CHARLES POWELL , JUSTICE OF THE . FEACE . . . . i-orner 15th and HORNET AT LAW Room 6Creighton Block. ISth St . OMAHA. KEB. _ 0. L. THOMAS , TTORXKY AT LAW Loans money , bnyl and sells real estate. Boom i , Orelghton A. C. TROUP , TJORNEY AT LAW Oft te In Hanscom's Block , with Goorc * E. Prltchett , ItOfl f Jamhtm St. OMAHA.KtB. OEXT 'L THOMAS , AT LAW CrnJcksnaak I Solid ATTORKET p/8U A. CKADWIOK , AT LAW OEce ! ISO * Tamtam ATTORNEY T XHTTZK Office In Cretehtoa Blotk , nut U Jj Fact Office , OHAHA , KZBR&fiEA. JtOTABT rUBUO. COLUSOTlOIfB KADB O'BRJEN & BARTLETT , Attorneys-at-Law , oyriCK-TJnlon Blorx.yifteenth anc" FarnhaBa' ( ATTORNEY AT LAW. COR. ODBCISTH STS. OMAHA , XEB. W. d. Connell , r Attorney-at-Law , Office : Front rooms , tip flairs , la Hansoom's new brick building , N. w. comet Fifteenth and Farnham Street * . . B I > ICK. CHAB B. Buioc jl KEDICK & REDICK , 1 rAttorneys-at-Law. 3t fipedal attention wtli be clTen to all inits (51 ( ritu t corporationot ; ertry description : will ti nractlce in al Khe Coorta of the Btate and the United Sutsa. Office , rarnham St. . oppoelte Court Ilonao. EDWARD W. SIKEKfil , * TTORNKV AT LAW Room B Creljhton JL Bloclc. Itth and Douglas streets. noSdh C. F. MAKDERSQN , * CTORKST ; AT LAW HI Iteilua Btieet Omaha Nebraska. . T. UICHIRDB. Q. J. Hnil ! RICHARDS & KUKT. Attorneys-at-Law. - - . 'Omn 215 South Fourteenth Street. DR. BOSANKO'S ' < PiLE REMEDY. ' H.TERNAL , EXTERNAL , AND ITCfolNG PILES Vi > Mll tli nppllpmtlon or f " " po nl upon > Tnmora. allnylng thti afcg BO oUipr. and tell yonr ylrribor DO NOT DELAY IRYTTABNED CURED PRICE , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , wbeb you runnutobtoln Uorblm.n > . Prepaid , onrralptofprlcc SSSSSTS DR , BOSANKO THEOjpffiADO BUSIN SSCOLLECE , located at Denver , Colorado , and Commercial center of the f the best and rnott practl- MERCANTILE 1lNIHC -OF-/ Toung Men aLadies. . QW FOSTED roBldent , * D. W. ADY , Secretary. ough and complete he world. Thousands essmen. i the prin- opal cities and toms rfthe Unltc.1 States , owe lr success to .or cpurw a training. ieht iind of Education for \ Toung Men and Ladies. Wock- three condition ol entrance , etc. AiMrtss G. W. FOSTER , President , S pSm Denver. Colorado. THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING COPROPRIETORS. . SIB P&rnhtm , beL Sth and 10th Strtitt TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION , 1 Copy 1 rear , in advance ( postpaid ) . .tS.OO 6 months " " 4.00 Smooths " " 2.00 TIKE TABLES THE MAILS. 0 , 4N. W.B.B,6SO . m. , S : p. mj , fc40 p. m. 0. B , LA P. B. B. . 6:80 a , to. , 2M p. nS * Ot. . Joe C40 a. m. B. City 4 P , 630 a. m , D. P. R.B. , ll:10a.m. O. & R. V. to Lincoln , 10 a. m. B. * M. R. R. , 8:40 a m. O.N. W. , 73C.m. ormaa 0. fcX. W. R.R. , U a. m. , 11 p. a. O.B. * O. , 11a.m. , 9:30 : p. m. O.R.I. i P. , 11a.m. , llp.m. C. B. at St , Joe. , 11 a.m. , U p. m. U. P. R. R. , 4 p m. O. & B , V. from Lincoln , 12:10 : p. B , B. City & P. , 11 a.m. B. &M. lnlttb.,4 p. m. Local mails for States Iowa leave bat onoe a day , vis : 420 a. m. Office open from 12 to 1 p. m Sundays. THOMAS F. HALL. Postmaster. Arrival And Departure of Trains UUIOK PACinO. LIAT1. AUIVB. Dally Kxprg.I2O5 p. m. BSSp.n. do Ulied 6:10 p. m. 4:25 p. m. do Freight 6:30 a. m. Ii0p , n . do do -.8:15 a. m. 1230a.m. TIME CARD OF THE BURLINGTON. Ml VIOIUHA. AEJUTI OMAHA. Zzprosa SiOp. m. Express 10:00 a , m , Kali CXQ * . m. Hall 10:00 p. m. Sundays Ezcepted. Sundays SxceptaL CHICAQ O.fBOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. MaU _ .6.-00 a. 33. I Mail 100 p. m. Express 8:10 p. m. | Express. . . .100 a. m. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN. Mall . . .6.-00 a. m. I Mall - 730 P.TU. press . . . .JltOp } m. | Erproes . „ .10:00 a. m. Sundays excepted. KANSAS CTTY.BT. JOE ft COUNCIL BLUFFa UAVB AMirFE. MaU.8.00 a. m. I Express.7 : < 0 a. m. Run ess 60 p.m. | Hafl 7:25 p. m. The only line running Pullman Sleeping Can out ol Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA ft NORTHWESTERN AND [ SIOUX CTTY & PACIFIC RAILROADS. Eipress.B 0 a. m. | Fipreai.iM p m. Dally Except Sundays. B. * M. R. R. in NEBRASKA. LIAVB. ARRrVB. Through ExpH8:40 am ] Through Exp..4:00pm Lincoln Exp..6:16 p m ( Lincoln Exp..9.30 a m SIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL R. R. . . . _ 6:10am | Ixp-cas IMQ am Erpress 8.40pm Cl . . . . . . . . .7:20 p WABASH , ST. LOUI8PACina UaTOS. Aiuum. Hall _ _ 8 a. m. I Mall-ll S a. m Express..8:40 : p. m. [ Express . . .135 p.m BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. R. B. Leave Omahi , dally -8 a. m. , 9 a. m. , 10 a m. 11 a. m. . 1 p. m. , S p. m. , S p. m , 6 p. m , , 6 p. Leave Council Bluffe ; 8S5 a. m. , 9.-2S a. m , 18S5 . m. , 1125 m.m. , 1KB p m. , 2 6 p. m. 8:26 p. m. , C35 p. m. , e S p. m. , Four trips on Sunday , leaving Omaha at a and 11 m. , 2 and 5 p. m. ; Council Blufis at 8:35 m. , and 2:25 and 5 5 p. m. Leave Omaha : a. m. , 7 a. m.8 0 . m. , ) p. m. , 1:50 p. m. , 735 p. m. , Leave Council Bluffs : 6:16 : a. m , , BtO : a. m. 11:40 am.i:25p. m. , 70 p. m. , 7 0 p. m , Dally except Sunday. OMAAA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY B. LSATB , AWUVl. Mall _ 10 : < 5a.m. , 5p. m. Dally except Sondays. SANTA. OLA.TJS FOUND. Greatest Ulsoovery of tbe Asre. rTona rrol discoveries In the world have been made Among other things where Santo Claus stayed Children ott ask U he makes roods or not , If nally he lives in a mountain of snow , test year an excursion sailed clear to the Pole And suddenly dropped Into what eeemedllke thole Where wonder of wonders they found ancwlaail While fairy-Ilka belnjn appeared on each hand. There were mountains like ours , with more beautiful green , And tar brUhtsr skies than ever were seen , Birds with the hues of a rainbow wen found , -While flowers of exquisite fragrance were grow Ing around. Not long were they left to wonder In doubt A being soon came they had hoard much about , Twas Santo Clans' self and thlsthey all say , 3e looked like the picture r esee every day. He drove up a team that looked very queer , Twas a team f imMhoppen Instead of reindeer , He rode In a shell instead of a sleigh , But he took thorn on totrd and drove them away. He showed them all over his wonderful realm , And factories making goods for women and men Furriers were working on nata ( Teat and small , To Bunco's tbev said they were sending them all Kris Klngle , the Glove Vaker , told them at once , All our Gloves we are lending to Bunco , Santo showed them sucpenden and many things more. Baying I alse took these to friend Bonce's stors. Banto Claus then whispered a secret he'd te'J , As in Omaha every one knew Bonce well , He therefore should send hb goods to nil ears , Knowing his friends will get their full share. Now remember ye dwellers in Omaha town , All whoraat present ! to nonce's go round , For shirts , collars , or gloves great and small , Send your sister or aunt one and all. Bunoe , Champion Hatter ot tbe West , Douglas r * t. Om h 1 K. A. S. PENDERY , CONSULTING PHYSICIAN EAS FERltAKENTLT LOCATED HIS MED ICAL OFFICE , WSTtnth Street , OMAHA , NEBRASKA Cfferln ; his services in all departments fo mcdlMns an. ' surgery , both in general au pedal pHctle acute and chronic diseases. Cm be consulted utfht and day , and will vilita part of the city and countv on receipt oT' tU PAD A new and rJthcrto unknown remedy for all HieaMSotthe Kidneys , Bladder , and Urinary Qnrano. It will positively cure Diabetes , Gravel , Drop- ly , BrUrht's Disease , inability to retain or ezpell the Urine , Catarrh of the Bladder , high colored md ncanty urine. Painful Urinating , LAME BACK , Ucneral WcaVncu , and all Female Com- faints. It avoids Internal medicines , Is certain In it iffects and cures when nothing : else can. For cale by all Druggists or sent by mail free ipon receipt of the price , $2,00. DAY KEY PAD CO. , PROP'RS , Toledo , O. ara n your address for our little book , HQTI B was Saved. " KES K , ISH , Agent tor Nebraska. AGEICULTUEAL , The Coining Fence. The Farm Journal thus discusses the fences ot a nofdielant day : " 1. The fencing material of the era now dawning will consist more largely of iron than heretofore ; but , 2. Iron posts will not he used unless there ia a great fall in the price of iron , a circumstance that is not likely to oc cur. 3. To turn cattle and horae only , a fenca consisting of wooden posts with three No. 0 wires will 'prove the cheapest and best fence. The bottom wire , about two feet from the ground , may have barbs upon it , to prevent cattle from pushing against it ; the top wire should have plastering lath wired to it horizon tally , the lath white-washed , to pre vent animals running into the fence. 4. To turn sheep and hogs wooden fences are the cheapest and best. 5. A to the fence of the more distant future for turning cattle , we ara not prepared to name it , but m ny farm ers la the old diary sections will eay , 'fence , no fence. ' The aniline system that will feed and support 100 cows on 100 acres requires no fence at sll. fcr the cows do not graze , but are fed at the barn winter and summer. " Condiments for Poultry. A moderate quantity of cayenne pepper , mustard or ginger can , with great benefit , be added to the food for fowls to increase their vigor and to stimulate egg production. This diet , although apparently artificial , is really natural ; for wild birds of the gallino- cean family have acceps to very many highly spiced berries and buds arti cles that give the "game flavor" to their flesh. Although there is.more or less of an aromatic principle in wheat , Indian corn and other grains consumed by the domestic fowl , yet the quantity is not sufficient to supply the place of the stronger spices , a taste for which is inherited by the fowl. [ Live Stock Journal. How to Test Cows. The difficulty of establishing the value of each cow in the dairy is not as great as is generally supposed. The method usually employed is to weight each cow's milk upon a spring scale as soon as It is drawn , and before pour ing it into the general receptacle. A small record-book , containing the name of each cow , and columns for date , weight of milk , etc. , renders it a comparatively easy matter. To get a fair average through the year one week's trial for each month is snffi" cient. In making tests for butter it is only necessary to net each cow's milk separately and churn it by itself , which will give the yield of butter tor a certain quantity of milk. [ Prairie Farmer. The Sheep Fold. Some way or anothar agriculture seems incomplete without a flock of sheep. They are essential to the thick-set longevity of the old grass land , and all the world over and in olden times they were esteemed as most important , and in the most im proved agricultural country of Eng land they are cherished by every farmer , from the highest to the luweat The wool is one of the incomes which c tmot be dispensed with , and the flocks are BO managed that the lega cut heavier and more valuable fleeces than the older sheep ; In faot , teg fleeces in England not only weigh 30 per cent , heavier than those1 of ewes , but make ten or more pet Cent , higher prices. There is no excuse in the west for the absence of sheep on every farm. [ Spirit of Kansas. Fodder Corn. K.T. Tribune. By the analysis of Prof. Collier we learn that he found the par cent , of sugar in the stalks of Indian corn to be much greater the more perfect the stalks were and the nearer thty were to maturity. These experiments dem onstrate the importance of planting fodder corn thinner , in order to get u more valuable crop. The reason why there has been so much controversy in regard to the value of corn-stalks as a green forage plant is because of the difference in the value of the stalks grown by thin or thick plant ing. When the crop is too thick in the rows or broadcast , the stalks are soft , weak and and washy , and worth little except to fill up the stomach ; but when the stalks crow their natur al siua , with all the joints perfect and ears set on them , there is , as Prof. Collier has demonstrated , a great deal more sugar in them , and hence they POISCBS more value tor food. Farm ers should learn by these facts to put in the cornstalk crop much thinner than they have been in the habit of doing , ms it is not so much the bulk of the crop or the stand upon the ground as it is the perfection and ma turity of the stalks which make them valuable. This condition can best be reached by planting In drills. When this Is done and perfect stalks pro- iuced there will be leas controversy ibout the value of corn as a fodder plant. AN UGLY INVENTION. CAM. ZMCC30N INVENTS A WONDMI- FUL PROJECTILE BOAT. S" w Yotk Special to Pioneer-Press. Oapt. John Ericcson is experiment ing in New York harbor with the most formidable engine of dea'h known to naval warfare. The inventor } f the Monitor , one of the most modern and unpretentious machines af the age , is not likely to exaggerate .he merits of his own work. He is satisfied with the results of recent ex periments with his torpedo boat , and lome of the most experienced officers lo not hesitate to pronounce It an un equivocal success. It will be seen hat Oapt. Ericcion has invented three hings , a boat , a gun , and a projectile boat. The latter Is submerged like the Monitor , with all the machinery below an intermediate deck of plate iron , which is strongly ribbed and sup- por's inclined armor plates. The deck house , above water , has no ports at tha side , and can be split away without the vessels being disabled. Heavy wood packing gives additional protection to the wheel , and the elec tric battery and steering gear is TEN FEET BELOW THE WATER LINE , attacking the hours and defying with her armor the heaviest ordinance destroyers. It is practically invuler- nable , and at the same time the most terrible antagonist. Her armi con sist of a single breech-loader of wrought iron , hooped with steel and with a bore of sixteen inches. This gun lies seven feet under water , and discharges & projectile containing 250 pounds of dynamite. When the boat with its crew of ten men is within 300 or 400 feet of the enemy , the gnn is fired by electricity , and the projectile explodes by con * cussion. If the first shot f tils , another follows in a few minutes , and a tor pedo bombardment proceeds with ex treme rapidity. The substitution of gunpowder for compressed air in the operation of charging the gnn vastly increases the efficiency of the arma ment. It may not be too much to say that it leaves the mightiest iron ships of the world completely at her mercy. LOVE'S THE SEQUEL TO THE FLIRTATION OW THE BTEAMEE "FRANCE. " Spec al to St. Louis Globe-Democrat. NEW YORK , November 10. Mrs. EHza Bergmann , the yottng woman who was taken Into custody Wednes day evening , having fled from her husband in Philadelphia , remained at police headquarters all day to-day. Enly in the morning her husband , Charles Berginann , her brother , and an elderly woman , said to be her aunt , called at the central office. The aunt and President French visited Mrs. Bergmann , while the husband and brother remained in the superin tendent's room. Mr. Bergmann is a man of medium height , fair complex ion and has a eaudy moustache. His arm , which was injured n few days ago in a riding school , was wrapped in a b&ndsge. HE WAITED OVEK. TWO HOURS for the arrival of physicians who were to examine into the mental condition rjf-his wife. He is a Swede by birth , and is the son of a wealthy merchant In Sweden. In conversation with her aunt and President French Mrs. Berg mann spoke rationally on general sub jects , but declared that she wanted to see Emanuel Gonzalss , a young Span iard whom she matron the tteamer .France , which arrived hero Novem ber 2. He had been very pleasant to her on the steamer and she wanted to BOO him again , although she did not know where he was. He was young and handsome , and she supposed he was staying at some of the Spanish hotels in this city. She had sent a telegram to the Spanish hotel , but hid received no answer. Thun she came to the city to lock for him , and expected to find him nt the Fifth Avenue Hotel. "If I did not find him at the Fifth Avenue Hotel , " she said , ' ! intended to look at the regis ter at all the hotels. If I did not then see him I could easily have watched for him on Broadway. WALKING UP AND DOWN. Mrs. Bergrrmnn expressed affection for her husbind , and seemed to be aunoyed that she had caused him any trouble. At Mr. Bergmann'i request , President French told her that she would probably not be an noyed by her husband any more , who had given her up , and now only wanted to save the family from dis grace. Mr. Borgmann has no inten tion of leaving his wife , but wanted to see what effect the words would have on her. The wife's manner changed when this statement was made to her ; her eyes filled with tears , and she exclaimed : "How foolish I was to leave such a man. " From that time she talked less about the Spaniard. She insisted on re maining at headquarters , but said she did not care to see the Spaniard any more. Dr. Marion Sims , of Phil adelphia , examined Mrs. Bargmann yesterday and concluded that she was insane about the Spaniard. Dr. William J. Morton , of No. 15 East F rty-Sfth street , reached the same conclusion. What the physicians advised the family to do the police officers refused to say. It is stated , however , on good authority.that they recommended keeping her under restraint for a short time in a private house in this city , UNDER PROPER MEDICAL TREATMENT. Mrg. Bergman asked to see Dr. Wrn. A. Hammond , and it was arranged that he and Dr. Morton should examine her to-day. Emanuel Oonzales , the Spaniard referred to , is as yet ignor ant of the result of his flirtation on the steamer France , lie is only 20 yuars of age , but is tall , and appears much older. His father is a wealthy importer , and his brother conducts'a branch in Tabasco , Mexico. Gonasles has just finished his studies at a col- legoin Hamburg , and was directed to joiu his brother in Tabasco. When ho arrived here on the France he went to the Spanish hotel in Great Jones street , called the Hotel del Recreo. He intended to sail for Mexico Thurs day , but he received a dispatch from his brother to remain in this country to learn English. Therefore , on Thursday , ho went to the military academy at Yonkers , where he is now. At the Spanish hotel the guests had beard of Mrs. Bergmann , from Gen zales. "We were standing in a group one evening talking about our expe riences on shipboard , " said one of the gupsta yesterday , "when Ggnssles re marked that he bad had a singular ex perience on his voyage. HeM " M X AN AMERICAN WOMAS , he said , "who could speak a littla Spanish , and he occasionally spent some time on deck with her. Finally he found that the husband was jeal ous and had ordered hit wife away from the stranger. The lady had an Irish servant who would tell the hus band whenever she found Gonzsles talking with her mistress. The hus band was sick and spent most of h a time below. One evening when t e voyage was nearly over the servant approached Gonzales and said : 'You keep away from her or you will le shot. ' Well , we all laughed over the young fellow's adventure , and then some one else told a story. We asked Gonzales if he knew where the lady lived , and he said he didn't , and de- c'ared ' that he did not even know her namo. " A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. For the speedy cure of Consump tion and all diseases that lead to it , such as stubborn coughs , neglected Colds , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Asth ma , pain in the side and chest , dry hacking cough , tickling in the throat , Hoarseness , Sore Throat , and all chronlo or lingering diseases of the throat a&d lungs , Dr. King's ' New Dis covery has no equal and has established for itself a world-wide reputation. Many leading physicians recommend and uae it in their practice. The form ula from which it H prepared is high ly recommended bj all medical jour nals. The clergy and the press have complimented it in the most glowing terms. Go to your druggist and get a trial bottle free of cost , or a regular size for $1.00. For sale by d(5) ( ) J. K. ISH. Omaha. BncKien's Arnica Salve The BEST SALVE in the world for Outs , Bruises , Sores , TJlcera , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Totter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve la guaranteed to give perfect uatlafao- tlod In every case or money re tnnded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8dly J. K. TSH Om ha. 45 Tears befor THE GENUINE DR. C. McL ANE'S LITER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy "for all the ills that flesh is heir to. " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints. Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache. or diseases of that character , they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used pre paratory to , or after taking quinine. As a simple purgative they are uneqnaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each box hss a red-wax seal on the lid , with the impression , JIcLANE'8 LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa tures of 0. McLANE and Fuutiwz BROS. ttS * Insist upon bavin ? the genuine DE.C.McLANE'S LIVER PILLS , pre pared b'- FLEMING BROS. , Pittsburgh , Pa. , the market being full of imitations of the name STcLane , spelled differently , but same pronunciation. mw TO CURE CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , Colds , Asthma , Croup , All dlseaaes of the Throat , Lunga.and Pulmonary Organs. USE ACCOHDIhG TO'IiIHECTIONS ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. UNLIKE PILLS AND THE USUAL PURGATIVES , IS PLEAS ANT TO TAKE , And will prove at once the most potent and harmless SYSTEM RENOVATOR and CLEANSER that bus yo' be-n b'ouihtto public notice. For CONSTIPATION , BILIOU-5- NK89 , HEADACHE , PILE" , and all di orders arising from an obstructed state of the system , it U Incomparably the beat curative extant. Avoid imitations ; insist on getting the article called for. TROPIC-FRUIT LAXATIVE b put up in bre.zed tin boxes only. Price CO cent ! . Ask your druggist for Descriptive Pamphlet , or ad dress tbe proprietor , J. E. HETHERINQTOJt , Kew York or San Framj,3oo. Before Purchasing Aar FORK of go-Called ELECTRIC BELT , Band , or Appliance represented to cure Nervous , Chronic and tipecla Diseuet , send to the PUL VERUACHERQALVANICCO.&lSMontgomery Street , San Francisco , Cai. , for their Free Pamphlet and "Tho Electric Review , " and you will save time , health and money. The P. O. Co. are the only dealers in Genuine Electrio Ap pliances on the American Continent. THOSE TERRIBLE HEADACHES QENEE- ATED by obstructed socrctiona , and to which ladles are especially subjtct , can always be re lieved , and their recurrence prevented , by the useol TARBAST'S EmnvuciKT SILTZI& Af laiisr PROCURABLE AT ALL DRUG ) STORES. BELVEDERE Star Wind Mill MANUFACTURED BY THOS. E. WILLIAMS , RED OAK IOWA. Correspondence solicited rom those needing a reliable Wind Mill t-end for circular and pri cei and tny information ii regard to the Ulll will b cheerfully furnished. LIVE AOENTS WANTED. REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY THE BELVIDEEE STAR WIND MILL. BECAUSE lit. It is more eafe In a gale of wind , and In he moat sudden chances ot the wind from sny direction , became tbe wheel tying flat on the tower Is always rcsdp with its edge to the wind , and allows the vane to fining 2'ear arouad , with out turning or striking the wheel. 2nd.Itls a rigid wheel hating no movtable lolrU to wear out , fust or cteik In th wlnJ. 3rd. Ice nor elect baa no effect on it. 4th. It loses leas power from friction than other mils. 5th. It will run with less wlnl than otner Mills 8th. It Ise wily regulated so It will perform any amount of work required leaa than its capac ity. ity.7thl It hat no pullles , springs nor sliding heads to reczo up In winter. Sth. It will not pump whtn out of gear. 9th. It la well and heavilr painted with thr coats ot the best catnt the market can afford. 10th. It is a per feet self-regulator , and n 111 take care of Itself In hoary changablo wind storms. llth. HAsymetncalfonnisaperfectornament I2lh. Novcr have heardjof any blown don as yet when properly set up with a regulating vane , nor ever damaged In the leaat by tn wind. IStb. They are of good material and made. 14th. AllahaJts tamed , boxes habited and all ntccssiry parts double nutted. 15th. It Is more simple , more compact In con struction and stwnwr h th r 21111s ersaltw FEVER AND AGIJE. Meets the requirements of the ratloml msdleal pDloopby ! which at present prevails. Jt U a perfectly pure vegetable remedy , embracing the three important properties of a prevntlre , a tonic , and an alt rathe I fnrt'fl ' < tie b dy afralnntdlsosse , Invigorates and re-v talizti the torpid stomach and liver , and effects a most salutary change in tbo entire system , when in a morbid condition. KCT tale by all Piugglsts and Da'lera generally. To Nervous Sufferers The Great European Kemedy Dr. J , B , .Simpson's Specific Medicine. It 1 * a positive cure for Spermatorrhea , Seminal Weakness , Impotcncy , and ail dl * a > ea resulting from Self-Abuse , as Mental Anxiety , Loi-a ot Memory , Pains in the Back or Side , and dlteases that lead to Consumption Insahlty and an early grave The Vpedflc Medicine is being used with wonder ful success. . Pamphlets seut free to all. Write for them and get full particulars. Price , Specific , 81.00 per package , or six pack- iges for $5.00. Address all orders to J. B SIMPSON MEDICINE CO. , Nog. )4and ) 106 Main St. , Buffalo , N.T. Bold lu miha br C. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell J , E. iJh xni aUdruzgUa everywhere. sep23-dAwly SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AND St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. ThtOld Reliabk Sioux City Route I 100 MILES 'SHORTEST ROUTE 1 From COUNCIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMAROK , And all points In Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. This line la equipped with the Im proved Westlnzhouso Automatic Air Brakes and Miller Platform Coupler and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT Is unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Boom and Sleeping Carsowned and controlled by the com pany , run Through Without Change between Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , and St. Paul. Trains leave the Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Council Bluffs , at 6:16 p m. , reaching Sioux City at 10:20 p. m. , and St. Fan ! at 11:06 a.m , making J -TEN HOURS HT ADVANCE o ? ANT OTHER ROUTE. Returning , leave St. Paul at 830 p. m. . ar riving at Sioux City at itS a. m. , and Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , at 9:50 a. m. Be Bare that your tickets read vis "S. C. & P. B. R. " F. C. HILLS , Superintendent. Missouri Valley , Iowa. P. E. ROBINSON , Aea't Gen'l Pass. Aront. J. H. 0-BRYAN , and Passenger Agent , Council Bluffs GO EAST -VIA THE Chicago & Northwestern 2,380 MILES OF ROAD ! It li the SHORT , SURE and Site Route Betwsm COUNCIL BLUFFS AI9 GHIOAGO , MILWAUKEE and all polnta EAST and NORTH. IT OFFERS THE TRAVELING PUBLIC GREATER FAC3LITIE3 AND HORK ADVANTAGES THAN ANT OTHER ROAD IN. THE WEST. It la the ONLY ROAD between COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which la run PULLMAN HOTEL OAKS ! In addition to there and to pleaio all clasDea o travelers , It Rlvo * FIRST-CLASS MEALS at It ; EATING STATIONS at 60 oenU each. ITS TRACK IS STcEl ( TAILS ! ITS COACHES ARE THE FINEST ! _ . ITS EQUIPMENT FIRST CLASS If ron wUh the Bett Traveling Aceommoda < tlonayon will boy vonr ticket by thlj Bonte CTAND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket Aienta can sell von Thronsh Ticket * Via this road acd Check nsnal Bag gage Free o ! Charge OMAHA TICKET OFFICES 12H Farnham St Cor. Hth , and at Union Pacific Depot. DENVER OFFICE In Colorrdo Central nd Union Pacific Ticket Office. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 2 N w Jfontfonv eiy Street. Tor Information , foldera , mtpa , etc. , not ob tainable at Home Ticket Office , adiirera any .gent . of the Company , or KARVIN HL'CHITT , W- STENNITT , Oen'I Manager , Oenl Pan. Agent , OmCAQO , ILL. JAMES T. CLARK , Oenl Agt Omaha k Conndl Blnfla. THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars ! CHICAGO BURLINGTON & QUINGY With Smooth acd Perfect Track , Elegant Pas senger Coaches , and PULLMAN SLEEPING DINING CARS It Is acknowledged by tbe ffea , and all wnt travel nv = r It , to be the Best Appolatid < ad Bast Managed Road In the Country. PASSENGERlTGOING EAST Should oear In mind tnat tola b the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points East , N rth and Northwest. Passengers by this Route hare choice ot POUR DUTEEENT EOUTES , And the Advantage of Six Dally Llnea ot Palace Sleeping Cars from Chtat o to New Tork CityWithout Change. All Express Trains on this line are equipped with the Westinihouso Patent Air Braka and Miller's Patent Safety Platform and Couplers , the most Perfect Pro tection Against Acd- dents in the world. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING AND D'NIHC ' CARS Ara ran onto Burlington Route , Information concerning Routes , Rates , 11ms O.E PERK.NS. D.W.HITCHCOCK. Qen'l Manager. Gen. West'n Pacs. Ag't. J. O. PHILLIPFI , Be. Joe. , Mo. General Agent , Omaha. H. P. DUFX , fepi-dl llcket Agant. Omaha. 1SSO. K. G.ST.JOE&O.B.R.R. , la the only Direct tine to ST. LOOS AND THE EAST from OMAHA and the WEST. No change of cars between Omahm and at. Loots and but one between Omaha and New Tork. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & Western Cities With less charged and in advance o ! other lines. This entire line Is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Day Coach- es.Mlller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated Westlngbouae Air-Brake. JSTSEE THAT YOUR TICKET BEADS M jtS"Vla Kansas City , St. Joseph andta O > CouncilBIuffsU.R. , Tlcksta for sale at all coupon stations In the J.CF"BARKARD , A. c. DAWES , Ocn'l Supt. , Oenl Pass. & Tirket Az't St. Joseph , Mo St. Joseph , Mo , W. 0. aEACHRIST , Ticket Agen. , SU Fifteenth Street , b tw en Farnhau and Donzlas. Unloa Block , Omaha. JOS. TEHON , A. a BARNARD , Pass. Agent , Omaha. Oen'rlAeent , Omaha. WROUGHT IRON FENCES. Wire Fendng and Railing a Speciality. Their beauty , permanence and economy dally worklnsr the extinction of all fencing cheap material. Elegant In design. Indestructible Fences for Lawns , Public Grounds and Gem * tery Plata. Iron Vases , Lawn SottooJ , canopied and of ruitlc patterns ; Chairs ami every description of Iron and Wire ornamental work designed manufactured br E. T. BARNUSI'S Wire and Iron Work , S7 , 29 and 31 Woodward Ave. , De troit , Mich. 8 Dil i'l"a- ' ' - -atalogue anil price lint. sep L'PE ' GUR For COUGHS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA , CONSUMP TION , and all Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. Tha most acceptable prcp-r tlon in the known world By adding to TOLU ROCK and RYE luU Lemonjulre , you rw e an esellent Appetizer and Tonic , for cemral and fairtlyn > a The imm a. eandl er-vlnc * ! , the numerous testimonial ? received daily ar. the be t avMtncrt of its virtues and roiubi i'y. Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TREASURY DEPARTMENT , OFFICE OF INTERNAL RF.VENU ) w ASIILX0105 , II. C. , Jeauary S8,1SSO. / UOSSTB. LAWRENCE & UAKTIN , 1111 M-tdlmu St. , Chicago. Ills. . Gcm.ntEi : This componm' . in the opinion of this office , would have a sufficient qtuntltv ) the BALSA-M OF TOLU to ttlve it all ih advantage * ascribed to this article In pectoral rompUlnU , while the whbkyaid the " * } rupconitltate an emulsion rendering It an asneable icmeOy to th patient. Compounded afre rdlnjr to the formula. It mav properly bo clasrad as MEDICINAL PREPARATION under the proHong ot U. S. IVvbed btati'tcs. and when 10 itomped , say le sold by Drujfbt , Apotheciriaa and Other Persons without rendering them liable to pay tpvobJ tax as liquor dealers Yours Respectfully , ( Signed ) GREEN. B. RADM , Commissioner LAWRENCE & MARTIN.Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGGISTS , GEOCEES and DEALEBS everywhere WHO IS WITH THE CBQCRAPHY OP fHIS COUNTrW-i LS , Si SEE BY CXA.MINI.1C THIb MAP. THAT THE CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. B. [ S THE GREAT CONNECTED II5K BETWEEN THE EAST & THE W * i Its main line ran. from Chicago x > Council DlunX pasilne through Jollet , Ottawa. La Svto. Jenraeo , Mollne. Hoc * bland. Davenport. l.VMt Liberty , Iowa City.Mnreowo , Brooklyn. Grlnscll. DesMolaej ( the capital of Iowa ) . Stuart. AUs-i- Llc. and Avnca ; with branches from Buru Junction to Feorla ; Wilton Junction toMusca- line , Washington. Kalrtleltl. Klaon. Beiknap. Centrcvlile. Princeton. Trenton. OalUtln. Came ron. Leavenwortti. Atchtson. and Kansas Ctty ; Washington U. Slaonraoy. Ojkaloosa , and Knox- rille ; KeoinE to Karnlnzlon. Uonaparto. Gen- Eonsoort. Independent. Eldoo. Cttnmwn. Eddr- rlllB , Cbkhloo-a. rella.M'inroe. and DCS Molnes : S'nwtontoMonroo : Iea31oines j < Indl.inolaand IVInternet : Atlantic to Levrls and Audubon : anil A'oca to Uarl&n. ThK Is positively the onir Itallroad. whtcb owns , and operates a through line from Chlcaco Into tbe State of Kansas. Tnrouan Kiprcus Passenger Trains , with Pali- Bin ValaceCaigattached.are niu each way Cally between CHICAGO and PzoniA. KANSAS Cmr , L'onicit. ULUJ-ra. UAVENWORTn and ATCHI- WV. TnrouKh cars areaisonm between Mil'-aa- tee npd Kansas CUT. via the "Milwaukee and Uocklilsnd fane- * Line The "Great Uock Island" Is mairoiacently Equipped. In road bed Is clmplT "X3 jctandlls track U laid with steel rails. What will please you most will be the pleasure if enlojlnu tour meals , while passing over the > antYul prairie * of Illinois and Iowa. In one of mrmuKxuncent pinfmrCar * ttiae aceumpimrall fnrougli Express Tntns. You set an entira ueal , as Rood as Is served In nny flrst-cUss hotel , rorsevanty-nve cents. . f ppreclatlDf the fact that a majority of the jeople prefer separate apartments for different > urposes ( and the Immense passenger business > r this line warranting It ) , wo art- pleased to an- lonnce that tnls Company runs Pullman 1'alaee d't for sleeping purposes , and POace IHnlno Can for ea n purposes cnrr. "J grent featsre of tur ralaco Cars ls.3j { BA1-OO.N vrnereyou can eujoj jour , * l at nil hears of the d T. Magnificent Iron lirldaes span and Missouri riT at all points ctoesetf line , anil transfers are avoided at Council _ Kan as City. Lcavenworth. and Atch9HSr nectlnn.i boinBmude In Union Depnu. THU rKINCU'AU It. 11. CON7 'K17 THIS OKKAT TUllOCOU 10NK FOLLOWS At CiifCAiio. with all orrerum * Ca ( U * East and y < mtB. . _ . . A. t „ AtK.votEwoou. wlthth9L.8-JtM.8- , 9 At WAfinuoTiw HEIGHT * . wrU > K. U * * > LL. It. K. . . . &AA kj4x * > * * b * i > > > - * ! * i * - - AtPzoRiA.wIin P. P. AJ.s P.U.4M- W. : 111. Mid. : nnif r.P. * W. IWs. At KOCK I'JLASn with "Mnwaukee c Island dUort Line. " and Uoek Isl'd f eo ZC- . AtUAnMrouT.wlth the Dmv.npyrt t T > s * - ' aM.SUP.K.K. . . . . , 1 1 1)Ed Mot.viiJ. with I ) M. A K. L > 1C. . At COUNCIL IILUITK. with Union 1'actocO At ( iJJAHA. with U. A Mo. It. It. Itla At OTTDMWA. wltn Central lowr U IV St. IA I'ao. and C. tt. * y K. ICdf. A K IOKL-K. with ToU I'eo. * War LouiB & IMC- ant Hi. J. . Kuct A NW. . At ATCIIUO.V. with Atch Topeka & 9M1A jf * Atch.Neb. . and Ceo. Br. U. C. 1C Kds , At l.EATE.NWOHTU , wltn Kan. Pao , asm Cent. 1L lids. At KA.-OAI crrr , with all lines for va and Southwest. ' - ' CARS fi ran through to FEORIA. I > EH < * I'lii.i.aiA. i-/v'4iiui. . . w COCjicAr. 111VDFFS. KANSAH CITY. A TC1MSO.V , and r.KAVE > WUKTU 'Ticket * viu thl. I.lne. known f > the "Great Jioclt Iilaud Jlunte , " < ur nil Ticket 4eent la the United State * find Canada. For Info -motion not obtainable at year borne ticket offlc , uddraif. rlBJVIjlU. E. ST.JOKn _ > T. Qen'l Supertntendent. Uen-l Tit. aa Paujr AM. , VERIGK. FURNITURE , BEDDING , FEATHERS And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Upholstery Trade , A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT GF NEW GOODS AT THE th ut 1208 and 1210 Farnham Street. ap ! i men T. 8. HITCHOOOK , M. D. S. , From New York has located in Omaha , and guarantees to do flrst-claw work. Dental Roomj , over A. Cruickshank & Co.'i , Cor. 15th and DoujUa. sep9-2m SHOW GASES MiaCFACTCRKD BT O. O"W ± L3DE3 1317 CA93 ST. , OMAHA , NEB. CtfA good assortment always on hind. "El 31. . KISDO.V , General Insurance A ent , _ „ , , - ' Lon don , Cash AWts | 5,107,1 7 WESTCHEdTEK. N. T. , Capital l.OOO.OOJ THE MERCHANrS , of Newark. N.J. , 1,000,001 01RARD FIUKPnIUdclplitaCapItaI. . 1,000,000 NORTHWESTERS NATlONALCap- Ital 900,003 FIKEMEN'3 FUND , California BOO.UOl BItlTlSn AMERICA ASSURANCECo 1,200,000 NEW A tKFIREISS. COAs ets _ . . SoO.OCO AMERICAF CENTRAL , Assets 800,000 S aat Cor. ot Fifteenth & Donirlas St. , OMAHA. NJEB. The Boston Cash Dry Store. 'New Goods and New Customers arriving daily. Read our Price List , and be convinced that we are the PEOPLES' STOEE. EITHEE OF THE FOLLOWING AETICLES : 20 yards of Calico. ' 25 Cakes of Good Soap. 20 yards Colored Embroidery. 21 Spools Clark's Cotton. 15 yards Heavy Sheeting. . 10 yards Fruit , of the Loom. 15 yards Cotton ' Flannel. 20 Spools (100yards ( ) Silk. 1 Fine Wool Scarf. 12 pairs Ladies's Cotton Hose. 7 yards Shaker Flannel- 1 dozen Linen Handkerchiefs * I Good Red Comfort. I Ib. Stocking Yarn. 4 Lined Gloves. pairs Fleecy 12 yards Lonsdt le Muslin. ' 20 pairs Gent's 1-2 Hose. 20 yards Valenciene's Lace. GIVE US A CALL , BRING PRICE LIST ALONG. IOTH AND JONES STREETS.