Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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"Wednesday Morning , Dec.
coal. "
1 alerson tells
No city council to-nl ht.
See Polack's advertisement.
Trimmed hats at the 99c store. _ _
P. rter is running the Omaha Ferry.
LubiaVomkT .nume at Kuhn's only
Standard Club party to-morrow nigU.
Largs variety of chest { protector * ? * t
John's. )
-A skating cardvai at the rink is pro
There was feeble attempt J JMCW
. " - " ' " ' '
-Tbo Athena is prevalent to consid
erable extent In the city and % ery fatal.
McMfllHn & . Co. , the jewel-
-Whipple ,
° -6'ti
. -
-The Omaha Glee dub concert will
t ko iilaw December 21st.
-For winter comforts in caps , roles , car-
nujt , muffler * , ys to Fredericks.
-Splendid assortment of Kue ia Lcatifer
Pocket-BookE , at Saxes.
a J Morocco
-Before : baying your hats , caps [ and
& Co. * . . 20-tf
un. call at C. B. Do Great
Swire CLecse , wholesale and retail , 1 1
Caiacnzina & MeytrV , 207 cast 13th St.
Glore filtins Patterns at Bushman' * . tf
Lot ? , Farms , Hoaees and Lands. Lock
o7 r Bcmia' n-w column of bargainson lit
Boys meeting at the Y. M. C. A >
seems to-night Clean faces the only price
of admission.
Evcrjbody shaves at GambVs 0. K.
shop , southwest corner Twelfth and Fair-
h sntrtet- ) . 91awtf
Vor 1-amls , Lotr , Houses and rsrmp ,
Icon oxerjlVrais' newcolumn on flrft pas * .
The ice gorge above the "U. P. bridge
ntill holds fast. The channel of the rhtr
in so narrow that a Etone can be thrown
ac-rjjg in many places.
The jury in tno cae of Haley v the
Union P.-icific railway company was , Mon-
lay , discharged aft-r three eolid days
Mieat in trying to atrivo at a verdict.
The case of John I. Iledick rgaiost the
iKirot National Bank , invoking an in. '
jxjrtant question in usury , is on trial in
the United States contt.
. 3ir. .Toe Blake on Sunday recehcd ( \
dispatch announcing the ead n ws of ttu
death of his mother , XIrr. Eleanor Boudc-
vllb , at Sanduslcy , Ohio , at the age of 6f.
The partnership between Messrs. Ha-
barcom & Wcinhagen has been dii'ohed ,
A l Mr. "Weiuhagen is now theeolc pro
prietor of The Omaha Telecraph. Tl e
former will ( horlly return east to reside.
The force employed by Lake McDermott -
mott & Co. , water works contractors , was
doubled yesterday. I uthei ford's gang has
pulled oil for the present.
At the fcpecial request of the em
ployes of Harris & Fisher's packing
houtc , they will furnish a fine ebony
moulded casket for the icm irm of their
late comrade , Albert Samler , as a token of
their ticem.
M5 3'Fanm < i Louise Buckingham and
her famous horse James Melville , arrived
Monday froai tlie east. The lady is
stopping at the AVithnell Hou'-e aid
"jklesepr"- Human's In cry ttab'e.
" "no wiik of laj ing brick on theswtr
vrh h drain * the sediment from the wj.ttr
w 1 re erv iirbepanTuesdayand aUoti e
< iti11,4 of pileiforthe engine house aid
s ' . Vip is laid to the west line of
i etrcrt. The twenty-four inch
tlie Ptorage reservoir were par-
on Cumins street n
1"hf rcnuiiiu of the \vife of Lieut.
" \Vtf' ' T. of the State University , caire
M\I \ < m thu L'ucoln twin yebterd ; y accom-
juuied l > y thu hu hand of the -'ecesB'd.
JM"r * . " \\Wfct"r died jcsterday , and is 1 o
Inrtnlc'-nto Ml , Vcruon , Iowa , foriatu-
* ihe "Vourg Meclanics , a tocicty ol
tiejoung luen of the U. P. fchopsato
ini'iing preparations to give a grand
in t < qucrade party at Standard Hall , Dec.
Itih. It will he remembered that they
give a most enjoyable party last season ,
ami a pleasant time may safe'y ba guar
One of the grandest and most unique
eniurUiimncnta of the season will , in the
cu ura 3 of two or thrcs weeks , fill tie
lwik r of fnn to the hritn. It will he in
the sh ipe of a masquerade and carnival en
ice. The rink will b put in bhape by tie
muniment , invi'ations ' issued to tie
number cf prohaVly one hundred and fifty.
A band of music will ho in attendance ,
aad if lb.9 iveather is propitious , it will le
one of the liveliest scenes ever witnessed
in the city. The novelty of the thing i
Almost enough to insure it success.
Us sure and oeo the Egjplian En
campment , nt TrinUy Guild. to-nigU ,
Tinmodutely a first-class watch-
jni'ser , none other need npply. S.
Tonuoii 410 soulh Thirteenth street.
_ _
- - - -
Co sure r.nd see the Egyptian En-
nmtutir.t _ ) , at Trinity Guild , to-nigh .
T. Dax-is , of Blair , is in the city.
, "
P. C. Himebaugh/.has gone t : > Chicago.
W. P. Cooly came in yesterday from the
< Jul. Stauton returned Monday from
John Shee ty , the stock man , went wett
lw Sida y yesterday.
Major Print North and Hon. Ja . E.
Knrth are in the tity.
3. t ) . Cook h cx > ecteJ on Friday and
O atractor Kutherford yebterday.
J. AV. AVay , assistant chief engineer ,
IT. P. , went to Grand Island yesterday.
Joe Arihur , pcnoral western agent of
the Blue L ne , w as in the city yesterday.
Vic Bierbower , of Sidney , brother of U.
N. 3Iarhal Bierbower , is in the city.
J o Teahon , of the \Vobash , has been
Chicago by the death of his only
of the quRrtermasler's de-
ju-.tment , U. S. A. , srrive i from the west
IF. T. St ncl'ir. paymaster U. S. X ,
ins in the city List night aal left for the
yjelfic yestenlay.
Honrj' Voti , She architect , went to VTa-
lioo to-iay In enpcrvite the building of a
' rjt brewery there for Tansa & Co.
Frank "Riley has returned from pass'ng
i * aral incnths in hts old home iu Fenn-yl-
k. b , looking hale and hearty.
2S. * V. Jewett , Division Superiuteudciit
3' . P. C. Co. and Kohert Bangs , inspector
t f cars for the same company , were in the
< ' r nd left for Lincoln last enninp.
Buy vour C.'sristmis presents it
ITrinity Gu Id festival to-nifiht.
A Woman's Conspiracy Lands
Her Husband in the
Insane AsyJum ,
Wnile She Skip3 Out With the
Property and Another "Wo
man's Husband.
The skilful goldsmith can tate a
very small piece of the precious metal
and beat It out until it will cover * an
immense surface. The following
story of a woman's work contains
every element required for a first-class
romance and tragedy , and by the fe-
cile pea of the romance writer could
bomade _ to fill a volume. It is one of
the many occurrences which in its
startling truth exceeds the creatlcna
of fiction.
A ccore of years ago there lived in
Bohemia and well-to-
Eastern a young - -
do farmer , named John Vessely ,
who wooed and won the woman of his
choice , and having made her his wife
the two
under the most auspicious circum
stances. The wife was , however , not
inclined to moderate living , and hav-
[ 13 the money at her command ,
persuaded her husband to live
in a style which was beyond
their means. A dozen years of mat-
riod life dissipated the larger part cf
Vessly's fortune , and seeing his prop
erty gradually dwindling away to
nothing he at length disposed ci
what was left , aud with tho. moans
thus acquired , amounting to a few
lundrcd dollars , he brought his little
family across the Boas and
bo piss the remainder of his days.
Taeir married life had been blessed
by the advent of two brys , who , as
they grew up , developed into bright
and intelligent young men. After
l.viug in Omaha a few months these
bays were ssnt to an uncla in New
York to leirn a trade and got a good
start in life , the parents remaining in
this city.
Soon after their departure , Mrs.
Vessly became enamored of a coun
tryman named John Novak , a neigh
bor and a married man. Her hux-
bmd'a suspicions were soon aroused
and ho warned her to be careful but ,
as usual , such warnings only resulted iu
After numerous disturbances and
rackets , the woman and her lover de
termined to get rid of Vessly. So
they hatched up a conspiracy , the re
Silt of which was that a warrant was
Bjued against him for insanity end'ho
was duly arrested and brought before
the commissioners of insanity , at the
district clerk's office. Veatly was nn
able to tpeak or understand a
word of English nd the wit
nesses and interpreter baing , it is
claimed on the woman's side his doom
was sealed. They proved that he bad
been making trouble for some time by
hit violence and suspicious and as he
wis without influential friends to
eipouse his cause , an ordar was easily
obtained to send him ta the asylum at
Lincoln. He begged his wife and
those who were in league with her
not to let him go to the asylum as he
was as sane as any man , but a deaf
ear was turned to his player and he
went to Lincoln. A few months later
the wife with the..ramnant of the
property converted into cash , left
t > wn between two day ? , accompanied
by the foithlessNovakjwho left his wife
In littla better condition than Vesely.
The couple went from Omaha to Ce-
dr Rapids , where they lived for over
a year , and finally removed to Minue-
sMa. All these events transpired en
tirely undiscovered by the sons and
other relatives in New York , and it
was not uutil a short time ago that
the fccts of the matter came to their
The boygwho had learned thu cigar
makers' trade and were earning a com
petency , wrote to their parents to come
east and live with them , as they vr renew
now able to take care of them. They
received no reply and wrote again to
aome of their friends , who informed
them that their father had been taken
to the lunatic asylum and that their
mother had gone off with Novak.
They then wrote to < he authorities at
Lincoln and were informed that their
father was discharged two years ago ,
and had obtained an order from the
commissioners of Lancaster county for
At the latter institution it was learn
ed that Veealy had left soon after his
admlsson : , uddenly and mysteriously ,
and that all trace of him was lost or
covered up.
As one letter after another was re
ceived , and inquiries were made , the
whole scheme , with all its diabolical
detiils , was brought to light , and it is
probable that Veesly , discouraged by
its hard luck , and driven to deepera"
tion by his confinement at the asylum ,
ind the destitution which placed him ,
a once prosperous and well-to-do-
man , in the poor house ,
Where the wife and her paramour
iiavegone , or how they have fared , we
do not learn , but if they should return
to Nebraska the triple crime of con
spiracy , adultery and embezzlement
would probtbly bring them into the
courts to answer for their misdeedp.
Mr. John Rosicky is , on behalf of the
boys , engaged in the work of trying to
discover the fate of their father , and ,
if alive. . , to find out his whereabouts
and send him to them , where he will
be taken care of in his old age.
Only § 2.00 , and no takers ; while
HAVEN'S ( genuine ) Ssow FLAKE at
$3.50 goes like dew before the morn
ing sun.
Small dealers whose customers ipifi
HAVEN'S FLOUR , can purchase in
lota of not few than one tack at head
quarters , 1119 Farnbam street , and
ave transportation from Council
Blufis. J. B. French & Co. , sole
agents for the sale of Haven's ( gen
uine ) Snow Fltke Flour in Omaha.
A Gray-Haired Old Man
Brained by Desperate
Robber ,
Who Makes His Escape Leav
ing No Clue Behind.
For months post a gang of burglars
and safe blowers have bed their head
quarter * in this part of the country ,
and havered their vocation in nearly -
ly every city along the Missouri riven
Omaha has had its full share ot loss
by the desperadoes'rnd it is believed
that some cf them are even now
quartered in the city , and that the
tools for the gang are manufactured
here ,
For a few days past their raids have
ceasad but this morning the ghastly
result of their latest attempt was dis
covered , in the corpse of a man pro
sumsbly murdered in the defense of
his propertyOn east Fifth street ,
in Council Bluffs , is a place known as
theB. &SLsaloon > situated near the
Iron Worband C. , B. & Q. depot.
Tae building is of frame , one story ,
long , rambling and old , The place
was kept by John S. Sapp , an old and
well known cit.zen ot the "Bluffs.
Sipp was past fifty , gray-headed and a
widowtr. He had one grown-up
daughter , but she lived out in some
private family of the city , and the old
man Jived alonr , sleeping in a little
room back o ! the bar room. The
building faed the west , the bar room
was in front and to the rear rooms
occupied by a Jenny Lind table and as
a sleeping room. The bar was OH the
north side and to the left of the en
trance. An ice box stood at the end
of the bar directly opposite a side
door on the south , with a stove be-
twesn the ( ce box and door. The ea
loon stood in the midot of a vacint
lot , fully fifty foot from pny other
The firet discovery of the tragedy
was made yesterday about 7 o'clock
when a customer who went to the
front door and found it locked went
around and entered the bar-room
through the side door which was ajar.
A ghastly spectacle mot bis startled
gaze. Upon the floor at the end of
the bar lay the body of the old man ,
curled clear around the end of the
counter. His hands and clothing
were covered with clotted blood , and
the brains whhh had oczed through
a fearful hole in his ekull lay
on the floor in a pool. His head had
been badly broken in with some
heavy instrument , and as the blood
was qntto dry and hard it was evident
that he had been dead for hours. The
alarm wa eiven and eoon a large
crowd bad assmbled at the spot , the
body bein ? lei t lying untouched un
til the arrival cf the coroner some
time later. A man who pi aed by the
saloon about 11 o'clock Monday night
says that at that time there wes no
light in the place , and he heard no
sound , to that the murder must have
baeu perpetrated pretty early iu the
The only object of the murderer
must have been robbery , as the
money he had oil hand , about $70 ,
was missing. It is p < iid that this was
kept in a safe , RIH : that the safe door
was blown open , but from the best
information we can obtain there was
no safe in the room , and the money
was most likely taken from the till and
from the person of the murdered man.
It wai believed this morn
ing that the old man
was first shot and then
clubbed , but as no oxamicatiop had
ben made of the body when our in
formant left that point is unsettled.
Not the slightest clue to the murderer
was loft , aad probably he will never
bo discovered. There are , as usual , a
thousand theories of the affair , but the
one most generally accepted is
that some one of the gang re
ferred to had spotted the place
and supposing that that the old man
hid muney and that from the isolated
poiitiou of' the house the rob
bery could be accomplished with
out detectionwent thereMonday even
ing for that purpose alone. It is pro
bable that Sapp had not yet retired ,
for he had all his clothes on , and that
the villain or villains engaged him in
ao altercation to draw him from be
hind the bar and then murdered him
in cold blood.
Buy your Christmas presents at
Trinity Guild festival to-night.
Fjimily Headlight Oil , Water
White , by barrel , 27 cents.
30-21 SOLOMON'S.
Fresh Mackerel and Lobsters , at
n29-2t MOTZ'S.
Any person buying one dollar's worth
of goods of me , will be presented with
a TICKET for a chance to win the cloak.
I have "MILLINERY , " Ladies' SUITS
splendid assortment of DRESSED
DOLLS for the Holidays.
16th street near Masonic Building.
Buy your Christmas presents ti
Trinity Guild festival to-nfght.
Headlight Oil , atraw Color , 19J
cents by barrel. SOLOMON'S.
; Attention Co. H.
A special meeting will be held on
Wednesday evening , December 1st ,
jt the armory , for the purpose of
electing a captain. A full attendance
ia requested. H. BOLLN ,
For Sale Six-horse power Baxter
engine and boiler , in good repair.
Applynt BEK ofScn. no4tf
Finest ever brought to Omaha , and
at New York prices. Don't fail to see
them at Eaton's nStf
The Ninth infantry band will
at Trinity Guild festival , to-night ,
S. P. MORSE & CO. ,
Cash Jobbers and Retailers ot
Dry Goods , 1319 Farnham
Street. - "
Offer Full Line of all Colors In
Anticipating & large trad * in these
goods we bought early in August and
can now offer our customers Plushes
at $5.00 a yard that large eastern
houses are selling for 88.00.
New line of 24-inch Black Satire
just received , very much cheaper than
heretofore ,
$ ew Cloakings , Velvets , Fringes. i
One price marked in figures. I
SP. . MORSE & Co.
Be sure and see the Egyptian En
campment , at Trinity Guild , to-night.
Family Water White Headlight
Oil is sold only by
30-2t N. LD. SOLOMON.
The Ninth Infantry band will play
at Trinity Guild festival , to-night
The overland train from the west
was on time Tuesday , for the first tim
n a good while.
The Northwestern train yealerdajr
ing was over an hour late.
FJ teen cars of stock came InTuesdty
rom the vest.
The special car No. 12 , attached to
the outgoing U. P. train Tuesdaycon-
ainod Judge J. M. Thnrston , wife and
little girl. Mr. Thurston was on his
way to Lincoln to attend the conven
tion of the presidential electors held
; o-d y. From Valley down tha car
was run as a tpacial train.
Pullman Conductor Wilson , uf the
Oatcago and Alton road , who went
west a few days ago , in charge r > f the
brain bearing the conductors' excur
sion to the coast , died on his arrival
in San Francisco. The remains were
forwarded come Monday morning ,
by the American express , being ac
companied by his wife. They will sr-
rive in Omaha Friday afternoon. .
The street can began running 01 er
the Tenth streetlinengainTu 8 lay'ho
sewer crossing being completed. Both
red aud green can run now , and tbo
ice box is pulled off.
On the arrival of the train from the
west Monday afternoon a woman of
the town , from Fremont , who wore
silk and ermine , as her clan us
ually do , and had the appearance of
being a respectable woman , created a
sensation at the depot. She got on
at Fremont pretty full , and taking the
Pullman cars remained in the ladtec
toilet room ell the way down. On
attempting to get off here she fell ,
and was at firtt appar
ently unable to get up.
Bho at length got on her feet again ,
and wta ceen to bo maudlin drunk ,
staggering around aud chefling the
hack drivers , who were trying to get
her to ride up town. She made a fine
spectacle of herself.
The Ninth infantry band will play
at T.inity Guild festival , to night.
For Sale. Cut flowers , OR short
notice , in any quantity , ot E C.
Erfling , nearU. P. Depot. 30 ecdSt
Family Water White Headlight
Oil , 30 cents. [ 30-2t ] SOLOMON'S.
NOTICE , A. Q ! H.
The nur i : < > t ; < i < vision has been
changed from the t > c > sul and fourth
Monday of the month to the first and
third Monday of each month hereaf- "
ter. Next meeting Monday evening ,
December 6 , 1880.
By order of the division.
A full line of eye glasses and specs
at S. JonasonV , 410 South Thirteeuth
street. -
Coal Oil , by barrel , at 10 cents.
I desire to tender my grateful ac
knowledgements to my friends and
neighbors who have manifested their
active sympathy with my lamented
wife and my family In the sad bereave
ment that has overtaken uc.
J. U. Roae , Jr. , has moved into the
bailding on Dodge street , foimerly
occupied by Hospe , with a 'arge stock
of oil paintings , steel engravings ,
frames , etc. , etc. Mr. Rosa 5s an ex
perienced hand at the business and
intends to , by fair treatment and low
prices , build up a large trade. Only
a portion of his goods has arrived yet ,
among which is a large and well selec
ted stock of steel engravings of rare
baauty. Goods are being opened dai
ly , and by the last of this week it is
expected that the stock will be com
Headlight Oil , Straw Color , 22J
cents. [ 30 2t ] SOLOMON'S.
Notice of Dissolution of Partnertnlp
Notice is hereby given that the
partnership heretofore existing be
tween William Hagedorn and Oliver
Besen , under the firm n mo of Hage-
dom & Besen , and carrying on a meat
market on Fifteenth street , between
Farnham and Harney streets , in Oma
ha , has been dissolved by mutual
agreement. All persons owing said
firm will settle their indebtedness
with the undersigned , who will also
pay the debts owing by the firm.
OMAHA , Nov. 22,1880. n2Qt3
California Pears , Plums , . Grapes ,
etc. , at lizard's Palace. o21-tf
Bonner's Stoves much the finest
in the Market. Call and tee. 141G
Dougla street. o22-tf
New EnaraYinRS at Hospe's ,
The Omaha Fur Manufacturer ,
Henry G. Richter , -Is to be found op-
Dosite the postoffija. o26-tf
Albert Samler Leaves His
Home in Sound Health
at Daybreak ,
And at Dark Bis Remains are
Carried Home by the
About five o'clock Monday evening a
Btartling event occurred at Harris &
Wisher's ' paoktng house , west of the
white lead worko , A young man
named Albert Samler , In his twenty-
aeoond year , who had been to all ap
pearances well , healthy and strong ,
was at work mth the other men in the
eatabligftment , when suddenly and
without the alightest warning of afly
kind he staggered , fell backward up
on the floor and with a few gasps
expired. His startled companions
ran at once io his assistance , on Seeing
him fall , and a message was sent by
telephone to Dr. Van Camp , but all
human aid was beyond avail and life
ffaa extinct before the message had
been taken from the wires.
The corbner , Mr. John Jacobs , w&8
notified of the fatal affair and imme
diately drove out to the scene where
he impannelled a jury , consisting of
Wm. Fair , Nathan Bowe , Wm. E.
Frost , M. S. Bartlett , Wm. H. Locke
and John Tracy. The testimony cf
the following witnesses , all fellow
workmen , was taken : John Reyen-
chock , Ezra Pebbles , Joseph Ernst ,
Geo. P. Martin , but there was little
to learn of the matter. The
evidence showed that the
youngiinan had gone to his work that
morning in unusually good spirits and
had been cheerful and light-hearted
all day. He hud been subject for some
time to severe fits of nose-bleeding ,
the family physician had taid that
there was no danger , and that he
would outgrow the trouble in time.
The only unnsnal thing noticed about
his health for tte past month was a
loss of appetite , but he seemed robust
and healthy notwithstanding a'l ' thi * ,
and no fears whatever were felt for his
life. It is supprsed that while at hia
work a weak blootl vessel was
ruptured , from which apoplexy en
sued , and the verdict of 'the jury was
that the said Albeat Samlsr came to
hia death by apoplexy on November
29,1880 , at Harris & Fisher's packing
'bouse at Oniah.i , Neb.
> The deceased was the second son of
Mr. Jacob S loiler , an old and well
known citizen residing juit south of
the nail works , a mile and a half from
the packing house. Mr. Samler works
for Philip Lang , and at the close cf
his day's [ work Monday ha
went homo and eat down
with his family to await the
arrival of tha son for supper. The
latter did not come and at length a
little bey who citries milk to them ,
came in and told'the fathsr the first
news of his eon's de tb. At first he
couli not believe it but starting for
tha packing house , up the U. P.
track , he met the coroner's wagon
bringing homo the remains of the boy
who had left home in the morning
full of health and strength. It was a
terrible blow to the family and the
the more so from the sudden and unexpected -
expected manner in which it waa
dealt. The funeral will take place at
1 o'clock this afternoon.
The Late Mrs George Llnde.
Our highly esteemed'fellow citizen
Mr. George Liudo met with a sad
bereavement in the loss of his wife ,
Mrs. Slisi Llnde , whrS3 death after a
protracted Hinges occurred Saturday
night. Mrs. Linda was a native ot
Germany , thirty-fivo yeirs of age ,
and had resided in this state for the
'past nine years , a largo portion oi
that period on a farm , ' fiv.e miles from
this city. She was a lady who en
joyed the esteem and friendship oi
her neighbors and acquaint
ances who mourn her demise.
Although her death was not generally
known her funeral yesterday was at
tended by a large conconrEO of people
ple , who came to testify-their respects
to her memory. 'Mrs. Linde leaves a
family of three children , the oldest
being ton years and the youngest
three years. The funeral was quite
imposing. Rev. Mr. Freese conduct
ed the services and the Omaha Mcen-
nerchor sang the funeral dirjo over
the ( rave. ,
The bereaved hatband and family
have our heartfelt sympathy.
Our Forthcoming Annual
Illustrated Review.
Splendid Engravings , Excel
lent Typography and Ee-
liable Statistics.
Arrangements-have been completed
for bringing out the forthcoming An
nual Illustrated Review of THE
OMAHA BEK , which will be distri
buted to our subscribers on New
Year's Day. All the illustrations in
this annual review are to be litho
graphed by a jirst class artist.
Ono of tha most important
features will be the sketches of the
prominent private residences IE
the city , which last year were crowded
out by other buildings. The statisti
cal work , which is the most laborious
part of this undertaking will be more
com U'to in detail and more thorough
if anything , than in any previous
In order that no omissions shall oc
cur in this branch , we would urge up
on oor citizens who have made any
building improvements during the
jear to famish us the desired informa
tion , either at this office or through
the postoffice as early as possible. We
want' the name of the owner of the
improvement'or structure , jducription
of the improvement or building ,
location and costof same.
In view of ot the fact that the out
lay for such an undertaking is very
largo , amounting to nearly § 1,500 ,
we have to tecure a reasonable
amount of advertising patronage from
our merchants and manufacturer ! .
Mr. J. H. Pierce has been employee
an solicitor for adv'emements in th (
illustrated annual review. He wil
all upon btt jne § BW > anc
furnish them further particulars ,
concerning the style of the work ,
rates of advertising , etc. The edition
will contain 16,000 copies , and will
therefore be a most valuable medium
for advertising.
Parties who desire to have their
residences or any buildings illustrated
had better apply at this office at an
early day.
Trinity Guild.
A grand entertainment will be given
by Trinity Guild , at Standard Hall ,
to-night. Promenade concert , Nintb
Infantry band , encampment of Gyp-
siesj etc. Go and see a free enter
JiOTlCK Adrortlscmenta To Let For Bile'
Lost , Found , Wanta , Boirdin * 4s. , will b tn-
sertoil In thaw columns race for TEN CENTS
per linn ; each gtib ; n atlssrtl < jnnVE CENTS
xaUse. . Th < > flirt rosertKm ncrer IBM than
ffiKC AAfiTO LOAN At8 percent inter
< DOOUUU e t , n earns ol $2000 and a p-
wards tot IMS years' tlmo on firet class Improv
deity and farm pisperfy. Apply t BEfflS
Real Estate and Loan Ajfsnitf , 15th and : DouitUs
> OHST TO LOAW-CiU at Uw Ofllorf
M D. L. gHOMAa.RoomS.Crelghton Bloc *
ONKT TO LOAH UK Farnb n street.
M1 Dr. EdwMto Lean Apency. nor-K-U
Men to husk torn on toy fann ,
WANTED north of Elkhorn StA'toU. In
quire * t my office , Union radflcHesdquarleti.
A. J. POfl'LETON. 051-2
A girl for c "eial hous woiV ,
WANTED W. corner Ham Hon and Plor Sts. ,
Ehlnn's addition. 05Mf
ANTED ' 00011 gill lor Rtnrral hona-wrrl.
Appl , at 5 p. m at t6318th St. 042--f
ANTED A first-caul dlnfne io to irf'1. 4'
W Cl > 7 llotol/N. W. cor. lO'.b .tinl turner.
W -1
> TED Board and lodgi"ir I" ? fft-UFina-i ,
WA wifoandUn children. Farm lied eoituo
for rent tear High fchoal. lief tcnc.s glr n
Hilda-ted. K. , L'eooffice W7-1
: TEO A thoroughly cjirp'tW K'r ! f ) r
WA pencral housework , C'ulcacosttcef , i dor
west 21s * , notth side. 'A0
A gir' for general
WANTED Coru r 38th ind CummlDgs SI" .
First-cl 8 > iroiwr for flr. ! iren.
WANTED 13th St. , between Dodzo
and Capitol avenue. OI
TED-Co--k and htlchen help , at th
WAN . Sll-s-ra-w
Facidc House. - - -
A good virl for genaral house
work for family rf three. 8. W. Ulh
and Janes StsVRS RuBT. PURVIS. 832-30
F.D The Go mm elrl that ca'Ied ' on
WA Monday at cast sldd 0th , between ChIaco
aud Cas3 to call * ga > n. 022-2
WANTED A woman cook , at the Emmett
House. 024 2
IIKL WAJ.TED-AI Fred. Dellona' , J2J
f rhlrtsanth St. alO-t (
WAKTKD C ok and do bou = e crV , no
wa'blog r Itoolnp , southwest cur no 13th
and Cai itol ATcnuo. 893-tf
VtrANTED All Omiha Iranw that the
VY RoyM K. .lonu ig ths i > rso f Sewing
Machine * , office on 1'th t. 84'-'f '
TJ10K RENT A largo ptair front room , fur.
Jj nialied Enquire 2423 Davenport St. 950-2
BETT N * hou e on 24th a'reet , near
Farrhun , six rooms , cclhrs , closets a < d
pantry K. K. DAYDEN , First National Bank.
fTlO RENT A Hr < a tnrnbhed room 01 first
JL floor. Enquire at Bee otflcc. 9)6-iod3t
EOR B-NT. Iloufe , four roomg , south end
10th g'ro't , $5.00 per nru'h. Enquire of
J. It , ilcCagu ? , real estate agent , oppoa ta p"8t-
offle. 013-eod-3t
FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished , a
pleasant south Ir > nt room. Inquire at Bee
ffice. fl 10-30
FOR RENT House in Sbnli'g ! nd addition ,
815 per month. W. SI1IERAL , ronoi 0 ,
Crolgh'ontiock. 4. 895-tf
QTOKE FOR R NT Firs' floor and basement.
O Apply to Ojuli & Merrill , 1C05 Farnham St.
FOR BF.NT A furnished , south fiont room.
Irqulre at Ko 1612 Farnham St. 18J-U
REST Tha * . excellent dwelling house S.
E. corner o ( 22d and California streets.
Well , cistern ind barn. App'y to John On Id ,
1005 Farnham St. 839-
FOB RENT twelllnp hon.'o S. E. corn-r of
23d and Hurt Stj. Excellent barn , riiterna
md well ; rent cheap. Apply to C. A. Merrill ,
ICOi Farnxam 8c. 840-tf
RENT Cottage , on 6th and Fine tits. ,
E10K house , eight roomson:3da ! : d faaf-ts
Enquire J. P. lice , 8. E. Cor. 12th and Farn-
ham. 696-tf
RENT 2 furnished rooms over Mer
chant * Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and
Dodge Rtrreta. 289tf
Bargains In Houses , Lots , Farms and
Lands , In his new col nmn on 1st pase
SALE Ilo'se power machine and cordwood
wood bench and f awa. Apply neit the Bee
office. 920-2.
SALS Two cloeo carriage ? , at A. J.
FUR ' . 011-tf
FOR SALE A fint-claea hotel and reataur-
JU ant business , located In the bett rurt of the
city , and Join ? a good business. The proprleto.
Is called west to attend to mining interest , and
mint selL Ipqu re at BBS office t61tf
SALK Mixed paints , at A Uolmes.lCth
FOK California Sta. 615-tf
1 j over BEMIS * new column of bargains on 1st
I.V.S - \ -UottonwoiKl luuiucr ol all
3. Sixteenth-at. 516-t
A parcle containing- suit of black
LOST , also ono white shirt and one blue
fUnnel shiit. S5.CO reward wilt be paid for its
return to A. H. Gladstone. RICHARD WOOL-
SKY. 940 23
I J over BEU1S' new column of bargains on la
CJTRATED A brind'e cow , heavy built , large
O horns. Any informition regardine her
wnereabouta will bo thinkful'y received br P.
J , O'Brien , Casa street , bet. 2J and t4. 053-2
T E8SONS Given in the Gorman and French
i 1 language , alaj on piano. Inqu re t Bee
office. 9'5-2
Absolutely Pure.
Vtda from Orapa Cream T rtar. Ko othe'
preparation makes such lljiht , fluky hot bre l
or luxorions putry. Can be eaten by drptptlo
witl.ont ( ear ot the 11 * resoltlnz ( rom heavy i
digrttlble food.
Hold only In c by 11 Orocen.
un. D POWBIR Co. N w York
Notice of Dissolution
Fotlce Is hereby ( rfren that the partnership
heretolore eilstlnz b tween L. W. a bcrcom k
P. Welnhagen is thU day dissolved ty mJtnil
agreement , and thai the undersigned li cow t e
eole pnbKiher and editoi of The Omaha Tele-
crtph , with whom all persons o in Bald firm
will have to ' tie their Indebtedness , aod who
ill also pay tha debtg owlne by the firm.
Omaha , Member S , . W
Pnbhsber. Editor , of The Omua Telegraph.
the Litest Homeland Te
nhio N w , qfth * D y ,
$2 TO $5 PER ACRE.
20,000 Acres
6 to 12 Miles from Omaha ,
$6 to $10 per Acre , on
Long Time and
Low Interest. ,
Large tracts suitable fcr
Colonies in all the best
Counties in the State.
SO.OOO acres scattered
through Iowa *
A large nnmber of Improved
Panna in Nebraska , many oi
them near Omaha , $12 to $40
per acre ,
Immense List of
Consisting of Elegant Resi
dences from 53,000 to $20-
000. Many vacant lots in
the additions to Omaha.
Hundreds of lots scattered
through the City. Houses and
Lots , Business Houses and
Lots , and all kinds of CLy
Real Estpte.
We also have
on Improved Farms in Doug
las County , on 5 years time , at
10. percent , interest to all who
can show good titles.
Maps for Douglas and Sarpy
Counties for suJe ,
i beautiful lots fronting south In Inae ft
Seiden'a add. for 8160-baIf cash.
House and lot , 22J and Dodsr * .f Q 000
florae and lot near Bn > wnell Hall 2,100
Two new bouses and full lot , rents for
$4:0perjcar -4,000
New brick house , 21x25. H gtory , with 3-
lots „ 2,000
Hooso ard lot Webster st _ 1,500
Large hou-eand corner lot _ 6,000
Large house full lot , California st _ 4,000
Residence and 4 full Iota , St. Mary's are. . ,600
House and small lot , south of depot. . . . 950
House and email lot , soutn of depot 635
Res'dcnce propeity , KounUe ana Rath'8-
add 5,500
Fine residence property _ 30,000
House and lot , 22d and Haraey 1800
House and lot , Nelson's addition , " 2,700
House and lot Shinn's addition 1,600
Residence and corner lot. . 3,005
Residence ( cash ) 7,600
Restdedca _ ,000
Residence , E 0
House and one-half lot 1.66C
Three houoes and corner lot _ 7EOC
Residence and corner lot _ 7OC
House and 60 leet trout , 16th street 3,700
Lantehousotndcorner lot. . . . . ,60C
Residence and three lott „ ,500
Two house and corner two-thirds of cor
ner lot 1,100
Bonsaand small lot , Casa street - 2,100
Hauze and lot , 27th near Farnbam l,00f
Brick house and corner lot 1,303
Small hou > o and full lot , Comings it. . . . . . 2,8o
Huseandlot,23dtreet - 3,200
House and full lot , worth | 4,000 for 6,600
Fmebrck reiidence 1,500
Brick residence 6,660
House and corner lot 1,550
New two-story house and corner lot 4,200
Residence ana full lot , Farnhtm st A ; 0o
House and one acre , 18th street - 3,000
House and half lot , 18th street 2,200
House and lot , Shlnn's addlt ot. . . 1,600
House and half lot , Cass itrret 1,100
House and half lot , Cxsi Street 1,4:0
Residence and < wo lots , Capitol Hill. . . . . . 7.000
Elegant brick residence 2 full lots 15fOO
Finest residence in thedty - 10,000
Residence property - 17,000
Residen e property - 17 BOO
Residence - 5,600
House and lot , Shinn's addition 3,200
House ana lot , t-hinn'siddltlon 1,500
Horee aud lot , 2Hh and Farnbam 1.400
House and lot. 27th and Douglas $375
House and fulllot , Izardit 1,7 0
Newhouseand 1 } lot 2,200
Residence property 7,500
Residence rroper'y , verv fine 13,200
Howe and lot , Hortach's addition l.COO
Residence , Farnham st 6,000
Home and } lot 1 b'oct frmn Court
House and 4 lot 1 block from Court
Hoes 2.2JO
Houre and comer lot 2bIojVs from Court
Bouse 2,400
House and It , Nicholas a'rwt 1,000
House and 1 acre , Gists' addition f 40
House and lot , lllh street BOO
Lar e bnildinand six Iota 1 n tie out. . , 4,000
Hnuse and lot on DjiTtnport. . . . 3,600
Hou-eand I lot , near depot 1,500
House and * lot , near depot 9lO
House and lot , South Arena * 1,000
Don e and lot , Shlnn's addition IPOO
Residence , Konntza and Ruth's add 2.600
Residence property , Kounue and Ruth's
addition 5,000
Residence prcperty , south part cf town. . 2,5fO
House and J lot , Webster it 2,700
Ho M and 5 acres at Dainckf 7t ( )
House and lot , * nestling's ad dit'n. . . . . . 1,000
Home and lot , South II st 650
House and lot , KounUe and Ruth's ad
ditlon 8,500
Residence and J lot 2,7CO
HOMO and lot , 18th it 3,600
-Boggs&Hill ,
1408 Fan. St. , Ouala , Web.
" ' " '
I' i I
immense Stock for
Fine CfiStom-3Iadc
Men's Suits ,
Boys1 Suits
Children's Suits.
For Men ,
Boys , and
Under-Wcar , Hats ml Caps ,
Trunks and Viiliscs , at
Trices to Suit All.
Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth
' 3
The- largest and best assortment of
Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases
juid Sample Trunks a Specialty.
H H -ih ! C * . . ' 5 oors North of St.
117 l--
. .
u !
Cigars from $15.00 per 1000 upwards.
Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 cnits per dozen upwards.
Send for Price List.
MAX MEYER & 0. . Oinalia , Neb.
Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and a full line of
And Wholesale Dealers in CIGARS and CONFECTIONERY. During tha
Fall and Winter we will handle COUNSELilEN'S FRESH OYSTERS , which
are now the best In the market. A hrgo assortment of CANDY aud SUGAR ,
TOYS for the Holiday trade.
CATZ & FREEMAN , 510 Hth St. , Omaha.
Haa tha exclusive sale of the
The Gold Coin , is this season the favorite of Chicago , is prtfer-
od above'a'l ' other Stoves , comes both plain ard hughly orna
mented , has the n ew patent gra e and fire-pot ,1 hat wilt out "w ear
bnlf dozen of any other , The Gold Coin woighsn-ore by flitylfcs.
than any other Stove of its size in the market , and ie , therefore ,
more durable than any other Stove , is strictly -warranted inevery
respect , it requires no salesman to sail it. aa city reference sells
without trouble. Cor. 10th and Jackson.