Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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iir-iirS * * - * y -
Established I87L MORNING EDITION. Price Five Gents
. .
tf\MM. * * *
a l S > < m las Strcc
Over 8,030 resUenr ; lots I t eilo by tb.Ss agi
cint prlM-ir aaatag from 826 to 52.BOO each , a
ocitoil < n vttnitMt of the cllo , and in evi
direction Jjpnirtu Tpstonice , .nr.rtli , erst , EOI
lilo rte one nrivm Wiles , mm tame. Calls
mumlHc our lists
Sever * ! rfmtce 1'ilzJii Griffin i. Iiiacs * a (
jn , Tro i .f convt i , . l > cl * . B St. ilirt'eav
nen 1 Ii rntstreol - * > : M loSSOO.
80 sens Jtiit cut of ba r i on Sanndes S
Uu < I * choice land mid Mill be t-oM M > ry clie :
for cash In , 10 or SO acru loin ; now is jour til
t'J Mvurc a lurjain.
Choice let tl en < l ol street Ckr tracks on Sat
tire street fur $67Ii.
Ciinlee lot , FuruHuin and ith Etrccta , DOxl
.Tl for Jl0 ! will divide IL
Clicap lot * In Credit Pntidar addition. Boulh
P. dCDOt-W W * e .
.Forty lot * on r rlt A enn ami Georck tre
on t ( . .l to pmrk , mnd near heart ot St. M r
\ emit , i < - im * 1 S5 to ttOO each. Bcven j ci
time l e1 nt wr nt t lio-f i\ho w
put np t i c > i tinti ; boiMiuo. 1't r furti
p.irti < iol n atipH t > -
Q. r. r.Kxra , Atom ,
* < nent4 n-id Don s tstrcels.
A nice lot on I. < to * } rlft nu-HrBtktriMji
r > o < * * , * to ; "ii Toth. t sr St. Mary's avc
uu , MvHSS fcol c * . , , , f , > r * * J MIf 0" .
Two diolct l w ncir 2Sii ami . tarfc streets.
K V. 8nitl.adnikm SS < ad J360.
Fifty 1 .AS tci.inY < ftiM , second and third t
Al'lni ' * , frtrJlOO lo WOT < so i
' -it IK-ST 16to itt.l lres , WSO.
In'w OB Iiirn.iv near * tth St. , f 00 cash.
IP' on t < th n-ar K xrd eUtxt , f Too.
O lnl In Graud XVwaAJn < . ! > , g uth of U.
UriJyc and . 'c'M > t , fnnIS ti t 00 each'
One note , 't'lOff1' ifiot , * " l-.ih strcf t , aon
nT"niilrtfln' tjew - mcnoe , Vr ? 2,000 , or w
'n-i.'e lnUU > aaA iottn. from JS50 to ? ' .
ca h.
of b 4tiurul r. W ncclote , ,
catst ) in tl l- new f > J.liU-ii on Cm > ilol Hill , t
iwceaKth * tet on tlie < n > t , ' \i on tbo vr
Tnl'HliDelon ) ttio iv t + 'i ana Fnrnbira 'trc
ontl > cnUth firmer ! } o i-cd * - C H Dow
Kil wre rcceii14 > I ixnrn Mlt. * rl.lnslSacrt
Onlv Ute tnret nfiit . - > , > -kti it li t
Furnlimci and SIMI DinwU * T it. These lo
arc 5C t HI fc'rt in < r.vtn ! B | . , ; io i mcleotii. $1C
for llic cbo oe. jncsn tinxat STXT cent i
tero lto t M Kwi ! ! hniW trfjil rtibslinU
lioiHM < then1" i. Call > aA exan in p'zt ' and g
full Inform ili-mst
1C IS' ir * I. K TATE Ar.ENCV ,
la i uidi'sa ba slrtcU.
O er 28" liu ntid Iol5s" ofTcjol ( or si
b3 tliisofF.Tti \ ros inr.t a'l ' o\er tl
citsAnvl - > * Hn jm < k(4rc Prices van li
f rna IS'ia l ( J1S.P W ca i.
2 u 4 l < rti xnii 2 chtep lioiMnt nror JacVso
_ retl tcrincc. Ilerc is
. ,
. t > ' < . ! examine tlilnwi-.n , a anyddn
OI V. BI31IS , Ajtcnt.
16th and DuuglosStB
A t' . i-ji > ) ! c lit near Curalii and
Tlie cnc re t acre iota In t1'Mtyol Omahi
re those offered for sale h } thlj njoncy in Psu
Place anil Lowe's Peeond dai io , on Cumin ;
Bart and Clifc > nia ! f'rcct' ; vou ni mike n
tnlHlnLoinoi'Mdviii > thi-neli&rpalns wliilp jo
lia n the clianpi. Those lot ure mofothan cqui
In ho to 1 full-sized city lote or s. hilf lilock-
nnd Itwill liebula teryBlnrt lin > e before one
r Hflli pa't of one ot thaee acre lo's 111 sell for a
innOi a3i coTar a fill ETC to-day. Tl.ey ar
located a \ rr ; ehott dm vi > Tuntif Cr iiilo
C.llcje. I'ricM ransinp fromSlfiO to 8300 pa
etc lot. Call iiisracd'aVcami ' ! don't loss you
banco , and eel I > * & 1 " " ' full purticnlarj ol
CIO V BE1I1S. Accut ,
U.tli and lauila ) < i Street : .
Vice lot on Sliorman Avenue iiorlliel Xichola.
trect , 1 1,400.
Half lot on Ci .lclsrccn 13th and 14th Btrcet
J1.000 t
' ! nlre lots in HirUiiin'o addition , $100 to fOOO
Lirze nutrlx.T of aciti lots in Siac'a additicnlt
Korth Omaha , fllR to # 300 each.
Choice corner lot nvsar 2nd and Californli
trects , fl.SOO.
Sc\oral ctKKj li > l ln lielaoc'n addition , 150 t (
83M each
Choice lot in ThomellV iddltlon , $ TBO.
Several large lots in Rirtlott's addition , Ij
rod and 2J acnwoath. 1'ricoi i700 to fJt)0 <
Several choice lola In } first addit'on
Aero lot -Sliornun av R c , ( ICth street )
Bcuth of roiiploUHi's uc rmnlriiiso.f or # 1,100
2 lar elnts noarl Ui and C'a treclx , Cft
S30fcct Omier , ? 1 , ; | i alc 'i > .
3 larce lot ? on She m n a.4vlW street )
Clark St-.e
22 nlco and clicap lots , very i ir to the htJB
Jiwa part of the dty , ii > cat -d r cry few tci *
south of the Cum cm ami SI M irj'saieiue.and
Just oontti of and a 1jo nin ; t T < _ ' > Jn 1 of Jatnc ;
M.V > n > l ortli ami W J Con icll 'heac arc
cheap and vorj tlouirahlc , hum ; s > hand > to hus
IncM part of ty , to row c > Tonirnc t depot , nail
works , uhlta le d orl. < , t ) 1\ depot , Mort
J.-xids , pn'Kinr liousos , etc C'all and cct pht
and full particular * . l''ict75U $350andcaey
eniis to tlioed vho , hnilj
OEO. I' . PKMtS , Accnt.
B choice residence lotn , n 24Mi ti ect , lietAoen
Douela8andIKidi'OFlre < ' ( ' > > to # 1,210 cioli
and Ion ? time ti > tlio'c Kit ) . lilj
8c1inu < e oonierloiB near 81th H < | T-i'iihur
Btrwte , 4Bvl24 fex t , $1.160 aod ? 100. and \co
cvsv term ? to ] nir < ha-er , . wlm MI I niiprcvo.
Also 4 lo'B on 24th , Kme-i tarnhain and
Domjlt" a reels , 930 to * ' . ' . tch and luug
3"2SO of the host Imrinotut - In V ot
Omaha f or MlcIiw te l on erj uimne Bttcct ,
f 500 to $0.000 each.
JiTAlso \ urj valuable tor crtlcs In al-
mort cicrj' bUfincss Uod ? 5 X ) to 515,000
CO ctio co resulonco lou In alH > \ o addition , 1m-
tueliatcly north of nnd ad'oinins 1'opplctou'g
beautiful resilience mid ground * , and located on
ISlh IHth and XOth Rtrwfai , 9890 to fooO each and
very cn y tcnns to UM C who \\ill build Call and
examine i > lat and et f uirrartli-nhrc.
GfXl. P. DKS1IS , Aiscnt ,
Beautiful htillJini : rite on Shrnnaa a\enuc ,
16th * trpotl > et < < en Popp'otn ' and the Dudley-
IJami properly ; OTt foot cast fmi'taue on the
a\cnnt. by $ * tftl in depth. Will dnidc It , mil ; .
Incl3fceth\ . Call and cet fuV priicalan ,
An acre n 18ti rtreet , 101 f t cjsi fromase
b } 37b feet deep. This i Jiwt wmlli > .f 1 10 K'iza-
bsth ( I'opptetou plaoe. This la gilt-edie , call and
get price and terms of BKMIS , Atent.
IS cooil lots , just north oj and ajjomin E V.
Smith * * addition , tnd located Iwlween COth id
nundcn streeU , ar rewminblc pti - anil long
me to barer u bo improt UKM1S , A cnt.
S3 lots la llorhich's first and second ad itlon
on loth , ISth , IWh * nd aflth h roct , Htwcco
Kieholas , Paul , Sherman and Clark ut reels , very
handy to U. 1 * . Sjhojw , smalt iiicnorki , etc ,
rancinc Ju prtees rwn from $200 to J1.1M caih ,
requiring only tnit.ll juynwnt iluwnand lonp
Um at 7 pr rent intcrsst to Uiow hn w ill inj.
pro\c. GKO T Ef.MS ,
Uth nd HouplRB Sirc t.
SS nlco lot * in F tl s mldttion. ' . wten
Stunderiafid I'icrcc. Uiupand OauinlwiiV i > ts. .
on liloauo street ; 19 li > U with wnthfanta nnu
16 with north frontast. onlv G block" north o
the turn-taWeeud street-car tnwk ) on h uuder
Btreet. Vcrvlew price * , ? 1T6 cash , ot siOO oo
interest to tao e wh
o ns time * nd S par cent
ill build.
JT3T150 coed firnn fur te in Doujlai Sarpr
ishincton. Burt , Dadge , Saunders anil Kiitern
crof counties
2T3 < > 0 0 * ) crei Best edected lands in the
a tc for silo by thte ocy. C.U1 and cct maps ,
r culars ami f uH jwitkulars
' and tl.60.
rarilemls' lie * a p nf Oaialu , GUI
f TBcmiV IMW j > anipbl t ( and rnip of the
Ute entitled "the outlook ol KebrasKa" for
ec dUtribulion.
Geo. P. Bern is5
1i loth & Douglas St. .
i OMAHA , - - - N3ST
The Dainocrats Abando
Their Programme on
the Electoral Bill.
The Hous5 Vote to 13 o Into COE
mittee of the Whole on the
-K ,
' Fundiug Bilf.
Gen. Grant Makes a Patriot
Speecii io the Boys
in Blue.
The Democrats in the HotC ;
Elect a Virginian Post-
m&ster. , * >
Spsciil Dj.utch to Tl - B - .
WASIUKCTON , Dcctmbsr ] 3 Tl
ch irinuii lii-i bcfur.i '
- thy S'-RHCO cor from tLosec'ttHry of ira
trauamiltiivj ; tlia moor , ot er.wirra
officers , folaiiro to ctir/uhi / river u
harbor improvements .n Ahbatua , &i
concernieg a proposed tea
St. LOUI& , Tticltver j rororreil'to tl
CJtntnittuo m coinini'rci1 ; * lso a reno
from the rjnartcrmuster in leiatiaii
claims bafoie that ofliccr uutltr ll
ct of _ Ju'y 4 , 1864. Rsferretl to ll
committee on appriirui5oiis.
Mr. Edmundj int : > daced ; i bill r
riving anil cnntinutsi th Alubau
claims commission. KcferreJ to tl
judiciary c nnmit oo.
Mr. McPnereoii intr durcu a bill f
n monument to cjmm < * iio.M'e the b ?
tie of Monntiiuth , H ferreJ to I !
caratnitteo on navsl aifi-rj.
Jlr. Williams inttoduccd a bill
prevent tha introduced and oiseuiii
atioa of eprzootic aud oilier cueas
of domestic auimala. Laid on the t
bio for future r marks by Mr. Wi
JMr. Randolph , from the commith
on military affairs , reported a bill gi'
in to the Memphis & V.c'Ksburg rai
road , the right of way through go
eramont land at Memphis.
Oti motion of Mr. L > g n , .a reaoli
tion was agreed to , ca 1 ug on the sei
rotary of war for cipijj t.f corraspos
deaca betnecn Can. SchoScld au
Major Carter on behalf of Iho boa :
on the retirement of lie John Porte :
Mr. Saulibwry ave noticj that o
Thursday next ho would c.ill up th
resolutions oa the caloodar relatK'o t
the Louisiana scnatorehip.
Mr. Hoar thought that the reaolt
tlou reported by tha committee o
privileges aud elections of the las
uccsiou has 'bed me moperativ
through the dcatli ot Mr. Spullorj
The souate hsd rt-ferreito that com
mittee the credent i l of'ati-ither in
dividual claiming to bo ent'.tled to th
seat. This claim should be consid
ered before tin ; Eonate should nc
prupsrly on tne resolutions already re
ported. Ho expressed eomo aurpris
that the chairniin ahould catl up thi
: ase n the eciiiito vritliuut havln ;
: illed a meeting ot the committeu ti
: onsidcr the crcdoutiala of the nov
Mr. Saulsbury said one of the reso
utions reporUd ; is not inoperative
hat relating lo Iho rights of the eit <
ing member to his scat.
Mr. Blaine said that it had bettei
to decided whether there was to bo i
eceid. Uo-bad heard that the sena
or from Kentucky ( Btscl. ) , had nn
onnced that there nou'd be i.o re-
eas. If tnero was to bo one , it would ,
f couree , hayo lo como from the
emocratic sido.
Mr. Beck said lie had expressed on-
, - his individual vievra. lie had said
aat in hia opinion there should be
0 recess. The holidays cimo on Sat-
rday , on which days there would not
robablybe a BBBSSOH. There waa s
ressuro of business before congress ,
ud ho did not want to see any public
usiness left uudouu on Iho 4th of
Mr Cameron ( Wisconsin ) gave no-
ce that on Thursday ho would call
p the bill for the relief of JJen Hal-
Messra. Seals , of Korth Carolina ,
ook , of Georgia , and Wilh.t.iiB , cf
Wisconsin , have been appointed by
le speaker , > isitors to Iho military
jadeiny , at West Point.
Mr. ClemenSjOf Alabama , had been
ppolnied a member of the commit *
; ea on biuking , currency an i pen-
ons , to till vacalicics , jina Mr. Sco-
illo , of Now York , on the commit-
; es on invalid peusions and ceusus
On the first djy of this session , a
( solution was introduced in the
ouse , calling upou the postmaster-
jneral to inform the house with re-
rd to sosiio mail alleged to be de-
lined in the postoQice fn Washing-
in City , for non-payment of postage ,
id asserts that n attempt had teen
lade to send it through the mail ttn-
ar f rauk when the matter Wo3 not
ankablo. To-day Mr. Money , the
lairman of the postoffico committee ,
which the solution had been re-
rred , reported it back with an
nenimontrequtriDg the ptstmastor-
snoral to report also whether any
; tempt had "been made on the part of
lembers of congre-'a unlawfully to
auk matter.
Mr. Singleton , of Dltnois , member
F the pcBtollico committee , said He
pposed the resolution inthocjm-
littee and he opposed it in tbchouse.
; was simply working up tl.o debris
Ethelato election which bad better
a forgotten. Ho moved co lay the
; port on the table. That motion
as rejected aud the report was
The consideration of the joint rule
1 relation to the electoral count was
jandoned until January.
In hia speech on Monday , Mr. Fin-
yof Ohto , told his demoeraiic col-
nqu-s not to call the matter up uu-
ss they intended to fight it oat to-
jy. When Mr. liiclnell called the
.alter . up ho demanded the previous
Mr. Springer , of Illinois , 7 , as enti-
ed to the Jloor. but said ho would
aive his right to tpsnk , provided the
rovious question could l > a seconded.
Mr. Mills inquired "whether an
uendment would be permitted r ° -
jirinj ; the concurrence of the house
id senate to count the vote of any
ate.Mr. . Bicknell said he was not a'u-
lorized by hia commutes to admit
ly amendment.
On the question cf seconding the
> mand for the previous question ,
10 republicans withhold their votes ,
a d Mr. Conger made the pitnt th ;
there was no querum. The republ
cans again refrained from voting.
call of Iho house rcsulttd in 2i
members answering to their usmes.
Mr. Bicknell said itniu useless I
prolong this c-.ntest. The proceci
iis3 on the other side convinced hi
that a vigorous opposition was to 1
made. Ho would , therefore , not pre
the matter until January , when 1
hop 'd there would be 147 democra
present to vote.
Mr. Coug.T said ho would be grat
fied if the oourso pursu'd by tha r
pub'-icaiis ' would hive lite effect i
making the dein crats attend at
t prrrorm their duties.
The fpoiiktr taid ho woulct also 1
i gratified if it vrnmd have thit ctfec .
The whole subject was then tts
poned until next January.
A. W. C. Nolin.Mf yeEt Virgiai
was elected poatmoster of the hnus
to fill the vscincy occasioned by tl
death of Captain Jamea L Stewai
Mr. Xolanvas nominated by M
Gabell , of "SJirginia.
3fr. Gongsr moved to sirriend by i
tsjorting thn sialne , LHenry C. She.
wood , of Michigan , and aaid M
Sherwood was u crippled io'tlcr : , ai
wa-j p htina'-tHr when the house w
republican last.
Mr. Cook , ol Georgia , tun cstc
thit the republicans coiild ulcct hi
in theiifcit Congress.
Thehousuliyavotc of 100 to 11
rfj > * ctcdMr. Conner's atueiidment.u :
elected M r. Nolcin , who was s o {
into oflico.
Jlr. Wo--.d gavp notice tint ho ii
tended to move to go into committc
of the whole on the funding bs'l. '
Mr. llesgan atitagonirod this wit
the mti-r-MfctO commerce bill , whic
ho paid was ol the utmost importanci
Mr. Wood ios'Sted upon a innt'o
logo into a cuhinii.teo of the who ]
on the funding bill , and r. test w :
m.ido on the question by a iiay an
yea vote , and resulted in 23G j'ra.3 t
90 yecs. The s rcen backers all vo'e
: ijjain8t taking up the fund 11 bil
aud the democrats aul rapubPcar
were divided , the eastern men gene :
illy voting ttako up the bill. TL
remit was regard-das a tes * , and > i
a deteniination on the part of tli
house to pats some sort of a fundin
bill. A majority ot the Pennaylvam
moui'bers voted against Mr. Wood
motion , not because they are oppose
to the funding bill , but becausa the
preferred the iuter-BUto commerc
bill.Judge Kelly oScred the bill , t
whu-h he t\ve uotieo yedterday , as a
amendment ,
Mr. Uiilutto offered n substitute
which protested against sny futidin
* Mr. Buckucr offered a bill which h
introducei Wednesday , and whic
authorizes the secretary of the tro , a
ury to issue lieu bonds , authorized t
bo issued by the act of July 14 , 1870
Two more appropriation bilh , tin
consular and diolouiatic and the mill
taryncadcaiy bills , were reported to
day. The military academy bil
recommends 5322 135.37 ; the eeti
maka arc § 394,442 53. The coHaulai
and diplomatic bill apprrpriates tin
31110 iunount.T.3 list year § 1,142,835
The only new legislation is a changi
in the gtade of certain consulships
After the bills had bocn reported
the house adjourned.
Special Dispatch to The Hoc
WAsiiihGTON , December 13 The
louse ways and means committee to-
lay considered Mr. F , Woods' fund-
ng bill ,
The bill of Mr. Kelly , of Pennsyl-
ania , reducing the rate of interest to 3
icr cent , was read.
Mr. Kelly informed the committee
if hu intention to introduce his as a
ubotituto for that of Mr. Woods' .
The committee on military affairs
his morning recommended an amend
ment to the river and harbor bill , ap-
ropriatiag § 500,000 instead of 8100-
100 for the improvement and repairs
if fortifications and forts.
pecial Ditpatch to TIio Eic.
'WASHINGTON' , December 15 , 1 a. m.
A correspondent writing from Ox-
ord , Miss. , the homo of Sanalor La- , sa)3 : The reports now going
oundof the press to the effect that
ion. L. Q C. Lamar is in feeble
o.ilih , are wholly de&tituto of truth.
Irs. Lamar is in very delicate health ,
nd Col. Lamar is now with her in
liti Antonio , Tex , for the advantage
f the climate. Since the close of the
residential canvass the health of Col.
laraar has improved , and is now bet-
jr than it has been fora number f > f
ens. lie will return to Oxford in a
iy or two , and after a brief sojourn
t homo , will proceed to Washington
nd cuter upon his senatorial duties.
'uring ' his absence from the capital ,
ol. Lamar is paired on all political
uesliona with Senator Blaino.
teclal dispatch to TUB BBS
WASHINGTON , December 15 1 a.m.
-At the reception given to Gen.
rant at Masonic temple last night by
10 Boys in Blue , there was present
u immense crowd , consisting of cab-
let members , ministers , senators ,
lembers of congress and citizens of
10 district , including a large number
t ladies. The appearance of Gen.
rant on the platform was the signal
ir enthusiastic cheera , which were
jpeated again and again. Advanc-
ig to the front of the platform , Gen.
rant said :
-It is a matter of great gratification
> mo to bo once more at the capital of
10 nation , where I hava spent more
2ars than at any other place since I
as seventeen years old. It is also a
lecial pleasure to meet ao many of
iy old comrades who were my com-
ides in the dsrk days of the past ,
id v.howith our absent comrades ,
ssisted to procure to ourselves snd to
ir descendants , our glorious country.
ince I left , this city it has been my
> od forune to Live traveled a gx eat
jal , and to have met a great many
! our countrymen. I have mot our
imrades in every country I have vis
ed. In Europe , in Asia and in Af-
ca I have met with bojs who vore
10 blue , and as a rule I found them
laintiining the honor and dignity of
iir native country. I met none of
icra anywhere who were ashamed of
ieir own country , or who elevated
: iy country above tin ir own. To my
> rrow , however , I am compelled to
iy that 1 did meet some Americans
broad who magnified the virtues of
10 foreign countries in which they
ere. I found , too , upon speaking
j them that they were people who
new hut very litt'o ' of any country.
come back to you convinced that
hard for and
10 causa we fought so ,
> many of our c imrades died for ,
was even worthy of the sacriGc
Even those who f-jught against tia a
beginning to uppreciate that they a
SB piuch the gainers by defe-.t as \
by our success. Wo are glad to wt
como back nil theae to this our cot
nion country , and wo are willing to a
cede to them all the privileges that
claim for ourselves , asking only in r
turn thst they shall regard aa tlu
equal all r-icea on this noil.
At the conclusion of the genera
spaech hind shaking waa indulged
for a season.
Excitement Over the Si
nation Unabated in
Q Counsel Granted a Pos
ponement of the Trial of the
' ' * * ' ' '
A Steamship Company Bo
cotted Tor Carrying Stock
Belonging toj a
The British Mimstora Hoi
Another Prolonged Cabinet
Spsclat dispatch to The Bc .
Dt'KLiv , December 14 , 10 p. in -
The counsel for the crown hive a
plied to the court of ttoi queen
ticnch for a postponement of the tri
of the mou indicted fortherecei
trouble at Now Koss , and the applic
tion hai been granted. The reasc
alleged by the counsel was that tli
influence of the land ler.jruo would in
doubtedly prevent a conviction as
had in other cases.
At the assizes court in Galway ti
day Judge Dews , who presided , rea
H letter which ho had receivedihrea
citing him vuth death if ho ahoul
convict any 1 md leaguer brought b
fore him for trial.
Special Dispatch to The Bcc.
LoNDON December 14 10 p. m.-
The cabinet is still in session , an
tha excitement in the clubs over ii
pi sslblo action is ai great a ? yeste
day. Tlumors are plenty , and tli
feciing that the cabinet will be unan
imoua on the coercive policy gain
DrjriLiif. December 15 , 1 a. ra.-
I'ho land leaguars have stopped th
sxport of Mr. Bence Jonas' cattl
: rorn Cork to England , and threat
jned the steamship company with
.vithdrawal . of freights by shippers
vhioh they can influence , if itcontin
IBS carrying Sir. Jones' cattle. Afte
ho warning the company receive !
everal more lots , Mr. Bence Jone
s a largo and well known cattle raiser
yhoao farm ia at Bindon , near Cork
The government is making prepara
Sons to send five thousand troops t <
reland as soon as they can bo gel
There are rumors tlmt arrest :
mong land league leaders ara imnri-
That the issue of the cabinet meeting
csterday giros color to the views elbe
bo matter that coercive measures
rill bo adopted , there ianoroomtc
inger doubt , but it is a question aa
D how far the government will go in
hat direction in advance of the as-
nmbling of pirllament. It ia though !
hat it will endow Irish executive and
lagiatrates with extraordinary pow-
rs nnd trim in a parliamentary ma-
onty to sanction the act.
peclal Dispatch to The Boo
MADRID , December 14 10 p. m.
Ion. Blanco has received a disrate !
rotn Havana , informing the Madru'
overnment that he has discovered
: ized and sent in chains to a gun
oat several colored men , who won
ingleadeis and promoters of a new
ttempt to ferment agitation and so
lalism among the blacks in the oriou
il districts of Cuba , close to the ter
tory which was the scene of the lasi
isurrectiou. Blavfco telegraphs thai
Q has restored tranquiltty and dia
ailed the very natural alarm caused
f the discovery of this fresh attempl
> create a war of races In Cuba. Such
itrignes , the Spanish statesman
links , will oblige the cabinet to con-
nue the state of siege and other mil-
ary precautions in Cuba for some
! mo yet.
( Odal Dispatches to The Bee.
The chamber of commerce of Gin-
nnati yesterday voted to be rein-
; ated as a member of the National
jard of trado.
Three of the Italian family , of Chi" .
120 , that have been prostrated from
ichinae for six weeks , are atill liv-
12 , and three are dead.
The steamship "Republic , " which
rived in New York yesterday in a
isabled condition , will go outhediy
ack for repairs.
The body of a well dressed man waa
iund on the railrood track near
omancho , Iow % , yesterday moraine ,
id proved to bo that of James Al
right , who had fallen from the mid-
ight express train.
Deputy Collector Davis , who waa
ipught to have been killed by moon-
liners in Tennessee , was found yc-
irday mornir.g undera shock of fod-
ar , where he had laid for nearly
ircc days. It appears that the
loonshiners had left him for dead ,
at that after night ho regained CDH-
iousnesa and crawled under the fnd-
; r to keep from freezing.
Clement Gallion , one of the corn
nskers suspected of the murder of
illy and his wife , near Colona , 111. ,
rtday night , was arrested at Clinton
) wa , Monday night.
Counsel for KenwardPhilp appear-
1 before Recorder Smythe , in New
ork , yeaterday , and renewed hia
otion for a speedy trial.
St. Louis Live sitoct Market.
ST. Louis , December 14.
Hogs Dull ; Yorxera and Baltl-
ores. S3 85@4 10 ; mixed packing
t 35 < § 4 GO ; butchers' to fancy , § 4 G5
4 SO ; receipts , 10,000 head ; ship-
ents , 700. ' ' .
Haitman/f'the Russia
Revolutionist Coming
to5America ,
The Oklahoma Colonists Sen
nnEnvbyo Washington ,
l axt-t
ConditionsVfor Cons'ructin
the Canaqa Pacflic Rail-
roadbompleted. |
f > - ,
Another Chicago Family Pro :
tratedvSy the Deadly
rt -
Refufan ii Raiso.
Slwtch lo'The i > ? ?
n5fl > . 0. , December 1
IC'pi - rtio ° lJ& inlutJ owners' i
this vicinity have notified their mil
era that no raise in wagch will I
g&ntcd , aud that all those desiring 1
return to ork at the old rates will 1
guaranteed le l protection. All r
fusing to comply are requested to r
move their tools. A general stiil
is anticipated.
A Charmed Life.
Sp oU Dim-itch to The Hee.
NBW YORK , December 14 10 p. r
E. 'li. Uhinehardt , who munlcrc
hia wife , Slaty Deg.m , at Silver Laki
S'aten T-ldiid , in 1378 , was agai
sentenced to death to day in the si
premo court of Brooklyn , making tli
third death scntonco passed on hin
Judyo B rnrs Used the date of execi
tion on Friday , January 12 , 1881.
A Minluture Hell.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
HALIFAX , N. S. , December 14 1
p. m. Aboni 3 o'clock this mornin
there waa another explosion in th
cage pit , in the mine at Stellartor
followed later by a second and then
third explosion. . The mine is now o
fire , and a dense volume of amok
arising from the pit. No ono Is stir
posed to bo in tha mine.
Hartman Coming.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
BOSTON , December 15 1 a. m.-
Dr. Nathan Ganz , of this city , lias n
ceivcd a cable dispatch from Hat )
man , { he European revolutionist , at
nounctng that he will leave Londo
for Boston Thursday next. Di
Ganz is preparing to welcome hir
with a grand public reception. Harl
man will go on a tour through th
United States to raise money to hel ]
the agitation in Russia.
Revenue Embezzler.
Special Dispatch tojTheJBeei
CniCAao , December 15 la. m.-
4. clerk in the Internal revenue col
ector's oflico , named A. E. Theme
in , has disappeared with § 3700 o
jovernment money. The commission
sr of internal revenue authorizes !
500 reward for hia arroat. When th <
liacovery was made Monday Theme
iu walked out of the oflico smoking t and wearing his office jacket ,
lo has not boon aeon siuco. H (
tved in Like View , end has a wife and
our children.
Stopping a Funeral ,
poclal DUpatchea to TUB Bin
OASTOK , 0. , December 15 1 a. mAt
-At the coroner's inquest yeaterday
ver the body of Simon Kline , whose
nn oral was stopped Monday , suspi-
ion of foul play having nroso , the ev-
lence tended to provo that hia son
osoph had administered poison to
im , which had caused hia death ,
osoph had trouble with his family
31110 time ago , and loft homo. He is
i in jail now.
Becoming Restlo = s.
peclal Dispatches to TUB BBB.
CALDWELI , , Kan. , December 11 10
. in. The Oklahoma colonists are
lurching for this place to day , and
y Invitation of the mayor and lead-
ig citizens , will make thia their
oadquarters unil ready to march
: ito the promised land , which i * di-
actly south of thia point. Dr. Rob-
rt Wilson started for Washington
hia morning to make an urgent ap-
oal to the authorities to let the peo-
le go in and possess the land. As a
reat many straggling settlers have
Iready gone toward Oklahoma from
liis point , it is doubtful whether the
flkera aud troops will be able to re
train the organized colonists and keep
liem hero until Dr. Wilson returns ,
t ia apparent that the entire southern
order of Kansas is aroused in behalf
f the colonists. Flour , bacon , corn ,
ay and other articles of subsistence ,
ave boon offered the colonista with-
ut stint , and fully six months' pro-
isiona are already guaranteed.
Canada Pacific Railroad ,
peclal Dispatch to The Bee.
OTTAWA , Canada , Docembar 14 10
. m. The Canada PaciGc railroad
i to bo completed to the Rocky
lountaina by June , 1885 , and the
hole line from Ltko Superior to the
'acific by May , 1801 The govern-
lent will complete that porlion of the
) ad now under contract and turn ft
for to the syndicate , together with
25,000,000 cash , and 25,000 acres of
> nd. The money and land are to bo
ansferred in parcels aa fast aa each
yenty miles is completed. The land
ill be alternatb blocks of sixty acres
ich , extending back twenty-four
ulea , and selected entirely from the
le fertile bolt. The road , its equip-
onts and land , are to bo free from
.1 kinds of taxation for twenty five
? ars. The capital of the company is
! 0 000,000 , divided into shares of
LOO each , and the directors will be _
npowered to bond the road for $10-
10 per mile.
The Deadly Trichinae.
' 0al ! dispatch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , December 15,1 a. m.
nether revolting casn of illness from
itlng raw ham infested with tri-
ilnea , came to public notice in thia
ty yesterday. H. C. Hanson , a con
actor , living at 035 North Ashland
ionuepurchas d asmokadand sugar-
ired ham , and Sunday evening , No-
amber 28 , ho and his family , con-
sting of hia wife an i three children ,
te a quantity of it thinly sliced with
read and butter. The parents ate
rom two four ounces and * he chil-
ren a leas quantity. Next day the
arenta felt pains in their stomach ,
nd on the fifth day wera unable to
; ave their bed' . Tneyhave grown
radually worse , and now there ia lit-
e hope of their recovery. A piece
f the ham of which they ate waa ex-
mined under a microscope , and in
ne ounce 15,000 trichinae were dia-
Gen , Schofield Gfflciall
Bounced From West
Freednan Bureau Howard Ei
ceives the Coveted
Important Judicial and Arm
A War on Emigrant Rates ii
augurated by Eastern
Roads ,
A Mother and Two Childre
< < Eilied by Korosetie iil
Missouri ,
Gen. Seuofiold Keliev'euj
Special Diujkitch lo the Bee. '
\VAsmxGTO > ; , Deceniber29 4 p. r
Brigadier Marccy , inspect *
general of the United States arm ;
has been ordered to Fort Wiiigat
N. M , on duty. On his n
turn to WashniQton , he will be plnct
on the retired list , l < > takoeiTectuboi
the 2nd of .lanuaiy.
Gen. o D. Howard has been 01
deivd to the command at West Poii
to reliuvo Geu. SchoSeld. Th
change will take place aa soon aabot
oflicera cm arrange their person :
business at their prssont headquai
tera.l hsa been decided to create a ne
department to which (3en. Scholiel
will be commander. Thia n w d <
partment will bo most likely locate
its the southwest. The growing in
portance of our Mexican boundaj
ranaeqnent upon the projected rai
roada from the Unitek Stales inl
Mexico , renders it desirable fo have
ireat ; officer in command of the terr
tones of Mexico and Arizona , wit
Hie hoadquartots near to the Mexlca
Col. D. B. Sackett will bo appointe
inspector general of the army vie
Marcy , to ba retired.
The senior colonel in the depar
ment of Columbia will relieve Gener.
Howard of that command until tb
irrival of Brirj. Gen. Miles , who wi'
shortly be ordered there.
Justice Strong to-day called on th
president and tendered his realgnatio :
to take ctl'ect immediately. Th
resident expressed hia regret that th
: us lieu should IOA\O the bench. H
vill accept the resignation.
Fatal Boiler Explosion ,
ipocial Dlipntth to The Bee.
LiniOEE , Penn. , December 14.
) . m. A boihr in the Baker ca
forks at thia pliico exploded with ter
ific f > : co Two young aiei
lamed \Vm. Campbell and Juhn Wil
iami vrure bndly eoaMud. They walk
d to tiio oflice of Dr. Anderson , hal ;
iin'.e frrm the scene i f the accident ;
nd i < nl their wounds dressed , anc
rcre both dead within half an houi
The Fatnl Lan'p
peui il Di. | ntcli to TIio Cue
LMIK'-KXDKXOK. Mo. , December 14a
p. m. - Near N. po'ean , Lafayette
aunty , List nulit , Mrs. James Jones ,
ifo t'f a woll-lo do f.trtner , attempted
) ( ill a. liuhtmi 1 unp with toil oil , and
uth can and l.iiup exploded , causing
ia almost instant death of her-two
inldren , abibu of six months and a
tile gill six jeira old , and burning
frt. Jones to terribly she died
i T\ low hours.
A Cut in Immigrant Kutoa.
ictial Unlatch tolas ijnil.
Niw YORK , December 14 , 4 p. in.
or several months past the cominis-
oners of the emigration and the Erie ,
ew York Central and Pennsylvania
ulroada h * vo been at loggerheads over
intrant pauseiiijor tavift' . The Qann-
, 'U2tiia railroids haa jttat offered to
iljw thosu enii rantu who shall pur-
iaae , in Uf.atlo (5. ( rden , tickets over
{ .it , a commiosion of 20 per
lit. Nearly a thoiuoud emigrants ,
utuid for the neat , immediately se-
jred coiumisaionB-
Juatice Clifford's death ia expected
t any moment. He ia unable now to
. His ail-
ictate a complete sentence. -
Riut is paralys'sand softening of the
i ait ) . HH phjsieians do not expect
ia recovery.
A bill n ill be introduced in congress
i a few iliya to r-itire Justice Hunt ,
; ho H incapacitated for performing
idiciyl work. If the bill passes , Sen-
tor Edmunds will ba appointed his
Justice Strong resigned hia place on
10 supreme bench yesterday. He
ill be succeeded by Judge William
. Wood ? , of Montgomery , Ala. Mr.
foods is a native of Oh.o.
In view of the hostilities in Persia ,
lis government , ai we have no diplo-
atic or consular representatives in
lat country , recently requested the
ritiah government to extend ita pro-
ctlon to such American missionaries
inightbe engagedintheirworkintho
sturbcd region. A dispatch from
T. Lowell yeaterday informs the de-
irtmont of state that instructions to
iat elTcct have beon"givea the Brit-
h representative there.
Fo" Sale Six-horse power Baxter
iglne and boiler , In good repair ,
pply at BER office. no4tf
Undoubtedly the beat shirt In the
uited States is manufactured at the
maha Shirt Factory. The superiority
; Material and workmanship , com-
ined with their great improvements ,
iat ia Reinforced fronts , Reinforced
cks and Reinforced sleeves- makes
ieir shirt the moat durable and beat
tting garment 'of the kind , ever
tanufacturcd at the cs jderate price of
1.50. Every shirt of our make is
aarantoed first-class and will refund
ie money if found otherwise.
We make a opecislty of all wool ,
haker , and Canton flannel , also
iiemoia underwear , rrjade up with e
iew to comfort , warmth and dnrabil-
y. To invalids and weak-lunged
eraona we offer epocfal inducement !
i the manner theio goods are madt
3t their protection.
n atreat.
Sudden Death.
Spcclil Di patch to The Bea.
CHICAGO , Dacomber 15 , 1 a. m.-
An old man , accompanied by tw
younger onca , walked into the She ;
msn House yeaterday evauiug , whci
they left him sitting upon a sofa , an
said they would bo back before loni
In a ; hort time the old man wasdeac
There WES no evidence that he ha
been drugged or robbed. Phy lclai
aaid it was evidently a case of hoai
disease or apoplexy. In tha man
pod et were p ipers and p.-vjses ho\v
i'lt : that his nauie waa A. McDon ! <
and ho wai evidently a stoc
dealer , from Cryan , Ohio. Up I
midnight nothing hid been aeen <
the two young ruen. who accompinie
Special Dispatch toTbc Bee
BOSTOX , Decomtar 15 , 1 a. m.-
The monster white wnale , the enl
or.o ever taken fcr exhibition pn
poses , waa bought hero yesterday t
be transported to Chicago by I
Englehirdt , ho waa commiaaione
to do so by parties in the west. Tn
animal is n superior specimenwoigl
ing at least forty t"iis.
* The bill to place Gen. Grant o'l tfc
retired list of the army , with the ran
and pay of general , haa been referre
to a committee consisting of McCool
Bragu and Sparks. Tne committe
on militaiy affairs held a meeting yet
ten'ay , hue the Graiit bill was not dii
Now Yora Money and Stocks.
WAIL STRUCT , December 14.
Monci Stri'ijint ' at C [ > cr cent , an 13-32 of
per-ci-t ) > .r Uiu u ; eTcliauge dull and weak i
< 47u , < jt ai
U. S ti'd31 1 OJ U. S. 4'a 1 li
U. S fi's 111 } Currencvffg * i ? !
U.S.4J'd 1 Hi
Tl-e stock rim-tot is strung and JQ2 } per cei
higher than it the tl.iso yesterday , i ltb the ai
> ncon'O't uiartid in American Union Altoi
Ailam' , Wu'li tar o , Lake Shore , Irdn Moui
till Ijoiiiavilleand Mi3htileMfchian ! fcntri
Wtsiein Uni.'ii ' , Morris and Essex , ttcak Islam
Lnn d.1 Southern and Eiie.
America' ! Un'on ' 74 Lackawanna 10 !
Canada Southern 74 } Hudson CanjJ E !
W V SJJ Adams US
tf. Y. C HI } W F 115
irlo fs St. Joe 44
Prefened 77J Pferred 9 :
R.I ir j L. &y K
US. ifn M& H. . 117
Northwestern 1Z5J K&T 42
Preferred 133J N J C 7
1 M 4DJ Reading 6
C. C. 4I.C 1 J Omaha 4 !
St. Paul 110J Preferred J9
Alton 111 } Union Paaflc lOi
Ulilo „ . 31J Wabash 4 !
Preferred 24 } Prcfered 71
U C U74
New York Produce Market.
NEW YOKK , December 14.
Flour Quiet and strongly in buy
! rs'favor ; receipts 22,943 bbls ; ronm
loop Ohio , Si 80@5 50 ; choice do
53 ofifflG 55 ; superfine western , 5341
34 10 ; common to good extra do
54 8035 00 ; choice do , So 50 < g6 76
: hoico white wheat do , § 5 10@6 00.
Wheat Very heavy at 2@2c low
ir ; siles 50,000 ; No 2 red , spot , a
1 201 GO ; do , January , 81 20J&
Egga Weatern , firm at 2G@32 01
air to choice.
Butter Dull and heavy ; choice ,
Corn Nominal ; No. 2 , 68@58 § ;
alea , 30.000 bu.
Oata Quiet.
Whisky nominal.
Pork Nominal
Inrd 8 75(58 ( SO for caah ; 88 72 *
; 8 80 for December ; S8 85 for Janu"
ry ; 88 02t@895 for FebruaryS902J
9 05 for choice ; S910@915 for April ;
3 77i for buyer for the season.
Chicago Produce Martcet.
CHICAGO , December 14.
Wheat l Olic lower , with sales
: No. 2 sprinrj at SI 02J@1 03 | for
inuary ; SI 03104 ! § for February ,
oaingatl Olft for caah ; 8102 for
ecember ; SI 02j@l 02g for January )
L 03 | for February.
Corn J < 3'jc , lower , with cloaing
lies of No. 2 at 30j@39c ; for caih or
ecembcr ; 39gC for January ; 402c
ir February ; 44Jc for May ; 44c
irJune ; 44jc for July.
Oata ic lower ; No. 2 closed at
2jc for ciwh or December ; 32jjc foi
anitary ; 3G c f jr 3Iiy.
Ilyo Sold at 87ic for cash ; 88Xc
ir January.
Barley No. 2 sold at 81 15@1 20
ir cash , and closed at 8113 ; January
ild at SI 1701 20 , and closed at
117.Pork Meso , 20c per bbl low-
r , clnsin at 811 80@13 00 for caah ;
11 75@1180 for December ; S12 95 ©
2 ! )7A ) for January ; S13 10@13 12J
> r February ; $13 25@13 50 for March.
Lard Declined 5l7 c per 100 IDS ;
losed at $8 30 ft r cash or December ;
8 3ug8 ( 37 for January ; 88 47J ®
50 for February ; S3 35 for March.
Wh sky SI 12.
St. Louis Produce MarKet-
ST. Lon's , December 14L
Flour Lower to sell.
Wheat Lower and unaettled'No. 2
: d , SI 013 for caah ; SI 041 03J@
03 for January ; SI 051 06@106j
1 002 r February ; SI f.95@l 082 ®
09 for M rch ; No 3 , do , 81 00 ; No.
, do , 949Jc.
Corn Lower at 41g s for cwh ; 42J
42Jlc for December ; 41@40 c for
nuary : 41g@41c for February ;
3@42 c for April.
Oils Lower at 33\c for cash ; 35c
T January ; Soja for February.
Tlyp Dull at 84c bid.
Barley Firm ; prime tofancy,81 26.
Lead Dull at S4 25.
Butter Dull ; dairy. 22@28.
E a Steady at 28 .
Whisky Lower at SI 11.
Pork Dull at 813 00 asked for
ish ; 813 00 for January.
Dry Salt Meats Nominal.
Bacon Dull and unchanged.
Lird Lower at S8 12 * .
Eece-pts Flour , O.COObbls ; wheat
1,000 bu. ; corn , 44,000 ; oata , 3,000 ;
re , none ; barley , 20,000.
Shipments Flour , 9,000 brls ;
beatr 24,000 bu ; corn , 31,000 ;
ita , 1000 ; rye , none ; barley , none.
Chicago Llvo Stocic MarKet.
CHICAGO , December 14.
Hogs In laree supply and easier ;
ilea wern s-t § t 404 65 for light
acking ; S-t 30 35 05 for fair to extra
uorted lieavy packing ; 2450(3400
> r good to choice smooth heavy ship-
Ing grades ; receipts , 48,000 hed.
Cattle Kecnipta , 5,200 head ; sales
inged from SI 75@2 50 for common
ows ; 82 75@3 25 for fair to good
own ; 82 4003 15 for fair to , good
tockers ; S2 50@3 10 for Texan cow
ndfitetr' ; S3 50 forcommtm to good
priugsteers ; 35 00@5 50 for choi
o extra smooth , and from 86 00@G 5 (
or extra to extra prime spring steers. .
Cor. Douglay and (3th ( Sts.
Gives Great Bargains in Ladies' and Gsutsi
All Kinds Ot
We Guarantee The Best Goods For The \ eaof Money.
Southwest corner IGth and i" < Jije
Has litely bseii leased by
Who haa hadyeara experience iu the hofc l H-H ! restvmu anfe busf-
ness , and will run a flittt-rlass > 'ou"tv
Board by ( he Day or Week , vritl * S.wteinj1 ? ar iritlionf1.
Centrally Loeatrd ,
And Wholesale Dealers in CIGA11S and OW ! ' ! ) I P. \ During Ow
Fall and Winter we will handle COUNSKLMKN . - . HIKsU OYSTEUS.whioh
sire now the best In the market. A largu . .s iir.mtu' t . ' \ N'V.MK ! ij (
TOYS for the Holiday trade.
GA.TZ & FKEEHAX. 510 ucii sr. OIHJUKI.
< 0t / < nfl rdtyithom * .
U > J > I U5/.U fr . Addrut Stlnpna A Cc
PoitUnd. Me. _ _
THE GREAT WESTERN Rathlmn , Principal.
Creighton Block , - OMAHA
Send for Cinmlar.
noYOil& rtr
US Tenth Street , . OVAHA , NEEKA3KA
OBotlnj hia sendee * in all departments 'o
medicine nJ jnifftry , both In general an
peclal prietlra acute and chronic diseases Ca
38 cooiulted night and day , and will visits
) rt ol the city nd coaaty oo receipt of lotto , ,
Ear and Throat.
Dfflce Over Kennard'a Drug store.
Corner of 14th and DotiKlas Sts.
_ _ noTl8-3m _
. , . ,
Pianos and Organs First Class
on Easy Monthly Payments ,
Sheet Mnsic and Musi
cal Instruments.
O TT Xi 3D I IxT GS .
) 1 Painting * , Enjjr vin4 aivt Irrimea at great
Iy redacetl prices.
xlO Fnmes , 1 Inch , Walnut. . . . . . . ISc
0x12 1 " . . 20
OxU 1 " " . . ' . 20
& 15 IJ " " . 60
2x18 1 * " " . 65
0x20 Ij " . 75
lustlc 8x10 fruae . 15
hromos framed , fmall , He ,
.liromoidamed , large , 1 19 ,
Inj.iirlnn * from 60c npwardt ,
Miotor ph frames from Uc apwxrdi ,
yiniln v Cor Jce 75c window and npwards
mbrcqulrj 8 00 per window and upwards ,
'omke Poles 2 SO per wlndo * and npwardt ,
( 'civet frames 2Jc e ch toS 00
riolin Strings lie ,
Holln L75 , 2 JO , 3 and upward * .
IniUrs 5 00 , 8 00 , 7 00 and npwards.
Janjoa 1 00. 3 CO , 6 00 , and npwardf ,
ccordeois from 1 00 up , cheapest In city
Send fortamplea and catalogue ot mouldings
mil sh * t rnntlc. A. HOSPK , JR. ,
19 Do < ! ira St. . next door to Harris and Fisher's
_ Oman Neb. _
Oval Stee ) Tooth Harrow
Manufactured by
} & OR001 A BEDS f. VffS , Von da Lae , Wit.
Write for pi Ice * > c nt , Omaha , Neb.
btwtl _
ll/MllTrn total AzenUererywhere to i
n AH I tU Tea , Coffee. BaUnjc Powder
'Uvorin ; Extract * , etc , by ( ample , to f-vmlll >
front good. Outfit free. People's Tea Co. , EOJ
! OM. St. LonU. Mo. _
rAUCn I O 2000 RECIPE BOOK. Sell * a
Sight. You doable your money. Address Dr
Chasa'i Printing House , Ann Arbor , Michau25w
The Best in the "West.
Nolios iii * 'T > fn that
wit IHr't iv tl it tV
fieri : nf I urn.KS tiniotv , ; it
15t avf r * M > . tlt - r uu' ' \ < <
ty. t , > l 'h . ' ? : ! il v .1 January. A.I ) .
l5s < K > " U M of * iiI il y. for Iho
riniflriii turn "S \ vt > , "O br'tlfta nertMM UK ?
KeMil > i in inc. , niith of tht town
C.imlirnri\ ( MVK | iu > CP elt l > r * > Ht , in
t'urn.ij" i.l. , Nt'' , i < l bitdge t <
\w \ t < " tt > n en t'i J hhfers nre re
quire 1 t < > . .uoiiij .uiy their kltk xviUi
[ ) ' , tn.i ! snn ; it > 1 1 f the utwk , ami
nliKMVit'i ' i hnuii in .1 MIIU tlmiMe the
atnofliit f ! . Iml , t , mlitk > neil for the
faitlifui tiiU < 'M "f the i-onttaet. The
county coiritiiu-sinnef of tAl county of
FuniiM retmrvo thu ri 'ht t < > r j t .my nud
al' ' bid * .
By nl r f tln-c untyemnmwvoiwiser
FiinnH fnunty > . -br slca. Dnted
Be.ndr f'Sty , B'n'n.w county ,
the l"th tUy of N vi-m'jer. A. D.18S" .
' Kirr-'iA-J. . C-nnty Clerk. .
A. W.USOiV. .
ID S 1ST T S T ,
i/ ' .vi u . * . r rCapitoIjAvo. anj
I .tl r < < t. Net *
15th i .1 : i Mi 1 ( . at Event' llret
a'fx"ru ' 11 .13 city of
E. C. Ellis'
Oaken 23 < ; nris Combination t
When will l > < - . i the Crawl Spectacular
anJ K-ilU.i Uram * la ( vo A CM. adapteil
f coin tn' ! brant f il | 4ay .if the Jlnrlner'a
Ci ni.i | l > k * Kl
nlucn has m- it1 \ 4n < | iullde.l SHCCKM.
in < l iiulwiindi il Ui ,5iu In Chiewi , 3U
Lou 1. NVu V r n i ID < n ci'tsl ciMwor
tliccUllt' ) K tire inn hvitultnl Sfwiery t\ ' .n ? rtni H , i u at > ei I eir ,
i-Urtlmi ; jiiij n > ill tn. im itiiM mf "A bfcip-
ivrcck in' ' i. } fl. A l.n.i Ktoim of K l
\V.r. " "A . m ft,1
cium a il ll.Mirmli ri-'t- . Ev rvtlfaMi
ror fit unit iu lt trv > - t I "M ( T < * > *
hiniti n i in , aii , , it P .jro . jnT M
if the.erjrli ituri i the
n Cmner i > t wk' 'u ere m I he mfchtal
tioocf I ho DI CI ) m New Vork ami
Tl. " muiM u 'nxo icrtat pIctMm hi IM-
nounci IK 'I.J' i. ' .ix1 orgr ; * < ) tK 8 r h <
of Mr. i't.tu I t- - . nuim imife
reputation in Mii.ut . J "tl.t > DICK
LrY , mil irli. . I..IM r Lvived tha hfejlHil. the ( ratlin. . , "p" ronld h iow. Mr. Men *
will IN. lui' ' 'jr4 ' ( uu t 'owtmt lidi * .
ecnUenun M F M tobm MM Muty
tii toil , M M Mi i Iiin Mr. Vf It BHKMt , Xr.
Julius b < tt , Vr . / Kw MCH am ) Wi Hum
Kintr. r I'eti ir , iil the gf at ami < Jy
"BKY , " We I al i igv 'bo ' * o M to ( < ro4tit
Its t < | tut It I * > ) > . i the wonrff wnl ftthntra.
lion of t .uirit j i > , n 'ivle. r tl tin a lining
> ntl 3 . > tl m > IIIK nailer * k T < l /Met ) ait
i\hohav seen it rha winery carried Nf tMi
pompaiiy WH pnuted " | ireiuii > by M * ) n .
fvtfr ril Ar Trin > , of Itunlry Ttmtfo , Chl a < e ,
A irHvfHr < Je > l vui ui now bo hatl at Mac
HeytrBr.t. . No.-\tr < ti.argofor rcttrrlH ?
loals. K O 1.1,1,13. JI nr. .
H. C. FKKHJ , dt , t ! Hn 'rn i Agent. H-tt
OF ausio.
Friday and SaturJay. Dec. 17 and 18 ,
and Satarday Matinee , 2 f. M.
tor ,
Friday evcniii .in I Hatu-iltv Mating * . yraUlB
tion of Hurtle ) ' m > t ' ' " -.I great * * ! * * y.
Mnnlovk , * WorM renownot Pmum ,
Both p'ay * ff In -1 ti r > - i" > el b * il6
crv mitt tffrcU9.
Ita rv il wat' I ir n ,
at Max Hey r * B.t | -rv ! _
I h Ti bmlfi 'I th < - 'pp'.ivli * ! ! to Mw rt er.
Iceopponi.- . i ii'i J t street nt'ktns t
( loinnt. ra n 1 i. ft t wtf at tin imiirfnul
toll , v /
llorseiinin , c : > th Zc *
One 3Ior > e antl IVaiion lOc.
TivoIIoraesmid W.-tson I.1c.
" " " return
sinn Iir I0 < * .
Foot-nieu Prcv.
13 * . 18e . d 13-H *