Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Thursday Morning , Dec. 16. \
Y , December 3 h.
MeniberB of the Union Catholic
Library ,
One of the tnot recaB
diam * ontliemw-e.
' VMd Hctnre of F.icl anl.ToDrin
EngUh Life , erjl
etronj ort.
= - MitinfO forfchoi I chll-
" Patcreon sells coal.
Fortnnlcr comforts in caps ,
tiwfft , mvfficrt , go to Frederick ,
"Oaken Hearts. "
Holiday Goods at Kuhn's.
Elegant odor ca < es , at Sasc's.
Choice meats , Besen's Pulton Market *
Celluloid Sets at Kuhn's , druggist.
-Trimmed Hats , it the 9c store.
Ladies' and gents' Saxe's.
-Whipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel-
o , ! C 5ghton Block.
i Christmas plnm pudding , at Congre
gational Fair.
-Fortune tclllng-a real gypsie-at the
Congregational Fair.
Bnslinian'K. tf
G love fitting Patterns at
Swiss'Cheeso , wholesale and retail , at
Caaunenzind & Mcyer'e , 207 cart 13th SU
roar hundred and one new buildings
w re erected in Lincoln lest year.
-Tbe festival of St. John's day , cccure
oa the 27th and not the 29th inst
-Sculleys latest valkwasa "Go-as-
you-please" and he pleased-to-go-off the
track.The portion of Central Woclc destroyed
by the recent fire , will be rcbmlt and ready
lor occupancy by January 1st.
The postponed donation social of the
Union Catholic Lbrary Association will
take place next Thursday evening.
to-night at
Cottage prayer meeting -
C:30 : , at C. W. Green's on Capitol avenue ,
betw.en 13th and 14th streets , bouth side.
All welcome. It Lang.
"Little Mao' and Prof. O'Brien as
" for the
the heavy villiains in "Waiting
Verdict , " will prove stars of no small
magnitude and brilliancy.
S.P. Olive and Fisher were taken
i.omthe penitentiary Tuesday to receive
the new trial granted by the
state supreme court , pendin which
they are taen to Ouster county
for rafe keeping. Olive will demand a
trial at once.
"Waiting for the Verdict" is ons of
the most interesting melodramas on the
etae. It wi lliave an exceptionally strong
cast and be produced with studious attcn-
It is wndcr-
lion to every requirement -
Uoodthat Mr. Sander. hft found in it the
jnost intensely comlo and ludicrous charac
ter in which ho has appeared while in this
In the United States court a motion
lor a new trial his been tubmittel in the
case of Emil Hoya , of Jackson. A aic
tion for a'new trial for Win. Herd , o
Had Cloud , has been overruled. The cases
ol Button and Douthelt of Eed Cloud , are
continued to the January term on mo
tion for a new trial.
A party of twelve youns people tf
this city have been taking moonlight skat
ing trips to Cut-off hike for two nights
past. Tuesday night one of the young la
dies of the party skated into an air-hole ,
and was rescued with considerable trou-
Ve. She was taken to the nearest house
to obtain dry clothing and tben brought
home. To-day eho IB feeling quite badly ,
but -will probably be'all right in a day or
DA.yCIKG Lemieux's Belost sociable
at otandard Hall , Fifteenth and rarnbam
veTr Saturday evening. Dancing from J
o 12o'clock The ate tbe most popular
patties of the season. The attendance is
always of the most select and strict ordir ,
and decorum is maintained. The mu Sc
is the very bo t. Admission 51c. Laiies
respectf uliy Invited. P. S. Dancing mat
inee Christmas and New Year afternoon
Prizes given at Christmas matinee.
H About ten o'clock yesterday a team
belonging to Mr. B. II. Perry , became
frightened by a boy walking along the
nldewalk with a basket on his ho&d , and
turnin ; suddenly , in front of Bonner's
place , upset the bugy , throwing Mr. Per
ry out and slightly injuring him. They
Uiea made a bieak across McCaffrey Bros ,
corner narrowiymissingseveral by-slanders
nnd the glass windows in the front , and
collided with n telegraph pole , making tbe
vehicle a total wreck. They were recurcd
before they could get away.
Ir. Insley B. Gardner , who has been
making his brother-in-law , Mr. E. D.
Dellia of this city , nn extended visit *
leaves for his home in Plainfield , 1C. J. ,
p-day. These two gentlemen are con.
Ridered lint-class ' nimrods" and that they
have cnstained theirwell-earned reputation
is proven by the immense number of
ducks , gesse , etc. , which they have brought
to this city. Yesterday , however , was
the crowning day. for our eastern friend
succeeded in kil'ing ' two deer , a feat be
has been trying to accomplish for tbe last
five weelcB. The only thing that troubles
him now , i that his friends in toe cast
may want to see some of the trophy * .
Any person who reads the daily pa
pers cannot be "bamboozled" about
every reader knows is the best Flour
made in the United States. It in a
xreU known fact that this flour has
taVen the premium , not only at tbo
CESTE NHL , but in the GREAT
KXPOSITIOSS of Europe. Now
fiat CHRISTMAS approaches , I will
Indues the pnco to 84.35 per 100 , EO
tVat all can aao what an improvement *
C-.n be made in the looks and taste of
e kes , pies , etc.
Remember that I am also agent for
GREAT PASTRY Flour. Give it a
t-i l and you irill nse no olher ; only
$ 3 40 per 100 pounds.
Gt nta * fina _ Farni hir Goods , at
the Omaha Shirt Factorv. dlStf
Ti 'ao will be most delighted Christmas
morning trill be the ono who wakes
u > to find a friend has m&de her a
piesentof a Royal St. John Sewing
Blachine , office corner of Fifteenth
BI d Capitol Avenue.
C > me and see thorn , just the thing for
Is ; w Year , eight new designs at Grand
Ovntral Gallery , 212 Sixteenth St.
- -
A Policeman and His Prison
er Have a Grapple for
A Confidence Man Gulls a
Granger Out of $235.
There was qnite a breeza kicked up
on llth street Tuesday by a cou
ple of colored nun who hairfrom Red
Oak , Iowa. It sppesra that the/ went
into the restaurant kept by Mr. J. H.
Travis. 20.8 llth street and ordered
iheir suppers , which they ate and then
one of the men , named Dixmore ,
sauntered toward the door in a digni-
Bed manner , calculated to impress
the beholder that his cndit was good
for an indefinite number of niealf.
Mrs. Travis requested him to pay for
the suppers btfore leaving , but ho re <
ferred her to Mr. Mason for
the liquidation of her c'aims
Upon beiDg told that ho bad no
business to order hia meals without
having the money to pay for tha
same , and that he would have to pay
-the bill some way , he responded with
decided emphasis , "yon get it ! "
Mrs. Travis followed him to Iho
door still insisting upon pay
ment when he suddenly drew
a pitt 1 from his overcoat pocked and
levelled it at her head. Very much
frightened nt this Mrs. Travis re
treated and called loudl > forasshtEiice ,
ncr cries altractint ; a crowd anS
InSnpingPoliccmonBlack andFord up
on the spot in short order. The tvro
men ran in among some boxes
alongside of the building followed by
the officers who tcok them to bo bur
glars. Dixmore was captured and his
companion jumped over tha fence
followed by a shot from Ford's re
volver , which was meant to hit hiir- .
Dixmoro was landed in jail and the
fugitive chased to the river , where he
in some way eluded his pursuers and
escaped. In the police court this
morning the prisoner plead guilty to
drawing a deadly weapon , and was or
dered to pay $8 60 fine and costs.
tjAbout midnight Tuesday Officer
fid. Gorman arrested Mike Galilean ,
on 12th street , and conducted him to
the cty ; jail where he was about to
lock him up , when Galligan objected
to being put into the cell because there
was a colored man In lhereDixmore ) .
His objection was not considered
good and some unpleasantness ensued.
In fact a bloody battle took place then
and there. How it began we are una
ble to learn , ss yet , as both Gorman
Gilligan are badly used up. Mike i >
a fighter of no small weight , and Ed. is
a hard man to handle too. At first it
is reported Gilltgau had the advantage
and he certainly had the officer down
so as to kick him in the face but Gor
man finally got on top and what ho
left of his antagonist was unrecogniza
bio. The fbor was swimming inblocd
which had to ba aclu > lly moppd up
and Dr. Leisenringthe city physician ,
was called in to sew up two serious
gashes on the back of Galligin's
head. He was yesterday morning
unabla to leave his cell and
was suffering considerable pain. The
officer was also in the house still , and
hence it was impossible to get at the
details of thn encounter , which aras
long and stoutly fought , the big stove
in the center of the corridor being
knocked down in.the course ofho
affair , but fortunately there was no
fire in it or else the court house wonld
have gone to a moral certainty. Tha
result is a lesson to future prisoners
not to tackle officers unless they ex
pect to pay tbo penalty en the spot.
Warrants hive been sworn out in
police court for the arrest of W. H.
Richards , ono of ( ho foremen of con
strue * ion of water-wotkc , under Con
tractor Rutheriord. He is chargad
with obtaining money under false
pretenses , the mode of procedure be
ing to iasuo lime checks to "fiat"
laborers , and then take them himself
to merchants and busiresi
men about the cily to get
them cached. They ranged in amount
from $10 to § 15 , and were disposed of
at a small discount. As the laborers
were all paid iu cash , Contractor Ruth
erford was a little surprised when the
bogus checks were presented for pay
ment Monday , and investigation re
sulted in the discovery of the nbovo
facts. The police failed to find Rich
ards , who is said to have departed
with his wife night before last.
Abaldand successful confidence game
was , Tuesday evening , played on John
Polke , a youtg farmer from Chelsea ,
Tama county , Iowa , who was en route
to Shelton , this state , to see his
brother. Polke is net over 23. or 25
years of age , but he ought to have
known better than to do as he did.
He was waiting at the depot to take
the G o'clock emigrant train out and
was sitting'ubout whrn he wasapprrach
ed by a man who had in some manner
struck up a pissing acquaintance with
him. The Inter represented that
be had a lot of heavy boxes of
freight to take with him on the train
aid that he '
hadn't monpy enonuh to
pay the charge' . He had a check ,
however , and would give Polke that
as security for the § 235 he required.
He pointed to his goois , a lot of train
boxes lying on the platform , and asked
Polko to watch them until his return.
When the train came in Mr. Bertram
Eansen went to the granger and told
iiim he had better get aboard. Polke
told htm he was watting for a friend
and watching his goods , pointing at
the sarao time to the painted boxes.
"How much money did you
et your friend have , " said Mr.
Hanssn. "Two hundred and thirty-
five dollart , " was the reply. "Well ,
on will never seeyojir money agsin , "
was the consoling remark , and te ex *
Gained tbe situation to the astonished
'firmer , who vas nearly crazy when he
bund that he hnd been gulled. He
said one. third of the money was. his
Rnd the other two-thirds his brother'a.
Se stayed ever yesterday in the city ,
soping to get on tha track of the vil-
ain , but that'ls a hopeless undertak
ing , of course.
The case of Fox and Barber va ;
Paxton and McShane
in Court.
In the matter of the contested leg
islative election case , the parties met
at the office of Justice Will H. Eiley ,
at 9 o'clock yesterday. Justice
Riley appeared aa notary oa behalf of
Messrs. Fox and Barber and Homer
Stull , esq. , for Messrs. Paxton and
McShane. C. A. Baldwin , erq , and
Walter Bennett appeared for the con-
tettanis and Hon. George W. Doane
for the coateatees , MoJsre. Barber
and MuShauo ere present , with a
dozen or so of interested parties as
Mr. Baldwin urged a postpone
meut until to-day , on the ground
that up to this time the examining
court had no authoiity to require the
attendance ol witnesses acd that none
of the uimceses' for the .contestants
Mere present.
Mr. Doane insisted that the court
was compelled by the statutes to com
mence theexaiuinatlonyesterday under
the notice served upon his clients and
that no testimong could bo taken
under sftid notice unlees the examina
tion was begun yesterday. The court
took the latter view of the matter and
gave the contestants until 2 o'clock to
produce their witnesses pnd papers.
Mr. Baldwin asked that an order be
issued by the court upon the county
clerk to deliver to H. T. Leavitt the
"poll boo'tcs , taily sheets and other pa
pers In his charge , and another upon
Mr. Laavitt to produce the same in
Mr. Doano objected to this aa being
virtually an order on the county clerk
to bring the papers into court which
the law expressly forbftdb. Mr.
Lsavitt , belnjj the deputy clerk , was
in the eyes of the law one and the
same person. He suggested that
some suitable and unobjectionable
person be chosen in place of Mr.
Leavitt to perform the desired duty.
On serving the notice it was dis
covered that Mr. Manchester wan ab
sent from the city and Mr. Leavitt ,
oltvred to allow the documents .o go
before the court mliia-own posses
sion. A compromise had agreed on
Mr. John T. Bell as the custodian , and
Mr. Leavitt and Mr. Be'l ' together
broucht them into court about three
o'clock yesterday , up to which
time no further proceeding s had been
See the beautiful Egyptian style
silverware at Edholm and Ericksor/s ,
the jewelers , loth street , opposite the
postoflico. The latest thing out , do
not miss it.
FOR RENT Oar store building in
Central Block. Possession given in
January. MA'X MEYEU & ' BEO.
A Great Deal
? .
For Little Money.
A clioica selection of Decorative Arts ,
Beautiful Holiday Books ,
DolU ! Flowers ! Aprons ! Mittens !
Oysters I Ice Cream and a splendid
supper , Thursdiy and Friday eve
nings. Sapper both eveniugs at six
A first-class hotel in every respect , is
tsituated on the northwest cornet of
Thirteenth and Cipitol avenue. This
now house is newly and elegantly fur
nished throughout , and the table and
bill of faro will compare favorably
with the bett in the
land. Give it a
rial. No runner at the Depot.
The finest Christmas goods in Oma
ha. Gold , Silrer and Celluloid Sets ,
Odor 0 sss , Indies' Purses , &j. Cal ]
eir'y as they arn going fast.
S. T. FEnoutON & Co ,
decUlf Telrth and P. . uglaa Sir.
A large i oliday stock of Greens al
Fleming's. dpc3 3t
Henning's Michigan Apples , extra
quality and size large variety.
dec3-3t FLEMINO & Co. , Grocers.
Mrs. Dent , 217-N. 16th St. , is now
prepared to do dress making on the
shortest notice. Prices moderate.
J. F. Sawyer wiahes to announce to
his friends and old customers that he
may be found , as heretofore , at 13
fam bam street , where he will be glad
to show them the beat selected stock
of Watches , Clocks , Jewelry , Spectacles
and Silverware at prices that defy
competition. - - tf
California Pears , Plums , Grapes ,
otc. , at lizard's Palace. o21-tf
The only Cyclopedia published giv
ing maps after Gay's Atlas and pro
nunciation , is Zells condensed Cyclo-
padia. 10-6t
513 Fourteenth street , between Farn-
ham and Douglas , for anything in the
toy lino. The largest and beat selected
lected stock in the city ,
t&f tf H. POBLMAJT , Proprietor.
On and after this date and during
the holiday season , the Boston Cash
Dry Goods Store , on Tenth street ,
will present a niece of jewelry to each
person buying over one dollars worth
of goods. This is no lottery scheme ,
but simply a present to our friends
among the public , and the article will
bo given at the moment of purchase.
The jewelry consists of ear rings ,
sbirt studs , breast pins , cuff buttons ,
hat pins and cuff buttons. 13-3t
New Muscatel , London Layer and
Dchesa liaisons In quarter boxes for
family trade.
dec3 3t FIESIIXO & Co. , Grocers.
NJ parent having the welfare cf
hiliren at heart , should permit
themselves to ba without Zells con
densed Cyclopedia. 10 Ct
Important Items From Orders
Recently Issued.
In general order No. 4 , issued'from
the headquarters of the Grand Army
of the Republic , department of Ne-
braaka7 in this city , the commander ,
James W. Savage , congratulates the
department upon the marked success
of the semi-annual encampment and
re-union at Central City during the
week commencing September 13th ,
1880. "In addition to the revival of
friendships long sundered and the
reminiscences partly effaced , the vet
erans of the great struggle for union
upon our soil were enabled to enjoy
ones more the romantic freedom of
camp life and take part in the routine
of a soldier's dniy. The favorable
result was due in a large measure to
the admirable preliminary care Of the
committee of arrangements ; and the
generous aid rendered by Messrs. J. .
T. C ! rkk A. E Touzalin and tha rail
ways represented by them ; while
the piesenca of our worthy com-
mander-in-chief , General Louis Wag
ner , added to the interest of the oc
casion. "
Twenty-seven new Posts and twelve
hundred comrades were gained during
the first eight months of 1880 , a won
derful growth for any order , and one
which "should continue until every
honorably discharged soldier , eailor
and marine within our borders is en'
rolled. "
The appointments on the department -
ment staff , of aides de camp , are :
W. H. Ijams , Post No. 7 ; A. L.
Wiqton , Post No. 13 ; T. Da'Castro ,
Post No. 57 ; J. B. Dey , Peat No ;
69 ; E. K. Valentine , uh-as ignod.
The appointment of inspectors for
the various districts , includes that of
0. H. Fitch , for Omaha. These offi
cers will , during the present month ,
inspect all Post papers , books and
records and report to headquarters
The charters of posts 3 , 6 and G are
A revised edition of The Manual ,
embracing all changes todateh8sbeen
prepared , and will be ready of diatn-
bu'ion during December.
The cannon-metal now in use in the
manufacture of badges was obtained
from the Fairmonnt Park Art associa
tion , and was part of a lot donated by
congress for the erection of a monument
ment to Major-Geiieral George G.
Men do.
The increase of the Order for the
first half of the present year , was over
10 000 comrades. *
Ouster Post No 7 has secured the
usn of Clark's Hall , for the second
and fourth Monday of each month for
another year.
Way Down.
Extra Selects , 55.
Standards , 25.
Medium , 20.
Every one Guaranteed.
declo-3t 1413 Douglas St.
Ladles who are to furnish refresh
ments forthe supperThursday evening
at Masonic hallwill please have them
there before three o'clock , if possible.
Come to Grief-
Chas. J. Youngat one time preprie-
torthe European Hotel in Lincoln ,
but better known as * " the owner and
driver of the running mare "Indy
Lighfoot , " was arrested in Lincoln
Tuesday by an officer from Crete and
taken to that town. Young is
charged with committing rape upon a
widow lady of that place. Ho will be
remembered by several parties in this
city whom hoLftin the lurch for ad
vertising bills incurred at the time he
visited Omaha to run his mare against
time and had a collision with the offi-
cars of the S. 0. P. A.
On account of the decline in wheat
I will sell fl urat reduced priors' :
M nn & HirveVs 0. K. . - - $2 40
Hanuibil Eagle Alilh - - - 3 40
Best Minnesota 4.S6
Always frush Ojsters at Tizzard's
A fine line of Curtice Brcs. canned
nd bottled fruits.fresh and preserved
asorted as desired at wholesale rates.
ec3-3t FLEMING & Co. , Grocers.
FURS ! FURS ! ! FURS ! ! !
Ladies' and gents' fur goods of ev
ery description at the Fur Manufac
tory , opposite postoffica , Omaha. All
goods are warranted.
To be Taken Bast.
Mr. 0. L. Layman and wife , of
Chicago , brother-in-law and sister of
the late John Curran , who died so
suddenly on Friday evening last , ar
rived to-day and will take the remains
east to-morrow for interment. Mr.
Layman ia depot policeman of the
L. S. &M. S. and 0. , R. I. & P.
roads in Chicago.
Gill at the BEE job rooms and ex-
amlno something nice in the way of
Fine Papetries , suitable for invita
tions to weddings , balls , private mas
querade parties , sociables and con
Just received at THE BEE Job
Rooms the nicest line of diminutive
P.iper and Envelopes and Cards , suit
able for Children's Birthday Parties.
Call and see them.
Figs , Dates , Prunes , Prunella ,
Citrons , Raisins , Orange Peel , Lemon
Peel , pure spices. Nufs all new and
fresh. FLEimfo & Co. , Grocers.
A Fine line of samples of New
Year Cards at THE BEE Job Room.
Call In time and leave your orders. -
Zells Condensed Cyclopedia.
An abridged library and universal
reference book , is at present being
introduced to our citizens. It is
worthy of your attention. 10-6t
JSKK'S. G-tf
A Vast Mass of Business Facts
for the Tiade Eevi9W--A
Pull Corps of Eeporters
Gathering statistics.
Omaha's Business HousesResi
dences and Factories Hand
somely Illustrated 4-
OOO Copies Already
Tha-success _ attending our work
upon the Annual Review for 1881 , is
without a precedent. Many are ad
vertising in this supplement that have
never patronized it before , and old
patrons are almost universally in-
creating their orders ,
The ou'hy upon this work can be
realized when we state , that an able
atsutint has been employed very busily
for fbe days , in githetinfjinformation
whifli we condense into an inch apaCd
in one column.
1hetrHtl0 , manufactures , improvet
nto ts , Btcieues and puvt-rntneiit if
our city , wdl have acirrcit and f ll
rei reseuUt on , a * it now exis's , in the
forthcoming. We extend to every
individual a special invitation to con
tribute to the information we seek
for , and thereby benefit Omaha and
confer a favor upon us. Call at THE
BEE Office and tell us what you have
done during the yearj so that your
figures will swell the graild toi-tls that
'will indicate Omnha'a wonderful pro
The canvas ? has already secured
for this5"year'a supplement an
advertising patronage far in excess of
any preceding year , but aa there are
firms yet unrepresented ill thet d j-
partraentwe hope that so many as wish
to avail themselves of the opportunity
for securing space in the most widely
acd universally circulated publication
ever iesuod in this state , will do so
NOW , as t jo time for closing our col
umns is at hand ) and Mr. Pierce will
soon be obliged to go on to Milwau
kee to superintend the artistic work.
A postal card to J. H. Pierce at the
Creighton hou e or a line left at THE
BEE office is all that ia necessary.
G. W. E. Dorsey , of Fremont , went
east Tu esdayrJght.
Miss Ida Liiag has gone on a visit to
Madison , IVa. .
P. B. Murphy , cf Plattsmonth , was in
the city Tuesday night.
Wilton J. Hull , of Tb.9 Edgar Review ,
tea in the city yested < iy.
Mr. Johri Heiifinger has returned from
Denver , greatly improved in health.
Prof. S. R. Thompson , state superintendent /
tendent of public instruction , is iu the
Sir. J. Wexler , well bnown to many of
our citizens , is visiting in town. He has
just come from a trip to Texa * .
Col. A. C. Dawes , general passenger
and ticket agent of the K. C. , St. Joe &
C. B. road , ia in the city.
Paul A. Leach , special correspondent
and superintendent < f the Times B. B.
printiog house , St. Louu , Mo. , ia ia the
Weekly Market Review.
OMAIIA , Dcsember 14,1880.
WHEAT Qniet and lower ; No. 2)
82c ; No. 3 , 66a ; refected , 50c.
Barley No. 2 , 60c ; No. 3 , 40c ; ex
tra , No. 3 , 30c.
Oats 30o.
CORN Western mixed , 28c.
RYE No. 2 , 75c.
LIVE STOCK Quietnativcfat8teera ; ,
at § 3 253 50 ; western , slow at
cows , native , $2 75@3 00 ; western ,
§ 250@2 65 ; sheep , western , butchers'
stock , § 3 10j } 25 ; natives , § 3 75 ®
4 00 ; veal is scarce and sells readily
< it § 4 25(55 ( 50 ; hogs , lower ; fair
slock , 84 20 ; choice butcher , $4 25
PRODUCE Butter , commonlC(5l8 ( ;
fair , 18@20c ; choice , 22@23c ; Eggs ,
unchanged and firm at 28@30ccheeae ; ,
Nebraska , 14c ; New York , 14c ; pota
toes , sto-idy ; peach blows , 75c ; ne-
shannocks , Goc ; onions , nominal ;
cabbage , nominal ; hay , unchanged
.Mid ete..dy ; baled , S9 00@11 00 ; in
bulk , autrca at 7 25(5800 ( ; cider ,
quiet and unchanged , 7 50 t er cask
of CO ga'loi's ' ; hickory nuti , § 1 25
bu ; ch-Mimi * , S300walnuts ; C0@75c ;
cranbeniei , 7 C08 25 ; fieah
oyst < rj , SS'oSOsSoc per c < mhiiuiy ; ,
c nib. ' 18 220. ; .
i oRg AN j LARD Hams , smoked ,
§ 9 20 ; ti c in , cl < * r , 8 p'jr Ib ; hr ak-
f si , gfl 20 ; dry s.ih a dec , clo-r , 7 20 ;
r b . S7 00 ; uhouldtirs , 4 CO ; larJ ,
§ 820.
SUGARS Cut loaf lie psr Ib. , pow
dered lie , granulated 10j , standard
"A" 10&coff'-A" 9c , while extra"0"
9ic ; htaniard extra " 0" 9c , yellow
"C" 8c.
SYRUPS Beat barreK , 60o per
eallotijbest half barreh,62c ; best kegs.
§ 2 GO per keg ; standard bbls , 60s per
gallon ; standard half bbls. , 52c ; stan
dard kegs , $2 40 per keg. '
COFFEFS Porta Rico 19o per Ib. ,
enntoa 18 ? , Mexican 18c , faucy rio
17c , cho'ce do. IGJc ; prime do. 15
good do. 14 c.
CANNED UCODS 3 Ib. peaches $4 00
per cue , 2 Ib. peaches S3 00 , 2 Ib.
blackberries $2 10 , 2 Ib. raspberries
§ 3 00 , 2 ! > . goostberries § 3 50,3 Ib.
pears S3 00 , 3 Ib. tomatoes S3 00 , 2
Ib. do S2 50 , 2 Ib. corn $3 75 , 2 Ib.
peas $5 GO , 2 Ib. do , S3 00 , 2 Ib string
be ns $2 50,21b Lima do. § 2 75.
FISH 1 Ib. mackerels half bbl. ,
87 GO ; mackeral-kits , SI 25 ; family
do. , half bbl. , $4 75do ; , do , kits , 85c ;
1 Ib. white fish , half bbl. , $7 00 ;
do , kits , § 1 25 ; family do , half bbls. ,
S450do ; , do , kits , 8100 ; Labrador
herring , fmlf bbl. , $4 00 ; do , quarter
bbl. , 82 25 ; do , kita , DOe ; do , scaled ,
per box , 55c ; .
DRIED FJIUITS Alden apples , per
Ib , 10&s ; sliced do 7ic , common do
GJc ; poaches , per Ib. , 8 ; blackberries
luAc , prunes 8a.
POULTRY Quiet ; live chickens ,
nominal ; dteiSfd , 6@8c ; ducks ,
areasd/8@10 : ; turkeys , 9@llc.
GREEN FRUITS Apples , Michigan ,
82 50 ; Missouri , S2 25 ; lemons , 85 50
< aO 50 ; nrar ges , § 5 00 ; malaga grapes ,
§ 8 5039 00 per barrel.
LEATHER Quiet and unchanged ;
shoemaker's stock , sole leather , oak
anned , 40@43c per Ib. ; hemlock
tanned , 30@3G ; upper , common ,
24328 ; unoer , domestic calf ,
8100@130 ; French calf , 8150@2 10 ;
domestic kip , 80@1 00 ; French,81 00
@ 160.
HARNESS STOCK No. 1 , oak tan
ned , 4345c ; No. 2 , oak tanned , 41 ©
43c ; No. 1 , hemlock tanned , 3&40a ;
No. 2 , hemlock trimmed , 37@39c.
WOOD Still scarce and firm ; hic
kory and oak , § 7 75 ; cotton wood ,
85 25@5 50.
BRICK Finnjcommon in kiln$8 00
< § 9 50 ; pressed , Slff 00@20 00.
LUJTBEE Steady ; framing , 18 ft.
and under , per M , 820 ; fencing No.
1,12 to20 ft ? $22 00 ; No. 2,12 to 20
ft. , 820 00 ; common boards , dressed ,
820 00 ; flooring , No. 1 , ? 40 00 ; No.
2 do , 835 00 ; siding , No. 1 , 82500 ;
No. 2 do , S22 00No. _ 3 do , 82000 ;
finishing , 840 0055 00 ; shlplap ,
plain , ? 23 CO ; ceiling , three-eighth
beaded , G inch , No. 1 , 82500 ; shin
gles , S2 50@3 75 ; pickets , No. 1 , per
M , 832 50 ; No. 2,825 00 ; postsceaar.
1618c ; oak , 30@40-x
Nina Unchanged at $3 00.
( Tiffanys of the West. )
Have completed their pre
parations for the approaching
proaching- Holidays , and
suggest that an early ex
amination of their stock
irll enable iwrchsiscrs fo
secure the choicest sec
tions , and escape the
crowds uunvoiilahle later
in the. monill ,
I'ntjl Christmas the es-
tabiishaViii will he kept
open in the evenings.
NOTICE ! Iu Let for bale *
Lost , Foiuid , Wants. Bo nlinj * c. , will be In
serted In these comcm * enc for TEN OEKT9
per llnj j Sach sub < ! ' ( ; n < jntlnccrtonITE ! CEHTS
per line. The flrtt l&iertica never less than
OUST 10 LOAN-CiUl at Law OfSc *
1 > . L. VaotiAa.lUvma.CreKliu-ii isiock
ONKT TO I.OAH 11C FarnhMn street.
M fir. KdwAjrfr I in Aeency. uov-73-tf
I 'RL WANTED * or gtn ral lions-work , at
r 235 Uarncy street , ono door cart < f 10 h St.
, TMRn nrYWNTE At the Omahs
A fcliiit Factoit Laundry. 8MT
- - ) cook em
WANTFD-Silmtlonasflrst-cIas 4-5
WAN'FD A first-c299 coaMnalcr ; sleadr
employnrout tnd too wiices gu raiite-d.
JOHN JJOltttlSua , Lincoln , > eb. " 5S
"TTTANTF DA stout boy about 15 or 18 yea's
W ld , at .No. t 5 S uih 14 h St. 76 II
YTraNTKD A good Kill auout 14 Jrora ilil ,
YY t ° RS.'fg' In taVing care or an infant , and
do errands. Refrrcncca rtqulred. Ajply at
14 5 Fainliam street. M3
W AN'ED Tvo firls tit howonoik. En-
qa rgat 1613. Chicago street. 6318
WANTKD A p 8 tlonliv a yonn ? nr.n of
gnoi * address and who h s some a qmin-
tauieluNo rajki ; wi.uld preltr to travel Ad
dress K. . L'co ' i like. 01-15
TTTANTED Cook , ilinlnsr-room sirl and
VY Pacific H < use. 7115
A Rood jrirl for general hous-
vo'k in small family J.O < l wages p id ,
none but fl-st class need aijp'y ' Ccrner l9'h and
Izardst eels. MKs. K. N.
TjrTANTEl } A Dining room waiter. Apply
YY at tnis office 74-15
Aflrst-chsiboot aud shoo mv
ker , works < n p < yg d and sewed work.
Pat 31Ino , Browuville , Aeb. Omaha's vaces
paid. 578
Second-hand Maible Mantle and"
WANTED complete. Andreas "H. " 1881 43-i6
Bee offlcO , 43-tf
WANTED A woman cook , at the Emaiett
House. 44-15
WANTEn Agocdhiuse-kecpcr , 1109 Farn
ham street , tip itaira. 3Mf
TTT-ANrof ) KmplrymentfThorde and wagon.
V V E. A. UARKIS3 , lOlh and Nlcho'43 Sta.
TTTANTED All Omaha know that the
VV Ropl K. Jonn is the Kisa of Sewing
Machines. olHco on Vth St. S-ll-'f
TT10R KFNT Furnlbed rooms with board.
JJeastBida 20th , bet CMciecianilCass 82-18
TO REST Su't of front ro"na ta rent , brick
honjo , 1417 faa St. , opposite fch',0'
house ; a'so ' home , barn and 5 acres neir city
RO"M1 TO RE T anil part of stoic. Next to
Bee Office. W. EVERETT. 53'6
TPO R > T Salt of roomi to rent , brick house ,
1 141 Caes 't ' .opons'tsNclnal ' house ; alfo
h 'U'e , bun and 5 tcr-fi noir city * 'O5
FOR hENT Ilonso In Sbnli's md addition ,
3 5 per month. VV. SIMERAC , , rn..r 6 ,
Creighion B'ock. 6D5-tf
FORKKNr V furuishe I , sotttb fiont room
Inquire at Ho 1612 Karnham St. J8l-tf
F RENT Cottaje , on 6th anl Pine Sits. ,
P new house , eight rooma.on " 3d a d f'a'g Sts
Enqnlro J. f. Koe , P. E. Cor. 12th and Farn-
ham. 636-tf
OR RENT 2 fumiahcd rooms over Her.
F ctanf < Kichlnge , N. E. Cor. 16th and
A lAROAIX-A Inidlmr wi h
a oHiQuur. s fu niturnand > t < clii-i > l h
bt. oppo-iethe II. P d ° p r , for a'evory c' r p
Orthe flxtu'e-.funii uri ; n'Kto uil he .ld
nnj Lulluilig ten ed. iLqulie cf LL > K CIS ; .
S1AV 79 |
FOR -Ai The en i ofurrriur- 1 riom * ,
d elraWy loito : c n ale POSJS-SOI
oaco A ! die s H. " , B e ffii.B. t5 " 5
JTOHSV F Srca'l tuluUr boiler and s'arl : .
C Hoddie & Thrall. 6S-I7
FOR SAIjV BiJsIne'e house and zro-try * t" < V ,
Restaurant a.lached. AL Jre-3) R. On iffin ,
Aurora , N "b. 9-1 m
rpl'ItAl E two clogfl carrlager , a' A. J.
I ; Slmpsou'a. Bll-tf
J.1 K < \ L K Cotton < voxl luniutr ( Hall gireaot
m-TntOViyi. SIxtM-ntb.a * . MB-t
A ye low Irish s'tterdosrttlih'cath-
erbeltanfj II Mc.Veil inscribed tl ereon.
Owner can have tbe sanoo bvca 1 nt ot rcy p' ca
and pa > In ; charg * OWEN CONLEr , C.ulfor-
Lia fct. , bctwee i l ih and 1 Jtb.
li\ SCAPED From my encl-ture , ono brown
El pony ntout 3 yeirs old with sere on baclt. :
Afuitabla reiva-d will b : paid for hij retu : n : to
JoEL T. GHIFFEN. 77-13
Red and white cow aboutTje rg
STRAYED Eui'ab'e ' rxnrard " 111 bo paid for her
return 'o X. HAN.SEV , Commercial hottl , S. E.
coi. 9th andLcavcn crth. 78-18
NOTICE Tare.i upon the premises
ottheiubscri-ierii Jefferson Precinct , one
buckskin colored ponr , ax > ut3 yeare old , celd-
in * . GEO E.TJMME. 73-15
R. S. PEALE , of Council Bluffi , Iowa , n no
Innzerf-enoral Agent for the silt of HILL'S
FOR1H. We hivinj terminated his agency for
sr > od ind sufficient reason ? ; an < l we h ri > by
CAUTIO * the public zainat be ni'miosed ' np-
01 , by unscrupnl .uv m n , who attempt to "imlm
cfT' a sp KIOU3 work on tjcrn instead of
"Uill's Miauil. " tno bo it tiov want or nub-
scribed for. JUS S WARBSN & CO. , Tubllsh-
crs of Hi I s Minoil , 1U3 ttat > fit. , Chicago
Nov. 6th 183J. 10-17
FOUND In North Omabs , a spotted alfahout
tioorthro d.yj old. Owner cm hive
eame by calling tt tfortb W. trn hreweri.
Cumicp street , nn 1 'ayl n : for thia n .t ci. 21-17
Absolutely Pure ,
Uada from Grape Crea-n Tartar. Ko other
prcpantSon makcg rach lUht , fliky hot breads ,
or luxurious pixtry. Can ba eaten by dr poi-tics
without fear of the ills reraltlns ; from hear7 In-
dijtestibie food.
Hold only In cans by all Orocert I
The people will it , and we are the servants of tlie people iii supplying .
them with _ Dry Goods at ariti monopoly Prices.
Enormous Reductions in Our
1500 yards of Brocade Mixed and Plain Color
Dress Goods formerly sold , and well Worth 25c ,
2500 yards of All-Wool Flannel and French
Suitings , Plaids , Brocades , Damasse , etc. , reduced
from 50c to 40c.
1000 yaads All-Wool ( bear it in mind ) , 42-inch
Momie Cloths , Silk and Wool Brocades Matta-
lasses , etc. , marked down from $1.25 to $1.00 a
At 75c , Dress Goods , Silk and WooL formerly $1.25 and $1.50 a vard.
" " " < f " " " "
$1.00 , 1.75 and 2.00'
" " " " ' " " " '
2.00 , 4.00
We are opening Novelties daily , and Ladies will
do well to purchase now and avoid all rush.
iJi $60,1
$80 ,
$60,000. $60,000.
"We make this month a sp ° cmlt7 to close out our Desirable and seasonable goods at Low
Figures. Our immense stock * i'Winter c othinsr for Men's , Youth's , Boys' and Children's
wear-comprising Wor ting , Business , and Dress Suits , in Itt st Patterns and Styles , Over
coats , Ulsters and UJste ec s-w-oriced from the finest Lords of-woolens ; also a comp e'e line of ;
Furnishing Goods , Novelties in Neckwear tor t e Ho'idays Hats , Caps , Gloves , & 3.f must-
make way for our immense Spriogrscock of c othinsr. We 1 known to cue public thac tnese.
goods were the best selected stock ever brought to this market.
$60,000. 1001 Farnham St. , Cor. 10th. $60 , !
Ear and Throat.
Office Over Kennara's Dray Store ,
Corner of 14th and Douglas Sts.
E. Da1. OOOJBI ,
' Block.
Prompt attention iHven I ' T * hv
Friday and Saturday. Dec. 17 and 18 ,
and Saturday Matinee , 2 P. M.
TieFmlnentctor ,
ITrMay evening and Sato diy Watince. produc
tion of Banley Comnbell'a greatest pLiy ,
HurJ > cc ! g Woil 1 renownrd Lrama ,
Both pUys pro lus 1 hero witheUbp to Been-
eiy ind tffccig. " *
Re'ervfd tf at ? f ir any performanca for fala
at Mai Mey rfc Broa'.Jj elry gtore. dccll-7t
I hire bridged the approichcg to the river.
Icocpp-git' east end Jones street m Un * a
11 aant , euy and lufe crossing t the nominal
toll , v z :
IIrscmnn , each He.
One iior-c and Waon : lOc.
I'MolInracsimd W.iajon I5c.
' * ' "
saracdav lOc.
Foot-men Frcct
December 13th , 1380. d 3-lm
Successors to J. H. TDIELE ,
No. 1220 Douglas Street ,
rvivr A T = T A .
ocH ( '
. . .
IS ' VT B * * * " " ' * * ' " ' * * - -
( DC t CDOfl r day at home , tiamplei uror
U > 3 I vb/ll free. jAddrws B'Jnsoa & Co
Portland , Ms. -
Tbe largest and best assortment of
Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases
and Sample Trunks a Specialty.
- 117 ! 4tliSf. . : t Hoorsflorth of 7 > nng7ag St.
fiP f fiHPftPFR I
nr 1 uy ni LH 2
Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then
entire stock of
Diamonds , Watches ,
Jewelry , Clocks.
Silver-Ware ,
Pianos & Organl
At Manufacturing ; Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per
cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House ,
preparatory to moving into their r ( -
weN Stpre , Cor. llth & Farnham f
We Mean Business * Come and be Convinced ,