TliS DAILY , BEE B. BO5EWATSREPITOB THE turkeys are now coming dourn Iram their high roosts snd breathing a * : ? h of relief over the departure of Taankegiving. GREECE la * Kut to undergo a cabi- SU crisis. Greece \\iclies to show tha. ihe is fully threes' oF her politi cal neighboro. srT.jt , of Oregon , jrobibly bs unable to attend the next rsare , owing to the didintug elate of\5a liorflh. If ho remains a ay j/'or Hatch. 4tn , and if Slohono ccts the republicans , the republics in the eecate. vr 11 bav j a majority SEUTOU DAWEB u likely to bo reelected - elected from JlaieachtiEclts without opposition. Bfen. Harrison ia * bcad iirindiana , and the contest orer the Ohio seat left vacwit by Central Gar- Weld's electioji is likely to prove est - t > Ci.elly lively. IOWA raulcs thin ye&r Becond in the HE , of wheit Elates , having raised 45 , GO J 000 bushels. Nebraska is credited 9 130,000 , whila the whole west contributes 324,675,000 bushels to the vrhcat crop ot the world. "Mr. LOCKE , we understand , has ei- prce-id himself SB decidedly opposed to the content for In" : seat In the sen- atr towhich he wa ? not elected. Now , the "best way for Sir. Locke to show that he doesn't want that seat , and froweB.down thhscbeme todeprive thia cor.nly of its rightful representation in the legislature , is for him to with- drw SB a contestant or claimant , Tomr L DAVEXTORT and Marshal 3cwt.ll called apon General GarCeld the other day and Dr. Miller sneering lyrem ks that people are known by lbi > company they keep. This being thj oise Dr. Killer rcty draw what ea igfnetion he can from his intimacy with Bill Earnum , Abe Hewitt p.nd Crvnin. It is a poor rule doctor , that don't work both ways. CUNSPIBING AGAINST THE PEO PLE. "Whom the gods wi h to destroy lliay Orst make mad. " When the monopolies of Nebraska picked the lat * tiate convention with their csp pers find tools , and forced upoii tht people and party of this atata repre een'aiCT in congress and the stat government who were notoriously in league with them to rob the tax paper of this stute , and thus prevent an hf nest nsscEsmcnt of corporof iot property nnd Icgtolation to protect the procujoracgaiiist abuses by transpor tatioa companies , they r.trdek a blow at "tlio Jibartics tjf our people that mutt react and which is euro ore long to hrrnjr the people against them , ifot content with perpetrating this outrnj'o upon the people of Nebraska , the managers of these monop olies nro now conspiring to rob them ' of their rightful rtprreciitfttion in the legislature. The sixth plank of Iho republics plat form , vhioh pledge * our party to re dress the gricTancss of the people from excessive tolls and olher abuses , IB to bo trmdo a deed letter by ihe In ivlcas counting out of members elect ed by the people , whom the inonopo lies cinnot control. The most higli- liaudnd and infamous conspiracy thst has ever dlfgraced Nebraska politics , is tbe attempt of the Union Pacific tnompoly to di fr nchiso Douglas county in the next legislature , by forcing t rgus delegation under th flm y pretext into the state sec- > and loiter house. The entire election michinery in this ccunty wts v completely under thn control t > { ihs Union PaciBe. Gov rnor Nanoo h l packed the registry board vi'h Union Pacific cappers and notorious rious political tricVstcrs of whom Has- cull was a fair cample. More than turn UurJU of the judges and clerks of o.leati in appointed by the county com- mi aioneti were directly or indirectly dsoendents of the U. P. The county clerk ) uho appoints the board of canvassers , is in active sympathy with that monopoly. With all this ma chinery in'thcir cwn handu and rf tor dt fraicliialug huudrads of voters in t'io ' various wards who were crowded "cC hr the bulldozers , after recounting ihs votes in several wards and scraping up nil the odds and ends every where , the canvass of the official rt- lirns gi-va majoiMes ranging from fxty-fivo to one hundred for Messrs. Doane , Howe , Paxton end JMcShane over Ooutant , Locke , Fox and Barber. After waiting iVce weeks without saying one word through their organs at to tbe validity < ' the election of the two senators and t1-0 members just named , these infa mous conspirator ! trump up a contest n. id sol up their claim for scats in the legislature. Lot them go on with thoiraudaciouc robbery. The last straw brolro the c.mel'a back. These high-handed at tempts todiafranchice communities and to jatios are nnro to arouse the elate to i s groit daugar. JAnd when the fanm urj of Nebraska , who form nine-tenths of our population riiein revolt against t is railroad , woe ba to the monopo- li-a and their tools. A day of rctri b Uion will come and the people will n sort thair rights in legislate vand constitutional prohibitions which will f ircra- keep the the monopolies with- their legitimate sphere as public carriers. , Tn t day Jsnot vej d'stant , cithtr , ii Nebraska. T ro ycaah.ace : , when .TTB elect a United States scaitcr and ft ostirely naw rrt of officers , t-ierowillbo no national campaign , rail there will ba no party in Neoraeka tcept the paople oa one aide and the corporate monopolies and their tools 10 the other. The gentlemen who manage the politics of these corpora- t-.ins are treading on avolcano. They nv defy the elements , ride roughs - s -od over an outraged poopla , but % vhea the next battle is over they will ba found burled under the debris. 1 Whom the gods wish to destroy they 1'r-r make mad. " OMAHA IN THE liB3ISLATUKB. Thera are > - > mo vi- l intarosts for Omaha and Dauglaa county in the coming" legislature apart from any gen eral legislation that the peopla of the whole etate demand. Our city charter is dere'ive in many patitulars. The city has outgrown the limits which the present chartsr , framed ten years ego , was designed to cover. The construct- on of water wcrka , which are bound o be completed within the next eix u oaths , wll necessitate the construct * o i of a system" * eors that may in * TO'VO an outlay of from $200,000 to $400,000. The taxes to meet the cur- rjnt expanses and interest on onr dibt are already high enough , and any attempt to construct a a/stem of sewera by a direct of tpscial taxes , would i ruinous , We must leave the neit generation to pay for these public itc p-ovcments , of which they will rasp HS much benefit as we do. Twenty- live yeats hence Omab * will contain a pipulation of one hundred thousand hhabitznta , and by that time the property viluation in thic city will probably exceed fifty millions. A levy to pay for the sewers will be & mere bigatelle by that time , -while at pret- e it on an assessment of MS millions it would bankrupt nearly every property Garner of the city. Experience has demonstrated that the election of at least one-half of onr city council by the citv at largo would give as a belter grade of men to man age our city affairs. Our merchants and manufacturers , and nine-tenths of all the other people ple , ere heartily tired of the swarm of jaslicea of the peace with which we sro afflicted. One justice for each wml * would be ample , an3 , in feet , th-eo for the whole city would be still batter. The present system of levying spe cial tares for paving , guttering and curbing needs thorough overhauling , so docs the Omaha street rail- raid , which ought to ba under the jnrisliction of the city council , just i-s much as railroads chartered by onr states are under the jurisdiction of the legislatures. .No corporation oc cupyinpj our public thoroughfares ought to be tolerated within this cor poration more poweriul than the mu nicipality itself , which can defy all our city authorities and compel people to pay for piving their own roadway The law governing onr public schools needs amending also in ssver- &i important particulars , which wr will not now di uss. bai about which the delegation of Douglas county ought to be thoroaghly informed Now it strikes us that no better meth od of instructing oar members as to the requirements of this city and county could ba derisad than that pursued two ye r ago. Wo ought to hold public meetings , at which every vlttl issue ought to be discussed by leadingcUf- sans and taxpayers. The delegation from Douglas county , and by this we don't mem Ibo four bogus claiinsn's who havn'tbsen elected , ought to b present to hsar what their constitu ent * dozirc , so that they may carl-t out their wishes when they enter up- oa active dutyjn the l gisUturo. The aioner these public meetsngs arehulu the better , because much useful in- fcraaation will ba obtained and a com parison of views will draw out the most fensible euggiations fcr leg islative reform tn our municipal .tfT&hs. THE speculations indulged ia by politicians concerning the cabinet of General Gatfield and whether he will retain Mr. Sherman or any other of President Hayes' advisers , hara re called the fact that up tc 1S41 , ac cording to the Cnicago Times , with the single exception of General Jack son , all our presidents have chosen some , but not all , of their cabinet ad visors from among those who held like positions tinder the preceding ad ministration ; but that since 184L allof these prcccdentahava bocnabandoned. Mr. Johnson , indeed , retained Presi dent Lincoln's cabinet entire , but the circumstances that seemed to require this were wholly exceptional. THE National Grange is holding s session in Washington , and on its opening day pmed resolutions asking to pass a bill making the commissioner of agriculture a cabinet officer ; recommending congresi to pw what is known as the Regan bill , regulating the transportation ti cattle ; favoring a graduated income tax ; recommending a revition of the patent laws , EO that farmers who boy machines shall not be liable to pat entees for penalties , but that the liabilities should rcjt upon the per sons from whom the machines are purchased. GKX. GAnriELD will probably have the appointment of a majority of the justices of the supreme court of tte United States. Justices Clifford and Hunt are bath old man , and are tnf- fcring from parslytio strokes. If they do not resign their offices , it is net likely they will live long to enjoy thorn. It is said that Justices Swayne and Strong , who are respectively sev enty-five and seventy-two years old , contomplsta resigning. Justice Mil ler is now sixty-five years old , and Justice Bradly sixty-seven , and they ara likely tc have good work in them for ton years to come. THERK are many Indications that the railroad kings will make a hf rd fight to secure control of the United States senate. "Vanderbilt is already laying his plans in New York to se cure the election of Chauncey M. Depew ts the successor of Senator Kernan. Depcw is the abla attorney of tha Now Yoik Central road and corporation , vrhosa icflaence in the legislature is very powerful. IF Hitchcock has been giving thanks in advance for thzt cabinet appoint ment , ho is likely to find it a case of misplaced confidence. THE following civil service conun drum is serioutly propounded by an exchange : "If a president deserves a pension-of $12,000 a voir for having served tha country four years ak $50- 090 a year , how much should a gov- rcment dark get who has served'six- ocn years at 81200 a year ! OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS. ! Colorado. Amethyst is found in tha L ka Ware mine at Sherman. There is not an. empty business IOUIB in Idaho Springs. Ouray' * numerous heirs will contest he will left by bis hiefship. The roof is being put on the new house et Colorado-Springs. A 8re in Denver's new hotel , tbe Vindpor , last week , occasioned a loss f $10,000. Daily discoveries of new mines are sported from the tellurium bait , Mulder county. Gothic City , in the Gunnison , H now connected with the outside world > y telegraph. Quantities of Mormons are being mployed on the extension of the ) envor &Eio Gran le railroad. Lieutenant Governor-elect Robinson m given $500 towards erecting a Uatholio church inKokomo. Tha Williams mine in Lake district las & monthly output of over 500 nnr month , milling and smelting material. Tno Del worto and Summit Tele phone company hai its poles set to Del Ncrta. and now awaits the arrival .if the wire. A "circle railroad'1 Ij goon to snr- roundDenver. A company with 31 , 000,000 capital has been organized for its construction. A metallurgical and mining depart ment is to be added to Colorado col lege , at Colorado Springs , with Prof. Williftm Strieby in oherge. Over 800 cars of freight are now ly ing along the main line of the Santa Fe road west of Larned ) wailing ship ment over the mountain ! . Custom and Totons are the euphon ious names of two new rival townu down in the northern end of Saguacho county. They ara both prospering. An important strike of rich ore has been made on Fletchar mountain , tha ere running ninety ounces in silver , two in gold and seventy ptr cent in lead. lead.An An unusual amount of work ia be * ing done on Sheep mountain , and th mines , without an exception , are showing largo amounts of mineral here sufficient depth- has been reached. Some three hundred men ware prospecting and mining in North t'ark , Colorado , last summer , and 1 half that number will romaia in the locality all winter. The new sohonl of mines b'nlldtng it Golden is completed , aud is certain ly very conveniently constructed throughout. The location is excellent ; can be seen from all points of the city , and presents a fine appearance. ThaForl Collins fixprets says : "A hunter aimed Row ell came down from N'urth p k , lait Monday , bringing hree w gn loads of game , consisting of deer , elk and four bears. The largest bear weighed eight hundred jounds. The hunters killed several -lk < which thpy li-fi in the woods over light. On retu ning in the morning -hey found the b < ? rs prowling about ho cpjt'and were fortunate enough 'o dispatch them all. Ono of the be rs > nu clisa were 'bought in Collins and ' .he balance " shipped to Denver. Saivral stamp mil' * will be running hy f print ; in the rcinea about Jeltn Mountain. Oheyenna capitalists have organ- zd a company to develop mines near Cummins City. A "steim saw mil ha ? been pur chased and it now < m routa to the Cnminins City camp. The distance to Ciiiiniins City from Crtramie ( s a little over twenty-five miles , and ia to be further shortened. Over 700,000 pounds of govern ment freight was hauled from Oh y- 'noe to Fort Larsmit during the put all. all.Tho The building association of Lara * nio hes paid a profit of 50 per cent. upon two years' investment. On Wednrgday of last week tbe nercury tt Cirbon and Fort Steele mined from 40 to 41 degrees below tiro. tiro.A A herd of 400 elk are ranging on the upper Platte , baing forced by the 4cvero weather from the mountains to the river valley. Mr. B. F. Everhart , a stock detec- ' .ive on the Fort Casper and Sherley j B ain trails siys that 164,965 head of cattle have paued .over them this ses- 4on going east. The boiler of the JBridger water tank exploded last Tuesday with ter- ific f rco , blowing out one end and tide of the engine house , and causing 'ho death of Mr. James Liddlo , the engineer. An overland pigtenger named Jas. B. Clart , of Vermont , shot himself tt Otto station last week and died at Obeyennor. daylaier. He had $650 in his possession. Pierce , the murderer of Joseph llornbeck , the freighter , was convict- id kst weak , at Laramie , of murder iu the second degree , and sentenced to imprisonment for life. Fully two feet of snow is blocking up the mountain roads between FUwlins and the White river canton ments and nearly 800,000 pounds of government freight are in the depot K-arehotues awaiting shipment. " Dafeota- Grand Forks has twenty-seveu s - loons. The hotels atMonboss are crowded all the time. The track layers are at work forty miles west of Mitchell. McCook county has sixteen organ- ? d school districts. The new church at Wittenburg was dedicated last Sunday. Parker has doubled her proparty valuation during the past six months. Five thousand bushels of wheat per day are received at Casselton. Cars to ship it away are next to impossible to get. The population of S tuts re an county has more than doubled during the past year. year.The The railroad well at Plankington is oao hundred and fifty feet deep and contains seventy feet of water. Track will ba laid on the Southern Minnesota as far as the Vermillion river falls. The receipts of wheat at Flandreau average about 2000 bushels per day. Eighty-eight miles of railroad have bosn graded up the Jim river , north of Huron. An extra large crop of flax was raised in Hntchinion county this sea son. son.A A quantity of wheat near Water- town averaged thirty 'five bushels to tbe aero. From fifteen hundred to two thou sand bushels nf wheat per day are ta ken into the Volga elevators. A number of buildings , depot , ho tels , stores , section houses , ware houses , etc. , are boina bnilt at Bux- t .D , a HOT , town in Tbrailt ounty. Oroson and Washington : Graln shipments continue to be made from Portland "About thirty men will winter in the S cagit mines. . There are indications that the Col umbia rivrr trill soon bo closed to navigation by ice. The survey of Taquma bay by ihe government ihowi a sfe channtl through the reef outside the bar. A man named H&ugh of Beaver L ke ( Or. ) killed four pantheri with fcnr successive shots in the course of trro hours , A whale recently found stranded on tbe bt&ch near the mouth of the Ump- qu * riv r , Or. , was sold by its finders $1300. At a depth of 600 feet the Van couver ceal company have reached an 11-foot scam of excellent co l n ir the old workings. An organizaUon of a branch of the Irish National and Industrial League has been effected at Portland. Officers were elected , and 8i members signed the roll. .there is considerable complaint among farmers throughout the state owing to the absence of rain this fall. In rruny sections the ground is so diy that the farmers have not been able to put in tbe fall cropji The Northern Pacific has recently sold i ten townships to a German col ony on the Pen d'Oriolle end of their line ji j , cons-sting of 20,740 acres , and netting i the cprapiny over hslf' & mil lion 1 01 dollars. Ten sticks of timber have recently been 1i 1 gotten out at the east side camp for i the Port Blakely ( W. T. ) mills , ' .he longest being 152 feet in length and 24 inches at the smallest end. There waa very little difference- any of them , and allof the finest fire timben . At the Citcadei landing , George Weilder i building two large flatboats - boats for the purpose of shipping tics and cardwood to the Dallas for the Oregon railway & Navigation com- panv. He has a contract for 100,000 cords , and the company is to furnish the towing from LUtle White Salmon to the Dallas. These scows will be of equal capacity , two hnndredcorda , at a load. load.A A grand Indian p'otlach hsg been in progress on Squaxon isbnd , a few miles below Olyrapia , W. T. Last week about 1000 Indians assembled there , making indiscriminate present of blankets , flour , clothing , etc. , to e.ioh other. A number of Olympians , including Gov. Newell and his fami ly , went down to witness the exor cises. Tha unearthly yells of the 1 ravages during a war dance could be j heard for mile * , The Victoria Colonist's correspon dent , who spent the summer in the Skagit mlnea , pronounces the divings a palpable failure. Ho savs $10,000 is in excess of the value of the gold taken out there. There were about fifty men there when he loft Fully three hundred men had left the mines dit-gusted .within the last month. Miles of mill dams , scores of water wheels , pumps , machinery , tools , cabins , tlulces and lumber are all abundand. Thousands of feet of lumber straw the sidei of the creek for the Cr t freshet to earry any. Everybody has bscomo demoraliaad California. Forest fires are raging near Santa Barbara. W < rk has begun on the new insane asylum at Stockton. Road nsents continue toba trouble- come in Nevada county. 8an Francisco cpmplali.s of th price of ooal , which is $3 a ton. The frost has pnt an end to gtape picking and crushing at the viuerits. Moody and Sankey are drawing crowded houses in Sail Francisco. The wine pruduoed this year in S -nowa 'county will amount to over 850,000 gallons. A Inna slide occurred last week on the Ban Luis Obitpo railroad , stopping travel for two days. Stockton is shipping over 500 iona of grain a day , but the warehouses continue nlled to tli tr utmost capic- ity. ity.The The coiitiutiij. ! fuVornblo weather has enabled the farmers on the coast to nearly clean up their grain thresh- Oakland's now railroad bridge for the narrow gu ge railroad will be near ly 700 foot in length. A sharp shock of-earthquake was felt at Santa Barbara on the 14th inst. It lasted several seconds but did no damage. The Central Pacifie railroad com pany have presented their annual re- parr , showing that they operate 2575 miles of railroad. Forest fires in the region of Laguna and Green Yalley , Santa Orua county , have done great damage to tlmbsr , fences , bridges , etc. The first fifteen miles of the Cali fornia Southern railroad from San Diego will ba put under contract with in * few days , all preliminary work having been completed. The whalers in Monterey Bay nr having lively times. A school of six whales came in near the town the other day and a company took after them. They killed one and hooked on to another , which took them out to the heads and sunk , compelling the whalers to cut loose. Nevada. Travel on the Central Pacific is in creasing. The aggregate losses from the firt at Mammoth City were $45,000. The works of the Goodsbaw com pany atJBodie are being rebuilt. The various towns in the state are contesting for the location of the in sane asylum. The treasurer of Storey county has defaulted in the sum of $21,940.91. Ruby Lake , formerly the sports man's paradise , is drying np. Over $25,340.44 of bullion were shipped by the Standard company , of Bodio , during the week ending No vember IS. Virginia City Is said to ba having a moral boom , and policemen have lit tle to do. A partition in the Sierra Neva'cfa mine , at Virginia City , gave way last week , fatally crushing the foreman. A fire broke out on Monday in the 2050-foot level of the Coniolidated Imperial mine at Virginia City , which was extinguishrd with extreme diffi culty. In the next assembly out of fifty members there will be but seven re publicans three from Eureka , three from Ormsby and one from Lander. The Nevada Southern road will be open for travel on the first of June 1881. The building of thia road is only a starter of which will be a continuous line of rails from Battle Mountain to the Colorado river , and will be the means of opening an im mense field of good mineral country. Utah , The weather at Salt Lake has been intensely cold. Silt Lake has established a city ei- tray pound. Tha prospects In the Maryavale country-south cf Frisco ara ill 1 wll. wll.A A young mm of PJTOVO killed ona 'grizily and two brown bears in Provo canyon last week. The owners of mmai in the Frisco district sre making preparations for a rigorous winter campaign. The Utah Eastern is only eight miles from Ooalville , and is being r p * lily rushed forward to completion. The drift tt the 709 foot level of tfc Ontario mine at Park City hai tapped the Tiin , shoring fine body of ore Work on the temple at Logan Is be. ing pushed with graat vigor , tfid strciiuoas efforts are being made to get it under cover befora December Tae Frisco Times complains that Beaver valley is infested with oattla thieves , who find a ready market at Milford for the stolan beef , The bullion shipments from Biker Reef , through Wells , Fargo it Co. , from the 3d of November'to the lOcb , Inclusive , aggregated tha sum o ! $13- 977.03. Idaho. The ica bridVe at Blaokfoot over the Snake river is completed and teams are crossing. * The Panamint mine at Idaho 0 iy B being thoroughly explored by its owners with good prospects of * rich Strike. A smelter will 03 erected at some point In the Wood river country this winter , rind a daily paper is aho to be started toon. - The population of Altnras county will be . .considerably increased "next year. The estimate ia placed from 15,000 to 40,000. From three to six inches of mow lies on tha Saw-Tooth mountains , but the Salmon valley and adjacent foot1 hills era clear and grass still green. Nineteen hundred locations have been recorded in the Wood river conn try this season. Tha number will most likely wsch 2000 before Christ' mis should the weather continue favor able. In Smiley's Canjon Yankee Fork , two companies , tbe Emma aod Vianna , nr at work. A 75-foot shaft on the Emma show * a three-foot vein of ore , most of it fusayingfrom ? 300to $1300 pjr ton. The compviy have a force cif mon'running a luonfel to reach the vein at a depth of over 250 feet. The Vienna , from which ore has been ahipp ° d to Salt Like the piet season , is the best developed mine in the can yon. At a depth of 250 feet from the discovery the vein is four , feet in width , the best ere sampling over 3000 par ten , and the average $200 Montana , Gams is said 46 be plenty apd iiunt- cra are few in Mcagher county. Copper mining is rapidly assuming great importance in Butte. The assessment of Deer Lidee eoun- ty this year will be over $4,000,000. Three hundred new .buildings have been erectecl in Buito dines tlio spring. A nt\r town lite named Stevens- ville , has been patented in Miaooula county. The 60-stamp mill at the Alice mine at Butte is the largest dry crushing mill in tha world. Ticre have been one hundred now sheep sheda construottd in Meajhsr county this full. The Preihytdtian church edifice at Butta , a handsome brick structure , will ba finished before midwinter. The Becl mine , which was pur chased last spring for $100,000 , is now held at a cool million. Its quartz aYcr.igf s 40 per ccnh copper and 250 ounces of silver tothe too. The bulk of the Piegins and BlocS Indisns will winter in Meagher county because there are such vajt herds of bufTilo in lha region of the Big Bend of the Muuelibell. The pkcsr mining operations in Alder gulch during the seaon just closed have been very satisfactory to the claim owners. The yield of gold dust has been somewhat in excess of that of last year. At tbci present prices of farm pro duce the farmer * of Montana should be in the best financial condition of any class in the terrStpry , except the horse , tittle , and wool growers , who are always in the lead. A handsome gold bar , of the value of $2,000 , waa turned out by the assay office at Helena for tha Boston < t Montana Go'd Mining company the product of 115 tons of ore from tbe Gloster mine. Very rich bodies of ore and of nn- usually large dimensions are being uncovered at the Mantle mine near Helena. Tons of free pold bearing rock , BF6ayinR HB high as $400 a ton , aro. being extracted. The eight foot vein promises to yield a fabulous amount of bullion. Upwards of 100 quarla stamps ere in constant opertion within a circuit of 25 miles of Helena. Upwards of 100 additional stamps will be pnt In operation within the same limits between no nr and next autumn. Foriy of thess will ba added to the preient twenty on the Bonanza Chief ; twenty will be put np on the Gloster mine ; twenty on the Bald Bnltt ; ten on the Drum Lomond ; five on the Stnr of the West , and probably twenty on the Mantle. [ Helena Herald. ShoulAyour food not properly di gest , then it is time to take Hamburg Dropi. n te THECREATM-lifl CEmuumEMEDl RHEUMATISM , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Sorenets of the Chest , Gout , Quinsy , Sara Throat , Swell ings and Sprains , Burns and Scalds , General Bodily Pains , Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frosted Feet and Ears , and all other Pains and Aches. Ho Preparation en tartk equals ST. Xims On as a * afe. rur , etmplf ana cheap Jkt mal B aedy. A trial entails but tht eomparatiT ly trifling ootlay of 60 Cents , and erery one suffer ing with pain caa bare cheap aad penUre proof of it * claims. Dinotlsns in Eleren laaenagrt. GOLD STALL DBUQglSTSAHD DEALEEB Of UEDIOIHE. A. VOGELER. & CO. , SHEELY BROS. PACKING CO. PACKERS Wholesale and Retail in FEESCMEATS& PEOYISIONS , GA32E , POULTRY , FISH , ETC. CITY AND COUNTY ORDERS SOLICITED. OFFICE CITY MARKET 1415 Douglas St. Packing Home , Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , U. P. E. E. Successors to Jas. K. , Ish , IRFUSUiERS. Dealers in Fine Imported Extracts , Toilet Waters , Colognes , Soaps , Toilet Powders , &o , A full line of Snrricsl Ir.strnmonte , Pocket Cues , Tnusng and Snpr-orters. AbsoInUlj Pars I > rng3 and Chemical j used in Dispensing : . Proscriptions filled at any hoar of tht night. Jus. U. Isb. Lawrence McMahoo. . TVT. MORE POPULAR THAN EVER. The Genuine SINGER HEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Th popular demand for the GENUINE SINGER in 187D eiceedtd tlntof & * preTiouj year during the Quarter of a. Cen'.ury ' in which this "Old Reliable" Machine has been before the public. In 1878 we sold 356,42 Machines. In 1879 we sold 431,107 Machines. Excess over any previous year 74,735 Machines. Our sales last year were at the rate of over 1400 Sewing Machines a Day I ? or erery business day In tht year , The "Old Eeliatfe" That Every REAL Singer is the Strongest , Singer Sewing Machine the Simplest , the Moat chine hB this Trade Mark cast into the Durable Sewing Ma" . Iron Stand and em chine ever yet Oon- bedded in the Arm of strncted. the Machine. GTURING GO. Principal Office : 34 Union Square , New York. 1,500 Subcrdbata Office * , in the tJnited States and Canada , and 3,030 Offices inthsOld World and South America. sepl6-d&wtf HOTELS. THE ORIGINAL. Cor. Randolph St. & 6th Ave. , CHICAGO IEL , ' . - " : : - * - = } ; 53yr'.aiinris5 PRICES BEDUCflD TO $2.00 AND $2.50 PER DAY Located in the business centre , convenient to plans of amusement. Elegantly furnished , containing &H modern improvements , possen sr I rator. &c J. U. CUilMJXGS , froprietcr. ocietf Cor. MARKETS ! . & BROADWAY Council Kinds , Iovra < On line o Stfnt.Rallwtr , Omnlbui 'o and from all trams. RATtS Parlor floor , J3.00 per day ; second floor , gl.60 per day ; third fipor , ? 2.00. The belt furnished and most com 'icdious hoajfl In the city. QEO. T. FHELTgProp FRONTIER HOTEL , laramie , Wyoming. The miner's resort , good accommodations , axge sample room , charsca reasonable. Special attention ffivon to trarcline men. 11-tf H. O HU.r.HRD Proprietor. INTER -OCEAN HOTEL , C/beyefiiie , Wyoming. Fine arge Sample Kooihs , CM block Irom depot. Trains step from 20 minutes to S hours for dinner. Free Bna to and from Depot. K ten tlOO , J2.60 and 83.00 , according to loomfi'Egle meal 75 cists. A. D. BALCOil , f roprtetor. W BORDEN. Cnlef Clerk. mlO-t UPTON HOUSE , Sclmyler , Neb. FliBt-claei House , flood &calfl. Good Bed * Airy Rooms , and kind and accommral > tlnt treatment , Twicood : sample rooms. Specu attention paid to commercial trarelen. S.-MILLEK , Prop , , aU-tt Neb Schuyler , , VINEGAR WORKS ! EBNSTKBEBS , Manager. MMittfaelurer of all kinds ef Jt'ts St. Btt. tih aid 10th. OMAHA , KBB TUB MERCHANT TAILOR , Ii prepared to make Pants , 5uiU and oicrcoats to order. Prices , fit and workmanihip guartuteed to lult. One Door West of rimlckshank's. slOly EAST INDIA SOLE MANUPAOTUBERS OMAHA. IVeb. PEOPOSALS FOB BONDS. propOMln will b 'recelrcd br tht undenigned at hi ] offlca nntll 3 o'clock p. m. tatardiy , the 4th day of Beoemfcar , 1JJ , tor thepnrchue of one hundred nd tvcnty-3re thoound della of Oonglaa county bo&di dei- cribed ai followi : Ono nnndred and l-xtn'j-Cra bondi of one thcutasd (1000) ( ) do'Jan each , dated January lit , 1831 , and payable twenty yean from date with interest at tix per cent , per annnro , payable icail-anLU-lIy in th dty of New York. Slid bocde shall be n deemahle at the option of the board of county comml < ilon n of said ccunty , at the eiclratloa of ten jeirs from the date of same , but no levy ihall b a nude to pay any part of ths prlcdfjl of tala bonds nntll after the expiration of uM ten jwri . Inte-est ihall he piid na raid txra J only fro-n and after tha data rf tkt sal cf urn * , on any part thereof , and the receipt cf the money there fora , baldb nd to be do'Irercd as fallows : Ki.OOO oa the first dty cf Janaar < , 1831. f50.0f 0 on the flr t d\7 of July , 188 1. _ JJO.OOOoD the first d y of January. 1832 , Proposals Trill be received at the tame time for the purchase of nJ ! | 125OCj of bonds , the entire amount to be delivered January 1st , 1631. Tbe board of county commUvJoners raerre tbe right to reject any or all bids. jJaled. Omiha'Nor. 8th , 1S80. JOHN E. MAKCHESTER , Korlltf Couaty.Clerc. HCUSE3- THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED. BANKING HOUSE IN NEBBASKA. GAlDWELLHAVllLTON ! eO BnsIn gstr > 2aclediajneastB to aa Incor- po rated Bank. Accounts kept In Currency P * S ° ld n Ject to sifht oheci without notice. - def tffiiates ol iJepo Jt laraed parable fn t&W. lli&ndtwolTi5 = oCh , beATls ; Interest , or on demand without IsUroft. Advances mada to customers oJ a jiftJTtd i - entitles at market rataa of laterrst Bay and sell cold , blllj c < eicbaaje GflTorn- ment , State , County and City Bonds. Draw Sijht Drafts on Fnzland , Irelaad , Scot land , and all parts of Europe. Sell E'jropoan Passage Tckt3. ! nOLlEGTIOHS PROMPTLY MADE. U , SDEPOSITORY. . FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of OMAHA. . COT. 13th and. Farnbam Streets , OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT I30UAHA. ( BTJCCESSOHS TO KOU5TZE BROS. , ) MTASU3H3D H 1356. Organized as a National Bank , AofWt 30,18C3. CapitaiandProfits OverS300,000 Specially authorized by the Secretarjor Treoxurj to recelre Subscription to tha U.S.4 PER GENT. FUNDED LOAN. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Uraiun Kwnrrzj , President. AUGUSTUS KODNTSB , Tlce Praideat. H. W. Tans. Cashier. A. J. FomjiTOK , Attorney. JCIIB A. CR-IOUTOS. F. H. DAT7B , An-t Caihlet. TbiJ bank rtcelres deposit without regard to amounts. 1S3BW time cjrtlflates bearing Interest. Drawrdnuicn Can Jiandjco and principal cities of the United States , a'n tendon. Dnblin , Edinburgh and the prUdpal dtieJ d the conti nent of Europe. Bella passige tickets for BBSfraot * In the In- man tie. maylntt REAL ESTATE BROKE ! ! Geo. P. Bemis' REAL ESTATE AGEKGY , ISih it Douglat Sit. , Omaha , Neb. This agency does SIRICILT & brokerage bojl- Dcsa. Does not speculate , and therefore any bar * gains on ita books ars toured to it ! patrona , la Head of being cobblrd np by the asrout & HELL. REAL ESTATE BROKERS No IfOS fanham Street OMAHA - NEBRASKA. Office North Side opp. Grand Central noUL. Nebraska Land Agency , ' 'l ' DAVIS & SNYDER , 1505 Farnham St. Omaha , Ntbr , tOO.OOO ACRES carefully Mlected land la Eaiten Kebraika for ( ale. Great Bargain ! In Improved farm * , aad Omaha dtypropvrty. O.F. DAVIS. tVfBSTJEU ENYDKB , Late land ComrU. P. B.B. < p-tobltf 8TSOX KKZO. inra uxo. Byron Reed & Co. , EEAL ESTATE A&ENOY IN NEBRASKA. Keep a complete abstract of title to all Real Estate In Omaha and DomIas County. maItt UNO. G. JACOBS , ( Tormerr/ GUh ft Jacob * ) No. 1117 Farnham St. , 0d ! Stand of Jacob Gli ORDKRS nr T8LKOIUPH SULIC1TK inTT.Ir E. IF. OOOIBC , UNDERTAKER , Oid Fellows' Block. Prompt attention tfyen t J orJ-n by telejraph. THE OMLY PUCE WHERE TOO can find a gocd uaonment ot BOOTS AHD SHOES At a LOWSB FIGURE than at any other thee honss In the city. P. LANG'S , 23S FARNHAM ST. LADIES' & GENTS , SHOES MADE TO ORDER ani laUifaction gnar nt d. PricesTtryresjon- ablt. Wi call the attention of Bayers to Onr Extensive Stock of GL BIN AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL We carry the Largest and BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS IH DMA Which We are Selling at GUARA1 ! I OUR MERCHANT TAILORING Is in charge of Mr. THOMAS TALLOW , wlose repntation has been fairly earned. We also Keep an Immense Stock of HATS , GAPS , THUMB AHD VALISES' ' REMEMBER WE ARE THE Ofi' PRICE STORE ! M. HELLMAN & CO. , mSlcotUw J301 & 1S03 Farnham 0" . S. "ZRIG-IBIT , AGENT FOR UH ftj | 1BING PIANO , And Sole Agent for Hallet Davis & Co. , James & Holmstrom , and J. & Q. Fischer's Pianos , also Sole Agent for the Estey , Burdett , and the port Wayne Organ Go's , Organs , I deal in Pianos and Organs exclusively. Have had year * ' experience in the Business , and handle onlj'the Bast. RIGHT , , 21816th Street , City Hall Buildup Omaha , Neb. HALSEY V. FITOH. Tuner. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTING Steam Poinpa , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , BELTING HOSE , BRASS AHD IRON FITTINGS , PIPS , STEAM PACKING , AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HALLADAY WINDMILLS , CHURCH AHD SCHOOL BELLS A. L. STRAtfO , 205 Fnrnham Str0flt OmnJm. Neb v. if/AUKEE BEER ! In Kegs and Bottles. Special Figures to the Trade. Families Supplied at Reasonable Y\ \ . , ' . . . Prices. Office 'J3Q Don ! * a Omaha CA Carpetings I Carpetings I J.B. WILER Old Reliable Carpet House , 1405 DOUGLAS STREET , BET. 14TH AND 15TH I3ST 1868. ) r3 Carpets , Oil-Cloths , Matting , Window-Shades , Lace Curtains , Etc. ' MY STOCK IS THE LARGEST IH THE WEST. I Make a Specialty of WINDOW-SHADES AND LACE CURTAINS And have a Full Line of Mats , Rugs , Stair Rods , Carpet- Lining Stair Pads , Crumb Clothes , Cornices , Cornice Poles , Lambrequins , Cords and Tasselx In fact Everything kept in a Pirst-Class Carpet Tfonfla. Orders from abroad solicited * Satisfaction Guaranteed Call , or Address John B. Detwiler , Old Bailable Carpet House , OMAHA.