r.TTCRKEYS-ATHAW CHARLES POWELL , OF TIIE PEACE comer J8th and JUSTICE Eta. , OaianaKeb. VIA. S1KERAL , t TTOBNKY AT LAW Room 6. Orelshton A Block. Ulb St , OMAHA , KEB. D. L THOMAS , A TTORXET AT LAW Loans money , bnrs ti. and sells teal eztate. Boom S.Creirhton Block. A. C. TROUP , TTORNET AT LAW-OOc * In Haoscom's Block , with Goree S. Prltch * , IBM St. OMAHA.KEB. THOMAS , d TTORKET AT LAW Oroldahank s Bdld A tog. A. M. CKADW1CK , TTORKET AT LAW Offio * 1 M rarahaa A fitr et. _ _ M. L PEABOQY , V AWTTR Ofloe In CreSjtton Block. Bxt U lj Postoace , OKAHA , HEBEASEA. rrjBuo. ooaacnoHB MADI Q'SRIES & BARTLETT , Attorneys-at-Law - - , ornOE-Unlon Bloet.nftOTnth out Farnham' . 3. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ABBACH BLOCK , COR. DOUGIETH STS. OMAHA. SEE. m W. d. Connell , Attornay-at-Law. - - . Office : Frott rooms , np ( tain , In Hanaoom'i new brick building- . W. comer fifteenth and Farnham Streets. CKAS. K. BUIOE EEDICK & REDICK , Attorneys-at-Law. - - . Special attention will be given to all rait * ifalost corporations ot ereiy description ; will practice in al . .he Court * of th * StaU and the United Sutv. Offlc * . Famham St. , opposite Court Hnnra EDWARD VT. SIWtRAL , TTOBNET AT LAW Boom 6 CrelgLtac Block , 15th tnd DTI IIU rtr t . AT LAW S B9e t ATTOKKET Ntbreska. . T. ItlCUAKM j. KUHT , Attorneys-at-Law. Omcs S15 South Fonrteentb Street. ' PILE REMEDY. IHTERNAL , EXTERNAL , AND HOMING PILES * * * r n one * on tlic application f P < I upon tl ernt-t allnylng Ihe Intense It * * eut r -mfdTp hj e > fhlled. Try H i fc p otlicr. and ifii yOgr natggSSSS Ha. Ha.DO DO NOT DELAY the draft } on Ui system prodcoo aent disability , but boy It , ' TRYBT ABNED CURED PRICE , 50 CENTS. : : ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR JT , BMlwSiWBToamn not obtain ttertntTr ) SjiU * ead It , prepaid , on receipt ofprirc ftr. BovuiUo'i Trratli * on PUcc s nt ttut ta application. Adctrtrea DR. SQSANKO MEDICINE CO. , _ P1QOA. O. _ ' THE COLORADO BUSINESS COLLEGE Alre re This Institution , located at Denver , Co'ondc , 8e the Education J and Commercial center of U * West , Is pre-eminently the bill and most precU. cat of iU Jdnd for the G MERCANTILE TRAINING Bu or BuH H ! Young Men and Ladies. ail ailJ . W. FOSTER , Preaident , P b * D. W. OADT , S cr tM7. The most eztCBdre , thoreujh aad complete Mtltntion * t the kind In tb * world. Thoitaadl ot aeeoun'snts aad Eusicess men. ii tb * jtrla- dpal cities andUwns o ( the United States , ow * their snseees to cur aoune 1 1 training. The Richt Kind of Education lor Young Men and Ladies. n > e , new brieV block , at junction ot thr * * rtre t oar Un i. Elegantly fitted an4 furaUatd ftpartment * tor the application of and carrying oat of OBJ orel and systsmatie B ta 4i * t [ rfr , BUSINESS TBAHOTG. Tonne rnn ho contemplate a ba'tn * * . Uf * , mi parents hivlns sons to educate , ai ptrticu- Urly requested to fend for our nsw ClrcuUr , which will trive fall inform * tioa u to Urms , omdltlon of entrance , ttc. JLddrcss a , W. POSTER , President , Denver , Colorado. HTE DAILY TSER OKAHft PUBLISHING CO. . PROPRIETORS. Sit Parniam , bet. Stk and lOtk StruU TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION , 1 Copy 1 year , In advaao * ( postpaid ) . „ . . $8.00 Smonthg " " 1.00 8 months " S.OO TIME TABUS- THE MAILS. 0 , kJT , W. B.R 630a. m. , 2.10 p. aB.tO5SOa.rn. , 2:40 p. a. C. K. I ft P R. B. . 830 B , m. , 1:48 p. fiSt Jos 650 , m. . . . O. r. B.E. , llM , m. 0. & K. V. to Lincoln , 10 . BU B. * M. R.B.BiOa m. 0. * 5. W. , T Ca-m. 0. * K. W. B. R. , 11 . BL , II p. a. a B. & Q. , 11 ft , n. , 93 p. n. a B. I. & P. , U . m. , U p. m. 0. B. ft It , Jo . , ll kta. , 11 pTto. U. F. B. B. , i p Q. O. i K. V. bom Llneola , Ua p. , B.Clty4P.ll .m. B.U. Inl b.p. to. Local Kial ( or States lom leT bat ana * diy , vie : 4:80 a. m. Offlo * open ( rom U to 1 p. m. Sundays. THOMAS F. HALL. Post&uzUr. Arrival And Departure of Trains mnos PACITIO. uivs. inm. Dally Erpriws. . . . 12:16 p. m. Z3S p. so. do Klzed . e.inp.m. 4 S p. m. do Freight . 6.30a.m. 1:40 p. IF. do do . 8lBa.m. 18:80 . a. TIME OABD 07 TUB BURLINGTON. LUVIOK1BA. AKE1V3 OXAHA. Riprea 30 p. m. Express 100 a.m , lOll CM a. m Sondayi Excepted. Sunday * Eic.ptod. CHICAOOBOCE ISLAND & PACIFIC. Hall .6:00 a. m. I Mail 10.-00 p. m , Express S:40p.m. | Erprew..lO5a ra. CHICAQO NORTHWESTEEN. Kali..flro a. m. I Man - 7Sfl p. m. K pr " . . .B:40pim. | EipreM .10OOa.B. Snndaj-i excepted. KAK8AS CITT.BT. JOE & OOUKCIL BLUFFa LXAVI IKilTX. Kail _ . .S:00m. : . lExprea 7:40ft. a. Ezpreai . . .6a > 0p.m. | Man The OD y line running Pullmtn nt of Onuka to Uulon Depot. 01IAHA & NOETHWE-TERlf AND JBIOUX CTTT fe PACiriO CAILBOAD8. qv U.u..8 0i. . a. 1 rxpres 4'JOp . DaUv Except Snndays. B t II. 2. B In J.EBRA8KA. I.UVX. A" VS. Dtroc hExp. 8 : amJThroBgk Exp .4 8pa JjaaolaKrp..6Upi [ Llnc.ln Exp..BJam BIODX CITY Jt ST. PAUL B K. ICkQ . . . .laoanl 1 jQta 10 0 Irpioa 8,40paa ti . . . .740 f a WABASB , ST. LODISPACI"ia U1V1S. AXAITM. Jafl 8&.n.HjJl | _ lliim B Upnat SUp. a ( Expreei 4ii p. a. BBIDOB DIT1SIOX U. P. B. B. JetTt Omfehi , dally. 8 a m. , 8 a , BL , 10 a m. , 1 .BL.lp. ! . , Zp. BLSp.Kp. Bu p 1.J Leare Council BlnUt ; 8S5 a. a. , 9di a. SB , , OSi a. m. . Ilr2 a. m , 1SB p & . , S:2i f. a. , : U p. m. , S:1I p. n. , 6Xi p. m. , 'oar trips on San day , iMTinc Osuha at 3 asd 11 . EL , I u < I p. m ; Council BloCi at 8i24 , lS5a a. , and S i and lIi p m. riuxseu tuns. ave Omaha : 0 a. m. , 7 a. to. , l t , a. , 1 i. n. , 4iO p. m. , 7:15 p. m. , ar < Conniil B'ufft : CU a. a , , tUO a. B. , 1 : aB.S.-Up m. , 7.-M p. a. , 7JS f - lallr except Eonday. OKAAA b EKPUBLICAU VALLEY B. . LE1VI , AXKITB. Ull. . . . . 10:45 : a. m. , 1 5 p. n. Dally txcept Bccdays. SANTA OLAUS FOUND. Greatest Discovery of tn Age. ronu.rful discoveries In tht world hav baaade mong othr things when Santa Olaus stayed hildren oft ask U h * make * eoods or nj , really he Urs In a mountal. of mow. ast yar an * xcunlon sailed clear to th * Pol * jed suddnly dropped Into whataeemedlike&liak rher * wonder of wonders theyfound anewland , rhlle lalry-Uki twlnn appeared on each hand , her * were mountains Ilk * oun , with Bore beautiful Rreen , nd tar biithur skies than ever were wea , irdfl with the hues of a ralabow were found , rhil * flowers of txqultlU fragrano * won ( row Ing around. 'ot long were they left to wondir la doulw beluf soon came they had heard much about , ? waj Santa Claus' s lf and th Is they all say , le l.oked like the picture r esee every day. drove up a team that looked vrrqner. * was a team fcnunhopptrs Instead ot rlcder , * rode In a shell Instead of a sleigh , at be took them on boud and drova them away. * e showed them all over his wonderful realm , nd factories making goods for women and men orriers were working on hate frret and small , 3 Bunce's tbev Bald they were sending them alL ria Kinjrle * the Qlove Maker , toldthun at ooo , U our Glove * w. are lending to Bunco , mta showed them suspenders and many tklaf * ( nor * . Lying I all * took these to friend Bunco's eion. knta Claus then whispered a secret he'd te'J. I InOmaha every one knew Bcnoa well , e tCcrefore should send his goods to his can , uowing his friends will get their lull shan. DW Muumber ye dwellers la Omaha towu , II who want prcsnnti to Punoo's go round. > r shirts , collars , or cloves great and email , nd your ( liter or aunt on * and all. Bunc * , Obampiao natter of th * Wect , Banglu ' li. A. 8. PENDERY , ONSULTING PHYSICIAN ; ' U PEKUAKBNTLT LOCATED JUS XJB- ICAL OFFICE. STtath attest , OaCAHA , KKSSABKA Of erlcj tU MrHee * in all departaeBts 'o tdletae inJ surgery , both U esBeral au edal pracit- * acute and chroale dlseuee. Ca eontulUd olflit aid day , aad will visit * ' irt ot t e elty aid ooxBtv on ncelDt of UtU A sew and kltherto niknemt restUy tar all Mates of tie KldBcys , Bladder , au Urinary ranm. t wi'i ' pocihvoly enn Diabetes , Qrarel , Drep- Bricht's Di Mf , inability to r * tain or expeH e Urice. Catarrh ofbe Blaac'er , hUb olrred d Manty criur , Painful Unnatbft , LAMK , -.aeral Weakness , and all Fesale Ci . ; t avol > u In'ernal medlanei. Is certain U It ec > e and vurM ben nothing else can. 'or > la > y all Drurgiita or sent by Ball frse on receipt of the price. Si CO ' IY EY PAD CO. , PROP'RS , Toledo , O. V8 > ; your address tor our little back , gw a * Saved. " HR < ) K. IKfl. Ae ot ( or K SI WHOSE FAULT. Tred D yton Miistod hli wife's coniin , Joany Searlei , into the csr- xiaga that \ru waiting ( or her nt the station. She had bssn hii wife' * bridesmaid , and ho Bighed as ha looked in her smiling face. It was three years since that so- cillsd happy erent occurred , bat though she wts a trifl * more staid and dignified , she had tha uma happy issile , neat , trim appearanaa that he so well remembered. ftYou will find Fanny a good deal slter d , " ha said , as he took a seat by her lid * . Jenny eist a somewhat surprised flanoa at the grave fa a of tha speak er. er."Why , howl Has she been ill ! " "Well , nol I can't eay that she has been ill , " was the hesitating reply ; "but she she's changed. Marriage don't seem to sgreod rrith her rery well. " The laugh that ended these words aounded rather forced. Perhaps he fait the implication conveyed by them ; or , rather the fact itself. Jenny looked earnestly into the frank , kindly face of the speaker. Was it his fault 1 for there matt be a failt somewhere. The house , a the cirrlaga stoppea in front of it , looked ai if it was all shut up. If Jenny had expected to see her oouaiu in the hall she was disap pointed. Fred looked slightlydieooucertod ai he glanced aroand. "Fanny's in her room , 1 suppose ; Til hunt her op. " "Ahl there you arc , Fan. " Here a dowdily-diasted woman made her appearance * ' , tha other end of the hall , whom Jeuny wuuld bav > failed to recoQiza , iud it not been foi the wttrm embrace aud t-sger greeting After leading the way to the dark and lather untidy tilling ro m. Fanny's , animation nil at onsa fora > k her , and throwing hertolf upou the sofa , she birst idto tears , much tu , Jenny's surprise and consternation. ' 'Tine li htof you reminds me so o the happy put ! " s'ghad F-iuny , assb wiped away her tears. "And the present is no lees happy I hop- ] " suggested Jenny , feuliug fu ner a lU'in's huiband , who luolc c foolishly cense ous that hu wi aoma way considered to be at fault. Fanny's only reply was a mi urnfu shake of the bead , which , rightly in terpreted , meant that she never ex psatad to be so happy agam aa long a he lived. Putting his hands in his prokets Fred walltad to the window , whittling softly to himself with aa ill diiiembltd air of unconcern. "If you knew how ( hat noiae fioe through my head , Fred ! " remonstrattd Fanny , as she rang for Ann to taka away her eouisin's tbings. Fred ciastd whistling , taking him self out of tha room ai the tame time. time.Fanny Fanny gave har eovisia a loot , as much as to say. "You sea with what , - bfcve to put up with ! " As soon aa tha door closed after her huiband Fxnnj's countenance lost ita dicaonsolata , abused ezprauion , and she commenced talking with bar via ttur with considerable spirit and an imation. Jenny now had opportunity to observe servo har more particularly. It was nearly dinner-time , end still iha had on the calico wrapper that , ihe had worn at breakfast ; not much soiled , but still faded and wrinkled. She wore neither cuff * nor collar , ifhila her pretty brown hair pretty itrban properly oared for was smooth- jd over the top and tucked back of bar ears in tangled bunches. Her feet were thrust into pair of > ld slippers , much too large for her md down at tha heels. , As Jenny looked at her she could n lardly behera that it was her cousin , Fanny Burns , who always used to look 10 fresh and neat , BO smiling and sappy. From the habit of giving way to all lar peevish and discontented feelings is they arose , it seemed impossible 'or her to look pleasant now , when ha tried ; while kervery voica , which ised to huva snob a clear and cheer- 'dl ring , had become infected by them. 'In answering and asking questions iha time pitied rapidly until it was laarly time for dinner. "I had ao idea it was so near din- lar-tlma , * ' asid Jenny riling to her 'aet , M sha glanced at her watch. "I iball hardly giro yo * time to dreis. " " ( Mil I shan't m&ko any changa In ey dress ; there'll he nobody bnt hus- > snd at dinner , and you won't mind. " "No , oarUinly , I shan't mind. " There was more than this on Jenny'e ips , but she checked herself. This was not the right time to tpsak , ' iven if sha had any rijkt tu spaak at ill. ' ill.Thare Thare oould scarcely bs a greater iontr t than those two preaentad at ha dinner-table , both of nearly the ame sc ; , and both endowed with acre than usual personal attractions. At the time of her marring" , Fanny ted been called tha prettier ; bnt it ras quite tha couiiary now , nnd a 1 he difference lay in tba dress and ex- ireuion. Not that Jenmie't attlra was either sy or expansive. Tha dress TIS a simple mprino , ! ly made and trimmed , but it fitted eat'y the nwt waist of the wenrtr. 'he cuffs acd collars were white and > rtsh , with a knot of bright ribbous t the thr. at. On the contrary. Fanny wore the une faded , ill fitting dress of the morning , with the addition if addi tion it could be called of ah lf soiled collar , pinned away and fastened with a bunch of dingy ribbon. I was imp * s iblo for Fred not to notice the difference , and making a mental comment on it not vary flitter ing to tha wife of his choice. The contrast was too marked to es cape her notice , though it was essy to see that she a-cribed the change to their different conditions. "Ahl you won't think it's worth while to fuss so much after you're married , Jen , " she said , with a laugh. "Perhaps Miss Jenny will think her husband wortk drctsing for , " re- tor ! ed Fred. "If she does , I hope it will be for a husband who cares anough for society to spend ono evening at homa out of six. six.Fred Fred turned red with anger and mortification. It was evident to Janny that this would not bar. ? been the last of it had she net been present. She hastened to ohange the subject , being aided in the endeavor by the advent of baby. It was a lovely child , and one would suppose it would be an additional tie to bind their hearts together , but in stead of that it was a constant bone of contention. Thns matters went on for several d < y Jenny observed with pain that Fred was in the rubit of spending moat of his eveningi out. For a while after she c-unu tie stayed in , but mortified as well us irritated by hi-- wife's slovenly appearance and fretful eoraplainirig , he gradually absented himself , until ha tarely spent an evening at hrme. "Is Mr. Dayton out this eveningi" inquired Jenny , as , entering the sitting-room , sheglinced around ' Y n never need ask that ques tion , " replied Fanny ; "he's always .ut. " Jenny had long wuhed f > r an op i'y to spank tvhh.hor 0 > usin. a momsnt'sjjrava s.lencu vhe "And do you knnw what the end < if this will be , Funny1' ' Rutu , I supppse , " .vai the bitter response. "But , there is no h lp fr it , as I see. It is f > "m thitj fur which I am not responsible. " "Tut I think you era Fanny " "II" rfplied Funny , opem > ? her oyps widuly ; "what on you mean ] " 1 Just vrh tt I say my dear cousin. When you rnarrud Frederiok Dayon , nu man was more doma tieilly incl ned - ed or fonder of his wife and home then he. " "tie's got over it bravely 1" ex- claimsd Fnny , with a bitter laugh. "He don't act te if he haa the slight- eft elfcciion for me , and aecma to ; prrfcr any place to his home. " "Ana i ) not this > n a jjiuat measure pour own faultt Nay , luok not so itngry , dear euusinjl lore you too well to me you rcckleeily throwing awxj four happiness and his. Did not the iltaration you speak of spring frcm from the cbango in you ? Wo eannot eve what is unlovely No m n can love & Tvlfa who takes no pains to make her person neat and attractive , > r a home that it fu'lof ' bickering and liscomfort. Before your 'ou w uld have been terrified at the dea of h's catching aglimpie of you n the attire in wt > ioh you now ullo * um to see yuu all day. Why should : r u seek to It-ok Icsi pleasing in his iye now than thei.l'1 ' Fanny glanced at the opposite mir or that revenled sout flattering a tale , lolonrg with anger and moriitic tion. "It is iinpojtible for a marritd wo- nan to dress as she did when a girl , ud no man has a right to expect it. " "Every man has a right to expect tis wife to have sufficient respect for tim to preient a neat and tidy p- laarance. You did not contidar it too ouch trouble to dree a when Judge Jarry cillec on yon And last even- Qg , at the pny , when Mr. Howard licked up y < mr handkerchief , you re- eived it with a look nd smile such as have not aeen you bestow upon your iuaband , even when he took twice the iain to plraae youl" "You are very severe , " said Fanny , ler eyes filling with tears. "Faithfnl are the wounds of riind. My dear Fanny , two ways re cpon to you. You ean either lake home to your husband the earest plaoa in the world , and your- elf one of the moatbaloved and happy f wives , or you can alienate his aff- ctions , driving him to haunts and ompauionshipa that will wreck the eaco and happiness of both. " Hera they were interrupted by the dvent of visitors. Jenny returned home the next lorniog , BO she bad no opportunity f knowing what effect her earnest ppeal had upon the better feeling of er coutcin. It was some months before Fanny nd Jennie met again , and then it as at the marriage that transformed he latter into the loved and loving 'if i ) of the hmbind of her choice. The happy smile on trie face of > 'red , and which was rtfi ctnd back rom the smiling t yts of hi * wife , told f tha happy change that had been "Fred rpends all his evenings at . om now. " said Fanny , giving her Qurin a significant look. "Why shouldn't I , " criad the appy husband , "when I have the cares t wife and pleaiantast home in is world ? ' ' oiources of Washm'zton Territory According tn the Sin Francisco i hronii-le "there in this , are teiri- Tf ry kbout 20,000,000 acres of the at. nest timber liud that stands upon at.ma i IB face of the earth. These forest ! 1 a < > n Pugat Sound , 4nd are acceui- Btl , le by the sound and by their streams if running to the ocean. The o t common trees Are tbe pine nd fir The latter average * 00 fiit , and many < > f them are SCO feat iu height and 12 feet iu diameter at the bate. One nick of timber U represented tn have been heired in these woods 124 feet in length , and equating 24 ioche * at the amsll ud , free from ap. E ist- ern Washington consists of 11,000,000 i-cras of grating pratne land. On this land grows a bunch gross which ia vary nutritious , aud vegetables during ten months of the year. During th remaining two months it stands in a dry condition , and cattle feed upon it with the best of results. Five million acres are wheat growing land whish produced , this lest year , 35 bushels of wheat to the acre. Many insUnoec ara known where th production went ap high as 70 or 80 bushels to the acre. In the mountains , and , in fact , in every county in thsj territory , CM ! is found near the surface of a very su perior quality. Iron is accessible and of very good quality in all portions of the throe ranges of mountains , the Coast , Olympic and Cascade. Ther * ) are eighty five var ieties of fish in Puzet Sound. The catch of salmon during tbo lait year was 40,000,000 pounds. It ii canned and sent to nearly all the markets of ihe world , The returns to those engaged in salmon-taking and packing amounted to over S3.000.COO The drying of cod is carr ed ( n very ex tensively. Fish can b- > dried batter there than anywhere else on the P - ciQo antit , or thj Atlairio either for that mitter , became further north it U tro cold and further south it is is too dry. They can be cured and sent to market 'in a more moist condi tion there than cod can in Maine. Tht Columbia r ver affords navigable water 725 miles in extent with its tri bu'aries. There are fifty rivers in the territory , many of hem cascade riwrs , running from the west into Puget Sound , affording ureat facili ties for manufictures , which in thr future ere sure to C'uao ' , because in the addition to the natural red tunes of vroori , iron and coal , the raising of gr at numbers of ahj > p now hfibrd- * u immense ornp of wool , which will b ) util zel at home instead of being exported. " _ A WONDERFUL DIaCOVSET. For the speedy our * > of Consump tion and all diseases that land to it , such as stubborn coughs , neglected Colds , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Asth ma , pain in the side and chest , dry hacking oough , tickling in the throat , Hoarseness , Sore Throat , and all : bronic or lingering diseases of tha throat and lungs , Dr. King's New Dis - : every has no equal and has established or itself a world-wide reputation. Many loading physicians recommend md use it intheir practice. The form- from which it prepare * ia y recommended by all medical jonr- lals. The clergy and the press have lomplimented it iu the most glowing erm . flo to your druggist and get a rial bottle free of coas , or a regular iz for § 1.00. For sale by d(5) ( ) J. K. TSH. Omaha. Jialve The BKHT SALVE ia tbe world for Juts , Bruises , Seres , Ulcers , Ball Iheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp- d Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all inds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve i guaranteed to give perfect satiafac- iod in every cose or money re funded , 'rice 25 cents per box. For sain by ' BELVIDERE 3tar Wind Mill , > . > ' Kf.U BY THOS. E. WILLIAMS , RED OAK lOWV Corrcrpondeoee solicited r < m thos * nsediasr a illable Wind > 111 h end f or eircu ar and pri e9 nd nt infnrn alien in regard to the Mill will b leeiiully turnlshel. LITE AOKNT8 WANTKD. BAIOKB WHT TOU SiHODLD BUT THK BEOTDEBE STAR WIND MILL. BECAU E lit. It Is more cafe in a gi'e ' of wind , aal In le mott suidtn c anece ot the wind from any ireetlnn , becau > e the vthe-1 ) } lnf | nit * n the nor is a sy rsid with its ed.e to th * wiBit , id alla'StieraDetosoinir c < r arcnid , with It 'urningu' sttiking ihe wheel 2nd 't ' i a rinld whiel h-T ry no noreabl * ilis to we r out , ru t or crca1in the w nJ. Srd. ica no sl' t has nu tffee < nlt. < ti. U IOXB IMS power frum frio.Ioa than .her Millj. 6tn. It will rma TrltB less wtnl this tl er Us : Usth th Itlievily r gu'at d t * It will perform ty amount < 4 work requited less Utan i'B * apM- > 7th. Tt has no pulllei , ipiingi nor ilidlug ktads reue up in w nter. Stb. It wi I ma I'ump'wh n tn' of ear. Dih It U wcl ! .nd heaviiv pointed itk tkr as I the test > iut tnt ra rte * in xfford. 10th. It is ape fe ml'-rexula'or ar4 illtak re i'I lt el ( In he .Ty chaui > ble wind fto ni. llth Its -j metric * fo. m ii a i ei fret ru > eat 12th. Itcnr h-TO licsril n' any b'nwn do u as t HI en properly s > t up with a eju'atinxTint , r eTer dama wi i t the leut by t wlad. IStb. They are of ooU material autl id * . Uth. AlUhaf * turned , boxes batlted i all f ssiry parts uouhlr nutted. 1Mb. Jt it moTd simple , more comnut IB eaa- uction aud strnn r f h n Mh r allls -f S Years before thePublle. THOEMUiNE LIYEBPHIS ire aot recommended as a remedy "for all the ills thai flesh is hair to. " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints. Dyspepsia , and Sick Head- aeho. or diseases of that character , they stand without a rivaL AGUE AND FEVEFl. 3o bet Mr cathartic can be us d pre paratory to , or after taking quinine. As a maple purgativ * they are unequaled. iEWARE OF IMITATIONS , The genuine are never sujar-coated. Eaoh box hu a rod-wax iel on the lid. with the impreision.MoLAXB'S LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa tures of C. McLisr and FLSHISS BKOS. & Insist upon having the senume DB. C. McLAXA'S LIVZIi P1LL3 , prepared r pared V ' FLEMTVG EEOS.PlttsbHr5li , Pa. , the market being full of imitations of the name lld n * . spUed differently , but tame pronunciation. mw TO CURE CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , Colds , Asthma , Croup , AU diseases of the Ihroat , Lungs , sind Puhnonary Ortrans. U8S * OCOKDIJ 0 T < ) DIKKCTIONS ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. UNLIKE PILLS PHBOITITES , I > PLIA3- ANTTJTAKE illpro > e toroe > h in et potent nd tiannl.sx > Tf-TEU RENOVATOR and LEA gCR that hux ye- ben b nu hi to public notice. Tor CO TIPATlDN. Btl 1OO N'ESt. HEADACHE , PILE' , a d al dl o "er arising from an obitructed i ate of t * e lyitern , ItUincvsp.r&bTy tb b * t su a'l ntnat Arnld iniltatlonj ; iniiat oa r > ttliir the article oalM for. TaOPlC-mUlT LAIAT1TE Is put P 1 ° bre sed tin boxn ocly. Free 00 c rtit' . Ask Tourdru fiitfor DeecripUTe Pamph et , or ad > dr.GS the proprleter , J. K. HKTar.RWQTOIf , Vtw York or Sin Franckce. TUitat Purchaiing Arr Foul of to-Called ELECTR1G BELT , Band , or AnpllancerrprMented tocureNerrnus. : hro ue and -pecia D 8eue < , s nd te the PUL l KUH ACHKB GALVANIC CO , 611 tie tt oaury itre t , f' a Frauci-co , Cal. , for tiie r Free F'anpblrt and "Til * Kjcctrlc Keriew , " and you Tl 1 tare time , health and m > ney. ne P. G. o. are ihe only dialers in Genaiae Xiectria Ap. the Anvican Costiatct. SI03JX CITY & PACIFIC AUD St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. Tht Old RdiaUf Sioux City Eov.it 1 LOO MILES SHORTEST ROUTE 1 ' From COUNOH BLUFFS to 3T. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , Lndallpon eln Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Hkotu. Tni Un b equipped with the Im- irored Wettlnirhouse Automatic Air Brakes and 'T'- ' Platform Coipler and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT j unsurpassed. Elegant Drawtaz Koom and lleeplnr Oars.owned and ooatrolM by the com any , run Through WlUunt Cbange between Jnlon Vaelfle Transfer Depot , Council Bluds , .ndSt. Paol. Trains leare the Union Pacific nitfln Depot at Council Bluffs , at Silt p D. , eachlDK Sioux City at 10:10 p. m , , and bt. Paul a. a , maktntr S0-TEN HOURS IN ADTAKOB o AMY Grass Rotrra. Ketarninr , lear * St. Paul at S30 p. in. , ar > Ivlir at Sioux City at i : < S a. nu. and Union aclna Transfer Depot , Ooundl Bluffs , at 9:50 . m. Be sure that your tiaket * read via "S. C. i P. R. * . " F. C. HILLS , Superintendent , Hlejouri Valley , Iowa. . E. ROBESSON , Asa't Ocn'I Paaa. Acent. J. H. O'BBYAH , and Pagnensrsr Asrent , TnnnMl Bmffs FEVER AWi > AGUE. . ' ' tot * the requirement * of the rttloaal medical . nl'0-ophy which at preient pr v Us It Is a . * : tneotly pnra TrgeUble rtm -mbratlmf the ° re Innortant proprrtifs of a pier-nil' * , a mic , and sn alt ratlT * I fort-I tl * b dy irsinti tlnnte , ionKorates a iH re-r'lal ' r > the rpid strmtch end Uver. > ad effect-a most 1 Jntnry thanir * In the entire system when In morb > d tondM > u. ur sal * bT sll DinggUU and D Isrs r nerally. la week. flEaday at J ewe mil ) rc ife ; ts tttufAAtnn IIL. * 11. . } 01.1. J WO DOLLARS WILL SECURE cOne THE WEEKLY BEE One For Year. -TIA THJB Chicago 81 Northwestern 2,380 MILES OF ROAD ! It la tb * SHORT , SUES ud Safe Eoula Bttwiui COUNCIL BLUFFS OHIOAGO.MILWAIIiEE asd all potata EAST aod SORTH. IT OFTKR3 THK TRAVUINO PtTBUC QSRATEB FACUJTISS AK9 XOBZ AD7A5TAQEa THIS AST OTHZB ROAD El THK WHflT. It fa the OITLT BOAD txitwwn OOUNOED BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon whlck U ru PULLMAN HOTEL CABS ! addition to Unwind * vUoa all * UCM o. , It rlTM FIH3T-OLASS iTLAUS at 1U STATIONS at H cants auk. RAILS I It yea wlih the Be t T * T Un Aceomiaiod * tlonsyon will bar TOOT ticket bj till l < tyASD ffTLI , TAKE SOJOEOTHEB. All Ticket AcroU otn mil von Tbronjh Tltfctto rU tbU reid and Cbrck cml Bag. rte of Cbarg * OMAHA TTOKKT OFT1CE 12M f rah a St Oor Hth. and at Union Pacific Dtpol- DEN"KB OFFICE In rolor-oo CentnJ utd Union P cHc Tlok t Offlc * . SAS FRAHCISCO omCB S Kw Moatfoa- 017 Street. For Information , folder * , mapi , etc , not ob uloable at Homa Ticket Omca , adilnu aa } a joit ot the Company , ot H4RVIN HUChlTT , S- ITENKin , Oan'I M n ic r. G n1 PaM. Afait oinoAao.iLL. JAMES T. CLASS , O n1 Ait Omaha A Council Bluff * . THROUGH TO GH'CACO ' Without Change of Cars I TIHIE CHICAGO gURLIHGTON & QUIKCY With Smoatk azd Perfect fnA , Hajvat Pas seat sr Ccaeheo , amd PULLMAH SLEErMNGA D1HINC CAR ? _ _ [ tlsa&nowledged by tit ? re * % aaJ all WJK tiarel ur r It , 10 be tiu B * t AppotaUd < ad Boat Uanaffed Road In th * Camalry. PASSHNaBR"s CKING SAST Should atar In 1 J tbat this b tie BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points But , Kertt and HortfcwMt. Passengers by this Bemt t T eaele * * t FOUR DUTEEENT ROUTES , LBI the Adrantag * of * lz D4UT Ltail at Palace tress OMs&go M tf ew York GityWithout Ohange 01 Srprea Trains on this Une an equipped with Ua Weetin bouse Patent Air Brakuaml HHler's Patent Safety Pla'fana and Covplers , the most Perfect fro teotion Against Acd- d QU in the world. 'ULLMAN PALACE SLEEPINa AND D'NINt CAR3 Ar * raa ea tb BurUntftea Rmta. Information coButfmlur R t t , Bat * * , lisss fennectiotM , etc. . will b > easerMlly gUe * by pplying- tie offie * of tke H9z i.gUo BaU , is Fourt entn Street , Omaha , Kebraaka. J.KPKRKN3. D W. HITCHCOCK. Oen'I Manager. Qea. Werfu Pass. A t. . 0. PHILL1 f PI , St. Jo * . , Mo. Oeaerat Agent , Osuha. H.P.DtIKi. api.dl llcketAjant Oauia. 1SSO. ( . C.ST.JOE&C.B.B.R. , Is the only Dtnct Lla * to IT. LOUIS AUD THE EAST from OUAHA and tko WEST. [ to eli&ng * of CMS between Omaha and St. Loota and bat one betareea Om lia and Kew York. SIX DAILY PAB8ENGBB TBA1NS VLHC31XQ 4& Eastern & Western Cities nth lets charges and in advuica of other llua. Xnli satire line U equipped with Tollman's Palaoa Bieepla ; Ous , nil aoa Day Ooaci- es.MUlsr'a S&fety FUtfom aa4 OoopJer and the cetobraUd THAT TOUR TICKET City , St. Jcajpn aad * iua.u.R..vi4 et-an TkkeU for stls at ell Mopem stations ta rest.- _ rest.K. BASKAKD , A. a DAWBI , Ora'l Bnpt. , mlPaas.ATlriet St. JcKMDh , Mo Rt. JoMDk , iU , IT. 0. SEACHBKST , TUkt ACB. , IMOFanliav 8trt , .MDTBOnDK. r , A. B. BARKAXD , Pacs. Acent , Onuha. G eix'rl A < eat , Oaaaka 'ASSENCER ACCOMMODATION UNE 3MAHA AND FORTOMAHA Connects Witb Street Cars 'arnar ot \UVDCB3 aud BAUltTO.'i STREETS. ( T.nd of Red L < n * as fulluws ; LE\VC OVABA : 31 , * 8:17uidllina : ra . :03.5ST : : i 7aep. - LIAVE FORT oUAHA : 7:15 a n. . gt5 . m . and 12U : p. sa. i-00 , : tiand8Up.m Tha 8:17 : a. m roa , learta o " ia , aad Vu :00 p. n > mn , learlnj Fort Onaba , ar * naally ndudtofull oapacltrwltk repal tr paf ers. The 6:17 a. a. rtn vill be mad * srnia th * pot > fflce , corner of Dodi a > d ltk tmrakte. Tlekeu can t procured fron itr * t earirir- rs , or from driven of haeks. ARK. esnKMTA iffoi.ontxa RTRE CAB a * , c. MERCHANT TAILOR Capitol AVSJ , , Opp. Maaoaio Hall , - - NBB. - - . JCC a week la yoai OWTI * orm. lira * aad 500 ovtfltfrM. Adcnsi a. Kallsui * 0 ( and. U # § J IS rrJSs 2i For COUGHS , COLD * , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA , CONSUMP TION , and all Dueai : of the THROAT and LUNGS. The Bioct aau.cti It fcif s SJu , ! a ia * t * * < ra wc\r'i | > ii..lit | to TOUT SOCS * l hT * M&i Lemonjul' , ; < . kiTtj * iU nt Appetiser t.J Toalc. foi L VI * rl id fsirr jy M4 BB - - - . " " T " * " " " " " * " * " - " " * m' * * AR.y AX I jiii ( Mi vlsij&ctft I it * > utm4 * vAi y . * U t j Put : up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More the mon.y than jp.y Article in the market. I , , .M > T CL i ri EIYJtD by aniirinopti. ! linger * who try V pain off UBUB v < if Co-.X.i f. ' it i d Um p i cl tor fl.C KOCl xas- BYE , hlcSl ttn * ar.ia.1 * i j-jf t * S.JCT b"nvi ur a litA 5 2ii2l > 1 sT UP o. eia V ltl * . Bxtraot from Report of the Commusioner of Internal KsiTenus : TRK.VbCSY DEPASTJ.ENT , OFFICE Of INTafcXAL C1TS2TV > Usarf. LXWB 3Cn5 A MAKTLV. Ull ll .i'eoa St. , Chioyo.'Is. . GR.vn.mcx This romu uiJ. in vh oplnloa ot thU of or , otiid lnn a iiua lnt Baat T * the UA.L8AU A.VTCLC to , J K it si ! th- > a4van'3)rs ucn 1 to tlls srMe IB p - lural " r- ' * -'n. wMIttwhUk > aiJ Ihmvniy co-kiiHito * n rra bion rvnJcrhc It rn a.n ! Ie rtniK'T u > tX * pa'le'it. CorapcuaJe < i < r Inj to th fonuu'a. It nny { inp rlj ( tU-.nl c VtDlCl'VJJ , PKBPARATlOa uadcr the . . . . . of U 8 U pr..l.J..u tltj Survies ard wb v , o-HMif u , T U joIJ ly Uutl ; > t , puilitcirltw juJ Otbvr Prn3 iUou. r.iiJerloj ; tbru UbU o i f > > > MUJ Ux as ll < cr . lej Your R ip rJjIlCLn'Ol ) OKESN. B. RAUM. Coininlaelomar LAWRENCE . & . MARTIN.Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by GROCERS and DEALERS CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. a. IS THE UKE1T COXXEUTDW Ll > FETWKEN THE EAST * TUJE liiT nut from Chlcnuo Bl * , ratting Uirnoil Jolivt. OUC B. LM. 3il . jrnit inter * at lurTalau. Cw * J Qranto Jlollnc , llcyi ( eUiKJ. D cp in , t. &AI.O < > N r von > eo ] y TOW Llkercr. low * City. Mweo . Bnxiilyn. G " ho.n o ' ' I > ea Uolnas ( ths OIUUDOI ICTT > . Sto/irt , tie , in/t Area : wlh bruivh F from Bnr m D L JaDvUoa to f < rta ; tTlltoc Janctlon taMa r - tic * , aoi ! trmoilwi ar ta.8. Washington , lalrttld , .don. BeMnap SUIUU OtT. . Owitreriil * . Pnuc : on. Ituuto * . Uuilatln. CJUMO- amnloiiA b lncnuic ! . in Ualoa D po < s > r n. Lfiaronwonb. Atcn ai. and Kai t Citfj T1IU PKLMTPAl. R. K. , : 1 fTaaklOfOB tu Slsnarooy , ( .ttunowt. au 1 Utiot- TTUS uanAT TU&UDUU uaa Tllle : t-Sii to FanuinnoB. Fooacxut . B n * Utnioorc. Indecxr.dent. KtdouUunwv SdJr > At IUICAOO.WIU TlliK.Oikklnona. Feiln.MopiM . and l > i Motoee CMt and Kontn. Mrnrton toUcnroe : D > Ioiat > u. Imllai-oltaoC Wlnt rttt , Atl4nMvitoLai 'i n < l Andnb-ic , * 3C . lee to tlarlMU Ibis b ? c itT-jij Itm OCIT Ai WAfHixmur &KMI . r. . u w Railroad , watcb ownj , r.2 op f ( * a tbruush L. K. It. ! ! frcm Chln/i ) Into tn Etafi of KBII M. At hA tlAIX . wl. t 111. O UBL B. xnrn * * Pf raer drains "W Fxli- it Paoni A. wild l p. A XfP a. * . , t.i III. MIC. : unUT r. AW. Rd * . u l PEOKIA. Ki > SAs"CrrV. At U < HK lauAva vltb "MUnarnkM j ULurrn. U'ATjuwoain aoa AixniblacC j orsU * * , ' and SlocX TbrngjchPan .r. also run botwjnM 'w a * AtlVJ < : c * . rnd Kaii a § Utr. TU -llliwanttrti aoil . . . - . < cca Inland ba " Un . " AtWISTLiri TT.w1tlltt BC. X.A - * - , Tb * "Ureasot lilaad1 * tj aia staceaur At UilI > LI. vttb I ntrsl luira K. X eqatpocd. Iu road b d la atmplr" " Xt. ! neil tit JtDtJ H01VLJ wllhl ) M.AV D RT . ir&cclilalil with slexl rallt. Atl'OCHLU. HLunt. wltb UnU > 3 rauifc.if' What lll plu. you mon wii : * ( ha plenrur Atl/HAilA. I'.ih a. A. Uo. K. KK. . Li J . > if * norl 5 your m + uit , irslle pjualr.s oierth. Atl'OLl-MBC JI' t IOir.waj > BC a.1 ? * * iff 3iutltul pralrlM of Illinois nd lovo. In ona of At WrrMWA. witn ' Dtr l Iowr.3 * K. 3ur maznllixnt Ulnlnt Cars Uiat aocompanr " KL 1 _ at i-sc , BDI ! r. a. to. K. run. Itaroucu Enreu Tritnx. Ton at an votlrr At k.xuKCK.iTith'l3u fvo. ATVar i T/ , . , et DM ! , as food a. is avrr * ) la w > 7 > . .ttUM kotat. LoonJt P i-.an1Mt.L.Keo.A n.-VT V- ! * " - rrs.T iT-flT * eruu. A * fAUTUflV . wlUjlLBU J K. K. > ppreclitlaj IDA I ct that a romJcrllT of tbe . inta Atc5Top a D opl.pr rr uoirat aiartmonu fordlT r nt Atclj. A > eo. nJ < Q-Ur. O. f. U. Kds. urpoft. . ( and Uie Lmzziei ] > e pa ucer bnxln as At l.KATiswoaT : , wttx Kan. ? * * - . * * ) f UiU lla. wanantlac it ) , no are pleased to nn- Cent. It. Kdj. IU B U tlhl Compan ; rus > /u.in.in P.ilaet Kdj.Crrr. . wlta ail Ua for tat- " TI r r sl.eplDK purpOME. nd PtLw * J A ACJC CAWS - rn tbraiisb t * iTiC IA COtlSCII. JVLITTFK. ItAXHAB CrxT , A rcni.SU.V. niid : T1 L.vt Tlu till i.ln * . Uncw an ilia "Orrat Kock laLautt U nta. all Ticket \C BU la tha Vi It i Ktal i.nd C naxl . BOt A. . LISI35jVLr > . 1C. - - - 10 t. H ililsyp C jlTISirDQ FiiDMlTilBF 1 O yOaill 3 f2.Aa oLita And E7erytliing pertainiiig to the Fumitnra and IJpholstery Trade , A COMPLETE ASSORT EHT GF HEW GOODS AT THE IiO"W : ES1 ? P. 8. HITCHOOCK , M , D. S. , fro * New Trk ku located Ia Oraihm , and KHarintuvi to do n at cli" work. Dintal Boosao , over A tjruicLihink & C'c , Cor llth irul Ooa Us. np9-2m SHOW GASES irjJfCMCTUKXD IT O. J. VIILIDH , U17 CAES iT. . OMAHA. NEB. J9TA ceo * manmtnt always on hiniia . 31. K. Genera ! Iiisuraucc _ > . . . -I Lea. J..n. C h A-s U. . . . M.1AT.W AESICHi-STfeK. 5. T.C plUl . l.CH , ! TOK x : arn s rs , of Xawwic. x. j. , iM,9t QIKAFlt' rir.E.PhU d4 ; . ! . ! , C * lt l. . l.CM.MJ RN-H FC5D , CulifornU . S Jvi , UKIlISa AU8KICA A31I'IUXOXC NE A ( KFIKCIN3. CO. , A .ta. . . . AHJkRICAF CENTRAL , AMM . B Jt Car. t FUtatk & Dowjta * tf OUAHA.EK. IDIEID The Boston y Goods New Goods and New Customers arriving daily. Bead our Price List , and be convinced that we are the PEOPLES5 STOBB. EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES : 20 yards of Calico. 25 Cakes of Good Soap. 20 yards Colored Embroidery. 21 Spools Clark's Cotton. 15 yards Heavy Sheeting. 10 yards Fruit of the Loom. 15 yards Cotton Flannel. 20 Spools (100yards ( ) Silk. 1 Fine Wool Scarf. 12 pairs Ladies's Cotton Hose. 7 yards Shaker Flannel- I dozen Linen Handkerchiefs. I Good Red Comfort. I Ib. Stocking Yarn. 4 pairs Fleecy Lined Gloves. 12 yards Lonsdale Muslin. 20 pairs Gent's 1-2 Hose. , ; ; : " 20 yards Valenciene's Lace. . GIVE US A GALL BRING PRICE LIST ALONG. IOTH AND JONES STREETS.