Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Friday Morning , Dec. 10.
Paterson sells coaL
- Formniercomfartt in caps , robes , car-
muffi , mutjlcr * , goto Fredericks.
Dolls , at the SSc store.
Holiday Goods atKuhn's.
See Polack's advertisement
Sculler s walking. Selah.
Porter ia running the Omaha Ferry.
Choice meats , Besen's Fnlton Market.
Celluloid SetsatKuhn'8 , druggist.
There are forty inmates at the poor
The neatest ceJnloId sets ever brought
to Omaha , at SaxeV.
Whipple , ItfcMillan & Co. , the jewel
ers , Creighton Block. o'JC-tf
Glove fitting Tattenn at Bushman's. tf
Before buying your hats , caps aud
urs , call at C. B. Do Great & Co.'s. 20-tf
Swiss Cheese , wholesale and retail , at
Caaunenzind & Meyer'G , 207 east 13th St.
Guild & Merrill have sold their lea
business to Metwlf & Bro. , of Hamburg ,
Lot ? , Farms , Houses and Lands. Look
over Bemia' new column of bargains on 1st
page.There arc sixty-five cases on the
docket of the county court , about an aver
age term.
For l < ands , Lots , Houses and Farms ,
look over Bcmis' new column on first page.
It is not our Father John QuinnwLo
lias been assigned to Sarpy county , but
Father Quinnot Lincoln.
Kcmcinber the mass moet'ng at Ma
sonic Hall to-day , ' , at 3 p. m. , for a
Home for the Friendless. "
Charles and James Whitney , formerly
of the Omaha Base Ball Club , will play
with the Detroit and Boston teams , re-
xpecthely , next season.
Andrew Holmes , thshardware dealer ,
is rejoicing to-day in tbe advent of a ten-
pounder , who arrived December 7 , It is
the firht.
- -Her & Co. will have their office , nntil
fuitlior notice , at room S , Martin' * build' '
in ? , corner of Fourteenth and Douglas
Directs. <
The peripatetic Tibbies sends us a
copy of a Buffalo paper containing an ac
count of his Litest exploits in tbe company
of the Indian maiden "Bright Eyes. "
J. S. Wright , the piano man , located
in the City Hall building , has just sold
fine of his favorite Estey organs to the
First Baptist church.
Kev. 33. P. Dunlnp , lite missionary
In the employ of the American Ixjaril , will
lecture to'iiight , at the First Methodist
church , on "Siam ; or , The Land uf the
\Vhitc Elephant. "
Ttio eastern trains wqre all late again
Thurpday.theN'orthweslern three hoitrs.tlio
Hock Island two and the "Q. " forty min
utes. The oxrrland tfrin left over an
hour late. Site only had one Pullman
coach out j csterday.
The old and reliable Pioneer Drug
Sloroof Omaha has the finest assortment
of rich Holiday Goods ever brought to the
city , and imite everybody to call early
and fee them , lub & McMahon , proprie
tor * . dccTlf
The Omaha Mission School will 1m e
their CliriHtmaH concert on Tuesday night ,
December 28 , 1880 , and they ask others t j
t ike notice and not interfere \vith this ar
I * * rangement. Their usual Christmas dinner -
/ ner will occur the next day.
Tli re was a rumor fyesterday that
the dead body uf an infant had been dis
covered under a sidewalk on Thirteenth
street , between Leavenworth and Pacific.
An investigation failed to confirm the re
port , and the coroner has no such informa
The supreme court met Wednesday ,
and nfter listening to arguments in the
Omaha sewer case adjourned to meet again
thw morning. During the day the court
tiled its opinion in the Olive case , grant
ing him n new trial in Custcr county. The
opinion was prepared by Judge Lake.
The annual count of the mail matter
< rwardedfrom the Omaha postoffice has
just been concluded
, extending over a pe-
uod of one week , and not including Utters
I and papers mailed on the trains. The
mnt chows tint during this period there
were 132,500 pieces of mail of every de
scription sent out from that office , making
n daily average of 18,920 pieces. This is
"aid to be the heauest showing ever made
ly this office.
Malcolm Mclutosh , who was BO seri
ously injured by the accident at the Tenth
street crossing of the Tf. P. tracks , Tues-
tUy evening , died at St Joseph's hospital
ycste diy nflernoon. The time of the fu
neral is not yet definitely fixed. The de
ceased had lived in Omaha many year * ,
- nd was at the timo.of his death about
fifty years of age. He was a member of
St. John's Lodge , No. 23 , A. F. & A. M. ,
ami also of Mt. Calvary Commandery ,
No. 1 , K. T. , both of this city. He will
IMJ bnriel by St. John's Lodge.
Mr. Elijah Conklin , the vrell known
> \-Pullinan conductor
, a telegram
Invt evening from Grand Island to Uic ef-
i"t that his brother , W. W. Conklin , had
liadliis leg badly broken. The latter , i\ho
ti .is at one time a Pullman conductor en
tifii < heTJ. P. , and who has more recently been
fiinr hring nn engine between Grand Island
ta nod North Piatte. h well known here.
His wife , who had been on a visit east ,
tame in this morning , expecting t3 stop off
n few days and visit relatives in this city ,
IUS Imt was met with the news of her bus-
Kind's misfortune and proceeded home on , ley
VH the train , accompanied by her brother.
Warm Mittens at Kurtz's. t-t ins
rae The Kov.ll st. John
t * warranted /or n"re years.
tfi Holiday Presents. A great variety and
tfim nt the Jewelry Store of John Baumer ,
1314 Farnham St
m ,
< rr > l California Pears , Plums , Grapes ,
-r * stc. , at Tisard's Palace. o21-tf
Do your shopping at Kurtz's , t-t to
thai WhippleMcMillen & Co. , Creighton
lorf .Block , 15lh St. , ore tolling a splendid
' 7 line of DIAMONDS , Solid GOLD
the * Chains and a Choice Selection of
< ! OLD and SILTED Watches.
twd tJive them a call and B.O what they
mat luroiatho way of HOLIDAY pres
CillV ents. * d9t2
the )
sroal Now Engravings at Hospc's ,
Ladies' Shoes
< not and Slipper * , new stock , direct from the
the manufacturer , so
At H.DOHI.E& Co.'s , to
Leading Shoe Store.
Kurtz's Store , Creighton Block , t-t
A B. & M. Train Stopped * at
Grafton and its Tender
Emptied of Coal.
A Fight Between the Citizens
and the Train Men.
The coal famine continues to grow
worse daily , and extends not alone
throughout Nebraska , bnt also to
Kansas , Iowa , Missouri and all the
western and northern states , "prevail
ing even in the midst of the great
coal producing districts , where there
are not men enough to supply the de
mand from all sides for fneL In our
own state the condition of affairs is
becoming quite serious , If we may
judge.fromthe following , from yester
day's Lincoln Journal ,
"The citizens of the little town of
Grafton on the line of the B. & M. ,
arcabout to fretza to death , if we may
judge of their conduct Wednesday.
When the westward bound train
stopped at that place for a few mo
ments , it was boarded by a large
number of citizens , who demanded
coal or blood. The train men
refused to give up the coal , when the
citizens took possession of the tender ,
and helped themselves to what coal
they required. In the melee , we un
derstand , one of the citizens of the
town was badly injured. We further
understand that one of the train men
will be roughly handled to-day should
the train stop at that place. "
It pays to trade av Kurtz's. t-t
Cheapest place in the city to buy
candies. Fresh tafiys , 20c per pound ;
fine lemon * " cream candy , 20c per
pound ; hoarhound candy , 25c per
pound fresh everyday , and the larg
est assortment of candy toys in town.
1418 Douglas street , batween Four
teenth and Fifteenth streets. d9l3
Buy your boots at Whitney's.
Buy your shoes at Whitney's.
Buy everything in the boot and
shoe line at Whitney's , if you want
the worth of your money. 9 3t
J. F. Sawyer wishes to announce to
his friends and old customers that ho
may bo found , as heretofore , at 1314
Farnham street , whore will be glad to
show them the best selected stock of
Watches , Clocks , Jewelry , Spectacles
and Silverware nt prices that defy
competition. d9t3
Largest Stock ,
Greatest Variety ,
Goods suitable for the season ,
Prices moderate ,
Everything warranted ,
FLEMING & Co. , Grocers.
Bishop O'Connor's Lecture.
The Union Catholic Library asso
ciation have acted wisely in securing
Bishep O'Connor to deliver the firat
lecture in the popular dime course
which they propose to inaugurate on
next Sunday evening at the cathedral
of St. Philomona. And with respect
to the bishop it is doubtful thnt ho
could have selected a more timely
Bubject than that of "Social
ism. " All this has been attested by
the growing interest in the matter and
the almost unprecedented sale of tick
ets. Among tte many idsues to be
considered in the lecture , will be that
of the constantly recurring difficulty's
between capital and labor , and the
moral duly and obligations of each of
the parties to controversy , all of
which will bo treated in a scholarly
and exhaustive manner. Tickets may
be had at the Cathedral on the night
of the lecture and at McDonagli'e ,
Douglas street.
And examine my large stock of
groceries before you buy your month
ly supply. I AM SELLING AT
TER WHEAT FLOUR -hich makes
the FINEST PASTRY , only $3 60
per 100 , at a reduction if you take
two sacks or more. Spring wheat ,
82.75. WILUS M. YATES.
Warm Hoods at Kurtz's. t-t
ForLidies ,
For Gents. a
New Stock just in.
At II. DOHLE & Co. , S
Central Block.
Do your shopping at Kurtz'e. t-t w
Saratoga Literary Society ,
The eighth mooting of the Saratoga P
Literary Society , held Wednesdaywa °
attended by a large number. The following -
lowing officers were elected for the .
ensuing month :
W. H. Savrter , president ; E. Tous-
, vice-president ; Win. Tousley , A
secretary ; Louis LUtlefield , treasurer , m
The question "Resolved that Gen-
contributes more to Progress than "
Education , " was ably discussed in the
affirmative by John Hay ward , Jr. , ,
in the negative by Hon. John J.
Redick , and was decided in the affirmflt
A rote of thanks was tendered the
retiring president , Mr. Elter , for the
able manner in which he had presid
, after which the meeting adjourned
meet Wednesday evening , Decem
Subject for next debate , "Resolved
that Capital Punishment in Nebraska
should be abolished. " Affirmative.
Hon. Ed. Patrick ; negative , Hon.
John 3. Redick.
The city rionds of the society are
Invited to be present.
A Cam or Thanks.
To the noble boys of the fire com- to
panywho were so promptly on hand in
midst of a terrific gale and worked
bravelrjto save me and my property ;
Mr. Quigley and other railroad
boys , who came to my relief , to Officer
Black , who gave the alarm , and to set
Rev. R. Laing and family for kindness -
ness in time of need. Many thanks.
Hon. G. M. Lambertson s n the city.
" P. P. Shelby has returned from tha
Capt. C. B. EustJi left for the west
Hon. C. H. Van Wyck , of Nebraska
City , is in the city.
W. L. Lewis > nd danghter.leftWednes.
day , for Pennsylvania.
Councilman Slephenson came home from
a trip east yesterday morning.
Superintendent Tuthfll , of the St. Joe &
Dsnver road , is in the city.
Chris. Hartman returned from the
State Capital yesterday.
Gen. Hazen the new chief of the signal
servtse .passed cast Wednesday night.
Judge Dandy and Marshol Bierbower
came up from Lincoln yesterday.
Sir. and Mrs. J. D. Her returned yesterday -
terday from their wedding trip.
S. K. Jackson , representative-elect from
Douglas cGunty.came up froni Lincoln yes
terday by O. & E. V.
Ex-Gov. Kolert E. Fumas is in the
city , in tne interests of the Nebraska
Masonic Assurance Association.
J. H > Kyner , representative-elect from
Douglas county , returned with h's family ,
from New York and Boston , yesterday.
Robert Ansley , of the Hercules Hose
company , and Chief Engineer Allen , of
Slarshalltown , left for the east yasterday.
F. B. Ennkles , who has been sick for
some time past , returned last night ftom
Grand Island. He expects to be able to
go to work again in a few days.
G. W. Holdrege , general superintend
ent of theB.&iL , and "Charlie" Mor3
ton , of Manager Tonialin's office , went
down to Lincoln last night.
Capt. N. T. Spoor , general agent at
Leadville , Colorado , for the Denver & Rio
Grande railway , came in on the Union Pa
cific yesterday and will leave for Kansas
City this evening over the K. C. r.'ad.
D. W. Hitchcock , the newly appointed
general western passenger-agent of the
"U. P. road , arrived in the city yesterday
over the C. B. & Q. He will remain here-
a day or two before leaving for San Fran-
CoL J. M. Eddy , fcnnerlv general agent
of the A. T. & S. F. road , at Chicago , has
resigned his position to take charge of the
work of construction on the Texas Pacific
roads. CoL Eddy is well known in Oma
ha , his wife being a daughter of Dr. Ira
Van Camp.
Gen. J. C. Cowin , and Hons. O. H. Bal
lou and E. M. Bartlett , returned from
Lincoln Thursdaywhere they weut to argue
the Sewer case , ia the supreme court. The
case will probably not be decided for a day
or two. Hons. G. W. Ambrose , Geo. E.
Pritchett anil C. J. Green , remained over
at the capital.
513 Fourteenth street , between Farn
ham and Douglas , for anything in the
toy line. The largest and best so
looted stock in the city.
d7tf H. POULMAN , Proprietor.
A Fine line of samples of New
Year Girds at TnE'BEE Job Room.
Call in time and leave your orders.
A rich and beautiful assortment of
silk lined Russia leather goods , con
sisting of jewel casket ] , ladies' and
goals toilet cases , writing desks , odor
cises , handkerchief and glove boxes ,
laiies' fancy work boxes , etc. Ish &
McMahon , druggists , 1321 Farnham
street ? d9-tf
For Groceries you should try the
new firm uf King , Armstrong & Co. ,
Sixteenth and California streets. They
will give you Iho very lowest prices.
Give them a call. d9t3
TbeVairs Parentage.
Nonpareiljofyeaterdaygives the
following additional particulars in the
case referred to Wednesday obtained ,
from Marshal Fitzgerald , of Sterling ,
III. : "On November 13 , the follow
ing birth certificate was filed in the
office cf the clerk of courts of White-
sides county , HI. :
"STERLING , Ills.November 13 , ' 80.
Stephen Vincent , born November
13,1880. Sex , male. Born In second
ward of Sterling HI. Nativity of
father , Irish. Place of birth , _ Cork.
Age of father , 55 years.
"Full name of mother , Mary Agnes
Patricia O'Connor. Maiden name of
mother , Mary Agnes Patricia O'Con
nor. Full name of father , Rev. John
Daly. Father's occupation , ex-parish
It seems that the ex-priest , Rev.
Daly , had been dismissed as priest
from the Catholic church at Sterling
for some offense charged by his bishop.
In the same city there is a Catholic
academy ( , in which one Mary Agnes
O'Connor was employed as teacher.
Soon after Rev. Daly's retirement
from the priesthood , Miss O'Connor
resigned her place in the school and
went to keep house for the priest , and
Is still living in his house. It is sup
posed < that these people are the unnat
ural ' parents of the little waif. They
have ! not been arrested yet , but will
bo on City Marshal Fitzgerald's return
to Sterling. "
Improve your eye sight by using the
Arnndel tinted , for sale at John Ban1
mer'c , 1314 Farnham street. 3t
We believe the St. Louis Patent
"Jack Frost" Flour is without an
equal in this market. If your grocer
don't Ixep it , send orders to Welshans
Bro. , Agents , Eighth and Farnham
streets. t-s
Tou can buy beautiful fancy articles ,
dressed dolls , embroidered table
cloths , and a splendid supper at the
Congregational fair next Thursday
and Friday evenings , December 16th
and 17th , at Masonic Hall. 8-2t-
Just received at THE BEE Job
Rooms the nicest line ofrfliminutive
Paper and Envelopes aud Cards , suit
able for Children's Birthday Parties.
Call and see them.
Ladies wishing to buy nice per
fumes or holiday goods should not fail
visit Ssxe's Drug Store , corner of
13th and Farnham Sts. 8-2t
Meals at all hours at Tlzzard's. tf
Solid gold and silver mounted toilet
at Ish & McMahon's. d9-tf
FURS1 FURS ! ! FURS ! ! !
The Omaha For Manufacturer ,
Henry G. RIchter , i to be found op *
posite tbe postoffice , o26-tf
The Brethren of the Mystic
Tie Choose Their Qfficers
for 1881.
Dates of I. O. O F. and Royal
Arcanum Elections.
Dating the pist week several of
the Masonic bodies have elected offi
cers for the ensuing year , in fact ; all of
them with the exception of the Com-
mandery , which holds its election In
the spring. The following will show
the Hat of officers elected for the
coming year , with date of election :
Capital Lodge , No. 3 , A. F. &
M. , December 6th ; John H. Butler ,
master ; Richard D. Hume , senior
warden ; Charles Bargdorf , junior
warden ; M. Kellman , treasurer ; W.
H. Bovren , secretary.
Covert lodge , No. 11 , A. P. & A.
M. , December 8. Gustavo Anderson ,
master ; C. K. Gout ant , senior ward en ;
L. F. Haglnn , junior warden ; H. P.
Deuel , treasurer ; W. I. Baker , secre
St. John's lodge , No. 25 , A. F. &
A. M. , December 2. Skmes B. Bran-
er , master ; Isaac Thompsett , senior
warden ; W. H. Kent , junior warden ;
John 6. Jacobs , treasurer ; John J.
Points , secretary.
Omaha Chapter No. 1 , Royal Arch
Masons , Dec. 7th , James B. Brnner ,
High , Priest ; E. B. Carter , King ;
Jacob Samler , Scribe ; M. Hellman ,
Treasurer ; Win. R. Bowen , Recorder.
Vesta Chapter , No. 6 , Order of the
Eastern Star , Dec. 4th , Richard T.
Hume , worthy patron ; Elizabeth A.
Thompsett , worthy matron ; Anna K.
Bruner , associate matron ; Edwin
Davis , treasurer ; Chas. P. Needham ,
secretary ; Sarah J. Hume , conduc
tress ; Annie TJmphorson , associate
The installation of officers will
probably take place on the evening of
December 27th , the anniversary of
St. John , the Evangelist.
There will be a special communica
tion of St. John's lodge this ( Thurs
day ) evening for work 'and to make
arrangements for the funeral of our
deceased brother , Malcolm Mclntosb.
Visiting brethren are cordially invited.
c. s. P. s.
The Bohemian Benevolent Society ,
Lodge Polacky , No. 19 , 0. S. P. S. ,
elected in their lat'o annual meeting
the folio wing officers : John Rosicky ,
president ; Vac. Kubec , vice president ;
John W. Honza , corresponding secretary -
tary ; Jossph Michal , financial secretary -
tary ; Vac. Jelen , guide ; John Krecek
and J. Schustcrltz , guards ; J. Spill-
nek , trustee.
The elections In the various lodges
of Odd Fellowa occur as follows :
State Lodge No. 10December 27th ;
Beacon Lodge No. 20 , December
28th ; Alternation , Lodge No. 8 , Dec
ember 29th ; Omaha Lodge , No. 2 ,
December 31st ; Omaha Encampment ,
No. 1 , Dec-smber 30th.
The Omaha Odd Fellows' Protec
tive Association , which has boon in
existence about five yeara , has about
550 members , and in that time has
paid but seven death assessments.
The annual election of officers in the
Royal Arcanum , occurs December
Our Cloaks andDohlmans !
Onr Clones j\nd Dohlmans !
Our Cloaks oiiJ Dohlmans !
Save money ! Save money !
Save money ! Save money !
Buy them at Kurtz's !
Buv them at Kurtz's ! t-t
ACK'S. 6-tf
All the newest and latest designs in §
cut glass bottles just received at Ish
& McMahoc's , 1321 Farnham street.
Any ono in need of eyes-glasses or
spectacles should not fail to call on
John Baumer , as he is able by the use
of his eye tester to give yon a suitable
pair of glasses. His stock is the best
selected west of Chicago. 3t
A Free Book for the Hick !
Containing nearly 100 pages , ( n
pamphlet form ; shows how chronic
diseases can be positively cored by an
original system of practice. It con
tains valuable and suggestive notes ,
by Dr. E. B. Foote , on nearly.all the
chronic ills to which the human fam-
ily is subject , besides Illustrative
cases , and will be sent by mail to any H
one sending their address and a three lo
cent stamp to pay cost of mailing.
IKG CO. , 129 East 28th street N. Y. ,
Lubin's , Coudray's , Colgate and m
Palmer's extracts in bulk in any
quantity for sale by ]
9-ft IsH&McMAHOH.
Strangers , visit Kurtz's store , t-t
Fresh Oysters direct from Balti
more'choice table butter and fresh
green apples by the bushel or
barrel ; the best Early Rose and Peach-
blow potatoes , and a full line of
hand at William Gentleman , corner
of Sixteenth and Cans streets. 9 3t
See new goods at Kurtz's.
See new goods at Kurtz's. of
See new goods at Kurtz's. t-t
An Immense assortment of silk and O
Russia leather , celluloid seta for la ed
dles and gents , just opened at Ish &
McMahon's. 9-tf It
Warm leggings at-Kurti's. t-t L
New Stock bi
of hand-sewed Boots and Shoes just biVI
received at H. Dohlo & Co.'s , Central . VI.F
Block. - J ]
American Watches. F
At the lowest
potaible figures at John Baumer's. tefa
9-3t sa
Our Forthcoming Annual
IllustratedReview. .
Splendid Engravings , Excel
lent Typography and Be-
liable Statistics.
Arrangements have been completed
for bringing out the forthcoming An
nual Illustrated Review of TBE
OMAHA BEE , which will be distri
buted to our subscribers on New
Tear's ' Day. All the illustrations In
this annual review are to be lithographed -
graphed by a first class artist.
One of the most important
features will be the sketches of the
prominent private residences in
the city , which last year were crowded
out by other buildings. The statlstiy
cal work , which is the most laborious
part of this undertaking will be more
complete . , In detail and more thorough
If anything , than in any previous
In order that no omissions shall oc
cur in this branch , wo would urge up
on our citizens who have made any
building improvements during the
year to furnish us the desired informa
tion , either at this office or through
the postoffice as early as possible. Wo
want the name of the owner of the
improvement or structure , discription
of the improvement or building ;
location and costof same.
In view of oi the fact that the out
lay for such an undertaking is very
large , amounting to nearly $1,500 ,
wo have to secure a reasonable
amount of advertising patronage from
our merchants and manufacturers.
Mr. J. H. Fierce has been employed
as solicitor for advertiements in the
illustrated annual review. He will
call upon business men and
furnish them further particulars ,
concerning the style of the work ,
rates of advertising , etc. The edition
wi contain 16,000 copies , _ and will
th be a most valuable medium
for advertising.
Parties who desire to have their
residences or any buildinga lHustrated
had better apply at this pffice at an
early day.
A first-class hotel in every respect , ia
situated on the northwest cornet of
Thirteenth and Capital avenue. This
new house is newly and elegantly fur
nished throughout , ana the table and
bill of fare will compare favorably
with the best in the land. Give it a
trial. No runner at the Depot.
Tne Omaha Home Journal.
With the close of the year 1880
_ , .
The Omaha Home Journal closes itsr
business. The reason of this is that
the publisher and proprietor , Mr. J.
F. . McCartney , finds that hid duties as
city clerk occupy all his time and pre
vent him from giving that attention to
the editorial and business departments
of The Homo Journal which is neces
sary to make It a creditable paper.
Anything else he will not publish.
On Saturday next the December
number makes its appearance , and
closes the seventh volume. It will
contain a brief history of the paper
since its commencement in 1873 and
ether matters of interest. It should
be understood that the paper does not
fail the publisher merely closing up
that branch of his business , preferring ,
as he does , to devote his time to other
pursuits. The Homo Journal has al
ways stood well in Omaha and en joyed
a good patronage , and could be con
tinued on a paying basis for yeara to
come did the publisher wish to go on.
There are many in Omaha who will bo
sorry to mies its regular visits to their
District Court.
The following proceouiu a were
ha yesterday in the district court , "
th Hon. John B. Barnes , presiding :
Matrow vs. Jones , et al. ; decree
of foreclosure for § 620 , and $62 at
torneys fees.
Preston va. Bartlett ; jddgAent by
confession for plaintiff for § 503.
Biggins vs. Baala ; order directing
application of funds , allowance for
100 for services as referee.
Barker vs. Scherb ; sale confirmed
and deed ordered.
Newton vs. Ritchie , et. al. ; con
tinued by agreement.
H-trford vs. Omaha ; continued by
The court adjourned until 9:30 :
o'clock this morning.
Real Estate Transfers. .
Geo. H. Bogga , et. al. , to Hans
Johnson : w. d. s. w. Jsec. 32 , t. 16 ,
. 11 e. § 1,600.
Ezra Millard and wife to Herman
Deiss : w. d. lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; lot 13&
except w. 10 feet ; lot 14 except e. 10 2
feet ; all in Millard & Caldwell'a add. ,
Omaha 4,600.
Augustus Kountze et. al. to Fred
erick Stapenhorst : w. d. a. lot 9 ,
block 7 , Kountze & Ruth's add. ,
Omaha 8250.
Carrie W. Homan to George W.
Homan , sr. : q. c. d. lot 5 , block 137 ;
lot 6 , block 150 ; lota 3 and 4 , block
167 , Omaha § 5.
John Guilt ! and wife to Mary
Schultz : w. d. lot 1 , Jacobs' add. , "
Omaha 8750.
Wm. W. Lowe and wife to David
Marqueth : w. d. , 2 acres in nw. part
ne. J , sec 25 , t. 15 , r. 13 e. $400.
Augustus Konntze et al. to M. A.
McNamara : w. d. e. 190 feet lot 10 ,
block 5 , Kountze & Ruth's add. , Oma
ha 8950.
Jennie R. and M. T. Sweet to Ros-
anna Flood : w. d. lot 1 , block 15 ,
Waterloo $300.
Military Matters ,
The latest orders issued from the
department of the Platte , Ft. Omaha ,
are as follows :
Thr proceedings , findings and sen
tence of the garrison coust-martial ,
convened at Fort Washakie , W. T. ,
pursuant to special orders No. 131 ,
dated headquarters Fort Washakie ,
W. T. , Nonember 7 , 1880 , in the case
Sergeant Robert Douglas , Co. K ,
3d Cavalry , transmitted to the depart
ment commander for his decision and
orders ! theraon , are hereby disapprov
< ; such court not having legal juris
diction orer the alleged offense.
Major Isaac D. DeRussy , Fourth
Infantry , Second Lieutenant. Fred W.
Foster , Fifth cavalry , andx Second
Lieutenant , Lorenzo L. C. Brooks ,
Fifth cavalry , ate relieved as mem
bers of the general court martial con
vened at Fort Fetterman , W. T. , by
paragragh 1 , special orders No. 72 cur
rent ceries , from theae headquarters ,
and Captain James H. Spencer ,
Fourth infantry , and Second Lieu or
tenant Harris L. Roberts , Fourth in
fantry , are detailed members . of tha
same court.
Immense Redaction ia Ribbons !
To be sold for § 2,000 !
Read this Price List !
Read this Price List !
NOB. 4 and 5 Satin Ribbon lOo
Nos.7 and 9 " 15o
No. 12 " " 20c
NOB. 4 and 5 Satin and Gros
Grain lOo
No. 7 Satin and Groa Grain lee
_ No. 9 " " " " 20o
No. 12 " " " " 30o
A large lot of Fancy Ribbons at
Half Price !
"Reduced from § 3.00 to § 1.50 per
Reduced from $5.00 to § 2.50 per
yard !
Only this one lot ! No more can be
bad at theae prices ! !
Three hundred dozen Linen Hand *
kerchiefs at very low prices.
See new Silk Girdles at Kurtz's.
See new Hoods at Kurtz's.
See new Leggings at Kurtz'a.
See new Mittens at Kurtz's.
See now Wool Jackets at Kurtz's.
See uew Fancy Goods at Kurt's.
NOTICE Advertisements To Lot For Sale *
Lost , Found , Wanta , Boardlnz Ac. , will bo In
serted In these columns once ( or TEH CENTS
per lint ; each Bnbaeqnentlnsortlon , FIVE CENTS
per line. The first Insertion cover lesu than
' xo rxjAH cm * t iw oece
M' D. L. TnOUAS. RoomS.Orelghtop Clock
M1 ONKY TO LOAN 1109 Famhun street.
Dr. Edw&rdfl Loan Agency. noT-22-tI
WANTED A. steady girl to do liojsework
In a family of Z. Inquire at 1421 Chicago
cage St. i2.l
T A good canvasser to work on
WAUTED and commission. Reference requir
ed. l Apply at National Workman office , 12th
street 4S-9
WANTED A woman ccok , at the Emmctt
House. 41-11
WANTED A brfcht boy from 9 to 12
old to attend door at the Surgical Institute ,
1018 Ilarney street. 45-10
TTTANTED Aitcnts for the Wheeler * Wilson
YV Sewing [ Machine. Call at Office , Jacobs'
Block. 39-14
TTTANTED 100 ladies to try the New No. 8
VV Wheeler & Wilson Seninp ; Machine.
First premium awarded thij famous machine at
the Iowa and Nebraska State Fairs Sates room
Jacobs' Block , 669 I iftccnth street. 40-14
-r ANTED A few more boardsrs , at the
W southeast cor. ISlh and California. 30-14
-TTTANTED Girl at 563 S , W. cor. 14th and
YY Capitol avenue. 58-10
A good house-keeper , 1109 Farn
ham street , up i talra. 32-tf
WANTED First-clafs female cook , at Com.
nicrcial Ilouaf , Bla'r , Neb. NICHOLAS
TT7 ANTED Emnln > raent for horde and wagon.
VV E. A. 1IARUIS3 , 16th and Nicholas Sts.
WANTED Furnished rrom fcr two men ,
one block from 1'ostofllcc. Address No.
1SS1. 20a av3t
"TTTANTED All Omaha know that the
VV Royal St. Jonn la tha Kisa of Sowing
Machines , office on 11th St. 849-'f
T IO UKNT Suit of rooms to rent , brick house ,
1417 CMS 8t. opposite prhool house ; alto
house , bain and 5 acres near city 41-15
I OR RE T Furnished room for 2 getlemon
in brick bouse , corner 10th and Douzlas St.
F'lR RENT Two furnished rocrm. Apply
southwest corner Eighteenth street and
Capitol avenue 23-10
FOR RENT Furnished rooms with or with-
out hoard. Beat of reference given and re
quired ; 277 Farnham etroet. 24-11
FOR RENT House in Shull's 2nd addition ,
S'6 per month. W. SIUERAL , room 6.
Creighton Block. 895-tf
QTOEE FOR RKNT First floor and basement.
O Apply to OoaU & Merrill , 1005 Farnham St.
FOR RENT A tarnished , south fiont room.
Inquire at No. 1812 Farnham St. f8l-tf
"T7TOR RENT That excellent dwelling house S.
r E. corner of 22J and California streets.
Well , cistern : > nd barn. Apply to John Qu > ld ,
1005 Farnham St. 839-tf
JOR RENT Dwelling house S. E. corner of
_ 23d and BurtSts. Excellent barn , riotems
and well ; rent cheap. Apply to C. A. Morrill.
1005 Farnham St. 840-tf
JTOR RENT Cottage , on 6th and Pine Htc. ,
ij new house , eight roomson3dand CaraSts
Enquire J. P. Roe , S. E. Cor. 12th and Farn
ham. 696-tf
| 10R RENT 2 furnished rooms over Her-
J chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and
Dodge streets. 289-tf
T710R SALE Business honse and grocery stock ,
JC Restaurant attached. Address R. CbafBn ,
Aurora , Neb. 9-lm
AiI bALE Two close carriage ? , at A. J.
? Simpson's. 911-tf
K SALE Cottonwood lumber of all slrea , t
* REDMOND'S , Slxteenth-nt. 618-t
CJEALED PROPOSALS will he received by ths
fj undersigned until Saturday , December 18th ,
18SO , for the purchase of all biiMIngg on lot * 1 ,
and 4 , block 141 , Omaha Terms cash The
rizhtla reserved to reject any or all bids.
By order of the Board of Commissioners.
34-14 County Clerlr.
R. S. PEALE , of Council Bluffs , Iowa , Is no
Innzer General Agent for the sale of HILL'S
FORMS. Wo having terminated his agency for
good and sufficient reasons ; and wo h reby
CAUTION" the public against bcinif Imposed up
on , by unscrupulous men , who attempt to "palm
cfl" a SPURIOUS work on them Instead of
"Hlll'a Hinnal. " the book they want or sub
scribed for. MOSES WARREN & CO. , Publish
ers of Hill's Manual , 103 Stito bt. , Chicago
Nov. 6th , 1880. 10-17
T70DND In North Omaha , a spotted calf about
Jj twoorthres divs old. Owner cm have
same by calling at North Western brewery ,
street , and rayioe for thisnot'ci 21-17
Absolutely Pure ,
Mada from Grape Cream Tartar. No other
preparation makes such llht , flaky hot breads ,
luxurious pastry. { Can be eaten by dyipeptici
without fear of the ills resulting from heary to
digestible food.
Sold only in cans br an Grocerf.
BOTH * EUttaPOTTjia Co. , Heir 7oib
$2 TO $5 PER ACRE.
20,000 Acres
6 to 12 Miles from Omaha ,
$6 to $10 per Acre , on
Long Time and
Low Interest.
Large tracts suitable fcr
Colonies in all the best
Counties in the State.
80,000 acres scattered
through Iowa.
A large number of Improved
Fanna in Nebraska , many oi
them near Omaha , $12 to $40
per acre , ,
An Immense List of
Consisting of Elegant Resi
dences from $3,000 to $20-
000. Many vacant lots in
the additions to Omaha.
Hundreds of lots scattered
through the City. Houses and
Lots , Business Houses and
Lots , and all kinds of City
Real Estate.
We also have
on Improved Farms in Doug
las County , on 5 years time , at
10 percent , interest to all who
show good titles.
Maps for Douglas and Sarpy
Counties for saJc ,
I beautiful Iota fronting South la feuc & .
Selden's add. for J1EO half cash.
House and lot , 22d and Dodge f 3,000
House and lot near Brownell Hall 2,100
Two new houses and full lot , routs for
$4SOperyear 4,000
New brick house , 21x25,1 } etory , with 3
lota - . 2,000
House and lot Webster et 1,600
L&re bouse and corner lot 6,000
Large bouse , full lot. California et 4,000
Residence and 4 full loti , St. Mary's ave. ' 6,600
House and small lot , south of depot 950
House and small lot , aonth of depot 635
Residence property , Kountzq and Rath'a
add , 6,500
Fine residence property 10,000
House and lot , 22d and Barney „ „ 1 800
Hnustsnd lot , Nelson'i addition 2,700
House and lot Shlnn's addition 1,000
Resldcnceand corner lot. 3,005
Residence ( caph ) 7,600
ResIdedM 6,000
Residence 6,500
House and one-half lot 1.C5C
Three bouses and corner lot 7,600
Residence and comer lot 7,600
House and 60 feet front , I6th street 3,700
Larze house and corner lot. . . . 0,600
Residence and three lota 6,500
Two house and corner two-thirds of cor *
nerlot 1,100
House and small lot , Casg street 2,100
Hausoandlot , 27tb neap Farnhim lOOC
Brick hou3o and corner lot 1,300
Small house and full lot , Coming * at 2,360
House and lot , 23d street 3,200
House and full lot , worth $4,000 for 6,500
Fine brick residence 1,500
Brick residence 6,660
House and comer lot. . . 1,550
New two-etory house and comer lot 4,200
Residence and full lot , Farnham st & , r.OO
House and one acre , 18th ctreet 3,000
House and half lot , 18th street 2,200
House and lot , Shlnn's addition. . 1,000
House and half lot , Casa atrtet 1,100
House and half lot , Cast Street l,4M
Residence and two lota , Capitol Hill 7,000
Elegant brick residence 2 full lota. 16,600
Finest residence In the city 10,000
Residence property 17,000
Restden.e property 17,500
Residence 6,500
House and Io , Shlnn'a addition- 1,200
House and lot , Shlnn's addition. . . . _ . . . 1,600
House and lot , 28th and Fimham ] 400
House and lot. 27th and Douglaa $376
House and full lot , Izardat 1,70
Newhousoand 1 } lot 2,200
Residence property. . . . , . 7,600
Residence property , very flne 13,600
Houseand lot , Horbach'8 addition 1.600
Residence , Famham st 3,000
Honse and ilot 1 block from Court
House and J lot 1 block from Court
Housa „ 2,250
House and corner lot 2 blocks from Court
House 2,400
House and bt , Nicholas street 1,000
Honse and 1 acre , G lacs' addition 610
House and lot , llth street Pee
Large building and six lota , 1 mile out. . . 4,000
House and lot on Davinport , 3600
Houie and t lot , near depot. . . . . 1,500
House and t lot , near depot BOO
Housoand lot , South Arenue IQOO
Homo and lot , Shlnn'a addition 1.900
Residence , Konntze and Ruth's add 2,600
Residence property , Eountze and Ruth's
addition 5,000
Residence property , south part cf town. . 2,600
House and J lot , Webster tt 2,700
Honse and 6 acres at Darracks 700
Howe and lot , Armstrong's addlt'n 1,000
House and lot , South 1J st 650
Honse and lot , Kountze and Ruth's ad
dltlon s,600
Resldcnceand } lot 2,700
House and lot , 16th St. . . . 3500
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 Farn. St. , Omaha ,
Immense Stock for
Fine Cnstom-3Iadc
Men's Suits ,
Boys' Suits
Children's Suits.
Tor Men ,
Boys , and
Children *
Undcr-YTcar , Hats snd Caps ,
and Valises , at
Prices to Suit AH.
Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth
'J. ' ' ± ± J ± !
J10USE ,
The largest and best assortment of
Trunks and Valises in the West , Telescopic Case *
and Sample Trunks a Specialty.
. . , , ,
117 14th St. , 3 Doors North of Douslas St.
Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and a full line of
Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead
ily and rapidly increasing in pnblic lavor.
The White Machine jnstly claims to be the
best made , the easiest running , the simplest in
construction and the most perfect Machine in
the market.
The White Co. employ as agents men of in
tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied ,
because they find everything just as repres
Everybody should use this Machine. The
sales so far this year are more than double
the corresponding time last year. I
All orders addressed to the JOmaha Office
will be promptly filled.
Cor. Davenport and 15th Sts. ' Omana.
Has the exclusive sale of the
G-OXJD ooiirsr
The Gold Coin is this aeaaon the favorite of Chicago , is prefer-
ed above all other Stoves , comes both plain and bijghly orna
mented , has the new patent grate and flre-potthat out-wear
half dozen of any other. The Gold Coin weighs more by fifty Ibs.
than any other Stove of its size in the market , and is , therefore ,
more durable than any other Stove , is strictly -warranted in every
respect , it requires no salesman to sellifc as city reference sells
without trouble. Cor. 10th and Jackson.