Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Saturday Morning , Dec. 11.
Paterson sells coaL
- For winter comforts in caps , 'robes , car-
, to Frederick , Hatter.
jnu/J , mufflers go
Holiday Goods at Kuhn's.
Porter is running the Omaha Terry.
Choica meats , Besen's Pulton Market.
Celluloid Sets at Kuhn'e , druggist.
Trains are all on time to-day.
The weather is delightful and the
nights lovely.
The C. B. & Q. arrived three hours
late Thursday night.
The ice crop i beiacr harvested from
Cut-Off Lake.
The neatest celluloid Bets ever brought
to Omaha , at Saxe'e.
Whipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel
ers , Creighton Block. o2C-tf
Glove fitting Patterns at Bushman's. tf
Before buying your hats , caps aud
ure , call at C. B. De Great & Co.'s. 20-tf
The Academy of Sciences meets to
night in Williams' block.
Swiss Cheese , wholesale nnd retail , at
Caaimenzind & Meyer's , 207 cast 13tb St.
Everybody shaves at Gamble's O. K.
shop , southwest corner Twelfth and Farn-
ham streets. lOlawtf
H Lee Baker , of Rocherville , D. T. , was
brought in Thursday and lodged in jail
for stealing and rebranding government
horses. *
A large amount of stolen property is
recovered from second-hand dealers , yt
there are no "fences" in town.
A yonng Bohemian girl who has been
in the city but five months , Friday filed a
complaint charging a young countryman
with bastardy.
In the police court yesterday on <
drank paid one dollar and costs. A boj
wljowas caught peddling without license ,
went to jail in default of S3 and costs.
The mass meeting for the "Home foi
the Fricndle srt has been postponed unti
Hie action of the city council on the la
dies' petition is ascertained. That bodi
has adjourned for two weeks ,
The jury assembled in the Unitoi
States ccurt yssterday only to be dis
charged for the term. A lew equity case
will be disposed of and court will probably
adjourn in three or four days.
A blockman atRoddis' packinghouse
Lad the first finger of his right hand cu
off with a cleaver Thursday. He was taksi
to Bell's drug store , where Dr. Damn
amputated the finger at the second joint.
The old and reliable Pioneer Dni ;
Store of Omaha has the finest assortmen
of'rich Holiday Goods ever brought to th
city , nnd invite everybody to call carl ,
and sec them , Ish & McMahon , propric
tors. decTtf
The morning of the last day of tb
year will be a dark one. There will be a
clipse of the sun on that morning. Th
un will rise partially eclipsed by tb
moon , the obscuration continuing for evan
an hour.
The funeral of Mr. Malcolm Mcli
tosh will take place from his latere idchc
on South Tenth street on Saturday , i
1:30 p. m.Jnnder the auspices of the Mi
sonic order , of which he was a member.
Sulley went on the track Thursda
snorning at C o'clock and made his fift
TOiles without an effort. He i
-drawing large crowds , nnd says his lat
walk at the Grand Central Billiard Ha
put him in good trim instead of tirein
him ,
Truly "a thing of beauty is U joy foi
ever , " at least so thought a BEE manyestei
day , when , dropping in at the jewelry cf
tabliahment of Kdholm & Erickeon , h
was shown a beautiful silver chariot ic
pitcher , gold lined and ornamented wit
the fiucst engraving ever executed on
piece of precious metal. None but a
artist of the highest order could design
piece of workmanship as fine as this. Th
newspaper man said "he guessed he woul
take it , " but when he was told that tli
price was S210 , he fainted and was carrie
W. J. Mount , o Ihis city , has n
ceived a circular notice of the mysteriou
disappearance of Mr. John Blcckridge , c
Racine , Wis. , who left homo Septcsibc
2Sth , with S1GOO cash to purchase afarr
in the northwest. Since his departure n
tidings have been received of or from him
and it believed that he haa either bee :
foully dealt with or that some mental ei ;
order has clouded his reason , the latte
being the theory of his friends , as he wa
subject to fits of disapiwintment nnd al
cent mindedness. He was a member o
the lodge , chapter and commandcry , a
Ilacine , by whom the search is being man
aged. His full description may be obtainei
of Mr. Mount.
Companies , societies or private in
dividuala mshinp to purchase some
thing suitable for a present , wiil fin <
at Edholm & Erickson's , Fifteen ! !
street , opposite the Postoffice , a lim
of rare and valuable presents , now ii :
stock , and if not on hand will bo madi
to order on short notice and executoc
hi the best possible manner.
We beg to inform the ladies tha1
wo have increased our force so that ul
Can now be waited on at our ribbot
counter. JL A. KURTZ ,
Creighton Block.
WhippleMcMillon & Co.Crcightor
Block , 15lh St. , are colling a splendid
line of DIAMONDS , Solid GOLE
Chains and a Choice Selection o )
GOLD and SILYER Watches.
Give them a call and BOO what thej
have in the way of HOLIDAY pres
received ot THE BEE Job
Rooms the nicest line of diminutive
Paper and Envelopes and Cards , suit
able for Children's Birthday Partiec.
Call and see them.
Improve your eye eight by using the
Arundel tinted , for sale at John Ban-
mor'e , 1314 Farnhara street. 3t
We believe the St. Louis Patenl
"Jack Frost" Flour i- without at
equal in t .a market. If your grocei
don't fcefp it , Bend orders to Welehani
fcBro. , Age-U , Eighth and Farnhan
streets. t-s
Solid gold and silver mounted toile
set at Ish & McMahon'sd9tf
Fresh Oysters direct from Balti
more , 'choico table butter and ficel
CBB8 > g en apples by the bnehel 01
barrel ; the best Early Rose andPeach
blow potatoes , and a full line oi
hand at William Gentleman , cornoj
of Sixteenth and CMS streets. 9-31
An Amusing Result of an
Omaha Woman's
Pistols for One , Grip Sacks for
A few days since a merchant of
Omaha , who by the way his a tery
jealous wife , was called west on busi
ness , to be gone two or three weekr.
His wife , who usually accompanied
him on such trips , .was not invited
this time , and her suspicions were
aroused the moment her husband
About ten days after the gentleman ,
on leaving his hotel in his hurry to
catch & train , forgot his satchel.
When he reached the next town he
immediately wrote the landlord to
have the bapgage forjrarded to him.
But through eoraa mistake It was sent
direct to this city. A few days after
this , as the jealous wife sat imagin
ing all Boris of wicked things
about her absent lord , a boy
put in his appearance and said that
Mr. X. had sent in hia satchel and
wanted to know if he should bring it
up to the house or leave it at the
store. "Bring it down at once , * ' said
Mrs. X. , in surprise , " 1 wonder wlut
it means ? Maybe John hai been
murdered by the Indians. " And the
heart of the good woman softened , and
she determined to banish all thoughts
of the green-eyed monster. Whan
the eatchel arrived she took it at once
to her room , and setting it down in a
corner , turned to go out.
But she halted at the door and said ,
"Now I Vender if John hasn't sent
something a present , or a note ; or
maybe he has sent in his washing to
bave it sent to the laundry. Anyhow ,
I believe I ought to open it an3 see. "
She got down on her knees and
examined the fastenings ; it wac
firm and would not budge. Sh
was more anxious than ever now , and
tried to open it. She finally managed
to break the lock with a pair of shears
and the satchel sprang open. She at
once began to empty it of its contents
various articles of soiled wearing ap
parel were carefully laid to ono side ,
with two decks of cards , a half pin !
bottle part full of a reddish looking
fluid , and several other eimilar ar
tides. She was near the bottom nov
and was examining everything carefully -
fully , when she came across an clt
memorandum book. She eagerh
aeizod It , when out dropped the picture
turo of a beautiful yonng lady. Shi
scanned the strange face a taomeht
and laying it to one side commence !
turning the leaves of the book-
She feoon found a letter written in ;
lady6 hand , which begun , "M ;
Darling John , " and ended "You
Loving Carrie. "
The lady was on * he war-path now
and dived down into the old grip
sack for new discoveries and foum
another letter , in which the impuden
Carrie had dared to call John he
John "darling , pet , love , " etc. Thii
was too much for the delicate nervei
of Mre. X. She rose with blood ii
her eye. She made up her mind t <
go up town and purchasj a dosoo
arsenic , wait till her husband re
turned , and then , after telling hi&
all , swallow the fatal dose in hio prca
enca. But before she reached th <
store aho glanced over ono of the let
ters and changed her mind , and turn
ing round , entered a gun shop am
purchased n seven-shooter instead
Returning home , she packed thi
satchel juat as she hud found it , anc
started for the dopot.
Mr. X. , sat in his hotel smoking j
fragrant Havana , deeply absorbed ii
his own thoughts when tbo door sud
dcnly opened and Mrs. X. , stood before
fore him. The man was speechless
but with an effort led the way to thi
sitting room. Once inside the lad ]
closed the door and confronting hei
husband ] said , "I have brought yoi
your satchel John. "
stage whisper , her eyes ihming am !
her form erect. John waa dumb
founded and silent. But the wronged
wife put the satchel on a table end
began unpacking it , just as she had
done once before , and said , "Now
John , I am about to prove to you thai
I know you to be a guilty man. '
"Why my dear , " said John , who had
partly recovered from the first shock.
"How on earth did you get mj
satchel } I left it at Hastings and or
dered it forwarded here. "
Wituout deigning a reply , Mrs. X.
exposed the picture and letters to the
view of her husband , who all at once
began to see light through darkness ,
andsaid : "Why , Mary , these are not
my clothes , nor my memorandum , not
my satchel ; see the name hero on the
inside , and here , on this shirt , and in
this book ; why what are you driving
at ? "
Poor Mrs. X'a brain was in a whirl ;
she saw her mistake and wanted to die ,
Dut could.
"I can't blame you , " said Mr. X. ,
'and * * * * . "
They returned home the next day
via Hastings and exchanged satcheh.
The * conplo think the story has been
sept mum by those who knew it , but
when they eeo this they will know
Fresh Smoked Salmon ,
Halibut and Bloaters ,
Fleming ct Co.
I. O. O. F.
All resident members of tne I. O.
0. F. and sojourning brothers in good
standing are cordially Invited to be
present this ( Friday ) evening at 7:30
oclock. By request of Omaha Lodge
No. 1 , L 0. 0. F.
Na parent having the welfare of
children at heart , should permit
themselves to be without Zells con :
densed Cyclopedia. 10 Gt
The Omaha Fur Manufacturer ,
Henry G. Richter , Is to bo found op
posite the postoffice. 026-tf
Meals at all hours at Tizzard'a , tf
* ' " * " "
" * _
" * " "i"
The Instrument , by Which
Death Took Away David
Dying in Delirium.
For about two months past a young
man named David Barker has been
employed as a runner for the Omaha
house. He was about thirty-two
years of age , and had served ten years
n the regular "army of the United
States , having been in Omaha only
about a year.
He was seriously addicted to drink
and of late had been warned by his
companions to desist or he would kill
himself. He did not , however , heed
he warning , and his doom came as
jredicted. On Wednesday he
made his usual trips to the trains , but
was even then noticed to be not quite
right in his head , and was evidently
entering upon a spell of the tremens.
Thursday he did not make his trips ,
mt sat about the bar room all day , at
imes singing or making some unusual
demonstration , which proved that ho
was growing worto.
About 4 o'clock last evening he had
) ecomo so bad that a doctor waa sent
or , and about the same time some ot
us friends darted to carry htm up
stairs to bed.
The doctor was not found immedi
ately and had he been it would have
" "
aeen of no use , for on his way up
stairs , the noor fellow died In the
arms of those who carried him. He
was laid on his bed as it did not seem
possible tint he had gone so suddenly ,
but in a few minutes it was evident
that there was no human aid that
could avail in his case. Coroner
Jacobs was notified and at once re
moved the remains to his undertaking
rooms on Fatnham street , where il
was at first thought that an Inquest
would be held.
On investigation , however , the facts
were so conclusive that it was no
thought necessary to go to the expense
of an inquest. The remains will be
buried to-day. The deceased had nc
relatives in this part of the country
buc ii said to have connections ir
Baltimore , Maryland. His death it
another instance of the infallible re
suit of a long course of hard drinking
his habit probably having been ac
quired in the army and kept up eve
Zicieback at Fleming's.
Grand opening at the new "Gitj
Hotel , " corner of Tenth and Harney
on Katurdsy , December llth. Free
lunch of the choicest variety. Giv <
me a call. FRED WIRTII.
Low p..ces tha orJp'r of the dc.y , a
lha t-aS t-u of W. R. Bennett
Co. Come for your toys and faucj
goods while the assortment is good
Come for your teas , coffee and spices
Come for your sugar , syrup , etc.
All sold at extremely low pr'ces
Come for your household goods and
a thousand and one useful thin i
kept by us ai d sold cheap.
W. 11 BENNETT & Co. ,
in North'Fifteenth St.
Visit Kurt/s Store.
The only Cyclopedia published giv
ing maps af t r Gay's Atlas and pro-
nunclation , is Zells condensed Cycle
pedia. 10-6fc
Buy your boots at Whitney's.
Buy your shoes at Whitney's.
Buy everything In the boot and
shoe line at Whitney's. If you wanl
the worth of your money. 9 3t
To those in need of any boots and
shoes I would say before you buy ,
call and see what you can get and at
what prices. Have on hand a good
stock , especially suited for wintei
wear. Give now and always good
bargains. One price to all , at
Near Thirteenth & Douglas.
Parish Aid Society.
Officers of the Parish Aid Societj
of Trinity have been elected as fol
lows : Mrs. G. W. Doane , president ;
Mrs. P. C. Hall , secretary ; Mra. S
H. Kennedy , treasurer ; Mra. Brown-
son and Mrs. Nicholas , collectors.
Cheapest place In the city to buy
candies. Fresh taffys , 20c per pound ;
fine lemon cream candy , 20c per
pound ; hoarhound candy , 25o pet
pound fresh everyday , and &o larg
est assortment of candy toys in town.
1418 Douglas street , between Four
teenth and Fifteenth streets. d9t3
These ribbons cannot be purchased
at the price we are selling at , and wo
would advise all to call and see them
American Watches. At the lowest
possible figures at John Baumor's.
ACK'S. _ _ 6-tf
Military Matters.
The latest orders issued from the
department of the Platte , Ft. Omaha.
are as follows :
Thr proceedings , findings and sen
tence of the garrison coust-martial ,
convened at Fort Washakie , W. T. ,
pursuant to special orders No. 131 ,
dated headquarters Fort Washakio
W. T. , Nonember7 , 1880 , in the case
of Sergeant Robert Douglas , Uo. K ,
3d Cavalry , transmitted to the depart
ment commander for his decision and
orders thereon , are hereby disapprov
ed ; such court not having legal juris
diction over the alleged offense.
Major Isaac D. DeRussy , Fourth
Infantry , Second Lieutenant. Fred W.
Foster , Fifth cavalry , and Stcond
Lieutenant , Lorenzo L. 0. Brooks ,
Fifth cavalry , are-relieved as mem
bers of the general court martial con
vened at Fort Fetterman , W. T. , by
paragragh 1 , special orders No. 72 cur
rent series , from theae headquarters ,
and Captain James H. Spencer ,
Fourth infantry , and Second Lieu
tenant Harris L. Roberts , Fourth in
fantry , are detailed as members of the
same court.
A. Hospe , Jr. , at the Head.
Hallefc & Davis Piano Co.
Certify to following facts : Some
ime ego an article appeared in the
daily papers from a certain p'.ano ' deal
er , stating that he had the agency of
the Hallet & Davis pianos , which is
corrected by the folio wing letter :
Decembsr 4,1880.
A. Bospe/Esq. , Omaha , Nob. :
DEAR SIR This is to certify that
"ou are the authorized ? agent for the
ale of our pianos in Omaha and vi
cinity. We promise you protection.
We have shipped you instruments on
.he . 23d of November and others to
ollow soon.
Yours respectfully ,
Piano Mft. Co.
Mr. Hospe has had the agency foi
hreo years , and as his many cuslom
era assert , have found them to bo the
inest piano , of first-class reputation
and gives satisfaction above all others.
Eighest Centennial award. Call and
DO convinced.
A. HOSPE , 1619 Dodge ,
Next door to Harris & Fisher's.
Lubin's , Coudray's , Colgate am
Palmer's extracts in bulk in an ;
quantity for sale by
9-f t ISH & McMAHON.
Custom work of boots and shoei
made a specialty at Fullraide's , neai
Thirteenth & Douglas.
J. F. Sawyer wishes to announce t <
his friends and old customers that hi
may bo found , as heretofore , at 131'
Farnham street , where will be glad tt
show them the best selected stock o
Watches , Clocks , Jewelry , Spectacle :
and Silverware at prices that def ;
competition. dlfltS
513 Fourteenth street , between Farn
ham and Douglas , for anything in th <
toy line. The largest and best EC
lected stock In the city.
dtf H. POHLMAN , Proprietor.
Death Record.
At Council Blnfis this ( Friday
morning , the 10th instant , of scirle
fever , Charley E , Infant son of Mr
P. M. and Maggie Coady. Funers
will take place to-morrow at 11 o'clock
Friends from Omaha invited to attoni
Mrs. Coady is a sister of Mra. I
Doran , of this city.
The funeral of Mrs. Williams too
place yesterday from St. B'arna
has , Dean Millspaugh and Rev. W. A
Green officiating. Mrs. Williams wa
a devout communicant of the Episco
pal church nnd a portion of the jus
fruits of Trinity Mission. She wi !
be greatly missed in the work just be
gun by Trinity Cathedral among th
colored people.
The friends of the deceased expres
their thanks 5o the people of St. Bat
nabas for the use of the church.
The funeral of little Gracie Atkin
son took place from St. Barnaba
church Thursday afternoon , and wa
attended by a lar e concourse o
friends , who sympathized deeply wit ]
the parents in their bereavement
The services were conducted by Rev
John Wi'li-ims. ' Tha floral tributes
M ere extremely beautiful and appro
ELSASSER. Friday , Dec. 10 , at . '
a. m. , of typhoid fever , Gottliel
Frederick Elsasaor , age 25 years
Fune-r ] ' " ' from his parent'
residence , Oil b u .1 Eleventh street
at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoob. Al
friends invited.
An immense assortment of silk ant
Russia leather , celluloid sots for la
dies and gents , just opened at lah &
McMahons. 9-tf
Get your compressed yeast fresh
Tuesday1 sand Friday's regularly. Al
Grocers kecpit.
A Fine line of samples of Net
Year Cards at THE BEE Job Room
Call in time and leave your orders.
A rich and beautiful assortment o
silk lined Russia leather goods , con
sisting of jewel caskets , ladies' am
gents toilet cases , writing desks , ode
cises , handkerchief and glove boxes
ladies' fancy work boxes , etc. Ish < !
MoMahon , druggists , 1321 Farnhan
street ?
All the newest and latest designs ii
cut glass bottles just received at Isl
& McMahon's , 1321 Farnham street
A first-class hotel in every respect , I
situated on the northwest cornet o
Thirteenth and Capitol avenue. Thi :
new house is newly and elegantly fur
nished throughout , and the table anc
bill of fare will compare favorably
whli the beat In the
land. Give it t
trial. No runner at the Depot ,
For Sale Six-horse
- power Baxte ;
engine and boiler , In good repair
Apply at BEE office. no4tf
The Royal St. John
is warranted for five years.
Holiday Presents. A great varietj
al the Jewelry Store of John Baumer
1314 Farnham St. 9-3fc
California Pears , Plums , Grapes
otc. , at TIzard's Palace. " o21-tf
If you have the remotest shadow oi
aooubt that Edholm & Erickson , tht
jewelers , opposite the postoffiee , art
not doing a rushing business and have
the largest and finest stock of good ;
in the city , drop In and sea them.
Broke Jail.
the door of tha city jail and releasec
one Dug Black , who was in for threat
cnlng to kill his old employer , Ferd ,
Schroeder , whom he robbed of hi :
stock some months ago. Mike was ar
rested and will be tried at 2 o'clock to
morrow. Black was released on pay
ment of $3 and costs , Schroeder no
wishing to prosecute him ,
Which Came Near Cooking
the Antiquarian Book-
Store's Goose"
A Fireman's Narrow Escape.
About noon to-day a fire'broke out
a the roof of the Antiquarian book
stow , on Farmm , near Twelfth street ,
atoning from a stovepipe which ran
clear up through the roof. An alarm
was rung from box 5 , and the engines
which were pumping on the
streets being already at hand ,
; ho hoae was merely un-
: ouplcd and the nozzle attached ,
and a stream was on. the fire at the
second tap of the ell. A small por-
; ion of the roof was damaged , not ex
ceeding $25 in value , and stock of
books injured to the extent of § 150.
e latter ia insured with Murphy &
Ciovett for $1,000. In run-
iiing to the Ore Asst. Chief
Ryley fell in trying to get on the
Hook and Ladder truck , and was
slightly bruised. He had a narrow
escape from serious iujury.
Chief Enainoer Galligan informs
us that by 0:00 : clcck this evening
every ciatern in the city will be full.
The department threw 13,500 barrels
of water on the big fire Tuesday night ,
since which time they have been con
stantly at work filling up the various
It is a remarkable fact thatmen will
suddenly become color blind on leav
ing church and take a brown silk um
brella and leave a gingham one.
Other parties will go and aelect
handsome holiday presents at Kuhn &
Co.'s , leaving an exceedingly small
amount of money instead.
There you can find every style of
Celluloid Sets , which are sold as prices
guaranteed to be had nowhere else
lower. They have the finest line of
odor cases over shown in this city ,
bought of a house pushed for ready
cash and sold extremely low. Do not
fall to see their very beautiful hand-
painted fans. lyory goods are being
closed out at cost to make room for
more artists' materials. Elegant
pocket goods very cheap.
As usual they have the largest and
finest line of perfumery in the city.
Remember vou will save time and
money by going directly to Kuhn'a
Drug Store , Fifteenth and Douglas.
Go early and have your choice , as
the presents are going rather rapidly.
For Groceries you should try the
new firm of King , Armstrong & Go. ,
Sixteenth and California streets. r , They
will give you the very lowest prices.
Give them a call. d9t3
The popular host of the Corn Ex
change , corner of lath andHarney
streets , Mr. Nistel , will celebrate his
birthday on Saturday and will be
pleased to see all bis friends , Conceit
all day , and a fine table will be spread.
Always fresh Oysters at Tizzard's.
Call at the BEE job rooms and ex-
amlno something niee in the way of
Fine Papetries , suitable forjnvita-
tions to weddings , balls , private mas
querade parties , sociables and con
certs. , ,
Do your shopping at Kurtz's.
Omaha in thelSupreme Court ;
The { allowing casjs have juat been
decided by the supreme court of Ne
braska :
Goodrich vs. Omiha. Ernr from
Dcuglas county. Judgement re-
veracd. Opion by Cobb , J.
Day vs. Thompson. Appeal from
Douglas county. Judgbment revers
ed and cause dismissed. Opinion by
Maxwell , Oh , J.
Zells Condensed Cyclopedia.
An abridged library and universal
reference book , is at present being
introduced to our citizens. It is
worthy of your atten tion. 10-6t
Any one in need of eyes-glasses or
spectacles should not fail to call on
John Baumer , as ho is able by the use
of his eye tester to give you a suitable
pair of glasses. His stock is the best
selected west of Chicago. 3fc
It pays to trade at Kurtz's.
MEN AND WOMEN out of employ
ment cin find no more profitable bos-
inees than soiling PLAIN HOME
SENSE , a practical treatise on chron
ic diseases , sexual physiology and a
thousand things worth knowing , by
the popular author , Dr. E. B. Footo.
It ia the cheapest book in the English
or German language ; 1000 illustrated
pages ; just issued on NEW TYPE for
§ 1.50. Liberal discount to agents.
Two copiosby mail , postage prepaid ,
for Two Dollars. Try it. Address
MURRAY HILL Pub. Co. , 129 East
28th street , N. Y. City.
Real Estate Transfers.
J.iicea H. Farnsworth and wife to
Douglas Co. , Nebraska , q. c. d. lots 2
and 3 , sec. 2 , t. 15 , r. 13 , and a. w.
. e. i sec. 10 , t. 1C , r. 13 , and s. w.
n. e. I sec. 10 , t. 1C , r. 13 c. $18 ,
'J50.Abner French to S. H. Mallory &
Co. . q. c. d. lot 5 , block 2 , Shlnn's
add. , Omaha. 2,635.
Geo. P. Bemis and wife to James
E. Boyd , w. d , part block 19 , Credit
Foncier add. , Omaha $125.
Byrjn Reed to John M. Thurston ,
lot 113 , first add. , Prospect Hill Cem
etery $50.
John I. Redick and wife to Aug.
Benzou and P. J. Johnson , w. d , , s
22 ft lot 4 , block 121 , Omaha § 400.
John G. Leo end wife to Thomas
Tarns worth : w. d. w. $ , lot 6 , block
337 , Omaha-5800.
Geo. H. Bogga , et. aL , to Hans
Johnson : w. d. s. w. Jaec. 32 , t. 16 ,
i. 11 e. $1,600.
Ezra Millard and wife to Herman
Deiss : w. d. lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; lot 13
except w. 10 feet ; lot 14 except e. 10
feet ; all in Millard & Caldwell'a add. ,
Omaha 4,500.
Augustus Kountzo ct. al. to Fred
erick S-apenhorst : w. d. a. i lot 9 ,
block 7 , Kountze & Ruth's add. ,
Omaha S250.
Carrie W. Homan to George W.
Homan , sr. : q. c. d. lot 5 , block 137 ;
lot 6 , block 150 ; lota 3 and 4 , block
167 , Omaha § 5.
C. W. Mead has gone east.
Judge Barnes left for Ponca Thursday.
Dr. P. Schwenck , of Norfolk , is in
the city.
A. P. Johnson returned from Tekamab ,
Neb. , yesterday.
Leavitt Burnham came back from Chicago
cage yeatenLiy.
Hon. T. L. Kimball left for New York
city yesterday.
Frank D. Hull , business agent of Frank
Mayo , is in town.
E. 0. L. Edholm came up from Lin
coln yesterday morning.
Col. J. J. Dickey returned from St.
Paul yesterday.
Deputy "U. S. Marshal Ball left for
Butler county yesterday/ <
J. B. Piper , of TilE BEE , cama in from
the interior Friday morning.
Major Stevenson left yesterdayjfor a trip
to Kearney & St. Paul.
Deputy City Treasurer Kitten is at Lin
coln taking salt baths for his health.
Supt. Holdrege , of the B. & M. , went
south with his familyFriday morning.
J. "W. Way , assistant chief engineer , U.
P. , left for Grand Island yesterday.
Gen. J' . C. McBride and Webster Ea
ton , of .Lincoln , were Jn town yesterday.-
W. A. Gwyer , Sr. , returned from Colorado
rado yesterday , after an absence of sev
enteen months.
Hon. A.J. Popple'onhas gone to attend
the TJ. S. supreae court at Wa.-hinjton
City , D. C.
Ferd. Schroeder has changed hb loca
tion , and will herea.ter . be found at Joe
Blake's wholesale liquor store , in ITuion
block , where ha will prove a valuablj as
C. 0. Russell , general superintendent
of the Boston and Albany load , went
west recently to pass the winter in L'iwer
California for his health.
D. W. Hitchcock and wife left on the
noon train Friday for San Francisco. The
party was joined at this point by Mrs. A.
N. Towne , and family , the wife of the
general superintendent of the ami
Southern Iacific railroads.
P iAL -
TICE AdvotttBcmenta To Let For Bale'
Lost. Found , Wants , Boarding ic. , will ho In
serted ! p iho colnmna onca for TEN OSNT3
per line ; each Btib&qa-snUnsertlon.FIYE CENTS
per line. The fli8t Inssrtlon noyer less than
TO lOAS3KtY. .
OH3Y TO T.OAN Call at law Offlc
D. L. THOMAS. Room 8. Creighton Block
IONKY TO LOAH 1103 Farnn&m street.
M1 Dr. KdwardH Loan Agency. nov-32-tl
Cook at the Pacific House man
or womari. B5-11
\TTANTED Second-hand Marble llantleand
YV Orate complete. Address "B. " 1SS1. 48-16
2 cirls at Itcineke'a restaurant ,
WANTED and Jachson Sis. 51-13
TTTANTED A girl to work in kitchen , at the
YV Eroraett House. 49-14
\TTANTED-Glrl for ceneral housework. InV -
V V quire at one ? at 1414 Dodge fct. 47-10
OOM iT TB WASTED-Address J. H. P. ,
E 48-t' '
Bee office. ' -
-1TTANTED-A good second girl , 132 ° * jarn.
VV ham St. , ? u'u
A steady girl to dq housework
WANTED of 2. Inquire at 1421 Chicago - "
cage St. 4.M1
A woman cook , at the Enraett
WANTED 44-11
ANTED Agents for the Wheeler & Wilson
, Sewin ? Machine. Call at Office , Jacobs'
Bio k. 39-14
"XTrANTED 100 ladies to try the New frd. S
VV Wheeler & Wilson Eewiiur HsrWno.
First premium awarded this famous machine at
the Iowa and Nehrcs1 a Slate Fairs Sales room
Jacobs' Block , 669 I if teenth street. 40-14
TTfANTED A few more boarders , at the
YV southeast cor. IS.h and Califarnfa. 36-14
A ? ocd house-keeper , 1109 Farn
ham street , up ftairj. 32-tf
TT7 ANTED F.mploymentfnrhorse andwagon.
V V E. A. UARRIS3 , 16th and Nicholas Sts.
All Omaha know thit the
WANTED kt. Jonn is the Kuto of Sewing
Slachines. office on Ifith St. 849-'f
TJIOR REN'T Furnished sonth room , witi use
JD of pailor , 313 14lh street , between DiTen-
port and Chicaco , suitable for two gentleman or
or gent and wire. 62-13
T > OOMS TO REM and part of stoic. Next to
Jti Bee Office. W. EVERETT. 53-13
TT10R RENT Furnished rcom fir two men ,
JJ ono block from Postofflco. Address No.
1881. 20e svSt
n"10 R NT Suit of rooms to rent , brick house ,
1417 Cass St. , opposite school house ; al o
house , bain and 5 acres near city. 41-15
EOR EN'T Fnrnished room for 2 petleraan
in brick house , corner 10th and Douclas ft.
EOR RENT Two fninished rocmi. Apply
southwest corner Eighteenth street and
Capitol avenue 23-10
TT10R RENT Furnished rooms with or with-
JJ outboard. Best o ( tefcrenre given and re
quired ; 277 Farnham street. 24-11
RENT Honse in Shnll'g 2nd addition ,
FOR per month. W. SIUERAL , roniu 6 ,
Crelgh'on B'ock. ' 895-tf
TnOR RENT A furnished , south fiont room.
JD Inquire at No 1612 Karnham St E81-tt
OK REST Cottage , on 5th and Pine tit * . ,
new house , eight roomson3da'd OasaSts
Enquire J. P. Roe , B. E. Cor. 12th and Farn-
ham. 696-tt
RENT 2 furnished rooms over Her-
FOR Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and
Dndtre otrceta. 2S9-tf
SALE Business house and grocery stock ,
Restaurant attached. Address R. Cbaffin ,
Aurora , Neb. 9-lm
OR iA.LE Two close carriages , at A. J.
Simpson's. . 911-tf
TTl.K SALB Cottonwood lumber of all 6l7.cs , t
T RKDMOND'S. Slxteenth-st. 618-t
mAKSN OP One if d cow , two slits in left ear
JL and short tall , 3 miles north , near Florence
CJE/LLED / PROPOSALS will to received by tha
O undersigned until Saturday , December 18th ,
1SSO , for the purchase of all biildin ; on lota 1 ,
2 and 4 , block 141 , Omaha Terms cash The
riyhtia reserved to reject any or ill bids.
By order of the Board of Commissioners.
314 Cocntv Clerk.
R. S. PEALE , of Council Bluffs , Iowa , ia no
longer General Agent for tha sale ot HILL'S
FORMS. We having terminated his agency for
good and sufficient reasons ; and we hereby
CAUTIOtt the public nailnst bein * Imposed up
on , by unscrupulous nun , who attempt to "palm
cfl" a SP"RIOUS work on them instead of
"Hill's Manual. " the boolc they want or sub
scribed for. MOSES WARREN & CO. , Publish-
era of Hill's Manual , 103 State tt. , Chicago.
Nov. 6th 1880. 19-17
TJ10UND In North Omaha , a spotted alf about
_ C twoorthre3 divs old. Owner cm have
same by calling at North Western brewery ,
Cnminz street , nnd payiii for thhnit'ei. ' 21-17
1" '
Socialistic-Revolutionary Re
COLttBORAlOES Telix Pyatt , Johann Most ,
M. GaribaMl , ] . . Hartnunn , W. O. H. Smart.
Ad. ; khwitZ7aebel , , and others.
Can be hid from all news deal-re or news com
panies , or direct , by sendinz 60 cents ( in stamps )
for one year post-paid , from the publisher , l > r.
Nathan-Ganz , 3 Worcester Square , Boston. This
paper will be unique in contents , expressiveness -
ness , appearance , array ot collaborations and
. . ' 5
The people will it , and we are tha servants of the people in supplying
them with Dry Goods at anti-monopoly Prices.
Enormous Reductions irr Our
1500 yards of Brocade Mixed and Plain Color
Dress Goods formerly sold , and well Worth 25c.
OEI IT'S. ' .
2500 yards of All-Wool Flannel and French ;
Suitings , Plaids , Brocades , Darnasse , etc : , reduced
from 50c to 40c. :
T - -
1000 yaads All-Wool ( bear it in mind ) 42-inch
Momie Cloths , Silk and Wool Brocades Matta-
lasses , etc. , marked down from $1.25 to $1.00 a
At 75c , Dress Goods , Silk and Wool , formerly $1.25 and $1.50 a vard.
" $1 00 ' " " " " " " 1.75 and 2.00
We are opening Novelties daily , and Ladies wifil
do well to purchase now and avoid all rush.
$60,000. - ' - $60,000.
to close out our Desirable and easonable goods at Low-
We make this month a specialty
Fi&ures. Our immense stock of Winter clothing : for Men's , Youth' . ? , Boys' and Children s
wear comprising Working , Business , and Dress Suits , in latest Palima and Style * * , Over
coats Ulsters and Ulsteretis worked from the finest goods of woolen * . also a compieto line ot
Furnishing Goods , Novelties in Neckwear lor tie Holidays. Hats , O ips , Gloves , & ? . , , must
. Well-known to the public thar these
make way for our immense Spring stock of clothing. -
goods were the best selected stock ever brought to this market.
$60,000. 1001 Farnham St. , Cor. 10th.
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No other
preparation makes such llht , flaky hot breads ,
or luxurious pastry. ICan be eaten by dyspeptics
without fear of the ills resulting from heavy In
digestible food.
Sold only In cans by all Grocers.
KOYAL BAKI5O PowDiR Co. Heir York :
Successors to J. H. THIELB ,
No. 1220 Douglas Street ,
AT = T A .
Bar and Throat.
Office Over Kennard'B Drug Store ,
Corner of 14th and Douelas Sta.
US Tenth Street , - OMAHA , NEBRASKA
Offerinz hia services In all departments 'o
medicine anJ surgery , both in eeneral wi
pedal cnctUe acute nd cnronlc diseases. C
bo consulted ntht mud day , and will vWt
part of tlie city and county on receipt of Iett .
O'Kt'O'Qfl rdayathonw. SaraplM wor
&D I ib/.U tne. ( Addre Etlsson & Co
Portland , Me.
'JL'-fcd-.E !
The largest and best assortment of
Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases
and Sample Trunks a Specialty.
H. H. MARHOFF , - - - PROP. ,
117 14th St. , 3 Doors North of DojiRlas St.
Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell their
entire stock of
Diamonds , Watches ,
Jewelry , Clocks ,
' Silver-Ware ,
Pianos & Organ j
At Manufacturine ; Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per
cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House ,
preparatory to moving into their
weN Store , Cor. llth & Farnham
We Mean Business. Come and be Convinced.