Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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Established 1871. MORNING EDITION , Price Five Cents
and Douglas Street ,
Over 3,000 residence lota for nla by this agen.
ci ct'prlewr ahstn ? from 825 to lt.600 each , and
ooatcd In every part of tbe dto , and In every
direction from tbo Postofflce , north , etit , couth
or wect , and Trjlnc in distance from one
1 < ! ock to ODD or two miles from tame. Call and
Soreral choice lota In Griffin & Isaacs' add !
-en. we t of convent- between St. Hary'E areu
tu obd lUrney strwt-4300 to JSOO.
SO acre * Just cut of buraekB on Sannden St ,
"tliti If choice land and 111 be sold very cheap-
f or Mh In 6 , 10 or JO acre Ion ; now lij-oni time
to ccnre a barzam.
Choice lot at end of street car tracki on Sann.
em itreet for Ji75.
Choice lot , FarnhH.m and 21th streets , 90ilBS
ot for 81,500 nil ! divide It.
Cheap lota ( n Credit Pondsr addition , south ol
P. depot $100 to $300.
Forty lots on Pork Avenne and Oeontfa vtreet ,
01 rovi to park , and near head of 8L Mary1 *
avenue , at f r .m $125 to 9300 each. Seven yoara
time at cU'ht p r cent Interest to those who will
pat cp coed ettSttontUl bulIJlcj i. F ir farthir
tvu-tiuulars app'y ' to.
G. P. P.EMT8 , Acent ,
nrittntb and Douglas Streetc.
A nice lot oa Uarnej and T * jnty-fint streete ,
Two choice < < its on 33th. near St. Mary * ! aVen >
00 , 39E165 feet each , for 8350 and r'OO.
T-ro choice loU near 2SJ and i latk slreetB. in
S V. Smith's aiMlthra TW nd 8350.
Fifty \nu \ in ShtniiV first second and third ad-
tdlUons Cor JIM Vj $900 sacn.
Lot near 16th and fierce , (4(0.
2 lota OQ Harnvr a 24th St.-f 600 each. 1
7 Jot on 2 < th n ar U-iward 'treet , $7oO.
i3 lott in Oranu View addition , south of U. P
"hrldc and depot , from ? 15 to 3 00 each-
Om arm , 117x270 feet , on 16th street , south
pi foppleton'a n : < v residence , for $2,000 , or will
di rlile Into city riv > 3 lots as from 350 tofSOO
Lire number of bMntiful resUeoce lots , located
catod in this new addition on Capitol II111 , be
tneenSlth street u the east , 26th on the w rt
Dodce trect on th ? north and Faroham street
on the south , formerly owned by C. n Down
and more recentif known Mthe Perkins 15 acres.
Oaly2lot9 Ii&votbnifa ; Iwen platted li vu
Fiirnham and 8 nn Donlu utreet. Tt-tM * lots
are 50 toSBfoeliu mdt audlSOltidept ) . . $1,000
( or the ch < itno. 6 yean time , at S per cent In-
toreetti llxwe u ho will build rnoil substantial
Imu B therc-n. Call aod exandna plat and ect
full information at
ISfli andDone'-j
2 P : l lots an J 2 tV ) hoIS , , neJirjMkgon
d 2th rret Kt Hcre
The Proi rty must
aud examine tills -without any delay.
GEO P. BKMIS. Airent.
ISlh and Douglas Sis
, A desirable lot near Cumins and Sauoden
Streets , Sl.COO.
The cheapest , acre Iota In tb * city of Omaha ,
re those n3cr d fur sale by this agency in Pxik
Bace ami Lovc'a second addition , on Coming ,
art and Calitnrnia strccU ; yon can make no
mistake Icaitklni nptlfsc bargains while yon
havcthe chnc3. These lot * are more than equal
In size to { full-ulzod city lots ur a halt block
an d it will be bat u very short time before one
Cftli part of one ot these acre lots will sell for as
much as we Oder afuH acre to-day. They are
located * very * beit distance west of Cr ighton
College. 1-rlcea tanging from $160 to (300 pe'
a crelot. Call immediately , aryl don't lose vonr
chance , atsdfcct plat and lull Jirtlculara of
OEO. P. BEM18. Acent.
16th and Donglas Street * .
riloo ot on Shane in Acnue north of Nicholas
trcet , 81.100.
lUlt lot on Cos3between 18th and llth street I
4(1,000. (
2 nice lots In Uartman's addition , (400 to WOO.
Large number of acre loU In Oise's addition in
Jforth Omaha , ? lz5 to 8300 each.
Choice earner lot near 2nd and California
trecta , ? IEOO.
Several coed lala In Nelson's addition , 160 to
$3 0 each.
Choice lot In Thornoll'e nddltion , (760.
Several larco lota In Bartlctl's addition , I )
rods and ! } acres each. Prices f00 to $2,000
Several choice lots In Bcoda first addition.
927fitoSM > each.
Acre lot on Sherman ayennc , ( IRth street ) ,
South ot Popplcton's new resident * ) , ' or (1,100.
Z large lots ncxrlSth and Clark Directs , 601
830 feet Corner , 81,500 ; Ineidc , $1WO.
\ S larce lots on She-m n acnue , (16th street ) ,
Clark Stioet.S300 ach
2 nice and cher > lots , very near to tbo bne
ness Dirt of the city , located a t cry few steps
Bouth of the Convent and St. Mary's avenae.and
Inst south cf and adjotnin ; tlie ground of Junes
H. Wool worth and W * J. Council these are
cheap and very desirable , belli ? ei hincly to bus-
Inesa part ot dty , to new rovernmeot depot , nail
worta , white lead works , U. P. depot , clock
yaida , packing hnusea , etc Call nd tct plat
anil full particulars. Price $275 to S350 and easy
erms to those who Imild
GEO. P. BEST'S , Airent ,
15th a-i.J . 't i < ) u Sta.
S choice residence lots on 21th street , between
Douglas and Dodrc > treels1.100 ; to jl.2t 0 each
aud long time to t ofe who Bill build
2 choice comer lots near 2lh ! ami Fainhiir
jrtrwU , C5xl2 feet , 81.150 and. $1,200. and v '
-r y ternv lo purcha er ho wi 1 improve " '
Also 4 lota on 21th , net e ii F r- ' * .
Douglas 8 reeU , 950 to f 1,000 ca n " JQ
tibebc t bnsne ! " * Ai. , _ _ „ ,
1Q fcj
to $16.000
0ctio Cerwdcnce iouin above addition , 1m-
tnellatelj- north of and adjoining Poppleton'i
beautiful rctldcnce and Eroundg , and located on
ISlh 19th and iOth ttrMta , S300 to (550 each and
irery easy terms to those who ill build CiU and
examine plat aud get full particular * .
OKO. P. BEMIS , Airent.
r 'Bean-lful bulldinc rite en Sherman avenue ,
"ICth strcctl > ct > en Poppleton and the Dndley-
3 jurns pro , c ty ; C3 feet tuet frontage oa the
avenue , by 3sD fret in depth. Will divide lttnak-
inclS2 feet by 3S9. Call and eel full particulars.
An acre ci ISth utrcct , 101 feet east frontage
by 378 feet deep. This Is Just south of the Kilta.
'beth ( Poppleton place. This It pilt-aire , call and
yet price and terms of BEVIS , Acent.
13 coed lots , jast north of and adjolnln ; R V.
Smith's addition , and located beimeenSOthaal
annJer * K-TOCU , at reamnab'e prices tnd long
me to buter liolinprov BGUlS , Acent.
531ott'li Horbach's first and tecond ad Won
on 16th , Hth , 19th and 20th street ! , between
Klcholts , P ul , She-man and Clark it. eet , Tery
handy to O. P. Shops , smelting wnrkm. etc ,
rancinc In pnccs rom from $200 to tl:100 each ,
requlrlnc ouly smill payment down and long
time at 7 pr cent Interest to those who will 1m
prove. GEtt P. BKMIS ,
15th and Douglas Stre-t.
S3 nice lot * In Parkers addition , between
Blunders and Pierce. King and Campbell's Sts. .
on Blonuo street ; 19 loU with south fronts and
16 with north frontarc , only 6 blocks north of
the turn-table ( end Btreet-car track ) on Sannders
street. Tery low prices ; $175 cash , or 9300 on
lone time * nd 8 percent interest to taose who
will build.
9150 coed f arms for Rale In Douglas. Sarpy ,
UTiahlnston , Burt , Dodge , Saunders and tistern
Icrof couutiM.
Z37SCO.OU2 acres t > est felectod lands In the
tateforetlebythisazcncy. Call and pet maps ,
' uew intp of Omnhi , 60e and 61.60.
Geo. P. Ben is
15tlij < fc Douglas St ,
OMAHA , - -
, >
Speculations as to Wh (
Will Ell Thurman's
Senatorial Shoes.
President Hayes Delivers thi
Dedioatoif Speech at the
* Opening of Easton
College ,
Judge Taylor Elected to Suc
ceed Garfield in Congress
by 10,000 Majority.
Interior Illinois .Undergoing
the Privations of a
Coed Famine ,
Particulars of the Foundering
of the Propeller Simcoe
on Lake Huron.
Meeting of the Ohio Electoral
College at Columbus
Gen. Garfield Constantly Be
sieged by Interviewers
and Place-Hunters.
Becoverinsr Counterfeit Plates.
Jpec a ! DispMch to The Be * .
NEW YOEK , November 30 10 p. m
It Is sud that William . Brock-
y , charged with having b en eon
lected ia the counterfeiting of $204 ,
KK ) of United States bonds , obtained
lie releaia by simply 'Urrenderlng the
.venty-fire . plates from which the
sounterfelt bonds wera printed.
Jrockway admitted , it is said , that
here wera 250 of the 1000-dollr
lonnterfevt bonds printed , of which
! 04 were found In the ptfuesaion ol
) oyle , in Chicago. He did not know
rhere tbe remaining forty-six were.
7ho examination of Owima , aoeusec
if printing the bpsas , takes place t5
P aal dlcp4ieb to The B e.
KAKSAS Crnr , Mo , November SO
0 p. m. A dispatch waa received
his morning stating that the strike
mong coal miners along the Hannibal
b St. Joseph railroad was at an end.
'he miners were getting fonr cents a
iuahel for getting ont cosl , and de
landed five cents. After a strike they
rere granted the increase asked.
"ho Presidant'a Dedication Speech.
pedal Oil natch to Tbe Bet.
EABTOW , Pa. , November 30 1 a ,
i. ThenewPardee hall erected on
he site of the former building which
ras destroyed last year , was dedi-
ated yesterday in the presence of a
irge number of prominent people
rom Washington , Philadelphia and
thercities. Among those present were
'resident ' Hayes and John Sherman ,
ecretaryofWar Ramser , and Post
Easter General Maynard. The gov-
rnor of Pennsylvania Introduced the
resident of the United States to the
idience. The president , atancing
; the front ateps of the hall , addreaa-
3 the assembly as follows :
) untry and in ever ? republic , it is
lednty of the government to educate
s citizens in good citizenship , and
) od government is ever promoted by
iod citizenship. But there is some-
ling beyond this education necessary
i make good citizens. There ia that
location which is furoishedonly by
dleges and institutions of learning ,
id * this instruction our government
> es not in any large degree aid. We
ive to depend on our benevolent
tizens of wealth and culture , whose
isdom and generoualty lead them to
irniah inch institutions as this.
bey understand that in no way can
ey leave such monuments as shall
eserve their memories as by college's
id scientific * schools. So , my
iends , we are here to do honor to a
an who haa set an example In this
spect ; who haa not mad ; , his bequest
rough his last will Vind testament ,
it has done it in. his lifetime , and
a seen that itrf weii done. "
The erero' eg consisted of ipeeches
r varior , eminent statesmen , clergy-
en Mad representative men in almost
< ry profession. In the evening
lere was an illumination of tbe col-
ge building , and a brilliant display
f fire works. The presidential party
iturned to Washington at 4 p. m.
he cost of the new building la over
500,000 , and has been entirely de-
ayed by Aria Pardee , of Htzleton ,
a , after whom the college is
lined.California's Official Vote.
dal UupBtch lo the KM
SAK FEANcifOO , November SO , 10
, m. The vote of the state , declared
f the secretary of state , shows that
Wallace , Brown , Shorb , Henly and
elvalle , democrats , and Edgerton ,
spublican , are chosen as electors.
utal vote for Hancock electors , 80-
J2 ; for Garfield , 80,257 ; for Weaver ,
Wall Street Broker Acquitted.
dal Dispatch to Tbe Bee.
NEW YOEK , December 1 , 1 a , m.
he trial of Elijah Alligor , a well
Down Wall street broker , accused of
egotiating stolen and altered bonds ,
irminated at 5 o'clock yesterday
rening , In a verdict of acquittal.
Recorder Smythe , in his charge to
ie jury , dwelt particular ! ? on the
oed character and high social posi-
ion of the prisoner , which had not
een Impeached. When the jury re-
irned , after an absence of fifteen
linutes , a scene of great excitement
Qsued. Alliger was surrounded by
is relatives and friends , who openly
beared him in court. His counsel ,
[ on. John W. Beach , was completely
irried away. Recorder Smythe , Im-
resaed by the sincerity of thesympa-
iy evinced for the prisoner , failed to
appressthe applause. Mr. Alliger
jft court to vlsitjhis family.
The Ohio Senatorehlp.
pedal Dlijutch to The Bee.
CIBVELAND , December 1 , 1 a. m.
Ion. Eichard Smith , of The Cincin-
ati Gazette , was interviewed vester-
ay evening , while resting after his
rip from Washington with Gen. Gar-
eld. He spoke mainly of the con-
sstfor United States senator from
ihio , aod'sald that he thought John
Sherman ought to be elected senator
although he thought a great deal o :
Charles Foster. At Washington the
universal opinion prevailed that Sher
man would best serve the country QI
senator. If theaecretary of the troaa
ury went fate the senate , the financial
policy of the government would noi
be changed , as President-elect Gar
field was well acquainted , and in ec
cord with Hayes and Sherman , and
in fact with all the members of the
present cabinet. Foster had no cab
inet aspirations.
Gun. Garfield was still wholly uncommitted -
committed , even in his own mind , at
to his cabinet , and absolutely refused
to favor any one until February. The
Presidentelect thinks there is time
enough to make up his cabinet. Pres
ident Hayes , Mr. Smith said , had no
desire for any other office , "simply
wanting a rest. Alphonao Taft had
informed Mr. Smith that he waa not a
candidate for the senate. There waa
a strong feeling in Washington for
Gen. Grant for secretary of state , that
being the only cabinet position he
could accapt. Gen. Garfield , Mr.
Smith had found to be worn out by
office seekers , peristent callera ana
attempted interviewers.
Coal Famine
Special Dispatch to The Bso ,
CHAMPAIOS , 111. , Dec.rl , 1 a. m.
Much alatm exisu here over the pres
ent coal famine. Not one fourth o
the fuel demanded can be supplied
either in this city or nny of the towns
on the Illnoia Central road , The
stations are watched
each day anx
lously for coal , and ia carefully divid
f , uP'TBome gaitln. ? wheelbarrow
loads. Ir , one lown over eighty teams
-sited for a ftar , nd on its urrsva
forty each got a small amount , anc
the rest got none. A heavy snow anc
cold weather would cause great suffer
SfBiNQnELD , HI. , December 1 1
a. m. Coal is becoming very Scarce.
Persons wlthoal it nre glad to got it
in half and quarter ton quantie.v
Hard coal is § 10 a ton , and soft COB. ' .
? 5. families
Many are putting awav
their coal stoves and replacing them
with wood burners.
Special dispatch to TH BM.
CLINTON , Ia. , December 1,1 a. m.
A spirited railroad 'encounter took
place at Lyons at noon yesterday.
When tha Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul track layers reached Ihe switch
in Lyons they found a Chicago &
Northwestern car on the switch in
Ruth a manner that the track layers
could not proceed. The car and
track were both in the street , so an
extra session of the city council war
called and a resolution passed orderIng -
Ing the marshal to clear both car and
awitch from the street as the track
bad been laid without authority. The
marshal proceeded to the switch , fol
lowed by a crowd of several hundred
sitizens and a construction force. The
: rowd forcibly took Engineer Herman
RTelis from his cab. Superintendent
Uooley , of the Milwaukee fore ? , took
.he throttle aud ran the engine and
iray car back on the Northwestern
nain line track. The force then tore
ip the rails of the switch , and laid
Iqwn the C. , M. & St. Paul track.
Che latter road will be completed to
Jlinton by Saturday night. There
ras great excteement during the paeno
A the switch. No moro trouble is
pprehended , as an injunction has
ieen served on the Northwestern.
? he Chicago & Northwestern will
ipen ita new branch from Tama City
0 Webster City , Iowa , next Monday ,
or business.
Sportier Bventa.
torregpondence ot the Beo.
NEWARK , F. J. , December 1 , 1 a.
a. The wrestling match , collar and
How , best three in five , took place
ist night between Wm. Massey , a
irofessianal , of New York , and Win.
Jurns , amateur , of Newark , for
11,000 a side. There wore about three
iundred of the sporting fraterni y
iresent. The first round lasted ten
ninnies , and was won by Massey , by
1 clean back fall. Burns , on the eec-
md , claimed a foul which was not sl
owed. Massay also won the two sue-
seding falls. In the third round
ilassay forced Burns to the ropes'and
orced him to his knees. In falling
Jurns caught the ropebut was thrown
m both shoulders , touching the floor.
L claim of foul was made by his sac-
nds , and allowed. Burns admitted
hat he was beaten , and refused to
rreatle any moro. Tno glove match-
s between James Foote , of Orange ,
T. J. , and Richard Burns , of Now-
rk , and between Frank Lymans , of
> rovldence , and Tony , "The Un-
: nown , " of New York , were tonght ,
nd won by Foote and by "The Un-
nown. "
Drowned While on Duty ,
pedal Dispatch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , November 30 , 10 p.
i. The signal corps stationed at
Iighland Light , Miss. , reports to the
hief signal officer as folio ITS : Capt
L'kinn , of life saving station No. 7 ,
nd Surfrnen Taylor and Mayo , weie
Irowned this morning while rescuing
he crew of the sloop "C. Tremble. "
'apt. Ewell , of the sloop , and three
f his crew were saved , and the eljop
as gone adrift with all on board.
Fate of tne 'Simcoe. "
pedal dispatch to The Beo.
COLLINOWOOD , Ont , , December 1
a. m. A dispitch received yeiter-
ay afternoon from Owenetnwn , an-
ouncea that five of the crew of the
'Simcoe" ' have ben saved , who are :
Ispt. James Parson , First Mate John
fesbitt , Chief Engineer Robert Me-
Tatnarn , Wheelman Matthew Noble ,
'ireman Edwa'd Bancroft , and a
eck hand. The following are the
articulars of the wrck : At 4 o'clock
. m. , Friday , a bri.-k south wind
prung up , accompanied with a heavy
; a , causing the steamer to steer bad-
T. At 7 a. m. the anchor shutters
ere broken and driven amidships ,
nd the gangway on the weather aide
urst in. A gang plauk waa placed
cross the break and lashed , but the
sa was continually driving and ihe
ecks were constantly flooded. The
ourse of the steamer was altered to
he leeward , and for a time she went
> etter. Then they next commenced
D lighten. The pumps were all at
rork at 8 a. m. The decks were del-
iged with water and the hold was
fcking water fast. At 9 a. m. the
ires were out and the engines stopped.
Ser sails were set next , but were car-
ied away , the steamer rolling heavily
, nd quickly. The cro v manfully
rorked until the steamer began to
bunder. At 11:40 a. m. all hands
rere ordered to leave the boat , Capt.
Ell and crew making for a life { boat ,
rat did not get -it free before the
teamer went down. The crew freed
, o yawl boats , but were nnVble to
; ot the boats dear of wreckage in time.
to rescue the stragglers in the water.
They were unable to save any of the
others. They reached Providence in an
exhausted condition.
Special Dispatches to Tha Beo.
The large barns and dairy houses of
Or others Bros. , near Elmira , N. Y. ,
burned yesterday.
Managers of eastern Pennsylvania
coal roads say that this year promises
to be very profitable for their busi
ness. The output of coal is enor
mous and the demand far exceeds ex
The four bodies of the workmen ,
which remained in the Hudson river
tunnel , Jersey City , were recovered
Monday evening.They were lying
close to one another , as if the men
had huddled np together to await their
death. The bodies were burled yes
Wm. Andersen , of Clinton , III. ,
eloped yesterday with Margarotta
Jackson , the wife of a neighbor. An-
deraon was. a farmer of metas. He
has a moat MtimaBIS wife cf his own
and five children. Their destination
is unknown. The affair has long
been browing.
Tha Ohio electoral college met at
the governor's officei in Columbus ) at
no m yestefdny. The vote will be
cist at noon id-day. After temporary
ary organization was effected , the
question of going to Mentor in a body
was discussed. Some of tbe members
thought such an invasion on Gen
Garfield was a social outrage , but th
visit was finally decided on , and thi
special train leaves this af terno n wit ]
ho electors and Columbus Glee clnl
At the annual election of officers o
the New York & Lake Erie , held in
Now York yeawrday , Mr. Jewel
voted on proxies representing 800 , '
000 votes and $80,000,000 of stock ,
the largest ever cast at any meeting
by one director.
One hundred and seventeen death
< * ere reported yesterday at the New
York City bureau of vital statistics
L'ho increase in mortality is in most
cases of pneumonia and consumption
consequent upon the severity of the
Harwood & Co. , the wholesale dry
goods merchants of Minneapolis , who
failed last month with $90,000 liabil
ities , have'made an offer to pay fifty
cents on the dollar , to their-unsecured
creditors , twelve and a half cents cash ,
> d the balance in notes. The credi
tors refuse to compromise on that
On account of the cold weather the
: > ork packing season in Cincinnati ia
; roatly in advance of last year , and
logs will be mostly disposed of in two
reeks more. The number packed up
0 tiiis time is 95,000 against 75,000
his time last year. The total number
or the season will not greatly exceed
hat of last year.
Yesterday Mayor Harrison , of Ohi-
: ago , accepted the resignation of
Jupsrintendent of Police Simon
) 'JUonnell , and appointed Wm. J.
iIcGarriglo to succeed him. Super-
ntondent McGarrigle assumes control
A full Hat of the members of the
ndiam legislature elect , shows that
ho republicans have eighteen major-
ty in the house , and the senate ia a
ie between democrats and republi-
The St. Andrews society held its
nnual banquet in Chicago last night ,
.t the Tremont House , with a very
irge attendance. Toasts and re-
ponaes were limited to four minutes.
An inter-state convention was held
n Springfield , 111. , last night , com-
iosed of representatives of agricul-
ural societies of the various western
tales , and steps wera taken to secure
iniform and prompt reports of the
ctuil supply of meat , grain and fruit
or the benefit of farmers.
The state convention of the nation-
1 reform association met yesterday at
iyracuse , N. Y. The object of this
asocintion is to overthrow the de >
igns of the liberahsts who are sacking
o do away with the oath in courts of
usticethe bible in the public schools ,
nd the Christian Sibbath. Bishop
'eck presided , and addresses were
lade by Rev. Thomas K. Beecher ,
udgo Harmon , Hon. Martin I. Town-
and and several other distinguished
NEW YORE , November 30. Josh
lart , of The Truth newspaper , to-day
orved notice of a libel suit for $50-
00 d images against Geo. Jones , of
MONTREAL , November SO. Two
rain laden ocean steamers which
tarted yesterday for Europe hafe re-
urned and gone into winter quarters
n account of the ice.
CHICAGO , November 30. Mrs
Icott Siddons appeared as an actress
ist night at Huoley's for the first
hue in twelve years and made a de-
ided hit.
ST. Louis , November 30 The com
orner closed to-day. Settlements
re being made at 44 and 45 centf.
'ho profits to one" firm is said to be
CHICAGO , November 30. Unity
hurch , of this city , the pastorate of
> hich has been vacant since the Rev
lobert Collyer went to New York ,
> st ui ht extended a call to the Rev.
I en. C. Milne , wht > , it is understood ,
ill accept.
CHICAGO , November 30. Tne cold
eather continues , the mercury being
own to zero. A fine crop of clear ,
ilid ice eight to ten inches thick is
eiag harvested.
LONDON , November 30. Hanlon
ill spend a few weeks in Ireland.
len return here and exercise on the
UI.UOMIXGTON , III. , November 30.
'oal ' miueis to the number of 1GO
ave struck for an advance of 25 per
ant in their wages.
WASHINGTON , November 30. The
oat master general has appointed E.
' . Dallas , John Jameson and E. 0. <
Bowler to superintend tbecountbfgo'f
nail matter during the first seven days
f December. 39 * '
NEW YORK , November 30. JThe.
lida for lighting the public lamps < in
he 23d and 24th ward have been
ipenpn. The bids show a reduction
f $7 75 and $11 per lamp over those
if last year , one company bidding
510.75 per lamp , the other $13.
FORT BrrouD , Mont. , November 30 ,
-Major Brotherton has instructed the
coot , Allison , to repair to Sitting
Jail's camp aud order him to surren-
ler instantly. If he refuses , the
roops will immediately move against
NEW YORK , November 30. Pri
vate dispatches from London an
nounce that , the Atlantic & Grea
Western trustees will at once narron
guage the1 road and order nen
equipments. " ! Securities for the ex
peneos will'bo ' issued.
New YorkMoney and Stocks.
AWAu , Elian , November 29.
MONET i ari'lnterw ; exchange loirer a
* 1 79104 8J. ! ' &
Easier. A.
U.B.6' ,181. . . 1 Ml U.S.i' I Hi
U.S. 6'g. r.l Ol | Correacye's. 1 SO
U.B.43i 4112
STOCKS Actif c ; declined 1 } .
TT U "SfiSl Lack .103i
NJC U.7TSJ ; llndson CanJ 81.
Ens , t.-.n4 | KYO Us ;
Preferred fsrTfl } 1 M 48 :
H I -.128 N P S3
LS 122 Prefaired 63. .
NW .n.l i OW 40 ;
Preferred t".I C. a a * 1 82
pa . vgesj BS q 172
Ohio . .SO' .111. C 120 :
Preferred..60"- 1S1 :
St P..i..Jll.-CiCanaJa So : . . . . . W ,
Preferred 12 ! A 4 P. 8 *
St Joe tym hi n"C'J
Jccnfd 93 * HP 09 }
WitMh. 41 } CC&IC . ' 9j
Preferred. 83 M u 113J
Omaha m - 43) E. & T. . . . , . , . . . . , 41
Preferred .7 8lf ' '
! ! i
Ohicaaro Produce Market.
OnicAoo , November 30.
.The bulls to. day were' stronger .than
IKo bears and the markets for wheat
corn , oats , barley and hog products
were higher.
Wheat No. 2 spring 2 better , with
sales of January nt$109J < sll llf , closing
ingat § 1 10J1 10.for .January ,
cash or November ; Si 10 | for De
cember ; $111 § for January ; § 112\ \
for February.
Corn No. 2 Advanced @ls with
transactinnaat4142c for December
43 | < § 42c for January ; 4847o for
May | closing at 42o for cash or No-
rember ; 42j@42So for Decencber ;
12o for January ; 47 ® 47c f. > r JLy.
Oats Advanced l@14c ; sales weie
it 3333ic for cash ; 3233 | for Da-
somber ; 3 3@333 for January ; closing
, t 3:5gc : forDecen.hSSI SSgc for
January ; 3Tc fo. 3li >
Rye Opened firm bat closed at lo
low > r ; No. 2 closed at 90jc for cash ;
} 0o for December ; 91o for January.
Barley No 2 advanced 2@3c ,
: loied at $107 for cash , November ,
December or January.
Pork Mess , 15@25c higher , selling
it $13 62J@13 85 for. January ; closing
it § 14 OOQ13 50 for cash ; § 12 30 for
November or December ; $1385 for
fanuary ; 814 00 for February
Lard Sold at $8 65@882& for Jan-
lary ; $8 75@8 92J for Febroary ;
S8 97 for March ; closing at 88 82J ®
165 for cash or November ; $865 fur
) ccember877i@880 ; for January ;
18 90@8 92 * for February.
Whisky- 11.
Chicago Live Stock Market
CHICAGO , November 30.
Hogs Were in large supply , but
eat grades were in fair demand
nd firm. Sales Were at
4 40@4 70 for light padking ; 84 40
; 5 60 for heavy packing ; § 4 40@4 90
tt fair to choice smooth heavy ship-
ing lots. Receipts , 47,000.
Cattle Receipts , 3,500.
St. Iioola Produce Maraet.
ST. Lotus , November 30.
Flour Firm and lOc higher.
Wheat Higher ; No. 2 red , $106
)1 ) 06g for c h ; $1 051 16 for
lecembpr ; § 1 09@1 09j } for January ;
1 121 12 ? for February ; $115
jr March ; No. 3 del 03 | ; No. 4
, o 96jc.
Corn Higher at 4242c fro
ash ; 43ga for December ; 42g@43c
or January ; 43J@43io for Fehurary ;
4@44 o for March ; 45g(3461o ( for
Oats Active and higher at 33J@
2o for cash ; 35o for December ; 34o
or JaniiAry.
Rye Steady at 90c.
Barley Steady and slow 90c@
Butter Firm ; dairy , 30@32c ;
reamery , 32@34c.
E ga Lower at 25@25ic.
Whisky Higher at $112.
Pork Firm and higher at $14 00 ;
isb , nominal ; $13 90 for January.
Dry Salt Meats Higher at $4 60 ®
907 10.
Bacon Dull ; $5 50@8 00 < g8 50.
Lard Qalet at $8 50.
3r cash. f
Receipts Flour , 3,000bbls.wheat ;
,000 , bu. ; corn,3,000 ; oats , 2,000 ;
ye , 1000 ; barley , 15,000.
Shipments Flour , 12,000 brls ;
heat , 5,000 bu ; corn , 4,000 ;
its , 2,000 ; rye , none ; barley , none.
St. IiOUJa Live ctock Market.
ST. Loois , November 30.
Hags Steady. Yorkers and Baltl-
lorcs , $4 10425 ( ; mixed packing ,
4 40@4 60 ; butchers' to fancy ,
1 C0@4 80 ; receipts , 8,200 ; ship-
tents , 2,400.
N6W Torfe Produce Marked
NEW YonK. November 20
Flour 1015c better and fairly
stive ; round hoop Ohio at ? 5 30
)5 ) 75 ; choice do S5 806 50 ;
iperfiue western , $3 65@4 35 ; com-
lon to good extra do , § 4 75@5 20 ;
ioicedo , do , $5-25(36 ( 70 ; choice
bite wheat , do $5 15(55 ( 50.
Wheat Quiet and firm. Chicago ,
11831 21 ; Milwaukee , 1 23@1 24 ;
'o. 2 red winter , 81 241 24J for
arm try ; seller , $1 SJ7jf"r Novtuiber ;
L 27 } bid ; rale , 600 000 bu.
Butter F ir inquiry ; Ohio,14@2qo.
E/2S Western , steady at 25@30c
tr f ir to choice.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , 62o ; sales
X.000 ) bu.
Oats Quiet.
Whisky Nominal.
Pork § 16 CO ' " d fr.Tmuary ;
15 30 asked for I oruuy.
Lard $912J asked f r cah ; § 9 02 $
9 10 for November ; S9 05@9 10 for
lewmber ; § 9 07 @ 9 15 for January ;
9179 20 for February ; 89 25 for
fsrch ; § 9 25@9 32J for April ; 89 20
; 912 buyer for tbe year.
From the Isles of the Pacific.
Mclal Uupatch to the HM.
SAK FBANCISCO , December 1 1 a.
i. The steamship "Oity of NuW
"ork" has just arrived from Sydney
ia Honolalu.'and amont ; the batch of
ews she brings the following iteu s
re the moat important :
Steam communication la to be ea-
iblishsd between Jamoa and Anck-
New Zealand is still under an act-
IE ; governor , and there is no rews as
o when Sir Arthur Gordon may be
The volcano Mannaloa , on the
sland of Hawaai , one of the Sand-
rich group , 10 in active eruption. A
tream of lava flows from a point six
tiiies north of tie crater , which di-
ides into two branches , and flows
ver a fertile plateau to the east. The
tream moves sluggishly , so there haa
> een no loss of life. .
The Success of the Presi
dential Pension Fund
Already Assured ,
Hayes Left Oat in the Gold am
Hiram Rewarded.
Garfleld "Swings Around the
| Circlej" Homeward
Huge Syndicates of Bankers
And Bond Brokers An
A Enirp Advance in the Price
of CojJ Reported in
Special Dispatch tO The Bee
NEwYoBK , November SO , 4 p. m.
Messrs. Seligman & Co. say their
European advices to-day are to the
effect that several millions of dollars
in sterling Trill be shipped to America
in May. The Reading debenture
bond scheme being complete , the
names of the bankers who are to hold
the funds will ba announced to-day.
The Presidential Pension Fund.
Special Dlnatch to fn DM.
NEW YOKE , November 30 , IB. m.
Mr. Geo. Jones , of the New York
Tribune , stated to a reporter yester
day that so far as he knew , subscrip
tions to the presidential penSon fund , '
are these : Jay Gould , $25.000 ; J. W.
Mackay , 825,000 ; W. H. VanderMlt ,
825,000 ; E. D. Morgan , L. P. Mor
ten , H. B. Dinsmore , W. B. Astor ,
and John Hoey , $5,000 each , a total
of $100,000 , besides some small sub
scriptions ranging from 8500 to fO
cents. Mr. Jones said he thought
the success of the project waa nearly
assured. Mr. Forbes , of Boston , and
his Boston friends , had subscribed or
would subscribe.
The Pension h'und Assured.
Spedal Dispatch 6s to Tin Bil.
NEW YOEK , November 36 , 4 p. m.
It is said that $200,000 of the
$250,000 $ that is proposed to be raised
or ox-presidents has been subscribed.
Che general understanding is , that as
eng aa Gen. Grant lives the interest
of the fund will go to him. Hayes
will expect nothing at present.
Garfleld'a Advisers ,
pedal Dispatch to The Bee
CLEVELAND , November 30 4 p. m.
Townsend and Deacon Smith ac-
: ompanied General Garfield from
Washington. Smith is still here con-
ulting with leading politicians. Ben.
Jutterworth hit the party at Pitts
Gen. Garfield arrived in this city by
he C. & P. road in Snpt. Lang's
pecial car , at 6:30 : this morning.
There was no one at the depot to meet
lira. He was muffled in a tight-fitting
ivercoat and walked up and down the
lepot and corridor , wbile his special
: ar was being changed [ io the Lake
Shore train. In 'a few minutes he
waa off for Mentor , where carriages
were in waiting and conveyed hirn-
elf and party , including Mrs. Gar-
ield , to the Lawnfield House.
Gen. Garfield stated that his trip to
iVaahington was purely on business
md had no political significance. He
impressed pleasure at the treatment he
lad received in Washington and Inter
mediate points. Ho seemed very
lopefnl of harmony at tne Inaugnra-
ion of his administration and evi
dently expects a warm support from
; he more patriotic democrats in the
senate and house. Ha ia in excellent
Special dispatch to Tun Bra.
CoiDWATEB.Mich. , November 30
t p. m. Stevens & Oo.'s Wheel
iarrow factory , and Merrill &
Stevens' Machine shop , were dcstroy-
ad by fire las night. Loss , $23,000 ;
no insurance. This is the third time
hese people have been burned out in
is many years. Fifty workmen were
brown out of employment.
SABOEANT BLUFFS , Ia. , Novembe-
30. Huntly & Tait'a cheese factory
was burned yesterday. Loss , $3,000.
Loa AS SPORT , In > 1 , November 30.
/ * frame row on Mirket street waa
> urned at 1:30 : this morning. Loss
ibout $7,000. Partially insured.
Danio , a defective flue.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , November 30
Ti e stores of Georee M Wolfa &
3o. , Harris & Levy , Barnutn & Good-
ichand the Jacoby art gallery , all in
"acoby block , were burned out yes-
erday. Loss $52,500 ; insurance.
$52,250. $
N.PBonda. .
pedal'Dtoatch to The Eca.
NEW YORK , November 30 , 4 p. m.
The syndicate , composed cf leading
aanking houses of this country and
ibroad , has made arrangements to
narkot the bonds of the Northern
Pacific railway. Ten millions of
heso bonds have been bought ont-
ight by the syndicate which has the
jnvilege of taking 30,000,000 more.
? he terms are said to be 90 f--r the
aonds already purjhasedond 92 ferny
\ny that may be taken hereafter.
Coal Advances ,
tedal Dispatch to the Bee.
CHICAGO , November 30 4 p. m.
3oal advanced yesterday from § 7 00 lo
7 50 per ton , and leading dealers say
t will jo up to $8.00 or $8.60 within
ho next month. The cause of the
advance ia due to an apprehension of
carcity. Nearly 300,000 tons are
rozen up between Chicago and Buffalo
indlittloprnspect of getting it through
> efore spring. Of course , a supply
: ao be brought by rail , but this tends
o make the price higher.
Wife Murder
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , November 30
L p. m. A Journal special from
[ farmland , Ind. , says that Wm. A.
Bnrress had been drinking all day and
quarreling with and abusing everyone
ie met , and had several disputes with
lia wife. Wbile sbo waa sitting with
ber infant child in her arms , Bur-
ress took up his gen , which
[ a a double barreled breecb
loading shot-gun , ai. < i discharged one
barrel of it , the shot taking effect in
the left eye of his. wife , tearing a hole
in her face large enough to thrua
one's fist In , and causing death. Bur
rera was arrested and taken to Win
Chester last night by Sheriff R. Y
A Congressman Dies.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
LmlETON , N. H. , November 30,4
p. m. Congressman Evarta W. Farr
died to-day , of pneumonia , aged 4' '
years. This will render a specla
election necessary to fill the vacancy
both for the short and long terms.
Construction of Iron Huts ir
- Ireland to Protect the Con
A Limerick Sheriff Bouncec
" "While Serving Writs of
"rhouArt So Nearand"xetEc
Par , " Moana Bartlett to
the Baroness.
Special DlapstCh io trot Bss.
LOXDON , November 80 , 4 p. m.
A detachment of the 9th infantay ,
consisting of two hundred men , has
been detailed to protect men engaged
ia the construction of an iron hut in
Pallaskinney , a market town in Mans-
ter , ten miles from Limerick. The
hut is intended for use of the con-
ntabulary. A large assemblage of
peoplegathered dnd threatened to tear
It don as fast as it could be built ,
and wuld undoubtedly have done so
but for the presence of the troop * .
An armed gang attacked A sheriff to
day near Baltimore while he was per-
'orming his official duties. The entire
neighborhood was thrown into a state
of excitement and It was with diffi
culty that he eso-ped rough handling.
Ipedal dispatch to The Bee.
LONDON , November 30 4 p. m. A
dispatch from Sidney says ihe pro
vince of New Hope Wales is negotiat-
millions in the
ng a loan of many
jondon markets.
Special Dispatch toJThe Bee
LONDON , November 30 , 4 p. m.
7bo rumor which was cabled yester-
lay regarding the abandonment of
he marriage of the Baroness Burdett
Joutts to young Bartlett , is confirmed
> y n number of circumstances , and is
generally credited. The queen's in-
luenco and the certainty of losing
' 80,000 per annum , are said to be the
irincipal facto s.
pocial PI I U..I t. '
LONDON , l ec : ui jtr 2'2 1 a. m.
'ho American manufacturing corn-
any have withdrawn their offer of
1100 for the race between Hanlon
nd Liycock , as the men are to find
he stakes of 500 a side. Hanlon
nd Laycock signed articles Monday
o row on January 17th.
pedal Dispatches to Th Bee.
Forster determinedly adheres to
lia old custom of maintaining the
; reateat reticence towards all presa
orrespondents , and declares that all
pretended interviews with himself or
other cabinet ministers are canards.
The Poles , Monday , celebrated In
'osen , Galicia and other places , the
iftiath anniversary of their gallant
trnggle for independence , begun in
Berlin dispatches say the emperor
ofGermany is improving inhealth. Hla
jmtoms were dyspeptic , accompanied
with a cough. He is anxious regard-
n % the future of eastern politics.
Russia is pushing troops Into the
Servian frontier , ostensibly for the
mrposa of chastising the Knrdj.
.hou h some of ber neighbors are dis :
posed to question the sincerity of the
The trial of Phillips Callan , a mem
ber of Parliament from Loachcharged
with libelling A. M. Sullivan , ended
yesterday. The jury returned a ver
dict of guilty. The sentence was
A r'etpitch from Rio Janero says
the CrulUns , numbering 2500 iu-
fiatry , 5000 cavalry and 100 guns ,
arrived at Pisco on the 25th and a bat
tle was imminent. The prisoners
number 40,000.
A Nihilist printing presa , together
with soma documents and arms , has
been teiz < ! d at Checkoff.
The Italian chamber of deputies ,
by 221 to 81 , have voted confidence
in the government.
The .French senate yesterday debated -
bated .the foreign policy of the gov
ernment. M. St. Hilaire said that
the sagacious policy of France hid
kept the naval demonstration within
peaceful limits.
A Constantinople despatch says a
Turkish battalion , stationed at San
Georges , neir Dulcigno , refused lo
evacuate the town.
T' e marquis of Salisbury yesterday
nude a speech at Woodstock.
The Vilianious Landlord Kill
ed fay an Irish-American.
Redpath's Lecture in New
Befutin ? Slanders
Spedal Dlipatcb to The Bee.
NEW YOKK , November 30 1 p. m.
In an address at the land league
meeting at the Academy of Music in
Newark , N. Y.last evening Mr. Jas.
Redpath , who has arrived from
Ireland , said nine-tenths of the
landlords of Ireland are
absentees. One man has driven
thousands of tenants to the poor
house and to their graves. Wherevar
there Is a decent landlord , the people
would d-e for him. All this
year there has bean only five
cases of accidental death
that can be attributed to tenants.
One man ks" ' waa Lord Leitrim.
He rained " Door ? irh , and ttw
brothc- " -ent to Ireland -
land from Cuicij u . -lint him
down ,
2BC 33 St > 33 3L. 3t-
Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts.
Gives .Grsat BargainsdnLadies' and Gents'
All Kinds Of
We Guaantcc The Best - - > oHs F - The Least Money.
Gives nniversal Satisfaction and that it is stead
ily aud rapidly increasics ; in public lavor.
The White Machine jasfcly claims to be the
best made , the easiest running , the simplest in
construction and the most perfect Machine in
the market ,
The White Co. employ as agents men .of in
tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied ,
because they find everything just as repres
Everybody should tise this Machine. The
sales so far this year more than double
the corresponding timf last year.
All orders cddreesed to the .Omaha Ofl3ce
will be promptly filled.
Cor. l nveni ort and l.llli SN/
Iron and V/agon Stock ,
M niittiKo Trices.
1209 and 1211 Ilnrncy Street , Omaha.
n Nebraska during the four weeks
ndlng November 27,1880 , furniahed
> y Wm. Van Vleck , of Iho poatoflico
apartment :
Postmasters Appointed Cronnse ,
jancaater county , Allen Payne ; Dana ,
fork county , Ohas. J. Rualer ; Fort
lalhoun , Washington county , Sirs ,
da M. Livingston ; Herman , Wash-
ngton county , Mra. Catharine C.
Electing Qarfleld'3 Succ sor.
per ! l DIap tch toTRi BIX.
CLEVELAND , November 30 10 p.
m. Tbe special election in Garfield'a
Listrict , to fill the vacancy occasioned
> y his resipnation , passoa off very
quietly. Reports from Aahtafaula
county say the vnta is not one-half aa
arge as that of October. The demo
crats are making no ap cial effort.
Che republican majority ot 18,000 in
) ctober will be greatly decreased by
the lightness of the vote. Taylor ,
republican , will have about 10,000
majority in the district.
CLEVELAND , December 1 1 a. m.
President-elect Girfield visited the
tolls at Mentor aud deposited his bal-
ot , being cheered by both democrats
and republicans. It ia impossible to
; ive the vote or the majority in the
iggregate to-night , as the interior
county towns are not prompt m re
lorting their tfturnB. The vote , hotr-
iver , on both sides is very liyh * .
A Bogus Lord.
pectal Dbmteti v iu ! * : .
NEW YOEE , December 1 1 a m.
Jord Murcus Beresford , with ssve.'n
aliases , was arrested .here j > sterd y
or swindling the Bink of U'hh , of
Salt Like City , oat of 150 , by rep
resenting himself us Laid Beresford ,
acd leaving worthless draft * for tht'
amount on R London banking bouse.
Magnitude of the Cigar Business.
Asa matter of interestshowing the
mmensity of the business of maim-
actnrins ; cigirs in this coun'ry , let
me state ihe condition of one factory
n this city , which is tne largest in the
world. The American cgar sold u
o the price of fifteen ceuta retail io
letter than the same prced Cubar
ciar : , and is driving the latter ous cf
the market. The firm alluded to in
this city has less than tiny custom
er * , and refuses to take any m < r b. -
cause they cannot sv iffy the r1ennri ( ?
of the customers th y have. Th y em-
> 'oy 1500 people men , women and
: hildren iu their f > ict > ry , and an *
luildii'g nn fher tl ce , ec u l in M'Z ,
o accommi da e 1500 mor. , and than
will notsenk a tie * cus umer.
Tbe following is the eta'ement of
that factory for the munih f f October :
Cigars delivered during the mouth ,
4,838,550 ; wages paid , 8G4,000 ; paid
to the government for revcnne
stamps , $38,590 ; paid for duties
on foreign tobacco , § 4154 ; ci ir bnir *
used during tbe month , $9405 ; leif -
bacco worked np during the im nth > o
produce these cicara , 25 pOundi to the
100 cigars , 120,964 pounds.
This goes to sboir the immensity of
the cigar manufacturing business in
this country ; and it it grotinr ; m"re
rapidly than can readily be ima ined.
Millions of American cisars rnnxv
emprted to Europe. T' e wHol , f ro-
duct of Cuban c'gars exported to this
country , Is but a trifle compared with
tbe thousands of millions made hero.
[ New York correspondent of The
' "Washington Star.
East India Pile Cnw. Ti
only specific for all forasof
Files. In use in foreign coun
tries for years , lately Intro
duced into America. Warrant
ed to give instant relief and a
permanent cure guaranteed.
Sold by all druggists or mailed
free on receipt of price , 50
cents , byltlio American agent * ,
Jlicliardson & Co. . Wholesale
Druggists , Saint Louis , Ho.
guaranteed to give Immediate
relief in all cases of Bilious
and Liver Complaint ? , Ce-
tivencss , Sick Headache , la-
digestion , and cleansing tie
system or all impurities. Trice
25 cents. All druggist * Mil
ASafoand Ploaaant Remedy far
HOARSENESS and Strengthen
ing the Lungs.
Price only 10 Oeati.
J. ! - ! , FLIEGEL&GO.
Sncccsnors to J H
No. 1220 Douglas Street ,
OClJ ?
Ear and Throat-
* *
Otflco Over Kennard'a ] Draff
Corner of 14th and Douglas Sts.