/ , „ ' - rC - * * * ' \ > > . ifr * - i * r * iwjie " " JrV * s > iw yftif3s * * gri -v j f OMAHA , NEBRASKA , SATURDAY , NOYE1VIBEE 271880. . JSTO 137. Established 1871. MORNING EDITION , Price Five Cents PERILS OF THE DEEP The Schooner "Fisk t Wrecked off Gapa Eatteras , Terrible Experience of a Sol r Survivor , 'The Unseasonable Cold Sna ] Proves Disastrous to Ship ping in the St. Law s' . rence. Much Anxiety Felt for twc European Steamships Overdue at New York- Experiences Of tbe Hovers oi the Billowy Main. 5pcd'JDl patch to Ihe Bee. , November 27 , 1 a. to. The schooner "L. & D. Fist1' I- of Bath , Me , G. W. Snowman , master - ter , with a cargo of phosphate , from .New York November 21 , bound for Port Royal , S. 0. , stranded on the outward duinond shoal off Cape Hat- - -teras at 8:30 : p. m. November 22. The crew , consisting of seven men , lashed - ed themselves to fan rigging 3 p. m. on the 23d. Captain Snowman and a Boaman wa > washed overboard and drowoeJ. The mast fell and the ves- eelbrol-J in pieces. G. G. Snowman and Villiam Snowman got upon a Piece of plank- , leaving throe others npon the wreck. At sundown William Snowman died from cold and waj washed off the plank , and at 1:30 s. m. , the 25th , G. G. Snowman , the .only survivor , landed on the beach one mile north of Hatteras , and walked the light keeper's dwelling , after having been iu the Beaten hours , and swan. Rnd drifted fifteen houra. The vcsiel and cargo are a total loss. WA.suuscYo.vJNovembBr27-rl jv. m. A bottlu has been picked up near Cape Lihaue , containing a piece of brown piper on which was written the following : "Oa board of the 'St. Liwrensd * for Murray bay , Wednes day , June 30th 1880 Gone down in deep water , 10 lives lost , including the matee. " Ou the other side of the paper the mnio < .f "G. A. Druramond , 32iq" , " was written in a bold and leg ible hand. Several \e stls were wrecked in this vicinity during the recent storm. / SAN FHANCI- , November 27 1 B. m. The schooner "Sadie 'F. Callec , " one hundred and thirty dya from the Siuth Sea Itland ? , spoken by , two vessels as disabled , arrived h8r.u _ r * f "V lyectordftsv The csplain and one ea- man wera lost on the voyage. The suiter "Richard " revenue Rush" weutoutto assist the schooner , but missed her. MONTREAL , November , 27 1 a. m. A telf gcam from the island of Antl- costi , at the mouth of the St Liw- reace river , reports that the "Bris- talisn , " a full-ripped thlp , with a car go of Feila and phosphate for the Clyde , ia ashore tiere. Four of her crew are ( ] oidaud the remainder badly frczn. The steamship "Ot tawa" ot the Canadian line , which was caught in the ice at this place last week , ha ? bueu abandoned , all efforts to save her proving futile. Two other ocean steamships and numerous imal- ler crafts are reported destroyed by the ice between this city and Quebec. NEW YORK , November 27 1 a. m. The steamship "Silesia , " of the Hamburg line , and also the "Aegrla , " of the Ounard line , are both overdue , the latter three days. News from Sheboygan , Mich. , shows that the propellur "Simcoe" a Canadian craft , lies sunk off Nicholas bay. The crew and officers are all lost , it is presumed. ELECTRIC BRIEFS. Special Dlspitclica to The Bee. Judge Wallace of the New York United States circuit cjurt rendered a dcchiun Wednesday to restrain the collection of taxes imposed upon the shares of the bank of Albany. The banks in New York city will Immedi ately take proceedings to secure the full benefit of ihe decision. The amount of taxes imposed annually upon bank shares in New York city is more than a million and a half of dollars , and it now npppirs as if the city is In a fair wa > tj K.3it. . Marcus Hawley , convicted of the murder of Zicariah Hays , was hanged at Salem , Va. , at 27 minutes to 11 yesterday morning. He died without a struggle and said nothing on the ecaffold. Booth Winter , well known com mercial agent , of Detroit , Mich. , hackad his throat with a small knife Thursday night , and died since. Mike Cartz , of Detroit , had -such txmiidencoia hisstomachandDetroit whisky , that ho bet he could put a pint of the latter in the former. He won the bat , bat It killed him to do it The public debt statement for the current month , will probably chow a decrease of 52,000,000. A young child of JAB. Cain , of In dianapolis , nqed 2 tnd a half yeais , ' vrasburned to a crisp yesterday morning. Tha mother hid gone for a bucket of water and the litllo one had iguitsd a piece of papar a the fire , which epeodily communicated to her dross. She lived but half an hour. Chas. J. Steinan , a well-known Cincinnati jeweler , made an as signment yesterday of his stock of goods tor the benefit of his creditors. Mr. Stolnan's creditors are nearly all in the east , principally New York city. His liabilities are over $80,000 ; assets , about $20,000. Hon. John G. Thompson has pur chased a half Interest in The Columbus ( Ohio ) Daily Times , from Capt. John Putnam. He will devote his entire time to the work after March. He takes possession Monday. The jury in the second trial of Minnie Dixon , of Chicago , the woman who killed her paramour , Thomas DeLaney , with a carving knife , re tired yesterday evening , and are still locked up , with no prospect of a ver dict On the first trial the jury disa greed. Baltimore's population is 332,190. The bodies of Ihe nisters , Mrs. Chateau and Miis Gre erie , of Du- buijue , Iowa , who were drowned Tuesday evening , by falling into ai air hole in the ice while crossing th Mississippi rive have been found b ; meaas of pike poles. Divers were a "tfork , and would have reiched then ooner but for the very cold weather The Quebec colonization compan ; has been successfully floated in Lon don with a capital of.l,000 000. Lon Dunmore , the celebrated English Eg rlcnlturist , ia chairman of the compa ny. Joseph Reid , uncle of Whitelay Rsid , editor of The New York Trib une , died at his home in Madison , Indiana , yesterday. A new counterfeit ten-dollar Unit ed States note was discovered In thf New York sub-treasury yesterday. The convention of the lumber man' ufacturtrsand merchants of the north west , -which ha been in session at the Grand Pacific hotel , Chicago , for sev eral days past , adjourned yesterday. WHEELING , W. Va. , November 20. The thirteen year old child of John Hough , a farmer living near here , was burned to death yesterday by reason of her clothes catching fire from the stove. CHICAGO , November 26. Bishop Foehan , who is to be consecrated archbishop of Chicago on Snndsy , ar rived yesterday in Chicago , and was escorted to the city by a number of religious delegations. CIKCINNATI.O. , November26 The wholesale grocery and liquor store ) of Mocnke & Jensen , _ 4G Walnut street , was damaged by fire this -morning to the extent of § 30,000 or $40,000. CINCINNATI , O. , November 26 Alfred Grether , one of the vice presi dents of Adams' express company , and resident general manager for this city , having the general maaagement of offices west of Pitsiburg , died In New York city this morning. NKwYoRK , November 26. Wm. R. Floyd , veteran actor and manager , died this morning at his residence. WASHINGTON , November 26. Gen. and. Mrs. Garfield attended Thanks giving service yesterday morning at the Vermont Avenue church and at the conclusion of the service held a quiet reception. Afterwards they were driven home and passed the balance of the day quietly. ' . * BEADFORD , Pa. , November 26. The Luna Valley House , Messrs. Humphry and Perica proprietors , was burned yesterday morning at 8:30 o'clc ck. ck.FOREIGN FOREIGN EVENTS. ATTEMPT TO WBECK A TKAIN. Sped * ] Dispatch to TUB Bu. LONDON , November 26,10 p. m. A. dastardly attempt was made to wreck the continental up express train , bound for"Londonon the South eastern railroad Tun- to-day , near - bridge * . Wells. A-sleeper hsd Jeenv laid upon the track witHIhe expecta tion that It would easily throw the train off. The driver did not see it in time to stop , but the cow-catcher if the engine lifted it away without serious damage. The attempt is sup posed to have been made for robbery. THE HANLAN-LAYCOCK MATCH. Special Dispatch to The Bee LONDON , November 27 1 a. m. A rood deal of interest eeems to have been awakened on the subject cf the proposed match between Hanlan and Liycock. Numerous correspondents iavo written to The Sportsman tow- mi making up Layoock's 1000 purse , Eanlan having stipulated , in addi tion to the usual terms , a bet of 1000. [ t is not yet known If this will Include the title to the championship of the world so eaiily won by Hanlan. What \t the beginning of the week appeared rory improbable and almost impossi ble , now seems in a fair way of be soming practical , in which cate the race will be one of the most Interest ing ever known in the acquatic world. Although Hanlan , when the challenge tras issued , seemed very indifferent , be now states positively that _ if his terms are acceded to , he will sign the irticle to row in six weeks , in order ihow the world which is the best man. CABLEGRAMS. Special Dispatches to Th Bee. Lord Kimberly has decided to abol- sh the much ridiculed Cyprus pioneer iorps raised bv the late government. This costly failure , which was organ- zed to assist in public works , only lelped to repair a single road since its 'ormation. The Czar has written angrily to 3en. Popoff , owing to his delay in > ringing around the "Lividia , " It Is expected in London that gieat eanlts in telegraphy will follow the our of Cyrus W. Field. Walter Lawson , steward of the American ship "Sarp'.erce , " has been irrested at Cork , charged with ahoot- ng a car driver. He was remanded. The employees of Messrs Elder , he Glasgow ship builders , are strik- ng for wages. Navigation on the Danube is : losed. Chief Justice Cockbnrn was burled resterday , at Kensel Green. Nearly a half million pounds sterling w&a taken from the bank of England resterday for shipment to New York. Five million francs in bullion , will be shipped from Havre for New York .o-day. A despatch from Dulcigno , says snvoys from Turkey and Montenegro iad met there and arranged for the Montenegrins entry into the city at icon yesterday. A ministerial crisis is predicieJ In Qreece. In the Italian chamber of deputies yesterday , Signer Carby and deputies Jxplained at length and defended the Foreign policy of the government. A dispatch from Constantinople says the Montenegrins entered Dul- : iguo on Friday unopposed. Mr. Stafford Northcote , in a speech it Brecon , England , "Thursday , said lie saw signs of a conservative react ion throughout the country. He be lieved Mr. Parnell h d overshot the mark , and that the land leaguer's po- ution was untenable. Mall Bobbery. Special diipatch to Tha Bee. DECATOE , Ala , , November 27 1 a. n. News has just reached here that ie boy riding the mail from Moulton o the railroad , was itabbed in the ireastby an unknown party , and the nail ba ? robbed of abont $425. After jeing stabbed , the boy fell from his ioise and remained there until found luring the day. "When found the roy described tae man who did the robbery , and a party immediately went in pursuit of and captured him and he is at presant in the Huntsvilk jaiL T DOMESTIC A-Philadelpliia Drummer Bob bed of $7,000 Worth of Jewelry in Chicago. An Alabama"THighwaymai Kills a Mail Carrier and Secures $425. N _ Banished Publishers and Prin ters of s German Social ist Newspaper Coming to America. Tne Fnilp Investigation. Special Dispatch to Tbe Bee. NEW YORK , November 26710 p. m. The proceedings of the grand jury to-day were prolonged and were en- enveloped In mystery. Some witness- ea were called in , of whom no partic ulars could be obtained , others be ing spirited awayquietly. In the dis trict attorney'soffice , secret interviews were held between Col. Bliss , Assist ant District Attorney Bell , Louis Post , manager of The 'Truth , John I. Davenport. Gentlemen who , acted as counsel in the Philp case are now sift ing the disclosures made duriug the progress of the proccadings , with a view to traca the originator of the letter and his accessories to its publi cation. Legal authorities refrain from all allusion to the subject. Ohio Murderers. Special dispatch to The Bee. COLUMBUS , 0. , November27 , la. m. Gov. Foster granted a reprieve to John Walsh for ninety days. Ho is under capital sentence for December 8 , at Fremont , for the murder of Dan iel Cuthertson , a Pennsylvania tailor. Dntectiye John T. Norris secured the respite in order pursue a clue implica ting his accomplices. This is the mur der that-was not ferreted for twoyears after commission. The murder case of Albert Beel is postponed until Monday because of the mysterious disappearance of Geor gia Lee , the principal witness for the state. The defense'are anxious tohawe her evidence , as they have a theory : ompletcly acquitting the accused. Prospective Consolidation , pedal DIspitch to The Bee. NEW YORK , November 27 1 a. m The scheme for the consolidation 3f the Union Pacific and Central pacific railroad companies which has. ieen talked of ao "iSuchTlately iafeald ; o be in a fair way of being c3nauru- _ sated ? deapitfrptedtStfoys''tola ? con ; ifSryTjy .ttjosQ wixo pretend to know lomething concerning the true in wardness of the negotialuns. When ipoken to by a reporter yesterday in eference to the suject , Mr. Sidney' Dillon said : "It is true that a'con ference between the officers of the two jorporatlons has been held looking to he consolidation of their interests , tnd although no definato understand- ng has been yet arrived at , it is quite ikely terms acceptable to both com- janiei will be agreed upon. " Mr. Dillon said he was not prepared to lay that the plan of consolidation sub- nittod by Mr. French , government mditor of rail roads , at the request ot iomo of the largest stockholders of the iwo companies , would be accepted , [ t was possible , however , that they night go into effect with some modi- ications. These plans and othur letail * connected with tha negotia tions would be duly considered , and whatever conclusions were decided ipon , he was satisfied they would be itgbly advantageous to both com- ) antes Tha plan of Mr. French is to ix the capital of the consolidated iompanies at § 725,000,000 , giving me-half to the Union Pacific And one- lalf to the Central Pacific. He re- : ommends that the Central Pacific : ancel its lease of the Southern Pacific railroad , which is represented jy a capital of § 35,764,900 , and a lebt of $28,873,000 , and the capital itock , after belnpreduced to one mil- ion , turned over to the new company is part of its assets. Ho believed ; hat on the new capital dividends of lix per cent per annum could bo made ) ut of earnings no greater than those > f the current year. According to Mr. French's report , the funded lebt of the new company , including ; haton subsidy account to govern- nent , which , with the stock of § 125 , * )00,000 ) , would make the total capital nvestment , § 423,410,255. An Unlucky Drummer , 'pedal ' Dispatch to The Bee. CHICAGO , Noaember 27 1 a m. Juite a sensation was created at the 31lf ton house last evening. John H. Morrow , traveling agent for three Philadelphia jewelry houses , who had seen stopping at that hotel , was start- ng to take the 9 o'clock train for Milwaukee , when some audacious , hief picked up his trunk from the fiJewalk and walked off with it. It tontained § 7000 worth of ladies' fine ewelry. Several persons saw the nan take the trunk , but thought lothing of it , and no alarm was given intil he had got safely away. The .runkivas of ordinary size , and hap pened to be on the pile of trunks that arere waiting to be taken to the de- rot. The one just beneath it belong- < d to another agent , and contained 27,000 worth of jewelry. Some , hink the intention was io take that mo , but tbe police are of the opinion hat it was the unpremeditated theft > f some poor tramp , who picked up he trunk for the purpose of pawning t They say a professional would lot have robbed a jewelry agent in hat way. There doej not appear tea > a tho.leaat.clew to the thief , and up o midnight there was no trace of him. klr. Morrow feals very4)adly ) over his 023 , especially as it is the second mls- brture ho has met with since he has ravoted with the same firms , the lames of which ho declines to give , le lost § 15,000 worth of jewelry in he Southern hotel fire at St. Louis. Exiled Communists. Ipedal dispatch to The Bea. NEW YoBKj November 27 1 a. m. Some prominent communiBtsamong hem editors , reporters and composit ors , are expected to arrive on the "Si- esii- " which Is overdue. They were he staff of the only remainsng organ if the socialists of Germany , The lambnrg Attornal Yolksblatt , which pas rscently suppressed by Prince 3ismarck- . The editors , reporters , nd corupoaitora all received twenty- : our hours' notice to leave the coun- , ry. DISASTER AT SEA. Fearfol Kecord of Death by i Collision off the Italian , . „ . Coast _ An Emigrant Ship Cut n Two t and Hurried to the Bottom. Two Hundred and Fifty Live ; , Lost. * * * t A Variety of Important Itemi From all Points. The Ocean Horror. Correspondence of the lice. LONDON , November 26 1 a. m. Dispatches from Spezzia , Italy , saj the "Oncle Joseph , " an iron screw steamer of 823 tons , and the "Arti- ciof a steamer of over 1800 tons , col lided off this coast. The "Oncle Jo- toph" ran across the "Artigio's" bows and the "Artigio" struck the smaller steamer amidships , while going at full speed , almost cutting her in two. The "Oncle Joseph" sank in less than throe minutes. It was pitch dark when the collision occurred. Over 250 lives were lost. The passenger list of the "Oncle Joseph" shows a total loss of ' 264 persons on board and the sailors numbered eighty-three. At the roll call thirty- five passengers and thirty sailors answered to their names. The pas sengers were mostly emigrants from Calabria , bound for Scnth America. The scenes following the collision were heartrending. le is thought that there were also some Americans and Englishmen en hoard. Union Paclflctt umors. Special dispatch to.Tuu BKK. NEW YOEK , November 26 4 p. m It is stated that the Vanderbilt- Milla party are negotiating In Boston For a sufficient stock ot the Union Pacific to enable them , with what theyhold , to control the road , and that they can purchase" the necessary stock for § 1.20. It 's ' reported from Boston that Vanderbilt has negotiated a loan in London on his governments , and will use the money in Wall street. Keene's friends say he is very jubi lant because he knows that Gould , Sage and Cammack are largely short of Northwest and St. Paul. Coming : to Light. 5pcclilJDi3patch to The Beei NEW YORK , November 26 , 4 p. m. The , prosecuting counsel , Geo. .Bliss , states that the investigation of the : ircunutauces of the Morey Chinese latter-forgory-ia being carried-en vig- sroualy-and In a few days the prose cution hop1 * to be able4 "diacloso to : the public the facts 'obtained during ibo enquiry.A . A 'Kokomo Kicker. Special Dispatch to The B o. EICUMOND , Ind. , November 26 , 4' p. m. About a week ago. the college 'iris at Earlham had a kicking match in the upper dormitory after the lights ivere turned out for the nighF and DUO of them , a Miss Johnson , of Ko- komo , tried to kick with both feet at jnco. She lost her balance and fell ieavily to the floor , and was so badly itunned that she was taken to the mrsery , where aha still remains suf- 'erinsj from ft severe attack of nervous jrostration , brought on by the fall. 3hovwas worse yesterday. In tbe Shadow of Death. Ipecial Diepatche to THB BBS. SALESI , Va. . November 26. 4p. . n. Mareus N. L. Hawley , under icntence of death for the murder of Jachariah Hayes , June , 1876 , was intted in marriage yesterday at four j'clock in his cell to Nannie Hawkins. \mong the spectators were the bride's lister , the ] A\\ \ \ officers and the pris- > ners. Neither betrayed any exclte- nenfror emotion during performance ) f the ceremony. The minister having jrononnced them man and wife. Elawley , who had ma3e a profession of aith , was bantised and received Into ; he church. Being the father of two shildrenby this woman , Hawley's ob- : ect in marrying her was to legiti- natizo tho. children as well as to fulfil L promise of marriage long made to ler. The parang was an affecting icone , the bride separating forever 'rom her doomed husband , to return , o her desolate mountain home. He ipent the night alone in bis cell and langs to-day. Canada Railroad Schemes. jpcc .1.1 Dispatch to The Bee. OITAWA , Ont. November 26 4 p. n. The Canada Central railway is ; rying to lease the government rail roads between Ottawa and Quebec. This would give the Canada Pacific railroad direct connection withTiho ) ce < in. It is also proposed to bridge : ho St. Lawrence at Brockville and ; iue the Canada Central direct con nection with the New York Central ria the Utica and Block river railway. Penitentiary Fire. ipcdal DUcatch to The Bes. N PITTSBOKQ , November 26 , 4 p. m. Yesterday morning , at 10:15 , a fare Hras discovered in the Western peni tentiary , in Allegheny county ; The Ire department of Allegheny and the police of Allegheny and Pittsburg were promptly on the ground , and in in hour the flames were extinguished. The fire originated in and was con- Snod to block 0. The only danwgo was the burning of the roof. The loss will not amount to more than 51,0(30. ( Daring the fire the : onvicts gave no trouble to the offi- : ers , but aided in subduing "the lames. JJgstcrious Murders. Special Dkpatch to The Bee LOUISVILLE , November 26 , 4 p. m. A. special from Bristol , Ta. , to The Louisville Journal , states that a horrible rible double murder , at present in- rolved in great mystery , was commit ted at Marble 'hall , a few days ago. Dhas. Brown , a young merchant , first sent his wife and two children to .Bris tel , end he and his clerk , Jas. Heck , remained to wind up business before joming to this placets. aterday morn ing , thefdead bodies of both were found in bed horribly mangled. The ifiair cau es great excitement and is mysterious because both murdered men were popular and it fa impossible to nnd a motive for the deed. Southern Outrage. 3pecl l dispatch to The * . WASHINGTON , November , 26 10 p. m. Gen. Kaum , commissioner of in ternal revenue , furnishes for publica tion the following extract from a let ter received by'him from a gentlemai in South Carolina : "During the ex excitement of a political campaign proscription , intolerance and outlaw ry are pushed to the extceme , bu this trouble is among the least of ou Bufferings. What is hardest to en dure is the deprivation of politica rights and personal insecurity. Thi last election was a new revelation o fraud , ' violence , intimidation am murder. 'It .surpassed its predecea son in the systematic way in whicl the villainies and excesses were prac ticed. There was simply a carnival o wrong , outrage and injustice. It ii s&fo to lay you will nowhere ECP ai exaggeration of the real facts , and the diiheartBlng .feature"is that then seams to be no redress. Must it al ways be so ? Will not the loyalty ant statesmanship of the north find a rem edy ? Ara these poor , helpless , de voted and long-suffering freedmen tt be called upon , year after year , to ex ercise their political privileges at such a peril and such consequences , while the general government stands by al most unmoved ] At present the south is for republicans simply organized damnation. " MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH , New Yorfe Money and Stocks. ' . WAIL STRKBT November 26. Money { ! ; exchange steady * t 24 81@3 00. oovxunauia. Steady. D. S 6'a ' 81 . . . .l 0 U. S. 4'a 1 12 U. S. 6'9 1 Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO , November 26. Wheat The leading grain markets were less active and weaker ; No. 2 spring fell l@ljc and closed at $1 11 For. cash or November ; $ l'llf for December ; $112J for January ; 113 § February ; -seller , January ranged from § 111 $ ® 113 , Corn No. 2 declined J@icand sold it 42 © 43&o December ; 42g43& Jan uary ; closing at 42c January and 48c MayOata Oata Were J@io lower , but closed fflth buyers at 32f c cash or December ; J3Jc for January ; 37 c for May. Ky'e 'A'dvanced $ @lc , nd No. 2 sold at 91o-December. Barley Higher ; closing at 8103& for cash ; 1 04 November or December ! Whisky Steady at § 1 12. Pork Mess , lOc lower for long op- tldns , clos its at@130014 00 for caah ; 312 40@12 45 for November ; 312 45 ® 12 50 for December ; $14 02 @ 14 05 for January. Lard Advanced 5o per hundred ; closed a * § 8 70 for cash , November > r December ; $8 058 70for sollar the pear ; $8 72J@8 75 for January. Chicago Live Stock Market GmcAoOjNovember 24. Hogs Active for best grades and luiet for other descriptions ; sales were vt $4 404 70 for light packing ; 84 60 § 5 20 for good to extra heavy paok- ng ; $4 60@5 05 fir good to choice imooth heavy shipping. Eeceipts , > 0,000. Cattle Receipts , 5000 ; sales rang- ) d from $3 10@3 [ GO for Colorado iteers ; 85 00(35 ( 30 for extra prime ihipping'beeves. St. Louis Produce Market. ST. Lou's , November 24 Flour Steady and unchanged ; X , 84 004 50 ; XXX , ? 465 ® 17s ; family , $5 005 25 ; choice , | 5 25@5 50 : fancy , § 5 60@5 80. Wheat Opened easy but declined ; Jo. 2 red winter , ? 1 091 09J ; not Forth over SI 08 at close ; 8108 | @ : 10 December ; 8112J@112111 tor Fanuary ; 8114115 * for Febrcary ; SI 16i@l 1C | for March ; No. 3 red , SI 06J106 | November ; No. 4 , red , I9c. Coin Lower at 43J cash ; 43jj@43J December ; 43J@43f January ; 44JJ © 14 | February ; 4545 * March ; 46go May.Oats Oats Firmer at 3434c for cash ; 54io November ; 34o for December ; 3Glc for January ; 37c for February ; ISic bid for May. Rye Higher at 89 o bid. Barley Qaiet firm and unchanged. Butter Firm ; dairy , 20@28 ; roll , I5@22c. Whisky Higher at 8112. Pork Dull { jobbing at 81400. Dry Salt Meats Firm at 84 45 ® 4 60@695@700. Bacon Lower at 7Jo : clear 8Jo. Lard Firm and active at 88 60 ® 8 62 $ ; held higher at close. Receipts Flour , SOOObbls. ; wheat , ft.OOO bu. ; corn , ) 105,000 ; oats , 100- )00rye ) ; , 2000 ; barley , 15,000. Shipments Flour , 17,000 brls ; Theat , 3,000 bu ; corn , 500D ; > ats , 10,000 ; rye , none ; barley , none. St.XiOula Live Stocs Market. ST. LoTjig , November 26. Hoga Lower ; Yorkers and Balti- nores , 84104 20 ; mixed packing , M = 40@4 60 ; fancy io select , 8465 ® 180. Receipts , 2,950 ; shipments , 5000. New York Produce Market. NEW YOEK , November 26. Flour Scarcely so firm ; receipts J2.098 ; round hoop Ohio , 85 30 ® > 75 ; choice do , § 5 80@6 50 ; su perfine western , 83 90a4 60 ; common to good extra 84 95a5 30 ; choice , do , lo , 85 35a6 75 ; choice white wheat , . Butter-7-Good demand and - - very 5rm0hio ; 14@28o. . * Egos Western , strong and firm at 2529c for fair to choice. Wheat Irregular ; Chicago , 81 21 ® L 24 ; Milwaukee , 81 241 25 ; No. 2 red winter , 81 25@125i. Sales , 600- , 300 buehels. Corn Quiet ; No. 2 at 6161c. Sales , 150,000 bus. Oats Quiet Whisky Nominal. Pork 817 00 asked for December ; J14 60@15 30 January. Lard 89 25. The federal council of Prussia have extended for one year the minor state of siege in Berlin , Potsdam and other place ? , THE EEPUBLICAN .VALLEY " ' " tb "Jay's" Latest Journey on Southwestern Border. Correspondence of TOB Bxx. The Republican Valley In Nebrask may be conveniently divided inti three sectibus , according to time o settlement. Nuckolls and Webste counties being largely settled ii 1871 2 , Franklin and Harlan in 73-4 and Furnas and Rod Willow in ' 7o-G Since 76 the divide between the Re publican and PJatte rivers , has re ceived greater accessions in settlemen than the valfoy. While sperdiug a few days in Frank' lin and Harlan counties , we noticec that although the drought fell upon them as a heavy hand , great prepar ations are being made for Thanksgiv ing celebrations. The towns are nol growing , but maintain about the same trade , and are very cautious in deal ing.fiarlan fiarlan county is not at all desti tute or depopulating. The northern part of the county had some wheat and every part of the county raised a small crop of corn , the best bolus in the southern part. G. W. McNeil reports having raised 855 bushels of wheat and Mr. Carlson says he raised L021 bushels. Considering that wheat Drinns § 1 par bushel in cash , many 'armera in Harlan county will do a well as in years when wheat provedas letter crop , but only sold for 40 and 50 cents per bushel. The north part of Franklin also produced creditably n wheat , and the whole county pro duced a small crop of corn. The weather has been quite cold for en days pastr and the Republican river is coverad out with ice strong enough to bear teams. The thermo meter registered below zero six morn- ngs of last week. Between one and iwo inches of snow fell last night but did not blow very much atid. unless it a followed by high winds and moro snow will not impede the progress of rail way trains. " , In the last term of district court leld in Iranklin county , Judge Gaalin granted a perpetual injunction , against 830,000 of B. & M , railroad xmds , on the ground that they were llegally voted , being in excess of the > er cent of valuation allowed by law. Ic is now expected that the road will refuse the payment of its taxes. franklin connty was unfortunate in inancial matters this year. The reasurer was found minus a large sum and resigned some three months ago ; and the newly appointed treasurer , J- ? . A. Black , has found by overhaul- ng the books that the county is § 60 , ; 000 In debt. Harlan county has been more 'ortunato , but a cloud of uncertainly las been hanging , over her citizens on account ot the failure of the connty commissioners to make a settlement with the last ttio treasurers. Compe tent persons were elected to make the examination this fall and have com pleted their labors , without finding any errors of criminal intent. Mr. Rifenbury was found behind § 767.00 , and has held himself in readiness for settlement ever since the close of his term. The county is found debtor to his successor , Chaa. Mcl'herson , $35.02. James Billings , the present incumbent , varies only § 12.88. There are very few counties whose officers can shovr so good a record. I learned.last evening from a brother pencil-shovor , of a queer surprise to the people of Fnrnas county by the coming into their midst of an attorney from New York , who presented for payment $8000 of Fjrnas county bonds of which they have heard noth ing since an attempt to negotiate them. When faiued they were placed in-the hands of a Crete bank for nego tiation , and were negotiated with Fitch & Co. , of New York , on sixty days' time. Within that sixty days , Fitch & Co. sunk under the panic wave , and t"he connty has never received any benefit from the bonds. It is doubt ful whether the county will pay them without litigation. The bolder says the interest coupons'have been proper ly paid every year , but by whom , he refuses to state. It ia possible that the holder has cancelled them without receiving any money , therefor in or der to'give them the appearance of validity. JAY. COO1JES ANlJ COCOANOTS. A OIiIMPSB AT NATIVE JJFE IX THE FIJI ISLANDS PICTURESQUE LIFE IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC. Contemporary Review. Our sojourn on the island for the next ten days , however , far more than compensated for the trouble. The house is finely situated on a spur overlooking the bold hills of Vanua Levu. The long TJndu point closes in the view towards the north , making the part of the sea visible appear one graat lake , and all around us and up tbe slopes of the hills and at our feet in the plain the young cocoannta are waving. Let us go down to the beach to visit the machinery houses and thus get an idea of the work upon an estate of this description. These vast heaps of cocoanut are gathered from all parts of the island , which has "a circumference of about 30 miles , and after the kernel has baen extracted and dried on the long catos or tables , or in the steam drying house , which is the more approved method , it is packed in bags for trans port by the inter-island eteamers to Levuka , or by some of the small craft which the merchants employ to collect their cargoes. . The price In the Island is about 14 per ton. But after the kernel has been disposed of the husk is attacked , and by means of various machines popularly called "devil , " it is torn into the fibre of which it is composed , and cleaned of its dust ( which is a valuable compost ) , and turned into bristles for brushes , or treated as fibres to bo packed into bales for export. All the laborers who attend to these machined ore Polynesians , many of them on Rambi being the wild-look ing Tokalaus from the Gilbert and Marshall group. Let us watch for a moment the two who are from the New Hebrides turning tbe screw press by which the fibre ia com pressed into bales. One ot them is a survivor of the Carl massacre , who refused to go home when one of Her Majesty's ships came to repatriate the remnant who escaped. Three of them felt that they'had enough of the sea and incidents , and preferred to * re main where they were. They are naked black giants , and as they throw their force to turn the handle of the screw , capstan-fashion , their mnzcles stand out , and the whole frame is a model of herculean power. The storehouse is full of bales readj for the steamer by which we expect to leave , and these find a market in S'dney , while the bristles go to Eng land. Wo pass along by the laborers' ' houses , and there we find the familiar coolies , and bear again the "Salaam , Sahib , " often heard when I sojourned in Mauritius. Mr. Hill is the only proprietor as yet who has had the good sense to take up about 100 of the first ship load of Tndisn immigrants. They live quite friendly side by side with the Polynesians , whom they term "lun- glis. " A curious traffic has arisen be tween them , the Polynesians going out to the woods to hunt the wild pigs , which they sell to the Indians , who get much bstter wages than them selves , for a dol'a ' * a j i ; and on the bread-fcsi1" , which crows in profusion , jnd other extras , tha coolies are be coming fat and sleek. Passing on , wa 30' into a cocoannt grove , which stretches a long distance along thecoaar , the lap of the fall tide coming up to the very roots of the first line of trees On some of the trees the nuts are so thick as to defy computation , being indeed too crowded for growth. As many as ihree hundred have been counted on one tree , but this is only when they 'ire as small as apples , for they fall abundantly in the struggle of the ittest to survive. Still further along the cost wo come to other flats and valleys which are also being cleared out for planting with cocoanuts or cotton , and it is eaay to perceive the exports from this ono island alone Till , in not many yeara , equal the exports from the wAole colony when ' arrived. On one occasion , when the ladies went by in R boat on a picnic to a ocality called Georgia , where the iroprietor has another house , I walked with Mr. Hunter , the chief magistrate of Levuka , along the coast n distance which was stated to be six miles , but which in the heat of the day , without a breath of wind in the woods , I took 0 bo double the distance. The im- nenso vatu trees were shedding their eng tasseh ot pink and white flowers , which .filled the whole air with deli- ate perfume. The path passed , through imber which , from ils majestic rowthehowed the richness of the soil nd on our return In the" evening by e& we had a good opportunity of'view- ng the finely-wooded hills , which , iven in the days when 'Commodore Wilkea made his survey of the group , aused Rambi to be distinguished mong the islands. The Tinonee , the successor of the 'retty Jane , and a steamer more worthy of the colony , arrived all too eon to cut short our expeditions in earch of wood pigeons and.wild , pigs , an'd'our struglglerat lawn-'tericls when ho sun was siokingjbghjnd 10 , JUQUHZ. & f. aliuirCeyujv She was filled up with-cottoulirid " 1 iopra from the- windward , with bales of fibre from Indue Point , and when she bad taken n the Rambi bales , with some hun- [ reds of bags of copra from Vnna Point , Tavuni-aho , sailed forLavuka , via Savusavn bay , bearing us home ward to Ovalau , which , after all , can lold its own in loveliness with any sland of the group. The Coa a'eja. no. Bxme County Argus. The coal famine which has existed along the line of the Union Pacific and its branches bringa "Lomu to our citizens in a pretty forcible manner , he conviction that they are deten- lent upon that corporation's pleasure or their fuel. Boone county's people lid not vote bonds in aid of the con traction of this road simply to gain ho right of freezing to death , or go ng back to ancient usages or customs of hauling their coal from Columbus or Oakdale. It is no excuse to say hat the company is doing its best , and that other towns along its Una are in exartly the predicament that re have been in , for towns on other ines not thirty miles away from us lave been abundantly supplied. The ronblo lies right here , that the Union 'acific are attempting , and virtually lave forced us to be dependent upon Jnion Pacific coal from Union Pacific mines. The knowledge of that fact ia tad enough , but when we cannot even get Union Pacific coal in sufficient juantity to supply our necessities , hen forbearance ceases to be a virtue. 1 the Union Pacific cannot furnish rom their mines sufficient coal , why lo they not allow their agents to had- dlo other coal ) We , as citizens and ; ax payers , have a ri ht to demand of hat company that they do not forcu us to go away from home to buy coal , imply because the Union Pacific wishes to retain for their mines a mo nopoly of the coal traffic along the whole length of their line. People all along the Union Pacific are crying out against this outrage , and papers which heretofore have been friendly o that company , are criticising it se verely on the coal question. From Iron to Steel. Joston Herald. From the contracts for ship building hat hava recently been made in Great 3ritain , It is pretty certain that , like heir predecessors wooden ships he iron ehipa of the present are soon o be displaced. The ehlp of the uturewill.without doubthavo a steel lull. The change , it ia true , is not as important as the change from wood ; o iron , and yet it is an improvement of great value. By using steel plates , nstead of iron plates , a great gain s made In buoyancy , for the steel plates , having a corresponding amount if strength , are much lighter than the ron plates. Thus , it is estimated that n actuiil weight there will ba a duTcr- ence in fa\or of the eteel ships of about one-fifth. That is when laden with what ia termed a freight cargo , merchandise that weighs down the vessel to her sailing depth without fill ing the hold , the steel ship will ba able to carry one-fifth more than ships of her dimensions now do. It is obvious that this is a great gain , and would in itself often be sufficient to change a Icsing into a profitable voyage , since the running expenses of a steel ship can be no greater than the cost of maintaining a wooden or iron vessel. Another advantage is in the greater durability of steel , for it is asserted that , where accidents take place , a steel vessel will stand unharmed a shock that would completely wreck an iron craft. Of course , the use of steel for this purpose has been only made pos sible by the discovery of the Bessemer process of converting iron ore into steel at a small expense ; but this did not make the change practicable. The first Bessemer steel plates that were submitted to naval architecture proved very defective , and it was not until a large sum of money EDHOLM & ERXCKSON Wholesale and Retail MaimT factoring JEWELERS. LARGEST STOCK Of Gold and Silver Watches and Jcwc'ry in the City. Come and See Our Stock as We Will Be Pleased to Show Goods. EDHOLM & ERiGKSQH , lfth & Dodge. Opposite PosrofSco. ) NAiLS , Iron and V/agon Stock , \t HHIW . O Vriris * & V V/C.U\jA r/ -t 1 Vj'O 1209 andllSll Hartley Street , Omaha. octll-trac and a great deal of time was spent in investigations that a method was dis covered of making steel plates that could be safely used. Th re is one disadvantage , apart from the slightly increased cost of a steel ship , which may be urged agaii.st the building of them. It is impossi ble to say what the effect upon atcel plates will ba of the chemical action of salt water. Experiments have been made to determine this point , but they can hardly bo called decisive. It is held by some that salt water will quickly corride the steel or at least weaken its strength in such away , that , while to outward ap pearances the plates may be sound , they will not bo able to resist a severe strain. If this theory is true , then a safe sea going vessel can never be built of steel ; bat this , as we have said , is a theory , and it ia more > han probable that experience will show that it is not tenable. It may not be out of place to add that by building steel ships the English are throwing our wooden hulls still more into the back ground , and are making it without we are accorded the liberty to enter the market and buy these new steel all the harder for us to regain con trol of what was once our share In tha carrying trade of the world. CAPITPL NOTES , Special Dispatches to The Bee. WASHINOTOK , November 27 1 a. m. The conservative feeling aroused in the south by the election of Gen. Girfield has extended to Texas. Cer tain citizens of that state have sent a delegation to Washington to confer with Gen. GarSeld on the subject oi the policy.to be pursued by his admin istration toward the south , and to tender him the hearty co-operation oi the citizens of that section , irrespect ive of pirty. Thursday evening Gen. Garfield was the guest of Secretary Sherman , at his hospitable mansion in this city. The cordial manner in which theaf two distinguished gentlemen meet and confer together would seem to give the lie to many stories afloat that they are not on friendly terms. The Star saya"RepresentatjvoSapp thinks before the democratic fpartj will ever achieve national success , it will be necessary to muzzle Wade Hampton , incarcerate Barnum in a bastile , and dispose In soma appropri ate manner of Abraham S. Hewitt. " Treasurer Gilfilllan holds that the fact that the banks are retiring theli circulation , and taking out their bond : ia good evidence to show that our cur rency Is not elastic , and the demand not regulated by the needs of trade , but rather by the price of bonds. Sir. K. H. Gladstone , son of the English premie * , called at the execu tive mansion yesterday and paid hie respect ? to President Hayes. TIIK CaiNESE-AMEKICAS TREATY. At the cabinet meeting yesterday Secretary Evarts officially announce ed that the United States commis sioner to China had negotiated two treaties with that country ono in re gard to Chinese emigration to the United Stated , and tl.e other relating to commerce between the two conn- tries. Both treaties are signed and will be sent to the senate early in Da- cember for ratification. Although no portion of the troities will be made public until after they are acted upon by the senate , it can be stated that the president and Secretary Evarb are much gratified at the result of the commissioner's labors. Mr. Evarts expresses the opinion that uodt-r the operations of the ioimigiatini trtat > there will ba no further well-groundet cause for complaint from the states of the Pacific slope on that score. Gen. Garfield spent yesterday qui etly. He leaves for 3Ientar next Mon day. Weatc Scaffolding. Special Dispatch to The Bee. FEW YOBK , November 27,1 a. m , Yesterday atternoon , shortly aftei 2 o'clock , the massive woodeo scaf .folding at Fifteenth- Street and Har lem river which wa used in construc ting thn Booth railroad bridge acraia . Harlem mer for the elevated railroad , ' suddenly gave iray precipitating anv- eral workman to the ground. Loui * Goyer was nlmctt instantly killed , and < Frederick Goyer , Patrick { CavataLd , Henry O'Connor , and Henry A. Gaao were serloncly injured. They were all conveyed to a hospital , where their injuries warn properly attended to. Several other workmen received ilight injuries , but were afal * to leave for their homes. Tha accident occnrred while a heavy iron girder was being swung ovar tha scaffold , and it ii supposed that the structure was not strong enough to carry the weight. Investigation will bo commenced to-day. Indications. Speflil Dispatch tu'lHH Bll. WASHINGTON , D. C. , November 27t 1 a. m. For the upper Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys , stationa ry or lower barometer , higher tem perature , southerly winds , clear or clouey weather. Rise in Cotton. gpec ! l DtopAtch to ih Boa. ST. Louis , November 27 1 . m. The advance of 82.50 to 83.00 per bale in cotton yesterday , created quite an exuberent feeling among the St. Louis operators , most of whom are long. The profits already in sight are over $100,000. _ Undoubtedly the best shirt In the United States is manufactured at tha Omaha Shirt Factory. Tha superiority of Material and workmanship , com- oined with their great improvements , that Is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced backs and Keinforced sleeves , make * their shirt the most durable and beat fitting garment of the kind , ever manufactured at the moderate price of $1.50. Every shirt of our make ia guaranteed first-claas and will refund the money if found otherwise. We make a specialty of all wool , Shaker , and Canton flannel , also chemois underwear , made up with a view to comfort , warmth and durabil ity. To Invalids and weak-lunged persons wo offer special inducements in the manner these goods are made for their protection. PH. GOTTHEIMEK , mtn itreet. BacElen'a Arnica Salve The BEST SALVE In the world for Oats , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Coras , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve la guaranteed to give perfect satlafao- tlod In every case or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8'lly .T. K. TSH Omahw. MAKE XO MISTAKE I MICA ATT. ? &KEASE Composedlarit'ly of powdered mica and iiinxba * M the best tad cheapest lubricator In the world. It Is the best beamse It doe * notirom , bat fomu a highly polished urt ce over the tile , domir w y with a forge amount of friction , 't la th cheapest beauzo Tott need u e but half IBO muntUr I" gre IiZ jonr waion tbatyou would of nr other xl8 grease maJe , nd then run your < on twice aa Ion ? . U answers eqn Ur u well for Mill Oearin ? , Threshing IMichlnet Buzzes. &C..M for wagons-Send for Joefrt Cclopedlaot Thliijfs Worth Knowing. Hailed 31 MICHIGAN * & -Ask Your Dealer For It oct20-tf