itj rt NEWS TH BarU Oouti what projw TE ordei will proU refri tradt M : sent Chill job. take \vint Pi Dieg Mel Jfac revli T. Tor ] tern' ' Bolt abs ( T fron fillo plac Bail legii vain law P Ing Vol the day lyr me ) bee moi A Btnt II I Ha HaI vcr ths BOU ttoi yon get 1 die aftt me is ; cm oil ho ow Ta C31 uf CClwe we . pt. pt.Li Li ly , 50w w : 00 1.9 . 1.9hi hi hips ps psPC PC PCw1 w1ut h cltl clw tlIf tlt Ifa IfP t 3c 1 ' 1 1i I : THE DAILY BEE. Tuesday Morning , Dec. 14. ACADEMY OF MUSIC ! rnCRSl > JL\ , December 30th. WAITING FOR THE VERDICT BY TOR Members of the Union Catholic Library , One of the most iucccsrfulandrhjpulirdoxcaic dram i on the roadcrn Etacc. Beluga Ural picture ot Kiel andjl'oorin English LUc Very strong c st. Admission , COctnts ; Matinee for school hil- dren , Friday at 2 p. m. ; Admission , 25 ccnU. decll-1 BREVITIES , Patereon sells coaL For.mnlcr comforts in caps , roles , car nufff , mvffcrs , go to Frederick , Hatter. Board of Trade meeting to-night Holiday Goods at Kuhn'B. Elegant odor ca'.es , at Saxe's. Porter is running the Omaha Ferry. Choice meals , Besen's Pulton Market * Celluloid SetsatKulm's , druggist. Books and Albums at the 90c store. Iiadies' and gents' Saxe's. " \Vhipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel- era , Crcighton Block. o20-t BEST IN THE WORLD Bazar Glove fitting Patterns at Bushman's. tf Before buying your hats , caps and urs , call at C. B. De Great & Co.'s. 20-tf Swiss Cheese , -wholesale and retail , at Caaunenzind & Meyer'a , 207eabt 13thSt , The old and reliable Pioneer Drug Store of Omaha haw the finest assortment of rich Holid-xy Goods ever brought to the city , and invite everybody to call early and eee them , leh & McMahon , proprie tors. decJtf A. Evans , agent for the state of Xeva- da , went westMonday with'Oscar Tharp , yoailiful desperado arrested in Missouri oti the charge of embezzlement of the p o- ceeds of 2500 sheep belonging to n ranch near Reno , where ho was employed. The officer and his man were chained to each < ther , rather a risky condition in cue of an accident Tharp refused to allow hia captor to relate the details of the caso. , A telegram was , Sunday , received from Mr. liand , the step-father of John Curran , who died suddenly at "Jim and 3"rank's" ! place , Friday evening , instruct ing Coroner Jacobs to hold the remains until further orders. They will probably lw forwarded to Turner Junction , HI. , for interment. A cordial invitation is extended to all the members-elect of the general assembly , from Omaha and Douglas county , to niee with the board of trade a' its mcetin Monday evening , December 13th , top ticipate in the consideration ot propoi-ei amendments to the city charter of Oinab By order of the directors. W. C. B. Alle secretary. Art School. Mrs. J. S. Abbott \ \ receive scholars in penciling , India in water colors , sepia , oil and chinapaiatin the Creighton House , room 31 , Tue day , Dec. 14. Hours , 10 to 12 a. m Specimens of her work can be seen a Eaton's studio , 1323 Farnhain st. We are glad to learn that Mr. Phil Owen , who was crushed while couplina tara near the U. P. freight depot Pri lay night , wasJinachbetterMonday audtha the hemorrhages have ceased. We trust he may recover rapidly. Andrew Dauble began grading on the two northeast corner lots of the court- hone square this morning , in accordance with his contract with the county com missioners. " " ' 'e overland ' train from the xvest L s te yesterday , til two hours i " ting on the rink now , Tlie-e Is no siw as the ice lias melted. -ned gHC , ic A The district court adjoiu. ' idjnnm yesterday and the U. S.court will , to-morrow. -Sunday afternoon there were [ one -hundred and twenty footmen , eleven horsemen and fifty-nine carriages aud ' $5.0 . Porter's ice wagons iiassed over Capt. , . , Kurt bndge. TlieB. & M. train tip from Lincoln this morning was one hour late on account Do . jf a land slide near Green' * Point , A Do force of men were pent dmvn from Omaha to rei > air the break. Two natrow gauge Pnllmau sleeper * , the Mcxicano and Navajo , came in last night from the shops at Detroit and were dikcn west on the noontrain yesterday. They are for the Denver and llio Graude KU road. Hoc PEBSONALi PARAGRAPHS. Col. Joseph M. Eosenberry , of Bclvi dcrc , If. J. , is btopping over in Omaha on buys a tonr of inspection through the west. CoL llosebcrry is n politician tf weight in HIE [ his native state , and did effective wori Mumping for Gen , Kilpatrick in the late campaign. Ira Hubble , of tbe II. P. auditor's of fice , and Frank Stout , of the U. P. freight I office , hcadquarters.leftat noon yesterday , to take positions in the purchasing agent's A office , at Colorado Springs. Ycai S. W. Eccles , general freight agent of the D. & K. G. road , left for Denver yes Call terday after a consultation with Messrs , Yn < ng , Goddard nnd this city , 0 „ Dyer , late agent of the Davis Cha " Mue Co. , left yesterday forSt. . . . . . . . _ gacj. . . position m that city. Rol * to accept a ' mill off two weeks' business tr.t thej iey putfcf the state. Or * wor Ex-Mayor Wilbur lef tMonday .lp over the St Joe and Denver branch thei U.P. Eng the insurance man , has 'ut C. T. Taylor , . B me to David City on business. boi Andy Kiley went west yesterday on the to hi II. P. hous qnei THE CKE101ITON , the A fint-ckss hotel in every respect , is ukuatcd on the northwest cornet of The sent Thirteenth and Capitol avenue. This horn now house is newly and elegantly fur - nished throughout , and the taolo and lattc b ill of faro will compare favorably was with the best in the land. Give it a crin rial. No runner at the Depot lCir Na parent having the welfare of iem children at heart , should permit SOD themselves to be without Zells con- > e d onsed Cyclopedia. 10 Ct fair -Hid Mw. L. .urter , Spirit i'otographcr , im will be at Currier's Gallery the Hth o'cj u nd lalh of th's month , her engaRe- asa her further time in went allowing no Ph 0 inaha. „ _ _ _ _ _ _ act MORE JEWELS than ever at W hippie , McMillon & Co.'s , Creigh cnl : on block , Fifteenth street & Always fresh Ojsters at Tizzard's. A fine line of Curtice Brcs. canned R ( and bottled fruits.fresh and preservea P ; assorted as desired at wholesale rates al alOf dacl3-3t FLEMING & Co. , Grocer * . Of CITY COUNCIL , Special Meeting to Consider the Payment of the Balance for Grading on Casa Street. - ji i j | * A special meeting of tha city coun cil was held last evening , in pursuance of a call issued by Messrs. Boyd , Thieman , Dodge , Hornberger and Kaufman , the object being to take in to consideration the question of mak ing a final settlement for the Casa street grading , and any matters pertinent thereto. TheTouncil was called to order at 7:20. Present : Messrs. Daily , Jones , Kaufman , Labagh , Roddis , Stephenson and President Boyd. It appearing when the call was read by the clerk , that the time of the meeting was fixed at 7:30 , and ad journment for ten minutes was taken on motion of Councilman Kaufman. At the second roll at 7:30 , the only additional members present were Messrs. Thieman , Blackmore , Horn- berger and Dodge. Mr. Stephenaon presented the orig inal contract between the city cf Omaha and Duffy Bros. , forthe grad ing of Cass street and approaches thereto ; also the final report of the city engineer on the same , announcing its completion , wi'h the exception of a small portion , the amount of earth removed , and the coatwhich papers were read by the clerk. Mr. Stephenaon moved to refer the papers to the committee on streets and grades , to report at the next meeting of tha council. His object was to get the matter before < he city attorney. He understood that there was not due the contractors over § 500.00 and that there was about § 1,600 to be paid by the citizens which they were bound to got. Ho was at a loss to know whai would be done in the matter. Mr. Boyd read the article in the charter permitting the council to accept such wirk m sections. Mayor Chase made a few remarks in which he intimated that he should veto any ordinance passed for the purpose of paying for this work , which according to the engineers re port Is imperfect all aloagthe line. Mr. Stephenaon made a statement of the amount paid the , showing ex act balance due Duffy Bros. , to be § 515 04. The question being in reference of the papers to the committee on streets and grades , it was carried , with in struction * to the city engineer to re port as to sections of the grade now completed. By special permission of the coun cil , a resolution was presented by Mr. Jones , to have the exij from the new stable north of the city hall , reduced to the level of the street , to avoid c- cidents. Passed. On motion then council adjourned. THOUSANDS OP LADIES' Will do their Christmas shopping his week , and where to go and T.hat to boy , is the important question : WE PROPOSE TO GIVE YOU A GRAND HOLIDAY BENEFIT. We propose to have every lady in Omaha to visit our store during the nest ten days. IMMENSE REDUCTIONS ! OLD FOGY STORES EMPTY ! OUR STORE CROWDED ! y Bsad this price list : sh HOSIERRY. A good hose at 10 cents. ni A better ono at 15 cents. . fri A tiiio hose at 25 cents , wi 11 'of our large stock of fine hcso wimi mi reduced in price. bo boG. Handkerchiefs. G. G.Cu r < uU.y good linen. 3 for 25 cents. Cu ine ones : it 15 cents. of' Jor > } t 't at 25 , worth 40 cents. pit C'aks and Dolmans GS - „ ave you from 53.00 to . . qu can save to visit money Ur 00 ( ' in irtz'aStoro. . . - , - , , llu ' 3 sal ° at Kurlz cot ferRet boi > .on't ! for-iet this sa\e \ 't forget this All LADIES' UNO. C.A. ! . A. L. Large Brga. ° "c See our goods at > old See our goods at 7 oc Jut See all our goodst. adj JHock. bio ' Creightorr URTZ'S Store , er. WOOLEN GOODS : OODS , NUBIAS , SCAEFS- VISIT KUKTZ'S STOKE. An AnJ A VERY LITTLE MONEY a grci&t many goods Flc UiT KURTZ'S STORE. BBOX SALE ! RIBBON SALE ! Everybody delighted ! Everybody delighted ! To bo continued this week. eve deg yo'-ir trading at K.urtz's Store , Creighton Block. con Fine line of scruples of New ar C irda at THE BEE Job Room , in time a n leave your orders. Court. qua dec On Saturday o.veninS tnreo men > las. llosey , Thos. .J"l Uips and John oberison were arre .tcd and canv tc itted tothe county jail /ntll ° charge grand larceny. It apf0"3 lhat J thtT wateroi were employed on Drks grading , now being done , an enl ere became acquain'cd ' with a you'nS Qgllshman , who had recently arrivoa thia country and \vas supposed to t-i verdsnt. Ho invited them 131 ( n in Mra. Crary'a boarding . ; n the Fifth ward and subss- use , in * ° Eeo a relaUve out in went ently It flono Distance. county ? rel returned d "DB Ms a- ; she , aud wheir h ° came ho found his coat tft'd vest and i-alise and oontenta misslOg. Tha S tter included SSS-50 in cash , _ which pro within SL50 alone of making the me a penitentiary offense. Ho Jol- wed the two men until they went to In boardiwg house , and therer had al arrested , with the third , RobCn- suit , who is bclioved not to seriously implicated ill the al- . One of the men h-wl the coat vest on when arrested. The pre- minary examination was placsd at 4 'clock this afternoon , and there was and jarcoly a doubt but that Rosey and hillips would be held to await the 10 cllon of the giand jury. 1 All the newest and latest designs in ing glass bottles just received at lab , nui McMahon's , 1321 Farnham street. pec dec9-tf Jnst received at THE BEE Job 113 Rooms the nicest line of diminutive lam Paper and Envelopes and Cards , suit oy able for Children's Birthday Parties. lee Call and see them. The Formal Transfe-- " Wee Office of U - . . -e * . 'Marshal ' of Nebraska. Pleasant Ceremonies At tendant Thereon. Saturday evening witnessed the as sembling of the officers of the United States court at the judge's chambers- , the number including Judge Dundy , Clerks Smith and Frank , Marshal Wm. Daily and his successor , E. L. Bierbower , with the deputy marshals , Judge Hull , of Lincoln , and the rep resentatives of the city press. The occasion was chosen for the formal transfer of the marshalshlp to Mr. Bierbower , and at the same time giving the retiring officer , Mr. Daily , a pleasant surprise in the shape of a couple of neat testimonials from his old friends and associates. The first of theao , a lovely silver tea set , exquis itely engraved in a Japanese design , purchased , cf Edholm & Erickson , given by Judge Dundy , on behalf of the persons whoso names appear in the inscription handsomely engraved upon it , 88 follows * "Presented William to Daily , United States Marshal , by Elmer S. Dundy , Judge ; O. M. Larhbertson , United States Attorney ; E L. Bier- bower , United States Marshal ; W. B. Smith , Circuit Court Clerk ; E. D. Frank , District Court Clerk ; D. G. Hull , Master in Chancery , J. L. Web ster , Master in Chancery , ol United States Court's , for Nebraska. OMAHA , December llth , 1880. " The presentation was accompanied by a neat ; p GC-u appropriately res POndcd too by the surprised recipient. Hardly had Mr. Daily time to recover from his astonishment when he was again strnek by lightning , as Deputy Marshal C. G. Hastings rose and said HoifeKEi } SIRS To me has fallen the pleasing duty on behalf of those who were your deputies to present tea a testimonial of our love esteem and friendship. Many of uhave | been with you most of the long time jrou have so faithfully filled the office of "United States marshal for the district of Ne braska , and as you now are about to retire to Valley Farm wo deem it but prudent that you should be properly armed to protect yourself , whether travelling among the herds of sheri horns on the banks of Honey creek or through the rank ? of le gislature at the capitol of the state We have had our names engraved thereon eo that when you grasp this handle yon will grasp the namosof thosa who will ever 'remember you with Jove , honor and friendship for your forbearance , kindness and con sideration during our entire associa tion aa marshal and deputies. " "Wo present it not for its intrinsic worth or value , butfor the friendships and associations which will ever sur round it , and for your protection. And although the material of which it is composed steel , ebony and gold may corrode , rust and decay , be assured , sir , that the love , honor and friendship of the donors will outlast them all. Acci pt it , then , and in after years when tottering with age , may it remind you of Him who h-.s prjiuistd t.oi be crod aud stall through the valley of doaihandat ; last with oitf , may you , the judge , attorney , clerks , masters and marshals , all who now surround you , gain ready admission to that peaceful home where courts and mar- 31or shab will forever find rest. " or . " * l ° gift of the deputies was a mag- orTi nificimt gold-headed cano , selected Ti From Max Meyer's stock and inscribed st with the words : stIE "Presented < o Wm. Daily , U. S. nars hal , by h : deputies , E. L. Bier- jowor , D. B. ' all , H. S. Mcody , C. . I Eastings , A. J. Wright , G. W. / " -lulp. Spueches ' were made by every officer the court present , and were all re- ileto with expressions of respect and istecm < for Marshal Dailey. The nect order of business was the lualifying : of Ellis L. Bierbower as Jnited St ates marshal , who was sworn by Jur l o Dundy and handed his ommissio n from thu president. His wiH was also approved in the sum of H 20,000 , the sureties being Reuben ) illon , C. C. Housel , V. Bierbower , Tl F. Mr Anderson , Wm. Daily and W. Tlto to Paxt ,011. tohi Mars 1 hal Bierbower appointed all the hiT do ] juties , who were sworn in by T udgo Dundy , aftsr which t'he party m Ijom .ijed to the restaurant in .Vasonic mtt lock and partook of a splen.did sup tttl . tl ; Inr 'prove your eye eight by ming the rune lei tinted , for sale at Joh n Bau- A It irgo I oliday stock of Gre < ens at lomi ng's. des3-3t A. F. & A. M. iG Thtire will be a special meeting of in apiti ' 1 Ledge No. 3 , this ( Mo aday ) i-cniug , for work in the M. . 31. egrjie. Visiting brethren arc jrdi ally Invited. S . K. JACKSON , Master. D Stt-angers , viaft Kurtz's Storo. fa He mning's Michigan Apples , extra uali ty and size large variety. uclIJ 3t FLEMING & Co. , Grocers. ih California Psars , Plums , Grapes , , , at Tizard'a Palace. o21-tf ' BALL'S PATENT CORSET , omothimf now. Sao it. For sale byL it L , B. WILLIANS& SONS' . io dh ; Holiday Presents. A great variety Ua the Jowt Iry Store of John Baumer , Farnham St. 0-3t Do your sharping at Kurtz's. - Mrs. Dent , ,217-N. IGih St. , is now togc epared to do .dreas making on the gc lortest notice. Prices moderate. dec3-tf Silverware for Holiday and wedding resents ; at Whlpple , McMillen & Co. , roighton block , Fifteenth street. ton arder to close out my stock of see anu1 winter goods I will make and overcoats cheaper than ever an ifore. Suits worth § 25.00 for $20.00 Suits worth § 30.00 for $25.00 Suits worth § 35.00 for § 30.00 There is no humbug in this ; call BOO for yourselves. - pC M. RYTINSKJ , l9-2t 12th street , cor. Farnham. The only Cyclopedia published glv- at maps after Gay's Atlaa and proFi < unciation , is Zells condensed Cyclotii edia. - 10-6fc q , Go to the OMAHA TOY STOREoe Fourteenth street , between Farn- and Douglas , for anything in the D line. The largest and beat f e T. octcd stock in the city. G dtf H. POBLMAN , Proprietor , A OMAHA AND ST. PAUL , : Possible Consolidation with the Chicago & North- Western. now time table went into effect onthe Nebraska Division of the Paul line to-day , doing witn the transfer at Oakland antunning the mixed trains , which be put onatpresentthrough City. The American Ex- i Ess j service is put on the line at the ; One , time , all through matter for & > ux City and St. Paul going over Us line now instead of through tuncil Bluffs and Missouri Valley. Spresa agents are appointed at all scions on the main line and Ponca No passenger trains will be pu'on before sprine. In this connection it Is proper to By that there is considerable talk ol consolidation of this road with the Northwestern , on a basis of two shares f the common stock of the Omaha Ifae for ono of the Northwestern common , and an even exchange of tin preferred stock of the Omaha line fo tie Northwestern common. Some of * lo Northwestern stockholders' a.'e In favor of an issue ot 4 per cent , bond instead , with the calling in of the Omaha common at about CO and the preferred at par. The consideration of the consolidation , jrhich has been predicted for the past ? ear > has been haste , ii is thonght , b ) the preparations made by the Mil- "iukeo and St. Paul to build a new Hre across Iowa to Council Bluffs. It W'U ' give the Northweateru an arm to tJlI3 city , as well as the C. , B. & Q- , and ni\t } \ no doubt , hasten the scheme for bringing the Wabash and Eock Island into Omaha , over the U. P. bridge , after the identical programme outlined four months ago. QUICKEST TIME. The German American Insurance Company , M. G. McKoon , resident agent , has adjusted and paid my loss by the , fire of Sunday morning , the 12th teat. FRANK P. CUKRIEK , Potographor. The German American Insurance Company , M. G. McKoon , resident agent , has adjusted and paid my loss by the fire of Sunday morning , the 12th Inst. G. W. FIELD. Figs , Dates , Prunes , Prunella Citrons , Raisina , Orange Peel , Lemon Peel , pure spices. Nuts all new and fresh. FLEMING & Co. , Grocers. dec3-3t "Examine the display of Jewelry at Wihipple , McMillen & Co.'s , Creigh- tori block , Fifteanth street. Meals at all hours at Tizzard's. tf On and after this date and during tlE holiday season , the Boston Cash Dry Goods Store , on Tenth street , will present a niece of jewelry to each portion buying over one dollars worth PIol ol { { oyds. This is no lottery scheme , jut , simply a present to our friends am c ng the public , and the article will jo uven at the moment of purchase. The jewelry consists of ear rings , sbir t studs , breast pins , cuff buttons , hat pins and cuff buttons. 13-3t COMIC TIN TYPES ! /ora o and see them , just the thing for Sou Year , eight new designs at Grand Cen' tral Gallery , 212 Sixteenth St. 13-cod-3t Klilod by a Horse. A. ; young man named Henry Smith , ho t 'on ' of a farmer near Millard , met with a fatal accident this morning. Heivas hur < "jig and while riding his onj' tied lie rope aoout nja j , The horsa ran away soon after ana hrowin-g him to the ground , kicked lim in the headkilllng him instantly. The ; sad affair was witnessed by his mo'iher and sister , the latter catching thehorao and releasing the lad trom ho J pe. Dr. Link was summoned Jut the boy was beyond human aid. Ooco'aer Jacobs decided that no in- ques t was necessary. Zells Condensed Cyclopedia. An abridged library and universal feronco book , is at present being introduced to our citizens. It is woi thy of'your attention. 10-Gt Visit Kurtz's Store. New Muscatel , London Layer and DeJncsa liaisons in quarter boxes for fanriily trade. dec3 3t FLEMING & Co. , Grocers. Wo see by a comparative analysis that the Nebraska coal discovered at Ponca , Neb. , is superior to the best Iowa coal. BOOK RECEPTION. Books suitable for presentation to the Y. M. C. A. should be of a relig ions nature , and these you can get at the ANTIQRARIAN for a small out- , or will be exchanged for others. FURS1 FURS ! ! FURS ! ! ! Ladies' and gents' fur goods of ev ery description at the Fur Manufac tory , opposite postofBco , Omaha. All goods are warranted. HENRY G. RICHTER , Furrier. declStf BANGLE RINGS ! BANGLE RINGS ! "Whipple , 3IcMillen & Co. , Creigh- Block , Fifteenth street. Go and them. Watches in great var'ety ' , Swiss and American , from the best manu facturers , at Whlpple , McMillan & Co. , Creighton Block , Fifteenth St. American Watches. At the lowest possible figures at John Baumer's. 9-3t Call at the BEE job rooms and ex amine something nice in the way of Fine Papetries , suitable for Invita tions to weddings , balls/private mas querade parties , sociables and con certs. 500MENS' , BOYS' AND CHIL. DREN'S OVERCOATS AND ULS TERS TO BE CLOSED OUTRE- GARDLESS OF COST , AT POL. ACK'S. , fj-tf " I Weekly Market Review. ] WHOLES ALF. OMAHA , Dceember 14,1880. WHEAT Quiet and lower ; No' . 2 , > c ; No. 3 , CGe ; rejected , 50c. Barley No. 2 , COc ; No. 3 , 40c ; ex tra , No. 3 , 30c. Oats 30o. CORN Western mixed , 28c. RYE No. 2 , 75c. LIVE STOCK Quietnativefatsteers ; , -nt 53 25@3 50 ; western , slow at cows , native , 52 75@3 00 ; western , t$2 50@2 65 ; sheep , western , butchers' tstock ' , 53 10@3 25 ; natives , 53 75 ® ' 4 00 ; veal is scarce and sells readily ; at 54 25@5 50 ; hogs , lower ; fair stock , 54 20 ; choice butcher , 54 25 PEODUCE Butter , commonlG@18c ; \fair \ , 18@20c ; choice , 22@23c ; Eggs , 'unchanged ' and firm at 28@30ccheese ; , Nebraska" J , 14c ; New York , 14c ; pota- tpes , steady ; peach blows , 75c ; ne- shannocks , C5c ; onions , nominal ; cabbage , nominal ; hay , unchanged and steady ; baled , 59 0011 00 ; in bulk , scarce at 572o@800 ; cider , quiet aud unchanged , 57 50 cor cask of 50 gallons ; hickory nuts , 5125 per mi. ; chesnntB , 53 OOjwalnuts , 60@75c ; cranberries , 57 00@8 25 ; * fresh pyaters , 25S30S3uc per can ; honey , pamb , 18r20c. j PORK AN ; LARD Sams , smoked , , tO 20 ; bacon , clear , Scper Ib. ; break- 'fast ' , 59 20 ; dry salt sides , clear , 57 20 ribs , § 7 00 : shoulders , § 4 00 ; lard , * ? S20. j SUGARS Gut loaf lie p'er ib" . , po'w- ifed lie , granulated 10c , standarc V 10icoff"A" 9c , white extra"C' c ; standard extra "Q" 9c , yellow XJ" tfp. STRtU'S Beat barrels. , G06 per callonbeat ; half barrela,62c ; best kega. 52 GO per keg ; standard bbls. , 50o per gallon ; standard half bbh. , 52c ; stan dard kei-s , 52 40 per keg. COFFEES Porta Rico 19c per Ib. , santos 18ic , Mexican 18c , fancy rio 17c , cho'co do. IGic ; prime do. loic , good do. 14ic. CANNUU GOODS 3 Ib. peachoaS4 00 per case , 2 Ib. peaches S3 00 , 2 Ib. blackberries 52 20 , 2 Ib. raspberries 53 00 , 2 Ib. gooseberries 53 50 , 3 Ib. pears 53 00 , 3 Ib. tomatoes 53 00 , 2 Ib. do. 52 50 , 2 Ib. corn 53 75 , 2 Ib. peas 55 00 , 2 Ib. do , 53 00 , 2 Ib string beans 52 50,21b Lima do. 52 75. FISH 1 Ib. mackewls half bbl. , § 7 50 ; mackeral , kits , 51 25 ; family do. , half bbl. , $175do ; , do , kits , 85c ; 1 Ib. white fish , half bbl. , 57 00 ; do , kits. § 1 25 ; family do , half bbls. , 54 50 ; do , do , kits , 51 00 ; Librador herring , half bbl. , 54 00 ; do , quarter bbl. , 5225 ; do , kits , 90s ; do , scaled , per box , 55c ; . DRIED FRUITS Alden apples , per Ib. , lOic ; sliced do 7 c , common do Gk ; peliches , perlb. , 8 ; blackberries lOio , prunes 82. POULTRY Quiet ; live chickens , nominal ; dreesed , G8c ; ducks , dressed , S@10cJturkeya ; , 9llc. GREEN FRUITS Apples , Michigan , 52 50 ; Missouri , 52 25 ; lemons , 5550 @G 50 ; nrai.ges , 55 00 ; malaga grapes , § 8 50S9 00 per barrel. LEATHER Quiet and unchanged ; shoemaker's stock , sole'leather , oak .inned , 40@43c per Ib. ; hemlock tanned , 30@3G ; upper , common , 2428 ; upper , domestic calf , 5100@1 30 ; French calf , 81 50@2 10 $ domestic kip , 80@1 00Frenchl ; 00 © 150. HARNESS STOCK No. 1 , oak tan ned , 4345s ; No. 2 , oak tanned , 41 © 43c ; No. 1 , hemlock tanned , 3840c ; No. 2 , hemlock trimmed , 3739c. WOOD Still scarce and firm ; hic kory and oak , 57 75 ; cotton wood , 55 255 50. BRICK Firmcommon ; in kiln,58 00 @ 9 50 ; pressed , 518 00@20 00. LUMBER Steady ; framing , 18 ft. and under , per M , 520 ; fencing No. 1,12 to 20 ft , § 22 00 ; No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft , , 520 00 ; common boards , dressed , § 20 00 ; flooring , No. 1 , 540 00 ; No. 2 do , 535 00 ; siding , No. 1 , 52500 ; Ko. 2 do , 822 00 ; No. 3 do , 520 00 ; finishing , 540 00(355 ( 00 ; shlplap , plain , 523 CO ; ceiling , three-eighth beaded , G inch , No. 1 , 52500 ; ahin- gles , § 2 503 75 ; pickpts , No. 1 , per M , 532 50 ; No. 2,525 00 ; postsceaar , lG@18o ; oak , 30@40c. NAILS Unchanged at S3 00. THE LATEST VICTORY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. The only existing remedy for every spe cies of Acute or Chronic Disease of the Organs of Respiration , and aa absolute SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION ! rpins all-powerful vegetable prepara- JL ticiu cxpulx from the lungs anil nir pas sages , tlie mucus nud niuco-pus produced by pulmonary inllammntion , heals the Irritated membrane * , anil renovates every orgnn which utilize * the breath of Life. It contains no stupefjing poison , nml Is in all respects n henlthf til medi cine. The rapidity nud certainty with Wliich it ANNIHILATES A COUGHs /s / astonishing. Its effects BO deeper than the mere symptoms of pulmonary dis ease and disclir-.f'es the cause from the system. Free and painless expectora tion is the mode by which it relieves the lungs , chest and throat fromthobnrdena which oppress them ; thus arresting Con sumption and Bronchitis in the germ be fore they reacii the more dangerous stages. The emaciated sufferer BATTLING FOR LIFE with the most terrible scourge of onr ell. mate will lind Tritsch's Prussian Cough Syrup n potent ally , and will assuredly win the fight I > y adhering strictly to this great medicine. The CASES NOW ON RECORD In which it has been administered with entire success ns n remedy for every va riety of malady which affects the Ilo- rpimtory 1'unctlons , amount to more than FIVE THOUSAND nt thopresent date , nndyct the prepara tion is only in the Infancy of Its useful ness. The great defect of nil Cough Remedies hitherto introduced is that they are simply cxpnlsory. Hence they are useless : for unless the causes of the acrid secretions which are coughed up are remotod.nnd the ruptured , inflamed or maturated surfaces healed nnd re- Ktorcd to their natural tone , a cure Is 1 m possible. 1'rlUch's Prussian Cough Syrup accomplishes these objects. The mucus nnd * which are the con sequence of Lungl > isensenrotlirown off by it , while nt the same time it soothes and invigorates the weakened tissues. "LIFE FOR THE LUNGS. " For coughs , colds , influenza , bronchial difficulties , tightness of the chest.hoarse- ness , sore throat , trachitis , inflamma tion of the lungs * difllculty of breathing , pleurisy and all disorders of a pulmonary nature , it lias never been equaled. Sole agents In America , BICHABO30H It CO , t. Louis , ilo. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS.1 JJK. A. S. PEXDEKY , CONSULTING PHYSIGIANi HAS PERMANENTLY LOCATED HIS MEDICAL - ICAL OFFICE , 1SS Tenth Street , - OMAHA , KEERASKA I Oflerlnj bis services In 11 departments fo medicine and surgery , both in Keccral ui pedal practice acute nd chronic diseases. Ca be consulted night and day , and wUI visit * part ol the city nd county on receipt of letta. , telrrami. SUBSCRIBE FOR 9TIIE WEEKLY BEE , The Best in the West. SPECIAL MOTiGES , TO LOAM-HOMEY. OH3T TO TXAH C ll > t Law Offlca D. L. 7HOHAS. Room 8 , Creighton Block ONKT TO LOAH 1109 Farnhim street. M1 Dr. Kdwirdfl Loan Agency. nov-12-tf HELP WANTED A woman cook at the Green Tree WANTKD , 135 , South-Tenth street. 62-13 TJTO girls frr fcousouork. En quire at 181S , Chicago street. C3-10 A position bv a young man of WASTED address and who his eomo acquain tance in Nebraska ; would prefer to travel. Ad' dress B. , Kee Office. A nurse-girl , 15 or 10 rears of WANTED Apply at 1507 , California street. 67-11 "TTTANTED Cook , dining-room j.i-1 and VV kitchen help , at Pacific Home. 71-11 \TTANTED-Flve carpenters , s ntliwest cor \V ner 17th and Izard. M. T. MURPHY. 70-14 A Rood girl for gcuorol hotis WANTED in small family , go U wages p.ld , none but fust-class need apply. Corner 19th Mid Iz.trdst ccts. MRS. K-N. UIIIIFKLL. 00-15 TTTANTED A grl ! for gOnenl h W for family of three Apply at S. W 15lh and Jones or 14th and Dodge. 72-tf KOBERT PORVIS. A Dining room waiter. Apply WANTED office 74-15 A girl to do honscwoik , 2115 , WANTED street , heiwecn 2lst and 22d streets. 53'14 A flrst-clasj boot and shoo ma ker , w orks on pcggod and sewed work. FatCllne , Brownvillc , Neb. Omaha's wages p&M. 57-10 A good girl Viowt U years oW ( WANTED in taking care of an infant , and do errands. References required. Apply1 at 1415 Faruham street. 60-13 Cook at the Pacific Houses-man WANTED . . 65-11 irrTANTCD Secondhand.Marblo . Manila and W Orate complete. AdUras.4 "B. " 1SS1. 48-10 2 girls at Rcineko's rcstatiranl , WANTED and Jackson Sts. 51-13 ANTED A girl to work In I.itclun , at tno Emmett Bouso. 49-14 EOOAI MATE WANTED-Aiilrcss J. II. P , Eee office. 45-tf WANTED A woman cook , at the Enmett ilouje. 4l5 -\TTANTED-Airenls for the Wlicolcr& Wll.-nn W Sen ing Machine. Call at Office , Jacobs Blo k. SO 14 " \T7"ANTED 100 ladies to try the New No. S VV Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Mai bine Finjt premium awarded thii famom michinc at the Iowa and Nebraska Stale Fairs Sales room Jacobs' Block , 669 I if tccnth street. 40-14 WANTED A few more boardirs. .vt the southeast cor. 15th and Calif orni i. SG-14 TTTANTED A good house-keeper , 1100 Farn VV ham street , upttaira. 32-tf " \"V7 ANTED Eni > loymcnt for hoHO and \\acon. VV K A. 1IAUK1S3 , 16th and Nlcho'as St3. 2G-tf WANTED Ail Omaha know that the RoyM St. Jonn is the KINO rf Sewing Machines , odice on l th St. 841-tf FSJ ? PSMT-HOU3EB AKD UHD. TO UEVT Suit of front rooms to rent , bric house , 1H7 Cms St. , opposite School house ; also homo , barn and 5 acres near city. 41-15 FOR RENT Furnished south room , with use of pa'lor , 313 Uth street , between Daven port and Chicago , suitable for two gentleman or Ot gent anil wife. 52-13 T ) COM3 TO RENT and part of stoic. Next to Jti Eeo.Offlce. W. EVERETT. 5313 10 R NT Suit of rooms to rent , brick house , 1417 Cas.s St , opposite school house ; also house , bain and 5 acres near city 41-15 EN'T Furnished room for 2 getiemen FOR brick house , comer 10th and Douclas St. 37-tf FOR RENT House in Shull's 2nd addition , S'5 per month. W. SIMERAt/ , room 6 , CrelRhton Block. 895-U FOR RENT A furnished , south fiont room Inquire at No. 1012 h'arnham St. S8I-W FOR RENT Cbttaie ; , on 5th and Pine Hts. , new house , eight rooms.on 23d and CassSta Enquire J. P. Hoc , 8. E. Cor. 12th and Farn hain. 696-tf RENT 2 furnished rooms oVet Mer chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and Dodeo streets. 28Mf ! FOR SALE. FOR SALE The entire furniture of 3 rooms , desirably located ; cm lake possession it once. Address "II. " , Bjc Office. 65-15 THOU SALE Small tubular boMdr and stack. jD Roddis & ThralL 58-17 " 1710R SALE Business house and Rrocery stock , Jj Restaurant attached. Address R. Chaffin , Aurora , Neb. 0-im R bALE Two close carriages , at A. J. Simpson's. 011-tf 171 It SALK Cottohwood lumber of all slzcs.ot M RKDJIOJf D'S. Slxteenth-st 610-t MISCELLANEOUS- O TRAY NOTICE Taken upon the premises j of the subscriber in Jefferson Precinct , one buckskin colored pony , about 3 years old , celd- inir. OEO. E. TIMME. 73-15 FEW djy boarders can be accommodated at A reasonable rates , at Koom 23 , Ilcllman's L'lock , up stairs , entrance on ISlli street. CJ-lt LOST Breast-pin , Ins-rlbcd with initial "M. C. H. " rifaae leavu at 1217 , Farnham street CO-13 mAKSN UP One red cow , two slitaln left ear JL and short tail , Smiles north , near Florence Lake : SECONELIUS FERB1KST. 51-11 EAtEDPROPOSALS will ho received by ths § undersigned until Saturday , December IStb , 0 , for the purchase of all b jildinga on lots 1 , 2 and 4 , block 141 , Omaha Terms cash The ru-ht U reserved to reject any or all bids. By order ot the Board ot Commissioners. JOHN R. MANCHESTER , 34-14 Coontv Clerk. HILL'S MANUAL NOTICE : R. S. 1'EALE , of Counci' ' Bluffs , lovra , is no longer General Agent for the gale of HILL'S MANUAL OP SOCIAL AND BUSINESS FORMi. Wo havinij tttrminatctl hia agency for rood and sufficient reasons ; anil we hereby CAUTIO.N the public against bone Imposed up on , by unscrupulous men , who attempt to "palm off" a SPURIOUS work on them instead of "Hill's Minual , " tno BOOK they want or sub scribed for. MOSES WARREN & CO. , Publish- era of Hill's Manual , 103 Stita et. . Chicago. Nov. 6th. 1S33. 19-17 riTAKEN UP On Friday , December , 1330 I onereJ brindle cow. Medium size. Own er can have sams by proving property and pay ins charges. JOHN BAGLEY , 3 miles S. W rom Omaha , Drcxel'd School DIa 23-0 mon-5t FOUND In North Omaba , a spotted ralf about twoorthres d ys old. Owner cm have same by calling at North Western brewery , Cuming street , and payiojt for thia notice. 21-17 AhsolutelyPure.i' Made from Grape Cream Tartar. ? io * other preparation makes such light , flaky hot breaclg , or luxurious pastry. ICan be eaten by dyspeptics without fear of the lib resulting from henry In digestible food. Sold only In cans bv all Grocerj. TROTAL BAKISO PowDxn Co. New York ; FERRY ON ICE. I h ve bridged the approaches to the river. Ice opposita cast end Jones street miking a pleasant , easy and safe crossing at the nominal toll , viz : Horseman , cadi 5c. One Horse and Wa on lOc. Two Horses and IVacon 15c. " " " < r return same day lOc. Foot-men Free. December 13th , 18SO. dlS-lm S. P. MORSE GO. CASH JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF DRY GOODS./ . 3 = " AFe.Tg"g = r Arvr The people will it , and ive arc the servants of ihe people In supplying them ivith Dry Goods at anti-monopoly Prices. Enormous Reductions in Our COLOSSAL STOCK. u 1500 yards of Brocade Mixed and Plain Color ! j Dress Goods formerly sold , and well Worth 25c. 2500 yards of All-Wool Flannel and French Suitings , Plaids , Brocades , Damasse , etc. , reduced from 50c to 40c. BIGGEST BARGAIN IN AMER1GJL 1000 yaads All-Wool ( bear it 'n ' mind ) 42-inch Momie Cloths , Silk and Wool Brocades Matta- lasses , etc. , marked down from $1.25 to $1.00 a yard. At 75c , Dress Goods ; SUk and Wool , formerly $1.25 and $1.50 a vard. 11 $1.00 , tr " " " " " 1.75 and 2,00- ' " " " " " " " 2.00 , 4.00 R HOLIDAY PRESENTS We are opening Novelties daily , and Ladies will do well to purchase now and avoid all rush. S. IP. UVCOIRSIE &c GO. i ELCUTTER'S ' $60,000. CREAT GLEAF $60,000. We make this month a specialty to close out our Desirable and seasonable goods at LOTO- Figures. Our immense stock of winter clothing for Men's , Youth's , Boys' and Children's wear , comprising Working , Business , and Dress-Suits , in latest Patterns and Styles , Overcoats , Ulsters'and Ulsteretts worked from the finest goods of woolens also coats ; a complete line of Furnishing Goods , Novelties in Neckwear for the Holidays. Hftts , Caps , Gloves , &c. , must make way for our immense Spring stock of clothing. Well-known to the public that these goods were the best selected stock ever brought to this market. ELCUTTER'S MAMMOTH CHOTMING MOOSE , 1001 Farnham St. Cor. 10th. $60,000. , $60 , ! SIGN OP THB GOLDEN PIANO & FRAME , A. HOSPE JR. . , . , Pianos and Organs First Class on Easy Monthly Payments , Sheet Mnsic and Musi cal Instruments. FINE STOCK OF IM : O TJ L 3D 12T GS . 01 Paintings , Engravings anrt rramca at great ly retlacetl prices. 8x10 Frames , 1 inch , Walnut ISc 10x12 " 1 " " 20 10x11 " 1 " " 20 12x16 " 1J " " M 1-2x18 " 1J " " 85 10x20 t' 1J " " . 75 Rustic 8x101 rune M Cbromos framed , mill , 25c , Chromosframed , larzc , 1 25 , Engravings from 50c upwards , Photograph frames from 15c upwards , Windo a Cor Jce3 75c a window and npwarda , Lambrequin * 8 00 per window and upwards , Cornice Poles 2 60 per window and upwards. Velvet fnmoi 25c each to5 00 Violin Strings 15c , Violins 1 75 , 2 50 , 3 and upwards , Guitars 5 00 , 6 00. 7 00 and upwards. Banjos 1 00. 3 00 , 5 00 , and upward ) , Accorrieo-13 from 1 00 up , cheapest in city Send for samples and catalogue ol mouldings and sheet music. A. HOSPE , JR. , 1619 DocVe St. . next door to Harris and Fishers Omaha Nef > . J. H. FL1ECEL & GO. Successors to J. H. THIELE , 31ERCHANT TAILORS , No. 1220 Douglas Street , DISEASES OF THE EYE , Bar and Throat. DE. L. B. G-EADPY OCULIST , AUBIST & IARYHGIST. Office Over Kennard's Drag Store. Corner of 14th and Douglas Sto. novl3-3m < PC t ( DOR rd y thoma. S rapl88 wcr $3 I ib U 'free. lAddrcas SUogoa * Co Portland , Me. AGENTS , FOR DEVLIN & CO. , TIEOU CLOTHING HOUSE , PARM3AM STREET. MARHOFFS TRUNK FACTORY , The Urs-C8t and best assortment of Trunks and Valises in flic West. Telescopic Cases and Sainj.-lo Trunks a Specialty. H. H. MARHQFF , - - - PROP. , 14th St. . : ? Doors North or DongTas St. 50,000 CHEAP ! CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST MAX MEYER & BRO. Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then entire stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks , Silver-Ware , o Pianos A Organ GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their weN Store , Cor. Nth & Farnham We Mean Business , Come and be Convinced.