m. The- arrangement of Mr. A. 0. Rose , general freight agent of the Baltimore and Ohio ro.iJby which four steamers have betn chartered to carry the Baltimore and Ohio rail road company's freight from this city to BalHmnro has , in the opinion of the Biltimoro officials , definitely settled the difficulty between that r < > ad and the Pennsylvania company. There is nn apprehension at the com pany's offices m this city that the Philadelphin , Wilmington and B. lti- more , or Pennsylvania roads wiil at tempt to interfere wMi the transpor tation of pissengars from New York to the wtst False Report. 8pctal Dispatch to The Bco CUICAGO , Decambar 17 10 p. m. Bishop Ircl.nd telegraphs from St. Paul that the report of one Hutch in- son to the Morris board of trade , about the terrible sofffrinx of the Connemara colon s s , for ivant cf fuel , food and clothing , jiro graatly exaggerated , if not wholly false. A Newspaper Sharper. Bp-cltl Dlupitches to Tas B OHICABO , Decenber 17,10 p. m. Henry T. Gray , a clsimiua to be a re porter cf the New York Herald , has sncceedtd in victimizing tlsera Inmda , theatres and howls of this city , oa quite an extensive scalp. Gray's tirst ppesrance here vras in May last. Ht brought credentials and pssily midt the rcqu-uutuuci of lha netxpapei fraternity , with.ao numbers o : which Lo bscairo eo Intimate as U borrow money. When he had rnr the extreme length of his rope , anc suspicion that be wia a deat beat begen to dawn upon the report era here , he left the city. He ira beard of latfir { a St. Louis , where he operated the aame scheme. A week aao he returned to Chicago , pretended to be assistant manager ef .Tho New York Herald , r'ad aticcje'dEd injob- ti ninrj ; frci acorsa to all the theatres ? .r. 1 frto passes on t-ll railroads. The O.aud Pacific hotel placel a suite of rooms at his disposal. If found he will undoubtedly be roughly dealt with. ReVenged Himself. Spedal DispaWh to The Bc . COIUMBUS , 0. , December i $ 1 a. m James Srnithera , in reverga for Andrew Fix's wrongful intimacy with ha wife , burnt a barn of Fix's at Albany , a village in thia county. He wai convicted of araon , and was to havobsen sentenced yesterday , but at one o'clock he cut nis throat in the county jailCnd immediately expired. The Wrong Bottle * Special Dispatch to The Bee. LEON , la. , December"1 ! ? , 1 a. m William Perdew , an old resident and former merchant , went Thursday in to the drufc store of Dr. H'ldreth , to get a dram of. wh ? ky. The doctor t/ild him to help himself , which Per- dow did , but got the wrong bottle , and took poison. Returning to his hotel , he wa < j immediately seized with a piin in the stomach , and told the landlord that ho believed he had made a bad mistake at the drug store. He at once became speechless and died in two hours. indications. Special Dispatch to The Bee. WASHINGTON , December 17 , 1 a. m. For the upper Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys : Light snow with partly cloudy wc-Uher ; ria- iug , followed by falling barometer ; stationary or lower temperature : variable winds , ELFGTR1C ORIEr'S. 8pedal Dispatches to The Bee. James Garrigan , a builder from Chicago , shot himself yeiterday in Cincinnati , with suicidal intent , be cause a young lady refused to marry him. him.The The barn of William Ewalt , on Price's Hill , a suburb or Cincinnati , wai dfscovered to be on fire by Mrs. Ewalt yestordav , and in endeavoring to ave some of tha contents she was caughtby ; the flames and burned to deathi James Zaeley. a conductor on the , Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail road , fell from the train while switch ing at Elgin , 111. , yesterday , his body was cut in two. John Bock , ex-city treasurer cf Buffalo , N. Y. , was yesterday ar raigned for embezzling $10,030 of the city's funds. There are six remaining - ing indictments against htm. The residence of Mrs. Aramelia Mile-hell WES burned last night at Nekton , Towa. She wa ? also burned. Indications arc tlut the fire was caused by the explosion of a kerosene limp. Slio'was 85 years old. Livi Petti none celebrated his 100th birthdny in St. L'lufa yesterday , at the m < rJon < } 3 of lib son-in-law , Capt. Frank Burnett. Maado Grander , la dangerously ill at Hanibal , Mo. Q'ho company left "or Decatur. 111. , yesterday , hut Miss LxMUger could not accompany them. It waa atated in Ghicjio ; yesterday that Prof. Puion haj finally decided positively that ho will accept the Princeton professorship , and will leave Chicag > for th it purpose at the end of the present cdlef late year. Another Mexican excursion is being planned in Chici'r ; > , by arme of the loaders in the excursion of last winder. The committee of tha national bund is preparing for another greit eaeng orfcflt to bo held in Chicago next siiLiuior , and have decided to call up on rhe citizeui of Chicago for § 50,000 to cjmp'cto all local arrangements. IheSan Francisco superior court in the case of Onto has no jurisdiction The case has been transferred to the feder.il courti. CHICAGO , December 17. The Dally News to-day editorally retracts the charges against C. B. Farwell , mem ber of congress elect , and his father , J. V. Farwell , for which they sued The News , laying damages at § 50,000. The suit vrill now be withdrawn. NEW YORK , December 17 Edison has been granted a permit to make an experiment with his electric lighting system in a district in the lower part of the city. The time has been fixed for making the experiment. WASOINOTON , December 17. Gen eral Sherman leaves Monday for New York. Col. Bichard I. Dodt o , of the twenty-third infantry , and Major J. C. Tibbel , of of the second artillery , are to be trantferred to General Sher man's staff. CHICAGO , December 17. Vennor's snow etorm begin at noon. His prediction was that it would begin on the 17th and continue until it is eleven feet deep. Many believe it is really coming. Cheitlng1 the Law. Special Dispatch to Tbo lice. COLUMBCS , December 17 4 p. m. Joseph Smithers , in revenue for Andrew Fix's wrongful intimacy with his wife , burnt a barn of Fix' * , at Al bany village in this county. He waa convicted of anon , : md was to have been sentenced this afternoon at one o'clock , but he cut his throat and expired - pired instantly in his cell at the county i est Laces. Special dispatch to Tn Bis NEW YORK , December 17 4 p. m. The premises of Mr. Estovel , t commission merchant of No 145 Fifth avenue , were robbed list night ci laces , packages of hosiery , upholaterj trimmings and neck laces valued al from § 5000 to $6000 Undoubtedly the beat shirt in tht United States is manufactured at tin Omaha Shirt Factory. The enperioritj of Material and wo'ltmanihip , conr oined with iheir great improvtiiientS ; that Is Reinforced fronts , Ilelnforcec backs and Ileiuforcod sleeves , maktr their ahirt tbo most duwblo and bes fitting garment of the kind , evei manuL ctured s.1 the IA jderate price o $1.50. Every shirt of our make i1 guaranteed first-class and will refunc the money if found otherwise. We innAe a specialty of nll'wool Shaker , r.od Canton flannel , alei chemoia u : > corwear , made up with ; view to comfort , war'-i"Band dnr.ibil ity. To invalids and woak-lungei persona we ofler special inducement in the manner these goods are mad for their protection. FOREIGN EVENTS. * _ fhe forte Seeks lo Divert At tention From Greece by In citing Mutiny in India , The French Ex-Minister of War Gallantly Defended by Marshal McMahdn , The Chilian General Concen trating Hia Whole Arffiy Before the Peruvian ' The Queen Bequests Gladstone to Tighten the Screwa on Ireland. An Unqueenly Bequest. Hpecla Dispatch to Tha Bee. NEW YohK , December 17 , 4p. ] m. A London special eays it waa stated there yesterday that the queen has asked Gladstone to use coercion to wards Ireland. This request of the queen is attributed to the influence of BeaconsBeldt Discharged La jorerd. Special Dispatch to The Ceo. DUBLIN , December 17. 4 p. m. Lard Kenmore , who has largo landed oatatea in Kilhrney , has discharged 300 laborers for thdr coilnection with the land league. Trouble is expected to result , BOi'COTTED. Special dispatch to The licS. DoBLiN ; Decembsr 17 , 4 p. m. The master of the Killmurray Har riers has received notice from land leaguers that they intend to Boycott. Killmurray is a parish in , Munster , cdunty Clare , on Clanderaw bay. The disturbances at Beir , a market town in Munster , county Clare , continue. THE FORTE'S DOPLICITV. Special Dispatch to Taittiu. LoNtioir , December 18 1 a , m. A sensation lias been created by the rumor which has reached London that the sultan U trying to divert the at tention of Unglana from Greece and her relations with Turkey , by at tempting to arouse the native Indian population in rebellion against the queen , or rather the empress of India. Turkish emissaries are kaowu to be all over India , keeping sharp watch everywhere for the interest of the porte , and this ) rumor , therefore , has sufficient ground to render its belief quite easy and cause a good deal of excitement hero. THE SOUT1I AMSRIOAN WAR. Special Dispatches to TUB Bis. PAjrA3tABBriniher 18 1 a. m. Chili 13 arranging its forces so as to concentrate them at a given time in 4 > e Peruvian capital , and close the war with one mighty effort. Bag- uedame having asked for 100,000 men , as a reserve for the south , proves his' intention to bring every available man to Lima. It is aaid thnt the Per uvian army is iniriasing daily in num bers. Several battalions have recent ly arrived from the interior , one from Ccnnmandla , after a march of 9CO miles. The Chilian government hai purchased the steamers "Chili' ' , and "H.vytr1 from the PaciBo steam navi gation company. The Pacific war la occupying uub'ic at'eulim ' In the Argentine Republic , and armed inter venlion finda warm advocate' . The long debated frontier quo t.on , it is said , must bo settled witn Chili , and a decree issued in October by the Ar gentine government prohibiting , until further ordered , Galling , or exporting guano or phosphates , or killiug sea birds in Pa'agonia jand the adjacent coasts , point to a determination to assort its sovereignty over these re gions without debate. The first step of the Argentine government will un doubtedly bathe seizure of the Chilian colony In the straits of Magellan , over which it had long claimed jurisdiction. This would of course be in the event cf the Argentine government finding itself compelled to give up hopes of a peaceful solution of the difficulty. C1SSEY DEFENDED. Sp clU Dtepatch to the Bee , PABIS , Decomber18 * 1 a. m. The evidence furnished yesterday by Mar shal McMahon to tha parliamentary committee investigating the Cissey af fair was a disagreeable surprise to the enemies'of the ex-minister of war. Mc Mahon spoke of his old comrade in the highest terms , and declared that ho hid no knowledge of the scandal ous offense imputed to him. They hnd nothing to do , the marshal said , with his departure from tbo ministry of war. AMERICAN COMPETITION. Special Dispatch to the Bin. LONDON , December 18 1 a. m The New York book trade berets caxised a commotion among London publishers by selling an American re print of "Endymion , " Disraeli's last novel , at 10 pence. The price charged by English publishers is 31 shilling ! . CABLEGRAMS. SpccU Dspatche8 to Tin BBS. . The situation has been ao serious in some parts of Ireland , that a night military patrol has been called into requisition , and the constabulary force has been doubled. Mr. Samuel Pltmsoll has been in vited to stand again for parliament. The Frenchjbark "Adolph" haa beer totally wrecked on a reef about twenty' five miles to the south of Valparaiso , Peru , whilst cnroute to that port fron Bordeaux. She waa an Iron vessel. The Muagrave milla at Leeds England , were burned yestordaj morning. Mr. Hartland , a conservative , w ! yesterday declared to be a member o the British house of commons fo Evershsm. After tha last genera election Mr. XUtclifF , liberal , was un seated on the chirge of bribery. The twentieth regiment , now ita tinned at Mattabore , has been orderei to proceed to Ireland. The Orangemen broke up the Un < meeting at Lonsjhgall , county Ara maueh , Ireland , yeiterday. ? 'fr. Rogat , of ParU , who has take : up the defense of M. P ochefort , ha refused M , Reinach'a challenge. M. G emr iu , the French states man , will ahoftly retr : < j from politico life. _ _ _ It is probable that an internatioiu regatta will bo held in Vienna next May. . The Duchess of Westminster , daughter of the second dnke of Suth erland , and minister of the robes to the queen , died at her residenca at Bournemouth , England last eve ning. ning.The The Dutch chamber has voted 7,000 guilders for a new Arctic expe dition. ftlARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. rfew YorKJMoney and Stocks. ( WALL STRUT , December 17. Money Steady at 3 per cent. Exchange Steady ? nd higher at 31 79 j 01 82 } eovsHKuutn. Firm. O. 8. 6'S81 . 1 04 U. 8. t'a . 1 1 ! | U. 8. b's. , . 1 04 } Correncyffg . 1 ? 9 o.a4'j . i nj us 6i'oo . Jusj „ CTOCM. Following are .the 1 p. m. prices : A iP . . „ . . ? 4 St. P.&O . 49 Ameilcau Un'on 6 } I. M. . ; . . J2 Canada Southern 740 lackawanna . 10J CC'&Q . " } HndBoaCanil . 91 } Northwrsura . 129 Adams . liSi C. C. & I. C . 70. American . 4U SUPiul . 1HJ Urio . -hi B& Q . 17 4 bt. Joe Preferred. . OSJ Alton . US } I C . 122 Reading , . 6H L. &N . 85 Oouha . Dlj L.8 . lli CentralPaq . t9J M & E . 119J UniouPaaflc . 107J K&T . 413 Manhattan . 3U NYC . 145 } Pacific Mil . 525 W O . - Wells , Far O . 1'3 $ Waliash . 43. R.J . 135 Prefered . Si > St. Joe . 471 O &W. . _ 31 Preferred . 9 NJ C . 70. Olilo . 36 } 3 Chicago F'roduce Market. CIIICAQO , Decembsr 1 ? . Wheat Spring sold at SI OU for December ; $1 Ol ® l 02 for Janu ary ; § 102J1 03J for February ; S1 03 | @ 1 03j for March ; ? l,08@l | 08 | for May , closing at $ $ l 011 Olf for Do- oember ; $1 011 02 for January } SI 02gl 03 for February ; $1 03J@ 1035 for March ; § i OSj@108jior May ; No i : red winter Dedemhorsoli t 99Jc ; January , § 1 OOJ1 00 . " Corn 38go bid for Dr-camber ; 39J < 3)39Jc ) for January ; 39g@39gc for February ; 44j@44c for May ; 435 ® 43f c for June ; 44jc for July , { closing quiet. Gits 31 jc for January ; 35335c | for May ; Juneoffered at 3Gs , without buyer. Rye 87@87cforDecemberor Jan uary ; 88@88ic for February. Barley Nominal at § 1 14 for De cember 0 * JatirM ? ; Pork Meas , December , offered at * 11 90 ; January sold at . § 13 15 , clos ing at 813 17A ; Februraf * .313 30 ® 13 35 ; March , $13 47A@13 50. Lard December , offered at S3 52 , with 8 45 bid ; January sold atS8 5 4 @ 8 55 ; Febrnray , g8 G5@8 G7A ; March , § 8 77i < s8 80. Short Ribs Jauuary sold at $6 60 @ 6 62i ; February , § 6 75 < § 6 77 { March , ? 8 87 < s8 90. Whisky Lower at § 1 11. Chicago Live Stock OUICAOO , December 17. Hogs Light grades were steady at yesterday's figures ; sales were at $4 60 @ 4 60 for light packing ; $4 40 ® 4 55 for good to extra prime heavy packing ; $4 G0@4 95 for good to choice smooth heavy shipping grades ; the market was s'.eidy and firm atthe above figures ; Ciills sold at § 4 20 ® 4 30 for light ; fresh receipts , 28,000 head. head.Cattle Dull ; receipts , 3,800 head. . _ f _ j St. Loula Produce Alarset. ST. Lonia , December 17. Flour Firmer and unchanged. Wheat Better and slow ; No. 2 red , SI 01J1 Oli for ewh ; gl 02 ® ! 02 J forJanuiry ; $1 05@1 05 | for Feb ruary ; 81 07g@l 08 for March ; No. 3 do 98g@98Sj ; No. 4 do 93s93ic. ( Corn Siaady and slow at 3lgo ! for cash ; 39o for December ; 4c ( ' for January ; 40c for February ; 41jc { for March ; 42@42c for April ; 43i@43c for May. Oats Digher at 32@32jc for cash ; 36Jc for May. Hyp Bolter at 85ic. Barley Dull and unchanged. Butter Lower ; creamery , 30334c ; dairy , 22@27. Eggs Lower ai 27c. Whisky Steady at § 1 11. Pork Better at $13 25 aaked fet cash or December$13 ; 10 for January ; § 13 27 $ for February. Dry Salts Meats Firmer at SO 55@ 6 G0@6 75 for January ; clear , $6 76 @ 6 80 for cash ; G 95'for January. Bacon Dull and unchanged. Lard Higher at $8 40 aaked ; smal lots sold at $8 25. Receipts Flour , 7,000 bblswheai ; 12,000 bu. ; corn , 78,000 ; oats , ( i,000 rye , 1,000 ; barley , 9,000. Shipments Flour , 6,000 brla wheat , 13,000 bu ; corn , 35,000 oats , none ; rye , 1.000 ; barley , none St. Louis Live stock Market. ST. LODIS , December 17. Hogs Active and higher ; Yorken and'Bahimores , § 4 00@4 20 ; mixe < packing , 84 3o@4 60 ; butchers' ti 'ancy , $4 654 85 ; receipts , 3,80 head ; elupments , 2,100. New York Produce Market. NEW YORK , December 1G. Flour Strongly m buytra' favor very moderate export and johbta ; trade dem < vid ; round hoop Ohio $4 40@5 50 ; choice do , $5 55@6 81 snperfino western , § 3 40 ® 5 00 : err mon to gond extra do , $4 30g5 ( OC choice do , $5 05@6 75 ; choice whit wheat do , S510@600. Butter Dull and declining ; Ohio 14@29. Eggs Western , firm at 2G@32 fo fair to choice. Wheat Dull and lower ; Chtcaer $1 14@1 18 ; Milwaukpe , SI 19@1 2 ( No. 2 red winter , gl 19J ; sales 450 , 000 bu. Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , at 5858 t Bales , 30.000 bu. Oats Quiet. Wh'sky Nominal. Pork § 12 00@13 00 for cahS12 ; 8 @ 12 90 for December ; 813 30@14 3 for Febrnary. Lird S8 80@8 90 for Decembei ? 8 87i@8 92J for January : S9COi 9 05 for February ; § 9 07 * < s9 10 f < Match ; $9 159 20 for April ; ? 8 3 asked for buyer for the year. A Heavy Robbery. v Specal Dispatch to The Bee. JEBSSY CITY , December 17 4 j m. A man describing himself as I W. Myew , of Atlanta , Ga , reports to the police this morning that he ba been robbed ot § 10,800. He said r was a passenger in the sleeping coac on the Washington express on tl Pennsylvania railway , which arrive thii morning. Ho had his money z in notes and in a satchel , but wbc he awoke this morning the Batch had disappeared.Ball Ball Ruin. Special dltpatch to The Bee. MOKESA , 111. , December 17. 4 m. The Denver express on the Sock Island reid wjs thrown from the track west of this stutionyesterday afternoon bv the br ak'"ng of sn * xle of the ten der. Two' cars were demolished and others badly wrecked. Several pas sengers were injured , the most serious baing Mrs. Alexander Hntchi e , who , with her husband and five child ren , were emigrating from Canada to Saline , Kansas. The property damage to the railroad is plac id at ? 5,000. Official Report ot the State Conven tion of Treasurers. Pursuant to call the clerks and treasurers of the state of Nebraska met at Columbus on the 14th of De cember , 1880. Convention convened at the opera house , and waa called to order by J. jtauffer , of Platte county , and tne ollowing members were found in at * endance , to-wlt : R. B. Tussey , J. R. Manchester , J. 0. Kerkow , John Petsra , S. P. Jollman , J. A. Cook , Geo. H. For ney , J. GrunkrJiDZ , J. N Wise , Wm. jteefer , James Mortenaon , John jipache , Thomas W. Whitman , J&yis , of Colfax , S. B. Camp , James Billing , George Cornelius , W. L. Whitmore , W. J. Paul.T. W. 3rew , Joseph Mackie , L. E. Cropsoy , X Helmer , R. D. Silvers , Jamea G. Holden , J. R. R tcllff , T. W. Fritz , A. H. Gilmore , S. H. Cummins , John lavla , O. Hedlund , John Stanffer , J. iV. Early , C. H. Slocnm , 0. Duras , famej Ledwich , E E. Lyle , S. G. Jhaney , Charles Porker , L. G. Johns , I. A. Babcock , P. Mortenson. Permanent organizition was effect- d by electing James Ledwich , of Sa- ino county , chairman , and John Da vis" , of Pawnee county , secretary , when the following resolution waa of- ered and adopted as the aenso of the meeting : WHEREAS , Experience has demon- trated the fast that terious defecU mar the workings of odf most Impor- , ant laws , more particularly the feT- onue and road laws , to scch an extent hat tiiej ore almost impracticable of application' to the purposes for which hey are framed ; and , WIIKKEAS , It is thought thai flotie are better qualified to point out such defeota or omissiona than the officera who are charged with the execution of these laws ; therefore , Resolved , That this convention of clerks and treasurers adopt such meas ures as may secure such reforms or additional legislation as will give to ; he tax-payeM of the state the safest and beat Jaws which the wiedom born of experience may dictate. Ou motion committee was ap pointed on order of business , etc. , who submitted the following : An executive committee of five , consisting of L. E. Cropsey , J. R. Manchester , J. W. Earlr.L. G. Jones and James Ledwich , and tnr _ the dis cussion of the following subjects : 1. On revenue law. 2. Beads. 3. Blanks and forms. 4. Relating to district clerks. 5. County and city officers. The report was adopted , and after a ihorough exchange of views during ; he day , on motion , a vote ot thanks was tendered Messrs. Early and Stauffer and other otncara of Platte county for courtesies extended to the members of the convention. On motion , the secretary was re quested to furnish a copy of the pro ceedings of thia convention to the state papets. On motion , at 10 o'clock p. m. , the convention adjourned. JOHN DAVIS , Secretary. FRITSCH'S PRUSSIAN THE LATEST VICTORY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. Xlie only ezlitlng remedy for OTery p - cles ot Acute or Chronic DU aa ot the Organs of Respiration , and on ob join to SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION ! ms nll-powerf ul Tesetablo prepora- JL tlon oxpela from the lungs and air pas sages , the mucu anil muco-pus produced by pi'lmonary inflarnmatlon , heals the irritated membrane * , and renorate * every organ which utilizes the breath of Life. It contains no stupefying potion , nnd Is in all reopects a hnnlthfal medi cine. The rapidity and certainty with J hch It ANNIHILATES A COUGH h astonishing. Its effects go deeper than the mere symptoms of pulmonary dis ease and discharges the cause from the ( yntrm. Free nnd painless expertora- tlon is the mode by which it relieves the lungs , chest nnd throat f ram thebnrdeni Tvhlch oppress them ; thni arresting Cn - sumptiuii and Dronchitis in the germ be. fore ( hey reach the more dangeroni stages. Tlie emaciated sufferer BATTLINB FOR LIFE Trlth the most terrible sconrge of onr ell. mnte will flnd Fritsch's Prnssian Cousr. Syi JIP a potent ally , and will assuredly ivin the fight by adhering strictly totlili treat medicine. The GASES NOW ON RECORD in which it has been administered witT fntiro success as a remedy for every va riety of malady which affects the Ke- rpirntory functions , amount to mori than FIVE THOUSAND nt the present date , andyotthe prepara tion is only in the infancy of Its useful ne s. The great defect of all Cougl ICcmedlea hitherto introduced Is tha they are simply expulsory. Hence thej nre useless ; for unless the causes of tin acrid serrrtlons which are coughed u ; are rumotedand the ruptured , Inflame * or maturated surfaces healed and re stored to their natural tone , n cure I Impossible. 1'rltsch's Prussian Coagl Syrup accomplishes these objects. Tin mucus and muco-pus which are the con Kcquence ot I.nngiisea ! e , are thrown of by it , while nt the same time it soothe" and Invigorates the weakened tissues. "LIFE FOR THE LUNB8. " For coughs , colds , Influenza , bronchia < llfflctiltles , tightness of the chest , hoane ness , sore throat , trachitis , Intlamma tion of the lanes , difficulty of breathing pleurisy nnd all disorders of npulmonar ; nature , it has never been equaled. Sole asenB la America , BIOUBD90H * CO EL Louis , Mo. SOLD BY AIX DHUGGISTS. PRICE ONI.Y 5J5 CEST3. ' OF ATTACHMENT. Morris Eljra'ter. p'aintlff , ti. B. Mnrrjy , Cr name unknown , defendant - Before Lather B. Wri < ht. Jaitlco of the Pea < of Donglai County , JieVnika. On the 1st diy ot Noremhor , A. D. 1830 , ml Justice issued an Order of Attachment in U aloro action for the sum of J16.5J. Omaha NoTerabsr 27th , 1830. MOBttIS l.aOTTEB. Bnaos BWOM , but Attorney. & 27 i 10LM CKSON and Kefail Manu ; ( ueturinjr RQ . LARGEST STOCK OF ttoldand Silver Wiitchcs nml Jcivc'ry in the City. Gome aud See Our Stock as We Will Be Pleased to Show EDHOLM & ERICKSON , h it D 3an. Oppoaita PoBtoffice. HORSE SHOES AID IM1L Iron and V/agon Stock , At Chicago Prices. 1209 and 1211 llarucy Sii'itl Omuliu. nctll- THE CENTRAL DINING HALL , Southwest corner IGcii aud Dodge. Has Litely been lpa eu Ii > Wno has nadyeara experience in tli * J > ot1 and rd3 tfauTant busi ness , and will tun a flrst-clo&s houae. MEALS AT ALL HOUHS. BoanlbylhcWayoi-WiTk.nith Ji iiiri ? r orwilhouf. i > iifriUt ! , < j ' ; Ltt li. t Km A. J A.JE 263 X. Cor. Douglas and I3th Sts.3 Gives Great Bargains in Ladies' aud Gentsi AMERICAN GOLD'ANO SILVER WATGE8 AU Kinds Of JEWELRY , SILVER WARS ASP DIAMONDS. We Guarantee The Best Goods For Tfie Least MAX MEYER & CO. , WHOLESALE I Cigars iroiu $15.00 p < ki U MJ upwards. TO.KICCO , 25 cents per j > G nd upwards. Pipes from 25 tents per doxcii upwards. Send for Price List. nj.w-f MAX 3IEYER & 0. , OmuUii , IT IS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE Gives nniversal Satisfaction and that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing ia inblic l-\vor. The White Machine justly claims to be- the best made , the easiest running , the simplest in > construction and the most perfect Machine in the market. Tbo White Co. employ as agunie men'of integrity - . tegrity , and purchaseru are always aaiisfledi * "because they flnd everything just as repres ented. Everybody should use this Machine. The sales so far thia year are more thfin double the corresponding time last year. All orders addressed to the JOnoaha. will be promptly filled. -si ' Cor. Davenport and 1.1th Sts. Omaaa. j