Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 2

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XEBIUSEA farmen will rejoice in
the establishment of a glucose factory
in the irameaisfe future in Om ha.
Corn will now find a ready salt ) within
the borders rf our o\rn state ,
thinks President
THE Jl'jju&lwan
Hajea' administrst' . n h ? not been a
strong cne. It tue Republican refers
to the Cat-rc abtenoa of official
ctanchcs during tha pa t adminlgtra-
iion THE BEE concurs.
Trrc Lcaveuwoith Tints eay that of the loneliest men in the conn-
t--y after the first of January next
will be Gov. Geo. 0. Ludlow , of New
Jersej. Ha will ba the only demo
cratic governor north of Mason and
Diion'i line.
The Herald h&t obtained a new
managing editor in the person of
Mr. Jerome , formerly connected ? iih
the New York Tribune. The BEE or-
tends the compliments of the teuton
to ilr. Jerome and wishes him every
tuccees in his new field of labor.
THE admirable work of Omaha's
firemen st the late fire is a matter of
unircrt&l comment. All the water
worts in the world couldn't hare ex
tinguished theblcze any more ozpcdi *
tiansly in the Her store than our fire
department under the effioientmanage-
msnt of Chief Galligan.
Tons SncuMiN always plvya a
winning card in Ohio politics where
bis greet abilities &ra best known and
appreciated. In referenda to the
coming sen&t rial contettt in that
ettte the Bpringfitld , (0. ( ) 2 ? puUiccm
remarks :
Perhaps it may bass well to re-
tnenitour that John Sherman has never
been beaten in a contest carried on ;
huidc his owngtate Hres.
fctircd and dneral Miles Is promoted
to 211 the vacancy. Some years ago
XJenertl Ord demanded of the peop'.e
of Omaha 5125 a month to defray the
expenses of a residence under threat
of otherwise moving to Council
Bluffs. It is to be hoped that when
ever ho moves he may be equally for
THE mcvement of the ladies' in be
half of i. permanent House for the
Friendless in Omaha , is one deserving
of every encouragement and will , TTO
h ! > pe , meet with an abundant success.
Iso city of its size is so entirely desti
tute in this respect % s our oirn , and
none offers so many worthy objszts of
charily. It is to be hoped that iho
mass meeting to be held next Friday
in Masonic hall , will be irell attended.
THE Iowa delegation is promiapd by
Congreesniiu Sapp as solid for a largo
appropriation for the systematic im
provement of the Missouri. Oau't
they qet c slice , also , for the Hemie-
pi n uanal project this winter ] It is
itcodod &nd ought to bo granted.
[ Davenport Gazette.
Wo wish Congressman Sapp and
the Iowa delegation succezs in their
effort , but it is to bo hoped this isn't
to be another iob for the
-Toira end Missouri rip rap
JUSTICE STKOXO , of the supreme
bench , has handed in his resignation ,
leaving n vacancy to be filled by
President Hayoa. It is understood
that General Dcvona will ba nominat
ed" for the position. Justices Clifford
nnd Swayno arc expected to retire
during the coming year , and Stanley
Matthews will be furnished with one
of the eilk gowna. This will leave the
Ohia senatorial fiald open to Secretary
tary Sherman. Charlie Foster will bo
provided with a foreign mission. This ,
according to latest adricei , is the pro-
THE BEE takes plosturo in extending 1-
ing cordial welcome to Mr. J. W.
Morse , tvhoro advent as Passenger
Agent nf the Union Pacific will be )
hailed with grat & : at > on by a large ?
number of our citizens , whoinyeir
Coco by have como in contact with
Mr. Morea in social and business
circles. Seventeen years ago when
the editor of this paper was the local
manager of what vraa then the Pacific
Telegraph company's lines in Omaha f
ilr. Morse was local manrgor of the
'telegraphic lines centering in Council
Bluffs. Our professional intercourse
with Mr.
Morse during a
period of more than seven yem
afforded ample opportunity for form-
jug a correct estimate of his character :
sj a man and -his executive ability
und biuincsa capacity. His brilliant
career as a railroad man does Lot
BU-prieo us in the least. It is simrly
the legitimate tribute to sterling in
tegrity and unfUgeing industry ,
coupled with a thorough knowledge of
the complex affairs of the branch [ of
railroading , to which his talents
energies have been devoted.
THE Hitchcock bureau i using up
on enormous amount of pens , pitpar
end pencils in furnishing eastern jour
nals with "impartial correspondence"
oa the Hitchcock boom. The latest
onamtos from the Ittpullican office
nnd is published in the Hartford Poti.
Mr. Walter Bennett , who has been
pressed into the eorvico , gives the fol
lowing "truthful" picture of JHitch-
cosk'a personal character :
Personally ho is very popular , and
ha possesses the rare faculty of re
taining his friends without effort.
This is undoubtedly dsjo to his
straightforwardness ; which leaves no
room for doubt ae to bit posi
tion on any subject. Ho is
pirticuhrly strong in this
portion of thr country through being
known as cio who has probably done
mor6 for Nebraska and the great un
developed regions west of the Missouri
thau any other man , and understands
their needs as none can but one who
has been a pioneer and has crown up
with the country.
Groit Scottl Hitchcock may well
foiile at this distorted picture. The
only point on which all 'ill agree
. with the correspondent is that there
tvno room for doubt on Phlneas * poai-
twn on any point. He i for the
K : kct-book of fPhineas first , l t
* & all he time , "
" I '
THE Brc is emphatically opposed
io the cnt.p resolution rushed through
the last meeting of the city council
authorizing J. Sterling Morton to
prosecute on behalf of the city of
Omaha i claim for monies expended
in erecting a territorial capitol , and
giving him , if successful , one-half the [
amount secured aa payment for his
services. The ground upon which
the claim is made , is the assurance of
Governor Izard in 1857 that if the
people of our city would contribute
some § 50,000 towards completing the '
capitol building , the amount would _ be
refunded by the government. That
amount , at C per cent interest , up to
the p-o ent time , aggregates nearly
$150,000 , and one-half of this sum it
is proposed to give to a professional
lobbyist to secure Its allowance at the
present session of congress.
This lucrative scheme of Mr. Mbr-
tonV reminds us of the swamp land
business in which Governor Jarnas
and Tom Kennard were interested
some years ago. It will bo remem
bered that the legislature oE 1873
passed an.ct authorising tha governor
to appoint an agent who should collect
from the general government monies ,
duo the eta to on account of over-
fljwed swamp lands. These monies
judged by the sumo received by other
states fcr tha same claimswould have
amounted to over $1,000,000. In 1874
a fewdaya before retiring from office
Governor Furnas made a contract
with Tom Kennard of Lincoln and ap
pointed him agent to prosecute the
swamp land claim , agreeing to give
him on behalf of the state * if hie
efforts were successful , fifty per cent
of the amount allowed by the general
government. This contract vrai de
nounced by the Omaha Herald a * an
infamous swindle and J. Sterling
Morton shrieked loudly against the
i contumation of suah an outrageous
steal frm the pockets of Nebraska
tix payers , when we had a congre-
atonal delegation entirely competent
to prosecute any claim of the state at
Washington. The Serall and Mr.
Morton insinuated in no doubtful
language that the whole business was
a jjb of the worst water , put up bc-
I tween Gov. Furnas and Torn Ken'
' nard with a view of dividing tbe
profits. Subsequent legislatures have
several times attempted to repeal the
swamp land act , but without success.
And now the city council of Omaha
jumpS into n similar contract with J.
Stirling Morton , involving practically
the came commission for collecting a
claim of our city against the general
govojnraent. If this claim of Omaha
is just and valid , as wa have no rea
son to doubt Uiit it is , why can't it
b3 prosecuted by , our regular con
gressional delegation , whoso duty it
is to transact such business ? We
have two senators from Omah" ,
and a congressman who formerly
lived here. If they fail in obtaining
recognition of this claim of our city
what reason have we to expect that
Stsilihg McrJon will bo more success
ful. On the other hand , if the claim
is dishonest , needing R lubrication , of
congressmen for its passage , the people
ple of Omiha don't want to make
themselves parties to any such trans
action. As far aa the monetary con
sideration ii concerned , it is perfectly
outrageous. If Mr. Morton succeeds
in getting it through on the grounds
of congressional influence and personal -
sonal magnetism in a democratic con-
gress , it seems to us that S5OCO is too
much for a few wetka' lobbying in and
around Wahington.
TITE Fremont Herald says a washstand -
stand isn't a "bureau ; " therefore ,
Bobbins' nest can har'dly ba said to
bo located in the Republican offico.
We don't know about tha * . It's the
r-hee whcra.ha "hatches out" most of
his lies et any rate. When ho elects
our Kext United States senator a "bu
reau" will probably be provided for
him somewhere , and meantima his
hog-wa ° h will be dished out from the
wash-stand and allowed to Sow
through the Ititcr-Occan jmt aa if
there wore a bureau in Omaha ,
IOWA has a candidate for a cabinet
position in the persin of Hon. Jas. F.
Wil on , who is said to be just the
man to _ pconpy Secretary Schurx's
I chair. [ Cleveland Leader.
Iowa must take a back seat this
time. Nebraska presents a candidate
whosa experience in rip-rapping the
Missouri with willows and f roaan mud ,
furnishes eminent qualifications for a
( Becretary of the interior.
The Decline ot Sectionalism.
Et. Panl Tionecr l'res.
The election af Garfield promises to
form an epoch as notable in the po
litical history of the country as the
election of Hayes. They may hope
to share tha honor of exorcising trio
specter of sectionalism and of de
stroying the most perilous issues that
have divided parties and sections.
Hayes becan the destruction of the
solid south by encouraging a roadi-
nees on the part of the north to for
get tha bitterness of the past and join
the south in a fraternil spirit in the
discussion of now issues and living
questions. Garfield's election will
complete the work of teaching the
south that its only hope of regaining
the confidence of the country and en
joying a fair shsro of political power
is to forget old issues and old bitter
ness on its own tide , eccept the results
of the war , and meet the north in the
same spirit of mutual concession
and tolerance which the latter
has learned from the past experience
to entertain. It is true that the
south ha never been so solid as in the
laM election. It is true that the lines
of sectionalism wera never so sharply
drawn. . The whole south is upon one
tide. The whole north , with the ex
ception of two or three insignificant ;
states , is upon the later. If this con
dition of things werp to be permanent ,
it would be raosc disastrous , and tbe
practical outlook would be meet
gloomy. But it cinnot ba permanent.
The very completeness of the separa
tion of the sections will tend to rapidly
disintegrate that which has nothing
to gain and all to lose
by the perpetuation of the
division. The spectacle of a solid
north teaclcs the south the folly and
hopelessness of continuing to cherish
the principles and expectations vhich
make it solid. The touth , as & sep
arate part of the nation , unsupported
by public sentiment in the north , and.
with all the rest of the nation consoli
dated against it , is an entirely power
less and insignificant factor in the na-
tional government. Tha result of the
laat election teaches the south thai
this condition of things will ba mainGl
talned EO long as it cherishes the prinis
ciples which the rest of the nation has
condemned , and which it has declared
Bhall never control the administration
of tha uovernment.
It was necessary that this lessen
should ' be sharply , taught. A solid
north was necetsiry toteafih theutter
irapotcnca and futilitv of a solid south
The south needed to laarn that a south
solid upoa the issnes pronounced -upon
by the wkr was certain to ba faced by
a solid north. They needed to learn
that the north is the strongest , and
that ' such a division would be a ? fatal
to them in the field ofpolitical conflict
as upon the field of battle. The
election of Garfield by the vote of
nearly every northern state should
mike this leason sink deeply into
their hearts. It should teach them
that , while the north is ready to forrr
get old conflicts and consolidate with
the south into a homaogeneous nation
broken up into ptrties whose division
liaes shall not follow geographical
boundaries , it Is not ready to give up
the results of past conflicts and lay
the foundation for their renewal by
permitting even a tacit recognition of
principles which are hateful to the
great majoritv * > f the people of the
country. Tha south misunderstood
the spirit of conciliation which was
displayed in the early days of Hayes'
administration. They jumped to the
conclusion th t their friend ? ) the old
etitcs rights democrats , Were upon the
eve of acquTing power in the north ;
that the republicanswera ready in
despair of lo ger retaining control of
the government , to surrender tha
fruits of the war and tamely /consent
to the return of the south to its old
position of arrogant dictation. The
action of - the southern leaders
in congress and their declare
tions during the presidential
canvass were the evil fruits of that
error. The congressional elections of
1878 gave the south the firat hint of
their fatal error. The leason was
finally driven home by the result of
tbe presidential election. This taught
the south that there is one condition
upon which the confidence of the na
tion in the intentions and motives of
its leaders can bo restored ; and that
is that the results of the war shall ba
tccepted in good faith ; the old dream
of state sovereignity and southern
autocracy 'dismissed ; the authority of
tha nation and tha rule of the majority -
t. jority recogui2ed , and a hearty will- ,
iiicneas shown to forget the past and
i live in the present.
' If the south shall learn this lessonj
and there is plenty of evidence in the
comments of tha sovtHiorn p-ess upon
the election that its meaning has not
I I been lost upon them , the greatest
j peril to the perpetuity and stability of
our political institutions will , ba re *
moved. The bitterness of tbe war
will bo forgotten in the removal of its
worn-out issues from the held of po
litical discussion , and the demon of
sectionalism will be banished with the
dismissal of the questions upon which
the sections have been divided. The
south is solid only upon the questions
which were involved in and should
have been settled by the war. It is
divided , like the other sections , in its
opinions upon the finances , the tariff ,
revenue legislation , and the other
fiscal and economic questions
which are the most important matters
of legislnti'-ri in a nation whose poli
tics are in a healthy condition When
the south gives up the idea of realiz
ing the false ideas of government to
whr > aa propagation it has devoted all
its energies for a hilf century , and
t-ivoa its attention to thsso questions
it has so blindly neglected , its un
wholesome sclrJjty will disappear end
the healthy notion and reaction of .
more or less equally divided political
pirties will take its place. Tbe same
thing will occur at the north. The
only thing thr.i keeps the north solid
is the fear olr. solid south. "Wh-sn
the oppressive ; catmint of this fear ia
removed , the uorih will be only too
glad to split ui into parties upon the
tariff and rotcuuo questions , which
affect its diverse interests so differ
ently. Happily not one of
the many no IT questions which
are pressing upon theantention of the
parties are sectional questions. The
tariff used tc be a sectional issue , but
with the new diversity of interests
that has j rown up in the south since
tbe war ; with the growth of textile
manufactures and the uugar produc
tion , that section haa ceased to be a
unit in the advocacy of free trade ,
while a strong sentiment is growing
up in the northwest. There is noth-
tug sectional in the financial queRtion.
Too line of division boiwean the two
great parties of the future will follow
neither state or sectional boundaries ,
but will range through the whole
intellectual field of diverse opinions.
Both the solid south and the solid
north will disappear aud give place tea
a homogeneous nation , divided upon
general questions into healthy politi
cal parties.
There is a good dfcilof vain and un
meaning discussion sa ; o whether the
coming charge will involve a recon
struction of parties cader new names.
It is wholly immato : il whether we
have new parties under new names ,
new parties under t"-o old names , or
the old parties with niw issue * . -As a
matter of probability , the republican
and democratic pirtios will not be
formally disbanded within the life of
any man now arrived at mature years.
The important thing is that the
sectional issues that have divided
these parties for twenty years will now
disappear through tLo definite and
recognised triumph of the principles
represented by the republican party ,
and that both parties have to seek new
issues upon the living principles.
Tne Canada Pacific.
The Toronto Globe claims to have
obtained trustworthy" information , at
last , as to the terms of the contract
with the Canada Pacific railway syndi
cate. It states that the line is to be '
divided into three sections , for the
construction of which payments 1CD
money made by the government will
vary according to the cost of the work.
For tbe first section , from NipUsing '
to Thun'der bay , north of Lake Super 'Sr
ior , about six hundred miles , the
government grant will be $12,000,000
and 12.000,000 acres of land. For )
the second section , from the Bed
river to the Rocky mountains , about
1000 miles , it will be § 6,400,000 and
5,000,000 acres. For the third sec
tion , in British Columbia , about 400
mile * , it will bo 56,600,000 and 8-
000,000 acres. In all , $25,000,000
and 25,000,000 acres.
From this statement it appears that
the two terminal sections , together
about the same length as the inter
vening section , will cost the govern
ment nearly three times &s much
money and exactly four times as much
land. To give the figures , the
terminal secttoni will cost § 18,600,000
and 20,000.000 acres , and the inter
vening sections will cost § 6,400,000
and 5,000,040 acre . Thia is a sen
sible arrangement , if any arrangement ,
for the construction of n railroad at
the public expense and giving it away
to a corporation can properly be * [
called sensible. It is not quite reasonable
enable to pay as much for that which
costs little as for that which costs
much , or to give as much of that land
which is likely to bo worth 5 an acre
ss of that which fa likely to ba worth
no more than 31 an aero , if it
worth anything at a L This T
last remark mrut not ba understood
aa implying that the Canadian authorities - /
ities , tiara taken care to regulate their
grant according to the quality of the
land , for such is not the case. The
Globa says that tha whole of the land
is to ba taken from the fertile belt of
the northwest. This Is better for the
syndicate than the American p'an of
granting alternate sections along tha
whole length of the line , giving the
companies tha bad with tha good ,
The Globa estimates the average value
of the land granted at $2 p r acre. At
this price the value of the whole grant
in money and land ia 335,000,000 , or
$ 60.000 C per mile for the Lake Superior
section , $16,400,000 or $16,400 per
mile for the middle section , and $23m
600,000 ( nr 556,500 par mile for the
British Columbia section. _
The Dominion parliament has yet
tc ratify tnis syndicate bargain , and
the oppoaition papers strongly advo
cate : its rejection. The probability is
that the bargain will ba ratified. It
will be brought forward as a govern
ment measure , and its rejection would
rasult iu an appeal to the people. The
majority of the present parliament is
in general harmony with the ministry ,
and will ba pretty sure to sustain its
action in this matter rather than go
to < the people and hare their "national
policy" of protection overthrown.
The Reading car shops eniplqy over
I 650 hands.
Australia has ordered twelve loco
motives from American builders.
Joliet , Ills. , has seven wire fence
manufactories , all working night and
A largo cargo of stoyea were ship
ped from Philadelphia to Pdftugalf
the olher day. * '
The sales of steel rails in No
vember exceed 150,000 tops. All the
mills are crowded with orders.
11 The foundries and machine shop *
of Raleigh , North Carolina , are run
ning day and night to fill orders.
Thus far during 1880 , the North
Chicago Rolling Mill compiny have
employed constantly 4,780 workmen.
The Columbus .iron worksj Colum
bus , Ga. , recently made large addi
tions to their works , and are now em
ploying 150 hands.
The Nautical Gszetto says the
builders of both iron and wooden ships
east and west hare bright proep ots
before them for next year.
Within the past tan days Pennsyl
vania rolling mills have received orders
for 25,000 tons of ateel rail : for future
delivery , prices varying between 58
and § 00 per tori.
The Lake Superior iron mines have
had a very proeparous season. The
ouip'ii of the four leading mines w.-v *
779,766 tons , an increase of 81,589
tons over the previous year.
The far-reaching influence of Chica
go's jfrovision trade wan shc/wn by the
recent sale of 1,000 boxes of cut meatfi
on a Bordeaux order by a prominent
operator , who had sold 700 boxes to
go to Copsnhagen the weak before ,
The Steel company of Scotland
made a profit of 49,857 on the last
vear's working , yielding a dividend of
9 psr cent. , afterdoductingpreference
and othbr charges. The plant of the
compiny is equal to the production of
89,000 tons of steel.
Cincinnati has 9,000 manufacturing
establishment ! which employ 70,000
hands. The annual product of these
establishments is not less than § 150- ,
000,000. It is estimated that they
pay for labor every yew the princely
sum of $36,000,000.
The amaunt ot money invested in
manufacturing enterprises in New
Jersey is about eighty-nine million
dollars , a capital which employs 75-
i 000 parsons , 13,000 being engaged in
' the manufacture of silk in Pateraon.
The horae power which runs the ma
chinery is eatimated at 89,000.
'The ' foundries , maqhin/o / shops and
roiling mills of Chicago' wove never
bttsicr than at the present tirna , and
they are running entirely upon
ordered work. One machine shop '
reports orders sufficient to keep its
force employed till March next.
The Schenectady locomotive works
pro building a largo locomotive for
the New York Central railroad to be
called the "Wai. H. Vanderbilt.1- '
The front end ia to be mounted on
thirty-thr imsli p ner wheel ) . The
ordinary sizes of engine truck wheels
are twenty-six nurt twenty-eight
inches , aud latterly thirty inches.
The impossibility of filling present
orders at American mills ia tending
the bulk of orders for steel rails to
England. At present prices , this do-
ecription , as well as iron , can bo im
ported at smaller cost than they can
i be bought here.
' There is every indication that in a
few years ) Americans of fine taste will
no longer seek for the best stained
glass in Europe , but at home. Tiffany >
of New York has recently finished a
memorial window for a church in
Newark , which is pronounced equal
to the archaic glass found in the
thirtaenth century cathedrals of
The Baldwin locomotive works are
now employing 2500 hands.1-'Their
shops cover nine acres of ground ,
i eight of which ara under cover. Their
present force enables them to turn out
two complete locomotives per day.
Work in the erecting shops is done Py Pe
teams , each set of hands doing a spe
cial portion of the work. At all times
there are about twenty engines nndcr
way in the erecting shop.
The Industrial Importance of
Chicago has received satisfactory de
monstration at the hands of Charlri
Randolph , thecommisiioner appoint
ed for that purpose by the superin
tendent of the census. The city and
its immediate suburbs have * 3,752
manufactories , which employ 113,607 )
persons , and require a capital of $80- '
082,102. The product of the year
ending with May was $253,405,691.
I The census now in the courso.of
completion will show that the value pt
the textile products of Philadelphia
will reach the grand total of $115-
000,000 , as fpllows : Woolens and ,
cottons , $48,500,000 ; carpets , $23-
000,000 ; hosiery and knit goods l"sr
$23,000,000 ; worsted yarns , $12,600- '
000 ; silks and mixed goods , $7,000-
000. The outlying districts of which :
Philadelphia is the business centre
will add $38,000,000 , making for the
city and vicinity , $153,000,000.
Ths construction and repair shops
of tha Pennsylvania railroad company ,
located in Altoona , Pa. , give employ
ment to about 4,000 men the year
round , and disburse among them for
wages nearly $4,000,000 annually.
The machine and car shops cover
tome 40 acres in extent , and consists
of an iron foundry , a brass foundry ,
a wheel foundry , a blacksmith's shop ,
a lathe thop , besides a chemical labo
ratory and physical-testing depart 3t
ment. The iron working shops' tlo
the work of building about 100 loco
motives a year and of repairing about
250 , besides making all the wheels
and the blnckamithine and casting in
iron and brass for the car-building '
American PresJaenta.
In considering the question of a
fund for ex-presidents , it may be in
teresting to study the duration o fe
of thosa who have enjoyed the at
distinction our people can confer. atof
the nineteen presidents , excluding , of
course Gan. Grant and Mr. Haye of"i
the one who attained the greatest "ie
was John- Adams , who lived to ba
ninety-one. Aunming the presiden
tial chair in 1797. succeeded by Jeffer
son : in 1801 , he lived on for a quarter
tei of a century. The next in
number of years was Thomas Jef
ferson , who. dying a year after John
Adams , attained the ase of elghty-
tfares. John Qaincy Adams is third ,
having lived eightv-one years. The
fourth in < fe wns Yan Buren , who.
born in 1782 , died In 1862 , aged
eighty. Taking the average lives oi.
the presidents , it ii found to be a little
less than seventy'two years. At what
who made presidents
age do thoaa man are
dents assume their office ? "The oldrst
man who was made president was
Harrison , who was sixty-eight when
inaugurated. The youngest was
General Grant , who TTBI
made president when he was
forty-seven. Franklin Pierce was
president in his forty-ninth year , and
was remembered a * the "boy presi
dent. " The average ago t which a
nvm is made' president ia fif ty-Beven.
Now , taking seventy-two as the duration
of - and fifty-
tion of life p-eaidenta ,
seven aa the age of a president when
inaugurated , adding to this hia four
years of ofibe , which makes him
sixty-one when he gives up his posi
tion , thould a fund be established ,
re-election not entering Into the cal
culation , the oldest ex-preaidentmight
be the recipient of the interest from
the fund during a period of eleven
Of the presidents ot the United
States , eight Washington , Jackfion ,
Van Buren , Harrison , Taylor , Fillmore -
more , Lincoln and Johnson never
received a collegiate education.
Grant was educated at West .Point.
The rest of the presidents have been
college graduates. The two Adamses
gradaate otf-i Sarvo iH Jefferson ,
Monroe and Tyler at William and
Mary , Madiaon at Princeton , Polk at
the university of North Carolina ,
Pirece at Bawdoin , Buchanan
at Dickinson , Hayes at Kenyan , and
Garfield at Williams.
The well known drutrgist of Anda
lusia , III. , Mr. Robert Rosa , sends us
the following : "Since I bought the
store of Mr. Thompson , deceased , I
have introduced the .St. Jacobs Oil ,
and it is remarkable how many' thor
ough cures it has produced. I myself
have tried it , and in three days I wa
relieved of tha most eeute rheumatic
pains. Have retailed five dozen of the
St. Jacobs Oil in two weeks , and the
village is not larco. "
Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago ,
Backache , Soreness of the Chest ,
Gout , Quinsy , Sere Throat , Swell
ings ant ! Sprains , Burns and
Scalds , , General Bodily
Pains ,
Tooffi Ear and-Headache , Frosted
* * feet and Ears'and alt'other
Pains and Aches-
JTo Preparation on earth equal' ST. JACOBS Oit
cs a snfe , surf , simple and cheap External
Itemed ; . A trial entails bet tbe eomparatlrelj
trifllnc outlay of 50 Cents , and ertrj ene iuff rIng -
Ing with pain can have cheap and posiUre proof
of ItsclMms. '
Directions In Eleven langnages.
Baltimore , Sid. , V BJ.
s Cnros rmtl never disap"
points. 'Tlio-nrnrld's great Pain.-
Rollover for Sinn and Boasti
Clioap , quick and rolia bio.
is "uofc" XarcolJc. Children
grow fat upoiip .Mothers like ,
and PJiysiciaisg recommend
CASTORIA. It regulates the
BoiTels , cures Wind Colic ,
allays Feverishness , and de
stroys "Worms.
TARRH Cure , a Constitutional
Antidote lor this ierziblo mala
dy , "by Absorption. Tli mast
Important Discovery since Vac
cination. Other remedies may
relieve Catarrh , this cures at
any stage before Consumption
sots in.
To Nervous Sufferers The Great fc
European Eemedy--Dr , J.
B , Simpson's Spffcifio
Medicine , '
It b a positive core for Spermatorrhea , Seminal
Weiknf3 , Impotency , and ail diseases reonltln ;
from Sell-Abuse , as Mental Anxiety Io-a ot
Memory. Pains In t'.ie Back or Side , and diteosca
I that laid to
tnuhity and
an early grave
Tbe Specific
Uedldno ia
being ua
witii wonder
ful success.
I Pamphlet *
/eut iree to all. Write ( or them and get { oil
, . Price Sporffie , Jl.OOperpicksjfe , or six pack
ages for $5.00. AOdreas all orders to
Kos. " Xand 1OJ Main St.lBaffaloN.T.
, . Sold in miba bv 0. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell
* J. K. I jh and all drnzgista everywhere. '
OJ" . "WTHljDjri } ,
1317 CASS T. , OMAHA , NEB.
ncnt lw va on h D < iTKl
b prepared to make Pants , Snita and overcoati
to order. Prices , fit and workmanship guaranteed
to euli.
One Door West-or Ornlcttebank's.
Wholesale and Retail in
OFFICE CITY MARKET 1415 Douglaa St. Packing House ,
Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , TJ. P. R. R.
Succeosors to Jas. K. Ish ,
Dealers in Fine Imported
Extracts , Toilet Waters , Colognes , Soaps , Toilet Powders , &o.
A full line of Surrical Instruments , Pocket Cajes , Treats aud Snprorters. Absolutely Part
Drnzs and Chemical ? uicd in Dupcnaln ; . Prescription ! filled at any hour of the night.
Jas. K. Isli. Lawrence McHIahon.
The Genuine
The popular demand for the GENUINE SINGER In 1879 exceeded thstof
any previous year during the Quarter of a Century in which this "Old
Reliable" Machine has been before the public.
In 1878 we sold 366,422 Machines. In 1879 we sold 431,16
Machines. Excess over any previous year 74,735 Machines.
Our aalea last year were at the rate of over
1400'Sewing Machines a Day I
For erery bnslncaa day In the y r ,
The "Old Sellable"
That Every REAL M& fij Singer is the Strongest ,
Singer Sewing Ma-J / \ ' < 2 AI
Simplest , the Most
chine has this Trade _ _
Mark cast into theBK/"y8fT ) 11 ] Durable Sewing Ma
Iron Stand and Cfline Oon-
em- fo /y ever J6 1 -
bedded in the Arm of agj
, , „ . . , . fe § strncted.
the Machine , * s
Principal Office : 34 Union Spare , New York.
1,500 Subordinate Office * , in the United States and Canada , and 3,000 Offices iatheOl
World and South America. eeplG-d&wtf
e/mruku HOUSES.
Business t " * &d. puno M that o n Incor-
Accounts kept In'Cnrrency or
debt chock without notice.
Certificates of ilpposlt IssnoJ payable In throe ,
lix and twelve months , bearing Interest , or on
demand without interest.
Advances made to customers on approved se
curities at market rates of interest
Buy and sell cold , bills ot exchange Govern-
meiit , State , County aihl City Bonds.
Draw Sight Drifts on Enzlind , Ireland , Scot
land , and all parts of Europe.
Sell European Passage Tickets.
Oor. 18th ana Farnbam Streets ,
Organised aa a National Bank , Angnat 20,1848.
CapitalandProfits Over$300,000
Specially authorized by the Secretary or Treasury
to receive Subscription to the
Hniuit KOCNTZH , President.
AUGUSTUS Kororzi , Vice President
H. W. YAKI. Cashier.
A. J. PorrLKTOK , Attorney.
y. H. DATU , Asa't Caahier.
Thlf bank r wivea deposit without regard to
Issnos time wrtlflcaUsboarln ? Interest ;
Draws drafts ca Ean Pnnctsco and principal
cities ot the United btatca , alsj London , Dublin ,
Edinburgh ai.d the principal cltlca ot the continent - >
nent ot Euror-a ,
Sells pasaiga . .lokota ( or Emigrants In the In
man no. mavlcttf
Gee , P. Bern is'
16th & Jglat Stt.t Omaha , Net.
This agoacdasi BTRICTLT a trofccrage boil *
nera. Does i.ttpciul to , andt'airefore uny bir-
g ins on Ita tooijiio Insured to Ita patrons , In
stead of beinx cobbled np by th o asrent _
No 1408 fdrnham Street
Offlce North Bids opp. Grand Central Hotel.
Nebraska Land Agency ,
1505 Farnham St. Omaha , Nebr.
iOO.OOOACREScarefuUyielectod Und In Eastern
Nebraska for sale.
Great Bargains In Improved ( arms , and Omaha
Late land Oom'r U. P. R. H. 4n-teb7tl
Byron Reed & Co. ,
K p a complete abstract of title to all Real
Efltalo In Omaha and Donzlas Conntv. navltl
cr. c.
Capitol Are , , Opp. Maaonlc Hall ,
OMAHA. - - - - - NEB.
, T. S. HITCHCOCK , M. D. S. ,
From Kew Tork has located in Omaha , and
guarantees to do first clif" " work.
D ntal Eoomj , over A. Cruickihank to. Co.'t , Cor.
15th and DouUa. icpO-2m
Geo.B. Eathbun.Principal.
Creighton Block , - OMAHA1 ?
Send for Circular.
( formerly of OUh & Jacobs )
So. 117 Farnham St. , Old Stand of Jacob OU
Oor. Randolph St. & 5th Are. ,
. " * , * * * * -J
-f naatl
i &yiUi
$2.00 AND $2.50 PER DAY
Located in the business cent'e , convenient
to placis of amusement. Eloirantly furnished ,
containing all modern Improvements , passenger
elevator , &c. J. H. CUUMINU3 , Pioprtotor.
Council BlnfTs , lovrai
On lint o Street Railway , Onmibns to and trcm
all trams. RATES Parlor floor , 83.00 per day ;
eocofld floor , 32.50 perdiy ; third floor , 82.0a
The best furcfshrJ and incret com-ncxlious hotua
In the citv. G EO. T. PHELFS Prop
Laraniie , Wyoming.
The miner's resort , good accommodations ,
are sample room , chances reasonable. Special
attention given to traveling men.
11-tf n. C HILMVRD Proprietor.
Cheyenne , Wyoming.
FIrst-cl s9. Fine arje Sample Rooms , one
block from depot. Trains stop from 20 minutes
to 2 hours for dinner. Free Cus to and from
Depot. Kates .82.00. $2.60 and $3.00 , according
to room ; s'njle ' meal 75 cents.
A. D. BALCOM , Proprietor.
W BORDKN. Cnlef Clerk. mlO-t
Sclmyler , Neb.
Flist-class House , Good Heals , Oood Rdf
Airy Rooms , and kind and accommodating
treatment. Twngood sample rooms. Speaa
attention paid to commercial trareUn.
S. MILLEE , Prop , ,
alS-tt Sohuyler , Web.
Machine Works ,
TJ P.'g B-B.
J. Hammond , Prop , & Manager.
The most thorough appoint * ! and complete
Macblne Shops and Foundry In the state.
Castings of every description raannfactel.
Enirjncs , Pumpe aad eveiy class ot nucnlnary
made to order.
order.pedal attention given to
ITell Angnrs , Pulleys , Hangers ,
Shaftin7Bridffc IronsGeer
Cutting , etc.
Plans for new UachIneryMeachanical Draught *
n ; , Models , etc. , neatly executed.
58 Harnov St. . Bet. 14th and 15th.
OMAHA. > V > 1) .
Connects With Street Cars
Corner ot _ SAU.VDER3 and UAMILTOS
STREETS. ( End of Red Line isfollotri :
BSO , 3:17andll:13a m .3:03.5:37and723am ,
7a5 i m. . 9:15 a. m. , and 12:45 p. m.
4:00,6:15 and 8:15 p. m.
The 8:17 a. m run , Icavin omaha , and the
i:00 p. m ran , leaving Kort Omaha , an usually
loaded to full capacity with rezuUr pissenjen.
The 6:17 a. m. mi will be made from the post *
office , corner of Dod--8 and 15th nrehta.
Ticket * cau he procured from street cardriv.
era , or from driven of backs.
Odd Fellows' Block.
Prompt attention given t > aim by
1SS6. ' 3.SSO * . V
We call the attention of Bayers to Onr Eitensive Stock of
v We carry the largest and
Which We are Selling al
Is in charge oi Mr. THOMAS TALlOtf , wlbsarrellestabHika
reputation has b en fairly .earned.
We also Keep an Immense Stock of
mSleodaw 1801 & 1303 Favnlinm Street.
cr. s. " "RIG-HIT ,
FOR lilsiu
And Sole Agent for
Hallet Davis & Co. , James & Holmstrom , and J
Fischer's Pianos , also Sole Agent for the Estey ,
Burdett , and the Fort Wayne Organ
Go's , Organs ,
1 dsal in Planoa and Organs exclusively. Have had yeara
in the Business , and handle only the Best.
j ; s. WRIGHT ,
818 16th Street , City Hall Building , Omaha , Neh.
. TTrogr Tnnorr _ t
Steam Pomps , Engine Trimminge , Mining Machinery ,
A. L. STKANft , 205 FamJmm Strflflt
JLn Kegs and Bottles.
Special Figures to the Trado. Families Supplied at Reasonably
Prices. Offlce. 23O * Omabn.
uniii L. i
Carpetings i Carpet ings I
u. D. i LI filL
Old Reliable Carpet House ,
1863. )
Carpets , Oil-Cloths ,
Matting , Window-Shades ,
Lace Curtains , Etc ,
I Make a Specialty of
And have a Foil Lina of
Mats , Rugs , Stair Rods , Carpet-
Lining Stair Pads , Crumb
Clothes , Cornices ,
Cornice Poles , Lambrequins , Cords and Tasselg
In fact Everything kept in a Erst-Clasa Carpet Honsa.
Orders from , abroad solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed
CalL or Address /
John B. Detwiler , )
Old Sellable Carpet louse , OMiEA ,