Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    - VOL.X. . OMAHA , NEBRASKA , TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 30 , 1880. 1ST0 139.
Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
Dodge and Fifteenth Sts.
We arc IJfow Displaying an Ele
gant line of Ladies'
of the
XGood Clonk for - $2.OO
A Good Cloak for - $3.OO
A Nicely Trimmed Cloak $4.5O
An AU-Wool Cloak - - $5.OO
A Mcc One or - - - $7.50
Somcthitur Fine at $1O.OO and
ni > to $40.00.
for a Child 2 years and
upwar < is.
ut Pleasing Prices.
This is the Best Line of
Children's and Misses' Cloaks
to be found in the city , and
our Prices are always the
AU c at
Immense Stock of
White & Colored Blankets
Grey Blankets from SI.50
to $8.00 per pair.
White Blankets from $2.00
to $12.00 per pair.
Our $2.00 White Blankets
are a Wonder at the Price.
Cor. 15th and Dodge Sts. ,
East India Pile Cnro. The
only specific for all forms of
Piles. In use in foreign conn-
tries for years , lately intro
duced into America. Warrant
ed to give instant relief and a
permanent cure guaranteed.
Sold by all druggists or mailed
free on receipt of price , 50
cents , byjthe American agents ,
Hicliardson & Co. . Wholesale
Druggists , Saint Louis , Mo.
guaranteed to give immediate
relief in all cases of Bilious
and Liver Complaints , Cos-
iiveness , Sick Headache , Indigestion -
digestion , and cleansing the
system of all impurities. Price
25 cents. All druggists sell
them ,
Dr. Storm's
Cough Candy
A Safe and Pleasant Remedy for
HOARSENESS and Strengthen
ing the Lungs.
Price only 10 Cents.
Odd Fellowa * Block.
Prompt attention circn t nrlcr by telegraph.
Weekly Line 01 Steamships
Lcavin : New York Ererj Tbut d y at Z p. m.
England , France and Germany.
r. For fJK * * pply to
Pusengw AttnU ,
Bernliardt Visits the Wiz
ard of Menlo Park
Accedes ID the He
mand of the United Statss
in the Mat : er of the Ex
tradition Treaty.
Hart , Editor of "Truth , " Wil
Prosecute Most of the
New York Press
for Libel.
Half a Million Dollars .Worth ol
Cotton Burned at West
Point , Va.
Contract for $40,000,000
Bonds Negotiated for the
Northern Pacific.
Old Boreas Furnishes a PuU
List of Marine Disasters.
Bemhardt Visits Edison.
BpecUl Dispatch to Ite Etc.
NEW Yo&K , November 29 , 10 p. m.
Saraa Bernhardt , accompanied bj
HenrvJarrott , her manager , and eev-
eral other ladiea and gentlemen , Sun
day , paid a visit toEdlsonat his labor
atory at Menlo Park. The party was
co rdially received by the great elec-
rician , who explained the conatrnc-
lon and operation of the electric
ampg , and other new inventions. The
actors were much interested in differ
ent machines , aud highly delighted
with the telephone. After visiting
; he machine shops the party returned
to New York ,
Railroad Extension.
SpecUl Dispatch to The Beo.
NEW YORK , November 29. The
Missouri , Kansas & Texas railroad
company contracted on Friday last
with the rolling mills for 2000 tons of
steel rails for its extension from Den-
ntson to Comarge , on the Rio Grande.
rho contract price agreed upon was
> rivate , but is said to have been at
very favorable rates for the railroad
Gas Explosion.
Correspondence of the Beo.
NEW YOUK , November 29 10 p. m.
By the explosion of gas in the base
ment of a five-story iron balldlhe , No.
iG White street , occupied by Wm.
Jmberlinjt , Hagnet & Co. , auctioneers ,
his morning , three mon , Wm. A.
3obb , Wm. McGed , employes of the
irm , and Ohas Brown , were badly in
ured. The large building was badly
haken , aud the cellar walls , where
he explosion occurred , destroyed.
Che gasometer leaked , and Brown
rent into the cellsr to make repairs.
lo carried a lighted cigar.
Gen. Logan III.
SpecUl Dispatch to The Bee.
CAEBONDALE , 111. , November 30 1
a. m. GOD. John A. Logan and his
wife have been visiting their old
lomo friends in this county for the
last three weeks. The general has
> een confined to his bed at Murphys-
> ere since the 19th Inst. by a very
jalnful ulcerated tooth , followed by
an attack of acute rheumatism. He
will remain at Murphysboro quietly
or several days , and now expects to go
o Washington direct , without return-
ng to Chicago
Large Bond Transaction.
SpecUl dlcpatch to TUB Bis
NEW YORK , November 30 1 a. m.
The largest transtction in railroad
jonds over made in the United State. .
ias just been closed by Drexel , loi--
gsn&Go. , Winslow , Lanier & Co. ,
snd August Belmont & Co.j
, hey having made a contract with thu
Northern Pacific railroad company for
? 40,000,000 six per cent gold bonds ,
brty years to run , a part of which is
sought firm , and part on options , giv-
ng the company time to finish the
road. The bonds will be issued only
as the road is finished and accepted by
.he government in addition to being
insured by mortgage upon the line of
: he road. They will also be secured
} y a mortgage upon the immense land
grant of the company , estimated now ,
after all eales to this time , at 47,000-
000 acres. The three firms named
above as contractors for the loan have
associated with them several rfell-
cnown bankers hero and in other cit
es , as well as in Europe.
Alarmlnp Death Bare.
SpecUl Dlipitch to The Bee.
AiwAroLis , Md. , November 30 1
a. m. The remains of Byron Gilmore -
more Pierce lef t h o at 12 o'clock yes-
eiday for his former home inlllinois ,
There are several more cases of sick
ness at the naval academy. Cadet
Pierce died of pleurisy , aggravated by
erysipelas. Great al rmia _ felt on ac
count of the increase in the death
rate at thn academy. Three cadets
i&vedied in thrco weeks.
Burnt Cotton.
Special Dispatch to The Bcc-
RICHMOND , Ya. , November 30 la.
m A disastrous fire occurred Sun
day night at West Point , the "erminns
of the York Rivpr & Chesapeake rail
road , and the s' ipping point of all
cotton transported over the comblna-
ion of southern railroads known as
the Piedmont air line. The fire was
reported to have originated at mid
night In the holii of a steam shirlev ,
which was loading cotton. The fira
soon communicated to the extensive
whsrves , warehouses and other build
ings. There was no fire department ,
and nothing could be done to check
he flames , an-J little to saveproprty.
The shirley was consumed , and also
all the wharves , warehouses , 26,000
Dales or cotton and 21 railroad cars.
The loss is estimated to be * in the
neighborhood of 5500,000. The cot-
ion and merchandise was Insured for
Cupid's Freak.
IpecUl dispatch to The Bee.
MOSTAOUE. N. J , November 30
L a. m. Details of a sensational
elopement from this jilace were raade
mblic yesterday morning. William
Phill-ps , aged 35 , father of two chil
dren , has run away with Mrs , John
ilUdough , a pretty and well educated
roung woman , the wife of a prosper-
> us fanner. Mrs. Middough'has one
child , fiva years old , whom she took
with hsr. The whereabouts of thi
couple is unknown. Phillips has beer
on intimate terms with the Middoiigl
family for eorne time , but the elopement
mont creates great excitement. It is
thought ihy have gone west.
* Germany Yields.
SpecUl dispatch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , November 30,1 a. m.
A telegram from Berlin informs the
slate department that the cases of
naturalized citizsns , who hate been
arrested in Alsace and Lorraine , on
the charge of owing military service ,
have been decided m accordance with
the claim of this government. The
rrlease of Weil has already been re
ported , aud it is now announced that
m his case , a ? well as in the previous
one of Gehres , all fines and n calties
imposed by the German government
have been remitted.
Tha Presidential Pension Fund.
SpocUl D.tantch IO.THB Bxi. , . . , , , . . , > . ,
NEvrYoEK , November 30 , lo. m.
Mr. Geo. Jones , of the New York
Tribune , stated to ft reporter yester
day that so far as ha know , subscrip
tions to the presidential pension fund ,
are these : Jay Gould. S25.COO ; J. W.
Mdckfiy , $25,000 $ W. H. Vnr.dbrbilr ,
§ 25.000 ; E. D. Morgan , L. P. Mor
ten , H. B. Dinsaioro , W. B. Astor ,
and John Hoov , § 5,000 each , n total
of S100,000 , besidts BOKO small sub-
ecriptiom ranging From 5500 to PO
cents , Mr. .Tones said he thought
tha success of the project was nearly
weured. Mr. Forber , of Boston , and
his Boston friends , had subscribed or
would subscribe.
Violating Official Duties.
SpecUl Dlqoatch to thr IJ e. -
SAN FRANCISCO , November 30 , 1 a.
m. Special proceedings h.ivo been
commenced in the supreme court to
remove Sboriff Desmond from office
'or the violation of official dnMes.
fho allegations are that Sheriff Dea
nond permitted J. W. Kallooh on sev
eral occisiom , to escape from jiland
; o at largo without legal order or
Advance m Storage Bates.
Spec al Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YOHK , NoVember 30 1 a. m.
' - ' The act of the Baltimore & Ohio
railroad in advancing storage rates at
ts grain houses in Baltimore has causd
much comment. One of the chief
officers of the road said , in explana-
ion yesterd.iythat his company made
he advance in selfidefenae , aa all the
grain houses in the city are full , and
naiiy of the company's cira aroatand-
ngidlo fult of grainand every freight
car at this time of year is worth S20 a
day to the compiny. The advance
will compel the owners of this grain
o take it out of the storehouses and
; ive thecompany room for tha transan-
; ion of its regular business. Much
of this surplus grain will bs put in
notion this week for New York and
Brooklyn , and put aboard lighters at
ho dock to await shipment. The sc
ion of the company is severely con
lemned in New York commercial dr
Damaged Character ,
pccial Dispatch to the Br.K.
NEW YORE , Novembar 30 1 a. m.
It was rumored yesterday that Josh
Hart , publisher of The Truth , had
worn out a warrant for the arrust of
Jeorge Alfred Townsend , the well-
cnpwn newspaper correspondent , who
writes under the nom do plume of
'Oath , " for Criminal and malicious h-
> el. Hart said ho should commence
civil suit for damages in the supreme
court against George W. Jones , editor
of The Times , with damages at
850.000. "Tho Times has published ,
at the instigation of George Jones ,
hat I am a * forger , and I shall give
tim excellent opportunity to substan-
iato the charges. 1 shall institute
either four or five like cases against
Che Now York Tribune at as early a
day as the proper legal documents can
be prepared. "
"Sllecia's" Stormy Passage.
'Ssdil Dispatch to The Bee.
NEW YORK , November 30,1 a. m.
The steamer "Silec'a , " of Hamburg ,
arrived at her pier yesterday morn
ing , after a seventeen uays * trip from
Havre. Her loz shows that shs en
countered very stormy weather , and
was many times threatened with de
struction. Terrific waves arose np
before her , through which she plung
ed , throwing off a volume of water
that swept her fore aft. It was ex
tremely dangerous on the bridge , and
the officers pursued their duties under
circumstances that called forth a con
stant display of courage. The worst
of the trip was on the 22d , when the
ship made only seventy-five miles.
The wind came from the north in a
hurricane , with tremendous seas. The
ship seemed like a feather , but be
haved admirably. At times when
the4waves struck her , spray flew up be
yond the topmasts. The cold was in
tense. This tempest continued all
through the next day , but at times
was not as severe. The ship increas
ed her speed to 115 miles for the day.
On the 2d the first fine weather was
experienced. The "Silecia" brought
over thirty socialists in the steerage.
They presented a somewhat dilapida
ted appearance , but w-iro easily dis
tinguished by a pieca of bright red
cloth which they wore in the button
hole of their coats , and the women
and children had attached to their
drosses. They were very reticent in
replies to questions. One of the party
was on guard to prevent anyone say
ing too rnucb.
CLEVELAND , November 30 1 a. m.
J.V , B-abshaw , mate of the tug
' 'Simson , " which lately sunk of Point
Au Peleo island , arrived in town yes
terday after a perilous trip from
where the crew got ashore Capt. 0.
E. Benham and others of the crew
are living in a deserted school house
on ttie ulanrt , awaiting help with
which to try to raise the tug. They
observed with their glasses twenty
schooners fast in the ice off Point Au
Peleo , snd Rotshiw said they would
be obliged to remain there all winter
unless a speedy break up occurred.
HALIFAX , N. S. , November' 30 1
a. m. A dispatch from Yarmouth , N.
S. , says a baigantine arrived there
which reports that on Sunday , when
passing'Seal island , they saw a wreck
ed steamer on the east of the island ,
but the sea was so heavy that it was
Impossible for the brigantine to approach
preach neir enough to render aid.
Cnlcago Live Stock Market
CHICAGO , Novemb r 30 ,
Hogs Dull and weak a 3 < 3fea )
lower on small offerings ; sales were at
54 504 70 for light packing ; $4 50
@ 490 for heavy packing ; ? 4 504 95
fit fair to choice smooth heavy zhio-
1 iug lots. Receipts , 52f 00.
Cattle Receipts , 3 500.
Trickett Easily Beats Eos ;
in the Single Scull
lace ,
Hanlan and Laycook Will KOTV
on the Thames in January ,
Russian Nihilists Publish an
Appeal to France and
America Soliciting
Da Lesseps Confldent of the
. Success of the Panama
Canal Scheme ,
Spsclil Dispatch to The Bee.
LONDON , November 29 10 p. in.
What was expected to ba the hst of a
Long eeries of iftces on the Thames ,
which has been occupying the Inter
est ol the aquatic eportingmcn and
largely of threa continent * , was rowed
Monday morning. It would appar
ently have been an easy victory for
Trickett , had it not been for an un
fortunate eciidont which will proba
bly render the race oS , as the men do
not seem to hive been at fault. The
match was for 200 o side between
ROBS and Trlckeitj and was arranged
at a time when Trickott confidently
expected to win the world's champion
ship , and when ROJS was equally con-
Ident of winning the regatta. Since
he defeat of both men , the match has
est much of its interest. Tne atten-
lance wai comparatively nmall , and
he betting lightly favored the Aus-
ralian , as Iloso was regarded ai being
out of condition. The course was
hat of the regular championship from
; ho aqueduct at Piithey to Shipmoat
ake , a distance of about four miles
and a quarter. The lucn got away to
gether , Trickott having a trifla the
advantage , if there was any noticeable
difference. ROJS , however , held his
> wn , and there was a splendid and
ast race to Hammersmith. Here
loss spurted slightly , aud gained a
ength and a half or more , and both
men were apparently doing their beat.
Ytihis point , and just after the seni
ors had shot under Hammersmith
iridge , a heavy barge was by some
mismanagement found _ anchored di
rectly across the course. The men
ooled but did not stop. It is doubt-
ul if either was seriously interfered
with. From this point , however , to
lie finishing stroke , Trickett gained
teadily and came in with three
onths ahead easily. Ross made claim
of a foul , but the referee who had
eon the accident decided that neither
oarsman was at fault , and declared the
raca off. It has been decided" that
Trickett and Ross shall row the race
over again on Saturday next. ' *
A match has been definitely arrang
ed between Hanlan and Laycock.
They will row in January next over
the Thames course for 500 a side.
It is announced that the American
manufacturing company , under whose
auspices the recent international
match wes rowed on the Thames ,
agroa to provide a purse of 200 for
the match between Hanlan and Lay-
Special Dlapstch to The BCD.
PAEIS , November 30 1 a. m. The
Interansigeant , yesterday morning ,
published three important letters em
anating from the Russian revolution
ary committee , and addressed to
Rochefort , Karl Max and Lson Hart-
man. The committee assorts that
the nihilists are fighting for the sov
ereignty of the Russian people , and
invites the general co-operation of
Rochefort , and appeals to Europe and
America for funds to enable them to
carry on the struggle. The letter to
Hartman authorizes that active fire
brand to establish permanent agencies
both in Europe and America for re
ceiving subscriptions.
The marketing of the shares in M.
De Lessep's inter-oceanlccsnalschome ,
at Brussels , is conducted with much
adroitness. Monday Leopold II. ,
king of the Belgians , subscribed for
20,000 shares in his own name. This
is expected to give it an impetus and
enlist the support of a largo number
of Belgium capitalists.
Special Dispatches to Th Beo.
Mr. John Bright says that all re
ports to the effect that ho contem
plated resigning are without founda
The British secretary of war haa is
sued orders obliging all subaltern mil
itia officers to join the military college
at Sandhurst before competing for
commissions in the army.
M. De Lasssps is very enthusiastic
and confident of the success of the
Panama canal. The contractors for
building the canal are ready to com
mence operations. M. Do Leeaops
has invited.The London Times correspondent
pendent to attend the opening cere
mony in 1831.
The Anchor line steamer "Utopia , "
from London for New York , has put
into Plymouth in a damaged condi
BEELIN , November 29 Persrcu-
tions of the Jews con'nuod yesterday
and several patty disturbances wore
reported. The policn Destroyed a
number of denunciatoiy placards.
ROME , November 2 Garabaldi's
health is vpry poor ana asitively
declines office
ATHENS , November 29 Greek
liberals are jubilant over Lord Gran-
villo's announcement that the Greek
nspstitm cannot remain much longer
LONDON , November 29 A report
from Rome says tha Archbishop
Croke , of Cashiel , will shortly bo cre
ated a cardinal.
LONDON. November 29 Ritualists
are indignant over the cjlliogof par
liament for the Gth oi January , which
is Epiphany.
LNUDON , November 29.---It is rug
morod that the engagement of the
Baroness Burdett-Coutts is broken off.
BpecUl Dtoiatchca to Th ? Bee.
A'rs. Littli'field , ( if East Stoughton ,
Mass. , Sunday , poieoned horjhus'\ind
and son. The latter ia dying , and
yesterday morning she shot hereelf
dead. The causa pfthe dreadfu
deed is attributed to insanity.
The New York Central people saj
< .hat unless warm rains reopen navi
gallon of the canals , the grain non
embargoed on the canals will have tc
remain where it is until spring , be
ciuse they cannot furnish cars foi
transpcrtation of the produce to mar
A freight train conductor was decap
Jta'ted by the cars Sunday night on th i
Locust Point branch of the Baltimore
Ohio railroad. He slipped and fell
across tha track. Ho leaves a wife
and two children.
A dispatch from Philadelphia says
the terms of the contract tor the com
pletion of the Northern Pacific railroad -
road , have been agreed upon , and the
papers aignedlBIonday.
A strike of coal miners for four
cents per bushel , at. the mines near
3pringfiold-.Hr"StiU continues , and
threatens to'tause great distress be
cause of the great demand for coal ,
The board ol ediicfUi0n of 8an
Francisco will declare the seat of their
president , N. B. Stone , vacant , be
cause of overstaying his leave of ab
sence in iho Atlantic sUtea.
The republican municipal conveti-
ion of Boston ) last evening nomi
nated Solomon B. Stebbins for ruay-
0" , giving him 75 votes out of 143.
The city council of Ghieigo.hst
light , after a long session , passed an
ordinance permitting the Weat Divis-
on railroad company to extend its
racks on East and We&t Lake street ,
rom Wabash Avenue to Central
Cbcir Johsnson , ajSwede ; fell down
he elevator at the Commercial hotel ,
Chicago , from the third story and was
nstantly killed.
CHICAGO , November 29. A central
and league club to assist and enconr-
gr land leaguers in Irelandwas form-
d yesterday in thie city.
NEW YORK , November 39. The
rrival of so many overdue steamers
iaa overwhelmed all hands at the
lostoffice with work.
LOOANSPOK.T , Ind. , November 2D
he. Mary Dillon , better known aa
Id Mother Dil'on ' , died here yeater-
ay , at the extraordinary ago of 112
Tars. She was born iu Limerick ,
reland ,
NEW YORK , November 29. A
Yashington speeial saya the president
ud Secretary Sherman will rccom-
nend the recognizance of the stand-
rd dollar on a gold basis.
ST. Louis , November 29 Col. Tom
colt , with some 25 railway digni-
aries , passed through the city east
ward yesterday , returniug from an ex-
ursion of the Texas roads. Col.
Scott looks very feeble.
NEW YORK , November 29. Four
f the European steamers , "Baltic , "
'State of Indiana , " "Algeria" and
'Nevada , " overdue at this port , have
rrived within the past twenty-four
NEW YORK , November 29 Mme.
Marie Silvia , formerly a well known
trima donna , died in Bellevue hospi-
al yesterday from the results of a
osB of cxxalyic acid taken with sul-
idal intent.
Logan has instituted a lodge of
Odd Fellows.
Stanton has a dancing club with
wenty five members.
Tekamah masons hold a grand
> all on Christmas night.
Central City's new bank is rapidly
pproaching completion.
Nuckolls county farmers are buy-
ng heavily of blooded stock.
Hastings claims the best string
band in western Nebraska.
West Point is about to organize
social club and reading room.
Thirteen hundred aheep have re-
ently been brought into Wisner.
A large number of fine grade
heep are coming into Harlan county.
The Juniata flouring mill is run
ning night and day in order to fill its
Ordinary sized wooden houses at
Blue Springs rent for from ? 25 to § 60
a month.
Dakota City has a good and per
manent market for grain , hogs and
West Point has already bespoken
a million of bricks for building opera-
ions next year.
T wo large grey wolves were dis-
overod in the Republican City ceme-
ery , rifling graves.
Fall wheat throughout the Re
publican Valley is said to be looking
incommonly fine.
Two Crete hunters on a five days'
hunt on the Loup killed three deer , 28
geese and 150 ducks.
The Nebraska City alcohol works
export all the alcohol they manufbc-
ure direct to Europe.
Plattamouth is enjoying a build-
ng boom and several fine brick blocks
are in course of erection.
A fire at Falls City last week de-
troyod two buildings owned by Wm.
f eal , occasioning a loss of $900.
There ia * trong talk of an ex-
ension of the Wabash system through
'awnee and Gage counties.
Nemaha City is undergoing a
toady and rapid growth , both in size
aad business done by its merchants.
Ice bridges have formed across
ho Mifsourl at Nebraska City and
Jrownsville and trains are crossi3
Larao quantities of freight are
being hauled pver the Niobrara and
Mack Hills railroad , through Nance
onnty.A farmer oCloverton , Webster
ounty , raised 200 acres of broom
orn , which netted him § 2000 above
11 expenses.
The B. & M. have commenced
he construction of a large ice house
t Red Clond to accommodate two
mndred tons.
Fifteen fine deer r.nd sny quan-
ity of geese were the results of a few
ays hunt of some of Hasting'a boya
n the Dismal.
A firm of farmers raised , on a
ocion in Filmora county 3500 bushels
of wheat , for which they have been
offered 80 cents.
Jeff Wells , an escaped prisoner
rom Geneva ji-il , was recaptured last
week at Hastings by Sheriff Morton ,
of Adams county.
The Republican Valley railroad
are donating money for the construc-
lon of wagon bridges and the repair
of roids leading to their stations.
Grace & Weedeman'a safe at
Plattsmouth was blown open las
week by burglars. Twenty-four del
lara rewarded them for their ptins.
A car pot away from a train on
the S. 0. & P. road at Pierce last
week , and running into a caboose
bruised the passengers considerably.
One will lose an eye.
Some malicious parties are shoot
ing cattle en the Loup ranges , and
during the present winter no less than
eighty head of cows , calves and steers
have been shot.
The new Methcdist church at Te-
cumssh was dedicated nn the 21st iost. ,
and the sum of § 925 raised to pay off
the church debt , which was § 600.
The church cost 84000.
A frame barn , balongirig to Chris
topher Crow , of Warsaw , Howard
county , was burned last week. Thir
ty-four tons of hay and considerable
oats were lost. No insurance.
The six Brule Sioux chiefs con
ined in Gumming county , will not be
tried until the spring term of court.
Fhe reason for the delay ia that this
being an adjourned term of court ,
; here is no grand jury before whom
; hey can be indicted.
Mr. J. Boolil caught in a steel trap
) ti the Republican , one day
ast week , a 'monster widcat ! < It
was of the Thomas sex , and measured
rom the tirj of his nose to the end of
its tail 3 fe'ot 6& inches , the caudal
tp'pendage only measuring 5i inches.
Ic stood 5 feet 1 inch in height , and
Then extended out the distance
> etween itg feet was 4tfeet 8 inches.
A few nights ago twelve ma ked
citizens of Fairbury took out of their
ail a horeo thief supposed to be one
of ft gSng , and ntretched him up sev
eral times in order to wring from him
a confession relative lo Mr. Moler's
missing mnloa , believing he could tell.
finally he told them the mules could
> e found in Butler county , ten miles
north of David City. 'Ten miles
north of David City" don't miss thia
vicinity very far. [ Schuyler Sun.
New York Money and Stocks.
WALIJ SrRSBT Novemhc- .
Money 0 ; exchange Iwer at Ji 80@4 Slj.
J. S. 6's81 . 1 Ol | O. S. 4'a . 1 12
U. S. 6'a . 1 t'j Currencyffa . i 30
U. S. 4i'd..l 12 |
Stocks Active ; declined i to 5 per cent.
rom highest point of forenoon , raiding jc.
W U . 93 } UnionPadfle . lOOi
N.Y.C. . 1443 C.C.&I.O _ 20
Erie . < 7j M C . 113
Preferred. . 801 Lackawanna . 103 !
R.I . 123i Hudson Canil . 90 ,
L.8. . 122J NJC . 80 ]
Nbrthwtgtem . 126J JI 4 E . 110
Preferred . 145 Reading . 60
M . 48J Chattanooga . 72
Ohio . - 38j N P . 63 :
Preferred . S6J Preterred . 03 ,
t-Panl . 102J 1C . 24
Preferred . 123 C P . E5. .
t. Joe . 43 } OCC M . E2i
Preferred . 94 J Amer Union . GO
Wabash . 42 | K. &T . 39i
Prefered . 779 A & P Tel . 40
Orasha . 4 B&Q . . ' . . . . .ICOJ
Preferred . 84 } Can U . } 73
NewTorlc Produce
NEW YORK , November 30.
Flour Receipts , 3,880 brls. ; ship
ments , 16,000 ; dull and in buyers fa
vor ; round hoop Ohio , 55 30 ®
6 75 ; choice do , $5 60@660 ; su-
lerfine western , S3 904 50common ;
o good extra $4 90@5 30 ; choice , do ,
lo , § 5 30@6 75 ; choice white wheat ,
S5 15@5 50.
Butter Firm and unchanged0hio ; ,
Egs New western , strong at 25 ®
29c for fair to choice.
Wheat Closing irregular ; Milwau
kee , SI 22@1 23 ; No. 2 red winter ,
§ 1 22 ; December , SI 22i@l 22 ; Jan
uary , SI 22i@l 25gFebruary ; , $1 27
© 1 27 | ; safes , 500,000 bushels.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 at GH. ( Sales ,
100,000 bus.
Oats Quiet ; No. 1 mixed at 44Jc.
Whisky Nominal.
Pork $15 00 jaaked for December ;
515 00 asked 'for January.
Lard § 9 10 asked for cash S8 90
or December ; SO 95@9 97 for Janu
ary ; SO 07 for FebruaryS9 ; 109
or March.
Chicago Produce Market.
CHICAGO , November 30.
The markets for leading cereals and
log products were pretty active in a
speculative way , but prices were un
settled , irregular and lower.
Wheat No. 2 spring Ijjc lower ,
sellingat $1 09J@110 for January ;
closing at 1 08 J for cash 108J@108 ]
for Decemler ; $1 09J@109g for Jan
uary ; SI 10 | for February.
Com No. 3 , lower and sold at
42@42c for December ; 41g < § 42c for
January , closing at 41c for cash ; 41f
@ 41jc | for December ; 42@42jc for
January ; 4Gc for May.
Oats @ | c lower ; No. 2 selling at
32@32gc for January , closing at 32s
'or cash , 32lc for December ; 32ic for
January ; 3Gc for May.
Rye Without material change at
91@91c for caah ; 92,3 , for January.
Barley Quiet , but firm ; No. 2 sold
at SI 03@104 f or caah ; SI 05 for De
Pork Mesa , 2025c lower per 100 ,
clos-ng atS1300@1360 for caah ;
$12jlO@12 15 for November ; $12 10 ®
1225 for December ; $12 10 for sel-
er the year ; $13 5013 52J for Jan
uary ; $13 G7i@13 70 Jor February.
Lard Cl ised at S8 45 for cash ,
$8 42i8 45 for November ; 88 45 for
December ; $8 40 seller for the year ;
$8 $ 52i@8 55 for January ; $8 G2 @ 8 65
: or February.
Whisky Active and firm.
St Louis Produce Market.
ST. Lou.'S , November 30
Flour Dull and lower ; XX ,
$3 804 00 ; XXX , $4 45@4 GO family ,
84 85@5 00 ; choice to fancy , $5 20 ®
575.Whnat Lower --nd unsullied ;
No. V reWi" ? . 5'1 05 © 1 Cot ; for
ash : SI OG1 05 | for Dectrn' er ;
$109g@l 08@L 08g fur.January8112J ;
@ 111@111 | for Febarary ; $114 | @
114 for March ; No. 3do $1 02g@l 02 $ ;
No. 4 do 95i@953c.
Com Lower at 42g@42c for casher
or November ; 4242gc for Decem
ber ; 42-j@42 | for January ; 4343g
ror February ; 43435 March.
0 ts Lower at 33i@33Jc for cash ;
33 3 bid for December ; 34fc for Jan
uary ; 37c for May.
Rye Higher at 89c.
Barley Quiet firm and unchanged.
Lead Dull at $4 40.
Butter Firm ; dairy , 2028 ; roll ,
Whisky Steady at $112.
Eggs unhangecL
Pork Dull at $13 75 for cash ;
$13 45 for January.
Dry Salt Meats Lower at $4 40 ®
6 806 70. .
Bacon Dull at 6J < g8 < g8c.
Lari Nominally lower at § 8 40.
That Lays the Goulden
Eggs and Locks hem
Up in Wall St ,
The Wh.le Boost in a Terrible
Commotion A Panic Pre
dicted ,
The Confe = si-uof the Missouri
Train Robber Leads to the
Capture of Two Parti
cipants *
Speculations Regarding the
Speakership of the Next
Bloody Fight With Darkies
on an Ohio River
Sdison Again Announces a
Public Tesb of His Blec-
Diamond Cut Diamond.
Special Dispatch to The Bea.
NEW YoEKjNovembar 29 4 p. m
The solution of the recent sudden rise
ia Lake Erie & Western stock is solv
ed by the announcement that a syndi
cate of capitalists has been formed ,
who have subscribed sofficlent funds
fet the immediate construction of an
important extension to the road , which
will probably make the line an a'sur-
ed success. Large stock purchases
have been rnado , principally by the
different members of the syn
dicate. It is stated that the
bears on the stock market
headed by Gould and Sage , have
locked up * about $12,000,000 , and
they will raako a fierce struggle tbia
week to break down the stock market
through a twist in the money market.
Thoae parties last Friday locked up
8300,000 in certified checks. The
bull combination is stronger than
ever , and it is said that $50,000,000
have been borrowed in London on
Vandarbilt stocks alone. Mr. Van
derbilt on Saturday ordered the man
ufacture of fifty locomotive engines
for the uaa of his system of railroads ,
and the contract has been signed.
Foundry Burned.
3p d l Dispatch to the lie- . *
MATTOON , HI. , November 29 4 p.
m. The extensive works of the Mat-
teen foundry , owned by Willinm
Lennox it Co. , were entirely destroyed
by fire Saturday night. Loss , S20,000.
Insurance , § 6500. Thia was the only
foundry west of Pittaburg which made
the B ildwin cylinder. All the cast
ings used by the machine shops of the
Indianapolis and St. Louis railroad
were made here.
Tne S eakorshl .
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , November 23 t p.
m. The Post Sunday morning printed
the following : The gossip about the
spoakership of the next house grows
in interest and in importance as mem
bers of congress arrive. The general
drift of talk brings down the contest
to two candidates , and the long llstcf
possible candidates first mentioned
are being dropped one after the other
for reasons which appears patent to
everybody but the candidates them
selves and their friends. For instance ,
Mr. Frye , of Milne , who loomed up
as a formidable competitor for the
place , is said to be desirous of step
ping into the Hon. Hannibal
Hatnlin's shoes , and that
fact precludes the possibility of his oc
cupying the speaker's chair. The
same charge ia laid at the door of Mr.
Conger , of Michigan. The contest
between the Bayley and Baldwin fac-
tiuns is very bitter , and tbeirstrength
ia evenly bil'ncud. Herein lies
Cor.gcr's only hope that of becoming
a compromiae candidate There re
mains , according to this way of
looking at the matter ,
but two prominent candidates.
Mr. Burrocvs , of Michigan , and Air.
Kasson , of Iowa. The former gen
tleman Is already on the ground , and
the latter haa returned to hia diplo
matic position in Austria , but hia
friends are sharply watching the drift
of things.
Peached n tiv a Pard.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
KANSAS OITY , November 29 4 p.
m. Two mon , Talby and Ko o , were
arrested at Independence , Missouri ,
twelve miles from this city , last night ,
charged with complicity in the Glendale -
dale train robbery which occurred in
October 1879 by which the Chicago
and Alton railway company was a
heavy loser. They were spotted
through a confession made by a man
named Baasham , who his been in
jail here , awaiting trial , for several
months and who pleaded guilty.
Baasham give a full account of the
robbery and the names of the six men
connected with it , and it is thought
all will be apprehended.
Edison's Electric Light.
Spedal Dispatch to.Tni Bu.
NEwToKK , November 29 , 4 p. m.
Edlao : . hai proposed to make a
public teat of his syatem of electric
light in a fortnight , end to begin op
era ions in New York in J.-.nuary or
February. A number of New York
and several Swiss engineers have been
invited to witness the teat. Edison
says he has got his lamps now so
that they will burn about six hundred
hours , and when a lamp has been
used , i > ay five hours a day , not over
three lamps a year , will be used.
Old and Full of Years.
Bpedal Dlsmtch to The Be ? .
BBONSOS , 0. , November29 , 4 p. m.
The funeral yesterday of the col
ored woman , Agnes Brown , waa the
most remarkable occurrence that ever
took placa in this county. The de
ceased died at the aie of 120 years
and the funeral sermon was prea.-hed
by an old time scqaamtaco from
Xenia , Ohio , who is in hia one hun
dredth year and has bean in the min-
Ltry since 1802.
Esiled Socialists.
Special dispatch toTas , Exx.
NEW YORK , November 29 4 p. m
The committee of New York social
ists to receive thflr expatriated breth
ren now on their way to this country ,
has hr-en g-ttinK five days waiting for
the arrival of the steamer "Secilia. "
i ami Reiall
fact H ring
& ) Hku > < ? Silver Watches
: uu5 Joive ry in the
Come and See Our Stock
as We Will Be Pleased
to Show Goods.
lii h & D "p . Opposite Ponfrffice.
+ 2 A 8 ID I NAILS ,
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
At Chicago Prices.
1200 and 1211 Hamey Street , Omaha.
The socialists of Now Yori. and other
cities have made allposaiHe prepura-
fions to provide thu esilo wih work
on their arrival here. Tlu majority
of these are cigar linkers and print-
era. There are also several newspa
per writers.
A Mall Car Burns.
Special Dispatch to Tim lien.
MARSHALL , Tex , November 29 4
p. * n. The burning of a mml car on
the Iron Mountain railroad last
Thursday destroyed all the mail mat
ter for Texas and Western Louisiana ,
. -1- 141 u-
.P4 - " - & - r-"uT - - - -
passengers' baggage bat two trunks.
One of the lost trunks is said to h.ivo
contained a larze amount of money ,
nearly all greenbacks.
ZA Bloody Flgnt.
Special Dispatch to The Ece
CLEVELAND , 0. , November 29 , 4 p.
in. The steamer " .Buckeye Slate" re
ports a serious riot on the steamer
"Dacotah" ncarCutlessburg where she
landed on account of low water. The
crew consisted of twen'y-two negroes
and four white men and there had
been considerable trouble on the trip.
After laying up , the crew were paid oil
and the negroes furnished with trans
portation tickets toCairo Boforeleavinjj
however , they made an at'ackn the
mate , when the second mate and four
white men went to his asantinco. A
bloody fight ensued , in which two ne
groes were shot and seriously wound
ed , and two negroes killed with a
monkey wrench , after which the re
maining negroes wore driven from the
"Weekly Market Review.
OMAHA , November 30,1880.
The following are the quotations
for the opening of this week , given us
by jobbers , commission men and
The market generally has been fair
during the past week , but a decline in
several commodities is expected ( lur
ing the next few daya :
LIVE STOCK Native fat steers are
in good demand and sellini ; readily at
from S3 25@3 50 ; western , ve-y few
in the market , and are quoted at
5300 ; cows , native , S2 7533 00shoep ; ,
western , S3 C0@3 25 ; natives , § 3 75(2 (
4. 00 ; veal on foot , § 4 OOSii 50 ; hogs ,
lower at § 4 00@4 25.
PKODUCE Potatoes , GO'-jfioc ; on
ions , S4 50 par bsrrdl , cabbage ia
scarce and cannot bo shippc J on ac
count of the cold wontbur , ilnttar ,
poor , fa ssarco at 102 , fair to BVuni * ,
18@20c ; choice 24c. E g ? , go < , d de
mand , 27@28c ; cider , in barrels , 15c
per gallon ; cheese , 15c ; venison , sad
dle. 8l3llo , carcasa , G < § 8c ; lard , steady
at 8c ; hickory nut ? , SI 25 per bti.
HAT Baled , $12 00 per ton ; in
bulk , on wagon , § 8 509 00 , with a
Slight upward tendency
POULTRT lave chickens , poor de
mand at'2 00 ; droaatd , 7 < 38c ; pet
pound ; turkeys , dressed , 10@12c ;
ducks , dressed 910c.
LEATHER Shoemaker's stock , sole
leather , oak tanned , 40@43s pr 1L. ;
hemlock tanned , 30@3G ; upper , com'
mon , 24028 ; upper , domestic calf ,
§ 100@1 30 ; French calf , § 1 50@2 10
domestic kip , 80 < gl 00FrenchSl Of
© 150.
HARNESS STOCK No. 1 , oak tan
ned , 43@45s ; No. 2 , oak tanned , 41 <
43s ; No 1 , hemlock tanned , 38&10 , ;
No. 2 , hemlock trimmed , 37@C9j.
GRAIN The market opened oai&
this week and thu prices onAl k i
of grain are reported to bo on the aa
WHEAT No. 2,88c ; No 3 , 76c ; re
fected , GOc.
RYE No , 2. 7Gc.
CORN No. 2 , weitern mixed , 28c
OATS No. 2 , 25c.
There seems at present * o be no mar
ket for barley and buyers willp.ivenc
figures until they fee simples.
WOOD There is very little wood ii
the market owinn to the scarcity o
cars end the cold weather ; however
we qnoio hard wood at $7 00(57 ( 50 ;
toft § . " > 25@5 50.
BirteK lit KOMI demand : we qnnte
common m kiln , § 3 0 ( § v 30 ; pressed ,
818 0020 00.
NAILS Csrlrad lots , 83 10.
APPLES Active and better ; good
winter applet ? we quote as follows :
Missouri , ? 2 252 35 per barrel ;
Michigan , § 2 50 $ 1 ! GO.
St. Louis Live Stocx Market.
Sr. Louis , November 30.
Hogs Active ; Yorkers an'1 IJ ll
mores , c nn - * so-j miicd packing
§ 4 40 < 34 GO ; butcherso fancy , ? 4 65 ®
480. Receipts. 14,600 ; shipments ,
Special Dfopatcbes to Iho tlvv
WASIHSOTOS , Nuvembor 30 , 1
Speaker Randall hita arrived her *
and was buy in his room on the
house side of the capitol yesterday.
Severn ! p'ominent army officers ra
soon to bo put on the retired list , and
e list of promotions will be sent to
thu senate Tuesday of next week.
Gen. Miles la in this city , sn&
called at the executive mansion yw
terdny , to pay his respects to the
Prof. Monroe , who , with CongreJi *
man Singleton , will hare charge &
the consular and diplomatic appro *
priation bill , are in the city , and will
proceed at once to complete the bill.
President Hayes issued a proclr.nii-
tion yesterday declaring that the fo
eign discriminating dating of tonnage
and imports within the United Statdfl
: ru and shall be suspended and dis
continued so far aa respects the-Tes-
sola of China , and as to produce and
merchandise imported into the Uni
ted States from China , or from ang
other foreign country , so long aa the
exemption aforeiaid on the part of
China of vessels belonging to citizens
of the United SUtea and their car *
goes shall be continnedand no longer.
There have been so far compara
tively few arrivals , bat they are ex
pected to come ia rapidly within the
next few days. Soon as senators and
n riaentatives arrive , they report
tto ! fact to the postmaster of the sen
ate snd house , respectively , In ordei
that they may promptly receive theit
maih , and up to this time not morj
thau thirty arrivals have been report *
ed there , The capitol has been pre
pared for the reception of congrea 't
and nearly all the clerks and officers
of both houses have returned and re-
snmod their daska. Speaker Randall
says he expects there will be a mod
erately exciting session.
Indications1. Dl5patchea TRI B .
WASHINGTON , D. C. , November 30 ,
i a. m. For the upper Mississippi
and lower Missouri valleys , stationa
ry or lu .ver barometer , stationary 01
higher temperature , south to weak
winds , clear or partly cloudy weather.
Cirloubtedly the beat shirt In the
[ Jr. i ted Spates is manufactured at th *
UmaLa Shirt Factory. The superiority
of Material and workmanship , com *
njned with their great Improvement ! ,
that is Reinforced fronts , Reinforce *
backs and Reinforced sleeves , make *
Kir chirt the most durable and beat
httinu garment of the kind , eve *
m ( lufnetured < tt thi moderate price of
S 4 50. Evr-ry shirt of onr make is
uirznteed first-clann and will refund
th * money if found otherwise.
WQ make a sp"ci Ity of all wool ,
Shaker , and Canton flannel , also
chemois underwear , made np with
view to comfort , warmth and durabil
ity. To invalids nd weak-lunged
persona we offer special inducement *
in the manner these g&ods are made
for their protection.
T.1" ] * * < > * * 12 day mt > cm e Uj mad-tc ;
i /ioutflt / fren Adilms