ATTBHKTS-JIT-UW 5KARLES POWELL , I usaCEOFTEZ F ACE earner 1B& mad * 7TOSKET AT LAW Eoa = C.OredjklOB JA , Slt b. lEth gt. . OKAHA. SEE- D. L THOMAS , i TTOKKET AT TATS" Loss * bsjt A. and ttSf reel fctte. Room Xjook- A. D. TEOUP , i 370FJTCT AT IATT OSes hi Ht sart L. Eoa rtth c err t ftitcttst , isee lambuiaBt. OKAHA , YEB. DEKTEELTKOMAS , noiacrr AT L&IT crtscts ri Sana A. M. CHADWICK , 4 TTOEKET AT LAV OSoe liOi " ? JLWTSE SH la OirUiton Block. OKAZA.SZE&ASZA. XADX 0'S3 ! S & BAJTTLEIT , Attoineys-at-Law - - , ATTORNEY AT LAW. BLOCK. CSE. CSWIETB STS. OKAHA. g W. J. Gonnell , Attorney-at-Law. O&sti F ot fjoEO- tip liiirtln EIHSOOE : " * - . oomcr rjfc = tli ca REDJCE & REDICE , Attorney s-at-Law. Sed * ! tafrttcm to in * s2U t corporvUon * o ! ererr deacrlptlon ; in J the CosrW ol the BaAe aod tht Butes. oaaa. r rah ai Coon Eosse. ED AEO W. Si ERAU A rroHinir AT LAW aooa e csr ! 4 > tcii 1. Biocfc,1Kh ted Dostlat CrecU. no8dt I. F. KAKDERSOK , t TTOSSXT AT LAW us -"L Om&ha . T. KICHAEOE. a. J. He-1 BI8HAROS & HUKT , Attorneys-at-Law. Oryr SIR Rr-rth Tmmxenth Street. ST THE CSE OP DR. BOSflNKO'S * " PILE REMEDY. IHTERKAL , EXTERNAL , AMD HCHIKS PILES rtrtg encg ca ttx nppUcmtloa T i . IMie Keexs y. htrii ct tT PK n the rutrla atgt-rtxt. eiliaui Ltn bf lnt oe laefc DO NOT DELAY the drain on U c fyfttsm. fitAiuui rtlanhUltr. feet tar U. TRY CURED PHICE , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUB DBUGGIST F08 IT , < a * < wbea roa can not obtain tt ntTrf , , awad It. prrpaid , oar f " * bo a Trcattee as eippUaaxton. DR. BOSAHKO MED1CIKE CO. P1QPA.O. _ _ THE COLORADO BUSINESS COLLEGE \ Tfclf SnHtttntitiii , located tt BetrrBr. OolorUa , the Ednaeifoxiil sail Soamerdsl center at the VrC. ii prt-tslucntlj ihe beet " * etltl Ktldadlorthe * MERCANTILE TRAIK1HO or YomicMen and Ladies * < 3. W. FOSTER , President , D. TV. OADT , Secretary. Tkt tao t ertenalTe , tborocpt aci eocpu etlnitiaQ c ! the kind la tbe wtHd. TbDSBndt f aaotxataiuai > ddiaiocei 2 a. In tht pria. eipej dtle : tad tcwr.i ot the Celled BaUea , eire -their race IB ; lo csr oocnc cf tralclae. The ieht End of Edaoationfor Young Men and Ladies. n e , srv trttV block. * t J rrtio o ! three tract otr line * . .EiepoiUy fitted and pkrtia Btf lortbe a.fpllratJan ol aad earr at o ! ocr zortl cud irvteziatic cethedf a ! JUSDSESS TEAININ& . Totmj : jntai who eonteaiplate a bnitaeai HJt , ad ptrtaU carin ; eoci to cdamu , are partdcn- Itrty reqnnted tc tend lor oor cnr Circslar , whltb vin pirt fall inlornvticm ai to tenai , Okdltion o ! cctrtact , etc. Aiircc G. V. P03TEE , President , Bearer. Colorfcio. THE MAILS. E.CSjP.630i.Bi. C. P. B.R , 11MO t. B. O. fc 2. T. Uaato , 1C * . n. O.JtX-W. , 7 . II a.n. , BSOp-sa. O. K. I. * P U m. m. . II T . = . CL B. & St , Joe. , 11 ta , 11 p. s. o. t E. v. tn = ifasoJc , i aa . = : local mad lor Btxtct Ion leanbsjceee d7riK ISO v a. OSorcpeairoa IS to 1 Pi a. Ssa xjs. SBOKAS F. HALL. Pcac = aat . ArriTad And Departure ef Trains CKIOK PAOHC. _ IXATI. Axcvm. D Kylrprw..72asp.E. 531 p.m. do JOrBd. . . . . . 20 p. m. do rrefchi _ : * . & . do do - EOS * . D. TDCE SAED OF THT BTKiSGTOK. . m. Kan _ . 3teOOp , = - SandjijT Eroeptvd. Snndayt Sxerpted. CH1CAG 0rEOCE 1ELAKD & PACIFIC. . .1MJO p. m. 50ETHTTESIEK.K. t Ettad Tt ezcepted. gATOAt CQT.ET. JOE ft OOCKCIL ELCTTE. only liae m lrc PnIBui ontotO = iiato Union Depot. OKAHA & SOEIHWI IEBS AID OTT t PACiriCEAILEOABS. Zzjnn - fcM m. B. 1 Fiprat.lS p ra. B. & 3L K. 1L la KEBEJLSKA , " tun. * JLXT7TZ , Throcrhrrp..E : tia j Threoh Ery. . LSneola xp..CI p ra | lisctla zp. E30UI COT & ET. PACL t. fc. Xrpna - K , pmtil . , - TM f aa TTABAEH , BE. XXtTB. S . at. J v n . ( Erpr6SB.CS p. Q. EmwE nrriiJOK c. P. z. z. , k. n. , t . ra. , 10 II & . a. . 1 p. a. , 1 p. s. , p. & . , Ep. LCKT * OotmdQ BteSz ; & 25 & . x . OS E.mlld i.n.lSEp- fcSS p. m , 35 p. d. , tSS p. = 1. , ES5 p. zx , POST trtpi en tsa * Tle , Ttef Omthi U i nd 13 fc. ru , S tad t p. m. ; OocncO BlnSi at list k. a , ud S2J > Bd E45 p. a. Lean Omihn 6 , n. , 7. v c , 'E38 . Letre Ootmcfl BlcSc felt - = , , trtB . B IlrfO kEi. 3Jp. r , 7i p- tz7 p. B. DtOf oaept Soadiy. OKAAA fc CEPCBLIC&X TALLET2. . SAKTA CLATJ5 POUND. Greatest lilsoorery or t&e JS e. WoadertaJ discover ) win the world fcsT bMaB dc Aaonp other thicrt vbere Suite Cine tuyed Children oft * * k 21 he cats * coodi or sot , II mDy be llTta So noanUio of cent. Lantywrxn dcunste lolled dear to the Pol * Aad End danSj dropped into * i * Bssanri nke thole TPhcre ironder ol woadm tl&ffDimi &anrlaaj , iThBe Jilrr-litt b I = r Lppearad on each > > .M There -mt mncnUinz like ocra , nith isorc And ttr brichter iid tf " mr wme sees , BJrdf withthetnesoJ rtJabow vere toond , Wtfle fiowert ol Kot Iocs were they left to irosder la < Scab < A beSur Boon TM > the ? h& hetrd Bcdi kbost , TWM B nt d rs * eel ! tad th iithey < J ] j , 3el okfd likslhe mctnrer eB f ererj diy. EC drortrp torn tint looked Terrqner , * Tni & totin trruabopDen trMt - of rtinieor , He rode in * ibeU instead ol a ilelph , Bet he took then OB fcoud and drore thez ? . He shcnred tbea alloTcrUc vtctoertsl ntiK , Aafi kctoric * nakinc raods for vonifn and mea To Bnscc1 ! thtf ccid they Bundle then JL Kris Eicele , the Glorc l teTtoHlbc = i tl oacc , . Santa ahcrjred then rszpaadsrt f jziay tU&t more. Sayinc 1 alje took ibeK to Wand Baaoe'i Elsrc. B nu. CUta then wMpen d a nectrt he'd te2. At jBOmtha ercrr one knew Bcnoe nH , He tCeref ore sbomd tend hi roodt to hte can , Kno rinj : his tiiecdi viD pet tjiolr rsll hxr * . KPW remszher T dveneri In Omaha torn , AH fho wa3t TiraenU to Tvtmoe'i ro rocad , For thirtE. ooQira , or ctorec cn t aad asall , Bend TOST sister or cant one aad alL Bnnot , Champion Batter ol the ITot. Xtesrhi A new u4 hitherto tskaswa resedy ter all dlacaeei ol the Bdnfjt , IB adder , aad Crtiary Drrana. It nffl pontrrelT csre Diabetee , Gnrel , Drop- tr , Brirbt * ! Bieeaie , inatelirr to r tila or czpeO tbeTJrineCat rrhdibe iU8Br. tirt eolrred and ecmt ) Trine , Pslntcl Crrnat.lnc. . EAXE HACK , Gcaen.1 "Weakness , and ill FecuJeOoa- It aroid < Invercxl medlcnet , ii certslK In It eCeet * and certs vbsn nothisc tin can. For * ale tjaH Pi i 'j or tent bj nuH tree cpon receipt ef the price , H.OO. DAY TJEYPADCO PROFES. Toledo , O. fosz d reei far ocr little beck. How * VM EaTcd. " XES E. IEH. Aject for Kehrubu Tsrr&nt's Seltzer Apeiltni- . A are lor Irdic t'oa Jritbthil , AhnbhUopbrrcraje 'eli ht A renwdr Jor every aflmrat O' r hich the DlliouJ mate A UzaSre , thonjh mfld. effeetir * , A tonic , nerrine iud euurctir * ; Aa aa botfjinc everj ThatncAher Ki cre deemed exoe emt , With kloolj Hberal taad Ixto the bmoa teluci Sprite- HOTTCTAgT.r _ _ AT XXnU.O BIXAZ.T CIS cfEKT TS " * " JT.1FT1. feet retHrned from sbort cn e in tie Arctic ocesn it WBH * ttt d tiat Ci eewon iad-b eti TinufoaUT stort and tb t the oatci hta b&ea Urge , bnt few people -were airtrc cf'tliB' extra- crdiairy oiscovery waich hid bsen ade byiio crwof-oneof tieveHel , irhioh is to resalt in the enriching of & toore or mors people. The u told by the otsttin of the i u foUoVB ; While the resiel lying in esae.ll bjiy i tiie taonth cf one oi th rivers irhich empty into the ooean oa the ossst-of Aiacka , a Ctet rnsnv of ihe c&y ves rarne aboerd to trade for esa barnit , of trhieh tr-ey re passioaatelj fond , .nd .ihsj trere treiied EO liberally "by the whits men th&t the ohief isrited .heesptain to sosornp&ny them up the river s short flaianc * on & cshing-excnrsion. The csp * in contented , especially ka he wa told thitlhe river sw \ rraedssith , sal- inon , and he denredio IAT in a sup ply. Awhtle i minned , and the csptun , one of the rnatei &nd f ocr men Urt don the expedUlc * . The entire pirty "went CT TUX XITBaX &boni ftwn mile * , pi&ti& | er B rapid irhieh ir& diScnlt on kosonat of the Ewift current &nd roety ob- strffijtions. Soon after puting the rspidz they c&mi in tight of & hill , tnngedwi'th trees and thrnbt at its base , but barren end reeky toward the c'ommit7 vetch teemed to be no acre than f ocr or ire hncdred feet nigh. Here tha party halted , and after prrUHng of dinner the teamen began tOdng salmon , while tha osp- tain and rattm , together -urith ihe cnief , made an aiqent of the hUL Arriving at the top they fo nd vhitaeexnediobe he crater cf u ertinet voliino , and &rc'o&S v ra evi dences that at one time there had been a terrible eroption , for locte boirldera , charred and blackened , etrewed the ground In crery direc tion. In the crater itself the Captain noticed th& the rocks resembled eon * gealtd iron after it had been molted , and undertook to knock off j& piece , bet ccnld not do it at it clemed to bend , not break , vith Ma repeated bio in with the hud of ihe boat-ax. He then tmct it with the bltds of tht az and aeixilly and took it in his hand. Where the az had cleaved itt way tkroBgh the rock he Bawjrat at scft ccarly as lead , although it aid not thins. He thought then that it was & metal of tome kind and kept it. The lEats meantime had pioted up aome of the loose rocki and bowlder * , and they tt .rted away.To wardt erening a native brought B piece of rock about twelve inches long by BIX inches thick , which w ? ghe < f 4B pounds and sparkled with cold , stating h had found it near another hill far ther np the river , and ihaiaoch r.-ct was easily gathered therc. Tht party retnrned to the. tessel , ladin doe time -BrriVed in San Frandsco. Here the story w&s told to a gentleman liv ing in O&kland , and the specimens h mJ d ever to him for tht purpose of hsvinf proper assays riada. This was done , and the pieoe which the captain chopped cff the top of tht hill with the ax went $0000 p r ton in silver , and the loose rocks picked np on the aide of the hill went tt high as (275 , sQrerper ton. It seems then that this hill is a mountain of silver , and that it it only the beginnicc of vast discoveries which will eon be isade iu Alaska , which may yet become the 1 Dorado to which thousands will rush. The Oakland gentleman tpoi-n of immediately formed a party er OBpany which has CHABTTEID TEX WHAXH Te take a trip to the scene of the re markable find , as socn tt the season opens. The party will consiit of the sama captain and mace who fonnd the treatnre and six others , besides the crew. Tht company will provision the vessel for seven months , p y the crew and give the capt&in and taats an pqu l ahare of the proceeds. It is de- nigned to leave San Francisco in April. It will take eighteen or twenty days to make the rnn np and not more than 15 or 20 days to load the vessel , which will return to SanFrancisso , unload car- jo and made another trip to the place again. On her first trip the will Tears the working party , which will pnt in the time during her absence in celling o t a cargo cf the richest ore for her on her return. It will be remembered that the "Oorwin , " on herHrip to tht Arctic this season , discovered an on- limited anpply of cosl in Northern Alasta , and alto brought back speci mens of stiver-bearing rock , which assays (170 per ton. Eo if the whal er is soccetsf ul im 1831 , we may lock for lively times in Aluka in the aear Future. OLD CLIP'S BTOST. HOW A ITXXK'E HXEL BOKI Ltf Beek ( Ark. ) GaceUc. - Clip Jefferson , a colorad man of this city , claims to be 10S years old. He it very communicative , and , with financial eneouracemtnt , talks freely about strange sightt he has seen. Yesterday , in conversation with the truthful man of this paptr , he related a piece of experience , which , if true or untrue , is stranger than a great deal of ordinary fiction : "When I wns * young man , " laid old Clip , " 'mung one ob de numer ous wives dat I hsd wur one ob de ikeliest yaller wimmen I eber teed. Sberr buck nipger in de community wux trter htr , but I wni de boat , case the wouldn't fling me ober for none ob dem. One Satnrdty eben- ag I wus gwine to mywifa's ipnse- when eJLob * aadda * bif iron pot rolled onVen de fcsjco cornder , rolled agin iny lafg , rolled op on ray shoulder and got down ober z y he d like a hat Hit cam down to low d&t I wa blinded. I tried io take hltc-S ; but cotf dn't. Petty socx it gnn ter leadine. Hit tok me through swKaj * and throngh de riber. I walked J1 night an * 11 de time I could besha conversation tween my wife en * a nad- der t n. Jes' 'fore dsylljht , de pot fiungine enter de groan1 sa' stooi as on my head inter , .de oorntc ob e fence , hnitlsd oct from nnier as an' in some kin * ob cnris w y gin mt ter " cnsr'stsn' dat I- couldn't"git dowa till de snn riz. "Wifea de ran riz I elin' down fFBa my head sa' went back home. . " "All tkiz Ii trae , h it , TTnele OSpT' asked The Gssatte nun. - "Oonrse hit is. A aan wat is rr nigh de srtbs ob ole age es I is , sic't in no nttsn trim ter tefl fsmlioation. De naixt Saturday night , " coHtianed the man , after studying t while ts though tsarchins ; mentally for an im portant fact , "I * oi on a muie aa' started ter jay wif a't house. Jet * es I got ter da eornder ob de f esea whar I hed 'sperieuesd y fonaennent trouble , de pot , wid a long chalk oangin * Irom one ob hits thori laigt , rolled ot > t. De male jutpe , bat wsh't no use , far de pot clint cater de jonls an' vent down obber hit kaevd. I 'members tilde fackt jea'at daliap- pened seventy-five reah .ago , De mule gintcr ran an * I tried , ter get ofT.n hiE , but de thain swicg 'roun' an1 hit me , I rid all night throagh britr patches an' thorn bashes. Jrt' 'bout daybreak naixt mornin * de mule ttopped at de eorntr ob de fence am * de pot fell off an' rolled away. I BOOK l med dat a r&2al nigger had play a witch an' dat the wu ccjurin me in his fater. I want ter a le 'omaa a ' axed her wbut tncz I do. Sne tolt meter git de n ol bone of a ster , bile hit in some stamp water , fastes it on de end ob a stick , test de stick wid se , an * when de pot rolled out ter tech it with de bone. I pissned one ob ol mar's steers an' got de heel bone. I got some water oct en a hollow strep an' biled de bone in hit. Wken I tnk it oct an * tetched it tor de eemd ob a stick hit stuck d&r like kit hed growed. De nex' Saturday mijht I starifed to ay wife's hens ? , an * whes I got ter de comder ob de fsnte , keah oum ps pot. Si hit caia a rollln' up I tetched hit wid de bocsii A loed yell made ce letbes on de ees uib- er , an' 'ctsad ob de pot I seed de ole witch afore me. She fiang up Vof bant an'cried ; Heel bone tr lert , Htel bone on hlf. Fee looaened in ds jicti , An'"tbo'dn icr tordte. "Den the dropped on de proun' ; dttd. Iwent on ter my wife's honee an1 pushed open de dash. DAT set de buck nigcer. I fetched him. wid de bone an' his shirt tnk fire , and wid & blaxn' light he rnn through de woods. DB nbx * ni ht , ez I wus a goin * horn : , a fellow slipped up behind me an' snatched de stick ontia my ban * an' jet ex he wu 'bout to teth me I jumped behind K tree. He teched de tree an' hit burnt up. De ele black stxmpisdcryit. " Hotr He Zjofed Hex. BtTf TxtsoQo Deseatber 8. A ; story stringer than fiction hat just oome to light in this city. Several months ago a yoxng man moving in the best toeiety of Portland , Oregox , fell in lore with a wosian of the tovrn , living in a ditrsputable house. He wu handsomt ; , popclir , and held a good position In a business konss. Eei'oft his place and lost tuts. He continued to live with his partner un til his tuah was gone. Then the , taking in the hopel&t&nest of the situ ation , one day said : 'Til go asy ; I've done.yo * harm enough , Johnson ; you've lost year situation , end your friends are down on you. " She started for Sin Pran- chc ) , idth tha Intention of going to woik as a tervent girL After her de parture the yoang men was received back into his old btalnett , at he w&t ikillful and hie eaploytrs baUered ke had reformed. He heard frequently from the cizl. At leiit , aboat tires weeri ago , eiait a dispateh tsybg that the girl had been ttrUkco titk ffmnll pox and wae dsrgtrem&ly ill He who fead lost so mneh ttroajh love for ker did not hetiiate a ac isent , bnt cane on to this city , and found that the hoasa wkere the woztan had been ttken tick iru a BO- torioa fashionable brothel. Sotbiag daunted by this ha mtde hit V&T to the pest hcaic. Tnere he foand her loathsome to the sight and nsaring de lirium. She recognized him , aad stretched out her bunds without a thought of the consequence. He toek her ili his &rms at.d kitted her. Bhe seemed then to how sel sh had been her act in exposing aim to tkt diseaie , &nd tears streamed down her disfigured cheeks. rwo SATS ATTEZ SEX KS watehed over by her lover , who was the sole mourner at the grave. Sin gularly enough he etcaped the infee- tion , and yesterday started for .New Mexico. He i aid , to a friand before leaving , "Tve been a fool , bat I loved her. I shall begin life again ia a new plase. " Mr. A.W. Tyrrell , ICereaaate Me- tel , Shelby street , Detroit , ICahif * * , writes : "I can cheerfully bear testi mony to the wonderful healing quali ties of tha Great German remedy , St Jacobs OH. I was rffiicUi with risa- ni&tism for & kxae time , and I almost gave myself up as Incurable. The use cf the above preparation reed &e completely , and I ffisl like a nsv Eian. " PrseofCost. Di. Kiss's SEW DISOOTEJIT fo anil Cblds Consumption , 'Coughs Atthma , Bronchitis , etc , , is given away in.irial bottle * 'free of cost k > ' the'aSieted. If yon h 7fia. . bsd -cough , cold , difficnlty of breathine , hears iesE or sny Ejection the throat or Isags by all raeans giva this wonderfcl remedy a al. AB JOB valas yosr existenra" yon eanaot afford to let this opportunity pass. Tfe cocld not afford , tad wouIS nci give tht * TeraedyKway -nnh3a wfe knew It weald acpampfish whatwe claim for ii Thonsandt cf hopeless esses have already been completely cured by It. There b BO medicine ia the world thai wfll cure one-half 'the cases that Dx , HEES'S HswDBCOTOT wfll cans. For sale by (6) JAKES 1L Isf , Omaha. JfeB. A-S. Fault , 1T7 . Tnppsr TKrt , Ba - Ale , JUT , ajB ibc bsi ca Di Tt af Etfc-ne oa lar fi-rere to thasbeand Xicrm'jU I tk barf , wii thinks it ii tie bw ihi r s * taain ei for reJ-rlnt p tn oj any kiniSkj t tir ta tie he = is Salve The BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts , Braises , Sores , Ulcert , Salt Rheua , Fever Sores , Tetter , Ohopp- ed Hands , Chflblahis , Ooms. and all kinds of Sbin Eruptions. This Sslve Is gaaranieed to giro perfect sstlsfsc- tlod in every case or soncy re femded. Price 25 cntt per box ; For sale by 8dly J. X. ISH Omth * . ± J JTeor * ce/t/re tn ePubi t& . THE CEJ\JUIIME \ LITER PHIS are not recommended at a remedy "for all the ills that aeh ishair to" but. ia affections ef the Liver , and in all Bilious Oomplaiatj. Dyspepyia , and Sick Headache - ache , cf dirtsses ol tiil charMter , tkey stand without B rlv&L AGUE AND FEVER. l\b better cathanie cs.n be TiEed pre- pcraterr ta , r after taking qninine. Aa a "tuple purgative they are unequtled. iEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The nnninc ar ECTSP scjar-ooated. ackt > 9X hst &T d-wax seal on fee lid , with the impression.ycLAXirH LTVlUi FILL. . Each wrapper bears Iht srija&- rurci of C. icdLur anc Ttrjcute BEOS. 3Z Insist nponiavicr ihe rwnriine Hz. aUcLANi-S LITBB JILLS , pre pared bf . FLEMING BKOS PittsbwTliP . ; the market being full oi Irziaticns of tb BiniB SclMnr , spelled diflcrcallv , but eKBfl jccmanetatie& . H W TO CUB ! CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , Gelds , Asthma * Gronp , AH dli aie cf the llirost , Lcngs , ssm Pulmonary Organs. USE ACOOED1S6 TO BIEECTIOJn ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. UNLIKE PILLS AXDTEZTT CAL PGEGATITES , IS PLEAS- AST TO FAES , And win prove ktoEctthrnuat p tct and barmlrm STtTEU REXOVATOE aui CLIA. SEK lt t fc Tt t-c'n b-oncht to pubEe 20t5ce. Tor COSFttPATIOK. BUJODx. S'KSs , BEiDACHE , PILE5 , .rd a.1 dl. iJ rg ari nc Ir m an obrtmcied state rf ttt tjitsm , It is lncomp r hj ; the h ct earttivt tnant. Aroid imlutloDt ! inrist on fcttine ths trtiels exllsi for. TEOPlC-ntUJT LAIATJTE b put Tf ia hr = dtlBboi oiay. Price 60 ctnti Aak ' irtts tht preprletor , _ J. S. HETEIERIKOTOK , ITew Tork or Bin Praueiice. bfore Pcrchazlcc An Fout ot s CaHed ELECTRIC Baad , or ApplUicr rep esea Cnr 'i ani Specta D svue * , cod to the PUL VEKUAgHEtexLTAKICCO , Elt UoutjeE rr Ctrwt , Sam rrtnciteo , CeJ. . lor tnetr rr e Paaipfcl-t aa < "The Ejcctrlt eriew , " and y n irlU tare tiau , health ani mazier. The P. C. Co. an the oalr iMlen ia Geomne Xlectrls Ap- CoctinTt. HIKE NO MISTAKE ! MICA ATT.F. GREASE CocpD dls."rtjot ] powdered mirt TirtulTi 1an u the hnt and cha p : 'cbriciior la the world. Jt is the be th cui ei t docs not rtc , hct ( onm a hichlj poliihed nrf : e orer the axle , d la awy rfrui a larre aaoTint oftrlctiea. it li the cheapen heeacie voc Bred ne bet haU the quntitr U grt-lcj ycv varea that yea wetj J vi nay etier axle create auule. and them ru n tvJc u I n . It acnrtn eeraUr U121 Grir , Tiresla ; Uaehixet , rlex. to. , as lor w joa Bead forToekj * CieJepsdiaeiTtlnjJ Tor.t nDwiBc. KalW tree t * axj ad-Jjeu MICA HAJfBFACTffSIW Ct. . K MICEIGAN JLVEKD * , SHICAA9. Y ur Dealer For It Care s.d .ziertsr dixap- pciats. Tte trnrltl' * gTBttt Pais. " RiJioTcr for Ka = aai Beast. , * quiet OASTOR1A. U not 2s"arcff-ge. Children roir Cat upOB. iTothcrs like , and Pliysiciapts recommend CASTOKIA. Itresnlateatlie Bowels , cure * Wind Colic , xllays rF v rishness , aid de- SI DS KETEB'S CA- TAH.RH Csra. e. Consttntioxai A itldota for xfel terrlflo auil&- dy , TJJAbirorpticx. . Tke more Iieportajit DiacoTPijdnca Vae- eiastien. Otior resejdles aiay C&txrrk , * M cvroa at SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC JOtt St Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. Tht ( M BdioXe Kova OilS 1W MILK SHORTEST EOIHS ! From OOUlf OIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULYTJTH , or BISMABOK , Ami aUpolattin Korthem Inrv Dakota. TtU line b eo JppKlKith the Is- prorod WexUn boOEe Acicnttlr Air Ertiw sad Iffilflr Platlorm OoepUf and BnSer. Arnltor SPE = D , SAFETY ANO 60HFORT iscucpaaed. Begut Drawiac Zoos acd Sl * pax ecd eantroB d > 7 the cara y , run H e niao Pad c Tnrjdtr ! > epot , Oooaea and St. P&al. Tr&i i IMTC the Cdon P d : Iraasier Depot at Cocndl * fr ° * * 'J at ( :1 p B. , reaching ! lo = z Cly at 12:34 p. c. , and ft. Pad at 11 ill a. HOURS nr IDTAJTCI or AKT Ornra Socrs. , Etcl at Slot : CltT tt 4i5 i. tc. . aod Urjoc Padic TraimUr Depot , CoCicl Bled , at C 0 a. m. Be ( ore tb&t TOUT tif&ata-read via "S. C. & P. B , B. " F. C. HILLS , Enperiaieadext. ICaoorl TaQer , Loin. P. S. BOEI3SOS , Airt 6e = 1 Pxa. Ajci J. H. OT2SYAS. FEVEU MB AGUE. ! a tie ci a tie vtilitj e ( EccteUcr1 ! Sv ueb Krcre as a Utiic , eo.TMttTe , aiW axt- bUinoi madieiii * . If ot koewu aad appr ia * * . Wale it fa a a ii . ' for ill * * * 3Cf ajii all tMra'-tt , tt W e p * ialr ] iut d t * the eocsp'-uti ptaanted > r tHe weather , brine t& * pu-t i anj MC Tefetaile at't lant ID ta * vam tot ale > T lirggpr-J and I alen , t iri > lj ior HtwUiufi AbxxKM tar 1SS1. To Hen-ons Snffer rf-T3ie Gre&t European Bemedy Dr. J. B , Simpson's Specifio Medicine. It It a positive ecre 1 orSpencatorrbee , SeaaJssl W tkn r3 , Impotenej'.axd ail dlaeaaee nraltix tr 021 BellAbcw , u Vemtal Anzistr loa ct jfeaurr. Pune ti ite Bxt or Side , and diaeaae * jthat lead to Oacnmptlon. and meat tree o all. Write lor tbcat and f : fill ptrtUalazs. Priee Saedilc , tl.tOperpaea je , rrfx pick- are * { or $3. 0. Addreex all orden * o J.B KEUPSOS ] ICKDICIR CO. , KOE. Xaad IK MUo St. , EcSaJ * . S. T. Sold IB eaha bf O. T. CoodatiB , J. W. Sen J. E. I A iT-i all irsztfi'a ereryirbet * . CHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER ! VetolU Oaeec , OJLej , Oaakett , Ekronda , etc. TKT. aBtzee . tth an ! UU , Oaecii , JTti. " TeiegnpaU aran prcaptij i jadrJ U. a ve ta year tawx , lerma uifl S. 3SiIi tt 4 s VIA THE - XortliiTesferii 2,380 MILES OF ROAD I It k t-M 5HQET , SUCI id BiU Eo = te 2 tiTM = COUNCIL SL'JFFS u OEZOAOT.MILWAIIXEE srd d J = U EAST sad KQ3TH. IT OFFERS 535 TRAVSLIKS PCEUC GSKATEB FAOLETIBS ASD XOEZ ADTA5TASE5 TEAJf AST SE SCAD 13 THE ItU tas O2CLT S OOUZfCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Thici If TZ2 PULLMA5" HOTEL CABS ! It miJJitai to ifcMBiad t listse 3 ehiss * ef lers , ! t tire' STESCLASS Y7.ATJ al its S8 HTATJCEfS at 8 ezts cadi. KCJt n STIR s H-yt > a iriih the Ba > t Trtrdtae Aeeosaaoda- tlOMTOTl 113 try Y3 = r tSckttjT til * rS-A > 1 > WILL TAKE KDSSCTHES. ill Tkisi Arrcrs om K fen Throcrt TlskeU ris Ihiz read s.nd Chcci = * s lt4 fasnkna Et , Cor , lit- , lad lit Cclo' P dSc I > ipot. OFFICE Ic Coior'co Ceaaxl uid SAK FSASdSOO C7 Street. For irtorotlon , toldcrc , ctrs , tit , act obit - it Boa : Tlcbit O c , idirea aaj the Oooptry , or KS3HI7T , K- 8TESKITT , Geal Haia r , Gel Pass. Axart , CEiCACO. ILL JAEES T- CUE ? , Gecl Art Ocih * ft Coonfl ReSt THSOUCH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars I CHICAGO gURUHGTQH i T ? . A THr'Rn A T > TThk Saocti ts f t r C.asla , iad POLLMAH SLSERHG S DIHINS GA8S It il * cfcsoTredr i r tt * Tnx , 2i all wrc tl Tt2 crr k , 10 b tts Best ATfxiiUi zd BrS Uuo ; d ocj IB the Conatry. ? ASSBNGEB3 GOING EAST Should aetr in lalad iL.t iiJ b tt BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , Aad P lnU Esst Tforth id SonitreK. Passenjrers Hr this Bon'f t * choice of POUB DIEEEBEaT SOUTES , And &e AdTs = l fT ol Sis DtJJy tfcis at Pkkct a t New York Gity thont Change- All Erpre * TnJnt on thi linetre e rfpped witt ke * ad Kfflsr's Patent Stlety Conplsrs , the awt rer ! ct rr - tectioa AciiaK Aoot- don'-J is the world. PBliaAK ? ALSCESLEEP1S3 AB3 DKI1 : EARS Are run oa tb Bordngtcn Eon * . Islonasdoa eanc-rsJa ; Konut , Exus. Rase Ccarscticci , tte.r irtS bs cbeerfeSy P bj app'Tinr it the oi f cf tie . = rILr. n Keoe , SIS f onrtBMitn Strrat , ( teahv Krtimiki. C. r. PIUiT > 3. D "W. HI'XHIPOCC St T Vaia er. 5 E. West'a Pit Art- J. O. PHILLIri. 8l"t , M * . 43 icrtl Acest , Omh * . H. P DETEL , e ? -l Bctrt Ac it. \eso. K.C.ST.JOE6G.B.R.R. , In til * only Direct Lice to ST. LOUIS AD T3E EAST Fro = OHAHA sea its nS3 . Ko cbsEct o ! t = rs between O = ati lad St. LosU tad bnt cne betvec : Osulia and Krsr Tork. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAIKS Eastern & Western Cities With lea charf tad in adruc * ot other Baa . This entlrs line 1 oqahiwd with Pclteam'i pjja Slespitr Caii"PsJace Day Coach- s.iailor's EAletjPIa.t&na acd Oocnier and the celtanied THAI Torp. TICKET Ctty.Bt. lor til * at &H ocrrpca sutioaf b tfce Woit. _ J. F. SAEKABD , A C. OA'RafS , &a = T S = pt- , Gael Pas. & Tlcrat Art Bt. Jf nh Ko. Bt. Josepi , Ko , W a BtACHEEST , Ticket Aftt , rse f arshars Stratt , AKDTBORDE. . A.B.EAE5AED. Psa. Affest , Cteaha. Qp'rl Atejt. Omir WROUGHT IROH FENCES. Wire Tench : ? tad 'P ! tfna Speciality. Tttnf beautr , perrca& * * ami dailrvorknctbe ezti&Rkn ( a * ill uaap TenoeE tor IXWCE , PahHc Orocndi acd erne- teryPtarg. Ijpa TUK , La'ers Settees , coanplai lai ef rutie ( HtterM ; Oblin aad ersry deecripUef Iron md wire emaJBeatsJ vork daeleDei and maasiactarfid br E T. KAESmTS Wire ud Jx > a T. rk , ST. M ud 21 Woodwax * Are , De- treit , m.v E > 4 * 3 a < > < i4 .sial juB " " 1 price Ilai. tqM Also for Yellov Fsr r Elocd and s , in infstsd raalsrifil s stiDra. . erod Kil > 5 O3\ dpo lt ona- - . j.f i jdfid pr to the mcmbrr- i t of-A Jat-l * or t r p sara. It eidi iL aT e-Joctatb IijB Ti r.stori y th - < orjaa to a bea-Jsy condition , taowlig t at-na. It ct = i t Uien at iC tia # , ji 2 cK = t clrcc = 5t3 * irt . y em. r . ji aay other prtptraijon far Kid Ifj" * und SITO.It ? > * I M : dSeait to sat * rs' J-oiiijT. oinr- ; ss irtrtch wi 1 ai ; laaM l tcrep'-abie to tb n .mac-k rv a sSi * ' - of KI > S'HJj ; to CLtA Si ti IIDJ ZTS Irua lonl zsttter " 7 .t aa T - . tnr js a l I u & fajotfr rae tea ! : Ladfes dx2j TriB llk U aai ! Gsitl = es iriQ i. d EtDXlCEN t c b t Kxls-r T Jmc crcr s > 4 ' SO'lCf r h bctUa b ri th azasan irfLAWRESCS i MAE7IX. a ! FroprieSrj CorKa mentSiaicp. whltb per = ta DD.N'ZC ES W be iohi Jwnheas f - * ) kr 2r * , brwcn * ad 0t > * r Per oii eTtrrwtare. Put up in Quart size Bottles for Genera ! and Family Use. If cot } -.c l t rc Draf iU o-Grocan , w irifl a = i koci ? npai to th * LAWRENCE & MARTIN Ms. , Proprietors , Chicago , . Sold by DBTJC-BIBTS , 8BOOEBS and DEAI BS RluilesiJ * ttcau ii Osanj S7mtJOHS50r & CO. , vU mpp'j th rfc * at WHO rs tfaacouiNT wrrn THE GEOGRAPHY SEE BT CXAMIKiKQ TM MXP. THAT CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. IS THE 6RE1T LIXK BETWEEN TEE EAST 4 THE Llser lo mCttT.JSarrewa. Bro-DtTn-r Dos ntaea 'tae cmaai 3 Iowa. . Stuart. rtii r. KeoSsx to I-arzinctan. Bonepane. Saat t Tlli < .C > iiJ < xita.PsUft.M - > .a53 i i J ; Earlti. EaUrosl Tratcn onta. asfl operatw & ta troz Chk ro l = to tna State oJ Kaa i. Taroaza Exprew Pessoaswr " ir tetwer-n CHICAGO A2 Jt .X IKJtXD wltaXllw nke Cocscii. - - 'roncn Kitr At HATjLvVjRi. . vua tie Uavreaporl 1 r rT H.K2IOJ ! U UM.BCB. * .4 . . itoei lilasd " Sne iia ; XJlasS" U T Z , Ttth t ntrml lowm X. B. Tb ( ireat V-ocX - Koorv * wtthD X.&T i HIS Tlta stel rails. Waalrill pjeae yo = ao of ec5OTtn your o an. wallff paaiaf tfr&r us b ut-ro ] nrainea of IlJaou 23 lora , ta use ol o-r mieniCoert irtatae Can that accessary Ttrroza Ezprem IrniBS. Ion net c entSr * , j Pullman : nrpcwvi. aid CAKte rmi thr .nrt. ta * ! thle lane , known n tl > * "er t Koclt lalmnd 84Mte. * ' aw < ej - # > teT. not obtolaakie at yocr & > > ticket VERIGK. FORSSTURE , BEDDING , FEATHERS W .LlS'PO'W S"FT A 3DBS- And Everything pertaining to the Fnniiture and upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTMEHT OF HEW GOODS AT THE W -sJST ' 1208 and 1210 Farnliam Street. 9 U man th nt HAMBURG AMERIC N PACKET CO.'S Weekly Line 01 Steamshins UarlW lew Tork E ery Thnradaj- 2 p. m. For England , France and Germany. Tor Pueafe apply to C. B. RICHARD & CO. , Arentt , ) wo * * . J13 d T UVcme iisstlt te.Add M el .Tree X. K. KISDOJf , General InsnraDce PHtCftt ASSCf - - * . . . . Ooa. Cash Asset * . . . . . Capital . 1.000OW THE MKRCHAMS. of Newark. ! ? . J1OOCM . * * * lfEV3 FTJTD. Calfforali - BltrnSH AMERICA ASSPRUfCICo l Hd , R IS3.COA Bets - SoO.CfcO C2JTTRAL , AiBet * . Mt Cor. cJ TUteaath k DondM Bt- OKAHA , XXX. 83 i W < D > f -u S an good the * fc butan ofgood thanthe m but o-S. - LU Goodsbut of than | § S c o lessthan 5" 52 ? - - 2 8 PTSTOCK STOCK enGoods Goods less C- = S Co ° ® o- PT en bargain at 4 : o o n5 * i H- 0 § BANKRUd BANKRU moth-ea offeredat offered m lly in publi 2 f' SPECIAL motheaOr thepubli II d extraordinary Goodsoffered of respectfuy the andthe I < C D tu 0 ® * - - . - - ' ; Or Goods costof cost and fit : ( B O > - o S 8 > E .E ai2 ! 2 EC