Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 2

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itc ito
JUSTICE SrEOsa is to be followed in
bis retirement from the supreme
beech by Justice Swsvnewho goes to
r jr-1 secludon end half pay for the
remainder of his years. Like Korval's
father he will bo . "a raral Swaine ,
ffhcfe EOO desire Js to increase his
fl ck. " Sianlcfti JEWS is the
coming man. - . . - ,
GrKESit B.ISEK , 'vrho haa been
irminated for chid signal cfih r ,
with the rank gfripKoier general , is
a native of Vermont and a graduate
of Went Point'otlKeTclaif of 1834. '
Ho served through tfiewar of there-
bd'.ioa ' end distinguished .himself by
his gallant c-ndoctVat Chattanooga
Atlanta and uc mauaf"
prestige and plunder"
isB'illthecry of that raongral hybrid ,
he Oaiaha JKtpvblican. and the "milk
i i the cocoanut of tbo Hyes adminis-
t-ati a which refuaodto-playinto the
* ards tf such a setioLpolitical harlots
-BVVB a bitter dcaejjto " " "the "concern.
he Edministralion WES wcnk ,
and the shief executive a uene&lity.
OONOEEES i * groaning over J ie Bick-
nell e'ectoral bill , whichjivea to that
body the most unbounded power in
the final determination of the election
of president and vice-president , and
takes away from the several states all
but the mere appearance cf jurisdic
tion. The republicans will do well to
cct as obstructionists' otntil such
dangerous measure Fs effectually
George C. Gordhamof California ,
formerly secretary of the United
S a , j senate and member of the na-
.lonal republican ' committee , has
tiVen editorialv-oriargaxrf the Wa h-
ingt n National Republican. . Sir.
Gordhiun is a staunch republican and
an accomplished and versatile writer.
H is hkoly to make tie National
Republican what has so long been
needed in Washington , an able and
forcible journal devoted to the inter
ests of the party.
No ONE who has driven through
the streets of our city has failed to
note with gratification the substantial
growth of Omaha during the pwt
yeat from a building-point of view.
Handsome brick blocks , elegant rcsi-
'cuces , and hundreds of smaller cot
tages , each representing a now family
to add to the trade -of x > ur city , greet
he rye in every eection ot the city. The
nevvcorr&l building , thoOmahafoundry ,
additions to the Nail works and sev
eral other manufacturing enterprises
attest the growth of industrial inter
ests la our city. Before another year
two new enterprises will ba in BUC-
cc sFul operation Shot' and Lead
Works and a factory for the production
f f glucose. The coming year promises
btill better things than the one now
dMW'ng tea close. A. new and ce-
; -.vit opera houec , & commodious hot -
t 1 L.nd hundreds of residences will bo
l'acod ' on our vacant lots. Architects
.Jroady report an unprecedented de
mand for plans for buildings to be
erected in the spring. Several oi
our manufacturing industries will
aid to their present facilities , and the
builders and merchants of Omaha mcy
well look forward to a year which in
its projparity will catrtval any of its
predecessors. An a journal whoso
success ia moro intimately connected
with the prosperity of Omaha than
that of any other , THE BEE congratu
lates our citizens upon the good times
coming. _
The Omaha Herald takes issue with
tha SLur City Journal upon the im
portance cf the Missouri river as a
transportation highway. It denies
hat the river ronto can over become a
formidable competitor to the railroads
nod therefore fails to second the wild
popular demand for great expenditures
< f the peoples money for the improve-
mint of navigation on the Missouri
riv..r , which h not likely to be much
navigated however much it may be
T.JIB view of the matter as taken
by Dr. Miller whose only God ia
Mimmnn in the person ot railroad
kings and corporate monopolies , is not
f.t all surprising. . No movement
made in the interest of
the "psoples money" and against
the legalized highway robbery of the
railroads ever hasmet with his appro-
ba'ion nor , do we suppose , it ever
will. Against the opinion of tie
Herald that the -ilissouri can never
become a useful egent for the relief
of the producing classes of the wcet ,
THE BEE pieces the etuemcnts of
innnent engineers who have studied
the subject with care , and who aio
firm in their opinion that apcrmanetit
nod navigable channel can bo main
tained from Siouz'City to St. Louis
throughout nearly nine months of the
year. No doubt such improvements
as would be necessary to bring about
thu consummation Vronld be attended
with much expense. But such ex-
wouldba trifling when compared
wth the enormous sums of
money which are yearly poured into
the pockets of the railroad kings by
the producers of this country for tbe
transportation of grain and sleek
fr m the Went to the seaboard. A
n er highway navigated by barges
rrould compel the r&ilroad robbers to
1 wer their rates to a point where the
D orle wculd be willing to pay the
the river route for expedition * trans-
jortation. It would force the mana-
K ra to campoto for custom at
the expenee of , tlioir present
TT gaaco. Itwould atioiulate
traio and build up the river towne ,
making each on a port Trhere "xronld
convergn the transportation trade of
iho surrounding country. Finally it
vonld save annually .millions of dollars
lars to western farmers in the increased
would obtain for their -
4 rtca they pro-
' , and enormous , sums to our mer-
trho would ba-enablcd to laud
heir goods on the levee at a saving in _
freight charges , whiclFWonld accttie
'j the benefit of both tradesman and
poasumcr ,
A Scathing Eeview oftlieEail-
road Monopolies of the
Their Power to Oppress the
Producing Classes Con
stantly Augmenting.
B. P. liurber , In Ecrilmcrt Jlostilj lor Derc
ct saber.
Mr. Barnum is a type of a ruling
class 1 in 'both political parties , half
statesmen , half railroad men , who
mix railroads and politics for their
own sci vantage. They differ materi
ally , however , from the John Adams
type of Matssitan , who , when elected
tc congres , immediately sold his
stock in the United States bank , en
the ground that no representative
should have a pecuniary interest in
any antter likely to come before him
in bis legislative capacity. The rail-
rosd statesman is found In both par
ties rnd in every legislative assembly ;
whila perhaps not numerically in the
ssDcr.dant , through packing the prin
cipal committees , and "retaining"
members of the legal profession who
hcppcn at the to be legislators ,
their ends are usually obtainud. This
feature is alluded to in one of the
speeches of Senator Beck , of Ken
tucky , us follows :
'iJL is impof sible to have an honest
legislature , Btato or federal , soloag as
representatives ara sent who owe their
election to , or are perionally interest
ed in , great moneyed corporations or
monopolies. No matter whether they
call themselves democrats or republicans -
cans , they arc not the representatives
of the pecple ; they are simply the
agents and attorneys of those who
eetk , by taxing the masses , to enrich
tberagj-lves , whenever they owe their
election to monopolists , or are them-
Eclc < > 3 interested iu class legislation. "
That the greet corporate interests of
the country do not stop at electing
thtir own men 10 shape legislation , is
shown by a recent revelation inPtnn-
sjlvania. The following associated
prc B dispatch tells its own 'tory :
"PHILADELPHIA , March 28,1880.
A consultation was held here to-night
by a number of leading politicians regarding -
garding the persons convicted of at
tempted bribery , in order to devise
plans for their pardon. The casa is
by no means given up by Kemble and
his fellow defendants. The bitterness
'f the fight is sowing seeds of much
future trouble. Palmer and Stone ,
tbe two members of the board of par
dons who are holding out against an
anmosty , are the subject of severe
comment , end have cut themselves off
from nil future political preferment
as tzr as it ? s controlled by the dom
inant politicians. It is generally be
lieved that , if pardons me not ob
tained , the sentences will be very ,
light. The cases are the subject of
general discussion in this city to
night and there is much conjecture
as to the general result. Many pol
itical leadtra , including Ssnator Don
Cameron , are here. "
In 1878 , the great railroad riots
took place , and at Pittsburgh a largo
quant.ty of railroad and other prop
erty was destroyed. The railroad
company refused to indemnify ship
pers but at the same time had bills
introduced _ in the Penn
sylvania legislature to make
the state responsible to them.
They employed lobbyists to buy these
bills through thejeghlaturo , bat their
operations were exposed , and William
H. Kt-mbie . J. Petroff , and several
others , were .arrested , tried , and. not
withstanding extraordinary efforts
* \voro raoclo ia occtsro tboir ocqulUtl ,
were convicted. They immediately
applied for pardon , and teen pardoned.
It shows what politics in the state of
Pennsylvania have come to when it is
publicly stated that "Palmer and
Stone , the two members of the board
of pardons who arc holding out against
an amnesty , are the subject of severs
comment and have cut themselves off
from all political preferment , " and a
sennter of fho United -tites leaves
his scat and returns home to "arrange
things. " Jvcmblo had been state
treasurer of Pennsylvania , and Po-
trrff was at the time a member of the
legislature. *
In a lecture by James Parton , esq. ,
we find the following :
" .Men tvho bribe and are bribed
nowadays talk about the matter with
out a blush. An officer of the New
Jersey legislature told mo hex the
bribing wa done , and how he did it
himself. The inilrcad man said to
him , 'Come to my room at eight
o'clock this evening , ' and when the
farmer-legislator cot there the rail
road man s dr 'By the way , yon did
not call upon us to subscribe toward
the expenses of your election. I know
it must have cost you a good deal , arid
better late than never , hero is some-
th'ng toward il , ' and the railroad man
pssees over a pile of money , much
more than the farmer's election ex
penses. 'I know'added the corrupt-
ionist , byway of casual remark , 'that
you will not vote for any bill that
would not bo good and honest , but
there is a bill of ours now before your
h' use that , you will take my word for
it , is for the beat interests of the com
munity ; examine it , and if you con
scientiously think so , too , of course
you will vote for it. ' "
Most Americana Trill admit that such
practices are evil end should be aba
ted , but so conservative are Ameri
cans in their methods , so re&pcctful
of property lights , EO self-reliant and
conscious of , , their owni power
to overcome evil when it becomes
"worsh while" to put forth the effort ,
tint they are tolerant of abuses to an
extent that seems absurd to other na
An illustration of this may bo had in
the different results accompanying
Simitar action by tbo governments of
the United States and Brazil. The
latter country a few years since , for
the purpose of meeting extraordinary
expenditures , imposed a tax upon the
street railways of Rio de Janeiro ,
equivalent to about h lf n cent for
every passenger carried. The com
panies undertook to re-impose this
upon * hc public by adding the exact
amount of the tax to the fare ; the
people rebelled. A riot ensued ,
tracks were torn np , cars destroyed ,
and the companies were compelled to
recede from their attept to mko the
public piy the lax. During out late
war , & tax was imposed upon hcree-
car companies of half n cent
tor each passenger carried ;
the companies paid the tax ,
added a whole cent to the fare , and
* Oa the twenty-seventh day of
January , 1880 , Mr. Franklin B. Gow-
en , president of the Philadelphia and
Reading railroad , in an argument bs-
fore the committee on commerce of
the house of representatives of the
United States , in Washington , stated :
"I have heard the counsel of the
Pennsylvania railroad company ,
standing in the supreme court of
Pennsylvania , threaten that court
with the displeasure of his clients if
it decided against them , and all the
blood iu my body tingled with shame
at the humiliating spectacle. "
In the associated press reports this
was Euppressed ; and only when the
argument was published by Mr. Gow-
cn was this remarkable statement/ /
verified to those who heard it. a
then American public acquiesced with
out a murmur. During the war , our
government J , under the then existing
tax ; laws , collected from the New York
- Central railroad about a half a mil
lion dollars. The railrosd company'
claimed this was unauthorized , raised
csrtaia legal' points , brought suit to
compel the government to refund the
amount , employed Senator Conkling
aa cpunrDT , and was successful. The
bearing cf political influence upon the
case was so obvious that it was com
mented npon at the time by several
newspapers among others The Utica
Observer , aa follows :
"JKbw , when Sir. Oonkling went
down to 0inandaigu9 to try this rail ?
rorid case , ho carried-with him a
greater politics ! influence than any
other man m the state wields. _ Ha
appeared before a judge whom he
h d elevated to the bench only a
few months before. He confronted a
district attorney who could not hold-
his office for a day if Mr. Oonkling
should demand his removal. He
eecured a verdict which the jury was
forced to render by the rulings of the
judge. Under the verdict the
railroad recovers a round half million ,
which it might have lost but for its
shrewdness in employing the right
man to prosecnlelts claims. "
The New York "Tribune , " man
article at the time , entitled "Legisla
tor and Lawyer , " alluding to this case ,
said :
'The appearance of Senator Conk-
ling as attorney in a recant railroad
case , in behalf of a railroad corpora
tion and against the gDvernment of
which ho is sworn official , suggest a
question of political expediency , and
incidentally of moral ? , which must
sooner or later be very fully and freely
discussed befora the people. * * *
Somewhere there must be a line which
ssparates the profession of an advo
cate from the functions of the legis-
tor. Would it not ba well to have
that line authoritively defined. "
It is not strange , that the best legal
talent of the country is permanently
retained by corporate interests , nor
that lawyers should naturally gravitate
toward politics. Railroads can afford
to compensate professional men better
than private clients oan , for the rea
son that their own revenues under
the present system are practically rm-
limited , all production and commerce
in the sections through which they
run being tributary to them , and ex
traordinary expenditure for counsel
feea , election expanses , or bribery
funds are simply re-imposed upon the
The extent to which this power to
tax is exercised is indicated by the
following straws : It is little moro
than fifteen years since Huntington ,
Hopkins & Go. were hardware mer
chants of limited means in San Fran
cisco. They built the Central Pacific
railroad , and deservedly made fort *
nncs estimated at from three
to five millions each. They
found the railroad enabled
them to tax the production and com-
merca of the entire Pacific coast.
Twelve years have rolled around , and
recent estimates , based upon legal
proceedings necessary In the estate of
Mrs. Hopkins , place the partnership
wealth of Mr. Lcland Stanford at
§ 34,543,308 ; that of Mr. Charles
Crocker at 534.495.458 ; that of Mrs.
Hopkins at 525,280,972 , while Mr.
Huntingdon's wealth is estimated
oven higher than that of Messrs. *
Sftnford aid Crocker.
It is about twenty years since the
late Mr. "Vanderbilt was graduated
from the steamship business into
railroad management ; his possessions
at that time were valued at from
$5,000,000 to § 10,000,000 ; at his
dehth , eorne three yosrs since , they
were estimated at $80,000,000.
3Ir. Jay Gould "obtained his start"
Iu the management of the Erie rail
road , in connection with company.'n
Fisk ; at the litne ho gave his now
famous testimony before quoted ( in
1873) ) . ho was c "tsidered worth from
83,000,000 to 55,000,000 ; to-day no
ono knows how much he is worth ,
but in "Wall &tipet estimates are made
ranging from $00,000,000 to § 00,000-
Riilroad men vlio have accumulat
ed , within a few years , amounts rang
ing from § 1,000,000 to ? 5,000,000 are
too numerous to mention , as aie
those , also , in branches of trade de
pending upon and closely identified
with railroad transportation shippers
who , through the favor of railroad
manager * , have been enabled to out
strip or break down all competition.
These arc found in every branch of
trade , but in none , perhaps , are they
so prominent as in the petroleum bus
iness. If & true history of the Stand
ard Oil Company could bo written , it
would read more like a romance of
the middle ages than a statement of
commercial facts possible in the nine
teenth osntury. This is the organ- !
zition to which the Hepburn commit
tee ' "this myitenous organ
ization , whose business and transac
tions are of such a character that it *
members decline , giving a history or
destription of it , lest their tesmony be
used to convict them of a crime. "
The testimony in the Pennsylvania
investigation showed that the trunk
lines of railroads paid in rebates to
the Standard oil company , within the
period of eighteen months , $10,151- .
218 ( ten million , one hundred and fif
ty-one thousand , two hundred and
eighteen dollars ) , which was contribu
ted by the roads in the following proportions -
portions :
Total shipments October
17. 1877 , to March 31 ,
1879 bM * . 18,656,277
ToUl rebates during that
time at 55 cents ( average )
per barrel 810,151,218.00
Of which the e was paid to
Standard bv Ualtimore
ind Ohio railroad , 11 per
ont , as parcontract.Oct.
17 , J8,7 1,116 , 33.9S
Paid by New York Central
and Hudson River rail
road , 21 per cent , as pe
contract , October 17,1877 2,131,755.78
Paid by Erie railway , 21 per
cent , as per contract , Uo-
tpbtr 17,1877 2,131,755,78
Paid by fennsylvania rail
road , 47 per cent , as per
contract October 17,1877
ITimontbs 4.771,072.46
Tcfcil rebates , October 17 ,
1877 , to March SI , 1879. . § 10,151,218.00
In a report to the New York Cham
ber of Commerce , the committee on
railroad transportation of that body
alludes to this subject as follows :
"How obvious of their obligations
as common carriers , and how regard
less of public rignts are the great trunk
lines , is illustrated by their making
an agreement with the Standard Oil
Company ( Article 4) ) to protect them
'against loss nrwjuryfrom competition , '
What has happened in the casp of the
Standard Oil company may happen in
other lined of business. IFifA the iaror
of the managers of the imnk lines ,
ichat is to prevent commerce in ihe rest
of the great itdples from being monopolized -
lized in a similar manner f Already ,
indeed , it is taking this course. One
or two firms In Baltimore , Philadel
phia , New York , and Boston , with
their branch houses in tno west , are ,
monopolizing the export trade in
wheat , corn , cattle , and provisions ,
driving their competitors to the wall
with absolute certainty , breaking down
and crushing out the energy and en
terprise of the many for the bene
fit of thefavored few. "
Railroad managers admit that such
things are wrong , that they are op
posed to public policy and private
morality. Ask a railroad manager
the remedy , and he will tell yon "a
pool , " with
logialation to enable one
railroad company to enforce agree
ments made with another company.
'n is certain that any legislation or the interest of the pub-
io would not only be inoperative , but
robably unconstitutional , and cer
tainly mischievous. He will poinfcto
range * lawe which were afterward re-
. ea'sd , but he will forget to state that
, hey weraDurposely misconstrued by
, ho railroads , and instead of ccquiesc-
ng in and carrying them out in good
atth , railroad managtra mido th"eni
aa troubletome a pois'blo to the pub
ic , in order that they might create a
reaction in public opinion , pnd.with
the liberal use of money in both
elections and the lobby , . BS-
cure their appeal. He will forgat
to tell you that , wherever this
reault haa been attained , it was ac
complished only after the railroads
had conceded material reforms , fu
whiotftho pecple had contended. He
will not mention the fact that the de
cision of the supreme court of the
United States , in the so-called granger
cases , established beyond question the
principles for which the grangers con
tended , and swept away the web of
Bophfetries irhish learned counsel had
been spinning upon the Dartmouth
iollego case.
The decision of the supreme court
in the granger cases , rendered March
1 , 1877 , was-one of the most impor-
ant declarations of public rights'sinca
the declaration of independence. Re
garding the power to regulate , Chief
Justice Waite said :
"We find that when private prop
erty is affected with a public in
terest it ceases to be juris privati
only. iThis waiaaid by Lord Chief Jus
tice Hale more than two hundred 1
years sgo'in his treatise 'De ' ortib\u
Maris , ' and has been accepted without
objection ai an essential element in
the law of property ever since. Prop
erty does become clothed with a pub
lic interest when used in a manner to
make it of public consequence and
aS'ect the community at large. "When ,
therefore , one devotes his property tea
a use in which the public has an - interest
terest , he in effect grants to the pub
lic an interest in that use , and must
submit to be controlled by the public
for the common good to tha extent
ot the interest ha has thus created.
He may withdraw his grant by discon
tinuing the uae , but so long aa he
maintains the use he must submit to
the control. "
A prominent railroad manager ,
while recentlyarguing against govern
ment supervision and control of rates ,
and in favor of the pooling system
now so much in vogue , stated , in al
most the same breath that "the
pooling system wonld remove the dis
crimination and other evils of which
the public complained , " and that
"competition would insure reasonable
rates" seemingly forgetting that
pooling is expressly designed to pre
vent competition. Undoubtedly , the
pooling system does protect the pub
lic interest against much of the per
sonal discrimination which has existed
In railroad management , but as re
gards the more important part of the
question , What is a reasonable rate ?
it leaves the production and commerce :
of the country to use the words of
the United States senate committee
"wholly at the mercy of a few men ,
who recognize no responaibil.ty butte
to their stockholders , and no princi
ple of action but personal and corpor
ate aggrandizement. "
A recent report ot the New York
Board of Trade and Transportation
says :
' 'Honestly and equitably managed
railroads are the most beneficent dis
covery of the century , but perverted by
irresponsible and uncontrolled corpo
rate mansgempnt , in which stock-
watering and kindred swindles are
tolerated , and favoritism in charges
is permitted , they become simply
great engines to accomplish unequal
taxation , and to arbitrarily redis
tribute the wealth ot the country.
"Wfcen thfs state of things ia sought
to be perpetuated by Bwiuirini' politi
cal power end shaping legislation
through corrupt use of mouoy , the
situation grows more serious. "
'The railroad is the invention of
the last half century ; the tremendous
development of corporate life , attend
ed by the abuses of which the public
complsin , has occurred within this
period , and largely within the last
twenty-five years. Continue for
another twenty-five years the present
power _ of corporations to tax the pub
lic , and we i I 'hare a moneyed aris
tocracy m thia country such as the
world has never seen , and with it all
the attendant phenomena of venal
legislators and corruption in high
places , which caused the downfall of
all the great republics of history.
These are some of the questions
which are forcing themselves upon
the attention of thoughtful American ,
citizens ; individualized , thny may be )
stated :
Can Americans , whoso forefathers
abolished the law of primogeniture
ntid entail to avoid the evils of vast ,
accumulations of wealth in the handa
of individuals , afford to leave unregu
lated now agencies far more potent
to that end than any which were at
that time dreamed of ?
_ When corporate life or trade com
binations develop into organizations
like that of the Standard oil company ,
controlling a staple fourth in magni
tude among our nation's exports , and
hundreds of legitimate traders are
driven out of existence , is it not time
to inquire what steps should be taken
to protect the interest of the produc
ing , commercial , and consuming
classes ?
When , to perpetuate power already
acquired by these organizations , cor
ruption is openly practiced in our
elections , and the bribery of legisla
tors goes unpunished , is it not time
that American citizens should con
sider where such practices lead , and
insist that the state should resume the
sovereignty and control over its crea
tures which It has inadvertently and
temporarily relinquished ?
The only answer thus far made by
the apologists for these practices has
been to denounce those who opposed
them as "communists" or "socialists. "
So bare of facts and so hard pushed
for arguments favorable to their case
are they , that Messrs. Vanberbilt and
Jewett must fain adopt this policy ,
and conjure up tbe phantom of social
ism to shield their practicesl In
their joint letter to thg Hepburn com
mittee they suggest that the staid and
conservative merchants of the New
York chamber of commerce are fast
tending in that direction their words
being :
"The growth of a disregard of
property in this country is verj mark
ed , and railroad corporations offer fa
vorable forms of attack. The en
couragement , by such a body as the
chamber of commerce , to such ideas
will not stop at railroad corporations ,
bu will reach all kinds of associated
capital , and will not ston before it
reaches aH property. This growing
tendency to socialistic principles is
one of the dangerous signs of the
times , and , if not checked , will pro
duce scenes of disaster that wonld now
appall the country. "
Some months after this , when the
legislative committee had pronounced
the principal charges made by the
chamber of commerce "fully proven/ '
the committee of that body having
the matter in 'charge alluded to this
subject , in their report to the
chamber , as follows :
"Your committee bsg that the
jnembew of tha chamber of com
merce will carefully compare these
utterances of Messrs. Vanderbilt and
Jewett with the findings of tha legis
lative committee. The assertion that
the action of this chamber tends to
the encouragement of socialistic
communistic principles , is on a parity
with mueh of tho.other reasoning of
the presidents , of the great trunk
lines. They eeem to be entirely ob
livious cf the fact that it is their dia-
regard of public rights , and not the
efforts which thia chamber has
made inr order to compel their obr
serration , which isoh'.efly responsibh
/pr he growth of communistic senti-
this state. If railroads were
not public highways , , upuri which all
shippers , as vrell as passengers , are
entitled to equal rights ; if the discov
ery of , steam , and its applicatica to
tha purposes of transpqrtation , wHt
all its attendant benefits , could be es-
tee-ned alone the pivate prop9rty of
these gentlenten , then" tbe" argument'
of Messrs.'Vanderbilt and Jewett
.might be considered valid , and the
efforts of your committee seHTlionsJ
socialistic and worthy ; ' of ; ccndemna- :
* " l
tion. _ -
"Is ia hardly necessary to say that
your committee have no sympathy
with socialists or communists who
want something for nothing ; this class
of persons might perhaps ; find" fattlt
with your committee for being capjtaL-
ists ; but , on the other hand , we - cannot
not uphold a system of operating pub-
lie highways which is honeycombed
with abuses , and -whidh is controlled
absolutely by a few individuals who
taxj-producttun ajid commerce at will ,
and who practically dictate what reward -
ward the producer , manufacturer and
merchant shall receive for his labor. '
All classes of citizans are interested
in having remedies promptly applied
to these evils , * and 'especially are"
thoao interested who have 'property ' ! ;
for if over communistic viewa make
Headway in this conntrjj , it will be itsk
consequence f thMoIefation of chus'lj
privileges , and disregard of the spirit
of our free institutions. These are
the 'breakers ' ahead -which every true
patriot will pray that our ship of state
may avoid. f >
The immediate remedy Is :
The creation of an intelligent pub
lic opinion , through which reasonable
limits may bo placed upon the growth
and power of .corporate life.
It is time enough to take further
steps when this has been accomplished.
At present , the corporations are mas
ters of the situation , but with an in
telligent public opinion thoroughly
aroused , it is only a question of time
when it will compel a fair adjustment
of the relations between the people
and the creatures the people have
Dendwood ia anxious to be lighted
with gas.
Lawrence county needs a new court
house and jail.
There is excellent sleighing between
Deadwood and Rochford.
Many new buildings are going up
in all directions in TerraviUe.
The Queen Bee mill of Tigerville is
not running because of the severity of
the weather.
A minor last week at the De Smet
mine was Instantly killed by falling
down an ore schute.
Private houses are in demand in
Rapid continually , and more so now
than heretofore.
The Wyoming and Pierre stage com
pany has put on a daily line from
Rapid to Pierre this week.
Farmers in Spearfish valley are not
disposed to coil their grain. Oats are
worth three cents per pound.
Thoasands of buffalo , dear and antelope -
telopo are running over the plains' be
tweeu Bismarck and Deadwood.
The conference of the Method
ist church has appropriated § 1,280 for
the church , extension , fund in the
Gold Gate is to have a mammoth
Christinas tree , and , § 300 have been
already subscribed towards making it
a success.
A resident of Deadwood has con
tracted with Fort Meade to deliver
200,000 pounds of oats for the use of
the post.
There ia some talk of asking the
Dakota legislature for charters incor
poratinjr the cities of Deadwood , Gen <
tral and Lead.
A movement by the various secret
societies of Central Cify , looking to
the erection cf a large society hall-is
now ou foot.
The commissioners of Lawrence
county have presented the Deadwood
Homestake Hose company with two
hundred dollars in cash ,
Five largo bricks belonging to the
Homestnke company and amounting
to 150,000 , wera shipped east from
the Hills about the 20th nit.
Most of the overland freighters are
taking oft" their lines for the winter on
account of the excessive cold weather
and the discontinuance of river navi
A company hns been recently or
ganized at Rockcrville for the purp'ose
of constructing a bed-rock flume
through the Rockerville gulch three
miles in length.
The Spe&rfigh miils have distributed
since starting up over § 20,000 , and all
of this hrta bacn thrown into circula
tion , and it has consequently made
times good in that town.
L'imber is being received at Lead
at thu rate of from five to six thou
sand feet per day , to be used for the
purpose of boxing up the extension
of the Montana ditch from Bobtail
to Deadwood. \
It is thought there is ore enough in
the F&irview and Great Eastern
mines , only twenty feet apart , to war
rant the erection of two 120-stsmp
mills , and they will doubtless be built
next sprirur.
Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago ,
Backache , Soreness of the Chest ,
Gout , Quinsy , Sore Throat , Swell
ings and Sprains Burns and
Scalds , General Bodily
Pains ,
Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frosted
Feet 'and Ears , and off other
Pains and Aches.
Tie Preparation on earth equals Sr. JACOBS On
as a safe , sure , simple and cheap External
Remedy. A trial entails tut the comparatiTely
trialng ontlar of 50 Onti , and rery on * inffer-
lng xrith pain can hare cheap and pstitlTO proof
otltsclalnu. _
"Directions In EleTen langnaga.
< ySBJys ? Vr
Wholesale and Retail in
OFFICEX5IT ? MARKET 1415 Dopglas St. Packing House ,
Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , TJ. P. E. R.
Successorerto Jas.
Dealers in Ifine Imported
Extracts , Toilet Waters , Colognes , Soaps , Toilet Powders , &c.
A full line of Surelcal Instruments , Pocket Cues , Trusses and Supporters. Absolutely Fora
Drags aad Chemical * usetl in Dispensing. Prescriptions Oiled t any boor of tht night.
Jas. K. Isb. Lawrence Bc3Iahon.
The Genuine
TL popular demand for the GENUINE SINGER in 1879 exceeded test of
any previous year during the Quarter of a Century in which this "Old
> " , a ty Iteliable"-Machine has teen before tha public.
In 1878 we sold 356,422 Machines. In 1879 we sold 431,107
Machines. Excess over any previous year 74,735 Machines.
Our sales last year were at the rate of over
1400 Sewing Machines a Day 1
For every bnglncw day In the year ,
The "Old Sellable"
Singer is the Strongest ,
the. Simplest , the Most
Durable Sewing Machine
chine- ever yet Con
Principal Office : * Union Square , New York.
1,500 Subordinate Offices , in the bnited States and Canada , and 3,000 Offices in the 01
World and South America. seplG-dfinvtf
Business transacted game 00 that o an Incor *
pcrated Bank.
Accounts kept In Currency or gold Bufejoct to
Bight chock without notice.
Certificates of deposit Israed payable In three ,
six and twelve months , bearing Interest , or on
demand without interest.
Advances made to customers on approved S3-
rarities at market rates of Interest
Buy and sell gold , bills of exchange Ocvorn-
meut , State , County anil City Bonds.
Draw Sight Drafts on Eneland , Ireland , Soot-
land , and all parts of Europe.
Sell European Fasgare Tickets.
Cor. 13th ana Farntmna Streote ,
E8TABLI8DSJ > IX 1856.
Organized as a National Bank , August 20,1S03.
Capital and Profits Over$300,000 ,
Specially authorized by the Secretary or Treasury
to receive Subscription to the
Hintus KemrrzB , President.
AtJBDsrua KOUSTZH , Vice President.
H. TT. Tin * . Caahlcr.
A. J. POPPLETOS , Attorney.
JOHN A. CR-ianros.
F. H. Dins , Asa't Cashier.
Thll bank receives deposit without regard to
amount * .
Issues time certificates bearing interest.
Draw ? drafts on San Pr&nelico and principal
dtles of the United States , also Eondon , Dublin ,
Edinburgh and the principal citiu of tht conti
nent of Europe.
Bells passage ttcketa for Emigrants In the In-
man tie. mavlrttf
Geo. P. Bern '
. . is'
15ih tt Douglas Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
This agency doe * STRICTLT a brobtnge holi
ness. Does not speculate , and therefore any bar
gains on Ita hooka me Insured to Its p&trona , In
stead of bolnc gobbl < d up by the atrent
No IfOS farnJiam Street
Office North Side opp. Grand Central Hotel.
Nebraska Land Agency ,
1505 FarnJiam St. Omaha , Nebr.
iOO.OOO ACRES carefully selected land In Eastern
Kebraska for rale.
Great Bargains In improved farm * , and Omaha
city property.
latelandCom'rU.P.B.B. 4n-tebTtf
- Byron Reed fc Co , ,
Keep complete abstract of title to all Real
Ejtafo tn Omaha and Donclag Cnnntv. mavltf
J" . C. 'VOS ,
Oapltol Ave , , Opp. Masonic nail ,
OMAHA. - - - - - NEB.
T. S. HITCHCOCK , M. D. S. ,
From New York haa located In Omaha , and
enirantees to do flrgt-clas * work. .
Dental Booms , over A. Craickahank Co.'a , Cor.
15th and DoiuKvi. gep9-gm
"Geo.R. Eatlibun , Principal.
Oreighton Block , - OMAHA lo :
Send for Circular.
( Tormerly ct GUh & Jacobs )
Ho. 117 Farnham 81. , Old Siiad of Jacob Ola
Cor. Randolph St. & 5th Ave. ,
$2.00'AND $2.50 PER DAY
Located In the business centre , convenient
to places ot amusement. Elt > cantly furnished ,
containing all modern improvements , passenger
elerator , &c. J. II. CUMMINOS , Proprietor.
Council RlnfTs , loiraz
On line o Street Hallway , Omnlbni < o and from
all trains. RATES Parlor floor $3.00 per day ;
necond floor , 32. SO per diy ; third floor , S'.OO.
The best furnished and most com nodlons home
In the city. OEO. T. PUELP3 Prop
Laramie , Wyoming.
The miner's resort , good accommodations ,
arge sample room , chareca reasonable. Special
attention given to traveling men.
Il-tf H. C HILLUP.D Proprietor.
Cheyenne , Wyoming.
First-cl ss , Fine arse Sample Rooms , one
block from depot. Trains stop from 20 mlnutei
to 2 hours for dinner. Free Bns to and from
Depot. l > atcs 82.00 , S2.EO and 33.00 , according
to room ; s'ngle meal 75 cents.
A. 1) . BALCOM. Proprietor.
W BORDEN. Cnlcf Clerk. mlO-t
SchtiylerFeb. .
Flist-class House , Good Meals , Good Bed *
Airy Rooms , and kind and accommodating
treatment. Tv > good sample rooms. Specia
attention paid to commercial travelers.
S , MILLER , Prop-
alE-t !
Sohuyler , Neb ,
Machine Works ,
J. Hammond , Prop. & Manager.
The most thorough ippolntc' and complete
Machine Shops and Foundry In the state.
Castings of every description manufacted.
Enzlnes , Pumps and eveiy class of machinery
made to order.
order.pedal attention given to
Well Augurs , Pulleys , Hangers ,
, ecr
etc ,
Flans f or new UachlneryUeachanIcaI Dranjht-
np , Models , etc. , neatly executed.
56 Harnev St. . Bat. 14th and 16th.
iLER & GO. ,
l rWf'EJv
Connects With Street Cars
Corner of SACNDERS and HAMIWO1 ?
STREETS. ( End of Red Line as follows-
820 , 8:17andll:13a. m .3:03. 5:37 and729p.ra.
7:15 a. m. . 9J5 x m. , and 12:45 p. m.
4:00 : , 6:15 and 8:15 p. m.
The 8:17 : a. m run , Icartnr omaha , and the
4:00 p. tn. run , leaving Fort Omaha , are nsnally
ded to full capacity with resular passenjen ,
The 6:17 a. m , rna will be made from the post-
office , corner of Dodja and IStt enrchta.
Tickets can be procured from street cardrlr-
, or from drivera of hacks.
_ W-tf
E. : ET _ COOBZ ,
Odd Fellows' Block.
Pronpi attjaUon ( irea t ) orJen by
We call the attention of Bayers to Oar EitensiYe Stock of
, . , : .llo- ,
' ' . -.rSrjo $ . * ?
- We carry the-Largest end
Which We are Selling at
! s In charge ot Mr. THOMAS TALLOU , wlosa
reputation has heen fairly earned.
We also Keep an Immense Stock of
mSleodaw IS01 & 1303 Favnliasi Slrccf.
And Sole Aarcnt for \Y
Hallet Davis & Co. , James & Holmstrom , and J. & 0-
Fischer's Pianos , also Sole Agent 'for the Ustey ,
Burdett , and the Fort Wayne Organ
Go's ' , Organs ,
I deal in Pianoa end Organs exclusively. Have had years
experience in the Business , and handle only the Bestt
J. 8. WRIGHT ,
81816th Street , City Hall Building , Omaha , Neb.
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery ,
A. L. STEOG , 205 Pamnam Strnnt Onmlm. Neb
In Kegs and Bottles , .
Special Figures to the Trade. Families Supplied at Beasonabl *
Prices. Office. 239 Donerlnp Sfra K Omaha
Cigars from § 15,00 per 1000 upwards.
Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards.
Send for Price List.
-1 MAX 3IEn-il : & CO. , Omaha , Neb.
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
At Chicago Prices.
1209 and 1211 Harney Street , Omaha.
_ _ _ _ , _ octll-Jm
A Positive and Permanent Ours
Guaranteed ,
ID all cue * cf OraT.1 , Dbbttw. Drop y. Bright' * DUeais
KIdne ) t , Incontinence and Retention of Urtn , InjLiination
the Kidneys , Catarrh of tb. Uladder.HIah ColoredTJrlnt , Pala
In th Bock. s'd . ,
or Lfotn. Verraan Wealnesn and In fact a
disorders of tha Bladder and Urinary Orjr n , whether contract *
ed by private diseases or otheairlso. This frrcat remedy has beta
used with sucwss for neirly" . ten years la Trince , with tn most
wondeifulcnntire effect * It curettv atwrptim. nonaaseoa *
internal medicines bein ? roinired. We have hundreds of test ! ,
taonlals of cures by this Pad when all else h d tu'ed-
LADIES , If you are sufftrlar from Female Weakness , Ltucor *
rhceo , or dlxecscs pccallar to females , or In fact my disease , ask
your dru/cist far Prof. Oallmette's French Kidney Pad , an4
tote no cUiT. If he ha * not got It. send J100 and you wt
noalre the Pad by return mail. Addrtss O. 8. Biancb ,
Toledo , Ohio.
1 P ° ? , tl7ely / * y * nf * KV < > , Dumb/gue , AzueCake , Billion * Few. Jaundice , Dy i. p U
ane all diseases , .
of the Urer
Stomach and Blood. 7ho pad cures by absorption , and is permanent.
. Brxnch ) , Toledo , Ohio. awlrpoolT * Hhadctsnotlce It by return Bill"N&CO. plticadl.fOt tno KKKMJH . ,
Osuts , Hie ,