Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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NO 147.
Established 1871. MORNING EDITION.
PlA/O / * >
Dodge and Fifteenth Bts.
We are Now Displaying an El
gant line of Ladies'
of the
A Good for
A Good Cloak for $3.00
A Nicely TriinmcJ
An AIWool < 103 , $5.00
AXIcc One fo . . . $7.50
Soinctttinine at $10.00 aud
up to $40.oO.
! ATAMS' .
CUTS ( ,
Tor a Child 2 years and
at Pleasing Prices.
This is the Best Line o
Children's and ! Wssesf Cloaks
to be found in the city , and
our Prices are always the
H03B3 ,
All u at
Immeqse Stock of
Grey Blankets from $1.50
to $8.00 per pair.
White Blankets from $2.00
to $12.00 per pair.
Our S2.00 White Blankets
are a Wo.der at the Price.
Cor. 15th and Dodge Sts. ,
. , . , d
Pianos and Organs First Class C K
on Easy Monthly Payments , Itn
Sheet Musio and Mnsi- Ite
cal Instruments. P
O TJ L ID I OST C3S . hv
'f * ramw t great v
ly r'daccd ( irlccs. hPT
SrlO Frames. 1 inch. WnlnuU PT '
jOxli " 1 PTr.i
10x11 " 1 r.i
12x18 " 1 r.ih
12X18 " 1 r.ihi
Bustle 8x1 Of rune . . . 15 hiol
C hromoo fr 1 , nall. 25c ,
Clirouintfritmed lar.x , 1 B , 0.Ti
irn ra iiiK 'rj' " 60c np ril , .Ti
riioiosnph fr m < M from 15c upwardg , .TiG
AVindoCorlc 875c wiiulowaod jpwardi G
Lamhrequlrj * 00 per window and upw&rd * . tr
Cornlc-o PolcsS SOper whirlo * anil upwardl , trcc
Volret frame * S6c cli tn5 00 ccai
Violin Sttincs Ibc ,
\HoHn 1 76 , 2 60 , 3 and npntrxig ,
Guitars B 00 , 6 00. 7 00 and upwards ,
I ! njo9 1 00. 3 00. 6 00 , and upward * ,
Acconleons from 1 00 up. cheapest In city
Send forttnplet and citilocuo of moulding
and Bhml TOUvtc. A.HOSPE.JR. , dl [
U19 DCM.VB St _ enxt iloorto Harris and Pith ci
Oraalia Ki > b. dlTl
r A. W. NASOX. Tl
13 B3 IsT T I S St
< * , ierner Cipltol . and te
lKhSstrect.-n h . Keh. au
A. \D iYf
iBS Troth'Sttoet , - > f OMAHA , SEBRASKA or
OKerta ; U * serrlcee la all departments o bane .
mtdndna and both lot general au
pedal pracUM . acute mod chronic diseases. Ca no
be coMUked cbt , andwdlrlalta tri
part of the ritf and county 'on rocelot of latto
< OK t * 99H * r < r at home. SamplM wet
U > 3 I VOf'Uf free. Address StloMn & Co
Portland. lie.
m , .
bo [
EENST EREBS , Manager. Jc
M nutinrtT of aHtlndi of
Jcret St Set , -9 Wlk. OMJLCIA. SEE. CO
on i
J. H.FLIEGEL&CO. of an
Saccc9 Vt to J. n. TUIELE.V atl
No. 122JJ3qugIas ( Street ,
A Bttmi
* * * /
* * & "
- "K - -
f - .
New York Anti -Tammany-
ites About to Retire
John Kelly.
A Mexican Gunboat Captain De
fies the Authority of a San
Francisco Judge.
The Streets of New York to
be Lighted by Electricity.
lurdered While Kvintiopf.
. _ J DUjAVch to The Be * .
WADENA , Minn. , December 8 10
Pm. . Orb Hendrictcson was mur
dered Sunday in Todd county , whil
hunting with his brother , by thre _
men , -with whom he had a difficulty
about a daer that had been killed
The body was found with three bulle
boles and several knife wounds in it.
His brother tracked the assassins sir
miles in the snow , but they escaped.
SpodaTDIsratch to The Bee.
GILSOJT , 111. , December 8 10 p.
The body of a w-ll-dre sed m n
w s found in a Geld a few miles from
he-e with B bullet hole in his breast
ind a revolver lying near , one cham
ber of which was enpty. : A drove of
swine had eaten the flesh from the
face and hands. The coroner's jury
gave a verdict of-suicide.
Base Ball Conference.
Special Dispatch to The Be.
NEW YORK , December 8 10 p. ta.
The board of directors of the Na
tional Base Ball league , met at the St.
Jamei hotel this morning. The
championship was awarded to the Chicago
cage nine. Appeals wore made in be *
half of George Hall , W. H. Craven
and A. H. Nichols , for the removal of
their disabilities resulting from their
.expulsion from the league for dishon
est playing. The resolution was
adopted that notice is served on the
persons named , or their defenders ,
that the board of directors of the
league will never remit penalties in
flicted on such persons , nor will they
hereafter consider any appeal from
them or in their behalf. The Bostons
aud .he Nationals , nf Washington ,
were admitted to the league.
Frozen to Death.
Special dispatch to'.TnK BKK.
CHICAGO , December 8 10 p. m.
Mrs. Annie Morgan , wife of Peter
Morgan , was * found by her son at G
o'clock this morning frozen lo death
by a fence about a hundred yards from
their house on Thirty-first street She
was addicted to liquor , and went to
get.uomo last night while the rest of
the family were abad.
Criminal Carelessness.
CHICAGO , December 8v-10 p. m.
A switch engine on the Michigan
Southern railroad ran Into an Arche
avenue car at midnight last night
Ibe car was demolished , and , the pas
sengers , about twenty-five in number
ilmost Inextricably mixed up with the
wrreck. Some eight or ton were in
jured , but none fatally. The driver
Cornelius Hallnranhadhislcg broken
rhe engineer , N. J. Ford , was arrest
3d. He says the flagman slgnallec
lira to come ahead , and he did not see
the street car until too late. The con
luctor of the car says he saw the light
> f the locomotive , but thought it was
leveral blocks away.
Overdue Steamers.
Ipec al Dhnatch to 1 ae Be * .
NEW YoEKDecemter 8 10 p. m.
Che "City of New York , " ia the only
European steamship that has arrived
rithln the last twenty-four hours ,
ler voyage was attended with head
rales and tempestuous ana , and on
November 27th severe hurricanes were
incountered. Thirteen vessels are
till overdue from foreign ports , and
nay he reported any moment.
John Kelley In a Corner.
pedal dispatch to Tfr Etc.
NEW YoEK | December 9 1 a. m.
t was reported yesterday that ar-
augments have been perfected be-
ween republican and antl Tammany
democratic aldermen whereby Mayor '
! ooper'a nomination fur ci'y offices
rill be confirmed , and that John Kel- * '
sy will be superceded by an unti-Tam- .
janv man as comptroller , and the oth- P '
r offict B will be divided b § t weon re-
ublicans and anti-Timmanyitea. It inw '
i reported thit , at a conference held
ore , in which Senator Conkling and
rio President elect Arthur particl- tr '
% tcdtho arransement was perfected , trwi
'his ill be a preat vic'orv for the
olitical enemies of John Kulley. It 11
td been expecttd that Kelley would i
a able to prevent the continuation
[ sny successor nominal e by May * r
onper. wh Be term of < ffice expires t
mn ry 1 , &nd th t T
race would reappoint Kelley as comp. rc
oiler. The announcement of the
imblnatlon creates great excitement
nong local politicians.
Western Union Profits.
iedal DIci tch to Tnx Bi * .
NEW YORK , December 8 10 p. mAt
-At the quarterly meeting of the
rectors of the Western Union tele-
aph company , held to-dny , a divi' M !
and of li per cent , was declared. f
ho ret profits for the quarter ending ir
.ptember 30 , were 51.070,827. Af- ire.
r paying the dividend thnro was a e.n i
irplus from earring of $132.000.
ectl DUpat jh to Ta 11.
WABHDfOToy , D. C. , December 8
a. m. For the upper Mississippi
id lower Missouri valleys : Char
partly cloudy weather , with lower
.rometor ; higher temperature with aiP
irth to west winds in the latter dis- P !
let tic
Befused to Deliver. mi
edal dispatch to The Bee.
SAN FEAJTCISCO , December 9 1 a. ne
The captain r.f the Mexican can-
at "Democrata" refuses to deliver
Cladomlvie Cata en n habeas cor-
the court and po
& from superior , les
idge Latimer has directed the sher- oil
to proceed to the vessel and bring oilMi
e prisoner and arrest the captain for iti
ntempt of court. Cato was arrested
a "warrant of Governor Perkins on
extradition from the government
Lower California. Ihe sheriff will
tempt to board th * vessel.
Jealous Gallants. '
Plspateh to Tbe Bee crc
Tenn. , December 8 , ilic :
p. a. Pazton P. Zpoty , . former rei
ident at the university hero ajd a Lo
in namedStilllngs , quarrelled yea-
terday , over which shonld assist a
lady on her horse. Finally Stillings
was in the act f helping bar to the
saddle , when Zooty pnahed him away
and fired Fovan bnlhts into his body ,
killing him Instantly. Both were
married men. Zaoty was arrested.
Trutn's ri'al38toods.J
Special Dispatch to Tbe B e.
NEW YORK , November 8 10 a. m.
Trnth this morning , in anc-'torial )
commenting upon tbe alleged discov
ery by detectives , of tha author of
the Slorey-Ohinese letter in Brookly. ,
eaya : "The letter is not a forgoi
ills genuine. The tampering with
the envelopa WM B atrong indica
tion that it WM not authentic , we
must confess , bat there are indica
tions of genainoneds which complet ly
turn the scales tLu other way. With
in a week e lita received p > siivo (
information regarcing the whole his
tory of the letter preceding its rs-
cept by tHe United Stutes authnri-
ties , which will boon be made pnblic
through our columns. A three thou
sand dollar clerkship is now an ob
stacle , but that will soon bo removed
and then the facts will come out. "
The Land League Spread
ing Among All Creeds
and Classes ,
A Landlord's ' Solicitor Rough
ly Handled by Irish
President Hayes' Bemarks' on
Spanish Cruisers Stirs Dp
'the Madrid Press ,
SpeeUl Ditpatchej to TBB Bn
PARIS , December 9 , 1 a. m. The
communists express much indignation
at the refnsal of the town council to
grant them a site en which to erect
a monument to the communists who
were killed in 1871 , when Paris was
captured from their hands , as well as
to other communists afterwards tried
and shot or exiled. The council re
fused , it is understood , on the ground
of the absurdity of a municipality as
sisting to commemorate the acts of
men who violated law and order , and
attempted a riotous means to over
throw it.
Special Dicp&tch to The Rce.
MADRID , December 9 1 'a. m.
Considerable excitement prevails in
lolitical circles aud on 'change , caus
ed by the passage in President Hayes *
message roferrini ; to the aggression nf
cruisers on American vessels in Cuban
waters. The press of this city are
uniting' bittBnsniaila5trUi)8rrtt."Thi ) :
ministerial organs state that the dis
patch of the Spanish minister at
Washington led them to suppose that
the matter had been satisfactorily ter
minated by tin Inqniry instituted by
he naval department , and by the
American admiral at Havana end the
ndemnities that t'era paid.
pedal DJ-.ftch lo TJO tie.
DUBLIN , December 9 1 a. m.
[ t is fcocaming in rj evident every
lay that the laud ler ce intends to
ipmhhie with the land agita-
icn a demand for EOUJO degree of '
elf-government. T ! ; < 3 ur anizaiion is
uw approachycrfcctios. ] . Thirty
> r forty bianctirs ; thn loaguj are
crazed every w ck. 7he
i they give much of tlieir spaca
o ki no meetings , make no pratensn
if printing the proceedings of ali. If ,
lowever , the precnt tide of success ;
ia rot taken at the fl od , a few
nontliB will , In ? ll prclatilily , wii-
L6BS the pr.cipititl.-.a of a cri-is , nnd
hereafter a gradual breaking up of
he organization.
O'Kelley and Sexton were expocied hiac
0 spaak Brookborjugh Tcsday whoa acci
he meeting was dispersed by tao CJ'i- cidi
tabulary. The most remarkab'e tn 1
vi nt in connection with this episode tnSI
1 the part taken 07 a Protestant r c- sh
jr , who issc J tlj follofiig notice : Sire
'Men of Ulitr-r : Satn j evil-die 4 csjd
ersos , d3irin t * : tir up strife anu re ;
luso Moodt ! : i in cur ntijjhbnr .iort ,
fin i
.i posted i.p a n tica c-.llir < / up a arab
'ratestant fcrmcrj to cpp"S3 tje latid
This uiovcsr.ent ia identical
'ith ttie interests of the Pr. tr
oant farmdra r.s we'l &s with tm
Ath'lia tenant farmers. As your ( P
'ue friend I c i ! up JH y-u to treat ab
ith c 'ntumt , : " - ca advice. Tos- ! _ teen
creed been h unaed creed en
is * u. * * uu against i.AwLu :
this unhappy'
Aa extraordinary prwsding. nn- pa' '
as yet in tha &oti h of Se
eland , took place Monday at Mu > -
ie , county Limerick. John Hayesa ,
ime kesper of Sir Crocktr Barring-
m , was summoned before a magn
ate at the Murrro ecsdins for she t-
g tha fcrcjhoun ; ? of a farmer , MiMi
imnd Ry.3 , antl for hnviag h'rad at
V. Acm
ie Win. Ryaa , also a farmer. Tee
own prosecuted. The bearing of
e case wis attsr.dcd by a connidora-
e nunjb'r of psfplc. Mr. James
solicitor attended b hlf cm
oran , a , on *
the land loasu : , to support the we
osecution. Mr. Patrick Conolly , $21
licitor , defended the accused Up- far
his arrival at the court room on i
e sec-.nd day of the trial , he was tri ;
iot-ed and jacied by the immense
altitude , and was so hard pressed
nt he was obliged to seek refuge in by
neighbsriHg Lou1 : . . The crowd
: ro aocnt to break into the hruse at
len they wore infcrod by one of the & (
ad league iffirxra that Cccolly was dw
ady to cffcr ax > locy for hia ac- ki !
ins. Ho shortly appeared , and
uuntlng o cbair expressed scrrow at
ving acted professionally fcr an oli-
xljus land . wn ( < rand that he would
vcr servo ancthor ejcctaent for
at. His apolojy , however , would Da
t allay tha angry foolic s cf the
y to protect him frum tl.oir fury , In
ad and clubj wens flung tt him , and em
as with difficulty that h ? made his
y out of the n ijhborhood. by
de ]
if J'-.O h -t . i Ei . W (
Charles Grant bsen Ca :
satcil aron Lnrquil , of the pn.7- Te <
a < if Qiebsc , by Qaeen VictoriB ,
rivlnea fsailly title of the time of ty ,
Lord Ripen , viceroy of India , la
suffering from sunstroke resulting
ftv-v. exposure while attending to his
offiiirl c.utios.
Returns cf the English board of
Irarla aye generally favorable , although
thty show that the shipments of iron
for last month have declined to 15,700
ton ? .
Renewed shocks of earthquake
h 8 been exp-rieuced nt Agram , Aus
tria. No po-itivo damage has yet
bcbu dune , but tbe Irbabitauta are
j.e tly : rcit.dan ( 1 a real panic exists
Sir. Forster , chief secretary for Ire-
la-d , has Issued a circular to magis
trates , nrging the enforcement of the
lw affainst unlawful assemblages ,
thriate&iirj , etc.
Mr. Shaw LaFevra , secretary of
th9 admiralty , delivered a speech at
Reylma , Fvglina- yesterday , ! ] L
wl-Jch ne advocated tie cradual grad-
u il croition of peasant proprietors In
Irslatid. Ho also repudiated having
auy syrpp uhj- with the land league.
Adi'patch from Paris lays the porte
has cet ei Cre'e to Germany on simi
lar terms as Cyprus was cedeJ to Enn-
Tie rfgitta on tlio Tyne , proposed
by the Americar iniiiuf-icturing com
pany , has butn abandoned.
Jt is reported on gO' < d authority
that ship loads if gum and ammnni-
ti-jns are being shipped from Germany
to Slonica.
The t.'iini'terial press of Madrid
now advocate a rafcrm in Cuban tar-
iffj lo propara thq way to closer
c im3irrchlr'iiatiins with the Unite i
Stages an ; t' a L uiss.
Mr. MtiJLol'and ' , a bailiff , was shot
dead yestei ay by a faimer named
Goily , ar Cookstown , nrar Newry ,
Ir&krd , while ho was executing a de-
crse eg'in t GorJy.
A Storm of Indignation Baised
by the Pavtisan Speech of
the Irish Chief Justice ,
Whose Conduct is Denounc
ed in High Official
Parnell Determined to Risk
Arrest by Attending
Spedal Dispatch to The Bee
NEW YORK , December 8 4 p. m.
A special caoiegram says that the
speech of Chief Justice May , refus
ing postponement of the Irish state
trials , has caused profound indigna
tion among the land leaguers , and
jvcn in London , and it is rumored
hat4he-lordkIiancollpr .will enter his
protest against the tone of it.
Parnell intends to risk arrest for
eaving Dublin when parliament
neets , and will try to bring before the
louee tbe whole Irish question. It ia
lelitved Parnell will be arrested and
erlous consequences will follow. The
jcaguers' propose to instruct tenants
0 deduct the police tax from their
enta before offering them to their
A Dublin special to the Herald
&ya "Miss Harriet Gardiner , " of
'arm Hill , Killdare , has been for
&ars on bad terms with her tenants
ad was shot and wounded in her own is
ouse a few years ago. She was ac- isci
Dstcd yesterday by a woman , while ciai
aasing through the street and called ai
> me vile name. Tne woman then aiof :
ruck her across her face ofc ! ;
ith a teapot. Afterward Miss Gar- cl
iner entered a hardware shop , accom clG
anied by the town commissioner , G
nd was in the act of buying goods , '
hen the proprietor entered and or- ar
tred Miss Gardiner out , declining te er '
er custom. The lady then walked teed
: ross thestreet , followed by an excited fri
owd , yelling and hooting. She
row a six-chamber revolver , and , :
ruing , pointed it at the crowd. G e
h ? commanded them to stop , spying :
wou'd ' the if .
ie use pistol necessary.
10 was escorted to her hotel by the baGt i
lice , and finally accompanied to her
s'den e by two constables. She is
excellent shot aud always goes 8p <
. DU
edal D'apatch to The Bee.
ST. PETERSBURG , December 8. 4
in. The Rusmn government is
out to snd the c'U'ser "Taroslave '
int rcppt American fi'hing vessels Qa
crnachuig npnn the fi here3 ! of the ho
her'un const. The ' 'Taroslave" is
dered to cruise in the Pac fie. Sev- lej
il regimt-n's wi1 ! shortly be dea jus
'ched to the C-uicassus from
vastopol and ehewhere.
' 3 -t * Bt
nh .usa at Crooknton , ret
JU j i > to Jl.e St. Pul ,
is . ! . Eai
& M.iitv.a comjrany , sri
- c inpj jontroy. . Ib/CroTues- i a
y r.ij'iwith ivroLci'motives. Lais res ;
50,0D cot
JT. SI. 0nkhitp , a banker of Flor- cor
Wis. , flm iJu ccnrtry last
k. rn'l hia bondsoren era outtbout mu
i COO It is supposed he Is in the ser
HO t
Die electric llijht will bj given a Da
3 ! ii ; the streets of NOT York our- res
; Ohriitniai wck , WIIPL. over a ape
jsrb mile of the city will fca lighted
electric burners. cor
A terriCc boilt-r explosion occurred tur
the pa ier miUs of Morrison , Barr act
Gi- . Rearing Springi , Pa. , yeater- the >
F. David Ackie , an employee , W3i asme
led. The me
dumrge amounts to
)0COO. )
_ Ad
Efce board of review of the nations- .
l'ni ' : ; rsi ciaUon met yeiteada/ set
rr.i ' ia the Fifth Avenue hotel , cal
w Fcr.'c. Judge James Grant , of jec
vecpcrt , In , presided. coi
coii i
Nebraska during the week &
ilng December 4,1880 , furnished
Wra. Vau Vleck , of the postoffice
partment :
Postmasters Appointed Amboy , dla
Bb-.ter county , Edward Gilford ; Int :
re-co , Saundcrs county , Joseph am
ichnnn ; Henrietta , Nemaha coun- of
Clarence E. Clagett ; St. Dervln , lat 2 :
imaha county , J. W. Taylor , Jr. tie
Discontinued Clark , Burt county. eel
The Senate Moving in the
Matter of Congressional
The Electoral Eesolution Occu
pies the Undivided Attention - '
tion of the Eousa.
Republican Members Hold a
Caucusto Adopt a Course
to b
Objections Urged Against
Oonkling's Man for Secre
tary of th& Treasury.
Spedal Dispatch to The Etc.
WASHINGTON , December 8 The
president to-ihy sent to the senate n
batch of nominations , including C1. .
W. B. Hazen , to be chief signal offi
cer , with the rank of brigadier gmier-
al ; Col. Nelson A. Miles , of the Fifth
infantry , to be brigadier general ; Asa
Oldroy , to the United States commis
sion of French chima , and the follow
ing consuls : H. Atherton , of Now
York , at Pernambuc-j , Almont Birrcs ,
ofVermontatCuraccoH. ; H. Oraack ,
of tennBylvani < > , St. Helena ; Henry
Horstman , of Pennsylvania , ni Wtir-
temburg ; A. C. Prindlea , of New
York , at Bohin ; G. W. Eoiswell , of
Pennsylvania , at Matanzai ; Samuel
Speckman , of Tenn. , at Munich ; 0.
A. Young , of New York , at JIar.ills.
Also a number of district attoinaja
appointed during the recess , and a
number of army promotions , and J.
H. Cogging to be collector at Newport -
port ; VV. L. Ashmore , at Burlington ,
N. J. ; W. L. Lowens , at Sag Harbor *
The first popular obstacle tbct has
been placed in the way of the silver
dollar comes from South Carolina ,
which state was one cf the forenoct
in demanding silver. The treasury
departmsnt was yesterday informed
that at Chester , S. 0. , the banks re
fuse to receive silver certificates r.t
par , and that , as a consequence , tha
merchants and planters decline there.
The bank takes this action , ii ,
because they fear the coinage of to !
silver dollar at the present rate , wonld
sooc cause its depreciation , aud consequently
quently a depreciation of the certifi
Tee president will to-day nominate i
John Hall to be United : tata mar- '
ibal for the western distrLt of Penn-
-It-ia undersized Axccrbia tSu ce
5vrayne , of the supreme court , will ,
hortly tender his r-jsu-nation. Hon. | j !
2tatley Matthews will be appointed }
o tli 3 vacancy.
Mr. Thompson , secratarof ; he
lavy of the Unitei State ? has sent a
able message to M. DJ Lesacps , ac-
apting the chairruaushfp of tie Par.
ma canal company.
It can be stated upon the highe&i ,
utkouty that Attorney-Genera' \
Ijvens will not be appoiutad to sue- ?
ied Justice Strong upon the supreme J
ench. It is probable a souther t
tan will ba nominated to fill the vn-
Congressman Nesfberry , of Dettolt ,
undfretood to ba a ca.didra f i-a
ibinet position in Ge'i. G r5 pi
linistratiou. Mr. New'-erry'j '
re said to be fixed up-.m the t a.ti ; . w
secretary of the racy. H-.J i- p , tli
aim he ia especially fitted to h.i
large of the navy Jepii\me5t.
Gen. McGouki b'l ! lo 1----3 ' " .
rant upon the rai'trtd 1 : . ; f , w ! "
'my , with the rank Ri l pay --t n
'al , created a deal of ilifcuisi n .
rday. Gen. McCo\ is r.ot t z " . - "
I in New York ai
ienJof that faction of
rty which idolizes Gen. Gri t. Hr
iwevur , is a besom friend of G < "
jrtiald , and whaterer he te. u u
end ? concerning GOD. Grant i. , i
reasonably supposed to have Gen ] ( I
wfield's approval.
5Cl l Dilpatch to The Bee.
WASHnfQTON , December 8. A
imber of petitions were presented !
d several bil's ' introduced during
e first half of tha session of the
late under the general business of j
a morning hour. Among those pre-
ited were petitions by Messrs. Iver- r'rJ
n and Ferry for the passage of the
use bill increasing tbe dn < y on bar-
' and malt , and by Mr. Etton aa-c
i the consent of congre > s to the ad
itmentof the boundary line between 11nai
nnecticut and > ew York. nai
Mr. Etton also introduced a bill , >
ing t e consent of congress to such
Mr. Pendleton introduced a bill to itn
nove certain claims from the de-
rtment to the court of claims. Re- tin
red to tha judiciary committee.
Mr. Teller introduced a bill to .
ulate the election of members of
igress. Referred to the judiciary * °
nmittee. r. .
A member of the executive com-
mications were laid before the ,
late and referred.
WASHINQTOK , December 8 2Ir
vis , of West Virginia , offered a
olntioni declaring the necessity for
sedy legislation in relation to the ,
pointnent of representative : in Sil ]
igress , to enable the state le isla- CCI
es about meeting , to take necessary it-
ion , bnddirec'in the secrataiy ct iton
interior to communicate , early ec !
practicable to the senate , a state- ecm
at of the population according to chi
s returns of the tenth census , lut '
lopted. ass
Da motion of Mr. Anthony , the of
late will proceed to buoineas on the ofuc
endar , Acting upon such billn r.i ob- o'e :
itions are made to. such > rder to
itinue daily until 1:30 o'clock.
On motion of Mr. Whyto , the f-e.
s bill for tha relief of S. Roscnfeld
1 :
Co. , of Baltimore , refunding rev St.
ue tax on tobacco , paid in duplicate ,
3 taken np , considered and passed.
A bill for the relief of Henry P.
dfo was , on motion of Mr. Teller ,
ipcsed of in a like manner.
Mr. Morgan offered a joint rcsolu-
lon , proposing thn follnw : g ao"su
lendcient to the 12th article in :
the ccnstitntion , as founrl jjerction
Congress ahall have power t3 lagia-
e and establish rules and regtaa-
mi for certifying , transmitting , re
iving and opening the votes of the :
electoral college , and for ascertaining
and counting such votes by the seiiato
and house of representatives , and f.r
djciarlng the result of the election arJ
for the government of the eenato end
house of ropresentlves when they are
rjecto count the vote of such ei-otoM.
5 > joh 'aw shall ba enacted , or altered ,
Rnendedor repealed wiihiti the period
rf'one year before the , ime fixed by
tie laws of the United States. Re
ferred to the judiciary committee.
Atl:05p : m. the senate on motion
of Senator Davis ( III. ) went into exec
utive syaMonj and in twenty minutes
Mr. Newton N. Clements , elected
to succeed Lawis , of Alabama , who
hfs resigned , appeared and was sworn ,
/heitfuse then immediately had the
subject of tliu order 6f busincis
Mr Fernando Wood said it was very
important that the funding bill shotTd
be pasad at this session , but in view.
the action of the house yesterday , h -
S proposed that the debate fih.'ii'd . ru-
on the resolution with regard to the
electoral count in the hope tint a vote
would soon be reached. He proposed
after that subject was dispoamt of , to
Tidi' vor to bri g ' > ehousa down to
iis luyiiimiitH w - r to exclu o al
partixm discu33 < on in ordir ihrtt he
consideration of the bill which Mr.
Conger and his friends were ansion-1
to discuaa yesterday might bo com
Mr. Conger , who has usurped th *
republican leadership , or has been
put forward by hia p\rly aa th < j lead
er , advanced to the democratic cidi
and asked Wood if he did not propoai
t > puah the funding bill.
Mr. Wood replied that the gen
tleman knew very well that that bil
would be cilled np as soon as thi
peniHnging discussion was completed.
Mr. Conger eaifl he supposed the
gentleman would deelre to call up the
bill kometime during the present aes
The ropublicr.n.- ! unanimously vnb i
agAt ist dispensing wlt * > the morning
hour , .and then , with n view of 3
S'iraiiig all tha time posibln , they in
dicated a purpose to demand the fu-l
reading of the bill. The democ ati
mooilora of the committee took the
hint , nd refrained from ron. r in
their bills. The hour was thereto *
connumod , when the electoral ras'L
tion came up , and Mr. Willits , of
Michigan , obtained the floor. He
argued that congress va.i not a re
turning board , and denied that they
had any right to make a pass-gc. Da
nying , as he did , the right of congress
to change a single vote cf the college ,
ho would vote against the resolution.
After Willets had concluded , ro on3
on iha republican aide seemed ur-par
ed to speak , and after waiting a few
moments , Mr. Bicknell ros-3 to call
the previous question , and to demand
* voto. Mr. Ginger , Mr. Keefer ,
j-d others , who wore in the retiring
r 'm at this moment , hastened to the
liall , and said that Mr. Whyte was f
laxt entitled to the floor , but fie was. '
: - nporariiy absent. Mr. Finley sug- *
jested that perhaps Mr. Whytj and
H3 friends would like the hrnse to
aka a recess to await his pleasure.
Mr. Robinson , of New Jersey ,
laiin-"d the floor. He said it would
i-l be denied that the qneatii'n cntisr
"yideration was one of the highest
tnport nce to the government and th > >
"oplo of the United Stiten. The
rholr queatica WES whether thb "rc"1-
lent should be made "by electois op-
ointcd by states or by the irreapon i-
le will cf a legislative aaaerubly. Ho
as willing to admit that there was a
rccedent for the adoption of a joint i
lie. ,
Tfce debate on the electoral bill wan
antinued at some length , and was
urticipated in by Messrs. Hurter ,
[ cLane , Davis ( N. C. ) , and others ,
ho ar ued K ainst Mr. Robcaon'a
le rythac the two houses had no
ght to doteraiino the qneition of
ie ulrctoral count in a judicial way.
Mr Huuton , resuming , asked Mr.
nboaon to state whether there wrs
. . " power to throw out a vote which spIn <
* demonstrated to be fraudulent.
' illustrate" ! tha case of a stcte Inwi
hich had been in rebellion in 18G4 , wiwl
. .1 inquired whblhci , if that state wl
id seat up an electoral vote , there cf
xild not hava bedn a power to throw is
oat. cleme :
. Kcifer proposed to answer that meGe
< v- KID , and said no president of the Ge
nut wonld count a fraudulent f inj
getl vote. Mr. Quuton wanted t- sui '
iow wiiat power there wa to t'iro ' f P
out. If t'-aro wai nooower in tb VUl
Q "ase , therq wai no p < iwor in tl tn"
lit-r. Horc'errrd to tbe L niaian 8rl
53'n the 1'st election , when it vra ns'
ved that thenamcs if tbn j electoro elli
r j ? "rged , and ho in itc'l tint tb'g
; " 11 > reject them should havrtst- i
v mew'-ern. ' j. „
In r. C s s H Mini wl an f. prfcn' lent
Vet d hit should > I his
f , tu.'pusa ' tha ' . oral vet -f yea
sw Yir ! shuulil La atolcn , cr tl o the
rnes of Hancock and English bt- offi
t < tuted fur tho-ie of Gat Geld ani.
thnr , the gentleman contondoil that fro
ru was no power to reject fraudu- wit
it ctrtmcctas. ;
Llr. Robvi'O.i - the * *
' . replie-l to qi - cor
ti pr < ponndccl , end argued thai > 01'
tliOii-ic.itinn of ti3 ! brck f thti tir-
Ijl > e3 ma siffi.iont evidunco of diii
tether thare WLTO gcats or aheep to vie
'jo counted. D insiatod that the
of the vice president was a miuh-
iul , LI ' not a judicial a3t. det ;
Mr. D .via , of North Carolina , put ma
- qucati'ir. whether , If a vote was offi
/un to ba fraudulent , tba members lua
sit by as 7itne3sea and s-30 tbu
i5 vole counted If tha vice Spci
L Jn j chose to ci ; t them.
r. Roh-enn said it was r.-.t to ba
ppoiedtbrt th > / vise pr sii1. it would am
int -"raidulent vote , ovt
fcuu rejs top 193 a In ? i iiu
jici , but lu.t a rule iu an j o .f
cr cnoy. In c ncluding hid - ' ,
T imo IIP wocV o'Ter - rt mo
'ion tha' . the two ho'ws f congrc
scniblo in th * chamb r of the hoasi me
tl e 3fcon ; ' Wed- wh
iy of Fa ruary , 1881 , at 12 re
iocc ! ; 'he president of the senate A ? ;
all prrj'dy ; that two toilers shall be the
pointed from ; ach I.nnsj ; that the rej
suit of the electoral vote shall bs de
by the presidout of thj E n-
Without further diEcnsaion th ; :
3 zdjonrn-d.
n slatemeut fiat Lovl P. Morton nu
for the position f socra- be
the treasuary under Garfield's yl (
' tratiou ha ? bean repeatedly Tt
L , . ! . > > j > hin the past two weeks. The tr (
won given f-/r Morton's alkpd in- da
Igi" ilitj' to fill llr. Sherman's ah as ,
that section 243 of the roviaod 83
.tutei hid in his way. Thiscectiou
cioros that no parson shall be ap- lei
pointed secretary of the treasury who
ahull be dirtily or ind-'rectly interested -
ed in carryini ; on b-isinpss , t'aile ,
or commerce , or l-o .vr-crs , in
whole or in part , o any 8 a vtsaeJ ,
or ciga jd in thupuic1" " i f nny pub
lic sccuriiits. Thf C33 j f the late A.
T. Stewart , who ( Van jd t' ' ba secre
tary of the treasury undc'r Clrant , and
was provcntccl by thia law , ia cited as
an inatanco appl ini-1 M < r : u'a can-
cidacy. Mr M rtun' friei'd ' ) siy
that the cases Era in t nt - " parallel.
Stewart proposed to pac : i . ' ' ' 3 business
In the hnnds t a trust : * . 1 5 it waa
too cviiient tJ'at sus : . R pr efii
v/ould simply hav-ibirn en- > i ot
* ha intention cf l'f 'aw. ' ! ' -run ia
a merubor of tli j firra of i'.I.ttfi . ,
Bliss & Jo. , of Now York. T ojiina
is cpgaeed in the sil i of ptib'ic ' ercu-
rtLi. : 1 is now hr'ld by n t ny that
L' . uk1 OouVlin 'a ii'iu g t'l. sacre
aryship , l o < vill be curup H ! tc sov-
"r bis r.'htidiw with the Xow l rk
lirr-i , aud ic Is L r < Uy pn b.i'ile ' tha : ha
will consent t < sucli * scr " r.
Tie republicans of the h : ao of
n > pr-'sentitiv 3 had a cauciu laat
ai-Mit. which laitod tilt -.issrly 1
o'c.tck , f r the purpose of Rrraii'-iiitf
lie "ourco for thejirty toUMii'j { on
the i'liai reolu'ion in rolati .1 to the c uj.t i o" > p diag in the
honao. Mr. Frye , cf Wai' o , presided.
All members w ri vsry r ticotit aa to
what transpired. Ic is usj. rate -J no
defiiiito romlt was r ! icK-J ! , Ljt it nas
detenniaoil to cail a j sict caucns of
the tenato ana hon ' nl an early day
A convorsiti n L < U l.y a corroj-
pi/r.dfnt with ni'-niiiora w-vjld sefm
indicate thatihcro WES notmncb har
mony 5u the caucns. So r. monibers
are restive nnder tbo loaderahip f
Conger and Keifcr , wio have
come to the front us exp-'i . t ? ; tliu
views of ths liouao - > f r pr-s. ta'ivca
nn thia joint role. Ti' . ? thi ! < t * ' "
could do better unJor oiltnr 1 .dor-
ship. There are others vli-i t pp'jto '
the fight that ia niedo a-jai : at thocou-
aiilcratian of route of action for
the two houses on * l celectoral crunt.
Th y are not willing to acpt thp
p. ud-n ro'olut' , ' ut will be willing
to consider it , p-i M 1 tlie Ji-mocrit-
it majority will [ tnn't amnndaienta
o be i/ll red and veiled upon. Thpy
'i ve no doubt that it would ba c n
c-deJ. There do s noi aeumtubo
ny serioui fear that the election
Gen. Garfitld will ou qnrntiimed , and
it ia believed a sufficient nunbcrof
democratic v > tcs cm be obtnitied tn
jo amend the resolution aa to make it
acceptable to all parties.
Sen. Hazen's Audacity and
Perseverance Places
Him Above His -
Brethren ,
Vhile Howgate Indicates His-
Indignation by Resign
Truth , " Tiioiga levied to
the Gutter Kises Up to
Lie Again.
he Election Question Con
tinues to Irritate the Polit
ical Leaders of the
TTiile the Senate Pigeon-Holes
a Number of Bilis and
Haz&n'a Appoln'.ment.
eclal DispaUh to Tlie bee.
OHICAOO , December 8,4 p. m. TLo
ler-Ocean publishes an itetciow
th a p-omluent army ollL r , from
n'ch itapp = ) ara that the spp firmmt
General flazon chief BUIUM ! . fiicer ,
not well received in m.lit-ry cir-
s. The officer says "tl-e ai nr-
jnt creates no sjrprrse , h-c * " o
ineral flazan fa the m < : ; p 'raster- j
T , the most audacious and the must
cceasfol officer in the servics. In a
liticil way helma rccivcl more f.i-
ra from the present aiminisrmtioti
\n any oth ° r min in the
ny , bat , so far as I know , ho has nt
cor recc'ved ' an PO TS tnent from su
a cf hia fe'low ' ofllera " rn
Ho-wgata Resigns.
WASHINGTON , D U. , December 8 veSt
> . m Capt. H. W. Howqite , wull-
own Throughout the country
connfcton with thoBignil service , ce
iterday tendered his resignation to
> president. Capt. Howgafe was an
cer of the twentieth infantry ,
H-known throughout the coun'ry
m his lifo conn ° ction
: h the signal service and
Arctic expedition. HM army red -
d is most honorablo. Up n appli-
inn of the rbief signal rfli.-er on
nl Gth , 1867 , ho was assigned to
iy as Instructor in tl e sf n I * er- tt U
0 uniil congress added the ttu.
teorolo ical wins to the siVnal u.8tl
vice , when he to"k cJi&rs.'o of the 8tln ,
aih of the orjan ; zation and reined InTe
in the. Te
ined constantly on duty TeWi
ce , over ainco that date wiS"cut Wi
vo of absence. V.CC'
A Kodel Southron , C' '
pttcli t it4 B .
ATLANTA , G.u , Decumber 8 4 p. rn. St
rhtro is considerable commo. ioi > _ 1
federal oflice-holdera here , n
> u2 p.
sr the investigation of CT. S. Mar- p.Al
il F tzSinimofiS , agiirat whom seri-
! cOarges have been made -
on. Hia bondsrnbii hive caked
1 they be relio > d xnd ha bo re
ived. It ia chatgfd thac ho has
thheld larte ; auina du the govern-
int and also suirs due his deputies ,
10 are loud in their complaints The
renue departm-int has sent Spf cinl
ert A. B. ISewcomb , wfio ia
sroughly inveat'gating the offieo and
port aaya , has made eome startling
UK as County Protective Aasocla.
The Farmers' Protective asaiocl.v
in of Dongl'8 county held its an-
lal meeting , at Millard , on D < jcera-
r3 , 1880. The mtnut-sof the pre-
3us meeting wore rea < 1 andivcspted.
i treasurer reportrd GIG 40 in tha
jSshry. The following cfaen were
ily elected , and the rneetfog ad-
urned for one year , to meet at the
me place :
Henry Eicke , president ; John Hoi-
nbeck , secretary ; Allen Root , treas-
I X j i i
lartttrin : ;
- & Er\ * \ .
and Jewuiyin tlicj !
ill , .
ne ,111 , See Pin- Stock
* WQ Will Be Pleased
to SIioF Goods.
Dppooita Posf
Iron and V/agon Stock , ; *
iiiii Prins.
and 1214 ilarney Stiwl , Oniafia.
" "
' "
_ O i n
* 0 f ? QA teiL-
rer andcaptsin ; AVx. A'hr ) . 'I. ' S.
[ alleubeck , J.IL Timine , t ! > f'l'Hii-
eck , John Cro Iu and . ! . . < f. .fin ,
eutenants The deaeripti'iM' r ani-
ias bcloijsjin' ; to the inemH Ta of tha
aociatinri is not complete , m4 each
idinhcr is hereby r que U < l .n furnish
ie secr tiry with a minute cl MC-'I' >
on of imtuiiili l > oloniiiii to h.n. : , " '
malue , a * , heigh' , wei ; > . , ct > W ,
id sach oher marks : ts wuui J wt ni
i identify a stolen animal. Win n
iis isdone the association will b < > in jed j
) od working order , well or MiistH'l , i
id mean business. No thi .f wilt b f
ilTered to cscapa alive with an nf- j
hi b > l > njin ; [ ; so a member ) i tbe f
Bor-iatirm , if it can possibly be pre-
Anyo- wishing to bccoino a mem-
r can do ao by paying a ton ff fifty
uts aud sub'cribine ; to tbe > cons'.itn-
jn. DBNUY EIOKK , Prts.
Joiix HALLENCKCK" , Sec.
; ARKETS i :
Now Yorls. Money and Stoclifl.
V.'ALI. STMi'T , December S.
irnSEY " pot coat. ; exen BKrt , tfrni
731 © ! 82.
S. 6'8. " 81 1 ( Ml
S. 5's tOl | Corwssy 'a. . . . } 35
S. 4'0 1 l''i
5TOOKS-ThcstoekzaarkettltfaworniiMf w Her
or : : anil hi < I'r'cra uP to tli * h' w
owim : an advanfo ef } to 3 pt tent , 'ha l z-
hicaau. Northw ern , St. P-tt , K VMS
xif. iluilson , Delaware , La.k w.i' f *
ssiern , Omadii oouthern , Hlinoi ; i6'-trAt
cll < farrci , C. C. C. * I. , and hi" ft fi-9 ,
to nUo conspicuotw in th r .
' &IC 8S W B
\V 1 1 | NYU
P.j'trred 180 NJ3
y 1 S | KP
Pitferrcd. 110 Pretertd :
/ 138 PJI -
It O 174J Oawta
Ion 11" Pner * l S *
C. C. & I . . . - 10i fleadteg * J
Jo 22 I M * * >
* to J UP t'H
; Canil 85 1 * & -I *
0 OwW 99 }
IO -Jbl
P pfefe-1 . . _ " ) Pn na 4
Joe 3 AU 'i
Prrfered 93J CP * 3
&X b ! K AT. * >
H 121J A A P. ili
O H i
OHIUAOO , December S.
Wheat No. 2 spring ftp p./d Jc
icjh.r , bnt closed' 2 @ ? i' 1 - ;
r07i@l ( 4 | f > r January , c utwt - '
I 04J 1 Wi ; December s .Id < : 1 06 |
) l 031 , closing at 81 03 | < l 04 ; SVb
aarysold at $103@lt'5J | , dm at
t SI 053.
C ru : J.-Slc lowrr : > 'o ; 2 s-'d ' it
C40Jc for c eh ; 404Io Icr J + H
ary ; 45jiCgc fnr 3L / ,
t 40c f. > r cash or Dceaibe ,
> r January ; 40ic for Pebrmv
.IGgc'for M y ; 41 ( o fiw Jane.
? 33s for cash ; 32 33 for January ;
Hay , c'.rsincr at 32Jo for
; S25'c January ; 32c
I for F bmary ; 3Hc ( tor Slay.
Rye Steady at 87c for No. 2.
Bwle ? Q'llet ; No. 2 in store- sold
at $ t 03 ; options ware inactive and
Fork Mew , ilOfia2Jc lower , per
bo ! . ; safes * t 1.117A13 40 for Jan-
airy ; elrsing it ) il 7o@1325 for cuh ;
Wl 75 for Dpop nfvr 3 22 § for Jan
uary ; $13 35@3 374 f"f Febrnary ;
f3 ! 524@1J 5f r March.
Lard D < clijipd 5ip r 1001ba.and
i les werea * $8 47 8 55 for January ;
i losing at 99 4 < K3 45 for cash or
December ; fytTi 8 47 f r January ;
f8 37 | lor Pubraitiy : S8 70 for March
Wbteky Firm at. gl 13.
Chicago LJv Sioct Market
CHICAO > , cember8. .
H-igs Aoi'va n i 5 < % 10c higher per
100 * ib . forbiMt ; ( ipta , hovraver ,
WBWI lijjht and ' < il"wo' at S4 40 ®
4 70 for ligh * p * k'nir ; 5-t 50@5 CU
f-r f ir to good extra heavy packing ;
SI 50@5 GO for f < > tit cnod extra
hcwjr pack we ; $4 6035 00 for oed
to * sfw"nfoot havy shipping lots.
18 tOO d
'S * 1,000.
St. Lout * Produce Marmot.
Kr Loura. December 8
Flur St ' 'y d 'inch i nedXX ; ,
3 7U-93 20 ; XXX , * 4 3 ,4 55f ; ra-
f , ? f 7 ( 4 50 ; ev" icn to
VVat Opened si m r , bat de-
ehamff mu4 eloced doirnwsid
move -ont ; N"o. 2 ml ripter , $1 03 }
ty 1 0 2 t'.r cah ; 81 06fl 03 for Jau-
onry ; 1 09 @ 1 08 tor February ;
Si 124 ( 110 f March ; No. 3 do ,
II 01J ; No. * tin , 94 | .
Com 1 > ) H "id l > we ? at 4242c
for w b ; 42.41j fur December ; 41 J ,
© -Irtjc for J i uary ; 12 @ 41jo for
ilarchj 43a i t 4pril ; 44 | 44 c for
Map.Q t * Firm ard si'W at Stofor
eMb : 35jc b > d LT January ; 3uc bid
for 7 bru ry.
KfCoi ! at 87io.
B rfoy SU ly ; Gbole * to fancy ,
1100(31 ( 20.
Batter tTna&angwi.
AOE * Better ' , -i7c.
Wbi ky Lower at 21 12.
Pr > rk-Hg'r ? t $13 25 for cash ;
(1337 $ for ftruary. .
Dry S h Me.i'3 Firmly held and
higher t > 4 1"O4 2S GC5@67 3
6 85 < S 95 wked.
-jli MM ! nnchanged.
w at f8 2&IS8 30.
flaw , 9000 bbU ; wheat ,
24,000 bw ; P * 48000 ; oats , 1200 ;
. ,
1000 bbh ; /
flumt , JUOWi oorn i,10,000oat5l,000i ;