rv fiLf 4.1 CHARLES POWELL YUBTICE OF THE pEACE.or7. " jj Faraham Bt . . OmahaKeb " WM. A rrousr ? * Jf- ' , A. andWiT. ' * 1AVT Loans money , bny Block. 1 estate. Boom 8 , Orejfihton A. C. TROUP , A 'VOBKET AT LAW Office IB Hansaom's f Block , with Qeorgs E. Pritch tt,1608 X " 081- OMAHA. DEXTER L. THOMAS , ATTOBKEY A.T LAW Cndctsnank I Bnlld * * A. to. CFMrtfct ; A TTOB1.-KY AT LAW-Offloe IJOt ftnham .ci Btr et. SaS.X PEAEQDY. T AWYIK-Offloe-In OrelghtoQ ij Pott Office , PUBLIO. Attor eya-at-Law , _ ! ZICJUnion SlocfcFlfU > enth sag rtonhaa' , ATTORNEY AT LAW. ABBACH BLOCK. COR. DODOIBTH OHAHA. KEB. W. d. Oonnell , Attorney-at-Law. Offloa : Trout rooms , tip italnln Hansoom" ! Btw brick bulldine , K. W. tome ? ntUenth and Faraham Street * . . KCDIOZ. CHAR. KEDICK & Attorneys-at-Law. - - . wfll b siren to all fults eorporatloniof every description ; will 2f-ot m al Jthe Courts of th BUU sad the Bolted SUtce. OSce. famham St. . oppoelte Court House. EDWARD W. S1MEKAL , h TTORNKT AT LAW Boom t Orelahton " Block. 16th and Douglas streeta. noOdh S. F , MAMDERSON , TTORKZT AT LAW-MI Tamiia Itnet Omaha Nebraska. . T. RICHARDS. 0. J. DOIT RICHARDS ! & HUNT. Attorneys-at-Law. - - . Omen SIB South Fourteenth Street. SY TI1E CSE OF DRBOS4NK05S i PILE REMEDY. IHTERHAL- EXTERNAL , AND HCHING PILES at cnrc on llio appllration of Br rile Kfmtxlj- . which mmtm -tfggtly upon tbcpnria nfTcc c l , ttt o Tomorm. allaying Ihe Int ie Itch tng. ndarrfrilncm anfm care when all ottipr remedto hap fnllpd. Trr.lt tolic no other , unrt tell your ttf lchb r i DO NOT DELAY ( b * drain on die system pro4cee UUablllt- , bat boy It , TRY8T LOURED PRICE , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , OrfwfccB y a can not obtain 11 of him , IT rill Bead It , prepaid , an receipt ofprlc * Dr. Eo ni Uo' Trcailt on Plies scat tVei tampplloatlon. Addrcaa HE OR , BOSAHKQ MEDICINE GO. PSGTJA. O. THE COLOKADO BUSINESS COLLEGE Thislmstltutlon , located at DenTtr , Colorado , the Bducatlonal and Commercial center of the " 5f eit , is prominently the beet and mott practl * MERCANTILE TRAINING OP Young Men and Ladies. G. W. FOSTER , President , D. W. CADY , Stcretary. Tht most ertsasiro , thoroufh aad complttt Itltntion ot the kind In tht world. Thousands of accountants and Business men , ( n the prin cipal cities and towns of tht United States ; owt their scccoss to our count cf training. The J&ht End of Education for Young Men and Ladies , Fist , new "bride block , at Junctlta ot thrt * trttt car Rnts. Eltf antly fltted and furnished apartcwaU for tht application tf aad tarrylnf at ot our novel aid STstematit methods tf "BUSINESS TRAINING , Ttmnf men who contessplate a business life , a > d parents harlBg sons to educate , art particu larly requested to tend for ourntw * Clrcmlar , whleh will plre lull Information as te Unas , eoadltloa of entrance , etc. Address 0. W. POSTEK , President , it e-sm Denver , Oolorado. THE MAILS , B.CltyP.ESOa.ia. U.PR. a , 1WO . . 10 a m. omcra 0. * H. W. R.R. , 11 s. m. , 11 p. m. O.B.kO.ll . .ra930p. . . . . I. & P. , 11 a , to. , 11 p. m. 0. * at , Joe.,11 sm. , 11 p. m. TJ. P. E. K. . i p m. O. ft B. V. from Llneola , ISag p. to ; B. < 3ty * P. , ! ! , , . „ . B. fcH.inl < eb.ip.ta. Ltoal mulls for Statei lorn tare bet oite far , Tis : 433 a. n. O&aeaptnfrosi IS to 1 p. m. Soudan. THOMAS F. HALL. Postmaster. Arrival And DepartMre f Trains UKION PACITIO. DUyErpres . . . .lzisp.ta. , do Mixed 6in p. m. :2Sp. m. do Freight B30sm. lttp. . do do . . . . .8:15 a. m. ISSOa. . TDIB OABD OP THK BURUNGTOJT. LUITI OX1BA. Exprese 3:40 p. m. Express 100 a. a , JkUil 6.-00 a. m. Mail 30:00 p.m. Bundayi Excepted. Sundays Sxsrpted. CHICAO O.tKOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. Hall . _ .6:03a.tn. llUil . KWHp.ni. Ejprese. - S : pm. | Eipress..l : 0s. m , CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN. Kill . - . r-0i.m. | M H . _ 7:30 p. m. r > presB.B : ! p1 n. | Expi5-j.lieO a. m. Sungijj eceptd. KINBAS CTlY.BT. JOE ft COUHCH. Bt-WM. . HaU . _ .8KXa.m. ) [ Express - 7 : < 0 , m. Exprwi . 8K p. a. | itafl . 72 * \ . ax The only lias Jtumlmr Pullnnn Sleeping Qua out ot Omaha to Union Depot. OJUHA. & NORTHWESTERN AND J8IOUX CITY & PACIFIC E AILEOAD3. Exprees.8:00 a. m. | Fxprets.i:30 p m. Dally Except Sundays. B.4M. R.E. In NEBRASKA. . . . Through Exp8:40am : ] Through Exp..iOCpm Lincoln Exp..6:15 p m | LlnoclQ Ezp .B JO m SIOUX CITY t ST. PAUL R. R. . _ fl:10 a m I Fxpreai . HhOO am Express . . .8iOpmM | i . 720 p si WABASH , ET. LOUI3 & PACIFIC. UUTXS. Kan . - 8 a. m. I MiU - . 11:15 a. m Express. . . .8:40 p. m. [ Express.- . . . .iS5 p.m. BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. R. B. Leave Omaha , dally ; 8 a. m. , 8 a. m. , 10 a m. , 11 a. m. . 1 p. m. , Sp. m. , 3p.m. , 5 p. at , , ( p. m. . Leave Council Blnfls ; 835 a. a. , Btt a. m , , 10:26 a. m. , 11:2 $ a. m. , 135 p. a. , S6 : p. a. , 5:25 p. m. , SS5 p. m. , 6:25 p. m. , Four trips on Sunday , leaving Omaha at 8 and 11 a. a. , 2 and E p. m. ; Council Blufls at tH6 , llt ( a , u , and 225 and 635 p. m. rumen Doras. Leave Omaha : 8 a. ta. , 7. a. n82t . . , 1 p. DL. , 440 p. m. , 7:25 p. m. , Lear * Conndl Bluffs : 6:16 a. a , , 9:40 : a. m. , 11:40 a , m. 5:25 p. m. , 70 p. m. , 740 p. B. Dally except Sunday. OMAAA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY B. . UUTB , IRKTHL Mafl . .10:15 : a. m. , * 45p.sn. Dally except Sundays , SANTA OLAUS FOUND. Greatest Discovery of the Age. Wonu rf ul dteoverlesln the world hive been made Among othir thlnsrs where Batata Clans stayed Children ott ask U he makts coeds or not , If really he lives In a. mountain of snow. Last year an excursion galled clear to the Pole And suddenly droppedlnto what seemedllke&hole Where wonder of wondtn Oey found anewland , iThile falry-Uka btinps appeared on each hand. There were mountains like ours , with acre beautiful green , And tar brighter skies than trer wer * seen , Birds with the hues of a rainbow were found , While flowers of exquisite fragrance wer * grow laic around. Not long were they left to wonder In doubf A belli ? soon came the/ had heard much about , Twas Santa Clam' self and th Uthey all say , 3e looked like the picture r eseo every day. He drove up a team that looked very queer , Twas a team f crushoppors Instead of relndoer , He rode in a shell instead of a sleljrh. Bat he took them on to rd end drova them away. Ho showed them al over his wonderful realm , \nd factories matin ? goods for women nd men Furriers were workin ? on hats pro t and email , To Bnnce's the ? mid they were sending theoi all. < rij Ktnzlc , the Olove Maker , told them at onoe , Ml our Glove * we are scndinr to Bonce , Santa showed them suspendera and many thingi more. 'aylne I &I e took theM to friend Bnnce's Btop Santa Clans then Tihlepered a secret he'd tell. ts in Omaha every one knew Bcnoe well , fie therefore slionid send his crods to his can , Knowing his f rfcrdn will pet their full share. Now nmcmber ye dwellen in Omaha town , All who want prcgsnti to Punoe's go round. For shirts , collars , or cloves great and small , Send your sister or asnt one and all. Bunce , Champion Hatter of the West. Donjfla T eot. Om h A new and Uthtrto anknowa remedy for all ileeoses ot tht Kldnrys , Bladder , ana Urinary Orcans. It wilt resiRTcly cure Diabetes , Orarel , Drop sy , Brtcnt's Disoosa , inability to retala or txpell the Urine , Catarrh of < ae BltAitr , llch colrrtd and ocanty trine , Painful Urinating- , LAME BACK , Uenenl Wcaknen , and all Femalt Com plaints. It aroids internal medlcints , if certaik In U effects and cures when uothlnr tlst earn. For salt by all Dr rjW or sent by Kail tie * upoa rtoslpt of tht prite , f 2.00. DAY HEY PAD CO. , PROWS , Toledo , O. / , your address { or oar lltU book , How t was Bared. " lisa K. I8H , Attnt f er Sebraika. Tarrant's Ssltzer Aparitai Asurt for Indiffestlon frjrhlfnl , A ittbblinr beTerogt t'eHfthtfnl ; A remedy for every ailment CV.r which tht Bilious makt bewtlbunl > A laxaare , though mild , effective , A tonic , atrrine ind corrective ; An anodyne and suponne , A wonderful SALBOI "f' Tr I bodyPK ' That ttother Natnrt detmtd 4U i , With kindly liberal haud to ms lata tht tamoas Saltier Sprlnf. AGEICULTUEAL. Ambsr Cano Industry. It will be impossible to fortn a very elose estimate of the number of acres of northern augur cane planted in the Various sta ta till af tor the census returns - turns era compiled. It is evident , however , that the acreajo is very lirgo and that the crop his received more or less attention in almosi every county in the states north of tkoso that bor der on the gulf of Mexico. In many portions of the western states almost every farmer has made the attempt to grow a sufficient amoant of oane to produc * the sweets for ihe supply of nil family. In many places works hare bean erected for hunufaoturing ugar and syrup for supplying the market. In some of them the beat apparatus has been employed for crashing the cane and reducing the juice. In others very crude processes have bean used. The report is general that the sea son hat been very unfavorable for the crop. The growth of the cane was not large , and the proportion of sao- charl&e matter in the jaice was small- er than usual. The results In the production of oana and the manufacture - ture of sugar and syrup do not spt oear to bo as favorable M they were last season. Considerable cane in many sections was damaged by early frost. The sudden appearance of very cold weather put a stop to manufacturing - turing operations long before all the cane was worked up. The high price of other farm products has served to * convince many farmers that there was no economy in producing amber cane , and that it was cheaper to raUe corn , wheat , beef , and pork , and to buy syrup and sugar. Other influences have operated nnt favorably to the amber cane interest , A large amount of poor machinery has been sold for crushing the cane , and generally it has been sold at a very high price. Many farmers have been induced to buy crushers and evaporators on the representation of manafactarers or their agents that the profit in making sugar and syrup is very large. Some attempted to manufacture those articles without any experience in the business , and with no other knowledge of the matB ter than they derived from paraph- lets or circulars. They did not succeed .as they expected , end became discouraged. Others employed appari atua so poor that they could net proi duoa good syrup or sugar oven if they were possessed with skill and expert iince. In spite of all the discouragements , however , great progress has been made in the production of sugar and syrup from home grown sane during the past three years. Some cf the failures will no doubt operate to in ure final success. There are always dis couragements in every new branch of manufacturing. Considerable Boien- tifie information is required in every department of chemical manufactur- ing. It generally takes a long time to master all the details of a new branch of manufacturing. Old aa is the art of making sugaa f.from tropical cane , nothing approaching perfection was reached in it till within the past ten yeara. At present the bast scientific knowledge and practical skill are re quired to make a first-class article. There is a demand for a tabloeyrnp of superior quality that does not seem likely to be supplied from any soureo than that of amber sugar-cane. By the improved proeeeaea of making sugar from the tropical oane , but little molasses is produced. In the refining nf brown sugar almost at the sac- chirino matter ia cryetnlired. A cenaine article of sugir-house syrup can scarcely be found in any ranrlet at the present time. IfearJy nil tL.U honey in the market & * luierateds Much of the SHb. - h/tiif. that _ _ f j contain not a particle of the precious substance * gathered by bees from flowers. The supply nf maple syrup is small , and is diminishing every year on account on the destruc tion of forests. Its price places it above the reach of most persons. The general substitute for a genuine cane syrup is some form of glucose. The-best article of the kind ia a very poor one. It may be attractive to the eye , but it has only appearance ia its favor. It is very deficient ia sweet ness and ia devoid of the agreeable Savor found in maple or sugar-house * yrup or even in common molasses. It is known to 'chemists as artificial grape sugar in a state of solution. It is manufactured , for the most part , from the starch contained in corn by treating it with an acid and than using some chemical to neutralize the aaid. By the exercise of sufficient care and skill an article may be manufactured that is not positively injurious to the human system. That , hewkvei , is the best thing that can be said ia its favor. It is a miserable substitute for the sweets that a a produced in the laboratory'of nature. It is worse than the cham pagne manufactured from crab-apple elder by the employment of carbonic acid. It is infinitely poorer than butter made from the fat of bullocks. It is inferior to buck-wheat flour made of rye neal and wheat mid dlings. Itistheshoddyof condiments. It is a poor counterfeit of natural sweetness. It ranks a little higher thanjwooden nutmegs , but somewhat lower than fruit extracts manufactured from vile chemicala , the mention of which serves to affect one frith ninssa. It is a delusion and a anaie , and a burlesque on good living. ia Still every grocery in the country keeps this substance on sale , and it ia extremely difficult to obtain a genu ine article of table syrup eren if an It extravagant price be offered for it. we in'it and few customers desire to pur- chaee it , and most of them wonld act buy it if thy could obtaia something that would tsfce its pkea at & reason able urico. If a fine artlile of syrup could be manufactured from ambsr corn in sufficient quantities to eapply the . demand , glucose syrup wunld soon , bo driven from all'tha bsrt grweriw in ; tha country. A aucnparfsoa of ihe true article wonld lead atari ? every customer to prefer that xuuuiartured from sugar cane. Economy in F * dln * Pigs. Economy ) in feeding , write * Oal. Curtis , in The Rural Hew Yorker , is neeosjsrjvif there is to ba say profit in the mvkitig of pork. More flesh and fat can bo extracted froaa food of any kind when it is cooked , Soma thinja are comparatively useleaawksain arav state , but when cookesT an excallont food and decidedly fattening is. char acter * The most remarkable of this class of food are potatoes , which re quire to be cooked in order to be di gestible. When cooked tke starch in them the fattening portion Is taad- ily assimilated in the stomisvek , bmt when fed raw , it is otherwise. Raw potatoes are therefore among the poorest kinds of food for swine ; bat when cooked they are among tka reiy best. The nutritive valve ot eora is also nearly doubled by bslng thor oughly cookod. When fed raw a con siderable portion panes through the stomach , especially if It U dry and hard , without the least chemical change , and quite a percentage is not digested. When corn is very aheap and fuel and labor dear , it will pay best to feed raw , but where the rela tion is otherwise aud corn is high in price and fuel and labor cheap , it rill always pay best to cook it. Whether this important article of food should be fed raw or cooked depends , there fore , upon oiranmstanoes which maat govern every farmer , rather thanmpoa any arbitrary rules. Next to cooking , grinding Is the most important condition in the pre paration ot grain of any klnl. All ground food is better fitted for diges tion in the stomach and assimilation , especially if it la fed whole. No animal when hungry will.food slowly enough to properly masticate grain , but it will rather hasten to fill the stomach as rapidly as possible. Such a mass of anmasticated food will net be I fully digested and , of coorie , will be } voided without the animal reaelv- ing i the full benefit from it. It serves to stop hunger , but it doas not make Its proper quota of fat. Half the quantity put in a condition to be fully f digested , wonld add more to the growth of the body than the whole quantity. Aa piga axe usually fed , it may be set down as an assured fact that there is a loss of fully one-half of the t food nnleu wp give th.3 credit to the manure , which is an expansive way of adding value to it. However cheap corn may be , this is not a profitable way of feeding , for in such localities 1 manure had a proportionate ly 1 small valae as it is not needed. The miller's toil ono-tanth for grinding must be taken into account and the expense of taking to and frcm the mill , in considering the cost , so th&t the value of gn und feed is a ralative one , and must also be determined by the t circumstances. Scakint > the g"in to a condition of ? ofrnesg so as to make it more rofidily digestible , will save the miller's toll anil make it more profitable ia some Asee than to have it ground. When pirain f is thus prepared pigs will clo well on it. In cool weather Jt may bo soaked for forty eight hourj , and should be fully this length of time to put it in the bsst possible condition for j feeding. The Iret denreo of ftr- montntion an- ; acid etatois the propar nBj tha ai')3t palatable and healthful lorpigi. Bepr.net that fermentation it ; not heslthful. When food reackes n vinous condition that of viaejar it is not fit for pigs or any other ani mals i to eat. The prepiraiion of food therefore , requires careful attention that it may ba properly and profitably utilised. Most vegetables may be rendered more valuable by conking , and when this is done they should bo mixed with bran or meal to absorb the juiees , otherwise there will be too muah liquid , and this kind of food will be found to ba washy and weakening ; . Too much water in the food of pigs acts as a diuretioandis too stimulating for the kidneys and Urinary organs. The bran or meal should be mixed with vegetablss , and cooked witk them to absorb the natural excess of the water. When this is douo tkere will not be such a volume of liquid taken into tha stomach , but the food will be moro concentrated and heahhful. Vegetables beets , mangels 'or pumpkins may be fed raw in connec tion with grain , and they will be fomnd to aid in digestion and at the same time they will keep animals in a heal- thyoondition. When fed in this manner - nor they tend to increase the appetite and to prevent foyer , which Is the natural result of feeding grain alone. They arc cooling and laxative in their nature , and therefore servo as anti dotes to the heating and costive ef fects of grain. Sloppy food of all kinds makes soft and labby sseat , while dry food tends to maka it firm and solid. A judicious mingling of the two kinds of feed alway * makes better meat by making it firm enough and at the same time keeping it free from any feverish tendenoo : > . Such meat will also possess a good favor , because the conditions uadei wkloh it made are healthful. When pigs are fed corn OB the ear they do not eat it so ravenously as if shelled for them , and they masticate better. Mora hogs are fatteaed in tkis manner than in any otker ; out believe that it would be more economical te grind the ears , cob and all , and feed it in this form. There ia fully o per cent of nutriment in the cob , as has been tested by repeat ed experiments , besides its containing chemical propartiw conductive to health , and It also tends to promote a distention in the bonela and action simiUr to tl t of raw vogatabKs. Every farmer , if ho wishes to faed his pigs for any length of tima , should uniio the cob with the oirn to keep them in oed health. If fed in this manner they would not be liable to founder , tha effect of tko feverish condition. Wkenoob iannittd with corn in tkc stomach tka food h not so eotapset ia tke stomach , oad la more roftdiiy penotraUdby tkc gastric juices , hence digestion no ba more rapid and complete. Shelled eorn aboald b scattered thinly on tke ground , so that it may bo picked up slowly , which will cause tha pig to more thoroughly chow it. If tkrown in a mass pigs will swallow it whole , wkeirlt will not ba digectad , as tkc gastric jnieo will not penetrate the mnbroken shell of the kernel. Bach feeding is exceedingly wasteful. Tht Btst stnrtklt remedy , and the only lift nrt and permanent rare tor all diseases of the UTerbltt andf > tmachlndu'tlng-billioufiTer3 , ( trtraniatme , dumb ag e , Jaundiee , dyipepsii , tic , Is Pitf. Gtulmettt'g French IJrtrTiAi , which cures by absorption. Ait your draj infer for this Hottd curt , and take ct otker , and it he has not gtt It or will not r t it for yon , sent J1.0 U French Fad Co . Toledo , O. , acd they will Stad yon one post-paid by return mail. HE'B BOSS NOW. "Art ytn tka btos of tkthooie ? ' T j , replied the landlord , I'm toss now , for my * ift cUed twt wtekssro What was tbt matttr wl.h ht } Oh. Pftpepda sad Billions FtTtr. Set ouht U hvs taken Spring Bless B aci taaii sb M bo boss s411. ' A n U4 miyrictan of If w Ytrk , irriUa to a friend : "I hare in my mind a suftrtr from jcrATftl aid a mpllcatiei of kidney borders , that was permanently tnrtd by the as ) of Prof. Gullmttto'sJrtntb. Kidney Pads. " Tht drag- gist * ssll them. Free ot Cost. DK. Kraa'a Nxw DISCOVBKT fo Consumption , Coughs and Colds Asthma , Bronchitis , ate. , ia given away in trial bottles free of oost to the afflicted. If you have a bad congh , cold , difficulty of breathing , hoarseness or any affection of the throat or lungs by all means giro this wonderful remedy a trial. Aa you value jour existenca yom cannot afford to lat this opportunity pass , Wa could not afford-and would not give thta remedy away unless we knew It would accomplish what we claim for it. Thousands of hopeless oases hare already boon completely cured by it. There is no medicine- the world that will cure one-half the cases that DC. KINO'S NEW DISOOVXIY will cure. For sale by (6) ( ) JAHIS K. Isn , Omaha. BacKien'u Arnica dalve The BESTSALVB in the world for Oats , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. Thla Solve ia guaranteed to give perfect satiafac- tied in every case or money re Eanded. Price 25 cents per box. For sole by 8dly J. K. ISH Ornnfin. MAKE NO MISTAKE ! MICA AXLE GREASE Compoeedlarrcl ) of pondered mi < andl3inelaw 19 the best and cheapen lubricator in the world Jt isthe best baciusu t does not gem , but form * ahi hlrpolissodsurra t over ihe axle , dolnz away with a larco amount ( it fnctOT. It 13 the chcapett btcaute vou need use Im' half < be pquantit/ greMlug your iragon that you weull of aiy ttbtr ailt f rtane cuJt , and then run your agtn tirito M laaf. It answer * eqiallr as well for Mill Ooariix , Thrcirln ( Machn- ! ; , Enjj'es. &c , M ftr wagons S d for Poektt Cdopodi ol Thinfs WtrtU Knowia ; . Mailed fctt to any ad-irxs HICA HASBFAS7B3IHG C9. , si MIOHIOAN JL.VKNOB. CHICAGO. Your Daaler For It oat20-U KOTKJl TO CONTRACTORS. Notleo is hereby given that c a0d ! bids will be received at the office af the cennty clerk of F rnas connty , Nebraska , at Bearer City , the couaty seat cf said Acui ty. p to ike 3rd d y of Jaiuoiy , A. D. 1H1 , at 12 oVock M. of siid day , for tka construction of a wagon bridge across the Republican river , sonth of the tewm tf Cambridge , in Medicine Orees : precinct , in Furnaa county , Nebraska , said bridge to be 4 ) feet in lenpth. iidders are re- qmired t accetnpaay their biJs irith plans ar.el ipeciications of the work , and alia with a bend ia a sum deubU the amount of th * bid , coniitiomed for the faithful execntien of the eomtriet. The eenmty co miesio > trs of said conaty of Fnrnas reserve the right to reject any aad all bids _ By order ef tke eoonty eommi'uoners of Fnrnas eoantr , Nebraska. Dated at Bearer City , Furni * ootxaly , Kelr sU , the Uth day of November. A. D. 1SSO. L. KarsvAX , Gotnty desk. a wttk In you own towi. Terns and oitflt free. Address D. Hallott. A 0 rtlanri. V TWO DOLLARS WILL SEOTJEE THK WEEKLY Ome For Y ur. _ D& . O. McLAHE'S LITER PILLS are not recommended as a remady "for all the Ilia that flesh is L r to , " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Biliona Complaint * , Dyspepsia , and Siek Bfeail- ache , or eusaues of thct character , they stand irithont a rival. ACUE AND FEVER. Vo bettor eathirtia eaa ba used prs- paratary to , or after taklfic qniniaa. As a simple purgative thor are nneqtuled. BEWARE IF IU1TAT18NS , The jjannine are never sugar-coated. Bach DOS has a rsd-rrar seal OK the lid , with the impresaion.ifcLANl'I LIVER PILL. Each wrapper beara ihe signa tures of G. IleLAvx and FLKJIHA Baoc. . 9" Insist upon having the remoine DK. C. MoLA i'S LIYIft PHiS , pre pared b * ' rLlisTJiG BBOI.Pmah T2k , Pa. , the market beinj ; fmll of Imiitations of tha nama MuLant , apalled ditbrcatly , but saxec HOW * 0 CtTM GOHSUMPTION , CIUCHS , Gelds , Asthma , Group , All dlMaaea cf the Throat , Lunea , aad Pnlai n rT Orjrejis- x US1AOCOKDI * * TO DIRXOTIOHS ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. UNLIKE PILLS AND TEX UiJfjAL PDSaATIYZS , IS PLEAS- AM' TO TAXB , And will prort atonwsthamcst potent and harmless STSTSU REKOTATOR and CLEANSER that has yet bt < * brou < ht to pnbllt no ( e . For OOJT8TIPATIOK , MLIOUS- NES3 , HEADACHE , PILK3 , and ell dlftnlers arising from an bstrmcttd ftatt of tbt sjsUjt , it is incomparably tat toft cuatlrt titan t. Arold Imltatlm ; Inatrt oa cettiii ; tht artltlt calltd for. TKOF10-PRUIT LAiATTVS b put o In brannitinboztsucly. Pric * SO teaii. Asc ytttrdrajflat for Destrlytlie Pampiltt , or ad- ircu th * vrrarttter , J , E. HMHERINflTOir , n w York or Sin Fransitca. Before Purchulnj Art T iii of gc-Called ELECTRIC BELT , Band , or Appliance rejirwaitW t air Ntrrou , Chronlt and upecia D soasn , Kid to tht PUL VKKUACHKRGALTAKICOO , HI If oatgomery Street , an rranci co , Oal. , for tntir Frtt Pamphlet aad "Tht Eluctris Btritir , " aid yea iri'J STO time , htalth and rnonty. The P. 9. Co. art tie oaly d ler in Otnulna Zltctnc Ap- tbt American Contmant. SIOUS CITY & PACIFIC A2TD St , Paul & Sioux Oity RAILROADS. ThsOld Reliable SiSKx City Route / 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE ! Prom COUtf OIL BLUEFS to ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And all ( obitttnlTortkcn Iowa. Minieaota and Dakota. This line Is equipped trlth the ! m- MoT d Weatin'ho stAntei atlcAirE k 9 jid ltill r Pbtfora Co p ! r and Dc3cc. A/id fox SPEED , SAFETY AND C9MFQRT U unsurpassed. Hipvat Drawinr Boom aad SletpU ? Cirown d and toatrollMl ky the com pany , run Throusli XTith-ut Change bet-ween Union Pacific Transfer Ti pot } Council Elufs , and SL Panl. Trains Ievo tht Union Facile Trantlar Depot at Oooncil Blufi * , at BUS p m. , rtacblnp Sioux City at 10:29 p. m , , and St. Paul at 115 a. a , making 9-TEN HOURS rs ADVASCB or ANT OTHEB ROUTE. Bernrcinsr , loavt St. Paul at 530 p. Bt , ir- rirtiz at Sioux City at 4:16 a. m. . and Union Pacific Tranifur D po Council Blnffu. at 8:50 : a.m. Be sure that your tletoti read via " 8. C. ft P. B. B. " f. 0. HILLS , Superintendent , Utuourl Tallty , Iowa. P. E. EOBIN3OH , AaT Ctn'I Pus. Agent. J. H. 0-BBTAN , and Pawonzer A cat , Couadl Bluffs FEVEH AND AGUE. Dker ! sB dTUlMd atMoa In tbt Wtsttrm Htmlspoert in wklth tht vtil-ty ef Qottetttr's Stnnath Bitters as a ttnlc , tonrtctiTe , aud anti- bilious Ktdlcine. Is aot kneva a dappreda't < . WflIU it li a nrtltlit for M siasons i all tllaiat.f , It U tipetlally salUd te tke tomylalits geaerated by tht wtather , bclnf tko rarest aid Dtat vtcfttablt stlnnlant In tka irorld. for sale tyDrurffist * and Dealta , U whttn ap ply lor Htstetttr's Abaanie let 1M1. CHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER ! llttalit Oases , CoOns , OaaksU , ghiouds , tto. Para mStne . tk aad llfh , Omaha , Htb. Ttlsjrapkla triers prtn tly itteadsd tt. -VIA THE Chicago 2,380 HUES OF ROAD I It is tha SHORT , STJK5 and Safe Route Eetwctn COUNCIL BLUFFS CIS OHIOAKMILWAMEE ( ) tad all paints EAST and NORTH. OFFERS THE TRAVELlXa PUBLIC 8EEATKB FACILITIES A > D IZORS ADVANTAGES THAK ASY OXHEE ROAD JS THK WEST. ttta the ONLY UOAU bet < re-u COUNCIL BLUffFS and OHIOAGO Upoa which ta raa PULLMAU HOTEL CABS I la addition to ties * sad W plson all claims cf tr Ts ! rs , It ri M FIRST-CLASS MEALS at Itj ZABCf 9 STATIONS at CO cents c&ik. ITSTRAGS 13 STeEL RAILS I ITS WMMS A5E TKE flNiSTI ITS EgUIPKEST FIRST CLASS U you wtsk tsa B at TriTrllnit Aeeomnioda- tlonsyou will buy vour ticVst \ > y this Boue JffD WILI. TAKE XONE OTHEK. All Ticlttt AR nt5 cxn tt\l \ vou Through Tk t3 via this road ar.J Chwk ujn&l Kft- gaga free ft Chorsjo OMAHA TICKET OFTICES il FArnbam St. , Oor. lltb and at Union Pacific D pot. DENVER OF ICF Tn rdor-do C ntnl and Union Picl 'ollcij-t or s. 3AJT FRANCISCO O/PlvJE 2 Naw M > 'ntoni. eryStrtei. For Information , foldere , cspj : , etc. , rot ob tainable at Home Ticket OSlce , additss any agtnt of tht Company , or IMRVIH HDQH1TT , H- STZKHITT , CUn'l Utnurer , Qcnl Pas ) . A zt , CHICAGO , ILL , JAKES T. CLAM , Gtn'l A * t Ooaha ft CoczcU Bled. THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars ! CHICAGO gURLIHGTON & Wlth Smooth and Pcrf ct Trick , Elr - > ; i& Paa- senser Ce&chc3 , and PULLMAN SLE FIMG& QIN1KO GABc It U ftcknonledgsd by tht JfnM , > nl v wrc tiarel U7 r It , u > bs tha IVct Aopo ( lcJl n < . ftoiil In tha Ccuatry. PASSBNGBBSOING BAST Should oear In mln J that this b tr BEST ROUTE TO GHICABil , And Points East Kertb * ii'l Pacuusars by this Eoufe have cco9 o ! POUE DIPEEEENT ROUTES , And the AdTantufe of Six Diilv IJnoj ol I'iiac * SI p.nj Cars from Chiav-o to New York City Without Change. All Kxpren Trains oa tb ! Ilcoare 'qn'pr/ ' " " with the V > stlfixrot26 Piitsnt Air BnL and Mffier'a Patent Scty Plaiform and C upl8r , the rapht Per/or I f TO- Uctlon Against Acci dent * in tl.e rrorlil. PULUSArl PAIAGE SlEtPlHS fiKD C71IN2 O.2t Ar ran on tu Curiir. ton Route. Information eono.ruin ; Routes , Htt- , Ccnnoctioni , etc. , will \ > e cheerfully jl..n rv app'yin ht the otCea of the Hur.l ( rtoi iwutc , 613 Kourteentn Street. Omaha Netirxsha. C.K. PERK.NS. D AT HITCH OCK. C n'l ilanaisr. G n. Wut'u Tats. A t , J. O. PHILLI "PI , St. Joe. , lie. Coasril Aiu ; > t , Omaha. n. i * DUKL , tS.il ilcket Aseat Omaha. 1SSO _ JL. * ' s _ ' > - > ' Ii th only Dl-cct Line to ST. LOUIS ABTB TSC EAS'f Froa OMAHA and tLo WEST. Ho change of CRTS betwesa Omai ! > tctl St. and but cna Iwtwttu Orualii tfld New Yort. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & Wcsf ra Cities ! With Issj charges and in tulvanco of ether I'aoe Thli tntiro line U equipped with PaPtuaa'l Palate 3lccpinf Care , Palace Diy Ccicb- ca.Mlller'a Safety PLitform and Coupjsr aud tha ccabrit ! J Wiitinjhouso Ai'-Crats. THAT TOUU TlCKtrT r.H City , St. Joseph Tlcktis for silt at all coupon rtatioju In taa Wt * * ' J. r'BABJIABD , A. C. DAV/E3 , Oen'I Supt. , Ocnl Pacn. h TIciet Az't St. Jowoh.Uo Ht. Joscp ! : , Mo , TT C. fiEACHKEST , Tlctot Ajen. , It SO Farahaui Street , tS DT BORD1N , A. B. B A KX AP.D , Pass. Agent , Omaha. Oen'rl Ascnt , Omaha WROUGHT IRON FENCES. J AJ5SK _ . _ . * . " * " * r 1- - i - i ) Jt3 st * JWlre'.FendnandEalllnsn " Their ! beautv , permanence and 'wxinoniy _ Jally workln ? the extinction ol ! t la tin ? t cheap material. Kiejcant In de Iin. lEdestrnatJbla " Ptaces fer Lawns , Publlo OrounJi > nd Ccae- tery flats. Iron T s , Lawn aetteer , carnfled and of rartie prttenn ; Ohalrs and ovary das rlpton af Iron and WIrt ornamental work iJesl.-ncd nil manufactured bv E T. BAKNBirS Wlra and Iron Wnrk , IT , M aad Zl Woodward Ava , Vc- trott , Ulck. 8eB < > U'Ui&a ! .t.if4 wtoloeue anil price list. A.TSTI3 L "Ss I | l "f / URE CURE For COUGHS , GOLDS , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA , CONSUMP TION , and all Diseases of the THROAT and LUN S. EOCKaaiRT * KUi ral and kunOy * * . Tko of It Tlrtnts j'ap.iuia'itT | Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for th menay than any article in the market. PA'lTIflr ? OOVT BE DECEIVED by unprincipled dealers who try to palm a * DIUTOV Url > l i ! US1. oiiicoa Koc * and Ryoluplaccot onrTOLUSOCK and KTZ. wklohlsUM only MhiaCATUD arliclj OLMC , ta CONCISE Bavin ? a GOVERNMENT STAMP oa tack VtttU. Extract from Eeport of the Commissioner of Internal Raremns : TREASURY DEPARTMENT , OmCE OF INTERVAL RSTSXB I WASHaaiox , U. S. , Juaary Jl , 1UO. f U 8JT8. LAWKZSC2 4 IfAKTCf , 1111 JIadlson St. , Chicago , JUs. . OicrruiitEar This compiiund. la tht opinion of this ofEco , vonlj havt a r rd nt qvat&r > ths IIALSA3I OF TOLD to site it all tha advantages aocribed to thla artltle In yctonl eom KJnta while : h nhbky acd the ijrap con ttnU an cmnlslon renderintr it an acr * ablt rMdy to t pi lent. Coscpoaoaad oc ( rdia - to tha formala. It nuv proptrly b clv J as a lIEBlCf All PKLPAKATIO under tht pnnUiors of U. X.K. vl d Hiiti'to * . and when K tu ? d , B y t sold by Dnfl ti , Apothtiri 8 a&J Otbsr Persons witnont rendering th m liable to pay | cal iaz a > 'l < ucr iloulers Tours K r ctrally , ( Sljned ) GREEN. B. RA.TJM. Coaaal 4l m r" LAWRENCE & . MARTIN.Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DBUGGISTS , GEOCEES and DEALEBS eyerywhera i CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC B. rrnw ,7iR.T vmmKCFaR LINK SETWEEN THE EAST * TH ! ccaic Tins rns from CJilenao Jt CopdeU . d ai . prtln * thf > c a Jo.'at. Ultew * . I Gtsitwo.ilotlac. Hoc * fclantf.Uavecs- lJS rt7.iowaC > ij-.Man B.-o , Urooklyn. I iH ltGlnett ( captt * of ( owm ) . Stua ( , tl < x ana ATOCX : wltQ brancis * rroin JnnlUoaW > t' * > rl : Wilton Jasctiou wwnsca- tire , WoiatniMB. SalrfioM. iUioa , Bslknmp C ? ntraTll ! . Frtmwwn.TresVJa. Uallatln.fJH * - nn. LeaTeaworta. Atchlaon. am2 Kasuu C.'jf ' , Va hln tcntOiUroanieT , l)8kaoo % an < l r. - c. ! * Re.ras ! to JVnalnatca. Boaupira wntnott , ladooaiSdnt. fcirton , .ttamw > J.-'v on tt. Monros : ' ' .T < ? rt. . Atlrtttljto Lrivit ana Andnt > in ; acit w hsrlau. nis ta po : U7tly thy omr ji'lroai wU.cn ouna. and oprat t tsroma Una { r on Cluziso Into the State of KSIUHJ. raroucn ICiprets Paioetsa r Train * , BV3 a.ifflt attocned.arercneac3 . .eiwwi CHICAGO and paoaiA. JLiy vc-sni. Etf > rs. U-arBSwoaTH ca ATCHI- irx-s U laid flti veel rails. \ \ Rat wir plojjo roa atost will 6e tne pleasure 3f esjoyiiia jn r n ) al . wnlle pgulnc orertae x aatUnl prairi of Illinois and Iowa. In one ot lur maaaiHcant Dlnlnz Can tfcdt actompanr U Inmsal Ciena I run * romm _ an pun c ei. ca * oo > Ia 1 ? tarred la < uir am-clau notel , 3e9fepf'r * isparJitO spnnicirts lor different pcrpo ( aril tta immenio p k nicr bo" " " " lOtncittStta Corapani runs rullnuin . STi * l/ii ? Cart for Ia plaB Dan > o , and. JXfllrM Cori roreBUnc pnrp ° * oBir. pSitleaterBof cur P la i Cars U SAJ.OON * atr yon eaa Jor Jt r * MaiplOcent Iron Brldiw s Jl tt IMfg * & and fiiwoirl rl ors Rt U olntt tiotttA 7Vf. . lint ankltnn ronaroBToiilt BtCoiiB * VJtT- SUniM City. L TenTOTt . aOAttatt > * * > auctions DolncaiJd * ! n Untoo Dt TUB I'Jll.NCirAt. tt. S. X > OKEAT AtI.AlUIJt. .wT..igLCsr4.g.R. . , jLtpzoRiA.wuh P. r.fTi flfias.4 .j iU.illd.1 anJT.i . * Tf.JMa. H < XK truira with "Ullws - - - r.andKo ltI rd * . . J , Tltb Ctntrsl low R. a. Jx Ora Morav * . with n Mr. D p AtCOHSCIL BLCTrs.wltli Unlo AtUMABA. wiu > B. k Mo. % BB. . AtUOLUMBCa Juf CTIO.f.irftkB U. R. At OTTBMWA , wlt Cantrml lo t.t.iP a.a uiail. * K. JUU. Al XIOKITK. fJ lot , rxx * W AtATcnuuN. w1tQ > MaTp > * Atch , Jt Heb. and C o. r. O.P. & Jt At i-BATanwoxra. wtw llao. PB , .Ttah Uia ttOUtllWSSt. crvr . , A rciintoN. vlo th th " r t Koclt . In the Btat IJid Canada. . la t y r bom. A. . -m. d IOK. BEDDING FEATHERS And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF HEW GOODS AT THE XiO W J5S3 ? 1208 and 1210 Furnham Street. > pllmontliMt HAMBURG AMER1D N PACKET CO.'S Weekly Line oi Steamships Laavlne Ntw York Erery Tknrsday at S p. m. ror England , France and Germany. For raseiga apply to 0. B. RICHARD & CO. , Pamengtz Agents , Broadway. mnna TMsk. gW * < t y at boat easily msdee ; JJ6 atfltfr .Addi ss.Trut * Co.Portlnd.M M. K. KISD05. Gcucral Insurance Agent , pnffiNir ASSOJW va. m.t Ltm- don , Cwh A < Mts . . . . . - ff JSTCHBSTKK. W. T. , Capital. . . . . . TUEMKRCHANr8.ofXtwark.K. J. , J.OOC.OO OIRr.b 7IKB.Phlladelpli1aCapl aI. . 1.WC.OOC XORTHWKSTKfJf MAT10KALCtp- nREunN'V'riJNDrcariiornia" ! ! ! . . 100,00 UltlTISa AMERICA ASSDKAJIOaS * l.SW.CW NKWA IK FIRE INS. CO. , AsstU - ? < S2 AMERICAF CE5TIUL , Asset * . 360.089 8 art Cor. ol ruutnth it Doturb * Bt. A C"U O 0) CO OS c c CO ( D - ( D IOM " / 0 CO _ 0CQ Q ) 2 ns i-i : ( f ) - O - 0 * * orS- s CO e ® LfcJ li O 3 ScJS -C CO Ctf 02 liI - O S- * * - ± 0 S0 J GO 6 UJ Q 0 c o3 I O PSF J " - -I coCO ejstir u--- I- c co CvS ' - _ n c coo - " o.e = . co 5 C3 C 2 0) C , rt 5bfl . - CvS O * o q = 4 - bfl O & / o c kn ' O. i < CO CO - ctf a ) CO JC O > M * . O CL f ya GO CD -y Jz. c l - CDQ 0 . CD .r Ki O CO coco Q OS W ) DC o C OS = CL c 3) _ - o JC t- eo ) 5 3 C3 | * s tb'E co 0) LU co g < D- = 0-7 ; x r = - L.Cd < MLO Ctf b'E - CL N 0) ( D o S o fe ® C CO CO < D 0 rx -DO 0 0-co E as . ° fe O CO e jfe a C a" CD 3 F"co 0 a. - 2 o 0 CD J2 co h j aS 0 0 L. O 0Q. . O Q. O -T CO - 0 0 - = CO co c o 0 0 Ctf ( D * r f - 10 10 - i 0 . a i2 E . - "O co CLO * * * t - r7