CHARLES POWELL , TTTJETICEOrTHErEACF Corner Uth and tl Famham EU. . Omha Keh. _ AT LATT Eoom 8. Crei hton A BtoX TSth El. OMAHA. MSB. 3. L THOKAS , TTOSJ-Kf AI LiW Loans money , bny ! _ * nd eellf rcil esUte. Room B , Ctcichton vfiiosk. A. C. TKQU ? , > KY AT LAW O c * In Hangccm * * ArTOK * , with Oeorre E. Pritehett , 1SOC ' ramham Su OMAHA. XEH. DEXTER LTKOKAS , JZ.T AT LAW Orclcksnank f 'Bulti AT M. CHADHIOK , TTOBNEY AT LAW Office 16M rarntam A Str e , * B. L FEABQDY , JT AWYZR oat In Orelzhiop Block , aext t I j PootOffl' * , OHARA , NEBRASKA , BOTAET PUBLIC. OOLIJCOT1OKB HAD * O'BBIEK & BARRETT , atLaw Attorneys - , Famham' ATTORNEY AT LAW. ARBASH BLOCK , COR. OOUCIBTrl STS. _ OMAHA. KEB. _ W.U Conneii , Attorney-at-La w , Office : Fjont rooms , op stairs , tn Evuoom'i new brick building , K. W. corner Urtecntb and famham Street * . . Keoicx. Cnxa K. KISICB Attorneys-st-Law. Special attention will N ) tfren to all rolW iCainrt corporations ot every dwcrlpttODj will practice in al .the CoBrta ot the 8'a.te and the United Statez. Office , gamnum St. , oppoclte Court Uonso. EDWARD W. SIKEWL , TTORNET AT LAW Rood 6 Crelrbfn A. Block , IBth and Pourlas stttMts. C. F. MAKDERSQK , TTORiraT AT LAW-StS Famham Street Omaha Mobraska. w. T. RICHARDS. a. J. RICHARDS & HUNT , Attorneys-at-Law. Omc 515 Bnnth Fourtfenth Street. T THE C E OP DR , BOSANKO'S ' PILE REMEDY. IRTERNAL. EXTERNAL , AND ITCHING PILES * M stt oof * on tUe of Dr whlrh cU dl si | o tl e part * .trVglr < t , b orbln ) Tamorm. nllKjlar b Intenag Itch all oilier iciutillea hnra Try II tafce BO othrr , an < l tell yonr nctchbormoi DO NOT DELAY tb drain OB tbe ystem pro aee it disability , bat bay It , TRY IT LOURED PRICE , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , iSStt si tuna you cam not obtain It of him , W | rill mcmA It , prepaid , on receipt ofprir * Or. BiNiankos Xratl * on PU snt fr , ( application. Addreu HE DR , BOSANKQ MEDICINE CO , P1QDA. O. " " THE COLORADO BUSINESS COLLEGE This Institution , located at Dnver , Colorado , the nducatlonal and Commercial o flUr of the West , is pre-eminently the bst and mont prattl- cal of Its kind for the MERCANTILE TRAINING -QF- YoungMen and Ladies. G. W. FOSTER , Praildant , D. W. OADT , SecretMj. The mott extensive , thorenjh aad complete nstltntlon of the kind In th * worU. Tbonsandi o * aeoountauts aud Guslneis men , la the prin cipal cities and Uwni ot th * United States , cm * their success to our course ot training. The Eieht Kind of Education for Young Men and Ladies. Fine , new brleV block , at junction ot three street car Unss. Elejrantly fitted and furnished apartments for tbe application of and carrying oat ot our not el and systematic msthods ot BUSINESS TRAINING. Younc men who contemplate a Dullness life , and parents having eoni to educate , are particu larly requested to end for our new Circular , which will give f nil information as to terms , condition of entrance , etc. Address G. W. POSTEE , President , tj.Sm Denver , Colorado. HIE DAILV BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING CO. , PROPRIETORS. 816 Fa.rnha.rn , lei. Sti and 10th Strtttt TE&JiS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Copy 1 year , in advance ( postpaid ) $8.00 Omont s " ° 4-00 Tmonths " " 2.CO TIKE T'BIES THE MAILS. C , AN , W. a R.,630a. m. , 2:1p. : m C. B. & O 6 30 a. m. , 10 p. m. C.R I4P.R. R , . : CtXSt. . Joe EW a. m B. City & P. 630 a. m. U. P. R.R. , llMa.m. : 0. & R. T. to Lincoln , 10 a. ra. B. 41L B. R. , S : a tn. O. kS. W. , 730 a Ja. ormsa C. tS. W. K.S. , U a. m. , 11 p. m. C. B. & Q. , 11 a. m , 8 JO p. ra C.R I.iP.lla m. , lip m. C. B. i St. ioe.,11 a.m. , 11 p. o U. P. B. K. , i P ui- 0. i R , V. { roa Lincoln , 12UO p. m , S City & P. , 11 a. m. B. tit lnhcb.,1 p. lu. Looal mulls for States Iowa leave bat once a day , vis : 4-0 a. m. Office op n from 12 to 1 p. tn. Snndays. THOMAS f. UALL. PostmasUr. Arrival And Departure of Trains DKION PACIFIC. LliTl. ARIIVB. Dilly Expresa. . .12:18 p. tn. IS5 p. n. do Mixed p. m. * :25 p. m. do Frclcht 6JOa.m. It0p. tp. do do 8:15 a. m. UrfMa.m. T11IK DAUD OF THE BURLINGTON. LUVI oxina. ARtlVl OU10A Exprea , . . . .3:10 : p m. KxpreM 10 0a.m , Mail. . . . . . . .60 a. m. Mall 10:00 : p.m. Sunday Excepted. Sonilayl Excepted. CHlCAOO.fEOCK ISLAND t PACIFIC. Mall C.-00 a. m. I Mail 100 p. m. Exprew 8:10 p. m. 1 Express..10.-M a. m. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN , Hall M.6.-0 a. m. I Mall - TS8 p. m. K'pre . _ . . .oMpim. | Exprea..10:00 : a. in. Bundaji excepted. EAKSAB CITT.ST. JOE ft COUNCIL BLUTFe. LUVI AKKOT. Uall 80 a. m. I ExprcM 7 : < 0 a. in. Bxpre C.-OO p. m. I ilall 7:2S V. ta. The only line rnnnlne Pullman Sleeping Cars oat of Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA & NORTHWESTERN AND .SIOUX CITT & PACIFIC EATLROAD8. ExpreM SAO a. m , | Frprest iJOp m. Dally Except Sundays. B & JB. . R. In NEBRASKA. LIATa. ARRIVI. Expre i _ 8 : 0a m I Freljht SJOam rre'jht ' 6.55 p m | Exprii 1.10 pm SIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL R. E. UiJ ] 6:10 : a m I Fzp-cM 10.00 a m Express S , pm | M 7'JO p m WABASH , BT LOUIS t PACIFIC LE1VH. UUUVZS. Itail 8a.m.jMaU IWBa ra Expre . . . .3:40 p. m. ( Express 4:25 p. m. BRIDOE DIVISION U. P. R. B. Leave Onuh3 , dally. a m , 9 a. m. , 10 & m , 11 a m.J p. m , S p. m. , 8p. m , 5 p. tn , , 6 p. m. , L"aTe Council Hnfls ; 8J6 a. m. , Bt5 : a. m , , 10:25 a. m. . 1125 a. m . 1S p m. , SJ5 p. m. , 3:25 p. m. , 6:25 p. m. , 6.-2S p. m. , Fear trlpg on Sunday , Isavine Omaha at 8 nd 11 a. m. , S and 6 p. tn. ; CoancU Blnfli at 9 5 , 11:26 a m , and 2:25 ind 6t3 p. m. rAsssaiR nurss. Deare Omaha : -6 a. m. , 7 * m.8 0 . m. , 1 p. m. , iBO p. m. , T:15 p. m. . Leave Council B'.uOsC15 a. m , , 9ita. : mx , Ll(0 a , m.B:25p : in. , 7.-CO p. m. , 7 0 p. m. Dally except Sunday. OMAAA It REPUBLICA-f VALLBT R . 11AVI , 1KRIVX. Hall 10:15 a. m. , 4.85p.m. Dall ) except Sondayi. SANTA GLAUS FOUND. Greatest Discovery of tbe Age Wonuertu'dlscoterleslntht world harebecnmaJe Among other thlnc where Santa Clana BUjcU Children oft ast if lie makes eoods or not , If really he lives in mountain of mow. Last year an excursion sailed clear to the Pole AndEuddcnlj drcppcdlntowhateocmeclllkeiJiole Where wonder offenders they found a newland , Vhlle falry-llki beings appeared on each hand. Thcro were monntalne like onra , with tnor * beautiful preen , And far brighter aklee than ever were seen , Birds with tbe hues cf a rainbow wtre found , While flowers of exquisite fragrance were jfrow ing around. Not long were thej left to wondtr In doubt A boluir * eon camq thej had heard much about , Twas Sinta Cling' self and th lethcy all tay , 3e Itoked like the picture f woe every day. He drove up a team that looked vervqnwr , Twae a team f craMhoppers Inttead of reindeer , He rode In a shell Instead of a delfh. But ho took them on board anil drore them He showed thorn all over his wonderful realm , And f actorin * tnakine coodi for women and men furriers were working on hats creat and onall. To Bunco's they said they ere sending them alL Kris Klnjlc , the Glove Maker , told them at once , All our Gloves wo ar sending to Bunoe , Banta iihowed them suspenders and many thing ? more. Bajlng I alse took these to friend Bunco's store. Santa Claus then whUpered a secret he'd UU. AS InOmaha every one knew Bunco well , le tZr Iore should Mnd hli foods to his cr * , Knowing his f rieids will cet their Jull thare. Now rtmembar ye dwellers In Omaha town , IU who want proienti to Bunco's po round , 'or shirts , collars , or slovos frcat nnil small , tend your slittr or aunt one and all. Bonce , Cbamp < on Hatter ot the West. Douirlal r n't. Om.ih A now and hitbfrto tuknown resisdy for all JUseaiee of the Kldntys , Bladd r , a d Urinary Orcans. It will portiv ly cure Diabetes , Gravsl , Drop- Brijht's DUaaM , Inability to retain or expell iy , tb'.Urtn. . Catarrh of ihe BlaWer , Lltt CoHr d and scanty crlna , Painful Urinatlne , LAME BACK. Ueniril W knes , and all remal * Com- It avoldt Internal medldlnes , Is certain l It tttect * aad cures when nothlnr elss oan. Fer sale 6y all Druggists or sent by mall f rss open receipt f the price , $100 DAY SEY PAD CO. , PROP'RS , Toledo , O. tO-S yonr addiea for o r little book , How wu Saved. " MR ? V 1H. A it for Sebruk * . CHARLES R1EWE , UNDERTAKER ! Ketallc Cases , Coffins , Caskets , Shrouds , etc. Farn m tree . Oth and lHh , Omaha , Keb. Telnraphls ordsrs promptly attended to. AGEICULTUEAL "Water for Stocr Durinsc Winter. . Alarjepropirtion of irestern farm ers make very poor proyiMOD for sup plying their stock with water during the winter. Springs that afford a sup ply of water that i moderately w rm are tcaroo , and few of th'Ee that exist ara utilized to the extent they should he. Generally the water fcr the sup ply of farm stock is procured from a well in or nenr the farm yard and is raised by means of a hand pump. Ihe water is often nearly at the point of freez-ng when it h drawn aad is ordinarily conreyed into a trough that is lined with ice. Animals thst drink this water suffer severely from cold. It is often the case that there is but one trough in the yard for the accommo dation of a large number of horsei > , cattle and sheep of different aces. ; It is generally surrounded by ice on which the animals are likely to slip or receive Injuries. The younger animals suffer most because they are hooked and pushed by those that ara older and stronger. During very severe weather many farmers only allow stock to h&ve acets to water once a day , and as a coniequence they driuk so much that they suffer from the ould produced by tikicg so large An amount of water into the system at once If practicable stock should be sup plied during the winter withAwater furnished by a rpring , as it is * gene rally several degrees warmer than that drawn from a weU. The well should be covered ns should the troughs into which the water is con veyed. The practice of briuging Water into barns aud stables has given excellent s&tinfaction wherever it has been introduced. When it is not practicable to convey water into ( he buildings where stock is kept , the troughs for holding it should be under sheds , and surrounded by a spacious platform that can be kept free from ice and snow. Young stock should be allowed an opportunity to drink while theanimali that are liable to molest them are out of their way. In severely cold wo&ther it is better to carry water in buckets to colts and calves than to allow them to suffer the exposure necessity to obtain it in an open yard. Unless during storms of lung continuance animals should have an opportunity to obtain water at least twice a day. If their only food la dry hay , straw and oorn fodder der they require coasiderablo water in order to digest their food properly. Dairy cows must be supplied with wa ter at frequent timei or they will fail to give their u ual amount of milk. Hereford Oattle. St. Laola O ! ae-Dcnv > crat. There appears to be an increasing appreciation of Hereford cattle. And we have no doubt but they wiil prove equal in good qualities to the icoat rtnb'aino expectations of thsir friends. One of the largest importations ever made at ons time of thoroughbred stock was a late importation of Hara- ford . There ware 138 head together ; thirty-one head trere for 8udebaker & Co. , of South Bend , Ind. , and asv- enty five hend ware for Mr. Bsnj. Hirshey , of MnscaUne , Iowa , and Mr Oultiertson , of Douglas county , Illinois. It is understood this last lot was t ) be divided about equally between the two latter gentlemen. They consisted of balls , cows , heifers and several young calves. Some of the ccws weighed 1900 pounds each ; and one of the bull * , two years old , weighed 1700 pounds. The importa tion is said to be equal , if not supe rior , to any importation ever made of this kind of stock. And these men appear to be going into business with confidence of the outcome. It is claimed that the Hereford ! are much hardier than the short horns , and con ecqueutly are better able to stand an improve on the rough fare of the plains. And it is uppo d that these men intend breeding atock to supply stockmen west and southwest. Two Crops. Some interesting experiments are being made in Delaware and Ocnntati- cat to obtain two crops a year of small frniti. Tha N JW York market is actually receiving a second crop of raspberries from the former state to day. Tw growers of Brldgeville , Dpi. , have for the put three years successfully produced a second crop from their bathes ; and on some days during the put week thay have each shipped as many as two hundred and Bfty pints of theie berries. They call it their second crop , but the facts are that these two grow ri , from the first ripening of the rasp berry , about the middle of Jun * until the middla of September , only few ripen at a time , and bttween the 15th of September and frosts they ripen with sufficient abundance to be packed for market. The present tenon hai bitn in some rsipects a phenomenal season. The Syracuse Journal states that in onn of the pub lic parts of thftt city some of the flowering shrubs are blossoming for the second time. On Irving straet , it says , there is now an apple tre in blossom. In other places of the city similar nnnsukl phenomena htvo been observed. A Gaeap and Dur&bl * Cistern. Asierluucrlcnltnrtit. . An abundance of rain water for family nio , for the barn yard , and for irrigation in tbo garden , is still the crcat desideratum in our rural districts. The great bar to this water supply i the anticipated expense. It costs money to excavate and lint the sides of a cistern with brick and stone. Most farm houses have no provision for wishing except well water , drawn with the bucket , and this often hard , and the yard and barn cellar are with out any water for stock. A cistern that will hold ,01 the water that falls upon the house , or the barn , is within reach of every thrifty farmer and will pay for itself every year in caving labor , and in the health and comfort of the family , anc in the care of the fsrm atock. A neighbor ef ours , who is a gardner as well is a farmer , built a cistern for his greenhouse last year , and liked it so well that he has built another this fall for his faarn and garden. The first item of expense was the labor of excavating on the south side of barn , where the froct dues not penetrate very deep The excavation is about ten feet deep , ten feet in diameter at the bottom , and twelve fest at the top. The soil is gravelly loam at the top , and compact gravel below. Bu ! sand , if it were compact enough not to cave , would answer juit as well. The sides of the cistern are made ai even as possi ble , and a wash of Portland cement is applied with a broom to the bottom and sides. This dries very rapidly , aud four or five coat ings will make a perfectly tight and strong basin to hold all the Water thai will ever fall Into it. Tne cost of ce ment is very small , and the thin crust , backed by the solid subsoil , is just as good and durable as mason work of brick or stone. For a cov ering he used chestnut timber of one foot in diameter , hewn upon ono side , upon which chestnut planks two Inches thick were laid. Two leaders conduce the water from the eaves of the barn into the cistern. A man-hole was left on the top large enough for the cleaning of the cistern , and for the insertion of the pump. The plank was covered with about two feet of earth , which is a sufficient pro tection against frost in this latitude. The ciuUrn will hold 8,000 gallons of water , or more , and will furnish ac abundant supply ot water for stock , end for irrigation in ordinary seasons. The whole cost for labor , timber and cement was about fifteen dollars. Most farmers will furnish the neces sary labor and lumbrr , and the only money outlay would be tor the Port land cement. This cement will hard en under water , and become a * solid as stone. It is entirely practicable for almost any faimer to build a cistern of the kind described , and to have a > oed supply of water for his cattle during the winter. Build a cistern. A Lesson to Stage-Stract Girls. A telegram from Richmond , led. , says : "A fine-looking girl of 16 ap- ) lied at police headquarters last night 'or shelter and breakfast To the officer in charge she told a strange story of her infatuation with the life of n variety actress , aud whit cine ot it. Her name is Oracle McB.-ide , and her parents are represented to bo well to-do , respectable paople. About hr-30 weeks ago she became despar ately stage struck and cpplitd to May Fiske , who wes showing her dizzy blondes at Hamilton , for employment. She had a splendid physique and a pretty face , which wr.s all the quabfi- catioEs required , and she was engager ! for the season. After appearing with the troupe st three or four points they struck Indianapolis , where ihe was t ken sick. The Fiske woman and her companions abandoned her , and turned her out ptnnilass. She was taken to a public hoipital and cared for until she was abJo to join the company again , but It was gone , and some ono had robbed her of a beautiful head of flaxen hair , which had been her chief attraction , so that she was useless on the stage. Begging a few dollar ! of some charitable women , she started home to her sorrowing parents , and had got this far when her money gave out. She was furnished a bed , and the township trustee gave her a ticket to Hamil ton. " Honesty the Best Policy. Slidi Nick , s ya Tha Arkansas Ga zette , was arraigned before a justice of the peace on a charge of stealing a calf. calf."Are "Are you guilty ! " asked the jus- tice. "Course I is'nt. I's ez innocent es de d ribbon snow. " Several wltnossea were examined , and the evidence was so conclusive that the judge exclaimed : "That will do. The prisoner is as guilty as Judas. " ' I doesn't like that ' .Jedge , 'sprea- /ion. I doesu' mine bein' called guil ty , but doan' say dat I'se guilty as Judas Soariut , case I'se allers been a church member. Dat word Judas grinds on my stomick , boss , or jedge , if jor pleases. I allers steers clear of dat word. Bat now if yer wants me ter splain dis situation , I ken do it. Maylsplalnl" "Go ahead. " "S me time ago Mr. Jaokson , de man what cnscs me so wrongful , borrowed a bridle from me. Tuther day I axed him for hit an' when I cum long home dat ebening' I seed a bridle hangin * on de fenca. I tuck hold ob de bridle reiui , flung dem obtr my shoulder and started off. I thought dot sumthia' pulled a little hard at fust , an' I thought dot de bridla had notch on a nail , bat bein' so strong I didn * take much notioa ob hit. When I got home and went in ter de house , my wife asked , 'Nick , what yer dom' wld dot calf ? ' I looked roun' an' dsr shooh nuff wuz a calf hangin' enter de end of de bridle. Dar wui a piece ob paw-paw bark tied on to de herd stall an' de calf had swallored hit. O&lves is monstrous fon' ob paw-paw b rk. " "Why was the calf fonnd cut npt" aiked thejndge. "Dat's what I'sgwine ter tell yr. 1 De thing suffered so , dat tar git hit oaten hit * miner ? , I killed hit , tendin' nixed caornin' ter carry d qn r ors an' hide ter de owner. I dida * winter be 'rested for crulty ter animal * . Is all de facts plsin , jndgel" "You ca go. " "Thank yer , judge. Go home , did yer say ? ' "No , to jail. " Prof. Gnilmttte's French Kidney Padis manu factured In ths cout try from Fr.nch f.imula , and is the jenuice. For fal by druggists. Orpbi M. Ho-iffO , nl Battle CTik , Mich . writes May 16.1S7S. "I upset a teakettle cf bo ling kctwatsron my hand. Irfl'csinra vsry leverisald. I applied Dr. Ibomis' Eo'ectdc Oil , a d ta > e phasufe in anr.o-.ndnj to yon thtt the effect wn to all y pain anl prevent blistering. I W M ured In three daj i. Wj pnte it very bighlj a * a family m d'cin * . " An Honest Medicine .tree of Charge Of all medicines advertised to cure any affection of the Throat , Chest or Lungs , ire know of none we can rec ommend as highly as DE. KINO'S NKW DISCOVERT for Consumption Coughs , Gelds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fe ver , Hoarseness , Tickling in the Throat , loss of voice , etc. This med icine does positively cure , and that where everything ehe has failed. No medicine can show one-half so many positive and permanent cures as have already been effected by this trul > wonderful remedy. For Asthma io3 Bronchitis it is a perfect specific , cur ing the rery worst cases in the short est time possible. We say by al means give it a trial. Tried bottles free. Regular eize SI. 00. For sale by 8lly ( ) J. K. ISH , Omaha. The most een-jble remedy , and tbo only life lure and permanent cu > e fir all dts-ase ofthe llver.b'ood and s'omach , Inclulmpb IIlous fevers , fever and axue , dumb auue , laundice , dy pep i- , Ac , is Prof. Guilmetle's French Lire Pads , which cures by ab o ptlon. Aat your drujjlst f ir this noted cure , and take no o'.hcr , and if be Lu not gt it or will not get it for you , send jfl.50 to French Pad Co , To' 'o O. , a d ti y willieod you ons po > t-paI3 nvrnun ! * mail. Armo * sulre The BEST SALVE in the trorld for data , BrnlsM , Sovea , Ulcara , Salt Rhenra , Fever Sorea , Totter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Oorns , and all dnds of Skin Krnptions. Thin Salve \3 \ guaranteed to giro perfect aatiafao- iiod in every aue or money re funded. Price 35 cents per box. For sale by 8dly J. K. LSH Omnha. J : 5 Years before t/tePublie. TK5JQEMUIME LIYEK PILLS are not recommended as a remedy " for all the ills that flesh is heir to. " but in affections of the Liver , and in Al Bilioun Complaints. Dyj ; isia , and Sick Head ache , or diseases of thxt character , they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No betrer cathartic c n be used pro- laratory to , or after taking quinine. As i * imple purgative they are unequalod. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each box has a red-war seal on the lid , vith the impreMion.McLANE'S LIVEIi ILL. Each wrapper bears the signa- urcs of 0. McLANE and FLIMIHQ Bsos. ® " Insist upon havin- the genuine Ds. C. McLAXE'S LIVER PILLS , pra- > ared b' " FLESQNG BROS.rittgbnrgi , Pa. , he market being full of imitations of , ha name MclMne , spslled differently , mt same pronunciation. _ mw TO CURB CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , Colds , Asthma , Croup , All diseases of the Inroat , Lungs , and Pulmonary Orprana. USE ACCOllDINO TO DIRECTIONS ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. UNLIKE PILLS ANDTHZniUAL PURQ1TIVH3 , IS PLEAS ANT TO TAK8 , An * nill prov * at once the most potent and harmless SYSTEM REMOVATOR nd CLEANSER that hM yet br-n b'ouihtto public notice. For CONSTIPATION. BIUOU1. IESS , UEADACHE , PILE * , and all disorders ariBlng from an obstructed state of ti system , t is incomp rably the b it tn'ftriri extant. Avoid imltatloni ; Insist on getting thi article ailed for. TROPIC-FRUIT LAXATIVE is put np in br Jied tin boxes only. Price CO etnts. Ask yonrdrofflit for Descriptive FaxipbJit , or ai- dr ss th * proprietor , j. E. HKTHEaraaToir , New York or Bu rnndsca. Before Purchasing AST FOSM of 8Call d ELECTRIC BELT , 3and , or Appliance reprnented to cur * Nervous. Chronic and Speela' Dn * i i , send to ths f 00 VEKMAOHJCBGALVANICOO , 613 ilontjomery Ilreet , ban Tranciico , Cal. , for their Frc * Pamphlet and "Tha Ktectrio RevUw , " aid yon will sav * time , health and money. Th * P. 0. Co. are the only daalers iu Oinutn * Zlectrlc Ap- pllancu on tha Am < rican Continent. PASSENGER ACOATBN ! LINE OMAHA AND FORT OMAHA Connects With Street Cars Coruir of SADKDER3 and HAUILTO * 8TKEETS. ( End of Red Line as follows : LEAVE OMAHA : 830 , " 8:17 and 11:19 a m .1:03,5:37 : LKAYE FORT OMAHA : 7:16 a m , , 9:45 : a. m. , and 11:46 p. m. 4-00 , 6:16 and 8:15 : p. m. 'Tha 8:17 : 1 , ra mnleavln < ouiaha , aad ths 4:00 p. m run , leaving Fort Omaha , ar * uroally k did to full capacity with regular passengers. The 6:1T a. m. rua will be made from tk post- office , corner of Dode and 15th tnrehts. Tickets can be procured from street e&rdriv. en , or from drivers oi hacks. FARE.250CNT3. INOLUDWO STBE GAB . 0-U \ BELVEDERE Star Wind Mill MANUFACTURED BT THOS , E , WILLIAMS , RED 0 IOYiA. Corrwpondeoce solicited rcm those needlni a lellable wind Vlll icnd fur circu'sr and prices and > DV information ii regard to the 11 111 will b cheerfully rnroisbed. LlYE AOENTH WAN1ED. REASOKS WHY YOU 8HOULD BUT THE BELVIDERE STAR WIND MILL , 1st. It Is more eafo In a cale of wind , and In 'he moat sudden c arurea of the wind from any direction , because the whetl Ijing flit on the tower ii a' ay re-d with lu ed e to the wlail , tad allo ste vanetosltir ! c ir aroand , with out uruing or ttilklag the wbe l Sud. ItHirtriJ wh el hinnjr no moveab'e Joints to wear out , nut or crea In tb * wini. 3rd. lee nor Jnt baa no effect on It. Ith. It loiea le power from friction than ottur Hilts. Stb. Ihwlll run with leu win 1 than otker Mill. Mill.Sth. . It Is o icily r sulated so it will perform any amount of work required lea tnan iti capac ity. ity.7th. . It bag no pnlllei , springs norslldlng heads to reeie np In Winter. Eth. It wl'l ' not pump whin out f fear. Jth It ill well ind beavllv painted with thr eoa' of the belt slnt the rmrke ; can afford. 10th. Itisapeifectielf-reKuIator atidwillUks oart o ( itmlf in he vy chanfible wind itorms. llth Itnymolrlcalforraij apeifcct omvoent 12th. Nerer bare bianl of any binwn doen ai yet whan properly set np with a retaliating yane , ncr erer damaged in the lean by t : wiuii. 13th. They are of good material and maile. 14th. All friar's tamed , boies bablted and all nto siry parU uoubU natteJ. 16th. It i $ more iimple , more compact in con- jtraetloa and tfmno r h- h r Hills SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AND St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Rtliallc Sioux Oiiy Route I 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE 1 FromCOUTOLBLUFTSto ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And all poiataln Northern Iowa , lllnneaota and Dakota. TUi Una U equipped with the Im proved Westlnjbousa Automatic Air Brakes and UlUer Platform Coupler and Buffer. Andf or SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT iaunmrpaaod. Elegant Drawinfc Room and JUepins Curi.owned and coatrolled by the com DJkBT , run Through Tfithtut Change between tJmlon Paclflo Transfir Depot , Council Bluff ? , and St. Paul. Trabis leave the Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Council Bluffs , at 6:15 : p m. . reaching Sioux City at 10:20 : p. m. , and St. Paul at 11:05 a. m , making N HOURS iw ADVANCE or ANY OntKE ROOTB. Retomin ? , leava St. Paul at 320 p. m. , ar- rUy atBiouxCity at t-Ab a. m. , and Union Paclle Transfer Depot , Council Bluttf , at 9:60 : a. B. Be sure that yonr tickets read via "S. C. 4 P. B. B. " P.O. HILLS , Superintendent , i aaouri Valley , Iowa. P. E. ROBINS03 , Aaj't QiD'l Faas. Agent. J. H. O'BBTAS , and Patoencer Acent , Ooancll BluDs a week in your own town , lernu n outdtfree. Adiresi U & 1 HAKE NO MISTAKE ! MICA AXT.F. . . GREASE Composed larjrily of powdered mica and ialnzlaai is the belt anJt cheap it lubricator in iht world It Is tte beat became ! t dots not ? im , but fomu a highly pollihed snrtate over tbe axle , do Ins : awy wtk | a lire * amount of fnrtlon. 't Is tbe chiapest b eiuu von seed tue but half th * quantity ID greuluj your wijon tbatyou woulJ of any othsr axle gttut made , and then run your a on twie * aslon ; . K answers equally as w U for Hill Oearla ; , ThresSIng JIachinas , f5njjlii. ; tc .as for wajons-Ssud for Pocket Cdoped ! of Thiuti Worin Knownf. Ualled free to any ad 'rets MICA MAMOFASTU'IHC CO. , 81 MICHIGAN AVKNUE , CHICAGO. Your Dealer For It ortKVtf Tarrant's Ssltzer Aperient , A sore for Irdijtrtlon frlghtful , A bubbling btvciaz * 'c'lihrral ' ; A remtdy for every ailmrnt O'tr whl : h tbe Billons make btwaflment. A laxative , thonjch mild , iffeetive , A tonic , norvinsod corrective ; An anodyne and suporlfic , A wonderful SALCTI * T3C1T o K "bodrm ; etery rare Ingridleat That mother Vaiur * ileemei exoedlsnt , With klanly liberal hau-i to flinj Into th * famous ieluer Spring. GO EAST Chicago & ftorthwesten 2,380 i ilES GF HGAD It la ths SHORT , SUKS aad Safe Route IJ-atwo5o COUNCIL BLUFFS CHIOA&QMILWAUKEE and all potata KACT c < l NORTH. IT OFFKH9 THE TKA.VEUNQ PUBLIC aRKATEB FACULTIES AND MORK ADVANTAGES TEAS ANT OTHER SOAD IN THB WEST. It Is JL ONLY EOA D between COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Ucuc icMch I run PULLMAff HOTEL CAESi In addition to thee nd to please all claasea o tr Teere. It jit re MRST-OLASS MEALS at It EATINO STATIONS at 5n centa each. ITS TRACK IS ITS COACHES Ai E THE FINEST ! ITS EQUIPWEHT FIRST CLASS If > on wish the Be t Traveling Accommod ttonsvou will boy your ticket by this Route tS-AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket Agents can rrl ] von Through Tickets via this road and Chrclc nsn l Bag jaC- free ot Charge OMAHA TICKET OFFICE ? 124 Farnham St. , Cor llth. and at Union Pacific Depot. DENSER OFFICE Tn Tolonao Central and Union Facile Ticket Office. "JAN " FRANCISCO OF CE 2 Nsw Montgom ery Street. For Information , ( olden , oatps , etc. , not ob tainable at Home Ticket Office , addresa anj agent ot the Company , or HCCHITT , W. H. STEHHITT , Oon'l Hanar , Gec.1 Para. CHICAGO , ILL. JASE3 T. CLARK , deal Act Omaha ft Council Staff * . THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars I TBZIE CHICAGO gURLINGTOH & QUINCY With Smooth acd Perfect Track , Elejant PM- mier Ceachcg , and PULLMAN SLEEP1HG & OIHINC CARS _ t Is acknowledged by tbo fttst , aac U whc travel aver It , u > bo the licit Apsoiztid ind Best ITanaged Road In the Country. PASSENGERS QOING BAST Should oear in mind that thle U the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points Eaat , Nertli a d Northwest. P 33eneersb > this Route have choice of FOUR DUTEEENT EOUTES , And tbe Advantage of Six Daily Llnei ot Palace Sleeping Can from Chicngo to Jew York City Without Change. All ExpreM Trains on Oils line are equipped with the WeetlnjhouttePatont Air Brakes and Miller's Patent Sifo'y Platform and Couplers , the most Perfect ° ro- toctlon Against Acci dents Iu the world. ULtHAH PALACE SLEEP1HQ AHD DiNIHC CsRS Are run on th Burlington Route. Information conuernlnz Routes , Ra(39 , lime cnnectlons , etc. , will be cheerfully siven b ; iplylng at the oftco of tbe linrlington Koute , [ 8 Fonrteentn Street , Omaha , Nebraska. .E. PERKINS. D W. HITCHCOCK. Gen'l Manager. Gen. Wert'u Pasa. Ag't. . O. PHILLIPPI. St. Je Uo. General Agent , Omaha. H P. DUEL , epG-dl Ticket Agent Onaha. K.CJSLJOE&C.B.RR.J la the only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND TEE EAST From OMAHA and the WS3T. b cnange of CMS Between Uuinha as-i St. Lonla and but one between Omaha and HVA York. SEX DAILY PASaSNGER TRAINS E110H1K9 AL2i Eastern & Westein Cidcs With leas charges and in advance of ether lines. This entire line Is equipped with Pnllinan's Palace SI coping Oars , Palaos D y Coach- c4MUlor > B S&ftty PlaUorm and Coupler and the celebrated Wsrtlnghouee Air-Brake. THAT YOUR TICKET READS'm 49-Vla Kansas City , St. Joseph iarConnctlBlnffgH.R. , Tickets for sale at all coupon stations In the West. . J. BARNARD , A. C. DAWES , Oen'l Supt. . Qenl Fas. Ii Tlckat A t Bt. Jfwenn , Ho St. Jowph , Mo , W 0. 8EACHKJUST , Ticket Ajn. , 1' M Famhaa.i Street , ANDYBORDEff , A. B. BARNARD , Fasa. Agent , Omaha. Oen'rl Acent , Omaha. WROUGHT IRON FENCES. Wire Fendnjrand RaUInz Speciality. ! Their * beauty , pflnnanince and economy ' dally working the eitlnrtlon ot all fencln ? ' ehasp miterial. " " * - Elrgant In do riirn. Indtstrcctlbls" " " Fences for Lawns , Public Oronnds and Cuae Ury Plata. Iron Vaxw , Lawn Settees , canopied and of mtie pittemi ; Chain an > l every description of Iron nd Wire ornamental work dosltmed acil manufactured bv B T. BARNUM'S Wire and Jrcn W rk , 57 , 29 wl 31 Woodward Ave , De troit , Mich. 8eod'i'"B'Mt < 4 atalogn * anil pttoe list. Kpjj EZIDNEGBN is highly recommended and unsurpassed for Weaker or Foul Kidneys , Dropsy , Slight's Disease , Loss of Energy , Nervous Debility , or any Obstructions Bnsine from Kidney .or Bladder Diseases. Also for Yellow Fever Blood and K Poisoning1 , in infected , malarial sections. the dhtllUtlon of a FOREST LEAF with JUNIPER BERRIFS and PARLEY MALT w bavs discovered KIDNEOFN.wblch acts * peifloillv on the Kidneys and Urinary Organs , rmfvln * injurious drpoiita forme-1 in the bladder and pr ventincany striinlLC smarting cn < atlcn hr t or Irritation In the mcmbrsn-msli ing of tha ducts or water p-jiuze It exclt. u < ltliy Action lu tbe Kidneys sivin ; Jhtm itr-m-th , vlj-or and rostorin theao organs to a heallhy condition , showinj : Its effects on both tha col jr and ea < y flow of urine. It can lie taken at 11 time * , m all cllautoa and under * I circumstances without Injury to the s > < tem. U alike any other preparation furKi.lner Ifficultis * It has a very ple-uant an I ateebl * Usie and flavor It tur teen d Blcult tu n. le a preparation contalblns ; pcijuive nlure'ic properties which will not nauseate , but r scceptable ta the st < teach Before taking any Liver mtdi ino.try abof' of KID.Vk.OICN to CLEa > bV : tha KIDNEY * from foul nwtter Try It an I yjii wi'l alwys u l t as a f.mily medicmo. LadUs especially will Ilka It and Gentlemen willSi d KIDNTGE.V the b 3t KUney T > ulc fvt-r ned ! NO I ICC Kach botl'e Vare th * surnitnre of LAWRENCE i MARTIN , a'soa Proprietary Govetn ment Stamp , which permits KIDNEOEN to be sold ( without license ) far 2rcjr I U , Grocers * nd Othsr Persons everywhere. Put up in Quart size Bottles for General and Family Use. Ifnot foundat your Dru rUtj or Qrocera , we will jeudabottle prepaid to the nearest exptsst office to yon LAWRENCE & MARTIN Ills. , Proprietors , Chicago , . Sold by DKUGGISTS , GEOOEES and DEALEBS everywher. Wholesale aenti in Omaha , BTEILE , JOHNSON & CO. , will supply th * trad * at aannftttot irices. WHO IS UNACQUAINTED V/ITH THE CFOQRAPHY Of fHI COUNTRT.k-J SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP , THAT THIT CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. B. LS TIIE GREAT ( XmECTKfl LINK BETWEEN T1IE EAST * THE Its main line runs from Cnicaso JQ Council Dining Cart for eatlnir pnrp"e3only. llnffa. paaxlna thronso JolJet , Ottawa. La hille , frput r ntsr of cur Palace Can Is s > L 3enesoo , Mollno. Hoc Uland. Uavenport. We t SALOON irnsreyon can ujoy TOUT " .ibertr. Iowa Citr.ljaranco , Brooklrn. Urlnacil , at all hears of the day. l > ea Molne.i ( the capital of Iowa ) , Siaart , Atlaj- itnanincent Iron UrfdifM span Ic , and Arooa : wltb braocba * from Barcaa ammiuourl rivers at ill points croaaeil unttlon to I'eorta : Wilton Junction to Mtisca- line , anil transfers are avoided at Count * _ Ite. WajhlnFton. Falrfleld. idea , Uelknsp Kantns City. Lcnvenwonh , srxl Atcnlsosi /entfeTille , 1'rlcctton. Trentoo , viaJlaMn. Caiae- nectlon * boincmiule In Union Depots. nn. Leavenworth. Atchteon , acd Konnaa City ; TUB PKIltCirAli R. K. OUNNKCT * , IVaahlnnton to Slfinumoy. OBkalocia , and Knoz- T1IIS UltEAT TilKOUUU iONB A. rUl ; Kooknk to Famlnston. UonapATta , Bea- FOLLOWS : xraenort. Independent. Mdon. Cttunwa , At CHICAGO , wuh all osttsm Un * 'U nil0OskalXMa.Pela.Minroe.and ! Desliolnear Ba t and South. . fewton to Monroe : AiENf.iiwoou. wttai ? UAM.8. * r * * ' Vlnterset ; Atlantic to Lewis scJAndatxon ; aal A.'oca to Barlan. TSU la po ttlT8lr U > 9 only At WjusnufOTuv nnoKra. wrtn K. U i tAt tallroad. which owna , and operates t rooiia Una from Chicago Into tte State of Kansas. At LA SALLS. w r. j ill. ( Vnt. p. R. Thronah Express P sec er Train * , wlta P ll- At VOSIA.wUh l . K * J.r H.U.4E. , t con i"alac ( . tirs attached , are run each war dally W. : Ill MkL ; and T. 1 . A W. Kds. Between CUICARO and Pxoata. KANSAS Cmr. At IkKK ULAXn with "Mllnankee A s - XXIHCII , liLDrrs. USATS.TWORTK cad Aicni- ' ' j.v. Tlironsb cars ro alto run oetvsea M Atl AVX ? ouT.'wlt5'tli 0Dav nport OirV-- as < uiit Knniss cur. vt& tte . tocklalant ! SUe . Llnp. " AfWlSTLrDSRTT. with UW B C-R. * Tbe - Grant W < k Island" Is ASUHIXHKIJ. "quipped. Usroadbedlsfl AtDm UOIXVJ. with I ) M.iK D K.A track Is laid with steel rails. At Council. liLUrrs. wltb Union Pncifl * What will please you mo t will to the cea ar At OHAOA. TltQ U. A Mo. It. 1C H. tu f aaloylnc vour maaln. wnlla paulna over UM . . , ) Cintlfal prairies of Illinois and Iowa. In oca of At OTTUMWA. wito Central lo nr maznlRcent UinlnaCars that accompany til K. L. A P t. and U. K 4 U. tt. Bda. hrouEu EiptK-a Tnlns. Yon cet nn entlrv At K30K0K. witt TotPoo. . & War. noai. as good us Is served In uny flrstclasa hoMI , Loan tt Paa. and Bt. U. Keo. A n.W. . orseventy-Uvo caou. At CAMIBOI . wttU 11. 8t J.H. K. J ppreclatin ? the fact that B majority of th txip3 ! prefer separata apartments forcla'erant . . . . nrposes ( and tha Immense pns incer ! business At tcATiirwoKtn. wttft KJS. VK- f this line warrnnttne U ) . we art * pleased to an Cem.K.tUa , cnnca thst tills Company runs 1'ullimi C'criforaleepiiis purposet , tn& PZu4 tail tkrathwwt. PDT.I.lf AX rA .ACE OAKS r rn7i throneh to MO * * corNCMi uiiUprs. ICAASA. * crrr , ATCHISU.V < u > d Ticket * vlu tbU Line , kuo\rn w the "Cr ut Koelc lalaarf KMit * , " r > t Ul Tlct-et IgeHt * In the Unlt d NUttei sold Vanttn. I'op Infb-aiutlon not obtnlnabla t jrourtuuaa ticket office , sufctitaa. A. . XaMBALL. . EL ST. JOHJN , Ocri'l HuparLnUcdemt. Oaa'l TU. * OH I ATHERS And Everything pertaining to tha Furniture "Upholstery Trade , A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS AT .P month sat 1208 and 10 ! 31. E. ISON , GcDcral Insurance i-C. .f Lon don , Cash Axsots . _ . t5.107.lil WESTCHESTEK. S. Y. . Capital - . l.OOO.WJ THE MEECnAMS , of Newark. y.J. , l.OM.OO OIRARfi nRHPhiladelpli1aCipltal. . l.OOi.OOU NORTHWESTERN NATIONALCap- Ital . BOC.W FIREMEN'S FUND , CalifornU . 800 , 'O ItltlTISa AMERICA ASSURAKCKCo I , ° 00OCO NEM A T.K FIRR I5S. CO. , Afaets. . . . gflO.OCO AMERICA ? CENTRAL , AMets . 5COtOO S ut Car. ot Fifteenth & Doujlw St. OMAHA. MSB. HAMBURG AMERIC N PACKET CO.'S Weekly Line oi Steamships Leaving New York Every Thursday at 2 p. m. For England , France and Germany. For Pa ag9 apply to G. B. RICHARD & CO. , Pa sengei Agent * , Broadway. New York * weeV. J12i day at Homo enlly mvle ; aih oatflt f ran Add reM Tru * St Co.PortlnJ.M s. oo. * CO L COQ 0 0 CO ciO c c COo o-c ciI - I o 0-- 0 1 0bfl _ o SOJ f- 3Q.S co CO LSJ CO O 0-D < u c ' C Q ) * - Ji ) : U 0) Q a ) c O c co - O CCO S- ± , SD < c O 0 " aJ . - * - * 03 0 CO 0C 25 2 ± - COTn ° -C J- = 0) Tn 0 PHI UJ C C < Cn O * ? . ? 0 COif O co o " 0 0a h o a co co CO c o 0 0 000cj 0 os if \