THE DAILY BEE. Friday Morning , Dec. IT. @ ACADEMY OF MUSIC ! niURSDAV , Dcccml cr 33th. 1VA1TIXC ! FOR THE VCBDICT OTTUK Members of the Union Catholic library , One it the molt ccis > ful ard popuhr domestic the inw-'etn ttLO JWinsa draro on - irtrfd Picture of r.ici andjPoDrin EngUh Life A cry ttrorcr ost. rcbool chil- s ; Matinr e for * i BREVITIES , I'nlcrfcon rolls coaL tor winter comfartt incaps\rolacar mufi , > ' ' vr , go to Frederick , Hatter. Evergreens , at , 93c store. Sec I'olack's advertisement. Holiday Goods at Kuhn's. Elegant odor ca es. atSaxe's. -Choice mcate , Celluloid SetBatKuhn'6 , druggist. moonlight. Yon can now skate by andgenU' Base's -Finist Wolf lloucB , 1'redcricVs Great "CO(1St HatStore. Whipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewelers Block. ° 2Hf ( ers , Crtighton -Omaha Glee Club concert Tuesday night. C H. Frederick , .Leading HaUcr , 14th nnJl rnham. _ " " * Tlrowncll IHall vacation Ijcg'ns next Wednesday. Christmas Gifta f r all Jit Masonic JIa'J to-night. -BEST IN THE WOKLl-Baar at Buslunan'e. [ If Glove ( itlin ; ; Pattern * I'lcd-rick , leading Hatter , finest Stetson H t3. ' llcodSt Masquerade ball at Meli's Hall , to- Frederick , Leading Uatler , chcapcht Hats. lleoJSt The contested election cases ate slowly grinding along. 3'rankj Mayo at the Academy to- - Three handsome offices are to bo built xvi > ofite the old court house , Frederick , Leading Hatter , finest Seal Caps. llcodai Fifteen belUers for North Bend and Schuyler vent wefct ycfclerday. Swiss Cheese , wholesale and retail , Jit Carumcrmnd it Meyer' ? , U07 eiu > t ISthlSt. Frederick , Leading Hatter , cheapest Caps. 3-Jcod3t The o\crl nd train from the west tame in in two sections yesterday. H : -The Pullman travel is light now , only iae deeper was taken west yesterday. -FincstBuffalollobes.Frederick , Lead- tig Halter. UcodSt Frederick , Leading llaltsr , largest i fh.kCaiB. UeodSt -Lots , Farms , Houses mil Lands. Look overBeuiia' new column 01 bargains on 1st p SO. Tlie postponed donatio nccial of the 1 muii Catholic L'brary Association will t ko place iiert Tuesday evening. For 1-audn , Lots , Houses and Farms look over Bemis" new column on flret pagr , - ! ii -A II. P. cast bcucd freight train had its cabo \virckcd at Columbus " \Vedncs- Jny , by Ixing run Into by the second bee- lion. - A new lauk will be opened in Plntts- Inimlh January 1st. A. 3J. Touzaliu and an.lW. H. YatoR , the latter furinerlyof tlii i city , aie the founders. The total amount of freight paid the Union Pacific road this y ar for cattle hauled to Council Bluffs over that road WM 5J32.-130.03. A summary oi the season's business \ > f the Union Pacific in through block iiaunportatiou shows a total of 6,100 care if tattle handled. This is about 100 CJ.TS IncrcaBe over the bmlnosi of last year. The Wettern Union has joined in the JtVgrapU War between the A. N. and A. A P. companies , and made a nduct'on of nearly titty i > cr rent to-day in rates to the JfcMr England and Middle States. At the leccnt tcssion of the Sovereign CrandL > dge , I. O. 0. F. , held at Toron to , Canada , important changes were made , and a "new work , " differing very inatcri- ally from the "old work , * ' was adopted and will take effect January 1 , 1SSI. "Oaken Heatls , " played at the Acad- jiy of MusicWcdnesday was a mirprra to an appreciative audience , which , by the Vray , was good one , con lint the company was little advertised and that Jniany of our citizens were not informed of Lh a fact that they were going to play. The Jti ce from beginning to end abounded in tiamors and pathos , the audience ono inin- titc convulsed with laughter , and the next hioved to tears. "Win. Pierje as "Dick Bcorlcy , " was a special attraction ; Little J letty , as the child of a lost father , played Ler part to perfection. The support throughout w.\g Grst-class , and the scenery was the finest and best arranged of aoy ever before brought to th city. TSxtra fine Liver Fijs , at Pundt'e. Flro In South Omaha. Shortly after midnight last night iho grocery , saloon nnd residence of ! PhilIp Koch , at the soulhwoot corner i if Tenth and Castelar streets , Bowery 31 > 11vero burned to the ground. ! The Gro was well advanced when the nginccn of the Uuion Pacific switch vnginca in the Tenth street yards baw iho gkro , and gave the alarm by oundiiig their whistles nnd ringing i ( ioir bolls. Fire engines No. 2 and I ! and the hooks responded , and came tiown aa far as the dopjt , but owinp Jo tliedistnnce , nnd the stoop and ilippery roads , did not go any further. This is the third time within a few vr ara that Mr. Koch JIBS been burned out. A Scnous Accident. Night before last Mr. Tizard , pro jirictor of Tizard'e Palace , Farnbam i" roet , met with a misli&p which came sioar costing him ver > ' dearly. 1 3 > ml been to Council 151ur3 for ajoad i f Christmas evergreens , r.nd about Jitlf pa t 5 o'clock ho started home , I itonding to cioss by Porter's ice Vridge. Uuforttmatcly , ho mistook i 10 road in the dusk of the evcn- j ig and drove to the landing i t the Omaha Ferry company and out l eon the ice , which he supposed to bo j U right. The first thing he knew he down. He had cat struck the upper i Igo of the gorge where thi ) s was thin aud fortu- i itoly when the accident happened 1 d not got beyond the shallow water , i > that he was able to citric ite him- t < U and horee from the unpleasant t ilemma and get safely nshore. His 1 gop , T.ith its load , still stands in t je rircr as a warning to ( revellers , j : .i' The Largest In tUe Land. II s a fact not known to many thai the Union Pacific "yirds" in this city arc the largest in mileage in the United States. Their limits extend to "the hill" on the west , two miles , to Boyd's packing house on the south , and to the Northwestern depot on the north , making with the main line and all the sidings , oyer twenty-five miles ofiroj. * I'.s capacity is equalled by some other yards , more compactly ar ranged , but its territory is not. It Is managed by Yardmaster-Hany Gilmore , whoso duty requires him to go over the entire ground once a day to see that everything is in proper shape. Hiaday force includes thirteen switchmen and his night force coven. In addition to these ho has at all times busily at work trooi five to seven locomotives by day and two to three by night , with the men necessary to handle each. The lorco varies be tween these limits as the season is a busy or dull one. An average of one thousand cars nro moved daily , equal to about forty fall trains. There is also the "hill train" which runs from 7 a. m. to G p. m. The yard and the business trans- noted therein is constantly growing in importance and new tracks are being llidjavcry month. Yesterday Mr. Gilmore - more moved iato a new office just completed for hii uso. It is located between the tracts a couple of hun dred yards west of Ifca depot and is of frame 15 by SO feet in size with 5 12 foot ceiling. It is verj neatly finished and comfortably furnished. There arc two rooms in it , each 15 by 16 fcot in fiizts , the east oao being the yardmasters office and the west ono for hii force , and for the clor. go of lanterns , oil , w 8to , olc. The eflko is supplied with a Icl- ophonc , c'vDg ' i-10 ' yard-miEter in- Blant communication with every part of the yards and city generally. The car recorder for Omaha proper has ilosk room hero , that official being 5Vr. E. McDonald , newly appointed to succeed Mr. Mclntosh , who was killed - od a few days ago. Our reporter found Mr. Gilmore in his new hcitfquatters this morning busily engaged at his work , which is about all that ono man can handle. Ho courteously gave a fovr muinentc iif ha ! tirao to informing us concern ing a ftw details of the business being transacted in the yard. A train of nlovc'a platform cars , ! oadpd wilh old iron rails , passed by On their way to the nail works , where they arc to bo used in the manufacture turo of the best naili turned out by that inslution. The rails fur- niehed by the 11. iV M. , which , hav ing no rolling mills of ita own near at hand , can thus dispose of thorn to greater advantage than I * send them away , paying heavy transport-ilion , to bo worked over for new use on the lino. They make best material hicli the nail works gels , The Union elevators arc gcttinc in four or five cars of grain per day over iho B. fc JL , aud to-day lo-vded out twenty-five cars of qrain for the bash , which goes to the Toledo market and five for Chicago over the C. B. A Q. The B. tfc M. also hauls in about thirty cars of material a month for the mnoltinp ; works , all these loads pass ing over the U. P. yard to their des tination. A car , of aoda water bottles for Pomey's factory , on Eleventh street , swung by , on their way to bo un loaded. Pratt A ; Towle sentoutyeslesday five cars of coke to Ogden , to bo used by the smelters at the various mines in Northern Utah. The Union Pacific having been nn- able to gat n sufficient supply of coal for its own consumption from tbe Wyoming mines , now receives twenty cars per day from Fort Scott , Kan. They use this amount daily , 240 tons in th-j yard and shops. The Forb Scott coal , while much dirtier than Wyoming , is good for steaming purposes. Thcno are but a few of the many items of daily business transacted , which covers also the vast number of c.irs of merchandise for our Omaha merchants , shipments to and from the packing houao ; , Jco houses , smelting works , white lead works , shops , etc. Every man is kept ou the alert and in the busy season the number of care moved runs up on some days to 1,800. The old office vacated for the neat and cosy ono uow for the first time In use , will bo removed to the 17th street crossing for the use of the new rhg- man recently appointed for that local ity , in compliance with Iho require ment of the city council. There can bo"no better Christmas present than ono of Frederick's Fine Seal Caps or Elegant Itabcs. Mons Christmas Slippers. Como and eco them. Sure to At Fullricdo's , Douglas street , west of Lutheran church. JEWELEUY EXPOSITION-- WU1PPLE , McMILLEN AGO. , CKEIQUTOS BLOCK , Now Open. They have ono of the finest displays of Watchrs , Diamonds and Jewelry ever brought to the city. They defy competition. People arc cardially in vited to examine stock aud price : . California \Vinrs , at Pundl'e. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS at LOWEST PRICES at L. 1 > . WILLIAMS t SONS. LEAR IN MIND. J. I. Kichol & Co. are telling coal oil at 15c per gallon. d5t3 Call and see styles and prices of slippers , as well as all other , kinds of men's , ladies' and children's boots and shoes ; all sold at prices that will buy them , at Fullriode's , near Thirteenth and Douglas streets. Jnst received at TUB BEE Job Rooms the nicest line of diminutive Pper and Envelopes and Cards , suit able for Children's Birthday Parties Call and ace them. Me&ls at all hours at Tizzard'a. tf. i FOB SALE , Nearly S2.000.00 Worth of Ladies' Cloaks , Dolmans and Jackets. S. P. Morse & Co. , Cash Jobbers and Retailers of Dry Goods , 1319 Farnham St. Call attention to the above stock , which was damaged by smoke and in moving to escape the GREAT FIRE OP TUESDAY , DEC. 7m , and aa we have adjusted all losses with ho insuranca companies , wo offer the ntire lot at Reductions of $15 , ? 10 , So , S3 on each garment ; while some are reduced even nero yet. The figures below will be ound a true and not over-stated tjble of the reductions : THEY WILL BE FOUND IN OUR CLOAK ROOM , SECOND STORY FRONT. All marled in plain fijuret. Dolmans thst Tore 840 now 25 , Dolmans that were 530 now $20. Doltiiahs that were $20 now § 13. Dolmans that were $18 now 812. Dolmans that were $12 now 8. Cloaks that " -'era 25 now $19. OJoaVs tha : were $20 now $14. Cloiks that were $16 now $11. Cloaks that were $15 now $10. Clonks that v/cra $12 now $ D. CWkj ( hat were $8 now -5. Cloaks that were 4 50 now $3. HOLIDAY GIFTS. We call attention to our stock of Handkerchiefs , cerlainly the hnest thonrn in the west ; we have every thing from the Child's Handkerchief at lOc to the .elegant Embroidered Lawn and Doavy Silk Muffler , at rea sonable prices. SILKS , BLACK SILKS ! "Wo call ttcntlon of those con- tcmplating a rich and- useful present to our very cheap stock of LYONS SILKS. Pure Caahmcro Finish Griffon Silk at $1.45 , equally as fine and good quality as that being sold chowhero forl 75. Our 21-inch Cashmere Griffon Silk at $1.75 will be found as good ati that cold elsewhere at ? 2 5. ? i-inch Gaahmero Aloxandre Silk at $2.45 wo put in competition with any $3.00 silk in Omaha. 21-inch Ueshinurc Alexandra at $3.10 ono of th ° ba = t niado , and far superior to any oversold in Omaha at 6350 and $4.00. Remember wo will save you from $5.00 to $10.00 on aailk dross. AH Sills warr-intcd to wear without reaking. Wo arc buying all goods direct frttn manufacturer- , paying cash down , and rm'o our cus'fnrrs iho bcucfn of low pricrs thus obtained. S. P. MOUSE & Co. , ISlfl Faruhom street. 500 MEN'S' , BOYS'AND COIL DREN'S 0\rERCOATS AND ULS TERS TO BE CLOSED OUTRE CARD LESS 0 ? COST , AT POL- ACK'S. G-Tf . ' f Fromajo ; do I ) , "e , at Pundt's. Notts. Dick DAVIS , of < ha notorious Davis Frtinily , was sent up for sixteen days , 3y Judge Ilatft-3 yesterday , for at his siBtor-in-lau- striking - - hitting tier baby. He was drunk at the time , as ho admits , and the Judge remarked that he would put him where he would not trouble the city during the holi days. days.A A wedo , from > Burt county , who came to America last Juno , was given $3 and coats for getting drunk , and scut to jail in default of payment. Phillips and Rosey , accused ol alchcl stealing , were committed in default of $300 bail each , Wednesday , Chr.a , Poteraon , arrested for taking back some tools ho had given a bill oi sale for , wai ordered to return the tools aud pay $1 and costs. W. H. Richards , the missing water works foreman , was found Wednesday at an assignation house on Jack son street by Officers Ford aud Jacobson - son , who intercepted a note to his wifo. Ho was arrested and put in the county jail , where ho will bo held un til District Attorney Ferguson looks up the law in hia case. The time checks were all issued for small cnms , and alone would not bo sullicicnt to send him to the slate's.prison. A ? to whether they can bo bunched and considered as ono case of-systematic fraud there ia a serious qucstfon. Ho will likely bo hold to awnit the action of the grand jury. jury.A A woman had her pocket-hook stolen by a thiot in the postoffice door way Wednesday. Mike Galligan ia still in the city jail , nnable to anpcar in court for The old plan of palling up notices in depots and waiting rooms , warning passengers to "bowaro of thieves , pick-pockets and confidence men , " should again bo resorted to , as the rogues arc gottinj * in their work too often entirely. The Council Bluffs Globe tells ot a bold trick which was played at tholranaferdcpofWednesday morning. "As the mail train on the Northwestern road pulled out a confi dence maa presented a check to a one- armed passenger and asked him if he could cash it. 'I have some stock on the train , ' said 'old confidence , ' 'and the company requires mo to pay the charges $35. ' Ho presented a check on a Council Bluffa bank to the one-armed passenger , and asked him to advance him the money on it. Like a foal , that 'ho was , he pulled his pocket book and advanced the sum demanded. As teen as "Old Confi dence" got his swag ho jumped the train which was then near the Power building and has not baen seen or heard of sinca. " Have you seen goods at Kurtz's. _ _ _ _ o CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS AT WHITNEY'S. * ? > California Pears , Fiutna , Grapes , stc. , 6t Tizard'a Palace. o2J-t GRAND COMBINATION SALE. SwEEriKa REDUCTIONS. Cloaka reduced from $35 to $23.00 . " " " SO to 2000 ' " " 25 to 18.00 " " " 20 to 14.00 " " " 15 to 10.00 POSITIVE SALE TO CLOSE ] At KuKs's , At Kurtz's , At Kurtz's , At Kurtz's. Dohlmana reduced from $45 to $32.00 11 " " 35 to 2500 " " " 25 to 15.00 " " " 15 to 10.00 at Kurtz's , at Kurtz's , at Kurtz's , at Kurtz's. HOLIDAY GOODS. SEE Handkerchiefs , ASK for Hosiery , LOOK at Nubias , INSPECT Underwear , EXAMINE Lace Scarfs , INQUIRE TOR Fine Fans. COME IN THE MORNING , COME IN THE MOKNIN" , THE GREAT RIBBON SALE ! Continued this week. Everybody invitedj Everybody invited. Kurtz's Store , Creighton Block. j Crystalized Apricots at Pundl'e. VVANTED Ono or two mules to draw Whipple , McMillon & Co.'a ad vertising wagon. Apply at the jewelry store , Creighton block , 15th street. Just received another carload oL Hannibal Eigld Mill ? Flour. All. orders for the same will bo hllod to morrow. WlLLH M. T.iTEi3. Do not forget the largest and moat reliable jewelry house in Omaha , corner Thirteenth and Douglas streets j goods far bcttbr , aud prices lower than Iho average. All goods marked in plain figures , and received the six first premiums at the state fair for superior workmanship. Fine goods ; aeo our own importation of precious atones , etc. , etc. Yours truly , th-sat A. B. HUBERMANN. Imported Rhine wino , my own im portation. Houry Pundt. Help For The MartyrS. The meeting alJClark'aHal'Wedncs- day , in reponso to Iho call fpub- liahed in TUB BEE , waa largely at tended by an audience of ladies and gentlemen , all enthusiastic friends of down-trodden Ireland , and with hearts filled with sympathy for its suf fering sons and daughters. The meeting was called io order by Hon. John Rush , and Mayor Chase was unanimously called to the assuming which position he made a brief and forcible statement of the meriln nf the Irish people and said that Omaha and this state had already extended a helping hand more than once and would noon bo heard from again. His remarks were frequently endorsed by applause and made sn excellent in troduction for the enthujiasticspecches which followed. John Rush and John Groves wore chosen to act as secretaries , the form er reading the appeal or call published with the fcignatures of Iho clergy aud promihcut citizens of Omaha. Ho accompanied this with an address in which he sid "nil that Ireland asks ia that they who till the soil shall own it. " To further this end the Land League has been formed with the rcsulc known to all. Secretary Groves read the following dispatch , which was received with ap plause : M. Donovan , Crcighton hous : , Omaha : Cuming county sends greeting to Omaha to-night. God save Ireland ! Wo have been waiting for Omaha to move. A land league will be formed here Saturday. God bh3 your ef forts. P. F. SULLIVAN , Editor Progress. General G. M. O'Brien made a strong and eloquent speech in re sponse to repeated calls , after which M. Donovan , E < q. , was chosen treas urer of the meeting. The money contributed being for supporting the cause represented by Parnell aud others of the land league , u the courts , Mr. Donovan suggested that those who were willing to contribute a stated sum monthly , should signify it by holding up their lands. The prosecutors have retained the ablest lawyers they cn hnd , and much money perhaps § 50,000 will bo required to properly defend the eader * . Upon the call for the show of hands every hand in the room was raised. The total money donations footed up § 309 and quite a largo sum was contributed in the way of monthly pledges to bo continued as long as the agitation continues. Speeches were made by Thomas Swift and Rev's. Williams aud Jennott and a land league was organized with 73 members , M. Donovan being elected temporary president aud John Rush temporary secretary. A meeting is to be heldjat tho.same place next Wednesday night to perfect the organization. Paper Shell Almonds , at Pundt's. The only Cyclopedia published giv ing maps after Gay's Atlas and pro nunciation , ia Zclls condensed Cycle pedia. 10-Gt Do you trading at Kurtz's. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS AT WHITNEY'S. No parent having the welfare of hiliren at heart , should permit themselves to bo without Zells con densed Cyclopedia. 10 Gt For Sale Sixhorsepower Baxter engine and boiler , In good repair. Apply at BEE oftic . no4tf GENTS NECK SCARFS and MUFFLERS at L. B. WILLIAMS it Soss. Rod Chaapaigne , something now and flue , at Pundt'a. Oysters. Way Down. Exlra Selects. 35. Standards , 25 , Medium , 20. Every one Guaranteed. LITTLE & : WILLIAMS , dec5-3t 1413 Douglas St. Always freairUjiYera at Tizzard's t CHRIS EMAS SLIPPERS AT ' " WHITNEY'S. . ; ? Neufcb'atell Cheese , at Pundt's , HEAKIN&THE END. A Vast Mass of Business Facts for the Trade Beview A Full Corps of Reporters Gathering Statistics. Omaha's Business HousesResi dences and Factories Hand somely Illustrated 4- OOOCopiea Already Sold. The success attending our work upon the Annual Revlew'for 1881 , is without a precedent. Many are advertising - vertising in this supplement that have never patronized it before , and old patrons are almost nniveroally in creasing their orders. The outlay upon this work can be realized when we state , that an able assistant has boenomployed very bnaily for five days , in gatheringinformation whicn we condense into an inch space in oho Column. The trade , manufactures , improve ments , societies and ( rovernmenfc of our city , will have a correct and full : epresoatallcnj as it noweiifits , in Ihp orthcoming. We extend to every udividual a special invitation tu con- ribute to the information we seeker or , and thereby benefit Omaha and onfer a favor upon up. , Call at THE , > EL Office and tell us what you have lone during the year , so that your inures will swell the grand totals that will indicate Omaha's wonderful pro- jreas. - The canvass has already secured or this * year's supplement an drertinlnc patroliago far in excess of iny preceding year , but as there crO inna yet unrepresented iri that do- ) artm'outwe hqpo ttiat so many ils wiah o avail themselves of the opportunity or securing space in the most widely and universally circulated publication ver issued in this state ; will do so vow , .13 t jo time for closing our col umns is at hand , and Mr. Pierce will icon bo obliged to go on to Milwau- : oe to superintend the artistic work. A postal card to J. H. Pierce at the Jrefghton house or a line left at THE 3KK ollico is all that is necessary. AT IT AGAIN. Phillip Linp , the Farnham street > oot and shoo dealer , wishes to inform iia customers that he is still doing jusiness , and ready at any and all imes to see his friends and give them ho best bargains in boots , shoos and Uppers of any one in the city. Ho was inconvenienced somewhat by the recent fire , but did not lese any of hia Etock. lie has some goods that were fclightly damaged by the firej which he ll sell at reduced pricea. Give him a call and ho will give you good bar- ; ain3. PUILLIP LAND , dIGIS 1317 Farnham street. Holiday goods at Kurtz. Whipple , McMillen & Co. , the owelers , are olill ahead an'd have just opehcd anolhor choice lot of elegant iresoiH3at Creighton block , Fifteenth trcot. Huidsick Champaigne , at Pundt's. An appropriate Christmas present , one of Frederick's Eltgant Robes or ono "of his Extra Seal Caps. Zells Condensed Cyclopedia. An abridged library and universal reference book , is at present being introduced to our citizens. It is worthy of yourattontion. 10-Gt Gents' fine Furnishing Goods , at the Omaha Shirt Factory. 'd5tf COMIC TIN TYPES ! 3omoind see them , just the thing for New Year , eight now designs at Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth St. 13-eod-3ii CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS "AT WHITNEY'S. Crystalized Pears , at Pundts.- FURS1 FURS ! ! FURS ! ! ! Ladies' and gents' fur goods of every ory description at the Fur Manufac tory , opposite pcstoffice , Omaha. All Roods are warranted. HEKRY G. RICHTER , Farrier. declStf It pays to trade at Kurtz's. * GENTS SILK SUSPENDERSat L. B. WILLIAMS & SONS. An Error of the Friuter. The notice in THE BEE of last evening ing , signed by W. M. Yatec , that he was selling Mann & Harvey 0. K. Flour at § 2.40 per sack. This Mr. Yates says is a misprint , and that h is not selling the 0. K. flour at a low cr rate than that fixed by the trade. JAMES FKAKCE , Agent for Mann & Harvey's 0. K. Flour. Mens' and ladies' slippers , just ar rived , at Fullricde's , near 13th and Douglas streets. Do your shopping at Kurtz's. J. F. Sawyer wishes to announce to his friends and old cuatomers that ho may bo found , as heretofore , at 1314 Farnham street , where ho will be glad to show them the best selected stock of Watches , Clocks , JewelrySpectacles and Silverware at prices that defy competition. tf Strangers visit Kurtz's. WHEAT HAS FALLEN. Hannibil Eiglo Mills Flour , S3.35. Mann & Harvey's OK Flour § 2.65 , Minnesota Flour $4.35. WILLIS M. YATES. Cook's Imperial , at Pundt's. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS it L. B. WILLIAMS & SOKS. A Fine line of samples of New Year Cards at TUB BEE Job Room. Call in time and-leave your orders. Real Estate Transfers. Albert M. Henry to Ralph E. Gaylord - lord , w. d. , lot , 3 , block 2 , Henry Shelton'aadd. , Omaha , § 1450. , Herman Teckenscher and wife to Margaret M. McCagne , w. d. , 3 15 16 t in nw - , * nwl sec. 8,1.15 , r. 13 e § 228.Frederick Frederick F. Springer to Carrie Shinn , w. d. , lot 16 , block 1 , Arm strong's add. , Omaha § 1,000. Wm. Haycock to Andriw Swan , w. d. , sw J s. 28 , tp. 16 , r. 11 e § 2,000. Call at the BEE job rooms and ex amine something nice in the way of Fine Papetries , suitable for invita tions to weddings , balls , private mas querade parties , sociables and con certs. MAXWIEYER&GO ( Tiffanys of the West. ) Have completed tlieir pre parations for the approaching preaching Holidays , and suggest that an early ex amination of their stock will enable purchasers to secure the choicest selec tions , and escape the crowds unavoidable later iu the month. Until Christinas , the es tablishment will be kept open in the evenings. SPECIAL 8PTICES. JOTCSdrorfscrasnta To Let For Sale' Lost , found , Wj.rtts. EOsruillr c. , V7lll fcd Inserted - sorted In thrao colnsnna once for TEN CENTS p r line ; cash aubsoqtwntlnaortlon.FIVE CENTS per lino. Tba flist Insertion never lose than TO LOAH-UOHEY. * AAA T0 LOAN AtS ] > ercciit Intel OU.UUU t , n euna of $20COan < l u p- w.irJs for 1 to 6 years' time on first clasa hnvrov ed city anil farm property. Apply at i'HHIS Heal fotato and LoanAgency , 15th ami Uoiixlaa Oia. JTS-eiKltt OUST ( io JiOay PMI t L W oases * M I ) . L. Y1IO11ABKoom8.O.-f.tfriUm lilock _ ,1'ONKY TO liOAW 1108 rarnLuii atreot. M Dr. E-JwsnliT Loin Agency. uv-22 tf KilP LASTED CJITUA'IION tf'ANTED By jonnp nnn In any fj caiucity. town or country < ' ( goc'l adilr tt. Wages low. 1IE.MIY KEIlRIsON , I'maha. tC 17 / IRL V/AMED IVr Rcncial hciiicwork , at VJT tlie Candy II 1I , 1113 Dousloa " street , near 15th street. S7-TO ' . WANTED tor general housi-wuk , at G'UI. Harncy street , one duoreait cf 1C u St. 81-17 : iinCE IXY ) WANTED At the Omaha t\ Shirt 1'aotory Laundry. 8-i7 A stout boy about 15 or WASTED Ko. 215 South Ulh St. 76-tt "TTTANTED A good Rlrl aoout II ycara olJ. W to assist in taking care of an infaut , and do errands. References required. Arply at 1415 Farnham street. tO-13 Tvn pirls fcr housework. En- WANTED ( | uire at 1C18 , Chicago street. 63-10 _ WANTED A Dinias room waiter. Apply at tnis ollicc 74-15 A firet-chsi boot and shoo ma ker , works on pegged and sewed work. Pat Clinc , Brownvillc , Neb. Omaha's vages paid. 576 Second-hand Marble Mnntleand WANTED complete. AddrcM "C. " 1S31 43-16 EOOM 1IATE AVAOTED-Addrcss J. H. P. , Bee office , 43-tt IANTEn Apocdhnuje-kccrcr , 1109 Fjrn W hamstrcc' , ui taira. 32-tf IT7 ANTED Knj > loymcnt Corhorde nndrason. . YV E. A. 1IARUIS3 , IGth aaii Nicho'as St3. Gtf \-\TANTED-AH Omaha Know that the VVKor > l S-t. Jonn Is the Kisoof Simlng Machines office on l .th St. 849f S < 13 Ufi'J. RENT A nlcel } furnhhcd trout room , FOK floor. Enquire at 1415 Howard street , , bet. 14th and 13th Sts. 85-16 TilOR P.F.IjT Furnished fnoaiS with board , Jj east aid 20ti.tet. ! Chicago midCa.'a 82-18 T > OOMS TO RG > T and wrt of stoic. Next to JAi tleo Office. W. EVEUETC. 5316 KENT House in Stmll'8 2nd addition , FOIt 5 per month. W. SIMEIIAL , ro".u 6 , Cro'chlon ' K'ock. S03-tf 17(011 ( KENT A furnished , suilii fionl room r Inqniro at Nu. 1012 b'arnham St. E8t- RENT Cottage , on 5th and Pine SU , FOll house , eight ri > om3on3dartl OwsSts Enquire J. V. Hoe , S. E. Cor. 12th and Farn- ham. 636-tI RENT 2 furnished rooms over Mer chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and Dodtre ptrceti. 'J89-tf FOR SALE. . , HOUSES AND LANDS. Lee LOTS.FABMS ' new column of bargains on Is airo SALE-A PAROAIN-A bui'dinsr with FOR Ba'oon fixtures , furniture and ? tock , on 10 111 bt. , opposite the U. P. depot , forsaic very cl.rup. Or the fixture ! , furniture and Etock nil ! be sold nnd building rented. Inquire of Eu. K"ESS- ( JIAN. 79-tf T7IOKSAI.E Small tubular boiler and stack. Roddi8 & Thrall. 53-17 "TJIOR SALE Business house and ftroceryFtock , U Restaurant attached. Address R. Chiffln , Aurora , Neb. 0-lm FOR CALE Two close carrlajres , at A. J. Simpson's. 911-tf OFFERS A SPLENDID LIST O BEMIS Rarsalng In Home ! ) , Lots , Farms an Landa. in his now column on 1st pace 171 It SALE Cottouwooa lumiicr of all elrca.ot r REnilO.VD'S.Sixtcenth-st. 516-t KISC ILAM OUS- " 1710UND A yellow Irish setter do uilh 'cath- Ij crbeltandJ H McNeil inscribed tbcreon. Owner can have the same by calling at my p'ac > i and payin ; charj. * ! } . OWEN CONLEY , Cali/or' nia ht. , bctweca 12lh and 13th. 80-tf TTlSCArED From my enclosure , one brown Hi pony about 3 years old with sore on back. A suitable reward will ba mid for bis rotu > n to JOEL T. GIUFFEN. 77-18 Red and white cow about 7 years STRAYED suitable reward will be pild for her return to N. 1IANSEN , Commercial hottl. S. E , cor. Oth and Leavenerth. . 78-16 T OTS , FARMS , HOUSES AND LANDS Look LJ oy er BEJIia' ncw column of bargains on Is' Pa e. HILL'S MANUAL NOTICE : R. S. 1'EALE , of Council Bluffs , Iowa , is no Innecr General Agent for the sib of HILL'S MANUAL OF SOCIAL AND BUSINESS FORlIs. We having terminated his agency for eood and sufficient reasons ; anJ wo hereby CAUTION the publicajainst bc'n Imposed up on , by un crupuluut mn , who attempt to "iulm off' a SPURIOUS work on tilt-in instead of "Hill's Manual , " the boofe they want or sub scribed for. MOSES WARREN & CO. , Publish era of Hill's Manual , 103 Stata St. , Chicago Nov. Gth. 1SSO. 19-17 POUND In North Omaba , a epotted calf abou tuoorthrca diya old. Owner cm hive same by calling at North Western brewery Cuniing street , and j-ayin ? for this not'co. Sl-1' ' Absolutely Pure , Hide from Grape Cream Tartar. No othe preparation makea such lizht , fUky hot breacu or luxurious pastry. Can be eaten by dys eptica without fear of the ills resulting from ho'in digestible food. bold only in cans bv all Orocen. HoriL HAHI oPOTTDItR CO. Ve A. W. NiSON. 3D 3H 3ST TS 1 ? , QUICK .fa.-ob's B cV , CipitolJAvc. am Uth Street , Oraiha , Neb. ONE MILLION ACRES HEAP LAND EASTERN NEBRASKA , S2 TO $5 PER ACRE. 20,000 Acres TCDST DOUGLAS COUNTY , 6 to 12 Miles from Omaha , $6 to $10 per Acre , on Long Time and Low Interest. Large tracts suitable fcr Colonies in all the best Counties in the State , 80,000 acres scattered through Iowa. A large number of Improved Farms in Nebraska , many 01 thorn near Omaha , $12 to $40 per acre , An Immense List .of OMAHA CITY PROPERTY , Consisting of Elegant Resi dences from $3,000 to $20- 300. Many vacant lots in ; he additions to Omaha. Hundreds of lots scattered ihrough the City. Houses and jots , Business Houses and jots , and all kinds of Cisy Real Estate. We also have MONEY TO LOAN on Improved Farms in Dong as County , on 5 years time , at 10 percent , interest to all who can show good titles. Maps for 2 > onglas and Sarpy oiuitics for safe , 4 beautiful Iota fronting south In Isaac & Selden'sdo. for $460 half cash. House and lot , 22d and Dodge 9 3,000 House and lot near Browncll Hall 2,100 fwo new houses and full lot , rents for 3130peryiar 4,000 New brick house , 21x25,1J story , with 3 lota 2,000 [ louse and lot Webster st 1,500 Larze house and come riot 6,000 Large house , full lot. California eti ( 4,000 Residence and 4 full lots , St. Mary1 ! are. . 5,600 House and small lot , south of depot 050 Houac and smill lot , south of depot 035 Resi Icnco propeity , Kountze and Kuth'a ndd 5,500 Fine residence property 10,000 House and lot , 22d and Harner 1.800 House anil lot , Nelson's addition 2,700 House and lot Shlnn's addition 1,600 KesiJtnceand corner lot 3,005 Rctldcnco ( cash ) 7,500 Resldedce 6,000 Residence 5,500 House and one-half lot 1,65C Three houses and corner lot. . . . 7,500 Residence and corner lot. . . . 7,500 House and 60 feet front , I6th street 3,700 Lar c house ndcorner lot. . . . 6,500 Residence and three lota 6,500 Two house and earner two-thirds of cor ner lot 1,100 Ilousa and small lot , Cass street 2,1 CC Hause and lot , 27th near Farnham l.OOT uoaas&iiiLL. Brick house and comer lot 1,300 Small house and full lot , Cuminjrs st 2,3 : , ( House and lot , 23d Etreet 3,201 House and full lot , worth f 1,000 for. 5,501 Fine brick residence 1,501 Brick residence 5,65 ( Houja and corner lot 1,551 New two-story house and comer lot 4,2W Residence ana full lot , Farnham s : 5MX House and one acre , 18th street 3.0QC lions. ] and half lot , . 18th street 2,2flO House and lot , Shlnn's addition 1,00 House and half lot , Cass strret 1,1W House and bull lot , Caaj Street 1,45 Residence and two lota , Capitol Hill 7,00 * Elczant brick residence 2 full lots 15,50 Finest residence in the city 16,00 Rcs'dcnco property 17,00 Rcsiden o property 17,50 Residence 6,6ft House and lot , Sbinn'a addition 1.2CK House and lot , Shinn'a addition 1,500 Howe and lot , 26th and Firnham 1,401 llouso and lot. 27th and Douglas $37 Home and full lot , Izardet l,7f New house and 1 } lot , . 2,20 ( Residence property 7tO Residence property , very fine 13,50 Uouscand lot , Horbach'a addition. . . . . . . 1,50 Residence , Farnham gt 6,00 Homo uid } lot 1 block from Court House and J lot 1 block from Court Hotue 2,25 House and comer lot 2blocks from Court House 2,400 House and 1 .t , Nicholas street 1.000 House and 1 acre , discs' addition E4i House andlot , llth stree ! Do < Lare building and six lots , 1 mile out. . . 4,000 House and lot on Davenport 3,601 Home and J lot , near depot 1,500 House and f lot , near depot BOI House and lot , South Avenue. . . . . . 1,000 Soue and lot , Shinn'a addition 1,600 Residence , Kountze and RuthVadd. . . . . 2,60 ( Residence property , Kountze and Ruth's addition 5,000 Residence prcperty , south part cf torn. . 2,5C ( House and J lot , Webster et 2,700 Horse and 5 acres at namclcs 7C House and lot , Armstrong's addit'n 1,00 Home and lot , South 12 st 650 House and lot , Eoantze and Ruth's ad dition 3,500 Residence and } lot 2,701 Home and lot , 16th et 3,500 Boggs & Hill , REAL ESTATE BROKERS 1408 Farn , St. , Omaha , J ' " * IT' ! < Immense Stock for Fine Custom-Made J2L Men's Suits , Boys' Suits Children's Suits. i for Men , Boys , and OhiJdren- Under-lYcar , Hats and Caps , Trunks and Valises , at Prices to Suit All. " kt Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth " M ' M H ? l iOU FARN1IAH STREET. MARHOFFS TRUNK FACTORY. The largest and beat , assortment ef Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases and Sample Trunks a Specialty. H , H. 1WJHOFF , - - PHOP. , 117 14th St. . floors North of DongTa * St. l ORCHARD & BEAN. | CT aJEiS3S3r37JS ! I OMAHA. DEWEY & STOHE , OMAHA J.B.FRENCH&C GROOEES OMAHA. GUNS , AMMUHiTSON , SPORTING GOODS , I Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and a full line oi' USTQTIOICTS JSTD .C3Sr2r C3-OOJDS IT IS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE mTE8EWIHC ! MACHINE Gives universal Satisfaction .and . that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing ; in public lavor. The White Machine jnstly claims to be the best made , the easiest running , the simplest in construction and the most perfect Machine in the market. The White Co. employ as agents men of in tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied , because they find everything just as repres ented. Everybody should use this Machine. The sales so far this year are more than double the corresponding time last year. All orders addressed to the [ Omaha Office will be promptly filled. JOHN ZEHRUNO , Cor. Davenport and 15Hi Sts. " Omaha. I W TOETZEL Has tha exclusive sale of the G-OLJD OOIIN" HEATI TOVE. The Gold Coin is this season the favorite 9f Chicago , is pref er- ed above all other Stoves , comes both plain and hilghly orna mented , has the new patent grate and flre-pott hat will out wear half dozen of any other. The Gold Coin weighs more by fllty IDS. than any other Stove of its size in the market , and is , therefore , more durable than any other Stove , is strictly warranted in every respect , ic requires no salesman to saJ ) * * as city reference sells without trouble. Cor. 10th and Jackson.