Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Thursday Morning , Dec. 9.
The publishers of THE OMAUA BEE ,
1 u rder to encourage immigration to
I ? hrafcka , invfie ell resideutB of tills
ata'e , t3 send them names of parties
In 'ha East to whom sample copies
of THE WEEKLY BEE , containing
cjiup.led statistics about Nebraska
Betting foith her ad vantages for set
tiers , will be mailtd frco. Send ad
1 ess in full including name , Post
OJice , County and State. This offer
i21 b * open irom now until January
' t. Direct letters or postal cards
v .Ji thce names to WEEKLY BEE
aterson sells coal.
- f rinnttrcomfortt in caps , roles , carD -
-D A s , ut the 39e store.
- II Hday Goods at Kuhn'e.
In : crial Club party to-night.
Porter is i tinning the Omaha Ferry ,
- Cii > ics meats , Be en'e Fulton Market.
\ \ al jid Sets at Kuhn's , druggist.
\ . ] > 5 thinn on ics Fatty Glenn on
' " : tes.
Sc v enteen cats of iei and silk passed
-AVhipple , McMiUan & Co. , the jewel-
c s. On yhton Block. o2C-tf
' ivs Htins Patterns at Bushman's.
- T .ic neatest ce luloid set ? et er brought
J n-La , at SaxeV.
lana er Nugent and Billy McKee
- n r irnhed their difficulty.
1 fore buying your hats , caps aud
, til at C. B. De Great & Co.'s. 20-tf
Swit-s Checbewholesale and retail , at
< uziud & Meyer's , 207east 13th St.
1 ! > . reception of the Y. M. C. A
11 usd y evening , at the Presbyterian
- rJi.
Thfuusral of little Gracie Atkinson
i 1 take i > lnce at 2 p. m. Unlay , from
* irn.ibas church.
- The u w organ at St. Barnabas was
. .J ctorily tested by Prof. G. F. Mayer ,
i' e Jay .evening.
I'.io monthly meeting of the Nebraska
J"iny of Science , will beheld at their
is Friday night
The American Union District Tele-
. li oomjianj' will be put in operation in
ncil Binds at an early day.
Major Fnray has removed from the
1 < orral to the new depot in the south
'juarter ' of the city ,
lie room in Creighton block formerly
i , > ed by Guild & Merrill will soon be
nied by the American Express Co. as
M e.
I'iie city tax list forlSSO has l > een fin-
< i. . .nl placed in the office , where City
-U'er Mnlelti is ready to receue pay-
i uon it.
only one Pullman sleeper
tuwm yesterday but there wa ? a good
' of ui > t class passengers in the d.ty
nil'-- ' away above average.
TJIO S 2"i,000 six per cent , court-house
' 1 . h < B bceu awarded to Mr. H. T.
u , of llellevtie , who was the highest
i'T. nfTi-iiugto take the bonds at par
i ' > ' - premium
T'e i" enio court met Tuesday and
" ' upicdin listening to n re-argument
t. ie sewer c the from Omaha. They met
uu tl is morning , when tic argument
lie feast of the Immaculate Concep-
n < if the Virgin Mftrywas Ctlebratedby
J > man Catholicsyesterday.Thedaywas
- r\ J with religious ceremony at all
< ntholic diu dies of this city.
Mr. J raes E. Bij'd has just recehed
fiuett cabinet desk ever seen in the
\ , Ic was made in Indianapolis , cost
' aod is of fiuc walnut , with magma"
. VuoU veneers. It is "a daisy. "
J. lie petit jury in the district court has
du-chnrged for the term and Judge
to 'cave ' for homo to-day.
1 finish up the business of
-1 jurt.
The Jf01 th western train yesterday
. ' fwr , hours late , and the C. , B. & Q.
r Lun. late. The overland train out wab
Ux'ed one hour. The n ail tr in from
west was re ortcd on time.
- Lincoln have leaied i No. 2 Silsby cn-
t f > r 10 months , at SI03 per month , to
> Tha"3 it at the end of that time if
< vnml cxpelient. The council has ixloo
irchascd a $300 team of burses for the
in *
There will be a mass-meeting of cili-
ns of Omaha ladies ard gentl num at
' isouic hall , on Friday next , at 3 p. m. ,
farther consider" the best place of estab-
ii tg add erecting permanent house for
i f i landless and pour.
-The thermometer went tip as hish as
3' < l rees above zero Tuesday , but
< > U1 wind sprung up in the evening and
i lif > night on the streets win marked by in-
iiKe darknees and clouds of dm > t aud
rtiie ) .
Capt. S. S. Reynolds of David City ,
unruish'd ; himself at Lincoln Tussday
) iy gal ant vervices in fighting a fire which
: tireatenoi the city. He is known to
i > \ ? rvhudy in Omaha \vhere he visits every
i * daj-s to roll hogs.
-There were twenty-two bids received
> . i.h > county commissioners on Mcndaj-
> 1 tlie grading on block 111 , Court
i i me Hquarc. The highest bid was for
! csuts per cubic yard and the lowest 7f
. . ute. The latter bid was from Andrew
1 > ibV , and to him the contract has been Jed.
-Weather prophets predict a severe
H-iuter , one of them prophesying a unow- i in
a-in , to b gin Dec. 22d , at 11:35 a. m. ,
u last pre isey ! seventeen hour < > , seven j wj
lumutcs and forty-one teconds , during
< J ich an average depth of 11J ftet of
now will falL
-It is ivith much regret that we learn
< -f ths severe illness of our old friend ,
1 luiiiis Campionwho his for so long been
mplnyed at M. W. Kennedy's , lie has
5 -a confined to the house for several
e ks and is still barely able to get ui > oe-
laionally , but we trust will soon again be
) F to be about aud in his old place.
-Misi Catherine Von Blumcrssen , the
n H-id-renowned German skater , is in the
' , snd "will probably be prevailed upon
, ru-3 one of her wonderful exhibitions
vi the ice , either to-day or Saturday
- ' crnoon. She has the reputation of be- tion
, the most skillful operat r on ekatea in cin
i n world. The ice i ] in i ilandid coadi- the
u now , ad crowds throa ? the rink boc
i4m noon till bed-time
'Die re ulir iuonthly meeting of the and
i * < ? Stenographers' Association was he\l
rl'ida > evening at the office of Stall fi : j
eli. with the following named members | ?
r-ese ' T * . L. Beards.ey , of Falls City , fore
( facial reporter of the First district ; shoes
; n ene Monre , of West Point , reporter of cqu
* ; " h district ; Homer Stnll , Geo. W. est
d2n , J. S. Shropshire , W. C. Kenyon , 1
M. Uarr , C. A. Potter , J. J. Points ,
cV. . White , John T. Bell. &
x c E ecial train load of condnctots ,
j AVC been taking in the Pacific coit
i ' ta , returned over the Union Pacific
iv 4 yesterday afternoon at S o'clock.
U'jiey all took dinner at the Union Pacific
Transfer hotel and then departed for Chicago
. Conductor
cage over the Northwestern.
Kernahan and sister , Conductor Cruick-
shank and wife , and Conductor McHugh
aud daughter , all cf the Union Pacific ,
returned with the excursionist' .
The old and reliable Pioneer Drug
Store of Omaha has the finest assortment
of rich Holiday Goods ever brought to the
city , and invite everybody to call early
and see them , Ish & McMahon , proprie
A new post of the G. A. R. will be es
tablished at Sewardon thelGtb inst. , by
Capt. John S. Wood-and another at
Ponca , in a few days. There are a large
number of veterans in the vicinity of the
latter place.
W < r invite the buying public to call
and see our stocks of Dry Goods and
Notions. Our store , 1518 Dodce
street ( lately occupied by Willis M.
Yates ) has been re-arranged and we
hare put in a stock of goods which are
all net ? and fresh. We aim to supply
the ladies of Omaha with good goods
at low prices , how well we succeed
our patrons can best Jud e after pay
ing us a visit. COOPER & LABD ,
1518 Dodge street.
A rich and beautiful assortment of
silk lined Russia leather goods , con-
a'sting of jewel caskets , ladies' and
gents toilet cases , writing desks , odor
cises , handkerchief and glove boxes ,
ladies' fancy work boxes , etc. Isli &
McMahon , druggists , 1321 Farnham
street ?
If your watch or clock needs re- I
pairing , take it to 8. Jonason's , CIO
south Thirteenth street and get it re
paired. It is the cheapest and best
place m town. '
Bangle Bracelets ,
Bangle Rings ,
Bangle Pins ,
Bangle Necklaces ,
The latest styles ,
Just opened at Ed helm & Erickson'e ,
Fifteenth street , opposite the Post-
office. It
You can buybeautifulfancy articles ,
dressed dolls , embroidered table
cloths , and a splendid supper at the
Congregational fair next Thuwdsy
and Friday evenings , December ICth
aud 17th , at Masonic Hall. 8-2t
Judge Lake has returned to Lincoln.
Leavitt Burnham Ins gone to Chicago.
Bishop Sharp left for home Tues
A'ex. Swan , the cattle man , went west
Senator Ley , of Stanton , was in the city
Webster Snyder returned from a trip to
Iowa yesterday. I I
Prof. C. 3) . Wilber , of Crete , came in
at noon yesterday.
TJ. S. Marshal Bierbower went down to
Lincoln Tuesday.
N. B. Falconer , of Crmckshank & Co. ,
has returned : rom the east.
D. 0. Clark , of the U. P. coal depart
ment , has gone to Chicago.
C. W. Thomas , the Grand Island mer
chant , went west at noon yesterday.
Ji'dgo Barnes , of the Sixth judicial dis
trict , is holding court for Judge tiavagj. '
J. W. Morse , general passenger agent
of the Union Pacific railway , has arrived
fioru Chicago.
Assistant Manager T. L. Kimball , of
the U. P. , came up from St Joe yes *
terday in the hpecial K. P. car No. 100.
J. T. Clark , L II. Congdon and T. 1L
Labagh took the noon train to-day for the
west , in the i-pecial office car No. 12. The
former two will go over the entire line of
road to Ogden.
Hon. J. L. Webster and W. JT. Connell -
nell , E-q. , left for Washington Tuesday
to argue the case of Clopper vs. the
Union Pacific llailway Co. , to recoter oa
the contract for building the bridge over
the Missouri at this point. The case comes
up tliis term in the United States supreme
Ladies wishing to bay nice per
fumes or holiday goods should not fail
to visit Size's Dru Store , corner of
13th and Faniham Sts. 8-2t
Bangle Bracelets ,
Bangle Rings , j
Bangle Pins , j
Bangle Necklaces ,
The latest styles ,
Just opened at Edholm & Erickson'c ,
Fifteenth street , opposite the Poet-
oiticc. It
Solid cold and silver mounted toilet
set at Ish & McMahon's-
Meals at nil hours at Tizzard'a. tf
A full line of Kennedys' fine
Christmas Crackers.
Fine preserves ; jellies and canned
goods at Fleming & Co's ,
D. S. Moore , the inimitable and en 86
ergetic harness man on Thirteenth , is
still alive , and has on hand the best .
stock of goods in his line of any house (
the west. A beautiful wire and
gold screen Is nearly completed and
will ; soon be hun < j over Thirteenth to
Plant * ' Extra. Winter JT7ifa < Flour.
of tht bcstpastry flours made.
ACK'S. 6-tf wi
I would respectfully call the atten the
of the citizens of Omaha and vi Sol
cinity to the fact that I have on hand pie
largest and best selected stock of Pri
boots end shoes in the city , which I gro
at the lowest postible cash figures out
warrant every pair sold. I have a bra
< of Routs' eewed boots and shoes in
which. &ro much lower than ever be the
; also a lot of misses' and ladies' dri
and slippers , which will bo sold pea
equally low , and the best and cheap s&li
artics iu tha west due
This is business aud no humbug. edge
and examine for yourselves.
1318 Faraham street. cor
The Royal M. John I Ho
is warranted for Hix years , [ Cal
Captain J. R. Porter's Ice
Bridge Over the Missouri.
Aa Enterprise Promising Big
. „ Besults.
The efforts of Hon. JohnR. Porter
to combat the "Cuion Pacific bridge
monopoly during the past year , by
maintaining a cheap ferry and his suc
cess in reducing the rate of bridge
tolls and fares , are well known to our
citizens. _ _
With the closing tip of navigation
the ferry boats were laid np but the
indomitable spirit of Capt. Porter was
not thus to be conquered , and he has
again opened to the public a cheap
thoruehfare between this city ana the
Iowa shore. Our reporter was
'yesterday permitted the pleasure
of a drive from Omaha to the oppos
ite city by Captain Porter's line , and
with the exception of one obstacle ,
which will be removed in a few days ,
found it quite an enjoyable trip.
At the foot of Jones street a wide
bridge spans the space from the top of
the ice which has formed
the ! rip-rap to ,
ed a gorge frcm the bridge to the
foot of Farnham street , and forms a
eafe ; and smooth natural bridge over
the waters of the Big Muddy
From this bridge , which is elghf y-five
feet ( in length , to the other shore , a
track is marked out upon the ice by
sawdust shewn on pretty thickly and
tne : whole track is as smooth as a
pived et. The ice over the channel
nel is over eight inches thick and con
stantly increasing.
From the other side the captain has
constructed a road , the grade of
which is above high water mark , and
which crosses the bayou at the further
extremity of the flats , by mcins
of a wide and substantial bridge 103
feet in length. This rests on poles
driven in the ground to a depth of
twenty ieetand its largest span is thir
ty-six feet. Its floor is of heavy ,
three incti planking , and is three feet
above high water level. It will withstand
stand the severest June rise of the
The amount of money , time , labor
and skill expended on this road is sim
ply surprising , and we are of the
opinion that Captain Porter has
built up a more valuable
property than he himself dreams of.
Ho has in reality paved the way for
the easy construction of a second
bridge , and we believe it will result in
this at no distant period.
The obstacle alluded to above is the
crossing of the Omaha and Southwest
ern twcks , two of which cress his
route at the foot of Jones street and
arj very eerlous and annoying ob
structions , to a public thoroughfara.
The track - layers have promised
to build a crossing this
week , and the ice bridge will then be
thrown opjn to Jhe public at a very
low rate of toll , and must for many
reasons win the patronage of most of
the travel between the two cities , as
it is the shortest , quickest , best and
'cheapest route.
It is a big t-uterpr.'s3 , and one for
which Capt. Po-ter deserve * the com
mendation of thd public , which has
too long suffered from the great im
positions cf the U. P. bridga mo
nopoly , i
Bang'o Bracelet ? ,
Bangle Rings ,
Bangle Pins ,
Bangle Necklaces ,
The latest styles ,
Just opened at Edholm & Eiickson's ,
Fifteenth street" , opposite the Post-
office. " It |
All the newest and latest designs in
cut glass bottles just received at leh
& McMahor.'s , 1321 Farnham street.
Go and see them at S. Jonason s ,
410 Sooth Thirteenth street. The
best and latest thing out. Don't for
get it.
Low prices the order of the day , at
tlC Tea Store of W. R. Bennett &
tlg' . Como for your toys and fancy
goods ' while the assortment is good.
Come for your teas , coffee and spicei.
Come for your sugar , syrup , etc.
All sold at extremely low prices.
Come for your household things and
* . thousand and ono useful thing ? ,
kept ( by us and sold cheap.
W. R. BENNETT & Co. , ip
113 North Fifteenth St.
Tuesday , December 7 , 8 p. m. , of
croup , Ethel Carolina , yeungest
daughter of Anna M. and 0. Eertel-
sen , aged one year , seven months and
twenty-one days. The funeral will
take place at 2 p. m. to-morroir ,
Thursday , ) from residenca , Chestnut
etrest , No. 10 , between 3d and 4th
streets. Friends are cordially invited A
attend without further notice.
The Demon's Worlt.
The wreck of that portion of Cen-
ral Block galted by lire on Monday
night is being rapidly cleared away ,
and the water which filled all the
cellars to the depth of a foot and a
half is to-day beirg pumped oat by
fire engines.
The total loss is about $110,000 , on
which the total insurance was nearly
100,000. In our article yesterday am
inadvertently omitted to mention
name of Assistant Chief Engineer
Prince , with the others , a great
piece of injustice on our part.
Prince was ouo of the first on the
ground , and fought the fire through
with rare good judgment and
bravery. He was located on the roof
charge i of a small force , and fought
flames alone when
his follows were
driven down by exhaustion and ex Is.1
posure. Much of the credit for the iti
salvation of the rest of the block is son
him , and we are glad to acknowl hat
it "at this late time. est
Just opened , at Sale's drug store , who
corner of 13th and Farnham street , sub
of the largest , best and jfrieif lot of Sao
Holiday ; Goods ever shown in Omaha , RAY
early and take your choice. 6-St 28th
MUFFLERS FROM § 1.00 up to
BOXES. ' -
NECK SCARFS In handsome
patterns and combinations.
to S2.75.
Dodge and Fifteenth Sts.
A Horse Frightened by the
Cars Throws Its Driver
to the Ground.
Producing Concussion of the
A serious and probably fatal acci
dent occurred on Tenth street * in .
front of the St. James Hotel , aboai i
six o'clock Tuesday evening.
Mr. M. Mclntosh , an old and
known employe of the Union Pacific
railway , who occupied 'the position ol
car recorder , nuder Harry Gilmore
was on the way to town with his wife ,
from his residence on Tenth and
Bancroft streetsT When near the
crossing of the Union Pacific tracks
his horse became frightened at some
passenger coaches which were being
switched down the main track.
The horse , whirling suddenly about
backed the buggy upon a pile of water
pipe , at the side of the track , throw
ing both occupants of the vehicle out
Mr. Mclntosh fell upon the back o :
his head , striking nv ethe base of thi
skull and producing serious concussion
of the brain. Mrs. Mclntosh received
a severe cat in the left side of the
head , above the eye , and was badly
bruised about the shoulders , thigh
and ancles. Her wounds , while
severe , are not serious. Hei
husband was picked up in an inson
aible condition and carried to Bell'i
Tenth street drug store v , here Dr ,
Darrow rendered every possible aid
that medical science could augges
and also attended to hia wife's
wounds. He continued unconscious
and about 8 o'cloth both parties were
taken toSfc. Joseph shopital where they
still remain. Dr. Neville , the bos- ,
pital physician and Dr. Darrow , both
consider Mr. Mclntosh's recovery ira
possible , as he has been crazed ever ,
since his arrival at the hospital , and
his system refusing to recover from
the shock , his bloo- gradually congealing
goaling in his veins.
Mr. Mclntosh has no family other
than his wife , and the Indications arb
that before many hours she will I
left a widow. He was about sixty
years of age. ,
Mr. Mclntoah died at 1 o'clock yes
terday afternoon.
_ I
An immense assortment of silk and
Russia leather , celluloid sots fur la-
dies and ganls , just opened at Ish &
Cooper & Lard come to the front
vrith a soWs opI of dress goods and
notions. S oci.ii mention is called to
the varied lusurtuitmt , which was
bought < for spot cash and will bo sold
remarkably cheap. i
- lel
Always fresh Oysters at Tiezard's
Beautiful designs in solid and pla.
ted cups , suitable forholiday presents
Full line of plated and solid table cut-
Ieryspec3 and eye-glasses , atWbipple ,
McMillan & Co.'s , Orelghton block ,
15th street 6-3t
Bangle Bracelets ,
Bangle Rings ,
Bangle Pins , i
Bangle Necklaces ,
The latest styles ,
Just opened al Edholm & Erickson's .
Fifteenth street , opposite the Post-
office. It
Lubin's , Coudray's , Colgate and
Palmer's extracts in bulk in any
quantity for sale by
Received to-day the largest and
best selected stock of Racine Silver * "f
ware ever brought to the city. New , j
style ? , beautiful designs , Edholm &
Erickson , the Jewelers , 15th street ,
opposite the poatoffice.
first-class hotel in every respect , Is
situated on the northwest cornet of
Thirteenth and Capitol avenue. This
now bouse is newly and elegantly fur 1 ?
nished throughout , and the table and
bill of faro will compare favorably
with the best In the land. Give it
trial. No runner at the Depot. .co
oct29-eod-tf ,
New Engravings at Hosiic's ,
Call at the BEE job rooms and ex
I no something nice in the way of to
Fine Papetries , suitable for invita- jjJ
tions to weddings , balls , private mas
querade parties , sociables and con-1 dri
Fcr Sle Six-horse power Baxter I
engine and boiler , In good repair.
Apply at BEE office. no4tf me
yet a thing of the future , and until del
becomes generally adopted , all per- delhi
who use pen or pencil want a
handy pocket dictionary. The neat <
and most complete thing In this file
Is eiven away as a premium to all da
send fifty cents for one year's
subscription to The Health Monthly.
Sample copies sent free by the MUR
TfTTiTi PUB. CO. , 12Q East
street , New York Oily. po :
The Criminal Record-.of the
- Past Twenty-Four
A Tramp Clothed in Purple and
Fine Linen.
A tramp applied to a Capitol Hill
I residence yesterday for aomethinjj to
I ' eat. _ He wa Invited in to warm him
self by the kitchen stove , while his
lunch was being prepared. He inadvertently -
vertently allowed his ragged soldierai
overcoat to become unbuttoned In
front , disclosing a full dress suit of
dark diagonal. The suspicions of the
-hired girl were excited , who Informed
the hired man , who In turn questioned
the tramp , Being quizzed too closely
he turned and fied from the house
precipitately without satisfying his
hunger. It was probably one of
Ramge's fine suits , stolen at the fire.
A day or two ago Mr. W. H.
Spaulding , one of Mr. J. E. Boyd's
men , who keeps accounts at his pack
ing house , was robbed of s coat and |
ol underclothing , and about § 5 in I
small change. Mr. Spaulding owns a
small saloon near the establishment ,
occupying ( the rear room as a sleeping
room , and the clothes were taken
from this room and the money from
the till. Suspicion fell upon a man
who had formerly tended bar for him
and the officers who were
put on the scent went over
to Oouncil Bluffs , "the headquarters
for crime , etc , " where all the property -
perty , except the underclothing and
cash , were recovered from a store at
which they had been disposed of. Two
men , John Hogan and John O'Neill , '
have been arrested and put in jail on
the charge of grand larceny and had
their examination before Judge Hawes
this afternoon at 3 o'clock. O'Neill ia
the old brr tender but Hogan is be
lieved to be the leader in the scheme.
Deputy Marshal Ben Weaterdahl
laft last night for Waterloo , Iowa ,
to testify in the casa of two men '
ono of whom was arrested in this city
by officer McClure in July last.
These men robbed and outraged a deh
fenselcss widow woman , communica-
a loathsome disease , and atterwards
fled the country. Deputy Sheriff
Hdzlett followed them to Omaha ,
where one of the parties , named
Montague was arrested by officer
McClure , who had only the deecripa
tion of the man to work npcn. And ,
by the way , officer McClure ia given
charge of all the nion delicate and im
portant detective work , for which he
is peculiarly qualified and has made
some moat important arrests since his
appointment many of which have never
been given to the public. Upon
Montague's person were found a gold
and silver watch , a knife and revolver ,
all of which property was subsequently
identified. Montague and a companion
stole , ajb oat at Sioux City and came to
Omaha in it , the boat being confiscated .
by the police and afterwards in turn
confiscated by some river thief. The
two men do not deny their guilt and
will probably go up for twenty years
A man arrested on the charge of
petit larceny , in stealing $15 from the
Southern hotel , was brought before
Judge Hawes this morning , but dis
charged for want of evidence to SOS'
tain the alleged crime ,
One drunk , who in his frenzy had
broken in a window , was allowed to
go on payment of damnges to the owner -
er of the broken glaali
Real Estate Transfers.
Win. W. Lowe and wife to David
Marqueth : w. d. , 2 acres in nw. p'irt
ne. " J , sec 25 , t. 15 , r. 13 e. § 400.
Augustus Kouutza et ol. to M. A.
McNaraara : w. d. e 190 feet lot 10 ,
block 5 , Kountre & Ruth's add. , Oma-
Jennie R. and M. T. Sweet to Ros-
anna Flood : w. d. lot 1 , block 15 ,
Waterloo 8300
In Memoriam.
PLANET LODOK , No. 4. ,1
OMAHA , Dec. Gih , 1880 , ,
WHEREAS , It has pleased God to
remove from our midst by death our
.bjcotherDavid Oppenheimer , therefore
ithi ' Resolved , That while we bow In
humble submission to the divine will
as in duty bound , we deeply deplore
the sad misfortune which bas over
taken us , and by which we lose the
presence ' and support of a worthy , es
teemed and beloved brother knight ,
and his family a fondly cherished
huaVand and father.
Eisolved , That this resolution be qt
spread on the records of this Lodge
and a copy sent to the widow of our
deceased ( brother.
Jos. Roaenstein , John F. Kuhn ,
Fred Herzke , committee.
District Court.
The following proceedings have
been had this week in the district
court , Hon. J. W. Savage , presiding : | 10l
Creighton vs. Billiter , et at Ordered
that surplus funds remaining In the
hands of _ clerk be paid to F. W. Cor-
? 3 - - i- 1
Ghost vs. Helsey , et al. ; motion
withdrawn end leave to file motion for
security for costs.
Stevenson vs. Keiwit ; continued by
consent. ; T
Hughes vs. Hayb'rock & Co. ; leave J }
answer in 30 days. Dod
Scott vs. Shipley ; dismissed.
Wood vs. Forbes , etal. ; leave to file
amended answer.
Johnson , vs. Overall , etal.leave ; JD
. attach note sued on in five days ; "
defendants leave to answer in ten Jj
days thereafter.
Cryer vs. Cryer ; motion with T
Dppeisse vs. Deles et aL ; leave to
answer in twenty days.
Carey et al. vs. CreLhton ; leave to O
reply iu three days. IESO
Wood vs. A. P. Nicholas. Judg 2
ment for plaintiff for $284 and $28
attorney's fees.
.Smith vs. Hoanrmnn et al. ; leave to
amended petition in one week ;
defendants leave to answer by the
third Monday thereafter. B.
English vs. English ; decree of
Goldsmith vs. Ward et aL ; leave to good
amended petition in thirty
days. ; tow "
FURS1 FURSI ! FURS ! ! ! ers
The Omaha Fur Manufacturer , "
Henry G : Rlchter , [ Is to be found op * J ;
posite the postoffice , o26-tf Cumin
Startling Solution of a recent
Railroad Mystery
The Parents to be Confronted
With the Exhumed
The readers of THE BBS will re-call
the circumstances of tha finding of the
dead body of an infant , in a basket , In
the Nprthwestern baggage room , at
Oouncil Bluffs , a few days ago ,
nursing bottle partly filled with milk
and a cold brick which had been
warm , indicating that the child had
been placed in Its narrow receptacle
alive and had frozen or starved to
Pinned to the clothing was a slip of
piper , bearing the name , "Stephen
Vincent , " and addressed to "Mr.
King , Guardian of the Poor , Round
Grove , Ills " The circumstances sur
rounding the case led Marshal Fitz
gerald , of Sterling , Ills. , to the be
lief that the child was from that place ,
and from these slight clues he began
his investigations , which resulted in
the discovery that Stephen Yincent
was the child of Mies Mary A. P ,
O'Connor . , formerly a Sister of Char
ity at Sterling , and of Rev. John
Daly , ex-parish priest of the same
Marshal Fitzgerald came io Counci
Bluffs Tuesday and had the body
exhumed and forwarded to Sterling
and the guilty pair will be arrested
His supposition is that the child irzs
dead when placed in the bas'set and
, .
that that was done to lead to the ba
liof that it had been allovad , un nieu
tiooally to freeze to death. Wo an
not inclined , however , to this theory ,
but rather to the belie
that the child was phced
on the train alive , iu thi
hope that it would reach the trustee
of the poor , at Round Grove , and be
properly cared for. It , however , re
mained undiscoveed until it was final
ly landed at Council Bluffi , and there
remained ( in the baggage room through
a bitter cold night.
It Is a sad case , and had created an
immense sensation at Stirling.
Yon will find the largest stock o :
Roger Brother's silverware at Ed'
hold & Erickson's , the jewelers , 16th
street , opposite the postoffice.
New Engravings at IIospc's.
Just received' THS BEE Job
Rooms the nicest line of diminutive
Paper and Envelopes and Cards , suit
able for Children's Birthday Parties ,
Call and see them.
Scnlley again on the track. He be
gfns the feat of walking 2,000 miles
in 31 days at the Board of Trade saloon
loon on Thursday morning at G o'clock.
He walks 50 miles the first day and
adda one mile each day , makinz 465
miles the last six days. dec7t2
NOTICE Advertisements To Let For Sale'
Lost , Found , Wants , Boirdln ? &c. , will be In
serted In tbeao colomna once for TEN CENTS
per lint ; each gubseqnantlnsertlon.FIYE CENTS
per line. The flirt Insertion never less than
OUST to iiOAir 011 t iw
D. L. THOMAS. Room 8 , Crcljbton lilock
ONKY TO LOAN 1109 Famhsm street.
. Dr. Edvudfl Loan Ajrency , nov-2-tf
TTTANTEO AtrenU for tha Wheeler & Wilson
YY Sewing ( Machine. Call at Office , Jacobs1
Blo.k. S3-11
\TTANTED 100 ladles to try the New No. 8
YV Wheeler & Wilson Sewin ? Mar-hine
First premium awarded tnU femora machine at
the Iowa and Nebraska Sia'e Fairs a ejroom
Jacobs' Block , 69 fifteenth street. 40-14
A few more boarder * , at the
WANTED cor. 15h and California. 36-14
Girl at 668 S W. cor. 14th and
WANTED avenue. 58-10
A good house-keeper , 1109 Fsrn
WANTEn , up ttaire. 3Mf
First-claf s female cook , t Commercial -
WANTED Honro , Elalr , Neb. NICK JLAS
WANTED Employment for hone and nagon.
E. A. HARRIS S , 16th aud Nicho'as bta.
26 tf
WAN1ED A teama'er. ' Apply to L. Duz
Ban , 1112 South 13th 8t 25-8
WANTED Furnished rrom f.r two men ,
one block from Togtofflco. Address No.
1831. 03 81-St
Bee office. 7-3 Of
TTrANTED All Omaha know that the
YY Boyil St. Jonn is the hiso > f Sewing
Machines , office on 1'th "t. 841'f
J10R RE' T Furnished room for 2 getjeinsn
! In bnck bouse , corner 10th and Douglas : t.
FOB KENT Two fu nished rocrrn. Apply
siuthwest corner Eighteenth street and
Capitol avenue 23-10
RENT Furnished rooms with or with
EOK , . Best of tefercnce given a"d re
quired ; 277 Farnham Etreet. 24-11
KENT Honse in Shiili's 2nd addition ,
FOR 5 ptr month. VV. SIUERAL , rixu. 6 ,
Crelght on B ock. 695-tf
QTORKFOR RKNr First floor and basement.
O Apply to QaaU & Merrill , 1005 Farnham St.
FOR RENT A furnished , south float room.
Inquire at No. 1612 Karnham St.
FOB BENT That excellent dwelling house S.
E. corner ol 22J and California streets.
Well , cistern und.barn. Apply to John Ou Id ,
1005 Farnham St. 839-tf
FOR RENT Cwelllng house 8. E. cornfr of
23d and Hurt Sts. Excellent barn , cisterns
indwell ; rent cheap. Apply to C. A. Merrill ,
1005 Farnham St. 840-tf
ham. 696-tt
OB BENT 2 furnished" rooms ovei Her-
chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and
tea streets. 289-lf
FOR SALE. orl' prei
TT10R SALE Business house and grocery stock , dig.
'Restaurant attached. Addrrss B Chiffln , dig.Si
Aurora , Neb. 0-lm
"TTluR SALE Two dose carriages , at A. J.
Simpson's. 911-tf
11SALK Cottonwood lumber of all sires , t
REDMOND'S , Slxteenth-iU 616-t Stat
CJEAl.EDPROr03ALS wiU be received by tha O
undersigned until SaturdayDecember 18th , Intm
, for tbe purchase rf all b jtldingi on lots 1 , m
and i , block 141 , Omaha Terms cash The OnK t
rijthtls reserved to reject any or all bids. K
By order of the Board of Comralieieners- tbto :
3M4 Coactv Clerk. 0
S. PEALE , of Coandl Blaffj , Iowa , Is no >
Innjer General Agent for tbe salt of HILL'S it
FORMS. We hiring terminated hia agency for tere
and nfflcient reasons ; and e hfreby this
I P <
8l TO
_ , r A
"Hill's Manual , " the boot they want or gab- '
scribed for. MOS KS WARREN & CO. , Publish.
of Hill's Uantu ] , 103 Stita bt , Chicago
HOT. 6th 1SSO. 19-17
"POUND In North Omaha , a spotted calf about
twoorthrea diys old. Owner c n hiyo
by calling at North Western brewery ,
g street , and parbg for this notice. 21-17
The people will it , and we are the servants of the people in supplying
them with Dry Goods at anti-monopoly Prices.
Enormous Reducions in Our
1500 yards of Brocade Mixed and Plain Color
Dress Goods formerly sold , and well Worth 25c.
2500 yards of All-Wool Flannel and French
Suitings , Plaids , Brocades , Damasse , etc. , reduced
from 40c to 50c.
1000 yaads Ail-Wool ( bear itjn mind ) 42-inch
Momie Cloths , Silk and Wool Brocades Matta-
lasses , etc. , marked down from $1.00 to $1,25 a ,
At 75c , Dress Goods , Silk and Wool , formerly $1,25 and $1.50 a vard" ,
" 51.00 , ' ' " " " " " 1.75 and 2.00
We are opening Novelties daily , and Ladies wide
do well to purchase now and avoid all rush.
$60,000. ELGUTTER' $60,600.
$60,000. $60,000.
$60,000. $60,000.
We make this month a specialty to close out our Desirable and seasonable goods at Lo w
Figures. Our immense stock of Winter clothinsr for Men's , Youth's , Boys' and Children's
wear , comprising Wording , Business , and Dress Suits , in latest Patterns and Styles , Over
coats , Ulsters and UJsteretis worked from the flnesfc goods of woolens ; also a complete line of
Furnishing Goods , Novelties in Neckwear tor t e Holidays. Hats , Caps. Gloves , &c. , must
make way for our immense Spring stock of clothing , we'1-known ' to the public that these
goods were the best selected stock ever brought to this market.
$60,000. 1001 Farnham St. , Cor. 10th. $60,000.
Ear and Throat.
m L. B. &RADDY !
Ifflce Over Kennard's ] Drug Store ,
( Jornor of 14t.ii snd Douglas Sts.
Absolutely Pure.
Hade from Grape Cream TarUr. Ko otbt. '
cparatlon makes such Ifeht , flaky hot breactt ]
luxurious piutry. Can be eaten by ctypcptlc'
tbont ( ear ol the Us resulting from hear/ ! „
jestible food.
Bold only In c by all Orocerj.
un , n PnwBin Co V VorV
ate of Nebraska , Douzlas County , ea :
a County Court held at the County Court- and for ga ! > l County , Nov. llth , A.
D.,1880. Present , WM. 0. BARTHOLOMEW ,
County Jndje.
the matttr of the estate of Anna F. Krelts *
n'tnn , dccetsed : .
rending and filing ; tha petition of Edward
Kreisamsnn , praying that administration of
he estata of the said deceased mar be greeted
him aa ad mini trator.
DROXRZD ! , that December 9th , A. D. , 1SSO , at
'clook , a. rru , be assigned for hearing said pe-
lon , when all persona Interested In gnlJ znat-
may apoear at a County Court to be held , in
for said County , and show cause uhy the
yer of petitioner should not be granted ; and
notice of the pendency ot said petition avj d
hearing : thereof , be given to all persons In-
ested in said mrtter , by publishing a copy of
order in the OMIHA WXZKLT Bis , a news-
per printed i a said County , for three succeS'
weeks , prior to said day of hearing.
true copy. ] WSI. O. BAETHOLO1IEW ,
Ktl7-3t Countr JnJje.
the Latest Home and Te
tha Day.
The Urjm and besl assortment of
Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases
and Sample Trunks a Specialty.
H. H. MARHOFF , - - -
117 14th St. , U UoorsNorthofDonslnsSt.
Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell theue
entire stock of
Diamonds , Watches ,
Jewelry , Clocks ,
: . SilverWare ,
Pianos A. Organ ?
At Manufacturine ; Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per
cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House ,
preparatory to moving into their
weN Store , Cor. llth & Farnham
We Mean Business * Come and be Convinced ,
* t