\ THE DAILY BEE. Tuesday Morning , Dec. 7. The publishers of THE OMAHA In order to encourage immigration to Nebraska , invite all residents of this state , to send them names of parties In the East towhom sample copies of THE. WEEKLY BEE , containing compiled statistics about Isebrafika ajtting foith her advantages for eel- tiers , will be mailed free. Send ad dress In full including name , Poet- Office , County and State. This offer will ba open trom now until January S JiKJSSSBSSg 0-flaha , Kebraska. BREVITIES. ralerson sells coaL -For wintercomforts in caps , rolescar- wtft , mufflers , go to Freda-id's. rorter is running the Omaha Ferry. Lubin'sbnlk perfume at Kuhn's oiiiy Books and albums , t the 33c stare. Choic-6 meats , Besen's Fulton Market. Lirge variety of chest protectors at Kuhn's. Kuhn's.Whipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewels - -s , Creighton Block. ° 2 < Hf BEST IN THE WORLD Batar qiove fitting Pattern ? at Bushman's , tf Before buying your hate , caps and ur , call at C. B. De Great & CO.'B. 20-tf Swiss Cheese , wholesale and retail , ft Oioimenzind & Meyer's , 207 east 13th St , For all the cold -weather tie river is stillop n. Daily a-rivals of beautiful ( Holiday Goads , at Sase'e , cor. 13th and Farnhani Just drop in at Size's Drug Store and tikd .1 look at those elegant Celluloid Sets' A.child died in its mothsr'a arms last Thursday , on the B. & M. passenger train going vest. County Clerk Manchester suffered a fcevere fall Sunday 'morning , cutting a lal gash in his lower lip. A slight change in the running time ol the B. & . M. tnins between Omaha and Lincoln took placs to-day. The membe-s of the Union Catholic Library Association are actively rehears ing a three act drama , entitled "Waiting f > r the Verdict , " which will be brought out during the holidays. In Judge Hawes * court yesterday a b > y named John Henry , who -was accused of stealing a cloak from its hook i : of Kurtz's Rtore in Creighton block , w as i > entonccd to thirty days in the county jail. The bids for grading the site of the cw court-h ufe , between Farnham am Harney and 18th and 19th streets , were opened at 3 o'clock yesterday , bnt the cjutract was not awarded yesterday. The fcleasier C. K. Peck , which passet down the rlver'cr few days ago , is lying about three miles below Nebraska City , ia th } ice , and has about two fet of water ii her hold. She is in a bad fix , and unless ooa attended to will be lost The artesian w ell at Omaha is 750 fee tlejp ; at O' cil City 334 feet deep , at Lin co'n 10GO , without water. In putting lown the well at Lincoln when the ; were down 5CO feet , water came to th surface. In i > ultingdown _ the well a Rock Spring station , -which is 709 fee deep , they went through coal beds eve thirty feet thick. Ahout t o'clock Sunday nighta man sanwd .lames Duggsn , was taken int Saxe'e drug * tore , Farnham and 13th streets , by st-veral companions , four o whi > m were reepiired to carry liim. H had an ugly sjasb about three inches lor , aross his forehead which looked as thong ! ithad been cut by a tumbler , and his righ leg was broken just above the ankle , tw distinct fractures being made. He ws apparently under the influence of liquor a the time and did not appear to realise tb sarious nature of bis injuries. Dr. Chad wick set the fractured limb nnd dressed hi xvoujidj , tftcr which the man was taken t Li * b jarding bouse on 10th street. One o the party was heard to remark of another ono not present that he thought ' 'the other man was about as badly hurt as tb's one w lie saw them carrjing him off. " 1b exposition is that a serious row occurrei fconmhew although none ha * been re port'd at the pob'ce headquarters. PERSONA1 , PAKAGRAPHS. H. McMillan has returned frcm Chicago. Horace Newman went west yesterday. Cn ] , K , H. "Wilbur was a west bound passsnger yesterday. Hon. William Daily and daughter , o Peru , are in the city. A . J. Poppleton went out to Kearno Junction Sunday. W n. Umphcrsoa and family have re turned from Colorado. J. B. Shnpscn , Esq. ,8ii engineer on tie Mountain diviMon , U. P. , went vest to Larnmie yesterday. Bishop Sharp , of Salt lake , cumo in from the cast yesterday and is stopping v 'layattheWithneH. Hayden's Fire Ktndlers areimmcji.se thesa cold mornings , j Meals at all hours at Tizzard's. If n.iydcn's Fire Kindlcra are immense thcsocold morninga. A Fine line of scruples of Now Year Cards at TUB BEE Job Room. v ll in time and leave your orders. , Narrow Escape. On such a night as Saturday night the Cronen orporiencs the greatest tle reo of hardships , and Frank Groves , the driver of Fire King No. 2 , came very near losing his life about midnight. After landing the ongiue on the hill , ho was sent back with the i agon for a load of coal , which he procured and started to return to Pa- cthcBtroot , As hedrove down Farnam " -reel , between 14th and loth , one of the lines became unsnapped and reUt control , , f the poworfnl tuam he drives. As ho did not want them to run away and do anydamagc , | > e steered them , with the remainlnB 1'ne ' , into the sidewalk in front of nollman's block , running them square P against a telegraph pole , * ! iick barred further progress. The wheel of the wagon elrlking the curb- t < ne , Frank was- thrown x ? olently to 1I e ground nud holdin ? last to the 'ne ' was dragged a abort stance. JTew , ? bidly bruised on ' lower . limbs.and , was unable to ) until Borne one came along and I him over to the bank , where he propsrly taken care of nrilil a uple of hours later , when he was ' < en back to the engine house , where I is now connnod to his bed. His I juries wil 1eop him in the house for at pek at lesst. Had he struck on bis night have been rendered in- etc. gftla and frozan to de th before he A DRUNKEN DEMON. The Fire Fiend _ Laps Up the Stock of Her & Co.'s Wholesale Liquor Store. And in His Mad Bage Threat ens the Destruction of Central Block. A Night of Anxiety and Ar duous Labor for the Firemen. The Most Spirited Affair of the Season. About 1 o'clock la t night a m n rushed into the ticket office corner of ? arnam and Fifteenth streets , ciy- ng fire. Joe Teahon , who had been ept up late and was writing at the time , immediately sent in an alarm to ; he central office , which was reported to engine house No. 3. The doors lew open as if by magic , and in less , han a moment's time the department was on its way to the location of the ire , which was in the portion of Cen tral block occupied by the wholesale iqaor establishment of Her & Co. The first man on the ground eaw through the doors a mass of flame , which seemed to proceed from under the staircase , and which rolled and whirled about like a the revolution of a great wheel When engine No. 3 arrived at the corner of Farnam and Fourteenth , nothing was yet to be seen from the outside but a volume of smoke which poured out from the front , but a moment later there was a sudden burst of flame from both th fcgnt and rear of the building. The Fire King" took its station at the corner of Twelfth and Douglas , and the "Omana' ' . 1. at the cistern on Thirteenth andHaraey , and in a very short time three streams of water , were being turned in on the front ot the building. Ac this time the fire was still confined to the first flocr of the building and alternately bUzed with the fury which alcohol lends to fire and rolled in dense black VOLUMES OF SMOKE from the doors and windows. Fed by the rich store of combustibles , the fire eoon extended to the second story and then to the third , everywhere aided by the material which formed the stock of the firm. At ten min utes to 2 o'clock the conflagration was confined to the one portion of the building , but was raging with such intesnlty that the work of removing the stock from adjoining stores began. The fine merchant tailoring establish ment of Frank Bstnge , was next door to Her & Co.'s and the proprietor and employes , aided by many willing hinds , unloaded the shelves , one by one , transferring the bolts of rich cloth and valuables to the street , where they were piled promiscuously on the sidewalk , in front of the Oma ha National bank andHellman'sstore. The heavy walnut show cases were carried out and the store rapidly de nuded of everything of a portable na ture. By this time it begun to look as if the block was doomed and the work of removing the im manse stock of Max Meyer & Co. be gan. With more precaution the most valuable wares had previously been picked in the show cases , which were now carried out one by one and de posited In tie building occupied by Pundt , Meyer and Ilippke. The shelving was torn from the walls and the safe from its plcca and removed , and then the pianos and organs stored in the second story were one by one- lowered by means of the elevator and placed In position for removal if the worst come to the worst. A little before 3 o'clock the Du- rants arrived and took their station at the old Grand C.entral cistern on Fourteenth street. THE FLAMES had now complete sway in the three stories of Der's division of the block , the shed , in the rear was on fire , and the fiery element was rapidly spread ing to the upper stories of the adjoin ing buildings. That portion occupied by the saddlery and harness store of G. H. & J , S. Collins was the next to fall a prey to the devouring ele ments. The fire hero caught in the third story and licked Its waydownwai d bat not until a large portion of the itock was saved. Goods were packed and removed from S. P. Morse & Go's , dry goods store and Ish's drug store , but the valuable stock of Sam uel Burns was not touched and it was very fortunate , for it was of a char acter that any careless handling must have serlou ly damaged Mr. Burns must have been by far the heaviest oserbad he followed the example of ? rank Ramge and Max Meyer & 3o. , some of his wares being more valuable than solid rilver. The fire spread rapidly in the upper stories nnd at times seemed to threaten the entire block with destruc- ion. It was fought principally from khe front , and consequently raged with the greatest fierceness in the rear. The firemen fought it bravely. The looks/ which wore as usual among IB first on the ground placed their eng extension ladders up from the cy sidewalk to the roof in two differ- nt places , and over their dan- erous rounds the brave men mounted to the roof or clambered nto a seat upon the window ledge , from which they kept a stream play ing upon the fire. The night was in tensely cold , bnt fortunately there was not s breath of wind or the block raustinevIUbly have been destroyed , [ Hayden's Fire Kindlersare immense these cold mornings. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. Evergreens , Dried Everlasting Flowers and Grasses , Bouquets , Fancy Straw , Baskets , PAMPAS PUTMES EA SHELLLS . , at Evans , 14th and Douglas. dec42t AT NOON OF SIGHT , * The Sun.of Eternity Beams Upon -the Soul of Miss Free , Who Failed to Beach Her "Ea ? Ehly Home/but Gained Her Heavenly Gne. - * It is seldom that s great many weeks pats by without the occurrence of ni death among trans-continental , on"ts , the grim reaper generally gathering in those who , in the vain hope of securing lost health , attempt the dangerous ride over the moun tains , which is hard upon even a per- < ion with strong lungs. A few weeks ago a lady from Penn sylvania , Miss J. B. Free , passed _ through Omaha , en route tq Californ ia. She was in the last stages , almost , of consumption , and the journey was made in hopes that it would result In permanent benefit to her health. On reaching the coast however , she found henelf growing much worse , and fearful that she would die in that land so far from her home and friends , she started at once to return. She was accompanied by a cousin , Mr. Patton , the stock man , and by a lady whose name was not learned. The train she came on encountered the roughest weather of the season , and afte.- being delayed at various stages of the route , was detained nine hours at Cheyenne. Every atop seemed to make the sufferer worse , SB it lessened the chances of her living to reach home alive. The train reached this city about 10:30 : Sunday night and the other side about mid-night. Miss Free was found to be so low that it was daemed best to stop over there , and she was wheeled into the Transfer hotel in an invalid chair and carried up stairs to her room. There she was laid away gently on the bed , and her traveling companions and the porter began to make things about her as comfortable as possible. It was too lite , however , and In less than five minutes after the dying woman hae reached her journey's end , she leaned over upon her right side , clasped her hands and expired so quietly that she seemed just to have fallen asleep. The remains were properly caret for-"and yesterday , having been en cased in a neat casket , they were for warded east to the friends in Pennsylvania. Hayden's Fire Kindlers are immense these cold mornings. The Royal St. John warranted for five years. Just opened , at Saxe's drug store , corner of 13th and Farnham street one of the largest , best andjnestlot c : Holiday Goods ever shown in Omaha. Call early and take your choice. 6-St Grateful Acknowle'dgeminl. Ur. and Mrs. J. Samler desire to turn their sincere thanks to the many friends for kind tokens of sympathy in their recent bereavement in the loss of their son , Alfred Samler , and es peeially to his fellow employes , of Har rls & Fisher's packing house. MR. & MBS. J. SAMLEB. Largest stock and lowest prices on musical albums at EDHOLM& EHIOKSON'S Jewelry Store , opposite the postoffice Hayden's Fire Kindlers are immenee these cold morning * . I. O. O. F. Invitations is extended to all Odd Fellows , to be present at Odd Fel lows Hall this evening. * Socialism. Bighnp O'Conner intends shortly to leave for St. Louis , where he is an nounced to deliver on the 10th Instant his new lecture on "Socialism. " The receptions accorded the bishop In al his visits to our sister city ; especially when he goes with the intention of either preaching or delivering a lee tare , is of the warmest nature , and a deserved tribute to his eloquence nnd scholarly attainments. Bishop O'Con ner has not often been heard on the lecture platform in Omaha. On next Sunday evening , however , he will open the U. C. L. Dime lecture course in the cathedral of St. Philo mena , corner of Ninth and Harney streets , on which occasion ho will de liver the lecture on "Socialism" above mentioned. The price of admission will be only ten cents. Tickets may bs procured of the members of the U. C. L. A. , at McDonagh's and Bushman's. Omaha will donbtleeh give a hearty endorsement to the ef fort of her genial and eloquent pre late. SHAKESPEARE'S HOUSE , One of the old relics of London , has lately passed away to make room for modern buildings , bet his works are immortal , and those who dewre to be came familiar with them can obtain the complete edition Jn one large handsomely bound volume , 11 } by 8 | Inches , on tinted paper , Ingllt and 111- ustrated , as a premium to Dr. Foote's Health Monthly , by sending one dollar lar tor a year's subscription. Sample copies of the latter sent free. Pos sage on Shakespeare 25 cents extra by registered mail 35 cents. MUEEAT HILL PUB. Co. , 120 East 28th Street , New York City. Xcw Engravings at Hospe's. The best assortment and largest stock of gold and silver watches , clocks , gold rings , diamonds , neck- aces and chains , at Whipple , ileMillen & Co. , Creighton block , Fifteenth street. Do not fail to ex amine their stock before making your purchase * . Hayden's Fire Kindlers are immense these cold mornings. Just received at THB BES Job Rooms the nicest line of diminutive Paper and Envelopes and Cards , suit able for Children's Birthday Parties. THE BLIZZkED. Unprecedented Cold Wave and Gale From the " - - North. J * \ [ ts Effect on Ballroadg and : Business Generally. The comparatively mild weather which continued for several days last week was succeeded Saturday evening by a severe and sudden change. About 2 o'clock the barometer , which was very low , began to rise , and the thermometer , which was at 27" above zero , to falL A regular Nebraska bllzzird set in from the northwest , ac companied by a light , cutting snow. At 9 o'clock Saturday night the mercury was 8 ° above zero , a change of 24 ° in seven hours. The wind had risen to a gale and had a velocity of 37 miles an hour. At C o'clock Sunday morn ing the thermometer had fallen to 3 ° , and only went up to 7 * above during the day , though the wind had abated considerably. At 9 o'clock last night It was 3" above , at G a , m. to-day it was 7 ° below , and at8 o'clock 8 * be low. This was the lowest point reached. The sudden change was in many respects remarkable , aa the weather has been quite warm west of us fora week past , with considerable snow among the mountains. The cold snap extended no further west than Nebraska and was confined to Iowa ou The east , though it will prob- bly travel eastward from us. The thermometer Ltd not been below sere west of us for a week , and this morn ing was still 26" above zaro at Chey enne. enne.The The mean temperature of last month was 11 * , which is lower than tbo mean of any November for years past. On one date the mercury fell to zero. Sergeant Dey , of the signal office says that the cold spell is ( likely to be ol short duration , though he cannot as yet tell definite about it , no re ports having been received from St. Paul or other northern stations. He says we are bound to have a warm spell to mike up for it during ( Decem ber or January , which will be gooc news to those who have to scramble to get fuel enough to keep warm. Of course the cold weather aifectec the trains ou all the railroads. On the pool line trains are one to two hours late , the Northwestern arriving about 10 o'clock this moraine ; . On the Union Pacific , freight trains are ten nd twelve hours late and passen ger , trains In proportion. Saturday night was one of the most severe nights ever experienced on the eastern di vision , the wind coming at a velocity no * experienced before for years anc making it extremely hazardous for men to go on top of freight trains at all. The engines , showed the result , freezing up every few miles , but being fortunately keg ; moving along , though very slowly. They will reach Ogden on time. The figures given above on the thermometer are from the slgna' office. About town the thermometers indicated a much greater degree o : cold. At Mr. 0. F. Wilklns the msrcury fell to 16 ° t at Ticket Agent Bell's to 12 ° , and in one cr ttro places In the county precincts to IB6. , ' Reports received at Union Pacific headquarters Sunday were as fol lows : Grand Island , clear and calm 15 ° ; North Platte , cloudy , strong north wind , 28 ° ; Sidney , same , 15' Cheyenne , 13 ° ; Laramie , snowing and dri't'n ' ' aH , T8 ° ; Ogden , four inches of en > w , 30 ° . December Cth , clear and calm from Omaha to Sidney , thermometer vary ing from Ga to 20 ° above zero. Cheyenne - onne to Evanslon , clear , very high wind , 32" above. Ogden , calm , 42 * above. Largest stock and lowest prices on musical albums at EDHOLV & EBICKSON'S Jewelry Store , opposite the postoffice. Bay den's Fire Kindlers are immense ; heae cold mornings- MADE HAPPY. An old lady called at the police court Saturday and told a pitiful story. She said that she was married > nt that her husband was about to desert her in cold blood for one younger and more attractive "What grounds has he for thus deserting you ? asked his honor "well , " said he woman , "he says I'm fading fait , and .have lost my teeth , which Is a act , fur last summer when "Hold I" said the judge , "all you need is a set of false teeth. " The poor woman had never thought of it ; she rushed irom ihe room and hurried to the office of Dr. A. W.j Nason , Jacobs block and Fifteenth street.and ordered a new set of teeth. The doctor did such a good job that she wanted to pay him double the prica charged , and left the office weeping for joy. Hayden's Fire Kindlers are immense these cold mornings. FOR THE SOLID AYS Beautiful designs in solid and pla. ted cup3 , suitable forholiday presents- Fell line of plated.and solid table'cut- leryspecs and eye-glasses , at Whipple , McMillan & Co.'s , Cfeighton block , 15th street 6-3t Hayden's Fire Kindlers are immense these cold morning. California Pears , Plums , Grapes , etc. , at Tizard'a Palace. * o21-tf 600 HENS' , BOYS' AND CHIL DREN'S OVERCOATS AND ULS IERS TO BE CLOSED OUT RE GARDLESS OF COST , AT POL- ACK'S. . 6-tf FURS ! EURSl ! FURSHI The Omaha Fur Manufacturer , Henry G. Rlchter , | is to be found op- wsito the postoffice. o26-tf Call at the BEE job rooms and ex- , mlnu something nice in the way of Tine Papetriea , suitable for invita $ tions to weddings , balls , private mas querade parties , sociable * , and con- lowte. A HEW EBTEBEftiSEA Flonr Depot. Wholesale Prices. I would respectfully say to all con earners in OMAHA.AND COUNCIL BLUFFS , that I have obtained the AGENCY of several well-known MILLS , and buying , as I do , in OAR LOAD LOTS , I am enabled to offer the best brands at low figures. The Eigle Mills , of Hannibal makes a flour equal in reputation to PLANTS' , or any other winter wheat flour sold in the St. Louis or Chicago market. This superior flour -will be sold at the low figure of $3.50 perlOO pound. PleaseT rerd the following letter from St. Joe , Mo. : Mr. Yatea : DEAR SIB I have been handling the Eagle Mills Flour of Hannibal , for the past fifteen years , and have found it to be the BEST FLOUR that ever came into the market , ALWAYS GIVUSG SATISFACTION , not only in this City , but over a largo extent of Country East and West. Sometimes a customer tries other Flour , but Is not satisfied when they want some thing CHOICE. I believe you will have a great demandfor It. ( Yours Truly , WM. H. FLOYD. Don't'fail to call and examine my large stock of CHRISTMAS GOODS , such as Malaga Grapes- Figs , Dates , Oranges , Dehesfa Baisias , Shelled Almunds , Soft-Shelled Almunda , New Citron , Currants , Handles , Kennedy's Fancy Cakes of all kinds , &c. , &c. 10 Iba. Standard A sugar $ 1.00 lOUbs. " 0 " 1.00 WHITE HEAD LIGHT oil only 25 cents per gallon. " - M. YATES. Havdeu's Fire Kindlers are immense these cold mornings. If you do not know what to buy for presents for your friends , call at Ed- helm & Erickson's jewelry store and see the largest and most complete line of watches , diamonds , silver ware and all kinds of jewelry ever brought to Omaha. , EDHOLM & EBICESOK , The Jewelers , Opp. the P. 0. P. S. We don't advertire what we have not got. We have every article we advertise , .and will warrant the quality of each article. EDHOLM & EBICKSON , The Jewelers. . . GEAVE BOBBING , * * The "Subject" Left in Charge of the Faculty and Students. _ There Is no new development in the case of body snatching reported in our last issue. The. dissecting room remained under guard of policeman until Sunday morning , 'when ' District Attorney Ferguson sent word to the marshal that unless the body was identified it would have to be returned to the medical authori ties. A brother of the deceased Voas arrived * from Iowa Sunday , and with several friends called at room twenty , but of 'coTrrse was unable ( o identify the mutilated body there , and the keys were therefore turned over to thd proper persons. The affair has , however , created no little feeling , and Several persons who have recently lost friends are anxious to have the graves examined. One gentleman who lost his wife a few weeks ago , and who refused to allow a post mortem , although offered money to do so , went to the. cemetery this morning to see If the vandals had been at work there. While the body discovered in the room In Bell man's block is not known to be that of Chris. VOSB , jet the fact remains that YOBS' body has been dragged from its last resting place and is now bidden somewhere about the city. It is very likely that there will be sequel to the affair in the course of a few days. For Sale Six-horse power Baxter engine and boiler , in good repair. Apply at BEE offica. no4tf Commissioners' Proceedings ) . SATURDAY , December 4th , 1880 Board met pursuant to adjoinment. Present Commissioners Corliss , Knight and DrexcL Minutes of last meeting wore read and approved. The following resolution was adopt ed : Hcsohcd , That ihe county treasurer be and hereby is directed to draw from the ditch fund $216.95 , and apply the same to the payment of the delin quent ditch tax of Eli Johnson on ne. 20,15 , 10 , and w. nw. 21 , 16,10 , and e. i sw. 32 , 15 , 10 , for the year 187 J for work on ditch. The following accounts were allowed from the general fund * F BHibbard , witnes ? fee $ 1 60 Morris & Billiter , acct. grading. . . 25 C 0 WmRishe' , " " . . . 20 OJ John T > mprley , work on grade. . . 900 Jacob ri hippoWt grading. . T. 32 64 Ed Cassidy , work on road 12 00 O H Brown , baL grad ng 12405 B P ICnight , acct. co. comm'r , No- vember.1830 75 00 Wiley Taylor , acct. grading. 50 00 F W Corii-w. act o. comm'r.No- vember.1880r. . 7500 St Jostph's hospital , care of Mr. Pearsons. .7 2215 'Iowa Coal Co , coal for poor and jail 160 00 FiankE Moore ? , transportation of paupers 22 35 Goo H ( iuv , jailor and guard , No vember , 18iO 9000 B & M S R Co , transportation of pauper.r. . . 2 85 John Bush , cash expen'ded for Mrs. . . . 2 CO Adjourned to Dec. 6th. JOBS E. MANCHESTJB , County Clerk. H. T. Deputy. Real Estate Transfers. Geo. Armstrong and wife to Chris tina Bergson ; vr. d. Si , lot 18 , block 1 , Armstrong's first addition , Omaha $175. Milton Tootle and wife , to Omaha & Southwestern railroad company ; w. d. ne , part lot 6 , block 166 , Omaha 825.Herman Herman Konatze and wife to Ohas. W. Burgdorf-and wife ; w. d. lot 9 , A. Xountz'a addition , Omaha $400. Henry "W7 Tates and wife to Ohas. W. Burgdorf ; w7 * d. , lot 10 , A. Kountza > dd. , Omaha $400. Chas. 'W. Burgdbrf and wife to UbbieP. Smiley ; w. d. , lots 8 , 9 and 10 , A. Kounlza'a add. , Omaha $53333. A Blessing "Undisguised Hayden * Patent Kra JSindler . - * . THE CBEXQHTONj A firat-clats hotel in every respect , b situated on the northwest cornet of Thirteenth and Capitol avenue. This new house is newly and elegantly fur nished throughout , and the table and l of fare will compare favorably with the best In the land. Give it a trial. ' No runner at the Depot. oct29-eod-tf Always fresh Oysters at Hoard's.Mf Mf SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Advertisements To Let For Sale' Lost , Found , Wants , Boirdinjr 4c. , win be In serted In these columns once for TEH CENTS per line ; each subsequent Inautlon.FIVE CENTS per line. The fittt Insertion never leaa than fWENTV-FIVK CEUTSL TO IQAK-MDHEY. ' OBZT IO MAX-CUI at Law Offlea M' D. L. THOKAB. Room8.Crel hton Block. ONKY TO LOAN 1109 Famhim street. M1 Dr. Edward * Loan Agency , nov-52-tl HELP WANTED ANTED Employment for horje and wagon. E. A. UABR1S3 , 16th and Nicholas Sta. 50 tf . WANTED A teamster. Apply to L. Dn- gan , 1112 South 13th St. 25-8 TTTANTED 2 good cirpenters at Stavenaon'g W shop , 15th and Davenport Sts. S7-6 WANTED A. girl to work In laundry. Ap ply to Planters' house , corner Dodge atd Sixteenth eta. 29-3 Furnished worn f r two men , WANTED from 1'ostoffico. Address No. 183 U 209Bv3t WANTED A Situation by a strong joun0 man to do chores morning and evemug and attend school during the day. Address M. Bee , office. 16-3 WANTED Good girl for gsneral housework insmi'l family , at 053 19th street. U 6 PLAST3RER WASTZD Bj Itis I'ay , next the Bee offlw. IS i "TTTAMED 2 unfurnished ronnm connecting YV br a tent , w ifo and son. 11-1 gt'laia refer cnce. Addrea ) Advertiser , P. O. ot 633. 13 4 - TBAVELUNa SALESMAN Th.roaghly acquainted with Nebraska , and can gi e the best of city reference want a situation to travel on salary or commiss on. Addresj ravel ler , Om ha P. < . IM OOM UATB WANTED Address J. 11. P E Bee office. 7-3 TTrANTED All Omaha know that thi VV Roy l St. Jonn is the Bisa of Sowing Machines , office on IFth St. 849'f FORREHT-HOU8ES AND LAND. POB KENT Two furnished rocmi. Apply southwest corner Eighteenth street anc Capitol avehuo 23-10 T710K RENT Furnished rooms with or with JJ outboard. Hcstof reference given and re quired ; 277 Farnham street. 24-11 RENT 3 room * and closet , on cor. llth EOR and Lcncnworth St. 18-7 mo REST A Jar < 8 furnished room on first JL floor. Enquire at Beet office. 010 i EOR RENT "unibhcd loom. Inquire 1810 Farnham street , west of City Hal' ' . 13- "pOK RENT Furnished room for gentUmen JJ only , southeast cor. 12th and Uarney. 2 FOR RENT House with 13 rooms on the cor ner of 13th and Ch.ra.jo for rent by limothy Kelly , . 6-tf FOR RENT House in Shull'a 2nd addition , $ ! 5 per month. W. SIUERAL , room 6 Creighton Block. 835-U QTORE FOR RWT Pirst floor and basement. O Apply to OonlJ & Uorrill , 1005 Farnham St. 891-tf FOB RENT A furnished , south fiont room. Inquire at No 1612 farnham St. fSI-tf RENT That excellent dwelling house S. FOR E. corner ot 22d and California streets. Well , cistern ind barn. Apply to Jobn Guild , lOOaFarnbamSt. 839-t ! R RENT Ewelling house S. E. comfr ol 23d. and Hurt Sts. Excellent barn , cisterns 'uid well ; rentchtop. Apply to 0. A. Merrill , 1005 Farnham St. 840-tf ITtOR RENT Cottage , on 5th and Pine tita. , _ C new house , eight rooms.onSSdasd CassSta Enquire J. P. Roe , 8. E. Cor. 12th and Fam- ham ; 696-tl IOR RENT 2 furnished rooms over Her- F chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and Dodze streets. . 289-tf FOR SALE. "ITIOR SALE Bnsine s house and grocery stock , JTJ Restaurant attached. Addrrss R. Cliiffin , Aurora , Neb. 9-lm OR SALE Horse power machine and cord wood bench and Eaws. Apply next the Bee . _ 920-2. F IOR SALE Two close carriages , at A. J , Simpson's. 911-tf PK SALK Cottonwool lumocr ot all 6lrcs , t REDMOND'S. Slxteenth-st. 518-t MISCELLANEOUS. mAKEN DP On Friday , December 2 , 1830 , I onered brindle cow. Medium size. Own. er ran have Earns by proving property and paying - ing charges. JOHN BAG LEY , S miles S. W from Omaha , Droxel's School Dist. 23-e rnon-St HILL'S MANUAL NOTICE : R. S. PEALE , of Council Bluffs , Iowa , Is no longer General Agent for the sala of HILL'S MANUAL OF SOCIAL AND BUSINESS FORUS. . We having terminated his agency for eood and sufficient reasons.and ; we hereby CAUTION the public against Doing Imposed up on , by unscrupulous men , who attempt ta "pMta off' a SPURIOUS work on them instead of "Hill's Manual , " the book they want or sub scribed for. MOSFS WARREN & CO. , Publishers - ors of Hill's Manna ! , 103 StUa tt. , Chicago Nov. 6th 1880. 19-17 LObT Bull dog , with white and brindle spots , cropearcd and goes by tno nune of Sancho. tinder will be rewarded by leaving him at the barn of Milton Rogera , < 20th and Lcavenworlh. FOUND In Norl Omaba , a spotted calf about twoorthros diys old. Owner cm have sama by calling at North Western brewery , Cumlng street , and raying for this notice. 21-17 A white and red spotted cow about STRAYED old. Any Information as to her ereabouts will be thankfully received atU. P. Meat Market. 16th and Webster. 8-7 > Absolutely Pure. Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No olbtf preparation nukes such light , flaky hot breads ! or luxurious pastry. Can be eaten by dypeptlc without fear of the lls resulting from heavy 1 ' digestible food. S&ld only hi c by all Grocers. ; o " PrnTviR Co V V VnrV DISEASES OF THE EYE , Ear and Throat. OCULIST , AURIST & LARYHGIST. niet Office Over Kennart's ] Drug Store , Corner of 14th and Douglas Sts. 1 novlS-3m Notice of Dissolution. Votlce Is hereby sriven that the partnership heretofore existing b 'tween L. W. lUtxrcom i P. Wdnhtgen is this day dissolved by nmttul agreement , and that the undersigned is now tee sole publisher and editor ot The Omaha Tele- , naph. with whom all persons cmln < said firm i rill have to let tie their bidebtcdnen. and who will also pay the debts owin ; by the firm. B PnbltthW , BytOTjOl The Omiha Telegraph * A- . . & P. MORSE & CO , GASH JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF DRY GOODS. The people will , it and we are the servants of the people in supplying them with Dry Goods at anti-monopoly Prices. Enormous Reducions in Our COLOSSAL STOCK. 1500 yards of .Brocade Mixed and Plain Color Dress Goods form erly sold , and well worth 25c. AT 25G [ 2500 yards of All-Wool Flannel and "French Suitings , Plaids , Brocades , Damassee , &c , reduced from 40c to 50c. BIGGEST BARGAIN IN AMERICA. flT RflO l 2 in ° k Momi9 Gfohsi SUk and Wool , H I vui ? I Brocades , Mattalasses , &c , , marked down from $1.00 to $1.25 a yard. At 75c , Dress Goods , Silk and Wool , formerly $1,25 and $1,50 a vard > 11 SLCO , " " " " 1.75 and 2,00 " " ' " " " " 2,00 , 4.00 HOLIDAY PRESENTS We are opening Novelties daily , and Ladies will do well to purchase now and avoid all rush. . IMIOIRSIEI & CO. $60OG9. ' ELGUTTER' & $60,000. GREAT CLEARING SALI $60,008. $60,01 Olffl "We make this monf i .a specialty to close out our Desirable and seasonable goods at Lo-w Figures. Our immense etorfc of Winter clothing for Men' ? , Youth's , Boys' and Children's wear , comprising Working , Business , and Dress Suits , in latest Patterns and Styles , Over coats , Ulsters'and TJJsteretisworke" ; * from the finest goods of woolens ; also a complete line of Furnishing Goods , Novelties in Neckwear for toe Holidays. Hats , Caps , Gloves , &c , must make way for our immense Spring stock pf clothing. Well-known to the public that these goods were the best selected stock ever brought to this market. ELCUTTER'S MAMMOTH GHOTHING HOUSE , $60,000. 1001 Farnham St. , Cor. 10th. $60,000. BELYIDEEE Star Wind Mill , MANUFACTURED BY THOS. E. WILLIAMS , RED OAK IOWA. Correspondence solicited rom those needlntr a ellable Wind Mill tend for circular and pri CM nd > ny Inform ation In regard to the Mill wll 1 b ieerfallj rnrnisbed. _ _ LlYB AGBTT8 WANTED. ilEASONB WHY YOU SHOULD BUY THI BELVIDEEE STAR WIND MILL. BECAU'K 1st. It is more eafe in a gale of wind , and In be most sudden cbaneea ot the wind from any Urection , because the wheel Ijing flat on the lower b always rcidv with its edge to the wind , ind aliens the vane to swing c .or around , with- jut turning or striking the wheel. 2nd. It is a rigid wheel having no movgahle joints to wear out , nut or creai in the wind. 3rd. Ice nor ileet has no effect on it. 4tb. It loses less power from friction than jt5tb.MHwill ran with less win ! than other fith. It Is eJelly regulated so U wffl perform my amount of work required less tnan iti cap c- tbl It has nojrallies , sptingsnorslldlngheada o reeze up In winter. 8th. It will not pump wh n out ef gear. 9th. It is well aid heavily painted with thr joata rf the best Mint the market can afford. 10th. Itls perfectsel-rEgnIator.a.ndwintak6 are of Itself Inheavy chanzable wind storms. llth. Itssymetricalformisaperfect ornament 12th. Never bare heard of any blown do n aa ret when properly set op with aresrnlaUnzvane , jcrever damaged In the least bjth wind. 13th , Theyare of good material and l fc Allshafta turned , bores habited and all itcessary P" * * double nutted. 15th. It is more simple , more compact m con- tructwn and tmnoo > < " h r Mills. _ 1 > B. A. S. PBNDEKY , CONSULTING PHYSICIAN iA3 PKHMANBNTLY LOCATED HIS MKD- ICAL OFFICE , it Tenth Street , - OltAHA , NEBRASKA Off srlnr hi * tsrrlcei In an departments * o nedldna and surgery , both In general an nedal pnctka acnta and chronic diseases. Ca VwMuHed nljht ad day , nd will vlttt * art ot the city and county on receipt of I tU ' at horn * , garnpln or MCI' OOfl r day if ! ) I UU tee. tAddnaf BUoson * Co Portland , He. AGENTS FOB DEVLIN & CO. , BOSTON GLOTHIN Li LiiOUSE , F.lilMIAM STREET. MARHOFF'S TRUNK FACTORY. , Tie laru and best assortment of Trunks and Valises iu the West. Telescopic Cases and Sampl Trunks a Specialty. H H MARHOFF , - - - PROP. , . , l > oorsNorth of Dowlas St. scxoo CHEAP ! CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST . MAX MEYER & BRO. Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then entire stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks , Silver-Ware , Pianos A Organ ] ATSTID GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Maniifactur Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their weN Store , Cor. llth & Farnham IVe 3Iean Business * Come and be ConYinced , S