t THE DAILY _ BEE B BO3EWATEB- EDITOR COSORESS opens and David DavU hare his last opportunity to mot KB EenBlorUl ballast. T organisation of Farmers1 Al Hancce throughout the etate ls a cheerina ign that the people are dej tormined. lo take part in th < movei mcnt ior their own prottction. Rosa'casily defeated Trlokett in the ialtrnaMonal acnlUng match on the TiurucPlait Saturday. It takes American oftrtmen to how foreigners. 8 Trickett . don't consider hii time spent in visiting General Oar- field lost. If that geological survey Dchom * don't pan out M expected the professor still hu hopes that thoee 5Iontorslettprs won't miscarry. CIEBK ADAMS of the house of rep resentatives promptly announces that he will be prided by law in making up the roll of the house. This is startling if true , and as undemocratic as it is iiUrtling. THE international fleet , organized for the coercion of the Sublime Porte aud the cession of Dolclgno , has di - persed. It Is understood that should concert of the powen bo necessary it ir 111 reassemble. NOTJVITHSTAKDIKO the cold weather the entries for the senatorial race are taking their daily 'exercise with the irisatest ; regularity , and promise to make an orcillng contest next Jan ry. Thosa who bet on Pad. against the field will dowell to ask for heavy odds. JOE HART , of TitrfA , has beenjbi- dieted for ftrimical libel , and has made such a terrible boUsh of the basinecs as &n advertising scheme that the .stockholders of that sheet are crying , "Take back the Hart thai Ihwu gavest , " with deep earnestness. THE BEE sympathizes with the Scrald In its troubles with the proof reader. The Herald" * proof-reader furnishes the brains for the Douglas olreot contemporary , and we under stand , has been offered a position oft that sheet as collaborates with the Fremont prodigy. ABE HEWITT studies in handwriting have been prosecuted with much earnestness since his failure in the Morey business. Abe would make & good engrossing clerk in the next congress if ho wasn't debarred by re a son cf holding down a seat in the house. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A SNTDEB scheme than the one practiced on republicans by the un lawful counting out of Ballantine , has never been practiced even in Nebraska politics , if we except the attempt to oust Measra. Doane , Howe , Paxton oni MoShane from the seats to which they were elecUd In Douglas county. "M. FERPIXAKD H LSEBBPP'S Panama canal scheme seems likely o accomplishment. Enormous sums of money are B ld to have been spent in advertising the scheme , and shares old on Saturday in Paris went off at a premium of twenty francs. A large number of shares will be disposed of In this country through a syndicate of American bankers. TUE fact thai no members of the Euperor William's family will be present at the forthcoming fete at St. PatorsburR is said to have created an unprecedented sensation. This Is all right , but -when our regrets are brought to the Czar we fear that In ternational complications may ensuev and Secretary Evarts' jaw breaking dispitches be called Into requisition It is so easy to offend royalty. AN IMPERATIVE NEED. The state of Nebraska has now two medical schools , one in Omaha and one at Seward. Whether or not the opening of each schools was a mistake , once brought into legal existence they should be enabled to prosecute their work in a legal manner. At present both are -merely preparatory to the higher medical education and are en deavoring to lay substantial fonnda tions on which their students may build up their future medical success The study of practical anatomy is the buis of all medical and surgical proGcioacy. It can only be success fully practiced by means of ditsection , Subjects for disioction matt bo pro cured by thoio institutions for the use of their students , and if not provided by law , universal experience teaches they will ba obtained by the desccra tion of our cemeteries. The revelations of last Saturday's eearch In the dissection room of the Omaha Medical College were doubtless startling to our citizens , but were nothing more than might have been expected , because the state make * no provision whatever for the medical instruction of ito citizen * . THE BBS joins with hundreds of Omoha's citizens in demanding that this subject receive prompt attention from the next legislature. A law should bo passed providing that under the proper restrictions , the bodies of unclaimed paupers and criminals be furnished to our medical schools for purposes of scientiGo study. This would furnish an adequate solution of the difficulty and would protect the graves of our oitizms from ruth less desecration. Heavy penalties should also be imposed upon grave' robbers find should be rigidly enforced. The present condition of affairs is disgraceful. A medical necessity can only be satisfied by commuting a crime. The proper leg islation would remedy the matter without injury to the feelings of any one concerned. Let the next Ne braska legislature by all means ; pan a law legalizing diswotion nnder rigid restriction aad private material for iU THE OPENING OF CONGRESS. The closing session of the present congress , which has just begun , promises to be one of no unusual in terest. The principal duties devolv ing upon it will be the passage of the appropriation bills for the support of the various departments of the gov eminent. From present indications , there j will be no necessity for an extra session. i The democratic party feel that i they have nothing to gain by an obstructionist policy , which was so decidedly condemned by the country at the late election. The apportion ment bill will in all likelihood be loft for the next congress to pass , and the indications are that there will bo more work and least wind in the -present setsion than has been the case since the democratic party obtained possession - sion of the national legislature. The railroad lobby is of course on hand with unlimited brass and a cor responding amount of means. Gould's endeavor to open tip the Indian Ter ritory for the benefit of his stock jobbing schemes Is hardly likely to pass. It seems prcbable that the efforts of the railroad managers will be less devoted to obtaining legisla tion favorable to the railroads than to preventing the passage of UWH detri mental to their interests. Congress will be called upon to make provision for the refunding of the 6 per cents , of 1881 , and will doubtless accept Secretary Sherman's recommendat to that end. Any legislation on the silver question will probably fall of attenUon. The present excellent condition of the national finances should effectually shield them from congressional tlnkt ering , notwithstanding the wish es of eastern monometallism. The question of lutornal improve ments , as brought up in the river and harbor bill , should attract the atten tion It deserves , and in effort will be made to cut off minor appropriations and to confine the expenditures to the large rivers and ports moat intimately concerned in the carrying and export trade of the country. As the present congressional session will be the death bed of the democratic party in the house of representatives , it Is to bo hoped that the members will exhibit a death-bed contrition for their past sins and die as decently and quietly as possible. THE London Times fifteen years ago announced decisively that the finances of the United States were hopelessly Involved and nothing but repudiation neeii bo expected from the government. Saturday , the same journal , referring to the proposed re funding of our national loan , remark ed , "Happy is the nation that has such an opportunity and ! s strong enough to acoomplifth It. " With a 3 per cent , loan the United States wil borrow at the lowest rate of interest of any nation on the globe. Such is the happy result of twenty years of re publican financiering. THE bids for Douglas county court house bonds must be highly satisfac tory both to the county commission era and our people at large. The rate of interest , when the premium of 3 per cent , is taken into consideration , Is the lowott at which bonds have ever been placed in our state. The rivalry among capitalists for their pos session proves how high our county credit stands among investors , and evidences their faith In our future prosperity. THB HtraU is terribly agitated over the question of cut stone in the new court house. If the fftrald had its way it would probably erect & building something after the style of its own office , with brick veneered front , joist sides and a tin roof. Douglas county , however , is building for all time , and will insist upon a tructure safe , sound and aubstantia in every particular. STATE PBESS COMMENT , BEK1TE COMMITTEES. Seward Reporter. It is the duly of the members o. the state senate who own themselves to select their own committees , and not allow the Union Pacific lieutenant governor pack the committees the way he did two years ago. GIN 11KCASTER COUJflT AFFORD Jl Lincoln Globe. In every legielsture since the caj.i tel of Nebraska has been located I'L this city It han been expected that the members of that body from th ; county should devote their entire en ergiea to secure appropriations to build additions too and maintain state buildings which are local ed here. Our members are sup posed to be for sale on eve > y other proposition to accomplish thia. If a United States tcnator is to be elected they are supposed to go" with every breeze and satisfy every aspirant In order to secure his in- flnence forthe necessary appropriation. They are supposed to straddle around everything and do nothing and be nothing. They are to vote every way on all temperance bills. Tetotalere and temperance fanatics are to be sat isfied and whisky men must be certain that their interests are watched , over by the delegation from Lancaster. In other words they are to be perfect weather cocks. Now the question is , do the people of this county desire such representation ? Wa do not be lieve they do. Any appropriation bill which cannot be passed without re sorting to tricks and trades of thia kind deserves to be defeated , and 1 hem , ° believe that this constituency will be best represented by men who will decide everything according foils merit , regardless of what may follow. THB GRIP OF MONOPOLIES. Caste Standard. The time is not far off ( wo place it at two years from the list election ) when the people will ask themselves this question : "Do we control this country , or do the railroads run it in their interests ? " For the past four years the grip of two powerful railroad - road corporations has been upon the throat of every citizen of the state , and no person has been elected to any Important position unless he first con- sited with and pledged himself offi cially to support everything and anything that they might de mand. This is & very sweeping a sMicnaatlcn but is nevertheless true , * gd . ' ! something no Nebraskan * ' " 11 f 1 J - ' We predict the nsxt important election ocouri a formidable party Trill present itself , anti-monopoly in every particular , There may be some effort made for relief at the , next meeting of th e leg&- latncB.bat it iriH be all in vaini * ' The majority of hemembers elect expect too much of-nilroads to do anything contrary tbXtneir wishes , therefore this body isay be looked upon as especially calculated to do their bid ding. A rout. rue. Hutlngf Qanite-Jourral. The Omaha Republican , the feul rag on which Jay Gould wipes his nose , makes nojtiempt-to conceal.the fact that it Is the servile slave and hireling for this monopolist and enemy of the people. Such a sheet , fostered and kept np by railroads aud political prostitutes , is & foul blotch on Nebras ka journalism and a burning shame and disgrace to'the party which it- polutcs by iti advocacy. AiacnJS AKD CARK3. The Lincoln Qloba aays : If Dover- nor Nance is really a candidate for the U. S. senate , the most foolish thing he ever did WAB to allow Cams to get tha office of lieutenant-gover nor. He will find that a hard load to carry and don't you forgot it. No one questions bnt what Nance would make a good senator , bnt there are thousands who think that Cams would not make a good governor. The sentiments of Tht Enterprise on the nueitlon. [ PawneeEnterpriso. We also subscribe to this without reservation. [ Feoumsah Ohiel. PADDOLix'S CIUUCXK3. Histintjs XebnsVxn. fc Paddock had counted on Nance arJd Dawcs. But already he finds they are not Paddock chickens. Paddock said everybody was for him. Before he gets through , ha will find a good many t'for" him with a vengeance. Clay County Globe. Paddock's paper , The Express , of the State of * Beatrice , is so confident of that gentleman's election , that it says "balloting by the next legisla ture will be but a mere matter of form. " Wd would suggest that TSS' Express belongs to a sanguine breed. BItiLS I INTRODUCED. Thsjer County Sentinel , f 'Ain't ittimo Paddock should order a reprint of that volume entitled , "The Bills I Introduced , " supple mented by , "What I Know About Reading My Patent Address to Agri cultural Societies , " and advance sheets of "Recollections of a Mis-spent Po litical Life. " 1 JPUREK GOOD HEAEOS5. SnUon Register. The QmA&J\tpublican , the Omaha branch of the Chicago Inttr-Oteati and J. Sterling Morten , of. Nebraska city , ire trying to work Uo a boom for the appointment of PW. . Hitchcock as secretary of the interior by the next president. Toourbuoolio nictt there are'several reasons why ws _ dot . * -t I it * i Jt it t ( * * - party state. Secondly , other _ gentle men of prominence more nearly fill the bill who 'have ttio cbnfiSehco of Nebraska republicans. Thirdly , Ke- braska , with her three electtbal Voles , has abodt afi m'ich oiaftn on a cajinet ofUce as Dundy county would to one of our principal state offices that la , a very thin one. And lastly" , our power and presMga friend , who pre side * over Tne Republicanmult' } re member that Nebraska was only to bo recognized in case Grant became president. - STATE JOTTINGS. Steele City has organized an or * cheatrai . ' J Alma fs to have n flturing mill early in the sprh.i ; . Buffalo conntr has a population of 7.600. Stewart's medical school hss twenty pupil * in attendance. West Brand , Pawnee county , hni a tinging class of 50 scholars. Wolves are reported numerous in Hamilton county , Pawnee City is dreaming cf a rcund house and machine shops. A Catholic church it being erect ed at Glencoe. A new bank is to bo ctarted at Pawnee City. The Masonic fraternity at Nio- brara are organizing a lodge. Antelope are reported as quite numerous in Cedar county. Central City is to have a dramatic and reading clnb > A Catholic church is to be erect ed next spring in Tecumseh. Falls City will soon have two breweries in active operation. Lincoln complains of a coal oil famine. famine.A A Furnas county wool grower has imported eleven thoroughbred bucks into the county. -The soldiers' Thanksgiving and reunion at Aurora netted the boys in blue 550 , A lodge of the Equitable aid union has been established in Hum- boldt. boldt.A A resident of Ponca has obtained SI300 back pension And an annuity of $96. Ice in the Nemaha at Tecumeeh is ten inches thick ; and a heavy crop is being harvested. ' _ . . " Republican "Valley once more rejoices in regular mail com munication. A business boom IB in progress al Steele City and a number , of new- stores aio being put up. Gage county Good Templars held their quarterly meeting at Sicily on the 23rd inst. , From the products of a quarter section of land in Otoo county J. S. Morton raised $2400 worth of hogs , Six thousand people from the east came into _ Nebraska in the laie railroad excursions. The railroad surveyors have loca ted the grade from.TaWe. . . Rock , to _ Pawceo City. Three hundred and seventy-three pupils are enrolled in the-schools of Seward. The health of ex-Governor wGar- ber is "entirely restored and he'will return home January 1. , . It is said that twenty of the east ern excursionists purchased " 560,000 worth of Lincoln city property. The cost of Leidtke'a defalca tion to his1 York county bondsmen will be about $60 a head. Welder' Yoster , of Lincoln , com mitted suicide last week by taking opium. Lumber dealers in Ashland sold 300 car loads of lumber during the season. ) Ten car loads of hogs were shipped by one firm from Tecumieh last week. A Carleton nimrod killed a mam I moth elk last week , which he disposed of for over § 26. Filltnore county farmers meet in Geneva on the 10th inst to organize "Farmers Alliance. " The West Point postoffice has been made a presidential office with a salary of ? l,100per annum. [ Ho bring tha water ftom the city has been commenced at Kear- ney. , The ditcE'Tflll.ba finished during - ing ; the year. J A farmer of Beavot City has * planted.six acres o ! walnuliTand four acres of acorns during the past few days. five hundred teams and one thousand men are needed for work on the Republicair'VaUey road between Nemaha City and Teoumaoh. Lincoln's county commissioners' have decided to accept the proposition of o citizen to erect a building for county officers at a rent of $1,600 a year. ' The Sutton Register has consoli- dated-wlth The Clay-County Globe , and The Osoeola Home News with The Record. The ice In the Blue , in Thayer county , IB so transparent that great shoals ot catfish cm be seen swarming below the surface. John W. Bell , of Falls City , and- denly dropped dead in his father's stable last weak Cauie , heart dis ease. The Physicians of Thayer county are about to orgauca the Thayer County Physicians Association for mutual aid and re-search. The whole state is suffering from a coal famine , which the railroads are vainly trying to relieve owinjto a lack of cars. cars.The The demand for mechanics at St. Paul is so great that it is almost an Impossibility for one-half of those de siring to build to secure bUlldeta. Applause at thn acquittal of Hen ry Valck , at Plum Creek , was prompt ly 1 checked by Judge Gaslin and the offenders fined for contempt of court. Post Sedgwick , No. 1 , G. A. R. , gave a successful dramatic representa tion at Kearney last week , thji play having been written by a comrade of the post. A new town named Oarfield has boon located on the Beaver about ono mile and a half from Wihonville , Furnas county. A blacksmith shop is already upon the ground , and a new store is soon to be onened. Charles Bader , of Platte county , , while returning home from Columbus last week was thrown from his wagon , and being unable to help himself , was frozen j to death during the night. Mr. Walte , of Blair , while load ing logs on the river , was struck by a log and rolled against a s'.ump , pain fully cutting his head and bruising his limbs , . A movement is in progre85 in Enox county to organise a new coun ty out of the southern two tiers of townships of Knoz and the ( northern two tiers of townships of Antelope. Freddie Kimball , of Dodge conn ty , while out hunting last week with a companion named Joseph Cusick , Was accidentally shot by the latter Gve bliokshot lodging In his leg. His con dition at last accoiints was said to be britlcal. britlcal.On On last Monday the workmen engaged on Kilpatrick'a contract about fifteen miles west of' Blue Springs , and on tha farm of Air. Qirrard ; unearthed a humap skeleton. Tha Bcull Indicates that it TVih that o ! & woman , not lets ; than forty-five years of ge probaLly of Indian de scent. Among other things discover ed was a silver bracelet , a pair'of cop- rjer aleovo-buttoiia one distinctly marked with the word "rifle ! " Rnd numerous beads. Several curiosities , such as a mastodan's tooth and oilier bones , an old revolver , -with numerous triukets , have been brought to lighten on Shannon's work. The remarkable part.ii that nearly all these relics are found at a considerable depth. Bea trice Express. . _ THE SWEAF-BOX , By Means.of Which Senatorial Candidates are Keduced to Pighting Weight , Judge Mason Lingers on the Threshold , Calmy View ing the Sufferers. Platte County's Representa tives Leaning Toward Paddock. The Temperance Question and the Goal Famine. Cormpondent * o ) the1 Bee. COMMBUS , Neb. , December . I have just been talking with members * elect M. K. Turner and George W. Brown , and am authorized to state that a correspondent writing from Lincoln is mistaken as to their sena torial leanings. Neither gentleman is pledged to Paddock or has aelecttd Nance for second choice. In the in terview an occasional sympathetic reference to Paddock's cause very surely indicates that they do not in tend to oppose him ; and.an aversion to the position of Nance in the fight clearly points towards some other man when the hope for success with Pad dock fades ' away. I ha'vo talked with discerning pol iticians in Seward , York , Hamilton , Merrick and Platte counties , and am satisGed that the selection of Judge 0. P. Mason , 6 ! Lincoln , would meet with more universal approbation than that of any prominent candidate now sweating for the senatorial toga. Though not formally announced as a candidate , ] he js in the hearts of the masses ; Ii recognized by the people as one who will well represent the state and win laurels la the councils of the nation by his mentallorce. Judge Cobb , of Lincoln , Is also very highly spoken of in connection with the senatorshlp , aud should he bea candidate his popularity will bring Wm support ; from unforaeen quarter * . Judge .Kaley , of Red Cloud , is con sidered Eowe'a moit formidable opponent for spaakerabip.The an tipathy to Howe is much greater than I' had supposed. Some of Paddock's warmest friends have said that much as they desire his re-election , they can not follow a Hitchcock-Howo camp to ascure it. 3 , C. Roberts , of David City , is mentioned in Butler county , but this is evidently a moveof the Nanco men to escape the odium attaching to Howe's candidacy. M. K. Turner and Geo. W. Brown , are conservative men and will careful ly respect the wishes of the people they represent. They are temperate men but the temperance agitators need not count on their support. Mr. Brown is an agriculturalist and wool- grower and may be expected to look after the interest of his fellow craft. Mr. Turner is editor of The Colum bus Journal , and is also an attorney. am given to understand that the } will be conservative on the liquor question. Col. Woodford has spent ten days here agitating the subject of prohibi tion , and was well treated. The men who are opposed to prohibition , how ever'held a "business men's meeting" to-night for the purpose of raising fends and devising means for frru- g tha proposed amendment. > rohrbitloo people may rett M- ourcd that if money and talent will lie potent their work will be counteracted. Columbus is prosperous and happy , bar merchants are having a good trade , and her workmen ara all busy. The river Is covered with the thickest coat of ice in many years , and. Ice men are preparing to commence stor ing it on Monday next. Columbus has an excellent supply of ice > n3 it U handy to railroad depots. The coal famine extended over the whole state , including Columbus , but we have not learned of any great suf fering in Columbus. A considerable lupply of wood Is found along the river and on the lalandsj and when coal runs short the people use less coal and more wood. The wood along the Platte is of the cottonwood vari ety , bnt plenty f hard wood is found on Shell creek ) a few miles north from town. town.Nehon Nehon Millet , * n old and respected citizen of Columbus , died at his resl- ( dence October 30th , 1880. Mr. Millet - let was born in Vermont In 1822 , and oamo to Nebraska in 1872 from R&ine J , Wisconsin , where he had been twenty-five years practicing law in partnersWp with Maj. Ira 0. Paine. Byron Millet , his only son , has been associated with him in practice since oomlnglo Nebraska , and will continue to transact the large business built up in the name of N. Millet & Son. Mr. Millet's loss is felt not only by the bar , for ho was a genial neighbor and an eutorprising townsman. - JAT. Ailentown Ttepiibllcm. TUB EXFEBIENCE OS AN EDITOR'S WIFE. I consider it proper to put in n good word for St. Jacobs Oil , which I do from my own experience My wife had rheumatism for yeara , and suffered very greatly ; she used very many remedies withont relief. A few months ago I bouqht a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil andthe success which attended its' use leads me to recommend this article to all similarly affected. The first opplica tion acted like magic , and the occa aional use of St. Jacobs Oil has pre vented the return of thia great trou ble with ila almost intolerable pain I comider St. Jacobs Oil a great bene faction , and advise all who suffer with rheumatism or other painful diseases to try this remedy , and they will see for themselves that Ihave not said too much in its praise. E. E. RINN , Ed. ireootCost. DE. KINO'S NEW DISCOVERY fo Consumption , Coughs and Colds Asthma , Bronchitis , e.tc. , ia given away in trial bottlea freb of cost t ( the afflicted. If you have a bac cough , cold , difficulty of breath n ? hoarseness 'or auy adSStion of the throat or lungs by all means give tm wonderful remedy a trial , As you value your existence you cannot afford to let this opportunity passiVe \Vo could not afford , and wduld net giro thU fomfedy away , rinless we kuew it would accomplish what we claim for it. Thousands of hopeless cases have already- been completely cured by it. There is no medicine in the world that will cure one-half the cases that Dr. . KINO'H NEW DISCOVERY fflll euro. For ealeby. . , . JAMES K. ISH , Omaha. RHEUMATISM , tieurafgict , Sciatica , Lumbago , Baokacha , Softness of iho Chest , Gout , Outns/j Sort ThfoatSwell lngsahtf. Sp rains * ByteS v Scalds , General Badly Pains , Tooih , Ear and Headache , Frosted Feet and Ears , and all other ' fains and Aches. oa taiftflh bjb&li.BT. JACOBS On. a tartinple and cheap Eltehul Remedy. , > tri ! taUils but the eomptnttvely trifling oa3T of 60 Cent * , and ertry one tuffer- Jng with r A ran h Te cheap and posltirs proof ef iteclalma , Direction ! in Eleven Laagnsgec. BOLD BY ALLDBITGGI8TB AHDDEAI.EEB . IN MEDICINE. 'fr A.VOGZLER&CO. , Baltimore , JSd. , IT. S.M MAKE -MISTAKE ! MICA GREASE Compoeedlarcelyol powdered mica and langl&8l ! is tb b st and cheapest lubricator In the world. It ia the best because ! t does notRtim , bnt forms a highly polished surface over the ule , doing way with a large amount of friction. It Is the cheapest because vou need use but half the quantity In greulng your wagon that you wool J of any other axle grease made , and then run your waron twice as long. It answers equally as well for 11111 Gearing , Threshing ( Machines , Buggies , &c i as for wagons Send for Pocket Cjdopcdiaof Things TVortn Knowing. Mailed frro to inv adorers 'MICA MANUFACTURING CO. , 31 MICHIGAN AVBNOE , CHICAGO. l-Ask Your Dealer For It ortSOU To Nervous Sufferers The Great European Kemedy Dr. J. B , Simpson's Specific Medicine , It Is positive cure forS pcnnatorrbea , Seminal Woakn-sg , Impotency , and ail diseases resulting from Self-Abuse , as Mental Anxiety , Io ° s ot Memory " , Pains In the B ct or Side , and diseases [ that lead to Consumption Insanity and an early grave The Specific Medicine is bdnjj use wita wonder ful success. Pamphlets sent free to all. Write for them and get full particulars. Price , Specific , tt.OOperpackaCT.orsix pack ages for 5.00. Address all orders to * J.B SIMPSON MEDICRTE CO. . I OS. „ Hand 108 Main St. , Buffalo , S. T. Sold In miha br C. F. aoc-lman , J. W. Bell J. K. I jh ind all drnzgHts everywhere. everywhere.ep28dtwly . _ - " " ' * , i T irFarT T i iJ VINEGAR WORKS ) ERNST KEEBS , Manager. U&catictarer of all kinds of Jatt St. Set. 9th ( tidlOtk , SHEELY BROS. PACKING CO. , PORK AND BEEF PACKERS Wholesale and Retail in FKESH MEATS& PROVISIONS , GAME , POULTRY , FISH , ETC. CITY AND COUNTY ORDERS SOLICITED. OFFICE CITY MARKET 1415. Douglas St. Packing House , Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , U. P. B. B. ISH & MoMAHON , Successors to Jas. K. lab , DRUGGISTS AND PERFUMERS. Dealers in Fine Imported Extracts , Toilet Waters , Colognes , Soaps , Toilet Powderg&o. * A full line of Surgical Instruments , Pocket Cases , Trasses and Birpwrtws. Absolutely Par * Drugs and Chemical * used In Wspenilnj * . Prescription ! filled at any boor of the night. Jos. H. Jsli. Lawrence ivr ST3EC333Eia ? . * MORE POPULAR THAN EVER. The Genuine SINGER NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. The popular demand for the GENUINE SINGER in 1 879 exceedsd that of any previous year during the Quarter of a Century ! n which this "Old Reliable" Machine has been before the public. In 1878 we sold 366,422 Machines. In 1879 we sold 431,167 Machines. Excess over any previous year 74,735 Machines. Our sales last year were at the rate of over 1400 Sewing Machines a Day I For every business d y In the year , The "Old Sellable" That Every REAL &Wfi- Singer is the Strongest , Singer Sewing Ma- ? /3\S ' / \ 'Oflft , . chine has this Trade US < MM jpl\\tl19 \ \ Simplest , the Most Mark cast into ther"Vl Durable Sewing Mac - iron Stand and em- f c 6 ever Con- bedded in the Arm of , , - , . . straoted. the Machine. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING GO. Princial Office : 34 Union Square , New York. 1,500 Subordinate Offices , in the United States and Canada , and 3,000 Offices in the 01 "World and South America. Bepl6-d&wtf BANKING HOUSES. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED. BANKING HOUSE CALDWELLHAMILTONICO Barineea transacted same M that o ftn Incor porated Bank. Accounts kept In Currency or gold subject to light check without notice. Certificate * of deposit Issued payable In three , ilz and twelve months , bearing Interest , or on demand without Interest. AdvanctS mafia to customers on approved so- cnritlei at market rates of latttert . Bay and sell gold , bills of eichange OcTcrn- rnetit , State , County anil City Bonds. Draw Sight Drafts on England , , Ireland , Scot , land , and all parts of Europe. Sell European Passage Tickets. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. angldt U , S. DEPOSITOR ? . FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP OMASA. . COT. 13th and OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IN OMAHA. ( SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROS. , ) IgTASUSHJD M 18C8. Org&nlieH aa a National Bank , August 20,186S. * CapitalandPro tB Over$300,000 , Specially anthorlied by the Secretary or Treasury to receive Subscription to the U.S.4 PER CENT. FUNDED LOAN. OFFICERS AND DIKKCTORS Hmux Kemrrzi , President. Auaunui Kocirrzi. Vice President. H. W. Tins. Caihler. A. J. fonumy , Attorney. JOHH A. Cll'IOHTOa. F. H. Dana , Ass't Caahler. Thll bank receive * deposit tdthont regard to amounts. Isruea time certificates bearing Interest. Draws drafts on Ban- Francisco and principal cities of the United States , algj London , Dublin , Edinburgh and tb principal dtles of the conti nent of Europe. Bella passage tickets for Emigrants In the In man .lie. maylrttf RIAL ESTATE BROKE Geo. P. Bern . . is1 REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 16th A Douglcu Sit. , Omaha , Neb. This agency doca BiBiCTtT a brokerage bral- nee * . Docs notspecnlato , and therefore any bar. gains on Its books an Insured to Its patrons , in stead of being gobbltd up by the aeon t BOGGS & RILL. REAL ESTATE BROKERS No IjOSfarnJiam Strut OMAHA - NEBRASKA. Office Forth Side opp. Grand CentrxlHotsl. Nebraska Land Agency , DAVIS & SNYDER , 1605 Farnham St. Omaha , Nebr. 400,000 ACRES carefully selected land In Eastern Nebraska for sale. . , Great Bargains in improved farmi , and Omaha dtyproparty. 0. F. DAVI3. WBB8TKB BNTDER , Late land Comr U. P. B. B. p-f eb7tf KTBOH MK > . LXWIS UXB. Byron Reed & Co. , OLDEST REAL ESTATE AGENCY IN NEBRASKA. Seep a complete abstract of title to all Real Estate In Omaha and Douclas Conntr. mavlt f CT. O. MERCHANT TAILOR Capitol Are , , Opp. Masonic Hall , OMAHA. - - - - - NEB. T. S. HITCHCOCK , M. D. S. , from New York has located In Omaha , and guarantees to dodnt-cUaiwork. > entl Booms , over A , Cralckihank & Co.'i , Cor. 15th and Douglas. sep8-2m BUSINESS COLLEGE. THE GREAT WESTERN 6 Gco.B. Rathlmn , Principal. Creighton Block , - OMAHA1 Send for Circular. uov2Miwtf UNO. G. JACOBS , ( Tofmerly of GIth & Jacobs ) UNDERTAKER Ha HIT Faraham St. , Old Stand of Jacob Oil QRDXBS BT fSLSdR PU SOLICIT * p3MT HOTELS. THB ORIGINAL. BRIGGS HOUSE ! Cor. Randolph St. & 5th Ave. , CHICAGO ILL. PRICES REDUCED TO $2.00 AND $2.50 PER DAY Located in the business centie. convenient to places of amtnteracnt. Elegantly furnished , coniil lne all modern iraororementB , passenger elevator , ie. fH. . CUMlllKOft Proprietor. oclBtf _ OCDEN HOUSE , Cor. Council Bluffs , On line o Street Railway , Omnlbm 'o nd bom all trams. RATES Parlor floor , J3.00 per day ; second floor. 32.60 per day ; third floor , 92.00. The best lornlshed and most commodious honia In the aty. dEO. T. PHELP3 Prop FRONTIER HOTEL , Laramie , Wyoming. The miner's ' feVrtg > od ecomnjod tlonf , arxe sample room , chxf EW rtwomibl * . SpedaJ attention gUen to traveling men. ll.tf n. 0 HILLURD Proprlafat , „ INTER-OCEAN HOTEL , Cheyenne , Wyoming. Flrst-cl w. Fine arge Sample Koomt , on * block from depot. Traini itop from 20 minutes to 2 houra for dinner. Free Bus to and from Depot. Kates and 13.00 , according to roomVngIe mcil 75 cents. A. O. BALCOM , Proprietor. W BORDEN , Cnlef Cleric. mlO-t UPTON HOUSE , Schuyler , Neb. Flist-doM House , Good Vealg , Good Beds Airy Rooms , and kind and accommodating treatment. Two good sample rooms. . Bpecui attention paid to commercial tra filers. S , MILLER , Prop , , (1641 Schnyler , Neb. Machine Works , J. Hammond , Prop , fc Manager. The most thorough appoints 1 and complete Machine Shops and Foundry In the state. Castings of every description manutacted. Engines , Pumps and every class of machinery made to order. order.pedal attention given to If ell Augurs , Pulleys , Hangers , Cutting , etc Flanstornew MachlneryMeachanleal Draught- ng , Models , etc. , neatly executed. 56 Harnev St. . Bet. 14th end'.ISth. EAST INDIA BITTERS ! ILER & CO. SOLE MANUFACTURERS , _ _ Olif AHA , PASSENGER _ AC OMMODATIOH LINE OMAHA.AND FORTOMAHA Connects With Street Cars Comer of SAUNDERS and HAMILTOH STREETS. ( End ol Red Line s follows : LEAVE OMAHA : 6:20 : : , * 8:17 and 11:19 ft. m , 3:03 , 6:37and -"i"a- LEAVE FORT OMAHA"i"a 70S a. m. . 9:15 a. m. , and 12:45 P. m. ' 4:00. : 6:15 : and 8a5 p. m. The 8:17 a. m nmIeaTfcu onuha , tndtht 4:00 p. m. run , leaving Fort Omaha , axe CfnaJJy Ioded to ( all capacity with regular passengers. The 6:17 a. m. nm wfll be made from the posV office , comer of Dodgs and lith snrehts. Tickets can be procured from street cardriy- en , or from drivers of hacks. FAKE. 25 CENTS. 1NOLTJDIHQ 8TBE CAS _ ffl-tf IB. IE1. OOOIK UNDERTAKER , Odd F UowaBlock. . Prompt attention tfrea to orfcn by tf ! nph. We call the attention of Buyers to Onr Exteiisive Stock of CLOTHING , AND CENTS' FURNISHING COODS. * WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . We carrj * the Largest and BEST SELECTED STOCK OF fiOODS I < DMA Whioh We are Celling al CUARAMTEED PRICES ! ( OUR MERCHANT TAILORING i Is in charge of Mr. THOMAS TALLOST , wta ? reputation has been fairly earned , " We also Keep an Immense Stock of HATS , GAPS , TRUNKS AND VALISES ? REMEMBER WE ARE THE ONE PRICE STORE ? M. HELLMAN & CO. , mjleodiw 1SOf & 1803 Farnlia ? Street. PIANOS ! ORGAN'S. ' . S. W ACENFR ; CHICKERING PIANO , And Sole Agent for Hallet Davis & Co , , James & Holmstrom , and J. & G. Fischer's Pianos , also Sole Agent for the Estey , Burdett , and the Fort Wayne Organ Go's , Organs , I d al in Piaacte and Organs exclusively. Have had years' experience in the Business , and handle only the Best * j. s/wRia 218 16th Street , City Hall HALSBY V. TTTOH DOUBLE AND SINGLE AC POWER AND HAND Steam Pomps , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , ELTINC HOSE , BRASS AND IRON FITTINGS , Pfft , STEAM PACKING AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A. L. STBAJTG , 206 Farnham St.rsflt OmnliB. Neb HENRY HORNBERGER , V. BLATZ'S MILWAUKEE BEER I In Kegs and Bottles. Special Figures to the Trade. Families Supplied at Beaaonabla Prices. Office. SJ39 Douel u > Sri-oof. Omahn GARPETINGS Carpetings I Garpetings ! J. B. DETWILER , Old Reliable Carpet House , 1405 DOTOLAS STKEET , BET. 14TH AND 15TH IIET 1868- ) Carpets , Oil-Cloths , Matting , Window-Shades , Lace Curtains , Etc , MY STOCK IS THE LARGEST IN THE WEST , I Make a Specialty of WINDOW-SHADES AND LACE CURTAINS And have a Fall Line of Mats , Rugs , Stair Rods , Carpet- Lining Stair Pads , Crumb Clothes , Cornices , Cornice Poles , Lambrequins , Cords and Tassels In fact Everything kept in a First-Olass Carpet Honse. Orders from abroad solicited. Satisfaction uarante 4 Call , or Address John B. Detwiler , Old Sellable Carpet House , OMAHA,1