I OMAHA , NEBEASKATUESDAY. ; ] DECEMBER 14 , 1880. 151. Established 1871 MORNING 9r EDITION. Price Five Cents BARGAINS. XKT AGENCY -f , 15h ( and Bulimias Street. Over S.OOO residence lots for gale by this Been - tf at prleeer snnn ? from 825 to $2,500 each , and CAtcdlnerorypart of thccito. and In ercrv direction from the Fostofficc , north , ctst , south vi t ! ' and Tlnir In distance from one oJocx to one or two miles from same. Call and examine our lists Several choice lota In Griffin & Isaacs' addl ra , .c t of ' comcut , between St. Mary's n > en le and n rncy rtrcct 8000 to 8800. W acres Just east of barracks on Sannders St. , vms Is choice land and will bo sold very cheap. Tor cash in C , 10 or 20 acre lots ; now Is vonr time to secure a bargain. Choice lot at end of street car tracks on Saun- dore street for ? i76. Choice lot , Farnham and 21tU streets. 90x182 cet for Sl.SOO-w 111 dh Ide 1L Cheap lots In Credit Fonder addition , south of P. depot S100to8SOO. TERRACH ADDITION. Forty lots on Park Avenne and Georgia street on road to park , nnd near head of St. Mary's avenue , at from $125 lo 5300 each. Seven Tears time at cU.-ht | r cent Interest to those who will put up coed substantial buildings. pjr i artheF partioularu aj > pl > to. O. P. BEUIS , Ai-cnt. ] r-celltn and Douglas Streets . . , A lot on . and njce U.rncj T jnty-Orst atreets ni aven Klftx lots In ; . -'Ion SSW nd $350. dltions fo" ohlnn " fln > second and third ad rSt- ! < 109 to f300 rach. J01' jcar 15th and PJerce , $150. - lots on Harnev near 24th St. , { 600 each , lot on 21th near Howard street , $7oO. O lots In Grnud Viewadditlon , south of O. J "ridge and depot , from 816 to ? 00 each- Ono acre , 117x270 feet , on 18th street , soc of Popplcton'g new residence , for $2,000 , or TI uinde into city sized lots at from KM ) toiof each. each.KIVERVISW ADDITION. Larjto nuniher of beautiful residence lots , io cated inthiaiicvr addition on Capitol Hill , It twccn 2 th street on the east , 2Cth on the w Dod e street on the north end FamUam str on the south , formerly owned by C. H Dowr and more recent ! j known ag the Perkins 15 ncr ' Only 22 lota lia > e thui far been platt&l 11 0-3 Farnham and 8 on Douglas street. These loti arc 50 to 56 f CCt In wiJth and 150 in depth. 81,00 ( for the chnlca. 6 } ein time , at 8 per cent hi tcreelto thnac who will build peed substantla houses tlicrc-a. C il and examine plat and ce1 6 full inforinition at 15EMIS1 JtKAL ESTATE ASKKOt erMOMu Ja" , . bythlsofllcj They arc * caU.cred all over the * cheap hoasei near J.ckson . ut a f-511 < = ri3co. Here Is a great l > arK In ror Homo one. The property must be sold irarjl0jUteiy ( > (3 ( , , Jlst | , quirter o , a oiock. 1 , 11 an < i examine thhj without any dclsy. OEO P. BKM1S , Acent. 15th and Douglas SIB A desirable lot near Cumlmr and Saundrrs Streets , SI.COO. SI.COO.PARK PARK PLAOB. The cheapest aero lots In the city of Omaha , re those offered for sale b3- this agency In Patk Place and Lowe's Mcond addition , on Cuminc , Burl and California streets ; you can make no mistake inpie.Mnirup these bargains while jou have Vho chance. Tliese lots are more than equal In size to 4 full-sired city lots or a half block audit will bo but ix Tory short time before one- flrtb part of one of these acre lots will sell for as muchaswcotlcr a full acre to-day. They are located a very short distance west of Crilghton College. Prices ranrimr from 8160 to 8300 per ere lot. Call Immediately , and don't lose your liance , and get plat and full particulars of GEO. P. BKM1S. Accnl , 16th and Douglas Streets. Nice lot on Sherman Avenne north of Nicholas : treet , 81,400. Half lot on Cas bctwoon ISth and 14th streete l000. 2 nice Ios ! In Hartiuiirs addition , $400 to ? 800. , Large number of tcre lots In Qiao's addition In Itorth Omaha , SJ S to f300 each. Choice cortnii- lot near 22nd nd California ; troets. 81,503. 8oeral jjood lots In Nelson's addition , 150 lo f S50 cxh. Choice lot In Thomcll's addition , 8760. Several larpo Iota In Bartlrtt's addition , 1J rods and2J acres each. Prices 8700 to 12.000 each. Several choice lots In Reals first addition. J276 to 8S50 each. Aero lot on Sherman avenue , (16th ( BtreeO , Boulh of Popplctou's new residence. ' or 81,100. 2 large lnl tusrlSlh ami Civ ! c otreels. eOt c 830 feet Corner , 81.200 ; inside. Cl.oyo. ci i 3 largo lots on Sheim n a euus , ( loth street ) ' Clark StieetrWO u-h 11 11K K [ McOANDLISH PLACE. di 22 nice and cheap lots , very n ar to the bun ! dif f ne spart of the city , located acry few steps a couth ot the Convent an J ft. Mary's avenae.and id lust Couth of and adjoining the ground of James M.Voolworth and WJ. . Council these are cheap and very desirable , being BO handy to bus Sp iness part of city , to new government depot , nail works , white lead works , U. P. depot , stock SpT y aids , packinghouses , etc Call and get plat T and full particularx. Price 8276 to StSO and easy orms to tbot > e nho build cr GEO. P. nEWS , Agent , er 15th and Douglas Sts. 1 S choice residence lot * en S4'1 direct , bctAecn Douglas and Dodge utrcels.t to f 1.2CO each tit and long time to thofc who Hill build th 2 choice comer lots near 2th and Farnham thpr strcots , 05x121 feet , 81.160 and $1,200. and very pr e sy ternio to purchasers hol I improve. of Also i lota on 21th , between r.trnham and Douglas etreeU , 050 to ? lr 0 each and long to time.CT250 co [ CT250 of the best business lot ! In ref conn nn Omaha for sale , located on every ban nr street. nnTa 8500 to 86,000 cadi. Ta valuable star cities In al most ctery business block 15 000 to $16.000 ' each tic LAKE'S ADDITION. dii { 40cho co rvntdeneo tots in strove addition , Im. lei > moJIiatcly north of nnd aj'olnlng Poppletou's t beautiful residence nnd grounds , and located on tr < ISth 10th and 20th streets , $300 to 8550 each and trra very easy terms to those who * ill build Call and ra examine plat and get full particulars. rape OEO. P. BESIIS , Agent. at Beautiful building dte on Sherman a\cnne , : ] 10th stroetbctwccn Popplcton and the Dudley * at t I jams property ; 63 feet east frontage on the atal aicnne , by SSO feet in depth. Will divide itm k- inglS2feetbyXS9. Call and get full particulars. of F An acre u ISth rtrcct , 101 feet east frontage of I by S7S feet deep. This is Just south of the Kllra- iti beth ( Poppleton place. This Is gilt-edge , call and itim pet price and terms of BEMIS , Agent. m ! IS cowl lots. Just north of and adjoining K. V. an Smith's addition , and located bc'wecn 20th and nundcrs street * , at reasonable prices and long sci luojto linycr who Improve BEUIS , Agent. aei HORBACH'S ADDITION. CO ! ho S3 lots la Horbach's first and second ad itlci on 16th , ISth , 19th and 20th streets , betwc o du Nicholas , Paul. Sherman and Clark streets , n tie handy to O. P. Shop , smelting works , r tieT ranging in prices rom from $200 to $1:100 c T requiring onljr umall paj ment down and , ali [ time at 7 pr cent Interest to those who will ira- aliUi ve. GEO. P. BEMIS , 1 15th and Douglas Street. pu S3 nice loU In Parkers addition , bctw , . a Trl ; Smnders and Pierce. King and Campbell' * S en on Blon&ostrcrt19lots with south fronts r 16 with north frontace , only 6 blocks north . CO ! the turn-table ( end street-car track ) on Saund . foi > street. Very lew prices ; S176 cash , or 8200 < o als [ long time * nd S per cent Interest to those wh ye 3-150 good farms for sale In Douglas Sarpy de ashlngton , Bnrt , Podge , Sinnders and Eistera crof counties. SSTSOO 000 acres best selected lands In the ate for sale by this agency. Call and get maps , a rculars and full paUiculars. , . . * and SL50. fei Bemlb new m p of Omaha , 60c 9BemIs' new pamphlet ( and map of the tate entitled "tho outlook of Nebraska" for distribution ro < ee , ths Geo. P. Bern is' cit sta REAL ESTATE AGENCY. if peimi : loth & Douglas St. , lul cia OMAHA , - - . - NS ? WASHINGTON. The Doughty Pitz John Porter Again Before the Senate , Democrats in the House Protest Against Admitting Garfield's Successor , General Grant Visits Wash * ington and is Given a Grand Welcome. Rumored That the President Will Denounce DeLessepa by a Special Message. SECUETARY THOMPSON RESIGNED. Special Dispatch to. The Bee WASHINGTON , December 13 10 p. m. Secretary Thompson this morn- njj requested the president to name- us successor to take effect Monday , the 20th inst. , as he wishes to leave the department on that date. The jresident , having accepted the resigns tion of Hon. R. W. Thompson , and he latter having requested to be re- feved of his duties on the 20th inst. , -he president at 2 . . p. in. to-day , des- gnated the Hon. Alex. Ramsey , aec- retaty of war , to act as secretary of he navy in addition to his other du- iea , from and after the 20th inst. The attention of Secretary Thompson raa to-day called to-a publication , purporting to give an account of an interview between himself and Gen. Grant in New York about the Panama canal route , which was not at all a pleasant one. Gen. Grant is stated to have left Secretary Thompson with a flea tn his ear. The secretary said that the idea of Gen. Grant hunting him up to induce him to abandon the proposal with the French canal com pany -was preposterous. Ho passed Gen. Grant In the corridar of the Fifth Avenue hotelj and merely greet ed Mm , GRANT ; IN WASHINGTON. tvedal Dispatch to The Bee. WASUINGTON , December 14,1 n. m. Gen. Grant arrived yesterday after noon at 4 o'clock on the limited ex press , and was received with a salute of seven guni , by the National Vet eran clubs of the Boys in Blue , who escorted him to the residence of Gen. Boal , on Pennsylvania avenne. The streets along the line of procession were packed with citizens , and the approaches preaches to Gen. Beal's residence were so thronged as to bo nearly impassi ble. Owing to the pressure of pri vate business , Gen. Grant will only remain in the city three days , but ho expects to return here about the mid dle of February , when ho will return until summer. A formal reception will be held to-night at Masonic Tem ple , under the auspices of the Boys in c Blue , between the hours of 8 and 10 o'clock , which will afford ample oppor t tunity for the general to moot his a hosts of friends at the capitol , U SITTING DOWN ON 1)E 1ESSEPS. c It was currently reported hero yes S terday that the president was very t much chagrined at the action of Sec 0t retary Thompson. He is well aware t that the wily Frenchman will make t the most of what is apparently a sanc- 0 0P i-n by this government of his canal 0u aroject , among European capitalists , u tt was also stated that the president al vas contemplating the propriety of alCl lending a special to Cl message con- Clt ress again enunciating his views in t jpposition to the construction of an "wt nter-oceanic cinal on American ter t ; ritory by a foreign corporation. A d jill will be introduced u the house to- 8 lay to incorporate the Nicaraguan IIre [ anal company. * Gen. Grant will bo rest lamed the . st among corporators. stit iVhilo Gen. Grant's visit to Washing itw on was arranged before the canal ex ite. ilement prevailed , it is known that e. 10 will hold several conferences with untlemen interested in the project else luring his stay hero. He is thorough- sefn posted on the canal subject , and it fncl intended that ho shall be rnadopres- clat dent of the Nicaragua company. atS HOUSE. _ S ; peclal Dispatch to The Bee. * ' " WASHINGTON , December 13 Mr. 'ownsend < , of Ohio , presented the credentials rodontials of Ezra L5. Taylor as Gen- ral Garfield's successor. Mr. HurJ objected to the administra- ion of the oath to the applicant , on , . tie ground that ho was not elected c roperly from the Nineteenth d' trict ' Ohio. Ho quoted the law of Ohio , show that the counties that now co impose the Nineteenth district were la nt the counties that hud elscted arar aylor. -ar McKinstry , in reply , argued that coba 'aylor's title to a scat was not ques- ba onod by any ono in the Nineteenth io strict , and ho contended that Tay- iopa r was properly elected. pa Mr. Butterworth , of Ohio , has in- na reduced a bill to provide for cheaper ar ites of postage. It authorizes the th ostmaster-general to establish a new ylo of postal card to bo transmitted ofm f one cent each. He has introduced m < bill to relieve soldiers of the charge or desertion. It recites instances orby many soldiers who served faithfully th the late war , who left their com- at : landbefore they were mustered out , ad it proposes to relieve all who Ca jrved faithful , of the charge of do- sp jrtion , provided they were with heir lat smmand till the actual close of the latmi ostllities. mi Mr. McCoid , of Iowa , has Intro- thi uced Into the house a joint reaolu- co on compelling a state to maintain a tp > stem of free school education. It so declares that no citizen of the nited States , who has not attended no inl ublic orprivata schools for five'years > deed ho cannot read or write , shall be ed alitled to vote , nor shall hs bo i. untcd in the general enumeration r representation. The amendment so fixes ono day for all elections in sr * ears when president and vice-presi- ent are voted for. - After the Taylor matter had been we leposed of , the states were called and in ; number of bills introduced and re- ho irred. ES ( Mr. Lowe offered a resolution dl- cei scting an Inquiry into the allegation BE lat several states had deprived thair rif tizens of tha right of suffrage. Tae tir ates of Pennsylvania , Rhode Island , EC ! fassachusetts and Georgia , were es- to toDi scially mentioned. Objection -was Di Dime iade to the consideration of the rcro- mete ition and it was referred to the judi- to > toBi ary committee. " Bi Mr. Poehler , of Minnesota , of- tic fered a resolution practically protect ing a-rainst the theory of the German government's viRWS with regard to the treaty with that government , and demanding its abrogation by the United States. Mr. Warner , of Ohio , Introduced n bill to appoint a commission on the tariff question. The joint resolution In relation to the electoral count came up. , Fernando Wood , chairman of the ways and means committee , gave notice - tico that after to-day he would de mand the consideration ol the fund ing bill Mr. Becknell promised ho would demand a rote aa soon as the debate closed. Mr. Conger intimated that the re publicans would debate the question at great length. Mr. White , of Pennsylvania , made a speech in opposition to the rule and was followed by. Mr. Finley , of Ohio , and Mr. Davis , of North Care lina. Mr. Finley took the ground that there was no use beginning tbo fight unless it was proposed to keep it up. He admitted Gen. Garfiold's election , but said he would hold the republicans responsible for any delay in counting the vote. A question arose between Mr. Da vis , North Carolina , and Mr. Reed , of Maineln , wnich the whole question of the late campaign was discussed. Without disposing of the matter , the house , at 5 p. m. , adjourned. SENATE. Senators Edmunds and Logan appeared - - pearod in their e'eats for the first time during the present session. The usual number of memorials and pstitions were presented and referred. Whyte , from the committee on printing , reported a house joint reso lution that ono copy of The Congres sional Record be sent to each of our legation abroad. Passed. Mr. Jones , of Florida , introduced a bill for the construction of a public building at Pensacola , Florida , to re place the one just destroyed by fire. Referred. Mr. Randolph succeeded in calling up for consideration the bill for the relief of Fitz John Porter , and oSorcd his amendment , making him a colonel on the retired list without ba".k pay. Mr. Edmunds asked through how many administrations the power to appoint would run. If the present executive failed to appoint , would the president-elect appoint ? acd so on through his successors for a series of term ? . He moved an amendment limiting the power to appoint to ono year. Yeas 21Nays 33. Messrs. Davis (111. ( ) and McDonald voted with the republicans in the sffimative. The substitute for the bill offered that Porter had been dismissed from a , the army , and he was no more a part * of the army than any other citizen. Mr. JSdmuuds said con Teas could aa T well enact that the president is au thorized t to reinstate David Davis E3 a justice in the supreme court of the DmtcJ 1 States -Hn could . .content , himiolf with pointing out the unconstitutional 1s stitutional features of the bill without tl : at present going into the merits of the w case. ] V Mr. McDonald said the proposition tl that the senate should set the action 81 of the court , martial aside was not a ol new one. There were numerous pretf ; cedents for it , and not only that of tl ; Surgeon-General Hammond , whore g the : ecntanco was set aside by a vote tc of 55 to 1. Ho did i ot understand It the ] constitutional provisions relating to ( the confirmation and appointments Df the president by the senate to ap Sp ply to military appDintmonta ; that he SpTl to civil Tl ? understood it to apply solely TlL appointments. Mr. Hereford said the ideas advan ta ced by Mr. Carpanter were contrary cr to ( the theory of the government ci which made the military subordinate he o ( civil authority. The power of par- vl Ion invested in the president , related cowi lolely ( to the sentence of civil courts , wi fa man was sentenced by a court th shot beintr in us nartial to bo , congress lession , and being the superior autho- ai would have the to thin ty , power say that should bo in vhether or not man innl executed. nlall Mr. Thurman said three better all iflicers to examine the case than thoao m ettled upon could not have been ru ound , and their findings were so th ilear and emphatic that he could not lil oo how anybody could heaitato to rant < the relief. Ho combatted the topu dea that this was an exercise of the pu lardon power. Oongress'has ' the power an say who should and who should an lot compose the army. It was no itsit ; ixercise of the appointing power by sit ongreesfor authorizing the president po rithout confirmation , did not deprive th lira of the power to nominate for con- ab irmation another to the position. po an admitted Iho . of Mr. Logan po.ver hii ongrees to make rules and regn- tir atlons for the government of the lai rmy , but hold that after these rules th nd regulations had been executed , it sit ould not then set aside what had sitmt leon done under its poaitve direc- mt DH. Th DH.Mr Thurm < vnjroad a number of acts na assed by congrces authorizing by IK amos the restoration of officers to the th : rmy , and in which the sentence of ag ; < aaido. bo court martial was set Mr. Logan said , with the exception the caio of Surgeon General Ham- lend , which was passed without prop- asa consideration , all the names cited tn < Mr. Thurman | has been sent to Inj 10 < senate for the confirmation of rein- Cb atemeut. by ed l A protracted argument bntweon rul arpentor , McDonald and Eaton , tht srung up as to the constitutihal ro- itions of congress to the appointing ewer , the second last named gentle- ] len maintaining that appointments to wa 10 army did not come under the same DD institutional provisions as applied chl civil appointments. me On motion of Mr. Davis , of lilt- pla ois , the senate at 3:40 : p. m. went dis ito executive session , and when the are oors were again opened. Adjourn- oul . me in L Challenge to American Riflemen icdal Dispatch to The Bee. NEW YORE , December 14 1 a. m. -In relation to the contest for the orld's championship in rifle shoot- wn cla , a letter from the earl of Sten- ope , representing the national rifle me rio lociatlon of Great Britian , was re- jived yesterday by Judge Gilder- str eovc , president of the American fie cssociation. It icqnests the na- m ; rjal rifle association of America to ud ever a team of eight gentlemen represent this country in the Wim- jus ledon camp meeting , which will com- ten lenco on the second Monday in July , otl compete with the teams of Great Spi ritian and Ireland , for the interna- oil I , onal championship. for FORSTER'S FLIGHT. The Sudden Return of the Chief Secretary of Ire land Causes a Sen * sation. The. British ' Cabinet Adopt Pors'ter's Coercive Measures. And Troops Will be Hurried Into the Disturbed Dis tricts. British Consuls Decline , and a General Uneasiness Mani- ifestedin Trade , . . . . . . . . London Excited Over the Threatening Attitude .As sumed by the Govern ment. Affairs Approaching a Crisis. CONVICTING A BECTOB. Spedal Dispatches to The Beo. LONDON , December 13,10 p. m. The cao of Eev. Pelliam Dale , who has been imprisoned for some time by order of arches for nnritualistic prac tice In the church of which hd was rector , has resulted in his trial in the court of the queen's bench , and in a judgment In favor of the crown. There was no question as to Mr. Dale's guilt under the law , and the judge In commenting on the case sus tained the action of Lord Penance , oj5 the court of arches. A KOYAl FOUQER. A 'Paris despatch says Baron De Friodland and his wife have been arrested. The latter , who is a daugh ter of the Duke De Perslgning , grand daughter of Princess DeLa Moscowa , god-daugbter.bfJex-EmpressEugeinejas . charged with forging her grand daughter's signature to acceptances amounting to 198,000 fanes , A HISTORICAL FACT. Special Dispatch to The B o. S LoNDONjDecembor 13 10 p. m. It was announced yesterday that two A additional regiments were demanded S for ' use in Ireland. It is stated as a e matter of fact that there are more da1 troops In'Ireland than there were at a1ri Inkorman when the fate of the allies ri In Crimea hung in the balance of that ria sharply contested battle. c : I THE BRITISHERS. j Consols have declined as a result of he nervousness and uneasiness eveiy- Many merchants and others express the opinion that the government ihould at once declare it a criminal [ TenBO for any person not in the mil- ary or constabulary to carry arms in hat country. More reflective per- ions < ask how the government is going o prevent it , except by declaring Ireland in a state of rebellion. A JIONSTER CRISIS , peclal Dispatch to The Bee. LONDON , December 13 10 p. m. Sp. he sudden and unexpected arrival in Sp.m. Jondon of Mr. Forster , chief secro- ary for Ireland , from Dublin , hpi m.Hs rented a great sensation in political ircles. : Mr. Forstor is understood to pr iavo returned from Ireland more con- " 3 inced than ever , if uosaible , that a ' ompromising and temporizing policy tei as rill not be of the least avail to pacify ha conntty. Ho is in favor of these rei so of armed force , and that only as means of upholding the authority of SP he government. The cabinet meet- g , which has been called for to- 1an Ight , Is expected to bo an nnusu- an lly important and stormy one. All fol > lanner of sensational and exciting we umora are in circulation regarding cle he meeting and the line of policy an ikely to be adopted. The opinion ioi.ri ains ground that Gladstone will have .ri abandon his policy of waiting to nsh a land bill through parliament , Sjx nd acquiesce in the warlike temper ad propositions of Mr. Forster , who , m. is understood , has placed the Irish m.we ituation in so clear a light before a sb ortion of his colleagues as to induce jui 3em to side with him. This Is prob- ate ; bly true , and if ao , Mr. Gladstone's tal oaition is as critical as it well can be , un ad demands immediate decision on a r in part. Mr. Forstor insists that the ha nao for half way measures with the nid league is past ; that Ireland Is on quwa 10 , brink of revolution , and that the an tuation will not permit the govern- Th icint to await the .action of parlia- hii lont. The opinion of The Times and hiima ho Standard , and other lending jour- sui ils , is that the gravity of afftirs in ne > eland cannot be exaggerated , and wa lat the worst indications of months lat o are not to ho compared. int MASTERS OF THE SITUATION. " -\fr. \ Parnell and his coadjutors are toBs isumiug a more defiant attl- Bs ide , and their bold act in demand- fire from parliament the removal of na\ , bief Justice May from the bench , tov means of a resolution to be adopf- stri at the cuming meeting of the home bul ila members in Dublin , demonstrates for icir sense of the power they hold. iti eld GUNPOWDER ARGUMENT. ' is Mr. Childers , secretary of state for Wil ; ar , has been in consultation with tl-a eke of Cambridge , commander-in- Bpci lief of the army , regarding the best . easures to he taken in reference to m.- acing more military In the turbulent tiei stricts of Ireland. The probabilities ant that additional troops will be sent an < out at once. It is difficult for the yo , est conservative to say how civil war ing Ireland is to be avoided. bu ; THE EXCITEMENT IN LONDON. on ) LONDON , December 14 1 a. m. ha > ; he cabinet is still m session , and the pic lldeat rumors are flying about aa io me hat is being said and done. The wh aba at this time of night are full of ago embers excitedly discussing the va- hei ous stories as they come in. The reel ? , in the neighborhood of the Spei swspaper and telegraph offices , re- 1 ind one of war times. 1J _ _ _ FORSTER SUCCSSFUI. isr LATER The cabinet meeting has pla ist ended after a protracted and in- tial nsely exciting session. After the pui her members had separated , Earl spr jencer , lord president of the coun- wir andMr. Forster remained closeted Ke a long time. It is next to certain abl that the coercive policy urged by Mr. Foister fo Ireland , haa been adopt ed by the cabinet. Pavey and Herbert , the murderers , were hanged In Newgate prison , Lon don , Monday morning. Pavey was convicted of the murder of Ada Shep herd , a girl ten years of age by cutting her throat. T i T4'Sad Job. - - \ Special Dispatch to The Bee. OiTAWAitpnt. , December 13 10 p. m. The Citizen , which is supposed to be & government organ ) severely criticized the Pacific railway bargain this moiningY The details of the ar rangements are not at all satisfactory , as the public were led to expect , from ministerial .utterances. Syndicate is considered to have the test of the bargain. / DOINGS , A Huge Assortment of News from Various Quarters ! Jay Gould Creates a Klurry. Special dispatch to TUB Bin ST. Louis , December 13 10 p. m. Jay Gould passed through here to day. It was reported on 'change that 10 had bought a controlling interest n the Iron Mountain railway. In quiry elicits from President Allen the statement that no sale is consummat ed , but that a pooling combination for i the settlement of business has been formed. It is possible that Gould will control the road soon. The Phllp Forprery. Special dispatch to The Bee. NEW YORK , December 13 10 p. m. Judge Cowan , in the court of gen eral sessions , to-day rendered a de cision refusing to quash the indict ment against the editors and publish ers of The Truth in connection with the Morey-Chincao letter case. The case was transferred. A Just Retribution. Special D la patches to THE Bu. BRAZIL , Ind. , December 13 10 p. m. A halfbreed negro and Indian named George Scott , out raged Mrs. Allison , the wife of his em ployer , at their farmhouse near here some days since. He was captured at Marion , Ind. , and brought back here. Early Sunday morning , a band of masked men took him from the jail and hanged him. J Special ] Dispatch tojTheJBeei CHICAGO , December 13 , 10 p. m. A. dispatch was received by Gen Sheridan to-day , saying that the raid- ara ; are still encamped north of the In- iian territory line , .and the troopv ibrcast of them in the Indian territo ry. Payne himself has bean deposed \Iaj. : Randall , with two companies of avalry ; , will join Mason to-day near EInnniwell , where the raiders are srinped.Ona cavalry company occu pies Oklahoma , and is scouting that : lection to pick up any small parties lomir.g from the direction of Texas ir Arkansas. A Hunniwell special ays advices from Washington urges elay. The leaders are confident of avorable legislation , and only the lotspurs wish to push ahead , regard- ass of a collision with the government roops. The movement Is approaoh- 3g its climax , and there are indica- ions of a fight or a foot race within tie next iorty-alght hours. Sherman Ahead , pedal . Dispatch to The Beo. m CINCINNATI , 0. , December 14,1 a. atw . . The Gazette this morning pub- w shed six hundred interulows with pa rominent republicans In every local- y in the state , upon their choica for 01 tatted States senator. The result is follows : For Shprraan , 431Fos- ; at atSI jr , 99 ; Matthews , 76 ; West , 24. The SI jmaindor are scattering , Si indications , Hat joclsl Dlxpatch to Tax CBB. WASHINOTOND. C. , December 14 at a. m. For the upper Mississippi id lower Missouri valleys : Rising llowed by * falling barometer ; north- tb eat , backing to south or west winds ; er itar or partly cloudy in the latter ad partly cloudy weather with occas- fn inal rain or snow in the firmer dia- fn ict , followed by falling temperature. Shot IJead. > ecial Dispatch to Tim Bin. th SAN FRANCISCO , December 13,1 p. th i.-Antoino Fischer , candidate on the orklngmen'a ticket for supervisor , Io lot Road Commissioner Beeratecher , ce lat before midnight , Sunday. Beer- indii echer's wound is not necessarily mor- dii , though the bullet entered just co nder the left nipple and probably hit | re rib and glanced off. No hemorrhage Cc 13 occurred and the injured man was _ _ aite strong this morning. Fischer a as a candidate for county recorder , id i was beaten by less than 200 votes , he disappointment seemed to sour i im , and the loss of business am ade him desperate. He threatened licide early last night , then went , . ar Beerstecher'a bouse and laid in O.U.l ait for him. Beerstecher returning U.l te , saw Fischer and invited him U.lS to the house to take a' glass of ! n1 . Th. andy and a cigar. Fiacher appeared on i accept the invitation , and as jeratecher opened the gate , A . ed at him with Am a Car vy revolver. Beerstecher jumped OC wards a tree for shelter , but was N 1P ruck hi his left breast by the second Bt illot and then ran towards the corner BtR I protection. Fischer ran off and TJ& Alii ia believed he has committed sui- CA le. Beerstecher is a young vigor- 1' Lac man and it ia believed that he DU ; 11 recover from his wound. EnP The Qeneseo Murder , at ccial dispatch to Tux BEK. atLi .GENESEO , HI. , December 13 4 p. Li Suspicion rests only on two par- for the horrible murder of Mr. Mrs. Dilly , a respectable farmer his wife , west of this city. Two inng raftsmen , who bad been husk- corn for Dilly , and had wanted to weDC ' the two watches , which were _ the ily articles stolen , if ia thought may in ry ; < committed the deed. Sumo ig ve sea- § 1 cion also rests on Mrs. Dilly's for- huaband , Albert Reynolds , from iom she was divorced over six years et oand , who has made threats against er en life. ; ua Keene'a Stock Farm , 40 edal dispatch to The Bee. Ja NEW YORK , December 13 4 p. m. 45 It is now known that Mr , Keene Jn negotiating for a horse to take the Jnwi ice of Blue Gown , but if the nego- wi itions should bo successful the new 32 trchase would not be shipped until 32M ring on account of the danger of a cei nter voyage across the Atlantic , ceiFe eene haa already a number of vain- le brood mares , but has not yet se- ca : cured a farm suitable for stock breed- Ing. Ho has been looking recently at some property In Virginia , and It has , been reported-that he had bought a valuable farm in the Shenandoah val ley. Unfounded Char-Res. Bpeclsl dlgpatch io The" Bea. ST. PAUL , Minn. , December 13. i p. m. Chirges .having been made of mismanagement and Buffering In the Connemara colony , Govern > r Pillsbury has sent a committee headed by Bishop Ireland to Investigate. It says great difficulty was experienced in getting the colonists to prepare for i the cold weather , but that the ac counts of suffering are greatly exag gerated , as § 5,000 , donated by the Irishmen of Minnesota , has been judloioualy expended. 81,600 in bringing them from Boston , $2,000 for their houses , 8600 for stoves , and the remainder-for food , fuel- and do mestic utensils , while large quantities of flour , meal , potatoes , wool , etc , have been provided for them through the exertions of Bishop Ireland. Nominations. Spedal Dispatch toThe * Bee. WASHINGTON , December 13 4 p. m. The president to-day nominated ! dgar S. Manton , of Illinois , to be t consul general at St. Petersburg , Wolf-jang Schonle , of Ohio , as consul at Bordeaux , John Hall , of Pennsyl vania , to be marshal for the 12th dis trict of Penna and a number of post masters. The Laws Demand. Special dispatch to The Bee. COVINGTON , Ky. , December IS-4 p. m Chinler and Smith , counter feiters , were convicted in the U. S. court this morning and sentenced to five years each in the Sing Sing prison. Six moenshiners were also convicted and sentenced to $100 finu and four months Imprisonment. Six Firemen Burned to Death. Specal Dispatch to The Beo. CINCINNATI , 0. , December 13. Shortly after five o'clock yesterday evening the J. P. Gay company's roofing material , lamp black and var nish factory , situated on East Sixth street , caught fire from ono of the kilns , and in a few minutes had spread through a large lumberyard , and three fonr-storv brick buildings , a'l of which are owned by J. P. Gay & Co. , but two are occupied by the Crown Man ufacluring company. The material was very combustible and the fire burned very fiercely for several hours. When the flre was hottest , the ilunes ) burst into a building in which six firemen were at work , and before as- afcjtance could reach them , they were all smothered to death. " * Railroad Restriction. Special Dlapaicn to ch lfa . ANLANTA , Ga. , December 13 4 p. m. The Georgia raikoad corx.uission ! , ilw/vya / severe on the roads , haa Issued a circular , to go into the first of February , which will cause great > ironble. Passenger rates on first-class roads are reduced to three cents , and tn1 othBr to four cents. The ommtssion has reduced freights ind fares so much that an open war ixists between them and the railroad P > nagnates. The issue between them bi s warmly discussed , and will be the 5 i mncipal matter considered by the 5fii lummor session of the legislature. A fiif itrong appeal will be made to induce f [ ho commission to repeal the last ctr- dcw sular , but they intend to stand to it. 2 : ELECTRIC BRIEFS. Ipeclal Dispatches to The Bee. clt P. T. Barnum , the veteran show- clW nan , was much improved last night , W .nd the critical point in his sickness wi ras : stated by his physicians to be 1 last. last.The The steamship "Persian Monarch , " iverduo a week , arrived in New York eatorday , and reported exceedingly $ tormy weather. The disabled White Itar steamship "Republic" has been Ighted from the mast at ! pilot Sandy 9 look , and is expected sometime to- 9bt lay. None of the other belated bt teamer have been heard from. O'Leary has reached Chicago ahef wo months absence. He attributed ho poor work of the American walk- th rs in England to the bad weather. thH Rev. Hyatt Smith , congress-elect fri rom Brooklyn , announced yesterday ofDi rom the pulpit , that he would not Di ) Ive up his pulpit , but only enlarge It y preaching sermons in congress hrongh his works for the benefit of all en ho country. enA Charles Pelbam Clinton , the bogus 3rd ; with various aliases , who was ro- antly arrestodon the charge of obtain- Ui ig money under false pretenses was UiOi iacharged f rom.the New York criminal of f ourt yesterday , but was immediately oil Barrested ; on a requisition of Gov. thi Cornell. ha thi L1RKETS BY TELEGRAPH. fill New York Money nnd Stocks. WALL STRK T , DecamberlS. MONEY 6 per cent on cad ; exchange , dull lower at 84 J9@4 82. thi GOVERNMENTS. Steady. Sh .3. 6'a , ' 81..1 29 U.S.4'g 1 131 chi ,9.5'a 1 11J Currency6's. 1 021 S.4ja 1 llj vie STOCKS The stock market la Irrcznlar and ity the main tower , except in a few Instance * , American Union H t per cent , hither than po Siturda > , hut nearly all otlicr stocks arc in i Jlwcrcent. luner , foi & P lei 343 LS 123 } nU 72 M C 11CJ S 7SJ N J C 'J > foiA CC * I 831 Manhattan 33 } W 152J N P 33 Preferred 133 Pref errad 63 } A Paul -.IV } O AM 38 130 PM Hit &Q 174 Reading ' Ion. . . . . . 139J 111 AO 23 Omaha 1'nferred 31 } Preferred SSJ Fr ck 103J UP 107 tl& H S9J W U 82 18 46j Wabash 44 } Preferred 78 } Preferred 8t Joe 44J O&V 38 Preferred 95 CP „ . . 8JJ N 84 Cnlcatw Produce Market. CHICAGO , December 12. Wheat No.28pringfeverish , closing 3lc lower than on Saturday ; tales ere at and between 8103@104g for 'ecember ; $1 03 @ 1 Ooj } for Janu- ; $1 04g@l 06f for February , clos- at § 1 03 | for cash or December 04 @ 104jor | January ; $1 05J@ BolP 05 § for February. P Corn No. 2 , trifle firmer for pres at ! , but shade loner for future deliv- ryNo. ; 2 sold at 40@40go for Jan- ary ; 45@45jc { for May , closing at for cash or December ; 40jc for anuary ; 40ic for February ; 45J@ Tl c for Slay ; 44 c for June ; 4oc for nly.Oats Oats Opened higher , but closed 1th the advance lost ; sales were at 233Jc for for January ; 37 c for ay , closlne at 32c for cash or De- Oi jmber ; 32 c for January ; 33jc for ebniary ; 36gc for May. RyeNo. 2 , c better at 87is for ish , and 88c bid for January. Barley In demand to fill shorts ; No. 2 closed with § 113 bid for cash , January or February. Pork Products quiet and lower ; mess pork , sold at $13 02i@1320 for January , 813 20 for February , closing at1180@13 00 for cih ; 811 75 ® 11 80 for December ; $13 12J@13 15 for Januiry ; § 13 CC | for Fe'brnary ; 813 45Q13 50 for March. Lard Sold at 58 37J@8 45 for Jan uary ; 58 508 GO for Mireli. cloni-g at 58 35 < g8 37 * cash or December ; ? S 4268 45 for Januav- 5223 55 forFebrua'y ; S3G2il-3 " 65 for jJa c'l j Whisky SI 12. Chicago Live Stock Market CIIICAOO , December 13. Hogs Lirge supply , and under the influence of bad weither for packing , the market ruled dull at oc lower than on Saturday , sales being made at at 4 05 for light packing$4 30@5 05 for common to assorted heavy packIng - Ing ; ? 4 60@4 90 for good to shoice smooth heavy shipping lots. Receipt ? 32,000 head. Cattle Sales ranged from $2 400 3 35 for rows and butchers' steer ? , § 280@3 10 for Texan steers ; 827r for stoclcers ; § 4 3534 50 for fair to good shipping steers ; 50 00 for extri to prime lots of shipping beeves for export. Receipts , 3.0CO head. St. Louis Produce Market. ST. Louis , December 13. Flour Uncnanged. Wheat Very un ettled and lower ; No. 2 red winter , § 1 021 05 $ for for cash ; $1 02jj for December ; SI 01 for January ; 51 08i@l 07A01 075 for February ; 51 10J@1 09j@l 10 | for March ; No. 3 do , 81 001 OOJ ; No. 4'do , 94c. Corn Unsett'ed ; 42f 3 for cosh ; 43 @ 42j forDecember ; 42@41c for Jan- nrv44c ; for February ; 42J@425c fo March ; 42 c for April ; 44 ® 44ic for May.Oats Oats Slow ; 3433c for cash ; 3 bid for December , 33c for February. Rye Dull at 85c bid. Barley Fancy , 81 05. Butter Dull ; dairy , 22@28c. Errgs Unchanged. Whisky-Quiet at 5112. Pork Dull at 813 10 asked and 313 00 bid for January ; 513 15 bid for February. Dry Salt Meats Nominal. Bacon Dull at 55 5C7 755 90. Lard Firm at S8 30 asked. Receipts Flour , 90,000 bbh ; wheat , 34,000 bu ; corn , 115,000 ; at9 , 23,000 ; rye , 0,000 ; barley. 32- 300. Shipments Flour , 14.000 bbla. * heat , 30,000 ; corn , 37,000 ; oats , r,000 , rye , none ; barley , none. St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. Louis , December 13. lifogs Slow and IovrerYorkers ; and Baltimores , 54 35@4 60 ; mixed pack- ng$435@4 60 ; butchers' to fancy , 4 G5@4 80 ; receints , 9,200 head ; hipmenca , 1,700 head. New York Produce Market. NEW YORK , December 13. Flour Steady and moderate exert - ort < and home trade ; receipts , 30,048 larrols ; round Inop Ohio , 84 8C © 50 ; choice do. 55 55@G 55 ; super- ine western - " 40@4 10 ; common to oed extra do , $ t 60@5 00 ; choice , o , do , 510SG 75 ; Ohio white rheat , So 10 < gG 00. Batter Dull and weak ; Ohio 14 ® :0c. { Egos Firm at 2G@32c for fair to hoice. w Wheat Qulet0hlcago,8117119 ; ; cltj Milwaukee , 81 20@1 21 ; No. 2 red tjIS rlntor , 81 20 for January ; 81 25s © ISCO 25jj for February ; sales 500,000 bu. COE Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , 50c ; sales , COC. ifl.OOO bu. C.F Whisky Nominal. Pork -814 75 asked for February ; 512 : 00@13 25 for Daceraber. pi Lird 88 82J@8 87i for December ; nl " 8 87J@8 90 "for January ; 88 85 © OOJor February ; SO 05@9 11 for CO Iarch89 ; 12J09 12 | for April ; 88 87 * COv uyer for the year. 1 Death Record. ' DEBORA Wife of D. 0. Wilmot , at th he residence of her diaghter Mrs. F. . Goddard Funeral will takb p'-'ce mm the residence , northeast corner 18th and Clark streets , Wednesday , ecember 15th , at 10 o'clock a. m. or For Sale Six-horse power Baxter uglne and boiler , In good repair. | BEE ofHpa. no4tf Undoubtedly the best shirt in the Fnited States is mannfactured at the imaha Shirt Factory. The superiority Material and workmanship , com- iued with their great improvements , lat is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced neks and Reinforced sleeves , maker leir shirt the most durable and bea tting garment of the kind , ever lanufactured at the tajderate price of 1.50. Every shirt of our make is jaranteed first-class and will refund IB money if found otherwise. Wo make a specialty of all wool , baker , and Canton flannel , also icmois underwear , made up with a lew to comfort , warmth and dnrabil- . To invalids and weak-lunged oranna wo offer special inducements ' the manner thesu goods are made their protection. PH. GOTTHEIMER , O LCADEMT OF MUSIC. vn TWO NIGHTS ONLY c wh riday and Saturday. Dec. 17 and 18 , am Lo and Saturday Matinee , 2 P. M. th Tie Eminent ictor , MR. FRANK MAYO. wrWi cit b ? , riday evenin ? and Saturday Mr.tlneo , produc efar tion of Uartley Compbell's greatest pUy , ar VAN , THE VIRGINIAN. Tn tie no SATURDAY EVENING , ? ' , Murdock.s World renowned Drama , Lt DAVY CROCKETT. thwi Dth playa produced here with eUborato scen ery and effects. BiJ.i . Reserved seats for any performance for ul J.iKi MarMeyeri Bros * . Jewelry store. dec 11-7 1 Ki "E ; BUSINESS COLLEGE. Ha tie i anwl wl : coi 'HE GREAT WESTERN Pe- Me Gco.R. Ratlibnn , Principal. Ireighton Block , - OMAHA Send for Circular. tt > EDHOLM ERICSSON Wholesale ami Retail Mann lactiiriiii ; iiiul Silver IVatchcS and Jew * ry in the City. Come and See Our Stock as We Will Be Pleased to Show Goods. EDHQLM ERICKSON , liitli t Dn < l < i > . 1'oatnBico. THE CENTRAL DINING HALL , Southwest corner 16th and Dodge. Has lately been leased by Who has had years experience jn the hotfl and rostimtuant busi ness , and will run a first-class houf e. MEALS AT ALL 1IOUUS. Board by the Day or Week , with Lodging or ivHIioitt. Centrally Located , HORSE-SHOES J flAl Iron and Wagon Stock , At Chicao Prices. 1209 and 1211 Harney Street , Omaha. ootll- NOTICE TO CONTKACTORS. Notice is hereby piven that sealed li'a ? ill be received at the office of the county lerk of Furnas county , Nebraska , at Itaver City , the county neat of said cnun- f. r.p to the 3rd d y of January , A. IX 381 , at 12 o'clock il. of siul tUy , for tlia instruction of a wagon brtdKe across the 'epnblican river , south of the town of Umbridge , in Medicine CreeK precinct , in 'urn.13 county , Nebraska , said b'iilge to e 40) ) feet in lenstli. I id < I rs are re- uired to accompany their lids with lana and specific.itious of the work , and l-io with a bond in a Bum double the count of th-t bid , conditioned for the idiful execution of the contract. The jtinty cominixtiioners of aid county of 'urnaa , reserve the right to reject any and LI bids. By order of the county commHsioners of 'irnas county , Nebraska. Dated at Beaver City , I urnan county , Nel.raaka , 10 19th day of November , A. D. 18SO. L. KISSMAN , County Clerk. dec-lmT&\v A. W. NASON. 3D E 1TTIS T , men : Jacob'r ) H dc , con..ir Capitol Ave. anil 16th Street. Omnhn , Nob. -tsr-mfz-s = t. A g-gg : A , fINEGAR WORKS ! ERNST KREBS , Manager , Manufacturer of all kinds ol -es St Bet. Oth a > J MV HVAIIA , HKD. ' XIADEMr OF 3IUSIC ! 'EDNE3DAYASB TIUTRSDAT DECEMBER ISth and IGth. The Gnat Event ' tint appearance Ia thin city ol E. C. Ellis' taken Hearts Combination I lien will be produced the Grand Spectacular and K-aliilte Drama , In fro Acts , iibpted from the oeautifui play of the llarir.er'a CompifH , by K. C. El t , entitled hlch haa met with each unqualified nuccev , id ucboumled enthn uum In Chicr u. St. mis. New Yortc , ind all the cri < ci al c.tiea of le country Entire n < w and beiu.hul acenery rned by the ornMnVton io a special ar , artlm ; and not el effects , including "A Ship- rectc on ths Reef.A Rain itorm of Keel itcr"A Mill InFu'1 fperat ! n. " Sew cat- urn and Hydraulic effects. Evcrrthinz trang- ir til and made exprejaly for the great com * nation. Ihedramatic company ' " comf-SMl the very best talent In the Iramatic profow-Ion , number of wncm were in the original pr/ilac- n of the piece in New York and Cniixuo. ie manazement talce.jrea& ; pleasure In an- randn ? that they fwve ernraifeif the er > I m Mr. Frank E Pierce , who has mada t national potation In the part < f "OLL > DKK S"OK. rY"and who has nceived the bl hmt praire tat the leading paper * could bestow. Mr. I'lerte ill be ( npportcv * by the foi TOW n ; Iwliej a. d mtlemen : U FS Klora .S' U > n Mrs Mary ton , Ml Edith tlli * . Mr. W D Burtnn , Mr illus Scott , Mr. J. Ray McCann and Wi liam in ? . T. nenker , and the frr * t and only 3AKSV We challeiize the wo Id to produce equal. U haa been the wonder and adraira- m of coon'Iest thntian's ! , aid its cunning itics. ai d winning miners have delimited all ho have een it. The aienery carried by this mpany waa pilnted exprnsi ) by ilennj. rtfcnl&Tripp , of Mooley's Th-itre , Chkago. POPULAR PRICES 1 itSTRescrred festa cm now be bad at Max eyer&Bros. Itoextn charge for reerrinif atj. E. C. ELLIS , Manager. II. C. Fnta * , fleiieral Bualneg' A-tcnt. ll-4t E. IF1. COOSZ , JNDERTAKEB , OJd Fellows' Block , rompt attention jivcn t or n by telegraph. L WILLIAMS SOMS , Cor. 15th Dod"e and Sts. We are Now Displaying an Ele gant line of Ladies * of the LATEST APPROVED STYLES. .i flood Clonk lor - - * 3.OO A oo l rioak Tor - - ifcl.OO A A'iccly Triuiincil Cloak $ I.SO An AlWool < leak - - * > 00 A Nice One r or - - - & 7.5O Something Fine at $10.00 and up to $ iO.o < > . CLOAKS and DOLMOMS , CLOAKS and DOLMANS , CLOAKS and DOLMANS. SEE THEM , SEE THEM , SEE THEM , AT 3 I ! EX'S COATS , CHILDUfiYS BOATS' , CIII'iUKE S COATS , for a Child 2 years and upwarjTe. MISSES' GLOAKS & ULSTERS at Pleasing Prices. This is the Best Line o Children's and losses' Cloaks to be found in the city , and our Prices are alv/ays the Lowest. LADIES' AND CHILDEEN'3 HOODS , LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SACQOES , LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S CHENILLE SCARFS , Alt at WILLIAMS' . Immenc e Stock of White & Colored Blankets Grey Blankets from $1.50 toSS.OOperpair. White Blankets from f to $12.00 per pair. Our $2.00 White are a Wonder at the CENT'S , LADIES' EX's vy L. B. WILT Cor. 15th