. V % * T d P y THE OMAHA BEE VOL. X. OMAHA. MONDAY , DECEMBER 13. 1880. NO. ISO. A. B. HUBERMANN , xc. x : x. x .A. 33 x. JEWELER , Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts. Gives Great Bargains in Ladies' and Gents- AMERICAN GOLD AND SILVER WATCES All E3nds Of JEWELRY , SILVER WARE AND DIAMONDS. We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money. IT IS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WHITESEWING MACHINE Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing ; in public lavor. The White Machine justly claims to be the best made , the easiest running , the simplest in construction and the most perfect Machine in the market. The White Co. employ as agents men of in tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied , because they find everything just as reprep- ented. Everybody should use this Machine , 'i h sales so far this year are more than > onbl- the corresponding tune last year. All orders addressed to the { Omaha Office will be promptly filled. JOHN ZEHRIM , Cor. IKivcnport and 15th Sts.1 Omabi. F. STOETZEL Has the exclusive sale of the GhOILID COIUST HEATING STOVE. The Gold Coin is this season the favorite of Chicago , is pref er- od above all other Stoves , comes both plain ar d hilghly orna mented , has the new patent grate and flre-pot.i hat will out-wear bnlf dozen of any other. The Gold Coin weighs iboro by fifty Ibs. than ny other Stove of its size in the market , aud is , therefore , more durable than any other Stove , is strictly warranted in every respect , ir. requires no salesman to sellias city reference sells without trouble. Cor. lOth and Jackson. THE CENTRAL DINING HALL , Southwest corner 16th and Dodge. Has lately been leased by "Who has had years experience in the hotel and restuaurant busi ness , and will run a first-class house. MEALS AT ALL HOUES. Board by the Day or Week , with Lodging or without. Centrally Located , d cell-6m MARHOFFS TRUNK FACTORY. The largest and best assortment ol Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases and Sample Trunks a Specialty. H. H. MARHOFF - - PROP. . . , . , 117 14th St. . Doors North of l nnglsis St. GATZ & FREEMAN , CRACKER MANUFACTURERS , And Wholesale Dealers in CIGARS and CONFECTIONERY. During the Tall and Winter we will handle COUNSELMEN'S FRESH OYSTERS , which are now the best in the market. A large assortment of CANDY and SUGAR , TOYS for the Holiday trade. GATZ & FREEMAN , 510 llth St. , Omaha. octlS-coJ-Gm _ _ L * U Ut DOMESTIC DOINGS. Some Lively Work Antici pated in Congress this Week. The Timidity of the Democrats Inspires the Eepublican Mi nority With Courage , Two Revenue Officers Killed by Southern Moon shiners. The Oklahoma Land Jumpers Bun Against an UgJly Barrier. An Illinois Farmer and His , ( Wife Foully Murdered in Their Bed. The Egyptian Obelisk Will be Unveiled in New York on Washington's Birthday. Killed in Their Bed. Special Dispatch to The Bee. GENESEO , 111. , December 13,1 a. m. Saturday morning this commun ity was startled by the report that Thos. Dilly and wife , living ten mJlo southeast of this city , had been mur dered in their bed. Officers wentti the scene of the tragedy .vd found Mr Dilly dead , and Ms wito fatally in jured HPv > ilioi in f > .s tighteyi ; and Msrfr'e \ fkn.a \ ? i-actii'-O'i , ! nr slin vrnf o' ' > or vie mangled , her firaitu ruiiiiin.-iii ! ' , i : tfi pillow Thp tnm- ily h "J b > i -tii Lvn-In-I'vtj'-iu u..d che inur-U ' , r inuideia , h ; ? ecreti d th niselva ii ) the house. < uul HS soon us D' 'j ! i-'d ' is fanriily Ve- turnt'd , the foul iec.d w. . c niuiitteu Mra. Dilly wa hf.nten over the no ( ( ai d breast wuii shovel handle , auo was terrible ti > lo ! . u . S.o cannot live. Th-iir I nhineive y.-ar old irl , whi > t'lcpt in . 'he nuxc room , sa a nidil light alnuip in .nerpmnts' ro'jtu iid go to ibu oim-au , ht.t think ing is waa her f 'i.fr , nht ; lay duni : p.nd fell asleep. Soon after aho was warned by thu grunt- < if d r m 't'i i- ' , and c.illed to her , bur- received i" reply. Sae then went intoth < r - nana ana found them as stateu. S'iu dressed herself and her two youngwr brothers and went three-quarters of a mile for assistance. Mr. Dilly was a prosperous farmer. No clue to the perpetrators can be assigned. Con siderable jewelry was in the bureau , bnt only two watches were stolen , while Mr. Dilly's pants laid beside the bed with the money in the pockets untouched. Ca Unot Speculations. Special Dispatch to The Bee. CHICAGO , December 12 10 p. m. A private letter was received here yestetday from a confidential friend of Gen. Garfield , in Washington. He eays a western man will be made eec- jetary of the treasury , and that James P. Wilson , of Iowa , Is the most probable man for the place. Also that Senator Blaine has been of fered his choice of the cabinet posi tions , and will be given to February 1st to decide , and that he will proba bly take the secretary of state , while Levi P. Morton will probably be made secretary of the navy. The southern or democratic states will probably be represented in the cab inet by Ohauncy I. Filley , of St. Louis , as postmaster general. It has been decided to give the Pacific coast a representative in the cabinet , and Senator Booth will probably be the man. Marine Mishaps. Special Dispatch to The'Beo. NEW YOKE , December 13 1 a. m. The steamship "Mosel , " of the North German Lloyd line , from Bremen , arrived in port on Sunday , after a perilous voyage. She brought 500 passengers. Oil December 10 , late in the evening , the steamer sight ed a vessel flying signals of distress , and bore down for her. The vessel proved to be a White Star steamer disabled. Her captain requested the "Mosel" to tow his vessel into New York , which was about GOO miles. The cap ain of the "Mosel" said in reply that the "Mosel" had only si.f- fic ent capacity to maku thu trip her self , and would consequently bu un able to render any assistance. As it was growing dark , the steamers were drifting apart , the "Mosel" told the disabled steamer to send a boat. After waiting till it had grown dark , and seeing nothing of the expected boat , the "Mosel" put upon her course for New York , lu-wing the dis abled steamer behind. The disabled steamer is known to be the White Star steamer "Republic. " Officers of the "Mospl" art , very reticent in giv ing information on the subject , and profess not to know the uaino of the steamer abandoned , and information and name of the steamer was accident- ly obtained from members of the crewr. There will probably be an investiga tion of the conduct of the " .Mosel" captaiu. The extent of the "Repub- licV mbhap is not knownthough she is described by seaman of the "Mo sel" as wallowing apparently helpless in the heavy sea with only a few sails set. She carries a number of pas- sengera. She is a stout ship , and lit tle apprehension is felt as to her safety. The "Faradav , " Captain Maypee , arrived here Sunday in a disabled condition , after a singularly stormy passage. On December 10th the shaft of her port propeller broke off outside of ; he stern , carrying with it the screw. The vessel has two propellers and was enabled to make port stem foremost with the remaining screw. She parsed on her voyage two wrecked and abandoned batks. In the pres ent dearth of the cable laying busi- § ness , the "Faraday" will go into the trans-Atlantic trade , and has been specially fitted for grain and beef car rying. She is the largest ship in the trade. Her recenc voyage was one successions of storms , which kept her twenty days at sea. The "City of Richmond , " of the Inman line , arrived Sunday with 800 saloon and a number of steerage pas sengers. The last three days of her trip she was driven tow.uda New York before a gale at the rate ot seventeen miles an hour , and was thus enabled to make port ahead oJ time. Two More Revenue Officers Killed. Special Dispatch to The Bee LOUISVILLE , Ky. , December 12 10 p. m. A dispatch from Nashville to The Commercial says : Capt. J. M. Davis , deputy collector , was killed by moonshiners in the eastern part of Putnam county. He , with G. W. Campbell , was sitting on a log writ ing , when , a moonshiner took np a gun , atrikisgigajnpbell on the .head , and then ran away. He soon returned with other moonshiners and shot Davis , killing him instantly. Camp bell escaped. DAVIS was a faithful officer , and had killed several moon ; shiners for resisting arrest. WASHINGTON , December 12 10 p. m. Commirsioner Rauni received a telegrem yesterday from Atlanta , Ga. , stating that Deputy Collector Wilcox was shot through the body Friday night while seizing an illicit distillery. Two men were afterwards arrested and the distiller ; destroyed. The Obelisk. Special dispatch to The Bee. NEW YORK , December 13 la. m. Lieu'on ut Commander Gorringe is Rte-dily | ashing the Egyptian obeJiak M > . ; i > .i td ( site for its erection in Cen- t-il p rx It is intended that the ob- . ik : will ie placed in its upright posi r . > : ihiuii February 22 , and the cere- iii. mes f its unveiling will take place mi T-I. nfr. moon of the22d , which day 'i-i n obn ved as a holiday , will be : oi. < > ' ii by the presence of nearly . .inr e .r-i.-ary of the First and Second end i'vjii' < aa of the National Guard , . . . ii"i ly all the Masonic lodges , < : iiuii.iidt : as and chapters from this . . : ! m.n ; c Mes throughout the United St tuj , t o her with representatives fr m ma y thools , colleges and uni- UOXOREShin.N A.L WORK DURING THE ' VE11K. ! > l > ! ' iai tjir.ni t o Bee. w.Asuix.r < > ' * UeceraberlS la.m. 1 i. . li 1-0 house will succeed .urn g'M IC which begins to-ouy < < re , i t : .1 the tangle caused by It- n. . of the republican joint . , in , t the Morgan resolution. 'l'-j tig c not to fight is the qnes- neil > . < mted to the democrats , and a i , r son ! it looks very much as though the battle would occur. It is probable that a caucus will be neces sary to ascertain the-sentiment of the democratic members regarding the Morgan resolution. If they are to insist upon their rghts as a majority to decide what legislation shall be had , concerted and harmonious action ia necessary. If they yield to ihe de mand of the republicans , that the Morgan resolution shall be thrown into the waste basket , they will un doubtedly desire to back down in good form , and without an excess of debate. If it were not for the fact that the present session w.is such a short one , and the list in which the democrats will be in the majority for at least tvro yeira , n desperate fight would bo made on the issue raised by the republicans. The fsar of an ex tra session , from some inexplicable reason , also eeems * o bear strong upon the democrats Another argument which many democrats are using , as an excuse for avoiding apolitical con test now , is the amount of important public business which is of greater moment to democratic interests than a fi.'ht upon a question which pos sesses no importance. Mr. Atkin will endeavor to-day to call up the fortification appropriation bill and pass it. The military acide- my and pension bills will be r ady for action as soon as the fortification bill is disp' sed of. The rpfuudmg bi Iwlll then come up to contest precedence with the Morgan rule , which Judge Becknell desires to press for immedi ate action , as the resolution has been decided to be a question of privilege. It will * ake precedence of the refund ing bill , and then a dreary debate or tedious spell of filibustering may be anticipated. Not a few of the demo crats have been highly indignant over the policy adopted by thu republicans. Special Dispatch to Tiio Ecu. CHICAGO , December 13 , 1 a. m. The following di patch , from Gen. Pope to Gen. Sheridan , aivea ; the la test regarding the Oklahoma raid , from a military point of view : FORT LEAVENWORTH , Kas. , Dec. 11. Payne and his followers , of whom there are perhaps two hundred , with sixty or seventy wagons , made no at tempt yesterday to crobs thB Indian territory line , south of Arkansas City , in the face of the cavalry company , but broke camp and moved westward along and north of thn line to a point sixteen miles v.est of ArKacsaa City , where they are now camoed The cavaly company marched abreast ot them and camped opposite to them. Payne and his cen . made many > threats , but so far have not attempted to enter the territory. S'ltne email parties are said to have gone in at several points" Capt. Randall was ordered to move grndually forward nsamst Payne to Arkansas City , and also Liautenant Caldwell with three c".valiy companies. Ho wasatOkla- homo , ninety miles south of Arkanaaa City , and will pick up en route any gtnall p rtv that may hava rntered. [ Signed ] JOHN POPE. Ashes of Roaea. Special Dispatch to The Bee HDDSOX N. Y. December , , 12 1 a. m. Jay Gould's coupervatory , t his § countryseat here , was burned yester day morning. It was the most mag nificent structure of the kind in the United States. Estimated loss , 100,000. FOREIGN EVENTS. BENT ON MATRIMONY. Special Dispatch to The Bee. LONDON , December 13 1 a. m. The current reports that the marriagw of Mr. Bartlett and the Baroness BurdetteCouttswill net take plac , are wholly unfounded. Baroness Bur- dette'Coutts" intimate friends say shu is fully resolved to complete the alii ance , regardless of her pecuniary loss. j Preparations for moving from her present home , which is the property of the Coutts Bank , have alro'dy ad vanced. It ia privately hinted thai the wedding will occur next week. The Baroness lately told a peer that the judicial decision on her money matters may eventually come before him , being resolved , although indif ferent to wealth , to maintain what she believes to be her rights , and leave the proceedings to the house of lords for final decision. It is esti " mated that , her regaining yearly In- "come/after an adve'rse decision , would be § 200,000. CABLEGRAMS. special Dispatches to TUB Em. A dispatch received here Saturday evening report * the health of the Mar. quis of Ripen , Viceroy or India , better. 4. despatch from Paris reports that M.Baudry D'Asson will institute law proceedings against M. Gambetta for the former's arrest. Parnell has received a threatening letter warning him , under the penalty of death , not to speak at the Pomeroy land meeting. The London Times ascribes the misery in Ireland to the lord lieuten ant , and calls for his removal. The rumor that Bartholomy St. Hilare will tender his resgination to the French cabinet , ia denied. M. Cassagnac and Mitchell wilt not fight a duel in Paris , as reported. The British government haa ordered two more regiments to Ireland. M. Gambetta Sunday distributed to the Polytre home association the prizes , and in his speech said that the reactionists.caused him no alarm now. The pope has transferred Bishop Hogan to Kansas , and Bishop Feo- ban to Chicago. Bishop Carrigan has been appointed coadjutor to Cardinal McClosky. ELECTRIC BRIEFS. Special Dispatches to The Bee. F. L. Almy , a book-keeper in the wholesale grocery house of E. S. Smith & Co. , of Boston , confessed that he had embezzled over five thou sand dollars of the firm's money. He was just married a short time agoand the whereabouts of his young wife at present ia not known. High life is the cause of the trouble. The handsome § 70,000 residence of J. S. Jenkins , considered the finest in Baltimore , was totally destroyed by fire , between five and six o'clock Sun day morning. The fire is thought to have originated from the fire-place. Two negroes , who were sleeping In one of the npper stories , finding their escape cut off by the stairway , jumped from a dormer window , ana were killed. Engineer Bontly , of the Erie rail road , was caught between two cars at Buffalo , Saturday nighr , and instantly killed , his head being completely sev ered from his body. P. T. Birnum is rapidly improving. Two negro children at Memphis , Tann. , were burned to death this morning. Their parents locked them in the room and went to work. Stella Schwab , of Baltfmore , aged two yearw.is roasted alive this morn ing by the bursting of a stove. E. W. Fuller , of Columbus , 0. , attempted so drive a buggy , occupied by himself and lady , across the rail road track , on Friday night in front of an express train. Result , the lady has a broken shoulder blade and Ful ler is uninjured. Bouj.imin J. Wagner , a Pottsville , P . , farmer , was frozen to death Fri day in his wagon when within sight of home. At Minneapolis , John Riley , accus ed of the attempted assassination of Judge Page , was bound over for trial this morning in the sum of $6000. The extensive saw factory ot Rich ardson Bros , at Newark , N. J. , was burned 10 the ground this morning. One hundred and eighty hands are thrown out oi employment. Loss , § 70,000. The New York bank statement for the week is favorable. An express and nuil train on the Louisville short line caught tire from o stove this morning , and the express and mail car wete completely de- stoyed. Loss , § 50,000. A row occurred kit night in a negro gambling den on Fourth aveiue , Chicago cage , over a game of "craps. " Aiie- named S n Cole who gro , was only a spectator , was fa'ally shot. Oapt. James A. Wiae , tht } well- known sttMnibort owner , waa knocked down and robbed in Cincinnati last night , and is lying in a dangerous condition. Secretary of Nary Thompson has accepted the position o tiered him by he Panama cinal company. All but ti7u of tha overdue steamers have arrived in Now York. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO. December 11. Wheat No. 2 upring wheat ad- vuncua If c for present and 2c for January and Fibcnary delivery ; sales ere January $1 041 flag for Feb ruary , closing at § 1 05i for cash , SI 02j for January ; § 1 05105f for February No. 2. at Corn | @Jc higher , with sales at 3939Jc for cash ; 40@40Jc for Jan uary ; 55@45 c for May , closing at I e 38 * ror cash. | pats jj < gic better , with sales at 3 32J@32fc for cash ; 32g@32gc for Jan uary ; 3Gg@37o for May , closing at 32c for cash ; 32j < § 32Jc for January , and 36g@37 for May. Rye | c high r ; Nn. 2 sold for 8 3 for cash , and 87is ' bid for January. Barley Adva'nced 2@3c ; No. 2 sold at 8110 'or cwh ; SI 09@110 for Janiwy , closing with § 110 bid cash for January. Pork Products easier ; mess pork 5@7ic per bbl. lower ; salea at $1310 © 13 II * " for.January , closioi at $11 80 © 1113"for cosh ; § 11 80@11 90 for De cember ; $13 12@13 15 for January ; $13 3013 32 f .r February ; $1345 © 13 50 for March. Lard 2tc lower for January ; sold at $8 40S8 50 ; market closed $3 35 ® 8 37 cash for December. Whisky § 112. Chicago Llye Stock Market CHICAGO , December 11. Hogs 510cper 100 lower ; sales at $4 55@4 75 for light packing , and $4 404 70 for fairJlo extra prima a * sorted -heavy packing ; $4 604 65 for good to : hoice heavy shipping lots. Receipts , 26,000 head. Cattle Siles ranged from $2 25 ® 3 20 for feeders , and $2 40@3 35 for rows and butchers' stores. Receipts , 1,200 head. _ New York Produce Market. NEW YORK. December 11. Floor Quwt , without change ; $4 755 50 ; choice $5 55@6 85super fine western,83 30@4 00 ; common to good extra do , $4 404 95 ; choice , do , do , $5 00@6 75 ; choice white wheat , $5 105 60. Batter Quipt ; Ohio 14@30c. Egss Strong at 26@32c for fair to choice western. Wheat Firm ; Chicago , $1 20 ; Milwaukee , $1 21 ; No. 2 red winter , $1 22@1 2lj for cash ; $127 § for January ; $1 26 | for February ; sales 60,000 bn. Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , 59c ; salei , 50,000 bu. Whisky Nominal. Pork $15 00 for January ; © 15 00 for Febrnary. Lird $8 80@8 85J for December ; $8 92J@8 95 for January ; $9 05 ® 9 07 * for February ; $9 Hi for March ; $9 22i for April ; $8 95 buyer for the year. St. Louis Produce Market. ST. Louis , December 11. Flour Uncnanged. Wheat Opened higher , declined but closed higher than at nteiting ; No. 2 red winter.Sl 02@1 011 02 * for cash ; $10501 04i@l 05i for January " uary ; $1 08 for February ; $ ! lOj ® 1 10i@l " 10J for March ; No. 3 do , 100"No. 4 do , 94c. Corn Higher at42j42c for cash ; 42J@43c for December ; 4l | for Janu ary ; 4142Jc fc r February ; 43c for March. Oats Slow ; 33 @ 34c for January. Rye Slow at 854.C. Barley Unchanged. Bntter Dull ; dairy , 22@28c. Whisky Steadyi t 81 13. Pork Dull at $1325 asked for cash ; $13 10 bid for January ; $13 20 bid for February. Dry Silt Meats Quiet at $4 1& 4 20@4 604 6o6 80@6 85. Bacon Dull and unchanged. Lard NominM ; $8 25 Receipts Flour , 40,000 bbls ; wheat , 18,000 bu ; coru , 108,000 ; oats , 160,000rye ; , 1,000 ; barley , 17- 000. Shipments Flour , 130,000 bbh. wheat , 100,000 ; corn , 34,000 ; oats , 49,000 , r > e , 10,000 ; barley , 1,000. St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. Louis , December 11. Hogs Quiet ; Yorkers and Blti- murea , 84 104 25 ; mixed packing , $4 404 75- butchers' to fancy , $4 75@4 85 ; receinta , 0,800 head ; shipment , 2,000 he d. JUST OPENED. A rich and beautiful assortment of silk lined Russia leather goods , con sisting of jewel caskets , ladies' and genfsioilot cases , writing dcaks , odor ewes , handkerchief and glove boxes , ladies' fancy work boxes , etc. Iih & McMahon , druggists , 1321 Farnham street ? d9-tf Just received at THE BEE Job Rooma the nicest line of diminutive Paper and Envelopes aod Cards , suit able for Children's Birthday Parties. Call and see them. American Watches. At the lowest possible figures at John B-vumor's. 9-3t Zells Condensed Cyclopedia. An abridged library and universal reference book , ia at present being introduced to our citizens. It ia worthy of your attention. 10-Ct E. F. OOOJKl , UNDERTAKER , , ' , Odd Fellows' Block. * Prompt attention riven t ' > rl. n by t l vraDh. AOADKMY OF MUSIC. TWO NIGHTS ONLY of a Friday and Saturday. Dec. 17 and 18 , and Siturd < iy Matinee , 2 p. M. of The Eminent ictor , t. 3IR FRANE MAYO. rriday evening and Saturday Matinee , produc tion of Hartley Compbell's greatest pby , " VAN , TIIE VIRGINIAN. SATURDAT EVENING , llunlock,3 World-renowned Drama , DAVY CROCKETT. Both plays produced here with el iborite scen ery and effecta. Reserved eeatu for any performance for Bale Max ileyer k Ktoi' jewelry store. decll-7t mAKFJT OP On Friday , D cembert2 , 1830 I on reJ brlodlacotr. Jledlam size Own can have sam ? by proving propertv and pay injcharges. JOuN BAOLG\ , miles S. W ram Omaha , Drexel's School DIst. 23-e msn-St < n > 7na week. J12a day at bcme easily madee 0) lioutfit free.Add reeSiTrae & Co.Portlnd.M Absolutely Pure. ! Made from Drape Cream Tartar. N'o other preparation makes men llht , flaky hot breads , or luxurious pastry. 'Can be eaten by dyspeptics without fear of the ills resulting from henry Indigestible - digestible food. * Sold only In cans by all Grocers. ROTML BAKISO FOTDSR Co. No * York. J. H. FLIEGEL & GO. Successors to J. II TUIELE , MERCHANT TAILORS , No. 1220 Douglas Street , IB. . oclW DISEASES OF THE EYE , Bar and Throat. DE. L. B. GEADDY OCULIST , AURIST & 1ARYKCIST. Office Over Kennard's Drug Store , Corner of 14th nncl Douglas Sts. I U. A. S. PBA'DERY. CONSULTING PHYSICIANi IiAa PEItMAJTRlTr.Y LOCATED HI3 MED. ICAf > OFFICE , ti3 Tenth Stieet , - OMAHA , NEBRASKA 'Cprlt. Us icrvlcea In all depcnni'uta o .nediclne act' surgery , both In neiicial an peclal practice acute and chronic diseases. Ca be consn'trd nlr1nd day , ni > wi'lrista A1 p ri of thv . ! tj " . onoatv oa recallot ltta CPC t ( DOD r a.iy at home. b'impUa w t 2 > I ! ' " ' - > Alr > ! tln on * Co Portland , Me NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice w hereby given that Denied will be received at the ofEce of the county clerk of Furnas county , Nebnwka , at Beaver City , the county seat of said coun ty. up to the 3rd d y of January , A. D. 1881 , at 12 o'clock M. of s id diy , for tha construction of a wagon bridge across the Republican river , south of the town of Cambridge , in Medicine CreeK precinct , in Pumas county , Nebraska , said bridge to be 40J feet in length. Bidders are re quired to accompany their > > id3 with plans and specifications of the work , and also with A bond in a sum double the amount of thj bid , conditioned for tha faithful execution of the cont-act. The county commissioners of said county of Fnrnas reserve the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the county cnmmi'gioners of Fnrnas county , Nebraska. Dated at Beaver City , -urnas county , Netmska , the 19th day of November. A. D. 18Vf. L. KINSMAN , County Clerk. dec3-lmd&w A. W. MSOtf. ICTO : X S Jisjb's K ck. con.or Capitol 4va. inrl < th Street. Onu > hi . NeV VJHE8AB W08--S 1 EE'vST KKEBS , Manager. Ma'.ufac'urer of ( ill kliila of J ffg g { Bet. Oth and intk. "VAHf , ACADEMY OF MUSIC ! WEDNI--D YASD THURSDAY D'CHHBER ISthanllCth. The On at Even' t first appearance In this city of E. C. Ellis' Oaken Hearts ( JoinbinatiMi ! When will bo produced the Grand Sprctaiular and Itcalbti : : Drarna , 111 Five Acta adapted from tha beautiful play of t.e Manei' Compm , by E. C. Ellis , until led which baa met wit mih unqualified bucci . and unbounded eiitJmiJM.-n in Chitr > / , tt. Lonj.i , } iew York , and all the ! > ri ci'.al citirjot /I the ' count y Ki.tiro n w and bnu.llul sccue.y carried hy the combination in a special car , Startling and no'el effects , liiclndm ; " \ S.l > - wr cc on tin Rtcf , " A Ilain atorm of tual Water , " "A Jill ! Iti Full fjperali-n. ' * New cal cium ai d Hydraulic tlTecta. Everything trans- per d bu. made ex .rc'sly fur t e x'c.\t com- binitkn. 'Ihec'ianuilu company is lorapcwd the very beat talent in the dramatic profeniin , number ot whom were in the trri al produc tion of the piece in ACW York od Cbisi o. The management take great pleisuro . In , an- nouncin ? that ttsy luvo vogaged the sorvl'es Mr K'ankfc Pierce , who hai madkn 'lonal repu'itio'i in 'he tart tf "OLt Dl'K S'OK- . .Y"and wliohat r > ceived thehlxheAt praiio that the leading pap -ri conld ucdiow.Mr. fierce will be upper * " > . ' by the followinsc 'tdiea and e itlemen : M.ta Flora > eton "n. JJary li ton , M. Edtth JIU Jfr. W. D Carjon , Vr. Julius Scolt , Mr. J. ttaMcCan - and William Klny. T. uenxar , and tl.e grc t and only "BAbY , " We challenge the wo.Wto produce ita equal It ha < b < * n the womUr n < l admira tion of coun'lea * lhvoari.j3 , atj lU canning antics a dwiorinj miners have ikilted all who h * e a n ' .t. The a .ncry carried by this company wan palnt-d eiproS3l > uy ilcaita. Pctf r ! & Trip ? , of Hooley'a Theatre , Chicago. POPUL.AB PRICES I be bad at Max * rneervcd teati n now Meyer & Bros. Noextn charge for reservlni ; geata. B C. ELUt , M r-ager. II. C. FRza' , Oetier l Bniines * Asrent ll-4t T. 6. HITCHCOCK , M. D. S. , i'rom New York haa located In Omaha , and uarante 9 to do first-clam work. Dental Booms ; , over A. CruickBhanlc tz Co. ' * , Co 15th and Doa.-laa. gcp9-2