pLLY BEE | TER : EDITOR 'for Kelley now. fao to "Wade Hampton box. " IK Jumata Herald frankly inform hi readers that THE BEE is the bes the etatc. THE cable announces that Mr Bartlett and the Baroness Burdett Oouttswill marry afler all. EOT what do the Queen and Londonaccicb propose to do about it ? THREE more regiments have beei ordered to Ireland. At this rate i will take about five British soldiers tl protect every English landlord , agent refractory tenant , or Boycotts tradesman. MINISTER CUUISTIAXCY who wai sent to settle the quarrel betweet Chill and Peru is about to give up thi job. His little family quarrel iril take up his time for the rest of tin winter. POCK'S caricature on the "Three Disgraces , " HOBS Kelly of New York. Mclaughlin of Brooklyn and Me- .MtneB of Philadelphia , will have to be revised. THE "statuesque blonde from New York" is the name applied by a con temporary to Senstor Conkling. Mr. Robison is dubbed "The Jersey Lily , " and Mrs. Langtry regrets the absence of an international copyright law. THE retirement of Marshal Daily from the office which he haa BO ably filled for * number of years past took place on Saturday evening. Mr. Daily will be a member of the next legislature and the state will claim his valuable ssrvicos in the capacity of a law maker. PHILADELPHIA , newspapers are waxIng - Ing sarcastic over the editor of the Vollablait , who received , by mistake , the prosident's message on the Satur day before its delivery and immediate ly returned it to the postofiice depart ment. That editor hadn't evidently boenlnnoculatod with the newspaper morals of the Quaker City. As usual every newspaper in the slate is after the scalp of Edward II B a water , of THE O.MAIIA BEE. Humbolt Sentinel. Rose water's scalp lock must bo a very desirable prize in the eyes of ths bucolic Biva es. It has been sought for years with fiendish dospura tion and still waves unmolested. If you want It gentlemen como and get it , THE fall of John Kelley from Iris dictatorship of New York municlpi ! affairs is an era in its history little lesi memorable than that of the djurnfall of Boss Tweed in , 1871. As the dispenser of nn enormous patronage ht power in the oily has been unassailable'/ That power ho has used for the furtherance of his own private ends and the enriching of Tammany hall. New York is' to be congratulated over her good riddance of the bos SPEAKING of President Hayes * economy in the White House , it is a well-known fact that ell of our recent presidents have saved money. Mr. Lincoln is spoken of as having laid by over $50,000. Johnnoa saved SGO,000. The salary in their time was only § 25,000 , while it is nov § EO- ODO Grant is generally supposed to have saved about 5100,000. He snly had the increased salary for n small part of his torm. Mr. Hayes is nnp posed to have lived on $10,000 a year which will make his savings § 160,000 at the close of his term. Mu. THOMAS BAYARD has gotten himiolfin trouble. During the lat canvass he made a speech at Dover , in which he denounced in unmeasured terms the moiety system in the cus torn houio , and the proceedings by which Phelps , Dodge Co. were com. ptslled to disgorge § 267,000 of evaded duties. He distinctly charged tha this sum was divided between Sena tor Conkling , Judge Noah Davis , Special Agent Jayno Jrtid Chester A. Arthur. Thesi gentlemen have written nn open letter tor to Bayard , denouncing the storj as an infamous lie , and demanding ai explanation. Bayard crawfishes ant denies he ever used the language al tributcd to him by the newspapers which , he says , garbled his remarks The moral of this episode is , never t speak from the stump what you wouldn't bo willinu to write fro-n the desk. IT is understood that the president has decided to appoint Gen. Terry SB commandant at West Point , while General Miles will succeed him in command of the department with headquarters at St. Paul. The Pioneer Frets esys : "If this information , which oomes from our "Washington correspondent through General How ard , is correct , the Pioneer 1'rtu desires to remark thai that it is by far the happiest solution of the West Point problem which the president could have made. Though Gen. Terry is not a West Pointer , there is probably no officer in the army BO admirably fitted by his culture , his acccmpl ; timeuts , his p raonhl wt..h and the moral eleva tion and intellectual dignity of his character for * he position of com mandant at West Point. He is the' ideal gentleman and soldier , nnd the West Point cadets rould have no better model of the best lypeof either than will be presented Vy theiroommandant , if he is assigned , fi we hare no donbt ho will be to that Jionorable office. While the depar- \gjco \ of General Terry from St. Paul roulJ bB deeply regretted , no one j o $ > uld bo designated as his suc cessor jjmld be more cordially wcl- tpoieJTthan General Miles. THE democratic majority in the houBa have wasted four days of val nable time in trying to crowd througt congrcts the Bickncll electoral bil with all its objectionable features These feature ? , late in the last BCS sion , they incorporated into a join resolution hoping by this evasion t ( preclude the necessity of the preai dent's signature and the possibility o a veto. This resolution is cpposec to the spirit of the constitution It confers powers upon the house * ol representatives which it was never in tended that it ehonld possess. It jrivei to the house and senate the right tc reject any vote from any stat < 5 on thi most trivial objection , no matter how unjust , and no matter whether it had been previously determined by the proper state tribunals. This radical measure wai purposely do Ivr'ed , in order , if occasion wore af forded , that it might bo adopted ' 01 amended to enable the democracy tc seize upon any of the advantages whictMnight arise from the last elec tion. The emphatic election oi Generals Garfinld and Arthur foiled this scheme , bat the majority in the Dje is apparently as fully deter mined now as it was aix months ego that the resolution shall bs passed. The constitutional provision for counting the electoral vote clearly gives no judicial powers to the two houses of congresi. They are simply toba the -witnesses at the counting of the votes , which are to bo opened solely by the president of the senate. Where any doubt exists s to thenn- thenticity of the vote in the hands of the vice-president , the constitution has provided no means for settling such doubt. MASSACHUSETTS through .he Boston -Adwrttser protests against the shame ful abuse ot President Hayes by the so-called stalwarts. It 'says that the old Bay State would have given Hayes , if he had been nominated , as large a majority as it gave Garfield. "We think ho has had a clean , upright , honorable administration. Massa chusetts does not sympathize with thia political abuse of Hayes. He had a good cabinet , and has appointed good office-holders. " CONGRESSMEN" are as superstitions as other people. When the late Re presentative Rush Clark , of Iowa , died , Mr. Farr , of New Hampshire , took the desk in the houao which had been occupied by air. Clark. As already announced , Mr. Parr died a few days ago , nnd no member wants to teko the fatal desk. It Is sug- ij ested that several members ought to ba forced to take the desk for the the country. THE mooting of the Board of Trade : o discuss amendments to the charter > f our city should end in some/hine Jut gas. The tronblaiwith the Board > f Trade seems to bo constitutional ind its degeation has been for some leriously impaired. If the Board of "rado'a liver was in as good condition B its tongue there might bo some hope if efficiency in its transactions. THAT little rumor about impending hangea-in the Omaha Jlepubllcan has tirred up the animals. Brooks says E § 5000 railroad backing hasanything o do with it , bo proposes to stick , , nd refers to the attacks once mndo n him by n defunct contemporary rhich wtire so suddenly stopped by 'orders from headquarters. " absence from the state must o nnrtoying to his backers nnd doubly 3 to himself. If ho could only be are of his men and felt confident that ilblnas wasn't secretly receiving the r. P. Bopport , it would ba different. ! nt Pad knows as well as anyone else hat ' 'whvpn the cat's away the nslco lay. " * Tm : Now York Commercial says tat the Hon. Lavt P. Morton has an jcomo of hair a million n year from is banking house , which , ho would ave to surrender to go into the cab- iet. If this is true it is safe to say ti general principles that Levi won't 3J "flo-Ho. He-He " ihnylcr Sun. That original joke of The Omaha publican In Torard to Barnum's > okjn < ; in the alasn , etc. , was juat too ute for anything. Wo saw it in The liter-Ocean a day or two pre- icus to its appearance t our Omnihn contemporary idwe thought it exceedingly taony , nd than when it roappeired in The , iepubliean as an original joke , it was J'excrnclrttincly funny that we had to ive our paper away to prevent death y laughter. STATB JOTTINGS. Wiiber needs a fire department. Ord has organized a lodge of Odd ellows , Geneva is taKdng about building ty hall. Tecumseli's new flouring mill has artcd up. Hebron is to have a fine stone Jera house. Stanton holda n teachers'Institute : the 27th inet. Black-tailed declare plentiful in uckolls county. Gospcr county has a now poat- fico named Cerly. Brownville is arresting Its liquor : alers for illegal celling. The State Kormal school at Peru atains 156 students. Game has not 'been so plentiful r years in Holt county. The B. & M. track will reach : atrice early in January. Madison's Odd Fellows' give a and'baU on Cristmaa eve. York will endeavor to secure the xt state soldiers' reunion. The new Methodist church at est Point , is to have a belL Sidney's water worfca are to-be pplied from the U. P. tank. There is a rumor that Fremont is have a nevr mammoth elevator. The broom factory at Jnniata is bo supplied with uew machinery. Kearney has a broom factory , , h new machinery throughon * . * Pawnea county will have an old tiers' reunion on New Year's day. An 02\eil City resident drives a r of cow elks to a common road wagon. They make excnllont road sters. Four additional blocks have beet added to the town site of Blue Springs The Oakdale cornet band give : regular Saturday afternoon concerts The Morrick Rifles now numbei sixty-five men. Forty will be uni formed. formed.A A large numbsr of town lots hav < been laid ous by the TJ. P. in Grant Island. Island.Two Two hundred "and ten pupils ar < enrolled in the schools of Blue Springs. The Presbyterian church al Kearney is rapidly approaching com pletion. pletion.The The installation ot a Presbyteriai pastor , at Tekamah , takes place on thi 14th inrt. Lincoln's Opera House is to be lemodelled and converted into : hotel. Pawnee City's band are to give i beneSt concert to pay for their instru nrents. nrents.A A Columbus citizen named Johr Harris has invented a machine fet rope making. A meeting to organize a Farmers1 Institute-will be held at Tekamah on December 21st. An incendiary fire in Nebraska Cify last weak did damage to the amount of $300. Three car loads of seed wheat are being disributed by the B. & M. company at Arapahoe. The suit against the West Point Butter and Cheese association , haa been decided in its favor. Nothing of importance , except a divorce case , occupied Howard coun ty's court at its last session. A farmer of Rock Creek precinct , Lincaster county , hcs named a pair of twins Garfield and Arthur. Blue Springs has built sir grain warehouses this season. All are full of grain but the last completed. A location is being surveyed for another bridge across the Missouri between Nemaha City and Aspiuwall. The new court honso at Clay Center will be dedicated with ajgrand ball on the evening of December 17th. The people of Furnas county are organizing to resist payment of the $8000 oi bonds illegally issued in 1875. An effort is being made to have a mail route established between La Porte , Wayne county , and Kenesaw junction. New buildings are springing up all over Kearuey , yet it is impossible- to find a house to rent , so great is the demand. A fire at David City on the 3rd inst. , destroyed the furniture store of Jones & Co. Loee $7,000 , with $3,000 insurance. The Cambridge H use , at Cam- bride , Furnaa county , was destroyed by fire last week. Loss , $1200 ; parti ally insured. Three hunters , of Republican City , brought homo , after a hunt in the valley , five buffalo , fourteen doer and two antelope. List WednesdayFrancis Wette , a German residing in Fremont , com mitted inicido by blowing his brains out with a shot-gun. A deaf man , named Cornelius Caspy , wan seriously h'j'irpd list wcok wh ! o wu'ldaq 0:1 : the L. & N. W. road nesj ; Ulyases. Barton , a sub contractor on the new road , working near Nemaha City , skipped oat a week or two ago Ieavin < * ° debts to the tune of $1,000. A jewelry establishment and a new lumbar yard were openedat Paw nee City last week , nnd it is rumored a largo elevator is to be at once erect ed. The assefei ] valua'-ion of Dodtjo county is $2,36S 8"0 23 which would make the real VHUO ! $3,000,000 The aRgrotjate tax , including everything is 288,320.91. Every school district in the etnto is being canvassed by- the prohibition ists in behalf of a constitutional amendment prohibiting the sale of liquors. liquors.A A number of the citizens of Grafton boarded a B. & M. train last week and seized the coal from the tender aftera conflict with the engi neer and fireman. Ten car loads of wool were ship ped , last week , from Beatrice. Forty thousand pounds were bought from n Jefleraon county grower and 60,000 from parties in Gage county. Eleven hundred and thirty-eight car loads of stock passed throuh Hastings during the last four months. Of these 967 car loads came from the valley and 161 from Kearney. The average daily shipment of wheat for 25 days from St. Paul was 8 ? cars per day. Sherman , Ouster , VnlloyYheeler and Greeley coun ties have furnished a great part of this amount. A Qaean truss bridge with a 70 toot spin is being built over Rose crock near Hubbell , Thayer county. It xrill cost $400. The Republican Valley road has contributed $150 of this amount. Hastings hnd an elopement sensa- Mon last week , a man named L. D. Dent rtinninc ; off to California with Miss Ruth Scofield. The bride telo- jraphed to her mother from North Platte announcing her marriage and leshnatlon. A catamount has twice this fall , risited the farm house of Mr. Carr , : m the Blue , in Fillmore rounty , each Lime taking his pnp from its kennel ind carrying it nearly to the cover of the woods , but dropping it on his ap pearance. He also says he has heard it scream like a woman several times , md that his jack knife , closed , would lay crosswise between the points of 1st md 2nd , and 3d and 4th nails in his : rack where ho visited his dog house. An attempt to tear np the bridge icross the Beaver river , near Fuller- ion , Nance county , was complained of jy the citizens , and the U. S. mar- ihal arrested R. R Warn for ob- itructing the United States mails. A fanner of Cass county , named ivilson , poisoned a neighbor's dog , rhich so exasperated the neighbor , lamed Stanley , that he laid for him rith a revolver , drilled a hole through tis nose and 'then had him arrested or disturbing the peace. Mr. W. E. Dodge exhibited bo- jre our wondering eyes a few days ? o an ear of corn that beats anything e have seen for these many hundred loons. It weighed two pounds and ad twenty-two rows of kernels , with venty-two kernels to the row. By a ttle arithmetical calculation it will be len that the ear contained 1,144 Brnels. If anybody has any prolific irs we would like to see them. Beatrice Courier. Some excitement was created a w mornings sgo on the Republican alley near Central City by the findS - S of evident preparations to throw e next train from the track. Tbo _ d of a , switch rail , being of course it locso , had been pried up to a icht of five or six inches from the rel of the track and kept in its place the insertion of blocks underneath i the pilot is only abqutthroe inches eve the track the next pwsing train i i against the raised end of the iron ; ck. The work is supposed to have I sn done by some one who had a idge against the company. I City Conner. THE U. B. MABSHALSHIP. Crete Standard : E. L. Bierbower , of Sidney , has been appointed , by President Hayes , U. S. marshal for Nebraska. The fight for this office hrs been waging for six months past , and Saunders now carries off the plume much to the chagrin of Pad dock and The Omaha Republican , which now sets up a howl that it ought to have been given to some one who had done more work for the party. No question of fitness would bo considered by these sharks of Ne braska politics , but that is what Saunders and Hayes considered in Mr. Biorbower and he was appointed. "Ho has served so long as deputp that he is now thoroughly fitted for the office and will make a good marshal. Brownville Advertiser : Mr. E. L. Bierbower , for years Mr. Daily's chief deputy , has been appointed U. S. marshal. The appointment we be lieve to be a good one because he is honest and capable. Hastings Nebrsskan : The presi dent has appointed E. L. Bierbower , long the efficient clerk and deputy of Marshal Daily , to be U. S. mar shal. Mr. Bierbower is a very capa ble and excellent man , and not a lit tle of the efficiency of the office in the past haa been due to his ability and care. "West Point Progress : E. L. Bier- bower has been nominated United States marshal for Nebraska. Rosewater - water ascends gracefully to the top of the ladder , and throws a loving kiss to his dear friend Brooks over the ap pointment Sidney Telegraph : Ellia li. Bier bower , for some time deputy United States marshal of Nebraska , has been appointed to the marahnlship by President Hayes. This ends a deal of scrambling among manj ; ambitious office seekers of Nebraska. Mr. Bier bower has made a good record for himself in thia state , and will , doubt less , prove an efficient marshal. Seward Republican : The contest of the U. S. marshalship of Nebraska has at last been settled by the ap pointment of E. L. Bierbower by President Hayes. It wss a selection in the comformity with civil service rules , as Mr. Bierbower has for years discharged very efficiently the office of deputy and at times managed the whole business in connection with the office. Senator Saunders has made a creditable recommendstien. IOWA BOILED DOWN. The coal dealers of Stuart sell 1000 bushels of coal daily. There Is a great demand for tene ment houses in Spencer. The Des Molnes coal mines ara shipping about 100 carloads per day. About 5,000 bushels is the daily average receipt of corn in Muscatine. From all parts of the state comes the report of a large shortage in the potato crop. Clarion will have a sorghum manu factory located there for the next sea son's crop of the cane. Over twenty-five good and substan tial buildings wereerecte d in Pomeroy during the past season.1 " The receipts of the waterworks In Marshalltown for this year show an excess of $1,000 over running ex penses. Harry Pyers , of Pulsski , Davis Oounty , got a yield ol 83 bushels of < corn to the acre on a twenty acre plat this season. R. W. Jones , living near Missouri Valley , has one field of fifty acres , which has yielded him eighty bushcla oE corn to the acre. The water-pipes in the Marshalltown canning factory froze and bursted on the 5th. The cellar was flooded and alarge quantity of manufactured goods and material was damage : ' . Cherokee county is fast filling np , a great deal of raw land has been sold and many Improved farms have changed hands this fall. The county has fair prospects of being ono of the richest in the state. Dubuque claims the pennant as be ing the boss Iowa city , Improvements being-tho test , nnd foots her various expenditures in that line at $958- 851.82 since January 1st of this cur rent year. Burlington joins the ranks of the dissatisfied , and organizes her Irish laud le-vgnoto furnish tunds to defend Parnell nnd the other agitators , who are accessory to the agrariaa murders on the Emerald Isle. Warden McMillan paid to the state treasurer on the 6th , ? 2,056 , the sum being the proceeds of convict labor duribpf November in excess. of their support. Since Warden McMillan took office , March , 1878 , he has paid into the stae treasury $19,938. Two young men , James and Thomas Durham , of Shellaburg , aged 17 and 19 years respectively , have been ar rested and held in $750 each , for man ufacturing and pajsing counterfeit nickles. They had disposed of $40 worth of the spurious coin. A site has bean purchased for the new wagon factory in Marshalltown , and work on the building is expected to begin soon. The company starts out with a capital of 850.000 , and it is proposed to make 1COO wagons dur ing the first year , and then enlarge the capacity of the shops to 5000 wagons yearly. A peculiar and fatal accident occur red to Mr. M. A. Kelly , at his farm nearLowMoor , Clintoncountyon the 7th. Ho has a wind-mill on bis place with which he grinds-feed for his stock. On the date named , he climb ed to the cross-trees of the mill to oil sorao parts of the machinery , and while on the platform some 24 feet above the ground , his right leg was caught intho machinery and horribly crushed. Mr. Kelly was conveyed to his house and medical assistance was summoned. On examination it was concluded to amputate the Injured mamber , but under the operation Mr. Kelly died. An Angel's Visit Detroit Free Press. A colored man named Bounty Smith , living on Antoine street , was Before a justice of the peace yester- Jay forenoon charged with the larceny ) f 50 cents' worth of firewood from a vhtteman living next door. The pros- ication had a circnmstancial case , some one was heard at the woodpile in ] he night. There were tracks in the now leading directly to defendant's louse. The defendant was found n possession of wood exactly like that aissed from the pile , and he admit- cd that he had not purchased any rood this fall. The defendant aaid e wished to be sworn in his own de- snse ; and after he had ! aken the tand ne began : "He claims dis wood was taken way Sunday night. Now , on Sun- ay mawnln' I war 'tacked by rheu- jatis an * couldn't step till Monday igh * . Dis right leg war bent back ) , an" dis left one war skewed out so , a * my wife had to feed me wid a joon. War I in shape to go out an * eal wood ? " "Go on. " "Well , 'long 'bant dark de ole wean - an said de las' stick of wood war > ne , an' we went to bed to keep arm. Could I go ont when I war in idl" "I guess not. " "Sartin I couldn't. When I ra- embered dat we had no wood fur de nex * day I went to prayin' dat som rich man's heart might be opened t charity. Fust I knowed de stinks o wood bsgnn to hit de doah , an * de ol woitnn scrabbled out and fdefied den in. If any man robbed dat man' woodp la , it war , an angel who wa sent to help me. " "But you forget the tracks in thi snow. They were just the size o your boots. " "Tracksl Waa dey any tracks ? " ' "Yei. " "Well , dat's nnffin agin me , as ' . see. I 'spec de angel had to stan 'lonesido de woodpile to load up. " Two of the jurors seemed to tab this view of the case , End the resul was n disagreement. Mr.C. Krah , oOGriffithetreBt , For Wayne , Ind. , writes the following : ] was suffering from rheumatism s ( badly that I was unabla to work , anc passed restless nights in vain endeavei to sleep. 1 used a great many reme dies without being relieved , and wa ; despairing when told to try St. Jncobi Oil. By the uae cf ona bottle I wa ! entirely cured. I recommend St. Ja cobs Oil/to all sfnicted wlthxrheuma tisin. U , ffaura/gis , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Soreness of the Chest , Gout , Quinsy , Sore Throat , Swell ings and Sprains , Burns and Scalds , General Bodily Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frosted Feet and Ears , and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on rarth fnali ] ST. Jicora On ai a snfe , mire , simple and cheap Eitcrnn' ' llratdy. A trial entails tut the eompotatirelj trifling outlay of 50 Cents , and er ry one rutTer ing with piin can have cheap and positive proo : of its claims. Directions in Elurcn languagei. SOLD BY AIL DBUQGISTS AHD DEiLEBE IS MEDICINE. A. VOGSLER & CO. , Cures and never dinap- ti olats. The -KrorltTs great Pain- Hbliovcr for Kau nnd Eonst. Cheap , quick and reliable. PITCHERS CASTORIA is not Xarcd ' * c. Children ip-ovr fat upous .Mothers like , ami Pliysiciasa recommend CASTORIA. It regulates the Bowels , cures "Wind Colic , allays Fcverisliness , and de stroys "Worms. WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Cure , n Coiistitutionaa Antidote lor this -terrJblo mala dy , by Absorption. The most Isiportnnt Bifioove.ry since Vac cination. Other roinedies may roiiovo Catarrh , this cures nt any stage before Consumption tots in. To Nervous Sufferers The Great European Eemedy Dr , J. B. Simpson's Specific Medicine , It is a positive cure for Spcrmatorrhea , Seminal nToaknrss , Impotency , and aj diseases resulting rom Sdf.AbuBO , a ? llcntal Anxiety lo-s ot " r. P im i the Kicker Slilo. and diseases that lead to Consumption Injahity and nnearlygrave Tha Specific Uedicino is bclnp use witu wonder- fnl snccosa. . . _ . Pamphlets cut free to all. Write for them and get full urticnbrs. Price SpedfiSl.OOparpickaca , or six pack- SesforJj.OO. Address all orders to J. B SIMPSON ilKDICINE CO. , Kos. )4and ) IOC Miln St. , Buffalo , N.T. Sold in m ha hv C. F. Gootlmin , J. Vf. Boll . K. Ijh r.d all drtu'srfss : evcrywhero. F VEK AND rheraisnc civilized nation In the Western smispberc in which tte utility of HosUttcr's om cli Blfers as a tonic , cotrfctive , and nti- Jens medicine , Is not knoxra and appreciated , h'le ' it is a Ece-lic-na for jll stasons nd all ma.e , It ii cspedilly suited to ihe tomp'aints nerattd by tt.o weMlicr. bfine the puiest and Bt reretable stimulant in thworld. . T sale by Lr ? sist and J'calere , to whom p- lv for iloitetter'g Almanic for 1S81. lERGHANfTAltoR Capitol Ave , , Opp. Masonic Hall , feAHA. - - - - - NEB VO DOLLARS WILL SECURE TJ5IS 1YEEKLY BEE One For Year. MORE POPULAR THAN EVER. The Genuine SINGER JJEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. The popular demand for the GENUINE SINGER in 1S79 exceeded th-st of any previous year iltirinff the Quarter of a Cen ury in which this "Old Reliable' " Machine has teen before the public. In 1878 we sold 366,422 Machines. In 1879 we sold 431,167 Machines. Excess over any previous year 74,736 Machines. Our sales last year -were at the rate of over 1400 Sewing Machines a Day I For eTery bnsine s day in the year , The "Old Reliable" That Every BEAD Singer is the Strongest , Singer Sewing Machine the Simplest , the Most chine has this Trade Mark cast into the Durable Sewing Ma Iron Stand and em chine ever yet Oon- bedded in the Arm of strncted , the Machine. Principal Office : 1:4 Union Square , New York. 1,500 Subordinate Offices , in the "United States ami Canada , and 3,000 Offices inthaO World and South America. seplG-d&wtf Successors to Jas. E. lab , Dealers in Fine Imported Extracts , Toilet Waters , Colognes , Soaps , Toilet Powders , &c ; A full line of Surdcal Instruments , Pocket Caes , Trnssos and Supporters. Absolutely Pure Hrucsand Chemical * used in IJUpcnalnjj. Prescriptions filled at any hoar of the night , Jas. K. Jsli. latvrcnce IHeDfohon. SHEELY BROS. PACKING CO. , Wholesale and Retail in FRESH MJBATS& PBOVISIONS , G.M1E , POULTRY , FISH , ETC. CITY AND COUNTY ORDERS SOLICITED. OFFICE CITY MABKET 1415 Douglas St. Packing House , Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , U. P. B THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED. , > IN NEBRASKA. CALDWELLHA&1ILTON > Business transacted aamo M that o an Inccr pcrated Bank. Accounts kept In Currency or cold subject t ( alht chock without notloo. Certificates ot dopoglt Ificucj payable In three six and twelve months , bearing Intereet * cr or demand without Interest. Advances made to customers on approved Be cnritles at market rates of Interest Buy and sell cold , bills of exchange- Govern , oent , State , County anil City Bonda. Draw Sight Drafts on Knzland. Ireland. Scot land , and all parts of Europe. Sell European. Papsajo Tickets. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. ungldt U. S. DEPOSITOET , X FIRST NATIONAL BANK ' OF OMAHA. . Cor. 13 h ana Farnham Streets , OLDEST 8ANKIHC ESTABLISHMENT IN OMAHA. J3WXIESSORS TO KOONTZE BROS. , ) BSTABLISITEI IN 1S56. Organized ao a National Bank , August 20,1SSS. Capital and Profits OverS300,000 , Specially authorised by the Secretary or Treasury to receive Subscription to the U.S.4 PER CENT. FUNDED LOAN. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS HisViN KOBKTZK , President. AUGUSTUS KOUSTZU , Vice President. H. W. TAWS. Caphler. A. J. POPPLKTOS , Attorney. Jens A. OR IQUTO.I. F H. DATIS , This bank receives deposit without regard to amounts. ItenM time bearing Interest. Draws drafts on San Ftanchco and principal cities of th United States , ftl j London , Dublin , Edinburgh and tbs principal dtiea of the conti nent of Kurope. Sells passage tickets for Enlranta In the In- raim ne. mvrliltf Machine Works , J. Hammond , Prop , & Manager. The most thorongh appointed and complete Uaehlne Shops and Foundry In UM state. Castings of every descr'ptlon manufactcd. Engines , Pumps and cveiy daes of machinery made to order. order.pedal attention given to Well AiiRurs , Pulleys , Hangers , SIiaftinsr.Bridec IronsGcer Outline , etc Plans for new Machinery , Meschanlcal Draught. n ? , Models , etc. , neatlr executed. fiaHarnev St. . Bat I4th nnd 16th OriUW VAUC7ACTURID IT O. CT. 1317 CASS ST. , OMAHA , NEB. 3TA good assortment alway * on haml.T TUB SIERCHAST TAILOR , IB prepared to make Pants , Bolts and ovgrcoats to order. Prices , fit and workmanship guaranteed to BUlt. One Door Went of Ornlcfeehank's. slOly UNO. G. JACOBS , ( Formerly ol Qlsh & Jacobs ) No. 1417 Farnham St. , Old Stand of Jacob Oil O&DKItS Br TKLKORAPB SOLICIT * BUSINESS COLLEGE , THE GREAT WESTERN Gco.R. Eatlibnn , Principal. Creighton Block , OMAHA Send for Circular. nov20diwtf 'ASSEHCER AJJCOMMppATIOM LIME DMAH A AND FORT OMAHA Connects With Street Cars Jorner of SADSDER3 and HAMILTON STREETS. ( End of Red Line as follows : LEAVE OMAHA : 30 , S:17andU:19a : m ,3:03,5:37and729p.m. : : LEAVE FORT OMAHA : 7:161. m. . Dt5 : a. m. , and 12:45 : p. m. * 40,6:15 and 8:15 : p. m. The 8:17 : a. m run , leaving omaha , and the :00 : p. m. run , tearing Fort Omaha , are nsnally D < led to full cipacity with resnlar paa ner3. The 6:17 : a. m. rua will Denude from the post- fflce , corner of Dode and 15th enrchti Tickets can be procured from street cardrlr- n , or from drivers ot hacks. 'ARE. 25 CENTS. UICL0DISO STB E CAR SS-tt THE ORIGINAL Cor. Randolph St. & 5th Ave. , CHICAGO ILL. fei dre Rxss ! * W PRICES REDCCED TO S2.QO AND S2.50 PER DAY Located In the business cent'e , convenient to placi-H of amusement. Elcirantly fumifiijl. conUininc all modern imorovemcnts , passenger Ur.lor , .Uo. J. H. CUillll.Vca , Propriotur. ocietf Cor. MAEKSTST. < BROADWAY Council Bluffs , Iowa : On line o Street Uallwiy , Omnibus < o and from all trains. RATES Parlor floor ? 3.00 per day ; second floor. 82.50 per day ; third floor. SJ.OO. The best furnished and moat comm < xllons house In the city. OEO.T. PHELPS Prop FRONTIER HOTEL , Laramie , Wyoming , The miner's resort , good accommodations , arjo sample room , charges reasonable. Special attention given to traveling men. 11-tf H. C HILLURD Proprietor. INTER-OCEAN HOTEL , Cheyenne , Wyoming. First-cl sg , Fine arge Sample Rooms , one block from depot. Trains stop from 20 minutes toZhoura for dinner. Free Bus to and from Dupot. Kates $2.00. 2.60 and * 3.00 , according to room ; s'cgle meal 76 cents. A. D. BALCOM , Proprietor. W EORDE.V. Cnief Clerk. mlO-t Sclniyler , Neb. First-class nou. a , Good Veals. Good Beds Airy Rooms , and llnd and Accommodating treatment. Tw > good sample rooms. Specia attention paid to commercial travelers. S , MILLEE , Prop , , alS-tf Schuyler , Neh , Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 16th & Douglat Stt. , OmoAo , Neb. This agency does STHICTLT a hrok rage b nees. Doca notspoculate , and therefore any bar pvlns on Its books are Insured to Its pitrons , In stead ot belnar gobblt d up by th e aitcnt BOGGS & HILL , BEAL ESTATE BROKERS No IfOS Farnham. Street OMAHA - NEBRASKA , Office North Elde opp. Grand Central Hotel. Nebraska Land Agency , DAVIS & SNYDER , 1505 Farnham St. Omaha , Ncbr. 100,000 ACRES carefully selected Und In Eastern Nebraska for sale. Great Bargains In Improved farms , and Omaha dtyproporty. 0. F. DAVIS. WEBSTER SNTDKR , Late tand Com'rU. P. B. B 4p-eb7tf ! BTROS ( ISO. Byron Reed & Co , , OLDEST XSTAIUSZD REAL ESTATE AGENCY IN NEBRASKA. Ceep a complete abstract of title to all R al - ' - * In Omaha and Donzlan County. mmvlti EAST INDIA OLE MANUFAOTUBBR3 , O2IMZA , Neb. 3LBSO. "We call the attention of Buyers to Onr Extensive Stock of fly AND GENTS' FU5W18Q WHOLESALE AND RETAIL We carry the Largest and BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS IN OMAHA Which Wa are Selling at i SI Oil 1 I OUR MERCHANT TAILORING Is in charge of Mr. THOEAS TALLON , whose well-establishe reputation has been fairly earned. We also Keep an Immense Stock of HATS , GAPS , TROTS AND VALISES * REMEMBER WE ARE THE ONE PRICE STORE ; _ M. HELLMAN & CO. , mJleodaw 1301 & 1303 Favnliani Street. 53 * "WIRZG-IBIT , AC fKT ' * T TO IM FOR ERIN And Sole Aircnt for Haliet Davis & Co , , Tames & Holmstrom , and J. & C Fischer's Pianos , also Sole Agent for the Estey , Burdett , and the Fort Wayne Organ Go's. Organs , I' deal in Pinnoa and Organs exclusively. Have had years experience in the Business , and handle only the Beat. g 818 IGtli gjtrcct , City Hal ! Building , Omuha , Neb. V. PITCH. Tuner. DOUBl-3 AND SINGLE AC'UNO i a at Steam Pumps , Engine TrinmiuT1S3 M cg Mfwhinery , BELTJHO HOSE , BRASS AND IRON FiTTl * 3' L3TEAM f ? ACSIKC HALLADAY WlfDmTs U Ah CHOOL BELLS A. L. STKA.NQ , SOS Ffmihiun Strrn. * Vmnhn. Neb i SB fd T i 13 fT9 Is S S 8 vif w < 9 a 3 H S" ! TAU ? In Eegs and Bottles , Special Figures to the Trade. Families Supplied at Reasonable Prices. OfBr . J > 3 % & 1 Oarpetings 1 Garpetings I J. D. L . . j Old Reliable Carpet House , L405 DOUGLAS STREET , BET. 14TE AND 15TH CESTJBXiISIHEID I3ST 1868. ) ] Oarpets , Oil-Cloths , Matting , Window-Shades , Lace Curtains , Etc. MY STOCK IS THE LARGEST IH THE WEST. I Slake a Specialty of VINDOW-SHADES AND LACE GUHTAiNS And have a Full Line of rtats , Rugs , Stair Rods , Carpet- Lining Stair Pads , Crumb Clothes , Cornices , lornice Poles , Lambrequins , Cords and Tassels lii fact Everything kept in a Pirst-Class Carpet House. Orders from abroad solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed all , or Address John B. Detwiler , Old Reliable Carpet House , OMAHA , 0. L. 'I tO A TTORSKT AT \W-Ux , JA. n l * slb > re l W3. . K < Block A. c. T cq TIORNEY AT t\WOSI . Block , wisi Oiorka K.r i gt _ a AT LAW _ OMAHA. MS Jf Pciten3 Proet OTABY rTBiy. . /-Atto / rneys-El .as. ATTORNEY A / A33.ACH BLOCK. COSDOl ' / PM < * W , d. Co ; Attorney-a , OSco Frn ! . K J < v RESMCK & Attorneys- MVmt'-a RICHARDS \ Attorneys- ! r -r 111 SMTEBMAL , EXT2 'TCHING DO MOT Ctll flic drain on THE COLI ft 'BUSINESS ! ThMmtltat n- ! * i tha Kilur > " ntfon s f : West , la pre c n y f. cat of it * kluj r , ra MEBGAHTILr Ti Young Men C. W. D W. j Th nwMt ex * " . 5 y ' j t nitimtton o ( * ft of ICCOJHI n a ' m ] Ipnl itim n ! ' * ; their i > u e i c ar , nfi hr1 ' . 1 " rent ont of our B \ e a.J BUSINESS Young men whs xn | nj parent * hav - gr > brly re > | ni te < I t which will jjire fa . oniHtlon of B * a-r aw.rosl