1 bicl cl "L ivlt < t P , * i fe Iv r I In n3s 3sa 3st 4IB IB IBs nl " 1 1 * Jht P st in ie iet > t tea ) aJSl JSl n he us ir i ' * . h ins tl frI I h > ion y * riti hit .da aw - b df. . uttb tb red. -Not r , illoi rntr ; 'j ' ten Iprov Ibui (3 ( Ian lefit i lant liner in En ftd. > , ms te uace rim ) nnt | suffrf Tien tl Ion , tl "ns n no be es no aao t { rich hi turcs i u bon ht as ihh i oncoc no Ian jaicg t" j tcn&t \ ovema listed a * t p-ol untry ? , j 1 for j b S * .vo no i ittle. I ThelS ( > jnori > fcated 'nantsi ' ' * * It | If t migh J hdproj f ' f nhed at /omtho. / i pjectian i ) iasaatrj -lords ? psitionr reel , d ( ie law 0 declan > use he i anoth gal rig ! Pcrlian iht this ission , a jm borj e compj ' ThePJ jho cross ! iras burni THE DAILY BEE. Saturday Morning , Dec. 4. E A LIBEEAL OFFER. r The publishers of THE OMAHA BEE , In order to encourage immigration to Nebraska , invite all residents of this state , to send them names of parties In the East to whom sample copies of THE WEEKLY BEE , containing compiled statistics abjut Nebraska nattiug foith her advantages for set- tiers , will ba maiLd free. Send ad dress In full including name , Poat- Oilica , County anJ State. This offer nill ba open from now until January Irt Direct letters or postal cards with these names to WEEKLY BEE , Omaha , Nebraska , ' ' BBEVl'i'iES , Falerson Bells coaL County coart eits Monday. P.'rter is running the Omaha Ferry.B ' Lubin'sbulk perfume at Kuhn's only Choics jntats , Besen's Fulton Market. Large variety of cheat hirotectors at Kuha'n. , S2.30 pot barrel , at Buffet'f. Whipple , McMillan & Co. , the jew tiers o2C-tf . ers , Cieighton-Block. Blade walnuts , 75c per bushel , it BaffetV. 2'2t - For \cuttcr Comfort * in caps , proles , cat - mvfs , mvtfcrt , go to Fredericks. Best select oysters , 4Cc ; standard , SCc ; ineJiuui , 25c , at Buffet's. 2-3t Tlie attcndincc at Chrcighton college is about 200 studsnti , this term. -The United States court dossd up ilb b-jincsi yesterday and adjourned. 2H Splendid ssiwrtment of Eussia Lcatl er rocket-Book al Saxe'e. ou J Morocco - * , BEST IN THE WOELD Bazar f Iove fitting Ptllcrns at Bushman's , tf Before buying your hats , caps laud urs , call at C. B. De Great & Co. ' * . 20-tf Swiss Cheese , wholesale and retail , at Caaunenzind & Meyer's , 207 cabt 13th St. There were three cars of emigints west on No. 7 , yietcrday , and there will be Uireo carloads lo-nittbl. To-day , December 4tb , is tb day npon nhicb payments are made by Uncle Sim to his pensioners. Over fifty employes on the freight phtforms at the Union Pacific transfer depot were laid off Thursday on account jf 8. sudden 'let up"'of business. A BiMo reading and praise service is < o bcheldatths FiiEtMothoditt church en Davenport styect next Sunday evening , led by the lov. ; J. M. Eichards. It wil be a very interesting occasion. The Telephone Exchange is rapidh branching oatin all directions. An a5 < l tional wire is beinj ; strung between Oma fat and Council Bluffs , at Icatt one nddi ti'iaal ' wire biinj necessary to transact tb * rgo amount of tilephone business between tweon the two cities. Mons. Louis Nalhal aud Mile Lov.'tc 1 > > .ere , of St. Louii pissied through the < -ity j'Chterdny en route to San Francis > c < i. M'tns. Natbal is manager of a company vhi h will follow bun in about two months < tue 11 the coa t to fill a lengthy ciignge- nut st the Bush StrcctTlieatre. -Ihe medical society of Liueola i ro- jM se to put a stop to quackery in this t U.nnd to this cul have drafted H liil [ ' Bttioc" j''i't , which they will present to ttio coiiiitig Icgishiturc , and abk that it u-ay l > c IJ.B lo a law of the land. Tliu only use to which the city jail is n 'Hivvi < tei1 i < to talcing care of the deati- * .r iVAiidercin , alia * tramps , who applj 4 i iiBHibrr of tito a dozen nightly fur l -lter and grub. Even these fellows arc fttgMitig , titifirns [ wssible , the jnit which * - ! > ; < iii n terror to criminals and dead- U all ever the country for its horrible coadition. There ha uot been an arrest c f ary soiiscquencc cow by the police for four nights , and there w s not a case of acy _ _ Ictnd before Judge Ilawes yesterday. This is bccomin : ; an alarmingly quiet town , hi marked contrast to the wicked city cro the creek. The Chicago and Northwestern com- V any Thursday put up the first arch on the cist side of the Union transfer depot , M hich support the iron bhods. The work Im been tJow.'owing to the bad wealber , lint it is processing as rapidly as possible. TJic ihree s'loJs , when completed , will jadi be fiOO fcitin length. Special Aaclioa Sulo of Cook eina II eating Stoves in front of store Sat unlay at 10 o'clock. JAMES BONKER , ! 1410 Douglas St Canned Su-jar Com , Standard nad extra quality. Toma- tftej hy the case at wholesale ra'c. 3-2t iFiEMurj & Co. , Groccrr. J. I.-KICHOL &CO. , The grocers , will sell you more f-roseries forj ten dollars than any other house In Omaha. 10 11) ! . Standard A for § 1.00. 1 < H " ' 0 for 1.00. 9 " Granulated for 1.00. OYSTKKS. Selects , 35 cents. Standard , SO cents. Medium , 25cente. , Silver Mustache Cups at Edholm < t Ertckson's , corner 16th and Dodge , opp. Poatofllco. For Sale. Cut flowers , on ehort notice , jn any quantity , st E. C. , noarU. P. Depot. 30-eodCt ' Dlma Lecture Course. " The Union Calliolio Library Aoao o'.atioa liavo perfected arrangements fora teriea of lectures on popular and justrnctive isubjscts , to bo kuowmia , < ho U. C. L. Dime Iiecturo Course , " . * nd to ba delivered by gentlemen of miuont and recognized aoility. The intention in inaugurating the course. - may be Inferred from the nominal price of admission , is not so much to mike money as U ia to satisfy a popu- lar craving for an occasional and cheap evening of intellectual arnuseme it , rhich chall conibino the essentials of and inatfcticn. The Erst lecture iu tl.o course will ho delivered by Dlshop O'Connor , on ' 'Sooiilisn ? , " ar * will ba given in about t < vi d'.ys. This lecture of the bishop's 's new , aud fc : been prepared for do- tivcsy in St. Louis ou the 19th inat Ifn delivery here , therefore , will be in anticipation of that in St. Louis , and , < f coursa , will be as Bstlsfactory as the reputation of the bishop prom ises to make it in our sister city. The announcement of the time and place of lecture will bo made anon. California Peara , Flnira , . Grapes , etc. , at Tizard'e Palace. o21 tf ' \ UP WITH IT , Preparations for Pushing the Work on the New Court House. The County Commissioners Looking Up a Model. The board of county commissioneiSj Messrs. Drexel , Corliss and Knight , arrived yesterday on the K. C. & St. Joe train from the south , having b en absent on a week's tour through , the west inspecting llio ccurt houses of the leading cities in order to gain a better idea of what is wanted for Douglas county. They lelt Omaha on Friday last by the Union Pacific , and went direct to Denver , arriving at that city late iturday night. A new court house is ust being begun at that place , the outract of which has been lei at 185,000. It is to bo a very large tructuro of a most imposing sppcar- nce. The contract does not contem- ilate the finishing | of the entire niiding much of which is not i present needed and will remain oagh plastered until such time as it s to be occupied. It is of stone up to he cornice r.nd from thence up , in cluding a massive tower , is of word and galvanized iron and is by no means ire-proof. It is the intention of our board to have the new court house in Douglas county perfectly fire-proof , the absolute safety of the . public roc rds is one of the prime causes for the erection of the houee at the present time. While : ho Denver court houses is very fitic it is not EO arranged ineide as to com pletely satisfy our commissioners , and it will therefore not probably form a model to any extent for them to copy after. They were given every oppor tunity to inspect the public buildings at Denver and speak in the highest term * of the hospitality shown them by the authorities out there. Among other places visited was the poor house and farm , located about two miles from Denver. It has lae- * ly been increased in size by the addi tion of a building not connected with the former house. It has a greatet capacity , nnd its aGiirs are carried on upon a much larger scale than these of our own county. The num ber of inmates is ever eighty , and of these seventy-five arcdown eick , an enormous proportion. Typhoid pneu monia and malarial 'diseases arc the principal ones prevailing there , while not a few are laid up with frozen feet and limbs , the patients ha\uig ob tained them in the mountains and been sent to Denver as the otly ref ngo. Danver is somewhat like Omaha in that it is made the recipient of all the pauperism of the entire surrounding - ing country. After remaining in this city until Tuesday r.ight , thecommissioners tool the Kansas division , U.'Pk , for home , coming by way rf Lawrence and Lea vonworth instead of taking in Kansas City. At Loavenworlh they slopped over one day ( Thursday ) to examine the court housa there , which is much nearer what is desiroJ that the first mentioned one. The Leavonworth court house cost 5134,000 and is of stone , fire-proof and arrangod-so as to giva the greatest convenience to UB occupants and safely to the public re cords. It is at once neat , substantial and creditable in nppsarance , though its plan will not ba likely be followed hero to any great extent. As is known to many the county of which Leaven- worth is the county seat , is bankrupt , paying fifty cents on the dollar bv virtue of a compromise with its creditois. Its indebtnoiis ia over a million dollars lars and its assets about six million' . "Vievra of both the Denver nnc Lsavemvprth buildings were brought homo by the board , who in the trip of inspection picked up many valnuble ideas and useful hints to guide them in carrying out the wishes of the pee pie of Douglas county. They do not propose to hamper the architects who may submit phns and specifications , but in their advertisements tor pro posals they will state the number , size and character of rooms needed and leave the bidders make their own Novation and arrange the details. To-day is the day set for open ing ( ho bids for the six per cent , court house bonds authorized to bo issued , and on Monday they will advertise for bids for grading thu site for the new court house , between Farnham aad Harnoy , and Eighteenth and Nine teenth streets. They will in about a week advertise for plans , and it ie their intention to have the grading proceed as rapidly PS possibla to th-it as soon as the frosi goes out of the ground next spring , they mny bo ready to proceed with the foundations. The ontin structure is to be completed by Jan uary 1,1882 , and it is evidently the intention of the ccmmissloners to see th t the people get the worth of their money , and that while the building shall bo a credit to the city it shall not be deficient in thosa important ro- specta which aflcot the convenience of county officers and safety-of the county records and valuable public documents. Silver Mustache Cups at Edholni A Erickcon's corner loth and Dodge , opp. Postofiice. Sol'd and silvcrplatod cups and : < fine selection of silverware at S. .lout- son's , 410 south 13th street. Xcvr Eiisrnvincs at Hospe's. A solicitor of the Wabaah says that his company will , nexty ar , extend Its road from Corydcn across the state to a connection with its Council Bluffs line. This will give the Wabash a route between Council Bluffs and Chicago - cage via Kcokuk over which it can du plicate the time cards of compotin" lines. Meals at all hours at Tizzird's. tf For Sale Six-horso power Baxter engine and boiler , In good repair. Apply at BEE officp. no4tf OMAHA SHOT COMPANY. Articles of Incorporation Filed in the Office of the County Clerk. Articles of incorporation have just been filed in the office of the county clerk by the "Omaha Shot Company1' whoso organization and purchase of grounds in Wilcox'a addition , for the shot tower were given our readers some weeks ago. The company will have its business headquarters in Omaha , will erect and maintain works for the manufacture fall kinds of shot and will makebuy > ell and deal in shot and materials herefor. The authorized capital stock is 525- )00 ) in shares of § 1000 each. Fifteen ihares may bo subscribed for and issued for purchasing the grounds and reeling and establishing the works , nd putting them in complete opsra- ioj. The corporation may commence isincfts vrhcn ihis amount of stock subscribed end 25 per cent , paid in , when the stockholders may meet and s'nooso a board of three directors and icrfect the organization. The stock j transferable. The corporation begins its existence Jfov. 1st , 1SO , and terminates Nov. 1st , 1900. The highest amount of in debtedness is § 10,000 , which may be ncrcscd to an amount xceedioR wo-thirds of tha capital sf" The affairs of the company will be managed by a'board of three directors , president , vice-president , secretary and treasurer. Provision is made for amending these articles of Incorporation , for an annual meeting of the stockholders for election of officers , etc. The only names which appear on thearic MCI it > QJJ. W. Hall , of the U. P. headquarters , and Mr. C. IT. B. Carter , of Des Moinee , [ owa. AT BUSHHAN'S , holiday presents , new nubias and hoods. Wo closed out manufac turers' stock nf gloves and will sell them at prices that cannot be found elsewhere. We also closed out a kt of handkerchiefs , gloves atid other fancy boxes. Save money and see them. Brocaded and fancy velvets at from 2oc to $1.00 per yard less than any other house In Omaha. Wo are also selling a Cue lot of under wear at a very low figure , and call ei- pscial attention to a style of ladies vests , which we ere selling at § 1.75 , said by other houses in the cily at § 2.25 ; a largo assortment of ties just received ; a large variety of lace goods , new styles. Tilts is no bombast. See them * See "them ! 1 See them ! ! ! Save money and buy at i 2-2t Largest and most complete stock of Silver warn and Jewelry , in the city at EDHOLM & EHICK-SON'S Jewehy Store , opposite the poatofncr. Fresh mackerel , trout , white fish , flounders and game at Mora's Fish Market. i Hi RUSH'S GOLDK EAGBE FLOUll Only § 3.00 , .11 < 1 no takew ; while HAYEK'S ( JCUMH.- ) SNOW FLAKE at § 3 50 goes like dew before the morning sun. sun.Small Small dealers whoso customers ic'll have HAVEN'S FLOUH , can purchase inlets lots of unities than one sack at headquarters - quarters , 1119 K < rnham street , and save transportation from Council Bluffs. J. B. French & Co. , sole agents for the sale of Haven's ( genuine - uino ) Snow FJako Flour in Omaha. California Sugar Peas at 3-2t FLEMING'S. Largest and rcost complete stock of Silverware and Jewelry in the city at EDHOLM & EUIUKSON'S Jewelry Store opposite the Postoffice. PERSONAL , PARAGRAPHS. M jor J , W. Paddock went west at moan yesterday. Chauuccy Wiltse , of Gf and Island , re turned L ine yesterday. Gen. C. H. Van Wyck , of City , was iutown Thursday. Co' . Hooker , stock agent of the Chicago and llork Island railway , is in the city. EdwardS. Stokes passed through the city Wednesday evening eastward bound. Gen. O. 0. Howard was an east bound liassenger on the Union Pacific train AVcdncsday evening. Mrs. Bishop Tuttle , of Salt Lake City , arrived in the citv Thursday from the east , en route li her home. Gej. Q. Cannon , Mermen delegate to C03rcs , pa ed through the city Thursday bound fir Washington city. Waldo M. Potter , formerly < f Omaha , iioweaitor of The Clinton Herald , was in tlio city yesterday en route to Denver. W. C. Parker , S. C. Coffin and W. W. Watson , cf Itoe Creek , Neb. , were in the city yesterday and called at TUE BEE office. W. J. Davenport , general agent of the C. , B. & Q. road , returned home Thursday from a two weeks' trip to Massachsetts. Hon. Schuyler Collar , ex-vice president of the United States , lectured at Falls City , Thursday , on the life of Abraham Lincoln. Ex-Gov. Gabber , who has been east for treatment , is fast recovering his health , and wiil be at h-ime the 1st of next month. This F Rood news to his many iriends in Nebraska. ' The largest and most varied stock of canned goods wo have ever had on hand. Assorted lots at wholesale rates. FLEMING & Co. , ' 3-2t Grocer * . Silver Mustache Cups at Edholm it Erickson's , corner loth and Dodge , opp. Postoffice. THE CUEIGHTOy , A first-class hotel in every respect , is situated on the northwest cornet of Thirteenth and Capitol avenue. This new house is newly and elegantly fur nished throughout , and the table and bill of fare will compare favorably with the but in the land. Give it & trial. No runner at the Depot. 'xt29-eod-tf : - - STEEL ESGRATINGS. Finest ever brought to Omaha , and at Now York prices. Dpn't ' fail to eea them nt Eaton's nGtf AS OTHERS SEE US , The Lincoln Officials Delight- ed With Omaha Hospi tality , Which They Promise to Repay in Kind. The visitors who came up from Lin coln Thnisiay to see the "Firo King\ ested returned home in high spirits t the cordial reception they met with , t the hands of the Omaha officials and itizens , and unanimously agree that I hey dould not have asked or expected more kindness or consideration than was so freely extended by their neigh- mrs "down the river. " So says the lincoln Journal of yesterday d'adc's , hat "Tho entire party arrived home ibout 10 o'clock with an exalted opin- on of Omaha hospitality , and fully determined should the opportunity iffer to generontly reciprocate the cor dial attentions they received from the fficials of our sister city. " It may be pleasant to know wht t they had to say of their trip to this city , and we therefore reproduce t\ portion of the Journal's report of what they saw at the metropolis of Nebraska. The Journal lays : "After .heir . arrival they visited the englcfc hoCsea of that city , under the gnidame f Chief Engineer John Galligan , who exhibited to the party their system of hitching up and running out on the ap of the alarm , and also fully and patiently set forth to them the partic ular and peculiar merits of the new ; 'Ahrens , " with which he was enthus iastically enamored. After describing the test which was raported yesterday , and which evi dently did not impress the party very favorably , The Journal proceeds : The party were pleasantly enter- tiiued at the office of Mayor Chase , after which the Union Pacific railroad shops vrere visited and the old stand ard Amoskeag engine "Durant" was examined , but no test made. Its meohanism and modern improvements were very ably explained by Mr. Raed , who for over eight years has acted as its engineer. " "Mr. S. K. Jackson , superinten dent of the car department of the U. P. repair shops , then took charge of the party and conducted them through the extensive and magnificently ap pointed ehoyd of th i company , a sight that is worth a considerable expendi ture of time and money to see. One thousand mechanics in all departments construct or rebuild a locomotive or car front ita frame to the last finishing touches { of polished walnut , brass or silver plato , each department complete in itself , and supplied with the most powerful , as well as the most delicate , machinery and instruments known to the craft. " "Tho party expressed themselves as under the deepest obligations to his honor , Mayor Chase , the chief engi neer , Galligan , and Superintendent Jackson , for their untiring and emi nently successful efforts to entertain , instruct and amuse them during their days' ' SojotirH in that city , and as a token of their appreciation of the alacrity and cheerfulness wiqh which the gallant firemen turned out to as sist in the trial exhibition , they -"chipped in" the necessary funds with which to send the headquarter ? on Sixteenth street , a keg of Milwau kee beer and n box of fine cigars to re fresh and regale the boys after their txtra afternoon's labor was over. " Aiwa } - h h u1. . id at Tir.zard' ? . tf EXCELSIOR , Our Forthcoming Annual Illustrated Review. Splendid Engravings , Excel lent Typography and Re liable Statistics. Arrangements have been completed for bringing out the forthcoming An nual Illustrated Review of THE OMAHA BEE , which will be distri buted to our subscribers on New Year's Day. All the illustrations in this annual review are to be litho graphed by a first class artist. One of the most important features will be the sketches of the prominent private residences in the city , which last year were crowded out by other buildings. The statisti cal work , which is the most laborious part of this undertaking will be more complete in detail and more thorough if anything , than in any previous Review. In order that no omissions' shall oc cur in this branch , ve would urge up on our citizens who have made any building improvements during the year to furnish us the desired informa tion , either at this office or through tfco postoffico as early ns possible. We wnnt the uamo of the owner of the improvement or structure , discription of the improvement or building ; location and costof same. In view of ot the fact that the out lay for such an undertaking is very largo , amounting to nearly $1,500 , we have to secure a reasonable amount of advertising patronage from our merchants and manufacturers. Mr. J. H. Pierce has been employed as solicitor for advertiements in the illustrated annual review. He will call upon business men and furnish them further particulars , concerning the style of the work , rates of advertising , etc. The edition will contain-16,000 copies , and will therefore be.a most valuable medium for advertising. Parties who desire to have their reiidences or any buildings illustrated had better apply at this office at an early day. Real Estate Transfers. Lew W. Hill to Jno. J. Coming , w. d. , lot 9 , block o.Boggs & Hill's add. , Omaha , S461.45. Jacob R. Hendrix et al , to Ellen McKelligan , q. c. d. , lots 1.2 , 3 and 4 , block 21 , West Omaha , $100. Wm. Pitt Kellogg'and ' wife to "Victor G. Ian try : w. d. ' , lots 1,2 , 3 , and 4 , block 3. Capitol' Hill add. , Omaha $2,050. Wm. F. Heins , Co Tr. , to Thos. Bryant : t. d. , lota 3 and 4 , block 32 , Omaha § 1. COUNTS MDCKIME , Important I , Decision in the United IStates Court. A Granger gats Away With § 1200 for an Omaha Firm. The United S 1 % court "now in session in this city completed its more important business for the week last night and adjourned until Thursday of next week. The case of John I. Redick..vs. the Firet National bank , was decided in favor of the plaintiff , Thursday after noon , the jury after being out about wenty-four houra returning a verdict f 86,013.32. The jury in the suit of Purdy against ie city of Omaha also returned their erdict , finding $750 for the plaintiff. ledick & Redick were counsel for ha phintiff ; Manderaon aud Cowin or the city. Three prisoners from Jefferson ounty was brought before U. S. Com missioner Wataon B. Smith Thursday. Samuel J. Pratt was charged with having sold liqiiof withoitt paying lia lax. Jshn Graves of selling malt iquc- without paying tax. The third was arreated under a miaapprehen- ion. On examination Pratt was held o bail , while Graves waa discharged rom custody. DISTRICT COURT. The district court which adjourned lomo weeks ago to enable the judge > o attend the sessions in other coun- iiea , will reconvene on Monday next , Just how much business there will bee , o transact is uncertain. COUNTY OOUllT. The December term of the county : ourt of Douglas county will convene on Monday morning next , Judge W. 0. Bartholomew presiding. This 11 give us three courts in session during the greater part of tha coming week ; * THE K01IBEK CAPTURED. News reached the police Thursday of the arrest of a Washington county criminal for whom a warrant had been sworn out in this city , and diligent but unsuccessful search mado. The [ acts wore that on Tuesday afternoon Mr. John Ryan , living in Wash ington county , missed § 175. ( X from hia house , and upon investi&a ting the matter , ho found that John McCarty , hia hired man , had also dia appeared , and the conclusion was tha' he had taken the money. Mr. Ryan's son got on the .track of the man am traced him to Omaha , but was unabli to discover his whereabi in th city. He was found he Blai Thursday , and upon be in : ; arrestei the first thing ho said w "you vron hang me , will you was ver much alarmed , and whore he ha placed the money , T will probabl ; all be recovered. He will not escap prosecution , however , as the charg against him is grand larceny. A SIIUEWD SWINDLER. An Omaha firm is reputed to hav been swindled out of a $1200 bill o goods by a parly who gets the follow ing racket In The Lincoln Journal Fox & SOP , dealers in general mor chandiseat , Shelby , Polk county , are 'slick 'uns. " List Monday ono of the members of the nrm visitcdLincolnaud after paying up old bills proceeded to order new goods from several of our dealers. He had with him a letter from the bankers of Oaceola , stating that he was good and in every way worthy of the confidence of our busi ness men. This letter insured him the confidence of our business men , and hia credit ( vas almost unlimited. The first bill of goods ho bought was a car load of furniture , amount ing to 8700 , from Jensen Broa. He then skinned Hurlbut , the clothier , to the tune of § 800. Raymond Broa. were talked into a half car load of groceries , amounting to about $700. LrMcConnell contributed dry gooda to the value of about § 300. Har- greaves and & Co. , fruit wcrth $50. The goods were shipped , re ceived and stored away in the stortroom of Fox & Son in unbroken packages , and in a few days our vic timized business man received notice that the firm of Fox & Son had as signed Iheir stock of goods , valued at some $10,000 , to the Oscoola banker. Mr. Hurlbut , who arrived from Shel by last Wednesday , declares it the moat barefaced swindle he ever heard of , and he proposes to sift the affn'r to the bottom if it "busts him wide " * open. Largest and most complete stock of Silverware and Jewelry in the city at EDHOLM & ERICSSON'S Jewelry Store , opposite the postoffico. New EnijravinKS at Hospe's. FURS ! FURS ! ! FURS ! ! ! The Omaha Fur Manufacturer , Henry G. Richter , [ is to be found op posite the pnstoffica. o26-tf NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that sealed bifs ? will be re eived at the office of the county clerk of Kurnas county , Nebraska , at B-aver City , the county . eat cf said coun ty , up to 'he 3rd d ty of January , A. D. 1881 , at 12 o'c ock M. of slid day , for tha construction of a wjgon bridpe across the Kepub ican river , fouth of the town of Cambridge , in Medicine Creek precinct , in Purr.is county , Nebraska , said bridge to be 403 feet in length , tiddeis are re quired to accompany their bids with flans a * d specifications of the work , and also with a bond in a sum double the amount of thj bid , conditioned for the faithful execution of the contract The county commissioners of said county of Furnas reserve the right to reject any and all bids. . . By order of the county corami'sioners of Furnas county. Nebraska. Dated at Beaver City , rurnas coun'y ' , Nebraska , the 19th day of November , A. D. 1880. "L. KIXSMAX , County Clerk. decS-lmd&w DISEASES OF THE EYE , Ear and Throat. DR. L. B. GftADDY OCULIST , AURIST & iARYNCIST. Office Over KennartTa ] Drug Store , Corner of 14th and Douglas Sts. novlS-3m * . 12 da ? atbcme e 8nyraJeeo ; fren-Addrets True t Co.PoitlEd.ll SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Advertisements To Let For Salt Lost , Found , Wants , Boirdln ; &C. , will be 1 sorted In these columns once ( or TEN CENT ; per lln ; each subsequent Inflertlon.FIVE CESTfc per line. The first insertion cover lesa thar TWENTT-FIYJ5 CEHT3. TO LQAK-HDNEr. OZTST ' SO WAN-Call at Law Offlco M' U. L. VHOUAK. Room 8. Crelchtoii Block ONKY TO LOAN 11C9 Farnhim street. Dr. Edwards Loan Agency. nov-X2-U HELP BAHTED \T7ANTEU-A Situation by a strong > oung W man to do chorea morning and evening nd attend school during the djy. Address Jl. , ce office. 18-3 riTANTED Oood girl for Reneral housework VV in. m 'l family at 053 19th street. 11-fi TLASTiRER WASTED-Ej the day , next the Bee office. 15 4 2 unfurnished rooms connecting WASTED , wife and son. jKiist-Clajj refer- ince. Address Advciti-cr , P. O. Kox63C. IS 4 TRAVELLING SALESMAN Thoroughly . acqu inted with Nebraska , and can giie ; hc best of city rrfcrenco want a situation to ravel on salary or coramlsu en. Address rivcl : T , Otriiha P. o. 12-4 A Rood girl for general hojse- WANTED oao who is a good cook , at. 1805 .rnham St. 17 3 OOM ( MATE WANTED Address J. H. P E Bee office. 7-3 A girl for Roncral h ua-work , WANTED W. corner Hamilton and Pier Sis. , iliinn's addition. 952-11 iRt WANTED At Fred. DelloneJ23 IlilrteenthSt.- > 10-t All Omaha know that the WANTED fct. Jomi ia the hixo cf Sewinp lUchines , office on lHh St. 849-'f ' FORBEWT-HCUSE8 AHD LAHO. 10K RENT Furnished loom. Irmuiro 1811 < ' Fafntam rect , weal of City Hal. 13- 0R IlEXT New rottaje of 5 rooms , com JP p'cto in ecry rejfcct , Hamilton St. , 3 Moc est street cara Inquiiotcx. door east ll-b REST A handsomely farn-fhiil r m fortwotentlcmea. Call at y. K llaf. r s 1903rarnhata t. Tit'OH RENT Furnished roomer scctlomen J" only , southeast cor , 12th and Homey. 2-7 TO RENT Ard pazi K ECOMS ; next JJco office. * ' REST Home with 13 rocroi on the cor ner of 13th and Chicago ( orrect ' / > "nn'.t'jV Kelly C-tf -TlOft RKNT IIouso in Shul.'a 5nd rd.Iitcn. ! 1 } SIB per month. W. SIUERAL , r.i 6 , Crec.hton : B'ock. S05-tt FOR KKKT Fires fhnrand basement. STORE to GjuM & Uorrill , 1005 Farnham St. 891-tf OR RENT A furnished , south fiont room. JD Inquire at No 1612 Farnham St. Esi-tf I7IOU RENT That excellant dwelling house S. C E. corner ot 22.1 ami Cilifornia streets. Well , cistern snd barn. Apply to John Ou Id , lOt'ofarnhamSt. S39--f REST Cwellmg houfo S. E. cormr of FOR 23d and Cart St * . Excellent barn , ditcrns induell ; rentcheap. Applvto C. A. Merrill , 1005 Farnr.am St. & 10-tf OR REST Cottairo , rn 5th and Pine ! sta , now house , eight rooras.on 53d a' d Ca33 SW Enquire J. Y. Hoe , H. E. Cor. 12th and Farn ham. 636-tf RENT 2 furnished rooms over Mer chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. ICth and Dodco streets. 289-tf FQH SALE. T710R SALE A fjood pajinsmcat marieet nitn J ; all appurtenances tn a debir.iblo location in Fremont. Alsoaijood farm. All will be sold cheap , part cash , balance rcasrnablotinn. Ad dress J. E. Frick , Fremont. Neb. 10-3-wlt SALK Businc'S house and grocery stock , Restaurant attached. Address R. Chafflu , Aurora , Neb. 9-1 ni SALE Ho'so power niach'ne and cord wood tonch and fiuvd. Apply next the Bee office. 020-2. "OOR SALE Two close carriage ? , at A. J. JJ Slmpsou'g. 011-tf SALE A tirst-clos * hotel aud re aur- FOR business , located in ilia bcc part nf the city , and Join ? a good business. The proprietor Is called west to n'tcnd to mining interest , and must sell. Inquire at BES office t6ltf tt oALlCottonwova lamuer or all siKWat RKDMOND'S. Slxteenth-at. S16-t MISCELLANEOUS- UP 2 black coltj , one 4 jcar old I mare and ono 2 year old horse c U , 3 milea north-on'Mtaouri ' bottom. QoTrLlEu IIEYR. 8S2 c(5w ( R AYE D A white and rid > p > ttcd cow aboiii SI 5 years old. Any information as ti > her wherealiouts will be thankfully received at U. P. Jleat Market , ICth &nd W biter. 3-7 T OT A red aud white cow , four j cars old. 1 J Leave information where she may be fi at the Odd Folio * 'a Ulock K. F. COOK. 4- Absolutely Pure , Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No othe1 preparation makes such liht , flaky hot breads' ' or luxurious poetry. Can 1m eaten by ilrpeptic without fear of the Us resulting from heavy ! dicrstiblefood. > Sold only in c by all Grocers if- " POWDIR Co. N York SIGN OF THE GOLDEN PIANO & FRAME , A. HOSPE JR. . , . , Pianos and Organs First Class on Easy Monthly Payments , Sheet Music and Musi cal Instruments. FIHE SIUCK OF IMC O TJ OL 3D 13ST GS . 01 Paintings , Enpravinw and J-ramea at great ly'rcdjced prices. SxlO Frames , 1 inch , Walnut. 15c 10x12 " 1 ' " 20 10x14 " 1 " " 20 12x16 " 1 } " " 0 12x18 " 14 " " 65 10x20 3J " " 76 Rustic 8x10 frame 19 Chromoa framed , emill , 25c , Giromo ( framed , lar c , 1 25 , Engraving ? from EOc upward ? , Photograph frames from 15c upwards , Windo * Cbr-tcea 75c a window and upwards Linibrequlr.8 8 00 per window and upwards , Cornice Fcles2tOperwindo * andupward ] , Velvet frame * 25c eich to5 00 ZLVT.TTSIO- Violin Stringa 15c , Vloiias 1 75 , 2 60 , 3 and upwards , Quitara 5 00 , C 00 , 7 00 and upwards , lixnjos 1 00. 3 00 , 5 00 , and upwards , Acconleorn from 1 00 up , cheapest In city Send for samples and dialectic of mouldings and she-t music. A. HOSPE , JR. , 1513 Doc'ircSt-nextdoorto Harris and Fisher's Omaha Nob. A. W , IVASOX. IDJEZLTTIST , OrncKJJacob'a B cV , comer CapitolJAve. and 15th , Omaha , Keb. S. P. MOB GASH JOBBERS AND RETASLERS OF DRY GOODS. 1319 It being our aim to popularize our store and increase our business by selling a large quantity of goods at a nominal profit , we invite the attention of the public to our immense stock which , we are offering at a very slight advance over wholesale coat. Surely our goods bought from manufacturers direct for cash down , will well merit the title of "goods well bought are half sold. " Moreover we solicit the trade of the ° BANKER THE MERCHANT , THE MECHANIC , FARMER , one and all are welcome at our counters ; the rich ever on the alert to save a dollar will not fail to avail themselves of the opportunity here afforded , and the poor also will get dollar for dollar when trading with us. MORSEi'S. Blankets , Blankets , REDUCED. MORSE'S. Blankets , Blankets , REDUCED. MORSE'S. Blankets , Blankets , REDUCED. Again we make reductions in these goods , and to clear our stock we have marked as ollow BLANKETS , Formerly sold at $8.00 , MOESE'S. ' BLANKETS , - nov7 marked S6.50. MOSSE'S. ' BLANKETS , Formerly sold at $15.00 , MOESE'S. BLANKETS , now marked $12.00 , MOESE'S ' , OTDEEWEAE , We open to-day a fresh line of MOESE'S on ? 50-ct. merino Vests worth UKDEEWEAE , 75c ; an extra heavy seamless MOESE'S UNDERWEAE , Vest at 131,25 worth $1-75 ; MOESE'S American Hosiery Oo's seamless UNDEEWEAE , Vests at $1.50 worth $2.CO ; MOESE'S UNDEEWEAE , Ladies' scarlet medicated Vests MOESE'S and Pants at $2.00 worth $2.25 , UNDEEWEAE and the very b st seamless Vests MOESE'S UNDEEWEAE , and Pants made at $9.00 a suit. MOESE'S Gents' all wool Vests and Pants UNDEEWEAE , $1.25 worth $2.00. Gents' best MOESE'S UNDEEWEAE , seamless scarlet Vests and Pants ; at $2.50 or $5 00 a suit worth MOESES UNDEEWEAE , doable as much. MOESE'S * Gourvoisier KID GLOVE DEPARTMENT Morse's Just received a full stock of ' Morse's Kiel Gloves , kid gloves from the celebrat Gourvoisier ed French Factory of Ph. Morse's Courvoisier. ' Morse's Kid Gloves , Courvoisier Black Kids , 3 and Gourvoisier 4 Button. Morse's Courvoisier Colored Kids 3 Morse's Kid Gloves , and 4 Button , Courvoisier Courvoisier Undressed Kids , White Par Morse's ty Shades , Navy Blue , &c. ' Morse's Kid Gloves. Our new RIVERSIDE LACE Gourvoisier GLOVE with the most ap Morse's proved style of fastening Kid Gloves , made in II and 15 hooks. Morse's FOSTER LACE GLOVES Courvoisier closing out at great reduc Morse's tions to make room for the Kid Gloves. above hew goods. Morse's Silks Eeduced , We have made great reducMorSB S tions in Black Silks and offer Silks Eeduced , our Cashmere finished gros MoTSP'S grain silk. Silks Eeduced , Former prcc. Present price. Morse's 60 $1 45 Silks Eeduced , 1 75. 1 55 Morse's" 2 OO. 1 75 Silks Eeduced 2 25. , 2 00 Morse's , 2 50. 2 25 2 75. 2 45 ' Silks Eeduced Morse's , 3 50. 3 10 Silks Eeduced , Samples furnished nr-d com Morse's parison solicited with silks Silks Eeduced , > country. from any retail house ia the Morse's s. IP. jyccmsim &c oo : $60,000. $60,000. $60,000. GREAT GIEARfMO SALE $60,000.GREAT UtLlaliilliiU UULb $60,000. $60,000. "We make this month a specialty to close out our Desirable and seasonable goods at Low- Figures. Our immense stock of Winter clothing for Men's , .Youth's , Boys' and Children'a wear , comprising Working , Business , and Drees Suits , in latest Patterns and Styles , Over coats. Uletersand UJsteretts worked from the finest seeds of woolens ; also a complete line of Furnishing Goods , Novelties in Neckwear for tbe Holidays. Hats , Caps. Gloves , &c , must make way for our immense Spring stock of clothing. Well-known to the public that these goods were the best selected stock ever brought to this market. ELGUTTER'S MAWTH GHOTHiNO HOUSE , $60,000. 1001 Farnham St. , Cor. 10th. $60,000. ZARA'S East India Pile Cnre. The only specific for all forms of Piles. In use in foreign coim- tries for years , lately intro duced into America. Warrant ed to give instant relief and a permanent cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists or mailed free on receipt of price , 50 cents , foyjtho American agents , Richardson & Co. , Wholesale Druggists , Saint Louis , Mo. ZAKA'S BILIOUS PILLS , guaranteed to give immediate relief in all cases of Bilious and Liver Complaints , Cos- tivencss , Sick Headache , In digestion , and cleansing the system of all impurities. Price 25 cents. All druggists sell them. IN USE FORTT TEARS. Storm's CELEBRATED SCOTCH A Safe and Pleasant Remedy for COUGHS , COLDS. A8THMA , HOARSENESS and Strengthen ing the Lungs. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Price only 1O Cents. \TIIEDAILYBEE the Latest Home and Te the Day. KJ IjJ' AGENTS DEVLIN & GO. , ' -L'-tiLJl ! 1ST ! LOTHINSOUSE -SOUSE , FAIW.fUS ! STREET. MARHOFF'S TRUNK FACTORY. . The ) ar > < and beat assortment of Trunks and Valises Li ( lie West. Telescopic Cases and SanifM. Trunks a Specialty. H. H. IYJARHGFF , - - - PHOP. , 117 14th St. . : t ifroors North of lionglas St. BO.OOO CHEAP I CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST MAX MEYER & BRO. Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell ttieir entire stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks Silver-Ware , Pianos & , OrganT ATT 3D ° GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per cent , helow any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their weN Store , Cor. Ilth & Farnham We Mean Business * Come and be Convinced ,