Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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Established 1871 ; MORNING EDITION. Price Hve Cents
& SONS ,
Dodge and Fifteenth Sts.
We are tfo-w Dispkying an
cant line of Ladies'
of the
A Good Cloak for - - $8,0
A Good Cloak for - - $3. *
A Nicely Trimmed Cloak $4.5
An All-Wool Cloak - - $5.0
A Nice One for . . . $7.5
Somcthim : Fine at $10.00 an
ill ) to § 4O.OO.
for a Child 2 years and
tit Pleasing Prices.
This is the Best Line o
Children's and Misses' Cloak :
to be found in the city , * ant
our Prices are always thi
All c at
W1-LL1 AMIS' .
Immense Stock of
( SI White & Colored Blanket !
varey tsianKets rrom 3 > i.oi.
to $8.00 per pair.
White Blankets from S2.0C
to $12.00 per pair.
Our $2.00 White Elaiieti
L nre a Wonder at the P ice
Cor. 15th and Dodge Ste. ,
' or * .
A. HOSPE , JR. ,
Pianos and Organs First Class
on Easy Monthly Payments ,
Sheet Mnsio and Musi
cal Instruments.
: M : o TT L ID i : sr Q-s.
01 raintinps , Engravings anil Frames at frre t
ly redaced prices.
810 Frames , 1 inch , 'Walnut. lf <
invio i " 20
10x14 . . SO
12x16 . . 0
10x20 . .j „ 75
Bustle 8x10 fnme 15
Chromoa ( rawed , small , Sc ,
Cliroaiotfraracd , larce , 1 25.
rnsTivlncs from SOcnpnards ,
riiotopraph frames from 15c upward * ,
AVinilo * Cnr Joes 75ca window ncl apw rdj
Latulin-qulrj 8 00 per trindo * and upwudc ,
Cornice folcsSbOpcrwiudow andupwudi ,
Velvet Iramcn 26c e ch toS 00
Violin String 15c ,
\1ollis 175,2 50 , S and upwards ,
OulUrs 5 00 , 0 00 , 7 00 and upwards ,
litnjos 1 00. 3 00,5 00 , and upwards ,
Acconlcoii from 1 00 up , cheapest In city
Send for ttmplcs and catalocne of moulding )
.ml ht music. . A. HOSPE , JR. ,
Id 19 Codi-nSu. ! cxtdrortollarrliand Flshor1 ! ,
Oman i Noh.
Machine Works ,
J. Hammond , Prop , & Manager.
The mcwt thorouph appolnte 1 and complete
Machine Shops and Foundry In the Uta.
CaetlngB ol every dcecriptlon manufacted.
Encincc , Pumpa and eveiy class of machinery
made to order.
pedal attention given Io
ITclI Augnrs , Pulleys * Hangers ,
ShaftinKridjje Irons , e r
attinp , etc
Plansrornew Uachlnery.Headunleal DriQfbt
ng , Models , etc. , neitiy executed.
56HRTpev St. . Bet-14ta and 15th.
Geo.K. Ratlibun , I'riacipal.
Creighton Block , - OMAHA
Send for Circular.
3D E 1ST T I S T
OmcEJacob'B B rfc , comr CapltoiATcf
* >
The Charley Boss -Businei
Attempted on a Jersey
City Boy. '
"Oath , " the Noted Newspap
Correspondent , Uequired io
Give $10,000 Hoods
for Libel.
Ben Butler Will Probably G
to Ireland to Defend"
Brockway , the Counterfeits
* Reveals the Secrets of
His Gang.
Preparations for the Meetin
of the National Base
Ball League.
The Chicago Jewelry Thievt
Beatore Their Plunder
to the Owner.
Conference of the National Base Ba
League. .
Bpocul DicpiUch to The Boe.
NEW YORK , December 1 , 1 a. m.-
The die agreement which , during tb
past icason , has disturbed the agrees
ble relations hitherto existing b
tween members of the profession !
bate ball club league , will be brougt
to a conclusion by a meeting In thi
city of representatives of the variou
clubs on December 8th , not the 411 :
as was Incorrectly stated. The con
ference is according to Spaulding' '
rules , being hold on the first Wednei
day after the first Tuesday in Deceit
ber. The result is awaited by prc
feselonal nines throughout the couc
try , with much Interest. A full rep
reaentation is anticipated. The at
sence of the Cincinnatis will b
compensated by the presence of dep
utles from the Detroits , and the Ns
tionals , of Washington , will be pros
ant. Owing to the conflict in Obica
; o by the league , an association will
should the concilitory measure fail t
be adopted , be formed by the easier :
clubs. Chicago , having thebestmen
and the best organization , has natui
illy taken the load hitherto , but th
high tariff imposed by them is a serl
DUB draw back to the finances ot oth
sr clabr , and it will be abolished. I
is impossible at this time to presag
the result of tne conference. M *
Tames Mattie , of Jersey City , Or Ih
Metropolitan club , thinks it prob&bl
that an independent association
ka fnima1LI'flA * Aloftw > r tlirXtla ai
aot memberi of tvae "present leagut
Lhetr aPpIic > ori for admittance b <
ng at pr aent in abeyance. Arrange
eD . 'd have not yet been completed a
Carl's hotel for the conference , al
though President Hurlburt , of Chicago
cage , is expected in this city DBI
Monday to arrange the preliminariei
Kecovery of Stolen Jewelry.
3pedl Db itch to The Bee.
CHICAGO , December 1 , 1 a. m.-
Much excitement was caused lae
alght about police headquarters , b ;
the arrest of Walter McDonald , cit ;
ujaler , and Charles H. Aldrich , late
:5ty detective , but now private detec
live for the Union National bank , 01
the charge of being accessories in th
robbery of John H Morrow , th
Philadelphia agent , of his trunk o
jewelry , valued at $7,030 , a fov
lights since at the Clifton house
tt appears that Aldrich and McDon
ild went to Morrow at his room ii
; he Clifton House and told him tVe ;
nd a clue , or "pointer , ' ' by whicl
they thought they could recover thi
itolen goods , if sufficient reward wen
; ien. Morrow referred them t <
t'inkorton'a agency , in whose hand :
IB had placed the entire matter
? inltertbn men negotiated with Al
irich and McDonald , to pay $700 foi
; he return of the jewelry , the mone ;
> eing furnished by the Phthdelphii
inn , who wore the losers. Thii
noiiey was paid into the hands of Mr
Srnnls , vice-president of the Unloi
National bank. Last evening beinf
Appointed for the return of the goods
Udrich and McDonald marched ink
Horrow'a room with grip sacks am
x > xes , containing , as they claimed ,
he entire amount of the stolen jew
Iry. The officers were present anc
, t once arrested them. They wen
aken to the central station , and at t
ate hour were still in custody , bul
rill probably be admitted to bail ,
? hey claim that they know nothing oi
he robbery , and simply obtained the
ewelry where it had been leftal
saac's pawn shop , and that they arc
ntitled to the reward.1 The officer !
ave obtained clues , and now know
bat four professional thieves were
ngaged in the robbery , and believe
hey will soon capture them.
A Blind Man's Legacy ,
pedal Dispatch to The Bee
JERSEY Cirr , December 1 10 p.m.
-An ex-justice of this city has been
etalned In a will case Invoking $35-
00 worth of property th.U will short-
> be trlod in the New York courts ,
n October , 1863 , Antonio Godeskj
ras found dead in a houBO on Third
venue , New York city. His fortune
f $90,000 was deposited by his ad-
ilnlstrator in a trust company. Go-
esky was a native of Poland. A blind
ephew of the dead man has been ds- !
overed in Gfodesky's native place ,
acob Greonewold , a Chicago mer-
bant , who came from Poland recent-
r , brought power of attorney from
he blind nephew to act for Ijim jn the
Batter of the estate. Luckily the
liud man has been sent for.
Dlffgring for Doubtful Ducats ,
pedal dltpalch to The Bee.
NEW YOBK , December 2 1 a. m
) n Thanksgiving day several officer *
if the secret service departmenrdrovc
iut to Jamaica , L. I , in company
rith Brockway , the forger , who had
iromised to point one to them the
ilacta where the notes and plates
rere buried. They struck into the
roods at a point near Richmond Hill ,
nd went a long way back into the
roods , when Brockway pointed out a
tump , around which they dug and
inearthed the bond plates. The lat
er were done np in asphalt and seal-
d packages. They next went dowc
he railroad track for about a mile ,
nd entering the -woods , they again
roceeded to dig. They found 45-
nou .
700 in counterfeit notes and bog
money done up in glass ivsAt a
other plsce-they dug up'four thoi '
and dollars in A Jeid pipe , and at'a
other spot 'the .seals and numb ;
were unearthed. At another pla
the five-twenty coupon plates we
found , together with the original di <
and the counter of the hundrcd-di
lit notes. The fibre paper was al
found on that expedition. Distri
Attorney Tenney said that Brockw
had been led to make these eurre
ders on condition that he should pie
guilty to the two indictments agair
him , and refrain from ever again cou
terfel'ing. ' By taking this course tl
government has , como into poesespii
of information of the greatest valu
the precise nature of which , howeve
he could not at present impart.
"Oath" In Trouble.
BjMeUl Dlepttch to the Bee.
NEW YOKE , December 2 1 a. t
George Altred Townsend , for who
the warrantof arrest was sworn , 01
by Josh' Hart , publisher" "Tl
Truth , surrendered hinuolf to t !
sheriff yesterday , and gave bom
Jn the anm of $10,000. His bocd
men were Whitelaw Reid , ot Tl
.Tribune , and Gon. Anson Cook.
Attempted Adduction. , >
Correspondence of the Bee.
NEWARK , N. J. , December 2 , 1 i
m. The police are Investigating tl
story of an al'eged ' attempted abdui
t'ton of the nine year old son of Joli
Polner , a wealthy lumber dealer <
this city. Little Johnnie says that o
hi way home from school last evei
Ing , about 4 o'clock , he was overtake
by a man driving a Horse and covere
wagon on Clinton avenue. The mi
lifted him into the wagon and drov
off rapidly. There were two t " > t
little boys tied and gagged in the T <
gon. When they approached Milfo
avenue Johnnie saw a policeman , an
began to cry aloud. This seemed t
alar-n the kidnapper , and he allowc
the boy to get out , and the waso
drove off with the other boys. Jobr
nie ran to his grandfather's near h
and was taken home late in the ever
Bough Weather.
Special Dispute ! * to Tbo ttea.
NEW YORK , December 2 1 a. m.-
Furioua storms have prevailed on tb
ocean during the last fortnight , am
all incoming steamers arriving at thi
port report fearfully tempestuous voj
ages. The "Oder , " from Bremen
"Cambria , " from Hamburg , ani
"Batavia , " from Glasgow , lande
heir passengers yesterday. Theysa
that the storms were continuous , aui
that in many instances it was neve
expected that land wpuld bo reached
Fierce westerly headwind * drove th
sea mountain highland the decks wer
submerged with water the principa
part of the time.
the Advance.
Spec al Slgpaloh to The Bee.
NKW YoBfe , December 2 i a. m.-
Prlvate advices received at the pec
duca exchange yesterday afternoo
from Baltimore , indicate that th
Baltimore cc Ohio railroad cumpan
has withdrawn from the position BE
sumed with regard to imposing extr ;
charges on grain stored in its elevator *
and that the order will not got int
effect ou December G , as previously ar.
Army Changes.
Special Dispatch to Ihe Bee.
WASKCfOTON , December 1 10 p
m. Gee. Miles has withdrawn hi
name irom all connection with the pc
sition of chief signal officer of th
army , and has made application fo
the position of inspector general , t
be made vacant by the retirement o
Gen. Morey. Gun. Sherman express
es the opinion ttiat Col. Sackett , t'i
ranking colonel on inspection in tu
inspector general's office , is by law entitled
titled to the place , and that Gen
Miles cannot be appointed. The lai
on the subject is now being studied
and the question may possibly be sen
to the attorney general for a docisioi
in the cue. Gou. Ord is retired , nn <
Col. Hazen will be made a bngadie
Secretary Schurz's Report.
Special Dispatch to Tni Bn.
WASHINGTON , December 1 10 p
m. The secretary of the interior , It
aia annual report , describe ? the pro
? ress already made in pursuance o
bis Indian policy , and tbe promlsin ;
sntlook for further progress. He il
luatrates by accounts of various indi
ridual tribes. He makes no recom
nendations of importance in regard
; o railroad grants , but gives abstract !
> f their last annual report , and as
turnes , from the investigation of the
; o7ernment auditor's report , thai
; helr property 'a In gcod condition ,
, helr earnings largely increased , anc
dth the filling up of the conntrj
rest of the Missouri , there will bt
mough remunerative business foi
sach one of them.
Friend of the Red l an.
ipecbl DUpatch to The Bee.
RICHMOND , Ind. , December 2 1 a.
n. Hon. B. 0. Hobbs , ex-presideni
if Earlham college , has goneto north-
irn Ge'orgla and eastern 1'ennrsseo on
mission to the - Cher , keo Indians
in 1835 the government granted the
western Oherokecs a rcservaticr ; in
he Indian territory , and those eist ol
ho Alleghany mountains landa in
Georgia and Tennessee. The lattei
rere granted an educational fund ol
' 40,000 , which has never been fiidj
, nd it la for the purpose of secur.i c
t , and establishing schools amo
hemthat Mr. Hobbs has gone i south.
ffer a conference with the chiefs , h
rill vUit WasHington and claim tm
ppropriation in their name
InteresttaK Murder Trial.
pedal dl patch to Tnx Bis.
HoNESDAj.BPa.December2la. m.
-Great interest is manifested here ic
3aitreo.murderciser which comes nj.
ince more on the 8th inst. , a stay ol
iroceedings havinz been grunted un
il the first of the month. The par
iculars of the affair are as follows
lenry W. Shouso , ged 61 , of th (
Jerchants' bank of E&ston , was shol
ty Benjamin K. Bartree , aged 59 , ol
jeddedale , his brother-in-law , ou tbi
7th of last July , at Irving'a Cliff
Vhen the murderer was arrested hi
aid , "I shot to kill. "
Killtnff a Scaool Teacher.
pedal Dispatch to The Boe.
DANVILLE , Va , December 2 1 a ,
a. Lorenzo Ivey , a colored teachei
n the public school here , punished
xlbert Fuller , a well-grown lad of 1
rears. Fuller and his brother , whc
Iso attended school , during recess at
ackedlvey with large knives , stab
lng him several times in the bowels
.n i beat him on the head with sticks ]
vey's condition is hopeless. Tht
Puller brothers were promptly arrest
id and committed to jail , .
Correspondence o ! Tim 3xs
DKADWOOD , D. T. , November 25.
Before leaving Chicago last week
was undecided aa to which route
should take in my journey to t
Black Hills. The recent opening
the stage line from Fort Pierre
Deadwood gives through and rap
connection with Chicago by way
the Northwestern road , and sav
nearly one hundred miles of stagin
As a more matter of preference
should have gone by way of Fo
Pierre , but business consider !
tiona compelled mo to stop over a d <
| in Sidney , and hence 1 journeyed
the Hilla by the old route over whi (
the of "tender-feet , "
grf-at mass - ai
mine sharps have traveled since tl
Hlsck Hills \vcre firat thrown ope
for settlement.
Sidney does by no means ns lively
freighling buaineas as it did four yea ;
330 , when little mining materials an
merchandise sought the Pierre an
Bismarck routes. Tho"bulk of trea
uro shipments and the mails , howeve :
are carried over this road , and a dail
stage line connects Desdwocd wit
the Union Pac'flc. ' The road is exce
lent , and the equipments of the stap
line might be much worse. Undf
the beat of circumstances a stag
journey of 267 miles is irksome , ei
pecially during November , and I lit
gared before the red hot stoVe In th
Sidney hotjl until the rattle of th
coach and the crack of the driver' '
whip announced that it was time t
bp m the j inrney. It was the wor !
of a f w momenta to the ma
and express mattein the boot of th
co ch , and the driver stowing away i
hh cnpaciona pocket thri ert > % i leatl
ern wallet containing the way-bill :
ju-nped fo his seat , gathered up th
rens , and with a parting handahak
to a number ot pleasant acquaintance
I hud nude among the Sidney people
I was off on my way to Deadwood
the beat and most substantial minin
town of the west.
For the first three-quarters of
mile the stage-coach skirts the big ]
bluffs which rear .themselves to th
north of the town. A short turn t <
the tight up a narrow canyon bring
us to a plain which stretches north t
the Platte , and furnishes grazing t
the immense herds of cattle whicl
make up GO great a portion of th
wealth of western Nebraska , t wa
informed that the past year had beei
on the whole a profitable one fo
cattle raisers , and that the atocl
which last month was turned out ti
winter waa iu excellent condition t (
endure the severities ot the seasoi
which intervenes between Octobe
and the annual spring roundup. 0
course there is the usual grow I'm
among cattle men about overcrowde
ranges and short grass , but weatri
people generally understand that cat
tie raisers as mile enjoy compatltlo ;
as railroads , and leave no stone un
turned to discourage newcomers
Manyof Nebraska'a largest cattl
ruon have their herds in the valley-c
the North Platto. Jim Bosler , of In
dim contract fame , a resident o
Carlisle , Pa. , boasts of 35,000 head c
cattle , and has rnado an enormous foi
tune from the business. Others wit !
less capital are counting up the !
rolits of 25 par cunt a year , an
looking forward with apprehension t
the westward extension of the rail
belt , and the rapid advance of home
Bteaders and pre-emptors.
Thirty miles north from Sidney W (
obtain our first view of the Nortl
Platte river , and cross It by the Clarl
bridge , % truss structure 2700'feeTIi
length. Until four years ago * then
wa a ferry at this crossing , which die
! lucrative business. In 1876 Mr ,
H. T. Clark , of Belleyue , Nebraska
built the present bridge , and hat
nude a fortune from the exorbitant
ratds of toll which he exacts fron
freight trains and passengers whc
crosi it. Fifty cents Is charged foi
Bvory foot passenger , and as much a ;
iiight dollars for a freighter's outfit. .
Rumor has it that Its proprietor hai
: leared nearly § 100,000 from his
iridgo monopoly since its erection ,
3ver a good reid elightly rough al
; ime3 we pass at a abort distance fron
Damp Claik. Cathedral Bocks , c
luge pile of sandstone , cover
ug some thirty acres of f round ,
uid roaring their tops to a height ol
> ver one hundred feet above the
) lain. Cathedral Rockj , and Chim <
iey Rock , which lies nine miles tc
, ho west of the stage road , wore two
rery prominent guides on the old Cal-
fornia trail , which followed the val-
ey of the Platte at ritlit ; angles to
> ur present course. Their majestic
> roportions seem all the more grand
> y reason of the aolitnde in the
nidat of which they stand. The In-
Hans long preserved .1 tradition that
ho Great SpiritT dvrelt In the sum-
nit of these lofty piles , and regarded
he weather-beaten monuments with
leep reverence and veneration.
The a conrt day out we cross th'e
Siobrara , and in the eveuirg pans the
> oundary line into Dakota. Crossing
he south fork of the Cheyenne
iver , between which and the
lorth fork the Blackl Hills propei
ire contained , we enter a rolling
: ounlry , intc-'ected with numerous
'rnams and fertile'val'evt1 ' , which , in
he near future , will play an.impor ;
ant part in * mong the agricultural
cottons of Dakota Wo jn'ss through
ha rich valley of Rupid creek and
eave to our right Rapid City , the
: entre of Important farming interest1 ! ,
id ; distant fifty miles from Dsid-
Tood. Oa to Fort Meade , eighteen
n'lea from the metropolis of the Hills ,
tnd through Sturacs and Crook cities ,
if which more anon , we mike a ; nd-
len turn to the left and leaving the
'oothills , plunge into the mountains
md cross the range. Following uj
; ho canyon" of Whitewood creek , t
tuiden turn in the road reveals tc
la thecity of Deadwoad , and rolling
] p tha main street \.o rhrmount from
.ho coach and stretch our tired limb :
in the hotel porch , thoroughly glad
that om three days'jcmrney is ended ,
ind orep-xred to eujoy the comforte
) f a soft bed and a equate meal. .
Boat Racing at tne Capital.
Ipedal Ulaoatch to The Bet.
WASHINGTON , December 2 1 a. m.
The race between Kennedy , Les
md Plais'ed , for a purse ofgglSOO ,
: ame off on the Potomac yesterday ,
[ t having been announced that the
svent would take place Wednesday ,
> nd the weather being cold , th
: rowd of spectators was not large ,
The men refused to stay here longer
and in order to have a race , it had i
Come off immediately. The pull wi
not over the regular course , owing I
the ice in the bend of thr river. Tl
start bad to ba lower down , and ii
stead of a three miles course , wi
only a little over two. They got o
about 3:20 : p. m. _ Lea took the wat <
first , and got a slight lead , followe
closely by Plalsted. Kennedy , wb
was a little behind him , soon showe
the best form of the three , and afU
one hundred yards had bcn gen
orer , he was ahead and kept then
He turned on his way back fully fee
lengths ahead of Lea. Plaiste
turned two lengths ahead of Le :
and shortly after turning Lea made
spurt for Kennedy. Hy pulled dow
Konnedy'a lead to half a boil's lengtt
Plaiated lingering still more in th
rear. Lea made a very pretty fight t
overhaul Kennedy , and all the wa
home made him pull hard to kee
ahead. On neariug the slake bos
Lea , who had now let Kennedy ir
crease his lead to three long the'inad
a fine dash , but could not overhaul th
winner. He decreased the distance
however , td about a length and a hall
and with these relative positions the
orosaed the line. Plaiated , who a !
this time had been falling behind , di
not go over the line. When he stop
ped palling he waa six lengths behin
Lea. The referee , Mr. Dodge
awarded the raee to Kennedy , And th
men pulled to the boat house , all v
them in hot perspiration , despite th
cold weather. All three of the mei
left the city last night for Jackson
ville , Fla. , where they will remaii
and prepare for the regatta at New Oi
New Yorfc Money and Stocks.
WAIL TRB T , December 1.
MONEY J andlntcres ; exchange dull al
$4 79JQ4 81 * .
U.S.e's81 ' . 1 04t U.S.4'S. . . . . 1 ll
U.S. B's . 1 Ol | Currency 6's. . 1 16
'I ' STOCKS Active.
w n . 67 ii o . iio
NYC . 140 } Lack . IOC
Erie . 441 llndson Cantl . 88
R 1 . 122i NJC . 7b
LS . 1191 M&E . " 8
N W . 125J Reading . 50
Preferred . 141 1 M .
PM . | U I' . 32
Ohio . S5i Preferred . 2
Preferred . 85J L&.N . 83
St P . 1C8 N&O . 14
Preferred. . 119 } O&W . 40
H Joe . 41J B& Q . 152
Wabaah . 41J A 4 P. . 3'
Preferred . 70 K. & T . 37j
Dm ha . 43J C C. C&I . 78
Preferred . 83J 111. C . 119
HP . 98J ADTcl . 63
CC6IC . 18
Chicago Produce Market.
CHICAGO , December 1.
The markets were irregular and mi
settled , and prices were lower than on
yesterday ; trading wss fairly active ,
but almost exclusively speculative.
Wheat No. 2 spring lc lower ,
soiling at 81 10J111 } for January
closing at § 1 OOJ l 09f for cashl ; 09J
for December ; $1 10 $ for January
$111 for February.
Corn Declined i@5c and noit
at 413@42o for cash or December ; 42j
@ 42 cfor January,4G47Jc for May
closing at 41 | o for cash nr Decem
berT42js ; for Januuy ; 47@47Jc foi
Oats Receded J@o with sales o
No. 2 at 33J@33ic for cash or De
cember ; 33 c January 37 J for May
Rye Qafet ; No. 2 closnd at OOcfoi
gilt edgei ; 91c for January.
Barley Higher ; opening firmanc ,
closing quiet ; No. 2 , tfl 0501 07 foi
caih ; § 109 for January , closing ai
81 07 for cash or December ; $ ! Oi
For January.
Pork Iileas , 1625o lower per bbl.
sales at § 13 47A13 * 75 for Januarj ;
: los'ng at § 12 23 for cash ; § 1215 < S
12 20 for December ; $13 55@13 57i
05. January ; § 13 70@13 72t for Feb
Xard 12j@15c lower per IOC
pounds ; January sold at § 8 G0@8 70 ,
ilosed at $8 50 for cash ; $8 5038 52J
; or December ; $8 6C@8 G2J for Jan-
lary ; $8j72i@8 75 for February.
Whisky Steady at § 112.
Chicago Live Stock MarKet.
CHICAGO , December 1.
Hogs Opened steady , but closed
taaier ; sales at $4 40@4 GO for light
lacking ; $4 50S5 05 for fair to choice
leavy packing ; § 4 6o@5 10 for good to
ixtra smooth heavy shipping grades.
Receipts , 62,000 head.
Cattle Receipts , 6800 head.
St Louis Produce Haruet.
ST. LOTJIS , December 1.
Flour Unchanged at XX , § 3 80
54 00 ; XXX , $4 45@4 CO family ,
; 4 85@5 00 ; choice to fancy , $5 20 ©
Wheat Opened higher , but do-
lined ; No. 2 red winter , 51 05 | @
. 05jj for cash ; § 1 05 @ 1 OG for De-
ember ; § 1 10J@1 09i for January ;
il 13@1 12J for Febarary ; 81153 ®
. 15 $ for March ; No. 3 , do 81 03J ®
. 03Jj ; No. 4 do 95j@95Jc.
Corn Better at 43c for cash ; 42J
J43jc for December or January ; 43 |
$43c for February ; 44@44 for
larch45.45io ; | for April.
Oats Quiet at 33J@33c for cash ;
13 3 for December ; 3435s for Jan-
lary.Rye Slow at 90c.
Barley Firm at 80@115.
Butter Firm ; dairy , 2028 ; roll ,
Whisky Steady at $112.
E-gs Easier at 25 3.
Pork Dull at $1372 $ asked for
asfc S13 45 for January.
Dry Salt Meata Quiet at 84 40 ®
i 807 CO.
Bacon Dull at 85 35@5 37S5.38J.
Lari Lower to sell , $8 35 bid.
N6W York Produce Marked
NEW YORK , December 1.
Flonr Dull and without important
ihange ; receipts , 18,603 ; round hoop
) hio , S5 105 75 ; choice do § 5 80 ®
i 05 ; superfine western , 83 75@4 25 ;
: ommon to good extra do , 84 75 < g5 20 ;
ihoice , do , do , 85 25@G 75 ; choice
rhite wheat , do 85 45@5 50.
Butter Fair demand for choice
; rades ; Ohio,14@28j.
E ES Westrrn , steady at 25@30c
or fair to choice.
Wheat Irregular ; Chicago , 81183
. 22 ; Milwaukee , 1 231 24 ; No. 2
ed winter , 8124 for December ; 1 24J
or January ; 81 27b bid ; sale8 , 00 , .
)00 ) bu.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , Glc ; salei
f5000 ; bn.
Oats Quiet.
Whisky Nominal.
Pork 817 00 asked for January
515 15 asked for Febtu y.
Lird § 9 02i < 3912J far cash ; seller.
$ 02J foe December ; 80 07 * < g91 (
'or January ; SO 12i@9 ' 20 for Febru
irv ; S9 22J0 ( 30 fo'r M rch ; 89 27Ji (
) " 35 for April ; 89 Q5@9 15 buyer foi
; he year.
_ * *
Another Advance of Bai
road Eates Fixed for
th Fifteenth ,
Eastern Eoads Unable to Me <
tlie Demand for Cars.
A Social Sensation and
Prospective Duel Agitat
ing Cincinnati.
. Freight Rates to be Advanced.
Special DlapitdiH to Tni B n.
NEW YoBk , December 1 , 4 p. m.-
There was an unusmlly lar e numb ,
of brokers , bAiikqrs aurl stuck opent
ors at the Windsor laatui ht , diaoua :
ing theaitaation and comparing notpi
There w s a general imprea-ium tir
money would continue atrona for 6tA
oral days unless Could and -S.ige cur
eluded to let up. It's reported iln
freight rates on grain will t
advanced five cents on the 15h iml
The demand for freight cara from th
Lake Shore is 35,000 More ca
were appliol for on the Central >
Monday , and the trunk lines stii
have more business offering than the ,
can do. Some important changes i
the directory will be made in abou
thirty day * .
Must Pay.
Jp cUI Dbpatch tb itl ! > l ! 3-
CHICAGO , December 1 4 p. m.-
Judge Drummond , of the Unite
States circuit court , holds that tb
street car license , imposed by th
Chicago common council , is coustitn
tional , and that the companies nuifl
pay. The decision , if sustained , wil
put 840,000 annutlly into the cit
Two Surprises.
3pecI J dlsp tch to Ttie Bee.
EAST SAOIKAW , December 1. 4 p
in. About eight o'clock last nigh
; wo young ladies called at thn realdenc
: > f Mr. Stewart , on Wasbin to !
\vanue , and desired to rest a fui
nmntea. Permission was granted
md in twenty minutes , one ot then
jave birth to a heal thy child. Surpris
No. 2 came quickly , for within ai
lour , the other girl had also pivei
airth to a well developed biby. Th ;
; ave their names a ? Minnie Tnylo
ind Ka e Nesti r They cime fron
Jcrathroy , Ontario and were utterl1
lestituto. The director of poor tool
hem in char u and sent -them to St
Vlary'a Hospital.
A Prevented Duel.
ipecial.Dbpatch to Tbo Bee.
CINCINNATI , December 1 4 p. m.-
) ome months ago eocial items appear
id in two of the city papers , ambigu
msly worded , but which , when cire
fully read , seriously reflected on th
iharactura of two jounc ladies in Cov
ngton. The proprietors of The En
juirer and Commercial could not giv
, ho dames of the writers , ns the item
rere sent in anonymously. They of
iered large rewards for the same am
letectivea wont to work. Suspictoi
'M on two ladies in Covington , am
; hey were shadowed for month
jy one of Pinkerton'a aecro
lorvicemen. Failing to find anflicten
ividence to justify arrest , the nifUtf :
Tas dropped and the parties interest
> d signed a paper to that elf ct
Talk of the affair was again revived
md Lawrence Trimble and John lien
on agreed to settle the matter on th <
ield of honor. The parties arrarigec
0 leave for Canndalastnightbut lieu
on's father prevented him from going
Pho matter created quite a SLJIH.UIOI
n society circles , where all the partic ,
ire prominent.
p dl Dispatches to The Bee.
CINCINNATI , December 1. The
andy store of John Lumdick , 100
iladison street , Covington , Ky.
mrned last night. Loss , § 1,200 ; m
CINCINNATI , December 1. Mr ,
itewart Shilllto will bo married to
sorrow to Miss Lzzie Gaithor , dauah
er of Alfred Gaither , who died at the
Hlaoy house , New York , last week.
LOUISIANA , Mo. , December 1. A
wo-year-old child of this city , Ben nil
] aatcrbrook , was accidentally shol
nd fatally wounded this morning bj
Villio Dillender , aged sixteen.
COLUMBUS , December 1. The Ohic
lectoral college met to-day and ca',1
heir twenty-four votes for Garfield
nd Arthur.
MADISON , Wii. , December 1. Prof ,
Vatson , who recently died , has lefl
11 bis property for scientific purposes.
1 is wife has an independent fortune
nd approved of his intention.
TALPAEAISO , Ind. , December 1.
jQvy Bros' . , bankrupt clothing mer
hants , packed up their grip sack :
as1 night and fled to parts unknown
liabilities , $15,000 ; assets , $5,000.
CHICAGO , December 1. Mrs. Scotl
iiddons appeared last night as Julicl
nd made it great success.
WATERLOO , Ind. , December 1
'ho Auburn high school building \rai
otally destroyed by fire last night ,
JOES , § 14,000 ; insured for S7.003.
Cir oiNNATi , 0. , December 1. rTht
rill of John Crawford , about whicl
o much has beui said , h jaet maelt
> ublic. He leaves hta whole property
bout fifty thousand dollars , to estab
ish a home for aged colored men o
CUICAOO , December 1. The lates
ailroad rumor is that the Wabaah sn <
/hicago and Eastern Illinois roads nre
0 bo amalgamated. The informatior
3 credited to Mr. flumphreys , preai
lent of the Wabash.
Edward Frey , of New York , thi
'eteran operatic manager , -who In
teen bed-ridden for tweniy-threi
ears with paralysis , his been enjoy
ng Mapleson'a opera , at the acadutui
if music , by the aid of a telophoni
or the pa t week. "
The advance of twenty-five to fort ;
: enta per pound on raw silk mndelai
reek , has been found out to bu ;
pecnlatlvo move.
Henry Osborn , the Des Moine
rife murderer , was sentenced to tb
> enitentiary at hard labor for life , thi
: ourt overruling the motion for a nai
rial. The general opinion was that h
mght to be htrag.
James W. Parker , of Kalamazcc
Mich. , was sentenced to four years i
he state prison for assault with inten
* > commilrape. . He broke out o
1 1 Monday evening by removing
) ar ha had worked at four months
int was immediately recaptured.
Hayden L Spauae , prominent an
well known in Louisville , Kv. , co !
the Louisville hot
mi't i auicicle at
M. * y t\ening. He loft a letter e
lat ling what to do with his bed
bat eavu co cause for the rash act.
I't f. Wm. b\ Lehman , presidei
of he > Capitil university , at Colat
IP , O. , i = d yesterday , of cance
F. e t' ir y-two ytura he has been ei
i'or i f the L-dniij Lutheran churc
paper of this country.
Two ciraof the New York Centr
r tr.iin that loft Buffalo ft
f , N. Y. , at 8 o'clock la
iiv1 ! ' , j n ncd t''o track when tl
tr ? in ri'tining at full speed , ar
r.m rfloi t ; < n thtt lies until the rni
wji. g'-'w ' sren > entirely demolishec
\piie > ii o c uplicg broke. Seven
p--jnris uerj bailiy hurt , but nor
Prhiwt-i t No-rcoaib , of tha Loni
v.lie .V Iiashvllj railroad , tendere
rm usi.'i iivii o ilic stockholders <
chit r vl , io v iu aoujton in Ne1
Yrk jetrurday 1't'e resignatio
wsaccoteJ , .u.o E fl Green eltc
t'j-t M1 heecincy. .
W. F. bean , .1 young lawyer <
pr iv.ts' , thirty-six years old , cam in I
ti d _ yoatcrday in a bagnio t
V c's.3ljuri ; , Misa. , by taking an eve
Jie < f m < raliiuo.
A - - .
.Arrest of a Woman With Foui
-teen Forsaken Hus
bands ,
Whom She Robbed of a
Loose Wealth and Then
A Matrimonial Bucket She ;
Brought to Light in
Fourteen Living Hnsbands.
Yniuc , December 1.4 p. ir
"Urs Tlmresa Keimeracheider , age
" 2 , wna arrested in Brooklyn on th
c. arjje of bicnrny and larceny , and ;
vonntj snrxti she recently married wa
irrtat-nl .13 her accesfibry In the lai
ce ) y. SI o in paid by ; i detective t
luv fotjrtoi-a husb 'ids. Five of th
mi n i-lrn. Ii 'irnerschoider married ar
known , but the other nin
no | rii t yut accounted foi
It appears aho married men with i
v e-.r of n bbing them of all persona
property r.ho could get and thei
abind iiinij them. August Sevens , ;
fresco p intur of Newark , N. J. , t
whom slio married Angust 23 , de
terrmned to porsue her after she hai
robbed him of clothing , jewelry am
inorey t > the amount of § 768
he had the satisfac-
of eiuainjj her imprisonment
i vh1 t-ho uttered screams whei
tivi" * entered her room and run
ri'ii to tl'u mantel tried to swallov
oxilic < ! ' ] . Some of the prooertj
w-n fr nn-i upon her , together with 2 !
piuntic > cf3. The prisoners , givinj
ii- > I'snunf Mr. and Mrs. Rfcimen
nclinu'ir , orrko down at the statioi
house , und wept like children. Thi
man and Iio waa only 22 years old
The prisoners were lucked up to awai
e'ctra ' tion from New Jersey.
Hi-tin lichnaiderwaa married to thi
x ' , Oil. CO , 1877 , by Kev. Fran
CM Schneider , of this city , who in an
other bi { i y cxso in Brooklyn , Mon
itoy , wia Hocused of running a matri
im.iii.U hiicl-ot shop. Schneider , ii
this case , siul that although he hat
t > 0en n clergyman for twenty years ,
! u > ncv or had a church. Ho naid he
had married thirty couple * in Novem
ber , and over 3CO within a year.
S [ i lal Dliiat | * io3 to The'Bce.
WASIIINOTO. % , December 1. Jame
W. Slier , oi Arkansas , was to-day ap
printed to the U. S. consulate at La
The public debt statement for No
rembnr , ahmvs a decrease of § 3,609 ,
2G1 23
Secretary Schurz'a annual report i
in the hands of the printer. Th
Inrccaj pirt 11 devoted to Indian af
faira. IIu explains the change ii
policy of tbo department and gives
review of its operation during the pas
vour years.
Special Ii rnt. h t The Eio
WASIH > HTI , D C. , December 2-
1 a. m F'tr thu upper Mississipr.
and lower Miesuuri valleys , rising
follow > d by stationary or lower bai
ometer , lower tcmporaturo ; northwes
vriiida in former and northerly wind
i'l latter district ; clear or parti
cloudy weather.
Sp ciil DIapatcl to The Bco
LOMIOV , Dsc-mber 1. 4 p. m.-
fh-j C'iiiii-3 . .n-chiajg made byL. C
Hcnr3 * : iiai ; if the Erie Uailn > ad com
unt t > § lCOO,0iO. ( Th
only of thu unit wer
yesterday , and the case wll
be resume ' a Friday.
JIcA1 'iu l roc. will shortly rellr
quiali tlie Enri j ) jan agency of th
Kcadiu ; road. Sevojal America
bankers : > ro applying for tno agoncj
pAnwc rov/EKS.
A cnrresprndence is proceeding b
twcon English and Tlusalan diploma !
ists ruuardinK a mutual pacific polic
in Central Ash. Iluasla has accede
tonnnj' of England's propositions
ant1. thu = i .hu relations of the tw
countries arc becoming much mor
BERLIN , Decensbur 1 , 4 p. m. Gei
m-n "dalut rluba are verylndignai
at 'h 1 recent action of the "overnmet
forb ddit'4 the issue of tbe communii
tic publ' < r > * ion , and also suppressin
Ilfine'rf iema , containing socialit
Bentiin-1 f Nir.icroua special edition
of hia wrki In-a lately been pnblisl
ed and { . -i * ioen ecnfi-icated by th
> > pat > h V , Tte C'c.
, December I 4 p. m. ]
ufotT8ii-"il that Bisroarck !
runteraplatts thoauppreesio
of the " > ! ! fc " demonstration of Greet
Jjy the owj.lay of Gt-rman power.
now TO DO IT.
ci'il Dta ajch to The B
LONDON December 1 4 p. m. Tl
' ' 'j < a ! awl Kefcilt Manul
sad Jrirr'F hi
Gome and 8c& Our Ptock
as We Wil ! Be Pleased
ti ) Show Goods.
Hi i
Iron and V/agon Stock ,
120J ) and i'211 llini : 'j i-i , Oiuaku.
Marquis of Salisbury i-i Iin
last night , attacked the liluKtut t
government. Ifc traced ihntr-u'It ;
in Ireland to the fihdstone j ovfrr-
rnent of 1870. and and th osil ? cn
for Irish agitation was to tuppws il
with superior force.
Special Dispatches to Th IVr
Judge Coleridi o took hi * test jv *
terday and the o tth of < flic is lurt ]
chief justice of Enulxiul , inhi pN !
of Lord Chief Justice ( Jo jk burn. ie-
cently deceased.
Russia is repor ed td bo cjnaiiW-
ing the conversion of Batoinu into j
free port.
Mr. Rathbotie , liberal , ha been
elected to parliament for Carnarvai-
shire , Wales.
A dispatch from Constantinople
says the Albanians have cro'sod iiitc
Gale Colachln , , md stolen 1COO Mon
tenegrin sht-up.
The government tobacco factory in
Naples , Italy , waa destroyed by firu
yesterday. Immense damiige VM
done. A number of firemen .tnd sol
diers were injured.
There is great oxcitcmont at Water'
ford , Ireland , by corst.iut public
8 lrf of arras.
Trickett , the Australian oarsman , is
at the seaside. Koss is a * Pii nfy
where ho is practicing , but is still ver >
weak. It is very probable th
American manufacturing company tvii
offer a prize for a riicu over tha Tj in
A Paris disp-xtch says' It 1 stntet
that the land league hn\o invut-t
Louis Mitchell , tboc.niiinut t , t * > k-c
ture in Ireland.
Earthquake shocks wt-ro felt in Suf
folk , England , yesttrdrty
A dispatch from Aliious s-iya Gret-
has ordered from Krupp twelve bat
teries of guns. She will aim r cei ? <
In March a number of gunb'Kita am
torpedo boats.
Last night Mr. Graham wa tried be
fore the Society of Art on the phone
phone. Ho waa warmly received ant
congratulated by members nf the HO
ciety. All prominent uk-ctntiam
were present.
A dispatch from Celtinre * ) a Dtr
vish Pasha refuses to eurren-U-r i > !
Georgia , although it la inr'ail d in tht
convention. MoD' rngro ! iaa thcro
fore informed the powew.
A Constantinople dispatch SAVI thi
porte accuses Dalrnati.m I'.ankorwitt
irregularities iu administering the in
direct taxes of the coded prjviitc s
and threatens to resume control o
Layccck'a friends in Sydney , Austin
Ita , hdve sent a CAble dispateh an
nounumg thtt they hud ( ltxmi ; ( ( > <
350 to aid him in m kir. < ; np bu
stake in hia match with lUnisii , HIM
that more money will follow. ll n
Ian wishes thai the title to the ehaoi
pionship of the world bu contested ii
Toronto bay.
Ben Butler to tbo lio-cua !
Special Dtspm'ch to The Bee.
NKW YORK , Dacembor 1 , 10 p. w. -
The Brooklyn Kind leaguers Imv - p
pointed a committt-o to ctn.fer witl
the Now York members in n'fweno
to the advisability of sending ( jfn
Butler to Ireland to dtfcml I'arn" !
and the Indicted member * of th
league. Nearly $200 Inn be ii anb
scribed for the defense fund.
St. Louts Live atoclc
ST. Loi'in , De < ' m' - 1
Haga F.urly ac'ive ; Y r ? * '
Baltlmorea , St C0t l.5a xlp * k
ing , $4 40 < 24 Cojbu'chc ' t < fancy
$4 G5@4 80 ; recoct" , 10,500 ; hwl
shipments , 1,000 ho id.
Meteorolosical Summary for th
Month of November 108O.
Ili heat barometer , S ' .7"5.
Lowest bart'inetpr , 21547 inchcu.
Monthly rarig < j of ) > arnmel r , 1.80
Highest tempemMire. fIorew. .
Lowest t < "inperatnre. < > .0 Jeg e * .
Greatest daily range of temp r tlir f , 2
degree .
r in- 4 > r
im temiwFuture , I95ile-
trjx njiitu taMpersiturc , 3S.1 de-
ilaily i tngt ul t i [ Tatiirf , IG.'J
ec < to f wintl. northwest.
Total movement < f win. ! . 71 IS mile * .
Ilwhwt ffl'-i ' of * in l ami direction ,
3SJ wifct , B rtl
Number ol bupv ! * vi n > ii' .
Xnm' er , of. lear .Iny * . 11.
Xwitttw f four < ta1 * .
Nnznbcr of rlooily da } 011 which no rr.iu
or * ft iw fell. 1.
Ximber t.f cUxniy iK n na which raia
or ! > iKw l lt , 9.
Totn ! ttnmlrt ref < lnys on which raia or
H1HHV Ittll , | 5.
Depth of ni nelt l on ground at
eihlof HH th , BOB * .
I > at i ol lunar h lo . 8th anil 1 Ith.
lf tw of fiXMtii. 3 > K "th. fitli , 8th , 11th ,
" '
J8th. 27th , 2 '
Y'ear. Inchtt. l'ir. Inchrs.
1 TI . . 187R . 1.17
187'- 1877 . 1.3fi
M73 - 0.1'J 187H . O..i
1971. . I.f5 1ST ! ) . 4.1'r ;
1875 . OW 1S ( . 0.7U
Mat ion : Omaha. Nub. , December 1 ,
L. M. DET ,
Sergeaot Signal Corps , U. S. A.
the bii ahirt in the
Di ltd I Sl tv w rrmmifnctured at thti
aumliiSriirl Factory. The superiority
of Mulerml ; > n > ) A-fkinAnship , com *
ometi witti their rrat improvements ,
tlinttn KiMiil'-rce'l frnuta , Reinforced
Hiuks and 1'uinfnrced sleeves , makes
ttwir ahirt the most durable and beat
rtttintr i irim-iit of the kind , ever
HH nuf ctiirt' < l .tl tht * inndurato prlcoor !
$1.50. Krwrv shirt of our make Li
XimraiittW tirrtt-Bli H and will refund
the money if foiiml th rwiso.
We make a p-cmUy of all wool ,
Sh. k r , ; ! H ! Canton flnnnel , also )
chemoil in.'lrrw nr. n .i l up with t
vi xr to cumfiirt , wurmthand durabi -
ity. T < Invali'h and weak-Innel
p M4i s we i > ffer special induceu > Uv *
in the iiiaiiii r these goods are mate
tor th ir [ iroUjctmn.
] 9n7J. ' = irnani street.
aJvnyt ( ; * * > * uii l Hevor < ll ap-
points. 'I ! wrorl * ! " ' ! < 7rnnt Paitt-
R Ji v r for ATiiit nntl
U roii.iblo.
i:1 ' CASTOR1A
< v not N.trrn c. C'liildrcn
- iouI'tt upon ? lothcrs like.
| : ovcK fiiri'S Wind Colicv
allnjs -veri-'liaess , aud de-
" \Yornw.
Cnrn. n Constltntloaal
" * iH tot fnr ihin terrible nuila-
' / . ! > / Abhorjttlcn. Xbe mont :
* tiiaco Vac-
-n ornnt Utscovp y
tition. Otlicr remodle * ray
liovo Catarrh , thlt cares a %
vr stage T > eroro CoBsnmptlon.
- t in.