Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 2

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DAVID DAVIS io hia surceieor : "You
taay be & greater but hardly a larger
ttian thar T "
THU bsll has opaned iu Washington
nndLBil JIahcno'B in the first
qiwarille is anxiously swalted by the
THE president if the Jscw York
0 < > i4raLb s en crtd. tint a stop be put
tolfej sule-of fla-h literature on trams
vnd at depots of the company , Rose-
" " last "mon
v nier""ahould resent this
poV-i outrage of interference with
' ha right-iof free speech and free dirt.
. , iTlipuWican.
ghe J mWicin is more interested
inchenTattcr tfian TurBtE. Snih
aa order from the Union PaciDc
would interfere seriously uith the
tKigus and filthy sensations -which dia
grace the pages of ihe Republican.
A .cunibcs complication , if demo
cratic politicians can he believed , 5ft
1 dfb throw out of his oeat in the
OUBO of representatives Mr. Ezra
Taylor , cltc'ed ' to fill the vacancy
c ai Cl ( by the resignation of General
Or&ol < l. Congressman Frank Hard ,
. < f Ohio , it is said , will move , irhcn
i lr. Tajlor's credentials are present-
ad , that they be referred to the com-
ii.U'.ee on elections. Mr. Hurd avows
"nat Mr. Tailor does represent any
x'ittrist , cither under the laws of the
United States or of Ohio. , ' ' He asys
that the democratic legislature of Ohio
baut three years ago created the
Nineteenth congretsional district , for
merly represented by General Gar-
t'sld , from the counties of Ash-
tibula , Lake , -Geauga , Trurn-
tm'land ' Mahoning. The law
creating this district was repealed by
vepubiisans last winter. The old
Eighteenth district ceased to exist
ud a nor- district was formed , con-
nbt : g of Asbtabula , Like , Geauga ,
Truniljull and Portage counties.
5lahoaing county was placed in an
other district. The election which
returned Mr. Taylor was held in the
old Eighteenth district , which is now
defunct. As there is no snch district
there can bo no law recognlzicg the
validity of the election of a repre
sentative therein. Mr. Hurd does
ta t think Mr. Taylor's constituents
can be represented till after the 4th of
Mirch. He anticipates that the
Ohi 3 legislature will take action re
yarding the matter at the approaching
OKE of the most pressing Questions
tf national importance , demanding a
* jjfsedy eolation ! s the reorganization
f the supreme court of the United
Slates. Its calendar , to-day ia three
years in arrears and is daily falling
behind. The tremendou ? iDJustice
vrVkui euch a state of sffairs works to
TO tors cannot be estimated. Qces-
i ms vhich demand speedy decision ,
* > n determination great busi
tieis interests arc Involved , are pigeon
holed in the judiciary department and
' rp forced to remain unsettled until
previous eases , delayed on equally
fang period are adjudicated and dis-
pjHudof. What makes the present
condition of nflaira morohopeless istlu
Twt that ihe work of the supreme
c urt Is steadily enlarging in mass and
in fcope.NThe powers of the inferior
courts are expanding and hundreds of
nw cihcs are baing thrown into the
tu w , which at some time or another
must bo acted upon in Washington.
XJongross nhould long ago hare
Go vised some practical plan for the
icliof of the overburdened docket.
Two such plans have been proposed
und have met with many adherents
among the members of the bar , and as
t any opponents. The first contem
plates an enlargement of the supreme
> * eoch by increasing the number of its
mamburs and their division into two
c'l&mbera. Between these chambers
u is proposed to divide all cases on
tbo calendar according to their
o * scs , aicigning equity , admiral-
t' , and patent cases to one-
0 irvtnbar and common law csc ! <
t ) the other. All cases involving con-
t. itullonnl quoetlons , under this plan ,
would be brouzht before both bodies
uiitadintoa full bench , and shoul
HP chamber on other questions b
equally divided on other cases thc
ca would be referred to the ful
hunch for reargumont and a decisio :
by a majority.
The cthor plan proposes no enlarge
uient of the supreme bench as
present constituted , but advises th
iacrcaso of circuit judges , in th
present circuits ; the institution <
general terms in each circuit ; the pro
1 ibition of disputed questions of fuc
from passing above thcso genera
terms , or of any question of law , savi
of constitutional law , unless th
amount in controversy exceeds ten
thousand dollars in value ( the preaen
limit is five thousand ) , or unless
raijority of the judges of the gen
tiitil term shall certify it up.
It is believed by members of th
bar that the settlement of every qucs
lion tf fact below the supreme cour
vould relieve that court of moro than
a third of its present labors , that an
examination of the reports bnows a1
least that proportion of its busines
"rising upon mixed iseuoa of fact and
law , that this relief would enable tb
o'urt to keep abreast of the increasing
vjlume of business consequent to the
growth of the country for many years
T t come , and that the additional f ea-
lures of relief which are indicated
would enable it soon to wipe off the
arrears from its heavy cabndar.
Bath the-e plans hate serious ob
jections. In the first , the question
vroufd ariea whether the constitution
which provide * that "the judicial
pawcr of the United States shall be
vested in one supreme cturt , " admits
ni the final decision of any class of
oases by a section or chamber of that
> nurt. To the second plan thu ob-
j -ction would doubtless be raised that
t would make the supreme court a
Tibanal only for the rich and would
debar the poor from its benefits.
U lutevcr plan is adopted somcjsolu-
t jn of this . problem . . .should speedily
oj aij ( jajgga
President Fsy&a' valedictory is B
creditable production , that will com
pare favorably in diction with any
state paper that ha over cma--J
nated from ary 'American Presi
dent. It is a comprehensive review -
view of our foreign . relations
and domestic * affair * , coupled witt
many wholesome recommendations to
the national legislature on matters de
manding congressional action. The
presidents views on civil service re
form are sound , but the present ad
ministration has failed lamentably Jn
the practical execution of his views.
The president insiatsthattheexeontiTa
must be divorced from congress in the.
distribution of federal patronage , but
nearly every appointment made by
President Hayes haa been dictated or
begged by senators and congressmen. |
It is eminently proper that depart
ment clerks shall undergo competitive
eraminationbut the consuls , ministers
and plenipotentiaries that represent
this nation abroad , and the heads of
bureaus and departments are all
sulectcd without regard to fitness
ma nly as rewards for political in-
enca at the solicitation of congress
men and senators.
The presidents views on our nation
al GznnceB are correct in the abstract
but we should most decidedly object
to their being carried out with regard
to our currency. The president re
commends the retirement of all legal
tender greenbacks ; a change in the
standard silver dollar to exact bullion
valuation and the recoinageof tbo sil
ver dol'arg already issued. Neither
of theie recommendations could be
carried into effect without serious
detriment to the producing and indus
trial classes.
The retirement of three hundred and
fifty millions of greenbacks would
create a stringency in the money mar
ket , nnd no interest-bearing demand
note iEsuod by the government could
afford a suitable substitute for the
greenback currency. Wo can conceive
of no sound reason why the govern
ment should tax the people twelve or
fifteen millions a year to meet inter
est on the bonds with which these
greenbacks would have to bo pur
chased. Another reason why we should
opposethoretircmentof the greenbacks
is that the substitution of national
bank currency would deprive the people
ple of the benefit of the paper cur
rency that is destroyed by fire , lost at
sea or otherwise. The president in
sists that the only way to make the
silver dollar an honest dollar is to
coin it out of one dollar'o worth of
bullion , and ho falls into the error of
the Rolditos , that because more than
one-half of the silver dollars coined
in the last two years remain in the
treasury the silver dollar is not a good
circulating medium , end can only be
come nseful as such when it will sell
for ono collar in the melting pot.
The president ought to know enough
to know that metal currency is not a
good circulating mediuaa , but is the
only hue basis for & stable pa
per currency. Of the gold coined
by the government only a very
small percentage is factual nircula *
tion. The bulk remains in our
national treasury or the vaults of our
banks. The twenty-five millions of
silver dollars put in active circulation
during the past two years have been
handled and rehandled a thousand
times where the gold coined during
that period has been handled once.
Bat suppose we increase the weight ot
the standard silver dollar to actual
bullion value of one hundred cents
what advantage will acoruo from it ?
Will the heavier dollars afford
a better circulating medium than the
lighter dollar ? Suppose Germany
should decide to re-establish the sil
ver basis and an increased demand for
silver should corao from India , GO
that the old market rate for silver is
restored , the silver dollar would
then become marketable ) fo
one dollar and ten cents
ia tbo metal market , every silver del
ar in 1ho country would disappear
from circulation , and the "whole silvtr
djllar currency would soon bo export
oi to Europe and Asia. Is it not safer ,
en , to continue the present standard
silver dulhr , and let the people reap
; hs advantage of underweight.
Tnis view may not accord with
Wall street , but it represents the
sjntiroeut of the producing and in
dustrinl classes. Wa hare never fa
vored inflation , novcr advocated the
fallacies of irredeemable ) paper
currency , but we are most emphat-
cally opposed to any legislation that
will deprive us of the
egal lender greenback or withdraw
the silver dollar from circulation.
The best thing congress can do is to
et our currency severely alone. Oar
money is coed enough , and it cannot
ba improved oy currency tinkers.
The president's views on the Indian
question , and his recommendations
'or ' improving their condition meet our
approval. His desire to extirpate
polygamy is commendable , but the
measures he recommende are repug
nant to the spirit and letter of our
republican system of government.
In this republic every individual is
responsible for his acts , but uo rann
cm be persecuted for his political
opinions or religions faith. Polygamy
baing a crime under our statutes ,
orery person guily of this crime is
a abject to the penalties pro-
sribed by the law. But we
should establish a very dangerous
precedent wore we to convict and pun
ish every person for polygamy without
trial or evidence other than the fact
that such a person religiously believed
polygamy to be a divine institu
tion. To disfranchise every Mormon
and deprive him of the privilege of
Bitting on juries would ba tantamount
to instituting a religious test for
American citizenship , and that would
eventually lead to the establishment
of a state religion.
KrnsAX , of New York- ,
lays he knows that Senator Mahono of
Virginia will not act with the repub-
i in an attempt to reorganize UK >
The Euzaian minister of finance
has abolished the duty on salt which
will greatly"b'oneSt the poorer classes.
Mr. Dillon , ai a Land League meet
ing held at Malatide , Ireland , stigma
tized the chief justice aa a cowardly
liar. 5 = * * _ _
- Tiirkey-aud Mpntenc roh va re
sumed diplomatic relations , and
Greece will treat dirco'cly with the
Earco mots-"Monday attacked the
police headquarters at Castle Geogory
and Billy Heyo in Ireland , but wore
lw * - -
A London dicpitch from Bucharest
says'th'si an American miller has been
inspecting Hungarian milling methods
with a viaw to adopting them in
A fire at 6 p. m. Monday , in Chicago
cage , broke out in thu Gates building ,
on Washington and Oanal streets ,
damaging It to the extent of § 6,000 ;
insurtnce , § 20,000.
The death of Madam Thiers , widow
of Ihe late President Thiers , took
place Monday in Paris. Grief at the
death of her husband is said to have
hastened her end.
The Royal Geographical society has
appointed an Arctic commission to
prosecute fresh efforts in the Arctic
regions on the inexpensive plan of
Lieut. Schwatka's late ekpediiloni
Abraham Iloblnson , ot Chicago , sot
firoto his cigcr store on Sunday even
ing , saturating the store with kero
sene oil and weakening its supports in
order to completely destroy it. He
wag arrested. Kobinson is well known
as a "fire-bug , "
On Saturday , at Madison , Missouri ,
whila a primary election was being
held , Burk Noel drew a knife and
stabbed James Farrel , a stock man ,
completely disemboweling him. Both
were prominent citizens.
The e-itire amount of shares of the
Panama Canal company offered in
Europe , amounting to 690,000 , have
been subscribed for twice over , and a
premium of 25 francs was paid on the
face value. Books for American sub
scription will bo opened this week.
A dispatch from Paducah to The
Louisville Commercial says that Miss
Phc nix Rudolph , who was about to
be married to Mr. Will McCorly ,
while on a trip to purchase some
wedding apparel , was killed by the
overturning of the wagon in which
she her father and
, her affianced were
riding. Her ribs were broken and
pierced her heart.
Col. Ingersoll ia so honest a pagan
that he refuses to deceive a trout with
an artificial fly.
Jay Gould's ambition is to make
Yanderbilt step off his roost as the
richest man on the continent.
The widow Butler has been retained
as counsel for the defunct Woman's
Strings bank of Boston. This is sad
ly appropriate.
Michael Kurtz , of Detroit , bet ho
co aid drink a pint of cheap whisky.
He won ; and the inquest upon his ra-
maina was held next day. ,
P. T. Barnum has so far recovered
that he really laughs when told that
hia illness w s superinduced by his be
ing mistaken for the other Barnum.
Professor Sv.ift sat down suddenly
on the pavement last ircok , and dis
covered five new ctara of the first
magnitude and three comets. [ Oil
City Derrick.
Private Dalzell wrote to President
Hayes , asking him if he wea in the
field for the Ohio eenatorshlp. The
answer was simply "No. " The snub
will be was od en Dalzell.
The daughter of ex-Governor Hub-
bard' , of Connecticut , who ran away
with her fattier'j coachman and mar
ried himJs now a seamstress in Hart
ford Conn. and Ler
, , husband drives a
hackney coach.
Judge Tourgco , author of "The
Fool's Errand , " u f medium height ,
weighing about 150 pounds , and ho
has dark hair and eyes. He is sup
posed to have a promising political
future before him in Colorado.
Mr. Longfellow cr.n take a worthless
sheet of paper and by writing a poem
on it make it worth § 50. That's ge
nius. Mr. Vandcrbilt can write fewer
words on a similar sheet and make it
worth § 50,000,000. That's capital.
New York ought now to be wholly
huppy. In addition to John Kelly ,
who , like the poor , they have always
with them , they are charmed with the
society of Chan ? , the Chinese giant ,
the tallsat man in the world , and of a
bogus British lord.
Mr. Mahono , cf Virginia , is men-
tionad as a very small man , the
larjost thing about him being his
slouched hat. Hia hair and beard are
iron gray , his feet are exceedingly
little , and hii voice though musical , is
weak. Ho talks
easily and with a
southern accent. He dreises neatly
but carelessly.
D. 0. Ireaon , of OonnellsTille , Pa. ,
went -to Scotland
- to look after an
estate which he thought He might have
inherited. Ho arrived just in time to
listen to positive testimony that he
was dead , saw the perjurers sentenced
to prison fQr twelve years , and re
turned home with $100,000 in cash as
hia inheritance.
Miss Delia Palmer , of Brooklyn ,
has been awarded § 3500 in a suit
against her landlord
for injuries sus
tained through a fall in consequence
of a defective oil-cloth. The mill for
the benefit of the people who put down
oil-cloth instead of carpets has bsen
rather slow in getting at work , but it
seems to pulverize with great effective
Louise Michel , the heroine of the
commune , was a handsome woman of
twenty-seven when sent to New Cal
edonia eight or nine years ago. When
she returned to Paris the other day
she was a worn and haggard woman ,
who looked at least fifty years old ,
and whose raven hair had turned to
gray. Her eyes were very dark and
sweet , but seemed too habituated to
express suffering to look glad.
Dr. Lon See On , a Chinese physi
cian at Buffalo , went to register as re
quired by the Now York law , and
stumped the county clerk by produc
ing his diploma , which looked to tbo
official like the label from a gigantic
pack of fire-crackers , and which Dr.
On assured him was granted by Lon
Com Chong , a person in Canton duly
authorized by the Emperor Tong
Smithland Chamber , the father of a
family living iu Barren county , Ky. , ,
weighs only 130 poonds , and his wife
only 120 pounds. But they have a
6-year-old daughter that weighs 230
pounds. She is about as tall as other
girls of her age , but measures eighty-
four inches around the waist. A son
died when about 5 years old weighing
200 pounds , and some younger mem
bers of the family are growing fat
Mr. David ! > ush , a wealthy and
popular man , who has done BO much
for public improvements in San Fran
cisco , left a position he held In a pros
perous banking house , some years ago ,
to learn and engage in the business
of gas-fitting and plumbing , which he
has continued up to the present time ,
[ t has often been wondered in New
York why bank presidents did not
leave their business and engage in
plumbing , if their object Is simply to
so rich.
Mo Which the Wealth of a
Thousand Camps
Deadwood the Real 'Recep
tacle of all the Riches
of the Hills.
The City Steadily Growing in
Wealth and Population.
Corresyond nc ( The See
DEADWO.PD . , November 25 , 1880. v
'Nearly five years ago , Captain Jack
Crawford , equipped by THE OMAHA
BEE , penetrated to-Whitewood gulch ,
where the present city of Deadwood
now stands , and wrote the first letter
forwarded from the Black Hills to
any eastern journal. The two creeks ,
Whitewood and Deadwood , at whose
confluence the town was built , were
then the scene of a placer excitement
which rivalled the palmiest days of
California placer mining. Deadwood
gulch was lined with placer claims
and the pan and shaker made merry
musio along both the little creeks.
Although the first placer discoveries
in the Hills were made in their
southern border on Spring and French
creeks , the Deadwood placers soon
became of more importance , both by
Reason of their greater productive
ness and because of the abundance of
water. Miners from Custer City and
Rockervillo began to flock to ihe newly
found claims , and in the twinkling of
an eye cabins and stores lined the
sides of the stream , and the city of
Dcidwood sprang into an existence
from which it has sinca rapidly pro
gressed to its present solid and sub
stantial proportions.
Deadwood creek ia separated from
Whitewood gulch by a divide some
five hundred feet in height. At the
junction of the two streams the hills
diverge , leaving a narrow bottom , Jrp-
on which the city is built. From its
edges the sides bf ihe gulches rise
precipitously , apparently enclosing
the town on all sides. The two prin
cipal streets , Main and Sher
man , follow. Up , , respectively the
course of Deadwocd and
Whitewood gulches. Main street is
nearly a mile in length. The upper
porticn is devoted principally to the
better class of structures , while its
lower end is occupied by the filth of
China town , slaughter houses and
stables. Sherman street for two
squares runs parallel with Main street
and A number of other streets connects
with that thoroughfare. From this
point it extends up Whitewood gulch.
This section is the business portion of
lhacity and presents an appcaranco
which would do credit to many a
town of thrice its years. Perched on
the t mountain side , lining streets cut
for their accommodation and extend'
Ing along the little gulches which lead
into Whitewood creek , are the resi
dences of the Deadwooders. Bright
and cheery looking little structures
many of them are evincing consider
able architectural finish and
the tasio of their owners.
A year ago the city was visited by a
distroua conflagration which des
troyed nearly the entire business portion
tion of the town. A few fire proof
buildings alone escaped the general
desolation standing amid the ruins as
monuments to the foresight and pru
denceof their ownera. O'he firowich !
at first seemed an overwhelming cala
mity , proved to be a blessing to the
city. The indomitable energy of
De.idwood'rf merchants manifested it
self at once. The same wires which
brought to eastern readers the news of
the disaster , carried orders for new
stocks of goods , and ] material for
largerfand * more substantial buildings.
Brick structures in many Instances
took the place of the square front
shanties xr'-jch IWd Main and Sher
man atreu P. Witbiii a month Deadwood -
wood rose from its ajl.cs rejuvenated
and revivified. To-day it bears an
aspect of substantial solidity
which shows the faith of its
business men in its future stability as
the great commercialmetropolis of the
richest gold producing country on the
globe. Deadwood claims a population
of 6,000 inhabitants ; 4,000 wpuld ,
perhaps , be nearer the real figure ,
and the city ia steadily and percepti
bly growing. Real estate is in great
demand , and new buildings are con
stantly being erected. Just at pres
ent the building boom is not so mark
ed as it was earlier in the season , but
the advent of spring will see a re
markable number of additions to tbo
substantial structures of the city.
For this season of the year , business
h exceptionally good , and merchants
are correspondingly elated. Freight
shipments during the fall have been
enormous. It ia estimated 25,000,000
pounds of freight have entered the
Hills this year. Of course the Deadwood -
wood fire is responsible to some ex
tent for such a tremendous showing ,
but the rapid growth of the city and
the extension of business must betaken
taken into consideration. On election
day the streets were blockaded foe
hours with bull teams loaded with
f reightand overl , 000,000 pounds were
handed over to miners and merchants.
Most of the freight cornea over the
Pierre route from Pierre , 170 miles
distant. An excellent road connects
Deadwood with the Missouri river ,
over which the Northwestern stage
line makes connection with the
Chicago & Northwestern road , and
lands the traveller on Lake Michigan
in tbree a'hd a half dayi from Dead-
wood. Dcadwood'a wholesale trade
branches out to all the mining
camps of the hills. Lead City
four miles up Whitewood gulch where
the "belt" on which the great quartz
mine of the Hills is situated is a
heavy consumer. So , in a less degree ,
are the towns of Gayville , Golden
Gate , Anchor City , Central and
Orville which lie a mile and a quarter
above Deadwood and contain over
2500 inhabitants. The merchants car
ry heavy stocks of goods for the win
ter trade , as freighting is seriously
interfered with by the heavy snows
which , at present , have blockaded all
freight shipments.
Deadwood may justly lay claim to
the title of the modern New Jerusa
lem. Its streets are literally paved
with gold. The gravel which forma
the roadway is taken from the old
placers , and contains gold which it
would scarcely pay to "pan" but which
exists nevertheless. The bricks used
in the buildings , the rocks in the
foundations , the very sand in the
mortar , all contain a percentage of
gold. A short time ago the dis
covery was made by the proprietors
of a brick yard on Whitewood gulch ,
near the city , that the clay of which
the bricks made
Tore contained so
much gold dust thai the manufactory
was converted into a placer claim.
Thousada of these selfsame bricks
now compose the walls and chimneys
of buildings in Deadwood.
I had intended in this letter to fur
nish some statistics of the mining
camps in Lead and Central , but mn t
reserve them till another time for
lack of space , concluding with a few
general roraarka'on the Pcosnix city
of thoHilla. The "tenderfoot" who
eipecta to find in\Deadwood \ a mining
camp of the BreS Hirte-stamp , will
find himself vastlyimistaken. A city
rapidly assuming mtiropolifan proportions
tions , steadily r.dv wing in solidity
of construction and Vusineu import
ance , with an admirable system of
water works , good chuichea , four dally
papers , three -kaT > ke , excellent hotels ,
and a falljwuota oi social and
benevolent organization ) haa taken
the place of the mining camp of four
ycara ago.Nearly all the luxuriei
and conveniences of cities more t&-f.
vored in position cm be fo'nnd in her j
markets. The valleya of the Rapid'
and Spearfiablin5dwith ranches ,
furnish farm produce m abundance.
The adjohring foothills ar.e filled with
gamewhile on the plains Beyond , 40-
OCO cattle firid'ample grsging-and af
ford a plentiful supply of fresh meat.
A prosperous city in the midst of a
prosperous mining district , whose rich
treasures o ! rilinoraTwealth have not
yet begun to be uncovered , Dcad
wood'a future growth and advance
ment seem assured beyond query or
cavil. " DICK DEADETZ.
Tne Farmers' Convention.
Lincoln Dcmecrat ,
The farmers ot Nebraska hare been
requested to , meet in convention in
this city on January 5th , for the pur
pose of devising waya'and means for
the protection of their industry
against such encroachments aa have ot
late been growing at a terrible rate.
The call for the convention is made by
some parties in Gage county , and it ia
to be hoped that the sarmers will heed
it and sen ! their very beat then from
all over the state to attend it. All
other industries jjf this land are ior
ganized into-union of some sort/for /
the advancement of their rc-
epcctive intoroitjf but the farmer ;
and him alone , has , to this time ,
seen fit to run it alone , and the result
of ha carelessness la visible every
where , in every state in the union.
Thefarmers must pool their issues ,
regardless of politics , or else they will
continue and remain the dupes of all
other industries combined , they can
run this country to suit them , if they
only seej fit to try it , and the only way
to do it is by a union. The work
once commenced in any state and it
will be taken up iu all other states ,
and a national union will then be cf
fected which will have a potent pcwer
over the destinies of this republic.
The better the farmer's interests are
guarded the better for the whole
country ; hence their union is a
matter of national impoatance and
unlike other great industries which
have pooled their isauea to the detri
ment of the people at large , the farm-
era * union wilt be a great blessing.
Personally we have long since advised
the farmers' of doine this } wa non Ti'
iterate the advso ; and beg of them not
to neglect it any longer. Rise up ,
farmers of Nebraska 1 to the rescue !
For your own sake and that of your
children , organize as requested by the
Gage county farmers and attend the
convention. Sand such delegated ao
will honor you ; men of brains , fidel
ity , and energy ; do not send howling
demagogues , for they will hurfc your
interests more than they will help
them , and , above all , send
true men. The farmers need not put
themselves in battle array against all
other classes } as yet this is not re
quired ; all that is necessary is to
guard 'your interests and place your
selves on a foot of equality with all
other classes. For the time being ,
this is all that is wanted , and tnat
once achieved everything else will
take care of itself. To-day the farm
ers are not freemen ; they are serfs
and political slaves ; their sovereignty
serves as a mop for other people , who
are not worth shoo leather for the
tillers of the soil ; and yet theao chaps
manage to live in luxurious ease and
comfort , while the farmer , laborious
/as ho may be , ia , not even left thtj
means to clothe hia family as it ought
to be. We will watch the movement
and will help it with all our strength.
The proprietor of the Allen House
Allentown , Pa. , Mr. T. H. Good , re
ports the case of a guest suffering
with neuralgia to such an extent thai
ho had no rest for a week day o
night. Fifteen minutes after the ap
plication of St. Jacobs Oil all pain
Star Wind Mill.
Ccrrcspondcccc solicited rcm those needing :
reliable Wind Mill tcnJ for circular and prices
and > nv information in regard to the 11111 will b
cheerfully turnisho ] .
lit. It ia more safe in pale of wind , and In
'he most sudden chances of the wind from any
direction , because the wheel IDK ! flat on the
tower ti always road ? with Its edge to the wind ,
and alloas tbo vane to aning clear around , with'
out 'urning or striking the wheel.
2nd. H I * a rfcid wheel having no mortibl *
joints to wear out , rust or creak in the wind.
3rd. Ice nor cleet has no effect on it.
4th. It loaes Ie33 power from friction than
other Mills.
5th. It will run with less wind than other
6th. It is easily regulated 80 it will perform
any amount of work required legs tnan its capac
ity.7th' It has no pnllies , spiingsnorslidlnjf heads
to rcezc up In winter.
Eth. It vll ! not pump when out of gear.
9th. It is well pnd heavily painted with thr
coats of the best raiut the market can afford.
10th. It is. a perfect celt-regulator , and willtako
care oi itself in heavy chanzable windstorms.
llth. Itssymetricalformis aperfectornament
I th. Never have heard of any blown doxn as
yet nhen properly set up with aregulatinz vane ,
ncrcver damaged in the least by tn * wind.
13th. They ara of good material and
14th. AlUhifts turned , boxes habited and all
neccssiry parts double nutted.
16th. it is more simple , more compact in eon *
Etruction and s rnno ith n nth r Mills.
To Nervous Sufferers The Great
European Eemedy Dr. J ,
B , Simpson's Specific
Medicine ,
It Is a positive cure for Spermatonhea , Seminal
Weakness , Irapotency , and ad discaiea resulting
from Self .Abuse , as Mental Anxiety , LofS ot
Memory , Pains H the Back or Side , and diseases
[ that lead to
Insanity and
an early grave
The Specific
Medicine ii
being use
with wonder ,
ful success.
I Pamphleta
Beut free to all. Write for them and get full
PriceSpecifictl.OOperpackaseorrir pact-
BgC3lor$5.00. Address all orders to
New. Vi and 103 Main St. , Buffalo , > . T.
Sold in mtbi br C. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell
I. K. I3h led all druggist ! everywhere.
' \ Wholesale and Retail in
"OFFICE CITY MARKET 1415 Douglas St. Packing House ,
Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , U. P. E. B.
Successors to Jafe. E. Ish ,
, , Dealers in Fine Imported
Extracts , Toilet Waters , Colognes , Soaps , Toilet Powders , &o ,
A full line of Surdcal Instruments , Pocket Cases. Trussas and Supporters. Absolutely .Pure
Drugs and ChemicM * tw Tin Pupenjtng. Prescriptlonj filled at any hour of the night.
Jas. E. Ish. Lawrence HJciJXalion.
j The Genuine
The popular-demand for the GENUINE SINGER in 1S79 exceeded thntof
any previous year during the Quarter of a Century in which this "Old
Eeliable" Machine has leen before the public.
In 1878 we sold 356,422 Machines. In 1879 we sold 431,167
Machines. Excess over any previous year 74,735 Machines.
Our sales last year wef& a the rate of over
1400 Sewing Machines a Day 1
For every business d jj In the year ,
The "Old Bailable"
That Every REAL Singer is the Strongest ,
Singer Sewing Machine
the Simplest , the Most
chine has this Trade
Mark cast into the Durable Sewing Ma
Iron Stand and embedded chine ever yet Constructed
bedded in the Arm of
structed ,
the Machine.
Principal Office : 34 Union Square , Hew York
1,500 Subordinate Offices , in the United States and Canada , and 3,000 Offices inthe 01
World and Sonth America.
Business transacted same aa that o an Incor-
Accounts kept In Carrencr or gold subject to
eight check without notice.
Certificates ol deposit lamed parahla In three ,
Biz and twelve months , bearing Interest , or on
demand without Interest.
Advances made to customers on approved se
curities at market rates of latereat
Buy and sell cold , bills ot exchange Govern
ment , State , County and City Bonds.
Draw Slht Drafts op Enzland , Ireland , Scotland -
land , and all parts of Europe.
Sell European Passase Tickets.
Cor. 13th ana Farnham Streets ,
Organized aa a National Bant , August 20,1863.
Capital and Profits Over$300,000
Specially authorised by the Secretary or Treaanrj
to receive Subscription to the
HKRKIS Kouirrzi , President.
AUGUSTUS KOUKTZB , Vice President.
H. W. TAWS. Cashier.
A. J. POPPL8TOS , Attorney.
F H. DAVIS , Asa't Cuhloi.
This bank receives deposit without regard to
Isauea time crtlflcatcs bearing interest.
Draws drafts on San Fianclsco and principal
cities of the United Elates , aljj London , Dublin ,
Edinburgh and tbo principal cities of the conti
nent of Europe.
Sells passage tickets for Emigrants In the In
man ue. mavldtf
Geo. P. Bern
. . is1
16th & Douglas Sis. , Omaha , Net.
This agency doca 8TRIOTLT a brokerage boil1
nces. Does notspeeulate , and therefore any bar
gains on Its books aie Insured to Its patrons , In
stead of being gobbltd up by th e airent
JVo IfOS farnham Street
Office North Sldo opp. Grand Ccntnl Hotel.
Nebraska Land- Agency ,
1605Farnham St. Omaha , Ncbr.
400,000 ACRES carefully BelKted land In Eastern
Nebraska for sale.
"Great Bargains In Improved farms , and Omaha
dty property.
Late Land Court U. P. B. B 4p-teb7tf
Byron Reed & Co. ,
Keep a complete abstract ol title to all Real
Estate In Omaha and Douelas Conntv. mavltf
CT _ C.
Capitol Ave , , Opp. Maaonio Hall ,
OMAHA. - - - - - NEB.
T. S. HITCHGOOK , M. D. S. ,
From New York has located in Omaha , and
guarantees to do Grst-clis * work.
Dental Eoomj , orcr A. Cruickshank ft Co.'s , Cor.
15th and Douglas. gep9-2m
Gco.R. Bathbnn , Principal.
Creighton Block , - OMAHA !
Send for Circular.
(7ormerly ( of QIah & Jacobs )
ffo. li7 < Famhun St. , Old Stand of Jacob Oil
© liftHQF I
HBUyu HyUdt
Cor. Randolph St. & 5th Avo. ,
3 % & < zz f ! Zg 5xsSst
, § fe ; | § ifs S =
$2,00 AND 82.50 PER DAY
Located in the btiincsJ centre , convenient
to places of cmrectccnt. Elccantly famisheJ ,
containing : all modern improvements , poaeenf r
elevator , &C. J. H. CUJIM1N03 , i-roprietor.
Council Bluffs ,
On line o Street Railway , Omnlbm f o and from
all trains. RATES Parlor floor 33.00 per day ;
second floor. 82.60 per day ; third floor. 82.00.
The bcstfurnishcdand most comuodlous house
In the city. GEO.T. PUELPS Prop
Laramie , Wyoming ,
The miner's resort , good accommodations ,
arge sample room , charges reasonable. Special
attention given to traveling men.
11-tf H. C HILLIIRD Proprietor.
Oheyenne , Wyoming.
Flrst-cltss , Fine arge Sample Reomt , one
block from depot. Trains stop from SO mlnutei
to 2 hours for dinner. Free Bus to and from
Depot. Kates $2.00 , $2.60 and $3.00 , according
to room ; s'nglo meal 75 cents.
A. O. BALCOM , Proprietor.
W BORDEN. Cnlef Clerk. mlO-t
Schiiyler , Neb.
FIiBt-closs House , Oood Meals , Oood Beds
A'ry ' Rooms , and kind and accommodating
treatment. Tw > good sample rooms. Speoia
attention paid to commercial travelers.
S , MILLER , Prop , ,
15-tt Schuyler , Neb.
Machine Works ,
J. Hammond , Prop. & Manager.
Themout thorough appolntel and complete
Machine Shops and Foundry in the state.
Castings ol every description manufacted.
Engines , Pumps and eveiy class of machinery
made to order.
order.pedal attention given to
IFclI Auenrs , Pulleys , Hangers ,
Shaftin&Brldgc Irons.Gcer
Hutting , etc
Plans for new 3fachIneryUeachanlcal Dranjht-
ng , Models , etc. , neatly executed.
66 Harnov St. . Bet. 14th and 15th.
! LER & GO. .
Connects With Street Cars
Comer of 8AUNDER3 and
00 ,
7d5 a. m. . 9J5 a. m. , and 12.-4S p. m.
, - . , * 4:00' 8ls and 8:15 P- = >
-m. „
. . J ° 8 8:17 am nm Iearin- Omaha , and the
4:00 : p. m. ran , leaving Fort Omaha ,
loaded to full capacity with
The 6:17 a. m. rua will b made resmUrpMsWri fromtha
oOce corner of Dod ? and 15th snrchta. P
Tickets can be procured from street cardriv.
en , or from drivers of hacks.
Odd F UOWB' Block.
Prompt attention given \ > orierg by
We call the attention of Bayers to Our Extensive Stosk of
' "
( - - N
We carry the Largest and
Which We are Selling at
Is in charge ot Mr. THOMAS TALLOtf , wSoss well-6stablisho
reputation has teen fairly earned.
We also Keep an Immense Stock of
mSleodaw 1301 < & 1803 Favnlmin Street.
J" . S. "WiRIG-IBIT ,
And Sole eni- for
Hallet Davis & Co. , James & Helms omandJ.0.
Fischer's Pianos , also Sole Agent for ttf ? Estqy ,
Burdett , and the Fort Wayne Organ
Go's. Orgasm
I deal in Pianos and Organs exclusive . Have had years
experience in the Business , and handle only the Beat.
10 HT.
21816th Street , City Hall Building , Omaha , Neb.
Steam fnrnpa , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery ,
A. L. STEANG , 205 Farnlmm Strflflt Qnaha.
v , 2
In Kegs and Bottles.
Special Figures to the Trade. Families Supplied at Reasonable
Prices. Offlna. 230 Dougla * S fc Ommba \
A Positive and Permanent Gurfi
Guaranteed ,
In all cues ot Grarel , Diabetes , Dropsy. Bright' * Disease
KIdnevs , Incontinence and Retention of L'rtne , Icflamatlon
the Kidneyo , Catarrh of the Bladder , Hish Colored Urine. Psla
In tro Bock , s'do or Lions. Nervous Weaknfo , and In fact
dfso ders of the Bladder and Urinary Organs , whether contract
ed ' y private diseases or othcawtae. This irreat remedy bag fceea
nsil with su * - s for nearly ten yearn In France , with the mot *
wonderful curative ffocW. It citrabv dbsrrption : no nauieonj .
inte nal medicines ben ? reqnlred. Wo havr ? hundreds of tcsU.
mr uls of cures by this l * d whea all else hid foi'ed- '
LA DIES. If you ar suffarin * fr < .ra Tcmale Weaftne , L nei
. . females , In fact any dlsa f , awe
rhoor diseases peculiar to or
. ' Klu'ney PaU , ona
yonr dmcreist for Prof. Ouilmette's French
talre no othtr. If he his not sot It. send ? 2.0a ancJ JOU
rcccl vo the Pad by return mail. Address U. S. Bianch ,
CO , ,
Toledo , Ohio.
Will re Teter M < - sn < ! . Dumb Ague , Azuo Cake , Billions Fover. Jaundico.DyacepsIa 9
ftwge 'Ihe tl r , Stomach and Blood. Ihe pad cares by absorption , and Is P" = f
( ii : &
Cigars from § 15.00 per 1000 upwards.
Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards ,
pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards.
Send for Price List.
-w 3IAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Neb.
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
A Chicago Prices.
09 and 1211 Harney Street , OmaJia.