ATTDSttYI-AT-UlW CHARLES POWELL , * TUSnCEOFTHE PEACE Comer ] tth ad tl FamhamEta. . Omaha Sea. _ HTM. SIMERAL , A TTORSET AT LAW Boom 8 , Crelchton A Blot * . lEth St. OMAHA , KKB. _ D. L THOMAS , l TTORNET AT LAW Local rawer , ban A and sells real estate. Boom BjCrelghton Slock. _ _ . A.C. : TROW , LAW-OfflM.ln Hutootol ATTOIUTOTAIi Q org . E. Prltchett.Hee ramham St. - * OKAHA. KEB. CEXTSflL. THOMAS , _ A TTORKET A.T-LAW CrBlcktiiank XJL .lng. _ ' A. MCHAIWICK , , i TTORKEY AT LAW-Offlce UM rarnhaza A Btr et. _ _ 1M.LPEAIQDY , JAWTrBOawIn Orctehlon Block , Bet U Jj PootOiCe * , OMAHA , HKBEABKA ? pe Paienif Procured.- rOIASY ? PBUO. OOmonOOT KADI O'BRIEN & BARRETT , - Attorneys-at'-iraw , ornCjj-Unlon Bloeknteenth an < ? Flamhain < ATTORNEY AT LAW. MfiACH BLOCK , COR. J10BCft ISTH ZTS. OMAHA. SEB. W. d. Oonnell , Attorney-at-Law. - - . KlCDIOE. OJLIS. B. HtBICI KEDICE d REDICK , AttoYneys-at-Law. - - . Epodfi attention will b given to all fnlt apalnp . corppraVlonj of every description : Trill pra-Vdce tn al Jthe Oonrta of the Etits and the Jj'jlid.,8'tw' Offlc8ramhamBt. . , opposite Jonrc House. EDWARD W. 8IKERAL , ft TTORNZY AT LAW Room 9 Orolrhton A. Blcclc , ICth and Donglag BtreeU. no9dh S. F , MAKDERSOH , i TTORNTY AT LAW 2i ! ramhaa Itntt L Oatba Nebraska. . T. SICHARDS. O. J. HUN * RICHARDS & HUNT , Attorneys-at-Law. OyFrc l-715 South Fourteenth Street. T THE CSE OF DR. BOSANKO'S ' PILE REMEDY. IHTERNAL EXTERNAL , AND ACHING PILES.- . DO NOT TRY CUR -80 CElras IT , itSS COLLEGE This Institution , located at Denver , Colorado , th : Educational' Commercial centefofthe' West , is pre-eminently the best and mait practical " ' cal ol Its kind for the , MERCANTILE TRAINING OF Young Men and Ladies. G. W. FOSTER , President , D. W. CADY , Secretary. The most extensive , thorough and . . nstltutlonoftheklndintheworl- ' plet Thousands of accountants and Business - iclit Kind of Education for Young Men and Ladies. , Tine , new brick block , at Junction of three etroot car lines. Elegantly fitted and furnished apartments for the application of and carrying tout of our novel and systematic methods of OTSIEESS Tonng men who contemplate a biulness life , and parents having tons to educate , are particu larly requested to ccndfor our new Circular , which will give full Information as to terms , condition ot entrance , etc. Addrea . G. W. POSTER , President , " 8-3m Denver , Colorado. THE MAILS , 0 , 4 IT. W. E. B-,530 * . . , WO p. m. 0. B. & Q.6 30 ft. m. , SiO p. m. O.B.I4P.R. B. . BSOam.SiOp.m o-st ? Jo eao .in. U. P. R.R. , IfciOa-m. O. * R. V. to Lincoln , 10 a. m. B. * M.B.B.,8iOa m. O. * N. W. , 7:30 a. in. ormsa aHW R.B. , 11 . a. , U p. m.- - 0. B. ft Q. , 11 a. in. , SdO p. m. O.K. I. 4P. , 11a.m. , 11p.m. C.B. * 8t , Joe.,11 a.m. , U p. m. U. P. B. E. , 4 p. m. O. & B. V. from Lincoln , 1230 p. mj B.Oity 4P. , 11 a. m. B. 4M. lnJ < b..t p. m. Local mails for States Iowa lear * bat one * day-vis : 1:90 : . m. Office open from IS to 1 p. m. Sunday * . THOMAS F. HALL. Postmartn. Arrival And Departure et Th-alns .UNION PACIFIC. * LU.VX. 1S.UVX. Dally Erpre . . . .nisp.m. : B2Sp.m- do Mixed 8:10p. m. 4 Sp.B- do Freijht.630a.m. . l ! 0p. . do do . .8:15a.m. 18:50 a. m. TIME CABD OF THE BURLINGTON. in v oiuni. I" inarnioiokL Kxpre . . . . .S:40p. m. I Express..10:00 : a. m , Mall. 6:00 ft. tn. Mail 10:00 : p. m. Sundays Execpted. | Sundays Excepted. CH3CAO O.TBOCE ISLAND & PACIFIC. 'Mall _ . : & > x m. I Mall 10:00 p. m. Exprea 8tO p.m. | Erpreas 10:80a , m. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN. Mall _ .60a.m. IMaU - 7:20p.m. K * prtBB . . .8:10 : p ) a. | Express .IfcOO a , a. Sundays excepted , KANSAS OUT , ST. JOE ft COUNCIL BLUFF& 1SATS 1RKITS. , Mall.00a. m. I Erpress.7 : < 0 , m. KxpjieM 6:00p.m. I llafl 7 v-m. The only line rmmlnz Pullman SleeplnjCire out ot Union Depot. OMAHA & NORTHWESTERN AND | BIOTJJ CITT & PACIFIC E AILBOADS. Express . .6:00 a. m. | FxpresJ.i JO p m. Dafly Except Sundays. : B. 4 M. B. B. In NEBRASKA. LIIVB. iRRm. Through Exp..8Wam : ] Through Exp..4:00 pm Lincoln Exp..6lC p m ( Lincoln Expu.9:30 : a m SIOUX CITT & ST. PAUL B. B. K . . . . . . _ : , Express .10:00 : a-n Eipresf . .8,40pm IM i 720 p WABASH , ST. LOUIS * PACIFIC. U1VKS. ARRIVZS. Expn s..SlOp. : rru lEiprcs3.4:2S petn. BRIDGE DITlfilOK U. P. B. B. Leare Oaaha , daUp 8 a. m. , 0 a. m. , 10 a tc , U a. m. . 1 p. m. , S p. m.Sp. m. , 6p. m,6p. m. , Leave Oonndl Binds ; SS5 a. m. , OSS a. m , . 10 5 a. m. , 1125 a. m. , 1:25 p.-mr S:25 p. m. 5 5 p. m. , 5:25 : p ; m. , 6 B p ; m. , Four trips on Sunday , leavins Omaha at 0 and 1 k. m. , 8 and 6 p. m. ; Conndl 'Bloffa at B.-56 11 5 a. m. , and 2:25 and 25 p. m. ' ' . tarn Omaha : 6 a. m. , 7. a. m.8 0 . m. i. m. , 4 0 p. m. , 7 5 p. m. , > ave Conndl Blnflr 6:15 : a. m , , 8:40 : a. m. , 1HO a , m , 6:25 : p. m. 7:00 p. m. , 7iO p. m. Hlly excapt Sunday/ * OMAAA ft EEPUBLICAN V ALLEY R. LllVB , 1RRITK. faD . _ .10:45a.m. : , i Sp. m. Dallr except Snndart. HiNTA. OL.AUS FOUND. Oroatest Ulscovery of the Age. Tonderfoldlscoverlesln Uaeiroridharebe nmade Lmong other thlnjg trhorc Santa Clans stayed Ihildnn oft ask U he maVca coodj or not , . f really he live * In a mountain of enow.- < a > t year an excordon galled clear to the Pole Lnd roddenly dropped Into what secmedllkciholc There wonder of wonders they found a new land , fhile faliy-Ukt'belnpt appeared on each hand. Ihere were mocntalns like ours , with more beautiful preen. jid far brighter Mca than ver were seen , tlrdi with the bues of a rainbow were found , rule flowen at exiRdtfte frajrrance were crow . lot long w , w tjjjy left to wend r In donbi beltic aoon came the ? had heard much about , fwa FjuntaWaus1 self and thlsthey all nj , looked like the picture esee every d y. , e drcrenp a team that looked veryqueer. . * * a team f imaehoppera Instead of reindeer , U rode in a shell instead of a sleigh , tat he took them on boud and drove them away. le showed them all over his wonderful realm , tad factories making goods for women and men "nrrlerg were working on hata great and Email , 'o Bunce's they said they were Bending them aU. Ms Klncle , the Glove Maker.toldthem at once , ill our Gloves we are sending to Bunce , ianta showed them suspenders and man ; things more. aying I alse took these to friend Bonce's store. anta Claus then whispered a secret be'd toU , < * inOmaha every one knew Bcnce well , te tsorcfore should eend his goods to his care , knowing his friends will get their full share. 'ow remember ye dwellers in Omaha town , 01 who wit prcaenti to Bunce's go round , 'or ' shbts , collars , or gloves great and small , tad year stoUr or aant one and all. Bsaice , Champion Hmttr o ! the West , Donglu rs t , Omaha A new and hitherto.unknown 'remei' " [ seise * ot tha Kldnoyi , Bladderj rcans. * & urinary " It will pontiv l y cure D1 - * " " ' r , Brlght's Disease , ir- - > tcs , OraVel , Drop > Urine. Catarrh , - lttM retain < r expel ] id sca\itv cHJlj Bladder , .high colored ACK , Ocn - * Ptaful Urinating , .LAME laints. - * weakness , and all Female Com- < avoids internal mctilclnps , Is certain In it fleets and cures when nothing else can. For eale by all DruggUU or sent by mail free ipon receipt ot the price , $2.00. ) AY ) IEY PAD CO. , PROP'RS , Toledo , O. ITS / , your address for our little book , How a was Saved. " MIS E. I8H , Agent for Nebraska. QTZTrFTEW > & Tarrant's Szer Aperient , Azure for Indieestta frightful , A bubbling bevnage Delightful ; A remedy for every ailment O'er which the Billons make bewailmcnt A laxative , thouzh mild , effective , A tonic , nervine ind corrective ; An anodyne and suporific , A wonderful SAUXE crfcvi.v ' " bodying every rare insredient That mother Nature deemed expedient , VTlth klt-flly liberal hind toflln ? Into the famous Eeltzer Spring. IOWA BOILED DOWN. Hay Is selling for $16 s ton in Da- bnue. Keokuk has rlaugbtered 22,200 hogi thii season. There arc five creameries in Wash ington county. A cheese factory is toj)8 started In Hastings at an early dayk The ice , cutters are hard at work be low the dam at Des Moinos. An'olcomargartne manufactory has been established in Des Moines. Crawfordsville haa-a new town hall , which will be .opened and dedicated on the 9tB. - The new opara house in Keokuk is having- the cornice work put up , and the structure makes a fine architectur al appearance. John Meyers husked ISO bushels of corn in cne day last week on Bob "Motheral'a farm , six milea southwest of Avoca. Marshalltown has taken steps for a starciffactory. She has also organized a new wajon ; company with a capital of $50,000. Preparation ! for gathering , the ice harvest have already began at Clin ton. ton.One One dealer in Forest City sold 600 turkeys for Thanksgiving dinners. The Catholic fair at Clinton , which ! closed on the 30th , after a .run of six evenings , netted $2,000. 0. H. Tondro'a soap factory in Ma son City turns put 20,000 pounds o oap , of all varieties , every week. D. D. Grant , of Willow , Cheroke < county , , got a yield of twenty-twc bcshels of Sax seed to the acre this season. The now creamery nt Indianola be gan operations on the 27th ulLi Thi .capacity of the concern is to tain on 200 pounds of butter daily. The Linn county Sunday school as soclation will hold its second annual 'dnarterly-convention at Springville , Iowa , December 7th and 8tb , 1880. Mrs. Yan Oott's services at Waterloo lee have netted 27S converts , 200 o : whom have joined theMethodist. , The Illinois Central have a perpet nal lease : of the Iowa Division of .their line and will lay their'track from .Waterloo west with1 steel rafls. H. N. Bsldbjf , a farmbr residing near Cedar Falls , marketed a load ot timothy seed last week which brought him 8131.45 , equal to 700 bushels of corn. _ _ The following is the distribution of tha ownership of government binds in the principal cities in the stat : Burlington$128,750 ; Davenport , § 53,200 , ; Des Moines , 68,600 ; Duhu- que , 59,260remainder ; of state , 8731- 900 ; total , 81,011,000 * , Some samples of. Sioux Fal's rook have been seat to Chicago to be can- vorted-into : table taps and that sort of thing. The stone Is said to b e suscep tible of high polish. The director ) ofthe Burlington ana Northwestern Narrow Guage railroad have ordered a survey for an extension westward from Washington through Keokuk and Mahaaka counties. A competitive examination to fill a vaoanoy in the United States military academy from the Fifth congressioual district will be held at Cedar Rapids on the 20th of December. 1880. A strike of the miners at Fort Dodge hsi caught the St. Paul and Sioux City road so short of fuel that freight trains have been temporarily discontinued. The Illinois Central also feels the pressure , but not to an equal extent. Jjako Mills , Norman and Forest Dlty , the three stations on theMinne- spoils and St. Louis railroad in Winne- baco county , have taken In about lot,000 bushels of wheat so far this leason. There are , perhaps , 50,000 bushels yet to market , which will make the total crop , less bread and leed , 200,000. The Iowa Fine StockBreeder1BBlo. . Ration meets at Grinnell r-fl the,14th- aon. J. B. Gnnnelj. , „ president of - ; ho association. Among those booked or speeche M8 0 > F. Qlarkson , t reside , Welohj Prof > Knapp , Col. - i , Judge Luae , James Wilson and 0. E. Aldrich. Help among Tama county farmers Is.exceptionally scarce. Corn buskers uk and receive 81.25 a day and board , and yet BO few hands are ob tainable that the corn crop will not be busked befoie the 1st of February. Samuel Hallock , a farmer of Gosh- m township , Muscatine county , lost bythe burning of his immense barn , leven hones , 2,000 bushels of corn , quantities of other produce and a val- aable lot of farming implements , [ nsurance on building , 01,000 ; on ion tents the same. Nearly .oae-half the * business por- Jon of Nevada , the county seat of Story county va destroyed by , fire it an early hour -last Thursday morn- ng. The fire swept all the west side > f Alain street , from.-Qpera block to Uderman'a brick , Involving a total oss of about $30,000. The Milwaukee track layers enroute o Clinton reached the long switch of hi Chicago and Northwestern , at the rards of the Lyons lumber company , dthout any opposition. Here the Northwestern company had a way : ar and engine and hold he fort ; The aid oj the Lyons uthorlties ware Invoked , both switch nd car removed and track laving ro mped. No.further trouble is appro- tended. The Sao and Fox Indians In Iowa ounty ars not a very warlike or exc ensive tribe , numbering only about 355 persons ; " "yet they still maintain many of their tribal characteristics ) and are particularly hostile to all at- tarnpfs to induce them , to instruct their children inthe'Engiish language , white civilization. ' They are in dustrious , peaceable and temperate in their habits , and in addition to { heir real estate , have accumulated person al property to the amount of ,820,000. , , , .DOMESTIC BXPRBIMENT. AEEJfr WHO TBIED BOB XHQEB- BOIi's1 METHOD. ' - Spring-field Bepublican. OoL Itjgersoll says'he k eps a"p65k"- etbook In an open drawer and his children go and belt themselves to money whenever they want It. "They sat when they want to ; they may sleep all day If they choose , and sit op all night If they desire. I don't try to coerce them. I never punish , never scold. They buy their own clothes and are master's "of them selves. " A gentleman living on Marshall street , who has a boy that Is full as kltteny as hla father , read the article a ° d.P ° Mered deeply. Hu know-that Col. Innersoll was a suicesi in raising children in the way they should go and he thought he would try It. Thi boy had caused him considerable an noy nce.and he made up his mint that he had not treated the boy right so he called the boy in .from th street , where he was putting soft soap jon the lamp-post In order to see th < damp-lighter climb it , .and said to him "My son , 1 have decided to adopt i different course with you. Seratofor I have been careful about giving you money end have wanted to know where "every oeat went to , and mj supervision has , no doubt , been an- noylnp ; to you. Now I'm going to leave my pocket-book in the bureau drawer , with plenty of money in it , and you are at liberty to use all yon want without asking me. I want you to buy anything you desire to ; buy your own clothes and feel as if the money was yours , and that you had not to account foe it. Just make your self at home now and have a good dme. " The boy looked at the old gentle man , put his hand on his head , as though he had " 'em " "got sure , and went out to see the lamplighter climb that sof t-scap. Thtjnext day the stern parent went out in the country shoot tng , and returned on tha midnight train , three days later. He opened the door with a Istch-key , and a strange yellow dog grabbed him by the elbow of his pant and shook him , he said , "like the a'gur. " - The dog barked and chewed until the son cane down in his night-shirt and called him off. Ho told his fath er he had bought that dog of a fire man for 811 , and it was probably Ihe beat dog bargain that had been made this season. He said the fireman told bim ho could find a man that wanted that kind of a dog. The parent took rft his pants , wts * . the dog had nut removed , and in the iall be stumbled over a birch-bc-k la'ioa the boy bought of an Indian for > 9 and an army musket , with an iron amrod , fell down from the corner , fhe boy had paid $6 for that. He h d ilao bought himself an nvorooat with a oalakin collar and cuffe and a com- > lete. outfit of calico shirts and silk tocklngs. In his room the parent found the narble top of a soda fountain , a Theelbarrow , and shelf filled with all cinds of canned meat , preserves , aud trackers , and a barrel of apples. ' A rail tent and six pairs of blankets rere rolled up ready for camming" , , nd a buckskin shirt and pair of orduroy pants lay on the bad ready or pulling on. Six fish poles and , basketful of fish-lines were ready or business , and an oyster can mil of ; rub worms for bait were squirming m the washstand. The old gentleman ooked the Outfit over , looked at his locket-book in the bureau drawer , as mpty as a contribution box. "Young man , the times have been 00 flush. We will now return to a pecie basis. When you want money ome to me and I will give you a nick" 1 and you will tell me what you ih- end to buy with it or I'll warm you rou'hear-mel" ' ' BUFFALO ON THE MISSOURI. . WEEK'S HUNT AND SPLENDID SDCOESS. lack Hills TimM.- Our route was .northwest , crossing he wide valleys of the Little Missou- I , then that of Thompson's creek , an nsignificant streambut a magnificent , alleystretching away to the west , of plendid land judging from the growth f grass , which within .a few years rill be the home of hundreds of fam- lies. We . buffalo till nearly undown , when we discovered a band f ibout ? a dozen. "Sharp Eyes" and 'Buffalo Bob" were soon thro.wing aad into them , and [ before we could et up them with the teams , they had vo of these monarchs of the plains llled. And as the full orbed moon ese that , still Sabbath night , our par- y were busy securing the hams , sur- } lns , humps and tongues ; all the alanco of the animals were left' ar the coyote , except the fries , rhloh were carefully looked after by ur friend Danger , who claims that bey are tbo choice tid > bit of the an- nal. It was nearly 8 o'clock when 'e were ready to move ; neither wood or water were in sight , and the only tilng we could do was to travel until e found It. Nearly two hours passed efore "Sharp Eyes,1' who was ahead , ronght the welcome intelligence that e had 'found wood and water both , b was good news indeed , was ot long before a cheerful fire wns mding forth its warmth , and the ) ffee pot was singing , and here rather remarkable scene occurred. * While we were preparing supper a band of some twenty bafhlo came .within seventy-five-yarda. our/camp , feed ing as unconcerned as Chough , like ourselves , they were forty miles fromr human habitation. It was a" strange sight to us , in tbe bright moonlight. " They were * coming directly- towards us , aud or jfeatih , y-would stampede our ani mals , who exhibited some alarm , we gave a'volley of le'ad which sent them scampering oferthe hill. It wag.near ly , midnight when we spread our blankets , but had hafdly got toi sleep before the gentle rain began to sprub. . kle in. our. rfaces , first' like dew , but before aaylight'it becan to come fast enough , ' accompanied with a bleak wind 'from tha northwest. At 7 o'clock it turned to snow. We man aged to get breakfast , but the keen blast cut .to the bone ; -However , it did not prevent allof our party-from hunting. 'Rounder was left , in camp to prepare the dinner and such like , and I assure you it was a cheerless task to gather wood and cook a meal under Bach 'circumstances. ' All were back by ; 2 plclqck. . . The storm In- . created'aud the wind blew a gale. * TUuVed nur' camp to a more sheltered location , but I think few of our party will forget that wild night , in camp , -Tuesday morning was bitter - , ( ter cold , and our . only shelter , two wagon coVera , hung up so as .to break , the force of the wind. But it did not deter us from''huntlntr. . "Buffalo Bob ! ' and-'fLeather " - Stockings , after being out four hours , came in and re ported three buffJo killed , Sharp Eyes and Danger four more. Roundel faced the northwest wind two miles and returned and reported only blis tering ears , freezing feet and icy hands. ,1 am quite sure , if our entire party had not long'since become tee totalers I.ahould have rounded up to Something cheering. As it was ] could only look-with , feeling at an empty bottle. Wednesday , though still , biting cold , brought us bet ter-luck. .But . to-day ( Thursday ) has been our fieldday , both in labor and results. We wereupat ; 4 o'clock , and before daylight were.ready for action. It was nearly dark before a man re turned to camp. "Noi a 'mouthful ' of food had been tasted by any of 'the party ; all'had been in the field kill ing , preparing and gathering in our game. After satisfying , 'the inner man we compared nctes , and fouud that we had more meat : han we could haul. We turn.our .faces homeward * io-morrow > morning witn over BOOC pounds , mos't all oi 'which is choice meat. The result of cur hunt Has been forty-seven buffalo , one deer , three antelope , , and one coyote , of which Leather Stockinas.- killed five , Buffalo , Bob twelve , Danger three , and Sharp Eyes and here my native modesty .almost overpowers me Rounder' ' gut away with the balance , including the deer and antelope. .But we shall be glad whan we can sight the Spearttah valley again. It has been storming almost constantly since we left home , and tbe prospect foi wanner or .more pleasant weather is not encouraging at this hour , judging From the way the snow is'playing ' hid tad seek'among the murky looking nlouds. Sargent Bros. . Drjgifiets.Uelta , O , write tha the ; are hivn ? craat succt f a wl th Dr. Thomas' b'c octric Oil , and thit > hey never 'sola auy. ihlni : that gave sncti universal callfactlon. Tha only pad guaranteed to cure diabetes , ttaVel dropsy , i-right a disease , nervous debility nd all dheases of the kidneys and bladder , U Prof. Gullmotte's French Kidney Pjd. BucKien'a arnica. Salve The BEST SALVE in the world for 3nts , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp- id HandsChilblains , , Corns , and all dnda of Skin Eruptions. , Thb Salve sguaranteed , to give perfect satlafac- ; iod hi every case or money re funded. Price.25. dents'per box. For sale by 8dly J. K. TSH Omaha. Cures' and never dlnap- for Man. and Beaat. -Iieap , qnicli and relia ble. -PITCHERS CASTOB1A a LnotNarc < r.c. Children row fat uponMothers like , ind Physician recommend 3ASTORIA. It regulates the Bowels , cures Wind Colic , illays Feverishness , and de stroys Worms. WEI DE METER'S CA- rARRH Cure , a Constitutional &ntidototor , thia terrible mola- ly by Absorption. .The most Important Discove/ry since Vac cination. , Otter remedies may relieve 'Catarrh , tHl cores at my stage "before Consumption lets in. THE GENUINE LIVERPILIS are not recommended as a'-remedy " fd all the ills that 'flesh is heir to , " but ii affections of thejlaver , andiriall Biliou Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache , or diseases-of-that character , the } stand without a rival. . AGUE AND FEVER. No better cath'srtib.cari be used pre paratory to , or after taking quinine. Ai a simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF .IMITATIONS , The genuine are never sugar-coated. 'Each box has a red-wax seal on'the lid , withihe impreasion IdLrANE'S LIVER PILL. Each -wrapper bears , the signa tures of C. McLxnE and.FLEStixs Buos , Jt& Insist upon having the genuine DB. C. ilcLANE'S 'LIVERPILLS ' pre pared b- FLEMING UROS. , Pittsburgh , Pa. , the"market being 'full of imitations of the-name JIcLane , spelled , differently. but same pronunciation. now TO CURE CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , Colds , Asthma , Croup , AU diseases of the Throat , Lunga.and Pulmonary Orprans. USB ACCOEPIRO TO DIRECTIONS ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM ; UNLIKE PILLS AND THE USUAL PURGATIVES , IS PLEAS- AJT { TO TAKE , And will prove at once the moat potent and harmless SYSTEM REKOVATOR and'CLEAN'SER that has yet ; been' brought to public notice. For CONSTIPATION , BILIOD NESS , HEADACHE , PILE * , and all disorders arising from an obstructed state of the system , it la Incomparably the b 3t curative extant. Avoid imitations ; insist on getting the artlciei called for. _ 'TROPIC-FRUIT ' LAXATIVE Is put tip In brenzed tin boxes only. Price 60 cents. Ask jrourdrufffrlst for Descriptive Pamphlet , or ad dress the proprietorJ. , - . " J. E. HETHERINdTOW , N TrYprk of1 San Francisco. Before Purchasing AST FORK of So CaUed ELECTRIC BELT , Band , or Appliance represented to cureNervou * . Chronic and Mpecia Diseuoi , lend to the PUL 7ERHACHEROALYANICCO , E1S Montgomery Street , San Francinco , , Cal. , for the'r ' Free Pamphlet and "The Electric Review , " and you will tave time , haalth.and money. The F. Q. Co. are the only dealers in Genuine Electric Ap- pllancen on the Am-rlran Continent. _ SIOUX CITY & PAOIF1C AND St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Belialle Sioux City Routt i 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE 1 Prom GOTJNOIE BLUFFS to 3T. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , Vnd all point * In Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. This line Is equipped with the Im proved WesUnghouse Automatic Air Brakea and Killer Platform Coupler and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT s unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Boom and ileeplntr Can.owned and controlled bythe com lany , run Through .Without Change between Jnlon Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , md St. Paul. Trains leave 'the ' Union Pacific Crangf er Depot at' Council -Blnffa , at 6:16 : p m. . caching Slonx City at 10:20 : p. m. , and St. Paul A ll$6 a. m. , making 3-TEN HOURS IN ADYANOK OT ANY OTHER ROTJTI. Returning , leava St. Paul at 8:30 : p. tn. , ar- IvLig at Sioux City at 4:46 : a. m. , and Union Pacific Tranefer Depot , Coundl Bluffs , at 8 : 0 i.'m. Be sure that y6ur tiglcetg read via "S. C. E P R. R. " F. C. HILLS , Superintendent. Missouri Valley , lows. > . E. ROBINSON. Ara't Qen'l fags. Agent. J. H. 0-BRYAN , and P cgenger Agent , Council Blnffi FEVER AND AGUE. There is no civilized nation In tbe Western lemlsphere in which the'utility of Hosteller's itomach Bitters as a tonic , corrective , and anti- illlous medldne , Is not known and appreciated. STille it is a modlclna for M seasons and all llmates , It is especially suited to the complaints enerated by "the weather , being the purest and iest vegetable stimulant in tbe world , 'or sale by Druggists and Dealers , to whom ap ply for Hoitetter's Almanac for 1881. CHARLES RIEWE , JNDERTAKER ! UetallcCaees , Coffins , CaakeU , Shrouds , etc. ' rn mStree . Oth and llth , Omaha , Neb. 'Telegraphic orders promptly attended to. . -7IA THK- Chicago & Northwestern 2,380 MILES OF ROAD It la the dHORT. SURE and Sale Rants Batwaan COUNCIL BLUFFS GHIOAGO.MILWAirKEE " and ill points EAST nd NORTH. , _ - i IT OFFERS" THE TRAVEUNO PITBIJC GREATER FACILITIES AXD MORE ADYASTAQES THAN ANT OTHER ROAD IN THE WEST. Ills the ONtiYKOAD b twwn OOUNOIL BLUFFS and OHIOAGO Upon which 19 rcn PULLMAN HOTEL OAES ! In addition" to these and to please all classes of travelers , It frfves FIBST-CLASS MIALSat Its STATIONS at 60 cent * each. ITS TRACK IS STEEL RAILS I ITS COACHES ARE THE FINEST ! ITS EQUIPMENT FIRST CLASS It yon wish the Beat Traveling Accommod * tlonayou win bnr ronr ticket by this Rout * 0-AND WHi TAKE NONE OTHER. f _ All Ticket Asrenta on gall vou Thronzh Tickets via this road and Check csual Ea . graga Kree ot Charge OKAHA TICKET OfFlCES 12J4 Farnham St , Oor. 14thand at Union PadSo Itepot. DENVER OFFICE In Colondo Central and 'Union PadBc Ticket Office. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 2 N w Montjom. err Street. For Information , folders , rctp * , etc. , not .ob tainable at Home Ticket Office , address any agent of the Company , or WARYIH HUDHITT , W- STEKNITT , Genl llana er. Oenl Paaa. AJoct , CH30AOO , ILL. JAMES T. CLARK , Oen'l Air/t Omaha U Conncdl Bluffs. THROUGH TO CHICACO Without Change of Cars I THUS CHICAGO gURLINGTOH & ( JUINGY With Smooth and Perfect Track , Elegant Pas- eengor Coaches , and PULLMAN SLEEPING DINING CARS 'It Is acknowledged by th Frusa , and all whc travel uver It , to be the Best Appointed and Best IIsoaiiH Road ! o the Country. PASSENGBRS GOING BAST Should flour In mind that thla U th BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points East , North and Northwest. Passengers by this Route have choice of FOUR DIFFERENT ROUTES , And tha Advantage of Six Dally Lines ot Palace Sleeping Cars from Chicago to New York CityWithonfr Change All Express Trains on this line are equipped with the Westlnghouse PaUnt Air Brakes and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Couplers , the most Perfect Pro tection Against Acd- . dents In the world. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING AND DINING CARS Ala run on th Burlington Route. Information concerning Routes , Rates , time Connection ? , etc. , will ha cheerfully given by applying at the office of the Burlington Route , BIS Fourteentn Stre t , Omaha , Nebraska. 0. E. PERKINS , D. W. HITCHCOCK. Oen'l Manager. Gen. Wett'n Para. Agt. J. O. PHILLIPPI , St. Joe. , Ho. General Agsnt , Omaha. H. P. J > UEL , fepS-dl licket Agent. Omaha. SHORT LINE 1SSO. K.C.ST.JOE&C.B.R.R. , 13 the only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OUAHA and the WEST. No change of can between Omaha and St. Loula and but one between Omaha and Now York. BES DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS BliCHIKOALL Eastern & Western Cities With' ' , less charges aadln advance of other lines. Thla entire line la equipped with Pullman's Palace Bleeping Cars , Palace Day Coach- ea.UUler's Safety Platform and Coupler = zd the celebrated VrestlngboQse Air-Brake. JeTSEE THAT TOUR TICKET BEADSH JWVIa Kansas City , St. Joseph andtk jarConncflBlneak.R..vla SfSt Sfiot and3t.Louia.-CJ xYcketfl for sale nt all coupon stations In tha West. J. 7. BARNARD , A. 0. DAWE3 , Qcn'lSupt. . Gen'l Pass. & Ticket Ag't 1 St. Joseoh , Mo. 8t Joseph. Mo , W C. SEAOHREST , Ticket Agen. , injOFamhaE ? Street , ANDYEORDEN , A. B. BARNARD , Faaa. Agent , Omaha. Qsn'rl Ajcnt , Omaha. WROUGHT IRON FENCES. Wire Fencing and Railing a. Speciality. Their beautr , peroannnoe and economy dally working the extinction'of all fencing' cheap material. * . Elegant in deatgn , indestruotlblo Fences for Lawns , Public Grounds and Ceme tery Plate ? Iron Vases , Lawn Settees , canopied and ot rattle pattems'Chars ; ! and every description of Iron and Wire ornamental work "designed anil manufactured by B T. BARNUJTs * .WIro and iron W-Tk ; 57,29 and 31 Woodward Ave. , De troit , Mlch _ Seni i- : " > B tvlaialogue anil pr to list. eep21 R SURE CUR For COUGHS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS , ASTHMA , CONSUML' . TION , and all Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. The most accept iMn rrep r'C'In the tejovra world. Br > ddln ? to TOI.TJ ROCK and RYE title Lemon Jutre. yon hava eseUent Appetizer and Tonic , for jfen rai and family n. ? The immenrirsmli ir jini ; , al si..a the uuic iv > iu twUnsonla ! * recelycd daily ara the best OTld ncn Of Its virtuu ) ponili j-y. Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. H" DECEIVED by unprincipled dealers who try to palm off upon vr > e , , , , ilocV and Rye In place of our TOLU ROCK and RYE , which If tb < only MEU1CATKO article nwde , t.o GENUINE navlne a GOVERNMENT STAMP on each bottle. Extract from Seport of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TREASURY DEPARTMENT , OFFICK OF INTERNAL KKVEXU ) VAamxnoa , U. C. , January 28,1SSO. / Messrs. LATVTIEXCK 4 KAliTIK , 1111 Madlaoa at. , Chicairo , H'i. . QIXTI.SMKC : This compound , tn the opinion of thb offles , would have a sufficient quantltv * tbo BALSAM OF TOLU to titbit , all tha advantascs a crihed to thia article In pectoral complaint J while the whisky and the syrup constitute an emulsion rendering it an acreeable remedy tn th patient. Compounded aco.r in ? to the formula , it may properly bo clasped as a MEDICINAL PREPARATION under the pr. vWons of U. S.R vised Statrtcs , and when so stamped , tcay 11 sold by I > ru.btd. . Apothocnrlca and Other Persona without rcnderini ; them lUbia to pay tpeclal tax as liquor dealers Yours Respectfully , ( Sljned ) GREEN. B. RATJM , CommlgnloneT LAWRENCE & MARTlN.Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGGISTS , GEOOEES and DEALEBS everywhere WKO IS UKACOUA1NTE3 WITH THE * FOOFJAPHY Of fH. ! COUNTftVt SEE BY EXAMINIHCTHIb MAP , THAT fHfvvn'n't CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. B. S TIIE GREAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE Its main line runs from C'nlcnso x > Conndl XHnlnoCar foreatlnBpurK' ! > ionJr. UC < K * iluffj. pa. 5ln throuKh Jol'.et ' , Ottca. La Krent fpaturoof ur E'alaca Cars Isa , " 8M'V * _ " teneseo , Moltne. llncic bland. Onvenp'rt , sJALOON nere yon can enjoy TOUT "U < * .tberty. Iowa oren o , lirooSlyn , Ori at all hears of the dav. lea Moines ( tha capital or Iowa ) . Stuart. Atlnu- .MaKDincent Irun BrfdaoJ spaa tha MUx * MW- Ic. and Avoca : with branches from uur a and illjnourl rivers at all point * crossed } ' > unlttontaPoorls ! Wilton Junctiop loMnsca- line , anv ! transfers are avoided at Counct j ? if I * Ito , Washington. FalrHeld , Klfion , Uelknap , Knnias City. Leavenworth , atxl Atchijiv > ; enirevlllo. Frldceion. Trenton. Gallatln. Came- nectlons belacmadaIn UnlooT rnn. Leavonwortn , Atchlson. and Kansas Clt7 ( Washington to SUronrner. U zalooa , and Knox- T11I3 OKEAT 71)10 ) ; KeoSuu to FarmlnKton , Ilonaparte , Ben- FOLLOWS. onsDort. Indepondant. Eldon , Cuumwm Eddr- At CnicAOo.wlth 7llinOslu lee aP8lJa. Monroe , and le ilolce : Zast and tk > nth- lawtontoMonroei UesMointa o Inaianolaana At KKKr.zwoou , wlta tbeltd. * M.8- Vlnterset : Atlantkj to J ewis ana Anrtabon : sal . „ A-oca to Ilarl&n. This la posltivel ? the OBIT with P _ V. C- lallroad. whlcn owns , and operate * a through Ik U. it. no from Chicago Into the Btata or Kansas. At LA HAtxr. wt. i III. Cent. R. B- . Through Express PMec cr Trains , wlta Pull tPioBi.wUh V. H. * J. P.D.4B. . t v man ualaceCaisattnahedararnn each way dally M.I IlLMli : and T. P. A W. lids. etween CHICAGO and PCORIA. KANSAS Cmr , At HOCK IH UTD with "Milwaukee * . -V" COOSCIL lILtTFFS. LSivrswoRTn nnd ATcni- Island J ortUne. " and Rotic I rd * Vert < SON. ThronBhcarsareaisoruntctweenMiKsn- At DAT sroBT > wlta the Davenport . > * r > W- tae nnd Kansas City , via , the "illlwanfcee ac < I CLM.ASt.l' . . _ . . Hock Island Shd Line. " At , VISTLHJEKTT. w1thtb BC.R.4 C t > The -Great Uocfc Island" 13 nuumlficentlr AtURcrxztJ. > lth Central equipped. Its road bed la ilmplr * n act. &nd It * AtOEHMOIMkJ.wtUiD M.AK.1) It.ft track la laid with neel rails. AtCocvctt. ULCrr . with Union Pactoc ' What will please you most will te the pleasnn At OMAHA , with B. A Mo. B. K. it. u * cl. . t enloylng your moalu , wnllo pssslnu over tha AtCOLtJMBC8jCXCTIO.V.wfthU..e.It.iS i-- leautlful prairies ot Illinois and lova. In ona of At OTTOMWA. wltn 'Jentral low.-B.K urmagnmcont Dining Cart that accompany all Bt. IS lc , and C. B. & ( } . IU Kds. 'hroutui Express Trains. You set an entire At KIOKUK. with Tou rco-AWnr.i > r * v - meal , as good as la served In any drat-clao hotel. Loan * l'o < x.Br > rIHt.UKeo.iN.-W H tlfr orsaventy-nve cents. At CAMEno.v. with 1L St. i. B. R. Appreciating the fact that a majority ; of the AtATCHisox. wttaAtch-TopeksftbaW ' * \ " " . . . . . . . . eoplc prefer separate apartments for different Atch.JtNeb.andCen.Ur.U. P.B.IW * rarposea ( and the Immense pu cnircr business At I.KAVZNWOKTII. wttijKan. Pnc , v AI if this line warrantlnK It ) , we are pleased to an- Cent. 1C. ltds. onnce that this Compnn/ runs Pullman Palace AtKA.vsAi crrr. witii * U Boe0 tor tar Sleeving Cart for sleeping purposes , and Pitau and Southwest. Ptrr.I.afAX' PAT.ACE CAKS a . mil thmujfh to 1PBORIA.JDI ! * COtnVCHJL. Ut-tlFFS. KASHAS CITT , A TC1I1SON. and JL.KAVES\VORT1 > Ticket * Tin thii l.Ine. Unown n the "Great KocJi liluua lUiote. " mr t K nil Ticket * .zenti In the Vnltea Htutci imd C'unurta. For Inft.mntlon not obtainable at your borne ticket office , A. KHVHBA.3L.L. E. ST. Qen'I eupenatsncunt. U n'l Til. aod HiVERIGK. DOING , FEATHERS And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Upholstery Trade , A COMPLETE'ASSORTMEHT OF NEW GOODS AT THE LOWEST 1208 and 1210 Farnham Street. ap SI mon th lit HAMBURG AMERID N PACKET GO.'S Weekly Line UJL Steamships .caving New York Every Thursday at 2 p. m. For England , Prance and Germany. For Faaage apply to G. B. RICHARD & CO. , Paasengei Agents , Broadway. j7 \ < ) a weeV. J12a day at hcrae easily madce i ( ioutnt fren.Add resiTme t ,11. K. KISUON , General Insnrance Agent , pntrrsix Assoruu.v > . . . . J i n- don , Cash Assets . IS.inT.I2T WESTCHKdTBB. N. T. , Capital . l.OSO.ii.J THE MKRCIIAJ * fS. of Newark. N. J. , l.OOC.W OIRARD FmEPhHadeIphaCapital. ! . l.OO .001 NOKTHWE3TEBK NATIOJfALCap- . FIREJIEIT3 FUND , California . 866. 0' BiirnSH AMZRICA ASSURANCKCo 1S.OCJ ! SEVA IK FIRE INS. CO , Assets. . . . 8o ,000 AMERICAF CENTRAL , Assets . g' , U S art Cor. ol Fifteenth ft Douglas oo York and now offered at prices York last month for $1.25 a yard. cost of Importation , which we ur * - heretofore ; unknown in Omaha ; ; 1 We have also a large lot of respectfully invite our customers -i/55 „ * " medium and low priced Goods and the public to examine. " < j u'ji in Plain , Fancy and Brocades , ! MJP' : /Imported Dress Goods , sold at prices vafying from 8 1-2 , 19 , 12 1-2 , G-OCXDSZ IMPORTERS &RETAILERS the opening of the Season for 50 (5 ( and 20 cents ; former prices , Now opening daily , showing an : cents and 65 cents , how 25 cents. 15 , 20 , 25 to 40 cents. immense stock in all our fifteen Handsome Silk and Wooj Brocades An examination of this mam departments , making our store SPECIAL ANHOUNGEMENT. cades , sold at $ l.50'will be offered moth purchase solicited. This is stock and prices as usual "The at the extremely low price of 75c , HP Popular and Progressive' Dry Immense' sale of Dress Goods We have one lot of 50. pieces BANKRUPT STOCK Goods House of Omaha. " just opened , having been purchas ofr'Silk and Wool Brocades , which 0r old moth-eaten Goods , but an ed by one of the firm for Gash at we have marked 371-2 cents ; the ; extraordinary bargain of good A. GRUIGKSHANK & CO. , one of the forced sales in New same Goods were sold in New Goods offered at less than the Importers and Retailers , Business * Come and be Convinced ,