THE DAILY BEE. | ! Toeed&J Morning , Nov. 30. running the Onwba Firry , . -l > olin'bulk i-erfuine &t Knhn's only -Kin i i fo. , the jewel G in W , * * m t : - , jo ' - , .n R. Maw-co FeckeX-Bookf , * l SwceV. .Tawlwiy > Bp yowhftls , caps'aun , J JJ t C. I * . ! * Great & Co. * . 30-tf $ Ki Cbw e , wbolpraJe * f l retail , nt wet ; a * W'ynV , a'7 * t ISlh St. IFSB ? IX THE VrtJlLTBKW GL KJWtgtWtofJwatBnBtanau' * . tf 1w HBMIB Hut , entirely nw , for Vrtte jw * * . Frederick , Halter. Jftart V * Obpt 5n cws < tf stock in from . # -Hie Wbasli train o me ! n forty-five ja The tr 5n from the xrcBt yesterday w * "IfefCC-quaTters of an hour late o ] ? -3V 0. V > . 15 , is open day sn < l rig'it errands if required T i yf U4o itowitod A. IA < * , auMMgrt. ' , . 3. It. lwMl ! U. pcneral agent of Ui * B. & IT. J i i department , moved liis ofljce toJno * 4nl"riday. The lan.l . .lepartmei.l . witt j wr I * all together in Lincoln. * 4kfyn * wV. t the Y. M. C. A. * WTill this eveirng , at " o'clock. < . " * & f < * = -d hmmfc and hair niody f < > 3it'p4 is roquWte todmiioa. ' "here wsr * iwly fiw emirrart , < at the tetaltey- * twin for the tiaaf r ( osfir wUft t sight. 'J hi * i thewiwllwt nnni fcfrtoo BWhave rwMewl Unongli lionnd niftfe tbite or four jcars. -3V- f * Union of the Y. 3L C. A. iredi t ( i JMsociatioTi rooms thit tfvartiam , Wt 8 o'clwk. and a Fpochl Jnvi- f all deuorainn- tf'tefofJv * " to Indie * ti ttf and ladfaf who are 8tr ag rs in the t . Tfe Cbrfeli-m Wo-kcrs meet at * , -In ib * IFnitcd States court ths jnr > t lla'cy a ainst the Union p Sellailvraycnnv ! in rpiin ycstercl.i > , T ivtogr' lben out sinca Fridty evening , a4 | o eil thst they AVCIC un-il.le . tow a ? -w iatwB R verdict Judge Duiuly sent t ' . -3 > ' ! > .tek lo try it for ts elvc hours niorc. .ttfttge Hawes resumed the tluliss r f hw oe"yotterday ami 'regau liy dis- f lirw i lRtn dnmkt Two paio wirt tsnmmittwl , tie ? fine in carh ca - A'J * arrsiRned f nr iieti ! discharged , the ] ire > euntinp ing to appear . gainst him. \ TW inr cpn'raclofs are jrashing fcha'r ajMwilJ ) ct > uitiioinl > ilie ! energy. leoir : flniJie'l half irai oetai > d Uiat i t-tio-i .f siration fiileil up S3 t'mt ' this forf- m th * bwet jr twck iw rel id .vnx * It n ] )0 rx pmhablc that thf in u c to-morrow or ncxl l y r > - i'hvro ! - < Jy a Mnall amount of < i-r1 tt bfe gfttlC" l < > * the way to allmx to r * ' nlfcrty. Iti'l ' he asrrea1 Jie rcfmlavttn'n Ttcai- n " rtv f TTuiou Parifi' : officiata tndo'in ; Ge ral Manager R. II. IJ. da- , * h , ROcompnnied by 3 Ion. IT. W. * f S < 4nyler and 13. U. Ch udler , of f ity. < < * * to Ca'ifornin for the 1 cnefit of In-fUf 'J * . ( Tliero were ale on bead Thavi ' . ; Kknball , r.s i tant i - -rf who goee to Denver : ' " > mini oner. E. K. Lane , of luidsrcs , and Div.'fcion P. J. 2Cicliol , PU route to (5ra ( d lelnndj A. 1 > . Claik , t-npeiin- fi id art { con ! dujKirtmcnt , to la.cV Sprii- A * t nt Gen ri ! Frciuht Agent SJ.elby R id JViltht Andilor Golilc , for 1) nver , ' d F"T , - NWman , rk-ht of wajagent. . it r > - were miy Jnnrs they got away L > e- 'uiWraitorter could roun'tthem. OIL I7 . ft On % ! B'HentB gallon. Thcl is rajr c tomi'rs h vt > betn the montk for o best oil. 'ir account nnS EOB vh t tare been paying. Txrri. V.'AM'ED. y R Grst-cUcs , other need apply. S. 410 south Thirteenth itreat. 292t _ Lamiunx'a sehct sociable at Stand wri Hall last Saturday evcnioR WXB a wafi SUCCMJ. The attendance was lar a nnd of a very rclcct choracter. , fcke music under iho direction ol Prof. lelr. iraa Iho very brat. Mr. W B congratulated by his patrons for securing thia < * l * tir illmn , wbcro bo Trill pivo par- " * * * nn the remainder of the _ Wanted JwwcdiMely , -esyoctable WcDoKAij. IAKKISO- : , - ' , 1408 Faroham St. Remember j { you buy a dro , hat linnet mt RmgorV , you xvill gci a iat thrown in. Sec A. Rraqun. Jacobs' Block Belief Sooletr. cUng ; hVe lx > rn ca'led by the Ladici1 Rslief S'icirt > 'w Friday afternrvin of thi tvcek lo a parraancnt home. Thie a move in the right direction aud &o li be encouraged by everybody. Th l dio3 of the society herebvac- nowlodgc ii > c following Thajkscivb < ion tk > ua : From the collection'taLen ihe wnion sorrico at tbo Cou'Teaa- ' : oa ! cfcmoii , ? 47.53 ; from tha union feme * of the Presbyterian and Bop- utehurchoa , § 1000V. ; . B. Loiing C J. C. GaultieW , esch § 10.00 ; Dew- > A store , a box of chickens nad ys ; Bcind-rfT , thiHcen leaves bread ; M.a. Dr. Dins- t. fa > y Johnson. Tr. . > nEland. re- i * 'is h. . ju . LiulipF i f tbo Uni rol jhroueii AI P. OopeUrd , -es f f1 tb = . . - ' , , GaunBU , Gilbatt , , * p , I . H. Sharp , Stahbhu , Bmin , r < pwravt , n d HicMsJCs CsinH. ' ' * " { : . This clothing WSB all givn ' f Tfcnmlay , nnd thorc is s'.ili f inoie. ' Are thoio cot otiicn fnd old clolbiap and thoct on Howard fctrcrt ? Fuc Bobd gold nock chains and dia- - " * tjogit S. Jonaaon , 410 south ' ' - tn * treet " - f w Ensrartncs at Hospc's. A BRUNETTEo K . Although Accused of Compli city With Her Lover irv a Bold Robbery , She Keeps a Stiff Upper Lip and Refuses to "SaueaV Fierce , a young lady who abandoned the path of virtue eomo t.tae ? .po to lead a life of sham ? , IIES ftadtiunlj brought np behind the batF , lid will be exceedingly fortunate if Jr. ; does not land in the state's prison .fore sh-j has done with it. Nellie - . s for nbeat three \vecka past been - inmate * f the gilt-edge house kept - JennJoDicliijMon , coratr of Capitol . ; nua and Twelfth sUreotwhere , t.n > M r.iay las * , she wss viiifed by ft former lovtr , wLo hallo from Spring fitW , JJb. , fwid is believed tn Hear the name nf Charles which iriH perve the pur- of inrodpco ( ! him once more tn tie public. Smith i < ynupg mnn about five feet four inch' * in heigh * , siiODth faced , with dark eyes and brosru hnir. On the pc & : on refenrd to he wore a black slouch ha * , black neck ti-j and lUt goldstuds in his shirt bosom. Ho is about 24 years of ag aid hr.s a fclieepiah look , not being to lock any one squarely in the face. It is said by the police iaU he is the individual who , several months ago , 0.1010 to Omaha and pasted fora Deid- wood fjii&jUer. At time a bu t y XVRI hired of Jim Stephonsouand wi''i ' a gtl from this same establishment , ' bo alleged D. G. went oat to ride and nth parties got atone blind drank , ind the horsu wandered off upon the ! hts noriJi of the Union Pacific Pump loiuc , where the tertoinas of the Jtiv- > waft small p usd. Here th < ? yehide wns found the next day , the hone having b.eon cat loose and found his -K-ar home , and the girl hating bcon guided home by r. policeman. The gy gambler was never seen Hat to return to the thread of our et jry. On Saturday Sanih c .lied on Xc'.he Pierce , and the t o weie allosrcd nfter some little maneuvering to occupy the Voom of the proprietress of the house. To this they repaired together , J > nd In a ehort tioiu Nellie raappeircd belo-.v and her lover disappeared. Tivo hours Liter Misa Diclinson , in goin ? to her rooci , found that ahe had bscn ribbed. The bed hal not been disturbed , but tee door of the xtrardrcbo had been forcuu open , and forty-fivo dollars ia money and BODIO. Valuable jewelry wjre HiiBsing. The property Jid bsan ktpt in a rmall iron bnnl : or safe , the door of whjeh had been left nnlokeo. In additinn lo tlie cash , chare visa taken a pair of gold bracelets , a set of c ri1 ja volry , medslliou tlea'jjn ; a piir of ; oldskcve bnltoMB 1 earing ( ho initial CD ; " two getitascarf pand a uick'c ' plitedeoven shicier. The value of tin articles fctola Ll ieu S2CO > ud § 200. Suspicion ? .t onca ri t < d u ; Miss Noliio ! id au officer was eenifnr who arrested her and lodged hetin jail the same evening. Yesterday her trunl : was soarohod but it contained none of the stolen articles. It did contain , however , two revolvers , R long cirlv knife and a bottle of chlorc form. What the latter wr.s kepi for is not knorni unloaa it waa for a pr aille contingency which ini ht make sni- cido a deairable ending of life. The battle vaa emptied of iie contents Rnd thrown away and tbe loads wtro drawn ! from the revolvers , i Before leavfcg the house for jail , Nellie said to the other inmates , "girls don1' be afr-i'J. Iwill not equcai" and she ha * icrp1 hi < r rnrd , musing tosny Anything tithcr in her own dofcn < > o or to cmviot ( he cowardly rascal who has left her in such a fix. On being ar raigned in police oniirt this inorr. ing , Bhe weg told lhat the chatgo WES a serious or.o , grand l rciy ) , and Ihst she had betfer ref iu a'Ta ryer before preceding with the c * e , and tin : preliminary examination was there fore postponed until thia afternoon. The prisoner ia a girl of tot more than 23 or " 4 yeaa of w8 ; and apro- uounced brunette. While not prcttv she ia of a neat , trim Ggnre , dres ca trlth some pretension to tas'.e , c&d hts ft pair of dark brown eye a that are very bewitching. She is spnaeatly sensible of the critical poeitlou In which she is now placed. WAIT ! WAIT ! WAIT ! iNeed not be in a hurry. Flour i- ! itill cheap. HAVENS' SNOW FLAKE only § 3.25 per 100 pounds. . WILLIS M. YATES. The new uniT of Ilagadorn it Xocwe , enccoseors to Beeson &ITa- adorn , butchers , will no doubt'do a Jively business in their line. Mr. Hagadoru is welt known in Omaha , and has a hoot ot friends. Mr. Nburre has had years of eipcrienco in tl c butcher hoeincts nnct understands tie business thoroughly. Troy will only hold the trade of the vdfir : , bm ll cdd largely to their present trade , by dealing only in the choicest moats and sailing them at figures so low that everybody will find it to their interest - est to patronize then ? . OLOAKS AKDDOLIIA S. Juat received , a very handsorrc as- forlnient rf Iho bbore , which tn'l 1 a sold at the most-reasonable pricey ULSTKHS/UAVELOCKS and JACKETS in a variety c ? patterns. An early iospsct'on solicited. McDoNALD fc HAitrosox's. Hl hvraj rasa at Work. Lalo " this afternoon wo learn of a bold attack inido by footpr.ds last evanicR , upon RTsjor W. A. Fond * , form rfy of , The Portfolio. Ho\vas nci - i > aultncLby iivo-rafliins who collared hicianrt sr ! cktho muzzloofa- pistol Juhijface. After s t'fcp ale 'hard to hand strngrlcvtlfh teinhf \ ant loose ace lciU retreat Fcr Saio Suc hone engin * ntd boiler , in good 'repair. Apply st BEE ofiira. Ec4tf THE IRON GIRDL1. J. W. Morse and Charles S. Steb- bins Succeed Thomas L , Kiinball. k The Official Order Issued To-Day , A New Wabash Line Acqxiired V/ith the departure of General Manager S. H. H. Clark for the west SIondaytho management of the Union Prjific railway virtually passed into thu bar-da of Mr. Thomas L. Kim- b-.Jl , vie for the past few dvs' ha bcaii arraTiging his affairs BO that hia Euccaisorc would hnvo no diulculfy in thet Tray. The enormous amount of is-ork that cf bte years gradually b.-eti forced upon the head of this del - l arlm nt has nnoessitatcd a division of its duties , and hereafter there will bs a genersl paaienger agent and a "uncial ticket agent. The official order announcing the ap pointment of the two gentlemen who tr-3 to fill ihesa r f ponsiblo positions was proniulgitad to-diy. It is in the shps of a circular letter , which will bo printed tc-c.iy ? and issued to-mor row. By this i n'cr llr. J. W. Morse , who has been ; \ ting ai general agent of thcr jadin C.icagoand wan until two years a o general agent of the Bur Huston road at Omaha and Council Bluffs , h appointed general passenger sgent. Ho 5e an able and popular man , familiar with railroad affairs and with the policy o ! the road he repre sents. Mr. Charles S. StobbinF , ft'ho hss been for some time assistant geiiem ! psssenger and ticket agent , is appointed general ticket agent of the comp.xny. His promotion ia ft source of unbounded satisfaction to ha ? friend ? , and there could no better msn have been named for the place. Uolh r.npointues are eo favorably known to the public and of such rec ognized ability that the order will raaot with general approval. GENERAL BAGGAGE AGENT. MX Matt McGinn , for.herly bag- ghgo a &nt of the C. , B. & Q. at Burlington , has been appointed gen eral baggage agent of the B. & II. , fvib'i headquarters at Omahs , the ap pointment going into effect December 1st. This ia virtually the creation of a new oflica , but is brought about by the resignation of Mr. Henry Star ring , who baa been baggage agent for fie B. < t M. and 0. , U. & Q. roads at Chiceg'o. A NEW COMPANY. On Wednesday last , the Missouri and Nebraska railroad company filed Ihur crtJclrt and ainemied articles of incorporation with Scrotary of State Hull , at Do ? M > ines. The capital stock is $2QOOUUO. The hoard of n- i.-cUiraasoF. M. Drake , Henry Hill , .i-iinos Fits Henry , Jol.n E. Walker , John Irvit ! , J. A. Talbot , Wm. Brad- Irv , A. S. Hopkiue , W. H. Gibbord , C.ias. A. Stsaor , H. C. Thntchcr , Gco.- J. Forrest , and J , J. Slocsm. The 1'laco of buiineas K OenicivilJe. This : osd has been in oj.oMtipR for several buro , ir.d is uovr i.-o ; cf the Wabaab lines. STEEL EXU it WINGS. Finest eve ? brorg' t to Omaha , and at New York pric.-s Don't fail to see thi-ni at Eaton's nCtf On Saturday nfteraoon , the force employed by Luke McDerraott fi Co. , extractors , in grtdmg for the wattr- Wi-rka company on the river bottoms , < i'-i- ' work and marched up town in abe bo 7 , carrying their picks and shovels us well as their grievances to the office of the contractor. The trouble tvaa in regard to the resent , reduction of the hours of work f.- < > u leu to niso , involving a corre- ponnteg : oduction of wages , which u fully f.nd correctly explained in a former issue - f thu paper. A force of 70 mon Mi-l _ forty- five teams was cm- ployed and the majority of the men raaolvod lo quit work and domar d a r atUHi to the formerEohedule of prices at .cast , if not an fncreaeo of wages. A f w were resolved that § 3 a day for teams and § 1.50 per day for mon was about the figure , but after consulta tion with tluir employers and a fid ! understanding of the situation they datoimined to go to work again thii niocalng on the nine hour plan , which i * to bo good for thir y days. Dentn Record. Mrs. George Undo , wife of the proprietor of the Lindo house , on Tenth stront , died November 26th iPSO , need 28 years. Funeral took pl&co at 2 p , m. Frankie , son of John 51. and Mattie Thurator , died November 28 , 18SO , of dipthorir. , aged three years. J-'dh oral will take place at 10 a. m. to morrow from the residence. Eddy Kelley died November 28 18SO , aged six yeara. Funeral took place from the residence , corner Dodge aad Tenth streets. Interment sttha HolySenulchor. . A Card to the Public Knowing that there are many per sona in our midst whose minds are un settled in reference to the divine ori gin of the Christian religion , and be lieving those doubts to bo , in inosl cases , the result of a failure to give to Christianity ihai careful e.zamina tion due , wo have resolved to deliver .a few Sunday night lectures at the Christian church on the Christian re ligion. The first of the series will be given next Sunday night. The subject will bo , "What is and what is not Chris tianity. " It ia in nb controversial spirit that wo enter upon this course of lectures. Wo shall studiously avoid everything hr.rali r.nd offensive- those who may dlff'T with us , and in the kindly epir- t of the religion which wo ndvccate , to present what we honestly b lc : - ' to bo true. We shall gather T.H JMiii information from orory avail- abla scarce. To these lectures we in- vcte * U persons Interested in a corrcci knowJedtrc of .Tcsus , the Christ. All reasonable quct-iions , zskcd by the au dience , will receive rcprectful atten- tfon. - "CcniD let usreason together. " J. W. INORAM , Pastor Chrialian Church. TPERSONAb PARAGRAPHS. ' | Toia Riley left for Liramia yesterday. Hon. John R. Manchester , county clerk , has returned from Chicago. S. S. Stephens , of tl c Rock Island , re- : umed from Chicago yesterday moruiag. J. F. Aglar , TJ. P. pasjn tr eg r.t at ! - . Lcuis , came up from thesouthM n iay. Col. Fisher , general superintendent cf he Denver and South Park railway , -sect West yesterday. John Mcrriam , of Andover , MaS. , is visiting his brother , of the firm of Hime- jaugh & Merriam , in this city. Gen. SIcCook , ex-governor rf Colorailo , \nd now owning large mining interest * iu lie Centennial statewent , west Men-jay en route to Denver. Mr. aad Mrs. W. S. Brown , of Kansas 3ity , who 1m e besn Up here sj.endiug [ "hahksgiving with some of their friends , returned hame Saturday well satisfied ith the good things which Nebraska pro duces. Mr. John S. Leavitt and wife } natl Mrs. IL A. Leavitt , of Boston , are viriting in his city at present , the guest' of Mr. II. T. Leavitt , our popular deputy county clerk. Mrs. Leavitt will remain * hh her ion all wi < iter. ( JA1'3 AU , . Bojiner's Stoves much the , ] lineal n tbe Market. Call and nee. 141G Dougla street. o22-tf JTcw EnsravJJijrs at Hosv.c's , FURS I FUkS 1 ! FURS ! I ! * The Omaha Fur Manufacturer , Eenry G. Uichter , | ia to be found op- poaito the postoffico. o20-tf Mdsonic. The beginning of tha month , BO now at , briu a with il cot only ; ii3 usual regular meetings , but'-the ditcs of the annual electioua in sev eral of the lodges On Wednesday night , December 1 , Oovert Lodge , No. 11 , A. F. A A. M. , noetj in special communic-ition for work in tha third degree. * Thursday evening , December 2 , St. John's Ledge , No. 2a , A. F. it A. M. , meeis in stated communication. An nual ekction of ofllccrs and other Im portant business. Friday evening , December 3 , r .u- ir * monthly conclave Mount Calvaiy 'ommandcry. ' Saturday evening , December 4th , regular meeting of Ves.a Ohapttr , . Gj order of the Eas'ern Star. Annual election of officers. Mondcy evening , December Cth , tatod of Capitol lodge , No. 3. A. F. & A. M. Anmu ! elcc- ion of officers , Tuesday evening , December 7fhf monthly convocation of Oraalia elop er No. 1 , R. A. M. Wednesday evening , December 8th , stated communication of Covert lodge , 1.1. Annual election of officers. " Notice of Dissolution of Partner.-hip Notice ia hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing b = - weon William Hagcdorn and Oliver icnen. under the firm ualuo of Hage dorn & Besen , and carrying on a inoat market on Fifteenth street , botweea ? irnham and Haraey Btreet's , ii Oin- ia , has bean dissolved by n.niuil * cmont. All pereons owing tuid irm will settle their indebtedness with the undersigned , \ ho will also ) ay the debts owing by the rliia. WM. HAGEDORN. OMAHA , Noy. 22 , 1880. ji2Bty Two Weddlngs. W. H. Clark , of Waterloo , and Miss. S. E. Murphy , of Stunt on , were married at iho residence of 'the > rido'aparonts , inStanton , on Thanks giving day , by the Rev. W. K. Beans [ hey hav" w o ' Vrurloo , which hey will i iit.o h. inlura home. \Ir. \ Clark is well kirmi in Omaha , wherfc ha formerly resided. f * Charles Spearman and Misa Jose- ihino Myers , both of Sarpy county , wr remarried in this city on Friday by Tustica Stenberg. T1IE CUEIOHTON , A Brat-class hotel in every respect , is situated on the northwest corner of Thirteenth and Capifol avenuo. This now house isnewly and oltgintly fur- niehed throughout , and the table and blH of fare will compare favorably jvitb the best in the l nd. Give it u trial. No runner " at the "Depot. "ct29-eod-tf Public Dlscusrion. The public are cordially i meet at Clark's Hall , corner Dodge and 14th streets , on Tuesday evening next , Nov. 30th , at 7:30 : to listen ana take part in the following question "Resolved , that It wonldjbo morally right and for t o best intereeta of society at largo to limit all mens no incomes that is for family or living expenses , to § 5000 per aunum. " Ad mission free. A Generous Company. OMAHA , November 28 , .1880.- To the Editor of Tax BEE : f SIR Having been a cosstan ! reader of your daily paper , for over h year , I take the liberty of askir.p enough space in your valuabla papar to express the heart-felt thanks of-ray- elf and family , and also of twenty other families , to Mr. Himebaugh , oi the Union Elevator company , for hi1- magnificent present of fine turkor > on Thanksgiving day. The day br furf Thanksgiving day the boys' p-roal notified to appear at the office , v ) _ ' .they did , and each one , havirg a fau. ily , was proaente'd with -as fine's tur key as the market would afford , to the number of eighteen or twenty. And while the cost to Mr. Himebaogh , or the company , must bave been consid erable , yet if he could have heard the expressions of jy end grateful ness that come not only from the men , but fro Ji pmblbly onev hundred little months. A man of" the fint sensibilities end tender feelings o' Mr. Himabangb would have been well paid , and we accept and anpre elate the present , not alone for th valno contained in the article received , but more especially for the great principle which is tanght , that o kindness , union and respect , of em ployer and employee. May success and prosperity eve : attend the Union Elevator coropanj is the wish of all the boys. ONE f r THE BOYS For lands , Lots , Houses and Farms , look over.Bemis' new column on first p * . Bargains. * EXCELSIOR- , + Our Forthcoming Annual Illustrated Review. Splendid Bogravings , Excel lent Typography and Re liable Statistics , Arrangements have been completed for bringing ouf Ihc fortlicomiog An nual Ilhw.tMted llaviow of THE OMAHJi Efta , uTiieh will bo distri buted tt > our Bubscrib rs oil New YYst's Day. 11 ! io illustrations in this anmial § * vicw R'Q to bo Htlic- graphed 1 ' fflirai clnsa arliah One of ilio most important ftafiires will bo the clretches of the prominent private realdcncca in the city , which hat year ffero crawdetj oot by otbtr building.8. The abljsli- sal work , vrliicll 5 ths moat laborious part of this undortshin : ; will bo more complete in detail and uiora thorough if imjihisg , than hi auy previous Raviovr. In order tht no omiesIor.H shall oc cur in I his bvaarh , v-'e ould urge up on oar citizens -.vbc iiavo inado any building improvcrasntB during the year to famish ustho d < sired ioforma- tion , cither at thia .office or throuah the poslofBco as eatly 03 psssiblo. We want the naine of tno u > Vnev of the improvement or structure , discription of the improvement r building ; locntion and rostof sxmo. ' In view of ol.the f jet that the out lay for such nn undertaking is very large , cmonnting to nearly § 1,500 , e have to secure a reasonable amount of f.dveitUtrg patronage from out merclnnta and nir.nufacturcrs , Mr. tf. H. Picrea Ii33 been employed as soUcitor fcs ; Rclvortiotnon'R in the i'liiatratod ' annual review , llo will oill upon business men and furnish Ilium further particular ? . concerning thu ttj-le of 'ho ' work , rates of advertifint ; , ulc. Theedi'ion v.-ill contain l'i.000 ' copies , and will Jheieforo be a most rateable medium for Parlies wo ! : dcairo lo have their residences or any buildings il'nstrated had bf ttac apply at this ollica tt an early day. Keal Estate II.V. . Shawhan to Frd Schropdor , w.'d. EP S-O. 7t. 34 , r. 11 o-SlGOO. Low Y/ . Hill to Marqnb Sprckhart , vr. d. . lot J , block 5 , Uocgs & Hill's add. , Omaha 039.75. Deonis Cunningham and wffo to Jamea S.i& , w d. , F ' lot 8 , block 3 , [ ciprovemoin Aesuciatiod add.Omaha -200. SimuclE. Iloaeia ondwifo lo Peter Brown. TV. d. , lot 8 , block 15 , Ira- nrcVemtnt Association add. , Omaha S210. California Peats , 1'IumB , Grapes , etc. , at TiV.rd'fc Palocc. o21 If GOUDllDMfCE , The People of Fillmore County Rid Themselves "of a Hard Crowd. Corif spoiidcacj of the DCS. FAin.MOPT , Jiib. , Nnvembsr 0 District court lisa just finished its ses- iion ? n Ibis county , will ; iho most cjffttifyiat , ' tisulte. Tha yraud jury f-itind Irus lilid fgainst Ji'iT Wells , JolinK-y find . Toll u Tierce. Thcs's tbreafomi : i well matched triumvi- trsto tr petiiteati ry honors. ' Jeff Wi-lls , who ha figured quite eifeiiiieely on thocrimdml joeord of Filiino-o county , and whoso latest ox- flait wns to steal iho famous race- horsr. Harry Edward ? , g tu fcir years at hard labor. John Kiy , I'yr Jnrb : ring Wella , gets tlio'i linn' . Kay ia a worse chaiac' er than Wells. No visible sueum of support. John Piarei ? , fur oi rta ng of mort gaged proper : y , hs tivo yai.rd in Ihu paiiitciit nry itt which I ) i&editete icon tha propyely or tucccia of windliut ; the ho'tler ' of u incr-'gagi. lie also pays r. 5200 fin ? . The bet tar c } : , r.nd in fact sll tlw icople of tfas pio:1 , vi'l ' fileop in liet- ersrciirify from this time. Onr CTii'y ' lis ; e ; Lsat rcJoemcd heraelf , incl wo'i h the coiiv'cla a fiucc Rsfal riuy and" plenty to do in the time .O COCie. Notice of Dissolution Tin coi-artnership iicf tofou exiat- g botyrcen Hsbe-coiri & Wijobagen is this day disji'lved , ; nd Mr. Weir- h on is fhxw She ai'lj publuher r.nd oJitor of The Oa.air. ! Telejrcph. OMAHA , November 29 , 1850. Farmers , Uni.el Cor. i'lttificoutli Hcrsld. It tbiint'ered all along-tho old line hed inandwo still hear the jcht > , na it reverberates from the At hnttc to the PaciRc , through the prejs oi the country. When the lof al north ws called > ipon to supper the principles of Line -In und Morton against those for which Lae and Jack on battled , they voted as they fought andllhuutjh thia victory was a blo.od less OOP. it TTB3 HOBO ihj lose gran < tid far reaching iu ita cnnseqnencea Wo were p.lad to src old Gss rome ont of the conflici with an unbroken fror-t , nuu olectlng mou ? i3 le isla tor.t thrco ataln.iti farnitri to repre sent the producers in nnr legisUluro 'where , i i our hiiujble opinloa , the people of the country nnd olafe have o'battle to figh' , ftjr.iast aa cUi'-jero'u' ' an cnciny an the foJIopers of Leo ant Jackfoii. Public sentiment is getting strong a : ; itiit the estorfionnto d e- marnd ? nd uuju.t difcriminntions oi riilro-id rr.oa"pely. The qnestiou oi rejjub'iiij : the clnrgrs of corporations and m.iii-g ! them uniform bv law , as demanded by S c. 7 , Art. 12 , of our st.ito cuiiititution , 'S ceo that will be Jirnusht ro tin fruit-at tli ? .next ses- on cf our Hyi kturo. Ihu senator nd rcprcFontatiru from Cass go teL L ccoln to represent the voters ol ha c nnty. a majority of whom are farmers. Inasmuch sa thcro was no . 'xpresMon taken on this subject at ) T conventions , the question ia what are the wishes or the voters in regard 'o this question ? IIow are they to know tlut a saflicient number of their constituents artin f.ivor of tuch leg islation to warrant them In taking on actiyc part'in securing the Qiiactment of Mich lawaf Wevronld reso'ctfolly suggest the calling of a convention of he producer ? and shippers of the ounty f r the purpop of discnsaing and answeriog these questions in a mannoi so plain ttet onr representa tives cannot mistake the meaning , and then hold them to a strict account for- < S lr notions. ' It li Blnrriaglyjsaid tha farinfre ars snch fools.4at { they .can not uaite evt In their Vn Intsresta. In come portJocs cf the west thetlnvo iven tre lie to this elun.and we ven- lira the insertion Uif > fte farmers oi CMS county are as intelligent anS well - ofprmed aa their bytbrcn olso- iherp , and thfcik cnoupb. of them .rould bo willing tc tjv&d one day , in atteodlag such z dn/entiOn , to gel an expression on the subject , and to effect a permanent organization for tha protection of their intereata. Wo oarnoatly request the opinion ot onr irother farmers in the county , and iny suggestion that may occur to them about time , place , &c. ADIRONDACK. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO IQAM-HOKEY. NOTICE Advertisement * To Let For Bale' Lost , Found , Wuita , Bonrdlflj fie. , Mil be In- Krtod In these columns once ( or TEN CENTS or line ; each subfOqaantlnMrtlon.FIVE CENTS par line. Tbo fiist insertion cover less than rWENTT-FTVE CEMTS. \ , | 01f3T tO Law Offlea D. L. 75OHAB. ftgoiha.Crelgntgn Block rciIKT TO I.OAH 1109 Farnhira street. ! Dr. Edward * Loan Ajrency. noT-22-tf KtLf' iUrrEO Afirst-casidlninp ro m clr ! , a' , VY City llotel , N. W. cor. 10th and Hamcy. ' Olrl for jrencrnl housework , at WANTED UiVcupon Ilouio , 1st doer of Bee oflice. 911-29 > TED Boanl an'd lodgi ' ( r for gentleman , WA v > if o and two children. Furnished cotUso or rent rear High J-chool. Kcferenccs given ndatcd. P. , Ucooffica 01 ? TED A thoroughly cotrpctcnt clrl for WA ceseral housework , Culcaco street , S door > west 21 a , npith tide. 943-SO ANTEU-A gii tot general housework , W N. W. corner 18th arid Catemlnjs ? ts. . 051-21 T\7 ANTED-Good gill for g neral housework , W at (6310th ( St. 0t TATANTED First-clasj ironcr for flne linen. W > prlyat 07 J3ta St. , between Dodfre and Capitol avenue. 9:5-1 : " \TTANTED A good girl rt ouce forlijht VV housework , on S3th St , belweou Howard and Uaruey. 33-29 - and kitchen help , at the WANTED-Cook _ Oll-s-m-w - for ( toneral htusewir.V , at WANTED-OItl 40 ; 16th St. nrarC'af'.l.-.t art. VI . ' A good sifl for WAMED for family of th'rce.rt. ff ndJjrcjSts JIKS.RoBT. fURVlS 03-10 Job drivlrg wagon f < r i ro TV stTB or butcher thop. h'Cit ot ily ril r o.ce. : Atidr. sj D. , Ece office. 91 i The Goiminelrl that cn'l'd < n WANTED - at castaltlo iOtli , betwt.c.1 C'H ' a. o .ind Casj to call agjiii. D - ' - \T7 ANTED A xvoman cook , at tig Erfne f VY * ' " House. r ANTED A Korean cook , at Wm. Kolbe W No. 1209'l8th and Douglas. 625 20 ( IUIi WANTED At Fred. Dcllone' , 323 r IMrtocnthSt. l)10-tf ) \ 1KbVAfT D-G ok no , j ! wa-hliigl rio 13th nd Cat Itol Averiuo. | g3-tf Ofhaha knaw that the VY Koyl Ft. Jdcn ii the ktxa of Sewing Mjchlncs , office on Icth St. _ _ .8,49-'I FOR RENT-HOUSES AND UNO. RENT New house on 24th street , near FOR . eix rooms , cellars , closetaard pantry K. K. HAYDEN 050-1 T10 REST A lir n furnUbed room on first JL floor. Enquire at Bee ottlcc. 940-od3t BENT. House , four rooms , Booth end FOR th at f oft , 35.00 per mai'.h. Enquire of . L , McOague , real ut * > agent , oppot.te post' fflc. 91S-eod-3t OOR BENT Now cottasrc of 6 roonu , com- D p'cteinaveryre3p6ctHamiltonSt..8bIockg west street cars Inquire t.ex'i. door cast 030-29 [ 710R BEST Furnished or unfurnished , n D pleasant south Irjlit room. Inquire at Bee ttico. 910-30 KENT Honse in Shnl.'a 2nd addition , FOR per month. W. SIUERAb , room 0 , Crelghlon U'ock. 895-tf DTORE FOR RFNT First floor and basement O Apply to GouU & Uorriil , 1003 Farnham St. 891-tt nOR BENT A furnished , south fiont room C IcquifeatNo 1012 Karnham St. > 8tf > [ 70R REST Tha * . excellent dwelling house S. D E. corner ot 23d and California streets. Veil , cistern : < nd barn. Apply to John Gu.ld , 005 Farnham St. . 839f KENT Cwelling houte S. E. cormr of 23dandBiirtSts. Excellent barn , listens indwell ; rentcheap. Apply to C. A. Merrill , ! l .0i Farnham St. 840-tf RENT Cottage , on 5th and Pine at * . , FOK house , eight roomson3da > d OassSta Enquire J. V. Roe , H. E. Cor. 12th and Farn- ham. 696-tf rTlOR RfiOT1 2 furrilshed rooms OTBI Her- L1 d.ants Exchange , K. E. Cor. 16th and D > ee strnels. 289-tf FOR SALE. FOR SALE Ho'so power machine and cord wo > d bench and Eawd. Apply next the Bee iBce. 920-2. EOR tALE Two close carriage ? , at A. J. Slmpsou's. 911-tt SALE A ant-clan hotel and restaur ant huainess , located in the best put nf tha ity , and Join ? a good business. The proprietor s called west to a'tcnd to mining interest , and roust poll. Ipqu'ro at Bus offlce 61tf ) llOUSK.-i And corner ball oi Jot , southeast corner 14th and CasaSts. , 7 roomi in each ; cnt for S20 and $ i5 per month KKtisf I.BAL SIATE AOKXCT , 16th and Donglax Sta. 679-tf pOK.SAL.ii Mixed paints , at A. IXolmes,16th D and California Sts. 615-tf ; K KALB Cottonwood InmUer of all Bltca.nt F RKDMOMD'S. Slxteenth-st. filC-t MISCELLANEOUS. T OST A [ > arce ! ecn amln { one ault ot black | _ J clothes , also ononblto shirt and ens blue Unnol eliitt. 35 00 reward will be paid for ita return to A. U. Gladstone. RICHARD WOOL- SKY. 94D-29 T OST One silver Hun'Inir CMC Waltham Jj watch No. 12621 , P. S. Bnrtlett maVe. He ward will bo given for return to John Banmcr. 012-29 / - T > KAI TAKDTaxfadcrmiftconior S/- . Jj 13th and Howard St. , Decrhen a specialty. t55-lm Absolutely Pure. - ifade from Grape Cream Tartar. No oths' preparation makes Buch lijht , flaky hot breads' ' or luxurious pastry. Can be eaten by dypeptlc without fear of tbe lls resulting from heavy i _ digestible food. bold only in c by all Grocers. " n POWBIR Co. N w York DISEASES OF THE EYE , Ear and Throat. DR. L. B. aEADDY OCULIST , AURIST & LARYNCIST. Office Over Kennard's" Druff Store , Corner of 14th and Douglas Sts. norlS-Sm ( HC't r day at home. Hamplce wort tb3 I trta * . Address Stlasoa k Co Portland , Me. 'A. W. NASON. 3D EJ iCT T I S T , Owics'Jacob's B ck , corner Capitol Ave. and / , IBth. Omib * . Ke > . TIIE DAILY BEis"i "i Ra tbe Latest Home and Te " * ' nitITowg of th Day.- 8. P. CASH JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF DRY GOODS. T4 , . . , / TVT SGPJEtUBO ? BANKER THE MERCHANT , THE MECHANIC , FARMER , one and aU are welcome at our counters ; the rich ever on the alert to cave a dollar will not fail to wSnrS ? and the P ° or also get doUaT fordoUa ? MO ! ! ! ! . ' , - BEDUOBD. Blankets , REDUCED. MORSES. _ Blankets , Blankets. REDUCED. A gain we make reductions in these goods , and to clear our stock we have marked as ollow BLANKETS , Formerly sold at $8.00 , MOUSE'S. BLANKETS , now marked $ e,50 , MORSE'S Formerfr * * $9.00 BLANKETS , f , MORSE'S ' now marked $7.75. nrnnnr Formerly sold at $15.00 , MORSE'S. BLANKETS , - now marked $12 00. MORSE'S. ' UNDERWEAR , We open to-day a fresh linq of MOESE'S ' ou'f 50 ot. merino Vests worth UNDERWEAR ' , MOESE'S ' 75oj an extra heavy seamless UNDERWEAR , Veat t $1.25 worth $1.75 ; MOESE'S ' American Hosiery Go's seamless UNDER WEAE ' ' , Vests at $1.50 worth $2.CO ; MOESE'S UNDERWEAR , ladies' scarlet medicated Vests MOESE'S and Pants at $2.00 worth $2.25 , UNDERWEAR and the very bst seamless Vests MOESEJS UNDERWEAR , and Pants made at $9.00 a snit. MOESE'S Qenta' all wool Vests and Pants UNDERWEAR. $1,25 worth $2.00. Gents' best MOESE'S - 'UNDERWEAR , seamless scarlet Vests nnd Panls ' MQESE'S at $2.50 or $5 00 a suit worth UNDERWEAR , double asmuob. MOESE'S Courvoisiei' KID GLOVE DEPARTMENT Morsa'a Kid Gloves Just received a full stock of Morse's , kid gloves from the celebrat ' Oourvoisier ed French Factory of Ph. Morse's Courvoisier. Morse's Kid Gloves , Courvoisier Black Kids , 3 and Couivoisier 4 Button. Morse's Kid Gloves , Courvoisier Colored Kids 3 Morse's and 4 Button , Courvoisier Courvoisier Undressed Kids , White Par Morse's Kid Gloves. ty Shades , Navy Blue , &c. Morse's Our new RIVERSIDE LACE - Courvoisier GLOVE with the most ap Morse's proved style of fastening Kid Gloves , made in II and 15 hooks. Morse's . FOSTER LACE GLOVES * Courvoisier closing out at-great reduc Morse's tions to make room for the Kid Gloves. above new goods. Morse's Silks Reducei We have made great reducMorS6 S tions in Black Silks and offer Silks Reduced , our _ Cashmere finished gros Morse's grain silk. Silks Reduced , Former pr'ca. Present price. Morse's- , $1 60. . . . $1 45 ! Silks Reduced , 1 75 1 55 Morse's' 2 OO J 75 Silks Reduced , 225 250 2 2 00 25 Morse's Silks Reduced 2 75 2 45 Morse's , 3 50 3 1O Silks Reduced , Samples tarnished and com Morse's parison solicited with silks Silks Reduced , country. from any retail house ia the Morse's s. . IMIOIRSim & OO. HAS NOW OPENED FOE INSPECTION HIS NEW STOCK EiGUTTER ! of Fall and Winter Clothing for Men's Youths' Boys' and Children's Wear. SPECIAL ATTTENTION HAS BEEN GIVEN TO MEET 1001 Farnliam Street. the requirements of Everybody. OUR ASSORTMENT OF STYLES AND PATTERNS IS Poppleton Block. the most varied and elegant ever displayed in the city. CITIZENS ARH OOBDIALLY "INVITED TO EXAMINE our large display of Dress and Business Suits , Fall Grand Weight Overcoats , "Novelties in Furnishing Goods , Stylish Hats and Caps , Trunks , Valises , Califorfornia Blankets and Overalls , &c. . Ac. NO ONE IF HE CONSULTS HIS OWN INTERESTS WILL OPENING buy one dollar's -worth of Clothing until he has seen our immense Stock and learned our Prices. PKOPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE STORES. OrncK PUECIUBIXO AOT DBFOT C. S. 7 UIIAIIA , NEB. . Kor. l&tb , 1880. / Sealed Proposal * , In duplicate , subject to the usual conditions will bu received at ihla offlce unt'I 12 o'clock tool on Drctmtcr 15th , 18SO , at which time and place they will be open ed in presence o' bidders , for the furnishing and delivery at the Snta etcnce Storehouse or on can in Omaha , ( if on cars ifter Inspection and ac ceptance at place of rocking ) aa may be required by tbo Subsistence Department. One hundred and ten (110) ( ) barrels Pork , light mc9 , to be delivered by Jan. 20th. 1881. Onelundied and twenty thoustnd (120,000) ( ) pounds Hacon.short.claT sides , medium weight and thickness , packed in crates , straopcd , of bout " 20 poundg bacon each , to be delivered by Jan. 20tb , 183. Three thoasird ( S.COO ) pounds breakfast baco , ( thin breas'e ) canvassed , and in slatted boxes , strapped , of about ICO pounds breakfast bacon each , to be delivered by Jan. 2Cth , 13JL Eleven hundred ind four (1104) ( ) 5-pound tins lard ( pure leal ) , twelve tins In a case , strapped. Each tin most hold actuilly5'pouud9 ; , nctor > rd to be aoeptjd ; price per tin and noiper pound to bo stated , to bo delivered by 20th , J8SO The Government reserves the right to reject any or all proposal ! . Blank proposalsandfnll informationAJ t the manner of bidding , conditions o be observed by bidders , and terms of contract and payment , will be furnished on application to this offlce. Envelopei containing proposals should be marktd "Proposals for Subais ence Storu , " and addressed to the underalfcned. THOMAS WILSON , C. 8. , U. S. A. MAKE NO MISTAKE ! MICA AYT.T ! GEEASE Com posed larjftlj of powdered mica and iatngliM u tbo beat and cheapest lubricator In tbt world. It la the best becante it docs not gem , bat forms a hijhly polished sarfice over toe axle , doln ? away with a largo amount of friction. It Ia tba cheapest because TOO need me but hall tbe quantity In grculug your wagon that yon wool J of any other axle greace made , and then ran yonr wagon twice ulon ? . It answers cqaaUr aa weH for Mill Gearing , Threshing ( MachlnM , Bnjnjiea. &c.aa for wagons Send for Pocket CjdopedUof Thin jfj Wort ti Knowing. Hailed free to any address. MICA HANUFASTURIHG CO. , 31 MICHIGAN AVENGE , CHICAGO. j -Ask Your Dealer For It octao-u CHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER ! Metallo Caaeg , Coffins , Caskets , Shronds , eti Fan mStreo .10thandllthChnahaHBb. Telegraphl : orders promptly atlended to. AGENTS FOR DEVLIN & GO. , BOSTONCLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHINGHOUSE , FiRKHAM STREET. MARHOFFS TRUNK FACTORY. The lirzr and best assortment of Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases and Sanipl- Trunks a Specialty. H. H. MARHOFF , - - - PROP. , 117 14th St. , g Peers North of Douglas St. 50,000 CHEAP ! CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST MAX MEYER & BRO. Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then entire stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks , SilverWare , Pianos & Organ GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per " cent , helow any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their weN Store , Cor. llth & Farnham We Mean Business * Come and be Convinced.