T THE DAILY BEL. Monday Morning , Nov. 20. edbcwi. 5 e 1'oJaclA athcriwcmcut. -3YnittMl feat * at the USc ) store. 1'otcr is rui Bg tte Oinoha Ferry. Z ulMn l < 1k ! < u.c -Large tifty .f Sodley i arcca. aai Mm-coo IVtet-Uwto , r ' , S > V before buyinc y u liats , < s i ) [ Hid ura , cH at C. BDe G * l & Co.'s. 2t-tf -S * Chweowlwtcsilc and retail , i C i < mH l & M < y * , SOTrMi 13th St. BEST IX T1US WOULD B. tur G. m fittins rtt K * t Etttrinjaa'B. tt oiw.wi l ] ' ds.L < It cjltnnti cf b rs inb < m lit TioiKtr wanted iromodiirteV- Bi.e 0--d inau U dy work * tnl e < i "VVjc. 1" . StomrL. Mid tr n f ni Uie ivestSul : r- wid * l ! f l' ' < re late , and ilic refelita Ivu or Ujte Orfl nod gcttoo tf H MiwU nf cr JW lH * * " d l oU t es.Ht ] , , w ure . G x Uoiwvl , U. P ITic v tk u < Jw Max ilctw XM uvi Si l r * Mid sl nc tiinuniaf sire Ijcijig r t in , xnd giwj ( nrwise f tafkiup Uic lik k tl s h 94nnnir t " c tu lilt < .itr. -ItwnrinJifr tbet M'illiwil G tU tt l arvfes * full hue of Uowe * , V > & I * CV-i , inUles ! ! but Jw n cJioioc liuc oi ( Jal . f ornw caoued gowk , f redi I t4cr ud < ? " 8 < fcswd , l ii and "Us- * : Xroe' -Hmi Jo . W. IVwt has juiti i-e a letter frutt the IxmiHof bt lioi > - ! of tin "JI. R. chntrfi in X w Vwlt , notifying liitn tbstfwliw bten pj > p < Hul l delegate to the Ucuaon'K l Metlioilist Conference 1o Ic 'ioW ' i Cily Itcad Clmpel. L"iulwtt , in l. Tli'w are 1 v&lj fiom the Unit , < ? Tiiia is s'wrjhigh KWpKwetit- Tlie jjoiice court Jootcl ii-sie % lit * * urJy mocMng Cue nion ws ? tiued l s nd < ntK fttr dtsturbiof ; the teat . wli cli ] . * i wid. A wloon keeper jfl * * ' polity to nv : ultiwd buttery B rurf NJ an-J costs. V yonng unit ftlod a c iii } > IniutiiMii [ ; t > ii. > her ttmii , to ivlumi he li > dWIM ! 1 u IlcllHb Hot 6R'll UlC POrtt HilitL It. .1 4e K. M. Sl'-llltcrj ; still presides. THE ereaadc fi. Un < ] y from Uic Iwml f OiilhnderVjJc rgi * litnlroJfl , wliich com jmuyBbowcil iu liiU > eiy ( ili.it ut lit. Ilic colored in m Ji < ' cmiix " ! tUc cmnjmny are iitflmatluof luiint ixirk but ateihcgvu- liiis article , s < 1 a finer lottkiug ? t of moil it uw.lii lit linii t > > liuil. 1'lic liaiul is an I'xoeHcnl-onu nt ! UrUlender Pbltnc n coiDcl 1 > lBycr w > uc ever lieanU -iliko Sroltoy , Uw T * 'p8lr'a1t ' with drew frmti liin roe : vc inil oxloranrc Vn\a.y \ ni S.3W l > . tn. , Imiiigc-'iiiidcl-J ' 1,513 < | n rU > r union in tlio pmno IHIHIR-I ! uf ' | U rUr lumtv. lie in ntill in fine itiinli- iioii , MMv uld lir\o mntK : the pi jiCM ! 4,090 qnartorx Iwd iwt H criit w ini-iimk'r- slftudiii ) ; grown if > bolwecn him and M. J. McKeHi < n , ] Hviriukr ] of tlio Grain ! < 'entr l ItiUiitnl IIall HS to tlic Itnnn whidi Uic ricti n made , and the mttlo- ni Ht < rf Urt BCCIWtllS ItOlU'MIl UlC tWO. It it rumored ti\al \ ain t4nT v.ilkvill ' ( . .it- ranged. ranged.The The inwlmid tmiu fioiu tha xvostlast night arrived at 7:35 i > . in. Tliu H.-ck Isliiml waited for lier.f . - TWOIM-W ix-\\h9ClcJ ciijjiiiutt'tur ILe Soutiicni Pacific PJM ! , wtnt ueelc K'r- day over the U. 1' . i Georgia itiiuoltcls gn\e an jwrformaw-c * t the Academy iy iiigM , Uio honso l > cing well filled by mlmirors { Uii funuut company. The prr gr.im c Uimughaut as IrUd of Louis ] Hcad.trom , of vii cpucifications j.poEing1 his di3ca r9' in bankruptcy , was liclJ batui- d y and resulted i lii acquittaL CooBUble Eilgerton cJosod i' U < Jraad Central biliiard lm l Kaluriiay JiKh - , bi1 virtue of annder iu attaoliuicut , This was UK signal for creditors in jjcceral a'ann. and Uie lioliku f.Ino . ittiulla f < m ly i-liiucd Ili ii . The tale uvill rc-ej > i in a few : 1 The Sarat ga uuday choolhelJ a vei j 1'lcasant oondy pulKng Friday ex ciiiug at the ' Sn-atoga ncliool home. It was a per- > 3t HUCCO * in every way aud the credit of " ' - t fact is lai ely ouing to Ui cffwt * l 1 ' * - . W. IWtloy , Mw. rLi-auslin. liv I ilia CJiristio , Clias. ILiquter and luiit V nus Mcl > an ld of Om ha. The than ! y ' the soiulay Bchool are t nJcral tlim 1 r Suable n Jc\olry and eilvar w vo , at Jona- 'Hi e , 410 , Thirteenth radwotion in Ladio * ' hstnll MU8 Fariihaiii Si. PjatJJffiMUM. roUi Sulwon' Water White Oil caiinot Ui o vflo8c < S. Only SOc per gal. JG.'Jt K Bonnet' * Stoves much thujfiauet Iv u te ! Jfarkoi. 0 tl HU < ! Bee. 1410 1 tre l. oa - K K Callfomia rjsra , riums , Gr.ipoa , C 'C. , atTigard'g PnU. > e. K Fcr Sale K SuV'hort ! { wnror l > a\l < 'r -tue and Wulor tv , iH good 1CK \V = ilcr White Oii. . no dor , m K * "oke , at Selomon'e. 20 2t C Vciv EHtrravIiissat Hospc's. U'AUD AGAl T THtfi COLD. me I ha\o fir m\lo let of heating md * vos tuttaalo for - 8-nr--B , ottlccs cr churches , which niil bo wild low. inquire .if i. F. Oaol. , Odd Fcl- 3o. 1 n-s1 blooi. . ino TOYS : TOYS : : olumj W. E. Bennett & Co. , 113 is'orlh mj Fiftcsntfe Blreat , hare just opened o pic 261 tine assortment of toys for the holi- ' lac yt , vhich willbeEold at astonish- sly TGaurea. Call end cxsmine tuw Block before mRkiug your pur er-aces , and you will find barc.vns. H Stamping FJoss Rjid Canvao , at po 1. At iho cl to < f tliolBtm ss in Si. Vhilomena's Ca'btihal yesterday , . 31. Cn > gln , D. D. , made an earnest appeal for fifd in 1 e'lalf of the wesUva districts oi lleGtpi of Good Hope , where ihe llsveiauu father la Oapo missionary. tiv direction cf Dishop llight Rev erend Dr. Leonard , Yicar Apostolic of the western districts sf the Cspe of GW1 Hope , Father Coghm comes to riise funds to open up new miEtion gtatioua and carry Ibo bleseiugs of f r.th into some of the principal ecu- trea < * Africa. In this he has the highest ecclesiastical sanction of Car- dma ! Suueunj. The prefect of the propaganda iu Ktiae gives hi = Train ot approi nas dosa also the archbish op of Dublin and the CArdind aruh- b'sV.ps ' of Westminster aud Is York , Anther Coglsa demonstrated in a f jrciblo maiiucr his hearers , tie i oporlanco of th question of t'e o cuiug up of Africa , which presents a > vast a held for the development' I aiicacc and commerce and the spread f religion.acd the condition of which , fr m R social and religious point cf \ loviaal present wretched Intkcd. tic dwelt upon th'j IKT o 3 oi the clave trade , which stii nourishes m thu n - tj-ior , resulting iu tbu carrying awty tate alavery of thousands. J.lany of tacau are ecld 111 Mohammedou COUK * triei , bring dri * * > n acrort the burning a nds o ( the Sahara , where a great maltituJe have left their bouts < o .bleach upon the soil God uave them as a heiJtsgo , aud others go to s < ; rve uutil uo&di comce to them a * < > wtl come relief. rtll I' i , iiulwitfciailtling the ei- oriiuos o Iho Hriai nations of tin oirlli , to wpf nwjy tlio blot frmii on' civil zation. ThecrcU dilliculty is to cuaxsaco tko cinefa Hi < t they are iif-t abr iutt > ma'lwa vf MW aud per- e ) Db o' ' tbcir ixjoplo and M long ra they aid willing to sell , thtte MO oil.- er to bry. Tlio speaker declared taat cannibaltam is still in vogua in Iho interior , though \iMiy explore ! * deny the fact , slid tl t Luninn ll sh in otTered far : lc in tliomarkcls ju tlii e bcol nd njntlou. Thu greater tl c uutiibei of slavra a chief has the great er 18 2m imporUnce. nad BO abject it < ho condition of Ibo ( uor nroturos thai thuy nsl { kill at thuir mast r'e comiunci1. Tno " .onuiUon of Iho wcnion ii moot o | > lt > rablt ! . "U Lai been well rcnurki'd" tad Iho ejioaKar "that unbslicf is iinkiiuvn to the &a\3iL z pud that they . \roprcii3 l > learn something of the true t ! od. Iu their ignorance they uay hem { o U > ihi sun r.uu inoot > , itocks ai d etoaos , serponteaiul idolc. " The only h Jpo fur Ihoui is in carrj-iug to thi m the i : inoof Ohriat , which ia atill uu- k ion n in thttee bjuighie < l rcgioiis Eipeci.illy shuuM tlna c.iusebe c- paused by the niniiau whoto aiatcifc hid &o much to ijain by it. "It is cViatianiiy wliich h ia made -won-cn free1 , and the church is thobjlwark ol chrietiaii'.lv , and has tiiado Ihit fiec- dom permanent. Iterns conrorts to respect \\on-on an the crjual o mm. What r htm lharo is iu Afrio for the jouriicingsof niiaiionaritt , for the ministration ! } of Sitters ' Cinnty. Thoc h i > ol n countii around the co.-wt of tl-o - "dark ccnti- nent" whrra prpachos ari > not fount np.dly \ \ irkiiiLc't : way toward tl.i intcri'jr , and we may hope that er long theliht , < i [ Ci'.iiatanity ujll beau the length and bre.il'i ] of li- ] hnd. Tlio African nitEsionssry iit what-\er giwiicr Jio islocaiad , works for Iho coin or8ou : of all Africa , Trhii h Is to bo the frinI F the lnbtr , if manylixcs. The mission'of ihc caj o of Good IJopo is animad'd by tlis laudable dosirc. Yet her wants ntc many nml jirtusaihg. K nbrncing j a territory uv o times as large ab Ireland , she has but six churches : m < l iiii o f icats. TJioro lire Catholics sprcsd over all this country mid it requires labor on the part of all io k minuter to Ihuir spiritual needs. NW missions nnd new cchools are ncsdudbat they have no money. Father C < glin-raid ho had been laboring for six yesrs to establish a hurch to bodtilica'ed to the Sacred S Ucsrt of Jesus and to obtain u t chool for his poor children. Ic is f T this 10 is now striving aud few works ol charity rc moro deserving of the liberality of the church than thi' . ni Our customers who do not avail th homsclvoaof tho. opportunity which " o oiler them for a few days longer to lay in n winters supply of the cele brated II.rn.xs. SNOW FJ.AKL Fiorr , 5e nill certainly regret it. Jlauufnc- turors lisc advanced prices amivu au mini SMII fcllinr suit or t. p. " JU. . FUKA-OH & Co. Danciug loho 6 for l.vdiea in room at Brandt's Turner Hall evuy bl I'uesdayouin - : . Toaclier , 3rs. ! I\J. \ blT fTolfuiau. lit litwl Jv K K K K K K K wl Koru Kobs and Jvcroscuo aS K an Kindlers Kant Komtncr.co to T\ SO Kompare with i ha Kuriously K 0 IvoutrivcrdaadKirefullyKon- strutted Kitchen Konvenience K en Kouipoacd of a Koinbinalion Ji ; ha of Konceiitratod IConnnodi- de ties , Karofully Kallocted aud JC Komuionl > Known as ILtVY3 \ DL\VS \TFST FIRE K pip pipMi K1XDLER. K Mi K K K K K K K K atr CDl lust opotnd another large assort- nent'of Ladies' Uhlcrs , llavelocki pa so : Jackets. [ n'J3-tu-th-sat ] & UAKIUSOX. 15emombcr that C. B. DeGroat .t . ha\o the largest and best selected the of Hats and Caps in Ihe city , m- on > iluding the latest styles from the tort teeTh ninufacturere. A'so full a and complete - Th ? pleto line of fur caps for ladies and A. entlemen , and n complete etock cf A.Ai adies' furs. 24-St all FURS ! FDRS1 ! FOBS ! ! ! pa : The Omaha Fur Manufacturer rHe , He tlenry.G. fticuter , is to be found op Her posite the poetofiice. o2G-tf nat Bo cw EnsrraviiiKs at I o pe . AMUSEMENTS. The Weekly Record of Balls and Parties Witii Other Social Notes Gathered Here aud There. * The past w cck was ouo crowded with entertainments , owing principally to the fact of a national holiday being Baadwichcd iu between its opening and thu clcsa. Tne bails were among iho most brilliant of the season and cntcrtaiumentn generally notable lor their tucccJB and large attendance. THE n NEEI : BALL. T-e Pioneer Hook and Ladder com pany gave its third annual ball at Ma- eonic hall , Wednesday night , about sixty couples baing in attendance. The room was t.istcfullydcccr.itcd with pictures belonging to the company and with the silver speaking-trumpets SUB- peidcd from the chandelier * . The stage occupied by Hoffman's orches tra was trimmed profusely with bunt ing and other articles peculiar to the service represented. The hall ws b-iUia-.iily illuminated , and the crov.d was uue of the in-st Belectand com- pjnionable that l.as ever graced a similar j occasion iu this city. The pro gramme , ec sl r < * cB thirty numberp , rae too sl. t , and everybody left highly delighted with the cfliir and the excellent management which hau made j if such a success. Tin : IIIO.N MoULUEit&t On the same ev-illc at CroJghlon Hall , the ninth annual bail cl the Iron Moulders bnion No 190 took place. Xho pOjUilauty of the bills of this organisation ia shown by the fact that Ihcro wrro ever three hundred pensMib in attendance. The \\asdccoratei in lliOFtjlo always * -Joptol by thb a : "iety and presented an anim.ite.l and brilliant scene. A find programme W.IH rendered and an elegant supper nt the Dorsn Hou 8 waa i > irliih.eu of Vty thb majority bl . thoae ijrca nl. The uauws o ! tha committees ! uvo nj'eady boon pub lished in Tu : . 11 KE and it is only noceoiai > Iu add that they oil did wigaificeutly in JcovlJing for the ttitertajnment of their Ducats. The hrst reception nud party guon by the Uiitro 2 > "uu3 Club , eouiplimt'ii- tarj" to ihoae wli' for ni nj' ytan p.'st have uiU'rtainctl the cl.ibi : t their private reiiJoiues took place at JIaEonio Uall Fnday nishl. The mm- beis rero all prcsdit witli ijuite a larao uur.bnr of guests , and the tdur pawed ploasititly to pvcry one. lloil'macn's Orchestta fur nished fi.no n n ic. and an excellent supper VMS sen-el wbaut 11 o'clock The following ? re the uliicfrd and members of th tlnb : Pres dint , W. A. R-jdic't ; Vice Prcniclsa * , S. E BirLiloA , S3critny and Treasurer , 2f. N. Cnry ; members nt larg > ' , J. M. Ross , W.V. . Barlalow , C. E. JcwcU , 0. S. Huntington , Unaa. ilcCormick , G. H. Savage , \V. F. aicMillau , J C. Saarpa and R. L. Girlicks IMr KIAL CUIH. This popular cU'bgivo another one of its Beries of pnrttoa at Musuaic hnli on Tussd.iy oveni ; l.ul'whiohas characterized by i ! the pleasant fea tures of previous cntertainmonis , 1 > > - the able mauiigci.t nl and the delight "ul lime had by om > and all. bT > NI.MU CUT . The next par'y of iltia club , which Trill bo thu closing ouo of the paries , will take place at Standar.t hill on Wednesday evening next. Another series will be arranged for the v inter. fho success of th's club is remarkable , and IheirinvitnUuiuareojgcrlr sought after. COMl'AIsY 0. On Thursday afternoon the boys of company G met in Lake's addition to shoot forjthe Hay ward prize medal , recsntly presented by Sergeant Hsy ward , who being about to remove to western state , has bocu granted a discharge and elected honorary mem- bar of the company. The prize was won by Corporal McLain and at its presentation Thursday evening fomo mlbnest.ing addresses were made by rgoaut Hayward , Lcute.iant Me- Liughlin , Mayor Chase and others. Uae badge is of gold. The bar bears the name ' 'Uayward Medil , " in black asind , a bu le is suspended below it , nnJer tbc bujle and alsj attached to the pendant by links are a pair ot ritles ' crossed , a sabro and a drum. The pendant is a heavy burnished shield , with a representation of a Ur ! , .md the xxords "Best Shot. " The Thole is about four inches high , and elegant affair. It wa made to Mr. Uavward's order by Mai Meyer t b Bro. y MlbCULLAMJOL'h. ti The members of the OmSha boot black brotherhood were given a good „ TfMtiksgixiug dinner through tlu oi libarality of some friends , among oiIc tvhom xvcnj Mrs. J. j\L \ Wool worth ind JMiss Jennie Wool worth , x\ho per sonally ! attended to.lheir wants at their ome on 13 arnoy street. Sergeant Ford , of the police force , jntortamed his brother officers and - , band of ihe A. 0. U. at bis resi- lence : on 10th street , las * . Ssturd.iy jvciiiuj. , iu a most hospitable etjle. A pleasant surpiisc party took lace at the residouco of Mr. and Mrs. H. Birnuui , Kortk Eighteenth itrect , JFriday evening. About twenty louples invaded their home and roh h asaed : the evening in dsucing aiic ; ea ocial enjoyment. A splendid lunch irepired for the occasion was dis u-scd during the evening. A very plet sanl parly xvas gix-on at at residence if Mr. and Sirs. Musser , Capitol Avenue , batween Four- eentb and 'Fifteenth Friday evening. heparty was arranged by Mrs. R. Wal'ace ' , and Miss Lillie Willis. A very excellent supper was given and sit sitTl sorts nf refreshments served. The Tl tarty was kept up until a late hour. new The date of the next PJeasant nil lours party is December 10th. bill ! The Omaha Belbs Lettres Clab wi at the residence of Mr. W. H. 3arns latt Saturday evening. tri The neyt reception but one of the Pleasant Hours club will be a full dress sffilr and Lcld on December 30. Hon. J. M. Wool-orth trill occupy his new and elegant residence on St. Mwy's avenue about Christmas. Hon. and Mrs. A. J. .PoppletOn cel ebrate their silver wedding on the 3d of December , whicn will be tha occa sion of a "home warming" at their new home in E izabeth Place. A delegation of about twelve cou ples from Pioneer Hook and Encine Co. , No. 1 , attended tha ball of Res cue Engine Co. , at Council Bluffs , Thanksgiving night. A RARE CHANCE. 500 trimmed hats and bonnets to be cold nekt week at C. A. Ringer's , . A Derby hat , or the value in other J got.d , will ba given with each hat. C. A. RISGER , Jacobs' Block , 15th street. PERSONAL PABAQRArHS.a "VV. II. Gates 1m returned from Iho trest. Hon. J. H. Milliard Mt for New York Satnrday evening , Mr. Morgan Neville , of the Pacific ex press office , has gone east for the holidays D. W. Hitchcock was in the city Satur day and left for Chicago on the evening train. Peter B. Great , European agent of the Union Pacific returned Saturday from Idaho. \V. H. Hulbiut , general western paf seagcr a:6nt of the Canada Southern rail way , was in the city yesterday. Mr. J. P. Cuinminss and wife , of Crr rollton , Ohio , arc visiting in the city , th guests of W. W. Marshall , Mr. Horace G. S'ripe , ls.te of Bismaik Dakota , lias taken tbe place of ilujiUty in ho niceCol-W- . Smith , clerk of th United States circuit court. W. A. Shan1 has gone to Deuxer. A. Pratt , Esi , has gone to Chicago. Major P. rlJock relume J from G'Lirvt Saturday S. H. H. Clark ieaxes toi the Pacifl -day. Deputy Marshal Ball , left for Pan Creek Saturday. James and Frank Nurt"ii h\xe : retHrnt from Colorado. Senator Paddock started fur WaMiiugto ; City Saturday. Jamss Watson , of the U. 1 * . left fo exvYnkS turday. W. J. Cuddy , of The Orjiul lsan ! Tiaies , is 5 a the cl'y Ii. K. P ndall , if the B. k. M. v.-i inovo his office to Lincoln Dec. Itt. C AV. Collins , contractor of the Jules bur ; branch , Itft foi Sidney Saturday. P. P. Shelby and M. II. Goble , of th U. P. freiglitjdcpartmeutxrciit xx-estSatur day. day.M. M. CKeith and Guy Barton , two wel knoxvn Ncbraskans.xverS in the city Satur day. Mr. Geo. W. liust , western correspou dent of Tiio Xexv York Graphic at Den xe , was in Iho city Saturday on hia rctur hour. hour.Mr. Mr. Frant Qilbeit , assistant U. traasnrer at Chicago , and xvife , arc in th tily the gue > ts of their brother , -Gen. ] Gilbert , Esq. Leonard llohl , formerly train iliapatche en the eastern division of the Uuion Paci lie , lut xvho xvent toLaramie some month .150 lo accept a simikr position there , returned to the eastern dix ision to do tern porpry xxork. CLOAKS AND DOLMANS. CLOAKS AND DOLMANS The largest and most complete assort nient to bo found in the wt > sf , at ei trcmoly low prices , just opcno I by McDoxLi > & HAIIUROS , 23-tu-lh.fat 1408 Farnham st. Pure as Suow on the Mountain Top Solomon's Water White Oil. 2G 2 llxeryboily thaxcs. GninbVs 0. If .lioi > , goutlixvest comer Tne'ftli and Farii ham street' . ulO'axvtf Our Forthcoming Annual Illustrated Review. Splendid Engravings , Excel lent Typography and Re liable Statistics. Arrangements have been completed for bringing out the forthcoming An- nnal Illustrated Review of Tut OMAHA BEE , which will bo distri buted to our subscribers on NBTV Year's Day. All the illustrations in this annual review are to be litho- raphcd by a first class artist. One of the most important features will be the sketches of the prominent private residences in the city , which last year xverecrDxvcled out by other buildings. The statisti cal work , xx Inch is the most laborious part of this undertaking will bo inon complete in detail and moro thorough if anything , than in any previous Review. In order that u < r omissions shall oc cur in this branch , ve would urge up on our citizens wko have made aux builuini : improvements during the year to furnish us the desired informa tion , either at this office or through the postoflico as early as possible. We xvant the name of the oxvnrr of thi improvement or structure , diecription of he improvement or building ; location and costof same. In viexv of ot the fact that the out lay for such an undertaking is very largo , amounting to nearly $1,500 , wo have to eecurc a reasonable amount of advertising patronage from ? our merchants and manufacturers , Mr. J. H. Pierce has been employed solicitor for advcrtiements in the illustrated annual review. Ho will call upon business men and furnish them further particulars , concerning the style of the x\ork , rates of advertising , etc. The cdi ion will contain 16,000 copies , and will therefore be a most valuable medium for advertising. Parties who desire to have their residences or any buildings il'ustrated had better apply at this office at an early day. STEEL ENGRAVINGS. Finest ever brought to Omaha , and New York prices. Don't fail to see them at Eaton's nGtf FERMEXTOM. ' THE CREIOHTOJf , firtt-class hotel in every respect , is situated on the northwest cornet of Thirteenth and Capitol avenue. This house is newly and elegantly fur- niehcd throughout , and the table and of fare will compare favorably f with the best in the land. Give it a trial. No runner at the Depot. xt29-ecd-tf o TEAT COS-TEST , Dememberl5thSefcasthe Date for Taking Depositions. In opening the contest a'B of Messrs. Doace and Howe , Paxtoh and McShane , the contestants seem to hive exhausted all their energies at the outset and there is not only ittlo talk of the matter by the public ai | large but the contesling candl ditea have no confidence in the Success of the attempt to unseat the legally elected representatives of Douglas county. Messrs. Daane and Howe have been absent from the city a large portion of Ihe { time since the notices were served , end Paxton and Me Shr.ne are taking the matter very quietly , ia full confidence of the jmtice of their claims and the impossibility of th& fraudulent at- t.'mpt to diEpute them being success- .ful. The notices sarved were In all cises nearly similar , those of the two eonator * being esictly alike and these of the two representatives alike in every . particular and the two pairs differing from each other only in the location oi Iho alleged irregularities and miscount. Those' of the latter , r instance , are based * upon the grounds. * First , That in the First ward of the city of Omaha there were cast sixty or more votes for 'Joseph Fox and H. G. Barber , whichArere wrong fully counted for Wm , A. Paxton arid .Tohn A. McShah& t ' Second , That they were intended to DO Cast for raid Fox and BYttJeV. " Third , That they wore illegally countnd for Paxton and McShano when they shptt'd have bcon < iaunled or , Fox and JBarber. Fourth. That illegal yotps wcr receiyoU aud counted at tbe polls sufficient to changj the result. Fifth , That tbero was an errcr ii the counting of tha votes , and tha a sufficient number was counted for Fattonund McShanco to have electee Fox and Sixth , That there were oilier irre auhratiea prejudicing the righ's o Fox aud Barber. Notice ii therefore given that Fox and Barber claim the majority of a1. " voles cjat in the county and ihorigh to represent Douglas coilnty in th < next legis'dturc. Also that V/ilJ H Riley ba bscn selectedfon behalf o Fox and Barb < r to take deposition ? on the luth of December at 9 o'clock a m. , and that an inspection of the b.l lots and poll books of said ward be in spccted. The notices served rn Messrs Doano and Iloivo were only differon iu that there is a claim that thote wet 37 vote * illegally cist and epuutedin I'htto Valley precinct as will as ox-e tV ) iu the First xvard. There ia n ( | 'iecti ii n hed upon the count of th Second ward. Ssow FLAKE FLOIU : ia in cvtrjb ily'o mouth , and werei not for our immense sales , xre coul not eflurd to cfl'er it at such low Inures , but notxvitlutanding the ad vance made by manufacturers , wo ar determined to ecll at present price for another week. J. B. FRENCH & Co. P. S. Golden Eagle Flonr.pnly S3.00. Call and examine the now stock o Watches , ju t opened , at WH1PPLE , MoMILLEN & GO'S NEW STYLES in OENTSNECKWEAR. . L. B. WILLIAMS & SONS. Dancing School ex'ery Tuesday eve ning in Brandt's Turner Hall. C. HOFFMAN. FEliMEliTUM. Zephyrs and Gdimaijtowns at Ring cc'i. Large and well selected stock of sil verware , at * WUIITLE , MCMILLAN & CO'S. Ladies' ehoor , 75c ; misses' shoos , 65c , non > bolter for the money , al Fullriedo's , near 13th and Douglas. What we Need. The only vacant business room on 10th street was occupied Friday EC saloon. As there are very few sa loons on 10th street , this is important news.Vhf > t Omaha wants , as an in telligent gantloman remarked to-day , is iLore saloot s aud less hotel accom modation ? . NOTICE. If your w.uch stops and does not run satisfactorily , take it to the jewel ry store of Edholm it Erickson and have it made as good as new. All work warranted. Wo guarantee sat isfaction or money refunded. n Edholm & Ericksou , the Jewelers , \ corner Fifteenth and Dodtro atreeta , opposite the postoitlco. ' jj P. S. Wo are to-day * unpacking ri our Christmas goods. Come and see the now styles. > EltlCKbOK' . J Jt Arctics , leas than ever , at Fall- ricdu'a , loth and Douglas. a LADIES' SILK NECK HANDKER- ia C DIE FS , E LEG ANl1 DESIGNS. a L. B. WILMAMS & SONS. ° Ask your grocer for "F. K. 0. K. " u he Interpretation of which is Fire \ ndlers are 01 1 Korreit and Don't- joufuryettl , is A. CUUIOKSHANK & CO. , Importers and Retailers , Jog * o inform their customers that to meet the demands of their lan o and ncreasing business , they found it nee- ssary for the protection of their ens- as omera that one of the firm ehonld bo isit Boston and New i'drk for the econd time this season to take the pportunity of buying up job lots be- ween the seasons from the manufac- urers and importer ? . Mr. Falconer iis been in Now York -for the past : wo jjrceke , and writes us he has pur- hased some extraordinasy bargiins in ress goods , silts , linens , hosiery , etc. 'he goods will be exhibited on our ounters next week , and ladijs will ind it to their advantage to give us a all. A. CRUICKSHASK & Co. NOW BUY FLOUR. t Manufacturers advanced the price Flour , but our friends can still buy le justly famous SNOW FLAKE , at , ie old price of 53.50 , for a few days longer. _ _ , T. B. FRENCH & Co. THE LIVERY OF M'SEANE. A "Checkered" Path Leads tea a Palatial Equine Home. Convenience and Comfort Combined. A walk through the mammoth new ' brick livery stable of Mr. J. H. Me- Shane , 1307,1309 and 1311 Harney street , Saturday , disclosed the fact that Omaha is at last provided with a first-class , fire prWof Hrery stable , with all the necessary arrangements per taining to an establishment of this kind. The structure , which is now ab-iut completed , aud will bo in full ritnniifg ofdef by December 1st , fa GGsl32feet , two stories high , with accommodations for GO head of horse ? , in single stal's ' , beside annmberof bjx s'alls. The main carriage repository , which is on the second floor , is GO feet wide by 100 fcefc in length , the carriages being taken tip br a large elevrtor , constructed on ftn improved plan and which can be handled with ? aio and safety. On the first floor there is also asm" . ! ! car- rfago HM m 45xG6 feet , uaed foi storing the rigs most used. The graneries and hsy-niowa are also on the eecond floor , conveniently located and with simple cafiicity for storing large quantities of grain and hay. On this floor "are the sleeping rooms of tjie employees frontlug.the s'reet and ttirectly ovpr the office. The harness room , which is on the first floor , i the Teat amngcii J ? ; tiie kiD" this side of Chicago , being < * usl f rosr , lighfod by skylight windov * bin ! h v. ing reom for ninety-five 3d ; Uf flou' ' le and single harnesses. Thi rx-inuiJl t'e In thorge of ! ccmpoieiit man who will kop everything in jo'oil shape and improper order. Mr. Me- Shane has sf cured th ? srricea of Mr. | ko H. Parker , lalo of Chicago , ft * foreman , ati3 as tHa gentleman tas had several years experience in the busiuecs everything will bo conducted in a manner that will giro satisfaction to all. Livery and boarding will bo special features nf busincssand as the fcroprietoris.woll-knoiru tomostofour citizens , having rnti ihe ' 'Checkered ' Barn" up to last July , whan it was burned , a lively business id especled as soon as everything is completed. A good Block of driving and raddle horses will be always on hand , and no better Gjlectirn of close carriages , family carriages , single and two hflrSe buggiec can bo found ill the we3k. A special feature of the arrangements for convenienc3 are the iron shutters which are hung at each of the win- dons and can be closed at a moment's notice in case of fire. Special bargains in jewelry , st WHIPPLE , McMILLEX & C0' ! > . LADIES' CHENILE SCARF'S § 1. L. B. WILLIAMS & SONS' JcenndBIectii Itv. The pcles for the temporary tele graph line of the St. Paul were put up on the ice on the river at Sioux Ci'y Wednesday , and the wires strung on the tamo. When the ice bridge is finished the telegraph line on the Ne braska side to Omaha xrill be in work ing order. FEKMENTIW. CLOAKS and DOLMANS , Reduced. L. B. WILLIAMS & So > s' . Boots aud Shoes made to order at Fullriode's. Gold and silver xvate , watchea , at Jonaaon's , 410 , South-Thirteenth St. Tlie Champion Cue. Ed. Tutilo won the champion cup offeredthe beat pool payerin ! the con test at D. L. McGuckin's Thursday. There were forty or fifty contestants. Fermentum Compressed Yeast will prevent three-fourths of the fourths of the failures to make good bread in cold weather. LADIES' VESTS ONLY 35c. LADIES' VESTS 50. ? , WORTH 75 , L. B. WILLIAMS & SON'S , FLOUll HAS RIZ. But wo are still selling HAVEN'S SNOW FLAKE AT § 3.60. RUSH'S GOLDEN EAGLE AT $3 00. S J' . B. FRENCH < fc Co. a A Grand Kufflo. The biggest thing of the aoaeon is the raflla'arranged to come off Christ mas day at Mr. John Garbor'a ealoon , No. 035 , Fifteenth street. Mr. Garber is the possess ) r of a fine French MorgBii , four year-old readster , "Prince , " an animal sound r.s a dollar in every respect and broken to the saddle and to both single and double harness. Ho is a prize for any man and can bo seen any day by calling on the owner. Tne second article : of the lot , a valuable talking parrot , a rare bird of very consider able value. The third is a cabinet organ , which will be a delightful Christmas present for any family , and family sewing machine. There are also two pet cc ons to bo r&fflsd off , \vhich will bo given to the party who makes the lowest throw. The entire number of tickets to bo sold 100 at § 5 each , and the diapo- aition-of the prizes will be by throw ing "kossuth" dice , the Individual making the highest throw to take the horse , the nest highest the pirrot and coon. Competent , impartial judges pr will be chosen and the raffle will occur or stated at Garber's place , Dec 25th.w After the raffla an elegant supper will sot up to those holding tickets and the occasion will be inade as pleasant nd profitable as one could desire. The tickets will bo placed on sale at once , and any person may have the irivilege of seeing the articles and urging for themselves at any time by alling on Mr. Garber. The public will in the meantime be kept fully loatedin regard to the affair. Boots and Shoes in many styles , to Q uit in price and quality , at Fullride's , near 13th and Douglas. Headllpht Water White Oil , ZQc , Solomon' * . 26 2t Ml i Be Real Estate Transfers. < Thos , Gibson and wife to T. F. yon ; w. d. , lot ? 5 and G , Capitol adai < dition , Omaha § 000. C. E. Perkins , trustee , to Thos. Gibson ; w. d. , part of lots 5 and 6 , Capitol addition , Omaha $325. Samuel E. Rogers and wife to Eliza Flannery ; w. d. , lots 1 and 2 , block 43jCredit Foncier addition , Omaha § 300.L. . L. F. Maginn and wife io Jennie I/ . Bliss ; w. d. , lot 15 , Griffin & Isaacs addition ( , OmaheSOO. . Moses K , Clark to James G. Chap man : q. c. d. , lot S , block 168 , Oma ha § 10. Omaha Foundry and Machine Cote tid Union Pacific railway : right of way deed 8234 Samuel E. Rogers to Dennis Cun ningham : w. d. lots 5 and 8 , block 3 , Improvement addition , Omaha ? 300 , SFEGiAL NOTICES. TO LOAH-gQNEY. NOTICE Advertisements To Let For Silo' Lost , Found , Wants , Boirdtnjf 4a , will bo Inserted - sorted In thoeo colurmu once for TEN CENTS per linn ; each gnbgflqntiitlnaertlon.FIVE CENTS per Hae. Tria flirt Icsertloa ccrer Icea than * AAATO \NAtS per cent intei Du.UUU esr r TOmacf 700anJur- vards for 1 to S years' time on first clatslmprov cd city and farm property. Apply at BKMIS Real KsUte and Loan Agency , 15th iind Donitlaa 278-eoUtt OJTZT ' IO MAN Cell * t Law Office M'OJTZT . 7HOUAB. Room8.Krel < ; hton Bloelc M'M 'ONKT TO IiOAN 11C9 raraham street. M Dr. Edwardd Loan Agencf. nov-22-tt HELP ffANTED TTrANTfiD A gco.l girl st onca for Iisht W homeWorfc , ca 21th St , rtotneca Uowanl and Uaniey. Cork acd kitchen help , at the WANTED . wimw OliI for general n usewtrK , at WANTED , 236 Ibth St. nrar Capitol avc. * " A good girl for fcn ral house work for fjroilyrf three. 8. W 1Mb .indJanosSts MRS. KoBT. PUltVlS. 932-3U \\J ANTED GIri , 8. E. cor. CO and Cod St. VV 0 _ _ \7ANTfiD A Jb , dri trg V.-aoi lor sro'ir } v. ror butcher thop. Lest uf city rcfar- , , -in 1 Cam t > ciU aga'fl. VrAM"RD A woman cook , * t the K " f um D -norhali cook , ai tbo Donn sc , opposite the B < e office. 523-27 \V7ASTED A. ocan coot , at xvm. KolN YV No. 129 ? 13th aud Douglas. C25 23 "ANIER * gl'l I" < Io gfiieJil hnustwork W Enquire it 121 i D-ixtnport strctt 312- : ' A eooJ fccord plrl , with gocd WASTED , northwest corner IS'.h an.i Capito nxenuc. OJ5-25 , lKt tt-VNtED At FreJ. Dellona" , 123 G rhlrte"iith St. 'J10-tf / x Il'.fj ft'ANliD C ok and do liotlisaofk. no \JJ * i.blnFBrIroninpsoutl < nc3t corne13th and Capitol Avenue. , S93-tf WANTED Bf a jcime man dilation as short hand amannensti or corns oiutnz clerk ; ha3 hid expeitence H a large lallrcad office , and can furrhh cxcellen ; refcrcnc.s Ad drea Sliorth-nJ , Bee olice. JJ-0-23 \TrANTED-All Omaha know Hut the. YV Royl it. John is the tisoff Slachinen. offlce on 1'th St. SlTf FORREHT-KCUSESAMDUKD. BEfiT New f ott 'o o5 room' , com plete in cxiry rcji ? , : ' , II mHon st. ! , itiloc' nest street cara Inquire LC . ilcur east 030-29 "OOR RENT Furnished or nnfurnishe-l , a Jj pltawnc sout'j Ir'lit ' room , luquirc at Bee olflco. 9iO-30 RENT IIonBd in Slinl 'a nd fddiUon. FOR per month.V. . SlUERAtroon 6 Creigliton B ock. t95-tf f OaJt N Pir flojrand basement. STORE to Oiull it Merrill , 1C03 Farnham fct. 891-tf IT10RRENT A. furnished , south fiont room i ? IrquiraatNo 1C12 Karnham St > SI-tf T7IOR REST Thaf cxcollau ! < lwellln < house S. C E. corner ol 221 and Cilm. : " " streets. Well , cistern -mfl bsra. Apply to JoSu c" " IBl'o Farnham S { . 83 * . ' FOB KENT LT cilinghou e S. E. corn r cf 23d and Bnrt St < . Excellent barn , i iitepi- indwcll ; rentcheap. .Apply to C. A. Merrill , 1005 FarnnamSt. S40-t * FOIt REST Cottaee , rn 6th and Pine St * , new house , eight roomson3da d ! 'o3dM Enqiiirc J. P. Koe , fc. E. Cor. l th and Farn ham. 606-tf 17IOR IttNT 2 lurliulied toomt over ilcr E chantx Exchance , N. E. Cor. lath am Drvl'.p ( .f riv" * NO-tf FOR SALE. OFFhKS A SPLENDID LIST O BE111S 1 Bargains in Homcn , Lot.i , Farms and Landg , in his new column on let pace J710R SALE Ho 83 powtr machine and cord wood bench and f awj. Apply next the Bee olfice. 020-2. B10R SALE Two cloec carrujfej , at A. J. Slmpsoa'g. 911-tf fOK SALE A lirst-cla3 hottl aud rcaiaur _ L' ant huiiness , located in the be * ; part of the city , and Join ? agood business. The proprieto is called west to a'tend to mining interest , ana muitscll. Irqu re at BEH offlco tOUf O HOUSE'S And corner half ol lot , southeast & corner 14th and CasaStH. , 7 room * in each , rent for S20 and 825 rer mouth BEJIIS' 1 EAL EarATE AomCT. 15th and Douglaa Sta. 670-H T70R SALii lined paints , at A Uolmcs.lbth JU and California bta. 015-U T O IS , FARMS , HOUSES At-D LANDS look XJ oyer BEJIId' new cclamn of bargains on 1st Paje. l ,1 .K &ALh Coltonwoua lumber of all stzcs.at r RKDHOND'S , Slxteenth-st , 616-t MISCELLANEOUS- T OST One silxer Hnn-ine ca ° e Waltham JU watch No. 1 2621 , P S. Uartlctt ma'io. Pc- ward will be giyen for retsrn to John Baumcr. 012. Z3 LOT'S , FARMS , HOUSES AN D LANDS. Lee over BEMIS' new column of barpaing on la ago RAIVARD.Taxfadermirt.conior . 13th and Hottard at. , Decrhead specialty. t55-lm Absolutely Pure. Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No oth ( preparation makes such lizht , flaky hot . Inxnrions pastry. Can bo eaten by ilrpeplic wltliont fear of the Its resulting from heavy I " Sold only In c by all Grocers. " " - " Pnwn.a ro V w VnrV DISEASES OF THE EYE , Ear and Throat. DR L. B. . . GKADDY OCULIST , AURIST & I ARYHCIST. Office : Over Kennara'a ] Drug1 Store , Corner of 14th and Dougl&a Sta. novlS-Sm ORDER OF ATTACHMENT. Morris FHyutler , plaintiff , tg. R. Mnrny , f rst name nnknoTn , defendant c < Before Luther R. Wrijtht. Jostise of the .Peace m of Douzlas County , > 'elrnkx b On the lit day cf .Vovembor , A D. 1S50 , said tl ustlco Issued an Order rf Attachment In tbo tlre aford action for the sum of } 1Q.S } . re Omiha , November 27tb , 1S30. 16 MOBIUS ELGUTIER. 16B By SDUOS Bioojr , bj Attorney. n27-3t B S immense Stock for S B fi iSii S8aEf J1 * f § ALL AND WinTun Cust09a-32a < lc Men's Suits , Boys' Suits .1 Children's Suits. For Men , Boys , and Children , r-V/cur , Hals sad aps , Trunks and Valise ? , , & Prices to Suit AzI. Farnham Street Near fourteenth i DEVLIN f MARHOFFS TRUNK FACTORY. . 1iircist anJ bta - . ortni nt of Trunks anil VuisN ! ia the West. Tek'S\fl < > llc ) Cs | . sintl Suiiii.'lc Trunks a SpcdaHy. * * n o a t s rt i jr * ? " H0 H. MARHOl-K 1JT Hth St. . " * i of SJnjiSKSt. [ . a WH l irar > iLpil'N S fos fccj sl ii-S ORCHARD & BEAK. | DEWEY & STONE , | " -fsasb& jES.2-s ; rai GfiOOEBS , OJLiHA. OMAHA ' OMAHA. MAX -MEYER & CO. , n Cigars from § 13.00 per 1000 upwards. Tobacco , . " > rcnfs per pound upmirds. Pipes from 2r r nls per dozen upwards. Send for Price List. * ra'WI MAX JIEVKK CO. , OJiialia , Neb. - 1 GUNS , AMMUNiT m , Fishiiisr Tackle , Jasc : Balls ami a full line of 3STOTIOITSAOSTID .Clsr r C3-OO3DS CRACKER MANUFACTURERS , And Whol eae Dea'ers ' m CIGARS artf CONFHcrK'NEiiY. During the Falland Winter we wi'l ' handle COUNSEWKX'S tUESrl CYSThlH which , are now the best in the market. A larga assortment of CANDY"atd SUGAR , TOYS for the He Ii 'ay tride. GATZ & FRSK.UAX , 510 nuj st- . Has ths exclusive sale of the C3-OLI3 OOZINT Is The Gold Coin is this season the favorifce 9f Chicago , is prefer- cdab" veal other Stoves , both , comes plain a d h gbly ornamented - mented , has the - eand . . ne-nr uatent gra flre-pot.that wii. ont wear > lf dozen of any other 'I'll ? Go'd Coin Weighs c. or by fiity ) bs. than any other Stove of its sizem thema-ket , aad tf , therefore , more durable than any other Stove , is strict -warranted in every leapect , it requires no salesman to eelHias city reference sells it without trouble , Cor. 10th and Jackson.