Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 8

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    TEE DAILY BEE : DECEMBER 13 , 1880-
Monday Morning1 , Dec. 13.
, December 31th.
Members cf the Union Catholic
Library ,
One of the most gucces ful and popnltr domestic
dramai on the mooernt ge. Briae a
vival picture of Kiel amJPoorin
Engl'ih LUe. Very
ntronr CfSt.
Admission , 50 cents ; Matinee for school chil'
dren , t riday at 2 p. m. ; Admission , 25 cents ,
. ' Patereon sells coaL
1 - For innttr comforts in caps , roles , car
muffs , mufftrs , go to Frederick , Hatter.
See Polack's advertisement.
Holiday Goods at Kuhn's.
Elegant odor ca-es , at Saxe's.
Books and Albums at the 99cstore.
Porter is running the Omaha Ferry.
Choice meats , Besen's Pulton Markel
Celluloid SetsatKuhn's , druggist.
Ladies' and gents' pocketbooks , s
Clam Chowder and free rapper , a
Homberger'a to-night.
Russia leather writing desks , in grca
ariety , at Ish & Mcilahon'e.
Whipple , MoiOllan & Co. , the jewel
era , Creightdn Block. o2G-t
Glove fitting Patterns at Bushman's. t
Beautiful cut-glass bottles , all size
and styles , at Ish & McMahon'e.
Some parties are engaged in cuttini
ice below the TT. P. bridg .
Old gold and silk plush odor cases am
work boxes , at Ish & McMahon's.
Before buying your hats , caps am
are , call at C. B. De Great & Co.'s. 20-t
Swiss Cheese , wholesale and retail , n
Oammenzind & Meyer's , 207 east 13th.St
Velvet , silk , satin and Russia Cellti
loid Sets' at Ish fcMdlahon's , 1321 Tarn
1/ots , Farms , Houses and Lands. Lool
over Bemia' nnw column of bargains on Is
p ge.
ge.L .cal ad's crowded out all local new
Saturday.of which thsreis an unusually gooi
supply , of course
For l < auds , LoU , Houses and Farina
look over Bemia' new column on first page
An employe of the U. P. had hi
Iiand mashed while coupling cars in th
ewer yard Friday night.
LEJITEUX'S select sociable , a
Standard hall , Fifteenth and Farnham
every Saturday evening.
The city council will hold a Bpecia
meeting next Monday evening to tak
final acti 'n in regard to the grading o
Cass street.
The merchants and'proprietors in ani
about Central block Lave raised a purse
§ 400 to present to the fireuiea for theii
gallant services on Tuesday night.
Omaha boys are making for her qniti
a reputation iu eastern colleges. Lyl (
Dickey. Bert R , Watson and Victor B
Caldwell are carrying off first honors ir
their respective colleges.
Frank Mayo , in his favorite role ol
Davy Crockett , playa in the state nex !
week with tro d te of the IGth in Lin olt
and in Omaha on Friday and Saturday ,
with a matinee.
The old and reliable Pioneer Drug
Store of Omaha has ths finest assortment
oi rich Holiday Gx > ds ever brought to the
city , and invite everybody to call earlj
and see them , Is i & McMahon , proprifr
tors. decTtf
everal young men who a-o occupied
by work all day have expressed a desire to
study evenings under the direction of com
petent teachers. The Y. M. C. A. lua
concluded 1 1 provide a room and suitable
teachers if a sufficient numlior to make a
scho 1 will call and nuke known theii
wishes , nt the Association's moms , ovei
Hubermann'fl , Thirteenth and Douglas
streets. The common branches will be
taught , also lessons in German and short
band writing. Call and leave youi
The C. , B. & Q. was two ho rs late
yesterday morning.
-Remember the Y. M. C. A book re
ception to-morrow evening.
A new furnace is being put in the
Cot gregational -urch , and its se.iting ca
pacity enlarged.
Five can of alcohol were loaded at
Her's Saturday , for export.
Board of Trade meeting to-night.
The sale of reserved seats for Frank
Mayo , in "Davy Crockett , " begins at
o'clock to-morrow morning.
The alarm which sounded from box IS
about 5 o'clock last evening , was causec
ry testing ths box which was receiving
some repairs.
The State Bar Association meets at
Lincoln on the first Thursday in January ,
In the U. S. court room. Hon. T. M.
Marquett delivers the annual address.
Yesterday was as fine a day as one
could wish to see , even in September.
Contractor Rutherford , of the Omahc
Water Go's work , has stepped down anc
out , and his work will ba completed bj
loal contractors.
We understand that Mayor Chase L
interviewing every old settler in Omaha tc
find out what there is in that Sterling Mor
ton S75.000 business.
The Young Mechanics' grand masquerade
quorade ball , at Mason'c Hall to-morrovi
night. Dec. 14th , promises to be an una
sually pleasant ar.d eventful occasion ,
Being the first masquerade of the season ,
it will no doubt be very largely attended ,
especially in view of the success of the one
piven under the same management a yeai
The Standard club has just completed
some excellert improvements n their hall
in Barker's block. It is neatly papered
and calsomined , with elegant painted bor <
der and centw piece * , the work being done
under the direction of Mr. Windheim.
The next party will occur on Wednesday
night next , and the masquerade party
Feb. 16th , 1880. Parties will hereafter
be given every alternate Wednesday eve
A social re-union of the Emmet Mon
umental Association will be held at their
( Clark's ) hall on New Year's eve. All
their friends are cordially invited.
The Northwestern passenger train
which came in Saturday morning , brought
among its passengers one as advanced in
years as often pays a railroad fare. This
was Mrs. Bridget McCnlling , an old lady
who to-day attained her one hundredth
birth-day anniversary. She is from Funde ,
Montgomery county , N. Y. , and is en
route to Virginia City , Nevada , where she
has a married son and daughter living.
She is traveling second-class , and went
west on train No. 7 , Saturday night.
When asked why she left her old home
for a new county at her age , she replied ,
"Oh , I was so lonely. " The old lady
ought , at her age , to be entitled to free
first-class passage.
John Pierre , aged 60 years , has mys
teriously disappeared from Council Bluffs ,
and foul play is suspected.
The total number of pieces handled
by the Council Bluffs postoffice during the
week ending Dec. 7th , was 30,894 , ai
increase of 10,000 pieces over the past year ,
The collection taken upcn Thanksgiv
ing day at the Congregational church , was
raised to $50 and presented to the Ladies
Relief Society.
Three burglars gained admission tc
Sexauer's store , Thirteenth and Daven >
port , early Saturday morning , by pryinj
open the front door. Robert Sexauer ,
who was sleeping in the rear of the store ,
raised up in bed , and guided by a flood oi
moonlight , let them have two shots from
a 44 calibre Colt's revolve- , upon which
they fled immediately. Had no one been
In the store they would have obtained
about § 40 from the till. This remedy IE
Mammoth Stock of the Eich-
eat Ivory and Cut-Glass
Goods in the Market.
The Pioneer Drug Store
Kicking the Dust in the
Eyes of all Com
"Oh rich and rare are the jewels
there" sang the oriental prince to
whom "the power of the ring" opened
ut > all treasuries of the earth. He
then filled his pockets , hat and hand
kerchief with tha best ho could get
and left n rich man. Now if that same
young prince were alive to-day he
wonld daily bo found at the Pioneer
Drug Store of Ish & McMahon , 1321
F.irnham street , selecting from the
most complete and mammoth stock
west tf the Mississippi , cases for his
jewels and other" appropriate articles
to go with them.
A reporter of THE BEE examined
their magnificant stock Friday
evening and like the glories
of King Solomon , found lhat the half
had not been told. A row of cases
about the front of the room , several
upright cases and the spacious show
windows , all filled with a choice a-
sortment of ivory , celluloid , Russia
leather and hand-painted silk holiday
goods and elegant cut-glass bottles
met the view oc every side , the goods
darzlirg in their rich material and su
perb design and make. Unlike the
stocks too frequently put upon the
market , this one is composed entirely
i f novelties in goods , all of new designs
signs , and put on the market this
season for the first time. While of
the finest materials , they are useful in
character , substantially made and are
artistic in decoration throughout.
The jewel caeca , odor boxes , hand
kerchief and glove boxes and combi
nation toilet cases are of Russia
leather , lined wich silk of the loveliest
shades , with hand painted designs of
zreat beauty npon many of them.
Their elegance and perfestion wonld
baffle the pen to describe. The toilet
cases contain combs , brushes and mir
rors of solid ivory nd bevelled French
plato glass. Another style contain
articles of cold and silver in place of
ivory , but with the same rich mirrors.
The latter are BO new that we believe
they cannot be duplicated in the
The array of cut glaan bottlea is
immense , and more varied and be au-
tiful than any ever before brought to
this city.
In celluloid sats the Pioneer Drug
Store distances all competitors , both
for size and elegance of their assort
ment. The ladies' and gents' toilet
esses are the most complete articles
of the kind manufactured , are of as
magnificent finish as those containing
the ivory sets , and cin't be equalled
anywhere in the city. These cases
are of both square and upright con
struction , the latter opening by a
spring , and' resembling a tiny ward
robe. The odor cases of "old gold , '
attract the eyes of the fair sex , and
are supplemented by fancy card and
letter cases , writing desks , col
lar and cuff boxes and com
bination work-boxes and jewel
cases , all of the same elaborate and
costly manufacture described above.
Them is slsa a line of "fire gilt"
ornaments , very stylish and endurable ,
bronze watch-boxes , exquisite vases
and a thousand other articles. The
finest Foreign and American perfumes -
fumes are kekpt ia bulk , includin-
Lnbin and Coudrnys , Colgate and
Palmers. There is no use injtalking.
this is the phca to buy and a call will
convince anyone of the fact that the
Pioneer drug store is above all others
the place to go to select rich holiday
Hand sewed Boots and Shoes ,
j Just received , at
I H. DOHLE & Co.'s ,
I Leading Shoe Store.
His Majesty King Kalakaua
Coming to Omaha Next
From his excellencyCol. Champion
S. Chase , mayor of the city o Omaha
we learn that his royal highness ,
King David Kalaksuia , of the Hawai
ian Islands , will pay a second visit to
the United States in 1 eburary next ,
and that he will do himself the pleas
ure , and our city the honor , of sojourn
ing a few days in our midst , where he
will be the guest of perionel friends
here. The occasion will probably bo
characterized by appropriate public
'honors to royalty on bis travels.
Friday's BEE contained a com
municatiop. referring to the agency o
the Ballet & Davis pianos in this city
and endeavoring to place me in ; v false
position before the pablic. In Sep
lumber of the prestnt year I waa solic
ited by the general agent of the Hal
let & Davis factory , to take charge o
the agency for Omaha and Counci
Bluffa , and informed that I could hav
ai much further territory as I reqnir
ed. I had an established agency o
the Fisher , James & Holstrom , Chas
and Chickering pianos , but after con
siderable urging I consented to tak
two of the Hallet & Davis make
which were shipped to me from th
warerooms of the company on th
19th of October. These are now in
my store and for sale cheap. Under
date of November 24 , I received c
letter from Hallet & Davis informing
me that they had suddenly discovorec
that they had an agency in Omaha
after having urged me to take the !
pianos. They added that they were
in a bad fix through having forgotten
their so-called agency , but wrote , i
hp kicked too bad they would like m ;
orders yet. I had gone to some expense
pense in advertising my agency of the
Hallet & Davis piano before their las
communication , and this was done in
good faith. J. S. WRIGHT.
No parent having the welfare o
children at heart , should permi
themselves to be without Zells con
densed Cyclopedic. 10 Gt
atJ. I. Nichol & Co.'s , corner Fif
teenth and Dodge streets. All other
groceries at reduced prices.
MORE JEWELS than ever at
Whipple , McMilleu & Co.'s , Creigh-
ton block , Fifteenth street.
Large Assortment.
We are closing out warm Shoes ,
Boys' Boots , Ladies' Slippers , Men's
Shoes , Misses' Shoes , Children's
Shoes , Men's Boots. We are selling
the above for less than first cost. We
guarantee for every pair best stock in
the city. New lot just received.
H. DOHLE & Co. ,
Leading Shoe Store , Central block.
Buy your boots at Whitney's.
Buy your shoes nt "Whitney's.
Buy everything iu the boot and
shoe line at Whitney's , if you want
the worth of your money. 9 3t
Always fresh Oysters at Tizzard'
C < dl at the BEE job rooms and ex
amine something nice in the way of
Fine Papetries , suitable for invita
tions to weddings , balls , private mas
querade parties , sociables and con
Try the Hannibal Eagle Mills Flour ,
the most choice Winter Wheat Flour
in the market ; only $3.40 per 100
ponnds. W. M. YATES.
An immense assortment of silk and
Russia leather , celluloid sets for la
dies and gents , just opened at Ish &
McMahon's. 9-tf
A Fine line of samples of New
Year Cards at THE BEE Job Room.
Call in time and leave your orders.
Go to Dohle's for fine shoes. Larg
est and best stock in the city. Every
pair warranted. H. DOHLE & Co ,
Leading Shoo Store.
Examine the display of Jewelry at
Whipple , MeMillen & Co.'s , Creigh-
ton block , Fifteenth street.
Lubin's , Coudray's , Colgate and
Palmer'a extracts in bulk in any
quantity for sale by
9-ft Isn&McMAHoir.
Meals at all hours at Tizzard's. tf
Improve your eye si ht by using the
Arundel tinted , for sale at John Bau-
CaUfcrnia Pears , Plums , Grapes ,
otc. , at lizard's Palace. o21-tf
t On Tuesday evening , December
Tth , Mr. James J. Syrnouds. of Oma-
0 , and Mrs. Ella F. Freeman , of
lEurt county , Nebraska , were married
jf.t the Eighteenth Street Methodist
"arsonage , by Rev. W. K. Beans.
And a Growing Business
"Edholm & Erickson , " a name now
familiar to all ourcitz3ns and , in fact ,
to the state and the entire west a
name which , two short years ago , was
unknown even in thisimmediate vicin
ity. "How can it be possible , " the
question is asked , ' 'for a firm to be
come in so short a time so well known
and popular ? And , starting as these
gentlemen did on a small capital , in
fact almost nothing , how can it be
that they no * carry one of the largest
and best selected stock of jewelry in
the west , and are doing a manufactur
ing business unequaled , and never be
fore dreamed of this side of the eastern
chits ? " To start with.both gentlemen
thoroughly understood the business in
all its branches , and when it enlarged
to its present stupendous proportions ,
and they required additional assist
ance , the very best workmen in the
land were chosen to assist. The same
good judgment hos been exercised in
hireing all kinds of employees , pur
chasing goods and managing the busl
ness generally. Passing the estab
lishment , corner Fifteenth and Dodge
streets to-day , a BEE reporter enterec
and was astonished at the elegant ,
costly and unique patterns of the dif
ferent wares , especially the large array
of holiday goods. No house in the
city has taken more pains to suit the
refined tastes of our citizens ,
and we can truthfully say thai
the firm is being deservedly repaid
for their trouble , judging from the
stream of customers passing in anc
out of their doors. Want of time anc
space will not permit of our making a
sufficient mention of the business , but
we will eay in conclusion that pur
chasers will find everything there iu
the jewelry line complete and un
Have you tried that Lemon Vanilla
or Strawberry Taffy at 29c per lb. ,
at Candy Hall , 1418 Doughs street.
Something new. Se it. For sale
only byL.
DEAR SIR I have used the Hanni
bal Eagle Mills Flour for the past 10
years and am glad to say that it has
always MADE excellent WHITE
BREAD , and I will not use any other
Flour if I can get it.
Formerly of Hannibal.
Silverware for Holiday and wedding
presents at Whipple , McMillon& Co. ,
Oreighton block , Fifteenth street.
In order to close out my stock of
fall and winter goods I will make
suits and overcoats cheaper than ever
Suits worth $25.00 for $20.00
Suits worth $30.00 for § 25.00
Suits worth $35.00 for $30.00
There is no humbug in this ; call
and see for yourselves.
? 19 Farnham street near Douglas.
Worked Slippers ,
The only complete stock in the city.
H. DOHLE & Co.'s ,
Central Block.
FURS ! FURS ! ! FURS ! ! !
The Omaha Fur Manufacturer ,
Eenry G. RIchter , ia to be found op
posite the poatofficp. o26-tf
The only Cyclopedia published giv
ing maps after Gay's Atlas and pro
nunciation , is Zells condensed Cycle
pedia. 10-6t
J. F. Sawyer wishes to announce to
lia friends and old customers that he
may be found , as heretofore , at 1314
Farcham street , where will be glad to
show them the best selected stock of
Watches , Clocks , Jewelry , Spectacles
and Silverware at prices that defy
competition. d9t3
513 Fourteenth street , between Farn
ham and Douglas , for anything in tbo
toy line. The largest and best so
[ ected stock in the city.
d7tf H. POHLXIAN , Proprietor.
All the boys and girls in Omaha
to buy nuro candies at Candy Hull ,
1418 douglaa street.
everything in Gent's Goods.
Dodge and Fifteenth Street.
The earnest workers of the Christian
church , have announced a dinner and
sapper in the basement of their church
on 17th street , for next Tuesday. This
is to take pboo of their annual fair
and festival , and every effort is being
made to make it a grand success.
Tickets are selling rapidly at 50 cents ,
good for either dinner or supper.
Dinner hours from 12 m. to 3 p. 'm. ,
supper from G to 10 p. m.
ai Whipplp , McMillen &Co. , Creigh-
ton Block , Fifteenth street. Go and
see them.
The Third Big Fire Within
the Radius of a Block
About the Old Grand
Qentral ,
Farnam Street the Object of
the Fire Fiend's Fury.
About midnight Saturday night , a
fire was discovered in the rear ot
D& Great & Co.'a hat stare , 1316 Farn-
am street , just opposite the scene of
the Iler-Colliua conflagration of Tues
day night.
When first seen it was not nix foot
in diameter , and could have been put
out with a few buckets of water had
they been at hand. Box 12 failing to
work , the Lutheran ehucch bell was
rung and an alarm put in to No. 3's
house by telephone , bringing out the
department promptly , in full force.
The fire spread rapidly , and attacking
the walls between De Groat's and
Lang's shoe store , climbed into tno
second story and became difficult to
handle. The burning building was
flanked on one side by John Baumer's
jewelry store , and on the other by
Lang's , both of frame , like itself , and
the whole block was threatened with
destruction , the danger only being
lessened by the entire absence of any
breeze whatever. Soon three streams
were turned on the flames , which
burned fiercely in the rear portion and
roof , and were not conquered until
holes were cut through the roof and
the building deluged with water from
top to bottom.
It was impossible to save any of
De Groat's stock of hats , caps and
furs , or of Lang's boots and shoes ,
from the fact that to open the doors
would have created a draught through
the building that would have en
dangered the entire row. The doors
were therefore kept closed , and the
damage from water was the heaviest
of all. Mr. Werz's'dentistroomsover
the shoo store , were howaver , quickly
emptied of their furniture , which was
piled at the corner of 14th and
The most deplorable loss of
all , was that involving Frank Cur
rier's photograph gallery , and this is
one which cannot be estimated in dollars
lars and cents. Mr. Currier slept in
the front room , and awoke to find
himself suffocating from smoke and
escape possible only by immediate
flight. The relentless axes cut
through the ceiling and valuable neg
atives , magnificent'picturea and superb
arrangements generally , were flooded
with water , which stood three inches
deep on the carpeted floors , after
the fire had been got under control.
Among the negatives were those of
Judge Thurston s children and little
Gracie Atkinson , which were destroy
ed with the rest , and which a thous
and dollars would be no object iu re
placing. Mr. Currier has met with
considerable misfortune of late and
this was the crowning stroke , although
it will by no means be allowed to stop
hisj work long. The only portion
of bis stock saved was some of the
finest pictures , which decorated the
walls of the frontroom.
The fire was a peculiar one and
"would not down , " but when appar
ently subdued would burst forth with
renewed fury. A curious phenomena
was witnessed here and also at Tier's
fire , a reflection on the clouds of
smoke , high in mid air , hanging over
the block like a fire demon hovering
in sight of his prey and ready to
swoop down on it at any moment. A
beautiful sight was that of streams of
water occasionally shooting hundreds
of feet in the air , and , viewed altern
ately with the glare of the fire and
the bright moon upon it , resembling a
fountain of silver spray or ruby wine.
The firemen worked 4ike Trngans and
within an honr's time were playing
upon smouldering ] ruins , from which
the power of the fire fiend to harm had
Daylight revealed the sorry aspect
of the portion of Farnam street here
tofore reckoned as its greatest pride ,
two charred and blackened piles
grimly facing each other as the sun
rose npon the scene , which has from
the fatal burning of the Grand Cen
tral been so often one of destruction
and danger.
De Great & Co.'s stock was insured
as follows : One thousand dollars in
the Continental ; 31,000 in the Penn
sylvania , represented by W. J. Mc-
Keen ; 551,000 , Metropole , of Paris ,
$500 , Hoffman , of New York , S. J.
Howell's agency ; 81,000 , Manhattan ,
J500 , Union.Murphy &LovettSl,000 ; ,
Manufacturers' , of Boston , Taylor &
Woodman ; total , $0,000. The value
of the stock was pluced at $8COO , an
extra largo holiday stock being put
in recently. It was at first thought
that it was a total loss , but a careful
examination yesterday showed rhat i
large portion of the goods can be
Lang's stock received only water
damage and this is believed not to be
heavy , perhapi one-tenth to one-
eighth of the -whole value , which Is
placed at $10,000. His insurance
was : Oaa thousand doll.irs in the
Phoenix , S1OQO , Fire Association ,
81,000 , Springfield , M. J. McKoon ;
81,000 , Ma."hittanMurphy &Lovatt ,
total , $4,000
Frank Carrier carried a policy for
S300 , in the Germah American , on his
stok , which ii a total loss , and be
yond all cstirte. . Hia camaras and
other instrument * , the property of
Mr. Field , of For : Onaha , were in
sured for $400 in the same company ,
represented by M. J. McKoon.
The building occupied by De Grost
was owned by R B. Ellison , of Phil
adelphia , and was insured for $1,000
in the Manhattan. It is almost a
total loss.
Lang's building was owned by Sam
uel Burns , and is but slightly dam
aged by the fire. Dr. Werz , who oc
cupied the second story got oat his
stock in good shape and his loss is
The Threatened Conflagra
tion at the State
The Disaster Traced to the In
cendiary's Torch.
There baa been considerable excite
ment in town Saturday on the subject
of the Lincoln firo.which occurred'Frl-
day night , but which was not nearly BO
serious as was at first reported. The
particulars , as obtained from to-day's
Journal , are as follows :
At a quarter to one o'clock this
morning an alarm of fire
was sounded from the engine house ,
and very soon it WPS discovered that
the rear part of George Lee's building
was h.l flames. The blowing of the
whistles and rinsing of the bells served
to alarm the whole town , and In leas
than half an hour following the first
call a good share of the populace of
the city had gathered in front and in
the rear of the building , which was
rapidly giving way to the flames. For
Innately there was little or no wind
blowing , and the fire did not spread aa
it otherwise wonld , but on the other
hand it seemed almost im
possible to do anything to
break the force of the fire or
protect the adjoining buildings. The
main effort at first seemed to bo to
free the bcildings of goods and save
all that was possible within. The hook
and ladder company promptly res
ponded to the first alarm , and per
formed good service. The fire engine
did not reach the ground before the
building was half gone , but once there
and in operation , with the hose play
ing on the fire , the service rendered
was great. It wa thought at first
the engine would not be able to work ,
in consequence of a little mishap
which occurred early in the evening
when the department were brought
out on a false alarm. However , this
proved to be a mistake. The water
supply was good , and the gallant fire
men worked bravely , several of them
risking their lives in their efforts to
rescue goods from the burning
buildings and stay the progress of the
The building occupied by George
Lee was used below for an auction ,
and store-room , and above for living
apartments. The building waa the
property of John Kelly , and we be-
lievd not insured. Mr. Leo carried
no insurance on his goods , and hia
loss ia estimated at from two to three
thousand dollars.
The building on the south was oc
cupied by Mr. Wm. McLaunhlin aa a
saloo.i and liquor store. By the ex
ertions of the firemen and others , a
greater part of his property waa saved.
The two-itory building occupied by
Dr. Childs aa a drug store below , and
above by Mr. Roberts as .m under
taker's eatabl ishment , was almost to
tally destroyed. A considerable
amount of the property of both the > e
gentlemen was saved. The building
was owned > y John Fitzgerald , and
was insured to the amount of $500 in
the Poenix fire insurance company ,
and $500 iu the Hartford.
By a great effort Lamborn block was
saved. The brick walls stood the
flames admirably. The damage was
slight , and covered by insurance in
the Home of New York , Hartford and
Phoenix Insurance companies. The
two buildings adjoining the one owned
by Mr. Fitzgerald on the outh , are
owned by Walxh and Putnam , and at
the first of these buildings the fire was
checked. The firemen at half past
two had succeeded in getting full
control of the fireand , at three o'clock ,
just before going to press , wore still
throwing water on the smouldering
It is understood later that Dr.
Ohilds saved about half his goodsand
the whole was covered by insurance.
The origin of the fire is unknown ,
but Mr. Lee , who had only just retir
ed when the alarm sounded , feela cer
tain that it was the work of an incen
diary. As to this we have no means
of knowing , and it wonld be difficult
to substantially make this assertion
good , or in fact account for the origin
of the fire in any other way , unless
we make it another case of spontan
eous combustion.
As there has for some time past
been a great deal of wrangling and
disputing among jewelers concerning
the price and quality of goods , I re
spectfully invite the public to call
and examine my display and see for
themselves. I would call especial at
tention to a splendid line of neck
chains , solid gold rings , watches ,
clocks , and a general stock of jewelry.
410 S. Thirteenth Street.
On account of the RECENT DE
CLINE IN WHEAT , I h ve reduced
the price of the HANNIBAL EAGLE
MILLS Flour to S3.40 per 100.
Watches in great varety , Swiss
jnd American , from the bst manu
facturers , at
Whipple , McMillan &Co. ,
Croighturi Block , Fifteenth St.
For Groceries you should try the
new firm of King , Armstrong & Co. ,
Sixteenth and California stieets. They
will give ; ou the very lowest price ? .
Give them a call. d9t3
SLIPPERS in Williams & Sons'
Shue Department for 90c , $1.25 ,
they are th cheapest in town. Call
and examine. WILLIAMS & SONS ,
Cor. Fifteenth and Dodga Sta
Solid gold and silver mounted toilet
set at "Ish & McMahon'sd9tf
Cheapest place in the city to buy
candies. Fresh tttffys 20c
, per pound ;
fine lerflOn cream cindy , 20c pe5
P und ; hoarhound candy , 25c
pound fresh everyday , snd the
est assortment of candy toys in
1418 Dougl-.3 street , between Tour- |
teerith and Fifteenth atreet * . d9t3
ACK'S. G-tf
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
All the newest and latest designs in
cut glass bottles just received at Ish
& McMahon's , 1321 Farnham street. |
For Sale 5ix-horso power Baxter
engine and boiler , In good repair.
Apply at BEE offico. no4tf
-NOTICE AdvonLwmonia To Let For tula'
Loa : , FuonJ , tViuHa , boarding Ac. , will bo In-
iHirtoil Intiiceo cultunua onto ( or TES OKfSS
per lln ; each subwxjaeot Insertlon.FIVE CENTS
per Una. Tbv dm tt4 rti < m never I < * M than
3 LOAN At8 per cent inter
Vt'U.UUU est , n mum of J2000and u p-
vsards for 1 to 5 years' time onflrst claislmprov
ed city and farm property. Apply at BEJIIS
Real Estate and Loan Agency , 15th and Douzlaa
-B f ; 278-eodtf
M D. L. THOMAS. Ro. > ma.Crelghton Block
l/rONKY TO fiOAK llw Farnham a
iT J Dr. EdwaritJ Loan Airrncy. n
WASTED A girl to do housewoak , 2115 ,
California street , teUeen 21st * nd 2d
"TTrANTED Unfurnished rcom by a Udyand
VV daughter. References exchanged. Ad
dress "S. A. , " EKE office. tfj-11
ItT ANTED A flrst-cUsi boot and shoe ma-
V V ker. works on pe d and sewed work.
Pat Cline , Brownrille , Neb. Omaha's wages
raid. 57.18
TT7-AKTED A good irlrl about It years old.
T V to assist in taking- care of an Infant , and
do errands. References required. Apply at
1415 Farnham street. fO-11
WANTED Cook at the Pacific House man
or woman. 55.11
\TTANTED Second-hand Marble Slantle and
V V "rate complete. Address "B. " 1881. 48-16
TTANTED 2 eirla at Heineke's restaurant ,
TT cor lath and JaCKgonSta. S4-13
TTTANTED A girl to work In kitchen , at tha
\ V Emmett House.
Bee office. 48-U
' \\rAXTEU A good second girl , at 1320 Fam-
W ham St. 60-11
WANTED \ steady girl to do housework
iu a family of 2. Inquire at 1421 Chicago
cage St. 4M1
WANTED A woman cook , at tbo Emmett
Homo. 44-11
TITANTED Agents for tha Whecler& Wilson
VV Sewinir Machine. Call at Office , Jacobs'
BloJt. 39-14
_ . . .
WANTED 100 ladles to try the New Jte/a
Wheeler & Wilson Sewin , ' Machink
First premium awarded thii famous machine A ?
the Iowa and Nebraska State Fairs Salesroom
Jacobs' Block , 6 9 Fifteenth street. 4H
TXTANTED A few more board-in , at the
Y V southeast cor. 15th and California. 36-14
TTTASTEn-Afroodhinae-keepcr , 1109 Frn
YV ham street , up rtairs. 32-tf
\T7 AJfTED FsH-liiyment f.irhorao a.da ton.
VV E. A. UARRlSd , Wth and Mch./na SU
56 If >
WANTED All Omaha know tha.i1
Rojr-l Pt. lonn is the hiao e.f gewl
Mtch'ne . offlci' on 1'th * it. SJT-'f
TO UB'-'T Su't of front rooms to rent , hrick
honse , 1417 Cass St. , opposite School
house ; also hou-ie. barn and 5 acres near city
_ _ 41-15
T71OR REVT Furnished south room , wltn use
Jj of paler , 313 14th street , between Daven
port and Chicago , suiub.o for two jfentlemm-/r' ]
or gent and wife. 5 2-13 J
TO BE * land part of stoic.
Bee Office. W. EVERETr.
FOR RENT Furnished rom It twu men ,
ono block from 1'oatoffico. Address No.
1331. 20e av3t
M10 K J T Suitof rooms torent.bnckhousc ,
I 1417 Casd 3t. opposite echool bouse ; alto
house , bain and 5 acres near city. 41-15
ENT Furnished room for 2 ceilenun
FOU brick house , corner 10th ant. Dunitlas ct.
IOit KENT Furnished rooms with or with
F out board. Beat of reference given and required -
quired ; 277 Farnbam street. 24-11
RENT IIouso in Shnll'a 2nd addition ,
$ 5 per month. W. SIJtERAL , room 6 ,
Crelghton Block. _ 895tf
T71OR RENT A furnished , south fiont room
V Inquire at No 1612 farnham St. E8t'tt
TOOK KENT Cottage , on 6th and Pine Sta. ,
r new honse , eight rooms.on ? 3d and Can Sts
Enquire J. f. Koe , H. E. Cor. 12th and Porn-
ham. 836-tf
chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 2fiDtfJKl"
Pod ice street * . 2fiD-tf
SA .E Small tabular boiler and stacfc.
FOU & Thrall. 68-17
Bargains In Houses , Lots , Firms an
Lands , In his new column on 1st paxa
T7IOR SALE Business honse and ( frocery rtoJJP
1 ! Restaurant attached. Address R. Chaffln ,
Aurora , Neb. 9-1 m
"TTtOR SALE Two close carriage ) , at A. J.
Jj Slmpsou'g. 011-tf
LOTS BEMIS * new column of bargains on la
i K SALK Cottonwood lumber of all slr-rj
] _ J oyerBUJIId" newcotamnot bargain * on 1st ]
rpAKLN UP 2 Mack colts , ons 4 jear ojl
JL mare and one 2 year old horse c I , 3 mllea ]
north on Missouri bottom. GoTiLIKij HKYK.I
552 etSw
rpAKSN UP One rtd cow , two s itai.i left earl
I and short tail , 3 mile * north , near FI " < renci i
Late ; 3ECONELIIJ3l-'Kr.CIE3T. 51-11
O BALED PROPOSALS wid > e received by th' ,
v5 undersined until SaturAty , December IStbj
1831 , for th ? pu'ctnso t ail b ! . .i.f * oa lot * 1 j
2 and 4. blosk 111 , Omiha Terms saau
ruhtb reserved to reject any or all bids.
By order of the Bard of UommUslonon
3t-l > Co
R. S. PEALE , of Couuci' Bluff * . Iowa , I * n-J
longer General Az nt for the ailj of HILL'fl
FORM3. We hiving terminated his wpjncy toJ
Zj < xl and reasons ; anl we horetnl
CAUTIO > the pub ! c xpdnst be n ? Im.tfHed UM
on , by unscru pal > ul mtn , who attempt to "pain A
off" a 8P 'BIOU3 work on taem instead cJ
"Hill's Minml. " tie OOJK ther want or gulE
scribed for. MOS S WA RREN & CO. , Publish !
era of Hill's MiDUal , 103 SUt St. , Chicago '
Nov. 6th 1530. _ 19-17i
In North Omaha , a spotted alf anoP ,
FOUND d.y old. Owner cm hiV *
same by calling at worth Western brewerjl
Cumin ? street , and pajria. for this notice. 21-lj