H / VOL.2. V OMAHA , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1880. NO 148. ' - < Ea < - > Established 1871. MORNING 'EDITION. Price Five Cents BARGAINS REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 15th and Douglas Street Over 8,030 residence lota foraale by this agen Cjr at priceer inging from t2b to 92,500 each , ani ocate din every part ot thodto , and In ever direction from the Poetoffiw , north , etst , sontl or west , and Taryinc in distance from on < bl ock to one or two miles from same. Call ani examine our lists. Several choice lota In Griffin & baacs1 add on , west of convent , between St. Uarv's arei ne and Barney street $600 to $800. 80 acres just cast of barracks on Saandcrs St. thla.ls choice land and will be Bold very cheap for cash In 5,10 or SO acre lotc ; now Is your tlmi to secure a bargain. Choice lot at end ot street car track ! on Eaon ders Btroet for $ 75. Choice lot , Farnham and Sith Street * . 60x18 oet for $1,500 will divide It. Cheap lot * In Credit Fondgr addition , sonth o f. depot $100 to (300. TERRACE ADDITION. Forty Iota on Park Avenue and Georgia Btroet on road to Bark , and near head of St. Mary * avenue , at from $125 to $300 each. Seven year time at elpht per cent interest to those who wll put up ( rood substantial buildingi. For f urthe ; partioPaara apply to. O. P. BEMIS , Ajrent , Fifteenth and Douglas Streets. A nice lot on Barney and T * jnty-firat streets tor $ K6. Two choice lota on 20th , near St. Mary's aven ne , 50x165 feet each , for $ S50 and $900. Two choice lota near 23d and Clark streets. It E. V. Smith's addition $300 and 8350. / Fifty lota In Shlnn'e first , second and third ad iltlons for 8100 to $600 each. Lot near 15th and Pierce , $450. Iota on riarnev near Sith St. , $800 each. ] lot on 24th near Howard street , S7oO. < 0 lots In Grand View addition , south cf U. P Wldge and depot , from $15 to $ 00 each- One acre , 117x370 feet , on ISth street , sontl ot Popploton's new residence , for $2,000 , or wll divide Into city sized lots a : from $350 to $501 each. * KIVERVIEW ADDITION. "Lor o number of beautiful residence lota , le cated In this new addition on Capitol Hill , be tween 24th street on the east , SGth on the wenDed ' Dod o street on the north and Famham street 'il on the south , formerly owned by C. H. Down and more recently known an the Perkins 15 acre ? Only " 2 lota have tlius far been platted 14 or Farnham ami 3 on Douglas street. These loti are 50 to 56 feet in width and 150 Indepth. $1,001 forth * choice. 5 years time , at 8 per cent In tercet to thcwo who ill build Rood substantial houses thcrc-n. Call and examine plat and ge' fall information at * 15EM1S' UEAL ESTATE AGENCY , 15th andDonglag streets. Over 200 houses and lots are offered for salt bythisofllca They arc scattered all over the city. Any location you desire. Prices varying Iron $3i)0 to $16,000 each. 2 ( rood lots and S cheap houses near Jackson tmd 'UthftrecUata Kreatsocriflce. Hereisa pre t bargain for some one. The property must bo sold innnedi itely. Covc-8 Just a quarter ot a block. Call and cxamlno this without any delay. OEO P. BEMI8 , Afcnt , 16th and Douglas Sts A desirable lot neat Cumini * and Saundrn Streets , J1.CC.O. J1.CC.O.PARK PARK PLAGE. The cheapest acre lota In the city of Omaha , re those offered for sale by this agency In Paik Place and Lowe's second addition , on Cumlngr , Bart and California street" ; you can make no mistake Inpltilnfr up these bargains while you have the chance. These Iota are more than equal In six * to 4 full-sired city lota or a half block and It will bo but a very short time before one- fifth part otone ot these acre lots will sell for as much as we offer a full acre to-day. They are located a vtry short distance west of Cr-ijrhton College. Prices ranfrin ? from $150 to $300 per ere lot. Call Immediately , and don't lose your hance , aud ret nlat and full particulars ot GEO. P. BEU1S , At-cnt , 15th and Douglas Streets. Vice lot on Sherman Avenue north ot Nicholas troet , $1,400. Half lot on Cass.between ISth and 14th streets 2 nice lots in Hartman's addition , $400 to $600. Large number ot acre lota in Glse'B addition in North Omaha , $125 to $300 each. Choice corner lot near 22nd and California Several cooJ loU In Nelson's addition , 150 to $350 each. Choice lot in Thornell's addition , $750. Several large lota in Bartlett's addition , 1 } rods and Si acres each. Prices $700 to $2,000 each. Several choice lota In Reeds first addition , | I75 to $850 each. Acre lot on Sherman avenue , (16th street ) , oath of Popplcton's new residence/ $1,100. 2 lanrelnts near ISth andClatk streets , 001 830 feet Comer , $1,200 ; Inride , $1,000. S lareo lots on Sherm i avenue , (16th street ) , Clark Street. 900 each McOANDLISH PLACE. 22 nice and cheap lota , very near to the bus ness part of the city , located a very tew steps outh ot the Convent and St. Mary's avcnae.and lust south ot and adjoining the cround of Jamc * it. Woolworth and W3. . Council these are cheap and very desirable , being so handy to bus iness part of city , to new government depot , nail works , white lead works , U. P. depot , stock yards , packing hwseg , etc. Call and get plat and full particulars. Price $275 to $350 and easy crms to those who build GEO. P. BEM1S , Agent , 15th and Douglas Sts. S choice residence Iota en 24th street , between fiouglas and Dodt-o streets$1.103 ; to $1,2CO each and lone time to tbofe who will build 2 choice comer lots near SUhand Fainham strata , 65x124 feet , $1.150 and $1,200. and very wy terms to purchasers who will Improve. - . Also 4 lota on 21th. between Farnham and Douglas rreett , 850 to $1,000 each and long time. * 43250 of the best business lota in y of Omaha for sale , located on every bun nr street , $500 to $0,000 each , . , 42TAleo very valuable stor crtiea in al most every business block $5,000 to $16,000 achLAKE'S ADDITION. 40cno co residence lots In above addition , 1m- tneJlately north of and ad'olnlng Poppleton's beautiful residence and grounds , and located on 18th 10th and 20th streets , $300 to $550 each and whowill build Gill and Ten- easy terms to those examine plat and pet f nil particulars. GEOTP. BEMIS. Agent. Beautiful building site on Sherman avenue , 16th streetVbctwccn Poppleton and the Dudley- Hams property ; 2C3 feet cast frontage on the avenue brsSaW in depth. Will divide | tmak- Ing 132 feet by 8S9. Call and get full partlculara. AT acre m 18th street , lot feet east frontage by 378 feet deep. This is Just south of the Kllza- beth { Poppleton place. This ia gUKsdce , call and eet price and tcrins ot BEU1S , Agent. IB peed lots. Just north ol and adjoining E. V. Smith' * addition , and located beiween SOth and anndcrs street * , at reasonable.prices . and long me to buyer who improva BEU1S , Accnt. HORBAOB7S ADDITION. 6S lots In Horbach's first and second ad Ition on 16th , 18th , 19th and SOth streets , between Nicholas , Paul , Sherman and Clark streets , very handy to iTr. Shops , smelting works , etc. , ranging in prtoos rom from $200 to $1:100 each , wqnlring only small payment down and long Um at 7 per cent interest to thoee whoiw.ll im- nrnvft GEU. f iittMLd , p 16th and Douglas Street. 58 nice loU la Parkers addition , between Baundert and Pierce. King and CampbcllV Sts. . on Blonio street ; 19 lota with south fronts ami frontage only6blocks north o 16 with north , the turn-table ( end Btreefccar trtek ) on Sannder street. Very lew prices ; $175 cash , or $200 oo longtlmend8percent interest to those wh will build. . _ CT160 good farms for sale In DongUs. Sarpy Washington. Burt , Dodge , Saunders and Eastern lerot counties. . 9-800,000 acra test selected land * in the t for sale by this agency. Call and c t maps , cculars and full particulars. X3rBcml ' new m p ot Omahl , 60c and $1.60. tarBemls' new pamphlet ( and map ot the Ute entitled "tho outlook ot Nebraska" for ee distribution. Geo. P. Bern is1 REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 15th & Douglas St. , OMAHA , - - - NOT WASHINGTON. The Leaders Consumi Most of the Day in Useless Sparring , MoCook's Bill to Place Gen Grant on. the Eetired List of the Army Likely to Succeed. Members in the House Warn to their Work on the Blec toral Count Bill Secretary. Thompsofn Sayi He Has Not Yet Accepted De Lessep's Tempt ing Offer. DE LESSEP'fi SDQAE PLUM. Special dlf patch to The Bee. WASHINGTON , December 9 10 p , The announcement from Paris thai Secrstary of the Navy Thompson had accepted the chairmanship of the Amercan branch of the Panama Canal company , IB , to say the least , prema ture. The secretary sajs that the position has not been tendered to him. He says a prominent party con nected with the scheme in tbis coun try , has made it known to him that the chairmanship of the American branch of the company would bo ten dered to him , but the tender has not yet been made. Therefore , he is not prepared to ay what he shall do in the premises. Jf he accepts it will throw him out of the Indiana'aena- torial race. The chairmanship would undoubtedly be a life position , and at an enormous salary. The same place was offered to Gen. Grant , but he could not accept it for the reason that he did not wish to place himself in an antagonistic attitude toward the pol icy of his government on 'the canal question. THE PENNSYLVANIA SENATOBSHIP. In speaking of the Pennsylvania scaitorshlp last night Senator Wal lace eald tnat he regarded Hon. G. A. Gow as leading the contest. Yet , in the event of any combinations that would operate dieadvantageosly for the ex-speaker , he thought his suc cessor would probably be Hon. Thos. BL Bayne , now representing the Twenty-third Pennsylvania district in , congress. ( When reminded that it bad been rumored here for some days that Uov. Hoyt WES developing much strength in the direction of the sena- torship , he replied he did not think the governor would enter the contest at all , as the information received from Harrishurg yesterday indicated such a determinination. CONTESTED SEATS. No report has yet been made in the colibrated Donnell-Washburn Minnesota seta contest. A majority of the com mittee is in favor of JVashburn , the sitting member. In the case of Yates vs. Martin , of the First North Carolina lina district , no report has been made by the committee. The case hai been considered , and a majority are in favor of Yates , the contestant. There is alee a contest in the Second North Carolina district , represented by Ketchom O'Hare. The contestant has not presented sufficient evidence to convince the committee of the jus * bice of his claim , and it will proba bly never be acted upon. The ovi- ience in the contest of Mackey against D'Connor , of the Second South Carolina lina district , has just been printed. The committee has notified Mackey jo file his brief. It is likely there prill be two reports in the case , the najority report favoring the sitting nember. THE JOINT CAUCUS. The republican representatives and lenators , In joint caucus last night , leclded unanimously to oppose the Morgan rule by every parliamentary levice. There was some difference of ipinion in the caucus held Wednes- lay night by republican representa- ives on the question of filibustering o defeat the Morgan resolution. The ixponents of the extreme thory were n a small minority , and they did not eera to be very firmly grounded in heir suggestions for conservative ictlon. The fact that there was a dif- erence of opinion , however , led the call for 5 joint caucus. Senator Blaine made a speech which illcited great applause. It was argu- nentative and stalwart in tone. Af- er criticising the resolution , bo poke of the old twenty-second joint ale , which had been cited by the lemocrata as a precedent for a new ule , which they now proposed to nact. Mr. Blaine denied that the ild twenty-second joint rule was a irecedent for anything. He claimed hat the rule was rendered extinct , nd disposed of as a precedent by the reation of the electoral commission , tribunal In the creation of which ioth democrats and republicans had a iand. He mentioned that the pro- oaod rule was dangerous , because it ras at variance with the theory of the ramers of the constitution , that con- rees should not have power to elect a resident. toePoncas Judge Dundys Decision , f Mhlngton Special to The St. Louis Republican The decision of Jndgo Dundy In he case of the Poncas against the iioor is somewhat of a curiosity In ugml literature. The suit was brought gainst the Sioux for certain lands nd Islands lying within the state of Nebraska , and judgment was given in aver of the Poncas and ousting the Sioux. The latter did not defend , tot knowing In fast that they were ued. Process was served on Spotted 'ail last summer , but he did not eid it , but threw It on the ground , ayinc he knew noihing about it. The pvemment was not a party to the nit and no one t.ppeared against the ounsel for the Ponca ? . The result ras that judgment went by default , ut it cow turns out that action was rought out for lands never held or lalmed by the defendant Sioux. Then the reservation of the latter ras set apart these islands within Ne- raska were excluded. It was sup- osod they still belonged to the Pon- as under special treaty , giving them be islands , and nobody has the lightest objection to them having 'hat eome persons have deemed it ecewary for them to sue for. Something About Senatorships rtihlngton Special to th GloDe-Deniocrat. The attitude of Senator-elect Ma- hone , of Virginia , is not the enl ; doubtful thingin connection with th next senate. The report now is tha James 0. Flood , the richest , next t < Mackey , of all the money operator on the Pacific coast , has aspiration for the United Statea senate. No body in California knows what Flood' politics are. He has sometimes givei liberally to one party , and sometime to another. It la now said that h has proposed that they shall mak him their nominee , and the leglsla tare being BO close he hopes ( as th report goes ) by the use of his mone ; to secure his election His case i much like Ms partner , Fair's , in Ne vada. Fair .is not a democrat , al though he will be elected by demo craict votes. Nobody doubts his nsi of money in the Nevada legislature Indeed it is well known that the coli is essential in that state for almos any purpose. The -republicans ii California are somewhat divided , fcn all accounts from that state , inclndlnj members and other persons of Intel llgence ano * prominence , concede thi election of Gen ; John J. Millar , He is a very rich man , and went t < California jafter the war , fromIndi ana. He was a very brave officer it the war , and had one of his eyes she out in battle. He has been collectoi of the port of San Francisco , is a law yer and an eloquent speaker. Ho if universally respected for his ability and moral character. He is at pres ent the president of the Alaska Fui company , and heavy dealer in min ing stocks. A letter received hero bj a former officer in one of the bonanza firms' companies from Mr. Fair , dated at Virginia City , says that he , having set up the pins so as to elect himself , is not really indifferent as to * senatori al honors , but that ho will come here and do his very best for his state. Fair is a man who will attend to his bnsineis , and the newspapers will hot be able to say of him , as they can truthfully say of Sharon , that he has not , during his six years' term In the senate , occupied his seat for six con- secvtivo days , and not thirty days al together. CAPITAL NOTES , The house committee on military affairs will , on Tuesday next , consid er Gen. McCook's bill to place Gen. Grant npon the retired' list of the Army. This bill has created coneld- erable discussion among cenatora end representatives , and some democrats oppose the bill on the ground that Grant took an active part in the re cent presidential election. It is be lieved , however , that enough demo crats will unite with republicans to secure a favorable consideration of the measure. | The credentials of Gen. Garfield as senator-elect from Ohio are still among the archives of the senate. It Is ex pected though , that within a day or two Gen. Garfield will , vby letter , re quest the vice president to return the same to him , so that he. may return them , through the governor of Ohio , to the legislature. On returning the credentlals.the general will also trana- ralt a letter declining the senatorial office to which he has been elected. SENATE. WASHINGTON , December 8. No business of importance was transacted this morning. On motion of Mr. Davis (111. ( ) it was ordered that when the sonata ad journed to-day , it be tomeet on Monday. After the presentation of petitions ind the reference of a few bills , the senate proceeded to the business on the calendar under the Anthony rules. The chair laid before the senate a jommunicatlon from the secretary of irar in-relation to the purchase of the Dapers of the late rebel Generals Bragg and Polk. The price asked is 510,000 , and the secretary raises the question whether contributions from inion officers , that had been gratul- ioualy contributed , should be made in aver of ex-confederate officers. The Communication was sent to the com- nittee on military affairs. , . Mr. Withers Introduced a bill for he termination of pension claims igainst the United States. Referred o the committee on pensions. Mr. Garland offered a resolution in truding the military committee to nquire into the condition of the government property at Little Bock , Lrk. Adopted. Mr. Bnrnside has given notice that , t the next meeting he would ask the enate to proceed to the consideration if the senate bill to establish an edu- ational institution , and apply a por- ion of the proceeds of public land o public education. The senate resumed the considera- ion of the bill on the calendar , on rhich no objections were made. A bill granting a pension at the ate of $20 per month to Mary A. jord , widow of Captain Lor3 , of the thirty-seventh Indiana regiment , rhich report had been made , caused a irolonged debate , but the bill was inally defeated by a vote of 43 to 15. The chair laid before the senate a ommunicatien from W. W. Corcoran , f the joint commission of the Wash- igton monument , transmitting the nnual report , and recommended an ppropriatlon of § 200,000 for the con- inuance of the work. On motion of Mr. Paddock , the ill for the sale of the remainder of be Otoo and Missouri Indian reserva- lens in Nebraska and Kansas was Etken up and discussed. HOUSE. The house passed a bill to authorize he New York chamber of commerce D place statuary in the sub-treasury uilding hi that city. Consideration of the joint rule on be electoral count was then resumed. Mr. McLain argued In favor of the ale , and insisted that it was iu as- ordance with the 12th article of the , onstitntion. The fortification bill , the first cf be regular appropriation bills , wei re- orted to-day , by Mr. Baker , of In- lana. The bill makes the same SD- ropriations as were contained in tra ill last year , viz. : § 100,000 for 1-3- iain of the armament of the sri east defence , and § 50,000 for torpedo ervlce. The only change from the ut year's bill was a clause authorizing * he secretary of war to change uuser- iceable and unsuitable articles of power - [ er and shot on hand for new powder , tc. tc.An effort was made to increase the ppropriatlon bill , but the com- u'ttee would not allow it. Mr. Kelley Jntrodnced a bill to re- iort on banfchecks , medicines and i&nk deposits. Mr. McLane , after reading the fifth rtlcle of the constitution , said it gave n express grant to both houses of ongress to count the votes : He doubted whether many men on th other side would take the position c Mr. Robeson , that the power to cone the votes is vested hi the vice preai dent by the constitution. That the ory has never been seriously accepts In the history of this country , no could the theory be accepted that congress gross could constitute a tribunal t count and declare , lhe result of th electoral votes for president and. vie president. Congress did once by lai establish a tribunal , and the coun made under would stand as a monn ment of dlrgraco to that tribunal Mr. McLane argued that It was eatab liahed under pressure , because th country had an executive who prop03 ed to use the army and the navy evei to defeat the will of the people. I was under such a pressure that th gentlemen agreed to pass that law But nearly all men of any distinctjoi expressed the regret that-thcy , nyuli be called on to vote for such a law es tablishing such an exceptional prcce dent , and authorized another body t perform the duty which devolve ! npon the two houses of congress. A a proof of that , the authority f thi two houses to count the votes hat heretofore been recognized. Mr McLane's reference to the fact thS Mr. Lincoln , ina managa tocong ; JBS remonstrated opainst being ca1' ' upon to share the respousi bility of declaring the result of a prea idential election. That message wai one of the acts which the gentlemai from Now Jersey would like to wipi out. Mr. McLane ma'de a long argu ment to show that , under articli twelve of the constitution the twc houses counted the votes. A long and tedious discussion en sued as to the operation of the pro posed joint rule. In reference to the action upon'the vote of the statesthc republicans contending that under the proposed rule one house really determined - mined the result in each state , while the democrats argued that it required the concurrent action of both house : to recleve or reject a vote , and thai they regarded it as the fairest solu tion of the question. Mr. Lapham , of Now York , ex pressed the belief that the democrats hcd some ulteiior' object , or thej would not press this matterwith sucb persistency. He gave notice that he .would resort to all parltamentaryjex. < peditions 'to defeat it. He insisted on the rights of the vice-president tc count the vote , claiming that no vice- president would ever defeat the wl ! of the people. He did not regard il as possible to count a fraudulent vote. In the course of his remarks ho ra fetred to the quotation by the demo crats of Mr. Lincoln's message on this subject.and intimated that they hr.d uo right to quote Mr. Lincolnas the ; had regarded him as a mere rail-split ter. ter.Mr. Mr. Herbert , of Alabama , in reply , denied that there was the least oc casion to impute ulterior or bad ob jects to the democrats. He admitted the election of Gen. Garfield , but said ; the democrats twanted to establish the fact that the vice-president should not count the vote. Referring to Mr. Lapham's remarks about .Mr. Lincoln , he claimed that no section of the country had more reap jet'for Mr. Lincoln's memory than the south , Mid they regarded his assassination aa DUO of the greatest evils that could lave bsfallon that section. Mr. Nowberry , of Michigan , closed ; he day's debate , arguing in favor ce ; he right of the vico-president to count .he vote , end at tne close of his poecL , the house adjourned. ; There is no telling how long the lebate will run. Mr. Wood tried again yesterday to iring the house to an agreement with eference to closing the discussion , lo wanted to know how many days ho gentlemen on the other side pro- losed to disturb the public bnalne.-n. ? o answer was vouchsafed. ELECTRIC BRIEFS. ipocltl Dispatches to The Bee. In the Bartree murder trial now in irogress at Honcsdale , Pa. , the wit- icsses for the defense all testified to 3artree's insanity. This is a turn for rhich the prosecution were not pro- tared , and may yet bo the cause of tearing the celebrated murderer. Thomas Muncher , who is charged rith participating-in the murder of u ireman named T. J. Ryan-at a sockl iall given at Mualo hall , New York , ave himself up to the authorities. The Mexican gunboat.case , at San Vancisco , was continued till to-day , ndge Latimer taking the 'position liatthe captain must recognize the rrits from the state courts , but h illlng to hear arguments. Judge iitimer has been in consultation with 10 circuit judges , and the Mexican iptain In consultation with Rear Ad- ilral Stevens Cato was produced in nut , by the sheriff , the prisoner bav- \a \ been delivered to him by the Mex- an consul. In the case of the Italian , Orifio [ agaro , who is charged of the mnr- ar of his wife , in New York last ano , the jury yesterday returned a ardlct of guilty of murder In the icond degree. When asked what lie id to say , he remarked that he would loner be hung than to be imprisoned ir life. He was tentenced to Sine ing for the remainder of his natural [ e. e.Th3 Th3 rapid rise In the Ohio river be- ig about to catch the low.-land corn- elds in the lower Ohio valley , all the ands that can be hired are being put j work gathering corn. Much of it rill be lost. Quite a number of monks , recently spelled from Franco , have arrived at lontreal , and are to settle on the aminaux property , at Oks , and wJ1 ! o to farming there. The National Railway Conductors' xcursion , which raturned to Chicago edncfday night from the five thou- ind m'le ' trip to the Pacific coast , hank all hotel keepers on their r3iit3 x the couiteslea extended , and all gree in saying It was the grandest vent of their lives. JACKSONVILLE , Fla. , December 9. ious Tcckstaln , the crazy -man who otcmitted the triple murder , near ! b = 3ter , has been consigned to the Mrlawn asylum , for treatment. NEW YORK , December 9. Immv rants on the steamer "Switzerland , " f the Red Star line tell a horrible tory of their ill treatment on the voy- ge across the Atlantic. The case is eing investigated. NEW YOKE , December 9 The An- horline steamer "Victoria" Is now leven days overdue. Five European teameis have arrived within the past trenty-four hours and others are ourly expected. All report terrific ales. Outbreaks Increasing to at * Alarming Exteut All Over the Island. Paraell to be Again Rioted foi His Bemarks Favoring to Ireland's SelfrGov- ernment.-j Three Thousand Troops Will . Guard the Landtords' Meeting at Won J hanv A Prominent Journalist Boy cotted for His Ultra Sentiments. CABINET HUMORS. Special Dispatch to The Beo. LONDON , December 8,10 p. m. The political air Is full of sensational rumors of a split in the ministry oc the policy to be pursued in regard tc the situation in Ireland. The storj chiefly current is that several members of the cabinet are satisfied that a land lord reform will not glvo peace to Ire land , because the idea of Irish self- government Is growing in the minds of the Irish people , and hence it would be useless to frame such a bill. Others demand the immediate sup pression of the disturbances io Ire land by troops. Sober people , how ever , do not hold a cabinet disruption imminent. BEACON8FIELD VISITS THE QTJEKN. The conservatives- making the most of the personal visit of Lord Beaconsfield to the queen nt Windsor , and magnlty It into * political neces sity. In government circles this idea is divided , and Mr. Gladstone's friends say Beaconsfield is merely called , to Windsor to reeeivo a royal compliment npon the success of his novel. THE , LANDLORDS' VEETINO. Special Dispatch to The B e. DUBLIN , December 10 1 a. m. A-special last night from Monaghau to The Dublin express , says the great est excitement prevailed there. Lord lloaamoro was accompaned7jby Lord Mandeville , who will assist at the an ti-land league meeting. Mandeville telegraphed to hia agent at Porta- down to send 1000 men to Scattstown without delay. Another telegmm was despatched to the district grand maa- ter Orangeman , of Armagh , to send 1000 men. A similar telegram was sent to Lord Crichton to send 1000 men from Fermanagh. These are cer tain to arrive , and the number will be mere than doubled by tnenfrom Mon aghanandthe surrounding neighbor hood. Th'o men will be suppliedywiih aome means of defense. The most active efforts are being made by the constitutional party and the leagues to make this last meeting a success. The assemblages will be most formida ble , and perhaps moat dangerous to the peace , that nas been witnessed in Ulster for some years , and if Ulster landlords take pattern by the example let them by Lords RoBsmore , Mande- rllle and Crichton , leaguers would lave little to say In Ulster. LAND LEAGUERS INDICTED. The Cork grand jury has found true ) ills against Mr. Healy'M. P. , and } riyate secretary to Mr. Parnell , and \Ir. \ Walsh , of the Balls land league , in the charge of intimidating Corne- lus Manning. The trial will probably ; ake place on Tuesday next. MORE BOYCOTTING. Mr. Bnnce , a journalist of Bandon , ind a celebrated south of Ireland ag Iculturiat and writer on the land question , has been Boycotted. An attempt was made to strangle me Sullivan , a procesi server , near 5kibbereon. Lawlessness in Cork is ncreasing to an alarming extent. COUNTER ELEMENTS. An immense land meeting was held it Scattatown yesterday. There were i thousand Orangemen prepared to told a counter , demonstration , but hey dispersed at the urgent entreat 23 of the authorities. The land eagners had telegraphed to Dubliner or military protection , and a sangnin- ry conflict was barely avoided. ANOTHER INDICTMENT. DUBLIN , December 7,10 p , m. It i considered probable that a fresh In- ictment will be prepared by the gov- rnment against Mr. Parnell , based pen certain utterances in his late peech at Waterford. The portion specially offensive was his Intimation mt the land leage propoied to con- nno Its organization until the Eng- ah government is compelled to re- are to Ireland the right of aelf-gov- : nment. DAILY OKOWIWO WORSE. Rep'orts from the north agree that 10 condition of things \ daily be- jmlng more critical. The landlords ve in constant terror , and cannot mger rely upon the constables for rotectlon , as the people have about aased to fear them. OVEBCOMINO ALL OPPOSITION. Notwithstanding the opposition of 10 Orangemen , the league is gaining round in Ireland , and the probablli * les are that the Oatholio and Protest- nt farmers will unite in promo ting the rejects of the league. The prospect of securing the con- ictJons of the leaguers at the coming rial is not promising , and all the lets D since the acquittal of the the edi- Dr of The Sligo Champion. THE OOMtNO LAND BILL. DUBLIN , December 9 4 p. m. 'he feautures of the government land ill , so far as the same have been made ubllc , are generally admitted to be atlsfactory to the people. The bill leets the islient points raised by the gitatora , and tt the same time is just nd equitable to the landlords , 'he prominent features are the lansea securing fixity of ten- ires and permitting free sale f acquired rights. Meantime , Eng- ish farmers are taking advantage of he agitation to secure Increased priv < leges for themselves. They demand hat they shall have the same rights s Irish tenants , and declare that tnder the present conditions they are inable to compete with the producers f the United States. CABLEGRAMS. p cUl Dispatches to Tni Bis. David Gormely , tha Irish farmer , who Wednesday shot the bailiff , whil the latter waa attending to executin a decree against him has been arrester ! The government has ordered ac'ora modotions for 160 soldiers to be prj pared at BalHna , Ita'snd , where : ltdy , and a Isnd owner , was re 3ntl ; mobbed and assaulted on thestree'-- Ffty thousand sham ofPanrtr Canal company stock have almd' been subscribed for In Sp via. DOMESTIC DOINCS. John Kelly Comes Up Smilin ] After the First Bound In the New York Munici pal Fight , Two More of the Overdui Steamships Drop Anchor in New York Bay. Two Thousand Oklahoma Col onists Will Enter the For bidden Ground To-day. Tne Oklahoma Wer. Special Dispatches to Tha Boe. ARKANSAS CITY , KM..December 9 10 p. m. A mass meeting of citlzsm was held here last night. Over2COC of the Oklahoma colonhts are encamped - camped in this vicinity , and nearly all were present. Speeches were npde by Capt. Paine , Maj. BIoss , and oth ers , and an address to the president of the United Statea was read and adopted. The address sayg It ia the intention of the colonials to enter the ceded lands of Indian Territory , aud that in so doing they believe they are committing no trespass on law. They say they are confronted with govern ment troops , who threaten their ox- pnlsion , and appeal to the president to order Gen. Pope to remove h'i sol- diera. The addrers concludci ns fol- lorfs : "We would deprecate a collision wlih the federal troops. Wo ask that we be not molested. Wo have fought for the flag which we honor , and wo ask the protection of the flas. " Greit enthusiasm prevailed. United Statea troops are pouring In at Caldwell - well , but the colonists outnumber them two to one. Capt. Paine h camping with the boyj , and they will move across the line to-night. Opening of the Canadian Parliament. Special Dlipatch to The Bee. OTTAWA , December 9 , 10p.m. The third session of the fourth Car > i- dian parliament opened this after noon , and the usual speech from the throne was delivered by the governor- general. He congratulated the coun try on the bountiful harvests and re turns of commercial prosperity , and mentioned that the contract for the construction and operation of the Canada PaciGc railroad had been made with men of high finarich standing In Europe , the United State and Canada. He said that steady progress had been made in the con itructioh of portions of' the road now inder contract , there being 264 mile ? : n operation , and that the Inter-Col mfal road would this year be aelf-sm- ; alnlng. The message was principally lovoted to matte of local Interest. sighting theTammany Sachem. : pec al Dispatch to The Bee. NEW YoRKjDecember 10 1 p. m. Fhe excitement In political circles tver the combination to confirm the leads of departments to-day , at a nee ting of the board of aldormancon- Innes unabated. Yesterday the City tail presented a lively appearance , nd all the prominent politicians ol loth factions were dltcussing the * tst information. The friends of Jr. Kelly seemed In better j ban on Wodnerday , and were wiling o wager on even terms tb > t the cou- ilnatlon had been broke ; . . The ; ? - inblican leaders are not ; ? ? d over ho combination , and held a caucus esterday afternoon to decide whethr- he combination will be kepi or not. t is stated on very good authoi'/ hat Mayor Cooper will not include mong bis nominations to-diy any andidato for comptroller , out of ourtssy to Mr. Kelly. The .rayor as intimated that he will hold bark jr a week or so , the nomination of a andidate for comptroller. Then op- osad to Mr. Kelly say that a com- ination of some shape or other wiU e formed , and will bo successfulnot- , ithstanding what Is said. The whole ilng rests on the action of the re- ublican caucus. Sad Beceptlon.- * dal Dispatch to The Bee. DUBCQUE , December 10 , 1 a. m' , . L. Bell , of the Gold Belt mining > mpany , arrived here last evening om California to find his family in lourning , and his wife a corpse ; rents unknown to him unt'l ho tached his house and saw crape on j IB door. 'She had committed suicide st week while ho was on his vray jme to pass the holidays. indications , edal Dispatch to Tni BIB. WASHINOTOND. 0. , December 10 a. m. For the upper Mississippi id lower Missouri valleys : Clear partly cloudy weather ; falling , fol- iwed by rising barometer , with highc ? imperatnre aud southerly winds. Alter Many Days. , > edal Dispatch to Tni Bxx. j NEW YOKK , December 10 1 a. m -Intelligence of the safe arrival of the icamships "Victoria" and "Valmer,1" hlch are two weeks- overdue , was lad tidings to many In this city yea- jrday , who had friends on boe-d. he vessels arrived off Saudy Hook at p. m. , and will be towed no their ockthis morniujr. The "VictorV died from London November 13tb ad encountered heavy weather. SI 3 > 11 in the with"Valmer , " from Havia Ibvember llth , and M the latter v.a adly disabled by storms took her in aw , and when the heavy weather wai ncountered the "Victoria" broke h7 udder post , and her machinery was battered , but using the "Valmor" ? s drag , she out rode the storms , and ucceed in accomplishing the voyr e. Iho celebrated race horse which n board died November 29. Twenty-six variety people who were leiforming at the St. Louis Theater 'omiaue lost their wardrobes. The heatre was formerly the property of Jen De Bar , but is now owned by A. J. Baker , of Philadelphia. It ras accounted one of the historic andmarfes of J3t. Louis. None of tha kdjoining buildings were damaged. IT MADE HIM 'TIRED Gen , Ord Forced From Ac tive Service to Private Life. Forty-one .Years Sacrifice ! for Good Pay and His Country. Two Serions Accidents on th Northwestern Eoad , Near Chicago. ' L Bev y of' Frehch Innocent Rescued from a St. Louis "Wolf. Special dispatch to Tm Bis. CHICAGO , December 9 4 p. m.- Two morer accidents have occurred 01 the Northwestern road. The Mayweed wood accommodation train this morn ing ran into a switch engine at th Halsted street viaduct. Both engine wore badly damaged. The Maywooi engine was 'thrown from the track Several passengers were injured anc all badly scared. The evening mail train from Genevi Lake was thrown from the track nea : that place by a broken rail , and al except the engine precipitated fort } feet down an embankment , turning completely over. One car took fire , but it was extinguished. Three per sons were seriously hurt , and nearly all others on the train received slight jrulaes. The "World's Fair. Special dispatch to The Bee. NEW YORK , December 8 , 4 p. m. Che world's fair commission has adop- ed a report recommending the In- wood site for the exhibition of 1883. Cho site is about eight miles out on he New York Central and Hudson liver railroad and contains 250 acres. Takes It Hard. Special Dispatch to The IJec. CHICAGO , December 9 , 4 p. m. A San Antonio special says : "General 3. O. C. Ord , who has commanded : hedepartmeut of Texas with head- [ uartora in this city , since April llth , .875 , Tuesday .evening received noli- ication by telegraphfrom the Presi dent of his retirement. The General will bo superceded by Gen C. C. Augur , now commanding the depart ment of the south with Headquarters xt Newport Barracks , Kentucky. 3eneral D. S. Stanley arrives from ? ort Clark to-morrow to take command pending the arrival of Gen. Augur. Yesterday Gen. Ord refused o sign any pipers , and the affairs of lis office were turned over to Gen. Shnrman. Adjutant General Vincent icting for him. Gen Ord ia C2 years of ago , and has served forty- ono aud i half years. Ho seems to take the change forced upon him very hard and regrets are universal among : he citizens because of the president's ction , General Ord having endeared iiimself to our entire people by his un- leasing efforts in behalf of the inter- jata of the vast region under his com- nand. Rescued from Sname ! Special Dispatch to The Bee. NEW YORK , December 9 4 p. m. Che commissioners of charities have ust rescued three immigrant girls from , life of Immorality. Their names , re Marie Arlgaasi , Louise Donati and ilagdalena Blames. They are natives if Paris , from 19 to 23 years of age , , nd are exceedingly pretty. They rere engaged as domestics by a man lamed Xavler Willern , a resident of it. Ijpnie , who represented himself .is iwner of a splendid new hotel in that ity , aud who offered them easy werk nd large wages , besides offering to ay their fare to this country. They "Pierre" and rero passengers on the fter their arrival were taken to a Drench hotel on Wooster street. Dur- ig the voyage , Willem dropped some inta which were refused by the girls , rho were suspicions of hia { mentions agarding them. At the boardinghouse leir suspicious were confirmed , aquiry to the St. Louis police pro- ounced the Willems hotel story a oax , and the girls visited Castle Gar- en and made complaint against Will- in , stating that he had all their othing locked up in his trunks and ifused to give it up. A datective ent to the Wooster street house and icovered the clothing , but not until a had been compelled to knock Will- n down. A situation has now been mnd in Now York for all three of le girls. A DANaEROUS FIEE , t. Louisans Battling With the Fiend in a Crowded Locality. wclal Dispatch to the Hit. ST. Loois , December9 2 p. m. t twenty minutes before ono o'clock ila afternoon there was a cry of fire Q Pine street , opposite the Mor dants Exchange. It was soon known iat the * Tneater Comiqne on the orth side of Pine street , between bird and Fourth streets , was on fire , he alarm waa sounded , and in a few linutea two engines arrived , ad were stationed on Fourth ; reet. These attracted a great crowd ad the news spread that the theatre as on fire , causing great excitement. Q five minutes after the alarm waa iven the stage and whole interior of BO building was in flame.a Smoke oured from tne upper windows on * lne street in great volumes. The jterlorwaa so filled with smoke that oth'mg but a bright light to the jft toward the stage could be seen. Just then a young man emerged rom the auditorium begrimed with moke and greatly excited. This waa lichard Shay , one ot the employes. Ir. Smith , tha lessee , was in the luilding , but did not seem to know rhat to do. He was too much cxcit- d to answer any questions. The fire- nen got to work with two streams , nd soon reduced the flames sufficient- y to show where most of the fire waa. iit that time the stage and scenery rere all ablaze. Members of the com- > any pressed their walkthrough the Towd , eager to save what they could , > ut with the exception of one or two ranks and some advertising material , ittle waa gotten out. In ten min- ites after the firemen had got to work ; he whole interior was burning , mak- A. UBERMANN , J Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts. . Gives Great Bargains in ladies' and Gents4 * AMERICAN GOLD AND SILVER WATCES All Kinds Of JEWELRY , SILVER WAUB AND DIAMONDS. We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money. . 5 feB P Ing it almost certain that nothing of value would bo left inside , and that the whole building would be gutted. The fire appears to have started under the stage , and is doubtless owing to the to some imperfection of the furnace , or possibly from carelessness. The smoke was probably caused by the scenery being permeated with so much oil. Wet the lazJ. sign of a ilame waite to be seen anywhere , nothing but heavy volumes of smoke issuing from every window and door. At one o'clock the firemen Upon the inside were forced to vacate and seek the open air , pulling their hose after them. At this hour , 1,30 p. m. , the fire is still raging , and it looks as though the building of the Globe- Democrat , on one side of the Oomiquo , and the American Union telegraph building situated on the other aide , would both go. The losa or insnrrnce is not known as yet. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New Yorfe Money and Stocks. WALL STKBIT , December 9. MONET fl per cent. ; exchange , firm at $4 79i@4 82J. 82J.GOVERNMENTS. GOVERNMENTS. Strong. U. S. 6'g81 1 02 ? U.S. 4'a 1 18 $ U.S. 6'g 1 OH Currency 6'a. 1 11 U.8g 1 lf | STOCKS The stock market this"morning was Btror ; ? and active and higher. Prices Up to this hour show an advance of } to 4 } per cent , 13 comnared with ycsterdiy. Tne clcslnt ? prices show the C. B. & Q. , the coal shares , Erie , Northwestern , St. Paul , and Rock bland on the rise. A. & P Tel 36) Amer Union 63 CanS 723 OCCI- 83 $ tf W U4 | CO&IO 20J Preferred 110JJ C & P 113 H I.- . 126 Preferred _ 121 B&O. 177i Ohio 22J Lack 1033 Preferred 31 PL Ex 5H StJoe J [ , fcN 83 } Preferred 95 r.S 123 } M C it 4T 43 ? N JC UP 108 PM Keacllng 50 ] Omaha 45 [ M 46 Preferred 88 > f P S3 } Wabnh 43J Preferred 64 OM J2i 3P 81i W U WJJ Chicago Produce Market. OHICAOO , December 0. Wheat No. 2 spring , g@ c lower , with sales at and between $1 02105 for January , closing at 81 02k for : aah ; ? 1 02j for December ; ? For January ; § 1 04 § for February. Corn No 2 , \ @ a lower ; closing 39g39 c for cash or December ; 39g © 39ii for January ; 4445c for May. Oats J@lc lower ; No. 2 closing at 32c for cash ; 32j for December ; 32jjc For January ; 3Gg@3GJc for May. Rye Quiet at 87c for No. 2 in store. Barley Quiet ; No. 2 in store , ? ! 03. Pork Mess , 5c higher per bbl , closing at $11 75O13 25 for cash ; 811 75 for December ; § 13 25@13 27 $ for January ; $13 42J@13 45 for February. Lard Closed at $8 37i@8 40 for cash or December ; $8 458 47 * for January ; ? 8 52 (3860 ( for February. Whisky Firm at $113. Chicago Live Stock Market CHICAGO , December 9. Hogs 5@10c higher ; moderately activesalas were at ? 4 55@4 75 for light packing ; 84 60Q5 10 for good to extra heavy packing ; § 4 C5@5 00 for good to : holce heavy packing$4 C0@5 00 for good to choice heavy shipping lots. Re ceipts. 2.000 head. 'Cattle $2 40312J4 ( 20 for bntclv era * steers ; receipts 3,900. St. Loula Live Stock Market. ST. Loois , December 9. Hogs Higher ; light , $4 004 25 ; mixed packing , § 4 504 75 ; butch ers' to fancy , $4 80@5 00 ; receipts , 1,000 head ; shipments , 1300 head. New Tori : Produce Market. NEW YOKK , December 9. Flour Dull and strongly in buy era * favor ; receipts , 23699 ; bbls round hoop Ohio , $4 75@5 50 ; choio do$5 55@6 Sojsuperfine western.33 4 < @ 4 50 ; common to good extra do $4 50@5 00 ; choice , do , do , ? 5 05i ( 6 75 ; choice white wheat , do , ? 5 700 600 , Butter Steady ; fair inquiry for choice Ohio at 13@30. E 2s Firm at 2G@31c for fair to choico. Wheat Quiet ; Chicago , $1 17 © 1 19 ; Milwaukee , SI 20@1 21 ; No. 2 red winter , $1 19@1 19j ; sales 90,000 bu. Corn Nomlnal ; No. 2 , 59-3 ; ta4M , " 00,000 bu.fc Oats Quiet. Whiskey Nominal. St. Louis Produce Market. ST. Louis , December 9. Flonr Dull and lower. Wheat Dull rind-lower ; No. 2 red winter , $1 01.J@1 OOJ. Corn Lower at 40c. .Oats Firm and slow at 34o Rye Dull at 84cbid. Whisky Dull at SI 12. Pork Dull at $13 25 aaked. Dry Salt Meats Held above buy ers' views ; nothing doing. Bacon Dull at 85 25@7 76@7 90. Lard Nominally $8 25. Terrific Explosion * . Special dispatch to Tha Bee. NEW YORK , December 10 la. m. Jreat excitement was caused at Hun- ers Point at 1:30 : yesterday afternoon > y the explosion of a still at tha Brooklyn oil refinery on Newtown creek. The surrounding neighborhood waa greatly shaken up. Windows wore broken for a long distance , and ledestriana were lifted from their feat > y the force of the shock. Fortu nately , no one was hurt. The oil in he still was Ignited. To prevent onflagration the oil waa drawn off rom the bottom , and allowed to run nto the creek. The damage dona to > roperty is very groat. CHICAGO , December 10 1 a. m. About 1:30 : yesterday afternoon an ex- iloaion took place at the Union Lime perks , corner of Nineteenth and jincoln streets. John Mangb , board- ng at 739 West Nineteenth streets , while engaged In the pump house , ia making cartridges for blasting pur poses , waa instantly killed by the ox- iloalon of a powder can. Walter Iall , another employe , wa badly in ured about the head and neck , lie s supposed to be fatally hurt. Win- lows within two blocks of the place wore shattered. A Baa Neffro. pedal dispatch to.Tlin Bis. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , December 10 I a. m. Torn Harris , the negro who murdered a colored girl named Nar- clssa Roderick , in Illinois , nearly op- losite this city , last summer , sad rhich created such a feeling among he negroes at that time , has been captured , and will probably be hero o-day , on his way to Illinois. A arge reward was offered for his ap- irehension. Unless he Is strongly guarded when he crosses the river , it s not improbable that the negroes over there may take him oat and string him up. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the county clerk of , Knrnas county , Nebraska , at Seaver City , the county seat cf said court- ; y. cp to the 3rd day of January , A. D. 1881 , at 12 o'clock II. of said day , for tha construction of a wagon bridge across the Republican river , south of the town of Cambridge , in Medicine CreeJc precinct , in FumaH connty , Nebraska , said bridge to be 400 feet in length. Bidders are re quired to accompany their bids with plans and specifications of the work , and also with . bond in a sum double thu amount of tha bid , conditioned for the faithful execution of the contract. The county commLaionera of said county of Fumas reserve the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the connty commiMioners ol Foraaa county , Nebraska. Dated at Beaver City. Kurnas county , Nebraska , tha 19th day of November , A. D. 1880. L. Kc3KA.i , County Clerk. dec3-lmd&w _ _ A. W. NASOff. IDE 3STG7ISO7 , OmcK Jacob's B etc , eorn l CapltotlAT * . tml ISth Street , Omaha , Nob. 1