Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    * - ts J ' > ' s
- gx f
i " n , .
The Coming Session of
Congress Promises to
be Spiritless.
An Ohio Lover Proves Kecreant
to His w'oly Vow ,
And Disappoints His Be
trothed Before the Hy
meneal Altar ,
Washington Swarming With
Congressmen , Lobbyists
- . '
and OfUce--Beskera.
The Exiled German Socialists
Receive an Enthusiastic
Welcome in New
York. ; .
Hallroad Accident.
Gpeclnl dtsp-vtch to l'h lice.
MILWAUKEC , Docamber 5 10 p. m.
A r. p'trr reached this city l et tught
of 'errible actident on the ChictV'f
& Northwestern line between Janes-
villa ud Madie n A collision oc
curred * botvri-en a pa&souger and
freight trln , nnd eight persons are
reported killed outright , and several
more wonudBd. Full particular * are
no obtainabli * A den CR has pre
vailed , and it is believed the accident
ia the result of the universal d rVac s.
ABsemDllnir of the Law-Mafeers ,
8p ci l Lm > icb to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , Decvmber5 lOp. m.
S mray t train * brought tc the
city scurei of o mgre smen. Two-
thirds of th * > raemlx-rs of buth houses
re in , und h totels begin to preaen'
a lively appearance. There is no
doubt bat each bouse will have a
qujrum n ti nd uct ) Monday. The
nrt day's ceaxion will be without es
pecial intere&t , tut It * novelty alway *
drawt to the eapitol raore than en 'U h
people to crowd the ijallerioi. After
thai th Te it pOncrally room for all ,
thwra b ini ; nn bur.inritt before either
house , except to call the roll and
swear in ne-r members-elect to fill vt-
r&iiciM. Aiaoni ; these wili be G rt
O trfield'i encceisor. The reading of
the proeident'a meagnge will occupy
about an hour , and thii Is all that
will probably be done Monday. R p-
rosentativt-i of ep'Cial interests are
already at hand mih A strong lobby
It is probable an effort will be made tn
pass what is known as the Carlisle
sugar bill. It is 'reported that Jay
Gould and the railroad interest will
make ft powerful movement to get the
Indian territory opened up on the
"basis of some bill which will return
to the Indian * their severally to lands
now held by them. A general inter
change of opinion among the members
now present indicates that the seaiiun
promises to be a spiritless one , devot
ed to the p saga of appropriation
bills only. The apportionment bill
will be hardly passed. It ia not a
party measure and neither party can
make any political advantage out of
it. There Is a feeling that 'a refund
ing bill , in accordance with whatever
recommendations Secretary Sher
man makes , should be passed. Sunset
Uox is preparing a speech on the
tariff question. He is a freetrader in
Bont'tnent He say be made a speech
in Z inosville , O. , during the fall cam
paign , free trada being the burden , of
his argument , and the democratic ma
jority in that loci'.ity was increased
41.7 votes. Spuaker Randall concede *
\ that the republicans have a clear ma
jority in the next house. He denies
that the democrats contemplate , or
even had contemplated an alliance
with the greenbackers to secure con
trol of the house. Clerk Ad ms saya
thit m making up his roll he rhall be
guided solely by the law , regardless of
whetbe. the republican majority is
one or fifty. The Star saya : "It is
quite certain that Seareury Sherman
will be elected to the senate to succeed
Mr. Thurman. Every republican
member of the Ohio delegation who
has arrived here , lay there is no
doubt of the result , if the secretary
remains in the field , and such appears
to buhls intention at present. Some
of the members think it quite pr < bible -
ble that the secret ry's name will be
the only one that will be b toru the
legislature , aud that m ins tint Hov.
F ) * te- will ba provided f r otherwjio
\ when 'ha now administration comes
In. Ohio nifmbijrs .ilo assert , wita a
g iod del1 of einpha is , tint Stanley
* iIjUh Wd 13 t > g up 'ii the sup em
bpnc'i ' , n t thf , to maku a vacancy ,
J j"tu ! ? Swayne , who eligible , will
r ironb u * 'he tniddloof .Tana try "
S3WASHIJ.OTOV , D. c iut > cr G 1 a m.
L' amnau Itoajan , of the h > uep
corauiiuon on commerce , arrived here
Suiiiaj' ni ht , and will call n meet 113
f his comiu'UOf to-day. He f ya
that haml us j every endeavor to ,
ha fie riv-T an ! harbor Sill retdy
' ij pist t to ciiigress at an early day
A > effort will be made to cut off the
ru titudo of nrmll appropratioun
f r ui-tgniOcant e'rpams in the in e-
r . r , slid confine th rx > > eniiifu-t s to
th s < ! ttjpoct nt pirn whr stho rapid
yv i of our exoo-t tradt ? h * creit-
id n im j. ruv demtn ' . for incruiM
1 fvtli i fir sh 0,11115 The r < c
n n idati u\s of th sec ti * ry of the
invv in rofe"e c 'o 111 encoiirtge-
m it of Ame'ican shipbuilding , vriil
b considered It was 'Jitt-d lst
n ght by a prominent member of fie
h < u 'i miliUry c ninnttee that at an
e rly dy ha would bring up fir con
sidewtinii" bill aniandm-j tk.- present
lawttpon thsu'.jtct of aruiy retire-
m r.ts so as to allow those officers who
a-e com ulaoniy rc'.r a their full pay ,
with nt the deduction for quarters ,
etc. , and that it hud been uned that
the opposition displaced by army of
ficers to either voluntary or compul-
* ory retirement yrow out of the fact
that In a majority of instances their
was their only mipport , and after
g thu beet ymrs if their lives
fo tbe isernce of their country , tbej
dieiiiedita great huriship that thev
ahuld he ihelved with o wei > pu g a
reduction nf pnya * an g when it wis
imp Mible fur them to nrjier upon
aiiy business which would a sist them
uialnuinini ; themst-lvei aud f.iiu-
A Faltnleas Lover ,
dpeclal Dispatch ti/Tim UBK.
COUJMBUS , 0 , December G 1 s.
m Mias Gjrrif Plutt i g o lv r j-
c'uvtjrina from brain fv 'r induce ! by
the failure of Wim \ \ MV > M.hoti to
marry her. Her brother etill threit
eM ! to annihilate McM-ihon on si i : lit
McM hon is a strict Crh lfc , ai d ho
Pintle fainilj Epfc < p dmiis Arrng'
ments had b > eii m de whorehy Bis.iop
Wafetson sh-mld celebra'e the mr
rtsge , nd Unm llov. Bubock perform
t'i Eoiscopalitu ervice , but wtiilu
tiey we-e WHiuut ; , MrMihi n sent
note decUritig the m-irrmge imp
bit * , M the bi hop thre ttnel excom
munication as ho penally f''r submu-
* iou to the Protestant marriage ritu
at. The oipi-ciaiit bride is the dMi n-
ter nf Ca'viu A Platt , uf 0 s county ,
and cousin of Fauu'ie Pintt , inrrle < 3
at the White Huae two ywrH ( grfto
Oi-ti. R.wlius , of Illinois McM
'was Saturday dl'chtr td from hm p < -
Jiition ai.trivelmg agent fur the Dvus _
furniture company , a Louisvill- , .
and left , ostensibly for thi * city , bu
has not arrived yet. Among th
gueats at thu Intended wfddiny nerc uewsp * K.-r m n , and by stress
of courcston , * com ; < ct was tuAilo t <
Ruppri st tliu oucurrr-nce , but one cor
respondent proved faithltxs.
Weloomlnsr tbe Bxlles
-puclat Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , December 6 1 am
A m&ss mating under the au picis t >
the socialistic l bor party of tire city
and vicinity , was held last evening ,
at the Get mm assembly roomsto wel
come the twenty-four socialist
.who lately arrived in th's cify frum
.Germacy. Full } 2,000 persons were thu meeting , rd the great
est onthuaissm prevailed. Speech
were made by 'Mr C. G llenburg , anc
four of the exile * Resolutions pro
tei'ing ngaiut-t the bratal action o
the German govHrnment were adopted ,
and a'ter several Frenca and Ger
man pitriotio mines cad been suni ; , a
cubrcription van iak n up , and the
meeting adjourned.
Sp3cuatuur In Titles.
Special Ouiatcti to Tni Bet
NKT YtiKK. Doc moT 1 1 a. m
On the complaint of Fred Soeiger ,
Twenty third street. C. 0. Pheitun
Clinton , alias Sir , Hngh Courtney
alias A Gunning mm Dennicon , nlia
Maurace La Pierce Bernford , w s
beld for examination in 'default o :
$1,000 blL JSpeiger charges that
Clinton , by making wha he believes
false triir * enti tiou , induced him to
loan him ? 1CO. Charles Phelixm OHn
ton , the Bntith D ( > blemah , ' < h84 t >
come more thoroughly yentila'ted by
dispatches being recmved from many
part * of the United Stabn and Can
ado , asking for a deicription uf'the
swindler tt soomt that ba li-wnntec
in numerous places , now thathe is
identified beyond doubt From let
ter * received from England it U fonnc
that Clintun Is the clever ion of a
Iodgekeeperemployed on thv estate ol
th Earl of Devon , and undoubtedly
before he left England , studied np
thoroughly the pedigree of mauyEng-
libh families of note and title for the
purpise of B wind ling uninspecti _
Americans , or marry some silly Amer
ican heiress. *
WASHINGTON , D. C. , December 6
1 a. m. For the upper Mississipp
and lower Missouri valleys : Rising
barometer , stationary or lower tern
perature , north to west winds in the
former , and northerly in the lutter
district ; cleor or partly cloudy weather
or cloudy.
Distressing Accident.
l DlKpntch to It.e HM
ROCHESTER , N. Y. , December 6
I a m. A special dispatch to The
Morning Herald , from Bat a via states
that a horrible accident occurred
there at noon Sundajh Charles Smith ,
an operator in the 'AmericanUnion
telegraph office , at Stafford , came
there to visit his folks , and while en
gaged in cleaning his revolver , It was
accidentally dischar ed , theVall'hit-
Ung his mother in tbe head. * She ex
claimed , "My God , Charlie , you have
shot inn ! " and instantly expired.
Chicago Produce MnrKet.
CHICAGO , December 4.
theif Ni. 2 spring sold # t
$1 0(31 ( 07 tor c.ish io's , and round
lots sold etrly at § 1 07 | ; flolect , Da
cemtfer , Si 05J@1 07 | ; sjlect , Janu
ary , JTO'Utdat § 1082 1 declined with
sitme a irtmti TH at 1 OS | and closed
at $ lOfj $ , f > r seller i r Fotirimyjranc- ;
ed at Sl'7J < gl ( 09 | , cl-iEinj ? ioniin lly
t ? l Ojjf-a 05 | f cash a-id seller for
D o m [ > o ; $1 ' Gl ft January :
C r t "V. . 2 „ „ . ! hiih ; mlx 3 sold
j Bt 40 40 * for cH h for car lots ; ecl-
J lt > r for 'D-cemher 40J@-tlj ; seller for
J.inuarp ; 3 > ij j40jc ; ai'ller f < T Fehru-
I ar40faU $ ; seller f r Miy. 45 \ @
46c ; fi r f < - Juno , 45jij46c ; eel
j 1 r f < > ! Jftly dull at the siiuo A3 May ,
clu.t > g viQo for cash or seller for
Disoe'ab40i . for J nu-u-y ; -lc !
for Febru5ry45Jc ; ior Miyj 45jc for
.Tun *
Oatj" Oplr fairly tctivennd tradms
1 KpeuuIn > Hj j Nu 2 white , in store ,
j sold at * j c. aing A * 32c ; December
obi at S2 | 33 ; J.uiinry s 'Id it
' "
32 | 33c , ol n" . rtt 32 532 J ; May
1 soid at 36f 7i , cl 31111 ; at 30c.
| lly * lo lower and quiet ; No 2 sold
j at _ 87i@3Sc for cash ; nd closed
i at S7"cr
I Brley Dull , lower , and almost
j nominul.
) Lard I0@12jc lower par 100 Ibs ;
, eloped At 83 3.5 ; cash , $ S 35 ; December
bor , ? S 35 8 37 , Jiumry , ? 3 47 J.
Dry S'tlt JlMtts 7 @ 10C lower per
100 llw ; abort ribi , lo'iefe , $ C 50gG 55
for cash ; hortjribs , boxed , $ G 77 } .
Pork Mess cloaed $11 75 for old ;
SIS HO for new ; 811 40 for Dec-m itr ;
$1:5 : 07 (513 10 for J-uiuHry ; § 13 22 @
1325 for Fehru'ryS1340forMarch. ;
sky § 1 13.
Chicago Uve S oclc Market.
CHICAOJ , Dcftuih > r 4
H gs SaU-a r n ed at 84 25@4 BO
ijjlit pickiim ; ? 4 2o@4 70 f r coin
m' uo good he.wy p ekin ; § 4 50Q
4' 80 for { "oud to choice smooth
eny shipping lots. Rtcdi ts , 30,000
--.t'J. .
C .ttle Dull and unmtisfsctory ,
pric a ranging from $3 25(34 ( 00 ; ro-
; eip 2iK ) liead
Hew Yorlt Produce
NBW YOKK , December 4
Fl > ur Dull mid u ruiii-ly in huj ra'
fnvor ; re , 14,530 ; r U'tl lioop
Ohm , 84 955 75 ; choice d. . , § 5 80 ®
6 95 ; biipernue western , ? 3 50@4 15 ;
coinm m to good oxtr * do , $4 70s5 00 ]
choice , do , do , $5 50 ( 6 75 ; choice
prUito , § 5 10 ( > l 0
Butter Unchanged and firm ;
choice , 13.28c.
j a Firm at 2530c for f ir to
Wheat Dull und lower ; Chicago ,
51 18 1 24 ; Milwaukee , 81 25@1 26 ;
o 2 .xq&Eiuier , SI 22 , ciah ; SI 259
1 25J for Jfruary , gl 27@1 27J lor
Corn Quiet ; No. U , Gljo.
Oatu Quiet ,
Wh nay Niimin&L
Pork § 13 75@14 50 for February ;
813 25 .isr-o.1 for De. a.ubcr. . .
L-vr ? 87.n < - fur December
S8853887 furj . , pr ; ? 8 95@8 97 $
for Fehrutry ; 89 02J f T March ;
9 05.1.9 12J for April ; $9 00 ked
buyer for thu year.
St Louis Produce Murnet.
ST Lti"s , December 4
Ft.nir Du'l ' and nnchunged ; XX ,
§ 3 75@3 95 , XXX , $4 404 55 ; family ,
$4 8Uv'j4 95 ; choice to fancy , $6 1C ©
Wheat Lower and declining ; No
2 red winuir , § 1 04jj@l 04J , cluanik ;
at $1 05 ; 31 081 OCJ fur Janu-
uary ; 81 11J@1 09 for February ;
81 13J1 ll | ftlnrch ; N . 3 do ,
102g@102lNo 4 do , 9494 c.
Corn Hither for c ah , "but do-
cl ned43j43JcforcaahorDecemrier ; ( ;
42j42jc fo Jannary ; 43 @ 42fc
for Fe iruary ; 44j@44c for April ;
Firmer and elow at 3333Jo
for cash ; 35Jc bid for January ; 35o
bid for Kobnury.
lly Lower ar 88 Jc.
lrley Unchanged ; prlme to fancy t
80@91 15.
Butter Firm : dairy , 20@28 ; roll ,
E -i/o Lower at 24 j.
Whiiky Quiet at gl 13.
Pork Lower t $13 20 for Fdb-
ruary c ih , nominal.
Dry Unit Meats Lower at $4 003
650(3670. (
Biuinn Nominal
LW Dull at $8 25 asked , 98 15
$8 15 bid.
Receipts Flonr , 8,000bblg ; wheat
53,000 bu. ; corn,44,000 ; cafc , 13,000 ;
rye , 1000 ; barley , 6,000.
Sh pmonts Flour , 12,000 brla ;
wheat , 14,000 bn ; corn. 3,000 ;
oats , 3000 ; rye , none ; barley , none.
'St. LoulB Live atock Maritet.
Sr. Louis , December 4
v Hogs Yontera and Baltiniorcs ,
$ & 80@4 10 ; raized packing , $4 259
4 50 ; bu'chers' to fancy , $4 60@4 75 ;
receipts , 4600 head ; shipment * .
1200 head.
Special Dlapitchca to Tbe Bee.
De LeaBepa' American agenta will
open books in .Now York this week
for subscriptions to the Panama canal
Andrew Gillen , the former lover
and murderer of Miss Sigenon , of
New York , was arrested Saturday at
Cedar Keys , Fla. , and immediately
thereafter attempted suicide.
The body of Ool. Charles Potter ,
stepson of ex Qov. "V\n Zandt , of
New York , who waa connec ed with
the government geological survey iif
Colorado , wan fonnd near S nt "Fe ,
N. Mlast ; week , with two large pistol -
_ tel _ " > ronnds through the breast und
head.f.'WKen last seen , two -weeks
ago , he , was in compiny with two M x
x ; qirand-lt U thought tliey killed and
robbed him. .
Joseph Hart , Charles OIByrno ,
L'ouis F Post , of New Y ork , publish
ers of The Truth , indicted by the
grand jury for publishing an alleged
libel article entitled , "Lying and
Sticking to it , " gave bail yesterday
to appear for trial , in the sum of
$2000 ech. The accused p irties * vre
not arrested , but appeared with coun
sel at the distaictattornoy'i office.
A fire br ' * out at midnight Satur
day night iuui o planing mill and him
beryard 01 C. C Th mpsofi , on Archnr
avenue , CiiiJ'iKv' ' , . and owing to the
hig'i wind th&t prevailed , nct'iintr wa
s < ved. The lo3 is estimated at § 100- ,
000. i
J. P. Igram Pixley'a oveniut-pR-
per m.ido ita nppetranca in Sin Fran
cisco Saturd v afternoon , "after ilfo
at\la of The London Truth"and Paris
Figsro. It ha i'produced a favbrab o
Aspjcul from Little Rock eajn a
man tivuicd Bill Bai5gh. iu a fit
lirium tremens , tnrow himself or fell
out"f a third story window , nticl ra
instatitly-killod. Ha wa < left 8le | - -
iiig by his frionda , but ( leaned their
Au acctdi-nt occurred on Pina Bluff
bridge -cn-ssmg , Arkansas , Sat irdsy
niornmc , a portion of the bridge fall
iuij t-rorjgh wrh n cnsh , killing one
mac , mortally Wounding in'jther and
severely injuring sovural.
Cargill it Bro s' larza elernfor snd i
Lamb s wareh-ms- , Grand1 Meadows , j
Minn , bu't coi > kunmg 10,000 bua'n
eh of gram , were burned Satnrdny i
afternoon. The v ole toirn was in I
grea ! danger.
A negro named , James Anderson ,
entered the dwAlinq of Mr Joseph
al.ller , of Pine' Blutf , Ark. , Sunday
morning , and fflunrTil'B wife and two
children of the'tormer in bed. H > >
seized Mrs.MilITj and after chokig
' until she WAS i eem-b .y ravished
i. Ho t o. st'i'e c23 art )
i-oine j Iry. Th * mgn.isc < igh'
In for - n > > ' , MiJ .ift-r b M 'dw > i-
bi Mr . Mi'ler , w s < k mo h
' wn and hm g foa ttle'rovli o
front of the "iir. lions *
The funeral of Col Z l y , h
Pjlish patriot , h i di.-d in
on Tuesday U-4 in the Tjii } ixth
year of ln < > , t-i/ik r < lcSu | d
attend i by tin itu
Tlio servic. wei > ve y
The fiirncial ncc B < if > v ie irf
ment of Mho Hernhtrdt h.isf nf tr
bner * griMtet cvm * hm tli n in'e
hoped f ir. Iu ng hf. . > ur
bor stay i'i . NV\ York -ity /winch /
ei'doo : 7vt n'iTi > , ihts r T"L 1 . rand
$98,942 , an avr g. , „ { , - ( J.fl57
pri.-g.i ,
A. W 1
M of $420 on the Chic g .
train , Saturday t ih ; t ] } y
known thicTcs , Eddv Di-ir and
Frini ; Ajfm-w , liis Marti.
"Pock-Muked F.ank. " On-
ol to O'tape by jnmoi'g
window vrlien rh t- i. w a'M
tion but bojli were i ,
Emil Junni' . v hq ior ue/.l. ivit
well-known German pujitic > j , f of
Chic.igu , his Iff. . f r part'i U'SfwVn
nnd n large p-ick ' f creditors ! 4-0 .m
his track. His wife jo.vo out iHjyt h
bad run aitay wtfh * notl r
but da sooi m h' < settled UD thiitr i
fam , FI l f 110 , aud it BU ipoJtl
1 joined him , il
Large Land Meetings Held
Througoout Irelancit
Lpnd Leagaers Proseoutil , a
Dublin Newsnaper or iv s
Ultra Sentiments.
The London Times Compli
ments America on thn. '
State of Her Finances. ' ,
Speclnl Dispatch to The Die. '
DUBLIK , December 5,10 p. m.
ceurt of th que-n'e bench hca gi-aijt
ed an Btttcbraent a sinat the piibli"
er of The Dublin Mail , for artic <
printed in that papertendinj , to pre.n
dice er create a popular prejudgement
of the case a umst thu Und leauuer ? "
The attachment was la-mod on tbe m )
dersioud principle < jf English laif.tyfi
when a case is under judicial cnij ai (
eration , no comment cn be mnua A'
the purpose of influtmcimj public fur/
time at. The ezecution t f the attncl > ,
ment is , however , suspended pendiu , |
the appearance of the respondent , N
order has been made regarding thi
coit. The court has also refuted th
application of the traveraers in th
crown prosecution * for postpone :
meat of the trial to the 25th of Feb
rnary , which wa made yesterday bj
their lolicitor , Mr Dillon.
PABIS , DeceuioerS , 10 p. m. It ii
now announced that'tlie first uumbe
of The Napoleon will bo published 01 ]
the 10 h , and will be ita initial it sue !
It isHsanrtpd openly thnt it id the man
ifesto of Prince Jerome N4poleonan/
entirely his work. .
flpeclal Dlsrutcheu to Till Bi .
The report th > tt the Austrian aoJ :
buBB dur at Pins will be dispLice :
meets with luoat vig irous remoi
The French pn > ? nre exulting ov
the "pproachiiig issu of the new
oina c < < Uiil giock Enormous sums .
mont-y tru bt-ingsp.'nt in advertisiig
the great se' > eme *
Tlio in'ormt r , , l billmrd match w J
come iff in on'the 20th Tfca
so > re will boS'lO no 3,500 points , 4S
fernier y a.ii" uncrd. Mr Jot n
Gioidon , a Frenchman , wa * Saturday
night chosen MB r 'f - ee. Sluason | W
practicing t the Gr 'id hotel , and
Vigntuix at the Caftd.Lipair. . SJit-
urd , y Slossou randa a run of 422.
It is reported that Lord Dufferi
to succeed Mr. Goxheu a British uiji-
bassador to Turkey.
A dispatch from Ragusa says the In-
ternutiunal fleet disbnided on SuM-
d < iy , the English fleet sailing for Mril-
ta , the Russian for Naples , and t/ie
French for Toulon.
The Agouco Russe , of St. PoteiV
burg , ssys the dispersal of the mt'jr '
natiouul flout dne not imply its disfio-
11 ion , IT tctinn in cuncort , Bhoid | !
such Action bo necessary. f
The fact that no member of ho
rnyol family will represent Empfi ur
William nt the forthcoming few , at
St. Geor e'a , at ST. Petersburg6 iiw
ctusud aii niiprecLfioiuod sensation in
The London Timex , Sunday n
ing , in roferrini ? to the proposed ;
funding of the deht uf the Untied
State , obsprves : "Sappy 13 the Ra
tion 'hat has ail -h an opportunity , jind
is 3'rong enough ; o accomphah it "
The London Tmiea utjH * theitnjSnr-
tance of th" filial ecttloinunt ofhe
fishery dispute " *
Mr Parnell la t avpning addre ud
the Inrgeat land meeting yet held , in
Dublin. He TV-IB aiven H _ rand hm
quot ai > d to-day will bo jreented ith
tiie freodi tn of the city.
The iniornationil military coint ia-
31011 has decided tiipt Turkey ahali re
tain San Georgia. ,
Mr. Parnoll i.i addressing the
meetmL' Sunday at Wsiterfi rd , Tie-
land , aaid that Mr. Glads'one darebot
propose a satisfactory solntion of ftlie
lind digv Uy , .und he thought Jhat
the c iliaj > ie of the cabinet wss cer
tain , t
5J1CC n < VicC it/ your o < ra town , -leraa
VjMJG { .utattrw. H. n ilc i f fc 0 .
SM I" $ s
iirliis Stri ! l.
vr , 1 , * r.snJeu .ots for -JI9 by this Hjeo
a p Iri.'r nuinit f > iim fit to 3,500acii , an-
> > c-iO in aciv ur' if heat" . 3iiJ In u .r ;
! < is" ! t'Off .he iVMurficr , ni.rtli eetwutl
r i-i a. id vurjii.j rn dUtauce from < > '
b < lo one rt < lUl'ejfrom lUine Cill * < !
inline our ' ti
-f rir. < t Oiniie i li" ti Griftiu i N. c * ' M
u' * . t of tomer t , Ittwuei : St. Mary's aven
.i > u vi lUrni } trcct irtX' t < > $ < 00.
SO uro' ju < a taxi of barrack- &mnders Mk
4hln is choice tn < ! ami will be soil rery cheaper -
or cash In f , 10 < ir'20icre lots. nowid > our tlm
to ucure a bargain.
' ! > IICP lut stt ei4 of street car track } on Sauu
ieiureet for t bib.
'lioio' lot , Fjrnh.m * ml 2Uh streets. 90xlS
-t f < > r # J,6HO--vrtll H | . tdo It
Oi < t | i 'ot ' * lu Cmllti > < r juUl'l > u. ijnuth o
P depot * U > 0 to SMI.
Fortj low on VarU Avonce ami Mvonpa treel
o niv * to park , and near head of St Mwy *
wenur , tt IT' tn fV2h to 300 eicti Seven years
time * l titlit pr cuit Inlrreit to thu e who wil
put TIP zf'Oil sti'wtautlal IjuildlLjit F t furthe
ptrtioiihre apply to.
( J. P lIKMIb. A < eit ,
Fifteenth and Dougl-is Streets
A nlc.ot on Uarntj nd -ntj-drat irtreata
. cli.iUo loia on Oth. n f > r St. Marv'a aven
j < - , WI6S feet each , for S8541nd < iW.
Two ctiolci low ntar 23'l and Urk streets , In
S V Sii'ith's addition # 0 nd # ' 50. - .
Fi''v lots In Sh'iinV fljxt gecoiid and third ad
Ili'-HM f.ii-JlOO to SMO ei h
lot lunr 15th and I'll ret. 94W
2 lotn on II irnnv near 24lh St , WOO : .
lot on i4th nxvr nowurdtre t. # 7oO.
ID loin In Onnd View addition , t-Mib of C f
lirld enJ depot , from * 15 to $ 00 etih
Ono , 117x370 fset , on IStli ntreat , aont
of Poopleton'e new -widens , for S2r > W , or wi :
dlviij" 1 U > city r-w-if lot 14. from 3S50 to $60
LaiXc number ot beautiful residence low , lo
eated lu this new addition on Cupltol (1111 , be
tweer. C'th street on the east , 2Cih on the wet
Ifodice Mreet on the north and Faraham atree
'on the outh formerly owned by C. H Down
tsd more recently known alhe Perklrm IB acres
Only 22 lota hare thus fat been platted 14 on
Parnham and 8 on Douglas street. ThfIot
are 60 to 66 feet in width Mid ICO In depth fl.OOQ
for the choice. 5 j ears time , at 8 per cent in
tarsst f > those vhn will build good eabstantla
houn 8 theretn. Call and examine plat and ge
full luformatlon at
loth and Donirlas utroetg.
Over 200 houses and lota ie odertd for sal
by this office Thuy are guttered all over th
. ity. Any location you do'tra. Prices varj Inj ;
fron * 30-J to 115,000 each.
2 good lots and 2 cheap housci near Jackson
nd 2th ttreets at a treat sacrifice. Here IB aero
ere < t bargain for some one. The property mu
bu gold immodl itely. Covers fast a quarter of a
block. Call end examlna this without any dcl Y
OKO P. BEUI8 , Airent ,
16th and Douglas Stf
h A desirable lot near Cumlnit and Saunden
Streeta , ll.COO.
The cheapest acre lots In the city of Omaha ,
re thof e offered for sale by this agency In Paik
Place and Lowe's -second addition , on Cumlng-
Burt and California streets ; yon can make no
mistake lupicklnfrnp these bargains while yet
have the chance. These lots are morn than equa
In size to 4 full sized city low or a half block
and It will be but a very short time before one
fifth part of one of these acre lots will sell for as
much as we offer a full acre to day. They are
located a very short dls'unee west of Cr igbton
College. Prices ranjrlng from $160 to 8300 per
crelot. Call immediately , and don't lose > our
hanue , and get plat and full particulars of
OEO. P BEM1S , Aecnt ,
15th and Douglan Streeta.
Nice lot on Sherman Avenue north of Nicholai
treet. 21,100.
Half lot on Cass.between 13th and 14tb street s
2 nice Iota In Hartman's addition , 400 to { 600
Larpo number of acre lots in disc's addition In
Morth Omaha , $ li5 to $300 each.
Choice corner lot near 22nd and California
troets , 31,500.
Several eood lota in Kelson's addition , ISO to
i350 each.
Choice lot in Thornell's addition , $760.
Several largo lots In Bartlrtt's addition , 1 ;
rods and 2 } acres each , Pricus 8700 to $2,001
Several choice Iota in Reeds first addition
8275 to 8S50 each.
Acre lot on Sherman avenue , (16th street )
jonth of Poppleton's new residence , ' or $1,100
2 large Ints near 18th a'nl Clark atreefo , 60 1
330 feet Comer , 81,200 ; inside , $1,000 ,
3 large Iota on She-m n avenue , (16th ( street )
Clark Street. KWO c cli
22 nice and cheap lots , very near to the ban
ae-is part of the city , located a very few steps
outh of the Content and St Mary's aven ae , and
( nit oouth f and adjoining t > e ground of James
II -olworth a"dV' J. Council he so are
Jitap and verj desirable , being so handy : o busIness -
Inoss pirt of city , to nen governme t dewt , nail
works , wlnte lead works U P. depot , stock
> aids , packing houses , etc Gill and get pltt
vid full var Icu'ars P'lco ? 276 to 350 and easy
enns U > those who -uild
OEO P. BKMIS , Agent ,
16th and Don * las Sts.
Scholce residence lots o-i 24'h Htrcet , between
Douclasauil Dodrostrcb' to Jl.iOavih
mil lon time to tiiofe w'io will build
j < hoi e corner lots ) 21th anu tVnham
treats , 05x121 fret , SI , ! ' * and -1 , JOO , ar i .ry
.joy 'rrmo to puroliaceix who v > i 1 improve.
Al * > 4 lota on 21th , JK'WKOI Pir-intm ind
Ooj" ! * s fettE , 9TO to tfl.mtwh .mil loiif
f the beat unstuOM * lotn In v of
O.n thi for sale , located on errrj b an r f atre't ,
< 500 to 38,000 i ach.
MVNo vetaloiWestor crtim in al
most cierj bubinesa i > ! ock - . OfiO to S15iX0 !
40cno ce reS'denco lou in atiore a < lditlon , im-
uio Lately north of and ad'omin Poppetoi' !
> > oRiiJfui rc id nca and groiinns , and locattd n
Mh lOtli and 'JOth streets , 8300 to J.'i50eich m < i
erv ra > < } terms to those tvboviill huilj C. > ! i and
x imm i > ! it and get full pirt'n clary
.060. P. BEMIS , Agent.
Bean i.'ul buildin ? ite vn Sherman a\eniiL ,
Ihth streetlieteen l'npi > : tun and the Iudle >
jiun pro e'tv ; iti . feet east frontage 01 th >
\enuo.tiv J 3 'ret in depth. Will divide it.niik
n 132 fc t > v 139 Call an.l gel full pitrticularH
\n aaoen 15th itrpet , 101 fee' eaat frontage
> > ) 37o feet deep. This is just south of t le c. iz -
eth ( i'tppleton pi i.c. 1 his U Kitt e-Iii , , mil anil
et price and terms of flEMH , ABt. . f
IS good Iot3 , just uorth of ami a < l joining B V
mith'i addition , and located ljo' f-en 20tb inti
aundtr atreeu , at rapimabe prices and Kn <
me to nurer who iinnrots BE1U3. Azent
5 > lot * l.i llornai.n'9 tlrst and second edition
n 16th , lath , 10th and 20th street' , ' * t ten
Vicbol&d , Prtul , She-man jnil Clark st ceta , very
iindj l > > U P. Shop , melting p-nrka. etc ,
ran mc in pncc9 rotn from < 2in ( to il:100 each ,
t < \ liring or.y ! small pajment down and long
jmi at 7 p-r r ntmu-rcs to those who will im-
roc. GEO P BF.MI3.
I5th and DoU/ias Street.
33 nice lots In ? irker addition , between
Stunders aui 1'iercv. Xln and Campbell's Me. ,
n Blom.o street ; 19 lots with south ( runts and
6 with north frontage , only 0 blocks north of
he turn-uulu ( end etreet-car track ) on Saunders
treet. Very law prices , $175 cash , or $ JOO on
. y
3SC 33
Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts.
Gives Great Bargains in Ladies' and Gents
All Kinds Of
We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money.
Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead
ily and rapidly increasing in pnblic lavor.
The White Machine justly claims to be the
best made , the easiest running , the
construction and the most perfect Machine in
the market.
Tne White Co. employ as ajjents men of in
tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied ,
because they find everything just as repres
Everybody should use this Machine. The
sales so far this year are more than double
the corresponding time last year.
All orders addressed to the ( Omaha Office
will be promptly filled.
for. avennort anil l. iti St .c Omaha.
Iron arid & Wagon Stock , .
At Clik'ago Prices.
fCJJta. . ,
and 1311 Harney Street , Omaha.
Eisliiiig Tackle , J5ase liallsuud a lull line of
And Wholesale Dealers in CIGARS and CONFECTIONERY. During the
Fall and Winter wo will handle COUNSELMEN'S FRESEH3YSTERS. which
are 'now the beat Iniho market. A large assortment of CANDY and SUGAR ,
TOYS for the Hohrtay tr de
GATZ & FUEEMAA , 51Mltli St. , Omaha.
Ion ? time * nd S per cent Interest to taos" wno
111 build.
ijTlSO < oed ( arms for .il In Duc las Sarpy
\V' ehliiiton. Hurt , Dotlu , Saur'lor ? inJ histern
ierof countlea
3"8 < 0,000 acret je t selected lamia in tlio
tate for silo by this agency Cill * nil t ; t m-ipx ,
IrcuUn ami ( ml inittcolnn
TIcmi'new ui. | . of Omatia , 60s ami il.bU.
firKemii' nc ' pimphlet ( auJ mip of the
tate entitlsil "ttio uutiork of e ) ra k.l" forte
to ll lri ! > ution.
Geo. P. Semis'
151 h & J ) H flMS Si. ,
Notice ia hereby aiven that * e Ied bi * 8
will be received at the office of rhe county
clerk of l-urnas comity , Xehrw-ka t
15 aver City , the county seat rf naid conn- .
ty rp to he 3rd d y f .lanuiry , V. D. j
183' . at 12 o'c 01 k M of a id d.iy , for th J j
construction of < i w g > > n br < ! { ? < across the j I
Repub ican river , outh of tlif town of I I
Cdinf-niUe , in Medicine Cn-eK preeinct , in j I
Fur > as count ) ' , Xehr.teika , said b Mge t" i i
be 10 ftet in . idde .
ien t i. t * re | i
quire' ! to ac owpany their vis M-ith
i > l naa d sinjoificatinu.s of the work , and
also with i tioml iu a snm ronb e the
amount of tli Wd , conditioned for 'lie
faithful execution of .he cent act. The
county cominLwiMners of said c nnty nf
Furnaa reserve the ri ht to reject any and
al bids.
By order of the county coinini'xioner * of
Farnin county , J ebra ka. Dated ut
Beaver f'ity , urnas coun y , ICel nwka ,
the .Oth day of November , A. D. 183" .
L. KIJ.SMACounty Clerk.
T \ "iyi CT r"T"i "r Z ! ( rj"i
I J r | INj : f _ j _ I
: : Jacob' * K c * < , corner Capitol Avc oJ
1Mb , Omaha , Neb.
Ear aid Throat.
OlHce 'var Konnara'aj Drug Store ,
Corner of 14th * nd Dom'liLa Sta. .
nnvU 3m
uc. . MIJ II TIIF.tE ! ,
No. 1220 Douglas Street ,
Jforrii Elifu er , plai ' , s. R Moiray ,
name mikmnm , d fendant
Tefore ' .a Iwr K. 'ri < ht. Jmtfe of tb
of bouvte * County , e r * ka. ,
On the l td % cl oTomtmr. A D. 18-ff ,
Jtwttc * hK-l an O.der < -tUibmer. ! in tta
loravtKiO fur the mm of ? 16.5) .
umaha Nortrab.r it , 18rtt.
By ixiws auox. b g Attorney
Noticd Ol DlHiJOlUtlon
> nt'co U here > ' K'r * " that th
heretofore eiivlnif b W. abtraom It
P. Weiuha eu is thu nay ( .uvolveiJ by Bitltuol
"tormfnt. and thA th oudfrsi neO 1' now t 'O
sole publl.fwr and * litoi o ! The Uouha Tee-
iraph , wl'h nhnm ! i-vnnmt n-tln fM firm
wdt tare fo w tie their Indebicdiieiw. and who
will al-io pay the de * t * owinr fy the firm
OnntuoTomber 30 , 13-Q.
r. K ltor ! , of 'fh Ontta-a Tdgjrraph.
r < * a ' atbome. Hampfog * or
ire * . & Co