Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Friday Morning , Dec. 3.
The publishers of THE OMAHA BEE ,
in order to encourage immigration tt ,
.Nebraska , invite all residents of this
Btate , to eend them names of panics
Jn the East to vhom sample cppu t
of THE WEEKLY BEE , containing
eutap'lad htatistica about Nobraik
eetcing foith her ar'vat.tages for ret-
tlers , will be mail d free. Send ad-
1-ess in fu"1 ! i c udinR name , rosl-
OIFice , Countj- and State. _ Thia cffur
will be open Irom now until Janu rj
lt < Direct letters cr postal carcif
v.uh these names to WEEKLY BEE.
Oinalia , Ilstbraska.
I'alersonsells coal
Trimmed hats nt the 89c fctore.
See Polack's advertkemcnt.
Ptrter is runnicg the Cteaha Perrj.
- -LoVin'sbulk ixirfiuiie at ICuhn's on'y
Choice meats , Besen'sPulton Market ,
Large variety of ctestjprotectwp at
, Ai > i > lesS2.50perl'arrelJ at
AYUipi > ! e , McMillan & ' Co. , the jcv > t2
' o20-tf
ra , Crciglitou'.BIock.
Black walnuts , 75c per bushel , st
3 A coinplimentary ball is shortly to 1 e
gieu ex-Policernan MansfieliL
rr winter comforts in caps , rotrt , tn-
Wlttji , muffcrt , ffo to Fralcrid's.
Beet wlcct oysters , 40c ; Btani3arcJSCc ;
jnelinm , 25c , at UuffetV. 2-31
Siilendid assortment of Russia Lcatl er
aal Morocco Pocket-Books , at Saxe's.
Glove Citing Pattern ? at BusLman's. tf
JScfore ; buying yourihats , caps [ at i !
nn , cull at C. 3J. Do Great & Co.'a. 2Mf (
Swire Clicete , wholesale and retail , t
Cianneu7Jnd & Meyer's , C07 cast 13th ? 1.
Lot ? , FarmB , House1 ! and Lands. Lo < k
o er JJemia' new column of bargains on lit
Weekly praise and prayer meeting nt
th * V. M. C. A. rooms this evening. All
.Tim Ktephcuson will move into his
new Ih cry-stable about a wtek from to
Farnham street near Tenth , is cut up
nt present for the purpose of laying tome
Kor 1-ands , Lois , Houses anil Panus.
over licmis' uc column on flrst page.
Just iiiue'y.comicls arc engaged in
cutting at tlio pcnteuliarrof ! i\hich
ne-s'.xlh hails from Omah .
TliB city marshal'R report for ll.p
month of Koveinbcrvhows that tixljr-fi\e
u union and ten gamblers pay fines to tl.e
JamoH Gorman , the hack driver , fouix'
a fine black bear-sUn jnhc , lined , Thanks
giving night and now w oulil like to ( iur
the o ner.
"Hugh Leslie Couitney , " alias "Lqrd
Polliam , " the fraud who figured in Ornnha
so cuiupicuously last sjiring , lias been ar
rested in the cast. _
The rtiitc society of the Lutheran
church ha\c postponed their cnterlainmciil
from Thursday ceuing to Prid.iy e\ cuing
of tllidww1' .
TilioKrt | -of the stale treasurer ,
whicli ii. ] ting prcjiared fur presentation
to tut V ihlature ; will hhuw a balasiLO ou
ItMt 1 < f j nt $ 113,018.01. T o ; ears aijo
the t - . i'.rcr loparlcd to the legislatuie a
lnUcto on baud of S4GO.IS1.U9.
r.MaMt'v r * frieud ( ? ) , who claims to
be liifs tirullier , lias turned up agnin in St.
l/i > ui , where he puroliased & couple of
lar j IrtlK of ! ; oods and borrowed a little
cui ! ) on I is uppo td brother's ( redit. If
M \ t v er RClc nt him he will paraly/e hira.
-Tlie Ladie , ' JTelef Society will n < 0 < l a
meeting at IiTa i.nic Hnll , on Friday aflcr-
UODII , at 3 o'clock , for tlie pnrj > ese of con-
flitleiiug the building of a iernancnt
homo for the "PriendlefB. " All aio in-
vLed to attend.
Almohtfi\c months ago , Thomai T.
Bailey , son cf Mr" P. J. Qualey , Esq. , a
well known citizen of Omaha , fell through
th" hatch way at Harris & Fisher's pack
ing house and broke his leg. He proba
bly was otherwise injured internally , and
nt 4 ii tloc'c We Jnesday morning he diedat
the og * > f 13 yean , U months. The fun -
n rl will take place at 2 o'clock p. in. to
morrow. -
The play of "Mazeppa" at the Acade
my Wednesday was improved greatly over of the night before , tuul the audience
1 > tliaici quite reoi ectab1y , owing probsi-
l < ly to the fact that an officer was blationcd
iu the gallery , Tlie grace aud beauty of
the fair actr hs won unbounded applause
and admiration , and at the close of the
performance she was compelled to fchow
licrself before the curtain.
The electoral board , wliich met at
Lincoln yesterday/ca / t Ihe Felid vote of
Nebraska for G .11 field and Arthur. John
M. Thurstou , if this city , was elected
mes'engcr to carry tlie vote to Washing
ton , where the certificate will be deposited
iu the office of the * ecretary of state ,
who re it will remain until by
- -ontre . Mrs. Gov. rCance and Mrr.
.f. M. Thnrston were present at the meet
ing of the board In the sinta capitol build-
New holiday present * , new nubias
mid. hoods. We closed out manufac
turers' stock of gloves and will sell
them at prices that cannot bo found
elsewhere. Wo also closed out a Ii t
of handkerchiefs , gloves and other
fausy boxes. Save money and tee
them. Brocaded and fancy velvets at
f "cm 25c to § 1.00 per yr.rd less than
any other house in Omaha. We
are also eol'ing a Can lot of uncfer-
wearat & very loe- figure , and call es
pecial attention ta a style ot ladies
vesta , which we rYe Bulling at ? L75 ,
nold by oihar houses in the city at
? 12.25alargo ; awartnicnt of tioa just
receivci ; a large variety of Isco goods ,
new styles. This is no bombast. See
them I See them ! 1 See them ! ! 3
Save money and buy at
. Calif orni * Tests , PJn-nj , Grapes ,
etc. , at Tisa-d'o Palace. p21-tf
Solid md Et'vcrplated cups and a
fine selection oi tilvorware at S. Jena-
aoa'e , 410 south 13th street
Xeiv KnsravinssatHostjc's ,
A stlicitor of the Wnbash eays that
his company will , next yar , extend
it road from Corydon across the elate
to n connection with its Council Blnfl's
line. This will
give the Wabsh a
route Between Council Bluffs and Chicago
cage i la Keokuk over which it c n du-
plicjte the time cards of competing
Local Receipts andShipments
in Omaha iVIore Than
Hold Their Own.
Track Talk Important and
In gathering up railroad news it is
too often the case that items of the
greatest local importance are over
looked. In these days of Omaha's
prosperity and growth it ia interest
ing to learn that her transactions
with the outer world continue active
as ever. Our merchants are doing a
heavy business , and the local receipts
and shipments at both depots are
holding their own despite the ccm-
partivoly dull season. The Union
Elevators loaded fifty cara of grain
yesterday to go east over the
Northwestern railroad , and are
oendfng off large consignments con
stantly. The nail works will in the
nsxt few days load about fifty cara cf
al g for the smelting works. This
Blag was formerly procured from St.
Louis at a heavy cost fcr tran portr-
tion , r.nd is used in the reduction of
oree. It is an important and promis
ing fact that this article is now fur-
nhhtd almcet entirely from an enter
prise that has grown up within a few
years in our midst. Mr. James E.
Boyd ia shipping meat in car
load lots dsfly to all points
east and smth. Ho received
fourteen cats of hogs last night By
the wny the hog market in Omaha Is
now very encouraging to shippers and
13 crowing daily more favorable.
Sihaller is doing a good business snd
ai Id a car load Wednesday to Shcely.
In the oil line the consumption in thii
city is very large. One firm aluncR C.
Stcele & Co. , have received snaferago
o ! one car load per day for the past
thirty days. The sale of the article
here is enormous. /
While the local traffic ia holding ita
own , through shipments are light and
will continue so for a time. Neither
is the passenger business on the rozdi
so heavy as it was two months ago.
On the Union Pacific it is reported
ono-fourth lighter than in September.
Considerable new rolling stock has
been put on the main line and
branches of the Union Pacific this fall
and more is beina ; built at the shops
as fast as > t can be turned oat. The
noon train west to-morrow will in
clude a now baggage car , a now ex
press car and two first-class coaches.
These are all after the beat models niid
arcpaintod iu the latest dej-igns. The
passenger coaches are "daisies" and
in addition to great elegance in the
interior furniahing luvo panelled
sides , something entirely new and very
General Manager Bishop , Chuf
Engineer Brown and Contractor Yin-
cent , of the St. P.ul aad Omaha
road , were in the city yesterday , the
first named gentleman being here for
the purpose of looking after the mat
ter of putting trains on the new line.
The followirg circular waa issued ovtr
the general manager's signature will
explain itself :
Sr. PAUL , Minn. Nov. 29 , 'SO.
The several linca of railroads now
in operation or under cons ) ruction by
this company in thcstaio of NebrsaVa
will bo hereafter known cs thu Ne
braska division cf the St. Paul and
Sioux City railroad.
Thai portion of enid railroad be
tween Coving ! on and Omaha [ will be
known as the Omaha line. *
That portion ( new under construe t-
iou ) bet\vcen Kcnoaaw Junction and
Norfolk will bo known as the Norfolk
That portion between Cofcurn
Junction and Ponca will baknown : s
the Niobrara branch.
The jurisdiction and authority d
Mr. J. House as superintendent will
on the 1st of December next bo ex
tended over the Omaha line and the
Niobrara branch.
The jurisdiction and authority of
Mr. 0. D. Drown as chief engineer
will at the same date be extended
over all the roads in operation or
under construction in the Nebraska
division. W. H. BISHOP ,
General Manager.
Twelve thousand men are employed
by the C. , B. & Q. railway company.
The transfer boat at Blair has
ceased running by reason of the ice.
The railroad companies are short of
freight cars to carry the stuff offered.
This shortage ia not confined to this
part of the country , but extends all
through the west.
The track-laying on the Elkhorn
road has stopped for the winter twen
ty-seven miics short of O'Neil City , to
which town 4tho grading ia almost
completed. * *
The overland train from the yrcat
wason time yesterday.
Mr. Gcorgo Drury , for many years
the general baggage master at the B.
tt M. , has resigned his place aud ia
succeeded by Mr. Manchester. State
The Wabash Pacific earnings from
Janua-y 1 to November 15 , show an
increase of 53,117,7-17.
Many complaints have been filed
with the railroad commissioners on
account of the dearth of coal cars
This ia another eudcnco of the gene
ral extent of the coal famine and the
unusual character of the freight
The official figures of the earnings
of the Chicago & Northwestern railway -
way from Juno 1th to November 21th
five months and three weeks show
§ 10,477,642 88 agidnst SS.733OC2.1G
during the same period last year , an
incroa-jo of ? 1.G94,5S0.77 , or 19 per
The surveyors on this end of the
proposed extension of the Milwaukee
and St , Paul read , from Mason City
to Council Bluffs , are now this side of
Neola , and will reach this city about
the last of next week. They have
run their anrvcy directly through
State Senator Goo. F. Wright'a fara ,
which is three or four miles from
Neola , The now road will follow
right along by the side of the Bock
Island track from Neola into Council
Bluffs. ItVRS therefore a mistake in
saying they would follow down PJeeon
creek. [ C. B. Globe
An Accident on 13th Street
From the Usual Cause.
There is no Luxury Like That
of Defective Sidewalks. -
It would seem that the frequent
accidents from dangerous and defect ]
ive" alks and grossly neglected
streets , which have lately occurred to
the disgrace cf municipal manage
ment in this city , would euggestto the
proper authorities some preventative
in the premises. A true regard for the
safety of the citizen , not to say his
comfort , should make the council at
tend to this matter. It would ba tfee
me&ns of inspiring more confidence
ia their legislative ability , and at the
same time keep many a heavy judg
ment against the city from the court
The latest case in point is that of
Mrs. Mary Sylvester , who resides on
Eleventh street , near Harney. On
the evening of the 29h of November ,
between , the hours of nine and ten
she left her rcsidenca to call on her
wash woman , who resides on the up
per portion cf the old "Star House , "
on the south s'de ' of Ilarney , between
12th and loih. After transacting
her business she descended to tbo
sidewalk and turned to go aome.
Just east of the building a large portion
tion of the walk has bsen entirely
removed , and instead have been
placed a few narrow boards , to which
there is a dangerous descent of nearly
a foot These boards ara roughly
j ut together , and richt in the contro
are ( wo holes , from two to three feet
iu length , and from four to six inches
wide , making a moat dangerous pitfall
even in the day time ,
and , stnhigo to say , this
condition of affairs has existed on ono
of the most public streets of the city
for sevcrnl months.
Mrs. Sylvester stepped into ono of
thcso holes ; her foot became cntau
gled therein ; she was thrown to the
ground , and suffered a complete frac
tare of the right limb just at the knee
joint Being a flashy woman the fall
and injury were doubly severe. Her
cries attracted two gentlemen who
wera passing , and they hurriedly as
slated Mrs. Sylvester to her home ,
There she lay in the greatest pain un
til tha next night. Being entirely
without means , she sent for Col. E. F
Smythe , who immediately procured
the services of Dr. Mercer , and tlu
injury received attention. The pov
erty of Mrs. Sylvester adds to
her misfortune , and notwithstandin
skilful medical care her sufferings are
almost unbearable. The indications
arc that she i\ ill never fuliy recover
the proper uao of her limbs , and it'
any event it wi'l be many mouth * before
fore she will bo able tc leave her btc
This , no doubt , will bo another suit
for heavy damages against the ci'j- .
The investigation made by our re
porter failed to discover any negli
gence whatever on the port of Mw.
S. , and how the city authorities can
excuse their grea4. want of care in re
gard to this d ingerous walk , 13 a
conundrum. If these matters
are not K * ended to the
judgments a aiii'tOmaha in cur coutto
will coon throw lute the shade aV
other items of expenditure. If these
outlays were not most palpably causec
by thcncglectof some one or authoritj
thetaxpayers would noturumblabutun
fortunately the reveraeis justthocasu.
Col. Smytho is very roticentabout the
matter but his actions indicate that ke
fecla assured that his client has a
bonanza case.
0. W. Miller & Co.'a triangle brand
fr.-sh Oysters , expressed through di
rect from Baltimore. ( No freightcc
Oysters ) , from 25 to 45 cents per can.
Warranted equal to any.
l-2t FLEMING & Co.
Meals at all hours at Tizzird's. ti
A. J3. Tonzalin returned yesterday.
K. O. L. Edholm is making a short visi
at home.
Hun. T. P. Kennard , of Lincoln , came
up on the noon train.
L. J. Blowere , treasurer of Polk county
was in the city Wednesday.
Congressman Valentine left for the
National capital last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Chnrchill Parker returner
yesterday morning from New York.
Chief Engineer Allen , of the Marshall-
town , Iowa , tira department , is in the city.
Miss I'loresco Brooks , of St. Joseph , is
visiting her brother , S. O. Brooks , in this
, N. Haijht , travelling agent of the
T/ouis\illo and Nashville railroad , is in the
S. C. Mason , superintendent of the
Wabash railway telegraph lines , was in
Omaha Wednesday.
Mr. J. JL Thurston and family returned
from Lincclu yesterday in the special car
No. 12 , of the Union Pacific.
W. D. Duncan , western ticket and pas
senger agent of the New York , Lake Eno
& Western ra5Iway.H in the city.
Mr. John E. Griffiths retunud Tues
day nhjht from a two weeks' visit in Chica
go , where his parents rcsldi. Ho reports
business lively in the wicktd' city on the
iVnt. Forest , conaal de France for twen
ty-five year < past at SanFrancisc- % passed
east last n'ght via'tho Northwestern , en
route to Bogola , tlie capital of New Grana
da , South America. He has been appoint
ed niini.ter to the United States of Colum
Sirs. Geo. Canfield , wife of the proprie
tor of the Canfield Hcuee , has gone to
West Point to look after the interests of a
sheep ranch which she owns in that conn-
try. She will be absent some weeks and
is accompanied by her daughter , SIis3 Liz
zie Canfield.
Now silverware to-day. Grand
opening this evening of watihes ,
clocks , jewelry , diamonds , silverware ,
and all kinds of jewelry. Come in
and sea the new styles and see the
beautiful Christmas presents.
Jeweler ? , Opp , the P. 0.
Fcr Sale Six-horse power Baxter
engine and boiler , in good repair.
Apply at BEE office , no4tf
The "Fire King" Exhibits its
Powers to Guests From
the Capital ,
Who are Divided Between a
Silsby and an Ahrens
Since tha purchase of the "Fire
King" from the Ahrens Manufactur
ing company , of Cincinnati , by the
city of Omaha , she has been used as
a model for exhibition to all the city
authorities round about who were con
templating a similar purchase. She
haa been tested for the benefit of
Blair and Cou il Bluffs , and to-cay
hergDod qualities were exhibited before -
fore the mayor and city council of
Lincoln , who came up on the morning
train over the B. & M.
The party included Mayor John
Wright , Chief of Police Lyman ; T.
P. Quick , chief engineer ; Harry Ho-
man , foreman ; R. C. Manly , city
clerk ; J. L. Caldwell , chairman of
tbe committee on fire , and Councilmen -
men John Doolittlo and Fred Corne.
Public opinion down at tha capital
is divided between the Ahrous and
the Silsby. They have cue Silaby ,
the size of the "Fire King , "
and the LOW engine , of whatever
make il is , is to bo a size larger. The
test was made at 2 o'clock this after
noon at the old Grand Central cistern
on 14th street.- Owing to the fact
that th.3 hose could not bo laid
straight , but got "kinked , " and
burated , the time made was not
so good as it might have
been. From the time the fire
was lighted until there was 80 pounds
of steam on but 3 | minutes elapsed
and water was thrown from the nozzle ,
through 200 feet of hose in a little over
four minulet.
Whatever the impression ou the
visitors was they did not give it away
They left on the afternoon train for
Always fresh Ojsters at Tizzard's.
Prirao Michigan Apples , full three
bushel barrels , Uenniog's extra pack
ing , at Fleming's , 14th and Doughs.
* 5
For Sale. Cut flowers , on short
notice , in any quantity , nt E C.
Erfling , near U. P. Depot. 30-ood3t
Bess Stout Wants More Time
Than the Contract
From a member of Ihe Capito'
Building Board , who caino in from
L'ncoln yesterdaywe learn that a ful
meeting of the board was held Wednes
day. The estimate of the ouperintcn
dent for material furnished , amount
ing to § 1040 , was allowed.
As intimated by THE BKE some
weeks ago , the contractor has found il
Impossible to complete the now rcing
by the time specified in hia contract
with the state and do justice to the
buildinp. At the meeting yesterday
the board was asked to er'cntl tlio
lime , but they decided that tht-y hat
not the power to grant further time ,
and referred the matter to the legisla
Messrs. Gibson. Birkhauser am
Owen were appointed a committee to
report the action of the board to the
legislatf i
The b aui tun , ; j turned to mee
again Jnnuary 3 , 1881 , at 3 p. m.
New Music Boxes received to-day
at Edholm & ErickEon's , the Jewel
er ? , opposite the postoffice.
The Secretary of the National
Police Association Perfect
ing the Organization in
the West.
I. L. Lyman. chief of police u
Lincoln aud secretary of the nations
police association of the United States ,
oimo up from Lincoln yesterday
to confer with Marshal Westerdah
relative to perfecting and extending
the organization iu the west , and es
pecially in Nebraska aud Iowa. Ae ia
known the association holds its annual
national convention in Omaha , May
15th next , and the western men are
anxious to make a good showing.
Chiefs Lyman andjWesterdahl will
work together to this end , the object
of the association being to combine
the best criminal officers in all paris
of the country and admitting sheriffs
and heads of detective sgencies RB
well as chiefs of police. Mr. Lyman
will work the country south of the
Platte and adjacent to Lincoln , while
Marshal Westerdahl will attend to
the North Plalto country and to the
ptincipsl cities of Iowa.
Secretiry Lyman receivedyesterday
by express the seal and printed docu
ments pertaining to his office aud is
now fully equipped for the work of
organization. The new association is
mooting with great popularity among
eastern officers as well us vnstern , and
all sections are working harmoniously
towards the perfection of the system.
The ineetin'g to bo held in Omaha
next May will bring out hundreds cl
visitors and will be a big event , cot
only for this city , but for the entire
west , and must result in great bene6t
to the force throughout the United
States who have to deal with criminals.
New Engravings at Hospc's.
Any person buyingono dollar's worth
of goods of me , will be presented with
a TICKET for a chance to win the cloak.
I have "MiLUSEBY , " Ladies' SUITS
splendid assortment of DRESSED
DOLLS for the Holidays.
16th street near Masonic Building.
That Ring Out a Greeting to a
Trio of Newly Married
The bright pleasant weather of tha
pist few days has caused an unwont
ed activity in the matrimonial mar
ket , and a trio of weddings are re
ported vesterday.
The first of these is the marriage
of Miss Lillie Ross , of Omaha , to
Mr. P. T. Buckley , oE Stromsburg ,
Neb. , which occurred at the residence
of the bride's parents , corner of Jack
son and Eighteenth streets , this
morning. The ceremony was per
formed by the Rev. James Williams ,
of St. Barnabas.
Only a few friends were present ,
but the affair , though a quiet one ,
was very pleasant , indeed. Among
the presents to the bride were : Silver
castor and fruit dish , Mr. and Mrs.
E. Lane ; butter 'dish and silver tea
set , T. R. ROBS ; silver cake basket ,
table linen and two fine pictures ,
father and mother ; set tidies , Miss
Dunn. The happy couple will make
their homo in Stromsburg.
Dr. T. S. Hitchcock of this city ,
and Miss Eliza A. Kear of the Windsor
ser hotel , Fifth avenue , New York ,
were Wednesday married at thojreai-
dence of J. N. A. Patrick in this city.
They will make their future homo in
Mr. P. H. Carrigan and Miss Min
nie Leadmsn , both of Council Bluff > ,
were mayried in this city Wednesday
December 1 , at the First M.E. church.
B/JV. Maxficld performed the interestIng -
Ing ceremony.
THE BEE extends congratulations
and ! > cod wishes to all the above.
Mr. P. Boron , the popular butcher ,
formerly proprietor of the Fulton
Market , and late of tha firm of Besen
and Hagadorn , has again taken the
Fulton Market , 107 , north-Sixteenth
street , where he will be glad to see all
his former friends and patrons , and
an unlimited number of new ones.
Mr. Besen is too well-known to
need anything said concerning his ex-
pcrionco in the businesi and fair
A choice line cf the best meats
always on hand. Orders by telephone
promptly attended to. dl-2t
Real Estate Transfers.
Jedediah Demin to Albert H.
Sander ; w. d. , w. lot 4 , block 152 ,
Omaha § 2t 00.
George H ' Bogaa and wife , and L.
W. Hillto'Hans Nielsen ; w. d. , n. 1
s. w. | , and s. o. | s. w. | sec. 24 , t7
1C , r. 11 , e. § 1,200.
Clinton Briggs and wife to Herman
Kountze ; w. d. , w. part of lot 1 , block
131 , Omaha § 5,205.
Geo. H. Bojrss and wife , and L. W.
Hill to Henry Kareten ; w. d. , s. w.
soo. 25 , t. 15 , r. 11 , o. 81,600.
William Truesdall and wife to Fred
Heizko : w. d. w. lot G , block 92 ,
Omaha S800.
John , Nancy and Isaac Edwards to
Henry T. Clark : q c. d. , ne. i , sec.
15 , t. 1C , r. 10e. $7fi.
Finest ever brought to Omaha , and
at New Ycjrk prices. Don't fail to tee
them at Baton's nGtf
Botiner'a Stopec much the finest
in the Market. Call and see. 1410
Dougla street. o22-tf
FURS ! FDRS1 ! FURS ! ! !
The Omaha Fur Manufacturer ,
Henry G. Richter , [ ia to be found op
posite the postolfieo. _ o26-tf
Our Forthcoming Annual
Illustrated Review.
Splendid Engravings , Excel
lent Typography and Re
liable Statistics.
Arrangements have been completed
for bringing out the forthcoming An
nual Illustrated Review of THE
OMAHA BEE , which will bo distri
buted to our subscribers on Now
Year's Day. All ihe illustrations in
this annual review are to be litho
graphed by a first class artist.
One of the moat important
features will be the sketches of the
prominent private residences in
the city , which last year were crowded
out by other buildings. The statisti
cal work , which is the most laborious
part of this undertaking will bo more
complete in detail and more thorough
if anything , than in any previous
In order that no omitsions shall oc
cur in this branch , we would urge up
on our citizens who have made any
building improvements during the
year to furnish us the dt sired informa
tion , either at this otfico or throush
tic postolfice as early as possible. Wo
want the name of the owner of the
improvement or structure , discription
of the improvement or building ;
location and coatof same.
In view cf ot the fict that the out
lay for such an undertaking is very
large , amounting to nearly 81,600 ,
we l.ave to tecure a reasonable
amount of advertising patronage from
our merchants and manufacturers.
Mr. J. II. Piorca has been employed
as solicitor for advertieraents in the
illustrated annual review. He will
call npon business men and
furnish them further particulars ,
concerning the style of the work ,
rates of advertising , etc. The edition
will contain 16,000 copies , and will
therefore bo a most valuable medium
for advertising. *
Parlies who desire to have their
nnidences or any buildings illustrated
had better apply at this office at an
early day.
Geo.II. Ratlilmn , Principal.
Creighton Block , - OMAHA" .
Send for Circular.
NOTICE Advertisements To Let Tor Sale *
Lost , Found , Wants , Boirdln ? Ac. , will bo In-
Mrtod In thcao coimnca ones ( or TEN CENTS
per Un ; each snbse < jn.intln ertlonFlVE CENTS
per line. The fliat Insertion never less than
I TO LOAN At 8 per cent Jntor
uw w. wJ cat , n sums ot $2000 and u p-
srards ( or 1 to S years' time on lint class Improv
ed city and ( ana property. Apply at BEMIS
Heal Estate and Loan Agency , 15th and DouUs
Ja. 278-codtt
OlfST SO TXIAH CHI at law Offlca
M1 U. L. THOUAS. Koon\8.Crclghton Block
, j ONKY TO I.OAK 1109 Farnb&m street.
M1 Dr. Edwardn Lain Azency. nov-22-U
EOOM olTicc. 7-3
Men to huak corn on my farm ,
WASTED north ot Klkhcrn Sta'ioi. In
quire at my office , Union Pacific lleatlijuurteis.
A. J. POei-LETON. ' D54-2
"TVTANTED A girl for genctal h'us ° ork ,
V V At .V W. corner Jiarn Hon snil 1'ier Stg. ,
Shinu's addition. 03Mf
\TTANTED A first casi dinlnpr roim qlrl , at
YV City Hotel , N. W. cor. loth and Barney.
The Oeinnn cirl that tailed on
WANTED at eostsida JOtli , between Chicago
uul Casa to call again. 922-2
"XTTAKTCD A woman cook , at the Emmolt
YV House. 0 42
IKLVANTEDAt Fred. , 323
Thlrte-nth St aio-tf
All Omaha know that the
WANTED tt. Join is tl.a l.i > a cf Sewing
Machines , office on 1-th St. 84'-tf '
BENT New cottage of 6 rooms , com-
FOH in c\ cry reipoct , Ilamllton St. , Z blocks
west street cars Inquire next cleor cast. 11-3
"T710E KENT A handsomely furnished ro < m ,
1 ! Mt o cntlcmcn. Call at A. F. Kafer H ,
13DS > arnhamSt. 8-3
Bfr NT. House , four rootcs , suft end
EOR , S5.0J per m-u'.b. iiiUio : | f
J. L , McCtgus , reil estate a ent , cp | > tj p a.-
office. ! St
TTIOK RENT Furnished room ftr 2fitl mfn
JU oaly , southeiat cor. 12th and Dainty. U-7
TO REST Aril part 11 f t jre. Kc-
ROOMS next Uee o.Ucc. 63
"T710R RKVT IJoiHi with 13 rcKltN on the corP -
P nerof 13th and Chicarotorrci " tliy inmti }
Kelly C-i
TTIOR RENT A large nn ftair front m m , fu--
IJ nished Enquire 2423 Uavenport S . 9C-i
O RENT A Hr-r > furniJhcd room ni Rrnt
floor. Knqairoat Cee oMicc. OIO-ood3t
EOR RENT House in Shnl.'s 5nJ rdJitlon ,
S15 ptr month. W. SIMKIIAL , room C ,
Crcighton O'ock. 893-tf
TCUK FOR KK J ? f KKS * floor and basement.
S Apply to G juli & llonill , lt,03 Farnham S : .
FOR RENT A furnished , souln fiont room.
Inquire at No 1012 Kariiliim St. 18 l-tl
RENT That excellent ilwclliiu house S.
E. corucrot 221 p.nJ Cili'ornia streets.
Well , cistern Mid barn. Apply to John Gu IJ ,
ICio FamlianiSt. S33-'f
. KENT Dwelling hou o S. E. corner of
23danil Curt Stj. Excellent barn , < i > tcns
snd well ; rcntcheap. Apply to C. A. llorrill.
1005 Farnnam St. 840-tf
POi : RENT Cottage , on 5th and Pine bta ,
new house , eight rooms.onfSJa-d Ca aSta
Enquire J. 1' . hoc , t ? . E. Cor. lith and Farn
ham. 69G-tf
HEM' - famished rooms over iler
FOR Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and
Dodce streets. 28 < Mf
T710R SiLK A good paying moat mirxct iln
J } a'l ' appurtenances m a dcsintilo location in
Fremont. AlsoH nod farm. All Y/ill bs sold
cheap , part rash , balance icrisrjubloUim. Ad
dress J. E. Trick , Fremont. Neb. 10-3-wlt
"ITtOR SALF Business house ard grocery stock ,
Jj iReslaurant attached. Address K. Chiffin
Aurora , Neb. { Mm
Paivaina in Houses , Lots , Farms anc
Lands , in his new column on 1st paze
FOR S\LE Ho'si power uiach'ne and core
wojd bench and eawa. Apply next tlte Bee
office. 023-2.
F OR SALE Two C'CEC carriage" , at A. J.
Slmpsoa'a. 011-tf
SALE A llrst-clats hotel and restanr
FOll business , located in the be-K pirt of the
city , and lo'ny a good buinesi. The propricto
ia called west to a'tcnd tomlniug interest , nn < l
mint pell Irqu re at Ens olflc-j f Oltf
over BEMIS' pew column of barijains ou la
H &ALK Coltonwood Icmtior < [ all Bizc4t
UKDMONIVS. Sixtccnth-st. 516-t
our BPM1S new column of bargains on Is1
ra : o.
STRAYED A white and r d sp itted cow about
5 jears old. Auir Information as to her
whereabouts will be thankfully r.ccivcd'at U. P
Meat Maiket , 16th nd Wibiter. ' 3-7
LOVT A red and white cow , four years old.
Lcavs information whore qhe m y be fnum
at the Odd Fello 'a Block E. F. COOK. 4-
QTKAYKO A brind'e cow , heavy built , laree
O horns. Any Inform * ! ! m regarding her
wnereaboutswill tie tlunkfnl y received bv P.
J. O'Brien , Casj street , tot. 25 and 44. 05 J- ' _
T ESSON3 Given in the German and FrencI
_ LJ language , alsj on piano. Jmiu re at Bea
ollice. 9'5-2
Absolutely Pure ,
Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No otht'
preparation makes such Iteht , ( laky hot breads' '
or luxurious pastry. Can bo eaten by dvpeptlc'
wltliouHcar of the 11s resulting from hcaty i
digestible food.
bold only in o by all Oroccia
Notice of Dissolution
> otlca is hereh/ given tint the partnership
heretofore cxistln : bstwecn L. W. Halxrcom &
P. Weinhasen is this day dissolved by mntui :
acrccment. and that the undersigned ia now t'ie
ole publisher snd editot o ! The Oraahi Tele-
? r ph , with whom all persons ovin < said firm
w 11 hare to so'tie their indebtedness , and who
will alio pa ; the debts owlnc by the firm.
Omatu , l > ovembcr 33,18:0.
Tdblishcr , Editor , of The Omaha Telegraph.
Ear and Throat.
Office Over Kennart's ] Drug Store ,
Corner of 14th snd Douglas Sts.
a wcet. g2i day atbcme easilj msdee ; ( > 9
outfit fren Add reta Trnet lo.Portlril tr
* Sncccaaora to J. II. THIELE ,
No. 1220 Douglas Street ,
AT = T A
the Litest Home and Te
wB of the Day.
$2 TO $5 PER ACHE ,
20,000 Acres
6 to 12 Miles from Omaha ,
$6 to $10 per Acre , on
Long Time and
Low Interest.
Large tracts suitable fcr
Colonies in all the best
Counties in the State ,
80,000 acres scattered
through lov/a.
A large number of Improved
Farm.j in Nebraska , many oi
them near Omaha , $12 to $40
per acre ,
An Immense List of
Consisting of Elegant Resi
dences from $3,000 to $20-
000. Many vacant lots in
the additions to Omaha.
Hundreds of lots scattered
through the City. Houses and
Lots , Business Houses and
Lots , and all kinds of Ci y
Real Estate.
We also have
on Improved Farms in Doug
las County , on 5 years time , at
10 percent , interest to all who
can show good titles.
Mnjisfor Rouxlas and Snrpy
Counties for saJc ,
4 beautiful lots fronting eonth la Igaac &
Sclden'd tdo. for $160 half cash.
House and lot , 22d and Do < iio ; . 9 3,000
Hou e ind lot near Brjwncll Hall . 2.10Q
Two new houses and full lot , rents for
81:0 per jear . 4 ooo
N w brick house , 21x25 , 1J story , with 3
Iot3 . . . 2000
House aidlot Websterst . 1,100
Lirjehou'e and comer lot . 8,000
Laqru house full lot. California st . 4,000
Residence and 4 full lots , St. Mary's ave. . 5,000
House and small lot , south of depot . 050
House and Emill lot , voutn of depot . 035
Uesidonca property , Kountze and Kath's
. ,
Fine residence property . . . 10,000 -
Honso and lot , 22d and Harner . 1 EDO
House and lot , Nelson's addition . 2,700
House and lot Shinn's addition . 1,600
Residinceand comer lot . 3oo3
Residence ( caab ) . 7 DOO
Rcdldedco . < j,000
Residence . 5 JOO
House and one-half lot . lC5C
Three homes and corner lot . . . . . 7,600
Residence and corner lot . 7,500
House and 60 feet front , I6th street . 3,700
Lauo house end corner lot . 6,500
Ro&ideiice and thrco Iota . 6,500
Two house and corner two-thirds of cor
ner lot . 1,100
Housa and sma'I ' lot , Caaa street . 2,100
Hause and lot , 27th near Farnham . l.OOf
Brick house and corner lot . 1,300
Small house and full Jot , earnings st . 2,350
House and lot , 23d street . 3,200
House and full lot , worth $4,000 for . 5,500
Fine brick residence . . . 1,500
Brict residence . 5,050
House and corner lot . 1,550
New t o-story house and corner lot . 4,200
Residence and full lot , Farnhtmst . 5,500
House and one re , 18th street . 3,000
Housi and half lot , 18th street . 2,200
House and lot , Shinn'g nddit'o . 1,600
House and half lot , Casi street . 1,100
House and half lot , Caw Street . 1,450
Residence and ! wo lots , Capitol Hill _ 7,000
Elejant brick residence * 2 full lots . 15 , 00
Finest residence in the city . 16,000
Residence property . 17,000
Residen e property . 17,500
Residence . 5,600
House and lot , Shinn'f addition. . . . . . . . . 1,200
House and lot , fchinn'a addition . 1,500
lloiuo and lot , 2'th and Farnham . 1400
ilouso and lot. 27th and Douglas . $375
House and full lot. Izanltt . 1,7 0
Newhonseaml 1 } lo : . 2,200
residence property . 7,800
Residence property , crv flea . 13,500
House and lot , Horbach's iddition . 1,500
Residence , Farnham st . 6,000
Honso and } lot 1 bloct from Court
House and i lot 1 block from Court
Housa . 2,250
Hou-c and comer lot 2bfc Ii8 from Court
House. . . . . . . . . , . . . 2,400
House and I it , Nicholas street . l.QOO
House an J 1 acre , Gises * addition . 40
House andlot , llth treegV ) . 000
Lame building and six Iota 1 mile out. . . 4,000
Unusa and lot on Divenjort . 3,600
Uontetnd J lot , near depot . 1,500
House and + lot , near depot . 900
House and lot. South Aventlo. . . . . . . 1,000
rioa e and lot , Sbinn'a addition . . 1,800
Residence , Kountze nd Ruth's add . 2,600
Residence property , Kountze * rd Ruth's
addition . 6,000
Reeldcne property , south port tf town. . 2.5CO
House and } lot , Webster et . 2,700
Ho-s and 5 acres at narracks . 700
House and lot , mstmng'saddifn . 1,000
Houieand lot , South H Bt . 650
Uou eandlot , Eountzo and Ruth's ad
ditlon . 3,500
Residence and } lot . 2,700
Ilonsa and lot , 16th tt. . . . . . 3,500
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 Farn. St. , Omaha , .rfeb ,
immense Stock for
Hue Custoni-3Iadc
Men's Suits ,
Boys1 Suits
Children's Suits.
'For Men ,
Boys , and
Oh '
aps ,
Trunks and Valises , at
Prices to Suit All.
i 3"
Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth
§ '
1 i j HI
The hrgcst and best assortment of
Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases
and Sample Trunks ii Specialty.
u P !
MARHflFF - - -
BB jy.nsaESUra 5
117 14th St. , IJ-oors JSforth of Douglas St.
JbJ ttJ J SIKj'iLvft.
Cigars from § 15.00 ] ) cr 1000 upwards.
Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards.
Send for Price List.
m-w-f 3JAX 3IEYEI * > A CO. , Oinalui , tfeb.
ssr J& .
Fishing Tackle , Eusc Balls and a lull line oi'
And Wholesale Dealers in CIGARS and CONFECTIONERY. During the
Fall and Winter we will handle COUNSELJIEK'S FRESH OYSTERS , which
are now the beat in tha market. A Lirgo assortment of CANDY and SUGAR ,
TOYS for the Holiday trade.
CATFilUEMAX , 510 lltli St. , Onialin.
Wr , ,
Has ths exclusive sale of the
The Gold Coin is this season the favorite of Chicago , is prefer-
od above all other Stoves , comes both plain and highly orna
mented , has the ne-w patent grate and flre-pott hat will out-wear
half dozen of anyother. Th Gold Coin weighs it ore by filtylbs.
than anyother Stove of its sizain thema-ket , and is , therefore ,
more durable than any other Stove , is strictly -warranted in every
respect , it requires no salesman to sell ifc as city reference sells
k without trouble. Cor. 10th and Jackson.