Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1880, Morning Edition, Page 2, Image 2

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An Inventory of PastProdacts ,
"Present ; Stock ; 'and future
Electric Lights and Railroads ,
Water Works and
The Harvest of Grain and
Polygamy A Review of
Ogden's Progress.
ContapondenceolTheBee. r
OQDEN , Utah , December 8. Thh
being so near the close of the year
1880 , all newspaper men are busily
engaged in making footings of the
' of publishing
year's progress for the purpose
lishing to the world , in a concise form ,
what has been done , what Important
business transacted , the extent of
mining developments and the value of
new improvements made in the lead
ing towns and cities. No place is this
feature of newspaper enterpriee bet
ter observed than throughout the
west , and I pttsuma this year's showing -
ing will be as fully satisfactory as any ,
if not better than former years. That
of the city of Ogden , I am sure , will
excel any former year. The cost ,
number and style of new buildings
exhibit a healihy state of improve
ment * , while business interests were
never so extensive. Since the census
enumeration last June , fully 500 per
sons have increased our then popu
lation of six thousand , and this is
"being augumented by daily arrivals.
The demand for housesis far in ex
cess of the supply , while our hotels
cannot accommodate all who apply
At this time , one of our most presiiu
needs is that of a large first class
hotel , and this need is so well under
stood that we are confident that an
other spason will see the erection of
& such an institution. Our city official ! !
have awikened to the wants of our
city and bate beeu active in improv
ing our streets , building needed brid
ges and taking the initiatory atopa for
a complete system of water vorks.
How soon wo will be supplied with
such works depends much upon cer
tain legal questions itivclving titse to
water rites. If these legal pointb are
settled in faror of the water works
company , tbo supply of pure cool water
will bj abundant , ai.d the fall or pressure
sure can bo at almost any degree re
quired , ss the streams ara locitad
hundreds of feet above the city.
The city council have lately ccn
traded with the Brush Electric Liyht
company , and it is proposed to have
the city lighted by the 1st of January.
, The plan contemplates an iron tower
- * 150 feet high , placed at a central point
of the city and on an elevation forty
feet above the business portion. The
light at the top of this tower is to be
ample for illuminating a tpacu ont
mile in diameter , and IB to cott $4 OOC
per annum. Six days' time is allowed
for testing the light , and the contract
is for five years. Stores will bo light
ed at an expense of about § 130 per an-
nnm , which is cheper ju.d far safei
than by the present pian of using coa
The introduction of the tel phont
exchange has become eo popuhr wit !
two month's use that now instrument !
are being put iu almost daily , and ilu
number in use lua reached ovui
80ud the lines are boirg extended t <
North Ogden , seven niiltv , anil at on
early date will be extended thirly-afo
miles , to Salt Lake City , to conned
with an exchange which is to bo cm
atructed thoro. It is a source of mud
pride to uur Izoae that wo ar ? load
ing all other places in point of itn
provements and public enterprises
The railway connections north liavt
this year been extended by the con
struction of one hundred miles of roac
by the Utah & Northern , taking tlu
northern terminus to the town of D 1
len , Montana , three hundred aac
forty-eight ; milon from this city. Col
onel Wolcott , of the Union"Pacifii
engineering corps , has juat roturnei
from his labors m" setting the fcra < ] (
stakes for the Ogticn & Portland rail
way , which is to be built from thi
city , by the addition of * third rail t <
the Utah & .Northern to Binchin
Citytwenty-five miles , andtarnofFm i
northwecterndirection. This road is ti
a standard or wide gnage , and con
itruction is to begin in early spring
Nearly two hundred miles of th
roulo is staked , reaching to a poiu
beyond Snsko river. This entire ter
ritory has aeen a prosperous year
Crops were never better , while th
outside demand brought unusual ] '
good pricec , and shipper * and farmer
have reaped a rich harvest. Th
President's message causes som
abuse towards the chief executive
becau39 of his plain talk on the sub
jectof polygamy. It is a fact we !
inown to all close observers here tha
the Saints are goini ; into polygam
as rapidly if not 'more
, o , thin a
* ny other period of its accuraed exh
tence hero. At least thirty aac ]
. marriag&a have baen made by citizsn
of Ogdt-n and
vicinity during the pas
six moutha , that we have proof ol
yet because wo cannot prove actus
mBrriageand date , because of the seen
07 of the endowment houae.there Is n
way uiider the present laws by whic
punishment can be meted out to th
offenders of decency and Rood morali
The anti-polygamy society , throug
their meetings and the publication \
their paper , The Anti-Polygam
Standard , are doing a good work , an
we hope will aid much towards blol
out the "twin "
ting relic" that is no'
such a stun on the fair name and hot
or of oar nation.
Delays of trains lately have bee
so common that we have about learne
tc expect them to arrive behind time
The Central Pacific and the Utah an
Northern are both troublpd badly wit
deep snow and henry drifts. J.
"Who can fathom the huma :
heart ? " excitedly inquires & youn
lady of S&nginon county in the cours
of a charmingly short article on "Life *
Realties. " We do not exactly know
Ypu might start in with a batter-try er ,
' send to Detroit
and if that don't work
roit forasubraaiine.dtver. If youreaUy
want your heart fathomed it can bo
done , but more likely It is your liver
St. Petersburg cor. S. Y. San.
The Russians are particularly
charmed vrith the democratic maunora
of Americans. Theae appeal to a
characteristic national trait of the
Russians themselves. They despise
from the bottom of their hearts all
pretension , arrogance and walking on
stilts. That is why the Russians
stretca friendly hands to the people
across the ocean , ia spite of the abyss
that lies between their government
and that of the union.
My personal experience is thab
American citizens in general , and
American business men in p rtculi\r ,
are warmly welcomed in Russia. On
the pirt of the Czar's government
there is not the least fear that hey
will inoculate the Russians with re
publicanism. Onca 1 asked o colonel
of gendarmes whether he had nny sip-
prehension of dangerous resulU irom
the close relations of the Russians mid
the Americans. "Not the least , " he
answered , promptly , "Your" citizuns
are too sensible and practical to be
dangerous to our tioverntnent. To
imagine a practical Yankee indulging
iu theorizing with the Russians would
bu to suppose the moit improbable of
all improbable things. "
Thu Russian capitalists and busi
ness men in general are apparently
glad to have Americans come nere ,
and closely observe their waya of do
ing business. They prefer to invite
American engineers to Russia instead
of sending their engineers to ntudy
in America. It appears that the work
done huro by Yankee engineers has
continued the high opinion which the
Russians had formed of the. " before
hand. The grain elevators built b
them in seine Russian ports , the bor
ing for petroleum in the Caucasaus ,
and some of their miiiingoxperiments
satisfied the highest expectations of the
Russians. American agricultural m.i-
chines and implements , sewing ma
chines , iron stoves , rubber goods ,
canned fruits and miny other articles
hro in full demand ptery where in this
country , and I have frequently heard
here.tho question , "Why don't the
Americans coma hero to make all
tnese things for ua ? They would savt
the expeuto of transportation , and
would be sure ti > sell their jjoods. "
In proof of this last assertion Russians
point to the great and prosperous
factor ? of St. Petersburg operated by
the Russian-American rubber com
Thi * sungestion of an invcs m oi
American capital in Russian manufac
ture aud trade seemed to me a very
interesting one , and I wanted to get
opinions about it. A Russian friend
introdnccd me to the director of the
department of manufacture and trade.
I asked his excellency whether he
would advise American manufacturer !
o come to Russia and engage in buai'
ness. "Most heartily , " ho answered ,
"thouch I don't believe that at pro
eent your manufacturers can bo in
duced to leave their country of plentj
for one that m afflicted with yc
troubles. By and by , when
the security of businesi
liero is ii.sured beyond any doubt
there will be opened an immense
menso field for Yankee enterprise
skill and capital , aud they cannot bi
beiren here by any foreign competi
tors , for these rea-una : They are oui
friends , and that no other uatior
can boast of. The general charac'ei
of America is very anal
ngous to that of our country. Om
Caucasus yields us petroleum , and thi
Don valley gives us coal and anthra
cite like Pennsylvania ; our middle
provinces yield gram aa abundant ! ;
a * the western states of the union ,
and tha treasures of the Ural nioun
tv'ns can be fairly compared witl
those of California and Colorado ,
This is a very important points foi
the fxpt-rionce of Americans , acquired
at grett txponse , can be fully anc
profitably employed here in Russia ,
Wo have great natural wealth , wilt
no capital aud no skill ; them tin
Americans have in superabundance
There csn be no politics ! trouble between
tween the two countries to Interrup
our buMiie's relations. The Yankeei
are very skilful teachers , as Is show ;
by their perfect absorption and assimi
lation of an irnmeuso and heterogene
ous immigration : our history showi
that we are diligent and docile pu
pllg. Bring the Yankee teacher anc
t'te Rnseian pupils together , and yet
will eeo'urprising results. "
Prince 0. is one of the largest land
owncre in Russia. He employs i
number of German agriculturists ti
look after hia property over aixt ;
thousand acres on the Volga. I calle !
ou him and asked whether he wonlt
like to replace hi Germans with Am
ericans. "Only let me have aoin
practical American fsrmers , " said th
prince , "and I will not employ any
body else. But the trouble is. tha
your farmers seem to be perfectly satis
fiedftt homo , and do not care to mak
roubl.8 and imperials so long as the ;
are picketing dollars. I think i
would pay American manufacturers o
agricultural machines and implement
to tend over here , say one hundrei
skilled farmers. They would readil ;
find employment with our large laud
owners , and would be able to demonstrate
strato the fall value of American fare
machines. Undoubtedly this wouli
increase the demand for the machine
more rapidly than advertisements , ox
hibitlons or agents. Russia is preeminently
eminently a farming country , and ho
prosperity depends wholly on he
cropt. Yet we do our farming on i
prehistoric plan. Now the crisis ha
come , and it puts a grave question before
fore us. Either wo must apply al
the modern Improvements in agrfcul
ture to our land , or we must bo pre
parad to be cnt off from the clvilizet
world. What a chance there is fo
the enterprising Yankee to come ti
us , to stir us up , to show us how ti
nandle these machines , and to creati
an immense market for their owi
wves. Our misfortune is that ou
educated men become functionaries
parts and parcels of the complicate *
and rickary machinery called bureau
> -c acy , or elan become its bitter ene
mies , and so the country at large i
leftfdtuxnt intelligent business men
hence wo have to borrow them fron
abroad. I need not tell you that the
Yankees are especial'y welcome here. "
Uncle Sam'a boys lending their
shoulders Ho push Ivan Ivauovitoh's
n a < * on aloti ! what a funny r nd un
ique scene it would be. But , if it
comes to that , I have a shrewd sus
picion that the autocrat of all the
Russias will not stay long on top of
the wagon. That is a point on which
I disagree with my friend , the colonel
of gendarmes.
The Season.
The lover of the maiden fair
Now hides himself away
To seek the pure , freah country air ,
And there he's bonnd to stay
Until old Christmas disappear ? ,
When ne'H return again ,
And with his eyes engulped in tears
Will ask her what she would like for a
birthday present.
present.New York Dispatch.
Wood is so expensive nowadays in
Conneticut that real nutmegs are
cheaper than the Connecticut article.
[ Boston Post.
"If Jones undertakes to pull my
ears , " said a loud mouthed fellow on
"he'll have his
a street corner , just
hands fall. " The crowd looked at
the man's ears and smiled.
The Boston Journal of Commerce
publishes a lot of dyeing recipes ; but
none of them beat the old way of
of fooliug with an empty shotgun.
Syracuse Sunday Times. '
Boy ( to a lady visitor ) : "Teacher ,
there's a gal ovfr there wiukin * at ; mo. "
Toicher : "Well , then , doa'fc look
at her. " Boy : "But if I don't look
at her she'll wink at sombody else. "
The czar's yacht makes fifteen
knots an hour , but The PinhdelphU
Chronicle thinks this isn't a circum
stance to a needleful of thread thut a
man is trying to fasten a button with.
An agricultural uaper says : "Sour
milk will bring better returns in ugya
than in any other way. " It may be ;
but the people must bo educated to it
before they will relish sour miljc iu
eg s New Orleans Piciyuno.
A poet asks , in thirty-two lines ,
"What ao the trees say ? " If ho wore
to recite his poetry under several
trees wo don't believe they would s-.y
anything. The would leave. [ Nor-
ristown Herald.
"Old woman , how do you eel !
beats ? " asked a New Orleans loafer ol
an ol < ? vegetable woman in the French
market. Looking at him from head
to foot , she replied : "Ven I haf some
like you vas I sell them to fora cent
abiece. "
The lightninc used on theatrical
stages costs 520 an ounce ; but tlieu sc
little ia required that you can kill a
sixty dollar brigand and ten twelve
dolhr brgc.uds : ao beautifully 'ot
about two cents. A little lightning
la a dangerous thing.
"I hate to be bald-headed , " said ho.
' 'When a burlesque troupe comes tc
town my wife watches me aa a c l
would a mouse , and every man I ineel
asks meovr 1 liked the performance.
It didn't use to be so. "
The Locomotive publishes engrav
ings in each issue showing how boiler :
look jus ; after they nave exploded ,
This doesn't seem to hit the ewe al
all. What ia needed ia a picture show
ing how a boiler looks before it is go'
ing to explode. We could , then learn
when to get out of the way. ] Nen
Haven Register.
Young women , cultivate your voice.
A man who has been organist in r
Woodbridge choir for fourteen yours
reports that in that time thirty thret
members of the choir have been mar
ried. This ia on the authority of the
New Haven Palladium which nevci
lies , whatever other deviltry il maybe
bo up to Danbnry News.
"I've had my eye on dat chap fui
some little time , " said Presidenl
Gardner , of the Lime-Kiln club , "an
I know from the way he sot his feel
down that wo shouln't carry him wid
us worry long. A man who wonlc
raythor drag his hoofs through thi
mud dan go to de trouble ob bondin
his knees ,' las' long arter ye be
gin to watch him. "
When the cook placed the turkoj
on the table , upside down on the diari
that is , with its back up the heac
of the house got his back up , too , pav (
her a withering look and almost pro
fanely asked if she "s'posed he wa' '
going to crawl under the table anr
cut a hole up through the plate. t (
get at tha breast of the fowl ? " [ Nor
rhtown Herald.
The other evening a Galvestoi
young man observed his economic *
landlady hntterini ; a slice of bread
Finally he said , "I wish , Mrs. Bom
bazine , that you had raised mo whet
I was a wayward boy. " "Why so ? '
she asked , as she spread a very smal
lump of butter over a vast area o
bread. "Becnuso you would havi
laid It on so very light. [ Galvestoi
A well known German supporter o
Her Majesty's theatre volunteered ti
go on the stage on the first night o
the season to apoloplzn for the non
of Mile. Elisa WIdmar
anpearance . . . . . . . .
Mr. Armit , like a prudent manager ,
preferred a rehearsal , and this I ;
somewhat how the thing came ont
"Laties and ohentlemen : Mees Yit
roar oan not seeng to-night. She havi
a lectio horse I mean , she have i
small colt. " Mr. Armit preferret
A Galve < ton man went to a docto :
and told him , "doctor , there is tome
thing the matter with my brain
After any savers mental exertion '
have headache. What is the remedi
forltr "The best remedy Is to go
yourself elected to the legislature
where yon will have no occasion ti
think. " The patient replied If il
wasn't for the sake of his childrei
he would make the experiment. HI
didn't want thorn to go through lif
with a stigma attached to their names
"Herbert Spencer says , " remarke <
a Boston girl to her Chicago admire :
the other evening , as they were hold
log down one end of the sofa , "ths
life is the definite combination o
heteroo enous changss , both zimnlht
neons end successive , : n corrcspon
dence with external coexhtonca ant
sequences. " He said that It was prob
ably so , but hastily changed the sub
ject , and afterwards told his mothoi
that these Boston girls canld send oul
words a little too quick for him.
Professor Swing's salary has bean
raised by the trustees of his church
from 7,000 to § 10,000.
In the African Methodist church of
North Carolina there are one hun
dred local preachers and ninety-two
Rt. Rev. Dr. Harris , formerly of
Chicago , now bishop of Michigan , has
resi ned the rectorship of Christ
church , Detroit.
Dr. Talrnige's tabernacle is report
ed in desperate financial straits Four
months' arrears of sc.lary are due him ,
iOOOO notes are falling due , and there
s but § 50 in the treasury.
A Baptist minister in La Crosse ,
Wis. , recently , left a Christian pulpit
jQcauao a Universahst pastor was
-entod there. His defence was : "I
don't consider a Universalist a Chris- !
ian. "
A movement has been started among
; ho Disciples of Christ to build a
ihurck at Washington. It is proposed
o lay the corner stone on the 5th of
Vlarch , the day after the inauguration
) f President Garfield.
The Hungarian Lutherans number
.01 paatora at.d 869,303 souls. The
Slavonic lani uago is used in 234 con-
; regati"na , Gorman in 128 , Huniar-
uti in 122 , Swedish in 2 , and 123 con-
regationsequire several languages
Jonnected with the churches are 1543
parochial schools.
A Presbyterian church of 93 mem
bers have been organized among the
Nez Purees Indians at Oakljud. In
dian Territory. Jim Horn , Jay
Gould , and Red Wolf have been el
ected eldera. Moro than two-thirds
of the tribe were present at the ad-
niiimtratiuii of the Lord's Suppar ,
Nov. 1.
The Baptists have seven churches
for whiles iu Washington with about
2,000' mom.era , and 33 colored
churches with more than 4,000 mom-
bera. The women have eatabhaht d a
Women's Baptist Homo for Needy
Women in the churches.
Lincoln University , of Oxford ,
Peun , a Presbyterian institution for
the liberal education of colored youth ,
has given instruction to 400 hundred
young men , and has graduated 133
from its collegiate depirtment. Most
of them are teachers or ministers in
the southern states , and 65 have been
ordained ministers. The school has
now 113 students.
There is at Union collegs tHs year
an increase ill the number of studeuta
of frcm 20 to 25 percent over last
year.The public schools Maryland are
niakiu yood progress , having in
creased durmt ; the p&st year in the
number of buildings , teachers and pu
pils , and iu the avurago attendance.
Two evening schools for girls and
woman wcro opaned in Milwaukee
lately and with remarkable success.
Many of the pupils were middle-aged
and married women ; and a large pro
portion were Germans eager to learn
Tbo new oader of college govern
ment at Amherst provides for regular
reviews , which will take the
pinco of the usual examinations ,
each student being ranked accoiding
to hia standing in those , rather than
: examination at the end of the
Some of the school officials of St.
Louis are endeavoring to make the
study of penmanship more thorough
in thuir schools. They propose to
make the pupile write out their reading -
ing lessons after reading them , the
teacher to supervi & as closely the
writing aa the reading.
The trustees of the proposed Casa
School of Applied Science have deter
mined to begin almost immediately
and in the modest form of a prepara
tory school , the work of the institu
tion. The surplus iiicomo will bo
saved and invested from year to year
until with a real demand for an ad
vanced scientific school there will be
funds to establish it.
The Hebrew union college is to be
established permanently in Cincinnati ,
where & house has been purchased for
its accommodation. The institution
is maintained by voluntary subscrlp
tions. There are only three Hebrew
colleges in this country one in New
York , one in Philadelphia , and the
third is that in Cincinnati.
Harvwd has now 1364 students
more than last year. Thera are 16E
instructors In all departments. The
most noticeable gain is in the scientific
department. Last year it had only 1 (
students this year It has 37. Th <
post-graduate department Is in a high'
ly flourishing condition. The numbei
now studying for the higher degrees ii
36. The.evening readings from the
ancient and modern daisies are oper
not only to the members of the urn-
veraity , but also to the public.
A larger number of Indian youth
are now in schools and learning trades
than ever before. The future of the
red man is more hopeful. The gov
ernment can well afford to give special
care of the handful of Indians yet
roaming upon the plains , that the )
should be guarded from the corrupt ,
ing influences of that civilization
which takes advantage of their press
ing needs. Whisky and the traders
at outposts have been the fruitful
causes of trouble in the past. The
whple nation will approve r.nd second
( he efforts to give the Indian fail
The school sup rintendent of Co
lumbus , Ohio , does well In arglnf
that less money be spent in brick and
mortar and in the bjsiness depart
ments of public education , and more
upon the department of instruction.
He holds , and wisely , that the num
ber of teachers in all the cities and
large towns should bo increased one-
third. When the people , he adds ,
are willing to bear the expense of em
ploying the beat teachers , the nnmbei
of whoso pupils shall be limited tc
twenty , or at least thirty , there will
bo an immeasurable gain in develop
ment , learning and efficiency over
what is no r obtained in the present
crowded cond'tion of the sonools.
Miss M. Parloa , of Boston , ia doing
a good work in teaching the yonnc
women of the E-wt how to make pud
dings and putties. She has just
opened a class at LaSalle seminary ,
Auburndale , Mass. Let the "girls oi
Massachusetts learn how to cook well ,
and they can come West with profit
to themselves and pleasure to our
young men. By the way , why cannot
some good woman be induced to put
on her apron and come to Chicago to
teach our girls to cook 1 Is there any
other city m the world where she is
more sadly needed ] And "our
girls" aru so anxious to take hold of
this business ! Comj West , Miss
Parloa !
A great many young men in these
days excuse themselves from attempt
ing to get a finished education on the
ground that they are not rich and
have no influential and rich relations
to aid them. Dr. Prince give * to such
some good advice , He says : "The
WAV of the world now is to look about
and see who will help you to get it.
That is not the right way. Look
about and see what you can do to
help yourself. Grind your own ax.
Support yourself by your own indus
try , and earn your bre&d vhile you
improve the odds and ends of
time in hard study. When you
get something ahead , use it to support
yourself while you learn. Ten thou
sand men are now serving their gen
eration with usefulness and honor
who never asked anybody to grind an
ax for them. " No young man with
good health and strong arms should
offer any such excuse. If he ia made
of the riyht metal , the clear ring will
be heard. It is not the sons of rich
rne who to-day fill the largest places
and are laying the world under the
greatest debt of gratitude , but sons of
the poor , who have carved their own
fortunes and conquered amid , the
greatest adversities and discourage-
Now says the Boston Commercial
Bulletin , is the time to join Sunday
A Boston minister is reported to
have preached powerfully and logically
on "The Apostle Paul and his Thorn
in the Flesh. "
It is nor. determined where Mrs ,
Gates will ba on the day of th resurrection
roction of discarded husbands. El
mira Advertiser.
"Missionary teas" are very popular.
The gossip is confined exclusively to
pocple in foreign prtsahd is harm
less. New Haven Register.
On an old English tombstone is the
following :
Here lies the body of Mary Bent ;
Kicked up her htels and away she went.
A Vicksburg negro fell from the
deck of a steamboat the other day , and
.va sucked under a cpal barge , came
uu in time to cntch his bresth before
he elicl tinder a raft a milo long , and
finally scrambled ashore at \ \ arren-
town , about seven miles below , with
the remark : "No use trjin' ; yo can't
drown a deep water Baptis' ! "
That is a good s.yiug , that tha song
sung in heaven must be learned ou
earth Elinira Advertiser. You
surely do not mean to hint that
"Grandfather's Clock" or "Tha Giri
I Left Behind Me" it cannot bo.
We are led to believe that heaven
will bo a place of perpetual joy and
gladness , not of sorrow. Haan't
our author mistaken his locality ?
"I tell you , our now pastor , will be
n power in the pulpit. I had a long
talk with him yesterday , and \ve dis-
cuased mtM of the disputed questions
of our church , and we agreed on
every point. He is a thororghly
sensible man. " ' 'Your premises may
be all right , " returned hia listener ,
"buc I don't agree with your conclu
sion. "
A Many-toneeous ( ) Perccntor
Young deacon : Now , elder , as our
percenter is getting so frail , I think
wo had better have a choir. You cnn
not imagine the grand and solemn
eflxct of hearing the four partu sung
together. " Auld elder : ' 'Deacon ,
ye'll never profane the kirk wi' a
bindl An1 gin we go to the tune o'
40 a year , surely wo can hae a man
thee Sooth wha' can sing 'a' four
pal-Is himsel ! " .
; What an invaluable gift it is to be
able to say the right thing in the right
way at the right time. A railroad
mau who had been instructed to in
form n Indy that her husband had
been killed by a railroad accident ,
and was cau'ioned to break the news
gently , is credited vith writing the
following letter : "Dear Madam * . I
write to say that your husband ia un
avoidably detained. An undertaker
will call on you * to-morrow with full
particulars The funeral sermon hu
been arranged for. "
A priest iu Ireland , having preached
a sermon en miracles , was asked bv
one of his congregation , walking
homeward , to explain a little more
clearly what a miracle meant. "Is it
a miracle you want to understand 1"
said the priest. "Walk on there
forninstme , and I'll think how I can
explain it to you.1' The man walked
on , and the priest came after him and
gave him a tremendous kick. "Ow ! "
roared the man , "why did yon do
that ? " "Did yon feel it ? " asked the
priest. "To be sure I did , " said the
man. "Well then , it wcnld have
been a miracle if yon had not.
An inquisitive boy who had been
taught to believe in the resurrrctioo
of the identical atoms which consti
tuted each individual during life , said :
"Ma , will all the heathen come up
when it comes resurrection ? " "Yes ,
my son. " "And then those mission
aries will they turn up , too ? " "Cer
tainly , my son. " "Well , when them
cannibal heathens what's boon feodin'
on missionaries get resurrected , an *
when them missionaries what's been
cat comes aronnd an' wants to get
resurrected , things is going to bo
worse mixed than the presidential elec
tion ; hey , ma ? " "It is time you went
to bed , my son. "
The city auctioneer of Toledo , 0. ,
Mr. Fred. G Ferguson , was terribly
afflicted with rheumatism , and , after
seeking dvice from six different phy
sicians , and finding no relief , was in
duced to try Sh Jacobs Oil. He says :
I used less than two bottles and am
now a well man Which I owe to the
Great German Remedy.
S k 5s * IFfc * S * P 9/
ytjfi i OERTAK
O'.d Fellovx' Block.
Prompt attention zlTen 1 cri r ? by
We call the attention of Buyers to Our Extensive Stock of
We carry the Largest and
Which We are Selling at
Is ? in charge or Mr. THOMAS TALLON , whose well-establisha
reputation has been fairly earned.
We also Keep an Immense Stock of
j TO J AOCJ TIDni.S&fO Aliri Iffll IGCO'
yb , UArfcj i&ufiao HSU VAlibfeb
ISOl & 130.3 E 7aviilinm Sfrm.
And Sole Ajrciit foi
HalJet Davis & Go , , James & Holmstrom , andJ.&C-
Fischer's Pianos , also Sole Agent for the Estey ,
Burdett , and the Fort Wayne Organ
Go's , Organs ,
I deal in Pianos and Organs exclusively. Have had years
experience in the Business , and handle only the Best.
CSO B vr.
-ad MB
21816ti ! Street , City Hall Building ; , Omaha , ATeI > .
Succesoort to Jas * . R. Iaht
R 2 * i * t i % z % 'Ea EP > F * * ; ! 1 ca ff P * IT'S
XK * as fc7 9 da d tt K * o/ Qua MM 3 Q B
Dealers in Fine Imported
Extracts. Toilet Waters , Cologuos , Soaps , Toilet Powders. &G.
A full line of Snrrieil Instruments , t'ocke' Oyv > > , Trusr-i nud SupNuienf. nfohJ.&G.
Drugs and Chemical * u otl in Uupflnjln ? . VreoentiOoia lilled at any hour of the nfohJ.
Jus. Si. Jsli. Laurence i
Wholesale and Retail in L
OFFICE CITT MARKET 1415 Douglas St. Packing House ,
Opposite Omnha Stock Yards , U. P. B. R.
The Genuine
Tha popular demand for the GENUINE SINGER in 1879 exceeded th .tof
any previous year during the Quarter of a Ontnry in which thii "Old
Keliable" il.ichine hjj he n bfore'the public.
In 1878 we sold 356,422 Machines. In 1879-we sold 431167
Machines. Excess over any previous year 74,735 Machines.
Our salea last year were at the rate of over
1400 Sewing Machines a Day I
For entry bwAavut d y in the y r ,
aaaewcBattKaaie. The "Old Reliable"
That Every REAL Jp f&v Singer is the Strongest ,
Singer Sewing Machine - "
the Simplest , the Most
chine his this Tr > ide
Mark cast into the Durable Sewing Ma"
Iron Stand and * ir- chine ever yet Oon-
bedded in the Arm of
the Machine.
TOBT OSMOED &l ai'f -.tfT88033Hf *
Int OilHutK mrtft'Jh&iUrftnb
Principal Office : 4 Union Squire. Ifrw York. - ;
' . 5lA < Subordinate Offices , in the "b nited States an i fuaa , ! , an . ' . ' < ' Office * iatlwO
vV.rid.mdS > tith