ME- SHASLLS USTICE OK THE i'EACr , oruar J6th and J P nmhara fits. , \ X 1 TTCEKHT AT I-.VI' Booin6CreljhtOT J r. ' "K. f tV H . ov * E > . N'KB. 3 ; L THQW TTORTHS " . AT L4W-Loans money , tnyr Koom 6CreghtoD ! A. C. TRGUP , H TTORKE7 AT LAW OSco In A Elock. wtth Geort ; * E. Prllcbctt , 16 % Fynaam St. St.DSXTS DSXTS ? TTORKET AI LAVy Crulctatoaott L In ? vfA A. % r T7PRNEY AT LAfT O3ce 15M atr rt. _ "MS. L. F PSBEYr ? AWTER--OSCS TB Cre iwa Blest , ncztU Jj PortCCo * , OUACA , riTBiJo. oonscnoyg O'BOJsr &BAKHtTT , -at- Law Attorneys - , OmCE-TJclon EIock.rin < b nTh ao Ftrnham' > . S3. < i ATTORNEY AT LAW. ARBACH BLOCK. COR. DG5GISTH 8TS. OIIIHA. HUB. W. J. Oonnel ! , Attorns y-at-Law. Offiw : Front rooms , tip nab ? . In or > r brick buildup , H. W. cars : ! riltaenti nc " ' ' Farrhain Ciuj IlEDiCK & RS5 > jfCK , Attorneys-at-Law - - , al a'.teatlop u rfTcn to all tnlti tpdni-t tcrpsrat' na Gj evcry. dM-rtirtton ; wl ) pracuoe In aJ Mie CocrVicl the BvaU BiJ th. UnlKd 8 ' . * ( s. ODco. Farnham SI. , opportt * Conrt Hp-j 9. W. a AT LAY/ 3. F. &AKDERSGH , A * iTOR frr AT LAW SU Fanibaa Btrwt JA Omaha Ki > bn ka. W T. KitrARiM. U. J. UUh.7 BIGHA9D8 & HURT , Attorneys-at-Law. PILE REMEDY. JHTERNAL , EXTERKAL , AND 1TCKIKG PILES fttta at otire oo tin * npfUcatton tt Tti Krmr 8y. til tbf Ttiniara. nllnylag tl e tnpn o luS j olhpr rc ap < itcti hntc fitfle * . Try II tnfcrnoo Ur.aa < triiy r nplchborn pin inrriia. DO NOT DELAY tnti3 the drsiJn on tlio e-acm procTaoo mauncct Ui abillly , t > ct bay It , , 50 CS2TTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOS IF , HM. wiaen yom nm uot ofclatn < ( ofhlm.t it , Itrryaltf. on rrrrlpt fprir < i mappUcalloi "H DR , BOSANKO IfiEDIGIfiE CO , THE OOLOEAIO US1HESS GOLLEQE Tbh Institution , levied at Denrw , the Eduattioml and Commercial center o { tbi TText , Is pre-emlnriitly tbo best and mutt practi cal of lia Und for the ERGANTiLE TRAINING -OP- YoungMenaud Ladies. G.V. . FOSTER , Praddont , D. W. CADY , SeoriUij. The nott rtsnsWo , thorough ami cnmplaW uti'.ation ! the WnJ In th * world. Tiu wnij otaocoaa * u' nd nucine i fi. In tbe prin cipal dtioe and Uonrns pt Iba United States , oir * their ino e to our course i.f trilninc. ' The iaht ; End of Education for YotiDg Mon and Ladies. , ntw brick block , at jnuctlom ot thru ctrMt oar lines. Elegantly fitted and furaiihed partmeuU forth * applifallonof ud carrying rut ot oar not ol tnd syttcnixtic mcthodi o ! OTSMESS Young men -who rontempUt * a butheai life , sad parents ha\ln ? ton * to educate , are partirm- larly rciiceslrd to wnd for our a Circular , wbicli 'will filTe full InforuifUfln a to tmua , ondltlon of entrance , etc. G. W. FOSTER , President , 6-Sm Denver , Colorado. PHP THU FUBUSKIRC Ha ftrufim. bti. Sltt antf IUL Struts TE .MS Of SUBSOiWrTlON , 1 Copy I rear , In advanoa ( = ' oetpaid ) . . . ? S.OC 8m'-.nttB " " 4.CC 3 months " S.OC T HE T & ' .E5 C , &N , W. E.R.f30 . m. , 2:10 p. m C. B. & Q.5 Sfl v m. , 2:10 : p. m. C. K 1 & P. R. R. . 5:30 : a , ts. , SMp. m C' & 'Et. Joe KM a. n. S.Ctty ftP.5SOa.ra. D. P. IU * . , 11:40 * . m. O. & K. V. to Lincoln , 10 , m. B. &M. RHg:4ta ) in. o.ty.vf. . rsca . orrmse O. fcK.W. B.R. , II R.ra.,11 P.D. C. B. t O. , 11 B. m. , SiO p. m. O. K. I. P. , 11 n. 10. , 11 p. m. C. B. & St , joe.,11 a.s. , 11 p. n. U. P. B. E4 ? m. 0. & < . T. from Uncoln. 12:10 p. O , S City t ? . , 11 a. m. B. & M. in > > b.,4 p. n. Local mi\lt \ tor 8t-Uus lovra leave bat once K day , rli : tM a n. O3ioeop nfroiji H to 1 p. m. Snndaya. THOMAS F. HALL. l' unast i. Arrival Aa& Departure of Trains UNION PACBlc. LXATI. ARRITB. Dlljr Erprca3..I:16 p. m. 835p.m. do UUed 6.10p.m. ' 4:15p.m. do lreUht ; 6:30 a. m. 1:18 p. n > . d do 6lSi.m. 1139 a. a. IME CiED Or T11E BURLIlKlTOlf. LfcAVI OMAHA. ARRITS D-SABA. Crpreu ttOp. m. Ezjiresa . 10:00 a. B , Mail 6 : a. m. Sunday ) Eicepted. Sundays Bxi pt d. CHICAC0.3B.OCK ISLAND it PACIFIC. Mall _ .6M a. m. I iWl 1030 p. m. Express S : p.m. I Eiprns lWO.m. CHI3AOO NORTH7yBSTH H. Xall _ .8a a. m. I Mail _ 7S8 p. M. E- pre a ! :4S : pi m. | Express 1 0 . re. Sundays oxceptol KAKEAB crrr , ST. JOE b COUNCIL BLUFFK Him iRIIYB. Hall 80 a. m. I Hxi > reg ? 7 : < 0 . m. Hxprrnt 6:00p.m. : | ilifl 7 1 i.xa Tbe on'.y line rnzmlnr Pullman Siepln | : Oare est of Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA & 30RTHVTJMTKRH AND .EIOUX CITT b PACIFIC EAILEOADZ. . nx | Fxprsn. . . . . < ; ! * p in. B. & H. B. R. Ia KSBRAfKA. LKATZ. „ SSOam : ) Fr lcht ? > } m 6.S p in I Kx r .t 4:10 pa SIOUX CITT & ST. PATJL R. E. UJI . . .6:10 a m ] Tijresa 10M a a Erprosa 8iOr.m M -7:20 p B WAT1ASH , ST. LOUISiPACiriO. LUTXI. tuuvn. Kan S a. a. I Kail 11:55 * . a Expr S..Z:40p. m. ( Expreaa. . „ . . ! : ! * p. a. BRIDGE DIVISION TJ. P. B. * . Lear * Omah > , dally. B a. n. , * a. TJ. , 10 a in. , 11 a. m. . Ip. m. , 2 p. m. , Sp. la. , B p. , ,6p. | ; t Cozndl BlnCt ; 8:15 a. M. , 10:55 a. m. , 11 5 a. m. , 1:55 p m. , SJi p. . , > r.ti p. m , BS5 p. m. , GS p. . , Poor tripi on Sanilny , ItarlnR Omihi at > and 11 a. m. , X and I p. m. ; Council Clod at > :25 , 11:25 a m. , and 2:15 and SZi p. B. Let re Rmaha : 6 a. m. , 7 a. m..8S . m. , 1 p. m. , 4:80 p. m. , 7:35 p. m. , . LvtT * Ooandl Binffs : f :16 . m , , 8:10 : a. m. , 11 : a , m.B : ° 5p m. , 7KO p. m. , 7iO p. m. Dally excapt Sunday. OMAAA fc REPUBLICAN VALLETR. . LEiVK , AtPJTH. V&U 10 : < n a. m. , i 5 p. a. Dully except " " SANTA CLAT3S FOUND. Qreatent uiacovery or the Ase. Amonc other Uitnrp nher SauU Ctui ! Jtaj * d Children oft ask If he maV i coodtor not , If retlly be ivo1 ? In a mountain of enow. Lt y cr ji xcorslon sailed clear to the Pol AEU Jtidenlj aroppedlntowbatimnnllikoKfcnlf Whrre wonder of T-onders thoyfound t > K wItnd , iTnils fi'jy-llfca bc5u api wire < i on etck baad. Ther < - \ rrrnnrntAins like onrt , nith ncre beautiful preen , And tar br..hi .i .r.irs than ever wcra EOOB , Blriln with the hues of a r ! nbo" * rcro toiiad , While flowers "f exqnliite frajrnnc * brocTOW ing around. If ot Ion ? were they left to wonder In doalu A twtnc soon citut > lluj bii henrd Much al > on > , Tww ! 3nU Cln ' lf d th lithsy ! ! say , le' nl > il liketJn ! picture * i lee ertrr d y. He drove up a l ani tbtt loclicd rerr qsaer , Tw a team f rnKhoppers tnnead erf reindeer , 7f rode In a jVelJ instead of a ilelih , 'Jut he toot them on boird anil drove tkem away. St cboucd thora dlJIT hie wonderful roil * . , ad factors cuV.r.t coo < ! e for womoa ind men ? urr < ! n r * working on rial * TK t u < firali , To Sunrw'i ) theaM thov were ion J.IDJ tk m all. " &il Klnra. ! the O'o e MaV'dth m at once , Ail oar GlovM we 4 tsnrti'ie to P.nnti. 3anU a'lowed them etupendan and man ? thlnjrf more. Baylut ; 1 nlco took 1 h f to f Head Ear t otcct. Sa.Ki' tli n wbtrpered a c ocf t he'd t U , V li > OT iba every onp knew Bonoj wtU , To tUilrtlore nr.uK" nnd bit srtxvl * to bta cm * , Kcowiof hi" frie dorll ! ? t their fall ftart. XP r aMnb r ye dwellers tn rtniat * t3n , AH who orVg'nti to * * unoe'n go roucd , foe ihirta , ceftirt , or elorcs ? rM ad unall , snd TOUT ! tr or unnt one and all. Bunce , Champion Rotter of tin Vfret , Don rlsj > A sew ac-I hitfcsrt * OBkno-ro remwly for all Jlwa-ea of tb Kldmeyi , Bladder , uiu Urinary Orzaon. U Trill pen T lT our * DIab ! t , Ortral , Drop- jy , Hrlrfct'a Diinio , inability to retaia r eipell tbeUmn , Ontarrhof the Bl > ilil r , kick colcrod and rcaitty rrina , Painful Drl ittec , LAME IUCC , Oeneral TTt lni , and all Female Com- olalntd. It in.orul msdiciiiM , is cartiln U It etfocti tad curot htu ncthli ; CM da. For nl by all Drnpcirta or tent by mall free upon rectlpt ef the price , S2.00. DAY TiEY PAD GO. , PROP'RS. Toledo , O. > , you address for our lltUe book , * WM Saved. " PCS K IBW x * ; ' - > r CHARLES RIEWE , Uetalic C w , CoSlnt , Catketa , Sbroudi , etc. Fam mStree . Oth Had llth , Omaha , Jfob. TtleirapbJj ordtra promptly attinded to , AQBIOULTUEAL , Wheat In Euesla. RuwLn journalists appear , scys Tr.u London Tclt graph , So bo just now painfully exsrcise.t by the an nouncement tint two American steamers ltdoii 'S'ith crain rn- tered the port of Rjvel fcr the pur- Dose of aitchar < * 5t > z thtir cargoes , a circumstance hitherto without pre cedent in tlio cnnslsof Russian com merce. That Russia would never need to import cereals front foreign countries has hitherto beua _ firmly cs- wbluhed article ot popnlar l.u-h hroughont the C&tr'e dominions S > rapid , however , has of btci falling oil in the prcduotivouess exhibited in 'he agricultural riitrcfs : of th ; empire that the "seemingly impo > ane ! he * at l"nzth. ; come to pars , and Northern Ruesia is impsrting wheat from the United State ? . Is it but jutticc to the Rutaiau press to acknowledge thit it has been profuse of warnings nith retpct to the probable onnso quencea of slovenly aud unintelligent farmini' , per"atence in old-fashioni'd and exploded &ysUrui of lultivution. reluctance to ittvext capital in modern egriculturtl improvcmens , ab senteeism and and other laches which have practically disqualified Russian grain growers for competing for fore'gn custom with Iheir transAtlantic lantic rirult. But Ruuian buyers and passant farmers alike , were so immutably possessed by the CDUvTe tion thst RuisU was tie predestined sjracary of Europe that they calmly ignored the&e salutary monitiotis. Thy are now stricken with amaz3- racnc and consternation by proof positive , such as is afforded by the importation of Amorkan giaia into RBT ! , th t the cereals of Northarn * ud Central Riueia no longer suffice to meet the consumptive require- tnants' of the native population. Germany , too , is g ving to America tha preference over Rufiaia for what finds it neccs ary to import from abroid , on the ro. a > nsble proant' thst ( he American whe'ti L > st enc : = > cheaper and of better Quality tlmntha Russian. On the whole , Bimuiicg- riculture is just now at an uxtreuitily and its future prom'sea to prove even gloomier than ita pre sent. "Winter Foedlne in th Dairy. Natl'.n l Lire Stcok Journal. It is important that the dairyman should to feed his OT n cows ns to caua them to hold out their milk to the end of the senton ; and no-dairy- m n can afford to have a shorter asa son than 300 days. Uzilesa he feeds jcmathinfj batter than dry corn stalks ho cannot expect to prolong the season - son of lactation through Decdmbi-r , and if his herd do not come in till thu middle of March should , they not go dry till abiut the miJdlo of January. If he has provided fodiler corn , cut in bloesom , bound it in bundles and sot it in large shocks , eo EB to rcnuin recn and bright , he will find little difficulty in keepiog up a fair fl nr of mill ; but thU i-hauld bo fed tVith good clever hay , or with four or five pounds cf wheat middles ppt , Jay" If he ia oblicei to reed ordinary corn stalk ? 5aO he is provided with a fesd cutler , let him cnt these stalks in short lungthi end mix two quaris of midjliugfj and one ousirt of o rh metl perbuehcl , nftelr molsteriing the cut corn , and then let i * lie 'tl mint ? < > ? about twelve hour * and wirm un home ; this Tfiil sniaewhKj Jof'en ' the'woodj fiHr of thisulks. . a < d render the whole in r * dmes ibLThe nmr pro cess linseed intal m y bo purchased at one ct-ntper pound by tlio ton , nud the d&iryman cinnot ra.ike a. bettT mvc.stuitut than to puchsfa e ou h ' < > f < _ 6l tixch iorr rn pound per day. If it is continued all winter he will nndhit herd in m w s-.ticfuetory c < n- iiti'm in the apriiis ; , nti vrill hive no trouble with them vrhun thpy o'une m. A little oil incil : i < ; the b'st auh- s tituto f ir R'aS in ( he winter i.t lo t t.ll d lrymt-n ehfll supply them- aelvai grei-n entiligo of the varinu kind * of graasea , preserved in silo ED complptuly as to be ? j wdet ana sua- oalnni as when out. This duy may arrive iu the future , > nd then wint/r fuednawill bo a continuation of the auuimerratkn i A PROSPEROUS COON ) BY. RAPIDITY 1VI1H WHICH FiUKCE KBCOV. BUEH JROM TIIK GSr.MAX TTAB. ' Oor. Ne r Ycrk Saliou. TUG memutiea of the lat war , of the occupation of so many cities and Til- Icgea by foreign troops , are still Co rtvid that the country at largo m.y ba 8id to be almost fr.tnicaliy pucifie. fha repnblia ns have mited uooppor- Unity of cayicg to the people that the rit'ht of fflakiuir ptftca or vr r must no loager ba loft to the arbitrary will of of one as an ; tLat the essence of the republic consists in leaving to the country the cho ; < w of it * o\vu eonduc < ; that tlio rapnblic nlll forever protcoi it ajj ic t auoh advent urea a > the Mexican war or the fatal rrar sgainat Gerrunny. Thcsu doctiinos have sunk Tsry deep into the eauacieno' of tha nutinnrhenovor ; there i * a fear of a Harapfrxn complication there is atonee K feeling [ of nneennesB whiuh no inter nal queatiou c n produce. In all mat ter * of interior politics thu country hse become absolutely optimistic ; it fears no more the dangers which the politics ! Joremiana denounce ; it does not even dread the commune ; and the rniiiR of the moaumonts burnt in 1871 , aud not jet constructed , seem to te&oh Paris but owe Ie3 ou u tw siege of f r.ria tniiBt not take place ; the "ob i ditional folJy" must not ag in ba f Ifc by the fambonrcs. And the * avin * of lhe KochuFort , the FelixPyats , xnd others f ll on indifferput cara. Their uticlei are but the pickles which are thrown every day into the politico dieh. Parij is happyPeris iaarau'td Paris maVea mocey. The reit h > ues of fiii nca aie w optimistic ss th re publican * ID poaer , and for'he U IOT years our m no ry mark * ' hat eely known Luy is. Itrnuecsi fortunes hiva been nit > do by the specula orsw'ioTjaderstood the temper of the country. Ocr 5 per crrs which were uaued , after the war tl 82 , hava now ru.ichid 'tho price of 120 , and you meet puople everywhere who prophesy tl at they will siI | co."titiue to ra'ae. T io dream of a non war has been diamiised like a nightmare. The German government has done every thing in its poa-er to convince the French peop'e ' that it ia completely in- diffotent to the form of government in ! Prancv ; every minister of foreign af fairs , in his turn has beaa trested ai "persona crat- , " every ambassador to berlln the same , aud the French r.ns OI/ST thoroughly convinced that they can do aaylhins : they like at nom-i without giving offeneo to their uejgc- bots. bots.There There ? .ro now two j'olitiss face to j fscc one official , the other moro oo ' cult Jt is understooii that The Ra- pnblique Francaise Is the month-piece of the occult power , the minister- maker , the president of the chamber of doprtios From his palace of the Ely3ee-BourbonGambetta directs thu occult diplomacy , while close by , on the Qual d'Orray , the rniniator of for eign affairs directs the oiDclxl diplom acy. Thesu two diplomacisa have censed to bo in thorough aocord , and the results of this disagreement bre already apparent. At the great re view of thu fliet at Cherbourg the president of the chamber of depu ties allowed himaelf to ba car- tied away by a paaiion which he had long seemed to suppress. His mysterious * nd oracular words about the "immanent justice of things , " about theinjuii-s done to Friic * , which would sooner or la'er bo re- pairtd , produced a great impression io Gdrminy. It wai the fi-st tirae that soraeth'n ; ; real was aiid , s < me- th'ng which was not the oullventiOzal nlk of 'ha diplomniic draTnuj ; rooms. The "lion did not quit * roar , but he felt his elates ; and this half-coniclous , hfc'f-unconscious ' burst of patriotism and of nationf.l pridt- took place after Finnco had reviowtd her armv , givtn to the regiments her nsw flags , and immediately after the fleet hid been inspected by the pl-ealdent of the republic. Since Mr. Gladstone has taken the premiership in England iLe relations b > -twe Q tome of the men who are In power in England and the president of the chamber of deputies have been incessant. The Eagliih liberals of feted to the French republicans a new sotfc or "cordial alliance. " They were quita ready to recommence the Cri mean war with them. They tried in every possible way to draw the French republicans nray from other alhanooa , aud to incline them nn their side. The English alliance is pt no time a thing to be despised , and it enuot bo very aurpricing if some ot the leaders of public opinion here , remembering of ruat VMtie the English alliance was tj Napoleon III. , imagined th t it cru'd rtill be of value now. Tlio whole history of the Itst few months 1ms befin a gradual re rrc ne i < be tween Franco and England. This work was done entirely onnide of the but the malt i now ap- KEPT F3OM. HIS CRID3. A -VAN IS DXOGOKD , ROBMD AVD FP.E- ViiXTrn rxo.M ATIKNUIXQ HIS OWH CLEVELAND , 0. , Dec. 8. List night was &pt f T the m > irrugaof Louisa KIS-J daughter of si locU domoorotic pilitician , John Kist. Tin intended bridegroom was Ailolph AUroot , fi at ms t of tile bnnto Vienna , -ahobosrd- ed at Kist'e B varitn hotel , on R * er street. All thingt being ready for the marriage , the tanlra were l.ud and the guesti bu 'an to p tlier. Ttu inuus- t r awivetl , but the bridegroom did not. Tha bride's p. rdnt4 becatnp -iJixioun ; ud mtftjc < n N were sent to look for Adolph. They returned wirh- cut huu. The dr < > ad of sninuthinrr spiea through the isiBtnblEge , and the H ustc was hushed , and gradually tha cuests duptrti d , silently curilng toe faithless wre'ch wno thu ? a'nar- duned a lovely woman. Hope fled , and the txpeotant bride fainted and sra carried to her bed , and the hocsa vraa closed. About S o'olook this morning a po- lictiuiau informed Mr. Kir.t that a drunken man was trying to get into hit house. The inmates were soon aroaned , and * general eer.rch was Adolph Aldroot was found in Lake View Perk , a raving maniac , tesring hia clothes from his body , and almoat perished with pold. He was taken to the humi'of hi * betrothed and nodi cal aid summoned. From the aoiioni of the wretched man the physicians decided that ho wu suffering from the effects of seme powerful drag. Aldroot had left the house early in the day to hare some clothing re paired , and to purchase a wedding ring. He had with him between $6K ( > and $ 00 in money and a fine gold watch. He his never ben known to drink and the absence of hia valuables leads to the suspicion that he was drugged and robbed. At present he is in A eonmtosa aon dition and unable to give any claw to his whereabouts during th Jay. The affair lies croited trie greatast oxcite- mcnt in tha neighborhood where Kist live * . Prof. GnDnutte's French Eidney Fadis mnnt factured In thi ! eoni-try from Fr.meb formula , and i tbe ceuolne. For salaby drufrcistf. . H. HoJs , of Battle Cra fc , Mich , irritra iay ! 18,1STS. ' 'I np t tcaltlve rf bo linr fci t wjt-r on rry bird , ii.fl c-in : a T.CT sevir-s.'j.'d. ! Dr. ThomaV Kctetric . 'il , ad < a > e cro t pl-aju'o In sunouncln * to yonth t.h eff ct w tonlltj rainanj prtrt.t blt'tHrtnr I irnruredln three I ! JB. V Itery h gbl v * f.m'Iy m d cln . " An Honest Majlcine froa of ( Jharee Of all medicines advertised to cure any affection of the Tliront , Cheat or Lungs , we kninr of none we sn rec- oaitnend as highly as Dr. . Ki c's Nitr DISCOVEUT for Consumption. Houghs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fe ver , Hoarseness , Tickling in tire Throat , loss of voice , etc. This med- icirie does positively euro , and thr.t where everything else has failed. No medicine CUD * how one-half to many pn irivp jind permanent cures as have already bpen effected by this truly Tfonderful remedy. For Arthma nacS Bronchitis it is a perfect specific , cur ing the very irorit CMM in the short est time postible. We z y by ivl eans give it A trirl. TrwA botUis e. Re.srnUr vr.o f _ CO. For sale by 8lly ( ) j. X. I3H , Tlie moft MntlbU remedy , and the only aafs surohnd vermantnt caio tot 11 dU-suw of tbd Iiv.rblood nd * oiiicljt , dn-Urf kiUiomjf Tira , feftrnr.dni.ue , dumb K , j . ii6 . jr fdv ic , id I'r i. C Ja. ! tlf'i fiunck UTV f d . uhiclicureiby ab--otption , Ai * your cr ciji [ or this noted cura , mJ take E otkir , aud if * e has not g t it or will uit j t Uforyor , ssrid il.oO to French rVd Cj . Toledo , 0. , a.U ihoj itillseijd ) ou on * po-t-pe ! 1 by return moll. The BESXSAI.VE In th a world for Cata , Braises , 5 rea , Ulesra , SfiU Rheum , Fevsir Sorea , Tatter , Ohapp- Dd nanda , CbdJblalus , Corns , and all ilnds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve Is guaranteed to give perfect jdtiafun tied in every case or tnonwy retondnd , Price 25 cents per box. For s le by 8dly J. K. ISH Omaha. i J Years 6-s/we thtlPublis. THEOfiMUIBE BS. C. II YESPffiLi are not recommended as a remedy " fet all the ills that fleah is heir to " but in directions of theLiTer , and in ill Bilious CVnnnlainta. DysnpHia , and Sick Head- nchu , or diswses of that character , they stand without a lival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used pre paratory to , or afttr talcing quinine. As a fciinple purgative they are uneqoaled. BEWARE OF ISITATiONS , The genuine r uerer rj flr-coatcd. Each boi has a red-irai seal on the lid , -viththe impwsiion.lXcLANE'S LIVER ILL. Each wrapper fowrs tb signa- nrrs of 0. IfcLAaE and fucuixe BEOS. ® Iiliirt ujxu having thd genuine DB. C. McLAXK'8 LIVJifi PILLS , pre pared bi- FLESOXG BROS. , PitiuarSli , Pa. , he market being full of imitations of he name 3IcTMiir , spalled differ ntly , but aame i/roimnciatian. ii-JW TO CURI COf SU PTSON , COUGHS , Colds , Asthma , Croup , All diseases of the Tkroat , Ltmsrs , and Pulmonary Oixana. USE OCOliOIXJ TO DI11HCTI053 ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. NT , TH Sr CAT , PURniTiTFS , IS PLEAS- n.-Vi TO TAKS , iln < T.-111 prov * itoncathurioat poUnt nd narnilc .TJTSkl KEKOVATOU ndCLSASEX"hath yc te'n b' to ui > lic notice , fnr CONSTIPATIOJ' . BIUOUs- % f > is HCAD .CHt , PILSS , and all dl orders ruins f'oin an obstructed i xt d te ryettm , t is incommribly iho be t curatiyt extant. A viu imitations ; luUt ou { 'ittini ; tin article ailed for. TnoPic-nriT LAXATIVE b put ? r > > " rzoil lin bnte ofly Prlcn CO tint * . Ait < iurdmipl t for De criptiv Paje het. or ti- ri.19 tha proprietor , .T. t nETHrtrasToii JfeuYnrk or ? ! * Trv.i Bofora Purcliaflint AST T ? tx at -Callod Jsnd , or AI plUnocrtprwonkd " M Ketrunu nic andZiptcin' thtnati , f nd to tlia POL [ 'r 5t , Sn Fruaci/'vj , fit ) . , Uther Trto 'jj , tb'ot w d "Thj ItlncrrU f ( Ti w , " and you Tillkv ti > if , heulh andMjnoy. Thf P. 8. Cn. iru tb * only djjliTJ i : > 7eii ne Ulitipu Ap- > ] Uuc a on th * Amtnan To Nerirous Sufierors The Great European Kerned y Dr , J. B. Simpson's Specific Medicine. It ii a positive euro for Spareutorrlim , Srafnal rToaknTS , Impotency , aad atl dtuatte ra altinf rom i-'eIf-AHus , u y n I jnxltty J-4J.1 t -uii Uiteuas tbu l .l to Iniahity and anoarlyiprave fh Sp ciioII II ( wita woadu _ _ _ _ _ _ aout free to all. Tt'riU fcr them and KOt toil pm'cuUn. Price Speoiti , > 1.00f rpiafeae * , or ix pailt- aws f or 35.W3. Addrea ail nitn t J.B SIMMOrt JMUICINTS CO. , Koa. Mand 100 Ualn St. , Inflalo.jr. T. Sold in. inaha br C. F. Goodman , J. W. Ball J. E. 1 jh iv.d all dru ij na eTorywhere SUBSOREBI : ; FOR WEEKLY BEE , The Best in the West. BELYIDSSE Star Wind Mill , TIIOS. B. WILLIAMS , BBDOtK 107/S. / Corri a iN oolidtcd r. ai these rce tla , a ind VU1 * ? * i for circa'ar aid prices -ui aaj Uiurp-aticu iq ro rd to the Mill will b cheerfully iuro:1ied. ! LITE AOSKTS WANTED. REASONS WHY TOlTcnOULD BCT THE BELVIDERE ST1E INB MILL. l t. It 1 more e c U fiue ! rind , and In b st > st Itiiia itrru W the wiod from an ) dlitutU.u , t : U ! lh nk tl Ijla ; Sit on the tower Is iL'vftjr ' r.dv with Iti edj to the winu , jud aliens tt Yxce to nuin cur uuucd , with out i raliif ( r itrlkln ; tbouhesl. 2nd , It ti a riiJ wh.-ol hiTlu r no moveablc [ ohiti to wnr out , nut ur creak , in the win I. 3rd. Jce nor slant h&a no effect on it. 41b. It Iwes IKI pow r from friction than other illll * . 5th. It will nn with Icet wind than other ( Jib. It Ii .uiiy rtjulated to it will perform icy uatnnl of work required l d tnan its capae- Tth. It IM no pnlllao , 8 ( ilnj cor eliding bends to r v3 up in w'ntar. ' Sth. It wl'l ' uot pnmp whin out ef sear. 9h ; It id well find baarllr piinted with thr coan ol tb * ln t islut the m-.rka can rflord. 10th. It p < fe-.ttel-e ' tor.fcndvilIUko tare yl itself in t.TV chM. liie wiml sto-ms ' llth itKct crnxoient 12th. t1 ier haTe hird of anybloirn doiuas yet wcta pro { rly > ct np wltb a regulating Taue , nur erer dnna [ ; J in tie leittt by ti o wind. IStu. They ari of KOod material and mme. ( Kth. All ibilra turntd , boxn habited and all nMoauy parti ilonbi * nalted. 15th. It i > more almplo , more compact In con- structioa and ftrnn - h - " * I > r Hillf SIOUX CITT & PACIFIC Aim St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS , ThtOU Rtlialle Siciiz City Eovtc / 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE ! FromCOMCLLBLIIITSto ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And all potato In VartLern I < V R. Jlkiax eta and > akota. Tbit lln ia cqaippAi with the Im- irovtd W < ii ( < U bou e Au ; matio Air Brakes and Sillier FUtfoni Covrter nd l < of ( r. And for SPEsD , SAFETY ARD COMFORT t nnsrirparecd. Elegiht Dranluc Ecom ird letpbur Cart.owned and controlled 'jytho ooro > any , ran Tbroarh Wlth t Cian o between Inlon PutlSc Tn > rfc B pot , Council Blaffj , nd St. P& 1. Trains liT the Union Pacific 'ranrfcr ' D fv.'t it Cooncl ) Blttffa , at 5:15 p m. , er-chinj ioux Cfity at IfcM p. ss. , nd St. Paul t llflS a. a , mtklir HOURS nr ADVANCE OP AHT OKIKU Roora. ff , Itnve St. Pml at 30 : p. m. , r- Mnx at SWax City fct MG iQ. . . and Union WJic Ttan f r Depot , Council Blnfl' , at 0IC : . ai Ita § ro that year tljk ts read vi"d. . C. A P. K. B. " F. C. IlILLS , 8CF riutndont. i .ov > rrl Valley , Iowa. P. X. ROBIJIBOU , Ao't frin'l Ptas. Agant. J. E. OT5RTAK , and Pns cnper Arat. Cnnci awMftln yourovrn town , lerms n U ou-lit Ins Artdir H Hallett & > ii.M.i " _ _ MAKE NO MISTAKE ! MICA AXLE GREASE : ompo < 5dla.-j ; 3 tbe bnt a > J cL apeat ubrloator in tbe wo-ld 1 1 tu brjtbtijon' t ictt mot if cm , but foirns n klgkly oliit d < u.fU. orcr ib * azia , < 'olp. aw y v.lih a large a * . ujt of friction. t is inc. ckiapwt bea&naa T u at 4 une but half be qcuim-.ity la sreoMiis your ira-on that you woulJ of a y otborm'.e gr uD caitle , and tbeu ran ( our * onswiceailon . It anrwers tqurllv a well for Mill G arin ; , Thr 'nnB K.ichin : ' ) , ISurciM , i . , as Ur wajonB Send for Pockei Cjclopedia f TliIiJE TTorlia l ir-iiij. Uallo-1 [ r at oiiy tAincM MIOA MAaUFAOTD2ISC CO. , Bl MICHIGAN JLVJ5NOB , CHICAGO. Your Dealer For Ft cWO-tf Tarrant's Ssltzar Aperi nt , A eirt for Iidlutit oa frifblfal , A bubbli ig birczaw < < aigbMlll ! ; A remedy for irtry tiimtnt fv > er * blch tbe Itlllou make bewilljattmt. A laxatlra , thotuih mild cffettiTt , A tonit , n rvlnt vul correctiTe ; * An anodyne ard TOporiflc. A wonicrfol ? * Lnri ursc re Xnbodyinc eiery rara ingredient That moh r Nitura deemed rotditnt , Witit kladly liberal hauil t. ) fliur l to the famous iialder Spring. IP IT § t3 J | f | | B $ J 13 S iij JT , U t 1 $ H 5 . _ ) JSt4 r-a w B-MKlfV * I 7IA TEK Chicago S Sort ! f ? qen ? * ! c ? ns KjwoiJ i.j-iE-y or U ! a the SHORT 51 E am' .Sfcf * P.i > ctc COUNCtl BLUFFS AXD CHIGA&0M a-d all FOlnSi S..Tf and KOHin. ( T OFVifRa THK T AYKUJTO PUELI GKKATER TAf-LITiK ? AD MORE i /.DVA : TAGK.S raw \ : < y ormK : hOAU IK THE WEST. ODNOnl'lJlfuFFsltud CHICAGO CVos which Is rc2 PULLMAN FTOTUT , OA3B' ' Ia sdiil'lon to thownni * c''zst ' 'I claws of mvf'''oa nnST-CIu\3 > VEALS at ! ' * VTWG STATTOye * W 'V-nta each. . IS HS C3.U5HES tMiE S'fS TJ ITS EgaSFKiMT FISOT CLASP 'f von wt h tha E'it Tnvoiln ? Accnniirfha ! ' noon nil ! buy rour ticket by t'als Jlotiw S'AND WJLt. rAXi : SOJiE OTHER. All Ticket AcnU can * -Vt > on Throuah Tickets via this reid ord Choc ! : raual Eft- Sast. Free of Charge OUAIIA TTCSK 0y'f'Eji 1JM Farnham St. , Coi Ilti. au at UrioPacilis Depot. DS 'vE OFFICE In o'or-uo Central and Dnlnn P c ! 'sTlcVet Office. SAN FKAKCISCO Or ICE-2 Nsw Montgoin flrj-Streot. For Information , foldem , mns , etc. , not ob tslriblo at Home Ticket Oiiicc , address any the Company , or KUCHITT , W. HST5 ! K1TT , flen'l'r. HonT Pass. Ajcst , CHICAQO , ILL. JfiUES TCLAfiS , Gen'l 4s't Omaha & Council Blofl' . THROUGH TO GHiCACO Without Change of Cars I CHICAGO With Smooth and Perfect Track , EI gant Paa- > cner Ccachca , and PULLMAN SLEEP D&D3HHG ! CARS _ It U actaiowlodstcd by tia Fnis , iad sU whs travel nrr U , to bo the Bnt ApsolatcU in J B t Maniieii Koad ID the Country. PASSBNGBR"S GOING EAST Rbonlil near In mind that this I ] the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points East , North aiid Northwest. thh floutc hive choice of FOUB DIFFERENT EOUTES , And the Advantage of Six Daily Lines ol Palace SJtspIn Cars from Chicago to New York City Without Change- All Eipre S T.-Jnq nn this linoaro cqntppcd with the Wcstinjbouse FitiSt Air Urakj and llillcr'd "atcnt Safely Pl'to < m sad Couplers , tbo moat Pcrftct fro- tcction Aa.Inst Acci dents in the world. PULLUAK J'AIACE SLEtPLSO AIID D'K'IHC ' CARS Are ran on th Ennin ton Route. Information concernim. Hontct. 'liitee. Hire Ccnsrctlonj , etc. . will ba cheerful ! } ' clven by applyin ; nt the ol5co of the f-'ur.iugton i'.ouU , 51 ! Fimrtten'n ' Street , Omaha. Kebraaka. C. S PKP.KtNS. D V7. HITCHCOCK. Ocn'l Manner Ocn. West'u Pass Ajr't. J. O. PIJILLldPI. 8t. Jo * . , Mo. General Agtnt , Omars. n. P DUSL , fopB-dl l.'ckct Acnit Onuh * . i J 1SSO. IB iha Direct Ltim to 3T. LPFfS ANi > TiiE From O : ' 4HA nnJ the WI3T. lw 3u Oc-ibsv nc < t ° t. Louis Mid bQi Jr.o tK-twern OO-.IMJ ir-d Usw Tcrk. 3IX DAILY PASSEN'OEtt TP.AJN& este n CUks M tmltn ndrxr.n of other lincfl. TMi ontlrn line ! t cqnlpt1 * * ! frtth Pullman' . ! ? olace S'c ' < > pink Ccj , Ftlaca Day Cj i.b- ci.Mllhr's Gafaty Plat'orm and Conp'er nd the oelobraud VK tlaibortto Air-Eriio. TH. 'C T'-CR riCuCT s-j CStySt Jcaapi < XlcVuts for bile at til cotipon nztlona La tb V wt. . F. BARNARD , A. C. DAWBd , Oen'l Sent. , Ota'I P&S3. & " "Ici t At't St. Jobcnh.lfo Bt. Jrcpj , llo , W C. 3EACHRKST , TieS t Aj-jo. , Ir20 FttrnhiL.1 Stnot , VXDT BORDER , A. 3. BARSARD , Pasi. A ent , Orcaha. Oen'rl Atcnt. Omahx WROUGHT IRON FENCES. IWiro'FencinuandRalltn ? * SpedaUty.1 "Their * beauty , perman < inoo and economy Jily working th extinction of all fenclmr1 chtap material. t JS T El ir n"in derfsn , IndMtrnctible - ' - Fcncci for Lav/na , Public Orounila and .Cooo- tery PlaM Iro-i Va e , Laira Settee. " , rannpkd and of rn t'c piUeriH ; Chain and every d 3Crlption of Iron iii.l v. ira o-namsntal work desi'med and manoficturtd bv E T. BAUH01I'- ) Wire and Iron TT rk , 17,20 and SI Woodward A7 , De troit , Jllch. Senrt' . ' : > "tt * j . ' l - talojrne anil price lat. rm3 sept * * * - > i1,1 ' ' ; z r ? J ! yjj > r- * For COUGHS , COLr 3 , BRONCHITIS , ASTHMA , CONSUMP TION , and oil Di-eases of the THROAT and LUNGS. Their & ai eptat ! rrtp In th tnonn war'd. Br idiiire t'TOLU LOCKan.I F.YK ! W Leu3Onjule , } n haTcin esollant AppetlzertnJ Toalc , f'r , en rel ar.d fnroil > us . Th ImicesKe indUu"In t jd tic ntuntruiii tM.imcnialirvctiYeJ daily arjtbebcrt tTiuucca of uc * ir'nm ana n-vd-uLy. Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. hi > * rr to rlra off upca Us Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal TREASURY DEPARTMENT. IFTICE OF 1NTEKSAL XBTZTf \ WASUIXOIOS , t > . C. , Jinnary JB , IsiO. / Wewrs.LAWROtCE & 1U.UTIS , 1111 Uadlson St. , CUcajo , llg. ! . GJUTLSXK * : TLls ccmportnd. lu tbe opinion of tM * olce , would hare a snOtlent qnantltr * ibe ItALSAJT OF TOLU to ITO it all the adrantarti lucrl wl to thin anicle In i > ectoral et > mpUlai while tbe whlrky and tbo lyrup coc tiute an emitbl' > n rendcrlrc it an aree ble r m < ly to 111 * patient. Conpounded t * , r Irur to the /orma'a. It tniy prcperly l cur J a a UEUlCLtAL PREPAKAT1CS under the pr Woci of C. S.K-vlseUautDtes , and wbu Kiil m ] Jmy la sold by Prtyjlst ! ! . Apothecaries and Other Persunswltbout r Bd rin5 Um liable to > y tpeoial tax aa liquor dcultirs Yonrs Ket octhUy , ( Sl ne.1) OREEN. B. RAUM. Com lS8l i r 3 LAWRENCE & IViARTIN.Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. old by DRUGGISTS , GEOCEKS and DEALERS - CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. 8. 1" 8AIX ) ( rh r yor > ui njoy ref Maanltlcunt Irt.ii flriifcrW r i ti iSc. and A o a : wlh braa JiJt * ro'n bnr-na ana.Ml onrtrlrors t ail ppbti ere . l * . . > linn. nwJ transfers ire nrold * -Jags. " - - - Jt * . . , Fai ScJd. JM-I- * . flty , LeaTenw i , Princeion. Treoton. rir. - 2. . In THIS OHGAT T1IUOUUX ? > rtlie- . Icrt p ndnl. . Kldon. 'tn'MU to tot.ros : * 5tine a &t H v tlBi'uou. wUi Via 1 > * . A M. It. ' 7i AtantUtuIxwl ! an < l Auditioa : us * Wlntanet : , \ oc * w Oarliiu 1-JU9 Is poittlrelr ti onor jA a dprii.fSTi'B Burasro. ta K. u Vr -raion owca. anil ojvnua * a. . Con. B. K. . III. ' tt State of Kna M. WM iao f ' hiouro U--o r j'u - - < V ? ? * ! * . Tlth f. V. * > f. U- * . ! fS.KaLjSMl'.r.J'.ft W MX UHD . A arts JT3 wltS , "Mllira nko < Cinwoa x.tiroon CKJ ATC - ana But * l r < JJk Pen J . ? , . . _ . - Islxnd" lJ VI tjoil'inu. fttn tVntr * . ! ow K. S. tmniyneil. lhaGr It * * tS-05 to * * b < i : auajly 1 'net. anil at At Jj.J d'f > J. wlthlt U.AT. D R. jnct is lulil Ith i * el rnll * . it. a A 310. it K. 1C. rn ' ' Vn.'it sclll p'fat * TO most will fce L e i es3W j j' ' wautif < anjoitait i. pnlneii jour of moau. Illinois wailf Ai pn loira ia , to mtftHf ens o. At OntTM * i , W'uT Central lows tt M. , -n virniasnircent UliiUiR CHrj tnjt r oMny at r-i-i > c _ r > dra.t , it. Hd * . Vtimnsli Crpruss CnHu. Tjn tt * c eatl iHtti , a KO.K ! at u P rr d In nay Ust-cUu ootaL IM ta.t u m.lorltr of O. rat a urtcirr.ti Ior < lltrwr'int . oi1 biw Ai anrpn * nr-d tau lajicaa.a i ar if 'in iicfl wurrantlcr It ) , weur ' - ji d an- 10 met tnat this Curanny rum i-uiinnn Curs lor 8 ! plCB s = rt > o s . am < J S VcV V * TliUu thii iriiiT i c"m . rue " rcnl tt < M& lataaa * W r > . - . . * . ! " * 4.PT TIC . „ _ . ' , _ .cT. - -i , i 8tBlei > - * ! T > i = iiii . ( on a : } And Everything pertaining to ths Foinitnre and upholstery Tracte. A COMPLETE ASSaPJ EIsT SF JE ? $ CSQOS AT TliE w JW U iwnn t5i nt M. K. KISDON , General Insurance Agent , . . . don , Ca li AiaeU . - - - 'ISI' rfESTCDMTEB. 5. T. . Capital. . . . . . J. 0 , THE MEKCHAJ. fS. o ( Jfawark.K. J. , 1M ,0 GIRAIlli rir.nPhIIad lDbl , Capital. . 1,00- - . NORTHWESTKKM KATIOSALCap. ital . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . - rOCTw ? IREitN'8"rtJ5rD ? , California . 8C.Cff BRITISH AMERICA ASSOBiKCIOo l,2l . e HE A * K TIRE IH . CO. , AanU AMKSICAF OUtTKAL , AMeti 8 HAMBURG AHEBIB H PACKET CO.'J Weekly Line oi Steamships Sew Tori Hrery Thursday at i p. m , TOT England , France and Germany. for piMsr9 pp'y ' t G. B. B1CKARD & CI.T P aonj i AeenU , Broad wny. Ve TorS ia ws V. Jll * < J y at rn Uy m la ; : task C-D CD - PIe c c CD CD | as o s : OS CD 1 O O * - * CDE CD OpQ O 3 ac CDo -II * 0)- - , o O -Q § o - w CD < - 0)si D C O si w o 3 - J- D " . O 3O oS. g w 0-"c = O o O ( / ) S CO 5 CD : UJ ° c J _ is H co 0/5.2 3O isX "cd s | l. " O 0 6 PCO | < coH c "S " -O H c coo:0 : I ' ® c5 as . . < D O "O , sll § ° I 'Dcc 13Q 0 $ B-M -H "OM"o g E CD o o' ' " ° M"o 03b 0 "D fe C " b * cc jb . ? o h"CD . V ccz ( / ) Q. C 0) z - .cd CD -f § m 3j - < P- P"E m "E CO 15 o eCO O cd-U j- 0 - c oCD L.-S O CO 00 o O CD , c : CD o > O 00 O u o3